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one more thing还是one thing more

正确说法是: one more thing 还有一件事。这里more属于形容词,意思是“另外的”。thing不是不定代词,修饰它的形容词more没有必要置于thing后面。

one more thing等于another thing还是another one thing

one more thing=another one thing 但还是有区别的 比如one more thing 的 thing 一般是指与你之前所谈论或者做的是同一类的thing 比如 one more apple 就是再来一个苹果 与之前吃的是一样的 而 another one thing呢 有点儿 另外一个thing的感觉 比如 another one thing 再来一个苹果 但是 这个苹果可能是不同种类的苹果 他们的意思相近 用的话也可以相互替换 但是不是简单的等于的关系 还是有细小的语义的差别

no one but more

a) none 后跟of短语,既可指人又可指物,而no one只单独使用,只指人. b) none 作主语,谓语动词用单,复数均可,而no one作主语谓语动词只能是单数. None of you could lift it.你们中没有人可举起它. ---- Did any one call me up just now?--刚才有人打电话给我吗? ---- No one.--没有.

i played baacketball yesterday改写tomorrow

I will play basketball tomorrow


一般疑问句为:Can you do morning exercises every day?否定回答为:No, I cannot do morning exercises every day.

I can do is leave tomorrow 为什么有两个谓语动词


i want no more try是什么歌

是Westlife他们的I Don"t Wanna Fight No More吗? 歌词如下:I can"t sleep,everything i ever knew,It"s a lie,without you,我无法入睡,如果没有你,我所知道的一切,都是一个谎言。I can"t breathe,when my heart is broke in two,There"s no beat,without you,我无法呼吸,当我的心裂成两瓣,如果没有你,我没有心跳。You"re not gone,but you"re not here,It"s that"s the way it seems tonight,If we could try to end these wars,I know that we can make it right,cause baby,你并未离去,但你却不在此地,今晚就是这样,如果我们尝试终止这些战争,我知道我们能做到,因为宝贝:I don"t wanna fight no more,I forgot what we were fighting for,and this lonelyness that"s in my heart,won"t let me be apart from you,我不想再战,我已忘记我们为何而战,我心中的孤寂不让我离开你。I don"t wanna have to try,Girl, to live without you in my life,So, i"m hoping we can start tonight,cause i don"t wanna fight,no more,女孩,我不想尝试去过没有你的生活,所以,我在希望我们能从今晚开始,因为我不想再战,再也不要。How can I leave,when everything that I adore,and everything I"m living for,Girl, it"s in you,女孩,我怎能离开,当我热爱和赖以生存的一切,都在你之中。I can"t dream,sleepless nights have got me bad,The only dream i ever had,is being with you,我无法做梦,无眠的夜让我损毁,我唯一的梦,就是与你同在。I know that we can make it right,It"s gonna take a little time,Lets not leave ourselves with no way out,lets not cross that line,(that line)我知道我们能办到,只要一点时间,让我们不要将自己困死,让我们不要越过那条分界线(那条线)I don"t wanna fight no more,I forgot what we were fighting for,and this lonelyness that"s in my heart,won"t let me be apart from you,我不想再战,我已忘记我们为何而战,我心中的孤寂不让我离开你。I don"t wanna have to try,Girl, to live without you in my life,So, i"m hoping we can start tonight,cause i don"t wanna fight,no more,女孩,我不想尝试去过没有你的生活,所以,我在希望我们能从今晚开始,因为我不想再战,再也不要。Remember that i made a vow,that i would never let you go,I meant it then, I mean it now,and i want to tell you so,记得我曾经发下誓言,我永不让你离去,我那时是认真的,我现在仍然认真,而且我想这样告诉你这些。I don"t wanna fight no more, (oh no)I forgot what we were fighting for,and this lonelyness that"s in my heart,won"t let me be apart from you,我不想再战,我已忘记我们为何而战,我心中的孤寂不让我离开你。I don"t wanna have to try,Girl, to live without you in my life,So, i"m hoping we can start tonight,(can we start)cause i don"t wanna fight,no more...女孩,我不想尝试去过没有你的生活,所以,我在希望我们能从今晚开始,因为我不想再战,再也不要。It"s all a lie,Without you,without you..一切都是谎言,没有你,没有你……提问者评价谢谢咯 就是这个 很好听的。。。



not at all与not any more的区别

not at all adv.一点也不not any more adv.不再, 不比...多

not … at all 和 not …anymore 的区别 all 根本不的意思not...anymore 。。。不再(例: 不再使用,不再有效等)

