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求Toby Keith -metoo中文歌词

Toby Keith -metooIf i send you roses for no reason at all如果我送你玫瑰花毫无理由If out of the blue i stop and give you a call如果从蓝色我停下来给你电话Once in a while it"s breakfast in bed偶尔 它是在床上吃早餐And then pull the covers back up over our heads然后把覆盖的备份在我们头上If i call in sick just to stay home with you如果我打电话请病假就回家陪你I want you to know why i do what i do我想让你知道我为什么It"s my way of sayin" what i can"t express这是我的的意思我不能表达But i want you to know girl i"m doin" my best但是我想让你知道女孩我干什么我最好的Oh i"m just a man that"s the way i was made哦,我只是一个人,我是I"m not too good at sayin" what you need me to say我不太擅长说什么吗"你需要什么我说It"s always right there on the tip of my tongue它总是对我的舌尖It might go unsaid,but it won"t go undone它可能会说出来,但它不会去解开So when those three little words come so easy to you所以,你当那三个字来这么容易I hope you know what i mean when i say me too我希望你知道我的意思,当我说我也是If you should wake up and catch me watchin" you sleep如果你应该醒来,抓住我watchin "你睡And i break the silence by kissin" your cheek和我打破沉默,“你的脸颊无数结为夫妻If i whisper somethin"you don"t understand如果我耳语,你不明白,什么Don"t make me repeat it,i don"t know if i can别让我再说一遍,我不知道如果我可以Me too me too我也是我也是hope you know what i mean when i say希望你明白我的意思,当我说Me too me too我也是我也是

英语作文 changes is my hometow 并带翻译

Great changes in my hometown  More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn"t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life .  Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People"s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government"s efforts . my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful .




someting to drink would like on show let"s watch 最后一个不确定






你是否觉得自己打破了? 你曾经感觉呢? 像不知你刚才不属于 没有人理解你 你曾经想离家出走? 你自己锁在您的房间吗? 随着广播出现如此响亮 没有人能听到你们的声音尖叫 没有你不知道是什么感觉 当没有任何感觉不错 你不知道是什么感觉像我 要伤害 失去的感觉 被排除在黑暗中 要踢 当您下跌 要觉得你已经不好惹 要边缘的崩溃 和任何人的存在,以节省您的 没有你不知道是什么感觉 欢迎来到我的生活 你想成为别人? 你生病的感觉,以便排除在外? 你是急于找到更多 在您的生活吗? 你坚持在一个世界里,你恨? 你生病了周围的人? 随着大假的笑容和愚蠢的谎言 虽然内心深处,你出血 没有你不知道是什么感觉 当没有任何感觉不错 你不知道是什么感觉像我 要伤害 失去的感觉 被排除在黑暗中 要踢 当您下跌 要觉得你已经不好惹 要边缘的崩溃 和任何人的存在,以节省您的 没有你不知道是什么感觉 欢迎来到我的生活 没有人是直你的脸 并没有人刺伤你回来 你可能会认为我很高兴 但我不会一定会没事! 每个人总是给你你想要什么 你从未有过的工作总是有 你不知道是什么感觉 是什么感觉! 要伤害 失去的感觉 被排除在黑暗中 要踢 当您下跌 要觉得你已经不好惹 要边缘的崩溃 和任何人的存在,以节省您的 没有你不知道是什么感觉(是什么感觉) 要伤害 失去的感觉 被排除在黑暗中 要踢 当您下跌 要觉得你已经不好惹 要边缘的崩溃 和任何人的存在,以节省您的 没有你不知道是什么感觉 欢迎来到我的生活 欢迎来到我的生活 欢迎来到我的生活


welcome to my school欢迎来到我的学校




A:Welcome to my boutique.We have many products for your selection,look at this,it is very beautiful,very delicate,it is important only need 5 dollars,What do you need? B:As long as five U.S.dollars?!Well let me see.Well,then I"ll take it up.Money to you. B:Here is your money,please come again! 意思大概是 A:欢迎来到我的精品店,我们这里有许多商品供你挑选,看这个,它很漂亮,也很精致,重要的是这只需要5美元,请问你需要么? B:只要5美元?!好 让我看看.恩,那我就要这个了.钱给你. A:这是找您的钱,欢迎下次再来! 稍微短了一点哈、 自己编的.

