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ker中文意思:1、n. 制造者;造物主;出期票人;创客 2、n. (Maker)人名;(英)马克尔 读法:英 ["meɪkə...


PCR实验本身中不需要加入marker,但是在PCR过后跑电泳的时候需要加入marker.用来对比PCR产物的大小,看看产物的电泳条带是不是符合你的预期的.marker是人为的把一系列已知大小的DNA(或已知质量的蛋白,当然PCR中用的是DNA marker不是蛋白marker)混合在一起,在电泳的时候对照用.跑完电泳之后,会看到marker的有几条清楚的条带,而每条的大小都是可以在这个marker的说明书上查到的.所以,跟你的条带对照,就大体知道你需要的条带的大小范围了.ps.又是你啊,上次转化那个你还没给我采纳呢=.=

创客的英文maker一词,源自一本叫做make:的杂志。( )a错b对















1、含义不同Taker,是指主动与已挂出的委托单成交,即根据交易所盘口上已有的委托单价格, 下达一定数量的委托单,和盘口挂出的委托单立即成交。maker是指先报价的一方挂出的委托单,即先设置一个委托单挂出,限定其价格和数量,等待其他用户与之成交。2、顺序不同maker是在Taker前的一个动作,Maker方先报价等待价格匹配。价格匹配后报价的Taker方主动与挂出的委托单达成交易。总之,maker中文叫挂单,被放在orderbook上等待成交,给交易所提供流动性,taker是吃单,从交易所拿掉流动性的。挂单(maker)方先报价,价格匹配,后报价的吃单(Taker)方主动与挂出的委托单达成交易,这就是合约交易中的挂单(maker)与吃单(Taker)。taker和maker的交易费率:maker的费用为0,而taker是要收费的。maker就是挂单者,不管是买还是卖,他的订单进入订单簿等待有人来成交,提供了流动性;taker就是报单直接吃掉当前订单簿里挂着的单,提取了流动性;另一个角度,maker实际上是向所有人发了一个权证,他是义务方,但其他人却没有支付给他权利金,所以交易所要补贴他。




制作者 制造商


maker,名词,制造者,制造器coffee maker 咖啡机





develop rapidly=make rapid progress相同么?这两个词组




make progress rapidly对吗?


make sure 后面接什么介词?


make sure的同义词有---

You should be sure = You should make sure 肯定对

make sure后加什么?

make sure + that 从句; make sure to do sth; make sure of sth; 例句: Please make sure to turn off the lights when you leave. Please make sure of the time and the place of the meeting. 扩展资料   make sure   确保   Make sure the paving stones are flush with the lawn.   务必要使铺路石和草坪齐平。   Make sure you get a good look at their faces.   你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔。   Make sure that sign"s the right way up.   一定不要把这招牌挂颠倒了。   Make sure you park your car clear of the entrance.   切莫把车停在入口处。

make sure是什么意思及反义词

make sure 英[meik u0283uu0259] 美[mek u0283u028ar] [词典] 把事情弄清楚,核实或查明某事物; 设法确保出现某事物; 务使; [例句]I make sure I make time for fishing because it"s how I de-stress.我一定会腾出时间去钓鱼,因为这是我减压放松的方法。


make sure的这两个意思,其后都可以接that从句; make sure表示使确保,通常用于祈使句中,其宾语从句中的谓语动词要使用现在时,而不用将来时。 sure 常与make搭配,用于祈使句,表示确实,一定,所跟从句常用一般现在时,而不用一般将来时。 扩展资料   Make sure that sign"s the right way up.   一定不要把这招牌挂颠倒了。   Make sure you park your car clear of the entrance.   切莫把车停在入口处。   We make sure our clients get the best that money can buy.   我们确保客户买到最好的产品。   Make sure you"ve got a steady hold on the camera.   一定要拿稳相机。

乱答不采纳 这句话 有make sure和 give 那make sure是非谓语动词 那为啥原形

这是一个祈使句,主语you省去了。make sure 不是非谓语动词,而是本句的谓语。you give a concrete example 是make sure 的宾语从句。从句中:you 主语,give 谓语 ,a concrete example 是宾语。

make sure和be sure的区别

make sure和be sure的含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。make sure指务必、务请、确保将某事弄清楚;be sure指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为确信。make sure后面的that从句一般不用或很少用将来时;make sure后面的that从句一般不用或很少用将来时。 make sure和be sure的不同 be sure+of/about+动名词或名词,意为“确信……”;“对……有把握”。但在接名词时,be sure of侧重指主语对某抽象事物的确信无疑;而be sure about则侧重指主语对某具体事物的确信无疑。 make sure表示“弄确实;核实;查证”。make sure常用于祈使句,后面常接that宾语从句或of介词短语。Make sure+that从句意为“弄明白;确信”。Make sure+of+代词/名词,意思也是“弄明白;确信”。 be sure的用法 sure表示“无疑的,确信的,有把握的”,指主观上对某事相信无疑,不涉及有无客观根据。在句中作表语。 “be sure+不定式”往往表示推测的口气,主语不一定是人,表示“一定会…的”“必定会…的”。 sure还可表示“无可置疑、千真万确、不偏离的、不动摇的”。



make sure后面加动词时是什么情况???

make sure to get make sure to do sth

make sure 做主语时,是否要用动名词形式


When is the Earth Day? What efforts can we make to conserve the environment? 英文回答不要有语法错误

April 4th We can dothings around us to protect the environment and make athe cycliable things resued

求 一篇 以make every day earth day 为题的短文 100词左右

Now the earth is in bad condition. For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats.u3000u3000Luckily, we human beings have realized the problem. On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the earth. Some clean up beaches and water, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action. But can we save the earth only by one dayu2019s work? The future of our planet depends on our efforts. What we should do is to make every day Earth Day. Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature.

