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opinion的意思是意见。英 [u0259"pu026anju0259n]   美 [u0259"pu026anju0259n]    n. 意见,主张,看法,判断例句:I can"t agree with your opinion in this respect.翻译:在这方面,我不赞同你的意见。短语:accept an opinion 接受意见用法1、opinion的基本意思是“意见,看法,主张”,可指个人的判断,也可指权威性的评论,往往含有“起初的,不十分肯定的”意味,多与介词of,on或about连用,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2、opinion作“舆论”解时,是不可数名词。3、opinion与good、high、bad、low等词连用时表示“评价”。4、opinion有词组in one"s opinion,属于正式的用法,表示在某人看来。




“他们对他有不同的态度。”=Their opinions on him are various.

opinion 单复数问题?

There was a considerable variety of opinion.这里,a considerable variety of opinion 是: 一种可值得考虑的观点/意见/看法a variety of 有两种意思:多种多样的…,一种…(特别是variety前面有修饰词/定语)注意: opinion 是可数名词,不是不可数名词there be 的句式是倒装句,主语是:a considerable variety of opinion 单数概念,所以用was.题外话: a variety of+ 可数名词复数形式,谓语动词用复数; a variety of + 不可数名词/可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数。varieties of + 复数形式,谓语动词用复数。

intention 与opinion区别?

intention 是意图,意向,去做某事的计划(a plan or desire to do something)opinion 是意见,见解,你对某事的想法(your ideas or beliefs about a particular subject)


opinion [u0259"pinju0259n] n.1. 意见,看法,见解,主张2. (个人)见解的表达3. 舆论4. (专家、医生、律师等的)专门意见;鉴定5. 评价;印象6. 好评;尊重7. 【法律】陈述,裁决;理由8. [废语]自负,自大9. [废语]名誉;信誉thought1 [θu0254:t] n.1. 想;思想2. 思索,思考;思维3. 想像力;推理能力4. 沉思,冥想,全神贯注5. 关心,关注,挂念;顾虑6. 想法,意见,见解7. 意图,目的8. 判断;信念9. 期望;打算10. 思潮;思想方式11. [a thought] 一点点,少量,稍许,些微12. [古语]麻烦;悲痛opinion:意见,看法,主张。指某人对客观事物的认识和看法,有十分肯定的意味。 What"s your opinion? thought:想法,见解,思考,思维。指通过思考,推理对事物所得出的全面系统的看法,不是凭想象所得出的结论。 I have given up the thought.

opinion on和opinion about的区别?

opinion of 后面一般加 人,例如opinion of ourselves。表示某人的观点opinion about/on 后面一般加 事物,例如opinion about/on biology 这两个一般不做区分,翻译为关于……的观点,可以通用,非要区分的话,on表示专门相关的,about是指一般的相关






opinion:意见,看法,主张。指某人对客观事物的认识和看法,有十分肯定的意味。 What"s your opinion? idea:主意,想法。指在日常生活中或在学术领域中理解,推理,幻想所产生的念头。any good ideal?






opinion 观点是可数名词advice是不可数名词 建议 In my opinion we should study hard.我的建议是我们应该努力学习。 Could you give me some advice on how to study English Well?你能给我一些如何把英语学好的建议吗?


opinion的中文翻译是“观点、意见”。opinion表示一个人或者一个团体在某个问题上所持有的看法或者意见。一个人的观点可能是基于个人的背景、经验、信仰等因素形成的,不同的人因为这些因素的差异,可能会对同一个问题有着不同的看法。opinion具有重要的意义,在不同领域和场合中都有广泛的应用。正确理解和处理他人观点,不仅有助于提升个人的素养和学识,还能为个人的人际关系和事业发展带来积极的影响。在社会交往和学术研究中,理解和归纳他人的观点是非常重要的。人们需要以尊重的态度倾听他人的观点,以了解事物多方面的不同看法,从中获得启示和思考,以扩宽自己的视野和知识结构。在学习和研究中,也需要学会以批判性的思维和科学的方法来分析和评估不同观点的合理性和可靠性,确保自己的结论和观点能够经得起考验和论证。opinion造句1、In my opinion, the government should invest more money in education and training programs.在我看来,政府应该投入更多的资金用于教育和培训计划。2、Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but we must respect each other"s beliefs and values.每个人都有权持有自己的观点,但我们必须尊重彼此的信仰和价值观。3、The article presents an interesting opinion on the current state of the economy.这篇文章提出了有关当前经济状况的有趣看法。4、I asked for their opinion on which movie we should watch, but everyone had a different response.我询问了他们对我们应该看哪部电影的意见,但每个人的回答都不一样。5、It is my honest opinion that this product is of high quality and meets the needs of our customers.我坦率地认为,这个产品质量很高,可以满足我们客户的需求。




suggestion n.建议idea n.想法 opinion n.观念


opinion,suggestion均含“意见、建议”之意opinion →日常用词,泛指对某事物的想法和意见。Opinions differ on this matter.对这件事各人看法不一。I can"t agree with your opinion in this respect. 在这方面,我不赞同你的意见。 It"s my considered opinion that he is a liar and a cheat.我经过仔细考虑,认为他是个说谎的家伙,又是个骗子。suggestion →普通用词,着重为改进工作、解决困难等提出的建议,有时含所提建议不一定正确,仅供参考的意味。I ordered a steak at his suggestion.我根据他的建议点了一份牛排。What a ridiculous suggestion! 多么荒唐的建议! Can you give me any suggestion on this matter?关于这件事,你能给我一些建议吗?


opinion [??"pinj??n] n. 意见;主张 view [vju:] n. 风景;意见;视野;观察 vt. 查看;观察;考虑 可以都表达为观点,但是VIEW 有景色的意思,和动词。


可数名词。可数名词与不可数名词都是属于普通名词。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西;它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a / an ,若要表示它的个体意义时,必须与一个名词短语连用,相当于中文里的【一 +(量词)+ 名词】,其中的量词意义依与具体的名词搭配而定。

opinion on和opinion about的区别?