I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which

原句还原为正常语序为:I leave uncultivated today, (which) was precisely tomorrow which person of the body (that) perishes implored yesterday.leave用一般现在时,看出是站在语者的角度看的,并且是一种名言警句型的箴言,“客观现实,普遍真理”。was用一般过去时,看出是站在逝者的角度看的。由perishes(一般现在时的单三形式)可见,应翻译成“长眠之人”,是一种永恒的状态,“死者长已矣”,业已作古,再也无法生存了。implored翻译成乞求过的,但又求之不得。“我碌碌无为的今日,已经成为了长眠于世的英雄曾经奋力攫取却终又无奈溜走的明天。”有一种悲剧与喜剧交织的智者的五味杂陈,可以看出作者的感情色彩。用刘禹锡的话翻译就是“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”。

有首女生英文快歌 歌词 tell me what you want , come on ,more than

歌手名:Joy Enriquez专辑名:Joy Enriquez歌曲名称:Tell Me How You Feel歌手: Joy Enriquez 专辑:Joy Enriquez youre on my mind had another sleepless niteand all I think about is that I want you here and nowall I wanna say is that I want you in my lifeI need you to hold me make me feel so ritetheres no other love oh yeayoure everything that Im looking for and moreso tell me why, why are you so shy when youre walking right by I get this feeling insideChorusbaby I want you but I dont know what to sayI see you everyday when you come around my way I want you to know that Im in love with youso baby come on come on and tell me how you feelmy friends say that Im wasting my timebut I dont listen to them cuz I know youre gonna be minethey dont understand the feelings inside all I want from you is that you give me a signtell me how you feel, tell me how you feelI can see it in ur eyes when youre walking by you feel me I feel you toowhy are u so shy when u walk byI get this feeling insideChorusbaby I want you but I dont know what to sayI see you everyday when you come around my way I want you to know that Im in love with youso baby come on come on and tell me how you feelI know that its you that holds the key to my heartand I dont what I would do if I cant have your lovehow you feelChorusbaby I want you but I dont know what to sayI see you everyday when you come around my way I want you to know that Im in love with youso baby come on come on and tell me how you feelbaby I want you but I dont know what to sayI see you everyday when you come around my way I want you to know that Im in love with youso baby come on come on and tell me how you feel

i wanna be the very best no one i was 开头的歌词是这个 中间有一段 I got you more。

Pokemon ThemeIwanna be the very best,That no one ever was.To catch them is my real test,To train them is my cause.Iwill travel across the world,Searching far and wide.Each Pokemon to understandThe power that"s insidePokemon,(gotta catch them all) its you and meI know its my destinyPokemon, oh, you"re my best friendIn a world we must defendPokemon,(gotta catch them all) a heart so trueOur courage will pull us throughYou teach me and I"ll teach youPo-ke-mon, gotta catch "em allEverychallenge along the wayWith courage I will faceI will battle every dayTo claim my rightful placeComewith me, the time is rightThere"s no better teamArm in arm we"ll win the fightIt"s always been our dreamPokemon!(Gottacatch "em all)It"syou and meI know it"s my destinyPokemon!Oh,you"re my best friend,In a world we must defend.Pokemon!Aheart so true.Our courage will pull us through.You teach me and I"ll teach you.Pokemon!(Gottacatch "em all)x5Yeah!Pokemon!It"syou and meI know it"s my destinyPokemon!Oh,you"re my best friend,In a world we must defend.Pokemon!Aheart so true.Our courage will pull us through.You teach me and I"ll teach you.

bright的比较级到底是“brighter”还是“more bright”???


bright的比较级到底是“brighter”还是“more bright”???


