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急!!急!!急!!毛姆写的《雨》。。需要英文的读后感 。。英文哦英文。。 500个单词左右。。跪求帮忙。



1、感情有理智所根本不能理解的理由。 Reason is not understood by reason. 2、伟大的艺术从来就是最富于装饰价值的。 Great art has al of thought, the t, it is not flattery. 13、有的人的胸膛上已经沾了那么多泪水,我不忍再把我的洒上了。 Some of the chest has been stained an, does not mean that he e, e people etimes I even feel that they are not willing to man life is too long, this scene is the fear of performance opportunities too late. 42、他们记起了自己当初也曾经把一代高踞宝座的人践踏在脚下,也正是这样大喊大叫、傲慢不逊;他们预见到这些高举火把的勇士们有朝一日同样也要让位于他人。谁说的话也不能算最后拍板。 They remember that he had had a sated generation people trampled under foot, so is yelling, haughty; they foresee the torch warriors one day also to let in others. ent also cannot do without partners, now lakes. 52、从来都无法得知,人们究竟为什么会爱上另一个人?我猜也许我们心上都有缺口,呼呼往灵魂里灌着寒风,我们急切需要一个正好形状的心来填上它。就算你是太阳一样完美正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许恰恰是一个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,你填不了。 Never know, why do people fall in love with another person? I guess theres a gap in our hearts, and were eager to fill it with a heart filled with cold wind. Even if you are like the sun are perfect circles, but the gap in my heart, perhaps is precisely a crooked toothed, you can not fill. 毛姆面纱英文语录 1、织罗罪名容易,证明起来就难了。 It is easy to prove that it is difficult to prove it. 2、一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 A husbands rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 3、我无足轻重,毫无价值,根本不配来烦扰你。 I dont have any value, I dont deserve to bother you. 4、万物由道而生,循着道成长,而后又回归于道。 Everything from the Tao to groetimes people have to lie, but self deception is unforgivable. 8、时间在一分一秒地过去,每拖一分钟都可能是不可挽回的。 In a second time in the past, each one minute delay may be irreversible. 9、一个男人由于爱你而遭到你的鄙视,这人心是怎么长的啊? A man because of love you and an, does not mean that he an is al the heart love to God and thank you, I have to go and never have any regrets, is still deeply and dont give up. 31、我并非学历显赫,也非头脑聪慧。我仅仅是一个再普通不过的年轻女人。自幼至今,陪伴我的人喜欢什么,我也喜欢什么。 很遗憾我并未成为你期望的那种女人。而我不幸地发现你是那种天生不可亲近的人。对此你恐怕不能责怪我。 I am not a distinguished academic, nor a brain. Im just a young e the kind of the ime limited outlook suddenly sa sail to the unknoher it is pleasant, and every time I see the joy in your eyes, I am in ecstasy. I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I cant bear the consequences. I always pay attention to your looks, if you tired of showing a point I will change the way traces. A husbands rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 36、我从来都无法得知,人们是究竟为什么会爱上另一个人,我猜也许我们的心上都有一个缺口,它是个空洞,呼呼的往灵魂里灌着刺骨的寒风,所以我们急切的需要一个正好形状的心来填上它,就算你是太阳一样完美的正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许却恰恰是个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,所以你填不了。 I never know why people fall in love with another person, I guess maybe our hearts have a gap, it is an empty, whistling into the soul, filling the biting cold wind, so we urgently need a shape of heart to fill it, even if you the sun is round is perfect, but the gap in my heart, but perhaps it is a crooked jagged, so you can not fill. 毛姆经典语录英文 1、疲惫,而非生离死别,才是爱之苦涩。 Tired, not death, love is bitter. 2、完美有一个严重的缺陷,就是很容易乏味。 There is a serious flae bad habits, this is a sad life. 9、一把刀的锋刃很不容易越过;因此智者说得救之道是困难的。 It is not easy for a knife edge over; therefore the his point of vieen arouse hatred, the death of those en is: pared to other industry has a favorable place, they can not only mock the character of friends and instrumentation, and can also make fun of their e people through the crisis, as the fury of a torrent. The stones are all of a sudden impact into poent to read, you suddenly realize that it ething, not a ready-made clothes hand put on the line, but are absorbed into the body, to establish the character of nourishment, as food enhancement and development of the childs body like; its not ornate modification, not to show off your knowledge, but a way to enrich the soul, to is really not easy. 52、每当我想到你跟我在一起是愉悦的,每当我从你的眼睛里看到欢乐,我都狂喜不已。我尽力将我的爱维持在不让你厌烦的限度,否则我清楚那个后果我承受不了。我时刻关注你的神色,但凡你的厌烦显现出一点蛛丝马迹,我便改变方式。一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 Every time I think of you and me together it is pleasant, and every time I see the joy in your eyes, I am in ecstasy. I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I cant bear the consequences. I always pay attention to your looks, if you tired of showing a point I will change the way traces. A husbands rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 毛姆经典语录 1.卑鄙与伟大、恶毒与善良、仇恨与热爱是可以互不排斥地并存在同一颗心里的。 2.必须拿什么跟创作冲动结合起来,才能让一个作家写出有价值的作品?我觉得是个性。有的个性令人欢喜,有的个性令人不快,这都没关系。重要的是,凭借其性格上的特点,作家能够用一种独有的方式看问题。哪怕他看问题的方式在大众眼里既不合理也不真实,也都无所谓。 3.打翻了牛奶,哭也没用,因为宇宙间的一切力量都在处心积虑要把牛奶打翻. 4.大水也浇不灭爱火,如果他爱她就迟早会心软的,还会无法自拔地继续爱她下去。 5.当你二十岁陷入恋爱时,你觉得那会是永恒的,而当你五十岁,你把生活,把爱情都看透了,你知道这不过是转瞬即逝的玩意儿。 6.等你年事稍长,就会发现,要使世界成为一个尚可容忍的生活场所,首先得承认人类的自私是不可避免的。 7.对我来说爱情就是一切,你就是我的全部。可它对你来说竟然只是一个小小的插曲,这我怎么受得了? 8.很少有男人学会拒绝女人,等他们看懂女人说话的意图,也老得动弹不了了。 9.或许她做过的所有错事蠢事,所有她经受的磨难,并不全是毫无意义的那将是一条通往安宁的路。 10.将来会怎么样,我根本不会考虑。要是成天想着今天,愁着明天,生活还有什么意思呢?就是事情糟到无可再糟的地步,我想总还是有路可走的。 11.今年的我们已与去年不同,我们的爱人亦是如此。如果变化中的我们依旧爱着那个变化中的人,这可真是个令人欣喜的意外。 12.满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见了月亮。 13.美丽是上帝赐予的礼物,最罕有、最珍贵的礼物。如果我们幸运地拥有美丽,就应该心怀感激。如果我们没有,那么就应该感谢别人的美给我们带来了愉悦。 14.美是完美无疵的,而任何完美无疵的事物也只能吸引我们一会儿工夫(这就是人的本性)。 15.女人们总是喜欢在她们所爱的人临终前表现得宽宏大量,她们的这种偏好叫我实在难以忍受。有时候我甚至觉得她们不愿意男人寿命太长,就是怕演出这幕好戏的机会拖得太晚。 16.热情溢于言表,乃是缺乏教养的表现。热情冲动,绝非绅士应有的风度,让人联想到救世军吹吹打打的哄闹场面。热情意味着变动。 17.人不是单一的或好或坏,每个人都是高尚与平凡、善良与邪恶的混合物。 18.人降生世上,便受苦受难,最后双目一闭,离世而去。生活没有意义,人活着也没有目的。出世还是不出世,活着还是死去,均无关紧要。生命微不足道,而死亡也无足轻重。 19.如此卑微而沉寂得爱着你,我不善表达,我更没有虚伪做作,做的永远比想得少,我眼里流露出来的绝不是空洞,除去发自内心的爱意还有对上苍的感谢,我就此去了也绝不会有任何悔恨,仍然是深深的眷恋与不舍。 20.若是你的快乐感不再那么强烈,那么你的痛苦也一样不再那么揪心。 21.生命的尽头,就像人在黄昏时分读书,读啊读,没有察觉光线渐暗;直到他停下来休息,才猛烈发现白天已经过去,天已经很暗,再低头看书却什么都看不清了,书页已不再有意义。 22.世界上最大的折磨也莫过于在爱的同时又带着藐视了。 23.他不懂得在人生的旅途上,非得越过一大片干旱贫瘠、地形险恶的荒野,才能跨入活生生的现实世界。所谓青春多幸福的说法,不过是一种幻觉,是青春已逝的人们的一种幻觉 24.他又懦弱又虚荣,他虚荣得叫你总是得小心翼翼不要伤害了他的感情。他把自己的游手好闲同理想主义混为一谈,以至于他自己都不能将两者区别开来。 25.她本来住在天堂,现在天堂失去了,她住不惯平凡人的平凡世界,因此,绝望之余,一头钻进地狱。 26.同情体贴是一种很难得的本领,但是却常常被那些知道自己有这种本领的人滥用了。 27.为了使灵魂宁静,一个人每天要做两件他不喜欢的事。 28.为什么讨人喜欢的女人总是嫁给蠢物啊? 因为有脑子的男人是不娶讨人喜欢的女人的。 29.我不懂的事情实在太多。生活是那样奇特、陌生。我就像一个一辈子坐井观天的人,一下子看见了大海。我喘不过气来,同时又兴致盎然。我不想死,我想活下去。我感到了新的希望。我就像一个顽固的老水手,又升起帆向着未知的大海启航了。我的心渴求着未知的世界。 30.我从来都无法得知,人们是究竟为什么会爱上另一个人,我猜也许我们的心上都有一个缺口,它是个空洞,呼呼的往灵魂里灌着刺骨的寒风,所以我们急切的需要一个正好形状的心来填上它,就算你是太阳一样完美的正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许却恰恰是个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,所以你填不了。 31.我从这件事取得的教训是,作者应该从写作的乐趣中,从郁积在他心头的思想的发泄中取得写书的酬报;对于其他一切都不应该介意,作品成功或失败,受到称誉或是诋毁,他都应该淡然处之。 32.我们对虚荣总是比对自负更宽容因为虚荣的人对于我们的评价很敏感,从而满足了我们的自尊心;而自负的人对此满不在乎,结果伤害了我们的自尊。 33.我们每个人生在世界上都是孤独的尽管身体互相依傍却并不在一起,既不了解别人也不能为别人所了解。 34.我要的是令我专注的东西,我要烤牛肉和约克郡布丁,你给我面包和牛奶我就不满意。 35.我知道我将会不得不让自己对如此度过的一生感到心酸的悔恨,但是我否认这悔恨同我自己有什么关系。我现在,身体虚弱,老态龙钟,贫病交加,行将就木,可是还紧紧地把灵魂抓在我手里,我没什么好悔恨的。 36.我总觉得大多数人这样度过一生好像欠缺点什么。我承认这种生活的社会价值,我也看到了它的井然有序的幸福,但是我的血液里却有一种强烈的愿望,渴望一种更狂放不羁的旅途。我的心渴望一种更加惊险的生活。 37.要是谁都在有话可说的时候才开口,那用不了多久人类大概就不会讲话了。 38.也许,我们没有意识到,我们因为人们尊重我们的意见,倍加珍重我们影响他们的力量,我们不喜欢那些我们无法施加影响的人。我以为这才是人类自尊的最溃烂的伤口。 39.在爱情的事上如果你考虑起自尊心来,那只能有一个原因:实际上你还是最爱自己。 40.这么说来,问题的症结所在,就是得搞清楚你自己是什么样的人,这点清楚了,你的一套哲学体系也就水到渠成了。 41.作为坠入情网的人来说,男人同女人的区别是:女人能够整天整夜谈恋爱,而男人却只能有时有晌儿地干这种事。


1、疲惫,而非生离死别,才是爱之苦涩。 Tired, not death, love is bitter. 2、完美有一个严重的缺陷,就是很容易乏味。 There is a serious flae bad habits, this is a sad life. 9、一把刀的锋刃很不容易越过;因此智者说得救之道是困难的。 It is not easy for a knife edge over; therefore the his point of vieen arouse hatred, the death of those en is: pared to other industry has a favorable place, they can not only mock the character of friends and instrumentation, and can also make fun of their e people through the crisis, as the fury of a torrent. The stones are all of a sudden impact into poent to read, you suddenly realize that it ething, not a ready-made clothes hand put on the line, but are absorbed into the body, to establish the character of nourishment, as food enhancement and development of the childs body like; its not ornate modification, not to show off your knowledge, but a way to enrich the soul, to is really not easy. 52、每当我想到你跟我在一起是愉悦的,每当我从你的眼睛里看到欢乐,我都狂喜不已。我尽力将我的爱维持在不让你厌烦的限度,否则我清楚那个后果我承受不了。我时刻关注你的神色,但凡你的厌烦显现出一点蛛丝马迹,我便改变方式。一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 毛姆英文语录 1、制造神话是人类的天性。 Manufacturing myth is human nature. 2、最持久的爱情是永远得不到回报的爱情。 The most lasting love is never to return love. 3、满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见了月亮。 All over the place en. 19、人不是单一的或好或坏,每个人都是高尚与平凡、善良与邪恶的混合物。 