opinion of 后面一般加 人,例如opinion of ourselves.表示某人的观点 opinion about/on 后面一般加 事物,例如opinion about/on biology 这两个一般不做区分,翻译为关于……的观点,可以通用,非要区分的话,on表示专门相关的,about是指一般的相关


opinion 基本释义n. 1.意见,看法,主张2.舆论3.评价,印象4.专业性的鉴定,劝告5.(个人)见解的表达6.(专家、医生、律师等的)专门意见7.好评;尊重8.【法律】陈述,裁决;理由opinion 相关例句1 This is the opinion of the middle-of-the-roaders.这是中派的议论。2 seek the opinion of the masses征询群众意见3 What is the opinion of the bench?法官有什么意见?4 the drift of opinion舆论的倾向5 At the end of the debate, the presiding arbitrator or the sole arbitrator shall ask for the final opinion of the parties.辩论终结时,首席仲裁员或者独任仲裁员应当征询当事人的最后意见。6 This resolution represented the opinion of the workers.这项决议反映了工人的意思。7 Opinion at the grassroots level is sympathetic to the strikers.基层的意见是同情罢工者。8 She stood fair in the opinion of the neighbourhood.在邻居心目中,她的名声清白无暇。9 the tribunal of public opinion舆论的公断10 seek the opinion of; consult徵询11 The lawyer give their opinion.律师表示了他们的意见。12 Changing the Opinion towards Basketball.对篮球改变了看法。13 the tide of public opinion舆论的趋势14 The judge is of the opinion that if the evidence is doubtful the claim shall be dismissed.法官持有这样的看法:如果证据有疑,要求应不予受理。15 I hold the converse opinion.我持相反意见。16 The public opinion condemns prostitution.公众舆论遣责卖淫。17 My opinion about quality of the administrator in the language experimental center of the university论高校语言实验中心管理员的素质18 In the opinion of some people the pioneer spirit remains in the American mind.根据某些人的看法,美国人心中仍保持着先驱者的拓荒精神。19 The museum is seeking an expert opinion on the authenticity of the painting.博物馆在请专家鉴定那幅画的真伪。20 An Opinion of the Citizen, the Citizenship and the Citizen Policy in Athens论雅典城邦的公民、公民权及公民政策






opinion 英[u0259u02c8pu026anju0259n] 美[u0259u02c8pu026anju0259n] n. 意见,主张; 评价; 鉴定,判定; [例句]I wasn"t asking for your opinion, Dick我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克。[其他] 复数:opinions




opinion 英[u0259u02c8pu026anju0259n] 美[u0259u02c8pu026anju0259n] n. 意见,主张; 评价; 鉴定,判定; [例句]I wasn"t asking for your opinion, Dick我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克。[其他] 复数:opinions


e P nian


opinion的意思是意见。英 [u0259"pu026anju0259n]   美 [u0259"pu026anju0259n]    n. 意见,主张,看法,判断例句:I can"t agree with your opinion in this respect.翻译:在这方面,我不赞同你的意见。短语:accept an opinion 接受意见用法1、opinion的基本意思是“意见,看法,主张”,可指个人的判断,也可指权威性的评论,往往含有“起初的,不十分肯定的”意味,多与介词of,on或about连用,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2、opinion作“舆论”解时,是不可数名词。3、opinion与good、high、bad、low等词连用时表示“评价”。4、opinion有词组in one"s opinion,属于正式的用法,表示在某人看来。


opinion 英[u0259u02c8pu026anju0259n] 美[u0259u02c8pu026anju0259n] n. 意见,主张;评价;鉴定,判定 名词复数:opinions [例句]Western opinion is deeply divided.西方舆论对此分歧严重。

order by 和union all 如何共存

select id,cc,ddfrom (Select id,cc,dd from A union all select id ,cc,dd from B)order by id

senior vice-president中文是什么意思


How we can build up a harmonious family作文

A harmonious family is essential to our personal development and our physical and mental health. A harmonious family is always full of warmth, love and laughter. Parents and children love and show concern for each other. They also respect and understand each other. If a child grows up in a harmonious family, he is more likely to be cheerful and optimistic. Otherwise, he may be miserable and pessimistic. Meanwhile, parents in a harmonious family are sure to live happily and more healthily. Sincea harmonious family plays a very important role in our life, it is up to every family member to contribute to the building of such a family. First of all, parents should be a role model for their children and pay more attention to their own words and behavior. Besides, they must trust their children and often communicate with them. As children of the family, we should also respect and understand our parents, and try to share their burdens. If we do so, our home will always be harmonious.

关于superjunior的2009 MAMA


谁有super junior料理王的中文歌词注音

亲 。请一如既往的支持我们SUPER JUNIOR 家的 13只 宝贝。期待男人们久别18个月后 华丽的 回归期待我们的 三辑噢 ELF 加油ZANG!


Cooking? Cooking! 料理王[Sj-H]: (亲爱的多吃点) 【晟敏】我的女朋友(【神童】非常漂亮) 我的女朋友(【恩赫】非常善良) 但是她有一个唯一的缺点 比我还差的料理手艺 【恩赫+神童】饭也不会做 汤也不会做 这个那个都不会做 拉面对不好水 酱油和可乐也分不清 我很喜欢她 我很爱她 但是如果真这样(结婚就有点…) 【李特】有一天突然 说要招待我 把我叫到了你家 我很期待 【艺声】饿着饿着再饿着 充满期待的想象着 你所做的美味的晚餐 举起勺子的那一瞬间(厄啊~!) 【强仁】这么难吃也可以吗 到底放了什么 还不如我闭着眼睛做得更好吃呢 【李特】问我味道怎么样 我还有什么力气 说真得很好吃 她笑着又给了我一碗 救救我吧 【恩赫+神童】连续几天她都没有联系 通过她的朋友知道的消息 说是要去英语,日语,汉语学院 没有时间 【艺声】那样的她突然联系了我 说是要再招待我一次 【李特】虽然我说没关系我很饱 但是带着或许的心情奔向你(厄啊~!) 【强仁】这么难吃也可以吗 这是人做的吗 【晟敏】我都从来没听说过有这种东西 【李特】问我味道怎么样 【艺声】流着眼泪我说 自从长了头发之后 这么好吃的料理 【晟敏】后来知道她为了我 【艺声】去了料理学院 我都不知道 【李特】这么难吃(【神童】不是的~) 【强仁】这么好吃(【恩赫】没错啦~)也可以吗 这是人做的吗 【晟敏】我都从来没听说过有这种东西 【李特】问我味道怎么样 【艺声】流着眼泪我说 自从长了头发之后 这么好吃的料理 还是第一次 (亲爱的饱吗?)