late ,later,more late ,lately 的区别

1.late adj. & adv. 迟,迟的,晚的,晚期,在晚期。如: He is never late or school. 他上学从不迟到。 The train was 10 minutes late. 火车晚点十分钟。 It"s never too late to mend. 改过不为晚。 (It"s )Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。 The workers in the south often go to work early and leave off late. 南下打工仔经常是早上工,晚下班。 请记住以下几种搭配: in the late afternoon 傍晚,在下午较晚的时候 in the late 1990"s / 1990s 在二十世纪九十年代末 work late /far/deep into the night 工作至深夜 late in autumn 深秋 另外, late 用作形容词还可用来表示“已故的,去世不久的;前任的,不久前卸任的”。如: the late Chairman Liu Shaoqi 前国家主席刘少奇 the late government 前任(上一届)政府 2. later adj. & adv. 为late比较级,意指较迟,较晚一些。如: two hours later, the ship sank. 两小时后,轮船沉没了。 See you later! 再见! 要记住以下几个固定搭配: sooner or later 迟早(early or late) no later than不迟于 later on以后,后来。如: The problem will be solved sooner or later. 这个问题迟早会得到解决。 Let"s discuss the question later on. 让我们以后再讨论这个问题吧。 He is to arrive at no later than 10 p.m. 他最迟不过晚上十点赶到。 另外,later还可用作状语,表示“后来”之意。如: Later he became a general. 后来他当上了将军。 3.latter adj. 意思是指(两者中)后者的,后者,反义词是former,(两者中)前者。注意,不要把latter与late的比较级later混淆。如: Of the two the latter is far better than the former. 两者中后者远比前者好。 Of pigs and cows, the latter (=the cows) are more valuable. 猪牛两种动物中,后者较有价值。 Did he walk or swim? The latter seems unlikely. 他走路还是游泳?后者好像不太可能。 4.latest adj. & adv. 为late的最高级。意思是最新、最近或最迟。如: The radio is broadcasting the latest news about the man-made satellite. 电台正在播送有关人造卫星的最新消息。 A British car company was about to sell its latest type of car in Germany. 一家英国汽车公司正要在德国出售其最新型的汽车。 5.lately adv. (=recently) 最近,近来,通常用于现在完成时态,如: The old palace has lately been rebuilt. 古老的宫殿最近得以重建。 Have you seen him lately? 你最近见到过他吗?

求意大利女歌手Alessandra Amoroso的专辑下载:《Il Mondo In Un Secondo》和《Senza Nuvole》,多谢!

你可以用 emule, torrent,或 limewire. 这里肯定有。还有你可以去youtube直接去找视频。

______ more, and you’ll improve your spoken English. A. Speak B. Speaks C. Speaking D. To speak


全面启动如何理解Morality and conscience exists because we

Morality and conscience exists because we realize it in the end.可以这样理解:之所以存在道德与良心,是因为我们最终意识到了。

rely more on 还是more rely on还是rely on more?

请注意第一个及第三个应该是正确的,即rely more on或rely on more...希望能够帮到您!

rely more heavily on中为什么用heavily的词性?


more to luv歌词翻译


one more huge one more smile是什么歌曲?

出自《GoodNight Song》英文版本貌似只有 Smurf 唱过,国内“梦之旅”合唱组唱过中文的。歌词:Try to sleep now, close your eyesSoon the birds would stop singingTwinkling stars, are shining brightThey"ll be watching you all nightAll the things, you enjoyOn this beautiful dayAll your friends, all your toyswill be waiting for you to play"Mr moonlight will come bring you dreamsAs soon as the lights are outAnd tomorrow you must tell mewhat those dreams were all about"Try to sleep now, close your eyesTry to think of tomorrowAll of us wish you good nightSo I"m switching off the lightsOne more hug, one more smileKiss you once, kiss you twiceI"ll be here for a whileTry to sleep now and close your eyes

求女声英文歌 很有节奏感,有很多one more than go歌词

one more night ━maroon5

歌词里有more than you是什么歌?


More than one 什么意思


oh baby l love you more than forever one day什么意思


More than one day I love you什么意思




much more的用法总结

many more后接一个名词一定是个复数可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个复数名词,表示复数概念。 扩展资料   much more后接一个名词,这个名词一定是个不可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个不可数名词。   many more不可能修饰形容词和副词,而much more和far more, even more, still more 等一样,可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”。   more 是much和many的.比较级,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,而much仅仅是修饰不可数名词表示很多,也可以做程度讲解.其实这两个词很简单的。


