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  苹果手机如何用自己的照片设置桌面:  1,首先来到手机的主页面 ,就是第一页面找到那个灰颜色齿轮状的图案,那就是设置的图案,点进去。  2,会发现设置里面的选项很多很长,这是可以滑动你的手指,往下面滑有一个选项是墙纸与亮度,可以点进去了。  3,在这一页面,看到了两个选项,一个是亮度,一个是墙纸,选择下面的墙纸,下面有两个图案是手机现有墙纸的样貌。我们在“ 选取新的墙纸”后的小箭头点进去。  4,在这里有两种选项,第一种是系统为你准备的相片,第二种从你的相册中提取照片,从“相机胶卷”后的小箭头点进去。  5,这样就可以把相册里喜欢的照片选出来了,这里的话可以用手指滑动的方式,选择你照片的画面,点击设定后会出现”设置锁定屏幕““设置主屏幕”“同时设置”,根据需要可以设定一下。最后就完成了屏幕的设定

make up 和make up for都有弥补的意思,有什么用法上的区别吗?

做弥补讲时如果要接宾语必须有for.There is nothing to make up for.


求通过 make up有组成,整理的意思。美籍黑人作曲用make up要视具体情况而定了。 望采纳,欢迎


我的理解是 :永远精致

Write about和make up的区别是什?

write about:把.....作为写作主题、写.....的事情、写到.....make up:1)组成、构成 2)编造、捏造 3)和解、言归于好 4)弥补、补偿 5)编辑、编排

makeover与makeup 都表示化妆吗?之间用法和解释有什么区别

make over 是美容的意思 make up是化妆 没有over那麼专业









make sb up和make up有什么区别?

含义不同:a. make sb up:化妆,为某人化妆b. make up:补偿、弥补;化妆;和解;组成、构成语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:a. make sb up:常与某人(sb)搭配使用,表示为某人化妆。b. make up:根据不同的含义,可与不同的宾语搭配使用,如和解时与某人搭配,补偿时与事物搭配等。具体用法举例:a. make sb up 例子:She helped make the bride up.(她帮助新娘化妆。)The makeup artist made her up for the party.(化妆师为她化妆参加派对。)The film crew made the actors up before shooting.(拍摄前,摄影组为演员们化妆。)b. make up 例子:They had an argument, but they made up quickly.(他们发生了争执,但很快和解了。)She was late for work, so she had to make up the time by working late.(她上班迟到了,所以她必须加班来补偿。)He made up a story to entertain the children.(他编了一个故事来娱乐孩子们。)下面是一个关于 make sb up 和 make up 区别的简要表格:请点击输入图片描述

make up ones mind 中的make up什么意思?


makeup和make sth up有啥区别?

make sth up和make up for sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、make sth up:补足,弥补。2、make up for sth:补偿。二、用法不同1、make sth up:纠正或改正不正确、不真实或有缺点的东西。正式用词,意义较抽象,侧重指彻底改正偏离正确标准或规则的东西。2、make up for sth:正式用词,通常指在局部范围内进行纠正,尤指对困难或棘手问题的解决。通过仔细阅读、反复思考后而进行改正、订正或修订,使趋于完善。三、侧重点不同1、make sth up:使用时,侧重于用谎言或不实的东西掩盖。2、make up for sth:是弥补或抵消某事物为某事而讨好某人的意思。



make up化妆 造句

make up,put up,show up,take up,pick up几个词各种意思造一个句子并注明在句中意思(高一水准) make up 补偿/ 化妆/ 补足/ 编造 He made up a story of his own. He tried to make up the number by mixing with some other poor quality products. Her makeup is very good, making her look so pretty. put up 忍受 It is hard to put up with him, because he is such a bully. She couldn"t put up with him and left him years ago. show up 出现 He didn"t show up yesterday, was he ill? take up 拿起 / 开始从事 I took up swimming last month trying to keep fit. pick up 捡起 / 接 He pick up the money from the pavement. I am going to pick my daughter up from school. 【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!】



make up是冀教版几年级学的


make up与take up有什么区别

make up弥补take up拿起,捡起



make-up与makeup请问 有什么区别吗?高中作文如果用到该用哪一种?

makeup是名词,意思是补充,粉底的意思 make-up:有化妆,组成,排版的意思,但是用化妆的几率比较少,大多数用作组成的意思.