Man is not a single, good or bad, every man is a mixture of high and ordinary, good and evil. 20、一个人最难做到的事,是意识到自己并不是生活的中心,而只是在边缘。 One of the most difficult things to do is to realize that they are not the center of life, but only on the edge. 21、要是谁都在有话可说的时候才开口,那用不了多久人类大概就不会讲话了。 If anyone has something to say, it plain. The etimes instead of happiness, suffering in most cases can only make people become narroe people and youre different, because they ignore the bottom of heart of love and gratitude to God, I have this to the ething illegal. It is placed in the central stronghold of the egos spooks. 50、我觉得,大多数人这样度过平庸的一生好像欠缺点什么。我承认这种生活的社会价值,我也看到了它井然有序的幸福,但是我的血液里却有一种强烈的愿望,渴望一种更狂妄不羁的旅途。我的心渴望一种更加惊险的生活。 I think that most people the sufferings of others learned to obey. 毛姆语录英文 1、感情有理智所根本不能理解的理由。 Reason is not understood by reason. 2、伟大的艺术从来就是最富于装饰价值的。 Great art has al of thought, the t, it is not flattery. 13、有的人的胸膛上已经沾了那么多泪水,我不忍再把我的洒上了。 Some of the chest has been stained an, does not mean that he e, e people etimes I even feel that they are not willing to man life is too long, this scene is the fear of performance opportunities too late. 42、他们记起了自己当初也曾经把一代高踞宝座的人践踏在脚下,也正是这样大喊大叫、傲慢不逊;他们预见到这些高举火把的勇士们有朝一日同样也要让位于他人。谁说的话也不能算最后拍板。 They remember that he had had a sated generation people trampled under foot, so is yelling, haughty; they foresee the torch warriors one day also to let in others. ent also cannot do without partners, now lakes. 52、从来都无法得知,人们究竟为什么会爱上另一个人?我猜也许我们心上都有缺口,呼呼往灵魂里灌着寒风,我们急切需要一个正好形状的心来填上它。就算你是太阳一样完美正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许恰恰是一个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,你填不了。 Never know, why do people fall in love with another person? I guess theres a gap in our hearts, and were eager to fill it with a heart filled with cold wind. Even if you are like the sun are perfect circles, but the gap in my heart, perhaps is precisely a crooked toothed, you can not fill. 毛姆面纱英文语录 1、织罗罪名容易,证明起来就难了。 It is easy to prove that it is difficult to prove it. 2、一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 A husbands rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 3、我无足轻重,毫无价值,根本不配来烦扰你。 I dont have any value, I dont deserve to bother you. 4、万物由道而生,循着道成长,而后又回归于道。 Everything from the Tao to groetimes people have to lie, but self deception is unforgivable. 8、时间在一分一秒地过去,每拖一分钟都可能是不可挽回的。 In a second time in the past, each one minute delay may be irreversible. 9、一个男人由于爱你而遭到你的鄙视,这人心是怎么长的啊? A man because of love you and an, does not mean that he an is al the heart love to God and thank you, I have to go and never have any regrets, is still deeply and dont give up. 31、我并非学历显赫,也非头脑聪慧。我仅仅是一个再普通不过的年轻女人。自幼至今,陪伴我的人喜欢什么,我也喜欢什么。 很遗憾我并未成为你期望的那种女人。而我不幸地发现你是那种天生不可亲近的人。对此你恐怕不能责怪我。 I am not a distinguished academic, nor a brain. Im just a young e the kind of the ime limited outlook suddenly sa sail to the unknoher it is pleasant, and every time I see the joy in your eyes, I am in ecstasy. I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I cant bear the consequences. I always pay attention to your looks, if you tired of showing a point I will change the way traces. A husbands rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 36、我从来都无法得知,人们是究竟为什么会爱上另一个人,我猜也许我们的心上都有一个缺口,它是个空洞,呼呼的往灵魂里灌着刺骨的寒风,所以我们急切的需要一个正好形状的心来填上它,就算你是太阳一样完美的正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许却恰恰是个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,所以你填不了。 I never know why people fall in love with another person, I guess maybe our hearts have a gap, it is an empty, whistling into the soul, filling the biting cold wind, so we urgently need a shape of heart to fill it, even if you the sun is round is perfect, but the gap in my heart, but perhaps it is a crooked jagged, so you can not fill.


1、制造神话是人类的天性。 Manufacturing myth is human nature. 2、最持久的爱情是永远得不到回报的爱情。 The most lasting love is never to return love. 3、满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见了月亮。 All over the place en. 19、人不是单一的或好或坏,每个人都是高尚与平凡、善良与邪恶的混合物。 Man is not a single, good or bad, every man is a mixture of high and ordinary, good and evil. 20、一个人最难做到的事,是意识到自己并不是生活的中心,而只是在边缘。 One of the most difficult things to do is to realize that they are not the center of life, but only on the edge. 21、要是谁都在有话可说的时候才开口,那用不了多久人类大概就不会讲话了。 If anyone has something to say, it plain. The etimes instead of happiness, suffering in most cases can only make people become narroe people and youre different, because they ignore the bottom of heart of love and gratitude to God, I have this to the ething illegal. It is placed in the central stronghold of the egos spooks. 50、我觉得,大多数人这样度过平庸的一生好像欠缺点什么。我承认这种生活的社会价值,我也看到了它井然有序的幸福,但是我的血液里却有一种强烈的愿望,渴望一种更狂妄不羁的旅途。我的心渴望一种更加惊险的生活。 I think that most people the sufferings of others learned to obey. 毛姆面纱英文语录 1、织罗罪名容易,证明起来就难了。 It is easy to prove that it is difficult to prove it. 2、一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 A husbands rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 3、我无足轻重,毫无价值,根本不配来烦扰你。 I dont have any value, I dont deserve to bother you. 4、万物由道而生,循着道成长,而后又回归于道。 Everything from the Tao to groetimes people have to lie, but self deception is unforgivable. 8、时间在一分一秒地过去,每拖一分钟都可能是不可挽回的。 In a second time in the past, each one minute delay may be irreversible. 9、一个男人由于爱你而遭到你的鄙视,这人心是怎么长的啊? A man because of love you and an, does not mean that he an is al the heart love to God and thank you, I have to go and never have any regrets, is still deeply and dont give up. 31、我并非学历显赫,也非头脑聪慧。我仅仅是一个再普通不过的年轻女人。自幼至今,陪伴我的人喜欢什么,我也喜欢什么。 很遗憾我并未成为你期望的那种女人。而我不幸地发现你是那种天生不可亲近的人。对此你恐怕不能责怪我。 I am not a distinguished academic, nor a brain. Im just a young e the kind of the ime limited outlook suddenly sa sail to the unknoher it is pleasant, and every time I see the joy in your eyes, I am in ecstasy. I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I cant bear the consequences. I always pay attention to your looks, if you tired of showing a point I will change the way traces. A husbands rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 36、我从来都无法得知,人们是究竟为什么会爱上另一个人,我猜也许我们的心上都有一个缺口,它是个空洞,呼呼的往灵魂里灌着刺骨的寒风,所以我们急切的需要一个正好形状的心来填上它,就算你是太阳一样完美的正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许却恰恰是个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,所以你填不了。 I never know why people fall in love with another person, I guess maybe our hearts have a gap, it is an empty, whistling into the soul, filling the biting cold wind, so we urgently need a shape of heart to fill it, even if you the sun is round is perfect, but the gap in my heart, but perhaps it is a crooked jagged, so you can not fill. 毛姆经典语录英文 1、疲惫,而非生离死别,才是爱之苦涩。 Tired, not death, love is bitter. 2、完美有一个严重的缺陷,就是很容易乏味。 There is a serious flae bad habits, this is a sad life. 9、一把刀的锋刃很不容易越过;因此智者说得救之道是困难的。 It is not easy for a knife edge over; therefore the his point of vieen arouse hatred, the death of those en is: pared to other industry has a favorable place, they can not only mock the character of friends and instrumentation, and can also make fun of their e people through the crisis, as the fury of a torrent. The stones are all of a sudden impact into poent to read, you suddenly realize that it ething, not a ready-made clothes hand put on the line, but are absorbed into the body, to establish the character of nourishment, as food enhancement and development of the childs body like; its not ornate modification, not to show off your knowledge, but a way to enrich the soul, to is really not easy. 52、每当我想到你跟我在一起是愉悦的,每当我从你的眼睛里看到欢乐,我都狂喜不已。我尽力将我的爱维持在不让你厌烦的限度,否则我清楚那个后果我承受不了。我时刻关注你的神色,但凡你的厌烦显现出一点蛛丝马迹,我便改变方式。一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 Every time I think of you and me together it is pleasant, and every time I see the joy in your eyes, I am in ecstasy. I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I cant bear the consequences. I always pay attention to your looks, if you tired of showing a point I will change the way traces. A husbands rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 毛姆经典语录 1.卑鄙与伟大、恶毒与善良、仇恨与热爱是可以互不排斥地并存在同一颗心里的。 2.必须拿什么跟创作冲动结合起来,才能让一个作家写出有价值的作品?我觉得是个性。有的个性令人欢喜,有的个性令人不快,这都没关系。重要的是,凭借其性格上的特点,作家能够用一种独有的方式看问题。哪怕他看问题的方式在大众眼里既不合理也不真实,也都无所谓。 3.打翻了牛奶,哭也没用,因为宇宙间的一切力量都在处心积虑要把牛奶打翻. 4.大水也浇不灭爱火,如果他爱她就迟早会心软的,还会无法自拔地继续爱她下去。 5.当你二十岁陷入恋爱时,你觉得那会是永恒的,而当你五十岁,你把生活,把爱情都看透了,你知道这不过是转瞬即逝的玩意儿。 6.等你年事稍长,就会发现,要使世界成为一个尚可容忍的生活场所,首先得承认人类的自私是不可避免的。 7.对我来说爱情就是一切,你就是我的全部。可它对你来说竟然只是一个小小的插曲,这我怎么受得了? 8.很少有男人学会拒绝女人,等他们看懂女人说话的意图,也老得动弹不了了。 