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分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 欧美明星 解析: Nelly原名Cornell Haynes Jr 简介 2000年夏天,嘻哈热浪吹向圣路易斯,一个名叫Nelly的嘻哈玩家把美国南方俚语与家乡味跟美国中西部摇摆乐搅和一下,靠着饶舌榜冠军曲"Country Grammar(Hot S**t)"打出名堂,首张专辑“Country Grammar/家有家规”勇夺全美流行与节奏蓝调榜双冠王,并连霸流行专辑榜7周冠军王座,辑中的"Ride Wit Me"、"E.I."等单曲更炒热专辑销售红盘,光是美国就卖出900万张,因为Nelly的走红,嘻哈热力多了点骚劲,还有更多的趣味与霸气。两年后的夏天,Nelly的热力温度计更直窜沸点,2002专辑“Nellyville/乌托邦”一出场就包办全美流行专辑榜在内的十大排行冠军王座,专辑中与当红制作组合The Neptunes合作的派对热歌"Hot In Herre",还有与天命真女团员凯莉的深情对唱曲"Dilemma",一路霸占流行与饶舌榜冠军近乎半年之久,这两首歌在2003年抱走葛莱美奖最佳饶舌男歌手与合唱两项殊荣;同年,Nelly偕同Murphy Lee与P. Diddy为电影‘绝地战警2"共呛冠军大作"Shake Ya Tailfeather",2004年再以这首单曲获颁葛莱美最佳饶舌合唱奖。出道至今,他已获颁包括3座葛莱美奖、3座MTV音乐录影带大奖与6座Billboard音乐奖在内的25座音乐大奖,全球专辑与单曲销售数字更逼近3000万张。挟音乐事业红翻天的态势,Nelly更多元体现嘻哈精神,除了创立Derrty娱乐集团,还推出Vokal、Apple Bottoms等男、女服饰品牌,热爱美式足球的Nelly甚至推出名为Pimp Juice的运动饮料。 敢冲、敢拼的嘻哈天王Nelly在2004年再度迈开冒险步伐,决定同步发表两张全新大碟《SWEAT/热力》、《SUIT/魅力》,继工人皇帝Bruce Springstein和枪与玫瑰合唱团,成为嘻哈界首位胆敢在同一天发行双专辑的艺人。此张定名为《SUIT》的大碟,全面绽放Nelly运用节奏蓝调、嘻哈等元素营造都会灵魂乐风情的独到才华,让成熟与性感的韵味环绕整个嘻哈街头。专辑中的首支单曲"My Place"力邀节奏蓝调歌手Jaheim合唱,这是Nelly重新为灵魂乐传奇Teddy Pendergrass的名曲"Come On And Go With Me"妆点新世代的罗曼蒂克情调,歌曲抢先攻进Billboard流行与节奏蓝调/嘻哈单曲榜双料TOP 7与饶舌单曲榜TOP 4;请到帮派饶舌巨星Snoop Dogg与老牌灵魂乐团The Isley Brothers大将Ron Isley同台合作的单曲"She Don"t Know My Name"则是重现了灵魂情歌的复古情趣;取样自80年代英伦新浪漫乐派代表乐团Spadau Ballet畅销曲"True"的"N Dey Say"为嘻哈恋歌增添精致动人的迷情气氛;力邀乡村人气王Tim McGraw(Faith Hill的老公)献唱的"Over And Over"更是一次嘻哈土味与乡村纯情小调的精采融合;与实力派灵魂歌手Anthony Hamilton合唱的"Nobody Knows"也是不可多得的情歌上选之作。一直找不到对味的嘻哈情歌吗?《SUIT》将是你缠绵悱恻最速配的首选。


nelly常见英文名音译是妮莉。Nelly常见英文名,用作女孩英文名几率大,最早出现于德语、法语,Nelly是个好听的名字,这个名字第一印象有创造力、精力充沛、幽默。Nelly常见音译为妮莉,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为["neli],美式发音音标为["neli]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,国人建议2~3音节为佳。在男生中,Nelly比较少见,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Nelly这个名字不多见,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,Nelly在最近100年内,男性共有50人,女性共有6919人,Nelly做女生英文名更好。Nelly,原名小康奈尔·伊拉尔·海恩斯,1974月11月2日出生于美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀,美国说唱歌手、演员。Nelly出生在美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀,在圣路易斯长大,其父母在他七岁时离婚。1990年代,读高中的Nelly加入了嘻哈组合并在圣路易斯展开活动。2010年11月,发行第六张个人录音室专辑《5.0》。2011年5月,个人单曲《Just a Dream》获得公告牌音乐奖最佳流媒体歌曲奖。2013年9月,发行第七张个人专辑《M.O.》。2014年,出演剧情片《书缘追踪》。2017年,出演惊悚片《格蕾丝的堕落》。


Chinnell中文是文静意思。例如ChinnellLee李文静中文名:文静 英文名:chinnell

斯涅耳定律(snell s law)

光的折射定律可由费马原理导出 费马原理对折射定律的证明 假设光从介质n1入射到介质n2。以入射光线,法线和折射光线所在平面与两个介质的交界面的交线为x轴,取一条与法线平行的直线为y轴,建立直角坐标系,两条直线相交于点O(0 0)。在入射光线上任取一点A(x1 y1),光线与两介质交界面的交点为B(x 0),在折射光线上任取一点C(x2 y2)。 AB之间的距离为 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/math/4/d/f/4df8ada7cb702814053148eeb9a14358 。 经整理得 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/math/4/5/2/452bd323313ff19062194f159a22fd85 且 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/math/8/c/a/8ca1a089eb2790f46e17e5dade72508d 即 n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2 (Snell"s law) 2007-01-13 12:42:00 补充: 费马原理:光沿着所需时间为极值的路径传播。当然﹐由n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2 即sinθ2 =(n1/n2)sinθ1我们可以拿两样物质﹐再以sinθ1对sinθ2作图﹐若果所得结果是一条斜率为n1/n2的直线 则斯涅耳定律成立。相反﹐若果以cosθ1对cosθ2作图﹐所得结果不会是一条斜率为n1/n2的直线﹐因而不可以乘costan 情形类此 参考: wiki 因为sin左个两个angle可以得到一条以n为slope既直线 所以就用sin 而唔用cos tan tanθ同cosθ都唔可以得到一条直线 相对上计算比较困难(cosθ tanθ 同θ既图表可以用微积分计 但你唔会蠢到用微积分计计d咁易既野)

Nelly的《Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Boy歌手:Nelly专辑:SweatNelly - Boy (Feat. Lil" Flip & Big Gipp)Booooyyyoh oh oh oh oh ohSo you the kang boyhow could this be boyyou gotta be blind to sell more records than me boyI can"t complain boydon"t say my name boyI"m like a run away slave I"m off the chain boyI"m bout" to jet boystraight flex boyI"m about to round princess cut and bagette boydon"t disrespect boyI"ll break your neck boyI got niggaz that sherm it up and get wet boywe driving vets and bentley coupes boyI ain"t lying check my garage, I tell the truth boyI do it big boyyou do it small boyI do some shit that you can"t even do at all boyplatinum tooth boymake it two boycome to the crib you can bowl, swim, or hoop boybig rule boywhat are you doing in me yardyou can run two miles and you still in my yardBooooyyyQuarter Quarters Nickels Dollars Dimes everytime boybutterfly my 84", fly first class boydipping through the hood candy coated paint boytriple zero dope sacks no tax boyyou walk fast, well I slow-poke boyyou grip the leather, well I grip oak boyI keep a crease in my Dickies when I corner hangI love to sip champangne, funny ass namesladies love to see me Gucci or many of poochielove to see me in the gazelles to King Louis"shingles hanging from the end of my pants boythey love to see me do the old man dance boyI smoke plenty grass boyI"m touching on the ass boygo ahead and Sir Mix-A-Lot put it on the glass boyI"m from the South boythat"s how it go boywe like to see em" drop it downand touch they toes boyBooooyyyLil Flipper..I flip tracks boylike crack boyI got that 62 inch Maybach boytwo tone boylets get it on boymy money long boynow we smoking zones boycome take a hit boywe got the shit boymy big clover cost the price of ten bricks boyI"m from the South boydon"t run your mouth boysshhh.... cuz I"ll have Al Capone at your house boypull up in my drop top, you like boyto you it"s a Bentley, to me it"s a toyI"m like a pimp boyI ride spinners boyI"m hopping out with 3000 dollar tennis boycome take a look at meI"m off the chain boythe gameover, bitch, you know my name boyI"m Lil Flip boya Clover G boyyou better free Will Lean and Pimp C boyBooooyyy......END

Nellie Mckay的《Waiter》 歌词

歌曲名:Waiter歌手:Nellie Mckay专辑:Get Away From Me (Explicit)Bad Boy Billy - WaitHeap these misses into a pileLose sight of yourselfToo old to go out, too young to homebodyWhen there"s no one at homeDon"t wanna resent coupledomGot to look inwards first, before I blameThere"s gotta be some reason why I can"t tame myselfEnough to be to good partnerOr see clear to reciprocate when someone"s good to meSaw your ex-lady at the gym, she looked so tiredWaitDon"t hateWalk straightIt"s grace that will pull you through thisHey, look straight, walk straight, don"t lose faithIt"s grace that will get you through thisLead these angels into denialDo right for yourselfStill need to call outI"m something to somebodyYou can"t leave it aloneDon"t want to need you like I doGotta check myself first, before I blameThere"s gotta be some reason why I can"t tame myselfEnough to be a good partnerOr see clear to reciprocate when someone"s good to meSaw your ex-lady at the gym, she looked so tiredWaitDon"t hateWalk straightIt"s grace that will pull you through thisHey, look straightBend backThey"ll stack the odds against youHey, don"t" wait, walk straight, lose faithIt"s grace will get you through thisI won"t say it again



谁可以帮我下载Nelly Furtado - Say It Right 这首歌的高潮部分啊!!

给你~Nelly Furtado - Say It Right 这就是高潮部分了~

membrane bound organelles

membrane-bound nucleus 膜-围绕核 membrane-bound organelles 膜-围绕细胞器 意思是第一个是核膜,围绕在细胞核外的膜 第二个是围绕在细胞器外的膜 两种膜在这里分开讲了, 但其实有时候是相同的. 细胞的生物膜系统是由细胞内的生物膜组成的,细胞内的各种生物膜在结构和功能上是相互联系的.


Fun;JanelleMonáe-WeAreYoungmp3链接: 提取码:acgr


n. 贾内尔人名




姓名:Sadie Alexandru性别: 女星座: 射手座出生日期: 1977-12-02出生地: 美国,纽约



Janelle是什么意思? 怎么读,帮我用中文标一下

“娟了” 你用普通话就是这样读了 这个是个名字来 女孩名字Jenell j(e)-ne-ll是名字 Janelle,英国起源名字Jeanelle,拉丁起源名字Virginia的变体,意思是“纯洁”.重音在第一个音节.

Nelly的《E I》 歌词

歌曲名:E I歌手:Nelly专辑:Da Derrty Versions The Re-InventionUh.. uh uh uh uhUh.. wait a minute nowUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uh, uh..Can you hear me out there?Lunatics.. is y"all ready?Let me hear yaUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!I"ma sucka for corn rows and manicured toes (hey)Fendi capri pants and Parasuco"s (alright)Passadity ?? city, with one or two throwsI"m droppin "em outta high school straight into the prosWho knows? I know!And I love it when you make your knees touch your elbowsAnd break it down low to the flo", and there you goNow throw it on me slowAnd everytime I +Busta Rhyme+, baby Gimme Some Mo"You say you like that, when I hit it from behindAnd I"ll be right back; yeah that"s my very next lineI use it - time after time, when I"m speakin my mindIt"s no matter if I"m shootin game to a pigeon or dimeI ask her, Who dat is, talkin that shit about the "tics?Somebody probably jealous cause they bitch got hitBut ain"t nobody else droppin shit like thisNellyShould we apologize? Nah fuck "em, just leave "em pissed, HEY!Chorus: repeat 2XAndele andele mami, E.I. E.I.Uh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What"s happenin now?Andele andele mami, E.I. E.I.Uh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! If the head right, Nelly there ery"nightWe can gamble to the break of dawn, niggaMoney long, niggaPass up the skirt to talk to the thong, niggaSome say I"m wrong, but fuck it I"m grown, niggaIf you ain"t bout money then best be gone, niggaI"m fast (uh) double takes when you walk past meNasty, don"t be scared boo, go "head and ask meI drive fastly, call me Jeff Gord-onIn the black SS with the naviga-tionSee the joint blaz-on, somethin smells amaz-onI got a chick rollin up, half black and asi-anAnother one pag-in, tellin me to come homeHer husband on vacation and left her home aloneI used the V-12, powers; weight loss, powersFrom +Phat Farm+ to +Iceberg Slim+ in one showerGet a room in Trump Towers just to hit the P hoursKicked the bitch up out the room cause she used the word ours, HEY!ChorusAiyyo I smash-mouth a whole ounce, of that stickyWash my hands under a gold spout, when feelin ickyLet go off in a ho"s mouth, I ain"t pickyStart frontin when the shows out - whatchu mean?!Twenty inches when they roll ouuuuuuut - come and get meBig faces when they fold ouuuuuuut - is you wit me?Don"t make me pull that fo"-fo" ouuuuuuutI keep it closer when the dough ouuuuuuutThen I slide up in the EscaladeMe and E gettin solid like the Ice CapadesAnd me and Heezy - frosty, project mo" wrapped up than BugsyYou understand me, wrapped wrists like mummiesIf you compare me to your local groceryThen you"ll see I got more carrots/karats than Aisle DMore bread than Aisle G, then bag and scan me+Sure+ like +Al B.+, meet the "tics in Maui, HEY!ChorusSt. Louis y"all, uh, uhUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uh, can you feel that?Lunatics y"all, uh, uhUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uh, uh, Uncle Phil up above y"all, uh, uhUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Yell it universal y"all, uh, uhUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uh, uh, chillin chillin chillin with the crew y"allChorus (to fade + ad libs)

求助英文翻译Nelly(Ft.Kelly Rowland)

