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是。Nomad由滑手Ivan Moreno于2000年创立,是西班牙的第一个本土滑板品牌。Nomad灵感来自于nomadism一词,中文寓意游牧民,就像滑手们喜欢带着滑板四处旅行,与世界各地的滑手进行交流,发现并尝试新的滑板地形一样,品牌理念正是源于此意,属于中端档次。





Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.

【答案】:Mark Twain"s writings amused the readers all over the world though he suffered personal tragedies himself.


在中国买的鞋的标签上一般会有made in China和made in Vietnam还有made in Indoniza.Vietnam是指在越南,这只是代理生产商,放心穿吧

made in VIETNAM?什么意思呀!


今天买了双NIKE的鞋,写着MADE IN VIETNAM,是真的还是假的?VIETNAM是什么?


网上买了双Nike,但是写着made in vietnam也是正品吗?

网上买了双Nike,但是写着made in vietnam也是正品,NIKE DUNK的很多款式就是越南产的,产地不是真假根源。要看鞋标,走线等等来判断是否正品。扩展资料:辨别是否正品的方法:1、首先看价格一般正品鞋子价格都不会太低,除非是旗舰店搞一些周年庆活动,如果看到新款鞋子才刚刚上市的话又特别便宜,这样的耐克一般都是假货,建议不要选购。2、看耐克鞋标耐克的logo一般都比较圆滑,字母和字母的对位要整齐,一般假货都是一上一下的,条形码的格式,真标只有两种粗细线条,但是看鞋标一般都是辅助手段。3、主要看走线,胶水粘合度,鞋头样式假鞋子成本一般都很低,可以看一些细节,往往在鞋子的一些接头上面制作都很粗糙,除此之外,可能过一段时间鞋子就会发生脱胶之类的问题。或者鞋头的样式粗大不好看。4、官网上面鉴定真伪可以到实体店进行耐克正品的鉴定,或者使用相应的货号去查询也是一种鉴别耐克鞋真假的方法,但要选择有被授权的耐克鞋货号查询网站才会得出结果。参考资料:耐克官方网站

made in vietnam是哪个国家

Vietnam 越南亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Mr Gao



怎样彻底清除 virus.win32.madang.c 病毒



下载卡巴斯基杀毒软件,来杀毒吧,一般 virus.win32.Madang.C病毒很难清除,愿上帝耶稣、佛祖如来 、玉皇大帝、各路神仙保佑您吧 !

询问食物是由什么做成的英语用be made of 还是be made up?

be made of 由某种材料制作而成,原材料显而易见be made from 由某种材料制作而成,原材料很难一眼看出来be made up of 由某些部分组成。

如果一个物体不知道你是可以看得出原材料还是看不出原材料的话,用英语怎么说?be made of?b



OTAKU就是御宅族★otaku(狂热):对某个作品死心塌地的爱好者的称呼。漫画otaku就是那些将漫画生活化到极至的家伙们。这个词也用来形容漫画迷文化,但是大多数情况下,这是个贬义词。在日语里“マニア”也有这个意思。otaku字面意思是“你的家”的尊称,是一种礼貌的叫法。这种称谓暗示那些爱好者们成天闷在家里,难得和外界的社会交往。(举个简单的例子:比如eva的otaku能背得出每个使徒的中文、日文、英文名字,详细研究过《新约》《旧约》,熟悉犹太教,基督教和天主教的区别。关注gainax的一切活动……精通佛罗依得的理论……是邪教组织的成员……) MADAO就是废柴大叔(就是说银魂里那个大叔。。老失业- -)那个大叔长谷川的名字“マダオ Madao” 他是银时的朋友,经常戴个太阳镜,运气超背的衰男 后来也形容长的像猥琐大叔一样又很不正经的衰男为Madao


按重要性说:1,最好换车架。公路车是对骑行运动和人机学要求很高的车种,换了平把不一定就能够从根本上解决问题(通常做法都是换小码的、适配身高的车架)。当然这法成本高,那就下一步。 2,去崔克门店,做下fitting;如果店内没有Fitting设备,拿车过去,技师会给你调一下座垫 把立 把横或者更换不同尺寸、类型的(闪电 崔克的技师 水平都是很不错的,比如我当初看车,沟通后 崔克店老板说你应该骑52码的,拿一款过来 调了几下 说你按几个骑姿先看看适合不,合适了下一步再微调。上去后第一感觉就合身 不再怕俯身握下把了)。。。 3,除把横,可能还需要换把立。因为公路车改平把,这其实属于”休闲/城市运动车“这个类型了),用专业话说是“车架几何变了“(运动车和公路车,在设计时是不一样的,比如车头高度需要较大调整,而把立是其中重要一环)。还是建议找高水平的门店(国内也就闪电、崔克了,捷安特 美利达的普通加盟店真心不太靠谱,当然北 上 广 几个大都市和杭州等几个一线城市的旗舰店水平还不错),由技师给你看一下,配什么尺寸和规格的。山地车的把立更适合改休闲骑用(与车架头管尺寸是完全通用的),长度有40mm、50mm、60mm这样的短型选择(一般是70mm、80mm、90mm),角度一般是正6 °到正10 °、正负6 °到正负10 °(就是可以正、反装,由上扬6 °变为下俯6 °了),很多选择,但只有少数几种能适合你。把横,目前的宽度有680mm、720mm、760mm等,还分直把和燕把、目前的直把都有一定后掠角(5 °、8 °等)、有的还有“抬升”(比如上扬10mm);燕把也有不同的后掠角和抬升高度(一般在15mm到30mm)。不少人把立和把横换了N次,花了不少钱,最后发现自己搞试验,不如花些钱找专业的技师一步到位。你的关键是车架尺码大了,因此把立和把横的组合选择就要留意,选择不对,还是骑着难受(也许更难受,因为平把的把立和把横 搭配有讲究 比如长把立+直把横是适于提高速度的 但操控感降低 长时间骑会难受;短把立+燕把是提高操控和转弯的,也比较舒适,但不适于高速骑行和上坡)。。 。。 4,指拨 是小kase了。换平把安装方式的禧马诺11速的即可,比如RS700 11速平把指拨。山地车的11速指拨也完全兼容,有SLX M7000和XT M8000(操作感特别是拇指推动拨杆时,比M7000好很多) 。 前刹车手执要换平把用的。。。。5,和马东2.1这个级别 等级适配的问题:就是把立和把横,进口的欧美一线二线 台湾的大牌 国内的小牌很多,比如适合一般的山地车和休闲运动骑的把立 从几十块到几百块都有,越是进口大牌(比如3T、FSA SLK、DEDA等等,仿货越多)。行货正品3T FSA等都很贵 几百一个,看你消费力。一般的,富律业(台湾的)是一个性价比高选,有一定口碑 也没有仿的,价格适中,而且把立和直把横 各种规格各种角度 很全面。






