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NITEPPL kamikaze 歌词?

天天向上20151030 中39分钟捷克美女跳舞时的歌曲歌名是:《kamikaze》歌手: mΦ(mo) 满意请采纳

中岛美嘉 mika nakashima - orion歌词


Mika《Happy ending》歌词的中文?


kick ass - mika


MIKADO SILK是一种什么布料? POLY-SILK 又是什么布?


Mikado saiel的汉语意思

MIKADO SPIEL(“米卡多游戏棒”)是一种适合儿童和成人玩的游戏,游戏人数2人或以上,游戏工具是31根不同颜色的竹签组成,具体组成如下:1支带螺旋的“米卡多”游戏棒,每支20分;5支中间红两边蓝的游戏棒,每支10分;5支三节红两节蓝的游戏棒,每支5分;10支红黄蓝三色的游戏棒,每支3分;10支红蓝两色的游戏棒,每支2分。

mikado spiel怎么玩

MIKADO SPIEL(“米卡多游戏棒”)是一种适合儿童和成人玩的游戏,游戏人数2人或以上,游戏工具是31根不同颜色的竹签组成,具体组成如下:1支带螺旋的“米卡多”游戏棒,每支20分;5支中间红两边蓝的游戏棒,每支10分;5支三节红两节蓝的游戏棒,每支5分;10支红黄蓝三色的游戏棒,每支3分;10支红蓝两色的游戏棒,每支2分。


【中文意思】天皇【日语假名】てんのう【罗马音】ten no u(谐音:藤罗)----u是长音PS:日本天皇陛下------だいにっぽんてんのうへいか罗马音:DAI NI PPON TEN NOU HEI KA中文谐音:带尼本藤罗黑噶

mikado spiel怎么玩

MIKADO SPIEL(“米卡多游戏棒”)是一种适合儿童和成人玩的游戏,游戏人数2人或以上,游戏工具是31根不同颜色的竹签组成,具体组成如下:1支带螺旋的“米卡多”游戏棒,每支20分;5支中间红两边蓝的游戏棒,每支10分;5支三节红两节蓝的游戏棒,每支5分;10支红黄蓝三色的游戏棒,每支3分;10支红蓝两色的游戏棒,每支2分。 MIKADO是那根20分的主棍,是个日本皇帝的名字,所以德国也把这个游戏叫做皇帝游戏。在中国把它叫做“CHIEN TUNG”,并且这游戏正是来源于此“佛教的预言方法”,考虑到外国人拼写中文读音的偏好,应该就是“算命的签筒”的意思。此游戏要求参与者保持冷静的头脑,具备熟练的技术,并要求注意力集中,不同的游戏棒有着不同的分值,分值多者便为赢家。   游戏规则的是:一个参加者把游戏棒控制在手中,握拳,平放在桌面上后突然撒手,游戏棒将散落在桌上,堆成圈状,如果不满意所处的圈状,可以重复再扔。接着,参加者用手指逐一试着去提举游戏棒,但与此同时你决不能触动别的游戏棒。一旦“米卡多游戏棒”被提举后,参加者就可借助此棒来提举其它颜色的游戏棒了。如果你在游戏过程中不小心触动其它的游戏棒,那么你就把你已提取的游戏棒的分值相加,之后由另一参加者开始他的游戏过程。   在中国,80后出生的人一般都玩过彩色的游戏棒,对里面的金色黑色的棒棒记忆犹新吧,其实来源就是米卡多游戏棒,想怀旧的人,大家一起来玩“米卡多游戏棒”吧!

Michael Cretu的《Mikado》 歌词

歌曲名:Mikado歌手:Michael Cretu专辑:The Invisible Man~Mikado~Dave Mc LoudMade by HandsomeCKMikadoMikadoMikadoironin my dreams of poweryou wonfor your strong desireyou"ll burnlike a ring of firehigher foreveronly for youso proud and so lonelyfantastic heroI go dreamingI go screamingfighting for youtake me higherspeed up the nightmikadoreally the game I needking of the lightmikadowhat you get is all I needpower!speed up the nightmikadoI wanna play with youking of the lightmikadowhat you get is all I needpower!shinin"like a sun you"re risin"for mealways keep on fightin"callin"all your superpowersstronger foreveronly for youso proud and so lonelyfantastic heroI go dreamingI go screamingfighting for youtake me higherspeed up the nightmikadoreally the game I needking of the lightmikadowhat you get is all I needpower!speed up the nightmikadoI wanna play with youking of the lightmikadowhat you get is all I needpower!fantastic herofighting for youtake me highermikadomikadopower!speed up the nightmikadoI wanna play with youking of the lightmikadowhat you get is all I needpower!http://music.baidu.com/song/2692170

