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鹿晗 Skin to skin歌词:Take your timeLove me in the middle of your lowest nightI"ll be sure to lift you if you promise meGive me your affectionAnd your honestyIf I could feel your touchIf I could be your loveI wanna go beyondI wanna go to farNow tell me I"m the only oneSkin to skinTake your timeI"ll be right here with you in the longest fightNever will neglect you I"ll stay by your sideNever would direct youIf I"m left behindWill I still feel your touchWill I still be your loveI wanna go beyondI wanna go to farNow tell me I"m the only oneSkin to skin

求Move You ----Anya Marina的中文和英文歌词

English Bending spoons with my mind,manifesting men of all kindsin my spare time.But oh, how I struggled in vain,to solve this riddle with my brainwhen the answer"s in my hands.So I wanna move you around.Got to turn you inside out.Yeah, I wanna move you,I wanna move you around.I wanna move you,I wanna move you around.Where do you,where do you,where do you,where do you,where do you get offliving like I"m not giving it all up to come here?I"m moving it safe,moving it safe,moving it slow,teach me a lesson cause I want to know,if the answer"s in my hands.So I wanna move you,I wanna move you around.I I I I wanna move you,I wanna move you around.I wanna move you,I wanna move you around.Yeah yeah, you with your itinerary life,you"re nothing, nothing, never fine in the light.alrightalrightThe nights settling, settling in your bones, I"mlookin" into your soul,you gotta give it a go.I wanna move you,I wanna move you around.I I I I wanna move youI wanna move you around.I I I I wanna kick off your boots,give up the fight,summon the night,sick and tired of your super light.You gotta kick off your boots,give up the fight,summon the night,sick and tired of your super light.I wanna move you, I wanna move you, around.It"s all out, all out on me,it"s all out, all out on me,yeah, it"s real,yeah, it"s real. 中文 弯曲我的脑海汤匙,各种体现男人在我的业余时间。但是,噢,我多么徒劳的挣扎,为解决这个谜我的大脑当回答在我的手里。因此,我想提出你的到来。了把你里面了。是的,我想打动你,我要打动你的周围。我想打动你,我要打动你的周围。你在哪里,你在哪里,你在哪里,你在哪里,你在哪里下车像我的生活我不给它的所有行动来这里?我移动它的安全,移动它的安全,其移动缓慢,教给我一个教训事业,我想知道,如果答案在我的手里。因此,我想打动你,我要打动你的周围。一至三要打动你的,我要打动你的周围。我想打动你,我要打动你的周围。是啊是啊,你与你的行程的生活,你没什么,没什么,从未在光罚款。好吧好吧晚上的沉淀,骨骼中的解决,我lookin到你的灵魂",你总得给它一个去。我想打动你,我要打动你的周围。一至三要移动你我要打动你的周围。一至三要启动你的靴子,放弃斗争,召唤夜,厌倦和疲惫的超轻。你总得启动你的靴子,放弃斗争,召唤夜,厌倦和疲惫的超轻。我要打动你的,我想打动你,周围。这一切时,所有出在我身上,这一切时,所有出在我身上,是的,这是真实的,是的,它是真实的。

请问哪里有下载《the yellow Submarine》和《赵先生》中文字幕啊

如何评价yellow submarine 这部电影


甲壳虫乐队《Hey Jude》、《Let It Be》、《Yellow Submarine》、《In My Life》中文翻译

1.《HeyJude》HeyJude,don""tmakeitbad.嘿Jude不要这样消沉Takeasadsongandmakeitbetter.唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些Remembertoletherintoyourheart,记住要永远爱她Thenyoucanstarttomakeitbetter.开始新的生活HeyJude,don""""tbeafraid.嘿Jude不要担心Youweremadetogooutandgether.去追她,留下她Theminuteyouletherunderyourskin,拥抱她的时候Thenyoubegintomakeitbetter.将开始新的生活Andanytimeyoufeelthepain,无论何时,当你感到痛苦的时候heyJude,refrain,嘿Jude放松一下自己Don""tcarrytheworlduponyourshoulders.不要去担负太多自己能力以外的事Forwellyouknowthatit""""safoolwhoplaysitcool要知道扮酷是很愚蠢的Bymakinghisworldalittlecolder.生活中总是会有不如意的时候HeyJude,don""tletmedown.HeyJude不要让我伤心Youhavefoundher,nowgoandgether.如果你找到你所爱的人,去爱她吧Remembertoletherintoyourheart,记住要永远爱她Thenyoucanstarttomakeitbetter.生活会更美好 嘿Jude时光如此飞逝不要耽搁 不要总是期望依赖旁人你知道吗!你自己可以的,嘿Jude,去完成吧 明白自己要走自己的路嘿Jude不要这样消沉 唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些 记住要永远爱她然后开始新的生活会更美好会更幸福

submarine boy的《sleepyhead》由来

sleepyhead是懒鬼,瞌睡虫。《Sleepyhead》是Galen Crew原唱的一首歌曲。选自他的专辑《Acoustic Daydreams》,整首歌曲干净、空灵、舒服的嗓音,将一段故事如民谣一般娓娓道来。乐曲本身记述的故事是北欧神话中大英雄齐格鲁德和女武神布伦希尔德的故事,布伦希尔德因触怒奥丁而被关到火焰的城堡里,陷入沉睡。被齐格鲁德解救,后坠入爱河。后来古德伦给齐格鲁德饮下了失忆的灵酒,使之忘记了布伦希尔德,悲愤交加的布伦希尔德杀死古德伦一家后自焚而亡。

He has made a submarine out of rubbish. 这英语中的out of rubbish 是什么成分?

显然,这里的介词短语out of rubbish是修饰前面的动词made,作状语。

yellow submarine是哪只足球队的队歌?

周华建 beyond 任贤齐等人合唱过这首歌

Yellow Submarine 歌词

歌曲:Yellow Submarine歌手:The BeatlesIn the townwhere I was bornLived a manwho sailed to seaAnd he toldus of his lifeIn the landof submarinesSo wo sailedup to the sunTill we foundthe sea of greenAnd we livedbeneath the wavesIn our yellowsubmarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarineAnd our friendsare all on boardMany more of themlive next doorAnd the bandbegins to playWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarineAs we livea life of easeEveryone of ushas all we needSky of blueand sea of greenIn our yelllowsubmarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarine

Yellow Submarine歌词翻译


yellow submarine 啥意思?


Yellow Submarine 歌词

歌曲名:Yellow Submarine歌手:Capella Istropolitana With Soloists Of The Baroque Chamber Orchestra专辑:The Beatles Seasons (4 Concerti Grossi)YELLOW SUBMARINE曲 / John Lennon. 词 / Paul Mccartney.主唱 / 周华健. 任贤齐.Beyond.无印良品.In the town where I was bornLived a man who sailed to seaAnd he told us of his lifeIn the land submarinesSo we sailed up to the sunTill we found the sea of greenAnd we lived beneath the wavesIn our yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineAnd our friends are all on boardMany more of them live next doorAnd the band begins to playWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineas we live a life of easeEveryone of us has all we needSky of blue and sea of greenIn our yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineBEYOND再见理想



Yellow Submarine的创作

当时McCartney正住在时任女友Jane Asher父母的家中,他找到了创作的灵感:“当时我正躺在Asher阁楼的床上……我正想着为Ringo写首歌,最后写出来了,所以这首歌我没有弄得音域很广,就像个老水手之歌,开始时编个故事,告诉小孩儿们他住在那儿。这些大概就是我能回忆起来的……我想John 帮了些忙。歌词的创作有越来越多人参与,但合唱、旋律和独唱部分是我的。” 歌曲中的潜水艇原本有多种颜色,但后来改为只有黄色一种。 1980年,Lennon谈到这首歌:“《Yello Submarine》是Paul的宝贝。我和Donovan在歌词上帮了些忙。事实上我们在录音室里把歌弄得跟真的似的,但这些都是基于Paul的灵感,他的注意,他的标题……为Ringo写的。”Donovan加了句“Sky of blue and sea of green”。 McCartney也说:“那是个快乐的地方,就是这样。你知道,我们在尝试写一首儿童歌曲。那就是最初的想法。你没法从任何儿童歌曲的歌词里解读出更多的东西。