英语作文 My lovely hometown 家乡的春、夏、秋、冬,是那么美丽请你用英语描述家乡的四季。不少于50字。



对的,用Me too




《Time To Pretend [EP]》是由MGMT于2009年07月07日发行的一张专辑。“MGMT”是一个迷幻电子合成流行、摇滚乐队,于2002年在美国纽约布鲁克林成立,成员有Ben Goldwasser、Andrew Van Wyngarden。该乐队由多样器乐组成,Andrew VanWyngarden负责声乐、吉他、键盘,而Ben Goldwasser则负责声乐、键盘、合成器、鼓。“MGMT”也是一支复古乐队,能把旋律和能量完美的结合在一起,既能有Mars Volta疯癫般的吉他solo,也能有Scissor Sisters般极其讨巧的流行旋律。回答于 2022-04-06


《Time To Pretend [EP]》是由MGMT于2009年07月07日发行的一张专辑。“MGMT”是一个迷幻电子合成流行、摇滚乐队,于2002年在美国纽约布鲁克林成立,成员有Ben Goldwasser、Andrew Van Wyngarden。该乐队由多样器乐组成,Andrew VanWyngarden负责声乐、吉他、键盘,而Ben Goldwasser则负责声乐、键盘、合成器、鼓。“MGMT”也是一支复古乐队,能把旋律和能量完美的结合在一起,既能有Mars Volta疯癫般的吉他solo,也能有Scissor Sisters般极其讨巧的流行旋律。


英语修辞metaphor和metonymy的区别: metaphor是修辞学里的隐喻。 metonymy指的是换喻。


metaphor和metonymy的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、metaphor:隐喻。2、metonymy:转喻。二、用法不同1、metaphor:隐喻(Metaphor)是和明喻不同,不用like或as表示出来,而是进行隐藏的比较的这样一种修辞手段。隐喻又称暗喻。表达方法:A是B。隐喻是一种比喻,用一种事物暗喻另一种事物。2、metonymy:指的是甲事物与乙事物两者实质上并不相似,但在社会生活之中有往往有联系,利用这种关系用甲事物的名称代替乙事物。其内在的思维关系不是相似关系而是联想关系。例如:绿帽子和出轨之间就是转喻。三、侧重点不同1、metaphor:metaphor没有as ,like 之类的这么明显的比较词。2、metonymy:A、B两物不同,但是有密切关系时使用。


metaphor和metonymy的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、metaphor:隐喻。2、metonymy:转喻。二、用法不同1、metaphor:隐喻(Metaphor)是和明喻不同,不用like或as表示出来,而是进行隐藏的比较的这样一种修辞手段。隐喻又称暗喻。表达方法:A是B。隐喻是一种比喻,用一种事物暗喻另一种事物。2、metonymy:指的是甲事物与乙事物两者实质上并不相似,但在社会生活之中有往往有联系,利用这种关系用甲事物的名称代替乙事物。其内在的思维关系不是相似关系而是联想关系。例如:绿帽子和出轨之间就是转喻。三、侧重点不同1、metaphor:metaphor没有as ,like 之类的这么明显的比较词。2、metonymy:A、B两物不同,但是有密切关系时使用。


metaphor和metonymy的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、metaphor:隐喻。2、metonymy:转喻。二、用法不同1、metaphor:隐喻(Metaphor)是和明喻不同,不用like或as表示出来,而是进行隐藏的比较的这样一种修辞手段。隐喻又称暗喻。表达方法:A是B。隐喻是一种比喻,用一种事物暗喻另一种事物。2、metonymy:指的是甲事物与乙事物两者实质上并不相似,但在社会生活之中有往往有联系,利用这种关系用甲事物的名称代替乙事物。其内在的思维关系不是相似关系而是联想关系。例如:绿帽子和出轨之间就是转喻。三、侧重点不同1、metaphor:metaphor没有as ,like 之类的这么明显的比较词。2、metonymy:A、B两物不同,但是有密切关系时使用。


