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凑个热闹,聊一下 Meltdown and Spectre 作为非专业人士,就本着看热闹不嫌事儿大的态度Google看看好了,以下内容本质上都是来自搜索引擎,我自己理解或者翻译了一下 Meltdown和Spectre是两种不同的bug,但都可以被攻击者用来在现代电脑处理器上非法窃取密码等隐私数据。这里的现代电脑处理器目前被定义为来近20年来生产的所有处理器,包括Intel,AMD,以及基于ARM架构的处理器 因为是比较严重的bug,当然作为处理器生产厂家第一反应就是站出来稳定军心,当然牙膏厂没啥好说的来,毕竟全线崩溃,Meltdown和Spectre都对其有影响,于是先站出来放了个大炸弹说不止Intel有这个危险,所有的处理器都有。于是AMD不开心了,站出来回怼说AMD是不会收到Meltdown影响,同时"near zero risk"被Spectre影响。这就是新闻热闹而众说纷纭的原因 Meltdown会利用Intel处理器的 预测执行 设计,破坏应用程序和操作系统间的界限,攻击程序有机会访问到操作系统所使用的内存空间,也就有机会从中获取操作系统级别的数据 但是这个bug是可以进行补丁修复的,而且各方已经开始放出软件进行修复。虽然修复后对系统性能会有影响,但是具体有多大影响暂时不明,听说对个人设备来说使用的影响不大,看了几个测评,打完补丁前后玩瞎子信条以及跑大型Adobe或者Office软件都没有很大差别 不得不说这Logo还挺萌。。。 Spectre会破坏应用程序之间的隔离性,攻击程序有机会访问到其他应用程序所使用的内存空间,也就有机会获取其他应用程序的数据 Spectre相对于Meltdown更难以被利用,但是也更难以被通过软件补丁的方式修复,现在普遍认为会在接下来很长时间内作为一个随时可能引爆的炸弹存在 重点,Spectre目前有两种变体,AMD官方宣称的对Spectre的"near zero risk"是指的Spectre的一种变体而非全部,这也是在Hacker News上面被嘲讽的一个点 其实这两个bug对普通用户对影响不大,安装下各自厂商发布的系统升级,继续安全的使用自己的设备就好了。因为虽然这两个bug在个人设备上也可以被利用,但是个人设备一般都是单人使用,也有比较迅速的系统更新和权限系统管理,以及杀毒软件等,危害不会很大 重大危害主要针对的是云服务平台,云平台理论上可以视作一台巨大的电脑,同时有无数的用户在自己的实例上进行操作,云平台发展至今,无论个人还是公司或是政府都有自己的内容在上面,其上存储的隐私数据的重要程度大家都清楚,所以一旦发生用户隐私数据泄露,影响要严重的多,而且攻击者完全可以是一个正当的云平台用户,在掌握了bug的利用方式之后,其只需要在该平台上运行攻击程序就可以窃取其他用户甚至操作系统级别信息的 新闻说完了,Meltdown和Spectre这两个bug是可以利用的,这个是 概念验证 已经通过的 利用的思路如下: 作为非专业人员,我觉得用形象生动的例子来理解一下这些高大上的内容的原理就可以了:) 所以我们举个例子 当然先贴来源 Reading privileged memory with a side-channel 想象有一家图书馆,里面的书都只有一个字母 现在图书馆有一些书你无权借出比如BookX。有一些书你有权借出比如BookY,BookY+1,。。。以此类推 你来到图书馆前台,向图书馆管理员说你想借出BookX,但图书馆管理员不知道你有没有权利借出BookX,于是让查询员帮自己去系统里查一下你是否有权利借出这本书。在你们等待查询员回复的时候,你说“实际上,我并不大感兴趣借出BookX,我实际想做的事情是:如果BookX里的内容是字母"a",我就借出BookY;如果BookX里的内容是字母"b",我想借出BookY+1。。。以此类推” 图书馆管理员现在正在等待查询员回复你是否有权利借出BookX,但是闲着也是闲着,所以他就翻开BookX看了一下,然后发现里面的内容是字母"b",于是就去书架上去了BookY+1到前台来,以便一旦查询员回复说你有权利借出BookX,那么图书馆管理员可以立刻把BookY+1给你,以提高效率( Intel预测执行 ) 然后,查询员回来了,告诉图书馆管理员说你无权利借出BookX,于是图书馆管理员对你说“对不起,你不能借出BookX。(然后我也不是傻子)我也不能把我刚刚拿到的那本你有权利借出的书给你因为如果这样的话你就反推出来了你无权借出的BookX的内容。” 你当然表示理解,然后说你想借出BookY,图书管理员去书架 找了一会儿 ,比如花了5分钟,然后把BookY拿给了你。然后你说你还想借出BookY+1,图书馆管理员 立刻 把手头的BookY+1拿给了你。然后你说你还想借出BookY+2,图书管理员去书架 找了一会儿 ,比如花了5分钟,然后把BookY+2拿给了你 于是,通过时间差,你推断出,BookY+1极大可能是在你想借出你无权借出的BookX时,图书馆管理员拿到手里的那本书,也就推断出BookX的内容是字母"b" 完工,BookX就是系统进程内存或者其他程序所在内存,其中的内容就是内存中的内容,图书馆管理员就是处理器,你就是攻击程序,图书馆管理员的手头或者说前台就是缓存 最后,如果BookX指的是系统进程所在内存,系统有乱序映射的处理来让其他应用不能轻易的知道自己的内存地址,但是各种应用程序所在的内存地址可能就没那么难获得了:)