说文解字第16课:海底电缆Submarine Cable

「哇啊,网路怎么突然变那么慢」「一定是海底电缆断掉了啦」,各位读者是否觉得这些对话很熟悉呢?如果遇到网路速度骤降的情况,大家一定会先怀疑是海底电缆出了问题?就让我们来看看海底电缆到底是什么东西吧。 肩负跨国资料传输重任 海底电缆的意思,其实从字面上就可见一斑,它就是埋设在海里的缆线,负责电力或资料的传输工作,我们在这篇文章中,将焦点放在负责国家之间的电信传输任务的海底通讯电缆。 需要架设海底电缆的主要原因,不外乎是因为国家或岛屿被海洋分隔,而无法沿着陆地架设通讯电缆。虽然说卫星通讯也能满足长距离通讯的需求,但是因为距离会造成讯号的衰退,封包传输的延迟情况也会比较严重,因此通讯品质与速度无法与海底电缆相比。根据NEC公司提供的资料,目前日本99%的海外通信资料都是透过海底电缆传送,内容包括Facebook或YouTube等从海外网站,棒球或足球等从海外实况转播,以及国际电话等等。 根据维基百科记载,全世界第一条海底电缆由盎格鲁-法国电报公司(Anglo-FrenchTelegraphCompany)在1850年架设,地点在英国和法国之间的英吉利海峡,但是品质较为粗劣,并且没有任何保护措施,到了1851年11月13日,则架设了具有核心保护措施的电缆。首批海底电缆主要提供电报通讯,随着时代演进,后来逐渐导入电话通讯、网际网路通讯等更先进的资讯传播方式,截至2005年时,除南极洲之外,海底电缆已经覆盖地球上所有洲的范围。 ▲1858年赛勒斯由西场(CyrusWestField)说服英国工业家基金尝试建立的跨大西洋的电报电缆。 采用光纤提供传输品质 我们在日常生活中,比较熟悉使用金属导线传输电气讯号的通讯方式,例如室内电话、有线电视,或是USB等缆线,都是利用金属传导的原理,将资料从一端传送至另一端。但是这种方式有个问题,就是金属导线本身具有电阻,所以资料会在传输的过程中,随着距离的增加而衰退,如此一来就不利于距离较长的海底缆线使用。 为了克服这个问题,海底电缆大多采用光纤进行传输,这种方的原理是利用光线全反射的特性,让光线在玻璃或塑料制成的纤维中前进,如此一来就能像水管一样,将光线从发射端沿着光纤缆线传输至接收端,通常资料的发射端会使用雷射或其他光源发射讯号,接收端则使用光敏元件侦测光线,并解读还原成原始讯号。由于使用光纤传输的讯息衰退比较轻微,因此有利于长距离资料传输。 与台湾关系最深的海底电缆,应该非Google铺设的跨太平洋海底电缆FASTER莫属,它的总长度约为9,000公里,频宽高达60Tb/s,台湾延伸段于2016年9月6日启用,由新北市淡水区登陆,可在台湾与日本两地间提供高达每秒26Tb的传输速度,约等于每秒传输709片DVD的资料量,频宽相当可观。 至于海底电缆的埋设方式,则使需要透过特殊的缆线埋设机(Plow)进行,在施工过程中,需先将缆线埋设机沉至海底,并使用像耕田时使用的犁,在海底制造1条沟,并将缆线埋入,再待海流让砂覆盖上去即可。

yellow submarine(黄色潜水艇)歌词的中文翻译.


yellow submarine 啥意思?



  submarine gate tunnel gate的中文翻译  submarine gate tunnel gate  海底隧道闸

Black Grape的《Submarine》 歌词

歌曲名:Submarine歌手:Black Grape专辑:It"S Great When You"Re Straight ... Yeah《The Cranes : Submarine》Forces pull you this way, that wayYou don"t know where you are goingWay ahead looks so confusingYou don"t know if you can holdThere"s a forest to get throughAnd all the stars want to guide youSo let your instincts fly and you"ll be fineLet the clouds and sky follow your mindDon"t let the pressure goLet the pressure goThere"s a forest to get throughAnd you know that you"re wanted tooAnd forces pull you this way, that wayYou don"t know where you are goingNow you feel the pressure in your mind"Cos there"s so much to look for and to findIt all slips away from time to timeLet it go, let the panic fall behindDon"t let the pressure goAnd let the pressureDon"t let the pressure go


submarine ,发到b的时候,口腔蓄好要发/b/的气,但是不要送气,在此状态下直接发/m/的发音,这样的发音方式,才能实现native speaker教材录音中,b的发音听起来若有若无的效果,不会出现单词被分割成两个单词的感觉,以及避免了整个单词发音不圆润的情况。这种发音方式在语音学中叫做:不送气(原来叫的不准确,叫失去爆破)


把淋浴开关往上提即可潜水艇 submarine是国内五金卫浴领导品牌,主营地漏,花洒,水嘴,角阀和卫浴配件。地漏产品为潜水艇的主打产品,针对地漏的多种需求并结合时尚元素供应多种功能型地漏。如果是拆开淋浴的话,花洒的种类款式太多,拆开沐浴喷头的方法要根据喷头的具体结构而定,多数的都只需要用手朝逆时针方向用力一旋就可以拆下来了,不需要用工具。花洒淋浴喷头的结构无非是由出水盖和手柄组成,如果是可以调节出水的大小的花洒喷头,中间应该有软件圈,用力握紧,再逆时针旋转(或顺时针),就应该能旋转开。如果是不可调出水大小的花洒喷头,那就基本拆不开了,因为那些大多数是用塑料焊接焊紧的了。


Everything on the submarine was buttoned up . 潜水艇上的机器都关闭了。 The submarine was breaking into rainy night . 潜水艇正碰上了雨夜。 He was a skilled submarine engineer . 他是个技术高明的轮机匠。 The submarine bottomed on the ocean floor . 潜水艇停在洋底。 Submarine contours can be more plete and repable . 这样水下等高线更完整可靠。 The frigate rammed the submarine . 护卫舰撞击了潜艇。 The submarine rose to the surface . 潜水艇升至水面。 The submarine rose to the surface . 潜艇露出了表面。 The air and submarine attacks had thrown off the timing . 飞机和潜艇的袭击,打乱了时间。 Submarines are already being powered by atomic energy . 潜水艇现在已经由原子能来驱动了。 This buoyant spirit was everywhere in the submarine . 这种兴高采烈的情绪在潜艇上到处可见。 On a submarine there was no more precise rangefinder . 在潜艇中,没有比他们更精确的测距仪了。 A submarine could leave luzon at a half hour"s notice . 潜艇一接到通知,半小时内就能离开吕宋。 His submarine put in at the brooklyn navy yard overnight . 他的潜艇在布鲁克林海军船坞停了一夜。 The submarine dived . 潜水艇潜水了。 A british submarine was also stalking the turkish supply-ship . 一艘英国潜艇也在追踪这艘土耳其补给船。 After a silence she said, "byron, how does a submarine work? " 沉默了一会儿,她又说:“拜伦,潜艇是怎么操作的?” As quickly as possible, we put a destroyer on the tail of every submarine . 于是我们火速派出驱逐舰跟踪每一艘潜水艇。 No german submarine in that war ever overcame the terrors of the passage . 在那次大战中,没有一艘德国潜艇能克服这条航道的危险。 Byron remembered this tactic from submarine school exercises off new london . 拜伦还记得在新伦敦外边海面上潜艇学校演习时的这一战术。 Submarine and carrier aircraft were the menaces the great guns could not fight . 潜艇和航空母舰上的飞机,构成了那些大炮无法应付的威胁。 The submarine issue arose in such a way as to confuse the american people and their leaders . 潜艇问题出现的方式,使美国人民及其领袖感到慌乱。 The soviets proposed the withdrawal of american balpstic-missile submarines from forward bases . 苏联人建议把美国的弹道导弹潜艇从前沿基地撤走。 Fortunately the first three seaplanes back at the rendezvous saw the submarine e11 . 幸运的是,先返回的三架水上飞机在会合点发现了“E-11”号潜艇。 The karen had been saipng in a convoy to russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine . 卡伦号是护送船只到俄国去的,途中遇到敌人潜水艇的鱼雷袭击。 The admiralty sweetened this pill by lending russia four of our modern submarines . 为了使俄国人容易接受这种安排,海军部从我们现代化的潜艇中拨去四艘借给他们使用。 Upward-fining channels may occur in a wide range of environments, from submarine canyon to alluvial fan . 向上变细的水道可以出现在好多种环境中,从海底峡谷到冲积扇。 He was a christian scientist, and he had initiated voluntary sunday services on the submarine . 他是一个基督教科学派的信徒,在这艘潜艇上自告奋勇主持了星期礼拜仪式。 The tirpitz had been disabled by the audacious and heroic attack of our midget submarines . “提尔古茨”号战列舰由于我们小型潜艇发动的大胆而英勇的袭击而丧失了战斗力。 The united states navy is investigating the use of fiber optics for municating with submerged submarines . 美国海军正在研究如何利用纤维光学同没入水下的舰艇进行通讯。 Radar sets in patrol planes enabled the british and american navies to bring the german submarines under control . 安装在巡逻飞机上的雷达设备,使英、美海军得以制服德国潜艇。 A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the challenger"s observation . 伴随着铺设海底电缆而进行的突击活动很快证实了“挑战者”号的探测结果。 It was not easy designing a radar system able to pick out a submarine peniscope from aimd the endless rolpng wave father . 要设计一种能从不断翻滚的海浪回波中辨别出潜艇望镜的雷达系统,并非易事。 The sapnity and temperature of the water from submarine springs are indicators, which can be used for a detailed location of the spring mouth . 从水下泉出来的水的含盐度和温度可以作为泉口准确位置的指示。 Observations made by pendulums in a submarine beeen 1920 and 1950, avoiding stormy weather, are pable to errors of perhaps 5 mgal . 在1920年和1950年之间,在潜艇中用摆仪进行的观测,避开了暴风雨天气,也许可能有5毫伽的误差。 A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the observation that many parts of the ocean were three miles . 伴随着铺设海底电缆而进行的突击活动很快证实了探测结果;海洋的很多部分深达3英里。 By the enty-fifth fourteen british cruises were bing the north sea with destroyers and submarines co-operating and with the battle-fleet in support . 到了25日,共有14艘英国巡洋舰,带同与之配合的驱逐舰和潜艇,在战列舰的护卫下,仔细搜索北海的海面。 Each submarine emits a kind of radioactive waste . . 每条潜艇都会产生放射性废料 Stabipty *** yses on pressure structure of submarine 潜艇耐压结构的稳定性分析 The ship was stopped by a surfaced submarine 那艘船被一浮出水面的潜水艇拦住了。 Rule of examination for submarine hull structrue welder 潜艇船体结构焊工考试规则 Anti - sub plane aircraft launching from enemy submarine 敌军潜水舰正在发射飞机。 Fuzzy probabipty calculation of submarine accidents 潜艇事故概率的模糊事件树分析 The answer was the submarine and the guided missile 这个答案就是导弹和潜艇。 Hong kong is connected to 11 submarine cable systems 香港共连接11个海底电缆系统。 Why can a submarine float and sink 为什么潜水艇既能浮在水面,又能潜入水底? This destroyer can overrun any submarine 这艘驱逐舰的速度比任何潜水艇都快。 Requirment of hull accessory installation for submarine 潜艇舷侧附件安装要求 Submarine cables were laid across the atlantic 铺设了横越大西洋的海底电缆。 Trying to remote - pilot our submarine to the surface 试着遥控我们的潜艇浮上来