metaphor和metonymy的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、metaphor:隐喻。2、metonymy:转喻。二、用法不同1、metaphor:隐喻(Metaphor)是和明喻不同,不用like或as表示出来,而是进行隐藏的比较的这样一种修辞手段。隐喻又称暗喻。表达方法:A是B。隐喻是一种比喻,用一种事物暗喻另一种事物。2、metonymy:指的是甲事物与乙事物两者实质上并不相似,但在社会生活之中有往往有联系,利用这种关系用甲事物的名称代替乙事物。其内在的思维关系不是相似关系而是联想关系。例如:绿帽子和出轨之间就是转喻。三、侧重点不同1、metaphor:metaphor没有as ,like 之类的这么明显的比较词。2、metonymy:A、B两物不同,但是有密切关系时使用。

怎样区分metaphor和metonymy 前者暗喻,后者转喻,怎样区分. 最后给个例子

metonymy 甲事物同乙事物不相类似,但有密切关系时,可以利用这种关系,以乙事物的名称来取代甲事物The kettle boils metaphor 和明喻大致是一样的,不同的是metaphor没有as ,like 之类的这么明显的比较词如:she is as clever as Einstein 这是明喻 she is an Einstein这是暗喻


metonymy甲事物同乙事物不相类似,但有密切关系时,可以利用这种关系,以乙事物的名称来取代甲事物The kettle boilsmetaphor和明喻大致是一样的,不同的是metaphor没有as ,like 之类的这么明显的比较词如:she is as clever as Einstein 这是明喻she is an Einstein这是暗喻


It"s time to change!是时候改变一下了!





my hometown(介绍汨罗的)英语作文

Miluo City, located in the Dongting Lake, a result of Ming-jiang Miluo River is named, with a total area of 1562 square kilometers, with a total population of 650,000. Miluo a long history and rich culture. Spring and autumn when luozi State capital, Qin home county, the state-based Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang into Xiangyin, built in 1966, the separation County, in 1987 it became a city. Celebrity Miluo is the world"s cultural quest Qu Yuan"s poems in his later years, Huaisha sinking of the Department, but also the birth of Ren Bishi founding fathers of the land to grow, but also nurtured Yang Mo, Poplar, Kang Zhuo and other literary masters. Dragon Boat Culture, Hunan Culture Aortic each other, spiritual quest, camels spirit from generation to generation, ranked 100 in Hunan King"s Quzi Temple, Ren Bishi memorial 300,000 visitors a year to attract tourists. Miluo Wu Hua Tian Bao, resource enrichment. Ecological resources, rich, subtropical humid climate has brought distinct four seasons, abundant rainfall; southeast of the high and low hills in the northwest 115 rushes forward to the size of rivers, rich in water resources; forest coverage rate reached 41.8%, savings of 218 trees. 30,000 cubic meters. Gold, kaolin, granite and other more than 20 kinds of minerals spread in the city, in which sand Jinsha River Miluo rank first in the south of the Yangtze River. Mission Hill renewable resources market ranks first in five provinces of South Africa, ranks among the top three nationwide. Agricultural economy has a long history, a solid foundation and a full range of agricultural products, high-quality high-yield. As a national commodity grain base counties (cities), rice, corn, sweet potato, good quality, sales and extensive; dragon tea, famous fruit, big Peng Cai province, known inside and outside, flowers, nursery stock seasonal Four Seasons Lane; fish, crabs, shrimp, a variety of aquatic dazzling, chicken , ducks, geese and other kinds of poultry contend fight fat, pigs, cattle, sheep and a variety of livestock breeding boom. A good industrial base, has formed a chemical, mechanical and electrical, and building materials. Metallurgical and other categories of the more complete industrial system, pine paint, add beef Zouqiao Chinese national, Dragon Power, Dragon harvesters selling South, Southern China. In particular, Miluo River Eco-Industrial Park to become the gathering of various resources, has introduced 58 projects, total investment of 2.15 billion, renewable resources, deep-processing, agro-processing. Green environmental protection and agricultural machinery manufacturing a strong rise of the four industry groups. Miluo location is superior, transportation developed. Here reliance mufu East west Dongting south Changsha, Yueyang north. Beijing-Guangzhou railway, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway. 107 countries have been cutting through the north and south, S308 line. Miluo River crosses the East and West, Tung township roads. Tong Village Road, woven into a network, power, communications, even the villager"s house, logistics, flow, capital flow. Unimpeded flow of information. Excellent location. Convenient transportation for open Singshih to expand a broad space. Dragon actually throwing breaking Persil, the Millennium so soil Wonder. Accounting reform and development of the timing, location advantages by virtue of the location, collection of one mind of the people and, Miluo achieved sustained and rapid economic and social harmonious development of the first to enter the province"s well-off counties (cities) ranks. In 2004, the city completed GDP52.4 billion yuan and fiscal revenue 260 million yuan, per capita income of farmers reached 3612 yuan. At the same time, quality education has long MILL, township enterprises for 8 consecutive years, ranking the province"s 10 strong, comprehensive agricultural development, science and technology, land, such as comprehensive management of social work are among the national advanced. At present, the city"s people are with great enthusiasm, earnestly implement the party"s 10 Sixth Third and Fourth Plenary Session of the spirit of the scientific development concept to guide the economy