Ldt’s make a green puppet.翻译成中文

谁能帮我把下列英文翻译成中文:I have a green flag. 第二句Happy 我有一面绿色的旗帜。万圣节快乐!我们一起做木偶吧! 我有一面绿

up off 等等这种词的短语,越多越好,make up, take up, xxx up, take off,xxx off



put away 抛弃;舍弃:put all negative thoughts away.抛弃所有消极的思想put down 1. To write down. 写下来2. To enter in a list. 记入名单3. To bring to an end; repress: 结束;抑制:put down a rebellion.镇压了一起暴乱4. To render ineffective: 制止,取缔:使变得不起作用:put forward To propose for consideration: 提出:提议以供考虑:put forward a new plan.提出一个新计划put in 1. To make a formal offer of: 提交:提出…的正式提议:put in a plea of guilty.正式提出犯罪诉讼2. To interpose: 插入,插话:He put in a good word for me.他插进来为我说了一句好话3. To spend (time) at a location or job: 花时间:在某一场所或工作上花费(时间):The inmate had put in six years at hard labor. She put in eight hours behind a desk.犯人已经做了六年的苦工。她在花了八小时办公put on 1. To clothe oneself with; don: 穿衣服;穿上:put on a coat; put socks on.穿上外衣;穿上袜子2. To apply; activate: 运用;使活动:put on the brakes.刹闸put out 1. To extinguish: 熄灭:put out a fire.扑灭一场大火put up 1. To erect; build. 建立;建造2. To preserve; can: 保存;把…装罐:put up six jars of jam.做六罐果酱put upon To impose on; overburden: 强加于;使…负担过重:He was always being put upon by his friends.他总是受朋友的欺负put through 1. To bring to a successful end: 做成:达到成功的终点:put the project through on time; put through a number of new laws.按时完成了项目;通过许多新法律2. To cause to undergo: 使…从事、遭遇:He put me through a lot of trouble.他使我遇到许多麻烦take after 1. To follow as an example. 仿效:将…作为榜样跟随2. To resemble in appearance, temperament, or character. 相象:在相貌、脾气或性格上相似take apart 1. To divide into parts after disassembling. 拆开:分开后将…分成许多部分2. To dissect or analyze (a theory, for example), usually in an effort to discover hidden or innate flaws or weaknesses. 详细分析研究:肢解或分析(如,一个理论),通常是籍此以发现隐藏的或固有的弊端或缺点3. Slang To beat up; thrash. 【俚语】 狠揍;把…打扁take back To retract (something stated or written). 收回(所说的或所写的事)take down 1. To bring to a lower position from a higher one. 拿下,放下:将…从一个较高的位置拿到一个较低的位置2. To take apart; dismantle: 拆开;拆散:take down the Christmas tree.把圣诞树拆散3. To lower the arrogance or the self-esteem of (a person): 挫…的锐气:压低(一个人的)傲慢或自尊:really took him down during the debate.在辩论中实实在在地煞了他的威风4. To put down in writing. 记下:以书写的形式记录下来的take for 1. To regard as: 把…视作:Do you take me for a fool?你以为我是个傻瓜吗?2. To consider mistakenly: 误认为:Don"t take silence for approval.不要把沉默误认为是同意take in 1. To grant admittance to; receive as a guest or an employee. 让…进入,接纳,吸收:允许…进来;接受…为客人或雇员2. To reduce in size; make smaller or shorter: 收缩:在尺寸上减小;使…变小或为变短:took in the waist on the pair of pants.把裤子的腰身改小一些3. To include or constitute. 包括,构成4. To understand: 理解:couldn"t take in the meaning of the word.不能够理解这个词的含义5. To deceive or swindle: 欺骗,诱骗:was taken in by a confidence artist.被一名骗人的行家给骗了6. To look at thoroughly; view: 详尽地看;注视:took in the sights.饱览各个景色7. To accept (work) to be done in one"s house for pay: 接(活计)在家里做:为获取报酬而接下(在自己家里完成的工作):took in typing.在家的打字活8. To convey (a prisoner) to a police station. 押送(罪犯)去警察局take off 1. To remove, as clothing: 脱掉(衣服等):take one"s coat off; take off one"s galoshes.脱去外衣;脱下套靴2. To release: 放开:took the brake off.松开刹车3. To deduct as a discount: 打折:作为折扣而减价:took 20 percent off.优惠百分之二十4. To carry off or away. 带走5. Slang 【俚语】 6. To go off; leave: 走开;离开:took off in a hurry.匆匆地离去7. To achieve wide use or popularity: 广泛使用,大受欢迎:a new movie that really took off.一部极为卖座的新片8. To rise in flight: 起飞:The plane took off on time.飞机准时起飞9. To discontinue: 取消:took off the commuter special.取消了特殊通勤10. To withhold service due, as from one"s work: 休假:暂时不做(自己工作中的)应做的工作:I"m taking off three days during May.五月份我将会休假三天take on 1. To undertake or begin to handle: 从事,开始对付:took on extra responsibilities.担负了额外的责任2. To hire; engage: 雇;雇佣:took on more workers during the harvest.在收获期间雇了更多的工人3. To oppose in competition: 对抗:在竞争中迎击:a wrestler who took on all comers.一个接受所有新手挑战的摔跤运动员4. Informal To display violent or passionate emotion: 【非正式用语】 激动,大惊小怪:表现出猛烈的或激动的情感:Don"t take on so!别这样大吵大闹!5. To acquire (an appearance, for example) as or as if one"s own: 摆架子,假装:获得(比如,相貌)作为自己的或使它象是自己的:Over the years he has taken on the look of a banker.这些年来他摆出了一副银行家的派头take out 1. To extract; remove: 取出;弄走:took the splinter out.