你好!submarine 英[u02ccsu028cbmu0259u02c8riu02d0n] 美[u02ccsu028cbmu0259u02c8riu02d0n] n. 潜艇; 潜艇三明治,长卷三明治(用长卷面包纵向切开,内夹各种食物); adj. 水下的; 海底的; [例句]Can you fix a position on the submarine?你能给潜水艇定位吗?marine 英[mu0259u02c8riu02d0n] 美[mu0259u02c8riu02d0n] adj. 海的; 海产的; 海生的; 海船的; 货船的; 海上贸易的; n. (尤指美国或英国皇家) 海军陆战队士兵; [例句]The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical.油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。naval 英[u02c8neu026avl] 美[u02c8neu026avl] adj. 海军的; [例句]He was the senior serving naval officer.他那时是现役海军高级军官。


submarine[英][u02ccsu028cbmu0259u02c8ri:n][美][u02c8su028cbmu0259u02ccrin, u02ccsu028cbmu0259u02c8rin]n.潜艇; 海底生物; adj.水下的,海底的; vt.用潜艇攻击; vi.驾驶潜艇; 划入底下; 第三人称单数:submarines过去分词:submarined复数:submarines现在进行时:submarining过去式:submarined易混淆单词:Submarine例句:1.Seoul has accused mr kim of ordering a submarine to torpedo a south korean warship on march 26, killing 46 sailors. 首尔方面指控金正日命令朝鲜潜艇在3月26日用鱼雷击沉韩国一艘军舰,致46名水兵丧生

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分析句子 A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.


求英国诗人Samuel Taylor Coleridge的一首著名的叙事诗《THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER》