super junior happy 做得好 歌词

잘해봐 (good luck!) 好好试试吧 转载请注明唯爱 翻译: ☆ Vi ☆ [성민]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐 Hanbon mannaba alaba jaleba [晟民] 试著见面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相处一次 [성민]여기 이 녀석 소개해줄게 꽃미남이지만 아직은 솔로 Yogi I nyosok sogehejulge gotminamijiman ajikgun solo [晟民]在这里介绍一位朋友, 他虽然是花美男, 但到现在还是单身 성격도 괜찮고 의리도 지키는 진정한 친구 Songgyokdo gwenchanko euli do jikinun jinjonghan chingu 性格既不错 又专一 的一位真正的朋友 [강인]하지만 지난 아픈 사랑에 아직은 많이 힘이든가봐 Hanjiman jinan apun salange ajikgun mani himidungaba [强仁]但是在上一次的伤痛爱情中, 他已用了很多力量 이제는 니가 작은 빛이 돼줄래? 새로운 희망이 돼줄래? Ijenun niga jakgun bitchi dwejulle? seloun himangi dwejulle? 现在你会不会发放光明? 会不会给予新的希望? *[이특]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐 Hanbon mannaba alaba jaleba [李特]试著见面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相处一次吧 내가 가장 아끼는 나의 좋은 친구야 Nega gajang aginun nae johun chinguya 我珍贵的好朋友 좋은 기억만 행복만 사랑만 Chohun giongman hengbongman salangman 美好的回忆, 幸福, 爱情 언제나 기억될 수 있도록 잘해봐 이번엔 잘해봐 Onjena giokdwel su itdolok jaleba ibone jaleba 总是只会回想起这些, 好好试试吧, 这次好好试试吧 ([성민]oh~ baby [강인]내 친구야 [성민]oh~baby~) (oh~ baby ne chinguya oh~baby) ([晟民]oh~baby [强仁]我的朋友啊 [晟民] oh~baby~) [예성]안될 것 같은 아픈 내 마음에 다가온 사랑 Andwel got gatun apun ne maume dagaon salang [艺声]好像不行了, 在这场爱情中我的心很痛 그녀는 내게 아껴줄 사람 지켜줄 사람 좋은 그 사람 Kunyonun nege agyojul salam jikyojul salam johun gu salam 她是我会爱惜的人, 守护的人, 喜欢的那人 [RAP/은혁]텅 빈 너의 가슴에 조심스레 살짝 안길 여자 Tong bin noe gasume josimsule saljak angil yoja [RAP/银赫]你会在怀里小心地搂著的伴侣 너에게 필요한 것 같아 Noege pilohan got gata 是你最需要的, 이번엔 진짜 잘해보면 어때 내 친구야 ibone jinja jalebomyon ode ne chinguya 这次真的好好试一试, 怎样 我的朋友 [신동]다시 한번 잘 만나봐 너희 둘은 마치 어느 누구 부러울 것 없는 Tasi hanbon jal mannaba nohi dulun machi onu nugu buloul got obnun [神童]再一次好好见面吧, 你们俩谁人都羡慕不来 절대 다른 누군가는[신동은혁]안 되는 세상 가장 아름다운 커플 Cholde dalun nuguganun andwenun sesang gajang alumdaun kopul 你们绝对没可能跟其他人成为世上这样最美丽的情侣 *[이특]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐 Hanbon mannaba alaba jaleba [李特]试著见面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相处一次吧 [성민]내가 가장 아끼는 나의 좋은 친구야 Nega gajang aginun nae johunchinguya [晟民]我珍贵的好朋友 [예성]좋은 기억만 행복만 사랑만 Chohun giongman hengbongman salangman [艺声]美好的回忆, 幸福, 爱情 [강인]언제나 기억될수 있도록 잘해봐 이번엔 잘해봐 Onjena giokdwel su itdolok jaleba ibone jaleba [强仁]总是只会回想起这些, 好好试试吧, 这次好好试试吧 [예성]아름다운 그녀는 만나 보면 Alumdaun kunyonun manna bomyon [艺声]只要能见美丽的她 볼수록 정말 괜찮아 (우리가 뭐라했니) bulsulok jongmal gwenchana (wuliga myolahetni) 见见面真的没要紧的 그녈 소개해준 네가 참 고마워 Kunyol sogehejun niga cham gomawo 介绍了她后, 你会感谢我的 *[예성]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐 Hanbon mannaba alaba jaleba [艺声]试著见面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相处一次吧 [아찔]만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐 Mannaba alaba jaleba [集体]试一试见面, 试一试了解, 试一试好好相处 [성민]내가 가장 아끼는 나의 좋은 친구야 Nega gajang aginun nae johunchinguya [晟民]我珍贵的好朋友 [아찔]좋은 기억만 행복만 사랑만 Chohun giongman hengbongman salangman [集体]美好的回忆, 幸福, 爱情 [이특]언제나 기억될수 있도록 Onjena giokdwel su itdolok [李特]总是只会回想起这些 잘해봐 이번엔 잘해봐 jaleba ibone jaleba 好好试试吧, 这次好好试试吧 *[아찔]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐 Hanbon mannaba alaba jaleba [集体]试著见面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相处一次吧 [성민이특]내가 가장 아끼는 나의 좋은 친구야 Nega gajang aginun nae johunchinguya [晟民李特]我珍贵的好朋友 [아찔]좋은 기억만 행복만 사랑만 Chohun giongman hengbongman salangman [集体]美好的回忆, 幸福, 爱情 [예성]언제나 기억될 수 있도록 잘해봐 이번엔 잘해봐 Onjena giokdwel su itdolok jaleba ibone jaleba [艺声]总是只会回想起这些, 好好试试吧, 这次好好试试吧 [예성]아~잘해볼게~ Ah~jalebolge~ [艺声]啊~试试好好相处吧~

