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Yolanda的具体含义 我知道是紫罗兰的意思,还具体代表什么?

Yolanda,西班牙语的“紫罗兰”,据希腊神话记述,主管爱与美的女神维纳斯,因情人远行,依依惜别,晶莹的泪珠滴落到泥土上,第二年春天竟然发芽生枝,开出一朵朵美丽芳香的花儿来,这就是紫罗兰. Yolanda给人的印象是气质高雅,可静可动的女孩,看起来柔弱,却有令人不可亵渎的气质.它也是雅典娜的意思.雅典娜是古希腊神话中的一个女神,是智慧和和平女神. Yolanda 的意为紫色,代表皇室,其出生就已经注定了其高贵.她可以战胜生活中遇到的种种困难,她善于通过观察和模仿生活中的榜样而不断取得进步.她善于沉思并适时 确定目标,她的目标很高,但都能够实现,取得成功. Yolanda 善于忽略生活中的不完美,即使遇到了这样的情况,她也可以从容克服.




这是一个法语名引进的英文名 很不错 法语英语都可以用这个名字 顺表说一下 用法语读的话是 哟郎哒










Yolanda: 女名(西班牙语)"紫罗兰"。YOLANDA给人的印象是气质高雅,可静可动的女孩,看起来柔弱,却有令人不可亵渎的气质。读“油~兰德”[j05u"l03nd05]n.约兰德(亦作Eolande,Yolanda)




Yolanda,西班牙语的“紫罗兰”, 据希腊神话记述,主管爱与美的女神维纳斯,因情人远行,依依惜别,晶莹的泪珠滴落到泥土上,第二年春天竟然发芽生枝,开出一朵朵美丽芳香的花儿来,这就是紫罗兰。 Yolanda给人的印象是气质高雅,可静可动的女孩,看起来柔弱,却有令人不可亵渎的气质。它也是雅典娜的意思。雅典娜是古希腊神话中的一个女神,是智慧和和平女神。Yolanda 的意为紫色,代表皇室, 其出生就已经注定了其高贵. 她可以战胜生活中遇到的种种困难, 她善于通过观察和模仿生活中的榜样而不断取得进步.她善于沉思并适时确定目标, 她的目标很高,但都能够实现,取得成功. Yolanda 善于忽略生活中的不完美,即使遇到了这样的情况,她也可以从容克服。




YOLANDA . . 女名(西班牙语)"紫罗兰"。YOLANDA给人的印象是气质高雅,可静可动的女孩,看起来柔弱,却有令人不可亵渎的气质。






Yolanda,西班牙语的“紫罗兰”,Yolanda给人的印象是气质高雅,可静可动的女孩,看起来柔弱,却有令人不可亵渎的气质.(中文网上释义)Yolanda,The meaning of this name is not known for certain,but it is possibly con...



英语短文 《早餐还是中餐》 是一篇短文,开头是It was sunday······

Breakfast or lunch? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. "What a day!" I thought. "It"s raining again." Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. "I"ve just arrived by train," she said. "I"m coming to see you." "But I"m still having breakfast," I said. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I"m having breakfast," I repeated. "Dear me," she said. "Do you always get up so late? It"s one o"clock!"

TFS(Team Foundation Server)多维数据集(TFS_Analysis)无法更新

每当移动、还原、重命名或故障转移 Team Foundation Server (TFS) 中的数据层服务器时,都必须重新生成仓库和多维数据集才能访问高级别报告。 此外,如果移动、附加、分离或删除团队项目集合,必须重新生成仓库和多维数据集。数据仓库聚合了所有操作数据,如版本控制、工作项跟踪、生成和测试。 仓库对应于相关数据库 Tfs_Warehouse,而多维数据集对应于 SQL Server Analysis Services 数据库 Tfs_Analysis。在正常操作期间,不一定非要重新生成数据仓库。 如果要刷新数据仓库数据,你可以根据需要手动处理仓库或多维数据集。 请参阅手动处理 TFS 数据仓库和 Analysis Services 多维数据集。 根据数据仓库中的数据量,重新生成操作可能需要几个小时才能完成,在这段时间内报告不可用。要重新生成 Team Foundation 的数据仓库,必须执行此步骤顺序:验证服务和应用程序池是否正在运行,并且 SQL Server 中是否启用了 TCP/IP