不亦快哉 有仙则灵-丹麦 Gryphon贵丰 Mikado天皇 CD机

技术与文化的整合 Mikado的箱体比较薄,前面和顶部的造型十分尖锐,也是全身最能体现动感的地方。凸出的显示屏幕为触控式设计,同时可以独立调整角度,侧面看去明显有倾斜感觉,很现代的设计,两端厚度一致的黑色亚克力面板,使得脸部的衔接不是很连贯,但也正是这种不协凋体现出Mikado的独特之处,或许也是Gryphon浪漫设计的一部分。在美术设计大师乔治亚罗操刀之下,Gryphon家族特征依旧抢眼,出碟设计在顶盖中部,银色的圆盘在漆黑的机壳上就似弯弯的月亮。我们十分熟悉的Gryphon避震脚在这部机身上有三枚,前面的为圆形的复合物材质,后面为金属锥形,亦就是我们平常称的脚钉,这大概就是贵丰惯用的避震调整方式。而细腻、精致的工艺和考究的用料还是会给驾驭者留下深刻的印象。 当Mikado顶上的圆盖向上升起来的时候,碟仓内的壁面有蓝色的灯光,在黑色的机身上闪出幽幽的光,真有点太空设备的味道。这部Mikado使用的是飞利浦的机芯,在这个CD-Pro三转盘的传动部分,对其构造重新加入金属材料的避震底座。我们看到的电源处理特别发烧!机芯的下端设置了四个变压器,机械、操控、数码与模拟线路均独立供电。我们通常见到的综合一体式的CD机都是由一个主脉时钟设计,转盘与DAC共享一个石英振荡器信号,而现在我们看到的Mikado却用上了两个时钟,一个提供给转盘部分,工作频率为44.1KHz,而另一个在DAC身上,以96KHz频率工作,这个设计是考虑到为第三代的升频芯片同步相对应,很明显,5ppm Mikado的石英振荡器误差有了很大的提升,比上代的Adagio电源处理是有改进的。每声道用上二枚AKM的4Bit/96kHz Delta-Signna转换芯片和15枚1000uF的小滤波电容。双差动方式对噪声的牵制起到很大帮助,动态对比的提升亦很明显。模拟线路是双单声道设计、无负反馈、纯甲类放大,秉承贵丰产品的风格。 Gryphon产品一向坚持须由技师级人员负责整部机器的组合工作,这种高成本的生产方式造就了Gryphon品质上的完美无瑕,而Gryphon的产品能在最少的调整下发挥出最佳的效果也是一大特色。Gryphon设计的每一件产品,所重播的声音极其自然、丰富,效果犹如置身音乐厅中。而它那温暖柔顺的音色更是令人一听难忘,绕梁三日而不绝于耳。最完美的创作深得音乐真谛者才能再现音乐的生命力,Gryphon把 历史 传承与现代 科技 还有技术创作融合一起,充分挖掘音响器材的潜能,将美妙的音乐彻底释放。 深邃的感染力 首先选择的第一张唱片是近期国内发行记录小谷围成长历程的首张专辑,清澈唯美的二重唱,男声深沉婉转,口形准确,最柔软的部分是伴奏的大提琴和木吉他,轻缓的打击乐声由远及近在耳畔响起,用Mikado天皇CD机播放这类音乐,真的很特别,旋律沉淀瞬间的微妙感觉,却是只可意会不可言传,而听者,需要的是有颗安静的心。接下来是纯色的《浪漫情歌》,是彭芳、柯皓深情碰撞演绎爱的火花,在《为爱伤心为你痛》,Mikado把彭芳清纯、通透、充满磁性和天使般空灵的声音和个性、颗粒感声质收放自如地表现出来,你会发现,Mikado是部晶体管CD机却有一种堪称为真空管过滤后的清纯的音质,不具杂质的柔情声线在演唱时韵味十足,颇具感染力,给人的感受是深情四溢。Mikado把声音超高水平地融合在一起,是感性的,与温柔碰撞,演绎的 情感 让我们如痴如醉! 欣赏古典,对于Gryphon旗下的每一件产品,相信都会是个十分轻松的过程,对在听普列特涅夫指挥俄罗斯国家乐团演奏的舞曲《斯拉夫进行曲》中,打击乐和拨弦使用随心所欲,但节奏快慢松弛有度,准确的定位和合理的冲击力、完美的体积密度在爆发性的节奏中,保持了一定的距离戚和清晰庞大的音响效果,尤其弦乐轻盈透彻,小号、弓杆、敲打营造出的凹凸感,足以证明这部Mikado把握的音乐舞台定位之准确,音响层次之丰富,值得称道的是,Mikado的高音延伸向上十分柔顺、并有着极为出色的分析力。 听《马刀舞曲》那种超然的音色和动态范围表现出色,无论是气势磅礴,还是庄重柔美或是热情奔放,此时的Mikado表现更是气定神闲,挥洒的琴音更是高贵迷人,手指击键的轻微触碰、键槌击弦的舒展自然也映衬出Mikado CD机神采奕奕的分析力。迅疾的微观动态与豪迈的宏观动态,细节与华丽的宏大共鸣,几者叠加在一起,竟然完全独立却又浑然一体,让人不禁叹服眼前这部Mikado超群的实力。我非常喜欢Mikado的声音甜美中带有丝丝糯劲,织体柔顺而细腻,听小号、小提琴、长笛、双簧管、大管和大提琴、竖琴等的伴奏,整体感觉别具一格。 Mikado给我的印象是音场宽深,工作频率设置为44.1KHz的时候,在乐器与人声质感、空气感、细节再生、强弱对比与动态对比的表现方面火候会显得平和些,当拨到以96kHz频率工作的时候,乐器与人声大小比例线条比例明显,整体的音乐细节轮廓更为分明,华丽细腻的泛音,听到的琴体共鸣庞大很有空间感。虽然Mikado毕竟为一部合并CD机,但它的表现毫无保留,追求的是一种真实而又不乏感性的特质。那种朝气勃勃的声底,色彩分明,把最美好的声音传递出来,让更多的人热爱音乐,把音乐当成是一种最高的享受。 技术参数 最大输出:4.2V(平衡);2.1V(非平衡) 输出阻抗:20Ω 输出端子:平衡、非平衡各一个 数码输出端子:AES/EBU同轴各1组 频率响应:DC-48kHz 总谐波失真:

Mika的《Lollipop》 歌词

歌曲名:Lollipop歌手:Mika专辑:The Boy Who Knew Too MuchHey, what"s the big idea?Yo Mika.I said, sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,I said, sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.I went walking in with my mama one day,when she warn me what people say,live your life until love is found,"cause love"s gonna get you down.Take a look at the girl next door,she"s a player and a down right bore,Jesus slows up, she wants moreoh bad girls get you down.Singing,Sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.Mama told me what I should know,too much candy gonna ride your soul,if she loves you, let her go,"cause love only gets you down.Take a look at the boy like me,never stood on my own two feet,now I"m blue, as I can be,oh love couldn"t get me down.Singing,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.I went walking with my mama one day,when she warn me what people say,live your life until love is found,or love"s gonna get you down.Singing,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Say love (say love), say love (say love),oh love"s gonna get you down.say love (say love), say love (say love),oh love"s gonna get you down.Mama told me what I should know,too much candy gonna ride your soul,if she loves you, let her go,"cause love only gets you down.Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.Sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,say, sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.http://music.baidu.com/song/8532224

Mika的《lollipop》的歌词Sucking to hard on your lollipop loves gonna get you down具体中文意思是什麼


MIKA的《we are golden》歌词翻译

Teenage dreams in a teenage circusRunning around like a clown on purposeWho gives a damn about the family you come from?No giving up when you"re young and you want someRunning around againRunning from runningWaking upIn the midday sunWhat"s to live for?You could see what I"ve doneStaring at emotionIn the light of dayI was runningFrom the things that you"d sayWe are not what you think we areWe are golden, we are golden.We are not what you think we areWe are golden, we are golden.Teenage dreams in a teenage circusRunning around like a clown on purposeWho gives a damn about the family you come from?No giving up when you"re young and you want someRunning around againRunning from runningRunning around againRunning from runningI was a boyAt an open doorWhy you staringDo you still think that you know?Looking for treasureIn the things that you threwLike a magpieI live for glitter, not youWe are not what you think we areWe are golden, we are golden.We are not what you think we areWe are golden, we are golden.Teenage dreams in a teenage circusRunning around like a clown on purposeWho gives a damn about the family you come from?No giving up when you"re young and you want someNow I"m sitting aloneI"m finally looking around Left here on my ownI"m gonna hurt myselfMaybe losing my mindI"m still wondering whyHad to let the world let it bleed me dryWe are not what you think we areWe are not what you think we areWe are not what you think we areWe are golden, we are goldenTeenage dreams in a teenage circusRunning around like a clown on purposeWho gives a damn about the family you come from?No giving up when you"re young and you want someRunning around againRunning from runningRunning around againRunning from runningWe are not what you think we areWe are golden, we are golden.