madam 在英语中,指:女士 在电影中指:女士长官,上司. sir 在英语中,指:先生 在电影中指:男长官,上司.

英文邀请函中,Dear sir/madam是不对吗?非得用Dear Madam/sir才是国际惯例

都可以。dear sir/madam是很正式的称呼, 可以用于很正式的邀请函和书信中。已经有书信来往,一般不用这种称呼。可用mr, mrs, miss, dr, prof 等。Dear sir/madam尊敬的先生/女士例句1、Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to receive information regarding the immigration proceduresto Canada.亲爱的先生、女士:我希望能够得到有关移民加拿大流程方面的信息。2、Dear Sir/ Madam, I am doing a school project about food.敬启者,我正在做一个关于食品的学校课题。扩展资料:英文邀请信主要分为以下两种:一种属于个人类信函,例如邀请某人共进晚餐、参加宴会、观看电影或者出席典礼等等。另一种邀请函则属于事务类的信函,一般是邀请参加会议、学术活动等等。一、普通英文邀请函第一种邀请信邀请的对象一般是朋友、熟人,所以内容格式上要求都比较松,只要表明邀请的意图,说明活动的内容、时间、地点等等。但既然是邀请信,那么就一定要在信中表达非常希望对方能够参加或者出席的愿望。这种邀请信的篇幅可以非常短二、正式英文邀请函第二种邀请信一般由会议或学术活动的组委会某一个负责人来写,以组委会的名义发出,而且被邀请者通常也是属于比较有威望的人士。因此,这类邀请信的措辞要相对正式一些,语气要热情有礼。这一类邀请信通常要包括以下内容:首先表明邀请对方参加的意图以及会议或学术活动的名称、时间、地点。然后要对被邀请者的威望和学术水平等表示推崇和赞赏,表明如果被邀请者能够接受邀请,会给会议或者活动带来很好的影响;接着要说明会议或活动的相关事宜。最好是能引起对方兴趣的事宜;当然不能忘了表达希望对方能够参加的诚意;最后还要请收信人对发出邀请做出反馈,如确认接受邀请。参考资料来源:百度翻译-Dear sir/madam

英文邀请函中,Dear sir/madam是不对吗?非得用Dear Madam/sir才是国际惯例?




home made 家族的《shooting star~》,中文歌词及日文歌词是什么?