roundabout的英语读法:英音 [u02c8rau028andu0259bau028at] 美音 [u02c8rau028andu0259u02ccbau028at]roundabout 基本解释:n. 绕道;环形交通枢纽;旋转木马。adj. 绕圈子的;不直截了当的;间接的,迂回的。roundabout 用法和例句:So several recent chinese investments have taken more roundabout forms .所以最近的中国投资都采取了更加迂回的策略。To some , hyde park corner is a noisy roundabout .对一些人来说,海德公园角是一处喧闹的环岛。Try to clear your mind and observe while you are driving , and you will soon realize that you are indeed driving along the potentially largest roundabout in the world .开车时务必保持头脑清晰,仔细观察,你很快就会意识到你确实是在世界上可能最大的环形交叉上开车。He came to success in roundabout ways .他以一种迂回的方式获得成功。Many nations and not merely the united states and japan are engaged in trade and the trade often takes roundabout directions .不光是日本和美国,还有许许多多的其他国家都在从事各种交易,而且这些交易通常是迂回式的。

c# 中Find与FindAll用法的区别?


GIBSON吉普森SG Standard 61 Maestro Vibrola带摇把电吉他哪款摇把好用点


panda和parade 的第二个a发音相同吗?


Alanda的《Tango》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! Tango作 词: Eduard swoboda & Checo作曲: Mike Ottis编曲: Mike Ottis演唱: 张咪I would love toBaby baby babyLet`s get closerHoney Honey HoneyStep in 1 2Let`s go tango tonightI would love toSee your tango in the moonlightYou can meet me atMidnight if you really got the movesLet`s get closerFeel the magic of the momentThis tango has no endbe my heartbeat tonightYou should know boyHow to handle a ladyLet it go and just maybeWe shall tango to nightStep in 1 2Take my hips and let meguide youSpin with me baby1-2So this night has no endStep back 3-4Tango doesn`t have a backdoorLove is made on the dance floorSo let`s tango to nightI would love toBaby baby babyI would love toHoney Honey HoneyI would love toDo the tango tonighthttp://music.b***.com/song/2600578

The number of the giant pandas in China is getting _________, but the red-crowned cranes are __...

B 试题分析:句意:虽然中国大熊猫的数量正在越来越大,但是丹顶鹤正越来越少。more and more 越来越多;larger and larger越来越大;fewer and fewer 越来越少,修饰可数名词;less and less越来越少,修饰不可数名词; smaller and smaller越来越小。修饰number用形容词large/small.故排除AC两项。前后表示转折关系,前一句表示多,后一句表示少。故选B。


通过时间状语和谓语动词都可以判断这是一个一般过去时时态的句子,谓语动词是rode原形是ride,一般疑问句需要助动词did,另外主语人称I需要对应变化成you.所以一般疑问句是:Did you ride a horse last Sunday?



大疆精灵Phantom 3 Professional,Advanced和Standard有何区别?


大疆精灵Phantom 3 Standard 2.7K航拍怎么样

DJI大疆创新发布的新品精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)更容易操作。精准操控带来优秀的飞行体验。精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)专用遥控器配备灵敏的控制杆,不论是新手还是经验丰富的飞手都能自如飞行。自动飞行辅助系统1.精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)内置飞控可记录返航点,当精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)失去遥控器信号,或收到返航指令时,将自动飞回你的身边。2.拥有2.7K视频分辨率和1200万像素静态照片分辨率,无畸变镜头,业界领先的三轴增稳云台让相机在高速运动中仍拥有稳定画面。3.精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)内置Wi-Fi中继器,将720P高清画面实时传输至你的移动设备,距离远达1公里。根据实时图传画面调整飞行姿态,修正拍摄角度,控制摄影参数,捕捉每一帧美景。4.精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)的全新动力系统让飞行更加灵敏、快速和安全。升级后的无刷电机搭配先进的电调,进一步提升了效率和可靠性,让续航时间更长。5.精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)专用遥控器配备灵敏的控制杆。6.移动设备夹可固定你的手机。7.云台拨轮可控制相机俯仰角度,便于观察周围环境和调整拍摄角度。8.全新的内置WiFi中继器,控制距离远达1公里。9.遥控器内置充电电池,可通过Micro-USB口便捷充电。功能强大的应用轻触屏幕把你的移动设备变为飞行相机、驾驶舱和视频编辑器。功能强大的DJI GO App不仅能让你实时查看相机、更改设置、控制拍摄,还提供以下丰富的功能:⒈快速视频编辑器,只需几次点击就能轻松生成属于你的大片⒉相机控制和飞行设置简单明了,飞行和拍摄尽在掌握中⒊实时地图不仅显示Phantom的位置还能指示飞行方向⒋飞行记录全面回放飞行信息,记录难忘时刻5.实时掌握速度、高度、距离等飞行参数精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)电池续航时间长达25分钟。DJI大疆创新专有智能飞行电池能根据飞行距离和状态计算剩余电量和飞行时间,在移动设备的GO App上显示电量,提前提示你返航。标配充电器能对电池进行快速充电,LED指示灯显示电池状态与电量。牢固的外壳和内置智能传感器为电池提供保护,让电池更加安全,经久耐用。