取出木屑2. To secure (a license, for example) by application to an authority. 向机关申请取得:通过向一个权力机关申请来获得(比如,许可证)3. Informal To escort, as a date. 【非正式用语】 陪伴(比如,约会中一方)4. To give vent to: 发泄:Don"t take your frustration out in such an aggressive manner.不要用这样一种积极的方式来发泄你的失意5. To obtain as an equivalent in a different form: 获得平衡:作为一种不同形式的对等物取得:took out the money owed in services.平衡各亏欠服务中心的钱6. Informal To begin a course; set out: 【非正式用语】 开始一段路程;出发:The police took out after the thieves.警方出动警力追捕小偷7. Slang 【俚语】 8. To kill; murder: 杀死;谋杀:Two snipers took out an enemy platoon.两名狙击手消灭了敌人一个排9. To search for and destroy in an armed attack or other such encounter: 在武装攻击或其它类似的方式搜寻并摧毁:Combat pilots, flying low to avoid radar, took out the guerrilla leader"s bunker in a single mission.在一次行动中,战斗机飞行员在低空飞行以躲避雷达,发现并炸毁了游击队领导所在的掩体take to 1. To have recourse to; go to, as for safety: 求救于;(如为了安全)前往:took to the woods.躲到树林里2. To develop as a habit or a steady practice: 养成习惯,沉于:有了…的习惯或开始持续地做:take to drink.染上了酗酒的恶习3. To become fond of or attached to: 喜爱,亲近:喜欢上…或和…变得亲近:“Two keen minds that they are, they took to each other”(&b{Jack Kerouac})“越敏锐的两颗心,越容易互相吸引”(杰克·凯鲁亚克)take up 1. To raise; lift. 举起;升起2. To reduce in size; shorten or tighten: 缩减,改紧:在尺寸上减小;缩短或使…更紧:take up a gown.把一件袍子改短些3. To pay off an (outstanding debt, mortgage, or note). 付清一笔(数目可观的债务、抵押贷款或票据)4. To accept (an option, a bet, or a challenge) as offered. 接受所提供的(一种选择、一笔赌注或一个挑战)5. To begin again; resume: 再次开始;重新开始:Let"s take up where we left off.让我们接着我们停下来的地方重新开始6. To use up, consume, or occupy: 用尽,耗掉或占用:The extra duties took up most of my time.额外工作耗费了我绝大部分时间7. To develop an interest in or devotion to: 喜欢,钟爱:对…产生了兴趣或钟爱:take up mountain climbing.喜欢上登山运动8. To deal with: 处理:Let"s take up each problem one at a time.让我们一个问题一个问题地来解决9. To assume: 摆出:took up a friendly attitude.摆出友好的态度10. To absorb or adsorb: 吸收,吸附:crops taking up nutrients.正在吸收养分的作物11. To enter into (a profession or business): 开始从事(一项职业或行当):took up engineering.干起了工程设计这一行make for 1. To have or cause to have a particular effect or result: 造成,促成:有或促使有某种特定的效果或者结果的:small details that make for comfort.令人舒适的小节2. To help promote; further: 帮助提升;推进:makes for better communication.促进更好的交流make off To depart in haste; run away. 急忙离开;跑走make out 1. To discern or see, especially with difficulty: 辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下:I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志2. To understand: 理解:could not make out what she was saying.不能理解她在说些什么3. To write out; draw up: 写下来;列出:made out the invoices.开具发票4. To fill in (a form, for example). 填写(如表格)5. Informal To imply or suggest: 【非正式用语】 暗示,建议:You make me out to be a liar.你暗示我不要说谎6. Informal To try to establish or prove: 【非正式用语】 试图建立或者证明:He made out that he was innocent.他试图证明自己是无辜的7. To get along in a given way; fare: 进展:在给定的道路上前进;进展:made out well in business.在生意上进展顺利make over 1. To redo; renovate. 改装;革新2. To change or transfer the ownership of, usually by means of a legal document: 转让:改变或者转移所有权,通常是通过法律文件的方式:made over the property to her son.把财产转到她儿子名下make up 1. To put together; construct or compose: 整理;建立或捏造:make up a prescription.开一个药方2. To constitute; form: 构成;组成:One hundred years make up a century.一百年构成一个世纪3. To alter one"s appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics. 化妆:为在舞台上的角色而改变某人的外表,例如用服装或化妆品4. To apply cosmetics. 用化妆品化妆5. To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent: 捏造,编造:杜撰小说或谎话;捏造:made up an excuse.编造借口6. To make good (a deficit or lack): 弥补:弥补(赤字或不足):made up the difference in the bill.弥补了帐单上的差额7. To compensate for: 补偿:make up the lost time.补足失去的时间8. To resolve a quarrel: 和好:平息一场争吵:kissed and made up.亲吻和好9. To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used withto : 献殷勤,巴结:提出献殷勤或讨好的建议。和to 连用: made up to his friend"s boss.向他朋友的老板献殷勤10. To take (an examination or a course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure. 补考,补课:因为以前缺席或不及格在一段时间后再考或再上课11. To set in order: 整理,收拾:make up a room.把房间收拾好12. Printing To select and arrange material for: 【印刷术】 排版,整版:made up the front page.为封面排版make a face To distort the features of the face; grimace. 改变脸部的容貌;扮鬼脸make believe To pretend. 假装make eyes To ogle. 向…送秋波make fun of To mock; ridicule. 嘲笑;嘲讽