流れ星~shooting star~歌手:home made 家族 专辑:familia 流れ星~shooting star~作词:kuro·micro·u-ichi作曲:kuro·micro·u-ichi空を见上げれば星达がほら 瞬いてるこの地球の人达みたいに様々な光を放ってその中で僿もひときわ辉いていたいんだ目を闭じて心に誓う流れ星に梦をたくして(micro)ここはいつもの公园夜景が见える滑り台の上昔から僿の特等席悩みがあればここに来るんですあの顷のまま梦の途中で未だ叶えられずにいるんですもしかしてここがもう绚点なんて弱音を吐いてしまいそうな日もあるでも そのたんびに思い出す流れ星を探したあの星空小さな顷の愿い事は今昔も変わらないまま空を见上げれば星达がほら 瞬いてるこの地球の人达みたいに様々な光を放ってその中で僿もひときわ辉いていたいんだ目を闭じて心に誓う流れ星に梦をたくして(kuro)夜の校舎 仲间と忍び込み声を潜め金绪よじ登り昼间と违う颜のグラウンドを背に目指した场所は"プール"という名の海水着なんてもんは无いからみんな素っ裸谁かが奇声を発して飞び込んだ夜のとばりに响く水しぶきあとに綼けとばかりに皆 一斉に入って空见上げプカプカ浮かんだ目の前にある星を眺め多くの梦誾り合って探したねあの流れ星空を见上げれば星达がほら 瞬いてるこの地球の人达みたいに様々な光を放ってその中で僿もひときわ辉いていたいんだ目を闭じて心に誓う流れ星に梦をたくして(kuro)见上げた空に无数の星今も昔も変わらないし梦は果てしなく狂おしくてあの星のように凄く眩しい(kuro+micro)hey!そんなに俯いてばかりいちゃ见えるモノも见えなくなるから空见上げてkeep your head up!!hey!"见上げた空に今 何を思う?"いつか煌めくあの星のように…i wanna shine☆空を见上げれば星达がほら 瞬いてるこの地球の人达みたいに様々な光を放ってその中で僿もひときわ辉いていたいんだ目を闭じて心に誓う流れ星に梦をたくして 中文歌词: 仰望天空 看,星星们在眨眼就如同这地球上的 人们一样 释放着不同的光芒在那当中我也要比它们更闪耀闭上眼睛在心里发誓把梦想寄托给流星这里还是 从前的那个公园 可以看见夜景的滑梯的顶部曾经是我的特等席只要一有烦恼 我就会来这里我的梦想还是和从前一样还没有实现难道这已经是终点了吗有时也会那么想,吐露出这样泄气的话但是,每当那时我都会想起 抬头仰望星空,寻找流星 儿时的心愿至今仍然没有改变仰望天空看,星星们在眨眼就如同这地球上的人们一样 释放着不同的光芒在那当中我也要比它们更闪耀闭上眼睛在心里发誓把梦想寄托给流星和伙伴悄悄潜入夜色中的校园屏息攀爬铁丝网背对那个和白天不同的球场 我们的目的地是叫做“pool”的海洋没有泳衣 大家都赤裸着身体不知谁发出了一声怪叫 跳入水中夜幕中激起一片水花之后大家相继一起跳入水中然后一个个浮到水面,仰望天空 看着眼前的星星 彼此倾诉着彼此的梦想 找的好辛苦 那颗流星阿 仰望天空看,星星们在眨眼就如同这地球上的人们一样释放着不同的光芒 在那当中我也要比它们更闪耀闭上眼睛在心里发誓把梦想寄托给流星仰望天空,群星闪耀和从前一样没有丝毫改变 梦想不能实现简直要发疯 我要像那颗星星一样耀眼夺目Hey!总是那么垂着头的话能看到的东西也会看不到的抬头看天空 Keep You Head Up !!Hey!看着天空,在想什么?在想总有一天,我要闪闪发光,如同那颗星一样…I Wanna Shine I Wanna Shine仰望天空看,星星们在眨眼就如同这地球上的人们一样释放着不同的光芒在那当中我也要比它们更闪耀闭上眼睛在心里发誓把梦想寄托给流星

The plan we made worked out.那个work为什么要加ed,或者是加s?

用worked 作宾补

they made him monitor of the class


一首英文歌:tell me what you want tell me what you want cause the time made go

tell me what you want 歌手:morrison van 专辑:too long in exile Tell me what you want, tell me what it isTell me what you want, tell me what it isEverybody"s got me moaningEvery single night and dayMorrison VanCan"t stand it anywayEverybody"s got me moaningTell me what you want, yeah,Tell me what you needTell me what it is, say whatTell me what you want, tell me what it isTell me what you need, see if I can get itTell me, tell me, tell meTell me what you want, tell meWhat you needSee if I can get it right now, childTell me, tell me, tell me, etc.Tell me baby what you wantYou"re coming on strong, coming on strongTell me what you want baby, tell meWhat you need

made under authority of viniton

Viniton Tobacco. Ltd 威尼顿烟草集团是一家1993年7月15日在柬埔寨金边市成立的合资卷烟生产销售企业,所以这是柬埔寨生产的香烟。

berryz工房MADAYADE 歌词

春とは 恋する思いを止めたり出来やしないのさ青春とは 涌き出る感情おさえきれないみたいだねあいつはほら 有名あの子は美人で金持ちうらやましい人生他人が良く见える人生もう 愚痴は言わないもう 悩まないさ梦はまだまだまだまだまだやで二十歳や三十路はまだまだまだやでもっともっと ハッハッハッハッ!あきらめるな ハッハッハハッ!希望はまだまだまだまだまだやで姉贵も兄贵もまだまだまだやでもっともっと ハッハッハッハッ!あきらめるな ハッハッハッハッ!ビヨーン青春とは あの子の彼氏と比较したり比べたり青春とは やせたいけれどもおさえきれないみたいだねニュースもほら気になる难しいことはわかんないテレビの人言うこと全部が全部正しいの?そう 受信しようそう マイアンテナで梦はまたまだまだまだまだやで四十路や五十路もまだまだまだやでもっともっと ハッハッハッハッ!あきらめるな ハッハッハハッ!未来はまだまだまだまだまだやでオヤジ オフクロ まだまだまだやでもっともっと ハッハッハッハッ!あきらめるな ハッハッハッハッ!ビヨーン梦はまだまだまだまだまだやで六十路や七十路もまだまだまだやでもっともっと ハッハッハッハッ!あきらめるな ハッハッハハッ!未来はまだまだまだまだまだやでオジイもオバアもまだまだまだやでもっともっと ハッハッハッハッ!あきらめるな ハッハッハッハッ!ビヨーン Seishun to wa Koisuru omoi wo[Ts/Na/Sug] Tometari deki yashinai no saSeishun to wa Wakideru kanjou[Ts/Na/Sug] Osaekirenai mitai da neAitsu wa hora YuumeiAno ko wa bijin de kanemochiUrayamashii jinseiTanin ga yoku mieru jinseiMou Guchi wa iiwanaiMou Nayamanai sa[Sh/To/Na/Sug] Yume wa mada mada mada mada madayade[Ts/Sud/Ku] Hatachi ya misoji wa mada mada madayade[Ts/Na/Sug] Motto motto [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA![Ts/Na/Sug] Akirameru na [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAHA![Sh/To/Na/Sug] Kibou wa mada mada mada mada madayade[Ts/Sud/Ku] Aneki mo aniki mo mada mada madayade[Ts/Na/Sug] Motto motto [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA![Ts/Na/Sug] Akirameru na [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA!BIYOONSeishun to wa Ano ko no kareshi to[Ts/Na/Sug] Hikaku shitari kurabetariSeishun to wa Yasetai keredo mo[Ts/Na/Sug] Osaekirenai mitai da neNYUUSU mo hora ki ni naruMuzukashii koto wa wakannaiTEREBI no hito iu kotoZenbu ga zenbu tadashii no?Sou Jishin shiyouSou MAI ANTENA de[Ts/Sud/Ku] Yume wa mada mada mada mada madayade[Sh/To/Na/Sug] Shijuu ya Gojuu mo mada mada madayade[Ts/Na/Sug] Motto motto [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA![Ts/Na/Sug] Akirameru na [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAHA![Ts/Sud/Ku] Mirai wa mada mada mada mada madayade[Sh/To/Na/Sug] OYAJI OFUKURO mada mada madayade[Ts/Na/Sug] Motto motto [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA![Ts/Na/Sug] Akirameru na [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA!BIYOON[Sh/To/Na/Sug] Yume wa mada mada mada mada madayade[Ts/Sud/Ku] Rokujuu ya Shichijuu mo mada mada madayade[Ts/Na/Sug] Motto motto [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA![Ts/Na/Sug] Akirameru na [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAHA!Mirai wa mada mada mada mada madayadeOJII mo OBAA mo mada mada madayade[Ts/Na/Sug] Motto motto [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA![Ts/Na/Sug] Akirameru na [Sh/To/Sud/Ku] HAH HAH HAH HA!BIYOON

