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fit into a mould 是不是一成不变的意思呢?

字面上的意思是“顺应某种条条框框” 我见过一句句子: A creative boy doesn"t fit into a mould. 意思是“一个有创造力的孩子不会墨守成规” 希望对你有所帮助.

permanent mould(永久铸型)是什么意思?

是permanent mold. 永久模铸造是利用可重复使用的模具(即所谓的“永久模”,一般以金属制成)的金属铸造制程.利用重力填充模具是最常见的方法,称为重力铸造,不过也有使用气压或真空的制程.重力铸造还有一种变化形式,称为沥铸法,用以产生中空铸件.常用的铸件金属包含铝、镁及铜合金.其他材料如锡、锌及铅合金,还有钢、铁也会使用石墨模具进行铸造.


glasses 眼镜jeans 牛仔裤long 长的nervous 紧张的fair (头发)金色的pretty 秀丽的proud 感到自豪的short 矮的;短的stranger 陌生人tall 高的young 年轻的FROM:Sally发件人:萨莉TO:Lingling收件人:玲玲SUE3JECT:Re:Welcome to China.主题:回复:欢迎来中国。Hi Lingling,玲玲你好:1 Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you,and I can"t wait to meet you.谢谢你上次的电子邮件。收到你的电子邮件真是太好了,我迫不及待想见到你。I hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. I"m quite tall, with short fair hair,and I wear glasses. I"ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I"ll also carry my warm coat. I"ve got your photo—you look very pretty. I"m sure we"II find each other!我希望我到达机场时你会凭着我的照片认出我。我个子很高,留着金色短发,戴着眼镜。这次旅行我将穿牛仔裤和T恤衫,但我还会拿着暖和的外套。我有你的照片——你看上去非常漂亮。我确信我们都能找到对方!Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. You sound just like me! I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music-I love dancing! I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team-I"m very proud of him! He"s good at everything, but I"m not. Sometimes I get bad marks at school,and I feel sad. I should work harder.榭谢你告诉我你的业余爱好,听起来你正和我一样!我花许多时间和我的朋友们在学校弹奏古典音乐,但是我也喜欢舞曲——我爱跳舞!我也喜欢运动,尤其是网球。我哥哥加入了校网球队——我为他非常骄傲!他擅长每件事情,但我却不这样。有时候我在学校成绩不好,我感到很伤心。我应该更努力学习。You asked me, "How do you feel about coming to China?" Well,I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days ,and I"m quite shy when I"m with strangers. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese,but I"ll be fine in a few days. I"m always sorry when I don"t know how to do things in the right way, so please help me when I"m with you in China! Oh,I"m afraid of flying too. But I can"t tell you how excited I am about going to China !弥问我:“对中国之行你有何感想?”嗯,每当我要离开爸爸妈妈几天时,起初我会经常感到有点儿难过,而且和陌生人在一起时我会很害羞。说汉语时我感到紧张,但过几天我就会好的。当我不知道如何正确处理事情时我总是很难过,所以在中国和你一起时请帮助我!噢,我也害怕坐飞机。但是我没法表达对去中国的兴奋之情!See you next week!下周见!Love,爱你的,Sally萨莉3Match the questions with the paragraphs.部分翻译a)What are your hobbies?你的爱好是什么?b) How do you feel about coming to China?对中国之行你有何感想?c)What do you look like?你长得什么样?4Read the sentences.部分翻译She"s quite tall, with short fair hair, and she"s wearing glasses. She"s wearing a T-shirt and carrying a warm coat.她个子很高,留着金色短发,戴着眼镜。她穿着T恤衫,拿着一件暖和的外套。Now describe the people. Use the sentences above to help you.现在描述一下这些人。用上面的句子帮助你。1 the girl in Picture B in Activity 1活动1中图片B上的那个女孩2 your classmates你的同学5Answer the questions.部分翻译How does Sally feel when she...当萨莉……时她感觉如何1 gets bad marks at school?在学校成绩不好?2 leaves her mum and dad?离开她的爸爸妈妈?3 is with strangers?和陌生人在一起?4 speaks Chinese?说汉语?5 does not know how to do things in the right way?不知道如何正确处理事情?6 travels by plane?乘飞机旅游?Learning to learn学会学习Remember that talking to other people is not just speaking and understanding the"s how you look,how you sound and what you do. Watch people in films as they talk to others in English. Do you do the same when you talk in Chinese?要记住,与他人交谈不仅仅是说话和理解语言。还要注意你的表情、声音和举止。当影片中的人用英语与他入交流时,观察他们。你们在用汉语交流时也这样做吗?6Complete the passage with the correct form...部分翻译fair (头发)金色的hobby 爱好mark 分数message 电子邮件proud 感到骄傲的Jenny is my classmate. She is pretty and has (1) hair. She always gets good (2) at school. She has lots of (3) like playing the piano and swimming. She is also in the school tennis team. She is good at everything. One day she sent me a (4) . She asked me to help her with her English homework because I am good at English. She wanted my help! I was (5) of myself.珍妮是我的同学,她很漂亮,留着(1)金色的头发。在学校她总是取得好的(2)分数。她有许多(3)爱好,像弹钢琴和游泳。她也在学校的网球队里。她擅长每件事情。有一天她给我发了一封(4)电子邮件。她让我帮助她做英语作业,因为我擅长英语。她需要我的帮助!我为自己(5)感到骄傲。7Write a message to your pen friend and...部分翻译·what you look like你的样子I have short black hair and...我留着黑色短发并且……·how you feel when...当……时你感觉怎样I feel nervous when...当……时我感到紧张·what your hobbies are你的爱好是什么I like playing basketball and...我喜欢打篮球并且……