I’m sorry for what I have done ,which makes you unhappy. 这句话有问题吗?如果有的话,要怎么修改。


What have i done to make you so __(angry)?


What have i done to make you so __(angry)?

angry make somebody +形容词或动词原形

what have i done ( )you so angry 填o make为什么


make america great again什么梗

Make America great again让美国再次伟大。祈使句是动词原形开头

make america great again是什么意思

让尤克里里再次伟大引用Make America great again”,让美国再次伟大



求一首韩文歌.开头为L O V makes me fly


music make you lose control 是其中的歌词 女的唱

歌曲名字叫Lose control歌手missy elliott Music make u lose control Music make u lose control Lets go Yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah Here we go now Here we go now Here we go now Here we go now Watch out now (music make u lose control) Misdemeanors in da house Ciaras in da house Misdemeanors in tha house Fat man scoop man scoop man scoop I"ve got a cute face Chubby waist Thick legs in shape Rump shakin both wayz Make u do a double take Plan rocka show stopa Flo froppa head knocka Beat stalla tail droppa Do ma thang muthafukas Ma rose royce lamborghini Blu madina alwayz beamin Ragtop chrome pipes Blu lights outta sight Long weave sewed in Say it again sewed in Make dat money tho it n Booty bouncin gon hit Everybody here Get it outta control Get yo backs off tha wall Cuz misdemeanor said so Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody Well ma name is ciara 4 all u fly fellaz No 1 can do it betta She"ll sing on acapella Boy tha music Makes me lose control We gon make u lose control And let it go 4 u kno U gon hit tha flo I rok 2 da beat till im tired (tired) Walk n da club it"s fiya (fiya) Get it krunk and wired Wave ya hands scream louda If u smoke den fiya it up Bring da roof down Den holla If u tipsy stand up Dj turn it louda Take sumbody by da waist den uh Now tho it in dey face like uh Hypnotic robotic This here will rock yo bodies Take sumbody by da waist den uh Now tho it in dey face like uh Systematica static This hit be automatic Work wait Work work work wait Work work work wait Work work work wait Do it right Hit tha floor hit tha floor Hit tha floor hit tha floor Hit tha floor hit tha floor Hit tha floor Everybody here Get it outta control Get yo backs off tha wall Cuz misdemeanor said so Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody here Get it outta control Get yo backs off da wall Cuz misdemeanor said So Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody Get loose Put yo back on tha wall Put yo back on tha wall Put yo back on tha wall Put yo back on tha wall Misdemeanors in da house Ciaras in da house Misdemeanors in tha house We on fiya We on fiya We on fiya We on fiya Now tho it gurl Tho it gurl Tho it gurl Tho it gurl Yeah Now move yo arm 2 tha left gurl Now move yo arm 2 tha left gurl Now move yo arm 2 tha right gurl Now move yo arm 2 tha right gurl Lets go now lets go now lets go now Wooo lets go Should I bring it back right now Now bring it back now Woooo oohhh I see u c Now ima iam do it like c did Now shake it gurl Cum on and jus shake it gurl Cum on and let it pop right gurl Cum on and let it pop right gurl Cum on and let it pop right gurl Now bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Go go

make: command not found什么意思?求解答

常见的用现在分词作宾补的结构有: : get / leave / keep / set / catch / have sb. doing; see / find / watch / feel / hear / listen to / discover sb. doing 如: He kept me waiting the whole morning. 他让我等了整整一上午。注意:如果把上述结构变为被动语态(get, have, feel除外),则原来作宾补的现在分词变成主补。如: The girl was caught stealing. 这女孩被抓住偷东西。宾补的定义: 有些及物动词带了宾语后还需要有一个补足成分才能使句子完整,这个补足成分就叫做宾语补足语。用来说明宾语的行为、特征、状态、身份等。宾语和宾补一起构成复合宾语。主要有下面几种类型:1. 名词(或代词)+名词She found him a very clever boy.2. 名词(或代词)+形容词He had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.3. 名词(或代词)+副词或介词短语Last Sunday I saw you out with your sister.To her surprise, she found herself in a different world.4. 名词(或代词)+分词(分词短语)I saw him doing his homework when I passed his window.I was absent-minded when I heard my name called.注意:在用现在分词或不定式作宾语补足语的动词中,有些只能用现在分词作宾语补足语;有些只能用不定式作宾语补足语;还有的动词既能用现在分词又可用不定式作宾语补足语:1)、只能用现在分词作宾语补足语的动词有:catch, keep, mind, prevent, stop(阻止)等。She caught her son smoking a cigarette.His words started me thinking.2)、只能用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:wish, desire, expect, love, prefer, trust, encourage, let, allow, permit, mean, lead, bring, put, hurry, cause, remind, ask, invite, beg, request, worry, advise, persuade, call on, tell, order, command, require, make, force, drive, forbid, warn, help, teach, show, assist, report, bear, wait for, think, take, know, judge, consider, suppose, believe, allow, prove, declare等。Their parents don"t allow him to stay out late.他父母不允许他在外面呆到很晚。3)、既能用现在分词又可用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:see, watch, notice, look at, observe, listen to, hear, feel, have, imagine, discover, like, want, understand, hate, get, set, leave等。She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见她从犯罪现场跑开。我见你把钥匙放进了口袋。

英语作文 how to make success


make a declaration of是什么意思


You Make Me Shine(你令我闪耀) 歌词

歌曲名:You Make Me Shine(你令我闪耀)歌手:许冠杰专辑:Sam Hui愿这音韵令你兴奋 高歌一曲驱忧困愿世界满载快乐气氛 凭着片片爱心开解怨忿Everybody needs some sunshine Baby just like IAnd if I wanna start my day ride All I gotta doI love you yeah I love you yeahYou ve got the answer to my problemsWhen I m feeling kinda lowYou re always right here beside meAnd you set my heart aglow and when dark clouds fallYou live my spirits highYou gave me what I need Baby can you see You make me shine无论富贫 情义永恒此刻你我共对 你我指引祈求日后耕更会多接近 心心永恒照 那怕黑暗 和谐共处感庆幸and when dark clouds fall around meYou live my spirits highYou gave me what I need Baby can you see You

求英文歌歌名 第一句是we can talk ,you can make..... 男声 谢谢

ricky martin《shine》 是不是这个?

找一首英文歌歌词里有this is not a lullabies only make you?

Endless love(Lionel Richie amp; Diana Ross)mp3./m?f=msamp;tn=mp3amp;ct=134217728amp;lf=amp;rn=amp;word=Endless+love%A3%A8Lionel+Richie+%26+Diana+Ross%A3%A9amp;lm=-1没看过;蜡笔小新;. 这歌还有(Lionel Richie amp; Mariah Carey)的版本 Endless LoveLionel Richie amp; Diana RossMy loveThere"s only you in my lifeThe only thing that"s rightMy first loveYou"re every breath that I takeYou"re every step I makeboth:And I (I~)I want to shareAll my love with you,No-one else will doAnd your eyes (your eyes, your eyes)They tell me how much you careOh, yesYou will always beMy endless loveTwo heartsTwo hearts that beat as oneOur lives have just begunAnd forever (forever)I"ll hold you close in my armsI can"t resist your charmsAnd I (Oh~)I"ll be your foolFor you, I"m sureYou know I don"t mind(Oh~ you know I don"t mind)"Cause youYou mean the world to me,Oh~ I know I"ve found in youMy endless loveOh~No no, no no no no, No noOhoooo Oh~~~And II"ll play the foolFor you, I"m sureYou know I don"t mind(Oh~ you know I don"t mind)Oh, yesYou"d be the only one"Cause no-one can"t denyThis love I have insideAnd I"ll give it all to youMy love (my love, my love)My endless love