be made up of 和 be made out of的区别与例句

前者是有那几部分组成,如be made up of 3 parts 后者由什么成分组成,如be made out of mood 我是 这样认为的

be made up of什么意思,其的用法怎么用?

由……组成、由……构成 (用于被动的语态)强调由部分组成整体,可用于人或物。例句:1、Our class is made up of 56 students.我们班由56名同学组成。2、A computer is made up of many different parts.电脑由其不同的部件组成。与 consist of 是同义词组,语义表达没有区别,可以换用。但是,须注意be made up of 用于被动的语态,consist of 由组成、包括、包含有主动的语态。与made有关的其他易混淆:1、be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或制作过程中发生的是物理变化。2、be made from也表示"由…制成",但一般指看不出原材料,成品失去了原材料的外形或特征;或发生的是化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。3、be made in指的是产地,意思为"于…制造"。

跪求一首英文歌女的唱的 第一句好像是MAOHMAdoyouwantsaygoodbye恩 经鉴定 的确是aqua的my oh my


TAYLORMADE 初学高尔夫球具有哪些? 我的建议是 可以直接上手钢杆身的球杆刚开始学球的话可以先从铁杆开始学起.7号铁是通常的选择建议你一开始

有一块江诗丹顿 表的背面写着vacheron constantin swissmade 43658 不知是什么系

江诗丹顿VACHERON CONSTANTIN swiss made是什么表大概多少钱?


be made of是什么意思

be made of[英][bi: meu026ad u0254v][美][bi med u028cv]用…造成(用于原材料显而易见的场合);

be made of是什么意思

be made of[英][bi: meu026ad u0254v][美][bi med u028cv]用…造成(用于原材料显而易见的场合);

表的背面写着 VACHERON CONSTANTIN 750 1138239 SWISS MADE 88020 是什么表。

VACHERON CONSTANTIN是世界名表江诗丹顿的英文名; 750是18K; 1138239是自编码; SWISS MADE是瑞士制造。20万左右

Dance with Madness 歌词

歌曲名:Dance with Madness歌手:Shakra专辑:InfectedGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me

Daylight MAdness 歌词

歌曲名:Daylight MAdness歌手:Robert Fox专辑:MayaGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me

All Nite Madness 歌词

歌曲名:All Nite Madness歌手:Mousse T专辑:All Nite MadnessGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at me

Today I learned that Rhone is made in China.


mad clown为什么叫妈咪手

clown英 [klau028an]美 [klau028an]n.丑角,小丑; 乡下人,笨拙粗鲁的人; 经常闹笑话的人; 小气鬼,守财奴v.扮小丑; 闹笑话; 说笑话,逗趣复数: clowns过去式: clowned过去分词: clowned现在分词: clowning第三人称单数: clowns派生词:clownish clownishly clownishness1. He was laughing, the clown of the twosome. 他在笑,二人搭档中逗人乐的那个。2. The moment the clown appeared on stage, the audience folded up.

产地打germany和made in germany有什么区别

那里生产的才能上 那里制造的标 乱贴标是违法的 总不能说成上海自贸区 是在德国吧

There are many special hotels around the world. In Greenland, there is a hotel made out of ice....