Super Junior -H -Good Luck 歌词 的中文发音

Good luck(爱一次吧) [Sung Min]han beon man na bwa al ah bwa jal hae bwa 【晟敏】试著见面一次 了解一次好好相处一次 [Sung Min]yeo gi i nyeo seok so gae hae jul gge 【晟敏】在这里介绍一位朋友 ggoch mi nam i ji man ah jik eun sol ro 他虽然是花美男 但到现在还是单身 seong gyeok do gwaen chanh go ui ri do ji ki neun jin jeong han chin gu 性格既不错 又专一 的一位真正的朋友 [Kang In]ha ji man ji nan ah peun sa rang eh ah jik eun manh ah him i deun ga bwa 【强仁】但是在上一次的伤痛爱情中他已用了很多力量 i je neun ni ga jak eun bichi dwi jul rae? 现在你会不会发放光明? sae ro un hwi mang i dwi jul rae? 会不会给予新的希望? [Lee Tuek]han beon man na bwa al ah bwa jal hae bwa 【李特】试著见面一次 了解一次 好好相处一次吧 nae ga ga jang ah ggi neun na ui joh eun chin gu ya 我珍贵的好朋友 joh eun gi eok man haeng bok man sa rang man 美好的回忆 幸福 爱情 eon je na gi eok dwil su i do rok jal hae bwa(jal hae bwa) 总是只会回想起这些 好好试试吧(好好试试吧) i beon en jal hae bwa 这次好好试试吧 [Kang In]nae chin gu ya 【强仁】我的朋友啊 [Ye Sung]an dwil geo gateun ah peum ui ma eum eul 【艺声】好像不行了 da ga on sa rang geu nyeo reul nae ge 在这场爱情中我的心很痛 ah ggyeo jul sa ram ji kyeo jul sa ram joh eun geu sa ram 她是我会爱惜的人 守护的人 喜欢的那人 [Eun Hyuk]teong bin neo ui ga seum eh jo sim seu re sal jjak an gil yeo ja 【恩赫】你会在怀里小心地搂著的伴侣 neo eh ge pil yo han geo gatah i beon eh jin jja 是你最需要的 jal hae bo myeon an dwi na chin gu ya 这次真的好好试一试 怎样 我的朋友 [Shin Dong]da si han beon jjeum man na bwa neo ui deul eun 【神童】再一次好好见面吧 ma chin eo neu nu gu bu reo ul geo seop neun 你们俩谁人都羡慕不来 jeol dae jal an dwi go gateun an dwi neun 你们绝对没可能跟其他人成为 se sang ga jang ah reum da un keo peul 世上这样最美丽的情侣 [Lee Tuek]han beon man na bwa al ah bwa jal hae bwa 【李特】试著见面一次了解一次好好相处一次吧 [Sung Min]nae ga ga jang ah ggi neun na ui joh eun chin gu ya 【晟敏】我珍贵的好朋友 [Ye Sung]joh eun gi eok man haeng bok man sa rang man 【艺声】美好的回忆 幸福 爱情 [Kang In]eon je na gi eok dwil su i do rok jal hae bwa(jal hae bwa) 【强仁】总是只会回想起这些好好试试吧(好好试试吧) i beon en jal hae bwa 这次好好试试吧 [Ye Sung]ah reum da un geu nyeo reul man na myeon man nal su rok 【艺声】只要能见美丽的她 jeong mal gwaen chanh ah(uh ri ga mweo ra hae ni) 见见面真的没要紧的 geu nyeol so gae hae jun ni ga cham go ma weo 介绍了她后 你会感谢我的 [Ye Sung]han beon man na bwa al ah bwa jal hae bwa 【艺声】试著见面一次了解一次好好相处一次吧 [All]man na bwa al ah bwa jal hae bwa 【全体】了解一次 好好相处一次吧[Sung Min]nae ga ga jang ah ggi un na ui joh eun chin gu ya 【晟敏】我珍贵的好朋友 [All]joh eun gi eok man haeng bok man sa rang man 【全体】美好的回忆 幸福 爱情 [Lee Tuek]eon je na gi eok dwil su i do rok jal hae bwa(jal hae bwa) 【李特】总是只会回想起这些好好试试吧(好好试试吧) [Ye Sung]i beon en jal hae bwa 【艺声】这次好好试试吧 [All]han beon man na bwa al ah bwa jal hae bwa 【全体】试著见面一次了解一次好好相处一次吧 [Sung Min]nae ga ga jang ah ggi un na ui joh eun chin gu ya 【晟敏】我珍贵的好朋友 [All]joh eun gi eok man haeng bok man sa rang man 【全体】美好的回忆 幸福 爱情 [Ye Sung]eon je na gi eok dwil su i do rok jal hae bwa(jal hae bwa) 【艺声】总是只会回想起这些好好试试吧(好好试试吧) i beon en jal hae bwa 这次好好试试吧 [Ye Sung]jal hae bol gge 【艺声】试试好好相处吧

谁有super junior捉鬼帮的文?



报错日志 解决方案



关于super junior 专辑的问题


求写篇雅思作文What is your opinion about a success of a team:does i?

Topic: What is your opinion about a success of a team: does it depend on mental attitude of the whole team or on the strongest individuals? petition in today"s modern society can be seen from various fields. For achieving success, some tasks require us to go forward in team work style. Hence, there is a considerable debate about the significance of mental attitude of the whole team and the strongest individuals. Some people insist that mental attitude should be emphasized more in a team while others prefer the second element - the strongest individuals. However, according to my experience, the most efficient option is the bination of mental attitude and the strongest individuals for a successful team, and I will exemplify my opinion by the following arguments. A positive mental attitude will provide a great spiritual power for team work, and it will establish a good working atmosphere. So every team mate will be able to feel the support and contribution from others, because it is the basic element for organizing a good team. However, a team"s success also needs the talent from some individuals, because the strongest individuals will play a role of key man in the most crucial moment, and then lead to the success. By looking back those historical sport events, such as the World Cup soccer game, it can be easily seen that the championship always goes to the teams, which possess more unity and are more eager to win the title. Again, people still can find many examples for the genius individuals by checking the sport games. One of them is the legendary basketball player Michael Jordan, who portrayed repeatedly the savior in the NBA final match, scored in the last second and helped his team to win the champion. Therefore, to sum up, a successful team work emphasizes that all team mates are suppose to maximize their positive attitude, and find some individual"s talent. Finally, they will be able to maximize the progress in the whole working period and then to finish the task as perfect as possible.,9,求写篇雅思作文 What is your opinion about a success of a team:does it depend on mental attitude of the whole team or on the strongest individuals? eminemxu_27 明天可以


  Band Of Brothers  Loveletter(情书)  X.Man  NEWX.Man  Star Golden Bell (明星金钟)  美少年宿舍大骚动  (利特 强仁 银赫 晟敏 韩庚 东海 神童)  Full House  Super Junior Show  Mystery 6(神秘追踪6)  Princess Diary  Youngs Street  少年探究生活  人体探险队  转呀转呀  夜心万万  School of 乐  8vs1  King Saturday  塞班岛之行  (起范 东海 始源)  SuperViking  美女们的唠叨  美男们的唠叨  童颜俱乐部  女杰6  爆裂!精神统一  选择男女  黄金渔场  Sponge  1000 songs  Hello chat  万元的幸福  了不起的外出第3季  奇迹的胜负师(史)  080210 第14期(强仁 东海)  080302 第16期(强仁)  Change  强力驾驶学校(利特)  其他  060122 Star Wars(强仁 神童)  060206 MBC Star Life Story(希澈)  060226 MBC Star Wars(强仁)  060305 Sunday star(晟敏)  060305 BanJun Drama(晟敏)  060328 Tock Talk(银赫 东海)  060330 Happy Together Friends(强仁)  060402 vitamin(强仁)  060409 Vitamin(利特)  060422 MTV School ATTACK  060423 Zoozoo Club(韩庚 东海)  060507 Table of Nobel(强仁)  060515 MBC Maldallaji(希澈)  060827 星期天星球大战 (李特、恩赫)  060917 S-match(东海 韩庚 利特 强仁 神童 晟敏)  070504 MBC三色女 Talk Show(希澈 强仁)  070802 开心的日子(利特 希澈 艺声 强仁 神童 晟敏 银赫 东海 始源 起范 厉旭)  070922 比花更美·中秋特辑(利特 神童 东海 银赫)  071102 MBC三色女 Talk Show (银赫 神童 始源 李特 晟敏)  071127 想象PLUS(希澈)  071201 家庭娱乐馆(利特 神童)  080207 country koko-Gimme Gimme(利特 银赫)  080209 SBS 希望(利特 神童 艺声 银赫 晟敏 强仁)  080616 逃出危机(利特)  080401 真实游戏  080613 音乐银行  080808 谁啊谁会做的好  081002 金正恩的巧克力  081003 饥饿体验24小时  080914 中秋特辑 做个好爸爸  081012 我们结婚了赫特  081017 容兄东弟 神童  080918 偶像军团出动  080925 偶像军团红了  081002 偶像军团红了  080723 Love Fighter  080703 少年少女歌谣白书  MC M!countdown(利特 强仁 神童)  060211 Show Music Tank(利特 东海)  060218 Show Music Tank(晟敏 东海)  060317 Show Music Tank(强仁)  060416 人气歌谣(希澈 始源)  060514 人气歌谣(希澈)  060625 人气歌谣(希澈)  081101 因为喜欢(希澈)  电台MC  Kiss The Radio - 利特、银赫  深深打破 - 神童  Miracle For You - 艺声  韩流冲击波 - 韩庚  亲密朋友 - 强仁  天方地轴 - 晟敏