歌手:Nelly(Ft.Kelly Rowland) 专辑:Nellyville   Nelly(Ft.Kelly Rowland) -Dilemma    I.. love you, and I.. need you  Nelly I.. love you, I do.. neeeeed you - but  No matter what I do, all I think about is you  Even when I"m with my boo,   Know you know I"m crazy over you  No matter what I do, all I think about is you  Even when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over you  I met this chick and she just moved right up the block from me  And uhh, she got the hots for me the finest thing my hood done seen  But oh no, oh no, she gotta a man  And a son, doh"ohhh, but that"s okay  Cause I, wait for my cue and just listen, play my position  Like a shortstop, pick up e"rything mami hittin  And in no time.. (no time) I..  I plan to make this wah-one mi-i-ne.. and that"s for sure  Cause I, I never been the type to, break up a happy home  But uh, there"s something bout baby girl I just can"t leave alone  So tell me ma what"s it gonna be? She said  You don"t know what you mean to me  I see a lot and you look and I never say a word  I know how niggaz start acting tripping out here about they girls  And there"s no way-ayy-hey, Nelly gon" fight over  No day-hey-ame.. as you can see  But I, I like your steez, your style, your whole demeanor  The way you come through and holla and swoop me in his 2-seater  Now that"s gangstah-ah-ahhh..  And I got special ways to thank yah-ah-ahhh.. don"t you forget it  But uh, it ain"t that easy for you to pack and leave him  But uh, you and dirty got ties for different reasons  I respect that and right before I turn to leave, she said  Sing it for me K  Nelly I.. love you, I do.. (c"mon girl)  And it"s more than you"ll.. ever know  But.. it"s fo"sho  You can always count on my love  Foreveeeeer more, yeahh-yeahh..  East coast, I know you shaking right  Down South, I know you bouncing right  West coast, I know you walking right, cause  Midwest, I see you swinging right  No matter what I do, all I think about is you  East coast, you still shaking right  West coast, I know you walking right  Midwest, I see you swing it right  East coast, you still shaking right  Down South, I see you bouncing right       女;   我爱你 我需要你 尼力 我爱你 我真的好需要你 可是   不管在做什么,脑袋里想的全是你   即使和我的爱人在一起,我只为你神魂颠倒   不管我做什么 脑袋里的全是你   即使和我的爱人在一起 我只为你疯狂   男   听着听着听着 哦   我遇见一位刚搬到我们家对面的美女   看了就让人神魂颠倒   这一带最正的辣妹   可是唉`真带衰 她已经有了男人   天啊!还有个儿子 喔不 没关系   我可以耐心等待上场的时机 暗中观察 各就各位   当个游击手 每个安打都封杀   这样一来马上(马上)我   我要这个靓妹变我马子   这是一定要的了   不过我从来没有当过第三者 拆散别人的家庭   可是宝贝 你独特的魅力令我无法抗拒   妈呀,你告诉我该怎么做才好?她说   (你不了你对我有多重要)   副歌   男   听着,听着,听着 哦   我看多了,你看看我 我从来没半句抱怨   正牌黑人煞到靓妹就魂飞魄散   尼力又不是神 哪能抗拒得了这诱惑   你也知道我本性难移   说真的 我喜欢你的小动作 你的风格 你整个人   你靠过来 和我在他的敞篷车上   太棒太棒   我要特别谢谢你 想不想和我再爱一次   不过啊   我知道 硬叫你甩掉他跟着我也不容易   但是呢 你下半辈子就得忍气吞声   我全了 就在我转身离开的那一刻 她说   副歌   为我唱吧   女   我爱你 我需要你   尼力我爱你 我真的(加把劲宝贝)   受到一种 绝对没办法想象的程度   不过 这是一定要的了   你可以相信我的爱   比永远还要多一点   男   东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲   南部的台客 看你跳的正爽   西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型   三不管地带 看你忙着升旗   (你不了你对我有多重要)   副歌   东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲   南部的台客 看你跳的正爽   西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型   三不管地带 看你忙着升旗   (你不了你对我有多重要)   东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲   南部的台客 看你跳的正爽   西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型   三不管地带 看你忙着升旗   (你不了你对我有多重要)   副歌   东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲   南部的台客 看你跳的正爽   西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型   三不管地带 看你忙着升旗   (你不了你对我有多重要)   东岸的同胞 瞧你摇得起劲   南部的台客 看你跳的正爽   西岸的友人 瞧你走的有型   三不管地带 看你忙着升旗   (你不了解你对我有多重要)

Che Nelle的《Lookin 》 歌词

歌曲名:Lookin 歌手:Che Nelle专辑:Things Happen For A ReasonLooKIN" 4 UMr.Low-D作词:Mr.Low-D作曲:K-BEATZよくここまで歩いてこれたね俺たち2人に乾杯だね出逢った时を思い出してもいつから好きになったかわからないこんな俺とお前は毎日手をとり歩いた长い道今日だけはこんな呗を歌わせてはくれないか?君が隣にいることでこんなにも世界は変わるんだね今気付いた俺のGOALは他のどこでもないここなんだと例え叩かれたとしても构わない谁にもこの幸せは壊せない数百年位じゃ変わらないなあそうだろ? Oh my Baby girl晴れの日も LooKIN" 4 U雨の日も LooKIN" 4 U风の日も LooKIN" 4 Uだからいつも LooKIN" 4 Meyou are my baby girl ×6FOREVER LOVE FOREVER LOVE今日までの君を探し続けたから YEAH明日からは I"ll be come your only sunshineまだ膝を抱えたまま下向いて黙ったまま不安な未来なら 残らず绮丽にパパとママが食べちゃうから 元気な颜を见せておくれ俺たちに似たこの笑颜で今日の光景 幸せの1ページキープするよこれからもずっと何度でもいってやる俺达がこの先 生きてるうちは何度でも歌ってやる君が この先 寂しい时にはどんな声も闻いてやる产声から全ての声を二人で何が何でも守ってやるから心配すんな 未来の宝物晴れの日も LooKIN" 4 U雨の日も LooKIN" 4 U风の日も LooKIN" 4 Uだからいつも LooKIN" 4 Meyou are my baby girl ×6FOREVER LOVE FOREVER LOVE今日までの君を探し続けたから YEAH明日からは I"ll be come your only sunshineyou are my only girl ×6FOREVER LOVE FOREVER LOVE世界一の幸せ者 今日は2人の言叶 YEAHいつまでも You"re my only one sunshine笑う日も LooKIN" 4 U泣ける日も LooKIN" 4 U病める日も LooKIN" 4 Uだからいつも LooKIN" 4 Meyou are my baby girl ×6FOREVER LOVE FOREVER LOVE晴れの日も LooKIN" 4 U雨の日も LooKIN" 4 U风の日も LooKIN" 4 Uだからいつも LooKIN" 4 Meyou are my baby girl ×6FOREVER LOVE FOREVER LOVE

Marinella的《Ego》 歌词

歌曲名:Ego歌手:Marinella专辑:Ego... (The Very Best Of Emi Years)The Saturdays - EgoWe used to go together.Lookin after each other.I thought that you were better,Look at you (Look at you x3)You used to be so layed back.You always kept it so cool, (cool cool cool)I loved you cos of all that,thats the truth.(That"s the truth x3)I don"t think you know where your headin,Cos I was always there to help you break the fall.And now you wanna pretend that you a superstar,And now you wanna stupend whats takin you this far.Don"t tell me that your done as far as we go,you need to have a sit down with your Ego (Ego)When everyones gone and you all by yourself,You know that you gonna come to me for help.Don"t tell me that its time to go insonoYou need to knock some sense into your ego (Ego x4)You act like you on fireLivin your delusionYou just need you to take you higherOff you goYou can make the callIn your bed andI will not be there to help you break the fallAnd now you wanna pretend that you a superstar,And now you wanna stupend whats takin you this farDon"t tell me that your done as far as we go,you need to have a sit down with your egoWhen everyone"s gone and you all by yourself,You know that you gonna come to me for helpDon"t tell me that its time to go insonoyou need to knock some sense into your egoAnd when it"s time for you to come back down towhere you started but we partedI think you find it in it"s very hard to faceReality is just simple babeAnd now you wanna pretend that you a superstar,And now you wanna stupend whats takin you this farDon"t tell me that your done as far as we go,you need to have a sit down with your egoWhen everyone"s gone and you all by yourselfYou know that you gonna come to me for helpDon"t tell me that its time to go insonoyou need to knock some sense into your ego

跪求Nelly just a dream 钢琴简谱

Just a Dream-Nelly双手简谱,已发至附件,请下载(以下是第一页预览)

谁能给我一首Nelly的 just a dream 的原版歌词 谢谢

这是国外网站的lyric 应该是正确的!!!I was thinkin about her, thinkin about me.Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream.So I travel back, down that roadWill she come back? No one knowsI realize, yeah, it was only just a dreamI was at the top and I now it"s like I"m in the basementNumber one spot and now she found her a replacementI swear now I can"t take it, knowing somebody"s got my babyAnd now you ain"t around, baby I can"t thinkI shoulda put it down, shoulda got that ringCuz I can still feel it in the airSee her pretty face run my fingers through her hairMy lover, my life, my shawty, my wifeShe left me, I"m tiedCuz I knew that it just ain"t right.I was thinkin about her, thinkin about me.Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream.So I travel back, down that roadWill she come back? No one knowsI realize, yeah, it was only just a dreamWhen I be ridin man I swear I see her face at every turnTryin to get my usher on but I can"t let it burnAnd I just hope she notice she the only one I yearn forMy woman, my one, I miss her when will I learn?Didn"t give her all my love, I guess now I got my paybackNow I"m in the club thinkin all about my babyHey, she was so easy to loveBut wait, I guess that love wasn"t enoughI"m goin through it every time that I"m aloneAnd now I"m wishin she should pick up the phoneBut she made a decision that she wanted to move onCuz I was wrongI was thinkin about her, thinkin about meThinkin about us, what we gonna be?Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dreamSo I travel back, down that roadWill she come back? No one knowsI realize, yeah, it was only just a dreamIf you ever loved somebody put your hands up (hands up)If you ever loved somebody put your hands upAnd now they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingI said, if you ever loved somebody put your hands upIf you ever loved somebody put your hands upAnd now they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingI was thinkin about her, thinkin about me.Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream.So I travel back, down that roadWill she come back? No one knowsI realize, yeah, it was only just a dream.I was thinkin about her, thinkin about me.Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream.So I travel back, down that roadWill she come back? No one knowsI realize, yeah, it was only just a dream.

just a dream nellly歌词

Just A DreamNellyalways by Antony shi & 屎清新 9.17.10歌词翻译:给我Drink(baidu)I was thinking about her我在想着她Thinking but me想着我Thinkin bout us (us)想着我们Where we gunna be我们将会去哪里Open my eyes, (Yeah)睁开我的眼And it was only just a dream...这已经只是个梦So I travel back (Uh)所以我跋涉回来Down that road (road)从那条路Will she come back? (Uh)她也会回来吗?No Body knows没人知道Then I realize (Yeah)然后我意识到It was only just a dream...那只是一个梦I was at the top and now its like im in the basement我曾经在顶点,现在我却像是在地下室。Number 1 spot, Now shes finding a replacement(曾在她的)第一位,现在她找到了一个替代品。I swear now I cant take it我发誓我现在能够带走它。Knowing somebody got my baby知道有人能够得到我的宝贝。Now you aint around, baby I can"t think现在你不在我的身旁,宝贝我不能思考了。I shoulda put it down, shoulda got that ring我已经放下了它(我们的感情),但还是带着那戒指。Cuz I can still feel it in the air因为我仍然感觉得到它(我们的爱)弥漫在空气中See her pretty face, run my finger through her hair看着她美丽的脸,她的头发从我的指尖滑过。My lover, my life我的爱人,我的生命My shawty, my wife我的甜心,我的妻子She left me, Im tight她离开了我,我紧的(应该是很紧张的意思)Cuz I knew that it just ain"t right因为我知道这样的情况并不对。I was thinking about her我在想着她Thinking but me想着我Thinkin bout us (us)想着我们Where we gunna be我们将会去哪里Open my eyes, (Yeah)睁开我的眼And it was only just a dream...这已经只是个梦So I travel back (Uh)所以我跋涉回来Down that road (road)从那条路Will she come back? (Uh)她也会回来吗?No Body knows没人知道Then I realize (Yeah)然后我意识到It was only just a dream...那只是一个梦And I be ridin然后我四处闲逛着。And I swear I see your face at every turn我发誓我看见你的脸在每个转角。I try to get my usher on but I can"t let it burn我想要得到我的Usher但我不能让它燃烧(Usher唱过一首非常经典的情歌叫burn)And I just hope that she notice she the only one I yearn for我只是希望她能够察觉到她是我这些年的唯一。No more sooner will I learn没有更多的以后我能够学到了Didn"t give her all my love我以前没有给她我所有的爱I guess now I got my payback我想我现在已经偿付了那些。Now im in the club thinking all about my baby现在我在club里想着你,我的宝贝。HEY, she was so easy to love 嘿,她是那么容易让人着迷But wait, I guess that love wasn"t enough但等等,我想那样的爱并不够。I"m going through it everytime that im alone在我孤单的时候它一直萦绕在我的脑海里。Now im wishing she would just pick up the phone现在我只希望她能够接我的电话。But she made a decision that she wanted to move on但她决定她要搬走了。Cause I was wrong.所以我错了。I was thinking about her我在想着她Thinking but me想着我Thinkin bout us (us)想着我们Where we gunna be我们将会去哪里Open my eyes, (Yeah)睁开我的眼And it was only just a dream...这已经只是个梦So I travel back (Uh)所以我跋涉回来Down that road (road)从那条路Will she come back? (Uh)她也会回来吗?No Body knows没人知道Then I realize (Yeah)然后我意识到It was only just a dream...那只是一个梦If you every loved somebody put your hands up如果你曾经爱过一个人请举起手来If you every loved somebody put your hands up如果你曾经爱过一个人请举起手来Now they"re gone and you wish you could give them everything现在他们都离去了,而你曾可以给他们所有的东西。If you every loved somebody put your hands up如果你曾经爱过一个人请举起手来If you every loved somebody put your hands up如果你曾经爱过一个人请举起手来Now they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingI was thinking about her我在想着她Thinking but me想着我Thinkin bout us (us)想着我们Where we gunna be我们将会去哪里Open my eyes, (Yeah)睁开我的眼And it was only just a dream...这已经只是个梦So I travel back (Uh)所以我跋涉回来Down that road (road)从那条路Will she come back? (Uh)她也会回来吗?No Body knows没人知道Then I realize (Yeah)然后我意识到It was only just a dream...那只是一个梦I was thinking about herThinking but meThinkin bout us (us)Where we gunna beOpen my eyes, (Yeah)And it was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (road)Will she come back? (Uh)No Body knowsThen I realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...Just A Dream - Nellyalways by Antony shi & 屎清新 9.17.10end...