9.或许她做过的所有错事蠢事,所有她经受的磨难,并不全是毫无意义的那将是一条通往安宁的路。 10.将来会怎么样,我根本不会考虑。要是成天想着今天,愁着明天,生活还有什么意思呢?就是事情糟到无可再糟的地步,我想总还是有路可走的。 11.今年的我们已与去年不同,我们的爱人亦是如此。如果变化中的我们依旧爱着那个变化中的人,这可真是个令人欣喜的意外。 12.满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见了月亮。 13.美丽是上帝赐予的礼物,最罕有、最珍贵的礼物。如果我们幸运地拥有美丽,就应该心怀感激。如果我们没有,那么就应该感谢别人的美给我们带来了愉悦。 14.美是完美无疵的,而任何完美无疵的事物也只能吸引我们一会儿工夫(这就是人的本性)。 15.女人们总是喜欢在她们所爱的人临终前表现得宽宏大量,她们的这种偏好叫我实在难以忍受。有时候我甚至觉得她们不愿意男人寿命太长,就是怕演出这幕好戏的机会拖得太晚。 16.热情溢于言表,乃是缺乏教养的表现。热情冲动,绝非绅士应有的风度,让人联想到救世军吹吹打打的哄闹场面。热情意味着变动。 17.人不是单一的或好或坏,每个人都是高尚与平凡、善良与邪恶的混合物。 18.人降生世上,便受苦受难,最后双目一闭,离世而去。生活没有意义,人活着也没有目的。出世还是不出世,活着还是死去,均无关紧要。生命微不足道,而死亡也无足轻重。 19.如此卑微而沉寂得爱着你,我不善表达,我更没有虚伪做作,做的永远比想得少,我眼里流露出来的绝不是空洞,除去发自内心的爱意还有对上苍的感谢,我就此去了也绝不会有任何悔恨,仍然是深深的眷恋与不舍。 20.若是你的快乐感不再那么强烈,那么你的痛苦也一样不再那么揪心。 21.生命的尽头,就像人在黄昏时分读书,读啊读,没有察觉光线渐暗;直到他停下来休息,才猛烈发现白天已经过去,天已经很暗,再低头看书却什么都看不清了,书页已不再有意义。 22.世界上最大的折磨也莫过于在爱的同时又带着藐视了。 23.他不懂得在人生的旅途上,非得越过一大片干旱贫瘠、地形险恶的荒野,才能跨入活生生的现实世界。所谓青春多幸福的说法,不过是一种幻觉,是青春已逝的人们的一种幻觉 24.他又懦弱又虚荣,他虚荣得叫你总是得小心翼翼不要伤害了他的感情。他把自己的游手好闲同理想主义混为一谈,以至于他自己都不能将两者区别开来。 25.她本来住在天堂,现在天堂失去了,她住不惯平凡人的平凡世界,因此,绝望之余,一头钻进地狱。 26.同情体贴是一种很难得的本领,但是却常常被那些知道自己有这种本领的人滥用了。 27.为了使灵魂宁静,一个人每天要做两件他不喜欢的事。 28.为什么讨人喜欢的女人总是嫁给蠢物啊? 因为有脑子的男人是不娶讨人喜欢的女人的。 29.我不懂的事情实在太多。生活是那样奇特、陌生。我就像一个一辈子坐井观天的人,一下子看见了大海。我喘不过气来,同时又兴致盎然。我不想死,我想活下去。我感到了新的希望。我就像一个顽固的老水手,又升起帆向着未知的大海启航了。我的心渴求着未知的世界。 30.我从来都无法得知,人们是究竟为什么会爱上另一个人,我猜也许我们的心上都有一个缺口,它是个空洞,呼呼的往灵魂里灌着刺骨的寒风,所以我们急切的需要一个正好形状的心来填上它,就算你是太阳一样完美的正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许却恰恰是个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,所以你填不了。 31.我从这件事取得的教训是,作者应该从写作的乐趣中,从郁积在他心头的思想的发泄中取得写书的酬报;对于其他一切都不应该介意,作品成功或失败,受到称誉或是诋毁,他都应该淡然处之。 32.我们对虚荣总是比对自负更宽容因为虚荣的人对于我们的评价很敏感,从而满足了我们的自尊心;而自负的人对此满不在乎,结果伤害了我们的自尊。 33.我们每个人生在世界上都是孤独的尽管身体互相依傍却并不在一起,既不了解别人也不能为别人所了解。 34.我要的是令我专注的东西,我要烤牛肉和约克郡布丁,你给我面包和牛奶我就不满意。 35.我知道我将会不得不让自己对如此度过的一生感到心酸的悔恨,但是我否认这悔恨同我自己有什么关系。我现在,身体虚弱,老态龙钟,贫病交加,行将就木,可是还紧紧地把灵魂抓在我手里,我没什么好悔恨的。 36.我总觉得大多数人这样度过一生好像欠缺点什么。我承认这种生活的社会价值,我也看到了它的井然有序的幸福,但是我的血液里却有一种强烈的愿望,渴望一种更狂放不羁的旅途。我的心渴望一种更加惊险的生活。 37.要是谁都在有话可说的时候才开口,那用不了多久人类大概就不会讲话了。 38.也许,我们没有意识到,我们因为人们尊重我们的意见,倍加珍重我们影响他们的力量,我们不喜欢那些我们无法施加影响的人。我以为这才是人类自尊的最溃烂的伤口。 39.在爱情的事上如果你考虑起自尊心来,那只能有一个原因:实际上你还是最爱自己。 40.这么说来,问题的症结所在,就是得搞清楚你自己是什么样的人,这点清楚了,你的一套哲学体系也就水到渠成了。 41.作为坠入情网的人来说,男人同女人的区别是:女人能够整天整夜谈恋爱,而男人却只能有时有晌儿地干这种事。


1、疲惫,而非生离死别,才是爱之苦涩。 Tired, not death, love is bitter. 2、完美有一个严重的缺陷,就是很容易乏味。 There is a serious flaw, it is easy to boring. 3、一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 A husband"s rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 4、一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远是个失败者。 A man who is discouraged by the attack, always a loser. 5、人生最大的悲剧不是死亡,而是他们不再有爱。 The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but they are no longer love. 6、两人肩并肩地走路本身就是件令人愉快的事情。 Two people walking side by side, it was pleasant. 7、人生的大悲剧不是人会死亡,而是他们不再爱了。 The great tragedy of life is not that men die, but that they are not loved. 8、改变好习惯比改掉坏习惯容易的多,这是人生的一大悲衰。 Easy to change the habit to get rid of some bad habits, this is a sad life. 9、一把刀的锋刃很不容易越过;因此智者说得救之道是困难的。 It is not easy for a knife edge over; therefore the wise man said salvation is difficult. 10、一般人都是他们想要做的那种人,而是他们不得不做的那种人。 The average person is the kind of person they want to do, but the kind of person they have to do. 11、如果我们只会这样相互冷嘲热讽,就不要希望事情有什么进展了。 If we just don"t want to taunt each other in this way, things are what progress. 12、若是你的快乐感不再那么强烈,那么你的痛苦也一样不再那么揪心。 If your happiness is no longer so strong, so your pain also not so worried. 13、要想理解一个男人的想法,最好的办法是设身处地从他的角度考虑。 To understand a man"s mind, the best way is to put yourself from his point of view. 14、如果一个男人无力博得一个女人的爱,那将是他的错,而不是她的。 If a man can"t win a woman"s love, it will be his fault, not hers. 15、只有诗人同圣徒才能坚信,在沥青路面上辛勤浇水会培植出百合花来。 Only the poet and the saints can believe that the hard water on the asphalt pavement will produce the lily. 16、虚荣心遭到打击在女人心里激起的仇恨,将胜过身下幼崽惨遭屠戮的母狮。 Vanity was hit in the hearts of women arouse hatred, would be better than under the slaughter of the lioness cub. 17、艺术是什么?艺术是感情的表露,艺术使用的是一种人人都能理解的语言。 What is art? Art is the exPssion of feelings, and the use of art is a language that everyone can understand. 18、很少有男人学会拒绝女人,等他们看懂女人说话的意图,也老得动弹不了了。 Few men learn to reject women, so they understand the intention of a woman to speak, but also the old can not move. 19、卑鄙与伟大、恶毒与善良、仇恨与热爱是可以互不排斥地并存在同一颗心里的。 The mean and the great, the evil and the good, the hatred and the love can be mutually not mutually exclusive and exist in the same heart. 20、追逐梦想就是追逐自己的厄运,在满地都是六便士的街上,他抬起头看到了月光。 Chasing dreams is chasing his own doom, in the ground is six pence in the street, he raised his head to see the moonlight. 21、大水也浇不灭爱火,如果他爱她就迟早会心软的,还会无法自拔地继续爱她下去。 Neither unextinguishable love if he loves her sooner or later will xinruan, will be unable to extricate themselves and continue to love her. 22、我的生命史又翻过了一页;我觉得自己距离那谁也逃脱不掉的死亡又迈近了一步。 My life history has turned over a page; I feel that I can not escape from the death of those who have not lost a step closer. 23、同情体贴是一种很难得的本领,但是却常常被那些知道自己有这种本领的人滥用了。 Compassion is a very rare skill, but it is often abused by those who know that they have the ability. 24、我要的是令我专注的东西,我要烤牛肉和约克郡布丁,你给我面包和牛奶我就不满意。 What I want is to my attention, I want to Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding, you give me bread and milk I was not satisfied. 25、良心是我们每个人心头的岗哨,它在那里值勤站岗,监视着我们别做出违法的事情来。 Conscience is each of us the heart of the sentry, it guard on duty there, watching us, don"t make illegal things. 26、我不能希望她像我爱她那样爱我。我是滑稽角色。她允许我爱她,这样我就觉得幸福了。 I can"t hope she loves me like I love her. I am a funny character. She allowed me to love her, so I felt happy. 27、文学的最高形式是诗歌。诗歌是文学的终极目的。它是人的心灵最崇高的活动。它是美的捷径。 The highest form of literature is poetry. Poetry is the ultimate aim of literature. It is one of the most noble activities of the human mind. It is a shortcut to beauty. 28、对我来说爱情就是一切,你就是我的全部。可它对你来说竟然只是一个小小的插曲,这我怎么受得了? Love is everything to me, you are everything to me. But it"s just a little episode for you, how can I get it? 29、小丑的嘴唇在微笑,他的笑话越来越滑稽,因为在他逗人发笑的时候他更加感到自己无法忍受的孤独。 Clown lips smiling, his jokes are more funny, because when he funny he was he couldn"t stand alone. 30、如果我们对一个人的看法受到他的重视,我们就沾沾自喜,如果他对这种意见丝毫也不理会,我们就讨厌他。 If we view of a person by his attention, we complacent, if he is of the opinion and cared nothing at all, and we hate him. 31、作为坠入情网的人来说,男人同女人的区别是:女人能够整天整夜谈恋爱,而男人却只能有时有晌儿地干这种事。 As people fall in love, the difference between men and women is: woman can love all day long, while men are only at times made to do such a thing. 32、他教导说,人都比他自视的为高,而智慧是解脱之道。他教导说,要脱离苦海并不一定要出家,只要去掉一个我字。 He taught that people are as high as he, and wisdom is the way to liberation. He taught, to misery doesn"t have to be a monk, as long as I get rid of a word. 33、这么说来,问题的症结所在,就是得搞清楚你自己是什么样的人,这点清楚了,你的一套哲学体系也就水到渠成了。 Say so, the crux of the problem lies, is to figure out what kind of person you are, this is clear, you are a set of philosophical system is on autopilot. 34、艺术家较之其他行业的人有一个有利的地方,他们不仅可以讥笑朋友们的性格和仪表,而且也可以嘲弄他们的著作。 Artist compared to other industry has a favorable place, they can not only mock the character of friends and instrumentation, and can also make fun of their works. 35、他们将在望得见大海的地方租一幢小房子,眺望着打眼前驶过的一艘艘大轮船,目送它们驶向那些他永远到不了的地方。 They will be in sight to see the sea to rent a small house, overlooking the front of the drill passing aboard a great ship, watched them towards the place that he can never get to. 36、我害怕魅力太多的人,他们把你吞没,最后,你成了他们施展魅惑才能与虚情假意的祭品。我要的,是令我专注的东西。 I"m afraid of too much charm, they swallow you up. Finally, you became them to display their charm and false offerings. What I want is something to focus on. 37、今年的我们已与去年不同,我们的爱人亦是如此。如果变化中的我们依旧爱着那个变化中的人,这可真是个令人欣喜的意外。 This year we have been different from last year, our love is so. If we are still in love with the change in the people, this is really a happy accident. 38、我那时还不了解人性多么矛盾,我不知道真挚中含有多少做作,高尚中蕴藏着多少卑鄙,或者,即使在邪恶里也找得着美德。 I still do not understand how contradictory human nature, I do not know how many of the true nature of the nature, noble, or how many of the mean, or even in the evil can not find a virtue. 39、正如一个假内行有时也会感觉到自己是在无中生有地伪造某件器物的精神价值一样,人们已经失掉了他们用之过滥的鉴赏能力。 As a snob who sometimes feel that they are out of thin air forged a piece of artifacts of spiritual values, people have lost their excessive apPciation ability. 40、时间,正因为它稍纵即逝,时间,正因为它一去不返,所以它是世间最珍贵的财富,而虚掷光阴则是可以令人纵情其中的最精美的消遣。 Time because it is fleeting, time because it is gone, so it is the most Pcious wealth in the world and the imaginary time throwing is a revel in the most exquisite pastime. 