Mika,原名Micheal Holbrook Penniman 1983年8月18日生于黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特一个美黎联姻的家庭(他的父亲是美国人,母亲是黎巴嫩人)。因为战乱,Mika一家不得不在Mika十分小的时候带他逃离黎巴嫩,幼年时期随着家人辗转巴黎,他9岁时,全家才在伦敦定居下来。 经过了那段充满迷惑和巨变的时光,Mika变得十分内向,9岁时曾一度辍学,也正是从那时起他选择了音乐来给予他庇护。歌曲:Relax, Take It Easy放轻松 Took a right 坚持正义 to the end of the line 走到防线的最底端 Where no one ever goes 那个没有人去过的地方 Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know 站在这个充满陌生人的火车上 But the painand the longings the same 但是伤痛和渴望依然如此 Where the dying 在这个垂死的地方 Now I"m lost,and I"m screaming for help 现在我迷失了方向,渴望帮助 Relax, take it easy 放轻松,别紧张 For there is nothingthat we can do 因为我们现在无能为力 Relax, take it easy 放轻松,别紧张 Blame it on me or blame it on you 归咎于我或者归咎于你 It"s as if I"m scared 好像我也感觉到很恐惧 It"s as if I"m terrified 好像我也受到了惊吓 It"s as if I scared 好像我也感到很恐惧 It"s as if I"m playing with fire 好像我在玩火 Scared 恐惧 It"s as if I"m terrified 好像我也受到了惊吓 Are you scared 你害怕吗? Are we playing with fire 我们真的在玩火吗? Relax 放轻松 There is an answer to the darkest times 在这最黑暗的时刻,这里有一个答案 It"s clear we don"t understand 很显然,我们也许不明白 but the last thing on my mind 凡是这是在我心中最后的事 Is to leave you 就是离开你 I believe 我相信 that we"re in this together 我们还会相聚 Don"t scream 不要害怕 there are so many roads left 这路依旧有很多路 (Relax, take it easy 放轻松,别紧张 For there is nothingthat we can do 因为我们现在无能为力 Relax, take it easy 放轻松,别紧张 Blame it on me or blame it on you 归咎于我或者归咎于你)*4 It"s as if I"m scared 好像我也感觉到很恐惧 It"s as if I"m terrified 好像我也受到了惊吓 It"s as if I scared 好像我也感到很恐惧 It"s as if I"m playing with fire 好像我在玩火 Scared 恐惧 It"s as if I"m terrified 好像我也受到了惊吓 Are you scared 你害怕吗? Are we playing with fire 我们真的在玩火吗? 你喜欢mika,和我一样。 我这是最全的。好累...

求英语歌词翻译成中文 Mika 的Relax Take It Easy 歌词网址http://g.top100.cn/16667639/html/lyrics.html

Relax, Take It Easy放轻松Took a right坚持正义to the end of the line走到防线的最底端Where no one ever goes那个没有人去过的地方Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know站在这个充满陌生人的火车上But the painand the longings the same但是伤痛和渴望依然如此Where the dying 在这个垂死的地方Now I"m lost,and I"m screaming for help现在我迷失了方向,渴望帮助Relax, take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothingthat we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax, take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame it on you归咎于我或者归咎于你It"s as if I"m scared好像我也感觉到很恐惧It"s as if I"m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓It"s as if I scared好像我也感到很恐惧It"s as if I"m playing with fire好像我在玩火Scared恐惧It"s as if I"m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓Are you scared你害怕吗?Are we playing with fire我们真的在玩火吗?Relax 放轻松There is an answer to the darkest times在这最黑暗的时刻,这里有一个答案It"s clear we don"t understand很显然,我们也许不明白but the last thing on my mind凡是这是在我心中最后的事Is to leave you就是离开你I believe我相信that we"re in this together我们还会相聚Don"t scream不要害怕there are so many roads left这路依旧有很多路(Relax, take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothingthat we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax, take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame it on you归咎于我或者归咎于你)*4It"s as if I"m scared好像我也感觉到很恐惧It"s as if I"m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓It"s as if I scared好像我也感到很恐惧It"s as if I"m playing with fire好像我在玩火Scared恐惧It"s as if I"m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓Are you scared你害怕吗?Are we playing with fire我们真的在玩火吗?

李宇春的Why me 是不是抄袭MIKA 的 Lollipop


求NBA历史上巨星George Mikan(乔治·迈肯)资料

乔治·麦肯(George Mikan 1924年6月18日—2005年6月1日),全名叫小乔治·劳伦斯·麦肯,2005年6月1日在亚利桑那州的Scottsdale去世,麦肯高中时先后在Joliet天主教学校和芝加哥Quigley Prep学校就读,大学就读于Depaul大学。1946年3月16日,麦肯和NBL球队芝加哥齿轮队签约,1947年齿轮队正式加入美国职业篮球联盟(PBLA),但同年11月13日PBLA就宣告解散;11月17日麦肯转到NBL的明尼阿波利斯湖人队,1948年湖人队加入美国篮球联合会(BAA);1949年NBA将BAA和NBL吞并,湖人队也进入了NBA联盟。中文名乔治·麦肯外文名George Mikan国籍美国出生地Joliet出生日期1924年6月18日逝世日期2004年1月19日凌晨1点毕业院校Depaul大学身高208cm(6英尺10英寸)体重110公斤运动项目篮球所属运动队湖人队专业特点中锋主要奖项美国篮球运动的先驱重要事件5次NBA总冠军

mika演唱的kick ass 的中文歌词

我们都很年轻 我们是强大的 我们并不是要寻找所属的地方 我们不是很酷 我们都是免费的 我们对我们的膝盖血流成河 我们可以统治世界 在一个银盘子 从错误的权利 开着的小溪 以彻底失败 我们可以做得更好 把它翻过来 只有你和我 我们的梦想 没有别的办法 要 我们都很年轻 我们是强大的 我们并不是要寻找所属的地方 我们不是很酷 我们都是免费的 我们对我们的膝盖血流成河 我能改变这个世界 我可以做得更好 踢它 抓住机会 当你的微笑吗 你认为你很好 要把它放下 撷取(?),它在你的脚边 没有桥烧伤 无路可走 我, 我们都很年轻 我们是强大的 我们并不是要寻找所属的地方 我们不是很酷 我们都是免费的 我们对我们的膝盖血流成河 他们怎么知道我们公司的? 他们考虑别人吗? 他们知道我们会是什么? 他们想到你或我的呢? 我们都很年轻 我们是强大的 我们并不是要寻找所属的地方 我们不是很酷 我们都是免费的 我们对我们的膝盖血流成河

Mika的《Kids》 歌词


Mika的《Kids》 歌词

歌曲:Kids歌手:Mika语言:英语所属专辑:The Origin of Love发行时间:2012-09-16歌词:The kids are playing in the sunThey think their life has just begunFor them it"s just another dayPlaying games all the kids would playThere won"t be a me and youIf we keep on fighting like we doBaby please don"t walk awaySaying things only kids would sayKids" what do they know about loving nowLoving" loving you here and I love when you"re goneJust another can"t find the wayTake your care boots on" this is love long goneGive a piece of trust" make it worth fighting forTake your care boots on" this is love long goneGive a piece of trust" make it worth fighting forYou shout with nothing to sayAnd fight til you get your wayIt hurts but what can I do"I won"t turn into working toolKids" what do they know about loving nowLoving" loving you here and I love when you"re goneTake your care boots on" this is love long goneGive a piece of trust" make it worth fighting forTake your care boots on" this is love long goneGive a piece of trust" make it worth fighting forYou"re playing in my …sunYou"re thinking life has just begunYou"re throwing all my love awayJust another California dayJust another California dayJust another California dayTake your care boots on" this is love long goneGive a piece of trust" make it worth fighting forTake your care boots on" this is love long goneGive a piece of trust" make it worth fighting for.