柯尔律治:《老水手行》/《老水手的摇曲》 第 一 部 这老年水手站在路旁, 来三个,他拦住一个。 “你胡子花白,你眼神古怪, 拦住我为了什么? 新郎的宅院敞开了大门, 我是他家的亲眷; 客人都到了,酒席摆好了, 闹哄哄,欢声一片。” 他手似枯藤,勾住那客人: “从前有条船出海——” “去你的!放开我!白胡子蠢货!” 他的手随即松开。 他眼似幽魂,勾住那客人—— 那客人僵立不动, 乖乖地听话,像三岁的娃娃: 老水手占了上风。 客人在一块石头上坐下来—— 没法子,他只能静听; 这目光灼灼的老年水手 把往事叙述分明: “人声喧嚷,海船离港, 兴冲冲,我们出发; 经过教堂,经过山冈, 经过高高的灯塔。 太阳从左边海面升起, 仿佛从海底出来; 它大放光明,在天上巡行, 向右边沉入大海。 太阳一天比一天更高。 中午正对着桅顶——” 客人止不住捶胸顿足, 他听到箫管齐鸣。 新娘子脸儿红得像玫瑰, 她来了,进了厅堂; 一班歌手走在她前头, 点头晃脑地吟唱。 客人止不住捶胸顿足, 没法子,他只能静听; 这目光灼灼的老年水手 把往事叙述分明: “海上的暴风呼呼刮起, 来势又猛又凶狂; 它抖擞翅膀,横冲直撞, 把我们赶向南方。 帆船飞奔,暴风狂吼, 斜了桅杆,湿了船头; 我们一个劲儿向南逃走—— 像被人追赶的逃犯 脚踩着追兵幽幽的黑影, 低着头拼命逃窜。 起了大雾,又下了大雪, 天色变,冷不可支; 漂来的浮冰高如桅顶, 绿莹莹恰似宝石。 雪雾弥漫,积雪的冰山 明亮却阴冷凄清; 人也无踪,兽也绝种, 四下里只见寒冰。 这边是冰,那边也是冰, 把我们围困在中央; 冰又崩又爆,又哼又嚎, 闹得人晕头转向。 冰海上空,一只信天翁 穿云破雾飞过来; 我们像见了基督的使徒, 喜滋滋向它喝彩。 我们喂的食它从未吃过, 它绕船飞去飞回。 一声霹雳,冰山解体, 我们冲出了重围! 可意的南风在后边吹送; 信天翁跟着这条船, 听水手一叫,它就来到—— 来啄食也来游玩。 接连九晚,云遮雾掩, 它停在帆樯上歇宿; 接连九夜,苍白的淡月 映着苍白的烟雾。” “愿上帝搭救你吧,老水手! 你怎么惊魂不定?” “我弯弓搭箭,一箭离弦, 信天翁送了性命!” 第 二 部 如今太阳从右边升起, 仿佛从海底出来; 蒙着一层雾,它半藏半露, 向左边沉入大海。 可意的南风照旧吹送; 少了那可亲的旅伴: 再没有海鸟一叫就到—— 来啄食也来游玩。 我行凶犯罪,看来只怕会 连累全船的弟兄; 他们都念叨:全靠那只鸟 引来了阵阵南风。 “你怎敢放肆,将神鸟射死! 是它引来了南风。” 不暗也不红,威严庄重, 金灿灿太阳涌出; 众人又念叨:全怪那只鸟 惹来了沉沉烟雾。 ‘你干得真好,射死了妖鸟! 是它惹来了烟雾。" 好风吹送,浪花飞涌, 船行时留下纹路; 这幽静海面,在我们以前 从来没有人闯入。 南风停了,帆篷落了, 阴惨惨,死气沉沉; 我们找话说,无非想冲破 海上难堪的沉闷。 中午,滚烫的紫铜色天上, 毒日头猩生似血, 它端端正正对准了桅顶, 大小如一轮圆月。 一天又一天,一天又一天, 船停着,纹丝不动; 就像画师画出的一条船 停在画出的海中。 水呀,水呀,处处都是水, 泡得船板都起皱; 水呀,水呀,处处都是水, 却休想喝它一口。 连海也腐烂了!哦,基督! 这魔境居然显现! 黏滑的蠕虫爬进爬出, 爬满了黏滑的海面。 夜间,四处,成群,飞舞, 满眼是鬼火磷光; 海水忽绿、忽蓝、忽白, 像女巫烧沸的油浆。 有人在梦中得到确息: 是雾乡有雪国的神怪 一路将我们追逼折磨, 他藏的九口寻深海。 一连多少天滴水不沾, 舌头也连根枯萎; 人人都哑了,说不出话了, 喉咙像灌满煤灰。 全船老少一齐瞪着我, 那眼神何等凶暴! 我脖子底下没挂十字架, 却挂着那只死鸟。 第 三 部 日子真难过!喉咙像着火! 眼睛都木了,呆了。 日子真难过!受这等折磨! 眼睛快睁不开了。 勉强睁开眼,我望见西边 有什么东西来了。 起初像小小一粒斑点, 随后像一团雾气; 游动着,不断游动着,终于 显出固定的形体。 斑点,雾气,固定的形体, 游来了,越游越近; 它颠簸摇摆,左弯右拐, 像闪避水下妖精。 喉咙已焦枯,嘴唇也变乌, 不透气,哭笑两难; 都成了哑巴,都站着不动! 我咬破胳臂,嘬血润喉咙, 才喊出:‘是船!是船!" 喉咙已焦枯,嘴唇也变乌, 他们张着嘴倾听; 一听说是船,谢天谢地! 都喜笑颜开,还连连吸气, 仿佛在开怀畅饮。 ‘快瞧呵!"我喊,‘它不再拐弯! 它来救我们出险; 海上没有风,也没有潮水, 它却直挺挺向前!" 西边的海波红如烈火, 黄昏已近在眼前; 西边海波上,临别的太阳 又圆又大又明艳; 那船形怪物急匆匆闯入 我们与太阳之间。 一条条杠子把太阳拦住, (愿天国圣母垂怜!) 像隔着监狱铁栏,露出 太阳滚烫的大脸。 哎呀!(我的心急跳不停!) 那条船来得好快! 那就是帆吗——像缕缕轻纱, 夕照里闪着光彩? 像铁栏一样拦住太阳的 可是那船的肋条? 船上就只有那一个条子? 还是有两个,另一个是‘死"? ‘死"可是她的同僚? 嘴唇红艳艳,头发黄澄澄, 那女子神情放纵; 皮肤白惨惨,像害了麻风; 她是个精魅,叫‘死中之生", 能使人热血凝冻。 那条船过来,和我们并排, 船上两个在押宝; ‘这一局已定!是你输我赢!" 她说着,吹三声口哨。 残阳落水,繁星涌出, 霎时间夜影沉沉; 怪船去运,声闻海面, 顷刻便消失无痕。 我们边听边斜眼张望; ‘恐怖"在心头喝我的血浆, 仿佛在杯中喝酒! 帆上的露水滴落下来, 灯下的舵手脸色刷白, 星光暗,夜色浓稠; 一钩新月从东边升起, 有一颗亮星,不偏不倚, 在新月脚下勾留。 星随月走,满船的水手 来不及哼叫一声, 都疼得乱扭,都将我诅咒—— 不用嘴而用眼睛。 两百个水手,一个不留, (竟没有一声哼叫) 扑通扑通,一叠连声, 木头般一一栽倒。 魂魄飞出了他们的皮囊—— 飞向天国或阴间! 一个个游魂掠过我身旁, 嗖嗖响,如国响箭!” 第 四 部 “你叫我心惊胆怕,老水手! 你的手这般枯瘦! 你又细又长,胸色焦黄, 像海沙起棱起皱。 我怕你,你眼神好似幽魂, 你的手焦黄枯萎!” “别怕,别怕,贺喜的客人! 我是个活人,不是鬼。” 我孤孤单单,独自一个 困守着茫茫大海, 却没有一位天神可怜我, 痛苦塞满了心怀。 这么多一表堂堂的汉子 都死了,木然僵卧; 成千上万条黏滑的蠕虫 却活了下来,还有我。 我看看腐烂发霉的大海, 扭头把视线移开; 我看看腐烂发霉的船板, 船板上堆满尸骸。 我两眼朝天,待要祷告, 祷词还不曾出口, 便听得一声歹毒的咒语, 我的心顿时凉透。 我闭上眼睛,老也不敢睁, 眼球跳动如脉搏; 不敢睁,怕的是天和海,海和天 闷沉沉的逼压我困乏的两眼, 还有死尸围着我! 死者肢体上冷汗已消失, 身躯不腐也不臭; 瞪我的眼神仍然恶狠狠, 一如临终的时候。 孤儿的诅咒可以把亡魂 从天堂拖下地府; 而死者眼中发出的诅咒 却更加可惊可怖! 受这等磨折,我求死不得, 有七天七夜工夫! 月亮姗姗登上了天宇, 一路上从不停留; 一两颗星星在她的左右, 陪着她静静遨游。 月光就像四月的白霜, 洒遍闷热的海面; 而在船身的大片阴影中, 着魔的海水滚烫猩红, 像炎炎不熄的烈焰。 那大片阴影之外,海水里 有水蛇游来游去: 它们的路径又白又亮堂; 当它们耸身立起,那白光 便碎作银花雪絮。 水蛇游到了阴影以内, 一条条色彩斑斓: 淡青,浓绿,乌黑似羽绒, 波纹里,舒卷自如地游动, 游过处金辉闪闪。 美妙的生灵!它们的姿容 怎能用口舌描述! 爱的的泉水涌出我心头, 我不禁为它们祝福: 准是慈悲的天神可怜我, 我动了真情祷祝。 我刚一祈祷,胸前的死鸟 不待人摘它,它自己 便掉了下来,像铅锤一块, 急匆匆沉入海底。 第 五 部 睡眠呵!天下无人不爱你, 你性情多么温驯! 赞美圣母玛利亚!她亲自 把你从天国送到了人世, 让你溜入我心魂。 甲板上那些空空的水桶, 早搁到一边去了; 梦中见桶里接满了露水, 我一觉悟醒来,下雨了。 嘴唇是湿的,喉咙是凉的, 身上衣裳也湿透; 梦中我想必喝了不少, 醒后更喝个不休。 我走动,仿佛在腾云驾雾, 身轻如一片羽毛—— 莫非我已在梦中死去, 这游魂上了九霄? 我听见咆哮的风声:风起了, 还不曾刮到近旁; 而这些又薄又脆的帆篷 已在风声里摇晃。 高空里突然热闹非凡! 来去匆匆的闪电 恰似百十面火旗飘舞! 惨白的星星跳进跳出, 忽而亮,忽而不见。 风声越来越高昂尖锐, 帆篷呼啸如蓑草; 一块乌云泼下了雨水, 月亮与乌云紧靠。 那块浓黑的乌云裂了缝, 月亮还在它旁边; 闪电劈下来,不留空隙, 像高山瀑布冲下平地, 又像陡急的河川。 那阵风总也吹不到船上, 船自己动了,往前开; 电光闪闪,月光惨惨, 死者们哼出声来。 他们哼,他们动,他们站起来, 不开口,不转眼珠—— 这等事梦中见了也怕, 醒着更觉得玄乎。 海上没有风,帆篷不动, 舵手却开船向前; 水手们又像往常那样, 一个个拉绳牵缆; 手脚都僵直,像木头家什, 鬼魂们驾一条鬼船! 我侄儿的尸骸与我并排, 两个人膝头相碰; 他与我合力拉一根绳子, 可是他一声不吭。” “你叫我心惊胆怕,老水手!” “沉住气,贺喜的客人! 死者们魂魄早已飞走, 并不是游魂又回到尸首, 是别有仙灵附身。 天一亮,他们就垂手歇息, 聚拢在桅樯四周, 徐徐唱出柔婉的歌声, 歌声又悠悠飘走。 听寰海周遭清歌缭绕, 这歌声飞向晨曦; 不久又缓缓飘回海面, 独唱与混声交替。 有时像是云雀的清音 从云端飘酒下来; 有时又像是百鸟啁啾, 都想让它们甜润的歌喉 响遍长空和大海。 时而像一片急管繁弦, 时而像笛音寂寞; 时而像天使高唱圣诗, 天庭也为之静默。 歌停了;但直到午刻为止, 帆篷还宛转吟哦, 那音调好比初夏六月里, 绿荫掩映的小河 彻夜向幽幽入睡的林木 哼一曲恬静的儿歌。 午前,海上没一点微风, 这船却安然行驶, 不急不忙,稳稳当当—— 水下有神怪驱使。 在九口寻深海,有一位神怪 从雾乡雪国开始 一路跟了来,如今是他在 推动这条船行驶。 帆篷在午刻终止了吟哦, 船行也骤然中止! 这时,太阳对准了桅顶, 把船固定在海面; 可是一会儿船就动起来, 步子又短又艰难—— 它一退一进,一回只挪动 船身长度的一半。 突然,船就像烈马脱缰, 猛一跳,向前飞驶; 热血咕嘟嘟冲上我脑门, 我倒下,不省人事。 昏迷中,我到底躺了多久, 不必说,不必细问; 我迷迷糊糊,还没醒过来, 耳边便听到,心里也明白 两个精灵在谈论。 一个说:‘凭基督名义,告诉我, 凶手是不是此人? 信天翁实在驯良无害, 即遭他利箭穿身! 那住在雾乡雪国的神怪 跟这船跟了许久; 他爱那海鸟,海鸟爱此人, 此人却是个凶手。" 另一个语调平静温婉, 如甘露滋润心头: ‘此人虽行凶,却已知悔罪, 他还会忏悔不休。" 第 六 部 第一个精灵 ‘说吧,说吧,再说几句吧, 回答我一个问题—— 这条船怎么走得这么快? 这海洋可曾出力?" 第二个精灵 ‘海洋温顺得像一名侍童, 不起风,也不起浪; 他安安静静,亮眼圆睁, 望着天上的月亮—— 月亮是向导,他向她请教, 仰仗她指点祸福; 你瞧瞧月亮:她俯视海洋, 那神情多么亲睦!" 第一个精灵 ‘海上不起浪,也不见风来, 船怎么走得这么快?" 第二个精灵 ‘在船在前面,大气被劈开: 后面,又合成一块。 飞上来,老兄!快飞上高空! 迟了只怕要误事; 等到这水手醒过来以后, 船就会慢慢行驶。" 我悠悠苏醒,船稳稳航行, 不冷不热的天气; 静静的暗夜,高高的淡月, 死者们站在一起。 密匝匝,死者们挤在一起, 甲板变成了灵堂; 两百双眼睛都向我紧盯, 那眼光寒似月光。 他们眼中的痛苦和诅咒 比生前丝毫未减; 我无法逃避他们的怒视, 也无法祷告苍天。 魔法终于解除了,我再度 望见碧蓝的海洋; 我放眼远眺,却再难见到 往日的清平气象。 对比一个人,胆怯心虚, 踏上了一条荒径, 侧身望一眼,再不敢回头, 只顾得拔脚逃命; 因为他知道有一名恶鬼 在背后牢牢跟定。 既没有声音,也没有动静, 一股风吹到我身边; 既不见水纹,也不见波影, 它不曾吹过海面。 拂动我头发,抚弄我面颊, 像吹过春郊绿野; 这股风夹杂着几分惊恐, 其实它温和亲切。 飞呀,飞呀,归船似箭, 却又安舒而平稳; 吹呀,吹呀,惠风拂面, 却只惠顾我一人。 美滋滋一场梦境!前方 那不是高高的灯塔? 那不是山冈?那不是教堂? 莫非我梦里回家? 船漂过暗滩,靠近港湾, 我哭着,祷告不停: ‘上帝呵!让我醒来吧,要么 就让我一睡不醒。" 港湾像镜子一般明净, 铺展得柔滑平匀; 月光洒布在港湾内外, 月影儿映在波心。 峭岩和岩上耸立的教堂 都在月光里闪耀; 高高的风向标稳定安详, 让静静月光朗照。 经月光浸染,这一片港湾 已变得银白雪亮; 蓦地里,红光闪闪的形影 纷纷涌现于水上。 那一群红色形影就在 离船不远的地方; 我望望甲板——哦,基督! 见到了什么景象! 见到了(我凭十字架起誓!) 甲板上尸身僵挺, 每具尸身上,都停着一位 红光遍体的仙灵。 这一群仙灵挥手不停, 好一派神奇景象! 红光闪闪,像红火盏盏 把信号传给岸上。 这一群仙灵挥手不停, 又全都默然无悟; 这肃静滋润了我的心魂, 好似雍容的乐曲。 我随即听到荡桨的声音, 听到领港人呼唤: 我掉头张望,只见水上 划来了一只小船。 领港人父子,一老一少, 正匆匆荡桨前来; 这满船尸首也妨碍不了 我这满腔的欢快! 我瞧见小船上还有一个人, 听嗓音,是那位隐者; 他正吟唱着林间野地里 他自己编的圣歌。 他会把信天翁血迹洗干净, 会帮我赎清罪恶。 第 七 部 海畔山坡上有一片林莽, 隐者就住在林间; 他唱的圣歌清朗而明快; 每逢水手们从海外归来, 他爱和他们谈天。 他清晨、午刻、黄昏都祈祷, 跪在膝垫上膜拜: 膝垫是老橡树一节残桩, 长满厚厚的青苔。 小船过来了,船上人说着: ‘这真是出鬼了! 刚才亮闪闪那些信号 怎么一下都没了?" ‘奇怪!"隐士说,‘我们呼唤过, 可他们全不搭理! 瞧这些破帆又瘪又干, 船板又歪又翘起! 这凄惨景象我从未见过, 除非是冬天,林子里 黄叶的残骸,一片片落在 溪水上,顺水浮漂; 簇簇常春藤让大雪罩着, 猫头鹰吃着狼崽,还朝着 树下的恶狼怪叫。" ‘老天爷!这里真像是有鬼!" 领港人叫道,‘我害怕。" 隐士却不慌不忙地说着: ‘怕什么!划吧,快划!" 划子挨近了这条大船, 我不动,也不开腔; 划子一靠拢这条大船, 便听得一声怪响。 响声在水下,越来越大, 越来越惊心动魄; 劈开波澜,猛撞大船, 船像铅锤般沉没! 这响声冲犯高空和大海, 震得我神志昏迷; 像淹了七天七夜的尸骸, 我在水面上浮起; 比做梦还快,醒了,我躺在 领港人小小划子里。 大船一沉没,便卷起旋涡, 划子也回旋摆荡; 一会儿四境都归于平静, 只山崖兀自回响。 我刚一开口,领港人立刻 叫一声,昏倒在地; 修行的隐士两眼朝天, 战兢兢祷告上帝。 我刚一拿桨,领港人儿子 便吓得神魂错乱; 他放声狂笑,笑个不了, 眼珠滴溜溜乱转; ‘哈哈!"他笑道,‘我明明见到, 敢情鬼也会划船。" 到底回来了!我踏上故乡 牢牢实实的地面! 隐士从小船蹒跚走下, 站不稳,腿软如绵。 ‘帮我赎罪吧,修行的善人!" 我向那隐士哀恳; 他画着十字,答道:‘你说呀! 快说!你是什么人?" 像周身骨架被掰开卸下, 我这时痛苦万状; 不得不如实讲我的故事, 讲完了才觉得松爽。 此后,说不准什么时刻, 那痛苦又会来临, 又得把故事再讲一遍, 才免得烈火攻心。 我如同夜影,四处巡行, 故事越讲越流畅; 谁该听故事,该听劝戒, 我看上一眼便能识别, 便对他从头细讲。 新郎的宅院欢声一片, 客人们喧哗鼓噪; 花园凉亭里,新娘和伴娘 唱着悠扬的曲调; 你听!钟声响了,告诉我 晚祷的时辰已到! 客官!我曾经独自一个 困守着茫茫大海: 那样荒凉,那样空旷! 仿佛上帝也躲开。 我觉得,和众多信徒一起 上教堂虔心祷告, 那滋味,比参加婚礼华筵 不知要胜过多少。 和众人一起走进教堂, 和众人一起祷告: 老人和幼儿,亲朋和伴侣, 快活的后生,俏丽的少女, 一齐向上帝弯腰。 再见吧,再见!贺喜的客官! 请听我一句忠告: 对人类也爱,对鸟兽也爱, 祷告才不是徒劳。 对大小生灵爱得越真诚, 祷告便越有成效: 因为上帝爱一切生灵—— 一切都由他创造。” 眼神清亮,胡子花白, 老水手转身走远; 贺喜的客人也默默离开, 再不去新郎的宅院。 他仿佛挨了当头一棒, 满腔兴致都消失; 到了第二天,他性情大变—— 变得又严肃,又懂事。英文版的太长了。一次发不上来。我用我的另一个账户曾经的回忆来给你再回答一次英文版的吧。要是选我的答案的话,就还是选兰雪茶这个号吧O(∩_∩)O~~~