41、将来会怎么样,我根本不会考虑。要是成天想着今天,愁着明天,生活还有什么意思呢?就是事情糟到无可再糟的地步,我想总还是有路可走的。 What will happen in the future, I don"t think about it at all. If all day thinking about today, worry about tomorrow, what do you mean? Is that things are so bad that no worse, I think there is always a way to go. 42、他又懦弱又虚荣,他虚荣得叫你总是得小心翼翼不要伤害了他的感情。他把自己的游手好闲同理想主义混为一谈,以至于他自己都不能将两者区别开来。 He was weak and vain, and he was so vain that you always have to be careful not to hurt his feelings. He put his idleness with idealism confused, that he would not be able to distinguish between the two. 43、在这冷漠的世界上,无法躲避的邪恶始终包围着我们,从摇篮直到坟墓,对此,善虽然算不上是一种挑战或者一种回应,但却是我们自身独立性的一种证明。 In this cold world, unable to escape the evil always surrounds us, from the cradle to the grave. In this regard, good is a challenge or a response, although not, but it is our own independent a prove. 44、美丽是上帝赐予的礼物,最罕有、最珍贵的礼物。如果我们幸运地拥有美丽,就应该心怀感激。如果我们没有,那么就应该感谢别人的美给我们带来了愉悦。 Beauty is the gift of God, the most rare, the most Pcious gift. If we are lucky to have beauty, we should be grateful. If we do not, then we should apPciate the beauty of others to bring us joy. 45、人降生世上,便受苦受难,最后双目一闭,离世而去。生活没有意义,人活着也没有目的。出世还是不出世,活着还是死去,均无关紧要。生命微不足道,而死亡也无足轻重。 People born in the world, they suffer, the last two eyes closed, died away. Life has no meaning, people have no purpose. To be or not to be, to live or die, does not matter. Life is insignificant, and death is nothing. 46、皈依能以不同的形态出现,也可以通过不同的途径实现。有些人通过激变,有如愤怒的激流把石块一下子冲击成粉末;另些人则由于日积月累,好像不断的水滴,迟早要把石块磨穿。 The conversion can occur in different forms, and can be realized in different ways. Some people through the crisis, as the fury of a torrent. The stones are all of a sudden impact into powder; other people is due to the tip of the day, as if will continue to drop, sooner or later, to the stones worn out. 47、强权就是真理。世上没有什么责任或者道义,就其本身来说,所有的行为都一样有理,唯一的道德标准就是国家利益。个人与国家之间达成约定:个人处于对自身利益的考虑按国家利益行事。 Might is the truth. There is no responsibility or moral, on its own, all the behavior is the same reason, the only moral standard is the national interest. Between inpiduals and the state to reach an agreement: the inpidual is in the interests of their own interests in accordance with national interests. 48、我知道我将会不得不让自己对如此度过的一生感到心酸的悔恨,但是我否认这悔恨同我自己有什么关系。我现在,身体虚弱,老态龙钟,贫病交加,行将就木,可是还紧紧地把灵魂抓在我手里,我没什么好悔恨的。 I know I will have to make their own to spend life feel sad regret, but I deny this regret what relationship with my own. Me now, frail and craggy, poverty and disease, death, but also closely to catch the soul in my hand, I have nothing to regret. 49、生命的终结,好像在黄昏时读着一本书。你继续读下去,不觉光线愈来愈暗。可是当你停了一会儿再读时,你便突然发觉已经很黑了;这时天色已暗,你即使再低头看书;你将不再看到什么了,书页已成为毫无意义的东西。 The end of life, like reading a book in the dusk. You keep reading, you don"t feel the light is getting darker and darker. But when you pause for a moment to read, you suddenly realize that it was dark; at this time the weather has been dark, you even read head; you will no longer see what pages has become meaningless things. 50、我要生活在世界上,爱这世界上的一切,什么都不能伤害我,什么都不必伤害我,我愿意接受形形式式的生活,不管它是怎样忧伤痛苦;我觉得只有生生不息,一个生命接一个生命才能满足我的企求,我的活力,我的好奇心。 I want to live in the world, love everything in this world, nothing can hurt me, what all don"t hurt me, I am willing to accept the form of life, whether it is how sorrow; I think only endless, a life after a life to meet my begging, my energy, my curiosity. 51、文化这东西,不是一件现成的衣服伸手穿上就行,而是要吸收进体内、用来树立个性的养料,就如同食物增强发育期孩子的身体一样;它不是词藻华丽的修饰,更不是要炫耀你的学问,而是一种丰富灵魂的方式,得来实在不易。 Culture is something, not a ready-made clothes hand put on the line, but are absorbed into the body, to establish the character of nourishment, as food enhancement and development of the child"s body like; it"s not ornate modification, not to show off your knowledge, but a way to enrich the soul, to is really not easy. 52、每当我想到你跟我在一起是愉悦的,每当我从你的眼睛里看到欢乐,我都狂喜不已。我尽力将我的爱维持在不让你厌烦的限度,否则我清楚那个后果我承受不了。我时刻关注你的神色,但凡你的厌烦显现出一点蛛丝马迹,我便改变方式。一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 Every time I think of you and me together it is pleasant, and every time I see the joy in your eyes, I am in ecstasy. I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I can"t bear the consequences. I always pay attention to your looks, if you tired of showing a point I will change the way traces. A husband"s rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace.


前言:看完了毛姆的《月亮与六便士》和《面纱》,便开始刷毛姆的第三本书。看小伙伴的推荐,好像这个书里的“拉里”这个人做事风格有点像我,便在周日花了一天刷完了这本书。《刀锋》这本书,最吸引我的莫过于这句话:“剃刀锋利,越之不易;智者有云,得渡人稀。”英文版本是:”The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over, thus the wise say the path to Salvation is hard.”这句话意味颇深,很难懂,以至于我读完整本书,也不知道毛姆的这本小说为什么叫《刀锋》。看了其他人的书评,才知道这句话的意思:“一把刀的锋刃不容易越过;因此智者说得救之道是困难的。”正文:这本书讲述的故事是发生在第一次世界大战前后。美国青年拉里因为亲眼目睹了自己的好友为营救自己而牺牲在战争中,因此当他从战争中归来后,他对人生感到前所未有的迷惘。他不懂世界上为什么有罪恶、痛苦和不幸。他丢下未婚妻,辗转欧洲寻找生命的意义。大量的阅读,艰苦的体力劳动,基督修道院清修都未能让他获得心灵的平静。直到他扬帆远行东方,在印度吠陀经哲学中找到了安生立命之道。在追寻的过程中他和未婚妻解除婚约,放弃获得俗世成功的一切机会,散尽家财。而故事的最后,拉里并没有成佛成家或者遁入空门,他只是带着他所获得的感悟隐入喧嚣的人海中。 “我笔下的主人翁并非名人,可能永远默默无名;他的生命走到尽头,或许不会留下什么痕迹,犹如掷入河中的石子,不过暂时溅起水面涟漪;故本书若承读蒙读者青睐,只会读到故事本身的趣味。不过,有鉴于他服膺的生活方式,以及刚强与亲和兼具的奇特性格,对同袍的影响或将与日俱增,后世的人也将发觉,这时代曾有一位奇人。”毛姆在这本《刀锋》一开始便如是写道。 看过《刀锋》的人应当知道,没有什么绝对正确哲学观点,更没有什么绝对正确的人生。而生活的精彩恰恰就在于它的丰富,不同的人有不同的理想生活,没有哪一种人生是我们所有人都要或者都应该奉行的。但不论你想过哪一种生活,它都不会使你毫无烦恼、称心如意。 一心想挤进上层社会的艾略特终身被上层社会所看不起,沉醉于纸醉迷金的伊莎贝尔寻不到自己精神的伴侣拉里,哪怕是作者最欣赏的拉里为了寻求自己的人生意义也历经磨难。毛姆没有贬低任何人的生活,荒唐如艾略特他也写出了他热爱家人的可爱之处,虚荣如伊莎贝尔他也写到了她高贵、优雅的动人气质,就算对拉里那种寻得人生意义的成圣之道,也只是发出了欣赏烟花时的赞美。毛姆没有给出人生应该怎样过的答案,却让读的人想去寻找答案。 《刀锋》中的每一个人,都已经得偿所愿。艾略特成为了社交名人;伊莎贝尔过着优渥的生活;格雷找到了赚钱的工作,有了自己的事务所;苏珊u2022鲁维埃选择嫁人;索菲一死了之;拉里找到了自己向往的“道”。 的确,在一个人功成名就之时,往往年龄也到达人生的迟暮,如果年轻便看尽繁华,那么他依然会将人生阅历整合,形成不朽的创作。有朝一日,他会继续回想自己写作的初衷,算是复盘人生的所见所闻,创造一个看似随性的人物,一个多彩的生活,涵盖了这些年的所有生活和思考。如此算得上功德圆满,了无遗憾。 也许,我们生命中最好的结局就是如此。人,生而志向不同,活成自己喜欢的模样,过自己向往的生活,那是多么美好的事情。想来是因为人生最好的这段岁月,应该去追寻真理及真我,即使最后一无所获也没有什么可以后悔的。 如同拉里说的“我认为一个人能够追求的最高理想是自我的完善。”追寻本身就是一种自我完善。 结尾作者对拉里的总结那段我非常喜欢:“他没有野心,对名利也毫无欲念;无论成为何种社会名流都令他厌恶;于是,他或许很满足自己选择的生活,只做好他自己就已足够。他谦逊得不愿意做他人的榜样;可或许,他觉得会有些许彷徨的人,像飞蛾扑火那样受到他的吸引,终将向他走来,分享他那熠熠生辉的信仰:人生的极乐只存于精神,人循着无私与弃绝之念走在自我修行的道路上,便将能善司其职,就像他写书或是游说众生那样。 尽管追寻的一路,要历经多少艰难险阻,就像作者所说“剃刀锋利,越之不易”,但好在还是有一些人可以跨越,无论以何种形式,他们都是幸运的。 无论能否越过刀锋,愿你我也能得到自己想要的生活。




Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily"s sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. Even so, WUTHERING HEIGHTS continues to divide readers. It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written. The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all. WUTHERING HEIGHTS is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other. As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond. It is a stunning novel, frightening, inexorable, unsettling, filled with unbridled passion that makes one cringe. Even if you do not like it, you should read it at least once--and those who do like it will return to it again and again


  作为一名跨世纪的作家,毛姆带着19世纪传统作家的 思维方式 、价值观念和批判意识进入20世纪,那么毛姆的经典语录有哪些可以体现这些呢?以下是我为你精心整理的毛姆经典语录英文,希望你喜欢。  毛姆经典语录英文【精选版】   只要你挨过穷,你内心里就一辈子是个穷人。   As long as you are poor, you will be a poor man in your heart.   作家更关心的是了解人性,而不是判断人性。   Writers are more concerned with understanding human nature rather than human nature.   为艺术而艺术,不会比为喝酒而喝酒更有意义。   Art for art is no more meaningful than drinking.   或许是源于一种古老的品格,我因高傲而不屑武力。   Perhaps from an ancient character, I am proud to disdain force.   我认为一个人能够追求的最高理想就是自我的完善。   I think that a person can be the pursuit of the highest ideal is self perfection.   世界上最大的折磨也莫过于在爱的同时又带着藐视了。   The greatest torment in the world is not in love but in contempt.   为了使灵魂宁静,一个人每天要做两件他不喜欢的事。   In order to make the soul quiet, a person must do two things that he does not like every day.   这些人见面时冷冷淡淡,分手时更有一种如释重负的感觉。   They met with indifference, break up more of a sense of relief.   一个男人由于爱你而遭到你的鄙视,这人心是怎么长的啊?   A man because of love you and was your contempt, this people is how long ah?   只有没主见的人才接受道德规范,有主见的人有自己的准则。   Only those who are not independent of the human mind to accept the moral code, there are people who have their own guidelines.   爱开玩笑而又要让人不觉得刻薄,天知道是件多么不容易的事。   Love jokes and make people don"t feel mean, God knows how hard it is.   青春是面对现实去想像的能力,而不是按照别人的想象来欺骗自己。   Youth is to face the reality of the ability to imagine, not in accordance with other people"s imagination to deceive themselves.   人们要为年轻时对未来的美好憧憬,付出饱尝幻灭之苦的惨痛代价。   For young people to a better vision for the future, pay a bitter price of disillusionment.   英文毛姆经典语录【最新版】   制造神话是人类的天性。   Manufacturing myth is human nature.   最持久的爱情是永远得不到回报的爱情。   The most lasting love is never to return love.   