make up 组成;补足;化妆;编造 例句: Why dont you two kiss and make up ? 你们两个干吗不和好算了? Ill make up the bed in your old room. 我会把你以前房间的床铺收拾好。 扩展资料   Be your own man. Make up your own mind.   做自己的主人,自己做决定吧。   Everyone gets a chance to make up tests.   每个人都有一次补考的机会。   Women make up 56% of the student numbers.   女生占学生人数的56%。

makeup,make up 和make-up 有什么区别 如题,请说详细一点,

makeup 名词 英 [meu026aku028cp] 美 ["mek,u028cp] n.化妆品;组成;补充;补考 make up 动词 组成;补足;化妆;编造 make-up 名词 美 [meku028cp] n.化妆品;(美)补考;性格;构造;排版 makeup是名词,但是英语和中文一样,词语可以活用,更何况活用的时候,makeup还有“打扮”的意思.尽管makeup和make-up都有化妆品的意思,但是给人的第一感觉,makeup表达的“化妆”更深入人心,我举个例子,带有makeup的句子,10个有9个是表达“化妆品,打扮,粉底”的意思,make-up10个有8个表达的是“组成,构成的意思”(尽管它也有化妆的意思) 就好像中文的“汉堡”这个词,一说汉堡,你肯定会先想到“汉堡包”这个食品,而非德国的“汉堡”这个城市.尽管它这两个意思都有.也就是说,makeup对于“化妆”的意思更加深入人心


makeup 是指化妆品,包括粉底、腮红、眼影、眼线笔、唇彩、遮瑕膏等。以下是一些使用 make up 的例句:1.She spent twenty minutes doing her makeup.她花了 20 分钟化妆。2.I need to buy some new makeup.我需要购买一些新的化妆品。3.She uses makeup to hide her blemishes.她用化妆品来遮盖瑕疵。4.I don"t like wearing makeup.我不喜欢化妆。5.She was applying makeup before going out.她在出门前正在化妆。6.Makeup artists use many different tools and techniques to create a perfect look.化妆师使用许多不同的工具和技术来创造完美的外观。7.Lipstick is one of the most popular types of makeup.唇膏是最受欢迎的化妆品之一。8.Eyeshadow is a great way to define and enhance eyes.眼影是定义和增强眼睛的好方法。9.Nail polish is a must-have for many women.指甲油是许多女性的必备品。10.Foundation is a base for the face that covers blemishes and evens out skin tone.粉底是面部用品,可遮盖瑕疵并使肤色均匀。






不分开,make up my mind,望采纳


makeupsn. 气质; 天性( makeup的名词复数 ); 性格; 组成成分;[例句]These young girls are experts on makeups.现在的女孩子都是化妆专家。[其他] 原型: makeup


毛细管色谱拄的载气流量很小,所以毛细管色谱拄的出口处要加尾吹气体,叫Makeup gas.色谱仪载气入口上的makeup,实际上调节尾吹气流量的阀。




屈臣氏Makeup彩妆属于中高端档次。屈臣氏是著名的保健及美容品牌,在国际保健美容零售市场享有盛誉,是大家非常熟悉的一个品牌。屈臣氏 makeup 彩妆是屈臣氏旗下的品牌,走的是中高端路线,彩妆产品受到很多女性的喜爱。希望以上信息对您有帮助,具体请参考官方发布的信息。






MakeUp 彩妆: 1920年,Max Factor(现代彩妆行业之父)首次以“MakeUp”一词指代彩妆用品,代替以往笼统指代护肤和彩妆的cosmetics一词,并沿用至今。 彩妆鼻祖: 1872年诞生在波兰的Max Factor先生,很小就打零工帮忙家用,艰苦的学徒生涯、看似无关的工作经验,却让他学到与日后工作息息相关的技能。

翻译makeup test

补考 我要多打点字不然提交不了

p u t up, us e up, makeup的意思分别是什么?

put up[英][put u028cp][美][pu028at u028cp]vt.张贴; 举起; 建造; 提高; vi.提供食宿; 直接行动; use up[英][ju:z u028cp][美][juz u028cp]vt.& vi.用完,耗尽; 用光; make up[英][meik u028cp][美][mek u028cp]组成; 化妆; 补足; 编造;