a smooth sea never made a skillful mariner 的意思

one must gain his experiences from dealing with difficulties


maritime是形容词:海的, 海上的, 海事的。如 Shanghai Maritime Univeristy 上海海事大学marine可做形容词:海的, 航海的, 海生的, 海事的也可做名词:水兵, 船舶, 海运业如marine engineering 轮机工程

Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (Live) (1998 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (Live) (1998 Digital Remaster)歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Live After DeathIron Maiden - Rime Of The Ancient MarinerHear the rime of the Ancient MarinerSee his eye as he stops one of threeMesmerises one of the wedding guestsStay here and listen the nightmares of the Sea.And the music plays on, as the bride passes byCaught by his spell and the Mariner tells his tale.Driven south to the land of the snow and iceTo a place where nobody"s beenThrough the snow fog flies on the albatrossHailed in God"s name, hoping good luck it brings.And the ship sails on, back to the NorthThrough the fog and ice and the albatross follows onThe mariner kills the bird of good omenHis shipmates cry against what he"s doneBut when the fog clears, they justify himAnd make themselves a part of the crime.Sailing on and on and North across the seaSailing on and on and North "til all is calmThe albatross begins with its vengeanceA terrible curse a thirst has begunHis shipmates blame bad luck on the MarinerAbout his neck, the dead bird is hung.And the curse goes on and on at seaAnd the curse goes on and on for them and me."Day after day, day after day,we stuck nor breath nor motionAs idle as a painted ship upon a painted oceanWater, water everywhere and all the boards did shrinkWater, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."There, calls the Mariner,there comes a ship over the lineBut how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.See...onward she comesOnward she nears, out of the sunSee...she has no crewShe has no life, wait but there"s two.Death and she Life in Death.they throw their dice for the crewShe wins the Mariner and he belong to her now.Then...crew one by oneThey drop down dead, two hundred menShe...She Life in Death.She lets him live, her chosen one."One after one by the star dogged moon,too quick for groan or sigheach turned his face with a ghastly pang,and cursed me with his eyefour times fifty living men(and I heard nor sigh nor groan),with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,they dropped down one by one."The curse it lives on in their eyesThe Mariner he wished he"d dieAlong with the sea creaturesBut they lived on, so did he.And by the light of the moonHe prays for their beauty not doomWith heart he blesses themGod"s creatures all of them too.Then the spell starts to breakThe albatross falls from his neckSinks down like lead into the SeaThen down in falls comes the rain.Hear the groans of the long dead seamenSee them stir and they start to riseBodies lifted by good spiritsNone of them speak and they"re lifeless in their eyes.And revenge is still sought, penance starts againCast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.Now the curse is finally liftedAnd the Mariner sights his homeSpirits go from the long dead bodiesForm their light and the Mariner"s left alone.And then a boat came sailing towards himIt was a joy he could not believeThe Pilot"s boat, his son and the hermit.Penance of life will fall onto Him.And the ship it sinks like lead into the seaAnd the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins.The Mariner"s bound to tell of his storyTo tell his tale wherever he goesTo teach God"s word by his own exampleThat we must love all things that God made.And the wedding guest"s a sad and wiser manAnd the tale goes on and on and on...and on

sailor mariner 有什么区别

sailor : 普通和词,指任何实际驾驶船只航海或在船上工作的人员。 mariner : 多指直接从事航海和参与驾驶船只的水手。。

mariner books 是哪个国家的出版社

Bloomsbury Publishing旗下的一个部分,哈利波特就是 Bloomsbury Publishing出版的代表性作品,是英国伦敦的出版商


marine 海运maritime 海事Opportunities in Marine And Maritime Careers 海运和海事业的职业机遇


中文名:法穆兰Franck Muller是一位有着丰富经验的表匠。十多年前他创立了以自己名字命名的腕表品牌。

想看汽车旅馆1979年由 Marina Hedman主演的免费高清资源

《汽车旅馆》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:zc3n导演:Mario Gariazzo编剧:Mario Gariazzo主演:Marina Hedman、Anna Maria Rizzoli、Antonella Antinori、Patrizia Behn、Patrizia Webley、Enzo Fisichella、Ray Lovelock、Anthony Steffen类型:惊悚、恐怖、犯罪

Skidamarink 歌词 急需啊!