Many和Much用法①many和much都作“许多”解,但many用于修饰可数名词,而much修饰不可数名词。例如:1. China has many oil fields. 中国有许多油田。2. In our view, there is much oil here. 在我们看来,这里有许多石油。② 代词many和名词much用法举例:1. Many of the students want to sum up the past experience before going on. 许多学生(原意为:学生中间有许多人)要总结一下过去经验在继续干。2. Much of the waste acid is utilized. 废酸中大部分被利用了。③“much(副词)+比较级”作“……得多”解:1. The sun is much large than the moon. 太阳比月亮大得多了。2. This problem seems much more difficult than that one. 这道题似乎比那道题难得多。3. We turned back a much larger enemy force. 我们把力量强得多的敌人顶了回去。④ 副词much修饰动词、过去分词时作“十分”解:1. We all love Beijing very much. 我们大家都非常热爱北京。2. We are much interested in heat utilization. 我们对热量利用十分感兴趣。注:上述两种句子,一般不能用very代替much。有时much也可修饰作表语用的形容词:It is much the same. 差不多相同。⑤ many和much的一些常用词组:many a time 许多次 how many books 多少书 how much water 多少水as much (many) 同样多 as much (many) as 像……那么多倍数+as much (many) as… ……的……倍(那么多) much less 何况(用于否定)much more 何况(用于肯定)注1:much和many的比较级和最高级都是more和most,分别详见第337页和225页。“more(或most)+形容词或副词原级”还分别构成比较级和最高级。如:more useful较为有用的;most widely 最广泛地。注2:“many a+可数名词单词”用法特殊,举例如下:1. Many a worker often shows concern for us. (注意谓语用第三人称单数形式)许多工人经常关心我们。2. Many a time have they been to Beijing.(注意Many a time作状语位于句首时,后面要引起主语、谓语颠倒现象,因为many a time和often近义,often位于句首时也引起主语、谓语颠倒。)他们去过北京多次。much加不可数名词,如much milkmany加可数名词复数,如many applesHow many加可数名词复数,如How many pearsHow much加不可数名词,如How much waterHow much也可用于问价钱,如How much are the apples?意思是这些苹果多少钱?这是How many与How much的最大区别some和any 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。因此 some和any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关。 some意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。如:some books一些书,some boys一些男孩,也可修饰不可数名词,如:some water一些水,some tea一些茶叶,some常用在肯定句中。any意为“任何一些”,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句。如: --I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。 --I can"t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。 --Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗? --I have some English books, they are my best friends. 我有英语书,它们是我最好的朋友。 但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。如: Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? What about some fruit juice? 来点水果汁如何? 当any表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中; Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题。 选题角度: 辨析some和any的不同用法:some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中。在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。lot、lots、a lot、a lots、lot of、lots of、a lot of、a lots of的区别 1. lot——相当,许多2. lots——土堆3. a lot的用法a lot是口语中的一个常用词组,多用于肯定句,有时也用于疑问句。其主要用法有如下几点:①作名词短语,表示“很多;多量”,在句中作主语、宾语或表语,其后常有动词不定式短语作后置定语,如:There is a lot to see at the party. 聚会上有许多可观赏的东西。(作主语)You know a lot/much about English names. 你知道许多有关英语姓名的情况。(作宾语)This is a lot. 这真多。(作表语)②作副词短语,在句中作程度状语,表示“很;非常;常常”,修饰动词、感叹词、介词短语、形容词或副词的比较级,如:It usually rains a lot/much at this time of year. 每年这个时候都经常下雨。(修饰动词rain)Thanks a lot/very much ---that"s very kind. 多谢,十分感激。(修饰感叹词thanks,thanks=thank you)He is feeling a lot/much better. 他感觉好多了。(修饰比较级better)③a lot前可被such,what,quite,rather修饰,如:I like him quite a lot. 我非常喜欢他。---How much money is left? ---还剩下多少钱?---Rather a lot. ---还有相当多。4.a lot of = lots of,可修饰可数或不可数名词,意为“许多”, “大量的”,相当于many或much。a lot, a lot of, lots of通常用于肯定句,否定句中一般用many或much,如: There"s a lot of work to do and a lot of people have been sent there. 有许多事情要做,许多人已派去那里了。 5.用于固定搭配构成习语。have a lot to answer for为糟糕的情况负责have a lot on your plate有很多困难的工作要处理 have a lot on/have a lot going on 近期很忙Do you have a lot on for tonight? 你今晚很忙吗?They will have a lot on tomorrow. 他们明天将很忙。have a lot on one"s mind把很多事情挂在心上see + n. (a lot/little/less/more/much/nothing/something) + of + sb./sth. ……见到某人/物He has seen something of life. 他略有阅历。We hope to see something of you during the holidays. 我们希望在假期里不时能看到你。something of…表示“几分; 多少”lots 不单独用的,lots of=a lot of 后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可,接可数名词时谓语用复数,接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。a lot 当然不是名词性短语了,而是副词性短语,修饰动词。比如:Thanks a lot.= Thanks very much. 再比如:I know him a lot。 plenty of 和以上lots of 和a lot of相似,后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可,接可数名词时谓语用复数,接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。more用法1.(many, much的比较级)更多的;更高程度的[+(than)]He has more chance than ever. 他从来没有这样的大好机会。 2.另外的,附加的If you still feel hungry, there is more food in the kitchen. 如果你还饿,厨房里还有东西。 代词 pron. 1.更多的数量;更多的人(或事物)[(+of/than)]Instead of fewer accidents, there were more. 意外事故非但没有减少,反而增多了。 2.额外的数目;另外的一些副词 ad. 1.(用以构成形容词或副词的比较级)更[(+than)]His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病情比医生原先所料的更严重。 2.(much的比较级)更多;更大程度地You should sleep more than you do. 你应该有更多的睡眠。 3.另外;再They stayed there two days more. 他们在那里又呆了两天。 4.而且