Linda Eder的《Lifted》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifted歌手:Linda Eder专辑:LiftedI know you"re hurtingFeels like you"re learning"Bout life the hard wayAnd it ain"t workingSems like foreverThat you"ve been fallingIt"s time to move onYour life is calling, yeah* This was never meant to be the endClose the book and start againBut you"ve gotta liftyou"ve gotta liftAnd sometimes that"s how it isBut i know you"re strongerStronger than thisYou"ve gotta liftYou"ve gotta liftWhen you can feel yourWhole body"s achingWhat"s left of your heartIt won"t stop breakingYou"ve got to let goyou took a hitTime to pick up nowmove on from thisYou"ve got to lift yourself up above all the hurtDon"t give inWipe your eyes and remember you"re better than thislet them know that they took their best shot and they missedCome on and lifthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8062730

yer it will but it ll be sunny this sunday


Windows Workflow Foundation是什么?有什么好处

Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) 是一个可扩展框架,用于在 Windows 平台上开发工作流解决方案。作为即将问世的 Microsoft WinFX 的组成部分,Windows Workflow Foundation 同时提供了 API 和一些工具,用于开发和执行基于工作流的应用程序。Windows Workflow Foundation 提供单个统一的模型,以便创建跨越多个类别应用程序的端到端解决方案,包括人力工作流和系统工作流。Windows Workflow Foundation 是一个广泛且通用的工作流框架,并且从下到上、在每个级别都针对可扩展性进行了设计。基于 Windows Workflow Foundation 的解决方案,由得到 Microsoft .NET 代码支持且在宿主应用程序中运行的互连组件组成。就像在定制的环境中以可视方式创建 Web 页一样,您需要在可视设计器中制订特定工作流的步骤,并且添加代码隐藏工作流组件以实现规则并定义业务过程。Windows Workflow Foundation 提供一个工作流引擎、一个 .NET 托管 API、运行库服务以及与 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 集成的可视化设计器和调试器。可使用 Windows Workflow Foundation 来生成并执行同时跨越客户端和服务器的工作流,以及可在所有类型的 .NET 应用程序内部执行的工作流。工作流指的是:是以活动示意图形式定义的人力或系统过程模型。活动 是工作流中的一个步骤,并且是工作流的执行、重用和创作单位。活动示意图表达规则、操作、状态以及它们的关系。Windows Workflow Foundation 工作流通过安排活动而设计,然后它编译为 .NET 程序集,且在工作流运行库和公共语言运行库 (CLR) 中执行。好处:  1. 简化协调工作所带来的额外工作量  工作流将业务逻辑从具体的实现中剥离出来,使你能够更专注于业务逻辑的建立,而将大量繁琐的工作交给Workflow Runtme来完成。  2. 应用程序的持久化  工作流是默认持久化运行的。你不在需要大量的代码来完成以上的工作。  3. 增强程序的透明性  因为业务逻辑和具体实现的分离,那怕是一个完全不懂编程的业务分析师也能够看懂你的程序,甚至能够自己改动你的业务逻辑。

Amanda Jenssen的《Lay Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down歌手:Amanda Jenssen专辑:Hymns For The HauntedAmanda Jenssen - Lay Down.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down and wish for light.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down in lullabies.Tie the present to the pastLet tomorrows longing lastGrowing younger day by dayFlowing wonder hear us pray.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down and wish for light.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down in lullabies.No decisions to be madeAll your stories shall be savedSilent hunger in your chestSlowly slumber into rest.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down and wish for light.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down in lullabies.Lay down and you shall rise.http://music.baidu.com/song/31271849



The man p____ u____(捡起)the hard and t____ it b___(拿回)home last Sunday.

pick up 捡起bring back 拿回



为什么 an endangered species 这里的species用的“复数”?


谁能帮我翻译Maroon 5---《sunday morning》的歌词?