歌名:Skidamarink(爱之歌 )歌词:Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,And in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Faster,Skidamarink a dink a dink更快点,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,Skidamarink a dink a dink史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,I love you in the morring史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,我爱你在早上And in the afternoon,I love you in the evening在下午,我爱你在晚上And underneath the moon,Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,月亮之下,噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,Faster faster史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,更快点更快点Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,And in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你。扩展资料:鉴赏:Skidamarink是一首节奏非常布鲁斯的英文童谣。Skidamarink可以看作是一种手指游戏,用来表达喜爱的一。坐在孩子对面,看着对方的眼睛,唱起歌词里多次出现的“I love you”,浓浓的爱意就在优美的曲调中展现出来。

CMS(China Marine Surveillance)是什么意思啊??

中国海洋监测= 中国海监

请问“the few the proud the marines”翻译成中文应该怎么表述?


marine girl什么意思

marine girl 女水兵marine[英][mu0259u02c8ri:n][美][mu0259u02c8rin]adj.海的; 海产的; 海军的; 海事的; n.水兵; 海军陆战队士兵; 海事,海运业; 复数:marines例句:1.But some primitive marine plants are breaking the rules. 但一些原始的海洋植物可不信这个邪。2.Ms. hazime handed the young marine his sandwich. 哈兹姆把三文治递给这位年轻的海军士兵。




marine和navy都有海军的含义,但是深究下去还是有差别的。x0dx0anavy是指那些在海上航行的海军,是传统意义上的海军,尤其是指水面军舰上的海军。x0dx0amarine的含义更加广泛,只要是海上海中的都可以用marine。在美国marine是指海军陆战队,是传统意义上海军的拓展,含义比navy丰富。x0dx0a现代因为“海军”的含义比以前广泛多了,一般不用navy,而是用marine force。marine force包含了全部的海上武装力量。


the few the proud the marines少数的令人骄傲的海军陆战队员

send in the Marines 什么意思



意玛--总部设在意大利,是一家充满活力与创新精神的服装集团,以亲和时尚、清新自然的设计风格而著名,是欧洲成人及儿童运动休闲服装的主流品牌。 是意大利的著名品牌在这打个小广告~o(∩_∩)o...:本人是个卖女装的小商户 如果有MM想买YY 可以去我的百度空间相册看看哈 到是HI我就可以了

Marines Running Cadence是什么意思!是歌名


interstellar marines是什么游戏

星际舰队 由Zero Point Sofware一手开发、发行的科幻类射击游戏《星际舰队(Interstellar Marines)》公布了最新宣传片。原来以《Project IM》为开发计划代号的《星际舰队》主要是以未来的宇宙为舞台,玩家加入了宇宙陆战队将面对与外星人的严苛战斗考验。   《星际舰队》融合了科幻、第一人称射击、动作与冒险要素,为原创的故事,将让玩家在游戏中体验到难以预料的剧情,游戏将结合单人与4人合作模式。

rapp al u.s.marines



marine的内涵强调海或者海洋的本身maritime 的内涵强调与海或海洋相关的一切(包括海洋本身,也包括海洋的各种相关事务)marine 是maritime内涵的一部分

marine造句 marineの例文 "marine"是什麼意思

A marine detector is a hydrophone . 海洋检波器是水中地震检波器。 Marine snakes use a similar desalting mechani *** . 海蛇也运用类似的脱盐机制。 Basically, joe is a marine animal . 乔基本上是一个海生动物。 Marines are catching hell there . 海军陆战队在那遇上了麻烦。 Many marine transgressions occur across coastal plains . 许多海运是横越滨海平原。 We also have a marine information research division . 我们还有一个海洋情报研究室。 Were you in the marine corps ? 你是在海军陆战队吗? Most marine plants can pve only in the photic zone . 海洋植物多半只能生活在透光层里。 That will do for the marines ! 我才不受你的骗呢! The marines continued to occupy the country for many years . 海军陆战队继续占领那个国家多年。 It"s difficult to see marine in a sentence. 用 marine 造句挺难的 Tell that to the marines ! 谁信你那一套! I"m a marine engineer . 我是船舶机械师。 Pollutants may also aggravate natural changes in the marine environment . 污染物也会加剧海洋环境的变化。 There are obvious advantages in developing a u.s. marine farming program . 发展美国海洋农业计划有著明显的利益。 The continental beds are as thick as their marine time equivalents . 陆相地层与其时代相同的海相地层具有一样的厚度。 Sedco was one of the world"s largest international marine drilpng contractors . 赛德公司是世界上最大的鉆采承包商。 In the marines there were bigger jobs we did a whole lot faster . 在海军陆战队里,比这大的任务,我们干起来都快得多。 The unconformity marks the change from fluvial to marginal marine deposition . 不整合面标志著河相至边缘海相沉积的相变。 The concepts of marine transgression and regression are considered to be fundamental . 海进和海退概念被认为是基本的概念。 On opening the door she saw marine stretched on the bed, almost chocked by grief . 推开门,看见玛丽安摊倒在床上,她几乎为悲恸所窒息。 This results in a water concentration which is approximately the same as that in the cytopla *** of marine plants and the invertebrate animals that pve in the sea . 这就导致海生植物和海栖无脊椎动物细胞质中的水浓度与海水大致相同。 The pttle marine animal neopipna, which was dredged up from the bottom of the pacific in 1952, looks practically identical to its ancestors presented as fossils over 50 milpon years ago . 1952年在太平洋底挖出来的小形海洋动物,新帽贝,看上去简直同保存了五亿多年的化石祖先一样。 Area of hong kong of high marine ecological value 香港具高生态价值的海域面积。 Ships and marine technology - marine gyro - passes 船舶和海上技术.船用陀螺罗盤 Power management system for marine generating plants 船用发电设备的电力管理系统 Import and export of marine machinery from to europe 对欧洲的船舶没备进出口业务 Ships and marine technology - dredgers - vocabulary 船舶和船舶技术.挖泥船.词汇 Mr . p chung - hing ( marine department of hong kong 大埔民政事务处)李俊兴先生( Industriapzation of secondary metaboptes of marine sponges 海绵天然产物产业化 It"s difficult to find marine in a sentence. 用 marine 造句挺难的


marine water fulles sence海洋水感最丰富


marine和navy都有海军的含义,但是深究下去还是有差别的。navy是指那些在海上航行的海军,是传统意义上的海军,尤其是指水面军舰上的海军。marine的含义更加广泛,只要是海上海中的都可以用marine。在美国marine是指海军陆战队,是传统意义上海军的拓展,含义比navy丰富。现代因为“海军”的含义比以前广泛多了,一般不用navy,而是用marine force。marine force包含了全部的海上武装力量。


应该是marine,ocean 偏向名词,就是大洋,marine是与海洋有关的。水产的,如下详细说明:marine 英 [məˈri:n] 美 [məˈrin] adj. 海的; 海产的; 海军的; 海事的; n. 水兵; 海军陆战队士兵; 海事,海运业; [例句]The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical.油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。[其他] 复数:marines ocean 英 [ˈəʊʃn] 美 [ˈoʊʃn] n. 海洋; 洋; 大海; (地球上划分出的) 洋; [例句]There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night.鲜有景致能与温暖夜色下风平浪静的大海媲美。[其他] 复数:oceans


marines海军陆战队双语例句1He did 20 years in the marines.他在海军陆战队做了20年。2We got marines and raptors.我们有海军陆战队员和猛禽。

《来自星星的你》第10集中全智贤的Blumarine glen plaid cape斗篷式外套多少钱











意大利知名女性时装品牌Blumarine(蓝色情人)是由Anna Molinari和Gianpaolo Tarabini於1977年所创立,以设计制作针织服装为主。她的针织服装有著鲜明的形象和经过严格筛选的行销通路。


意大利BLUMARINE(蓝色情人)成立于1977年,是设计师ANNA MOLINARI夫妇为了纪念他们浪漫的爱情而创建的纯女性梦幻主义品牌,品牌名源于他们最爱的海滩。多年来,他们将在成衣设计中激发的灵感,挥洒到日用床品上,营造出充满自然、浪漫色彩的意式家居风情。罗浮宫进口馆有展厅,欢迎预约参观选购!