中等水平级别。Make Up For Ever翻译中文为玫珂菲 。由Dany Sanz女性出生在巴黎1984年开创了此专业彩妆品牌。主营业务化妆造型师与一般顾客的技术专业用具。 1999年MAKE UP FOR EVER添加lvMH集团公司,更明确提出造型艺术情境创设的定义,令MAKE UP FOR EVER即卓然非凡又简练好用,有着MAKE UP FOR EVER,即有着了魔法,让给你工作能力变成自身的技术专业化妆造型师。 在莫斯科、马德里、罗马帝国、纽约市等表演艺术及时尚潮流新品发布会的圣殿里, MAKE UP FOR EVER已变成时尚彩妆的代称,引导彩妆产品潮流趋势,为专业人员顶礼膜拜,更被技术专业model与彩妆师MOTOMI毫无疑问。


makeupforever散粉和黛珂散粉都是非常不错的定妆散粉,用户口碑也是非常不错的,大家在选购的时候也是非常的纠结,不知道到底应该入手哪一款比较好,下面小编就给大家带来了珂菲散粉和黛珂散粉哪个好用的对比分析,一起来看看吧。一、玫珂菲散粉makeupforever散粉和黛珂散粉哪个好-玫珂菲散粉和黛珂散粉哪个好用.这款散粉粉质非常的轻薄,上脸隐形毛孔,有种零毛孔的既视感,长效控油,隐匿油光不脱妆,可以随身携带,随时控油补妆。同时,粉质也很细腻,上妆后不易假面,不容易出现卡粉的现象。想要一个清爽精致的妆容,底妆的每一个步骤都很关键哟~掌握好正确的底妆步骤,让你的妆容更加服帖持久,摆脱出油、卡粉、脱妆等烦恼。二、黛珂散粉黛珂散粉一直都很有名,这是控油能力很强的散粉,所以说也比较适合油皮姐妹。上脸之后是瞬间柔焦的感觉,能够让人感到脸上的妆容浑然天成,不会有晕染的现象。.其中它的成分还添加了很高级的有机蚕丝粉,也就是平时我们所说的金蚕丝粉,而且蚕丝粉当中含有28种氨基酸,它的透水性和吸水性是很强的。所以在防油和防水方面也是可以放心。其次就是它的持妆度,可以带妆六个小时左右,扑上脸之后,能够感觉到隐形毛孔瞬间提亮。它的粉质特别的细腻,像是烟雾一样,所以上妆之后是非常自然通透的,没有任何的妆感和存在感。其次也具有一定的滋润度,不会浮在脸上,或者是让底妆卡粉。三、makeupforever散粉和黛珂散粉哪个好make up forever玫珂菲散粉 8.5g U0001f4b0330黛珂白檀散粉 20g U0001f4b0 380先品品这个克重,黛珂实在是太大碗了吧哈哈!1、make up foreve轻烟蜜粉这款散粉真的超级细,所以叫轻烟蜜粉,只有一个色号,因为没有润色修饰的功效,所有人可以通用的透明散粉,虽然没有修饰力,但是磨平毛孔的能力一流啊,我是痘痘肌,毛孔大是痛点,用这款散粉刷扫过的脸上真的有磨皮的效果啊,因为无色也不会有厚重感,很自然,还有一点不得不夸的点就是控油能力级强,我夏天的脸到了下午就跟全脸打了高光一样,如果用了这款散粉,一整天清清爽爽,即使到了傍晚略微出油,妆感更自然,强烈推荐油皮混油皮入,简直亲妈,我再说下冬天的使用感受,我冬混干,用了脸上会斑驳卡粉,所以我冬天一般不会用这款散粉,会用其他的!2、黛珂白檀散粉先说一下色号的选择,起初买的时候想要买透明#00色号,后来想想痘痘肌的我还是需要有修饰力的散粉,然后就选了微珠光#11象牙色,虽然是微珠光的可是特别自然好看,基本上脸看不出珠光,涂在手上看会比较明显,这个色号有增白提亮的效果,妆感自然,买回来很适合我,再来夸一夸它的粉扑,粉扑我洗了一次,没有变硬,还是很好用,之前纪梵希的粉扑被我洗了以后就报废了,这款春夏秋冬我都可用,但是还是秋冬季使用频率会稍高,之前冬天用玫珂菲卡粉很干,用这个就没有这种情况。3、总结夏天我用MAKE UP FOREVER频率高,冬天用黛珂比较多,如果有把刀架我脖子上让我只能选一个,我会选黛珂。

make up 问题: make up的中文翻译是:

MakeupToday is the second day I went to my grandfather"s house. I came to my old friend Dong Tianyin. He is my best friend. I see they are doing homework, I asked another brainy, he said they in make up a missed lesson, teach Dong Tianyin brother, is a high school student Dong Tianyin brother, summer home the to earn money.I looked at the people more lively, so I went home to call my grandfather also gave me a name. Grandpa said, "this is to ask your father." I quietly oh look, pick up the phone my dad pulled the phone, the call is connected, I said: "Dad, I can not make up a missed lesson here?" Dad said firmly: "no, you are there in class here as makeup makeup." I was in a hurry and asked, "why?"" Dad said: "Grandpa remedial teacher has not read the University, certainly not here the high level of teacher." I think Dad said the truth, said: "well, it is not up to the."Even so, I still feel a little sad, but I do not think anymore.译:补课今天是我到爷爷家的第二天,我来到老朋友董天印家,他是我最好的伙伴。我看见他们正在写作业,我问另一个聪聪,他说他们在补课,是董天印的哥哥教,董天印的哥哥是是高中生,暑假时回家了赚点钱。我看了看觉得人多热闹,于是就回家叫爷爷也给我报个名。爷爷说:“这件事要问一问你爸爸。”我轻声地哦了一下,就拿起电话拔爸爸的手机,电话接通了,我说:“爸爸,我能不能在这里补课?”爸爸坚定地说:“不能,你在那里补课还不如在课这里补课。”我急了,问道:“为什么?”爸爸说:“爷爷那里补课的老师还没有读大学,肯定没有这里的老师水平高。”我觉得爸爸说的有道理,说:“那好吧,就不补了。”虽然如此,我还是觉得有点伤心,不过,我也没有再想了。

To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. 怎么翻译? to sin是名词短语还是?


到底是make fool of sb还是make a fool of sb?


这英语是使役用法吗?句子结构怎么划分?it may make him feel rude

是。it主语may make谓语him宾语feel rude宾补

make up前既野..保湿凝露与lotion

gel同 lotion o既作用都系保湿。 用gel会比较清爽,适合油性皮肤。 lotion较gel滋润,适合混合性皮肤。 冇必要用左gel再用lotion,只用其中一样已经足够,否则皮肤就可能会变得太『立』喇。 step 1 一定是爽肤水 step 2 混合性皮肤的话,其实你可以在比较油的地方搽gel(ex T部位) then 比较干的地方搽lotion(ex: 两颊). 不过不要double。 基本上,很多人都只是gel就算了,不过如果你的粉底比较干身的话,建议在干的位置上搽lotion会没有那麽容易掉妆or脱皮。 参考: me forums

翻译全文:You Can Make A Difference

如需编辑回答一个人可以与众不同 你能影响世界 您可以使一个差异 或插入图片,请点击标题到问题详情页

英文谚语:If life gives you lemons ,make lemonade。 求中文解释!!!!


If life gives you lemons,make lemonade意思


when life gave you lemons, make lemonade的中文意思是什么?

when life gave you lemons, make lemonade.这个句子的中文意思是:当生活给你柠檬的时候,做柠檬水。

( if live give you lemon make lemonade )咩意思呢?

If life gives you lemon make lemonade. 这是一句由来已久的英文谚语,意思是化逆境为顺境 中文可译为随遇而安。 ( if live give you lemon make lemonade )咩意思呢? 应是 If live give you lemon make lemonade. or If live give you a pen write a book. 中文意思 = 物尽其用. 参考: SELF

make lemonade out of lemen什么意思,类似谚语,

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade在西方是一句广泛流传的谚语,字面意思是,如果生命给了你柠檬,那么就做成柠檬汁吧。柠檬的酸味暗指生活的艰辛,而柠檬水则是甘甜的。是用来鼓励在逆境和不幸中仍然坚持乐观和积极改变现状扭转颓势的态度。相比于我们熟悉的逆境谚语,这句谚语没有厚重的大道理,则是更为轻松,让人会心。后来,Dale Carnegie 在他的书How to Stop Worrying and Start Living中引用了这句谚语,If You Have a Lemon, Make a Lemonade. 如果你得到一只柠檬,就做柠檬汁吧。意思是一样的。

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade 是什么意思?


when life gives you lemon make lemonade是什么意思


when life gives you lemons,make lemonade 是什么意思


when life gives you lemons,make lemonade 是什么意思


Yon should always __ some time practicing English if you want to make progress.