显示器上面的一直显示这Splendid Demo Standard怎么取消这个应该是显示器的问题


ajax jsonData 怎么传两个json 格式的数据吗



这是一个非常主观的问题,因为每个人的口味和印象都不同。但是,我可以告诉你这两个名字的含义和来源。Joanna是一个希伯来名字,意思是“上帝仁慈”。Yolanda是一个西班牙名字,意思是“紫色的花” 。希望这些信息能帮到你。


斑马: zebra 长颈鹿: giraffee 大象: elephant 虎: tiger 狮子: lion 猴子: monkey 狐狸: fox 袋鼠: kanagaroo 熊: bear 狼: wolf 鹿: deer 河马:hippopotamus 骆驼: camel 无尾熊: koala 臭鼬鼠: skunk 豹: leopard 黑豹: panther 猩猩: gorilla 浣熊: raccoon 犀牛: rhinoceros 狒狒: baboon 水獭: beaver 黑猩猩: chimpanzee 鬣狗: hyena 参考: mammals(picture dictionary) 蚂蚁= ant 雀仔=bird 蝴蝶=butterfly 毛虫=caterpillar 鸭=duck 大象=elephant 鱼=fish 青蛙=frog 长胫鹿=giraffe 山羊=goat 马=horse 狮子=lion 小猫=kitten 小羊=lamb 猴子=monkry 章鱼=octopus 小马=pony 兔子=rabbit 蜘蛛=spider 蛇=snake 蜗牛=snail 老虎=tiger 斑马=zebra 好努力想啦.....^o^希望有用啦 dog~狗 cat~猫 crocodile~鳄鱼 elephant~象 monkey~猴子 pig~猪 rhinoceros~犀牛 tiger~虎 cattle~牛 lion~狮子 hare/rabbit~兔子 peccary~野猪 参考: me cat dog monkey mouse pat lion tiger fox snake fish rabbit gold fish pig horse sheep bird leo hen duck cow dog cat rabbit panda snake pig mouse lion tiger 2007-04-28 11:22:08 补充: 仲有fish呀 参考: 老师教过啦

nona,octava,prima,qvarta,qvinta,secvnda,septima,sexta,tertia 是什么意思

拉丁语的序数词Latin ordinal numerical22 months: Prima, Secunda, Tertia, Quarta, Quinta, Sexta, Septima, Octava, Nona, Decima, Undecima, Duuodecima, Tertia Decima, Quarta Decima, Quinta Decima, Sexta Decima, Septima Decima, Duodevicesima, Undevicesima, Vicesima, Vicesima Prima, Vicesima Secunda. ==================================nona--第九octava--第八prima--第一quarta--不是qvarta,第四quinta--不是qvinta,第五secunda--bushisecvnda,第二septima--第七sexta--第六tertia--第三 ===============================可以问下老师,英语12月份以及这些拉丁带来的表示数字的前缀,会记得很多很多单词的。

懂葡萄牙语的进~~~VEM CA和ANDA CA的区别。VEM CA是命令式还是请求式,比如尊敬词样的

Anda Ca 的用法是口语而并不正确,正确需要中间加para。 两个都是命令式。 葡语请求式也较尊称命令式,由第一人称陈述式现在时变化而成。两者分别写为请求式为Venha ca 和 Ande para ca.两者区别不大,一个是过来,一个强调走过来

trizol法提取RNA时如何去除基因组DNA 在哪一步加NDA消化酶,谢谢!

看你需要多纯:梯度离心去核溶解细胞后,用玻璃棒去dna.到google protocol 查吧。

表示过去式的英语单词,不少于30个 例如:Last sunday 上周日 不要重复类型的

yesterday last night last week last month last year





Paula Deanda 的一首歌曲why would i ever

why would i ever why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢 why would i ever, why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢 wait a minute baby 等一会 宝贝 tell me what"s up lately 告诉我最近你怎么样 I been knowing you too long 我们认识很久了 why you hiding something 你为什么要掩饰一些事情 thought we was through with fronting 认为我们已经结束? i can tell that something"s wrong 我看得出有些不对劲 how could you even think that 你怎么会那么想呢 I wouldn"t have your back 我得不到你的支持 It"s me and you against the world 你和我不顾别人的反对 No matter what we go through 不管我们经历了什么 I"mma always roll with you 我会一直和你在一起 和你共同努力 I promise I will be your girl 我向你保证我会成为你的女人 why would i ever why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) 为什么我要考虑是否要离开你呢(有个声音在说) why would i ever 究竟为什么 baby I"d never 宝贝 我决不会那么做 cuz I just wouldn"t know how to get through (somebody say) 因为我不知道怎么才能熬过没有你的生活(有个声音在说) cuz you put together every piece of me 因为是你将支离破碎的我拼凑完整 and baby you…you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) 宝贝 你清楚知道我要成为什么样的人(和我好好谈谈吧) why would i ever, why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢 wait a minute hold up 等一等 保持平静 I said when you rolled up 我说当你出现在我面前 you was yelling off the chain 失控地大叫的时候 get mad when i can"t make time 当我无法腾出时间陪你的时候 你就会很生气 shoulda known that I"m on my grind 早该知道我也在努力啊 babe you know it"s all in your brain 宝贝 你知道这都是你的想法 now we been through some problems 现在我们遇到了一些问题 trust me we can solve them 相信我 我们可以解决我们之间的问题 we got too much in it to lose 我们失去的太多了 you"ve always been my best friend 你一直都是我最好的朋友 stop placing your bets when 不要再打赌了 baby I not leaving you 宝贝 我不会离开你 tell me why did you ever question 告诉我为什么你总爱问问题 question everything we stand for 什么都要问 between us (we got that) 我们之间(我们拥有…) have you seen us (we got that love) 你难道没看见我们俩 (我们拥有爱情) we got that love 我们拥有爱情 【重复同上】 why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby I"d never cuz I just wouldn"t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby you…you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you I"m not leaving you No I"m not leaving you 我不会离开你的 I won"t leave you in the cold 我不会让你孤零零一个人 I"m not leaving you I"m not leaving you 我不会离你而去的 Baby you know I love you 宝贝 你知道我爱你 why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you