求endless love系列中endless love omake和结婚记番外的翻译

--------转载请注明 百度SUPERJUNIOR吧-------- You`re My Endless Love 没有你的日子度日如年 脑袋里萦绕着你的影子 每天早晨都那么明亮 可是没有你连眼睛都不愿睁开 想忘记的声音 即使掩住了耳朵却还想听听看 独自一人看的天空和那时一样清澈 却无法打开我的心 I"m crazy for you 过去许许多多日子里一起说爱的记忆 一直铭记在我心中 敲醒了我尘封的心Let it go 想回头看看的关于你的记忆 现在却只能成为照片中的故事 You"re my endless love 和深爱的你的记忆全都埋藏在我心中 下定决心重新开始 无法接受轻轻地颤抖 即使我是多么的想忘记你 今天不知笑了多少次 想装得若无其事 独自一人的时间似乎永无尽头 现在只想清醒过来 照片里虽然有我想见的脸 即使呼唤你的名字 但现在太远了 你都无法听见 I"m crazy for you 过去许许多多日子里一起说爱的记忆 一直铭记在我心中 敲醒了我尘封的心Let it go 想回头看看的关于你的记忆 现在却只能成为照片中的故事 You"re my endless love 很久前初次见你的那天 独自一人练习着“我爱你” 现在却只能这样独自重温 oh~ I"m crazy for you 能够一起说出我爱你的那些日子 把你拥在怀里的那些时间 衷心地祝福你Let it go 想再次拥有的那些旧日记忆 全都和最初一样永存在我心中 You"re my endless love

求endless love omake 的翻译~~

= =只有ENDLESS LOVE 的翻译~已发~以上~

Make It Mine 歌词

歌曲名:Make It Mine歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.Make It MineJason MrazWake up everyoneHow can you sleep at a time like thisUnless the dreamer is the real youListen to your voiceThe one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongueLip and the neck will appearI don"t wanna wake beforeThe dream is overI"m gonna make it mineYes i... i know itI"m gonna make it mineYes i"ll make it all mineI keep my life on a heavy rotationRequesting that it"s lifting you upUp up and awayAnd over to a table at the graditude cafeAnd i am finally thereAnd all the angels they"ll be singingAh la la la ah la la la I la la la la love youI don"t wanna break beforeThe tour is overI"m gonna make it mineYes i...i know itI"m gonna make it mineYes i"ll make it all mineAnd timing"s everythingand this time there"s plentyI am balancingCareful and steadyAnd reveling in energy that everyone"s emittingWell I don"t wanna wait no moreNo i wanna celebrate the whole worldI"m gonna make it mineBecause i"m following your joyI"m gonna make it mineBecause i... i am openI"m gonna make it mineYes i... i"m gonna show itYes i"m gonna make it all mineI"m gonna make it all mineYes i will make it all mine

需要知道一首英文歌I love you baby……you make me happy……

  外文名称  you make me happy  所属专辑  Goodbye From California  歌曲原唱  琳德西·雷(Lindsey Ray)  歌曲语言  英语  歌词  《You Make Me Happy》  null    null  null  It"s the heart on your sleeve never making me wonder  It"s the bond that we tie up and over and under  You"re the sun and the rain and my grass isalways green  With a kiss on my cheek" always letting me know I"m the birds and the bees  I"m the apple in your eye  I know that you know that I know you"re all I need  And just when I thought it couldn"t get any better  There you go and do it all again  Hope this feeling never ends  "Cause you o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy  It"s the sound of your voice at the end of the phone line  A tickle in my toes just to know that you"re all mine  Like an ice cream sundae with a cherry on the top  It"s the look in your eyes when I"m wearing your t-shirt  Your cute little smile after a long day of hard work  And I know that you know that I can"t give you up  And just when I thought it couldn"t get any better  There you go and do it all again  Hope this feeling never ends  "Cause you o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy  Just when I thought it couldn"t get any better  There you go and do it all again  Hope this feeling never ends  "Cause  You o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy  You o o o o...  You make me happy

make measures to

take measures to do sth在句中是采取措施的意思 整句是说”人们采取措施来限制外国游客的人数,并且努力保护当地环境与历史,使其不因国际旅游业(的发展)而受到影响.”

韩国make-up cleansing cream 是什么东西


Have you make reservation?还是 make a reservation?

Have you made a reservation? 或者:Have you made the reservation? 你预定了吗?(这个是讲预定的动作,如果还没有的话,赶紧定) Do you have a reservation? 你有预定吗?(这个是旅馆的服务员问顾客)

make a reservation是什么意思


make a reservation是什么意思

make a reservation意为:预定reservation 英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n] n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; He went to the desk to make a reservation 他到服务台进行了预订。You make the reservation, and I"ll confirm it in writing. 你来预订,我会去函确认。I have a reservation for a single room. 我预定了一间单人间。I called for a reservation this afternoon. 我打电话预约了。Have Jon and Jack got a reservation? 乔恩和杰克预定了吗?