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B 试题分析:本文主要介绍的是世界上一座很特殊的宾馆,是用盐做成的。小题1:C 细节题。根据文章第5行He cut big blocks of salt from the desert and used the blocks to build it.可知是用The salt desert建的,故C正确。小题2:D 细节题。根据第二段1,2行The sun heats the walls and roof during the day. So the rooms stay warm at night, though it"s cold outside in the desert.可知D正确。小题3:B 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍的是世界上一座很特殊的宾馆,是用盐做成的。故B符合。点评:本文细节题居多,答题时在文章找到对应的地方,用笔进行标记,这有利于后期有时间检查时可以立刻找到答案的位置。仔细理解作者所讲的意思,再结合选项,通过排除法和自己对全文的把握,选出正确答案。

There are many special hotels around the world. In Greenland, there is a hotel made out of ice....


∮∮要准确的give it to me-madonna的中英文歌词∮∮!!!

What are you waiting for 你在等待什麽 Nobody"s gonna show you how 没人会教你该怎麽做 Why wait for someone else to do what you can do right now 何苦等待别人动手 Got no boundaries and no limits 我百无禁忌 我无法无天 If there"s excitement put me in it 如果听我的 就算我一份 If it"s against the law, arrest me 如果犯了罪 请拘捕我 If you can handle it, undress me 如果罩得住 衣服就任你脱 Bridge: Don"t stop me now 现在别想拦住我 Don"t need to catch my breath 我不要需要休息 I can go on and on and on 我可以继续下去 When the lights go down 当灯光渐暗 And there"s no one left 人潮散去 I can go on and on and on 我可以继续下去 Chorus: Give it to me, yeah 就交给我 呀...... No one"s gonna show me how 没人会教你该怎麽做 Give it to me, yeah 就交给我 呀...... No one"s gonna stop me now 现在没人可以拦住我 They say that a good thing never lasts 他们说好事不会长久 And then it has to fall 希望终究会落空 Those are the people that did not amount to much at all 这些人真是眼光短浅 Give me the baseline, and I"ll shake it 给我个节奏 我就能够摇滚 Give me a record and I"ll break it 给我个纪录 我将会打破它 There"s no beginning and no ending 没有起点也 没有终点 Give me a chance to go and I"ll take it 给我个机会 我会紧抓不放 (bridge) (chorus) Watch this 看我的! Get stupid, get stupid 不怕出糗 不怕出糗 Get stupid, don"t stop it [What]不怕出糗 别停下来 Get stupid, get stupid 不怕出糗 不怕出糗 Get stupid, don"t stop it [What]不怕出糗 别停下来 Get stupid, get stupid 不怕出糗 不怕出糗 Get stupid, don"t stop it [What] 不怕出糗 别停下来 Get stupid, get stupid 不怕出糗 不怕出糗 Get stupid, don"t stop it 不怕出糗 别停下来 Get stupid [To the left], get stupid [To the right] 不怕出糗 不怕出糗 Get stupid [To the left], don"t stop it [To the right] 不怕出糗 别停下来 Get stupid [To the left], get stupid [To the right] 不怕出糗 不怕出糗 Get stupid [To the left], don"t stop it [To the right] 不怕出糗 别停下来 Get stupid [To left left], get stupid [Right right] 不怕出糗 不怕出糗 Get stupid [Left left], don"t stop it [Right right] 不怕出糗 别停下来 Get stupid, stupid [Left left], stupid, stupid [Right right] 不怕出糗 Stupid, stupid [Left left], stupid, stupid [Right right] (bridge) (chorus) You"re only here to win 你是这里的唯一赢家 Get what they say 你知道他们在说什麽 You"re only here to win 你是这里的唯一赢家 Get what they do 你知道他们在做什麽 They"d do it too ,If they were you如果他们是你. 他们也会这么做 You"ve done it all before ,This ain"t nothing new你早已试过没什麽新鲜 (repeat) (chorus, repeat) Give it to me 就交给我

Madonna的《Hollywood》 歌词

歌曲名:Hollywood歌手:Madonna专辑:CelebrationHollywoodMadonnaEverybody comes to HollywoodThey wanna make it in the neighborhoodThey like the smell of it in HollywoodHow could it hurt you when it looks so good?Shine your light nowThis time it"s gotta be goodYou get it right now"Cause you"re in HollywoodThere"s something in the air in HollywoodThe sun is shining like you knew it wouldYou"re ridin" in your car in HollywoodYou got the top down and it feels so goodEverybody comes to HollywoodThey wanna make it in the neighborhoodThey like the smell of it in HollywoodHow could it hurt you when it looks so good?I lost my memory in HollywoodI"ve had a million visions, bad and goodThere"s something in the air in HollywoodI tried to leave it but I never couldShine your light nowThis time it"s gotta be goodYou get it right now"Cause you"re in HollywoodThere"s something in the air in HollywoodI"ve lost my reputation, bad and goodYou"re ridin" in your car in HollywoodYou got the top down and it feels so goodMusic stations always play the same songsI"m bored with the concept of right and wrongEverybody comes to HollywoodThey wanna make it in the neighborhoodThey like the smell of it in HollywoodHow could it hurt you when it looks so good?Shine your light nowThis time it"s gotta be goodYou get it right now"Cause you"re in Hollywood"Cause you"re in Hollywood"Cause you"re in HollywoodIn HollywoodIn HollywoodIn HollywoodCheck it out, this bird has flownShine your light nowThis time it"s gotta be goodYou get it right now"Cause you"re in Hollywood"Cause you"re in Hollywood"Cause you"re in HollywoodIn HollywoodIn HollywoodIn HollywoodPush the buttonDon"t push the buttonTrip the stationChange the channelPush the buttonDon"t push the buttonTrip the stationChange the channelPush the buttonDon"t push the buttonTrip the stationChange the channelPush the buttonDon"t push the buttonTrip the stationChange the channel