Just a dream--Nelly中文歌词?

was thinking about her我在想着她Thinking but me想着我Thinkin bout us (us)想着我们Where we gunna be我们将会去哪里Open my eyes, (Yeah)睁开我的眼And it was only just a dream...这已经只是个梦So I travel back (Uh)所以我跋涉回来Down that road (road)从那条路Will she come back? (Uh)她也会回来吗?No Body knows没人知道Then I realize (Yeah)然后我意识到It was only just a dream...那只是一个梦I was at the top and now its like im in the basement我曾经在顶点,现在我却像是在地下室。Number 1 spot, Now shes finding a replacement(曾在她的)第一位,现在她找到了一个替代品。I swear now I cant take it我发誓我现在能够带走它。Knowing somebody got my baby知道有人能够得到我的宝贝。Now you aint around, baby I can"t think现在你不在我的身旁,宝贝我不能思考了。I shoulda put it down, shoulda got that ring我已经放下了它(我们的感情),但还是带着那戒指。Cuz I can still feel it in the air因为我仍然感觉得到它(我们的爱)弥漫在空气中See her pretty face, run my finger through her hair看着她美丽的脸,她的头发从我的指尖滑过。My lover, my life我的爱人,我的生命My shawty, my wife我的甜心,我的妻子She left me, Im tight她离开了我,我紧的(应该是很紧张的意思)Cuz I knew that it just ain"t right因为我知道这样的情况并不对。I was thinking about herThinking but meThinkin bout us (us)Where we gunna beOpen my eyes, (Yeah)And it was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No Body knowsThen I realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...And I be ridin然后我四处闲逛着。And I swear I see your face at every turn我发誓我看见你的脸在每个转角。I try to get my usher on but I can"t let it burn我想要得到我的Usher但我不能让它燃烧(Usher唱过一首非常经典的情歌叫burn)And I just hope that she notice she the only one I yearn for我只是希望她能够察觉到她是我这些年的唯一。No more sooner will I learn没有更多的以后我能够学到了(这句我不清楚)Didn"t give her all my love我以前没有给她我所有的爱I guess now I got my payback我想我现在已经偿付了那些。Now im in the club thinking all about my baby现在我在club里想着你,我的宝贝。HEY, she was so easy to lovehey,她是那么容易让人着迷But wait, I guess that love wasn"t enough但等等,我想那样的爱并不够。I"m going through it everytime that im alone在我孤单的时候它一直萦绕在我的脑海里。Now im wishing she would just pick up the phone现在我只希望她能够接我的电话。But she made a decision that she wanted to move onCause I was wrong.但她决定她要搬走了。所以我错了。I was thinking about herThinking but meThinkin bout us (us)Where we gunna beOpen my eyes, (Yeah)And it was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (road)Will she come back? (Uh)No Body knowsThen I realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...If you every loved somebody put your hands up如果你曾经爱过一个人请举起手来If you every loved somebody put your hands up如果你曾经爱过一个人请举起手来Now they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingX2现在他们都离去了,而你曾可以给他们所有的东西。I was thinking about herThinking but meThinkin bout us (us)Where we gunna beOpen my eyes, (Yeah)And it was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (road)Will she come back? (Uh)No Body knowsThen I realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...X2

跪求just a dream 的歌名,要Jason Chen和Joseph Vincent合唱的那个版本的歌词。不要Nelly那个版本的


Nelly的just a dream歌词里到底是will 还是who she come back?


just a dream 歌词 nelly 的、原版的、

I was thinking about her我在想着她Thinking but me想着我Thinkin bout us (us)想着我们Where we gunna be我们将会去哪里Open my eyes, (Yeah)睁开我的眼And it was only just a dream...这已经只是个梦So I travel back (Uh)所以我跋涉回来Down that road (road)从那条路Will she come back? (Uh)她也会回来吗?No Body knows没人知道Then I realize (Yeah)然后我意识到It was only just a dream...那只是一个梦I was at the top and now its like im in the basement我曾经在顶点,现在我却像是在地下室。Number 1 spot, Now shes finding a replacement(曾在她的)第一位,现在她找到了一个替代品。I swear now I cant take it我发誓我现在能够带走它。Knowing somebody got my baby知道有人能够得到我的宝贝。Now you aint around, baby I can"t think现在你不在我的身旁,宝贝我不能思考了。I shoulda put it down, shoulda got that ring我已经放下了它(我们的感情),但还是带着那戒指。Cuz I can still feel it in the air因为我仍然感觉得到它(我们的爱)弥漫在空气中See her pretty face, run my finger through her hair看着她美丽的脸,她的头发从我的指尖滑过。My lover, my life我的爱人,我的生命My shawty, my wife我的甜心,我的妻子She left me, Im tight她离开了我,我紧的(应该是很紧张的意思)Cuz I knew that it just ain"t right因为我知道这样的情况并不对。I was thinking about herThinking but meThinkin bout us (us)Where we gunna beOpen my eyes, (Yeah)And it was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (Yeah)Will she come back? (Uh)No Body knowsThen I realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...And I be ridin然后我四处闲逛着。And I swear I see your face at every turn我发誓我看见你的脸在每个转角。I try to get my usher on but I can"t let it burn我想要得到我的Usher但我不能让它燃烧(Usher唱过一首非常经典的情歌叫burn)And I just hope that she notice she the only one I yearn for我只是希望她能够察觉到她是我这些年的唯一。No more sooner will I learn没有更多的以后我能够学到了(这句我不清楚)Didn"t give her all my love我以前没有给她我所有的爱I guess now I got my payback我想我现在已经偿付了那些。Now im in the club thinking all about my baby现在我在club里想着你,我的宝贝。HEY, she was so easy to lovehey,她是那么容易让人着迷But wait, I guess that love wasn"t enough但等等,我想那样的爱并不够。I"m going through it everytime that im alone在我孤单的时候它一直萦绕在我的脑海里。Now im wishing she would just pick up the phone现在我只希望她能够接我的电话。But she made a decision that she wanted to move onCause I was wrong.但她决定她要搬走了。所以我错了。I was thinking about herThinking but meThinkin bout us (us)Where we gunna beOpen my eyes, (Yeah)And it was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (road)Will she come back? (Uh)No Body knowsThen I realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...If you every loved somebody put your hands up如果你曾经爱过一个人请举起手来If you every loved somebody put your hands up如果你曾经爱过一个人请举起手来Now they"re gone and you wish you could give them everythingX2现在他们都离去了,而你曾可以给他们所有的东西。I was thinking about herThinking but meThinkin bout us (us)Where we gunna beOpen my eyes, (Yeah)And it was only just a dream...So I travel back (Uh)Down that road (road)Will she come back? (Uh)No Body knowsThen I realize (Yeah)It was only just a dream...

求nelly《just a dream》的中文歌词


葛万菌属Girvanella Nicholson et Etheridge,

模式种 Girvanella problematica Nicholson et Etheridge,1878属征 钙质圆管状丝体,波曲状,不分叉,管壁薄,微粒结构,管内亮晶充填。常呈松散或紧密的不规则缠绕状。丝体直径从几个微米到几十个微米。讨论 Girvanella曾在很长一段时间被认为是有孔虫(Nicholson & Etheridge,1878,1885),后来又先后被认为是松藻(Rothpletze,1890),丝状植物上非生物沉积物形成的结壳。Seward(1898)和Pollock(1918)将其与现在蓝细菌比较后,归入蓝细菌门。Girvanella种一级的划分很混乱,主要的划分标准是小管的内径大小及管壁的厚度。由于这两项指标的界线不好把握,造成许多同物异名现象。整个地质历史时期已经描述的Girvanella有很多个种(Danielli,1981)。Mamet和Roux(1975)对以前描述的庞杂的种做了很详细的修订工作,按照小体内径和管壁大小划分了4个区间,对应于4个种Girvanella kasakiensis、Girvanella problematica、Girvanella wetheredii及Girvanella staminea。维氏葛万菌Girvanella wetheredii Chapman,1908(图版1,图1、2)1974 Girvanella wetheredii Chapman,Mamet et Roux,p.141,pl.1,figs.9~12;p1.61,pl.2,figs.1~5.1981 Girvanella wetheredii Chapman,Mamet et Roux,p.94,pl.1,fig.1.特征 钙质管状丝体,波曲状,呈不规则缠结,丝体外径8~14μm,壁厚2~4μm。分布 此种广泛出现在塔中地区塔中63、塔中70、塔中73、塔中72等大多数井良里塔格组,及巴楚地区玛401井良里塔格组。疑问葛万菌Girvanella problematica Nicholson et Etheridge,1878 emend.Wood,1957(=Girvanella ducii Wethered,1890,auct)(图版1,图3、4)1890 Girvanella ducii Wethered:280,pl.11,fig.2a-c.1956 Girvanella problematica Nicholson et Etheridge,Maslov,pl.47,pl.5,fig.3.1975 Girvanella problematica Nicholson et Etheridge,Mamet et Roux,p.141,pl.2,figs.6~13;p.163,pl.3,figs.1~12;p.164,pl.4,figs.1~9.1981 Girvanella problematica Nicholson et Etheridge,Mamet et Roux,p.95,p1.1,figs.2~4.特征 钙质管状丝体,波曲状,呈不规则缠结,一般匍匐生长,壁薄,微晶质。外径14~22μm,壁厚2~4.5μm。分布 此种广泛出现在塔中地区塔中822、塔中62、塔中70、塔中73、塔中242等井良里塔格组,塔北地区轮古36、哈902、英买101、英买201、轮南50等井一间房组,巴楚地区玛401井良里塔格组,巴楚地区图科1井一间房组。卡萨克葛万菌Girvanella kasakiensismaslov,1949(图版1,图5、6)1975 Girvanella kasakiensismaslov;Mamet et Roux,p.142,pl.4,fig.10;pl.5,figs.1,2,9,10.特征 钙质管状丝体,波曲状,呈不规则缠结,丝体外径23~28μm,壁厚4~6μm。分布 此种广泛出现在塔中地区塔中822、塔中24、塔中70、塔中73、塔中242等井良里塔格组,巴楚地区玛401和玛5井良里塔格组。

求chanell ray《high heels》mp3全曲,谢谢


miss maynell and i grew to know


janelle monae的cold war 歌词+翻译

So you think that I"m alone That being alone is the only way to be When you step outside You spin like fire for your sanity This is a cold war You better know what you"re fighting forThis is a cold war Do you know what you"re fighting forIf you want to be free Feel the ground is the only place to be "Cause in this life You spend time running from depravity This is a cold war Do you know what you"re fighting forThis is a cold war You better know what you"re fighting forThis is a cold war You better know what you"re fighting forThis is a cold war Do you know what you"re fighting forWhen wings to the weak and bring grace to the strong make our legal stumble as it applies in the world All the tripes come and the mighty will crumble we must brave this night and have faith in the world I"m trying to find my peace I was made to believe there"s something wrong with me And it hurts my heart Lord have mercy ain"t it plain to see That this is a cold war Do you know what you"re fighting forThis is a cold war You better know what you"re fighting forThis is a cold....This is a cold war You better know what you"re fighting forDo you know? Is a cold...Do you? Do you?Is a cold ...You better know what you"re fighting for 不信任在线翻译软件,所以不好意思,翻译的话 还需高人啊。。。


[Intro] Yo, hey yo.. Now that I"m a fly guy, and I fly high (uh) Niggaz wanna know why (why), why I fly by But yo it"s all good, Range Rover all wood Do me like you should - fuck me good, suck me good We be them stud niggaz, wishin" you was niggaz Poppin" like we drug dealers, sippin" Cris-sy, bubb" mackin" (macker) Honey in the club, me in the Benz Icy cris, tellin" me to leave, leave wit you and your friends [Chorus] I wanna know if you wanna ride (wanna ride) Wanna go and take a ride with me (oh) I know a place where we can chill them (oh) And don"t worry I got plenty money Oh, oh, oh, hey.. [Verse 1] We in the club on a late night, we feelin" right (oh) Lookin" for lil shorties that"s gon" do me right (hey) And they can be 21 or 20 years old (oh) Long as they got ID, man I don"t need no troubles (hey oh) Than I peep two walking over nice and real slow (here they go) They said they liked the way I looked in my last video (oh) Is there somewhere Nelly, all three of us could go (oh) I thought about it for a minute then I said Hmm...(hell yea) [Chorus] I wanna know if you wanna ride (wanna ride) Wanna go and take a ride with me (oh) I know a place where we can chill them (oh) And don"t worry I got plenty money Hey, hey...hey [Verse 2] We still shoppin" nightly, frontin" like me and my boys E"ery other mall, I"m pullin" out another toy (hey oh) My pockets deeper than they"ve ever, ever been before I"m not just braggin", I"m just sayin" I ain"t gotta think about that shit no more All of a sudden, I"m the man wherever I go (oh) Screamin" fans got to stands now at my shows (oh) Heard there"s a party and the niggas at "The Palm" try to figure out should I go (oh) Thought about it for a minute then I said Hmm...(hell yea) [Chorus] I wanna know if you wanna ride (wanna ride) Wanna go and take a ride with me (oh) I know a place where we can chill them (oh) And don"t worry I got plenty money Hey, hey...hey I wanna know if you wanna ride (wanna ride) Wanna go and take a ride with me (oh) I know a place where we can chill them (oh) And don"t worry I got plenty money Oh, oh, oh...yea, oh [Verse 3] I know somethin", somethin" you don"t know (you don"t know) I know somethin", somethin" I got to tell ya (I got to tell ya) I know somethin", somethin" doubted my flow (doubted my flow) I know somethin", somethin" called me a failure (hey) I know somethin", somethin" you don"t know (you don"t know) I know somethin", somethin" I got to tell ya (hey) I know somethin", somethin" doubted my flow (doubted my flow) I know somethin", somethin" called me a failure (oh, oh, oh, oh) [Chorus] I wanna know if you wanna ride (wanna ride) Wanna go and take a ride with me (oh) I know a place where we can chill them (oh) And don"t worry I got plenty money Oh, oh, oh...again Oh, oh, oh...I said And don"t worry I got plenty money Oh, oh, oh...must be the money Oh, oh, oh...I said And don"t worry I got plenty money Hey.. [Outro] Free City (oh, oh) Shout out to my nigga John Mayer Holdin" it down dirty John Meyer, John Mayer You know we pronounce it different in the hood But dirty, you still be rockin"

Nelly的《Hold Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold Up歌手:Nelly专辑:Brass KnucklesNelly - Hold Up (Feat. T.I. & LL Cool J)Ya"ll already know what this is homeboyNo no no no no niggaFuck what you heard homeboyReal niggas on deckGoons is out nigga heyWe do 100 on the highwaySwitching lane after laneIf the po po come in let emAin"t no stopping todayWe brought them horses out tonight (hey)Them big blocks dudeCam phone pipes (hey)I know you here emPlease who in your room would trade places with meIf I ain"t what ya trying to be than why you hustling seeTo be young black and richIf that ain"t the combinationTell me when it switchedI need to know (listen)Maybe the problem is your thinking to smallYou niggas only wanna rap and that"s allYour only goal is to buy out the mallI go and buy me a mallYou want the stuff for the summerI"m gon buy me the fallAnd get a myspace lick (yeaaah)You know how many hits myspace gets (yeaaah)Man it"s like I"m hurting feelings just by telling the truthI"m hurting feelings in and out of this boothNow listenYou see me sitting in the turning lane (whooo)You wanna brag about a lil changeYou need to step up your game lil boyYou better Hold up (x6)You better sit your ass downYou better Hold up (x6)You better sit your ass downWell pac I see these haters watching meBut I ain"t tripping ya"ll see there ain"t no stopping meWeigh in the middleAnd I"m steady buying propertyI got land to catch me you hit the lotteryNiggas so stop playingBoy I ride what I want to and ye ain"t knowSee me buying what I want toWalk out the store 100 thousand in my pocketYou can tell how I wantI ball like a dogHorsing at the red lightOn chrome drop top candy red type454 nigga want better bring it home(fresh off vacation all this hate got me paranoid)Yeah better know itWanna bring it you ain"t ready for itNo right now what"s ya tell em go get boyAnd lights outAnd nigga I ain"t playing with yaCome any day I"ll hit yaDon"t let me pull up on ya in that turning lane niggaYou see me sitting in the turning lane (whooo)You wanna brag about a lil changeYou need to step up your game lil boyYou better Hold up (x6)You better sit your ass downYou better Hold up (x6)You better sit your ass downMy bread stack high like mike in NBA highlightsMan just means jacuzzi bubbling with sky lightsSmoke cool L jueal kill a niggas eye sightWal mart stops in 87 like damn rightMy wrist stay glisteningTwo birds kissingI"m sick of all this money somebody call a physician inThe american dream I"m with niggas is visioningYou clowns ain"t making it rain it"s just drizzlingActing like I ain"t paid what you talking boutI throw a party at the bank walk a million outGot over 30 movies what you think you doing to meYou sold a couple records how you think you gon do meYou know I"m in shape I slap you you gon try and sue meI buy you off slide off with your lil cutieAll the money is a god damn new senseLook at my career yeah I"m the blueprintYou see me sitting in the turning lane (whooo)You wanna brag about a lil changeYou need to step up your game lil boyYou better Hold up (x6)You better sit your ass downYou better Hold up (x6)You better sit your ass down