有首韩文歌歌词有you make me feeling

FeelingYeah we back bigbang my man boysnoize in da housewoo wee party peoplelet"s go let"s go let"s golet"s move here we goget loose ya"ll knowwe gon reach for the sky yupparty like our time"s uplet"s move here we goget loose ya"ll knowthrow your hand"s up in the airjump on up like you don"t careuae5cube61uc774ub294 uace8ubaa9 uac00ub85cub4f1 ubc88uca4duac70ub9acub294| kkaam-ppah-ghee-neun | gol-mok | gah-roh-deung | bun-tchuk-guh-ree-neun |ubd88ube5b ud558ub098 ub458| bool-bit | hah-nah | dool |uce5cuc219ud55c uae4auc740 ubc24 ub2e4 ub290uaef4 ub2c8uac00 ub204uad6cub4e0| chin-soo-kaan | ghee-peun | baam | dah | neu-kkyuh | nee-gah | noo-goo-deun |ub0a8uc758 ub208uce58 ubcfc ud544uc694uac00 uc5c6ub294| nah-meh | noon-chee | bol | pee-ryoh-gah | ub-neun |uc11cuc6b8 uaf49 ucc2c ube4cub529 uc232 uc18d| suh-ool | kkwaak | chaan | building | soop | sok |ub124uc628 uc0acuc778 ubcf4ub2e4 ub2c8uac00 ub354 ube5bub098| neon | sign | boh-dah | nee-gah | duh | bit-nah |uadf8ub300uac00 ub5a0ub0a0uae4c uac81uc774ub098| gdae-gah | ttuh-naal-kkah | guh-bee-nah |ud718ud669ucc2cub780 ud55c uc774 ubc24 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c| hwee-hwaang-chaal-raan | haan | ee | baam | moh-deun | geh |uac15ub82cud558uc9c0ub9cc| gaang-nyul-hah-jee-maan |uc870uae08 ud765ubd84ub418ub294 uc774 uc21cuac04| joh-geum | heung-boon-doe-neun | ee | soon-gaan |uc6b0ub9ac uc624ub298 uac19uc774 uc788uc744uae4c| woo-ree | oh-neul | gah-chee | it-seul-kkah |uc774 ubc24uc740 uadf8ub9ac uae38uc9c0 uc54auc544| ee | bah-meun | gree | ghil-jee | ah-nah |uba48ucd94uae30ub294 uc27duc9c0 uc54auc544| mum-choo-ghee-neun | shib-jee | ah-nah |Everybody move moveuae30ubed0ud560 uc5b4uba38ub2c8uc640 uc544ubc84uc9c0| ghee-ppuh-haal | uh-muh-nee-wah | ah-buh-jee |uc74cuc545uc740 uc774ub300ub85c ucda4ucd94uba70| eu-mah-geun | ee-dae-roh | choom-choo-myuh |ud06cuac8c ub178ub798 ubd80ub974uba70| keu-geh | noh-rae | boo-reu-myuh |Don"t stop this feelinguc774ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uc88buc744 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uac78| ee-boh-dah | duh | joh-eul | soo-neun | ub-neun-gul |uc74cuc545uc740 uc774ub300ub85c ucda4ucd94uba70| eu-mah-geun | ee-dae-roh | choom-choo-myuh |ud06cuac8c ub178ub798 ubd80ub974uba70| keu-geh | noh-rae | boo-reu-myuh |Don"t stop this feelinguc774ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uc88buc744 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uac78| ee-boh-dah | duh | joh-eul | soo-neun | ub-neun-gul |Ma baby ub124 ube68uac04 uc785uc220uc740| Ma | baby | neh | ppaal-gaan | ib-soo-reun |look like cherry redub0b4 uc2dcuc120uc740 uace0uc815ub3fc steady| nae | see-suh-neun | goh-jung-dwae | steady |uadf8ub0e5 uac10uc0c1ub9ccud558uba74 uc2e4ub840uc9c0| gnyaang | gaam-saang-maan-hah-myun | sillyeh-jee |Hey my baby I"m your daddyLook ub09c uc774ub300ub85c uc544uc26cuc6c0 ub0a8uae34 ucc44ub85c| Look | naan | ee-dae-roh | ah-shee-oom | naam-ghin | chae-roh |ub110 ubcf4ub0bc uc218ub294 uc5c6uc5b4| nul | boh-nal | soo-neun | ub-suh |uc6b0ub9b0 uc0acuc774uc5d4 uc774ubbf8 there"s no limit| woo-rin | sah-ee-en | ee-mee | there"s | no | limit |ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6cc ub9c8 one one night| boo-kkeu-ruh-woh | mah | one | one | night |ubd88uc740 uc815uc804 ub418uace0 uc815uc801ub9ccuc774| boo-reun | jung-jun | doe-goh | jung-jung-mah-nee |ubcf4uae30uc640ub294 ub2e4ub974uac8c| boh-ghee-wah-neun | dah-reu-geh |uc5b4uba38ub098 uadf8ub140ub294 ub108ubb34ub098 ud654ub048ud574 119| uh-muh-nah | gnyuh-neun | nuh-moo-nah | hwah-kkeun-hae | 119 |uc774 ubc24uc740 uadf8ub9ac uae38uc9c0 uc54auc544| ee | bah-meun | gree | ghil-jee | ah-nah |uba48ucd94uae30ub294 uc27duc9c0 uc54auc544| mum-choo-ghee-neun | shib-jee | ah-nah |Everybody move moveuc544uc800uc528uc640 uc544uac00uc528ub3c4| ah-juh-ssee-wah | ah-gah-ssee-doh |uc74cuc545uc740 uc774ub300ub85c ucda4ucd94uba70| eu-mah-geun | ee-dae-roh | choom-choo-myuh |ud06cuac8c ub178ub798 ubd80ub974uba70| keu-geh | noh-rae | boo-reu-myuh |Don"t stop this feelinguc774ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uc88buc744 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uac78| ee-boh-dah | duh | joh-eul | soo-neun | ub-neun-gul |uc74cuc545uc740 uc774ub300ub85c ucda4ucd94uba70| eu-mah-geun | ee-dae-roh | choom-choo-myuh |ud06cuac8c ub178ub798 ubd80ub974uba70| keu-geh | noh-rae | boo-reu-myuh |Don"t stop this feelinguc774ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uc88buc744 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uac78| ee-boh-dah | duh | joh-eul | soo-neun | ub-neun-gul |uc74cuc545uc740 uc774ub300ub85c ucda4ucd94uba70| eu-mah-geun | ee-dae-roh | choom-choo-myuh |ud06cuac8c ub178ub798 ubd80ub974uba70| keu-geh | noh-rae | boo-reu-myuh |Don"t stop this feelinguc774ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uc88buc744 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uac78| ee-boh-dah | duh | joh-eul | soo-neun | ub-neun-gul |Let"s move here we goget loose ya"ll knowWe gon reach for the sky yupparty like our time"s upLet"s move here we goget loose ya"ll knowThrow your hand"s up in the airjump on up like you don"t careI"m crazy more than everI"m crazy more than everAnd it feels so righttonight is the nightI"m crazy more than everI"m crazy more than everAnd it feels so rightI can"t stopped

make my day 是什么意思?


歌词里面连续出现”you make me... ...”的歌曲叫什么名字?