为什么我买的MARINA RINALDI的服装上订的是persona的商标?

可能是MARIN RINALDI 公司旗下的PERSONA的商标啊,并不是说一家公司旗下只有一个商标.最明显的就是宝洁:飘柔海飞丝玉兰油强生....

求the rime of ancient mariner整个诗翻译


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为承运人马士基A / S公司南非签署

水飞蓟素(Silymarin) 的抗氧化作用为什么对肝脏有保护作用?如果这样的话和花青素有什么区别?

水飞蓟素的疗效归功于其具备数个作用点和作用机制:由于其对自由基的捕获能力,水飞蓟素具有抗过氧化活性。脂类化合物过氧化的病理生理学过程(造成细胞膜的损坏),可被水飞蓟素阻断或阻止。并且在已经遭受损伤的肝细胞内,水飞蓟素刺激蛋白质的合成并使磷脂代谢正常化。总之,水飞蓟素最大的贡献是对肝细胞膜有稳定作用,它阻止或避免溶解性细胞成分(例如转氨酶)的流失。水飞蓟素可限制某些肝毒性物质(如:α-鹅膏菌素)穿透进入细胞内部。蛋白质合成能力的增强是由于水飞蓟素刺激细胞核中RNA聚合酶I的活性,因此帮助肝细胞中核糖体RNA的合成,同时导致结构和功能蛋白质(酶)的大量合成。因此,水飞蓟素可增强肝细胞的修复能力和再生能力。参考 利加隆 Legalon 产品说明书 至于花青素,本人目前还未发现其上市药品,至于其抗氧化作用机制我会继续查阅相关文献





Marine and Petroleum Geology审稿意见求助

The reviewers have commented on your above paper. They indicated it requires some modifications in order to be acceptable for publicationIf you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers" comments (included below), I invite you to revise and resubmit your manuscript.Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments.If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please also:a) outline each change made (point by point) as raised in the reviewer commentsAND/ORb) provide a suitable rebuttal to each reviewer comment not addressed......I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.Yours sincerely,......IMPORTANT NOTE: Reviewer attachments may have been uploaded to EES. If there are attachments for your paper, you can view them by clicking on the View Reviewer Attachments action link in EES.Reviewers" comments:

What is marine geology?



Marine Band是众多布鲁斯(blues)口琴的一个名称,有好多系列。就像火箭里面有长征系列几号几号,嫦娥系列几号几号。Marine Band只是一个名字罢了,可以个人用英语解释为“海军乐队”或“海洋乐团”。希望对你有帮助。



求GOKIGEN SOUND - 声が闻きたくて... feat. marina 中文歌词

歌手名:gokigen sound歌曲名:声が闻きたくて专辑名:満タンで行こう!!海よ果てはどこどこへ海的尽头在哪里?umi yo hate hadokodokohe続いてるのアノ国へ一直延续到那个国度tsudui teruno ano kuni he波间浮かぶ小さい船浮在浪尖的小船namima uka bu chiisa i funeゆらりゆらり流されて飘飘摇摇,随波逐流yurariyurari nagasa rete海の向こう知らぬ国向海的对面,未知的国度umi no mukou shira nu kuni白波つれて消えてた带着白色的波浪,消失了shiranami tsurete kie teta海よ果てに何に见える海的尽头有什么?umi yo hate ni nani ni mie ru可爱い君のわろうた頬可爱的你的笑脸kawaii kun nowarouta hoo山よ越えてどこどこへ跨国群山能到哪里?yama yo koe tedokodokohe続いているのアノ国へ一直延续到那个国度tsudui teiruno ano kuni he春はうすもも春天薄樱haru hausumomo夏は群青夏天群青natsu ha gunjou红色に染まる秋秋天染成一片红色beniiro ni soma ru aki真っ白の冬美しい山纯白的冬天,美丽的山masshiro no fuyumi shii yama季节は崖で変わりゆく随着季节,不停变化kisetsu ha gake de kawari yuku山よそこに居ておくれ山啊,请留在这里yama yosokoni ite okure変われず君に见えるように好让你我永远能看到kawa rezu kun ni mie ruyouni遥か远くこの歌よ响彻遥远的地方,我的歌啊haruka tooku kono uta yo响いてゆけアノ国へ一直到那个国度hibii teyuke ano kuni he今も思う懐かしい依然时常想起ima mo omou natsukashi i可爱い君に居った日よ可爱的你在身边的日子kawaii kun ni itta nichi yo海を渡り山を越えて渡过大海,跨越群山umi wo watari yama wo koe teこえるだろうか歌声你能听到吗?这歌声koerudarouka utagoe天が星が歌歌う天和星星都在唱歌ten ga hoshi ga uta utau心乗せて辉いて搭上心儿,在发光kokoro nose te kagayai te遥か远くこの歌よ响彻遥远的地方,我的歌啊haruka tooku kono uta yo响いてゆけアノ国へ一直到那个国度 hibii teyuke ano kuni he



Marina and The Diamonds的《Primadonna》 歌词

歌曲名:Primadonna歌手:Marina and The Diamonds专辑:Electra HeartPrimadonnaMarina and the DiamondsPrimadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girlWould you do anything for me?Buy a big diamond ring for me?Would you get down on your knees for me?Pop that pretty question right now, babyBeauty queen on the silver screenLiving life like I"m in a dreamI know I"ve got a big egoI really don"t know why it"s such a big deal though(Oh!)I"m sad to the core core core(Yeah!)Everyday is a chore chore chore(Wow!)When you give, I want more more moreI wanna be adoredCause I"m a -Primadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girlFill the void up with celluloidTake a picture, I"m with the boysGet what I want ‘cause I ask for itNot because I"m really that deserving of itLiving life like I"m in a playIn the limelight, I want to stayYeah, I know I"ve got a big egoI really don"t know why it"s such a big deal though(Oh!)Going up, going down down down(Yeah!)Anything for the crown crown crown(Wow!)When the lights beat down down downI spin aroundCause I"m a -Primadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girl

marine collagen peptide是什么意思

marine collagen peptide海洋胶原肽双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 鱼鳞胶元蛋白胜肽如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

anya marina 的the All same to me歌词

ANYA MARINA - All the Same to MeI won"t runWhen the sky turns to flameAnd I sure won"t budgeWhen the earth does shakeWhen the flood comes upI will dance in the rain"Cause it"s all the same to meSomebody careSomebody careSomebody care for meSomebody careSomebody careSomebody care for meAnd it"s all I live forThe air I breatheSo it"s all the same to meYeah, it"s all the same to meEenie Meenie Miney MoeEyie Eyie Eyie OhWhere youWhere youWhere you goWell, it"s all the same to meEenie Meenie Miney MoeI won"t holler, let me goDon"t youDon"t youDon"t you knowThat it"s all the same to me?Somebody doSomebody doSomebody do you wrongDon"t let "em killDon"t let "em killDon"t let "em kill your soulSo, I keep on shuffling on and on"Cause it"s all the same to meI won"t runWhen the sky turns to flameAnd I sure won"t budgeWhen the earth does shakeWhen the flood comes upI will dance in the rain"Cause it"s all the same to meEenie Meenie Miney MoeEyie Eyie Eyie OhWhere youWhere youWhere you goWell, it"s all the same to meEenie Meenie Miney MoeI won"t holler, let me goDon"t youDon"t youDon"t you knowThat it"s all the same to me?Somebody careSomebody careSomebody care for meSomebody careSomebody careSomebody care for meAnd it"s all I live forThe air I breatheSo it"s all the same to meYes, it"s all the same to meWell, it"s all the same to me