Nelly的《Na-Nana-Na》 歌词

歌曲名:Na-Nana-Na歌手:Nelly专辑:Tilt Ya Head Backna nana naby 云儿忘记了※Q:190701580^^Jazze Pha:Ladies and gentlemen!Ladies and gentlemenThis,is truly an eventNelly Nel,Jazze Phizzle,Jazz Phiza-fel(Na-nana-na, nana, nana, nana)Woooo-eee!(Na-nana-na, nana, nana, nana)Woo,woo,woo,oh boy(Na-nana-na, nana, nana, nana)Oh boy!Ohh!Hey,hey hey hey hey hey heyChorus:Well uh-huh, well uh-huh girl I"m parked outsideAnd you know that it"s sittin on chrome,chrome (uh-huh)Hey, I"m just lookin for a pretty young thangthat uh, I can take home (take home)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr-shorty can weleave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Nelly:I"m throwin nuggets out the fellow I push to CarmelloYellow on yellow flooded the band and the bezelHear me now! Oh, no, did you see the hue?I took the Phantom to the Opera,same van roll through the ghettoCan we leave hurr?Shorty need to make up her mindI seen them niggaz over there,but they ain"t takin my shineGot 7 niggaz tryin to be me,out here breakin they spineBut they got 7 different levels for they minions 2 mindI want you both shorty (oh) go get it crunk shorty (oh)I see your A-T-L stamp and go" head and stomp shorty(oh)I got that shake now, and don"t be scared nowCause we can come from the kitchen up to that bed nowShit it ain"t nuttin to a boss, I heat you like air offIt ain"t nuttin, they ain"t cuttin,they frontin, that"s they lossCause the, "Tics is good, and the van is paid offAnd I done got so damn cocky I took that Band-Aid offChorus:Well uh-huh, well uh-huh girl I"m parked outsideAnd you know that it"s sittin on chrome,chrome (uh-huh)Hey, I"m just lookin for a pretty young thangthat uh, I can take home (take home)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr-shorty can weleave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Nelly:Uhhhhhhhh, picture perfect, I paint a perfect pictureThird album, same focus, my intent is to get richerI"m with my dirty Jazze Phizzle,he yieldin that instrumentalYouse a cold-ass nigga on the track (SHO" NUFF!)Man - I"m tired of poppin these bottles,tired of fuckin these modelsI"m tired of these menage-a nights-yeah right(PSYCH!)I was built for it, I got hip for itI even got a little swagger in my limp for itI done had, sex in the city plus sex in the countryYou know - sex in the zoo di-rectly behind the monkeysHold up! Don"t get me wrong, I"m lookin for Ms. RightBut tonight ain"t the time, I"m lookin for right nowIt"s two-thousand-fo", I"m in a new homeThrew out the Bentley bought a Double R {?}It"s like I"m holdin on to permanent mistletoe,I think you been sittin lowI got a driver dirty, he come when the whistle blowChorus:Well uh-huh, well uh-huh girl I"m parked outsideAnd you know that it"s sittin on chrome,chrome(uh-huh)Hey, I"m just lookin for a pretty young thangthat uh, I can take home (take home)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr-shorty can weleave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Nelly:(Na-nana-na) I"m smoother than you know(Na-nana-na) Cadillac do"s and bank rolls(Na-nana-na) I simply go places you can"t goAin"t see me in no Linc",but u know that derrty in BroughamI be on my (grind-na-grind-na-grind-na-grind)With my money on my (mind-my-mind-my-mind-my-mind)Plus I"m still in my (prime-my-prime-my-prime-my-prime)And we be smokin that (la-lala-lala-lala)Chorus:Well uh-huh, well uh-huh girl I"m parked outsideAnd you know that it"s sittin on chrome,chrome(uh-huh)Hey, I"m just lookin for a pretty young thangthat uh, I can take home (take home)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr(yeah)Can we leave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr-shorty can weleave hurr (yeah)can we leave hurr (yeah)Can we leave hurr (yeah) can we leave hurr (yeah)(Na-nana-na, nana, nana, nana)by 云儿忘记了※

Cornell University是什么大学?它的有关背景?

它的food science巨牛

cornell university康奈尔大学排名

cornell university康奈尔大学排名在全球高校中列第十二位。康奈尔大学,位于美国纽约州伊萨卡,是一所私立研究型大学。该校是美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一,著名的常春藤盟校八成员之一。截止2020年10月,共有61位康奈尔大学的校友或教研人员曾荣获诺贝尔奖,在全球高校中列第十二位,居全美第十位。康乃尔大学被视为全国最多元化校园的其中一座,拥有500个注册学生团体,其中包括从独木舟到全副武装的马上枪术比赛、福音歌咏团、即兴表演剧场、多人作赛电玩会、人声无伴奏合唱团等不同兴趣项目。本科生学生宿舍分成三个部分,分别是西校区、大学镇 和北校区。西校区主要供转校生及高年级生居住,中央校区内的宿舍仅为法学院的住宿学院,北校区则包括新生及研究生的宿舍和学生联谊会活动场所。大学镇拥有一个施瓦茨表演艺术中心和两个高年级学生宿舍,以及一些餐馆和商店。值得一提的是,康奈尔大学近年校园餐饮服务多次被评为全美院校最佳。


康奈尔大学,名为Cornell University,是美国纽约州伊萨卡的一所私立研究型大学。康奈尔是常春藤联盟成员校、国际大学气候联盟成员校、美国公立与赠地大学协会成员 、美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一。康奈尔的校训是:让任何人都能在此学到任何想学的知识。康奈尔的立校之本是任何人都有获得教育的平等权利,是常春藤盟校中第一所实行性别平等的男女合校大学,在招生录取上最早实行不计阶级身份,不分信仰种族,并以创建学科齐全、包罗万象的新型综合性大学为建校宗旨。


cornell大学是康奈尔大学。康奈尔大学(Cornell University),又译作“康乃尔大学”,位于美国纽约州伊萨卡,是美国境内的一所私立研究型大学,为常春藤联盟成员校、国际大学气候联盟成员校、美国公立与赠地大学协会成员校、美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一。康奈尔大学共有9处校址,分别为伊萨卡校区、威尔康奈尔医学院校区(纽约市)、康奈尔科技校区(纽约市)、列克星顿校区(纽约市)、威尔康奈尔医学院卡塔尔校区、康奈尔罗马建筑工作室(意大利)、沃尔普中心(华盛顿特区)、康奈尔农业科技校区(纽约州杰尼瓦市)、浅滩海洋实验室(新罕布什尔州)。其中,伊萨卡校区是主校区,位于美国纽约州西北部手指湖地区伊萨卡市的东山上。学校标识:康奈尔大学校徽呈圆形,圆环上写有“Cornell University”“Founded A.D.1865”两行字。校徽有红色、白色、黑色三种。康奈尔大学校徽右侧,可书写康奈尔大学校名或二级学院名称。不能书写专业或项目的名称。书写二级学院名称时需增加分隔线,二级学院名称字体大小需与校徽相同,并于校徽保持一个半径的间距。校歌:康奈尔大学校歌(Alma Mater)名为《远在卡尤加湖之上》(Far Above Cayuga"s Water),于1870年由康奈尔大学的两位学生阿奇博尔德u2022威克斯(Archibald Weeks)和威尔莫特u2022史密斯(Wilmot Smith)所创作,旋律改编自1857年亨利·S·汤普森所作的民谣《安妮u2022莱尔》。


cornell大学是康奈尔大学(Cornell University)。位于美国纽约州伊萨卡,是一所世界著名的私立研究型大学(另有两个校区位于纽约市和卡塔尔教育城)。该校是美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一,著名的常春藤盟校八大成员之一。康奈尔大学由埃兹拉·康奈尔和安德鲁·迪克森·怀特于1865年建立,是常春藤盟校中创建于美国独立战争之后的新生力量,其办学理念影响了全美高等教育,办学规模为当时全美高校之最。康奈尔大学的立校之本是任何人都有获得教育的平等权利,是常春藤盟校中第一所实行性别平等的联合办学的大学。学校特色:康奈尔大学是常春藤盟校的新生力量,它的校色是大红,鲜艳热烈,热情奔放。似乎,任何人的青春都能在康奈尔这里燃烧。康奈尔大学的创举在于它独特的办学风格,其校训出自创始人埃兹拉·康奈尔写给首任校长的一封信中:“I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study”,即“我要创建一所院校让任何人都可找到自己感兴趣的学科”。本着这一宗旨,康奈尔大学一直致力于增加课程开设的覆盖面,才形成了学校今天这种应有尽有的专业规模,课程开设高达4000多门。

cornell bowers cis是哪个学校

cornell bowers cis是康伯斯威尔大学康奈尔大学(Cornell University),又译作“康乃尔大学”,主校区位于美国纽约州伊萨卡,是美国境内的一所私立综合类研究型大学,为常春藤联盟成员校、国际大学气候联盟成员校、美国公立与赠地大学协会成员校、美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一。康奈尔大学位列QS世界大学排名(2023)第20名,位列软科世界大学学术排名(2022)第12名。康奈尔大学由埃兹拉·康奈尔和安德鲁·迪克森·怀特创建,于1865年4月27日奠基。自1868年10月7日起开学,于1871年成立建筑学院,于1875年开始招收女生,于1888年成立农学院,于1898年成立医学院,于2001年成立威尔康奈尔卡塔尔医学院,于2011年创建康奈尔科技学院。截至2021年,康奈尔大学共设有16所学院,79个本科专业,106个硕士项目,85个博士项目,在校生25898人,教职员7656人,美国国家科学院院士34人,美国国家工程院院士26人。截止2018年10月,共有17位康奈尔大学校友、33位教研人员获得过诺贝尔奖。


  Cornell是美国康奈尔大学,康奈尔大学(Cornell University),位于美国纽约州伊萨卡,是一所世界顶级私立研究型大学(另有两个校区位于纽约市和卡塔尔教育城)。该校是美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一,著名的常春藤盟校八成员之一。下面由我带大家详细了解美国康奈尔大学。   cornell是美国哪所大学简称   Cornell是美国康奈尔大学,康奈尔大学(Cornell University),位于美国纽约州伊萨卡,是一所世界顶级私立研究型大学(另有两个校区位于纽约市和卡塔尔教育城)。该校是美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一,著名的常春藤盟校八成员之一。    Cornell大学的特点    1、康奈尔大学是美国为数不多的私人赠地大学之一   在纽约州立大学的 7 所本科学院中,有3 所是州立大学支持的法定或合同学院,包括农业和人类生态学学院以及产业劳动关系学院。在康奈尔大学的研究生院中,只有兽医学院是国家资助的。   作为一所赠地大学, 康奈尔大学在纽约的每个县都有一个合作推广项目,并每年从纽约州获得资金用于某些教育任务康奈尔大学位于纽约伊萨卡的主校区占地 745 英亩(如果算上康奈尔植物园和纽约市众多大学拥有的土地,那就超过4300 英亩了)。    2、康奈尔大学的立校之本是任何人都有获得教育的平等权利   康奈尔大学采用公私合营的办学模式,最初以农工学院为特色而起家。康奈尔大学专业包括理工、经管、文理、农业、兽医、建筑、教育、金融以及传媒等。    Cornell大学就业前景   康奈尔大学在2017年QS世界大学毕业生就业率排名中位列第13,在”与雇主建立的合作关系”这一项评分指标上得到了非常高的分数,位列全球第9位。康奈尔大学的洋潭就业与残疾机构旨在促进所有残疾人拥有平等的就业机会。康奈尔大学的毕业生凭借他们在公共、专业和企业中取得的成就而闻名,包括众多公司的首席执行官,例如卡夫食品公司以及万事达信用卡,亨利汉姆利克(海姆立克急救法的发明者) ,比尔奈(此尔耐伊科学人节目的主持人) ,以及美国最高法院大法官露丝巴德金斯伯格。    Cornell大学优势专业就业   康奈尔大学是常春藤名校中唯一采用公私合营的办学模式,最初以农工学院为特色而起家,其酒店管理学院、工业与劳工关系学院为全美首创。康奈尔大学的传统优势专业包括农业、兽医、工科、劳工关系、文理、经济、建筑、教育、商科、传媒、以及酒店管理等。

Donell Jones的《Blackmail》 歌词

歌曲名:Blackmail歌手:Donell Jones专辑:Lyrics06.Blackmail.I""m unhappy that you got back with your manAnd you forgot all about meYou told me your relationship was about to endThen you stop taking my calls babeThru the grapevine heard you started making plansThat you and him was gone get marriedBut just last weekend you was laying in my bedTrying to tell me that you love meWhat you gonna do when I tell him we been making lovegone make me do somethingWhat you gonna do when I try to break the two of y""all upwould you like it if I show up on your wedding.Blackmail - he don""t know what you been doingBlackmail - your life I""m about to ruinBlackmail - and I don""t feel badBlackmail - you can send my money in a duffel bagBlackmail - he don""t know what you been doingBlackmail - your life I""m about to ruinBlackmail - you better watch out who you screwBlackmail - I""m gone be the postman that""s gone deliver the truth.It was pleasure now it business girlI got a master plan still got them videos that we madeAnd I know it""s shady but you gotta understandThat you can""t be breaking hearts babePush me to the side because the cat""s a millionaireNow all I want to do is get paidWithout that money you""ll be standing at the altar by yourselfCause I""m gone tell this brother everything.What you gonna do when I tell him we been making lovegone make me do somethingWhat you gonna do when I try to break the two of ya""ll upwould you like it if I show up on your wedding.Blackmail - he don""t know what you been doingBlackmail - your life I""m about to ruinBlackmail - and I don""t feel badBlackmail - you can send my money in a duffel bagBlackmail - he don""t know what you been doingBlackmail - your life I""m about to ruinBlackmail - you better watch out who you screwBlackmail - I""m gone be the postman that""s gone deliver the truth.You gone get what you deserve oow baby that""s my wordWhen he find out you been cheating he""s gone kick you to the curbBetter have that cash, dig into his stashWhen you finish collecting it send it in a duffel bagCause you don""t know how much I got on youAnd I""ma be the one that""s gone tell the truthBet you won""t break another heartHere""s a lesson learned, keep playing with fireYou gone be burned.Blackmail - he don""t know what you been doingBlackmail - your life I""m about to ruinBlackmail - and I don""t feel badBlackmail - you can send my money in a duffel bagBlackmail - he don""t know what you been doingBlackmail - your life I""m about to ruinBlackmail - you better watch out who you screwBlackmail - I""m gone be the postman that""s gone deliver the truth


New Souljewel_standstan不管像不像 感觉挺好听的 试试O(∩_∩)O~

谁有Nelly的air force one的歌词?急急急!!!,%7CNelly+Air+Fo%2E%2E%7C%D2%F4%C0%D6%BE%AB%D1%A1%B5%DA%B6%FE%BC%AF+%CD%C6%BC%F6&word=mp3,请用qq163.com听歌www.qq163.com请用qq163.com听歌77fug11ykkkkxx9ftk8899x7yy99/nan/YWRpazU$.mp3,,[Nelly]&lm=16777216

求happiness che nelle中文歌词


Nella Fantasia 歌词

歌曲名:Nella Fantasia歌手:Sarah Brightman专辑:Diva:The Singles CollectionSarah Brightman - Nella FantasiaNella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,Li tutti vivono in pace e in onestà.Io sogno d"anime che sono sempre libere,Come le nuvole che volano,Pien" d"umanità in fondo all"anima.Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo chiaro,Li anche la notte è meno oscura.Io sogno d"anime che sono sempre libere,Come le nuvole che volano.Nella fantasia esiste un vento caldo,Che soffia sulle città, come amico.Io sogno d"anime che sono sempre libere,Come le nuvole che volano,Pien" d"umanità in fondo all"anima.