前述吮对艰苦在您的lollipop噢, 爱去传达您到吮对艰苦在您的lollipop爱去传达您到言爱, 言爱我去走与我的momma 一天当她告诉了我什么人们说居住您的生活直到爱被发现"Cos 喜爱去传达您到看一看在女孩隔壁 She"s 球员和一个完全打扰She"s slowzer, 她想要更多噢, 坏女孩传达您到唱它Mama 告诉我什么我应该知道许多个糖果去烂掉您的灵魂如果她爱您让她走"Cos 爱只传达您到看一看在一个男孩象我从未站立在我自己的二英尺现在I"m 蓝色作为蓝色可能是噢, 爱到只传达我噢喜爱去传达您到我走与我的momma 一天或爱去传达您到许多cand 去烂掉您的灵魂☆Mika - Lollipop爱去传达您到

mika的I see you 歌词同步翻译


MIKA的we are golden歌词与翻译

Teenage dreams in a teenage circus年青时有一个梦想能在一个马戏团表演Running around like a clown on purpose像小丑一样乱跑Who gives a damn about the family you come from?没有人会责怪自己的出身No giving up when youre young and you want some不要放弃你年青时的梦想Running around again不停的努力(直译:跑啊跑)Running from running一直努力 (直译:接着跑)Waking upIn the midday sun一直睡到中午再起来Whats to live for?为了什么而生存?You could see what Ive done你可以看到你都做了什么Staring at emotionIn the light of day在晚上突然有了灵感I was runningFrom the things that youd say你让我这样一直跑着We are not what you think we are我们不是你所想像的那枯We are golden, we are golden.我们是黄金,我们是黄金We are not what you think we areWe are golden, we are golden.Teenage dreams in a teenage circusRunning around like a clown on purposeWho gives a damn about the family you come from?No giving up when youre young and you want someRunning around againRunning from runningRunning around againRunning from runningI was a boy当我还是个男孩子的时候At an open doorWhy you staring正是大好青春的时候(直译:在一扇打开的大门)为什么不开始行动Do you still think that you know?你还会那样认为吗?Looking for treasure现在就去寻找财富In the things that you threwLike a magpie一切都来得及(如同捡垃圾的捡回那些你已经扔掉的) ------------------------------------------小时候我梦想当一名演员,哪怕只是一个配角没有人可以怪罪自己的出身不好,每个人都平等天才我才必有用,不要放弃自己童年时的理想只要不停的努力,一直努力下去睡到中午才起来,迷茫般自问自己为了什么而活着自己所做过的事情,别人都看在眼里突然间有了些感悟:别人怎么说,我们就怎么做,那并不是我们所想的我们有自己的想法,有我们自己的梦想。我们是人才(金子)当自己年青的时候,正逢青春少年,我们为什么不开始行动?还要苟且度日?现在就行动起来吧,去完成我们的梦想,亡羊补牢为时不晚,一切都来的及

mika的Relax, Take It Easy歌曲结束后有女声说了一大段话是什么意思啊?

摘自 http://blog.renren.com/share/46803879/666846857Same day i want to dress for wedding   Same day while i was married   What happened, He"s go meeted another girl   While he was married another girl, I was very very sad   I can talk like ..... my legs   How he"s made a different lady, I no believe.      After one month i am send out to balcony   Some bomb, come for my eyes. My eyes gone.   My eyes gone in bomb, now i have only one eyes.   I am sad, until now I no married any man after.

emily mika 歌词翻译

歌曲名:Emily歌手:Mika专辑:The Origin of Love Deluxe Version发行日期:2012年9月歌词:Emily, Emily,(Emily, Emily,)Emily, can"t you write a happy song你不能写一首快乐的歌Get your eyes to number one让你的眼睛如同符号You could try a little harder你可以试着有点难Emily, you could be a millionaireEmily,你可以成为一名百万富翁 But you"re superlove hot hair但是你爱情如火样头发Gonna end up like your father打算最终会像你父亲 Emily, you can"t even like your chanceEmily,你不要忽略你的机缘Get a boy and learn to dance您有机会获得一个男孩和学跳舞 Be a girl like any other成为一个女孩喜欢其他的 Emily, are you stuck or by you gayEmily,你是被禁锢或者同性恋If you are, then that"s ok如果您是那么就这样Cause it doesn"t even matter事业甚至也没关系Emily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceEmily,你的生活,你不能够抓住它两次 One day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my hand一天你就会明白,然后你会抓住我的手 Emily, I love you, an do know you do tooEmily, 我爱你,做你愿意做的You never make no sense,你永远不会做没有意义screaming at me in French尖叫着看我在法国 Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyEmily, you got so much in your lifeEmily 你的生活中有如此多Me I got no one"s advice我却没有人咨询 Don"t you know you got it easy难道你不知道你解决它多么简单Emily, what you smoking, what"s that stenchEmily, 你抽烟,那是多么的恶臭Who you screaming out in French你用法语尖叫Did you really think you had me你是真的认为拥有我Emily, that"s enough to hide your toesEmily,这就够了,隐藏你的脚趾 Acting like you...像你.....I give up it"s not worth trying我放弃了,它的不值得一试 Emily, one day I will end up deadEmily,终究我会死亡That"s the only thing I"ve said这是我唯一想说的事That will ever get her smiling,这比以往任何时候都能让她的笑容Emily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceEmily, 你的生活,你不能够抓住它两次One day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my hand一天你就会明白,然后你会抓住我的手 Emily, I love you, an do know you do tooEmily, 我爱你,做你愿意做的You never make no sense,你永远不会做没有意义screaming at me in French尖叫着看我在法国 Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyEmily, live your life in a balloonEmily,你生活中气球中Lock yourself up in your room把你自己锁在你的房间 So the world can never reach ya这个世界你从未到达Emily, now I"m speaking JapaneseEmily, 现在我讲日语Got me falling on my knees,跪下我的膝盖got me praying to saint peter让我祈祷圣彼得Emily, see the price I have to payEmily,这是我愿意的付出I would give my life away我将会给你我的一生If I knew that I could reach you如果我知道怎么到达你的世界Emily, why you make this hard to meEmily,为什么你要让它如此的艰难It"s not the way it"s meant to be对于我来说,完全没有解决方式I don"t never wanna hit you我重来就没有想要伤害你Emily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, Emily dance,Emily 跳舞,Emily 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞,Emily 跳舞,Emily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, Emily dance,Emily 跳舞,Emily 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞,Emily 跳舞,Emily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, danceEmily 跳舞,Emily 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞,Emily 跳舞,Emily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceEmily,Emily,你的生活,你不能够抓住它两次 One day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my hand一天你就会明白,然后你会抓住我的手 Emily, I love you, an do know you do tooEmily, 我爱你,做你愿意做的You never make no sense,你永远不会做没有意义screaming at me in French尖叫着看我在法国 Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyEmily dance.Emily 跳舞