【答案】:B句意:“如果想进步的话,你应该经常花时间练练英语。”本题考查的是动词的用法。“sb.spend some time in doing sth.”是固定结构,in可以省略,表示“某人花时间做某事”。故B正确。



Gonna Make You Sweat 歌词

歌曲名:Gonna Make You Sweat歌手:Alkebulan [Artist]专辑:Mickey"S Dance Partygonna make you sweat (everybody dance now)c and c music factoryEverybody Dance now ...Everybody Dance now ...Give me the musicGive me the musicEverybody Dance now ...Everybody Dance now ...Yeah ... Yeah ... YeahEverybody Dance now ...Yeah ... Yeah ... YeahEverybody Dance now ...Here is the doe, back with the bassThe jam is live in effect and I don"t waste timeOr the mike if it don"t rhymeJump to the rhythm jump jump to the rhythm jumpAnd I"m here to providePeace and lyrics to make your shake your pantsTake a chance, come on and danceGuys grab a girl, don"t wait, make a whirlC&c Music FactoryIt"s your world and I"m just a swirlTrying to get a nut to move your buttTo the dance floor, so yo what"s upHands in the air, Come on say yeah,everybody over here everybody over therethe crowd is live and I feel this grooveParty people in the houseMove ... (Let your mind)Move ... (Put me online)(Chorus)Come on let"s sweat, babyLet the music take controlLet the rhythm move youSweat, sweatLet the music take controlLet the rhythm move youEverybody dance now ...Da da da dada da da dada da da da, da da dada da da da, da da dala da da dadum da dum da dumla da da dadum da dum da dumeverybody dance noweverybody dance nowPause take a breath go for yoursOn my command now hit the dance floorsI"m gonna make you sweat till you bleedIs that ... enough, indeedI pay the price, control the diceI"m more precise, to a point I"m niceThe music takes control, your heart and soulOh, your body is free and a wholeDance till you can"t danceTill you can"t dance no moreGet on the floor and get warmThen come back and upside downEasy now, let me see yaMove ... (Let your mind)Move ... (Put me online)The music is my life ...everybody dance now ...everybody dance now ...everybody dance now ...everybody ...(Repeat Chorus)

can you make me sweat 翻译


朋友,您知道Make you sweat (汗流浃背)这歌的英文歌词吗?谢谢

gonna make you sweat (everybody dance now) 歌手:c and c music factory 专辑:gonna make you sweatEverybody Dance now ...Everybody Dance now ...Give me the musicGive me the musicEverybody Dance now ...Everybody Dance now ...Yeah ... Yeah ... YeahEverybody Dance now ...Yeah ... Yeah ... YeahEverybody Dance now ...[rap by Freedom Williams]Here is the doe, back with the bassThe jam is live in effect and I don"t waste timeOr the mike if it don"t rhymeJump to the rhythm jump jump to the rhythm jumpAnd I"m here to providePeace and lyrics to make your shake your pantsTake a chance, come on and danceGuys grab a girl, don"t wait, make a whirlC&c Music FactoryIt"s your world and I"m just a swirlTrying to get a nut to move your buttTo the dance floor, so yo what"s upHands in the air, Come on say yeah,everybody over here everybody over therethe crowd is live and I feel this grooveParty people in the houseMove ... (Let your mind)Move ... (Put me online)(Chorus)Come on let"s sweat, babyLet the music take controlLet the rhythm move youSweat, sweatLet the music take controlLet the rhythm move youEverybody dance now ...Da da da dada da da dada da da da, da da dada da da da, da da dala da da dadum da dum da dumeverybody dance now[rap by freedom williams]Pause take a breath go for yoursOn my command now hit the dance floorsI"m gonna make you sweat till you bleedIs that ... enough, indeedI pay the price, control the diceI"m more precise, to a point I"m niceThe music takes control, your heart and soulOh, your body is free and a wholeDance till you can"t danceTill you can"t dance no moreGet on the floor and get warmThen come back and upside downEasy now, let me see yaMove ... (Let your mind)Move ... (Put me online)The music is my life ...everybody dance now ...everybody dance now ...everybody dance now ...everybody ...(Repeat Chorus)

make up for water lost to sweat为什么用to sweat


英语makeshift villain怎么翻译?