满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见了月亮。   All over the place was six pence, but he looked up at the moon.   以为出身高贵的人一定要摆出一副高贵的样子,那只是暴发户的理解。   People who think that noble birth must be a noble appearance, it is just an understanding of the outbreak.   你永远也不会知道,在一位最体面的女人身上会隐藏着什么样的野性。   You will never know what kind of wild life is hidden in one of the most dignified women.   人不是单一的或好或坏,每个人都是高尚与平凡、善良与邪恶的混合物。   Man is not a single, good or bad, every man is a mixture of high and ordinary, good and evil.   一个人最难做到的事,是意识到自己并不是生活的中心,而只是在边缘。   One of the most difficult things to do is to realize that they are not the center of life, but only on the edge.   要是谁都在有话可说的时候才开口,那用不了多久人类大概就不会讲话了。   If anyone has something to say, it will not be long before humans probably will not speak.   这是不是人之常情呢,好不容易达到了目的,事后反倒希望自己功败垂成呢!   This is not It"s only human., finally reached the end, but I hope you later fail on the verge of success!   养成阅读的习惯等于为自己筑起一个避难所,几乎可以避免生命中所有的灾难。   Form the habit of reading is to build a shelter for themselves, almost all can avoid disaster in life.   屈服于幸福,兴许就是承认失败,但是,这种失败却要比千百次胜利有意义的多。   Surrender to happiness, perhaps is to admit defeat, but this failure is more than a thousand times the success of many.   我们并非生活在一个荒无人烟的小岛上,我们还有社会关系束缚着。你需要理智一点。   We are not living in a no human habitation on the island, we have bound social relations. You need to be sensible.   我一贯认为男人的容貌如何是无关紧要的。我更感兴趣的是一个人的头脑,而不是他的外貌。   I always think how the man"s looks are of no matter. I am more interested in a person"s mind than his appearance.   我真看不出来,总是没完没了地读同一样东西有什么用,这只不过是一种貌似勤劳的懒惰而已。   I really can"t see it, it"s just a lazy lazy thing to read the same thing forever.   她本来住在天堂,现在天堂失去了,她住不惯平凡人的平凡世界,因此,绝望之余,一头钻进地狱。   She was living in heaven, now lost, she is not used to the ordinary world of ordinary people, and therefore, the despair of a head into the hell.   等你年事稍长,就会发现,要使世界成为一个尚可容忍的生活场所,首先得承认人类的自私是不可避免的。   Your age is a bit long, you will find, to make the world a tolerable place to live, first of all have to admit that human selfishness is inevitable.   有时候,人们把面具佩戴得天衣无缝,连他们自己都以为在佩戴面具的过程中自己实际上就成了和面具一样的人了。   Sometimes, people to wear a mask, flawless, even their own thought in the process of wearing a mask themselves are in fact and mask the.   刚开始的时候我相信你会吓一跳,但是等你能够平静地面对它时,你就不会有事了。那是一种不是每个人都能有的经历。   At first I"m sure you"ll be scared, but when you"re able to calm down, you"re not going to be there. That is a kind of experience that is not available to everyone.   你想知道我是不是爱你。好吧,没错,我尽量爱你;也就是说,在我看来,爱情在人生中并不是第一位,而是第二位的。   Do you want to know if I love you. Well, yes, I try to love you; that is, in my opinion, love in life is not the first, but the second place.   生活是严酷的,大自然有时候竟以折磨自己的儿女为乐趣,在我坐上马车驶回我在帕皮提的温暖的家庭时,我的心是沉重的。   Life is harsh nature sometimes unexpectedly to torture their own children for fun, I sat in the carriage drove me back in Papeete warm family, my heart is heavy.   毛姆经典语录【热门版】   如此卑微而沉寂得爱着你,我不善表达,我更没有虚伪做作,做的永远比想得少,我眼里流露出来的绝不是空洞,除去发自内心的爱意还有对上苍的感谢,我就此去了也绝不会有任何悔恨,仍然是深深的眷恋与不舍。   So humble and silent love for you, my poor expression, I did not hypocritical affectation, always do less than think, my eyes reveal is certainly not empty, removed from the bottom of heart of love and gratitude to God, I have this to the will never have any regrets, is still deeply nostalgic and sad.   我把良心看作是一个人心灵中的卫兵,社会为要存在下去制订出的一套礼规全靠它来监督执行。良心是我们每人心头的岗哨,它在那里值勤站岗,监视着我们别做出违法的事情来。它是安插在自我的中心堡垒中的暗探。   I take conscience as a guard in the mind of a person, the society for the existence of a set of rules to develop a set of rules and regulations to supervise the implementation. The conscience of all our hearts it sentry guard on duty there, watching us, don"t make something illegal. It is placed in the central stronghold of the ego"s spooks.   我觉得,大多数人这样度过平庸的一生好像欠缺点什么。我承认这种生活的社会价值,我也看到了它井然有序的幸福,但是我的血液里却有一种强烈的愿望,渴望一种更狂妄不羁的旅途。我的心渴望一种更加惊险的生活。   I think that most people who spend a mediocre life like what is owed to them. I admit that this life of social value. I saw its ordered happiness, but my blood has a strong desire for a more arrogant unruly journey. My heart longs for a more dangerous life.   他声称他希望人都应该是赤身裸体、一丝不挂。当下贱、残忍、自私或色欲出现在他面前时,他都愉快地搓着双手:那才是事情的本来面目。在巴黎的时候,他就知道世间既无美也无丑,而只有事实;追求美完全是感情用事。   He said he hoped everyone should stay naked, in nature"s garb. When cheap, cruel, selfish, or lust appeared in front of him, he happily rubbing his hands: that is the true nature of things. When in Paris, he knows that the world is neither beautiful nor ugly, but only in pursuit of beauty is completely sentimental.   我知道苦难无法使人更高贵,反而使人更卑微。它使人自私、猥琐、狭隘、猜忌。它把人们注意力吸引在细小的事情上面,它没有使人超越人本身,却使人称不上真正的人;我曾残忍地写道,我们不是从自己的苦难,而是从他人的苦难中才学会了顺从。   I know that suffering can not make people more noble, but make people more humble. It makes people selfish, narrow-minded, jealous, wretched. It is to attract people"s attention on the small things, it did not make people beyond itself, but the person is not really; I was cruel wrote, we are not from their own suffering, but from the sufferings of others learned to obey.   我看见的是,他的感官所喜爱的,他的灵魂就厌恶。那双苦恼的眼睛,那种做作的语气,赞美人时那种斟酌拘谨,那逃犯式的神情是很好的说明。   What I see is that his senses are fond of his soul. Those worried eyes, that affected the tone, the praise of people that consider formal, the escaped prisoner look is good.   文雅的发誓和强烈的形容词是我们语言的典型特征。过去菲利普曾经把这当做一种男子汉气概的象征而加以培养,而现在他却小心翼翼地加以回避。   The gentle oath and the strong adjective are the typical features of our language. In the past, Philip used to cultivate it as a symbol of masculinity, but now he is very careful to avoid it.   女人对一个仍然爱着她、可是她已经不再爱的男人可以表现得比任何人都残忍;她对他不只不仁慈,而且根本不能容忍,她成了一团毫无理智的怒火。   A woman is still in love with her, but she has no longer love the man can behave than anyone who is cruel; she is not only to him, and can not tolerate, she became a group of irrational anger.   一个真实的人至死都是无名和孤寂的。他成了一个寂静无声的鬼魂,既不是书籍的作者,也不是那个过日子的人。在两个傀儡之间,他露出讽刺性的超然微笑。   A real person to death are unknown and lonely. He became a silent, silent ghost, neither the book of the author, nor the man who had lived. Between the two puppets, he smiled with a sarcastic smile.   倘若对我施以谩骂能使你心满意足,我想我无权抱怨。女人从来都是褊狭的,在她们眼里,男人永远是错的一方。其实另外那一方也并非一身清白,无可指摘。   If to abuse I can make you satisfied, I think I have no right to complain. The woman is always limited, in their eyes, the man is always the wrong party. In fact, the other party is not innocent, blameless.   有人说灾难不幸可以使人性高贵,这句话并不对;叫人做出高尚行动的有时候反而是幸福得意,灾难不幸在大多数情况下只能使人们变得心胸狭小、报复心更强。   That suffering can make human dignity, this sentence is not true; call a person made noble actions sometimes instead of happiness, suffering in most cases can only make people become narrow minded and vindictive.   仿佛是他在宇宙的一片混乱中找到了一个新的图案,正在笨拙地把它描摹下来,因为力不从心,心灵非常痛苦。我看到的是一个奋力寻求表现手段的备受折磨的灵魂。   As if is he in the chaos of the universe found a new pattern, is awkwardly to describe it down, because of incompetence, the heart is very painful. I"ve seen a tortured soul struggling to find ways of expression.   为了使灵魂宁静,一个人每天要做两件他不喜欢的事。说这句话的人是个聪明人,我也一直在一丝不苟低按照这条格言行事:因为我每天早上都起床,每天也都上床睡觉。   In order to make the soul quiet, a person must do two things that he does not like every day. The man who says this is a wise man, and I have always been doing it with the words of this proverb: because I get up every morning and go to bed every day.   也许,我们没有意识到,我们因为人们尊重我们的意见,倍加珍重我们影响他们的力量,我们不喜欢那些我们无法施加影响的人。我以为这才是人类自尊的最溃烂的伤口。   Perhaps, we are not aware of, we because people to respect our opinions, doubly treasure we affect their strength, we don"t like those we can"t influence. I think this is the most human dignity festering wound.   他不懂得在人生的旅途上,非得越过一大片干旱贫瘠、地形险恶的荒野,才能跨入活生生的现实世界。所谓“青春多幸福”的说法,不过是一种幻觉,是青春已逝的人们的一种幻觉。   He did not know that in the journey of life, have to cross a large arid barren, terrain sinister wilderness, in order to enter the living reality of the world. The so-called "happy youth" argument, but it is an illusion, an illusion of youth people.   生命的尽头,就像人在黄昏时分读书,读啊读,没有察觉光线渐暗;直到他停下来休息,才猛烈发现白天已经过去,天已经很暗,再低头看书却什么都看不清了,书页已不再有意义。   The end of life, like in the evening reading, reading, did not perceive light darkening until he stopped to have a rest, to violent found during the day is over, day has very dark, then down to read but do not see the, the page is no longer meaningful.   世界上只有两件东西使我们的生活值得苟且,这就是爱情和艺术。我总觉得你我应当把生命视作一场冒险,应当让宝石般的火焰在胸中熊熊燃烧。做人就应该冒风险,应该赴汤蹈火,履险如夷。   The world only two things that make life worth living, this is love and art. I think you should take my life as an adventure, let gem like flame burning in the chest. A man should take risks, should go unscathed.   你若能习惯于跟一些和你不同的人相处,由于他们无视你所追求的东西,你就不得不放下自己所关心的一切而去了解他们的生活和他们的才能,这对于你的道德修养和知性健康来说都是很有益的。   If you used to get along with some people and you"re different, because they ignore what you seek, you have to put down everything they care about and to understand their life and their talent, which for your moral and intellectual health are very useful.   记住,分内之事、举手之劳并不值得夸耀,那是赋予你的责任,就像手脏时要洗一样理所当然。唯一弥足珍贵的是对责任的爱,当爱与责任合而为一,你就将是崇高的。你将享受一种无法言表的幸福。   Remember, mightily, lift a finger does not boast, it is entrusted with your responsibilities, like when your hands are dirty to wash as a matter of course. The only precious is the responsibility of love, when love and duty be made one, you will be great. You will enjoy a kind of happiness that cannot be said. 猜你喜欢: 1. 英语励志句子大全精选 2. 关于逆境的英语经典名言 3. 中英文名言名句大全 4. 毛姆小说《面纱》经典励志语录 5. 关于唯美的英语句子阅读 6. 外国人经典名言语录大全