跪求paula deanda. 的 wanna be with you歌词中文翻译!这首歌真的很

我想和你在一起It"s crazy but it"s true,疯狂但是真实In everything I do (oh oh),我将为你做任何事情I wanna be with you,我想和你在一起I"d like to know your policy,我想知道你的方针When it comes to me,但你过来时Like to know what"s in your mind,我想知道你在想什么It"s not easy, see,这不是很容易I know now what I feel,我现在知道我的感觉And what to do,还有我知道我该做什么I wanna be with you,我想和你在一起And I"ll be waiting,我会一直等你Until you face the truth,直到你了解事情的真相The light is fading,光线是暗的You know what I wanna do你知道我想做什么事情I wanna be with you我想和你在一起It"s crazy but it"s true疯狂但是真实(You know it"s true)你知道这是真实And everything I do (is for you, baby)我将为你做任何事情I wanna be with you (Oh, with you)我想和你在一起Everybody sing (Oh yeah)大家一起唱See you once again再见你一面Yeah, everybody swing大家一起唱歌Yeah, everybody大家Yeah, everybody swing大家一起唱Wish you"d come and set me free希望你能过来把我释放So that I can see以便我能看见你All the thing I"ve left behind我落来的所有的事情What"s missing in me我错过的事情I"m looking for a sign我在寻找一个标志And the things you do还有你做过的事情I wanna be with you我想和你在一起And I"ll be waiting我会一直等Until you face the truth直到你了解事情的真相若我的回答有帮助还望采纳O(∩_∩)O

paula deanda的《Overloved》 歌词

歌曲名:Overloved歌手:paula deanda专辑:Paula DeandaPaula Deanda - OverlovedI need to find somebody who can"t sleep at nightWithout holding me without holding me tightI want someone who sees me all the time in their dreamsAnd then wakes up thinking just of meSpent time on my ownSpent time being freeNow I just wanna beOverlovedOver neededOver wantedOver missed when I"m awayOver dreamed ofOver cared aboutOver everythingI"d give anything to be overlovedI want someone who can"t wait to kiss me againEven though it"s been a minute since they last didWant someone who loves love songsAnd dedicates them to meAnd two loving arms never out of reachBeen fine all aloneDid fine being freeThis time I wanna beWant someone to talk to me with talk so sweetWant someone who"s there to share their world with meI"ve been too lonely for too many nightsThis time I need someone here in my lifeThis time I want someone holding me tightBeen under kissed, under touchedI just wanna beBy someone who"s over in love with meOver kissed over touchedOh I just wanna be overlovedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2203759