more 是 much 和 many 的比较级much 用于不可数名词many 用于可数名词more 更、更多much 、 many 多more 还有作为比较级标志的作用 例:He is more confident than you are.

有much more 这种用法嘛。





much more 用在相互比较的2者之间,强调一个比另一个多很多.比如100比1多很多.even more 的比较是对于一个“已经很大”的对象而言,有“比.还多”的意思.



Many more和Much more分别是什么意思?

more用作修饰可数名词,much用作修饰不可数名词。 但much,many 甚至 few 都可以修饰more。many more后接一个名词一定是个复数可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个复数名词,表示复数概念。如:Some students are against the plan, but many more (students) support it. 一些同学反对这项计划,但是有更多人支持它。如果 more 是修饰不可数名词时。则要用much 来修饰了。例: There is much more pollution in the city.

much more 到底什么意思啊.是”那么多’的意思嘛

much more 多得多的意思

more 、most、much、many的用法不同?不同在哪儿?求大神帮助

more是much、many的比较级 most是much、many的最高级 而much是修饰不可数名称 many是修饰不可数名词

more,much和much more的区别与用法

more 是much的比较级,much 很多 more 更多 much more 中的much 是副词词性,用来修饰more,表示程度更进一步 I have much water.我有很多水。 You have more water.你有更多的水。 They have much more water than you.他们有比你还要多的水。

much,more ,much more,区别


英语词组 more much和much more 区别

more是指较多,用于比较级much是指很多,用于不可数名词much more是指较多(更进一步),也用于比较级

什么时候用more 什么时候用much more 修饰比较级

多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加”more“。比如outgoing; 由“动词+后缀-ing/-ed”构成的形容词,在词前加more构成比较级。如:interesting-more interesting,bored-more bored;由“形容词+后缀-ly”构成的副词,在该副词前加more构成比较级。如:slowly-more slowly,happily- more happily。===much more 其实就是程度更深,much就相当于平时说的very,加深深度而已adv. 多; 更加; [网络] 更多; 更多的; 多得多; [例句]It was much more enjoyable than I had expected.这比我预期的有趣得多

many more和much more仅仅是可数和不可数的区别吗




much more的用法? 比如much more beautiful

much more后可接一个不可数名词,如 much more milk; much more可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”,如much more expensive 同类的还有far more,even more,still more 等




much修饰不可数名词more是many much 的比较级,可修饰可数名词复数也可修饰不可数名词如There is much water on the floor.I have more books than you.You have more money than me.

much more 可以加形容词最高级吗?

.much修饰more只是一种用法。如果不是一定把它们都当成固定词组,而可以是单词的组合的话,它们的用法有区别。 many more本身不是一个整体。比如“many more people”就是很多其他的人、更多的人这种意思。它的后面加上可数名词复数,实际上是这样一种用法:more可以置于数词或者any,some,no,a few,a little,many,much的后面,表示另外的、附加的、超过的。 much more的意思比较丰富,它后面加的是不可数名词。除了与many more一样也有上述用法外,它还可以作为比较级。这时,more就是一个简单的比较级的形容词,而much是修饰比较级的副词,相同用法还有much bigger,much hotter等,语法结构相同。和much一样具有修饰比较级作用的还有rather,even,a little等等。 同时,more不仅可以单独作为比较级,而且还可以和形容词一起构成比较级,这时的much就是修饰整个比较级而不是单纯修饰much的了。如much more beautiful。但是不用把它想的太复杂,它和more直接作比较级时语法相同,只不过much后面的比较级长了一点而已。 啊~~终于写完了。不过劝你以后还是少找这样的语法题,容易把人听晕,做题之后多思考多总结就能行了。刚开始可能有一点不适应,时间长了就好了!祝你早日成功!