1、织罗罪名容易,证明起来就难了。 It is easy to prove that it is difficult to prove it. 2、一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 A husband"s rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 3、我无足轻重,毫无价值,根本不配来烦扰你。 I don"t have any value, I don"t deserve to bother you. 4、万物由道而生,循着道成长,而后又回归于道。 Everything from the Tao to grow, and then return to the road. 5、或许是源于一种古老的品格,我因高傲而不屑武力。 Perhaps from an ancient character, I am proud to disdain force. 6、如果光是责备我会对你有好处的话,那你就随便吧。 If the light is to blame and I will be good for you, then you will be free. 7、有时对人撒谎是不得不为之,但是自欺就不可饶恕了。 Sometimes people have to lie, but self deception is unforgivable. 8、时间在一分一秒地过去,每拖一分钟都可能是不可挽回的。 In a second time in the past, each one minute delay may be irreversible. 9、一个男人由于爱你而遭到你的鄙视,这人心是怎么长的啊? A man because of love you and was your contempt, this people is how long ah? 10、呃,亲爱的,当一个人爱上你,他说的话是不能字字当真的。 Well, dear, when a person is in love with you, what he said is not true words. 11、我抛弃了琐屑、庸碌的一生,把自己交给了牺牲与祈祷的生活。 I abandoned the trivial, mediocre life, give yourself to sacrifice and pray for life. 12、如果我们只会这样相互冷嘲热讽,就不要希望事情有什么进展了。 If we just don"t want to taunt each other in this way, things are what progress. 13、只有一种办法能赢得众人的心,那就是让人们认为你是应该被爱的。 There is only one way to win people"s hearts, and that is to make people think you should be loved. 14、如果一个男人无力博得一个女人的爱,那将是他的错,而不是她的。 If a man can"t win a woman"s love, it will be his fault, not hers. 15、要想理解一个男人的想法,最好的办法是设身处地从他的角度考虑。 To understand a man"s mind, the best way is to put yourself from his point of view. 16、女人常常自以为是地认为男人疯狂地爱上了她们。实际上他们没有。 Women often think that men are crazy about them. In fact they did not. 17、我相信,在一场瘟疫中,因为恐惧而死去的人不比因为疾病死去的人少。 I believe that in a plague, those who died because of fear are not less than those who died because of the disease. 18、虚荣心遭到打击在女人心里激起的仇恨,将胜过身下幼崽惨遭屠戮的母狮。 Vanity was hit in the hearts of women arouse hatred, would be better than under the slaughter of the lioness cub. 19、一个男人深深地爱一个女人,并非意味着他就希望下半辈子和她共同度过。 A man deeply loves a woman, does not mean that he would like to spend the rest of his life with her. 20、要是谁都在有话可说的时候才开口,那用不了多久人类大概就不会讲话了。 If anyone has something to say, it will not be long before humans probably will not speak. 21、我尽力将我的爱维持在不让你厌烦的限度,否则我清楚那个后果我承受不了。 I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I can"t bear the consequences. 22、大水也浇不灭爱火,如果他爱她就迟早会心软的,还会无法自拔地继续爱她下去。 Neither unextinguishable love if he loves her sooner or later will xinruan, will be unable to extricate themselves and continue to love her. 23、我们并非生活在一个荒无人烟的小岛上,我们还有社会关系束缚着。你需要理智一点。 We are not living in a no human habitation on the island, we have bound social relations. You need to be sensible. 24、对我来说爱情就是一切,你就是我的全部。可它对你来说竟然只是一个小小的插曲,这我怎么受得了? Love is everything to me, you are everything to me. But it"s just a little episode for you, how can I get it? 25、刚开始的时候我相信你会吓一跳,但是等你能够平静地面对它时,你就不会有事了。那是一种不是每个人都能有的经历。 At first I"m sure you"ll be scared, but when you"re able to calm down, you"re not going to be there. That is a kind of experience that is not available to everyone. 26、你知道,我亲爱的孩子,安宁,在工作中是找不到的,它也不在欢乐中,也不在这个世界上或者这所修道院中,它仅仅存在于人的灵魂里。 You know, my dear child, in peace, in the work is not found, it is not in joy, nor in the world or the monastery, it exists only in the human soul. 27、倘若对我施以谩骂能使你心满意足,我想我无权抱怨。女人从来都是褊狭的,在她们眼里,男人永远是错的一方。其实另外那一方也并非一身清白,无可指摘。 If to abuse I can make you satisfied, I think I have no right to complain. The woman is always limited, in their eyes, the man is always the wrong party. In fact, the other party is not innocent, blameless. 28、我对你根本没抱幻想。我知道你愚蠢,轻佻,头脑空虚,然而我爱你。我知道你的企图、你的理想,你的势利,庸俗,然而我爱你。我知道你是个二流货色,然而我爱你。 I don"t have a dream about you. I know you silly, frivolous, emptiness of mind, but I love you. I know your intentions, your ideal, your snobbish, vulgar, but I love you. I know you are a second rate. But I love you. 29、记住,分内之事、举手之劳并不值得夸耀,那是赋予你的责任,就像手脏时要洗一样理所当然。唯一弥足珍贵的是对责任的爱,当爱与责任合而为一,你就将是崇高的。你将享受一种无法言表的幸福。 Remember, you are not worth a duty, it is boast of your duty, like a dirty hand wash as behoove. The only Pcious is the responsibility of love, when love and duty be made one, you will be great. You will enjoy a kind of happiness that cannot be said. 30、如此卑微而沉寂得爱着你,我不善表达,我更没有虚伪做作,做的永远比想得少,我眼里流露出来的绝不是空洞,除去发自内心的爱意还有对上苍的感谢,我就此去了也绝不会有任何悔恨,仍然是深深的眷恋与不舍。 So humble and silent love you, I"m not good at speaking, I do not hypocritical affectation, always think less, my eyes were full of is not empty, except from the heart love to God and thank you, I have to go and never have any regrets, is still deeply and don"t give up. 31、我并非学历显赫,也非头脑聪慧。我仅仅是一个再普通不过的年轻女人。自幼至今,陪伴我的人喜欢什么,我也喜欢什么。 很遗憾我并未成为你期望的那种女人。而我不幸地发现你是那种天生不可亲近的人。对此你恐怕不能责怪我。 I am not a distinguished academic, nor a brain. I"m just a young woman in general. Since, to accompany my people love what I love, what. I"m sorry I didn"t become the kind of woman you expected. Unfortunately, I find that you are the kind of person who can"t be close to you. I"m afraid you can"t blame me for that. 32、从来都无法得知,人们究竟为什么会爱上另一个人?我猜也许我们心上都有缺口,呼呼往灵魂里灌着寒风,我们急切需要一个正好形状的心来填上它。就算你是太阳一样完美正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许恰恰是一个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,你填不了。 Never know, why do people fall in love with another person? I guess there"s a gap in our hearts, and we"re eager to fill it with a heart filled with cold wind. Even if you are like the sun perfectly round, but the gap in my heart, perhaps it is a crooked jagged, you can not fill. 33、我有一种想法,觉得唯一能使我们从对这个世界的嫌恶中解脱出来的,就是纵使世事纷乱,人们依然不断创造出来的美的事物。人们描摹的绘画,谱写的乐曲,编撰的书籍,和人们的生活。而其中最为丰饶的美,就是人们美丽的生活。那是完美的艺术杰作。 I have an idea, that only can free us from the world in disgust, even if is the chaos, people still continue to create beautiful things out. People describe the painting, write music, books, and people"s life. And one of the most rich people is beautiful, beautiful life. That is a perfect artistic masterpiece. 34、我不懂的事情实在太多。生活是那样奇特、陌生。我就像一个一辈子坐井观天的人,一下子看见了大海。我喘不过气来,同时又兴致盎然。我不想死,我想活下去。我感到了新的希望。我就像一个顽固的老水手,又升起帆向着未知的大海启航了。我的心渴求着未知的世界。 I don"t know too much about it. Life is so strange, strange. I like a person for a lifetime limited outlook suddenly saw the sea. I am out of breath, and at the same time interest. I don"t want to die, I want to live. I feel a new hope. I was like a stubborn old sailor, and the sail set sail to the unknown sea. My heart is longing for the unknown world. 35、每当我想到你跟我在一起是愉悦的,每当我从你的眼睛里看到欢乐,我都狂喜不已。我尽力将我的爱维持在不让你厌烦的限度,否则我清楚那个后果我承受不了。我时刻关注你的神色,但凡你的厌烦显现出一点蛛丝马迹,我便改变方式。一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。 Every time I think of you and me together it is pleasant, and every time I see the joy in your eyes, I am in ecstasy. I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I can"t bear the consequences. I always pay attention to your looks, if you tired of showing a point I will change the way traces. A husband"s rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace. 36、我从来都无法得知,人们是究竟为什么会爱上另一个人,我猜也许我们的心上都有一个缺口,它是个空洞,呼呼的往灵魂里灌着刺骨的寒风,所以我们急切的需要一个正好形状的心来填上它,就算你是太阳一样完美的正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许却恰恰是个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,所以你填不了。 I never know why people fall in love with another person, I guess maybe our hearts have a gap, it is an empty, whistling into the soul, filling the biting cold wind, so we urgently need a shape of heart to fill it, even if you the sun is round is perfect, but the gap in my heart, but perhaps it is a crooked jagged, so you can not fill.