break the mould是什么意思

break the mould[释义]打破常规1. God made me and broke the mould.上帝创造了我,然后捣毁了模子。Even so, if they continue to improve, YTL and the region"s other conglomerates may yet break the mould.尽管如此,如果这些企业不断改善的话,YTL和其他东南亚财团或许能打破这个模式。They broke the mould when they made you(= there is nobody like you).世上没有相同的人。Roh was a president who broke the mould though in the end the mould broke him.总统卢武铉总是打破陈规,但是最后他自己却被陈规所打倒。The metal in the mould hardened into shape.模子里的金属硬化成形。

mould 和 die 有什么区别,



"Mold"和"mould"都是英语单词,表示“模具”、“霉菌”或“形状”。它们在不同地区的拼写略有不同,其中“mold”是美式拼写,而“mould”是英式拼写。除了拼写上的差异,两个单词在某些上下文中可能有一些细微的用法差异。以下是一些常见的区别:1. 动词意义:在动词的用法中,"mold"是美式用法,而"mould"则是英式用法。例如,"mold"表示通过塑造或形成某物的形状,而"mould"表示用模具制作物体。2. 名词意义:在名词的用法中,两个拼写都可以表示“模具”或“霉菌”。但是,"mold"在美式英语中常用于指代模具,而"mould"在英式英语中更常用于指代模具。3. 形容词意义:在形容词用法中,"mold"是美式用法,而"mould"则是英式用法。例如,"moldy"(美式)或"mouldy"(英式)都表示“发霉的”。需要注意的是,这些区别并不是绝对的,有时两个拼写可以互换使用。此外,美式英语在全球范围内使用更广泛,所以在国际交流中使用"mold"较为常见。总结来说,"mold"和"mould"的区别主要体现在拼写上和在某些上下文中的微小用法差异。在实际使用中,根据所在地区和语境来选择合适的拼写即可。




over-moulded中的moulded也可以写成molded over-molded的意思有: 1.超模压 2.过压成型 3.在一起再包覆成型


over-moulded中的moulded也可以写成molded over-molded的意思有: 1.超模压 2.过压成型 3.在一起再包覆成型

Urea Moulding Compound 是什么意思?谢谢大家


PS moulding 是什么

应该是 工业原部件的品牌 就类视于蝶阀 等零件 是国外生产的

put a lot of efforts into moulding production change over team什么意思

你好。put a lot of efforts into moulding production change over team翻译成中文是:在团队中投入大量的努力塑造产生变化。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。


overmoldingn.二次成型(注塑用语)网 络软硬胶射出;注塑成型;射出成型;过成型相关词overmolding demoulding overbuilding overfunding overloading网络释义overmolding1. 软硬胶射出2. 注塑成型3. 射出成型4. 过成型