求Nelly feat.Snoop Dogg&Nate Dogg的LA歌词 有翻译的话加分

Nelly ft.Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg - LA<br> <br> 专辑:Brass Knuckles<br> <br> 歌词<br> [Snoop Dogg:]<br> West Coast whaa whaa wha what<br> {Nelly}<br> This shit right here homie<br> Shit right here<br> Straight west coasting<br> {Snoop Dogg}<br> Whaa whaa wha West west Coast coast coast<br> Nephew<br> Go Hard<br> <br> [Chorus x2: Nelly]<br> Switch 1 (switch 1) raise it up<br> Switch 2 (switch 2) make the back end up<br> Switch 3 (switch 3) work it side to side<br> Switch 4 (switch 4) make it a [? ] ride<br> Ya heard me<br> <br> [Verse 1: Nelly]<br> I just touched down at this LAX<br> I"m looking for these girls on this LAX<br> Trying to find them niggas with that LA best<br> Dodging them niggas with that LA Stress<br> See I"m a visitor I"m a LA guest<br> I got to be aware on how the LA dress<br> Cause if it comes down I might get LA stretched<br> I ain"t trying to be a trophy on no LA desk<br> Some niggas walk up tossing LA sets<br> I guess this supposed to be some type of LA test<br> Better watch the girls with the LA chest<br> Alot of plastic in those LA breasts (hahahaha)<br> I hit the crenshaw where they LA stunt<br> Seen a lot of 64"s and LA trucks<br> Seen a lot of girls with them LA butts<br> A lot of niggas with them dickies and chucks (ya feel me)<br> <br> [Chorus x2: Nelly & Snoop Dogg]<br> Switch 1 (switch 1) raise it up<br> Switch 2 (switch 2) make the back end up<br> Switch 3 (switch 3) work it side to side<br> Switch 4 (switch 4) make it a [? ] ride<br> Ya heard me<br> <br> [Verse 2: Nelly]<br> Yo I spend a lot of time on this LA coast<br> Out here trying to do the LA most<br> Showfer driven phantom like a LA ghost<br> In the back with a drink take a LA toast<br> I spend a lot of time in them LA heels<br> With them models actresses and them LA heels<br> To my lawyers office for a LA deal<br> Cut the check for some LA kneels<br> Now I"m off to roadao just to LA shop<br> Still getting dirty looks from some LA cops<br> You than thought since Rodney King LA stopped<br> When they burn the LA watts<br> I send a lot of love to my LA brothers<br> My latinos and my negroes in them LA colors<br> My blessings go out to those LA mothers<br> Know that nelly is an LA lover<br> <br> [Chorus x2: Nelly & Snoop Dogg]<br> Switch 1 (switch 1) raise it up<br> Switch 2 (switch 2) make the back end up<br> Switch 3 (switch 3) work it side to side<br> Switch 4 (switch 4) make it a [? ] ride<br> Ya heard me<br> <br> [Verse 3: Nate Dogg]<br> Guess who just stepped in the place (the midwest)<br> It"s your OG homie Nate (all day)<br> My homie snoop and nelly (La)<br> And we all up in your face (all day)<br> Different questions everyday (the midwest)<br> I got my answer in my way (all day)<br> Yeah they all got something to say (LA)<br> From st. louis to La (all day)<br> <br> [Chorus x2: Nelly & Snoop Dogg]<br> Switch 1 (switch 1) raise it up<br> Switch 2 (switch 2) make the back end up<br> Switch 3 (switch 3) work it side to side<br> Switch 4 (switch 4) make it a [? ] ride<br> Ya heard me<br> <br> 很可惜,翻译的版本没有

salmonella spp中文翻译

Control of salmonella spp . in aquatics of denmark and its effects 丹麦养殖业沙门氏菌的控制措施及其效果 In 2006 , the number of isolates of salmonella spp . tested was 1 二零零六年,沙门氏菌的测试样本数目有1个。 In 2001 , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 27 二零零一年度,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为27个。 For months april - june , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 1 四月至六月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为1个。 For months april - june , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 4 四月至六月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为4个。 For months april - june , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 0 四月至六月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为0个。 For months april - june , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 13 四月至六月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为13个。 For months january - march , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 5 一月至三月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为5个。 For months july - september , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 3 七月至九月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为3个。 For months july - september , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 8 七月至九月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为8个。 For months january - march , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 0 一月至三月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为0个。 For months july - september , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 0 七月至九月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为0个。 For months july - september , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 1 七月至九月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为1个。 For months july - september , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 18 七月至九月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为18个。 For months january - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 5 一月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为5个。 For months october - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 4 十月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为4个。 For months october - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 1 十月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为1个。 For months october - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 3 十月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为3个。 For months january - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 0 一月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为0个。 For months october - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 9 十月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为9个。 For months october - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 0 十月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为0个。 For months january - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 1 一月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为1个。 For months january - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 30 一月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为30个。 For months january - december , the number of positive specimens for salmonella spp . was 10 一月至十二月份,对沙门氏菌呈阳性的样本数目为10个。 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - horizontal method for the detection of salmonella spp 食品和牲畜饲料的微生物学.沙门氏菌检测卧式方法 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - horizontal method for the detection of salmonella spp 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.测定沙门科菌属类的水平式检测方法 Indication : for the treatment of bacterial enteritis caused by e . cop , salmonella spp . , proteus , dysentery bacillus , an d other organi *** s susceptible to neomycin 用于治疗禽畜的大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、变形杆菌、痢疾杆菌以及其他对新霉素敏感菌感染引起的肠炎。 Foodborne illness refers to any illness that is related to food ingestion . it is monly caused by bacterial pathogens such as salmonella spp . however , certain foodborne pathogens may also gain entry into our body through skin cuts or abrasion during the handpng or preparation of food , e . g 经食物传播的疾病指所有与进食食物有关的疾病,这些疾病通常由沙门氏菌等细菌性致病原引起,但也有一些经食物传播的致病原,是透过处理或烹调食物时皮肤出现的伤口而入侵人体,创伤弧菌即为一例。 Many pai have been discovered in many pathogens to humans ( pathogenic e . cop , yersiniae spp . , salmonella spp . , vibrio cholerae et al . ) - among them , the pai of yersiniae which encodes siderophore yersiniabactin ( ybt ) system is designated high - pathogenicity island ( hpi ) . hpi is essential for the mouse virulence in yersiniae 其中,耶尔森菌中的一个与铁载体? ?耶尔森杆菌素( yersiniabactin , ybt )合成转运和调节有关的毒力岛被称为hpi毒力岛( high - pathogenicityisland , hpi ) 。

求Oh Nelly的歌词

Album:NellyvilleTitle:Oh Nelly[Nelly]They said a country boy, came through and then - changed the gameIf you what you got ain"t hot then - check your flameIf what you spittin ain"t hittin then - check your aimYour record sales start to slip and then - Nelly to blameNow who you know come through first time on the sceneNo set-ups, no guest appearances in betweenRide like a nigga drinkin gasolineI keep it hot, like my dirty down in New OrleansThe Rams won the Superbowl, bought myself a ringWhether you sparkle or you bling, don"t matter same thingThug drinkin mo", but Don the KingI"m gettin pissy, with Tissy, Missy and IreneReal close friends that like to try thingsMe and my dirties we like to buy thingsFuck around and give me a license to fly thingsLook up in the sky and have a Nelly sighting, like[Chorus: repeat 2X]Skurrrrt, oh! (Gon" break it down)Oh Nelly! (Gon" change that game around)And I bet (y"all really gon" hate him now)Why don"t you come ride with me? Oooh-wee![Nelly]First name Nelly, last name NelFirst letter C, last letter LSix hundred fly by, what the hell?V-12 full detail, sittin on Sprewell"sWho in? Can"t tell, too much tintBut why the radio so loud? Too much spentNever be a Bush man, too Bill Clint"Both country boys, and if the head right, E.I.Head for my residency, lovin my presidencyI do it like you never did seeShady to them niggaz that"s shadin meGivin back to the ones that gave to meBought a Caddy for the man that created me (who?)My daddy, call him Big Nelly (ooh!)Pimp juice flowin through that bloodline cuzHuh, see what it does? Yeah, you feel the buzz, like[Chorus][Nelly]One mo" time! N, E, dash L-L-YIf you didn"t like me then, gon" hate me nowMe and Murph" fogged out in the buggy IWith the, suction doors, two bad-ass whoresHolla at Yo, cause I need that custom madeWaves, fresh fade, brand new Band-AidSkurrrt, them boys ain"t playin aroundunless it"s in to watch shorty (?) face hopscotchNever tic-tac-toe, there"s too many of thoseI need a Rocky Dennis face - uhh, knowhatImean?Then I"m good to roll; hey, out of controlNew motto - never fuck the same hoe!Tryin to catch Bilt, four "more to goFrom the bed to the flo", jackrabbit too proKnock "em out, wake baby girl to let her knowYo - you can"t even stay here tonight, f"real, I"m sorry[Chorus][Nelly - still talking over Chorus]Y"know, cuz, my security they gon" be knockin on the door in a minuteand, if you ain"t out ma it"s, it"s it"s gon" be violenceUm, yeah, f"sure, nothin personal, fo"sho"[Interlude]Uh uh, uh, you come ride with meUh, uh uh, uh you come ride with meSkurrrrrt! Uh uh, uh, uh you come ride with meUh uh, uh, uh, uh uh[Chorus] - 1/2X

nelly fly away歌词翻译

Nelly - Fly Away [Nelly Talking] Free City This is a shout out to every young brother ya know Thats doin his thing right now Keep ya head up... He"s walkin the yard wishin he had wings Ya know so he could fly up out that joint Man [Intro] If I could, fly away Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more I, I"d turn around, Just to see you for the last time, See, now I know Hey, that it won"t be easy I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard [Verse 1] Man, it"s the longest yard I ever had to get in my life And see my life ain"t right, if my wife don"t write My niggas cant eat if the fish don"t bite My raise the gross sales, like Mike and Ike Now big brother almighty I keep a gamma ray, i"ma G-5 G Take a G-5 jeep, G-5 deep Too some of their bare feet And that jeep don"t speak Listen mayne they lock it down round herre See body bag and gag and your found round herre This as serious as it sound round herre The guards guard the ground, 4 pounds round herre And they ain"t playin, they"re just lettin you know That anything they want to happen, nigga happen real slow Get the word from upstairs, put you in that hole I cant take it, I"m just ready to go [Chorus] If I could, fly away Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more I, I"d turn around, Just to see you for the last time, See, now I know Hey, that it won"t be easy I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard Yeah yeah, its still the longest yard Uh uh, its still the longest yard Um um, its still the longest yard I done fought in a battle and I done made it this far [Verse 2] I"m in my cell 20 hours a day And doin push-ups ever hour a day Cause im tryin to keep the cobwebs away Thats why im markin off the calendar days Tryin to get it out of the way And im just tryin to keep a piece of mine And im gon shame a motherfucker with a piece of mine Cause he tryin to take a piece of mine So im gon slice his ass a piece at a time But now that they close the door Lock me in and cell 30 deep but its built for 10 Tell me what kind of world they got you in With the barbed wire fences, box u in >From now, til they turn off the lights I"ma read anything in sight Its kinda hard tryin to read at night But I"ma change my life And hope another brother take this flight [Chorus] If I could, fly away Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more I, I"d turn around, Just to see you for the last time, See, now I know Hey, that it won"t be easy I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard Yeah yeah, its still the longest yard Uh uh, its still the longest yard Um um, its still the longest yard I done fought in a battle and I done made it this far [Verse 3] (Oohh no) I gotta make it out this place some how (Oohh no) Man I really believe that I done turned it around (Oohh no) You see, all I need is that second chance to show, since I crossed the ration, my obligation of rehabilitation (Oohh no) They can punch me high, and they can kick me low (Oohh no) But I mean its gonna take more than that for them to break my soul (Oohh no) Man its hard for people to understand what its like to be, gated, incarcerated , I just cant take it, but I"ma make it man to see better days [Chorus] If I could, fly away Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more I, I"d turn around, Just to see you for the last time, See, now I know Hey, that it won"t be easy I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard Yeah yeah, its still the longest yard Uh uh, its still the longest yard Um um, its still the longest yard I done fought in a battle and I done made it this far [Hook] If I could fly away, If I could I turn around, If I could fly away [娜丽谈] 自由城市 这是一个喊出来的每一个年轻的兄弟亚知道 这就是doin他的事的权利,现在 保持亚头。 一九九九至二零零零walkin该码wishin他的翅膀 娅知道,所以他能飞起来指出,联合 男人 [简介] 如果我可以,飞走 ooo ,我不会回来,没有更多的 我,我署署长掉头, 刚才看到你在过去的时间, 见,现在我知道 嘿,这将不容易 i做争取在一个战役中,我做了这远远 i的宝贝,数英尺,但其仍是最长码 [诗1 ] 男子,它的最长的码是我已获得在我的生活 看看我的生命是不正确的,如果我的妻子不收件 我niggas不能吃,如果鱼不咬 可能提高销售总额,像麦克和IKE 现在大哥哥万能 我总是一伽玛射线,我是克-五克 采取克- 5吉普车,克- 5深 过了他们的一些赤脚 和thet深不发言 听他们可能锁定它的权利herre 看到尸体袋的gag和您的发现权herre 这是严重的,因为它的声音的权利herre 看守民警卫队在地面上, 4磅的权利herre 他们是不是playin ,他们只是lettin你知道 任何他们想要发生, niggahappen真正的缓慢 得到这个词从楼上,你在这洞 我可以不采取它,我justready去 [合唱团] 如果我可以,飞走 ooo ,我不会回来,没有更多的 我,我要扭转, 刚才看到你在过去的时间, 见,现在我知道 嘿,它将不容易 i做争取在一个战役中,做了这么远 i的宝贝,数英尺,但其仍是最长码 是啊是啊,它仍是最长码 嗯嗯,它仍是最长码 嗯嗯,它仍是最长码 i做争取在一战和我做了这远远 [诗2 ] 我在我的细胞20小时, 1天 和doin俯卧撑,每一个小时的一天 原因我tryin保持距离cobwebs 这就是为什么我马琴小康日历天 tryin失控的方式 和IM只是tryin保持一块排雷 我在哪里的耻辱一motherfucker同一块排雷 造成他的tryin采取的一块排雷 因此,即时通讯在哪里切片他的驴一块在一个时间 但现在他们关闭大门 我锁在一个牢房30日深,但其内置的10 告诉我,什么样的世界,他们得到你在 与烧烤的铁丝网,方块,你在 从现在起,直到他们关掉灯 我看过的任何视线 它的kinda很难tryin改为在夜间 但我改变我的生活 并希望另一个兄弟借这个飞行 [合唱团] ( oohh没有)我的宝贝,使它走出这个地方的一些如何 ( oohh NO )的男子,我真的相信我所做的turne它靠近 ( oohh没有)你看,所有我需要的是,第二次机会,向大家展示, 自从我跨过了口粮,我obligationof康复 ( oohh没有) ,他们可以冲我高,他们可以踢我低 ( oohh没有) ,但我的意思是它在哪里采取更thatn说,他们打破我的灵魂 ( oohh NO )的男子,其强硬的人了解其想,门控,嵌顿,我只是不能,但我使它男子看到更好的天 [合唱团] [吊钩] 如果我能飞走, 如果我可以,我想谈谈左右, 如果我能飞走

Virginelle的《Fantasy 》 歌词

歌曲名:Fantasy 歌手:Virginelle专辑:Super Eurobeat Vol.194Virginelle - FantasySuper Eurobeat vol. 10 - Extended Versionlrc - ps2maxLosing all the timeNever say goodbyeBut illusion, only mine.Dance with meFancying in my heartWalking by myselfAnd I"m feeling like to startMy life awayI just sing everyday"Take it easy" and say"Alone again" it"s " The power of love"I just touch every nightMany subjects, all nightThis one baby (is) about my loveCarry on, too many times for loveI love played as ever with your heartI don"t know, it"s like a fantasyYou"re only mine, oh what a melodyFacing every manPushing by myselfOh I"m feeling now and thenLike a foolTaking every chanceHanging" over meAnd I"m living my romanceThe way I likeI just sing everyday"Take it easy" and say"Alone again" it"s " The power of love"I just touch every nightMany subjects, all nightThis one baby (is) about my loveCarry on, too many times for loveI love played as ever with your heartI don"t know, it"s like a fantasyYou"re only mine, oh what a melodyCarry on, too many times for loveI love played as ever with your heartI don"t know, it"s like a fantasyYou"re only mine, oh what a melodyI just sing everyday"Take it easy" and say"Alone again" it"s " The power of love"I just touch every nightMany subjects, all nightThis one baby (is) about my loveCarry on, too many times for loveI love played as ever with your heartI don"t know, it"s like a fantasyYou"re only mine, oh what a melody









请问Nell Barrett是什么品牌?