1、制造神话是人类的天性。 Manufacturing myth is human nature. 2、最持久的爱情是永远得不到回报的爱情。 The most lasting love is never to return love. 3、满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见了月亮。 All over the place was six pence, but he looked up at the moon. 4、只要你挨过穷,你内心里就一辈子是个穷人。 As long as you are poor, you will be a poor man in your heart. 5、作家更关心的是了解人性,而不是判断人性。 Writers are more concerned with understanding human nature rather than human nature. 6、为艺术而艺术,不会比为喝酒而喝酒更有意义。 Art for art is no more meaningful than drinking. 7、或许是源于一种古老的品格,我因高傲而不屑武力。 Perhaps from an ancient character, I am proud to disdain force. 8、我认为一个人能够追求的最高理想就是自我的完善。 I think that a person can be the pursuit of the highest ideal is self perfection. 9、世界上最大的折磨也莫过于在爱的同时又带着藐视了。 The greatest torment in the world is not in love but in contempt. 10、为了使灵魂宁静,一个人每天要做两件他不喜欢的事。 In order to make the soul quiet, a person must do two things that he does not like every day. 11、这些人见面时冷冷淡淡,分手时更有一种如释重负的感觉。 They met with indifference, break up more of a sense of relief. 12、一个男人由于爱你而遭到你的鄙视,这人心是怎么长的啊? A man because of love you and was your contempt, this people is how long ah? 13、只有没主见的人才接受道德规范,有主见的人有自己的准则。 Only those who are not independent of the human mind to accept the moral code, there are people who have their own guidelines. 14、爱开玩笑而又要让人不觉得刻薄,天知道是件多么不容易的事。 Love jokes and make people don"t feel mean, God knows how hard it is. 15、青春是面对现实去想像的能力,而不是按照别人的想象来欺骗自己。 Youth is to face the reality of the ability to imagine, not in accordance with other people"s imagination to deceive themselves. 16、人们要为年轻时对未来的美好憧憬,付出饱尝幻灭之苦的惨痛代价。 For young people to a better vision for the future, pay a bitter price of disillusionment. 17、以为出身高贵的人一定要摆出一副高贵的样子,那只是暴发户的理解。 People who think that noble birth must be a noble appearance, it is just an understanding of the outbreak. 18、你永远也不会知道,在一位最体面的女人身上会隐藏着什么样的野性。 You will never know what kind of wild life is hidden in one of the most dignified women. 19、人不是单一的或好或坏,每个人都是高尚与平凡、善良与邪恶的混合物。 Man is not a single, good or bad, every man is a mixture of high and ordinary, good and evil. 20、一个人最难做到的事,是意识到自己?不是生活的中心,而只是在边缘。 One of the most difficult things to do is to realize that they are not the center of life, but only on the edge. 21、要是谁都在有话可说的时候才开口,那用不了多久人类大概就不会讲话了。 If anyone has something to say, it will not be long before humans probably will not speak. 22、这是不是人之常情呢,好不容易达到了目的,事后反倒希望自己功败垂成呢! This is not It"s only human., finally reached the end, but I hope you later fail on the verge of success! 23、养成阅读的习惯等于为自己筑起一个避难所,几乎可以避免生命中所有的灾难。 Form the habit of reading is to build a shelter for themselves, almost all can avoid disaster in life. 24、屈服于幸福,兴许就是承认失败,但是,这种失败却要比千百次胜利有意义的多。 Surrender to happiness, perhaps is to admit defeat, but this failure is more than a thousand times the success of many. 25、我们并非生活在一个荒无人烟的小岛上,我们还有社会关系束缚着。你需要理智一点。 We are not living in a no human habitation on the island, we have bound social relations. You need to be sensible. 26、我一贯认为男人的容貌如何是无关紧要的。我更感兴趣的是一个人的头脑,而不是他的外貌。 I always think how the man"s looks are of no matter. I am more interested in a person"s mind than his appearance. 27、我真看不出来,总是没完没了地读同一样东西有什么用,这只不过是一种貌似勤劳的懒惰而已。 I really can"t see it, it"s just a lazy lazy thing to read the same thing forever. 28、她本来住在天堂,现在天堂失去了,她住不惯平凡人的平凡世界,因此,绝望之余,一头钻进地狱。 She was living in heaven, now lost, she is not used to the ordinary world of ordinary people, and therefore, the despair of a head into the hell. 29等你年事稍长,就会发现,要使世界成为一个尚可容忍的生活场所,首先得承认人类的自私是不可避免的。 Your age is a bit long, you will find, to make the world a tolerable place to live, first of all have to admit that human selfishness is inevitable. 30、有时候,人们把面具佩戴得天衣无缝,连他们自己都以为在佩戴面具的过程中自己实际上就成了和面具一样的人了。 Sometimes, people to wear a mask, flawless, even their own thought in the process of wearing a mask themselves are in fact and mask the. 31、刚开始的时候我相信你会吓一跳,但是等你能够平静地面对它时,你就不会有事了。那是一种不是每个人都能有的经历。 At first I"m sure you"ll be scared, but when you"re able to calm down, you"re not going to be there. That is a kind of experience that is not available to everyone. 32、你想知道我是不是爱你。好吧,没错,我尽量爱你;也就是说,在我看来,爱情在人生中并不是第一位,而是第二位的。 Do you want to know if I love you. Well, yes, I try to love you; that is, in my opinion, love in life is not the first, but the second place. 33、生活是严酷的,大自然有时候竟以折磨自己的儿女为乐趣,在我坐上马车驶回我在帕皮提的温暖的家庭时,我的心是沉重的。 Life is harsh nature sometimes unexpectedly to torture their own children for fun, I sat in the carriage drove me back in Papeete warm family, my heart is heavy. 34、我看见的是,他的感官所喜爱的,他的灵魂就厌恶。那双苦恼的眼睛,那种做作的语气,赞美人时那种斟酌拘谨,那逃犯式的神情是很好的说明。 What I see is that his senses are fond of his soul. Those worried eyes, that affected the tone, the praise of people that consider formal, the escaped prisoner look is good. 35、文雅的发誓和强烈的形容词是我们语言的典型特征。过去菲利普曾经把这当做一种男子汉气概的象征而加以培养,而现在他却小心翼翼地加以回避。 The gentle oath and the strong adjective are the typical features of our language. In the past, Philip used to cultivate it as a symbol of masculinity, but now he is very careful to avoid it. 36、女人对一个仍然爱着她、可是她已经不再爱的男人可以表现得比任何人都残忍;她对他不只不仁慈,而且根本不能容忍,她成了一团毫无理智的怒火。 A woman is still in love with her, but she has no longer love the man can behave than anyone who is cruel; she is not only to him, and can not tolerate, she became a group of irrational anger. 37、一个真实的人至死都是无名和孤寂的。他成了一个寂静无声的鬼魂,既不是书籍的作者,也不是那个过日子的人。在两个傀儡之间,他露出讽刺性的超然微笑。 A real person to death are unknown and lonely. He became a silent, silent ghost, neither the book of the author, nor the man who had lived. Between the two puppets, he smiled with a sarcastic smile. 38、倘若对我施以谩骂能使你心满意足,我想我无权抱怨。女人从来都是褊狭的,在她们眼里,男人永远是错的一方。其实另外那一方也并非一身清白,无可指摘。 If to abuse I can make you satisfied, I think I have no right to complain. The woman is always limited, in their eyes, the man is always the wrong party. In fact, the other party is not innocent, blameless. 39、有人说灾难不幸可以使人性高贵,这句话并不对;叫人做出高尚行动的有时候反而是幸福得意,灾难不幸在大多数情况下只能使人们变得心胸狭小、报复心更强。 That suffering can make human dignity, this sentence is not true; call a person made noble actions sometimes instead of happiness, suffering in most cases can only make people become narrow minded and vindictive. 40、仿佛是他在宇宙的一片混乱中找到了一个新的图案,正在笨拙地把它描摹下来,因为力不从心,心灵非常痛苦。我看到的是一个奋力寻求表现手段的备受折磨的灵魂。 As if is he in the chaos of the universe found a new pattern, is awkwardly to describe it down, because of incompetence, the heart is very painful. I"ve seen a tortured soul struggling to find ways of exPssion. 41、为了使灵魂宁静,一个人每天要做两件他不喜欢的事。说这句话的人是个聪明人,我也一直在一丝不苟低按照这条格言行事:因为我每天早上都起床,每天也都上床睡觉。 In order to make the soul quiet, a person must do two things that he does not like every day. The man who says this is a wise man, and I have always been doing it with the words of this proverb: because I get up every morning and go to bed every day. 42、也许,我们没有意识到,我们因为人们尊重我们的意见,倍加珍重我们影响他们的力量,我们不喜欢那些我们无法施加影响的人。我以为这才是人类自尊的最溃烂的伤口。 Perhaps, we are not aware of, we because people to respect our opinions, doubly treasure we affect their strength, we don"t like those we can"t influence. I think this is the most human dignity festering wound. 43、他不懂得在人生的旅途上,非得越过一大片干旱贫瘠、地形险恶的荒野,才能跨入活生生的现实世界。所谓“青春多幸福”的说法,不过是一种幻觉,是青春已逝的人们的一种幻觉。 He did not know that in the journey of life, have to cross a large arid barren, terrain sinister wilderness, in order to enter the living reality of the world. The so-called "happy youth" argument, but it is an illusion, an illusion of youth people. 44、生命的尽头,就像人在黄昏时分读书,读啊读,没有察觉光线渐暗;直到他停下来休息,才猛烈发现白天已经过去,天已经很暗,再低头看书却什么都看不清了,书页已不再有意义。 The end of life, like in the evening reading, reading, did not perceive light darkening until he stopped to have a rest, to violent found during the day is over, day has very dark, then down to read but do not see the, the page is no longer meaningful. 45、世界上只有两件东西使我们的生活值得苟且,这就是爱情和艺术。我总觉得你我应当把生命视作一场冒险,应当让宝石般的火焰在胸中熊熊燃烧。做人就应该冒风险,应该赴汤蹈火,履险如夷。 The world only two things that make life worth living, this is love and art. I think you should take my life as an adventure, let gem like flame burning in the chest. A man should take risks, should go unscathed. 46、你若能习惯于跟一些和你不同的人相处,由于他们无视你所追求的东西,你就不得不放下自己所关心的一切而去了解他们的生活和他们的才能,这对于你的道德修养和知性健康来说都是很有益的。 If you used to get along with some people and you"re different, because they ignore what you seek, you have to put down everything they care about and to understand their life and their talent, which for your moral and intellectual health are very useful. 47、记住,分内之事、举手之劳并不值得夸耀,那是赋予你的责任,就像手脏时要洗一样理所当然。唯一弥足珍贵的是对责任的爱,当爱与责任合而为一,你就将是崇高的。你将享受一种无法言表的幸福。 Remember, mightily, lift a finger does not boast, it is entrusted with your responsibilities, like when your hands are dirty to wash as a matter of course. The only Pcious is the responsibility of love, when love and duty be made one, you will be great. You will enjoy a kind of happiness that cannot be said. 48、如此卑微而沉寂得爱着你,我不善表达,我更没有虚伪做作,做的永远比想得少,我眼里流露出来的绝不是空洞,除去发自内心的爱意还有对上苍的感谢,我就此去了也绝不会有任何悔恨,仍然是深深的眷恋与不舍。 So humble and silent love for you, my poor exPssion, I did not hypocritical affectation, always do less than think, my eyes reveal is certainly not empty, removed from the bottom of heart of love and gratitude to God, I have this to the will never have any regrets, is still deeply nostalgic and sad. 49、我把良心看作是一个人心灵中的卫兵,社会为要存在下去制订出的一套礼规全靠它来监督执行。良心是我们每人心头的岗哨,它在那里值勤站岗,监视着我们别做出违法的事情来。它是安插在自我的中心堡垒中的暗探。 I take conscience as a guard in the mind of a person, the society for the existence of a set of rules to develop a set of rules and regulations to supervise the implementation. The conscience of all our hearts it sentry guard on duty there, watching us, don"t make something illegal. It is placed in the central stronghold of the ego"s spooks. 50、我觉得,大多数人这样度过平庸的一生好像欠缺点什么。我承认这种生活的社会价值,我也看到了它井然有序的幸福,但是我的血液里却有一种强烈的愿望,渴望一种更狂妄不羁的旅途。我的心渴望一种更加惊险的生活。 I think that most people who spend a mediocre life like what is owed to them. I admit that this life of social value. I saw its ordered happiness, but my blood has a strong desire for a more arrogant unruly journey. My heart longs for a more dangerous life. 51、他声称他希望人都应该是赤身**、一丝不挂。当下贱、残忍、自私或色欲出现在他面前时,他都愉快地搓着双手:那才是事情的本来面目。在巴黎的时候,他就知道世间既无美也无丑,而只有事实;追求美完全是感情用事。 He said he hoped everyone should stay naked, in nature"s garb. When cheap, cruel, selfish, or lust appeared in front of him, he happily rubbing his hands: that is the true nature of things. When in Paris, he knows that the world is neither beautiful nor ugly, but only in pursuit of beauty is completely sentimental. 52、我知道苦难无法使人更高贵,反而使人更卑微。它使人自私、猥琐、狭隘、猜忌。它把人们注意力吸引在细小的事情上面,它没有使人超越人本身,却使人称不上真正的人;我曾残忍地写道,我们不是从自己的苦难,而是从他人的苦难中才学会了顺从。 I know that suffering can not make people more noble, but make people more humble. It makes people selfish, narrow-minded, jealous, wretched. It is to attract people"s attention on the small things, it did not make people beyond itself, but the person is not really; I was cruel wrote, we are not from their own suffering, but from the sufferings of others learned to obey.