最根本的区别是:much是用来修饰比较级的,而more是用来表示比较级的比如:the school library is more newer than yours和our classroom is much brighter than thers这两个句子是错的,应该说成the school libary is newer than yours 或者是the school library is much newer than yours.因为new并不是多音节的形容词,所以不用more来表示比较级的,new 是单音节的词,它的比较级应该是后面加er,应为newer,可以用much修饰,表示程度.只有三音节或者三音节以上的形容词才用more 表示,比如说bright,就是三音节的词,它的比较级就应该是more bright

much more后能不能修饰可数名词 many more能修饰不可数名词么

much more后可接一个不可数名词,如 much more milk; much more可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”,如much more expensive 同类的还有far more,even more,still more 等 不可以修饰可数名词


much是用来修饰比较级的,much more beautiful;more是用来构成比较级的,more beautiful;more是much、many的比较级,most是much、many的最高级,而much是修饰不可数名词,many是修饰不可数名词。 much、many意为“很多”是原级,且much+不可数名词、many+可数名词。more意为“更多”是比较级+多音节形容词、副词或+名词、most因为“最多”是最高级+多音节形容词、副词或+名词。 more例句与用法 1.His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重. 2.There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. 夏天路上的车子比冬天多. 3.She spends more and more time alone in her room. 她独自呆在房间里的时间越来越多了. 4.I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour. 我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来. 5.He couldn"t lift the table and no more could I. 他抬不动那张桌子,我也抬不动 6.He speaks more and more openly about his problem. 他越来越公开地谈他的问题, 7.It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling. 粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间. much:[ mu028ctu0283 ] a.许多的 ad.很,非常 pron.&n.许多 [形容词比较级more;最高级most] [副词比较级more;最高级most] 例句与用法 1.I think we may learn much from it. 我想我们能从中学到许多。 2.I don"t suppose you have much time. 我想你不会有很多时间。 3.Mary and I are looking forward very much to the party. 玛丽和我热切盼望晚会的举行。 4.The patient is much the same this morning. 今晨病人情况几无变化。 5.I won"t have a pudding it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course. 我不要布丁了,我能把第一道大菜吃完就已经很不容易了。 6.Much as I would like to stay,I really must go home. 我倒是很愿意呆在这儿,可确实得回家了。




more和much的区别:much是修饰不可数名词的,也可以修饰比较级,饰比较级时有“更”的意思,more是不能修饰比较级的;more是,是更多的意思。可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。 区别 1、前者可以修饰比较级(以及最高级),后者不能。 2、后者可修饰原级形容词、或副词(单音节除外),前者不能。即多音节形容词、副词比较级 3、前者可以修饰不作形容词的分词,后者不能。 4、前者可以修饰后者,反之则不能。 much是修饰不可数名词的,也可以修饰比较级,饰比较级时有“更”的意思,如much better更好;much bigger更大,more是不能修饰比较级的; more是many和much的比较级,是更多的意思,既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,当句子中有两者关于数量的比较时,可以选择more。

为什么much 的比较级最高级是more most


much more 修饰什么

much more的意思比较丰富,它后面加的是不可数名词。除了与many more一样也有上述用法外,它还可以作为比较级。这时,more就是一个简单的比较级的形容词,而much是修饰比较级的副词,相同用法还有much bigger,much hotter等,语法结构相同。和much一样具有修饰比较级作用的还有rather,even,a little等等。同时,more不仅可以单独作为比较级,而且还可以和形容词一起构成比较级,这时的much就是修饰整个比较级而不是单纯修饰much的了。如much more beautiful。但是不用把它想的太复杂,它和more直接作比较级时语法相同,只不过much后面的比较级长了一点而已


much是修饰不可数名词的,也可以修饰比较级,饰比较级时有“更”的意思,如much better更好;much bigger更大,more是不能修饰比较级的;more是many和much的比较级,是更多的意思,既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,当句子中有两者关于数量的比较时,可以选择more

more much和much more的区别


One More Life 歌词

歌曲名:One More Life歌手:Gee Pee Crew专辑:Cloud Nine Beneath Meone more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)


最根本的区别是:much是用来修饰比较级的,而more是用来表示比较级的比如:the school library is more newer than yours和our classroom is much brighter than thers这两个句子是错的,应该说成the school libary is newer than yours 或者是the school library is much newer than yours.因为new并不是多音节的形容词,所以不用more来表示比较级的,new 是单音节的词,它的比较级应该是后面加er,应为newer,可以用much修饰,表示程度.只有三音节或者三音节以上的形容词才用more 表示,比如说bright,就是三音节的词,它的比较级就应该是more bright