尼奥·贝奈特。是这个吧! 尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 是设计师尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 自创同名品牌。尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 出生于英国的一个服装世家,毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁学院,曾任古驰 (GUCCI) 高级男装设计师长达5年,其后,尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 又担任过普拉达 (PRADA) 的男装设计总监达4年之久。尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 2003年开始为著名运动品牌彪马 (Puma) 推出“PUMA 96 HOURS”系列;2004年,尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 曾为布拉德·彼特 (Brad Pitt) 主演的史诗大片《特洛伊》担任服装指导, 并于当年欧联足球赛时接受彪马 (Puma) 的邀请为意大利国家队设计了一系列队服。 尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 的设计理念集实用与美学于一身,其设计产品以男装为主,女装为辅。尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 专攻极简主义设计,他的设计干净利落,以完美结构与廓形着称。作为中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院 (Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design) 的毕业生,尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 印证了自己是最具创造性且独立的当代男装设计师之一。尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 服装系列融合经典裁剪与紧贴趋势的技术,结合精细巧妙的设计,配上设计师钟爱的蓝、白、黑与灰色,永恒且具独立精神。尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 旗下年轻的丹宁副线“Indigo denim collection”风格简约利落,带有Helmut Lang 及JIL SANDER 的影子。尼奥·贝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 个人的时尚主张是:“你可以穿得时髦而不古怪,重要的是平衡;有点色彩,但不过分;有点设计,但不夸张。”


最先火起来是因为暮光之城女主贝拉和爱德华在剧中背过,有种低调奢华,复古神秘的感觉,陪着剧中爱德华的身份加电影有些暗沉的色调,真的是好看死了!经典设计,颜色繁多,是时尚单品的必备,轻巧不渗水大容量让它一直是户外型包的必备之选。Fjallraven(瑞典北极狐)是瑞典市场占有率领先的高端户外品牌,是瑞典皇室御用品牌,也是唯一一家获得瑞典皇室御用品牌殊荣的户外品牌。Fjallraven(瑞典北极狐)品牌成立50多年来,销售网络已经遍及全球。 Fjallraven是瑞典语,“Fjall”意为“北极”,“Raven”在瑞典语中意为“狐狸”,“Fjallraven”的中文名称是“北极狐”最经典的就是蓝绿黄三个颜色,也是多多少少有些复古的味道,方方正正的包背起来背影看起来乖巧极了。与北极狐外形相似的就是日本的anello背包了,anello本是日本一个小众的潮牌,但是由于它独大的设计和良好的品质,受到很多人青睐,最先火起来是在我国的大淘宝,以红蓝撞色火到小到各校校园大到各城商场,只要你敢背一定就会撞等一发不可收拾的地步。

Gino Vannelli 的歌曲 hurts to be in love的中文歌词?

More and moreYour kiss is like a half opened doorI can"t get inYou stop me just before I beginAnd it hurts to be in loveWhen you never get enoughOh it hurts to be in loveThis endless urgeKeeps my body right on the vergeWe touch and thenI wanna do it all over againAnd it hurts to be in loveWhen you only want me half as muchI tell you it hurts to be in loveI"m always worried you think I"m pushing too hardOh baby it hurts me when you tell me I"m going to farWe touch and thenI wanna do it all over againAnd it hurts to be in loveWhen you only want me half as muchI tell you it hurts to be in loveIt hurtsBaby it hurtsIt hurts

Nell的《The Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:The Ending歌手:Nell专辑:Slip AwayAvril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were done

Nellie Mckay唱的David 的歌词是什么

Look at you you"re youngHavin" so much funGonna be a starBlah blah blahAnd click there goes the phoneI don"t wanna knowWhat my Horoscope"s predictingJust pour me a drink "cause I need a kick I don"t wanna think I just wanna sip [chorus]David don"t you hear me at all David won"t you give me a call Waitin" here not makin" a sound David come around Mister bushie says I"m your president I have lots to say Hey hey hey And click goes the remote There you have my voteCatchin" the next boat out of here Just pour me a drink "cause I need a lie I don"t wanna think I just wanna die [chorus]David don"t you hear me at all David don"t you hear through the wall Waitin" here not makin" a sound David come around [bridge]Chaos pervades the world outside Days offer spades of hurled outcries Gone is the fair and five and dime But he is there He"s so fine Listen to her play Has somethin" to say Even has a rap Clap clap clap But click there goes the lid Sorry "bout the fib I ain"t got a grip on nothin" Just pour me a drink Right outta the can I don"t wanna think I just want my man [chorus]David don"t you hear me at all David dear I"m just down the hall Waitin" here not makin" a sound David come around

悬赏~Nelly fly away歌词的中文翻译

Nelly - Fly Away [Nelly Talking]Free CityThis is a shout out to every young brother ya knowThats doin his thing right nowKeep ya head up...He"s walkin the yard wishin he had wingsYa know so he could fly up out that jointMan[Intro]If I could, fly awayOoo and I wouldn"t come back no moreI, I"d turn around,Just to see you for the last time,See, now I knowHey, that it won"t be easyI done fought in a battle, and I done made it this farI gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard[Verse 1]Man, it"s the longest yard I ever had to get in my lifeAnd see my life ain"t right, if my wife don"t writeMy niggas cant eat if the fish don"t biteMy raise the gross sales, like Mike and IkeNow big brother almightyI keep a gamma ray, i"ma G-5 GTake a G-5 jeep, G-5 deepToo some of their bare feetAnd that jeep don"t speakListen mayne they lock it down round herreSee body bag and gag and your found round herreThis as serious as it sound round herreThe guards guard the ground, 4 pounds round herreAnd they ain"t playin, they"re just lettin you knowThat anything they want to happen, nigga happen real slowGet the word from upstairs, put you in that holeI cant take it, I"m just ready to go[Chorus]If I could, fly awayOoo and I wouldn"t come back no moreI, I"d turn around,Just to see you for the last time,See, now I knowHey, that it won"t be easyI done fought in a battle, and I done made it this farI gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yardYeah yeah, its still the longest yardUh uh, its still the longest yardUm um, its still the longest yardI done fought in a battle and I done made it this far[Verse 2]I"m in my cell 20 hours a dayAnd doin push-ups ever hour a dayCause im tryin to keep the cobwebs awayThats why im markin off the calendar daysTryin to get it out of the wayAnd im just tryin to keep a piece of mineAnd im gon shame a motherfucker with a piece of mineCause he tryin to take a piece of mineSo im gon slice his ass a piece at a timeBut now that they close the doorLock me in and cell 30 deep but its built for 10Tell me what kind of world they got you inWith the barbed wire fences, box u in>From now, til they turn off the lightsI"ma read anything in sightIts kinda hard tryin to read at nightBut I"ma change my lifeAnd hope another brother take this flight[Chorus]If I could, fly awayOoo and I wouldn"t come back no moreI, I"d turn around,Just to see you for the last time,See, now I knowHey, that it won"t be easyI done fought in a battle, and I done made it this farI gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yardYeah yeah, its still the longest yardUh uh, its still the longest yardUm um, its still the longest yardI done fought in a battle and I done made it this far[Verse 3](Oohh no) I gotta make it out this place some how(Oohh no) Man I really believe that I done turned it around(Oohh no) You see, all I need is that second chance to show,since I crossed the ration, my obligation of rehabilitation(Oohh no) They can punch me high, and they can kick me low(Oohh no) But I mean its gonna take more than that for them to break my soul(Oohh no) Man its hard for people to understand what its like to be,gated, incarcerated , I just cant take it, but I"ma make it man to see better days[Chorus]If I could, fly awayOoo and I wouldn"t come back no moreI, I"d turn around,Just to see you for the last time,See, now I knowHey, that it won"t be easyI done fought in a battle, and I done made it this farI gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yardYeah yeah, its still the longest yardUh uh, its still the longest yardUm um, its still the longest yardI done fought in a battle and I done made it this far[Hook]If I could fly away,If I could I turn around,If I could fly away

Nelly的Fly away的中文歌词

This is a shout out to every young brother ya know这首歌是为每个年轻的兄弟发自内心的呼喊 ya=you all,是你们的意思Thats doin his thing right now他(指某个兄弟)这在忙着自己的事Keep ya head up...把你们的头抬起来He"s walkin the yard wishin he had wings他在院子里工作,渴望着有一对翅膀Ya know so he could fly up out that jointMan是他那大块头飞起来[Intro]If I could, fly away所以我能飞离此地Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more我将不再回来I, I"d turn around,我还会回一下头Just to see you for the last time,只为了见你最后一面See, now I know我现在知道了Hey, that it won"t be easy这一切都不容易I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far我为这一切作战(指为生活奋斗),如今我走到了这一步I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard我还有路要走,但这又是一个长长的庭院(指他受困在未来的路)[Verse 1]Man, it"s the longest yard I ever had to get in my life这是我生命里最难走的一段路And see my life ain"t right, if my wife don"t write如果我的妻子不工作我的生活将一团糟My niggas cant eat if the fish don"t bite我的弟兄无法生活如果他们不靠这些不法勾当这首歌在表达社会底层黑人对现实的不满却又无能为力的感慨 希望你满意

求NELLY - 《FLY AWAY》的歌词~~



—— 意大利文:nel 与 nello 同义:[在]。

求janelle monae的tight rope歌词

(Monáe and Leftfoot)Whoaaa!Another day (adabadee, nigga)I take your pain awaySome people talk about ya like they know all about yaWhen you get down they doubt yaAnd when you tip it on the scene, yeah they talkin" bout itCause they can"t tip on the sceneThey just talk about it, t-t-t-talk bout itWhen you get elevatedThey love it or they hate itYou dance up on them hatersKeep getting funky on the sceneWhile they jumpin" round yaThey trying to take all of your dreamsBut you can"t allow itCause baby whether you"re high or lowWhether you"re high or lowYou gotta tip on the tightrope (Tip, tip on it)T-t-t-tip on the tightrope (Tip, tip on it)Baby, baby, baby, whether you"re high or low (high or low)Baby whether you"re high or low (high or low)You got to tip on the tightrope (tip, tip on it)Now let me see you do the tightrope (tip, tip on it)And I"m still tippin" on it[Verse 2: Janelle Monáe]See I"m not walkin" on itOr tryin to run around itThis ain"t no acrobaticsYou either follow or you lead, yeahI"m talkin" bout yaKeep on blaming the machine, yeahI"m talkin" bout itT-t-t-talkin" bout itI can"t complain about itI gotta keep my balanceAnd just keep dancin on itWe gettin funky on the sceneYeah you know about itLike a star on the screenWatch me tip all on itYou gotta keep your balanceOr you fall into the gapIt"s a challenge but I manageCause I"m cautious with the strapNo damage to your cameras damn I thought thatCan I passWhy you don"t want no frictionLike the back of a matchbookDaddy Fat Sax will fold youAnd your MacBookClothes shows will shut you downBefore we go-go backwardsAct up, and whether we high or lowWe gonna get back-upLike the Dow Jones and NASDAQSorta like a thong in an ass crackCome onI tip on alligators and little rattlesnakersBut I"m another flavorSomething like a terminatorAin"t no equivocatingI fight for what I believeWhy you talkin" "bout itJ-j-just talkin" "bout itSome callin" me a sinnerSome callin" me a winnerI"m callin" you the dinnerAnd you know exactly what I meanYeah I"m talkin bout youYou can rock or you can leanWatch me tip without youN-N-Now whether I"m high or low(High or low)Whether I"m high or low(High or low)I"m gonna tip on the tightrope(Tip, tip on it)MMMMMM(Tip, tip on it)Baby, baby, babyWhether I"m high or low(High or low)High or low(High or low)I got to tip on the tightrope(Tip, tip on it)Now baby tip on the tightropeYou can"t get too high(You can"t get too high)I said you can"t get too low(We can"t get too low)Cause you get too high(You can"t get too high)No, you"ll surely be low(No, you"ll surely be low)1, 2, 3, Ho!Yeah, yeahNow shut up, yeahYeah, now put some voodoo on itLadies and gentlemen, the funkiest horn section in MetropolisYeah, OHWe call that classy brassOhhhhhhhOH!Do you mind?If I play the ukuleleJust like a little ladyDo you mind?If I play the ukuleleJust like a little ladyAs I play the ukuleleIf I play my ukuleleJust like a little lady

Nelly的《Tired》 歌词

歌曲名:Tired歌手:Nelly专辑:Sweatsuitby Vaetion ChinIt"s excitingIn the beginningThe first four weeksWhen you f*ck five times a dayBut something happensIt all starts slippingYou chew off your own armJust to get awayIt"s not youAnd it"s not meI"d rather play Halo on my t.v.It"s no defence but it"s all I"ve got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youI can rememberIn the beginningWhen you were Wonder WomanWith a capeThen something happenedAnd the walls started closing inAnd I would have shot myself just to escapeIts not youAnd its not meWe"re just not singing in harmonyIt"s no defence but its all I got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youSomeday I"ll find the oneShe"ll be my best friendAnd make me com--pleteShe"ll love everything that I like to doAnd when I find herI"ll take two(bridge)Well Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of you(So tired of youTired of)And I"m just tired of you(So tired of you , tired of)And I"m just tired of you.