bigbang Mad About You 的lrc歌词


阿姆We Made You的中文歌词翻译

嘿嘿, :)Eminem - We Made YouGuess Who…猜是谁You Miss me?...想我吗 Jessica Simpson sing the chorus 杰西卡猩普森 给我唱When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) 当你大摇大摆走进门,我突然瞭了You"re the one they adore, who they came to see. (who they came to see) 你是大家的神,抢着把你一眼You"re a... rockstar (baby) 你是 摇滚巨星Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)谁能够不爱你Player… Who can really play you (who can really play you) 玩很大 谁能玩得过你We"re the ones who made you 我们造孽捧你Back by popular demand 应观众要求 回来了Now pop a little zantack for andacity if you can 你得吞颗药 避免反胃You"re ready to tackle any task that is at hand 说好要开讲 你得准备How does it feel, is it fantastic, is it grand? 如何 有没有一种好讨厌的感觉Well look at all the massive masses in the stands 看看你前后左右同学Shady man… no don"t massacre the fans 痞子大丈夫 不拿粉丝开刀Damn, I think Kim Kardashians a man 去 话说那金卡黛珊是个人妖She stumped just cause he asked to put his hands 人家摸她一把她无言On her massive glutious maximus again 举世无双肥臀妹Squeeze it, then Squish it, then pass it to her friend 捏一下 挤二下 换你继续Can he come back as nasty as he can 阿姆回来了 嘴一样贱吗Yes he can,can, don"t ask me this again 一样贱贱 莫再问He does not mean to lesbian offend 他无心伤害蕾丝边But Lindsay please come back to seeing men 麻烦珊赛萝寒回到男人身边Samantha"s a 2, Youre practically a 10 莎曼珊不配 你是高校天后I know you want me girl, 我知道你是爱我的In fact I see it when I come in girl 事实上我早有感应When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) 当你大摇大摆走进门,我突然瞭了You"re the one they adore, who they came to see. (who they came to see) 你是大家的神,抢着把你一眼You"re a... rockstar (baby) 你是 摇滚巨星Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)谁能够不爱你Player… Who can really play you (who can really play you) 玩很大 谁能玩得过你We"re the ones who made you 我们造孽捧你The enforcer, looking for more women to torture 爱情杀手 找更多女人下手Walk up to the cutest girl and Charlie Horse her 锁定正妹 然后搞定离手Sorry Portia, but whats Ellen Degeneres 抱歉波希哑 为什么是亚抡呢?Have that I don"t, are you telling me tenderness? 我有的她没有 她有的我也有Well I can be as gentle and as smooth as a gentleman 我也可以温柔 也会很体贴Give me my ventolin inhaler and 2 zenedrin 给我气喘药 再2粒诺美婷And I"ll invite Sarah Palin out to dinner then 然后晚餐就可以邀请莎拉裴零Nail her,"Baby say hello to my little friend 把她啊 跟我小弟弟说声嗨 Brit forget K Fed lets cut off the middle man 肥妮忘掉凯文 我们之间不需要别人Forget him or your gona end up in hospital again 忘了他吧 不然又要医院见And this time it wont be for the riddle and binge 跟我一起 不在迷惘跟买醉Forget them other men, girl pay them little attention 忘了这些坏男人 小姐别老爱错人A little bit did I mention, that Jennifer"s in love with me John Mayer 约翰每耳忘了通知你 珍泥佛爱的是我So sit on the bench 闪边凉快去Man I swear them other guys you give em an inch 这些男的 给他们一点甜头They take a mile, they got style bigger than Slim 以为有搞头 有抢不走我锋头When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) 当你大摇大摆走进门,我突然瞭了You"re the one they adore, who they came to see. (who they came to see) 你是大家的神,抢着把你一眼You"re a... rockstar (baby) 你是 摇滚巨星Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)谁能够不爱你Player… Who can really play you (who can really play you) 玩很大 谁能玩得过你We"re the ones who made you 我们造孽捧你And that"s why… my love 了解吗 我的爱You"ll never live without , 少了我 你很空虚I know you want me girl cause I can see you checking me out 我知道你哈我 我发现你在瞄我And baby, you know, you know you want me too 宝贝 你瞭 你真的很爱我Don"t try to deny it baby, I"m the only one for you 无需否认 认了吧我是你唯一Damn girl Im beginning to sprout an Alphalpha 拜托小姐 我才开始斗嘴鼓Why should I wash my filthy mouth out 为什么我嘴巴得放干净You think that"s bad you should hear the rest of my album 这样就受不了 听完专辑恐怕要昏倒Never has there been so finesse and nostalgia 从来没这样客气跟念旧情Man Cash,I don"t mean to mess up your gal but 凯许先生 我也不想玩你妻Jessica Alba put a breast in my mouth but 洁西卡艾叭 我口水流满地Wowzers, I just made a mess of my trousers 哇赛 性感的让人挫屎And they wonder why I keep dressing like Elvis 他们好奇 我老是装猫王Lord help us hes back in his pink Alf shirt 老天有眼 猫王只爱粉红TLooking like someone shrinked his outfit 而且衣服早已缩水 Jessica rest assure, Supermans here to rescue ya 洁西卡别担心 超人我要来救你Can you blame me? 我错了吗You"re my Amy, im your Blake 你是爱霉怀丝 我是药头老公Matter fact make me a birthday cake 不管怎样先送我生日蛋糕With a saw blade in it to make my jail break 里面藏把小刀 让我逃出监狱Baby, I think you just met your soul mate 宝贝我是你心灵伴侣(Now break it down girl)When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) 当你大摇大摆走进门,我突然瞭了You"re the one they adore, who they came to see. (who they came to see) 你是大家的神,抢着把你一眼You"re a... rockstar (baby) 你是 摇滚巨星Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)谁能够不爱你Player… Who can really play you (who can really play you) 玩很大 谁能玩得过你We"re the ones who made you 我们造孽捧你So baby, baby 宝贝 宝贝Get down, down, down 摇下去Baby, get down, down down 宝贝 摇下去Baby, get down, down down 宝贝 摇下去Baby, get down, get down 宝贝 摇下去 摇下去Baby, get down, down down 宝贝 摇下去Baby, get down, down down 宝贝 摇下去Baby, get down, get down 宝贝 摇下去 摇下去Oh Amy, Rehab never looked so good, 喔 爱霉 勒戒不成跟着上瘾I can wait, Im going back!! HAHA Whooo! 我等你 勒戒所见 哈哈

