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1/40 Mul Mantra

The Mul Mantra根曼陀罗是灵魂之歌的开篇,开悟者想要传递的最核心最紧要所在。是来自Guru Nanak的礼物。1/40u2022根曼陀罗(Mul Mantra) 是一个宿命杀手。它清除你的宿命,改变你的命运,使你迈向丰盛富足。Mul Mantra 全文: Ek ong kaar /sat naam /kartaa purakh /nirbho nirvair/AkaaI moorat /ajoonee saibhang /gur prasaad Jap /Aad such /jugaad such /haibhee such /Nanak hosee bhee such妙平平版译文: 万物为一 /真实不虚 / 宇宙创生 超越恐惧/无有仇恨 /不生不灭/自我启迪 自我完善/赞颂吧/上天恩赐/这是原初的真理/也是永恒的真理/时至今日仍为真理/穿越时空/恒久为真 这个根曼陀罗,能带我们找到天命和生命的方向,指南针作用,在你迷失的时候随时可以用这首曼陀罗来校准和找到北。它能把我们带到天命,初始的初始,把十个身体重新放回原位,并使他们平衡。每当我们感觉找不到生活的方向时,请记得唱诵这首曼陀罗。根曼陀罗令你体验到自己灵魂的意识与深度。它能消除深沉且经久的痛苦和忧伤。扩展创造力,并将我们投射至行动中,贯彻自身的天赋使命。@妙平平独家解读: 古今中外,凡具有大智慧的大德老师,无不从思考和探索人与宇宙的关系开始。不管何种法门,他们共同发现的真理是:万物为一。我们来自同一个源头,万物一体就是真相。老子的《道德经》说:道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。我们人和大自然的花虫鸟兽一样,都是大宇宙的产物和显化。每个人作为分离的个体,需要去深深地了悟这个这个真理: 天地与我并生,万物与我为一。大宇宙是一个整体,犹如浩瀚的海洋,每个人是海洋中的一滴水,而这一滴水又包涵了整个的海洋。You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean,in a drop. 你以为你是沧海一粟, 其实你是一粟的沧海。苏菲派诗人鲁米如是说: 你并不仅仅是大海里的一滴水,你是一滴水中的整个大海。你是圆满完整,整个宇宙就在你之内。Ek Ong Kaar EK 是唯一,宇宙唯一的源头 Ong是内在的真实 Kaar是外在的真实 当我们真实如一,内外一致,没有冲突,就能全然地敞开,没有恐惧,无所畏惧地做生命的主人,为自己承担百分百的责任。允许Ek Ong Kaar让你意识到神,那不二者,存在于万物之中(也存在于你之中)。也许我们作为人类面对的最大困境,就是自我接纳以及爱自己的能力。记住,神性完完全全地在你之中,神就是完完整整的你,而你的方方面面都是神,神性本自具足圆满。亲爱的你,感觉到神性了吗?然后,让我们再前进一步去感受万物的神性。Ek Ong Kaar就让我们从这里开始,在Guru Nanak的灵光中带着自我体验和自我启迪开始吧。从Ek Ong Kaar开始,明白万物为一的真理,穿越时空, 恒久为真,真实不虚。我们这一生要做的,就是天人合一的功课。放下小我的妄想执著,融入无限宇宙的频道,充满觉知地生活在每一个当下。ufe0f/妙u2022觉幸福花开社群金卡会员专享/

mantra的《Right Here》 歌词

歌曲名:Right Here歌手:mantra专辑:Speaking Volumes《Right Here Waiting 》Sung By "Richard Marx"Oceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me goin" crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chanceOh,can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youWaiting for you


《Human Traces》(Sebastian Faulks)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:l36q书名:Human Traces作者:Sebastian Faulks出版社:Vintage Books出版年份:2006-08-01页数:618内容简介:What is it to be human? This question, as in Birdsong, is at the heart of Human Traces.The story begins in Brittany where a young, poor boy somehow passes his medical exams and goes to Paris, where he attends the lectures of Charcot, the Parisian neurologist who set the world on its head in the 1870s. With a friend, he sets up a clinic in the mysterious mountain district of Carinthia in south-east Austria.If The Girl at the Lion d"Or was a simple three-movement symphony, Birdsong an opera, Charlotte Gray a complex four-movement symphony and On Green Dolphin Street a concerto, then Human Traces is a Wagnerian grand opera.From the Hardcover edition.