my hometown 大连英语作文80字

Harbin (simplified Chinese: 哈尔滨; traditional Chinese: 哈尔滨; pinyin: Hāěrbīn; Wade-Giles: Ha-erh-pin) is a sub-provincial city and the capital of the Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China(中国东北). It lies on the southern bank of the Songhua River(松花江). Harbin is ranked as the tenth largest city in China(中国第十大城市), serving as a key political, economic(经济), scientific(科技), cultural and communications center(通讯中心) of Northeastern China.Harbin is originally a Manchu(满族) word meaning "a place for drying fishing nets". Harbin bears the nicknames "The Pearl on the swan"s neck" (天鹅项下的珍珠) because the shape of Heilongjiang resembles a swan, and "Oriental Moscow"(东方莫斯科) or "Oriental Paris"(东方小巴黎) for the architecture in the city. Harbin is also known as "Ice City"(冰城) for its long and cold winter.Harbin was the birthplace(诞生地) of Jin (1115-1234) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties(金朝和清朝), the latter of which had a very considerable influence on modern Chinese history. At the end of the 19th century, Russia built the terminus(终点站)of the Middle East Railway(中东铁路) here. Later, more than 160,000 foreigners from 33 countries migrated to Harbin, promoting the development of a capitalist economy(资本主义经济) in the city. The economy and culture of Harbin achieved unprecedented prosperity at that time and the city gradually grew into a famous international commercial port(商埠). Assimilating(吸收、融会) external culture, Harbin created its unique and exotic cityscape(都市风景). The majestic St. Sofia Orthodox Church(圣索非

求my hometown(沈阳)英语作文!!!

my hometownMy hometown is Shenyang, which is a beautiful city, there are beautiful purple lavender manor and amazing Guaipo scenic area, and the ancient Shenyang the Imperial Palace! My hometown is so beautiful, I love my hometown!意思是 我的家乡是沈阳,这是一个美丽的城市,这里有美丽的紫烟薰衣草庄园和神奇的怪坡风景区,还有古老的沈阳故宫呢!我的家乡如此美丽,所以我热爱我的家乡!

以my hometown为话题的100的英语作文 关于太原

My hometown is a beautiful place . It is the capital of Shanxi.Taiyuan has many high office and commercial buildings and wide treelined streets.Taiyuan is a industry city,it has a long history ofindust. As a most important industrial center for North China, her hundreds of factories and joint ventures with foreign companies manufacture a wide range of topgrade and high-tech products or consumer goods. Many of these products have attained or surpassed world levels. Markets and department stores, big or small, are well-stocked with all kinds of goods, which are high in quality but low in price. But in the old days,Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city characteristic of semi-colonialism and semi-feudalism. The few rich persons lived in luxury houses while the majority of the working people lived in old, shabby huts or buildings on narrow and muddy streets. The working class led a very miserable life. Today people in Tianjin are going all out to build their city into a beautiful and prosperous place to live in.

一篇百词左右的英语作文,关于太原的城市介绍,题目是 My hometown is a beautiful place.