moulding compound中文翻译

Sm sheet moulding pounds *** for general purposes 通用型片状模塑料 The designation of aminoplastic moulding pounds 氨基模塑料命名 Sm sheet moulding pounds *** for general 通用型片状模塑料 Melamine - formaldehyde moulding pounds 蜜胺酚醛模塑化合物 Glass fiber phenopc moulding pounds 酚醛玻璃纤维模塑料 Modification of amino moulding pounds 氨基模塑料的改性 Cpmc granular polyester moulding pound 粒状聚酯模塑料 Urea - formaldehyde moulding pounds 脲甲醛模塑化合物 Types of plastics moulding pounds ; moulding pounds for cold moulding 塑料模塑化合物种类.冷模塑用模塑化合物 Bulk moulding pound 增强塑料预制整体模塑料 Pmc polyester moulding pound 聚酯模塑料 Phenopc moulding pounds 酚醛模塑化合物 Bmc bulk moulding pound 预制整体模塑料 Test method for rectangular flow cure properties of thermosetting moulding pounds 热固性模塑料矩道流动固化性试验方法 Smc . textile - glass - reinforced plastics - sheet moulding pound - basis for specification 玻璃纤维增强塑料.片状模塑料 Smc sheet moulding pound 片状摸塑料 Reinforced thermoplastic moulding pounds - specification for gmt - designation 增强的热塑塑料模塑复合材料. gmt规范.名称 Cold moulding pound 冷模塑料 Smc - bmc . plastics . thermoset moulding pounds *** c - bmc . determination of pression moulding shrinkage 塑料制品.热固性模制混合料 Plastics - thermoset moulding pounds - determination of the degree of fibre wet out in *** c 塑料.热固模塑复合物. *** c中纤维浸湿度测定 Pf - pmcs . plastics - phenopc powder moulding pounds pf - pmcs - requirements for selected moulding pounds 塑料.酚醛粉末模塑化合物 Reinforced thermoplastic moulding pounds - specification for gmt - part 1 : designation 增强式热塑性模制化合物. gmt规范.第1部分:标识 Ep - pmcs . 3 : plastics - epoxy powder moulding pounds ep - pmcs - requirements for selected moulding pounds 塑料.环氧粉末模塑化合物 Reinforced thermoplastic moulding pounds - specification for gmt - specific requirements 增强的热塑塑料模塑复合材料. gmt规范.特殊要求 Plastics - thermoset moulding pounds - determination of the degree of fibre wetting in *** c 塑料.热固性模制化合物. *** c中纤维润湿程度的测定 Plastics . thermoset moulding pounds . determination of the degree of fibre wet out in *** c 塑料制品.热固性模制化合物. *** c中纤维浸湿度的测定 Mp - pmcs . plastics - melamine phenopc powder moulding pounds mp - pmcs - requirements for selected moulding pounds 塑料.蜜胺酚醛粉末模塑化合物 Reinforced thermoplastic moulding pounds - specification for gmt - part 3 : specific requirements 增强式热塑性模制化合物. gmt规范.第3部分:特殊要求 Fibre - reinforced plastics . moulding pounds and prepregs . determination of mass per unit area 纤维增强塑料.模制混合料和聚酯胶片.单位面积质量的测定 Fibre - reinforced plastics - moulding pounds and prepregs - determination of mass per unit area 纤维增强塑料.模塑化合物和预浸料坯.单位面积质量的测定 Plastics - phenopc powder moulding pounds pf - pmcs - part 3 : requirements for selected moulding pounds 塑料.酚醛粉末模塑化合物.第3部分:对所选模塑化合物的要求 Mf - pmcs . 3 : plastics - melamine - formaldehyde powder moulding pounds mf - pmcs - part 3 : requirements for selected moulding pounds 塑料.蜜胺酚醛粉末模塑化合物

back moulding中文翻译

Terminate contract by through negotiation by both sides . sellers should give back mould that have paid , the transport costs of give back mould , to be covered by buyers 合同终止:经双方协商终止合同的。卖方应将买方已付费的模具全部归还买方,归还模具产生的运输费用,由买方支付。 The design and machining technology process of its molding part including the front moulding plate 、 front mould kernel 、 back mould plate 、 back mould kernel 、 back mould set piece 、 incpne guide pin 、 spde steatite etc , and the choice and calculation of technology parameters of the impotent part , the design process of extrusion outfit , inject system and other makeup are specified in detail ; test and product have been introduced 详细地叙述了模具成型零件包括前模板、前模仁、后模板、后模仁、后模镶件、斜导柱、滑块等的设计与加工工艺过程,重要零件的工艺参数的选择与计算,推出机构与浇注系统以及其它结构的设计过程,并对试模与产品缺陷作了介绍。

injection moulding是什么意思

injection moulding 注射成型法injection moulding noun [mass noun]the shaping of rubber or plastic articles by injecting heated material into a mould 注模,注塑,注射成型

injection moulding是什么意思

injection moulding[英][inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b][美][u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]注射成型法; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Geekay is based in a small workshop crammed with injection moulding machines. geekay设在一个小车间里,车间内满是注塑机器。


平时用到的时候model是模型mold 和mould一样,是模具,如果你是工科的话,一般用后者一句话就是model是在mold 和 mould里面铸造出来的


平时用到的时候model是模型mold 和mould一样,是模具,如果你是工科的话,一般用后者一句话就是model是在mold 和 mould里面铸造出来的

有关模具的英语单词 mold和mould它们之间有什么区别啊?