Call On Me With Nelly歌词,翻译中文

[奈](珍妮){ JD } 是的,是的,是的,嗯,嗯,嗯 Cmon,是的,是的,是的,是的,是的 为我唱这首歌,Uh-hu(Uh-hu)。 是的,哦,是的,uh-hu,uh-hu(uh-hu)。 大家加油(Uh-hu,Uh-hu)。 是啊,是啊,是啊{ Yall知道这是什么) 让我们走 我不知道,如果我曾经有过这样的感觉 但是我相信,我觉得我不想去 因为我哭了与我分享我的眼泪 我唱与我分享我的忧郁 但是,让你在这里,我会做我要做什么/怎样做 所以宝宝 1 -[珍妮](奈)。 呼唤我,无论白天还是晚上 我永远也不会离开 (看你不必单独)。 (我来的地方)。 他拿起电话,打电话给我)。 你不知道,我想成为伙计,爱的女孩 (看那里去,在那里,看它妈妈)。 [奈] 看我,我从来没有见过一个女孩,就能把我下来 就像我夹在中间 我抓住了她的周围都有一点 我被公布waitin待命 "那里"的景色还是赶上了提示和我 我永远不会忘记任何无论来往 我想在这里说的时候你想做的事 如果你得到你所需要的东西 噢,请相信你想收到 重复1 珍妮特][m].北京: 呼唤我,当你需要有人关心 说的话,我就会在那儿 我可以见到你 呼唤我,随时随地,你请 宝贝你想要什么,宝贝你所需要的 因为你是我唯一爱的婴儿 重复1 [奈] 这无关紧要,你要去哪里 我会来的任何您想要我去 珍妮特][m].北京: 不要紧近还是远 就像你所说的一切,我要做的 与它无关紧要,你要去哪里 我会来的任何您想要我去 与它无关紧要,近还是远 就像你所说的一切,我要做的




nell的读法是[nel]。Nell,韩国音乐组合,由金钟万,李正勋,郑在元、李在京四位成员组成,于1999年组队,发行过(2007)Let"S Take A Walk、(2008)Separation Anxiety、(2008)远去(Digital Single)、(2008)The Trace(Single)等多张专辑。隶属于Woollim Entertainment经纪公司。Nell属于口碑不错的乐队,没有Linkin Park般声嘶力竭、歇斯底里的呐喊,没有Evanescence愤世嫉俗的鬼魅,Nell的歌不是烈酒而是清茶,慢慢品才有滋味。Nell擅长用音乐来表达自己的喜怒哀乐。他们的音乐独树一帜,能够刺激人类最最细腻的情感,是一支认认真真做最具本土特色摇滚音乐的乐队。获得的成绩:2008年03月05日,第五届韩国音乐大奖(Korean Music Award),最喜爱的摇滚乐团。2008年04月28日,SBS人气歌谣第一名《聚集记忆的时间》。2008年11月15日,MKMF(Mnet KM Music Festival), 最佳摇滚乐奖 《聚集记忆的时间》。2008年12月10日,金唱片(Golden.Disk.Awards),最佳Rock Band《聚集记忆的时间》

求几首好听的HIP HOP歌曲,主要是NELLY 、50CENT 、BOW WOW的

最伟大的100首Hip-Hop单曲 Eminem is at #10 with "Stan", #50 with "The Way I Am" and #94 with "The real slim shady" and 50 Cent is @ #29 with "In Da Club" . Heres the full list: 1. White Lines (Don"t Do It) - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 2. Walk This Way - Run DMC & Aerosmith 3. Rappers Delight - Sugar Hill Gang 4. Fight The Power - Public Enemy 5. Fight For Your Right - Beastie Boys 6. Gangsta"s Paradise - Coolio 7. Planet Rock - Afrika Bambatta 8. The Message - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 9. Killing Me Softly - The Fugees 10. Stan - Eminem 11. I"ll Be Missing You - Puff Daddy 12. California Love - 2Pac 13. Cop Killa - Ice T 14. The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) - Missy Elliott 15. I Need Love - LL Cool J 16. Doo Wop (That Thing) - Lauryn Hill 17. Push It - Salt-N-Pepa 18. Mama Said Knock You Out - LL Cool J 19. Ms. Jackson - Outkast 20. Work It - Missy Elliott 21. Nuthin But A "G" Thang. Dr. Dre 22. People Everyday - Arrested Development 23. 99 Problems - Jay Z 24. Crossroads - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony 25. Mo Money Mo Problems - Notorious B.I.G. 26. Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince 27. Country Grammer - Nelly 28. Gin & Juice - Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre 29. In Da Club - 50 Cent 30. Stop The Violence Movement - Self Destruction 31. Hey Ya - Outkast 32. Everything Is Everything - Lauryn Hill 33. Mind"s Playing Tricks On Me - Geto Boys 34. Looking For The Perfect Beat - Afrika Bambatta 35. No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys 36. Big Poppa - Notorious B.I.G. 37. U-N-I-T-Y. Queen Latifah 38. It"s Tricky - Run DMC 39. I used to love h.e.r. - Common 40. Gettin Jiggy Wit It - Will Smith 41. Excursion - A Tribe Called Quest 42. Black Steel In the Hour of Chaos - Public Enemy 43. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot 44. Real Love - Mary J. Blige 45. The Magic Number - De La Soul 46. Hard Knock Life - Jay Z 47. Straight Outta Compton - N.W.A. 48. Bridge is Over - Boogie Down Productions 49. On and On - Erykah Badu 50. The Way I Am - Eminem 51. Rock Box - Run DMC 52. New Jack Hustler - Ice-T 53. One Minute Man - Missy Elliott 54. Me, Myself and I - De La Soul 55. We"re All In The Same Gang - West Coast Rap All-Stars 56. Hot In Herre - Nelly 57. My Adidas - Run DMC 58. Roxannes Revenge - Roxanne Shante 59. AmeriKKKa"s Most Wanted - Ice Cube 60. Say No Go - De La Soul 61. Just A Friend - Biz Markie 62. One More Chance - Notorious B.I.G. 63. Funkee Ko Medina - Tone Loc 64. Rebel Without A Pause - Public Enemy 65. Love of My Life - Erykah Badu 66. Whatta Man - Salt-N-Pepa & En Vogue 67. I Know You Got Soul - Eric B. & Rakim 68. Creep - TLC 69. Childrens Story - Slick Rick 70. 2 Legit 2 Quit - MC Hammer 71. Brown Skin Lady - Mos Def 72. Welcome to the Terrordome - Public Enemy 73. Dear Mama - 2Pac 74. Woo-Ha!! Got You All In Check - Busta Rhymes 75. Big Pimpin" - Jay-Z 76. Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest 77. No More Drama - Mary J. Blige 78. Ready or Not - The Fugees 79. Jesus Walks - Kanye West 80. Love Is Blind - Eve 81. Lyte As A Rock - MC Lyte 82. Eye Know - De La Soul 83. Raw - Big Daddy Kane 84. It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube 85. Parents Just Don"t Understand - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince 86. Scenario - A Tribe Called Quest 87. To Beat Ya"ll - Lady B 88. I"m Still Number One - Boogie Down Productions 89. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See - Busta Rhymes 90. Bust A Move - Young MC 91. Don"t Sweat The Technique - Eric B. & Rakim 92. Freaks Come Out At Night - Whodini 93. Wild Thing - Tone Loc 94. The Real Slim Shady - Eminem 95. How Ya Like Me Now - Kool Moe Dee 96. C.R.E.A.M. - Wu Tang Clan 97. Boyz-N-The Hood. Eazy E 98. Vapors - Biz Markie 99. The Humpty Dance - Digital Underground 100. Express Yourself - N.W.A.

Nelly的ride with me 歌词翻译

实在翻译不下去了,俚语太多了,并且很污秽,而且都是字典上没有的词,而且他都简写了。就是美国人,估计中年以上的也看不大懂。Ride Wit Me 搭我的车NellyWhere they at 他们在哪Where they atWhere they atWhere they atWhere they atWhere they atWhere they atC"mon now [Chorus]If you wanna go and take a ride wit me 如果你想搭我的车,跟我走We three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"s Oh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!) 噢,我为何非要这样生活?(嘿,肯定是钱多烧的!)If you wanna go and get high wit me 如果你想跟我去High一下Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-y 在我的大奔后座来上一口(L指毒品,Benz是奔驰,加一个y是昵称,就像爸爸dad被称作dady,同时谐音)Oh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!) 噢,我为什么非要这样?(嘿,肯定是钱多烧的!)[Verse 1]In the club on the late night, feelin right 深夜的夜店里,感觉不错Lookin tryin to spot somethin real nice 四处打探,想发现点上等的货色Lookin for a little shorty hot and horny so that I can take home 想找个火辣的女郎好让我带回家(horny是色咪咪的意思)(I can take home) 好让我带回家She can be 18 (18) wit an attitude 可以18岁,一副不食人间烟火的样子or 19 kinda snotty actin real rude 也可以19岁,一脸沧桑脾气暴躁Boo, as long as you a thicky thicky thick girl you know that it"s on 砰,只要这个女孩“波涛汹涌”,你知道我肯定来电(You know that it"s on) 你知道我肯定来电I peep something comin towards me up the dance floor 我窥探到舞池里的什么朝我走来Sexy and real slow (hey) 性感,张扬,嘿Sayin she was peepin and I dig the last video 她说她也在窥探,很喜欢上一个MVSo when Nelly, can we go; how could I tell her no? “所以,Nelly我们什么时候走?”我怎么能拒绝她!Her measurements were 36-25-34 她三围 36-25-34Yellin I like the way you brush your hair 我喜欢你捋头发的样子And I like those stylish clothes you wear 也喜欢你穿衣的格调I like the way the light hit the ice and glare 我喜欢光线打在你身上And I can see you boo from way over there 大老远就能看到你脱颖而出[Chorus]If you wanna go and take a ride wit me We three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"sOh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and get high wit meSmoke a L in the back of the Benz-yOh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!)[Verse 2]Face and body front and back, don"t know how to act 脸,身体,正面,背面,不知该怎么回应Without no vouchers or no boozers she"s bringin nuttin back You should feel the impact, shop on plastic 你应该能感觉到这种震撼,when the sky"s the limit and them haters can"t get past that 当天际成了尽头,怀恨者不能超越Watch me as I gas that, 4.6 Range 看我给路虎4.6加油(Range Rover 4.6即路虎览胜二代)Watch the candy paint change, everytime I switch lanes It feel strange now 感觉很奇怪Makin a livin off my brain, instead of "caine now ("caine应该是cocaine的简写,即可卡因)I got the title from my momma put the whip in my own name nowDamn shit done changed now Runnin credit checks with no shame now 信用卡透支消费,一点儿都不含糊I feel the fame now (come on), I can"t complain now (no more) 我能体会这种名望,这只可意会Shit I"m the mayne now, in and out my own town I"m gettin pages out of New Jersey, from Courtney B. 收到Courtney B来自新泽西的信息(Courtney B. Vance为美国影星)Tellin me about a party up in NYC 跟我说纽约有个partyCan I make it? Damn right, I be on the next flight 我能赶过去吗?废话,我就做下一班飞机。Payin cash; first class - sittin next to Vanna White 付现金,头等舱,就坐在Vanna White旁边(Vanna White也是美国影星)[Chorus]If you wanna go and take a ride wit meWe three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"sOh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and get high wit meSmoke a L in the back of the Benz-yOh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and take a ride wit meWe three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"sOh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and get high wit meSmoke a L in the back of the Benz-yOh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!)[Verse 3]Check, check -- yo, I know somethin you don"t knowAnd I got somethin to tell yaYou won"t believe how many people, straight doubted the flowMost said that I was a failureBut now the same motherfuckers askin me fo" doughAnd I"m yellin, "I can"t help ya""But Nelly can we get tickets to the next show?"Hell no (what"s witchu?!) you for real?![City Spud]Hey yo, now that I"m a fly guy, and I fly high 嘿,我现在是潮南一枚,潮到HighNiggaz wanna know why, why I fly by 黑鬼想知道我为什么如此High的飘过(Niggaz是由Nigger谐音过来的,用Nigger称呼黑人被看作是极大的侮辱,有种放肆的范儿)But yo it"s all good, Range Rover all wood 可这样很好,路虎览胜很wood(我怀疑wood在这儿纯粹是为了谐音)Do me like you should - fuck me good, suck me good 你会好好的fuck我,好好的suck我(suck是动词,口*)We be no stud niggaz, wishin you was niggaz 我们不是饥渴的老黑,但愿你是(stud指性欲极强的男人)Poppin like we drug dealers, sippin Crissy, bubb" mackin 我们High的跟毒贩子似的(Crissy,bub,mackin这几个词都是简写的,鬼知道原词是什么)Honey in the club, me in the Benz 夜店里的宝贝儿,奔驰里的我Icy grip, tellin me to leave wit you and your friends So if shorty wanna... knock (knock), we knockin to this 所以,女郎如果你想搞,我们就这么搞And if shorty wanna... rock (rock), we rockin to this 如果女郎你想疯,我们就这么疯And if shorty wanna... pop (pop), we poppin the Crist" 如果女郎你想**,我们就这么**(Crist"不知道是什么的简写)Shorty wanna see the ice, then I ice the wrist (ice“冰”不知道指什么,前一句做名词后一句就成动词了)City talk, Nelly listen; Nelly talk, city listen 城市吵闹,我Nelly听着,我Nelly说话的时候,整个城市都闭嘴When I fuck fly bitches; when I walk pay attention 我*惹火小妞,我过来的时候注意点儿See the ice and the glist"; niggaz starin or they diss (the ice and the glist"不知道指什么)Hunnies lookin all they wish - come on boo, gimme kiss 来吧,给我个吻(gimme是give me的简写,这个我见过,Hunnies不知道是什么)[Chorus]If you wanna go and take a ride wit meWe three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"sOh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and get high wit meSmoke a L in the back of the Benz-yOh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and take a ride wit meWe three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"sOh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and get high wit meSmoke a L in the back of the Benz-yOh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!)Hey, must be the money!Hey, must be the money!Hey, must be the money!Hey, must be the money!Must be the money![Chorus]If you wanna go and take a ride wit meWe three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"sOh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and get high wit meSmoke a L in the back of the Benz-yOh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!)

