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英语阅读短文MrBrown and Mr Smith

Mr Brown and Mr Smith Mr Brown has a big apple tree in his garden with lots of fruit on it. His neighbour Mr Smith has an apple tree too. But there is not much fruit on it.Mr Brown is pointing to (指向) Mr Smith"s tree and laughing. “There aren"t many apples on your tree this year ” he says “I have a lot of fruit on my tree."But now the wind is blowing (刮风) . It is very strong. Mr Brown"s tree is falling down and the tree is lying on the ground. Mr Brown is very angry. But Mr Smith is laughing.“I don"t have much fruit on my tree ” he says “but it is still standing.”布朗先生和施密特先生。布朗先生在他的花园里种了一棵大大的苹果树。果树上有很多苹果果实。他的邻居,施密特先生也有一棵苹果树,可是在树上却没有太多的果实。布朗先生指着施密特先生的苹果树,哈哈大笑,说:“今年你的苹果树看来没有太多的果实啊”。“我的就有很多哦~”他继续说。风吹得很强劲,真的很强劲。布朗先生的苹果树倒下了,树木倒在地上。布朗先生很生气,可是施密特先生却笑着,说:“我的果树没有太多的果实,但是我的苹果树还是站着的(屹立不倒)。”