emily mika 歌词翻译

= =渣英语不会翻但是炒鸡好听 超级喜欢听!新专辑最爱坐等大师。


嘿,有什么妙点子? YO MIKA 我说 吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤 我说 吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤 吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤 我说 吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤 说爱,说爱 不要为爱而伤 说爱,说爱 不要为爱而伤 有一天,我和老妈一起散步 她提醒我 人们说的那些话 漫漫度过你的人生直到发现真爱 否则爱情会把你吞下 看看隔壁的那个女孩 她是个爱玩游戏的风流女人 耶酥也为她放慢了脚步,她却想要更多 哦,坏女孩会把你吞下 唱吧 吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤 说爱,说爱 不要为爱而伤 说爱,说爱 不要为爱而伤 妈妈告诉我一些生活的道理 太多的糖果会驱使我的灵魂 如果她爱你,就让她尽情的释放 因为爱情只会把你吞下 看着那个像我的男孩 从来没有独立的前行 现在我很忧郁,因为我可以 哦,爱情不能把我吞下 唱吧 吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤 说爱,说爱 不要为爱而伤 说爱,说爱 不要为爱而伤 有一天,我和妈妈一起散步 当她提醒我 人们说的那些话的时候 漫漫度过你的人生直到发现真爱 否则爱情会把你吞下 唱吧 吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤吃你的棒棒糖去吧 不要为爱而伤 说爱,说爱 不要为爱而伤 说爱,说爱 不要为爱而伤 。。。

mika underwater歌词 中文翻译

冲过血红色的天空  一个缓慢的滑坡  和世界我留下  这足以松你的头  和消失,不回来了。  当我倒在我的脚  “我的心被我的袖子  所有我看到的只是感到吃惊的  你是我的港口调用  你开枪远走高飞”我生  现在我知道你是了不起的  因为所有我需要的  是爱你呼吸吗  把你的嘴唇在我和  我可以住在水下,  水下,水下  水下  一个明亮的蓝色的天空飞翔  我们的空间


我这英语水平。。。献丑了总结来说就是“同志们去哪了”↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓这并不是关于那些已经逝去的牛仔这个问题在94年就过时了别被冒犯虽然看上去不太对同志们去哪了为我14岁时的爱情为我穿着华服的偶像们只希望有一天我可以变得很勇敢同志们去哪了如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”所以说好同志们去哪了好同志们去哪了好同志们去哪了(x3)感谢Rufus感谢Auden 和 James Dean为我的梦想感谢Emerson和 Bowie 感谢Wilfred Owen ,Kinsey,Whitman和Rimbaud谢谢你们,感谢你们的坚忍感谢Porter和Cocteau如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”所以说好同志们去哪了好同志们去哪了好同志们去哪了(x3)如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”如果我们都在阴沟里我们是谁这个问题并不能改变“我们都在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空”。。。。(各种重复)(感谢的都是历史上的同性恋名人)



Mika的《Love Today》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Today歌手:Mika专辑:Dodgy Holiday EpDoom da da di da di Doom da da di da di【Love Today】MikaEverybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.I"ve been crying for so long,Fighting tears just to carry on,But now,But now,Its gone away.Hey girl why can"t you carry on,Is it "cause you"re just like your mother,Little tike, like to tease for fun,Well you aint gonna tease no other,Gonna make you a lover,Everybody"s gonna love today,Love today, love today,Everybody"s gonna love today,Anyway you want to,Anywhere youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Girl with a groove with the big bust on, big bust on,Wait till your mother and your papa"s gone,Papa"s gone,Momma, momma papaShock shock me,Shock shock me,Shock shock.Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Yeah she"s a lover and she"s mighty fine ,Give her a dollar and she"ll make you smile,Hooker,Walk a looker,Walk away!Carry dresses like a kid for fun,Licks her lips like they"re something other,Tries to tell you life has just begun,But you know she"s gettin sumthing otha,Than the love from her motherEverybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Girl with a groove with the big bust on, big bust on,Wait till your mother and your papa"s gone,Papa"s gone,Momma, momma papaShock shock me,Shock shock me,Shock shock.Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.(Doom da da di da di Doom da da di da di......)Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.(Doom da da di da di Doom da da di da di......)http://music.baidu.com/song/8018957

mika米卡 ring ring 的歌词

Mika - Ring Ring I was sitting on the fenceAnd I thought that I would kiss youI never thought I would"ve missed youBut you never let me fallPush my back against the wallEvery time you callYou get so emotionalOh, I"m freakin" outRing ringIs that you on the phone?You think you"re cleverBut you"re never saying nothing at allHey heyThe way you spin me aroundYou make me dizzy when you play meLike a kid with a crownYou got a dangerous obsessionNow I"m in need of some protectionThat was never my intentionUsed to love meNow you hate meSee I drove you crazyWell if I didYou made meWon"t somebody save me?From you nowRing ringIs that you on the phone?You think you"re cleverBut you"re never saying nothing at allHey heyThe way you spin me aroundYou make me dizzy when you play meLike a kid with a crownIts words I wantedUntil you lost itWhy won"t you leave me alone?Hang up the phoneJust let me goRing ringIs that you on the phone?You think you"re cleverBut you"re never saying nothing at allHey heyThe way you spin me aroundYou make me dizzy when you play meLike a kid with a crownRing ringIs that you on the phone?You think you"re cleverBut you"re never saying nothing at allHey heyThe way you spin me aroundYou make me dizzy when you play meLike a kid with a crownRing ringRing ringRing ring

Mika-Blame it on the girls 歌词翻译



中岛美嘉 生日:1983.2.19 19岁 出生地:日本鹿儿岛 身高:160CM 喜欢的花:睡莲 喜欢的人物:小叮当 英文名:Nakashima Mika 音乐类型: Soul/R&B 出身地: 鹿儿岛 (现住:代官山) 兄弟姐妹:一姐一妹(姐姐是个大美人呢~~) 每日都会做的事:写日记 喜欢的花:睡莲 喜欢的食物:日本白饭,蛋黄酱(这是什么来的~?o.O) 喜欢的卡通人物:多啦A梦/小叮当 出身于日本鹿儿岛的中岛美嘉,从孩提时期即十分憧憬歌手生涯,因此毅然决然放弃高中学业而朝歌手目标迈进。第一次送至唱片公司的试唱带就让她从3000多位竞争者中脱颖而出,拔擢于今年秋天富士电视台的大戏《新宿伤痕恋歌》里演出主要的关键角色!同剧的主题曲《STARS》也于11月份正式发行,让中岛美嘉有如灰姑娘般地美梦成真成为歌手! 中岛美嘉的出道单曲《STARS》在ORICON单曲榜上首次进榜便挤进第三名,并且大卖了60万张,这以出道新人来说是个创纪录的异数


弥卡 米卡 蜜卡 女生可以叫啊


mikapikazo不是米山舞。米山舞是一位日本插画师。米山舞,日本动画师、插画师。原所属于动画公司Trigger,现在是自由身。出身于日本长野县,在中国台湾地区度过了最初的童年,是家里最小的孩子。米山舞作品2011年《THE IDOLM@STER》原画、第二原画。2011年《丹特丽安的书架》原画、第二原画。2012年《BLEACH》原画。2012年《黑岩射手》作画监督、原画、第二原画。2012年《钓球》原画。2012年《鲁邦三世-名为峰不二子的女人-》原画。2012年《最强学生会长》原画、第二原画。2012年-2013年《白熊咖啡厅》原画。2016年【赛车未来2016】公式绘。2017年轻小说柚本悠斗《学园交涉人》插画。2018年小说石川博品《曾几何时在海边医院与她交谈之事》插画。2018年轻小说スフレ《ダンジョンu30fbスクールデスゲーム》插画。2019年可尔必思100周年企划瓶装插画。2019年MV【レーゾンデートル-Eve】角色设计、作画监督、印象版。2019年VTuberあんこ(anko)角色设计。2021年VTuber「深脊界」企划,存流(aru),明透(asu),角色设计。2022年MV【YOKU-Eve】监督、分镜、角色设计、作画。