英语makeshift villain这个短语可翻译为:权宜之计 例句:A few cushions formed a makeshift table。



make contribution to 的contribution什么时候用复数,什么时候用单数?


make a poses 有没有语法错误

你是想说摆个姿势吗?从语法角度来说,应该是make a pose,但是口语上更常用strike a pose

make some voices表达正确吗?

不对voices 改为 noise Make some noise.制造噪音。注voice 是嗓音noise 噪音 The machines will make some noise when they are working.

英文翻译:乔治学习很努力,他要尽量利用学习的机会,用到make the most of

George studies very hard. He wants to make the most of his chance to learn


lead married monkeys made silk wear plan to e was ate,10,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 e,be,silk,eat,lead,monkey,marry,make,wear,plan 1.The dog _________ the old man to the police station. 2.The Millers got ________in October. 3.Lots of ________ are in the zoo. 4.I like the watch _______ in China. 5.The _______ feels very soft. 6.Now most students ________ glasses. 7.We should ________ for the new year. 8.The chickens want _______ out of the box. 9.He said he ________ very hard-working. 10.Tim ________ noodles for breakfast yesterday.

我想用节奏大师里的red hot作为我用rpg maker制作的游戏的主题曲,会不会侵权,如果侵权


wrap ,make, dig, sing, dance, put, run ,read这些单词的分词是什么?(十万火急请快点!!!!!)





spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth.在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时.(2) spend time / money (in) doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事.例:They spent two years (in) building this bridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间.(3)spend money for sth.花钱买…….例:His money was spent for books.他的钱用来买书了. cost的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值”,常见用法如下:(1)sth.costs ( *** .) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱.例:A new puter costs a lot of money.买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱.(2) (doing) sth.costs ( *** .) +时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间.例:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词. 注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句. take后面常跟双宾语,常见用法有以下几种:(1) It takes *** .+时间+to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间.例:It took them three years to build this road.他们用了三年时间修完了这条路.(2)doing sth.takes *** .+时间,做某事花了某人多少时间.例:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon.他花了一下午修车. pay的基本用法是:(1) pay ( *** .) money for sth.付钱(给某人)买…….例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.我每个月要付20英磅的房租.(2)pay for sth.付……的钱.例:I have to pay for the book lost.我不得不赔丢失的书款.(3)pay for *** .替某人付钱.例:Don?蒺t worry!I"ll pay for you.别担心,我会给你付钱的.(4)pay *** .付钱给某人.例:They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬.(5)pay money back 还钱.例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you?I"ll pay it back next week.你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你.(6)pay off one"s money还清钱

跪求you will make it-jem歌词中文翻译!