Anya Marina All The Same To Me 求中文歌词

中文歌词:Stacks on deck 足够的金钱 Patrone on ice 加冰的Tequila酒 So we can pop bottles all night 所以我们可以彻夜开无尽瓶数的酒Baby you can have whatever you like (you like) Baby你想要什么都给你Yeah you can have whatever you like (you like) 你想要什么都给你Yeah Late night sex so wet so tight I"ll gas up the jet for you tonight Baby you can go where ever you like (you like) Baby你要去哪里都可以Yeah you can go where ever you like (you like) 你要去哪里都可以[Verse 1:] Anytime you want to pick up the telephone 任何时候只要你想,请拿起电话You know it ain"t nothin to drop a couple stacks on you 你知道为你花些钱是没有问题的事Wanted you can get it my dear 无论你想要什么都会得到亲爱的 Five million dollar home, drop Bentley"s I swear 五百万美金的房子,发誓买Bentley给你Yeah I want your body, I need your body Long as you got me you won"t need nobody You want it I got it, go get it I buy it Tell them other broke brothers be quiet [Chorus:] Stacks on deck 足够的金钱 Patrone on ice 加冰的Tequila酒 We can pop bottles all night 我们可以彻夜开无尽瓶数的酒 Baby you can have whatever you like (you like) Baby你想要什么都给你Yeah you can have whatever you like (you like) Baby你想要什么都给你Yeah Late night sex so wet and so tight I"ll gas up the jet for you tonight Baby you can go where ever you like (you like) Baby你要去哪里都可以 Yeah you can go where ever you like (you like) 你想要去哪里都可以 Yeah [Verse 2:] Shawty you the hottest, love the way you drop it 亲爱的你是最hot的, 好喜欢你的一举一动Brain so good coulda swore you went to college 你是这样的聪明,简直好像有上过大学 Hundred K deposits, vacations in the tropics 几十万美金的押金,热带去度假Cause everybody know it ain"t trickin if ya got it 每个人都知道如果你有那就不是骗人的Ya ain"t never ever gotta go to yo wallet 你永远不需要用自己的钱包Long as I got rubberband banks in my pocket 只要我的口袋里有好多的钱Five six, rides with rims and a body kit 豪华装饰的豪华车 You ain"t gotta downgrade you can get what I get 对你不会有折扣,我有的你就有 My chick can have whatever she want 我的女人可以有她想要的任何东西 And go in every store and buy any bag she want 走进任何商店,买任何她喜欢的包 I know she ain"t never had a man like that 我知道她从没有过这样的男人To buy you anything your heart desire like that 买给你任何你心中渴望的东西 Yeah I want you body, I need your body Long as you got me you won"t need nobody You want it I got it, go get it I buy it 你想要的我有,去拿好了我买给你 Tell them other broke brothers be quiet 让所有穷困的兄弟们闭嘴 [Chorus:] Stacks on deck 足够的金钱 Patrone on ice 加冰的Tequila酒 So we can pop bottles all night 所以我们可以彻夜开无尽瓶数的酒Baby you can have whatever you like (you like) Baby你想要什么都给你Yeah you can have whatever you like (you like) 你想要什么都给你Yeah Late night sex so wet so tight I"ll gas up the jet for you tonight Baby you can go where ever you like (you like) Baby你要去哪里都可以Yeah you can go where ever you like (you like) 你要去哪里都可以[Verse 3:] I"m talkin" big boy rides 我说的是豪华车and big boy ice 和豪华的珠宝Let me put this big boy in your life Whatever you like(Whatever you like) 无论你想要什么Whatever you like (Whatever you like) 无论你想要什么You can have whatever you like (Whatever you like) 你想要什么都给你Whatever you like (Whatever you like) 无论你想要什么You can have whatever you like (Whatever you like) 你想要什么都给你Whatever you like 无论你想要什么

Anya Marina fantasy歌词

Lyrics to Fantasy :you only come out late at nightjust like an animal in the moonlightyou"re wrapped up tight in mysteryyou got me so fogged in that I can"t even seemy friends say I"m caught up in fairytales and dreamsand I confess with you it feels like make-believe"cause you"re a fantasyyou"re just a fantasy, yeahyou"re a fantasy, darling, to medo I really think I see you in the moonligiht?really wanna hold you cause it feels rightI really wanna see you tonightlast night i swore i heard you call my namecalled through my window, took my handand stole me awaywent to the drive-inspeeding like a runaway trainwoke up and smelled your scent in the morning rainmy friends say I"m caught up in fairytales and dreamsand I confess, with you, it feels like make-believe"cause you"re a fantasyyou"re just a fantasy, yeahyou"re a fantasy, darling, to medo I really think I see you in the moonlight?really wanna hold you, "cause it feels rightI really wanna see you tonight...woke up this morningcouldn"t get you out of my headand I tried to call you upbut the number was deadI drove by your placeconvinced that you"d still be aroundbut I saw a wrecking ball a-tear your house downmy friends say I"m caught up in fairytales and dreamsand I confess, with you, it feels like make-believe"cause you"re a fantasyyou"re just a fantasy, yeahyou"re a fantasy, darling, to medo I really think I see you in the moonlight?really wanna hold you, "cause it feels rightI really wanna see you tonightreally wanna see you tonightreally wanna see you tonightreally wanna see you tonightreally wanna see you tonightreally wanna see yousleep-tight...

anya marina whatever you like 歌词 翻译

Stacks on deck 足够的金钱 Patrone on ice 加冰的Tequila酒 So we can pop bottles all night 所以我们可以彻夜开无尽瓶数的酒Baby you can have whatever you like (you like) Baby你想要什么都给你Yeah you can have whatever you like (you like) 你想要什么都给你Yeah Late night sex so wet so tight I"ll gas up the jet for you tonight Baby you can go where ever you like (you like) Baby你要去哪里都可以Yeah you can go where ever you like (you like) 你要去哪里都可以[Verse 1:] Anytime you want to pick up the telephone 任何时候只要你想,请拿起电话You know it ain"t nothin to drop a couple stacks on you 你知道为你花些钱是没有问题的事Wanted you can get it my dear 无论你想要什么都会得到亲爱的 Five million dollar home, drop Bentley"s I swear 五百万美金的房子,发誓买Bentley给你Yeah I want your body, I need your body Long as you got me you won"t need nobody You want it I got it, go get it I buy it Tell them other broke brothers be quiet [Chorus:] Stacks on deck 足够的金钱 Patrone on ice 加冰的Tequila酒 We can pop bottles all night 我们可以彻夜开无尽瓶数的酒 Baby you can have whatever you like (you like) Baby你想要什么都给你Yeah you can have whatever you like (you like) Baby你想要什么都给你Yeah Late night sex so wet and so tight I"ll gas up the jet for you tonight Baby you can go where ever you like (you like) Baby你要去哪里都可以 Yeah you can go where ever you like (you like) 你想要去哪里都可以 Yeah [Verse 2:] Shawty you the hottest, love the way you drop it 亲爱的你是最hot的, 好喜欢你的一举一动Brain so good coulda swore you went to college 你是这样的聪明,简直好像有上过大学 Hundred K deposits, vacations in the tropics 几十万美金的押金,热带去度假Cause everybody know it ain"t trickin if ya got it 每个人都知道如果你有那就不是骗人的Ya ain"t never ever gotta go to yo wallet 你永远不需要用自己的钱包Long as I got rubberband banks in my pocket 只要我的口袋里有好多的钱Five six, rides with rims and a body kit 豪华装饰的豪华车 You ain"t gotta downgrade you can get what I get 对你不会有折扣,我有的你就有 My chick can have whatever she want 我的女人可以有她想要的任何东西 And go in every store and buy any bag she want 走进任何商店,买任何她喜欢的包 I know she ain"t never had a man like that 我知道她从没有过这样的男人To buy you anything your heart desire like that 买给你任何你心中渴望的东西 Yeah I want you body, I need your body Long as you got me you won"t need nobody You want it I got it, go get it I buy it 你想要的我有,去拿好了我买给你 Tell them other broke brothers be quiet 让所有穷困的兄弟们闭嘴 [Chorus:] Stacks on deck 足够的金钱 Patrone on ice 加冰的Tequila酒 So we can pop bottles all night 所以我们可以彻夜开无尽瓶数的酒Baby you can have whatever you like (you like) Baby你想要什么都给你Yeah you can have whatever you like (you like) 你想要什么都给你Yeah Late night sex so wet so tight I"ll gas up the jet for you tonight Baby you can go where ever you like (you like) Baby你要去哪里都可以Yeah you can go where ever you like (you like) 你要去哪里都可以[Verse 3:] I"m talkin" big boy rides 我说的是豪华车and big boy ice 和豪华的珠宝Let me put this big boy in your life Whatever you like(Whatever you like) 无论你想要什么Whatever you like (Whatever you like) 无论你想要什么You can have whatever you like (Whatever you like) 你想要什么都给你Whatever you like (Whatever you like) 无论你想要什么You can have whatever you like (Whatever you like) 你想要什么都给你Whatever you like 无论你想要什么

Anya Marina Satellite Heart 歌词及翻译

歌曲:Satellite Heart歌手:Anya Marina所属专辑:Twilight: New Moon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)歌词:So pretty,so smart 如此的美丽,如此的聪慧Such a waste of a young heart.年轻的心的如此挥霍What a pity,what a sham.多么可惜,多么羞愧Whats the matter with you, man?你怎么了,朋友?Dont you see its wrong?Cant you get it right?你不知道错了么?你不能纠正他了么?Out of mind and outta sight.眼不见,心不烦Call on all your girls, dont forget the boys.叫上你那些女孩,还有男孩Put a lid on all that noise.将所有的喧闹封存起来I"m a satellite heart, lost in the dark.我是一颗卫心,迷失在黑暗中I"m spun out so far,you stop,I start. 如今我已失控,你停下脚步,我选择开始But I"ll be true to you.但我将会忠于你I hear you"re living out of state, running in a whole new scene.我听说你四处游走,一切重新开始They say i haven"t slept in weeks, you"re the only thing i see.他们说我已数周未眠,我的眼里只有你I"m a satellite heart, lost in the dark.我是一颗卫心,迷失在黑暗中I"m spun out so far,you stop,I start. 如今我已失控,你停下脚步,我选择开始But I"ll be true to you.但我将会忠于你I"m a satellite heart, lost in the dark.我是一颗卫心,迷失在黑暗中I"m spun out so far,you stop,I start. 如今我已失控,你停下脚步,我选择开始But I"ll be true to you.但我将会忠于你No matter what you do,yeah I"ll be true to you.无论你如何选择,是的,我会忠实于你
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