Ac/Dc的《Meltdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Meltdown歌手:Ac/Dc专辑:Stiff Upper Lip Artist: Missy ElliottAlbum: The Cookbook (2005)Song: MeltdownBet it, bet it taste like candyI broke up wit my ex I couldn"t take his sarcasmEverytime we bone I had to fake an orgasmMoanin and groanin tried to make him feel manlyI"d rather use my toys, plus my hands come in handyI finally told him that my heart was somewhere elseWhenever we sexed I wished that he was someone elseThat dude that approached me at the bar the other nightThat be the mister right and hot enough to melt some iceI think I"m in love like Beyonce be with JiggaIt"s not his major figure that want him to be my niggaHe got that magic stick that make my little pussy quiverJuices runnin like a river slowly down my kitty litterBoy I"m so glad I found a nigga like youA thug like you to make a girl say - ohHope he feel as strong as my po hah doWith you by my side its like I"m drunk off booIf you be my man only my man I wouldn"t mind tastin your magic stick, magic stickIf you don"t cheat or sleep around aint nothing wrong wit tastin your magic stickI bet it taste like candy, meant to melt in my mouthI know you got planet, baby you the shitNow what you workin wit candy meant to melt in my mouthI know you got planet, I like the way, I like the wayI like the way, I like the wayI like the way you work your stick booThe way you work it like voodooThe way you wind and you wind and you grindDon"t stop the way you work your stickBaby the way you work your stickBaby keep on and keep on and keep on keep goinMy ex boyfriend had to goHe didn"t know how to work that magic stickBut I found a guy that sure do loveIt"s so true his love is cla-hassic yeah oohhI bet it taste like candy, meant to melt in my mouthI know you got planet, baby you the shitNow what you workin wit candy meant to melt in my mouthI know you got planet, I like the way, I like the wayI like the way, I like the wayI like the way you work your stick booThe way you work it like voodooThe way you wind and you wind and you grindDon"t stop the way you work your stickBaby the way you work your stickBaby keep on and keep on and keep on keep goinI could play gin and you could play J.D.If you like Beyonce you could play Jay-ZCheck for them other chicks cos they not meThey"re just some copy cats there"s only one MissyM-to the I double ss don"t testI"m hard as the cushion on a bullet proof vestBut you got me whipped like slaves in the daysYou"re cool as the shade and ice and lemonadeI think I wanna marry you baby I will carryGuess it"s necessary and on the contraryYou be mister right and mister legendaryThe more I fall in love the more it gets scaryI like the way you work your stick booThe way you work it like voodooThe way you wind and you wind and you grindDon"t stop the way you work your stickBaby the way you work your stickBaby keep on and keep on and keep on keep goin

have a meltdown 翻译

which 应该是指代的是 前面的 complete meltdown ,应该翻译为:甚至不会更糟糕. 全局应该翻译成:我们不得不去确认一下有你没有完全弄砸,甚至于会不会更糟糕. ,不知道对不对、