middle age, old age毛姆

Middle Age, Old Age W. S. Maugham I think I have been more than most men conscious of my age. My youth slipped past me unnoticed and I was always burdened with the sense that I was growing old. Because for my years I had seen much of the world and traveled a good deal, because I was somewhat widely read and my mind was occupied with matters beyond my years, I seemed always older than my contemporaries. But it was not till the outbreak of the war in 1914 that I had an inkling that I was no longer a young man. I found then to my consternation that a man of forty was old. I consoled myself by reflecting that this was only for military purposes, but not so very long afterwards I had an experience which put the matter beyond doubt, I had been lunching with a woman whom I had known a long time and her niece, a girl of seventeen. After luncheon we took a taxi to go somewhere or other. The woman got in and then her niece. But the niece sat down on the strapontin leaving the empty seat at the back beside her aunt for me to sit on. It was the civility of youth (as opposed to the rights of ???) to a gentleman no longer young. I realized that she looked upon me with the respect due to age.It is not a very pleasant thing to recognize that for the young you are no longer an equal. You belong to a different generation. For them your race is run. They can look up to you; they can admire you, but you are apart from them, and in the long run they will always find the companionship of persons of their own age more grateful than yours.But middle age has its compensations. Youth is bond hand and foot with the shackles of public opinion. Middle age enjoys freedom. I remember that when I left school I said to myself: "Henceforward I can get up when I like and go to bed when I like." That of course was an exaggeration, and I soon found that the trammeled life of the civilized man only permits of a modified independence. Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to achieve it. But by the time you have reached middle age you have discovered how much freedom it is worth while to sacrifice in order to achieve any aim that you have in view. When I was a boy I was tortured by shyness, and middle age has to great exten brought me a relief from this. I was never of great physical strength and long walks used to tire me, but I went through them because I was ashamed to confess my weakness. I have now no such feeling and I save myself much discomfort. I always hated cold water, but for many years I took cold baths and bathed in cold seas because I wanted to be like everybody else. I used to dive from heights that made me nervous. I was mortified because I played games worse than other people. When I did not know a thing I was ashamed to confess my ignorance. It was not till quite late in life that I discovered how easy it is to say: "I don"t know." I find with middle age that no one expects me to walk five and twenty miles, or to play a scratch game of golf, or to dive from a height of thirty feet. This is all to the good and makes life pleasant; but I should no longer care if they did. That is what makes youth unhappy, the vehement anxiety to be like other people, and that is what makes middle age tolerable, the reconciliation with oneself.Yesterday I was seventy years old. As one enters upon each succeeding decade it is natural, though perhaps irrational, to look upon it as a significant event. When I was thirty my brother said to me: "Now you are a boy no longer, you are a man and you must be a man." When I was forty I said to myself: "It"s no good fooling myself, this is middle age and I may just as well accept it." At sixty I said: "Now it"s time to put my affairs in order, for this is the threshold of old age and I must settle my accounts." I decided to withdraw from the theatre and I wrote The summing Up, in which I tried to review for my own comfort what I had learnt of life and literature, what I had done and what satisfaction it had brought me. But of all anniversaries I think the seventieth is the most momentous. One has reached the three score years and ten which one is accustomed to accept as the allotted span of man, and one can but look upon such years as remain to one as uncertain contingencies stolen while old Time with his scythe has his head turned the other way. At seventy one is no longer on the threshold of old age. One is just an old man.On the continent of Europe they have an amiable custom when a man who has achieved some distinction reaches that age. His friends, his colleagues, his disciples ( if he has any) join together to write a volume of essays in his honor. In England we give our eminent men no such flattering mark of our esteem. At the utmost we give a dinner, and we don"t do that unless he is very eminent indeed...My own birthday passed without ceremony. I worked as usual in the morning and in the afternoon went for a walk in the solitary woods behind my house...I went back to my house, made myself a cup of tea and read till dinner time. After dinner I read again, played two or three games of patience, listened to the news on the radio and took a detective story to bed with me. I finished it and went to sleep. Except for a few words to my colored maids I had not spoken to a soul all day.So I passed my seventieth birthday and so I would have wished to pass it. I mused.Two or three years ago I was walking with Liza and she spoke, I don"t know why, of the horror with which the thought of old age filled her."Don"t forget," I told her, "that when you"re old you won"t have the desire to do various things that make life pleasant to you now. Old age has its compensations.""What?" she asked."Well, you need hardly ever do anything you don"t want to. You can enjoy music, art and literature, differently from when you were young, but in that different way as keenly. You can get a good deal of fun out of observing the course of events in which you are no longer intimately concerned. If your pleasures are not so vivid your pains also have lost their sting."I could see that all this seemed cold comfort, and even as I spoke I realized that it afforded a somewhat gray prospect. When later I came to think it over, it occurred to me that the greatest compensation of old age is its freedom of spirit. I suppose that is accompanied by a certain indifference to many of the things that men in their prime think important. Another compensation is that it liberates you from envy, hatred and malice. I do not believe that I envy anyone. I have made the most I could of such gifts as nature provided me with; I do not envy the success of others. I am quite willing to vacate the little niche I have occupied so long and let another step into it. I no longer mind what people think of me. They can take me or leave me. I am mildly pleased when they appear to like me and undisturbed if I know they don"t. I have long known that there is something in me that antagonizes certain persons; I think it very natural, no one can like everyone; and their ill will interests rather than discomposes me. I am only curious to know what it is in me that is antipathetic to them. Nor do I mind what they think of me as a writer. On the whole I have done what I set out to do, and the rest does not concern me. I have never much cared for the notoriety which surrounds the successful writer and which many of us are simple enough to mistake for fame, and I have often wished that I had written under a pseudonym so that I might have passed through the world unnoticed. I did indeed write my first novel under one, and only put my own name to it because my publisher warned me that the book might be violently attacked and I did not wish to hide myself under a made-up name. I suppose few authors can help cherishing a secret hope that they will not be entirely forgotten the moment they die, and I have occasionally amused myself by weighing the chances I have of survival for a brief period...I have been asked on occasion whether I would like to live my life over again. On the whole it has been a pretty good life, perhaps better than most people"s, but I should see no point in repeating it. It would be as idle as to read again a detective story that you have read before. But supposing there were such a thing as reincarnation, belief in which is explicitly held by three quarters of the human race, and one could choose whether or no one would enter upon a new life on earth, I have in the past sometimes thought that I should be willing to try the experiment on the chance that I might enjoy experiences which circumstances and my own idiosyncrasies, spiritual and corporeal, have prevented me from enjoying, and learn the many things that I have not had the time or the occasion to learn. But now I should refuse. I have had enough. I neither believe in immortality nor desire it. I should like to die quickly and painlessly, and I am content to be assured that with my last breath my soul, with its aspirations and its weaknesses, will dissolve into nothingness. I have taken to heart what Epicurus wrote to Menoeceus: "Become accustomed to the belief that death is nothing to us. For all good and evil consists in sensation, but death is deprivation of sensation. And therefore a right understanding that death is nothing to us makes the mortality of life enjoyable, not because it adds to it an infinite span of time, but because it takes away the craving for immortality. For there is nothing terrible in life for the man who has truly comprehended that there is nothing terrible in not living."