一、意思不同much意思:很多more意思:更、更强、更多2、用法不同much 用法:后接than结构作宾语补足语或表语,表示前后两种情况对比,作具有描写或强调意义的后置定语。more用法:more用作副词是many和much的比较级,可构成多数两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词的比较级。3、侧重点不同much 侧重点:侧重于程度更进一步的多。more侧重点:侧重于正常状态的多。扩展资料:much例句:1、 I think we may learn much from it.我想我们能从中学到许多。2、 I don"t suppose you have much time.我想你不会有很多时间。3.、Mary and I are looking forward very much to the party.玛丽和我热切盼望晚会的举行。4.、The patient is much the same this morning.今晨病人情况几无变化。more例句:1、His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。2、There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.夏天路上的车子比冬天多。3、She spends more and more time alone in her room.她独自待在房间里的时间越来越多了。4、I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour.我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来。

much more的用法

much、more后面接多音节形容词或是副词,也可以接可数名词复数或是不可数名词,more是much或是many的比较级; 扩展资料   much、more的`用法:   much、more后可接一个不可数名词,如 much more milk;   much、more可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”,如much more expensive   同类的还有far more,even more,still more 等   例句:We need much more help than you. 我们比你们需要多得多的帮助。

英语中more,much和much more的区别与用法

more是指较多,用于比较级 much是指很多,用于不可数名词 much more是指较多(更进一步),也用于比较级


much和many都表示许多,所不同的是,much 后面加不可数名词,many加可数名词的复数。much more的意思比较丰富,它后面加的是不可数名词。还可以作为比较级。这时,more就是一个简单的比较级的形容词,而much是修饰比较级的副词,相同用法还有much bigger,much hotter等,语法结构相同。和much一样具有修饰比较级作用的还有rather,even,a little等等。同时,more不仅可以单独作为比较级,而且还可以和形容词一起构成比较级,这时的much就是修饰整个比较级而不是单纯修饰much的了。如much more beautiful。但是不用把它想的太复杂,它和more直接作比较级时语法相同,只不过much后面的比较级长了一点而已。


多数多音节形容词或副词变为比较级时在前面加moree.g. more interesting more excitingmuch在形容词或副词的比较级前表示比较的程度,可理解为...得多e.g. much heavier 重得多 much more interesting 有趣得多


一、表达意思不同1、much:非常,很;大量的;许多,大量2、more:更多;此外;更大程度地;更多的;附加的;更多的数量二、修饰名词不同1、much:much是修饰不可数名词的,也可以修饰比较级,饰比较级时有“更”的意思,如much better更好。2、more:more是many和much的比较级,是更多的意思,既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,当句子中有两者关于数量的比较时,可以选择more。三、修饰比较级不同1、much:可以修饰比较级(以及最高级)。2、more:more是不能修饰比较级的。

much more 后面加什么

much more后面接多音节形容词或是副词,也可以接可数名词复数或是不可数名词,more是much或是many的比较级;much后面接不可数名词或是形容词或是副词的比较级,不能接原级;more和多音节形容词或是副词构成比较级,后面也可以是名词,表示比较和than搭配


much 的比较级是moremuch可以用于修饰比较级如much more higher

区别Much more .Many more .More many .some more .too much

Much more 多出来很多(不可数) Many more 多出来很多(可数) More many (没有这个说法) some more 再多一些 too much 太多了


一、意思不同much意思:很多more意思:更、更强、更多2、用法不同much 用法:后接than结构作宾语补足语或表语,表示前后两种情况对比,作具有描写或强调意义的后置定语。more用法:more用作副词是many和much的比较级,可构成多数两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词的比较级。3、侧重点不同much 侧重点:侧重于程度更进一步的多。more侧重点:侧重于正常状态的多。扩展资料:much例句:1、 I think we may learn much from it.我想我们能从中学到许多。2、 I don"t suppose you have much time.我想你不会有很多时间。3.、Mary and I are looking forward very much to the party.玛丽和我热切盼望晚会的举行。4.、The patient is much the same this morning.今晨病人情况几无变化。more例句:1、His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。2、There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.夏天路上的车子比冬天多。3、She spends more and more time alone in her room.她独自待在房间里的时间越来越多了。4、I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour.我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来。

“much more” 和“many more”的区别是什么?