英语high school和senior school区别?

high school <美>中学; <英>大学预科senior school (英国的11岁以上儿童的)大龄儿童学校; 高中

senior school和high school有什么区别?

senior school与high school的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、广泛性不同。一、意思不同1、senior school:高级中学。2、high school:完全中学。二、用法不同1、senior school:是高级中学的简称,初级中学与高级中学,两者同属中等教育的范畴。高级中学高等的教育机构,上承初中,下启大学,一般为三年制。高中教育指初中以后的普通高级中学教育,包括:普通高中、成人高中、职业高中、中等专业学校、中级技工学校等,均属于中等教育的范畴。2、high school:完全中学(highschool[英])既有初级中学的学段,又有高级中学学段的学校,是一种学校制度。初中属于9年义务教育阶段,而高中不属于义务教育,在学校的设置中,已经有许多完全中学脱钩为两所学校。三、广泛性不同1、senior school:为14到18岁青年开办的学校。2、high school:为11到18岁青年开办的学校。

high school和senior school有什么不同吗?

senior school与high school的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、广泛性不同。一、意思不同1、senior school:高级中学。2、high school:完全中学。二、用法不同1、senior school:是高级中学的简称,初级中学与高级中学,两者同属中等教育的范畴。高级中学高等的教育机构,上承初中,下启大学,一般为三年制。高中教育指初中以后的普通高级中学教育,包括:普通高中、成人高中、职业高中、中等专业学校、中级技工学校等,均属于中等教育的范畴。2、high school:完全中学(highschool[英])既有初级中学的学段,又有高级中学学段的学校,是一种学校制度。初中属于9年义务教育阶段,而高中不属于义务教育,在学校的设置中,已经有许多完全中学脱钩为两所学校。三、广泛性不同1、senior school:为14到18岁青年开办的学校。2、high school:为11到18岁青年开办的学校。

high school和senior school有何不同呢?

senior school与high school的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、广泛性不同。一、意思不同1、senior school:高级中学。2、high school:完全中学。二、用法不同1、senior school:是高级中学的简称,初级中学与高级中学,两者同属中等教育的范畴。高级中学高等的教育机构,上承初中,下启大学,一般为三年制。高中教育指初中以后的普通高级中学教育,包括:普通高中、成人高中、职业高中、中等专业学校、中级技工学校等,均属于中等教育的范畴。2、high school:完全中学(highschool[英])既有初级中学的学段,又有高级中学学段的学校,是一种学校制度。初中属于9年义务教育阶段,而高中不属于义务教育,在学校的设置中,已经有许多完全中学脱钩为两所学校。三、广泛性不同1、senior school:为14到18岁青年开办的学校。2、high school:为11到18岁青年开办的学校。

high school和senior school的区别?

senior school与high school的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、广泛性不同。一、意思不同1、senior school:高级中学。2、high school:完全中学。二、用法不同1、senior school:是高级中学的简称,初级中学与高级中学,两者同属中等教育的范畴。高级中学高等的教育机构,上承初中,下启大学,一般为三年制。高中教育指初中以后的普通高级中学教育,包括:普通高中、成人高中、职业高中、中等专业学校、中级技工学校等,均属于中等教育的范畴。2、high school:完全中学(highschool[英])既有初级中学的学段,又有高级中学学段的学校,是一种学校制度。初中属于9年义务教育阶段,而高中不属于义务教育,在学校的设置中,已经有许多完全中学脱钩为两所学校。三、广泛性不同1、senior school:为14到18岁青年开办的学校。2、high school:为11到18岁青年开办的学校。

senior school与high school有什么区别?


high school和junior high school什么意思

high school 高中junior high schoo 初中l

senior associate是什么意思

senior 英["si:nu026au0259(r)] 美[u02c8sinju025a] adj. (级别、地位等)较高的;资深的;年长的;<美>最高年级的 n. 上级;<美>毕业班学生;较年长者;地位较高的,资历较深的 名词复数:seniors [例句]Asks a senior official in brussels.布鲁塞尔的一位高级官员问道。associate 英[u0259"su0259u028au0283u026aeu026at] 美[u0259u02c8sou028au0283iu02cceu026at] vt. (使)发生联系;(使)联合;结交;联想 vi. 联盟;陪伴同事 第三人称单数:associates;过去分词:associated;名词复数:associate... [例句]u2022 Title : associate professor of businessadministrationu2022职位:工商管理学副教授意思是:高级合作的意思望采纳谢谢

Senior high school和 high school 有什么区别?

senior hish school 指的是高中 high school 的范围比前者大可以指高中也可以指初中

senior high school与high school是一个意思吧

不senior high school单指高中high school指中学,即可以指高中,也可以指初中,也可以包括两个

senior school与high school有什么区别?


senior school与high school有什么区别?