ladymade star 歌词Djmax

Ladymade Star*(just keep on your shining love)(just keep on your dreaming heart)

英语作文什么madea better me?

I dislike those who made a circle of friends said that sentence above person, also must be below the text with a special look at the quiet years of self.There is nothing wrong with the above statement, but you have a look! You look at the classmate sent this thing, is not the same: most of the students and the parents took the money to eat sea in Li Hu drink, often doing nothing or only play games, girls, shouting empty, the body was unwilling to act to change the status quo?I think, you say better oneself won"t just be on the social platform you want to send a self timer of excuse?


《Diary of a Mad Fat Girl》(McAfee, Stephanie)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: iapj书名:Diary of a Mad Fat Girl作者:McAfee, Stephanie

求 Madonna 的《Alone With You 》歌词


I wish to see the falling start to make a wish to have a wishing bottle to make wishes, I wish all the wishes I have made to wishing bottle can come true. Finally, if all the wishes come true, the wish that I have wish under th。

I made a wish happily. 句中的wish可不可以用hope?

不可以wish->(名词)愿望hope ->(名词)希望可以说许愿没听过许希望

Walt Disney made 87 cartoons _____,he became__ A successful,successful B.suc

Walt Disney made 87 cartoons 【successfully】,he became【successful】.瓦特·迪斯尼成功的制作了87部动画片,他变得成功了。successfully用来修饰动词made,所以应该用副词。became这里是连系动词,后面要加形容词构成系表。欢迎不懂继问!


品牌不知道,应该是瑞士制造的。后面说的是 全身不锈钢三米防水,Pevsonally Youns,估计是 personally yours(为你个人设计或者制定的意思),sapphire是蓝宝石的意思,瑞士的所有钨蓝宝石晶体3atm耐水。NO:26066G应该是该手表的防伪序列号。

Free The Madness歌词

"Free The Madness"(Steve Aoki ft. Machine Gun Kelly)If our love fades and the children ageAnd the love we share separatesIn a perfect world do we know we"re doneI don"t wanna grow up, that"s already wonI wanna be in love with the city nowI wanna take controlFucking madness in my mindFREE YOUR MINDFree, free your mindFREE YOUR MINDFree, free your mindFREE YOUR MINDFree, free your mindFREE YOUR MINDFree, free your mindChillsAnd if tomorrow I wake up and I"m sixty years oldI hope when I look in the mirror and ask how you livedI look right and back and say, "Shit, you tell me!"So I smoke this herb with my homiesCouldn"t afford a roof over my headBut I let that bitch burn with my homiesWe"re living life in the momentWalk in this bitch like we own thisScreaming that fuck the world to this momentAnd if I can free thisMadness, stop the screaming!Inside of my mind it"s freedomAnd it"s magic, a perfect givingAll I do is have a little sunlight All I wanna do is drink a little moonshineYou can show me what a fuck I"m doing rightAnd don"t nobody wanna have a good timeI wish I can see thisI wish I can free thisFUCKING MADNESS IN MY MIND

Mr Chen has made a slide show __ the children.


The young men have made up their mind to work in Tibet after graduation.改错


谁有《mad sexy cool》这首歌的歌词?

baby, oh yeah baby, oh yeah You don"t ever bring no drama to the game and my drama don"t be scaring you away you dont ever talk to much exactly just enough you know how and when and where and what to say it aint like i gotta tell you your so fine (your so fine) you been gettin complements since you was nine (damn) its like your perfect (...) a dimond in the rough I knows you give me nothin but love (love) You are such a mad sexy cool girl how does someone turn into you girl how do you explain what you do what you say how you be how you play how you love everyday how your constantly the same how you give never hate and you dont ever change be consistantly that way your a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you that way baby, oohhhhh you be ruling with a certain shade of cool (shade of cool) i dont know no body half as fresh as you i be checkin your behaviour oh baby you got so much flavour sometimes i wanna call you juicy fruit (juicy) it aint like i gotta tell you your a star (your a star) you be shining and be sparkling in the dark girl you so perfect (...) you my dimond in the rough i know you give me nothin else by love You are such a mad sexy cool girl how does someone turn into you girl how do you explain what you do what you say how you be how you play how you love everyday how your constantly the same how you give never hate and you dont ever change be consistantly that way your a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you the same (baby) how does someone so beautiful so approachable none so adourable (baby) guess your my kinda wonderful my dream come true You are such a mad sexy cool girl (sexy cool girl) how does someone turn into you girl (into you girl) how do you explain what you do what you say how you be how you play how you love everyday how your constantly the same how you give never hate and you dont ever change be consistantly that way your a mad sexy cool girl You are such a mad sexy cool girl (ohh baby yes you are) how does someone turn into you girl (turn into you) how do you explain what you do what you say how you be how you play (ooohh) how you love everyday how your constantly the same how you give never hate and you dont ever change (never change) be consistantly that way your a mad sexy cool girl (Your a mad sexy cool girl) baby (fade out) how does someone turn into you girl how do you explain what you do how you be how you play how you love everyday how your constantly the same