Mika的《Lollipop》 歌词

歌曲名:Lollipop歌手:Mika专辑:LollipopLollipopMikaHey, what"s the big idea?Yo Mika.I said, sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,I said, sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.I went walking in with my mama one day,when she warn me what people say,live your life until love is found,"cause love"s gonna get you down.Take a look at the girl next door,she"s a player and a down right bore,Jesus slows up, she wants moreoh bad girls get you down.Singing,Sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.Mama told me what I should know,too much candy gonna ride your soul,if she loves you, let her go,"cause love only gets you down.Take a look at the boy like me,never stood on my own two feet,now I"m blue, as I can be,oh love couldn"t get me down.Singing,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.say love, say love,oh love"s gonna get you down.I went walking with my mama one day,when she warn me what people say,live your life until love is found,or love"s gonna get you down.Singing,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down.Say love (say love), say love (say love),oh love"s gonna get you down.say love (say love), say love (say love),oh love"s gonna get you down.Mama told me what I should know,too much candy gonna ride your soul,if she loves you, let her go,"cause love only gets you down.Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.Sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you down,say, sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love"s gonna get you downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7564546

求Mika Kim 基本资料

生日:83年8月18日 出生地:贝鲁特(黎巴嫩首都) 一些琐事:在mika成为主流歌唱演员之前,他曾经帮别人编写口香糖广告短歌 童年:因为战乱,mika一家不得不在mika十分小的时候带他逃离黎巴嫩,经过了那段充满迷惑和巨变的时光,mika变得十分内向,9岁时曾一度辍学,也正是从那时起他选择了音乐来给予他庇护。 音乐历程:有趣的是mika第一次发现音乐时,他就坚定了那将是他为之付出一生的事业。他曾参加歌唱队很多年,那里他花去所有的时间自学钢琴和作曲。最后mika已经达到了在伦敦的一些歌剧院演出的水平,他也一直在写广告歌曲和一些为英国航空所作的的乘机用曲。 mika的名言:“……随着年龄的增长,我的音乐品位现在很兼收并蓄,但我也一直会回顾那些以自己的天分创造出伟大歌曲的过往的伟大的词曲作家……” 星路:在被英国评论家评选为2007年最有前途的新人之后,mika的第一首单曲grace kelly就于今年1月打榜了,二月就在英国发行了畅销的专辑life in cartoon motion,并且将为3月在美国的发行做好准备。 推荐曲目: grace kelly 下载: http://www.billymeade.com/audio/mika_-_grace_kelly.mp3 个人认为它的这张专辑娱乐性特别强,尤其是grace kelly,卡通人物式的唱腔真的很有创意,甚至我个人都觉得世界上没有第二个mika~~ 喜欢的话可以听他的专辑:life in the cartoon motion 516x.com有视听~




【MIKA】昵称:蜜卡或Mika或Mick (Mika是黑涩会帮我取的) 生日:保密 生日那天我会公布的 兴趣:网拍 录影 逛街 ...多 星座:保密 生日那天我会公布的 专长:保密 等淘汰赛在来吧








他就是个流行歌手 创作力挺强 求新求变~



我想知道Mika koivuniemi(芬兰保龄球手)的详细档案.

Full Name: Mika Koivuniemi Birth date & Location: April 6th, 1967 in Tampere, Finland Hometown: Hartland, Michigan USA Marital Status: Happily married to Leena since 1991 Mika & Leena"s children: Ida (born in "93) & Lidia (born in "00) Family Pet: Dog named "Buddy" Mika"s Height: 6" 4" or 192 cm. Weight: 195 lbs. or 88 Kg. Eye Color: Blue/Gray Sponsors: Brunswick, Turbo 2-N-1 Grips, Etonic Nickname: Big Finn, Major Mika Has been bowling since: 1978 (28 years) Bowls: Right-handed Favorites: Pro Hockey Team: Detroit Red Wings Pro Basketball Team: Detroit Pistons Pro Athlete: Michael Jordan College Football Team: Michigan Wolverines Rock Band: U2 Food & Drink: Fillet of Steak and Red Wine

英国歌手mika 的身高、体重是多少?


MIKA 怎么读?






Mika的《Lola》 歌词

歌曲名:Lola歌手:Mika专辑:The Origin of Love Deluxe VersionLolaMIKAPeople always make me crazyLove me lots, don"t love me maybeWhat"s the point in singing silly love songs?Who do they think they are to tell us?Make me sad and make my jealousDon"t believe a word cause they are so wrongLola, LolaOh sex and lies and mysteryThey don"t bring out the best in meKeep jumping from one lover to anotherI thank you for the time you"ve takenCleanin up the mess I"m makinMade the same mistake over and over(Oh) Lola, I"ve made up my mindAnd I"m not going to fall in love this time(Oh) Lola, I"ve made up my mindAnd I"m not going to fall in love this timeLola, oh LolaOh why pretend to be so jadedIt"s so easy just to hate itAnyone can love you for a dollarBut when you find your love"s for realYou"ll beg and borrow, cheat or stealTrying to get some money just to call her(Oh) Lola, I"ve made up my mindAnd I"m not going to fall in love this time(Oh) Lola, I"ve made up my mindAnd I"m not going to fall in love this timeLike a fish out of waterIt picks you up and it spits you outWhy do we even botherWhen there"s only one way outAnd we both know it, Lover(Oh) Lola, I"ve made up my mindAnd I"m not going to fall in love this time(Oh) Lola, I"ve made up my mindAnd I"m not going to fall in love this timeOh you could stop it if you tryLove makes you laugh, it makes you cryThe oldest game in history, repeating.Oh you could stop it if you tryLove makes you laugh, it makes you cryThe oldest game in history, repeating.Oh LolaOh Lola baby it"s just another love songOh LolaOh Lola baby it"s just another love songOh Lola, I"ve made up my mindAnd Lola baby it"s just another love songOh Lola, I"ve made up my mindAnd Lola baby it"s just another love songhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25251879






当然不是了。歌曲: Grace Kelly 歌手: Mika I wanna talk to you.The last time we talkedMr. Smithyou reduced me to tears.I promise you that wont happen again!Do I attract you?Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?Am I too dirty?Am I too flirty?I could be wholesomeI could be loathsomeI guess Im a little bit shyWhy dont you like me?Why dont you like me without making me try?I tried to be like Grace KellyBut all her looks were too sadSo I tried a little FreddieIve gone identity mad!I could be brown I could be blueI could be violet skyI could be hurtful I could be purpleI could be anything you likeGotta be green Gotta be meanGotta be everything moreWhy dont you like me? Why dont you like me?Why dont you walk out the door!Getting angry doesn"t solve anything.How can I help it How can I help itHow can I help what you think?Hello my baby Hello my babyPutting my life on the brinkWhy dont you like me Why dont you like meWhy dont you like yourself?Should I bend over?Should I look older just to be put on your shelf?I tried to be like Grace KellyBut all her looks were too sadSo I tried a little FreddieIve gone identity mad!I could be brown I could be blueI could be violet skyI could be hurtful I could be purpleI could be anything you likeGotta be green Gotta be meanGotta be everything moreWhy dont you like me? Why dont you like me?Walk out the door!Say what you want to satisfy yourselfBut you only want what everybody else says you should wantyou wantI could be brown I could be blueI could be violet skyI could be hurtful I could be purpleI could be anything you likeGotta be green Gotta be meanGotta be everything moreWalk out the door!I could be brown I could be blueI could be violet skyI could be hurtful I could be purpleI could be anything you likeGotta be green Gotta be meanGotta be everything moreWhy dont you like me? Why dont you like me?Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me?Walk out the door!......Humphrey...We"re LeavingKaching