paula deanda唱的easy 中文翻译

Yeah Paula ow Danger I might be a young girl but I know how to have fun 我也许是个小女孩,但我知道怎样才能玩得高兴I got them boys chasing me trying make me the one 我是那些男孩追求我,试着使我成为他们的另一半When I"m out shopping it"s like having a gun当我出去购物的时候,就好像有一把枪 Whatever I wanna get, got them boys caught up 不论我想得到什么,那些男孩都要争着追我I know I"m a hot hot shorty 我知道我很辣But you gotta slow down (slow down)但你要变得迟钝You don"t know me (don"t know me) 你不了解我If you in a hot hot hurry 如果你陷入热辣的匆忙状态then you gotta go now (go now), back up off me (off me) 那你现在就走吧,离我远点oh, I got them going crazy you see 噢,你能看到我使他们疯狂Uh ooh, head over heels for me ooh 噢,为了我被高跟鞋砸头Uh ooh, weak in the knees for me boy 噢,为了我膝盖疼痛Uh ooh, "cause you so damn easy 噢,因为你简单的该死"Cause you so damn easy 因为你简单的该死"Cause you so damn easy 因为你简单的该死Ooh, I much wiser than you think betta act like you know 我比你想的聪明,比你知道的会表演Just because I"m a teen it don"t mean that I"m slow 只因为我是个孩子,但那不代表我迟钝I think you"re a cutie boy, but you"re turning me off 我认为你是个可爱的孩子,但你正在远离我Sometimes you gotta play hard to get and then it"s on 有时你努力要得到,然后得到了I know I"m a hot hot shorty 我知道我是个辣妹But you gotta slow down 但是你要变得迟钝You don"t know me 你不了解我If you in a hot hot hurry 如果你陷入热辣的匆忙状态then you gotta go now (go now), back up off me (off me) 那你现在就走吧,离我远点oh, I got them going crazy you see 噢,你能看到我使他们疯狂Uh ooh, head over heels for me ooh 噢,为了我被高跟鞋砸头Uh ooh, weak in the knees for me boy 噢,为了我膝盖疼痛Uh ooh, "cause you so damn easy 噢,因为你简单的该死"Cause you so damn easy 因为你简单的该死"Cause you so damn easy 因为你简单的该死One day 一天weezy, baby tonight is the night 今晚就是那个夜晚And them girls are on me like white on rice 那些女孩对我就像白色对于米饭And I get them to the crib late two or one 我是他们在夜晚1、2点偷窃I"m already high, now its you that I want 我很兴奋,现在你才是我要的Take a jet to the sunset, you won"t come 对晚霞喷射,你不会来的Or sit with my friends but you won"t go 和我的朋友同坐,但你不会去Baby, I can take you to and from 我带你去iced your little wrist until you"re blue and numb 抓着你冰冷的手腕,直到你忧伤,麻痹Um, you`re dealing with a boss lil mama 你在和老鸨交易Young wayne, tony mantana 年轻的韦恩,高贵的曼塔纳If for you, I"ll tell my homies I holla 如果对你,我会告诉我的家人我大叫If your man ain"t me, why bother 如果你的男人不是我,为什么打扰我I go by the name Carter, I got more plaques than tartar 我顺便走访了卡特,我有比牙菌斑跟多的牙菌斑I"ve been shaking up them charts on the charter 我摇匀他们在纲领上的图表Number one spot, Wayne and Paula 数字上,注意到,韦恩和宝拉oh, I got them going crazy you see 噢,你能看到我使他们疯狂Uh ooh, head over heels for me ooh 噢,为了我被高跟鞋砸头Uh ooh, weak in the knees for me boy 噢,为了我膝盖疼痛Uh ooh, "cause you so damn easy 噢,因为你简单的该死oh, I got them going crazy you see 噢,你能看到我使他们疯狂Uh ooh, head over heels for me ooh 噢,为了我被高跟鞋砸头Uh ooh, weak in the knees for me boy 噢,为了我膝盖疼痛Uh ooh, "cause you so damn easy 噢,因为你简单的该死"Cause you so damn easy 因为你简单的该死"Cause you so damn easy 因为你简单的该死Don"t be so damn easy 别再如此简单Don"t be so damn easy 别再如此简单




Hello/Good morning /Good afternoon /good evening, this is Linda. 你好/早上好/下午好/晚上好,我是Linda。英文中接电话用this is Linda.码字不易,万望采纳

necklace pendant是什么意思

项链吊坠necklace[英][u02c8neklu0259s][美][u02c8nu025bklu026as]n.项链; pendant[英][u02c8pendu0259nt][美][u02c8pu025bndu0259nt]n.(装在项链等上的)垂饰,坠儿;



you and I have kinda drifted apart里drifte apart什么意思


are you kinda into girls darl什么意思!!????


Some Kinda Wonderful 歌词

歌曲名:Some Kinda Wonderful歌手:The Inmates专辑:Dirty Water: The Very Best Of The InmatesTitle: Some Kinda WonderfulArtist: SkyI came upon my crossroads yesterday,I met her on a ship just west of eyeball bay,We ate fish and we listened to some old time rock n Roll,She said "you can call me baby if you"ll let me hold your soul,But it"s because she"s wonderful the guys they look her way,She"s some kinda big shot..ChorusShe"s some kinda wonderful,She makes a mean steak and she"s an eyeful,My baby she"s some kinda wonderful to me,She"s some kinda wonderful to me,She"s some kinda wonderful,Forget it snowflake, she"s mine,So just say she"s wonderful and then be on your way,She"s some kinda wonderful you see,We bought a little house on highball way,Great kids, nice home, and a brand new chevrolet,All my neighbors and friends say the wife is a little strange,I know, the eyes are freaky and the horns are there to stay,But it"s because she"s wonderful the guys they look her way,She"s some kinda big shot,ChorusShe"s some kinda wonderful,She makes a mean steak and she"s an eyeful,My baby she"s some kinda wonderful to me,She"s some kinda wonderful to me,She"s some kinda wonderful,Forget it snowflake, she"s mine,So just say she"s wonderful and then be on your way,She"s some kinda wonderful you see,ChorusShe"s some kinda wonderful,She makes a mean steak and she"s an eyeful,My baby she"s some kinda wonderful to me,She"s some kinda wonderful to me,She"s some kinda wonderful,Forget it snowflake, she"s mine,So just say she"s wonderful and then be on your way,She"s some kinda wonderful you seehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8409325