much 修饰不可数名词,many 修饰可数名词,more 是much和many的比较级。many more和much more 都可指“更多”。many more后接一个名词一定是个复数可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个复数名词,表示复数概念。如:Some students are against the plan, but many more (students) support it. 一些同学反对这项计划,但是有更多人支持它。We have many more (apples) left. 我们还剩下很多。much more后接一个名词,这个名词一定是个不可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个不可数名词。如:The farmers have produced much more rice. 这些农夫收了更多的稻谷。She has much more to do. 她还有很多事要去做。We have much more (milk) left. 我们还剩下很多。many more不可能修饰形容词和副词,而much more和far more, even more, still more 等一样,可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”。如:This TV set is much more expensive. 这台电视机要贵得多。He worked much more carefully on the new design. 在这项新的设计上,他工作努力得多了。

英语中more,much和much more的区别与用法

more是指较多,用于比较级 much是指很多,用于不可数名词 much more是指较多(更进一步),也用于比较级


more 是many ,much的比较级可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词much 是修饰不可数名词


1、若形容词音节是三个或三个以上就在前面加上more比较级,more beautiful,more difficult。2、much是用来修饰形容词比较级的,加深程度,表示“...得多”。

much more和more的区别

much more和more的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.much more意思:更;何况2.more意思:(与两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词连用,构成比较级)更;(程度上)更强,更多二、用法不同1.much more用法:more在以下情况可以用于单音节形容词前,more后接than结构作表语表示同一人或事物的两种特性对比,后接than结构作宾语补足语或表语,表示前后两种情况对比,作具有描写或强调意义的后置定语。2.more用法:more用作副词是many和much的比较级,可构成多数两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词的比较级。但通常不可构成表示方位、绝对或极限意义、时间概念、事物的性质或结构成分、顺序或含明确数学概念、几何形状或以or结尾等的形容词或副词的比较级。通常也不可与形容词或副词的比较级形式连用。三、侧重点不同1.much more侧重点:侧重于程度更进一步的多。2.more侧重点:侧重于正常状态的多。


一、意思不同much意思:很多more意思:更、更强、更多2、用法不同much 用法:后接than结构作宾语补足语或表语,表示前后两种情况对比,作具有描写或强调意义的后置定语。more用法:more用作副词是many和much的比较级,可构成多数两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词的比较级。3、侧重点不同much 侧重点:侧重于程度更进一步的多。more侧重点:侧重于正常状态的多。扩展资料:much例句:1、 I think we may learn much from it.我想我们能从中学到许多。2、 I don"t suppose you have much time.我想你不会有很多时间。3.、Mary and I are looking forward very much to the party.玛丽和我热切盼望晚会的举行。4.、The patient is much the same this morning.今晨病人情况几无变化。more例句:1、His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。2、There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.夏天路上的车子比冬天多。3、She spends more and more time alone in her room.她独自待在房间里的时间越来越多了。4、I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour.我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来。

much more 和many more的区别




1、many more后接一个名词一定是个复数可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个复数名词,表示复数概念。2、much more后接一个名词,这个名词一定是个不可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个不可数名词。3、many more不可能修饰形容词和副词,而much more和far more, even more, still more 等一样,可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”。4、more 是much和many的比较级,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,而much仅仅是修饰不可数名词表示很多,也可以做程度讲解.其实这两个词很简单的。5、用much修饰more只是一种用法。如果不是一定把它们都当成固定词组,而可以是单词的组合的话,它们的用法有区别。many more本身不是一个整体。比如“many more people”就是很多其他的人、更多的人这种意思。


一、意思不同much意思:很多more意思:更、更强、更多2、用法不同much 用法:后接than结构作宾语补足语或表语,表示前后两种情况对比,作具有描写或强调意义的后置定语。more用法:more用作副词是many和much的比较级,可构成多数两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词的比较级。3、侧重点不同much 侧重点:侧重于程度更进一步的多。more侧重点:侧重于正常状态的多。扩展资料:much例句:1、 I think we may learn much from it.我想我们能从中学到许多。2、 I don"t suppose you have much time.我想你不会有很多时间。3.、Mary and I are looking forward very much to the party.玛丽和我热切盼望晚会的举行。4.、The patient is much the same this morning.今晨病人情况几无变化。more例句:1、His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。2、There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.夏天路上的车子比冬天多。3、She spends more and more time alone in her room.她独自待在房间里的时间越来越多了。4、I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour.我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来。
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