You Make Me Wanna 歌手:Usher 专辑:You Make Me Wanna This is what you doThis is what you doThis is what you doThis is what you doYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake meYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake meYou make meBefore anything began between usYou were like my best friendThe one I used to run and talk toWhen me and my girl was having problemsYou used to say it"ll be OKSuggest little nice things I should doAnd when I go home at night and lay my head downLast thing I think about was youAnd howYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake meYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake meYou make meNow what"s bad is you"re the one that hooked us upKnowing it should have been youWhat"s sad is that I love her but I"m falling for youWhat should I doShould I tell my baby bye-byeShould I do exactly what I feel insideCould I, I don"t wanna go, don"t need to stayBut I really need to get it togetherYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake meYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake meYou make meAt this point the situation"s out of controlI never meant to hurt herBut I gotta let her goAnd she may not understand itWhile all of this is going onI tried, I tried to fight itBut the feeling"s just too strongYou make me, make meYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou makin" meYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake meYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake meYou make meYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along with youMake me

光之美少女fresh you make me happy 中文歌词

中文:YouMakeMeHappy~今天你感觉如何?无论你我他都一起来做个LovelyFighter!YouMakeMeLucky 跟著幸福Let"sGo~维护幸福正义来准备战斗 一起屈机!再要惊 没有Action 时间就要马上快逝去把内心 锻练勇敢 大声说出ILoveYou你和我一起前行 未来变得更清新ICanDo(爱☆感Do)~YouCanDo(勇☆敢Do)~MoreLet"sGo(猛☆烈Go)!Forever→一起去 DoMyBest一切也有命运的决定一起去 ChangeOurChance让那欢笑充满这世界Motto→梦想 StepByStepDreamAndSmile。是紧要的尽力去! 未来充满希望盛放光辉的幸福之花我相信→必定会 DreamComeTrue感谢你 令我踏向梦想JumpJump!永恒Let"sFresh得到幸福! 罗马文:you make me happyきぶんはいかが?kibunhaikaga ?おんなのこはだれだってonnanokohadaredatteLovely FighterLovely FighterYou make me lucky!You make me lucky!ついておいでよtsuiteoideyoまいにちはたからさがしmainichihatakarasagashiAre you OK?Are you OK?ビビってまよってbibi ttemayotteモジモジしてるよりmojimoji shiteruyoriハートを みがいてha^to wo migaite「すき」ってゆおう!( suki ) tteyuou !ガンバリしだいでganbari shidaideみらいはかわるからmiraihakawarukaraあい☆かん do!(I can do!)ai kan do! ( I can do! )ゆう☆かんdo!(You can do!)yuu kan do! ( You can do! )もう☆れつ go!(More Let"s go!)やっぱ→いつもDO MY BEST!yappa itsumo DO MY BEST!それしかないんですsoreshikanaindesuいいじゃん!チェンジはチャンスiijan ! chienji ha chansuおち込こんじゃいらんないochi komi konjairannaiもっと→ゆめへSTEP BY STEPmotto yumehe STEP BY STEPえがおがだいじですegaogadaijidesuやるじゃん!あしたはきっとyarujan ! ashitahakittoシアワセはなざかりshiawase hanazakariso many shining!so many shining!ナイスなキャラでnaisu na kyara deこころストレッチしてねkokoro sutorecchi shitenePretty DreamerPretty DreamerSo many smiling!So many smiling!メゲちゃダメだよmege cha dame dayoななころびやおきでまたnanakorobiyaokidemataドンマイ!ドンマイ!donmai ! donmai !ドジって へこんでdoji tte hekondeメソメソしたときはmesomeso shitatokihaミンナと ハシャイでminna to hashai deハジケてみようhajike temiyouきづけば ナミダはkidukeba namida haすっかりかわくからsukkarikawakukaraみ☆らい cool(Miracle)mi rai cool ( Miracle )ゆう☆あい feel(You I feel)yuu ai feel ( You I feel )かつ!all right! (Gut"s all right)だって→まずはLOVE&PEACE!datte mazuha LOVE&PEACE!いましかないんですimashikanaindesuマジじゃん! マジカルスィッチmaji jan ! majikarusuicchiそして→いつかDREAMS COME TRUEsoshiteitsuka DREAMS COME TRUEかんしゃがキメてですkanshaga kime tedesuジャンジャン!えいえんずっとjanjan ! eienzuttoヨロコビてんこもりyorokobi tenkomoriさがしてみつけてsagashitemitsuketeワクワクするようなwakuwaku suruyounaスペシャルしようのsupesharu shiyounoじぶんになろうjibunninarouときめくかずだけtokimekukazudake世界は光るからsekaiha hikarukaraあい☆かんdo!(I can do!)aikan do! ( I can do! )ゆう☆かん do!(You can do!)yuukan do! ( You can do! )もう☆れつ go!(More Let"s go!)やっぱ→いつもDO MY BEST!yappa itsumo DO MY BEST!それしかないんですsoreshikanaindesuいいじゃん!チェンジはチャンスiijan ! chienji ha chansuおちこんじゃいらんないochikonjairannaiもっと→ゆめへSTEP BY STEPmotto yumehe STEP BY STEPえがおがだいじですegaogadaijidesuやるじゃん!あしたはきっとyarujan ! ashitahakittoシアワセはなざかりshiawase hanazakariそして→いつかDREAMS COME TRUEsoshite itsuka DREAMS COME TRUEかんしゃがキメてですkanshaga kime tedesuジャンジャン!えいえんずっとjanjan ! eienzuttoヨロコビてんこもりyorokobi tenkomori

Tom is mother told him not to make moise ,in order not to wake up the___baby

d b与d均为睡着的,asleep一般作表语,偶尔作定语时需后置

( )(not make)any moise,please(用括号内动词的适当形式填空)

Don"t make any noise,please.

make moise英语

Please don"t make so much moise. A.No,I won"t He wants to see Yang Ming one day. D.himself 有一天他想亲自去看看姚明

make sentence什么意思

你好make sentence是造句的意思谢谢提问,望采纳!