kind people are my kinda people什么含义


yea kinda lol什么意思

是的,有一点,呵呵。比较口语的一句话。 yea=yeah=yes,是的。kinda=kind of,有一点。lol=laugh out loud,等同于常用的“呵呵”。

some kinda lady day. 是哪首歌

Daniel Powter的free loop I"m a little used to calling outside your name  I won"t see you tonight so I can keep from going insane  But I don"t know enough, I get some kinda of lazy day  I"ve been fabulous through to find my tattered name  I"ll be stewed tomorrow if I don"t leave us both the same  But I don"t know enough, I get some kind of lazy day"Cause it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found  Only time will tell and I will figure out  That we can baby, we can do the one night stand  And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found  Outside your skin right near the fire  That we can baby, we can change and feel alrightI"m a little used to wandering outside the rain  You could leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same  But I don"t know enough, I need sun when it leaves the day"Cause it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve foundOnly time will tell and I will figure out  That we can baby, we can do the one night stand  And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found  Outside your skin right near the fire  That we can baby, we can change and feel alright"Cause it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found  Only time will tell and I will figure out  That we can baby, we can do the one night stand  And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found  Outside your skin right near the fire  That we can baby, we can change and feel alright"Cause it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found  Only time will tell and I will figure out  That we can baby, we can do the one night stand  And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found  Outside your skin right near the fire  That we can baby, we can change and feel alright

Kinda Outta Luck中文歌词 望高手提供优质翻译!


Kinda Girl For Me 歌词

歌曲名:Kinda Girl For Me歌手:Craig David专辑:Trust MeCraig David - Kinda Girl For MeYou are everythingYou are everythingAll of this timeThat you been waitingSeems like now you got what you want (ohh)You got me stuck on the realness (realness, realness)Give all your love all your realnessShe"s that kinda girlPretty about 5"6", small hips, with them cinnamon curlsYes a straight bravado girlMoney for new whips, makin" trips all around the worldYes she"s the kinda girl, always thinkin" on her feetThe type of girl that one day you"d like to meetGuess I found her, wanna be around herReally ain"t that hard for me to see (yeah)The truth is see I got it badBut there ain"t nothing wrong with thatFound a girl that makes me wanna goPlaces I ain"t never been beforeShe"s so sick like a dope melody sittin" nicely on top of the beat"Cos she"s a rider not a fighter, kinda girl for me (yeah)All of this time, that you been waitingSeems like now you got what you wantYou got me stuck on the realness (the realness, realness) (ohh)You got me stuck on the realnessI can"t really believe, it"s like I caught a fever, this feelin" takin" over meMaybe it"s L O V E, but for sure yes you"re a keeper, savin" all your, for meShe got that ability turn a spark into a flameLike a beautiful picture in a frameShe"s on fire, just got to admire, the way she be puttin" it down on me (yeah)The truth is see I got it badBut there ain"t nothing wrong with thatFound a girl that makes me wanna goPlaces I ain"t never been beforeShe"s so sick like a dope melody sittin" nicely on top of the beat"Cos she"s a rider not a fighter, kinda girl for me (yeah)Past relationships I"d loseI guess I never tried to see things throughThat"s how many other girls always on my mindStop actin" a fool, and I"ve got so much to prove"Cos now I found the right girl for meThe truth is see I got it bad (I got it bad baby)But there ain"t nothing wrong with that (ohh)Found a girl that makes me wanna go (wanna go)Places I ain"t never been before (never been before no)She"s so sick like a dope melody sittin" nicely on top of the beat (oh yeah)"Cos she"s a rider not a fighter, kinda girl for me (ooh baby) whoaaa whoa yeah, oh babyThe truth is see I got it bad (I got it bad baby)But there ain"t nothing wrong with that (yeah)Found a girl that make me wanna go(wanna go)Places I ain"t never been before (never been before no)She"s so sick like a dope melody sittin" nicely on top of the beat (oh yeah)"Cos she"s a rider not a fighter, kinda girl for me (yeah) (oh no)All of this time, that you been waitingSeems like now you got what you wantYou got me stuck on the realness (realness, realness)You got me stuck on the realnessGive all your love all your realnesshttp://music.baidu.com/song/1181113