不需要任何条件,与你一起生成于世界,不需要房子,但是当你建好房子后他会第一个住进去。他的小贴土对于新手了解游戏基础有一定作用。在泰拉瑞亚这款游戏中,mika就是骷髅商人。骷髅商人的最大生命值是250,是个商贩 NPC,随机生成在洞穴层中。尽管敌怪不会在他附近生成,但他并非城镇 NPC,离开屏幕会消失。

日语里的 美嘉 是念 mika 还是 miga?

美嘉:みか谐音:米卡 【mika】谢谢



如何评价黎巴嫩裔英国歌手 MIKA

Mika延续了大多数创作歌手的发展历程:一专红,二专淡,三专胡萝卜...说“胡萝卜”也不准确,不过三张专辑口碑的确高开低走。今年四月他在意大利The X Factor当评委,呃...最近又到法国The Voice当导师...刚刚推出一张限意大利地区发行的精选集Songbook Vol. 1,收录了前三张专辑中的金曲,算是对他前一阶段演艺生涯的总结吧。Mika童年和少年命运多舛:黎巴嫩避难经历,在学校因为“玻璃”体质受了同学不少欺负(请注意这里的“玻璃”不是“玻璃心”的“玻璃”)。有童年阴影的人,长大后就往两个极端发展:要么是阴郁黑化,浑身上下乌云笼罩;要么就成了Mika那样,开心得没心没肺。也就说,Mika首专和二专中犹如彩色卡通的欢快曲风,就像对童年阴影的另类反叛——好吧这是我瞎猜的大家不用当真(挖鼻…首专虽然没到“震古烁今”的地步,但作为一张“有特点的好听的流行专辑”,质量不错。你看能够一炮而红的流行歌手旋律必然写得极好,这已是恒古不变的真理。Mika在专辑中贡献了大量抓耳复杂的旋律段。我记得当年看过Happy Ending的MV后便——不,我没有冲出去买磁带,07、08年那会儿全市音像店没几家了,剩下的以卖盗版DVD碟为生——到网上把首专翻出来。Mika以宽广音域和真假声自由转换的极佳唱功著称。虽然我说过“唱功够用就行”,但唱功好就是有用,不信你让马山芋(Chris Martin)唱Mika的歌试试…当然唱功还是得以好作品为支撑。乃们听说过Delays这个乐队咩?主唱也有雌雄莫辨的假音,但就是不能大红大紫嘛…在Fun.广为人知前,我们已经有Mika了:欢快的节奏,宽广音域加激昂高音,复杂的编曲,抓耳的旋律,就是歌曲结构没Fun.那么复杂。姑且称为“卡通音乐”吧(这也是我瞎扯的…对了,还有大热单曲:带有舞曲律动的Relax(Take It Easy),充满童趣欢乐的Grace Kelly,蛋蛋忧伤的Happy Ending…啊,我最喜爱的还是Happy Ending,我觉得这首歌最符合Mika本人经历:将悲伤希望融为一炉。好旋律好唱功大热单曲,有特点(通俗说法是“多动症儿童发逼疯”),再加上BBC钦点年度之声,Mika的走红理所当然。从封面上便可看出二专风格与一专一脉相承。Mika似乎打算把首专的成功要素打包再复制一次,各个歌曲都能一一对应:Rain对应Relax(Take It Easy),We Are Golden对应Grace Kelly,By the Time对应Happy Ending。不过口碑下滑了。原因似乎一是风格保守没有突破,二是缺乏大热单曲。其实Mika的旋律创作能力不弱,但二专中的歌曲相比一专就是差口气。We Are Golden固然不错,相比Grace Kelly有点“幼齿”了,旋律像是喊口号...到三专就是胡萝卜的节奏了...封面的“荆棘王子黑白侧影”形象已暗示风格的改变,只是万万没想到要淌电音的浑水,连Auto-Tune也上来了…这张专辑让人眼前闪过宠物店男孩、蠢朋克等合成器电音组合的即视感。稳定的节拍就像一根绳子,把多动症儿童捆了起来,Mika登时规矩许多。销魂的假音还在,但发挥空间却受到限制。粉丝就不愿意了:“不发逼疯的Mika还是Mika吗?!”只有法语歌还能寻到当年不羁的风采。其实三专质量不差,但是你看,听众(包括路人和脑缠粉)是这个世界上最难伺候的群体,之一。歌手若坚持风格五十年不动摇,他们就会不屑的说:“切~还是老一套,没新意。”如果歌手想尝试新风格,他们又要哭天抢地:“这不是我熟悉的XXX!好累!赶脚再也不会爱了!”我要是歌手,就直接端出机关枪全屏幕扫射哒哒哒,妈蛋一了百了(摔茶杯!!至于出柜的事儿,老听众表示这不是理所当然的事嘛(淡定喝茶)。We Are Golden的MV中,他全身上下只穿了一双金色小跑鞋和一条白色小短裤连蹦带唱四分钟没歇过,这么明显就差刻脸上了喂~他要是像Morrissey和Michael Stipe那样憋一辈子那才叫奇怪呢…现在似乎流行歌手到选秀节目上攒人气,这对Mika也有好处,顺便还能展示他的语言才能——“看我的法语发音多标准!”(重点误…粉丝们还是喜欢活蹦乱跳发逼疯的Mika,被他的假音逗得心花怒放。不过很难说Mika能否遂粉丝心愿。Elton John爵士和Freddie Mercury是他的目标,加油吧小伙子!

日文里的美嘉 是发 mika 还是 miga?

美嘉:みか谐音:米卡 【mika】谢谢


Mika,原名Mica Penniman 1983年8月18日生于黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特一个美黎联姻的家庭(他的父亲是美国人,母亲是黎巴嫩人)。幼年时期随着家人辗转巴黎,他9岁时,全家才在伦敦定居下来。 年幼的Mika喜欢音乐,喜欢在歌曲中说故事。对音乐的爱好,加上他在皇家音乐学院(Royal College of Music)受到的专业训练,让他刚刚露脸就顶着了音乐天才的光环。2006年9月,Mika在BBC Radio 1崭露头角,旋即,在BBC网站的2007年度之声民意调查中,他获得的选票最多。 Mika的首支单曲《Relax, Take It Easy》被BBC Radio 1播放,并受到知名DJ的推崇。2007年1月8日,环球唱片发行了他的单曲《Grace Kelly》,这首歌很快占据英国单曲榜的冠军位置。2007年2月5日,Mika乘胜追击,发行了自己的首张专辑《Life In Cartoon Motion》,他的音乐融合了舞曲,funk,流行和其他的元素。在很短的时间内,他模糊的私生活和音乐才华迅速地为他打开了知名度,人们谈起他时,总是把他和Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Scissor Sisters, Rufus Wainwright和Elton John相提并论