喜欢Jem的这首歌啊~~~挺特别的一首歌哦,特别是歌词,还有结尾能力有限,翻译不是100%正确的啊!歌词+翻译:《you will make it》go to bed, everything"s alright睡觉吧 一切都还好 don"t know the whole world"s changing 不知道整个世界在变化as you sleep through the night 就像你一觉睡到天亮wake up slowly and it"s a different world 慢慢地醒来 却已是一个不一样的世界了hear the news and the flood"s begin 听到新闻说洪水要来了screams so loud but only felt within 大声地尖叫着 但只有内心感觉到heart is shattered the pieces can"t be found 心都碎了 找不到丝丝碎片I feel your pain, I wrote this song for you, for you 我感受到你的痛苦 我为你写了这首歌you"ll make it, you"ll make it through 你可以的 你可以度过难关/克服困难I promise you he would want you, too 我向你保证他也希望你能够如此的months go by, still living in a daze 几个月过去了 仍然生活在茫然之中don"t know what you"ve done with the last seven days 真不知道你在最后的七天如何度过的soul is numb and life is like a dream 灵魂失去了知觉/(麻木的) 人生就像一场梦helping hands but you push them away 向你伸出了援助之手但是你却推开了how could they understand don"t wanna share your pain他们怎么会明白 你是不想让别人分担你的痛苦 afraid to heal "cause that would mean goodbye ha很害怕结束 因为那样就意味着说再见 I feel your pain, I wrote this song for you, for you 我感觉得到你的痛苦 我为你写了这首歌you"ll make it, you"ll make it through 你能做到的 你可以度过难关/克服困难I promise you they would want you, too 我向你保证他们也希望你能够如此的one day sunlight hits a photograph, and it makes you smile 一天阳光照在照片上 这使得你笑了the memories dance around you now, and they make you smile 此刻回忆在你周围翩翩起舞 而这些回忆也让你微笑了you"re not alone you"ll never pain你不是独自一人的 你不会再感到痛苦just like the stars they oversee就如星星在上空俯瞰着你they whisper to you, you"re still, you"re still , you"re still 它们对你低声说 你仍然 你仍然 你仍然you"re still alive .ha 你仍然活着I feel your pain, I wrote this song for you, for you 我感觉得到你的痛苦 我为你写了这首歌you"ll make it, you"ll make it through 你可以的 你可以度过难关/克服困难I promise you they would want you, too 我向你保证他们也希望你能够如此的Do not stand at my grave and weep 请不要站在我的坟墓前哭泣I am not there I do not sleep 我不在那儿 我并没有睡去I am a thousand winds that blow 我是千丝万缕吹拂的风I am the diamond glints on snow 我是闪耀在白雪上的钻石I am the sun on ripened grain 我是照耀着成熟的谷物的太阳I am the gentle autumn rain 我是秋天的绵绵细雨When you awaken in the morning"s hush 当你在安静的清晨醒来I am the swift uplifting rush 我就是那飞向of quiet birds in circled flight绕圈飞翔着的安静鸟儿的雨燕I am the soft stars that shine at night 我是夜里闪烁的温和的星星Do not stand at my grave and weep 不要站在我的坟墓前哭泣I am not there I did not die 我不在那里 我并没有死去



英语练习 1.make , puppet, make a puppet (怎么读?

make美客 puppet 怕拍特make a puppet 美客饿怕拍特

trips that make me a better person

划分句子成分可以帮助解决你的问题:【I主语】【 like谓语】【 trips 宾语,定语从句先行词】【that/which make me a better person.定语从句】从句结构:【that关系词,从句主语】【 make谓语 】【me 宾语】【a better person 宾语补足语】句子意思:我喜欢能使我成为更好之人的旅行。你所给的原来内容不是一个完整句子,因为只有定语从句,没有主句。祝你开心如意!

trip前面能搭配什么动词? 能不能说make trips?

go on a tripgo for a tripmake a trip to...

是make me laugh还是make me laughing

make me laugh

经常看到很多人翻译了GNU Make 使用手册,但不知道这个手册原版的英文版在哪里有啊,是linux源码里忙??全部版本,各种格式的文档。

英语谚语:Haste makes waste 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Haste makes waste 中文意思: 拔苗助长。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The best horse needs breaking and the aptest child needs teaching 玉不琢不成器。 The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good 要求过高反难成功。 The best is yet to be 好戏在后头。 The best man stumbles 智者千虑,必有一失。 The best mirror is an old friend 老朋友是最好的镜子。 The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves 最好的 *** 是教导我们管理自己。 The best of friends must part 莫逆至交,终有一别。 The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between 敬而远之。 The best *** ell is bread the best savour salt the best love that of children 面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,儿童的情爱最纯。 The best teacher one can have is necessity 我们能得到的最好教师是“需要”。 英语谚语: Haste makes waste 中文意思: 拔苗助长。



how to make friends 怎样交朋友-英语作文带翻译

以下是 无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《how to make friends 怎样交朋友-英语作文带翻译》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 Everyone is not alone in the society, and everyone needs friends. But how to make friends is a question for us. In my opinion, we can make friends in the following principles. On one hand, be a good listener .Let people talking about what they really want to talk. That you are a good listener means you understand him. On the other hand, be friendly to people. Everyone will be in trouble, so at any time, we should be friendly to people. In this way, you will have a lot of friends. Actually, making friends is a easier job if you put you true heart in it. 翻译: 每个人在社会上都不是孤单的,每个人都需要朋友。但是,如何交友对我们来说却是一个问题。在我看来,我们可以遵循以下交友原则。 一方面,做一个良好的倾听者。让别人说他们真正想说的。你是一个好的聆听者就意味着你理解他。 另一方面,对人友善。每个人都会遇到困难,所以无论什么时候,我们都应该对人友善。这样,你就会拥有很多朋友。 事实上,如果你用真心对待,交友是一项很简单的工作。
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