Butterfingers的《Meltdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Meltdown歌手:Butterfingers专辑:TranscendenceMeltdown2003 - Ash - Meltdownby warefoxRevolution, we"re the solutionWe"re gonna take it to the overloadRebel radical retributionWe"re here to get what we are owedI think my head, my head is gonna explodeI think my head is gonna explodeI think my brain is gonna overloadI think my head is gonna explodeWe"re unified in a sonic nationLeave all the fakers and the lies behindYou want to meet us in a confrontationOur psychic weapons will destroy your mindI think my head, my head is gonna explodeI think my head is gonna explodeI think my brain is gonna overloadI think my head is gonna explodeNow is the time yeahTo do it rightTake no more liesMake up your mind yeahThe witch doctors and the politiciansThey rule by fear and try to keep us downBut they can"t see that these conditionsWill spark the fury of the undergroundI see it on the global transmissionIt"s almost ready to overloadI see a dark apocalyptic visionOne minute now the world is gonna explodeI think my head, my head is gonna explodeI think my head is gonna explodeI think my brain is gonna overloadI think my head is gonna explodeI think my head, my head is gonna explodeI think my head is gonna explodeI think my brain is gonna overloadI think my head is gonna explode~~ just feel the tempo ~~




meltdown 彻底垮台。【网络释义】融化;熔化;炉心融解;融毁。双语对照:1、Meltdown on the New York Stock Exchange.纽约证券市场的崩溃。

racist meltdown是什么意思?有种族歧视的意思吗?具体分析一下,谢谢。

种族主义危机 的意思 种族主义是一种自我中心的态度,认为种族差异决定人类社会历史和文化发展,认为自己所属的团体,例如人种、民族或国家,优越于其他的团体。种族主义起源于19世纪末,列强瓜分非洲的年代。当时非洲的资源被大量掳掠到欧美各国,包括人力资源。这些人被当作奴隶售卖。种族主义的基本内容是:种族歧视 种族隔离 极端的种族灭绝 种族主义经常是对科学的“种族”概念的误解。他也可以视作是一个社会问题,因而经常被政客作为一个政治工具来使用。种族主义从集合心理学的角度看,可以解释为一种情感上的现象。种族斗争是长期压抑的愤怒和敌意所造成的。

Burn的《Meltdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Meltdown歌手:Burn专辑:Global WarningArtist: Missy ElliottAlbum: The Cookbook (2005)Song: MeltdownBet it, bet it taste like candyI broke up wit my ex I couldn"t take his sarcasmEverytime we bone I had to fake an orgasmMoanin and groanin tried to make him feel manlyI"d rather use my toys, plus my hands come in handyI finally told him that my heart was somewhere elseWhenever we sexed I wished that he was someone elseThat dude that approached me at the bar the other nightThat be the mister right and hot enough to melt some iceI think I"m in love like Beyonce be with JiggaIt"s not his major figure that want him to be my niggaHe got that magic stick that make my little pussy quiverJuices runnin like a river slowly down my kitty litterBoy I"m so glad I found a nigga like youA thug like you to make a girl say - ohHope he feel as strong as my po hah doWith you by my side its like I"m drunk off booIf you be my man only my man I wouldn"t mind tastin your magic stick, magic stickIf you don"t cheat or sleep around aint nothing wrong wit tastin your magic stickI bet it taste like candy, meant to melt in my mouthI know you got planet, baby you the shitNow what you workin wit candy meant to melt in my mouthI know you got planet, I like the way, I like the wayI like the way, I like the wayI like the way you work your stick booThe way you work it like voodooThe way you wind and you wind and you grindDon"t stop the way you work your stickBaby the way you work your stickBaby keep on and keep on and keep on keep goinMy ex boyfriend had to goHe didn"t know how to work that magic stickBut I found a guy that sure do loveIt"s so true his love is cla-hassic yeah oohhI bet it taste like candy, meant to melt in my mouthI know you got planet, baby you the shitNow what you workin wit candy meant to melt in my mouthI know you got planet, I like the way, I like the wayI like the way, I like the wayI like the way you work your stick booThe way you work it like voodooThe way you wind and you wind and you grindDon"t stop the way you work your stickBaby the way you work your stickBaby keep on and keep on and keep on keep goinI could play gin and you could play J.D.If you like Beyonce you could play Jay-ZCheck for them other chicks cos they not meThey"re just some copy cats there"s only one MissyM-to the I double ss don"t testI"m hard as the cushion on a bullet proof vestBut you got me whipped like slaves in the daysYou"re cool as the shade and ice and lemonadeI think I wanna marry you baby I will carryGuess it"s necessary and on the contraryYou be mister right and mister legendaryThe more I fall in love the more it gets scaryI like the way you work your stick booThe way you work it like voodooThe way you wind and you wind and you grindDon"t stop the way you work your stickBaby the way you work your stickBaby keep on and keep on and keep on keep goin



economic meltdown 与 crisis and recession

economic meltdown 与 crisis and recession是经济崩溃与危机和经济衰退,美国人喜欢用meltdown,因为2008年是是经济崩溃不是经济衰退,所以新闻上看到这个词挺多