I kinda gotta clean up now. gotta=got to是必须的意思。ki

kinda 在这里用做副词,表示有点

lt’s kinda funny什么意思


kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective 的意思


kinda crazy (Whitney Duncan)的歌词 中英文都行 在线等。。。

How could something so easy be so hard to explain?All I know is I need you in a desperate kinda wayThere"s no goin" back, it"s too late for thatWe"re flyin" blind, totally losin" our mindsCan"t think about anythingWe"re movin" fast with both feet on the gasCompletely gone insaneOh, let"s call it what it is now, babyThere"s no such thing as kinda crazyHow could someone so different somehow feel the same?All I know is when I"m with you reality trips awayThere"s no holdin" back, we"re too far in for that"Cause we"re flyin" blind, totally losin" our mindsCan"t think about anythingWe"re movin" fast with both feet on the gasCompletely gone insaneOh, let"s call it what it is now, babyThere"s no such thing as kinda crazyAin"t no half way about itWe"re on the way there, yeah, yeah"Cause we"re flyin" blind, totally losin" our mindsCan"t think about anythingNow we"re movin" fast with both feet on the gasCompletely gone insaneOh, let"s call it what it is now, babyThere"s no such thing as kinda crazy, kinda crazy

搞笑词典 | I kinda like you

(口语中kind of的说法)有点儿,有几分 used in writing to represent an informal way of saying "kind of" 例句 I was kinda sorry to see him go. 看到他走了我有点难过。 猛烈地;非常地 with a lot of energy and enthusiasm 例句 We cheered madly as the team came out onto the field. 球队入场时,我们拼命欢呼。 I was rushing around madly tidying up the flat before they arrived. 我在他们到达之前忙不迭地把公寓打扫了一番。 (尤指崇敬地)爱慕,热爱;非常喜欢 to love someone very much, especially in a way that shows a lot of admiration or respect, or to like something very much 例句 She has one son and she adores him. 她只有一个儿子,是她的心肝宝贝。 I absolutely adore chocolate. 我非常爱吃巧克力。 怪异的,令人毛骨悚然的;让人起鸡皮疙瘩的 strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened 例句 a creepy film 令人毛骨悚然的电影 a creepy smile 怪异可怕的微笑

请问kind people are my kinda people 什么含义

你好!kind people are my kind a people人是我一个人

i kinda like

kinda = kind of 有一点 ,还挺 . kinda 就比较口语化一点. 两个都可以用.没很大区别.

“i kinda do”的意思


i was kinda hoping为什么不用 i kinda hope

楼上的答案根本没有回答到点上。在通常情况下,静态动词不用于进行时态,但 hope 是个例外:在口语中,hope经常用于进行时态,尤其是所谈论的事物正是你所依赖的或亟需的东西时。比如朗文词典中专就在hope词条将 I"m hoping 用粗体字作为惯用搭配列出,其解释是: [spoken] used to say that you hope something will happen, especially because you are depending on it.e.g. I"m hoping the car will be fixed by Friday.我非常希望能在星期五之前修好汽车。

kinda place 什么意思?

俚语 kinda=kind of ; I kinda like you; kinda place = kind of place; what kinda music do you like (what kind of music do you like?); I an kinda tired.

I know you and I have kinda drifted apart,我知道我和你有点疏远了,这里kinda在这里是什么用法??

这是美国的习惯用法,就是相当于kind of.还有want to 也可以说成wanna

I was kinda in a hurry中kinda是什么意思?


Kinda Girl For Me什么意思


Yeah,kinda,your lips are really sexy.中文意思?谢谢

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Yeah,kinda,your lips are really sexy.是的,有点,你的嘴唇真的很性感。希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。


如果我没弄错的话,原话是 ‘A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. " 这是女权主义的口号,大意是:“一个女人没有男人,就像一条鱼没有自行车”。其用意是有了男人就像自行车上的鱼,被拖着跑没有自主,不能独立。

英语。我有点忙怎么说呢?说i m kinda busy好还是a little?kinda是什么时候用

I"m a little busy

一个英语问题 我想问一下kinda是kind of的缩写吗?这个词要怎么用啊?

kinda KK:[] DJ:[] adv. 1.〈口〉[用在 this 等之后] ...的一种; ...的一类 (= kind of) Believe me,he is not the kinda boy to idle away his time. 相信我,他不是那种游手好闲的男孩子. 2.有点儿,有几分; 相当; 可以这么说 I kinda hoped we"d be able to meet up some time this week. 我真希望这个星期的某个时候我们还能意外地见上一面. 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
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