关于La Campanella问题.

la campanella -- 演奏级(FRSM)<--皇家最高演奏级 la campanella是难弹的 但是以你现在的水平 难弹的原因主要是 1. 技巧上的水平严重不足 2. 手的伸展度不够 3. 再加上速度上挺快 可吾可以弹到就要视乎你个人的能力 如果你可以3-4个月弹完一首8级考试歌 可以尝试弹一弹 就算你没有信心可以弹完 试下弹也无妨 不过你想6-7月可以练完是没有可能的 我有Diploma的演奏水平也不可以半年内弹得好 2012-03-29 23:18:04 补充: 最好在网上找一找 简化版or其他适合你水平的歌 It is never a matter of whether or not you can play the notes right and make a flawless performance. The size of your handspan and the tempo etc belong to the technique side which is indeed important. But it is more vital to play the piece with a soul. Merely hitting the right notes but lacking delicacy layering and musicality can never justify that you have mastered it. 其实我也在弹这个,不过我是刚过7级haha 8级也未到,所以我觉得系个人能力问题,而5关grade事。 但我建议你等只手大d先,or练长只手,咁就可以弹到8度 个人认为 La Campanella要求灵活性 而且有好多跨八度的音(甚至有15度的跨音) 对于跨不足八度的人非常吃力 加上有不少4-5指的tr~ 假如手指的力量 技术和灵活不足的情况下 而强行要把它练出来 那很容易会坏手指的. Liszt的作品一直以高难度见称 即使是世界上顶尖的音乐家 都要费尽一生来使自己的技术升华. 坦白说 用半年的时间来完成这首歌 或许会很困难. 如果你坚持要练习的话 那我先提几点建议: 1. 透过反复练习其他曲子(如Hanon Czerny的练习曲) 提高手指的力量和灵活性 尤其是弱指(即3-4-5指) 2. 不要尝试奏出自己能力以外的音程或指法 并应循序渐进. 3. 当然就是练习要适度 不可让手指过度疲劳. (技术上: 让手腕放松 但尽量避免过多的起伏) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. La Campanella 在ABRSM的评级为最高FRSM级 对于Grade 5-6的人来说 能够完成这首歌可以说是奇迹. 若半年仍练不出来是正常的. 建议选曲方面 可参考Chopin的Nocturnes(Op.9 No.2 比较容易) 但弹奏时需要不少的感情. 或是Mozart和Haydn的作品 尽量不要选择Liszt(超难) 假如手指延展性能提高的话(至少八度) 那大部分的音都能弹奏出来了 然后再慢慢培养感情 必定能弹出一首好的曲子. 参考: 个人意见 la campanella 系LTCL考试歌之一 5-6级就算比你弹啱晒d音都唔会有mood 仲有首歌一开始已经系8度咁你点弹呢 唔系特登要打沉你 但我自问考完atcl都练左半年先得 你要弹都等你只手大d先啦 很简单 找个懂作曲的钢琴老师去帮你就行! 当然 你不可能一步登天 但可以有老师帮你设计方法 如何选择良好的钢琴老师 或分析现有老师的水平、能力? 先考虑到的 应该是老师质数: 1) 了解老师经验 资历 爱心 教学热诚 是为更佳更长远 琴行难看功力 什么也由中心安排 够便宜 但少不免要 私人较易功力 至少老师会张贴个人资料 及与家长直接联络 2) 手腕放松 不控制 自然等基本教学正确的要求 3) 老师能否带动学生 产生音乐感 感受当中的故事 调性等 培养兴趣 4) 更深层次的老师 可透过音乐艺术 正面感染、陶冶. 甚至改变学生 5) 建议找些擅于 强于古典老师为妙 因为古典音乐 深度远超流行曲 不过 贪婪点说 老师最好对流行音乐擅长 可教自弹自唱 *** 变化等就全面得多了 6) 找些愿意花时间安排表演、比赛、考试机会的老师 是推动学生的重要一环; 老师最好既有能力与经验 带领学生夺冠 又能重视艺术 不只为比赛而扼杀学生纯度 7)愿意花心思 而能力全面的老师十分重要。 儿童、青少年 至不同阶层的成年人 皆有不同需要、能力、时间: 需要以音乐辅助成长 建立价值观的钢琴学生 不专心练琴的小孩 以致根本没时间练琴的成人等 都有各种需要; 老师要为不同的人 准备不同教材 更不能用一套走遍天下 这样很易把学生的天份 兴趣 甚至对音乐的良好感觉破坏!最后 你看可以看看Youtube Video 去明白学钢琴的起步之重要性 (当然 什么级数 也离不开这些基础的艺术要求) 给你 *** 参考 Rubato钢琴教学3- 音乐说故事(成人篇) *** /watch?v=wjdhzj_0Tog Rubato流行钢琴教学 - 勾手指尾(钟一宪 麦贝夷) VS Shall We talk *** /watch?v=In2pJqkNE 2012-04-01 05:40:56 补充: Rubato中学表演及即兴 *** /watch?v=Lul4RMu0hzg 参考: 原文摘自: 钢琴导师Rubato Wong facebook/pages/Rubato-Wong/198817026884282 rubato- 原文摘自: 钢琴导师Rubato Wong i think it is too difficult to learn this song because it is higher than 8 grade!! i think you can not learn this song!!

Nelly的《Problems》 歌词

歌曲名:Problems歌手:Nelly专辑:Body On MeTwista Ft. Tech N9ne - Problems(Intro: x3)ProblemsProblemsProblemsProblems upset you(Verse 1: Twista)When I"m on the track you will see accuracyActually I know that you will see I come at it like a fullyAutomatic for problematic and negativity or whoever ?Pick up a rose and sniff a scent if if you think it"s magnificentStop the stressin or just catch a blessin if itIf it"s bills or if it"s rent some of us worry some of us don"tThat"s why everybody so differentThe only answer to you problems solve emStallin is the only thing that can stop a balla? world is full of hatred face itGet out the matrix and let"s get back to the basicsInstead of being individual let"s practice a ritual and be an indivisible when it"s criticalSo every time that some drama hit yo doorstepGotta try to keep your composure and don"t let(Chorus: x2)Problems (Don"t let)Problems (You can"t let)Problems (You won"t let)Problems upset you(Verse 2: Tech N9ne)I"m a problem because I"m different and people don"t get itWhen I be the clown like a sucka down when I be kickin" my musicTech is dangerous if you think you can hang with usSick in your brain when I mangle it know that I break and abuse itI be prayin" to GodCause what I"m sprayin is oddAnd I"m slayin the squadTech Nina"s layin his rideI"m insatiable when it comes to be makin this goudaI"m a sniper killa murderer look out I"m a shootaA dalima we takin out you beginners comin to my psycho cinemaIt"s a must that I crush themIf you accustomed to lovey dovey moviesThen you unlucky because they call me Tecca Nina the snuff filmThrowing the fist upCause all of my grips upPeople was hating but now they zippin their lips upNeva debated you imitated get ripped upStuck off in Necropolis cause Tecca Nina and Twista"s a(Chorus: x2)Problems (Don"t let)Problems (You can"t let)Problems (You won"t let)Problems upset you(Verse 3: Twista)My alien complex can get as lethal as bomb threatsWhen I put together patterns and conceptsBut when it come to dealin with pain andProblems and relationships I ain"t the bomb yetWhat do we need, what"s the resolutionIt"s the restitution or just retribution let"s just start a revolutionBut wait, I"m hesitant because I"m flatHow can I fight to be equal if the president is black andA Chi Town resident at thatHope we focus on this instead of weapons in IraqThe future is bright or will it be wearyDo I need to pay attention to conspiracy theoriesIs the government systematically destroyin the population for the progress of world dominationSmile, even if the landlord callinDone but that the least of your problems(Chorus: x2)Problems (Don"t let)Problems (You can"t let)Problems (You won"t let)Problems upset you(Outro:)Try not to get worriedTry not turn on toProblems that upset youDon"t you know

Nelly的《My Place》 歌词

歌曲 - My Place歌手 - NellyI used to pride myself on being the other manBut now it"s flipped and I don"t want you with no other manWhy can"t you understand anything I"m offeringI gave you the world, but you just wanted arguingFrom the time I picked you up, until the time I dropped you off againEven if flipped out on at the mall again"It"s all his fault again" that"s what you tellin all ya friendsI ain"t pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call againSee how ya day going I know they stressin on yaI know them times get hard that"s why I"m checkin on yaIt"s yours truly ma, I got little message for yaAnything he can do, girl I can do better for yaCauseWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)I heard your friend tell a friend that told a friend of mineThat you was thinking that we should do it one more timeIf this ain"t the truth then hopefully it"s not a lieCause I ain"t got no issue with hitting that another timeWe never had a problem with gettin it doneDisagreed upon a lot ma, but sex wouldn"t oneNow check it I know you get excited when I come around and bite itQuit frownin up and quit actin like you don"t like itI like it, I like it,I really, really like it,I want it, adore it, so come with me enjoy itWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)Shawty where ya been(girl where ya been)Feels like a long time,long,long time since I seen yaYes it has girl,when I know I said some fucked up things to u beforeBut girl u know I didnt mean itI neva meant one single wordIf I could take back every word I would and more fo shoIf I thought that you believe it(would u believe it?)(Hey girl)cause u make my life so convenient for meWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)I like it,I like it,I really,really like itI want it,adore it,so come let me enjoy itI like it,I like it,I really,really like itI want it,adore it,so come let me enjoy itWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverShawty where you beenFeels like a long time, long long time since I seen yaYes it has girl, and I know I said some dumb things to you beforeBut girl you know I didn"t mean itI never meant one single wordIf I could take back every word I would and more fa shoIf I thought that you believe it(would u believe it?)(Hey girl)cause u make my life so convenient for me

Nelly的《My Place》 歌词

歌曲 - My Place歌手 - NellyI used to pride myself on being the other manBut now it"s flipped and I don"t want you with no other manWhy can"t you understand anything I"m offeringI gave you the world, but you just wanted arguingFrom the time I picked you up, until the time I dropped you off againEven if flipped out on at the mall again"It"s all his fault again" that"s what you tellin all ya friendsI ain"t pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call againSee how ya day going I know they stressin on yaI know them times get hard that"s why I"m checkin on yaIt"s yours truly ma, I got little message for yaAnything he can do, girl I can do better for yaCauseWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)I heard your friend tell a friend that told a friend of mineThat you was thinking that we should do it one more timeIf this ain"t the truth then hopefully it"s not a lieCause I ain"t got no issue with hitting that another timeWe never had a problem with gettin it doneDisagreed upon a lot ma, but sex wouldn"t oneNow check it I know you get excited when I come around and bite itQuit frownin up and quit actin like you don"t like itI like it, I like it,I really, really like it,I want it, adore it, so come with me enjoy itWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)Shawty where ya been(girl where ya been)Feels like a long time,long,long time since I seen yaYes it has girl,when I know I said some fucked up things to u beforeBut girl u know I didnt mean itI neva meant one single wordIf I could take back every word I would and more fo shoIf I thought that you believe it(would u believe it?)(Hey girl)cause u make my life so convenient for meWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)I like it,I like it,I really,really like itI want it,adore it,so come let me enjoy itI like it,I like it,I really,really like itI want it,adore it,so come let me enjoy itWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverShawty where you beenFeels like a long time, long long time since I seen yaYes it has girl, and I know I said some dumb things to you beforeBut girl you know I didn"t mean itI never meant one single wordIf I could take back every word I would and more fa shoIf I thought that you believe it(would u believe it?)(Hey girl)cause u make my life so convenient for me

Nelly的《My Place》 歌词

歌曲 - My Place歌手 - NellyI used to pride myself on being the other manBut now it"s flipped and I don"t want you with no other manWhy can"t you understand anything I"m offeringI gave you the world, but you just wanted arguingFrom the time I picked you up, until the time I dropped you off againEven if flipped out on at the mall again"It"s all his fault again" that"s what you tellin all ya friendsI ain"t pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call againSee how ya day going I know they stressin on yaI know them times get hard that"s why I"m checkin on yaIt"s yours truly ma, I got little message for yaAnything he can do, girl I can do better for yaCauseWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)I heard your friend tell a friend that told a friend of mineThat you was thinking that we should do it one more timeIf this ain"t the truth then hopefully it"s not a lieCause I ain"t got no issue with hitting that another timeWe never had a problem with gettin it doneDisagreed upon a lot ma, but sex wouldn"t oneNow check it I know you get excited when I come around and bite itQuit frownin up and quit actin like you don"t like itI like it, I like it,I really, really like it,I want it, adore it, so come with me enjoy itWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)Shawty where ya been(girl where ya been)Feels like a long time,long,long time since I seen yaYes it has girl,when I know I said some fucked up things to u beforeBut girl u know I didnt mean itI neva meant one single wordIf I could take back every word I would and more fo shoIf I thought that you believe it(would u believe it?)(Hey girl)cause u make my life so convenient for meWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWon"t you come on and go with me (oh girl)Come on over to my placeWon"t you sit ya self down and take a seatand let me ease ya mind girlWe gon do it our way (our way)I like it,I like it,I really,really like itI want it,adore it,so come let me enjoy itI like it,I like it,I really,really like itI want it,adore it,so come let me enjoy itWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverWhen we laugh or we cry it"s togetherThrough the rain and the stormiest weatherWe gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s foreverShawty where you beenFeels like a long time, long long time since I seen yaYes it has girl, and I know I said some dumb things to you beforeBut girl you know I didn"t mean itI never meant one single wordIf I could take back every word I would and more fa shoIf I thought that you believe it(would u believe it?)(Hey girl)cause u make my life so convenient for me

nelly的My Place里面的女主角是谁?

我也经常看这个MV,很喜欢这个女主,感觉是Nelly的MV里最好看的一位据说是模特儿,但是没有搜到更多的资料在外国的论坛看到叫Tyeshia Robinson也出现过在Ginuwine的In Those Jeans,金发的那位

nelly的《my place》歌词的翻译

Lyrics: I used to pride myself on being the other man But now it"s flipped and I don"t want you with no other man Why can"t you understand anything I"m offering I gave you the world, but you just wanted arguing From the time I picked you up, until the time I dropped you off again Even if flipped out on at the mall again "It"s all his fault again" that"s what you tellin all ya friends I ain"t pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call again See how ya day going I know they stressin on ya I know them times get hard that"s why I"m checkin on ya It"s yours truly ma, I got little message for ya Anything he can do, girl I can do better for ya Cause Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way) I heard your friend tell a friend that told a friend of mine That you was thinking that we should do it one more time If this ain"t the truth then hopefully it"s not a lie Cause I ain"t got no issue with hitting that another time We never had a problem with gettin it done Disagreed upon a lot ma, but sex wouldn"t one Now check it I know you get excited when I come around and bite it Quit frownin up and quit actin like you don"t like it I like it (I know you like), I like it (You really like it), I really, really like it, I want it (You really want it), adore it (adore it), so come with me enjoy it Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way) Bridge: Shawty where you been Feels like a long time, long long time since I seen ya Yes it has girl, and I know I said some dumb things to you before But girl you know I didn"t mean it I didn"t mean one single word I never meant one single word If I could take back every word I would and more fa sho If I thought that you believe it Cause you make my life so convinient for me Hook: When we laugh or we cry it"s together Through the rain and the stormiest weather We gon still be as one it"s forever, it"s forever Chorus: Won"t you come on and go with me (oh girl) Come on over to my place Won"t you sit ya self down and take a seat and let me ease ya mind girl We gon do it our way (our way)真爱 世上有真爱吗?这个我时常问自己的问题看上去很简单,但是你能简单地以是或不是回答我吗。你不能,是吗?我经常对于事实而感到失望。一个女孩和她男朋友分手了,一位丈夫离开他的妻儿,另寻新欢。但是每当我想起温莎公爵,罗密欧与朱利叶,我确信世上有真爱。曾有个女孩对我说:“可能有,但是我认为那只是我的梦想。”我发现我渐渐被说服,相信真爱只是种遥不可及的梦想。那个年轻女孩和她男友确实有过一段美好的时光,当他们在同一所学校,到海岸看归来的渔夫,在一个破旧的亭子里,他们不会因为坐了一整天而感到疲倦,他们甚至能通过对方一个瞬间的微笑和眼中的一次闪烁读懂对方的心思。他们之间的这种感觉是真爱吗?我不这么认为,因为它没能禁得起生活的考验,他们没能保持下去。 真爱是纯洁的,干净的,白色的,像山顶之雪,深谷中之清泉,但是山太高攀爬不上,谷太深到达不了。现今有太多令人兴奋吸引我们的东西,生活节奏变快,人类开始不注意周围的环境。 我仍然记得在公车停靠站见到的两个人,他们指着花坛里的花说“看,花已经枯萎了,我从未看到它们开过。”这并不仅仅意味着人们对环境不敏感,我们不再有激情,甚至当我们面对感情——世上最神圣的东西也如此,人们把自己伪装起来与他人隔离开,我们担心被别人看穿。每个人都羡慕真爱,但真爱太神圣以至我们大多数人无法追随。爱花费我们的时间,精力,甚至一个人的生命,我们不敢牺牲利益,权利去获得爱,渐渐的,人们开始习惯并吃起速食,尽管我们仍然想着真爱,但是我们就像谈论一个梦想一个美好的愿望一样。 真爱看上去似乎以不平常为特征,因此对于我们普通人来说,我们能做的仅是保持一个美好的梦想。真爱就像钻石,珍贵,美好,稀有。因此我更倾向于认为世上有真爱,它们在世界的某个地方闪烁着。
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