2012最流行的爵士舞是什么?trouble maker属于什么舞?

new jazz

谁有make a secret 的罗马音歌词啊,谢谢了

make a secret 作词 Narumi Yamamoto 作曲 Masaaki Asada どうすればキミのこと もっと近くに感じれる 遮るものが多すぎて そっと伸ばした指先 夏の日见た海の青 祝ってくれた birthday 少しずつ増えてく 二人にしかそうわからないこと ※Won"t you make a secret 瞳から 流れる meaning 嗫く love Won"t you make a secret まだ谁にも気づかれたくない※ take me take me away どうすれば迷わずに もっと强くなれるんだろう 悪いことはしてないんだし ちゃんと胸张っていればいいね 夕映えの街 急ぐ人 风に溶けてく yesterday うたた寝したキミにkissをしたよ 起こしちゃったのかな Won"t you make a secret 出来るなら このまま永远 つかみたい Won"t you make a secret こみ上げる 时めき とまどい let me let me △Won"t you make a secret この想い 握りかえす手の强さを Won"t you make a secret いつまでも缓めないでいてね hold me hold me tight△ (※くり返し) take me take me (△くり返し)

IAR里面 compile与make的区别?有谁知道吗?


关于Intellij IDEA菜单项中Compile,Make和Build的区别

ompile、Make和Build的区别针对Java的开发工具,一般都有Compile、Make和Build三个菜单项,完成的功能的都差不多,但是又有区别。编译,是将源代码转换为可执行代码的过程。编译需要指定源文件和编译输出的文件路径(输出目录)。Java的编译会将java编译为class 文件,将非java的文件(一般成为资源文件、比如图片、xml、txt、poperties等文件)原封不动的复制到编译输出目录,并保持源文件夹的目 录层次关系。在Java的集成开发环境中,比如Eclipse、IDEA中,有常常有三种与编译相关的选项Compile、Make、Build三个选项。这三个选项最基本的功能都是完成编译过程。但又有很大的区别,区别如下:1、Compile:只编译选定的目标,不管之前是否已经编译过。2、Make:编译选定的目标,但是Make只编译上次编译变化过的文件,减少重复劳动,节省时间。(具体怎么检查未变化,这个就不用考虑了,IDE自己内部会搞定这些的)3、Build:是对整个工程进行彻底的重新编译,而不管是否已经编译过。Build过程往往会生成发布包,这个具体要看对IDE的配置 了,Build在实际中应用很少,因为开发时候基本上不用,发布生产时候一般都用ANT等工具来发布。Build因为要全部编译,还要执行打包等额外工 作,因此时间较长

关于Intellij IDEA菜单项中Compile,Make和Build的区别

一、解释:1、Compile:只编译选定的目标,不管之前是否已经编译过;2、Make:编译选定的目标,但是Make只编译上次编译变化过的文件,减少重复劳动,节省时间(具体怎么检查未变化,这个就不用考虑了,IDE自己内部会搞定这些的);3、Build:是对整个工程进行彻底的重新编译,而不管是否已经编译过。Build过程往往会生成发布包,这个具体要看对IDE的配置 了,Build在实际中应用很少,因为开发时候基本上不用,发布生产时候一般都用ANT等工具来发布。Build因为要全部编译,还要执行打包等额外工 作,因此时间较长。二、网页搜索“Intellij IDEA 14.x 菜单项中Compile、Make和Build的区别 - 52php - 博客园”可找到相关博客页面。

关于Intellij IDEA菜单项中Compile,Make和Build的区别

一家之言,可以这样理解,(通过这几个词出现的场合):idea中compile多用于编译单个文件,make多用于编译项目和模块代码(编译没编译过和修改过的文件,特指javagroovy等),build多用于部署项目模块(包括资源文件),这里边还漏了一个东东,"package file",部署jsp、html等这些资源文件。

make a mistake后加什么介词

make a mistake in: 在...方面犯错误;在方面出错;犯错误 在...方面犯错误Are you diffident and panic when found yourself make a mistake in working or performance in duty make the whole thing out of control.若您发现在工作或执行任务时出错,是否会感到缺乏信心或惊慌失措,好象事情完全失控?make a mistake about sb.: 误解某人 误解某人 make a mistake on+具体的东西(名词)He was absolutely inch-perfect in qualifying, when it was very easy to make a mistake on the tyres as we saw other drivers were doing.他几乎在排位赛上表现完美,而我们常常看到其他车手在轮胎上犯错误。


Compile 就是编译,如 C++ 等语言的程序如果不编译就不能运行;Make 就是根据硬件环境重新编译代码,在 Linux 系统里编译内核 或者 有的程序 安装;Build 就是创建 新程序,这个常见于 程序排错、编辑或更新 后 重新创建新程序,版本号或许有变化,个人理解 其包含 Compile。总体来说,Compile 是 Make 和 Build 的基础。

make a mistake后加什么介词?

1.make a mistake后面加in表示在...方面犯错误;在方面出错;犯错误 在...方面犯错误eg:Are you diffident and panic when found yourself make a mistake in working or performance in duty make the whole thing out of control.若您发现在工作或执行任务时出错,是否会感到缺乏信心或惊慌失措,好象事情完全失控?2.make a mistake后面加about sb.表示误解某人 误解某人 3.make a mistake后加on+具体的东西(名词)eg:He was absolutely inch-perfect in qualifying, when it was very easy to make a mistake on the tyres as we saw other drivers were doing.他几乎在排位赛上表现完美,而我们常常看到其他车手在轮胎上犯错误。

初三 英语 make up 请详细解答,谢谢! (2 19:26:35)

A 我自己认为是A

Tick tock make me creep中文翻译


Practice makes perfect 什么意思

Practice makes perfect熟能生巧

以practice makes perfect写作文

There is an old saying itl China: Practice makes perfect. Practice is a means and perfect is a goal. Only when you do more practice can you make things perfect. This is true not only in our learning but also in other walks of life. Take the study of English for example. Practice enables us to spell words correctly and master the rules of grammar quickly and practice also makes us hecome fluent in speaking and writing. It is ahnost impossible for a person to speak English fluently and accurately without a lot of practice. Another case in point is cooking. A good cook can prepare a delicious meah But you will not be surprised at his performance if you know how much time he has spent practising. Through practice, he then becomes an expert at cooking. It goes without saying that practice makes perfect. Only through practice can one be good at doing things. Since we have realized the importance of practice, why not put it into practice?

make models是什么意思

make models制作模型models[英]["mu0252dlz][美]["mu0252dlz]n.模式; 模型( model的名词复数 ); 模特儿; 典型; 例句:1.Today"s macroeconomic models are certainly that. 当今的经济学模型无疑是严谨的。2.Their business models are broken. 它们的经营模式已经破裂。
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