super junior m和super junior的关系


super junior分组

super junior之所以要分组,原因有以下几点1.sm的老板需要他们分散开来,赚更多的钱2.分散活动可以让成员在更多的领域中发展Super Junior-M由SUPERJUNIOR的成员韩庚,始源、东海、厉旭、圭贤和两名外援:Henry,周觅组成M是普通话英文mandarin的首字母缩写,是“普通话”的意思。它也表示着SJ-M将以华语乐坛为舞台翱翔展翅的伟大抱负Super Junior-T由李特、希澈、强仁、银赫、晟敏、神童组成T味着Trot。希望能够以韩国传统的Trot音乐在海外音乐排行榜上夺得冠军的宝座。让世界都知道Trot音乐的魅力。Super Junior-K.R.Y由圭贤、厉旭和艺声组成K.R.Y是他们的名字的英文写法的首字母!Super Junior-h由晟敏,李特,强仁,神童,恩赫,艺声组成H是HAPPY的意思,就像他们的团名一样,想要以轻快明亮的音乐,带给FANS幸福的感觉~~

super junior t成员

super junior t是一个小分队,H也是一样的!!只是T里面的希澈换成艺声就成了h




2007年11月5日成立SuperJunior-K.R.Y.:圭贤、厉旭、艺声 2007年3月25日成立SuperJunior-T(Trot):利特、希澈、强仁、银赫、晟敏、神童 2008年4月8日成立SuperJunior-M(Mandarin):韩庚、始源、东海、厉旭、圭贤、周觅、Henry「周觅和Henry不属于SuperJunior。是SuperJunior-M的成员。」 2008年6月5日成立SuperJunior-H(Happy):利特、艺声、强仁、银赫、晟敏、神童 2008年11月5日 SuperJunior - T与日本人气女子搞笑组合MoeYan合作在日本出道

Super Junior总共有几个分队啊???各分队都有那些成员??

SJ-T [神童、强仁、金希澈、恩赫、晟敏,李特]SJ-K.R.Y [奎贤、丽旭、艺声]SJ-H [神童、强仁、恩赫、晟敏,李特,艺声]SJ-M [奎贤、丽旭,东海,韩庚,始源,HENRY,周觅]楼上说的SJ-C不对,那时还没确定时FAN自己起的名字。官方的叫SJ-M。 PS:希望楼亲能成为ONLY 13的妖精。呵呵

Super junior的 TROT是什么意思?怎么单挑出来几个人?庚澈怎么办?




关于super junior金基范受伤的事。


learn to enioy life 英语作文,150词汇

Often we"re told that we have to suffer now — give up what we want — in order to succeed later, that in order to save we must sacrifice. Give up instant gratification to get delayed gratification.But you can do both.For years, I was confused about this, as I read books and websites that sent me two different messages:  Pleasure later. The first message was that in order to be successful, in order to build wealth, you have to delay gratification. You can"t have instant gratification and be successful.Pleasure now. The second message was usually from other sources on Happiness, but sometimes from the same source: enjoy life now, while you can, because it"s short and you never know when your last day will come. Live every day like it"s your last. Trouble is, I agree with both messages. And if you read this site often, you"ll see that I send both messages: Live frugally and simply! But also enjoy life!  That"s because I"ve reconciled the two philosophies into one: Live life now and enjoy it to the fullest — without destroying your future. The key to doing that? Find ways to enjoy life completely, utterly, maximally … that don"t cost your future very much.Here are some tips for actually living that philosophy:  Find free or cheap pleasures. Frugality does not have to be boring or restrictive … if you use your imagination. Be creative and find ways to have fun — loads of it — without spending much money. Have a picnic at the park, go to the beach, do crafts, board games, fly a kite, make art, bake cookies … I could list a hundred things, and you could come up with a few hundred more. Make a list of simple pleasures, and enjoy them to the maximum. This is the key to the whole idea of enjoying life now without spending tomorrow"s dollar. See Savor the Little Things .Make simplifying fun. I"m a big fan of simplifying my life, from decluttering to creating a simple lifestyle in every way. And to me, this is great fun. I get rid of stuff (and possibly make money selling it) and have a blast doing it. That"s good math.  Rediscover what"s important. Oftentimes we spend tons of money, shopping, going out, watching movies, eating out … without really enjoying life. And when we stop to think about it, we never have time for the things we really want to do. Well, that"s probably because your life is filled with things that aren"t very important to you. Instead, step back and really think about what"s important to you. Then get rid of the other (expensive) stuff, and focus on what"s important. Listen to some stuff on my list: my wife and kids, other friends and family, reading, writing, exercising, volunteering, spending quiet time in contemplation. Guess how many of those things cost a lot of money? Read more here .

super junior有一首歌,歌里歌词i do,这首歌叫什么名字

why i like you

super junior

所有的歌我就不列了……集体的小分队的再加个人的,太多了……列不清啊我最喜欢的话——super show上东海献给爸爸的独唱“My everything”这个我强烈推荐,声音很干净,很好听的!希澈和范范合唱的“能成为爱吗?”我觉得也听好听的,这首歌应该没的下的,若果要听的话PM我,留下邮箱,我会发过来的……集体的话,“L.O.V.E” “A MAN IN LOVE” “Dancing out” “Marry U""You are the one" "So I" "镜子" "Love U Hate U" "Miracle"还有12个哥哥给小贤的”幸福“ ………………小分队的话——SJ-H的"Good look",SJ-T的”来过倒“,SJ-KRY的“Just for U"还有那首”初雪来了“,特特和几个合唱的“ONE LOVE”……反正有很多了啦……

super junior歌曲明细


跪求super junior的韩文歌词和中文翻译和唱的时候的那个发音


super junior的lovely day中文歌词

super junior 中文翻译: [恩赫]My love everytime in thing about you My life is you.I miss you Ibelieve my dream will come true [希澈+奎贤]和你在一起的时候 你会看透我的心 [晟敏]看着镜子里的我 会看到我的心底 [奎贤]想你的我心里的话 已经在我的嘴里绕着 [丽旭]我很想忍一忍 但是已经说出来了 [全体] I wanna hold your hands [晟敏] Everytime in thing about you [全体] I wanna kiss to your lips [丽旭]充满在我心里 [全体] I wanna fall in love with you [丽旭] It must be beautiful lovely day [东海]我爱你的这句话 是不能急着说的 [艺声]祈祷着不要把我看成是个轻率的人 [全体] I wanna hold your hands [晟敏] Everytime in thing about you [全体] I wanna kiss to your lips [艺声] Let me love you baby [全体] I wanna fall in love with you [丽旭] It must be beautiful lovely day [强仁]为了爱 就算这世界的哪里 [丽旭]我能一起的话 [奎贤] My love for you my everything 只为了你 [申东]你的眼神总是在叫我 让我发疯 感到幸福的你像是在做梦一样 入睡前想想你的模样 希望我的心能传向你 [恩赫]风吹过我的脸 我又无意的想起了你 我会成为你身边巨大的树 坐在太阳下守护你 请相信我 [艺声] It must be beautiful lovely day [全体] I wanna hold your hands [艺声] I wanna hold your hands [全体] I wanna kiss to your lips [艺声] I wanna kiss to your lips [全体] I wanna fall in love with you [艺声] It must be beautiful lovely day [全体] It must be beautiful lovely day参考资料:求采纳

super junior 有一首歌里有I DO...的歌词是那首歌?这首歌是有MV的

Marry U吧~不过...不是悲伤风格吧...