My HometownMy hometown is Haimen. It"s not very large, but it"s very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong. There is a beautiful park; its name is Dongzhou Park. You can exercise and go walking there. There are about one million people in Haimen. Most of us live in flats. They are not very high. There is a supermarket here. Its name is Times Supermarket. It has three floors. It is very large. There are many things in it, such as clothes, snacks, stationery, an electrical shop and a bookshop. There are lots of hotpot restaurants in Haimen. I think the Old House Hotpot Restaurant is the best. I like eating hotpot very much. There is a lot of delicious food in this restaurant.In Haimen, there is a TV tower. It"s very high and in the evening it is very beautiful. I think there are lots of nice lights on the TV tower.The weather in Haimen is good. In spring it"s warm. Many birds fly in the sky. The flowers are very beautiful. It"s hot in summer. We keep air-conditioners on every day. It is cool in autumn and in winter it"s very cold. Do you like my hometown?

求Adele - Hometown Glory 歌词翻译

阿黛尔-家乡的荣耀我已经走在相同的方式,正如我没有失去了裂缝,在路面和tutting我的足跟和strutting我的脚“有什么我可以为您做亲爱的? 是否有任何人我可以呼吁“ ? “不和,谢谢,请主席。 I是不会丧失,只是彷徨“ 一轮我的家乡回忆新鲜一轮我的家乡户外人民的我找到了我的是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,这个世界是奇迹,我的世界我喜欢它在这个城市当空气是如此厚和不透明我喜欢看到大家在简短的裙子,短裤及色调我喜欢它在这个城市时,两个世界的碰撞你得到人民和政府每个人都以不同的两岸表明我们是在哪里也不会站在shit外围表明我们是美国表明我们是在哪里也不会采取它表明我们是在哪里也不会站在shit外围表明我们是美国一轮我的家乡回忆新鲜一轮我的家乡户外人民的我找到了我的是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,这个世界是奇迹,我的世界… …




你好楼主!metocondrial 是来自 metocondria 这个单词, 不过据我所知,metocondria这个词不存在mitocondrial 是来自 mitocondria 这个单词 mitocondria是细胞里的一个可以产生能源的机构。poliglobulia 也叫 POLICITEMIA POLI 是多的意思 CITO 是细胞的意思,这个是一种状况,当我们血液里的红色血球数量过多。希望能够帮到你。 谢谢! 楼主你一点也不急啊。。。。好多天了。。。


不对,took使用不正确。比如:He always take the time to explain things to me clearly.意思是他总是花时间清晰给我解释事情。



以my hometown 为题写一篇关于家乡地理位置历史风俗民情重点景点饮食文化名人古迹的英语作文顺便介绍自己


my hometown写一篇英文作文。

Wuxi is a city on the Yangtze River between Suzhou and Nanjing。 It is located in the south of Jiangsu Province, half way between the cities of Shanghai and Nanjing, with Shanghai 128km to its east and Nanjing 183km to its west. To its south is Lake Taihu and to its north is Yangtse River. Wuxi is a famous cultural city with ahistory of over 3,000 years. Since about 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, theancestors have worked and lived in this rich land。There are many places of interest in our city,such as Wu Culture Park,The Second Spring,and taibo temple。 wellcome to our hometown。


你也是 我也是


不对,正确的是It take my time to do sth.意思是花时间做某事。It often takes me lots of time to finish my homework.我每天花大量时间完成作业。

My hometown关于岳阳的

My hometown is Yueyang. It"s a very beautiful city and it"s famous for the Yueyang Tower and the Junshan Island. The Yueyang Tower is an ancient building, and its history can dates back to the Three Kingdoms period. When Lu Su was sent to Yueyang to train the fleet there, in order to ease the command of ships, he constructed a tower near the strategic location where Lake Dongting joins the Yangtze River. This tower not only became a military command post, but also became the cultural symbol of Yueyang.Yueyang has a long history and profound cultural heritage. It is one of the首批国家历史文化名城,拥有许多 important cultural and historical sites, such as the Mazu Culture Site in Yueyang and the Qinhuai River Ancient City Area. These sites are not only important for their historical and cultural values, but also for their ecological and environmental values.Yueyang has a unique geographical location, sitting on the banks of the Yangtze River and facing the洞庭湖. The scenery here is beautiful, and it is one of the most important wetlands in China. The Junshan Island, which is part of the Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, is an important habitat for many rare birds and animals.Yueyang is also famous for its delicious food. The local cuisine is called "Yueyang Oyster Fish Soup", which is famous for its delicate flavor and unique texture. In addition, there are many other local specialties that are worth trying, such as the "Three Star Fish" and the "Fish Knife".In conclusion, Yueyang is a city with a rich history and culture, beautiful scenery, delicious food and a vibrant economy. It is a city that is worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.