谁能帮我找到mad sex cool girl的歌词吗 ,我试了很久,找不到啊... sexy cool girl-babyfacebaby, oh yeah baby, oh yeah You don"t ever bring no drama to the game and my drama don"t be scaring you away you dont ever talk to much exactly just enough you know how and when and where and what to say it aint like i gotta tell you your so fine (your so fine) you been gettin complements since you was nine (damn) its like your perfect (...) a dimond in the rough I knows you give me nothin but love (love) You are such a mad sexy cool girl how does someone turn into you girl how do you explain what you do what you say how you be how you play how you love everyday how your constantly the same how you give never hate and you dont ever change be consistantly that way your a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you that way baby, oohhhhh you be ruling with a certain shade of cool (shade of cool) i dont know no body half as fresh as you i be checkin your behaviour oh baby you got so much flavour sometimes i wanna call you juicy fruit (juicy) it aint like i gotta tell you your a star (your a star) you be shining and be sparkling in the dark girl you so perfect (...) you my dimond in the rough i know you give me nothin else by love You are such a mad sexy cool girl how does someone turn into you girl how do you explain what you do what you say how you be how you play how you love everyday how your constantly the same how you give never hate and you dont ever change be consistantly that way your a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you the same (baby) how does someone so beautiful so approachable none so adourable (baby) guess your my kinda wonderful my dream come true You are such a mad sexy cool girl (sexy cool girl) how does someone turn into you girl (into you girl) how do you explain what you do what you say how you be how you play how you love everyday how your constantly the same how you give never hate and you dont ever change be consistantly that way your a mad sexy cool girl You are such a mad sexy cool girl (ohh baby yes you are) how does someone turn into you girl (turn into you) how do you explain what you do what you say how you be how you play (ooohh) how you love everyday how your constantly the same how you give never hate and you dont ever change (never change) be consistantly that way your a mad sexy cool girl (Your a mad sexy cool girl) baby (fade out) how does someone turn into you girl how do you explain what you do how you be how you play how you love everyday how your constantly the same

我在淘宝买了一双鞋子 说的是韩国代购的 .收到鞋底写了个MADE IN CHINA



made in是制造于(哪里)的意思,后面的应该是地名,不象国名(或许是)。

Adin面膜有效期怎么看?Best by SEP 17 made in Korea这个日期到底是9月17还是17年9月?


我在一家小店买到一件白的T恤,面料很舒服,领子上的商标上写着PARADOX made in korea其他标签都没有

外贸就是 有些小瑕疵的啦 ····

为什么京瓷数控车刀刀片盒子后面有的是MADE IN CHINA 有的是MADE IN KOREA 不是应该是日本造的吗?


我有条三星笔记本内存条不会看型号: 2G 1Rx8 PC3-10600S-09-11-B2 MADE IN KOREA

你要插在笔记本上再检测 这样看不出来啊


Made in China中国制造

镜架左写6325 52~17 140 c1 右边写ULTEM Made in korea


原料是韩国进口的,在中国生产的 要出口中东国家 包号却印刷的MADE IN KOREA,海关要验货。会有什么处罚

您可以找我 专业进出口货代 希望能够帮到您 我资料上有联系方式

为什么我的诺基亚710 是MADE BY KOREA的,而不是MADE IN KOREA

声明:回答来自网络be made of 用于能直接看出原材料的,如this chair is made of wood.椅子是木头做的. be made in 指产于某地,如silk is made in China.丝绸产于中国。 be made by 指由制造者、制造方制造,如the software is made by Microsoft compeny 微软公司制造.be made into的意思为"被制成为…"。This piece of wood will be made into a small bench. 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。扩展:be made from 用于制作加工时改变了原料的性质,如the paper is made from bamboo 纸是竹子做的。

【求助】看看我买的这个内存条是真的吗,怎么查询?见图片made in korea?

韩国制造 我的出厂笔记本配的内存也是

Made in Korea(韩国制造)pixel bay是韩国正品服装吗


眼镜框上 韩国乌钛 MADE IN KOREA HXY13508 53 17-142 后面什么意思?


我的诺基亚E71后面既有Made by nokia 也有made in korea,到底有这样版本吗?

BY和IN指的意思都不同。楼主文盲了 前者是指制造者,后者是指地区。

yonex/尤尼克斯 是made in korea?


made in kroea 和design by korea有什么区别

MADE IN KOREA说明是韩国制造,也就是说这东西是在韩国生产的 DESIGN BY KOREAN说明是在韩国设计的,但不一定在韩国生产,可能在中国也可能在其他什么国家生产.

是不是写着made in korea就是韩国原产的 是吗

同感同感从韩国买回来的东西都是MADEin CHINA呵呵~
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