两个单词差不多:mould是英式的写法,mold是美式写法行业习惯:mold 应该是偏重于金属浇注模具,和die casting 差不多;mould 应该是偏重于注塑塑料模具。mould具体释义名词 n.1.铸模, 模型 This is a mould of pudding.这是在模子中做成的布丁。2.性格, 气质 He is a man of gentle mould.他是个性格温和的人。3.霉, 霉菌 Mould spreads quickly and can cover something completely.霉蔓延得很快, 有时会完全覆盖发霉物体的表面。及物动词 vt.1.用模子做, 浇铸 They moulded a figure in clay.他们用模子做泥塑人像。2.对…影响重大;将…塑造成 3.(使)紧贴于,吻合 mold 具体释义名词 n.1.模子,铸型 2. 类型,性格,气质 3. 【建】(装饰)线条 4. 霉,霉菌 5. 耕作土壤;松软沃土 6.模制品,铸件 7. 模式 及物动词 vt.1.浇铸,塑造 2.用模子做,铸造 3.塑造,把...塑造成 4.用泥土覆盖 不及物动词 vi.1.对...产生影响;形成 2. 发霉

有关模具的英语单词 mold和mould它们之间有什么区别啊?

两个单词差不多:mould是英式的写法,mold是美式写法 行业习惯:mold 应该是偏重于金属浇注模具,和die casting 差不多; mould 应该是偏重于注塑塑料模具. mould具体释义 名词 n. 1.铸模,模型 This is a mould of pudding. 这是在模子中做成的布丁. 2.性格,气质 He is a man of gentle mould. 他是个性格温和的人. 3.霉,霉菌 Mould spreads quickly and can cover something completely. 霉蔓延得很快,有时会完全覆盖发霉物体的表面. 及物动词 vt. 1.用模子做,浇铸 They moulded a figure in clay. 他们用模子做泥塑人像. 2.对…影响重大;将…塑造成 3.(使)紧贴于,吻合 mold 具体释义 名词 n. 1.模子,铸型 2.类型,性格,气质 3.【建】(装饰)线条 4.霉,霉菌 5.耕作土壤;松软沃土 6.模制品,铸件 7.模式 及物动词 vt. 1.浇铸,塑造 2.用模子做,铸造 3.塑造,把...塑造成 4.用泥土覆盖 不及物动词 vi. 1.对...产生影响;形成 2.发霉

Mould,MOLD ,MOLDING有什么样不同

Mould n.模子(样板,形状,类型) vt 模压(铸造,轮廓相符合) MOLD n.模子,雏型 v.形成,塑造 MOLDING 成型[常+s][建筑](装饰墙壁等凸出部用)嵌线







mould 和 mold 有什么区别?




mould 和 mold 有什么区别? 好像意思都差不多,是英式和美式的区别吗?



mould 模具,制具mold 用模具来成型


Plastics Mould


tooling正常翻译是模具。但文化这东西的确非常复杂。在美国可以指兜风的意。I"m tooling around town whith the auto.我去镇上兜风。所以,有时候英文要看语景,结合当地文化背景就更准确和贴切了。这样更能体现出地道的英语,而不是死版的书面意思。


blouse不同因为blouse音标[blauz] ou发au声而其他发的音是不同的。



Anything Goes (Alan Moulder Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Anything Goes (Alan Moulder Remix)歌手:End Of Fashion专辑:She S Love许慧欣 - Anything Goes词曲:Cole PorterTimes have changedAnd we"ve often rewound the clockSince the Puritans got a shockWhen they landed on Plymouth RockIf todayAny snock they should try to stemStead of landing on Plymouth RockPlymouth Rock would land on themIn olden days a glimpse of stockingWas looked on as something shockingBut now God knowsAnything goesGood authors too who once knew better wordsNow only use four letter wordsWriting proseAnything goesThe world has gone mad todayAnd good"s bad todayAnd black"s white todayAnd day"s night todayWhen most guys todayThat women prize todayAre just silly gigolosSo though l"m not a great romancerI know that l"m bound to answerWhen you proposeAnything goesWhen grandmamas whose age is eightyIn night clubs are getting matey with gigolosAnything goesWhen mothers pack and leave poor fatherBecause they decide they"d rather be tennis prosAnything goesIf driving fast cars you likeIf low bars you likeIf ole hymns you likeIf bare limbs you likeId Mae west you likeOr me undressed you likeWhy nobody will opposeWhen every night the set that"s smart isIntruding in nudist parties in studiosAnything goesThe world has gone mad todayAnd good"s bad todayAnd black"s white todayAnd day"s night todayWhen most guys todayThat women prize todayAre just silly gigolosSo though l"m not a great romancerI know that l"m bound to answerWhen you proposeAnything goesIf saying your prayers you likeIf green pears you likeIf old chairs you likeIf back stairs you likeIf love affairs you likeWith young bears you likeWhy nobody will opposeSo though l"m not a great romancerI know that l"m bound to answerWhen you proposeAnything goesAnything goes

yeasts & mould cfu/g 是什么意思

yeast-酵母菌; mould-霉菌; fungus-真菌你没打出最后一个字,但是我知道是fungus.