my hometown 英语作文 写苏州的,6年级水平 80字左右 满意的追加50!!!急!急!急!急!急!急!急!急

不好写了 在线翻译么?

英语作文my hometown(弥勒)


my hometown 介休 写作文 英语

My hometown is Luchun County, Yunnan Province.It is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. My hometown is not only the place where I was born, but also the place I"ve never been able to leave. Two years ago, I moved to another place to begin my college life. When I left, I felt I was as a fish out of water. It has brought me lots of happiness.     I love my hometown. It is small and quiet. Every day, I live here. I could feel good when my mother held me in her arms. My hometown is very beautiful and lovely. You can see the flowers, grass and trees everywhere. When you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air. The climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoor activities. I love the night of summer. People sit in the gardens of their houses or in the small restaurant, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious food which is abundant in our place. I love the sunrise. The gentle breeze brings us the fragrance of the flowers. The golden sunshine makes our hair slimmer and my heart will be filled with hope and happiness!     There is a river in front of my house. The river is so clear that I can see the bottom. Every summer I and my little friends go fishing and play with water. At dusk, we usually go home with lots of fish. There are lots of bamboos in back of my house. In spring, I can see lots of birds among them. The birds are very beautiful. Their voice is very attractive. On each side of front gate are lots of gardenias which often give out fantastic fragrance.    Maybe someday I will have to leave my hometown. But no matter where I go, I"ll never forget my hometown. Everything that it has given me can be given by other places. But my love won"t be changed, because it is my hometown. I"ll love my hometown forever.


So long ago I didn"t have a care about me I didn"t know my right from wrong But now I know That you"ve got your love around me You know it makes me feel so strong Baby if you turn around And prove to me its real Maybe we can work it out Cos this is how I feel Do you know where you go when you give it all away I"ll be there for you, care for you Love you everyday oh baby And do you feel the same for me? Everyday you"re away And I feel a little low I would cry for you, die for you Just to let you know oh baby And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right Through out all my life I never thought I"d have somebody Someone to call my own And now I"ve found A little bit of heaven baby A place to call my own Baby if you turn around And prove to me its real Maybe we can work it out Cos this is how I feel Do you know where you go when you give it all away I"ll be there for you, care for you Love you everyday oh baby And do you feel the same for me? Everyday you"re away And I feel a little low I would cry for you, die for you Just to let you know oh baby And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right Hey there dont you know You gotta slow down before you know You gonna brake down and turn around Before you know, you go and break my heart When will you learn to be A little helpful when you think of me A little careful when you"re close to me Coz baby i loved you from the start Baby if you turn around And prove to me its real Maybe we can work it out Cos this is how I feel (I love you) Do you know where you go when you give it all away I"ll be there for you, care for you Love you everyday oh baby And do you feel the same for me? Everyday you"re away And I feel a little low I would cry for you, die for you Just to let you know oh baby Do you know where you go when you give it all away I"ll be there for you, care for you Love you everyday oh baby And do you feel the same for me? Everyday you"re away And I feel a little low I would cry for you, die for you Just to let you know oh baby And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right

关于房山的My hometown作文

感谢你的信赖!My HometownMy hometown is in Dongguan City,Guangdong Province..It has a long history.It has a population of about five million.It"s very beautiful with many tourist places,such as Ke Yuan,the Green World and Yuan Chonghuan Resort.It"s also a developed city with many factories.Every day thousands of people come to Dongguan for fun,for work and for business.You can easily go to Dongguan.You can go by train,by bus.And if you are far way from it,you can fly to the neighbouring cities,such as Guangzhou or Shenzhen to tranfer.