super junior的歌词有一句是I want to kiss

Lovely Day

求super junior的lovely day的抒情版本mp3格式这是钢琴版韩文歌词:[uc740ud601]My love everytime in thing about youMy life is you.I miss you Ibelieve my dream will come true[ud76cuc808+uaddcud604]uadf8ub300uc640 uc788uc744 ub550 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuae4cuc9c0 ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9acuace0 ub9c8ub294uc9c0[uc131ubbfc]uac70uc6b8uc5d0 ube44uce5c ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc744 ubcf4uba74 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc774 ub2e4 ubcf4uc5ec[uaddcud604]ubcf4uace0uc2f6ub2e4ub294 ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 uc598uae30uac00 ud131uc77cuae4cuc9c0 ub098uc624ub824ud558uace0[ub824uc625]ucc38uc544ubcf4ub824uace0 uc7a0uc2dc uc0dduac01ud558uba74 ub09cuc5b4ub290uc0c8 ub9d0ud55cuac78[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna hold your hands[uc131ubbfc] Everytime in thing about you[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna kiss to your lips[ub824uc625]ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c uac00ub4ddud788[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna fall in love with you[ub824uc625] It must be beautiful lovely day[ub3d9ud574]uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub294 uc598uae30ub294 uc808ub300ub85c uc11cub450ub974uba74 uc548 ub418ub294uac70uc9c0[uc5ecuc131]ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 uac00ubccduac8c ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auae38 uc6d0ud574ub3c4 ub09c uc5b4ub290uc0c8[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna hold your hands[uc131ubbfc] Everytime in thing about you[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna kiss to your lips[uc5ecuc131] Let me love you baby[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna fall in love with you[ub824uc625] It must be beautiful lovely day[uac15uc778]ub0b4 uc0acub791 uadf8ub300ub97c uc704ud574uc11c uc138uc0c1 uc5b4ub514ub77cub3c4[ub824uc625]ub0b4uac00 ud568uaed8 ud560 uc218 uc788ub2e4uba74[uaddcud604] My love for you my everything uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 uc704ud574[uc2e0ub3d9]uadf8ub300 ub208ube5buc740 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub098ub97c ubd80ub974uc9c0 ubbf8uce58uc9c0 ud589ubcf5uc774 ub290uaef4uc9c0ub294 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc740 uadf8ub140ub098uc7a0uc790ub9acuc5d0 uadf8ub300 ubaa8uc2b5 uadf8ub824 ub108ub97c ub290uaef4 uc774uc81c ub0b4ub9d8 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c uc804ud574uc9c0uae38 ubc14ub798[uc740ud601]ub0b4 ube14uc5d0 uc2a4uce58ub294 ubc14ub78cuacb0uc5d0 ub098 ub610ub2e4uc2dc ubb34ub4dd uadf8ub300ub97c ub5a0uc62cub9acuc8e0 uadf8ub300uc758 uacb0uc5d0 ucee4ub2e4ub780ub098ubb34uac00 ub418uc5b4 ud558ub298 uc544ub798 ub9c8uc8fc uc549uc544 uadf8ub300ub97c uc9c0ud0acuac8cuc694 ub098ub97c ubbffuc5b4uc918uc694[uc5ecuc131] It must be beautiful lovely day[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna hold your hands[uc5ecuc131] I wanna hold your hands[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna kiss to your lips[uc5ecuc131] I wanna kiss to your lips[ub2e8uccb4] I wanna fall in love with you[uc5ecuc131] It must be beautiful lovely day[ub2e8uccb4] It must be beautiful lovely day罗马from aheeyah:My love everytime I"m thinking about youMy life is you. I miss youI believe my dream will come trueGeudaewa isseul ttaen nae ma-eumkkaji da deulkyeobeorigo maneunjigeo-ure bichin nae moseubeul bomyeon nae ma-eumi da boyeoBogoshipttaneun nae ane yaegiga teongmitkkaji na-oryeohagochamaboryeogo jamshi saenggakhamyeon nan eoneusae marangeolI wanna hold your hands(everytime I"m thinking about you)I wanna kiss to your lips (nae ma-eum gadeukhi)I wanna fall in love with youIt must be beautiful lovely daySaranghandaneun yaegineun jeoldaero seodureumyeon an dweneungeojinae mami gabyeopkke bo-iji ankil weonhaedo nan eoneusaeI wanna hold your hands(everytime I"m thinking about you)I wanna kiss to your lips (Let me love you baby)I wanna fall in love with youIt must be beautiful lovely dayNae sarang geudaereul wihaeseo sesang eodiradonaega hamkke hal su itttamyeonmy love for you my everythinggeudaemaneul wihaeGeudae nunbicheun eonjena nareul bureujimichiji haengbogi neukkyeojineun kkumman gateun geunyeona jamjari-e geudae moseup geuryeo neoreul neukkyeoijeneun naemam geudae-ege jeonhaejigil baraenae bore seuchineun baramgyeotena ttodashi mudeuk geudaereul tteo-ollijyogeudae-ui gyeote keodaran namuga dwe-eohaneul arae maju anja geudaereul jikilgeyonareul mideojweoyoI wanna hold your hands(I wanna hold your hands)I wanna kiss to your lips(I wanna kiss to your lips)I wanna fall in love with youit must be beautiful lovely dayit must be beautiful lovely day中文翻译:[恩赫]My love everytime in thing about youMy life is you.I miss you Ibelieve my dream will come true[希澈+奎贤]和你在一起的时候 你会看透我的心[晟敏]看着镜子里的我 会看到我的心底[奎贤]想你的我心里的话 已经在我的嘴里绕着[丽旭]我很想忍一忍 但是已经说出来了[全体] I wanna hold your hands[晟敏] Everytime in thing about you[全体] I wanna kiss to your lips[丽旭]充满在我心里[全体] I wanna fall in love with you[丽旭] It must be beautiful lovely day[东海]我爱你的这句话 是不能急着说的[艺声]祈祷着不要把我看成是个轻率的人[全体] I wanna hold your hands[晟敏] Everytime in thing about you[全体] I wanna kiss to your lips[艺声] Let me love you baby[全体] I wanna fall in love with you[丽旭] It must be beautiful lovely day[强仁]为了爱 就算这世界的哪里[丽旭]我能一起的话[奎贤] My love for you my everything 只为了你[申东]你的眼神总是在叫我 让我发疯 感到幸福的你像是在做梦一样入睡前想想你的模样 希望我的心能传向你[恩赫]风吹过我的脸 我又无意的想起了你 我会成为你身边巨大的树坐在太阳下守护你 请相信我[艺声] It must be beautiful lovely day[全体] I wanna hold your hands[艺声] I wanna hold your hands[全体] I wanna kiss to your lips[艺声] I wanna kiss to your lips[全体] I wanna fall in love with you[艺声] It must be beautiful lovely day[全体] It must be beautiful lovely day