1.长得正。2.那腿长得。曾经摄影师背后抓拍了一张他站在架子鼓上的照片,那腿简直长得人心乱如麻。腿长顺带让他跳舞也很好看。3.给人传递的总是开心得要爆开的信息:眼神是、魔幻隐喻的视觉是、舞蹈是、笑容是、旋律是、歌词也是。嗯他连头型都永远一副乐观的样子,爆炸卷卷头不塌。4.天赋才华:语言、音乐。5.自然。我第一次进他官网看见一段他happy ending的钢琴练习录像。整个人放松、生活化,自然得跟家庭dv拍的一样。像水流下来,没有疙瘩。6.高兴就不忍。有次他演唱会上听到合we are golden的人很多,完全没忍住笑出来了,然后就一直边唱边笑。傻死了;)好像这条可以归入3),但他经常忍不住笑,还是单独写。7.成长经历非常丰富,但他把尝过的苦头都变成了3)8.高音妖得要死。

Mika 怎么念?





MIKA词典[医][=minor karyotypic abonormalities]微小核型异常,轻型核型异常网络王义廷; 七川美华; 萧美卡



Mika 的《Good Gone Girl》 的歌词?

Mika - Good Gone GirlCould you believeThe same old storyIt never bores meThough I"ve heard it all before.Her name was GeorgiaAnd she was gorgeous.When she adored yaThe whole room would get to know.Like a movie that is filled with lust (filmed? to the last?)Coming at you with a double D bust.At the bed of a wounded soldierIn a rush cause she"s gettin older.Hanging out in the fancy barsWith the boys who can play guitar.Listen up "cause I"ve got to warn yaShe"s gonna make it out in California.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh good gone girlCould you believeThe same old phoniesThose painted poniesThat you"ve ridden all before.Her name was AprilBut she was hateful.Enough to make youWant to run right out the door.I can tell you what you want the mostHang around for the champagne toast.When the end of the night gets trickyDon"t you know that beggars can"t be picky?Lookin" out for a man who"s goldenDoesn"t matter if he"s old, he"s rollin".Coming at you like a desperate hunterSugar daddy but he"s just a munter.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh good gone girlShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.She"s happy to choose somebody to use.Good gone girl she"s got nothin left to lose. RepeatsShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.She"s happy to choose somebody to use.Good gone girl she"s got nothin left to lose. RepeatsShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.HOho~Mika!

Kamikaze Love是什么类型的美剧


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听过一首歌叫做calling for love 是kamikaze的 泰文歌词翻译成拼音

《lujianghuguang》 整理汗啊……什么歌词啊!好听是好听 就是饶舌啊!嘿 感提曾米身阮 嘿 感提卖有你狂奔肯替身Q to you to 滚肯开困兰身有困特夸人那巴蒂my love夸乐头贼be the 特卖干涩困热mi kelai mi kelai那哦king 赛肯菜啃特米康尼败赛夸乐敢不在吗嘿特get away get awayget surprise 赛思kill A哎破没带老矿乐那煤矿热Q抗赖亚它lu懒 at 寒 牙齿乳凯特凯地赞康赞 刚嘿探 体黑白one line 给尔要办康特

求 神风Kamikaze系列 全集 ,谢谢


求此女主名字,演过Kamikaze Love 也叫神风队的爱


kamikaze premium vol.47


求 神风Kamikaze系列 全集

给你来个非常好记的吧, 77uub 是不是瞬间就背下来了,希望能帮到你

求此女主名字,演过Kamikaze Love 也叫神风队的爱

名字:Elle Alexandra 生日: 2/6/2991家乡: Nevada, USA三围: 32A-24-34身高: 5′7发色: Red瞳色: Green

Kamikaze Love里的纹身女 演员叫什么名字


谁能给我翻译下《calling for love》 - kamikaze,要中英文对照歌词拜托了各位 谢谢

中文:是谁让我陷入爱河 是谁出现在我的梦里? 我每天都在挂念一个人 那个人就是你 爱什么样子? 爱是不是和你一样仁慈(亲切) 爱不是在远方 是在你自己心里 有一个秘密的盒子,(但是)只有你有(打开它的)钥匙 我要继续,继续它,作为一个惊喜等你找到它(并且)打开它 Hey,我不能告诉你这个秘密 静悄悄的躺在爱里面/爱的内心总是在撒谎 如果你想明白,想知道 你要将它与你的心(一起)打开 我把我的心给你.不管(时间)过了多久,我的心仍然属于你 是谁让我陷入爱河 是谁出现在我的梦里? 我每天都在挂念一个人 那个人就是你 爱什么样子? 爱是不是和你一样仁慈(亲切) 爱不是在远方 是在你自己心里 我把我的心和花一起送出去了 我低声的和风说着爱 我一次又一次地说着 你知道吗? 没有一张卡大的可以 表达我(对你)的感觉 [附注]:就是说她对他的四年已经多的没有办法在卡片上写清楚,因为卡片装不下 我想收集天空 山脉 凉爽的风 (然后把这些美好的收集)写成信给你 爱你,爱你,我爱你,这些话仍然属于你 是谁让我陷入爱河 是谁出现在我的梦里? 我每天都在挂念一个人 那个人就是你 爱什么样子? 爱是不是和你一样仁慈(亲切) 爱不是在远方 是在你自己心里 说唱RAP部分 : 那个人就是你 爱你,爱你,我爱你,这些话仍然属于你 Wowowowowowowowo Wowowowowowowowo 我每天都在挂念一个人 那个人就是你 Wowowowowowowowo Wowowowowowowowo 爱不是在远处 是在你自己心里 是谁让我陷入爱河 是谁出现在我的梦里? 我每天都在挂念一个人 那个人就是你 爱什么样子? 爱是不是和你一样仁慈(亲切) 英文: who has made me fall in love? who is it I see in my dream? the one I miss every day that person is you what does love look like? is love as kind as you are? love is not far way It is in your own heart There is a box with a secret and a key just for you I"ve meant to keep it ,keep it, as a surprise for you to unlock and find it Hey I can"t tell you it"s a secret That there"s love lying in side If you want to see want to know You need to unlock it with your heart I gave you heart to you ,howeverlong it is still yours who has made me fall in love? who is it I see in my dream? the one I miss every day that person is you what does love look like? is love as kind as you are? love is not far way It is in your own heart I have sent my heart with the flowers I have whispered love with the wind I have said it again and again Did you ever know? A card is never big enough To express how I feel I"d collect the sky the hill The cool wind To write for you Love you ,love you ,I love you ,these words still belong to you Who has made me fall in love? who is it I see in my dream? the one I miss every day that person is you what does love look like? is love as kind as you are? love is not far way It is in your own heart rap The person is you rap Love you ,love you ,I love you ,these words still belong to you Wowowowowowowowo Wowowowowowowowo The one I miss every day That person is you Wowowowowowowowo Wowowowowowowowo Love is not far away It is on own heart who has made me fall in love? who is it I see in my dream? the one I miss every day that person is you what does love look like? is love as kind as you are? love is not far way It is in your own heart 爱不是在远方 是在你自己心里

kamikaze calling for love 歌词

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