你也爱我吗?Do You Love Men. 你爱我吗; (歌曲名)love 英[l?v] 美[l?v]vt. 喜欢; 爱,热爱; 爱戴; 赞美,称赞;vt. 喜欢; 喜爱; 喜好; 爱慕;n. 热爱; 爱情,爱意; 疼爱; 爱人,所爱之物。

have you decided what you ___ on sunday?---Not yet,but i___ of going to my hometown.?

因为第一个空是表示将来时,“你决定周日干什么了吗?”所以用will do第二个空,是说,“还没有,我正在考虑回老家”,表示我正在考虑,用现在进行时


《Oh Come To Me》歌词 — Bertie Higgins00:00 | 00:00Oh, Come To Me - Bertie Higgins Oh come to me my precious one 哦 来我身边吧 我挚爱的你 Oh can"t you see love has begun 哦 难道你不知道你我的爱已开始萌芽 The wind blows so cold outside the world"s a raging storm 屋外寒风呼啸 风暴怒吼咆哮 Here you can hide so safe and warm 我便是你温暖舒适的藏身之所 Oh come to me 哦 就来我身边吧 From that first day I saw your face 自从我探见你容颜的第一天起 There was no way I could erase the sacred sculptor"s hand 我便难以忘怀你那宛如天使的美 His divine potter"s touch his master plan 你却是他圣洁之手精心雕刻的艺术品 也是刻骨铭心的杰作 That I"d love you so much 我深爱着你 Oh come to me 哦 就来我身边吧 So here am I heart on my sleeve 我怀揣着这颗真心对你 I"d surely die if you ever leave me 如果你离我而去 我的心也会就此死去 Darling believe me I"m just a man my love 亲爱的 请相信我 我是你爱的唯一 Strong and true more than enough 这份爱真挚而又浓烈 Oh come to me 哦 就来我身边吧 So come to me my little one 来我的身边吧 我可爱的你 Light of my life my morning sun 你是我生命之光 是我希望之阳 The candle that lights my way through the darkest night 就像是燃亮黑夜的丝丝烛光 For the rest of my days for the rest of my life 倾此一生 只为爱你 Oh come to me 哦 就来我身边吧


don"t come too much (closer) to me 别再走靠近我了。


是welcome home吧,意思是欢迎回家

作文 My hometown ningxia

Ningxia has a long history. as far away as 3 million years ago before and after the territory of Ningxia will have a human activity, they created the late Paleolithic "water Dong ditch culture. " After the liberation of the territory in the Ningxia have found a more "fine stone culture" and "Majiayao culture" and "Qijia Culture" site. These sites show that since the Liuqiqiannian Sansiqiannian ago, the Ningxia of north-south "residents" from matriarchal clan community into the male community, began to engage in agricultural production , but ning xia is not the capital of china,which also has rich sources and colourful scenes.

欢迎你加入我的生日可以用Welcometo you join in my birthday吗?

不可以这样表达。应该是:(You are)Welcome to my birthday party.不能说加入生日,而应该说加入生日派对。

rural ;suburb; hometown;village 这几个英语怎么读?

中心 细细体会汉语用词词义的细微不同





TakeMeToYouHeat 是哪首歌里的哥词



Hiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won"t let goLooking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beatSo many people all around the worldTell me where do I find someone like you girlTake me to your heart take me to your soulGive me your hand before I"m oldShow me what love is - haven"t got a clueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe"re only here todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heart take me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what love is - be my guiding starIt"s easy take me to your heartStanding on a mountain highLooking at the moon through a clear blue skyI should go and see some friendsBut they don"t really comprehendDon"t need too much talking without saying anythingAll I need is someone who makes me wanna singTake me to your heart take me to your soulGive me your hand before I"m oldShow me what love is - haven"t got a clueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe"re only here todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heart take me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what love is - be my guiding starIt"s easy take me to your heartTake me to your heart take me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what love is - be my guiding starIt"s easy take me to your heart






hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中 trying to forget but i won"t let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去 looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的街道 listening to my own heart beat 却只能听见自己的心跳 so many people all around the world 这么多的人在世界上 tell me where do i find someone like you girl 请告诉我在哪里可以找到像你一样的女孩 take me to your heart take me to your soul 将我留存心间与你的灵魂相伴 give me your hand before i"m old 给我你的手,在我老去之前 show me what love is haven"t got a clue 问情为何物在我们彼此离开前 show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演 they say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么可以天长地久 we"re only here today 我们也能此时相守 love is now or never 现在或者永不回头 bring me far away 请带我一起远走 take me to your heart take me to your soul 让我靠近你的心与你的灵魂相伴 give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀 show me what love is be my guiding star 问情为何物让星辰照亮我路 it"s easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单 standing on a mountain high 站在高山之颠 looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天 i should go and see some friends 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起 but they don"t really comprehend 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情 don"t need too much talking without saying anything 不需要繁琐的言语甚至可以一语不发 all i need is someone who makes me wanna sing 我仅仅需要一个能让我欢乐而歌的人 take me to your heart take me to your soul 将我留存心间与你的灵魂相伴 give me your hand before i"m old 给我你的手,在我老去之前 show me what love is haven"t got a clue 问情为何物在我们彼此离开前 show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演 they say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么可以天长地久 we"re only here today 我们也能此时相守 love is now or never 现在或者永不回头 bring me far away 请带我一起远走 take me to your heart take me to your soul 让我靠近你的心与你的灵魂相伴 give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀 show me what love is be my guiding star 问情为何物让星辰照亮我路 it"s easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单 take me to your heart take me to your soul 让我靠近你的心与你的灵魂相伴 give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀 show me what love is be my guiding star 问情为何物让星辰照亮我路 it"s easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单....................................................................................



Houlong will it take meto get to the park中take的用法?

take 花费How long will it take me to get to the park?到公园要花我多长时间?




Everybodyit gets a little bit calmWe all get hurt sometimesBut tell me where the storm isWhy you gotta runWhy you gonna let this bring you downI know that we make mistakesBut you"ve been thinking too late overSo I won"t be afraid & never walk away from herI told you a minute, a minute until the endYes I told you that I got ya but I"ll tell it to you againWe can"t be friendsI put it on my life here you knowbut you still turned away from meI guess you never said, never said so you winBut go ahead if you can keep your feelingson low then just pretendYou know that I"m not the one holding my handIf you can"t say what you need to saySay you love me & we"re not just friendsWhy can"t you say what you have to saySay you love me, I"ama slip awayJust say it to me uh huhYeah , just say it to me heyJust say it to me yeah .. just say it to mehmm..I don"t think you understandThat this world"s not preparedCause i said I would choke you said you were chokeThen you gonna stand there looking downYeah, I thought we were in it togetherGuess I was just mistaken that I"d be better aloneFunny how you change, funny how you lie ..Damn its better that you leave it aloneEven if you say it you say at the end ..Can"t make it any clearerbut I know theres still a chanceso therefore we"re friendsYou put it on the line what you said,but you still turn away from me ..never said, never said so you winBut go ahead if you can keep your feelingson low then just pretendYou know that I"m not the one holding my handIf you can"t say what you need to saySay you love me & were just friendsWhy can"t you say what you have to saySay you love me I"m gonna slip away,Just say it to me uh huhYeah, just say it to me yeahh..Yeah, just say it to meHmmmm ...Say to meIf feels more than a million words you gave to me..But the truth in your heart is whats felt so just say to meIf you can"t say what you need to saySay you love me & were just friendsWhy can"t you say what you have to saySay you love me, I"ma slip awayJust say it to me uh huhYeah, just say it to me yeahh..Yeah, just say it to me











这个长胳膊长腿 玩偶 叫什么名字?如下图,我想从淘宝买不知道名字,类似...meto之类的牌子






takes meto the park中文意思

He take me to the park. 翻译:他带我去公园 主+谓+间宾+直宾 亲有问题可以直接问我哦~我是泡泡少儿的于老师









题目中to应该是too,me too意为“我也是",换成倒装句可用句型so+be动词/助词/情态动词+主语,例如:①He likes English,so do I。②He is happy,so am I。③He can sing,so can I




meto abbr. maximum except takeoff 额定功率;[网络] 美途; 美托洛尔; 甲酯化桐油;[例句]You expect meto believe that you onlykilled those women?你指望我相信你只是杀了她们?
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