请问谁有super junior的《u》的拼音歌词

  SJ新单曲<u>歌词-韩-拼音-中文ub108ub97c ucca8 ubcf4uac8c ub418uc5c8uc5b4  neo reul cheom bo ge doe eot seo  ub110 uc6d0ud558uc9c0 uc54auace0 uacacub51c uc218uac00 uc788uc744uae4c hey  neol won na ji an go gyeon dil su ga it seol gga hey  uadf8ub807uac8c uccd0ub2e4 ubcf4 uc9c0ub9c8 ub108uc640uc758 uac8cuc784uc744 uc544uc9c1 uc2dcuc791 uc548ud588uc5b4  geu reot ge chyeo da bo ji ma neo wa e ge im meul a jik si jak an haet seo  ub098uc5d0uac8cuc11c tarotuc810uc744 ubd10 ub108uc758 uc774uc0c1ud615 ucc3euc544ubd10 uc904ud14cub2c8  na e ge seo tarot jeom meul bwa neo e i sang hyeong chat ja bwa jul te ni  uadf8 ub0a8uc790uac00 ub0b4uac00 ub418uac8c ud574uc904ud14cub2c8  geu nam ja ga nae ga doe ge hae jul te ni  cuz I can"t stop thinking "bout u girl  ub110 ub0b4uaebcub85c ub9ccub4e4uaebcuc57c  neol nae ggeo ro man deul ggeo ya  No I can"t stop thinking "bout u girl  ub0b4 uc6b0ub9ac uc548uc5d0 uac00ub450uace0 uc2f6uc5b4  nae woo ri an ne ga du go sip peo  ubf40uc597ub358 uc6b0uc720ube5b ud53cubd80 uae34 uba38ub9ac ub05duc5d0 ub0a8uc544 uc788ub294 ud5a5uae30uc640  bbo yat deon woo yu bit pi bu gin meo ri ggeut te nam ma it neun hyang gi wa  ub098uc9c0ub9c9ud55c ubaa9uc18cub9acub85c ub0a0 uacf5uaca9ud558ub2c8 ub0a0 uc774uae38 uc21c uc5c6uc5b4  na ji mak gan mok sok so ri ro nal gong gyeok ka ni nal I gil sun eob seo  ub108uc5d0uac8c ubcf4uc5ecuc900 magic  neo e ge bo yeo jun magic  ube68uac04 uc7a5ubbf8 uc18duc5d0 uc228uaca8ub454 ubc18uc9c0ub97c uc904uaed8  bbal gan jang mi sok ge sum gyeo dun ban ji reul jul gge  uadf8 uc8fcuc778uc774 ub124uac00 ub418uac8c ud574uc904ud14cub2c8  geu ju in ni ne ga doe ge hae jul de ni  *  cuz I can"t stop thinking "bout u girl  ub108uc640 ud568uaed8 uc788uace0 uc2f6uc5b4  neo wa ham gge it go sip peo  No I can"t stop thinking "bout u girl  ub0a0 uc5ecuae30 ub450uace0 uac00ubc84ub9acuc9c0 ub9c8  nal yeo gi du go ga beo ri ji ma  cuz I can"t stop thinking "bout u girl  ub110 ub0b4uaebcub85c ub9ccub4e4uaebcuc57c  neol nae gge ro man deul ggeo ya  No I can"t stop thinking "bout u girl  ub0b4 uc6b0ub9ac uc548uc5d0 uac00ub450uace0 uc2f6uc5b4  nae woo ri an ne gad u go sip peo  ub108uc758 ub0afuc120 ud5a5uae30uc5d0uc11c ucd94uc5b5uc744 ub5a0uc62cub824 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294 ubd80ub4dcub7ecuc6b4  neo e nat seon hyang gi e seo chu eok geul ddeo ol ryeo ba ra bo neun bu deu reo woon  ub208ube5buc774 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc744 uc6b8ub824 uc9c0uc6b0ub824 ud574ub3c4 uc18cuc6a9uc5c6uc5b4 ub05dub3c4uc5c6uc774  nun bit chi nae sim jang eul wool ryeo ji woo ryeo hae do so yong eob seo ggeut do eob si  ub108ub97cud5a5ud574 ub2ecub824 ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub300ub97c uac16uaca0uc5b4  neo reul hyang hae dal ryeo nae ga geu dae reul gat get seo  ub110 uac16uae30uc704ud574uc11c ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub2e4 uac78uace0 uc804ubd80 uc783uac8c ub41cub2e4ud574ub3c4  neol gat gi wie hae seo mo deun geol da geol go jeon bu il ge doen da hae do  uc774ubbf8 uac8cuc784uc740 uc2dcuc791ub410ub294uac78 uc798 uc54cuc544ub46c  i mi ge im meun si jak dwaet neun geol jal al ra dwo  uc774uc81c ub108uc758 ub0a8uc790ub294 ubc14ub85c ub098ub780uac78  i je neo e nam ja neun ba ro na ran geol  ub0a0 uc6d0ud558uace0 uc548ub2ecud558uac8c ub9ccub4e4ud14cub2c8  nal won na go an dal ra ge man deul te ni  中文歌词整理:  时元:第一次见到你 我就按耐不住想争取你  庚:不要那样看着我 和你的游戏还没有开始  澈:在我这里看塔罗牌 我给你找你的梦中情人  丽旭:我会让我成为那个人  合:Cause I can"t stop think it about you girl  强:我要你成为我的  合:Now I can"t stop think it about you girl  李特:把你捆在我的范围之内  澈:白白的牛奶色皮肤 残留在发梢的香气  赵奎贤:用低柔的声音攻击我,我抵挡不住  锐成:给你看的魔术 给你藏在红玫瑰里的戒指  东海:我让你成为那个主人  合:Cause I can"t stop think it about you girl  庚:我想和你在一切  合:Now I can"t stop think it about you girl  东海:不要把我扔在这里  合:Cause I can"t stop think it about you girl  成民:我要你成为我的  合:Now I can"t stop think it about you girl  强:把你捆在我的范围之内  Rap恩赫:从你陌生的香气里我的拳头在哭泣  想忘记你却无济于事  我向你奔跑 我要得到你 为了你我什么都可以做  Rap 基范:即使失去一切也愿意 要记住游戏已经开始  现在你的男人是我  丽旭:要你没有我就活不了  合:Cause I can"t stop think it about you girl  庚:我想和你在一起  合:Now I can"t stop think it about you girl  东海:不要把我扔在这里  合:Cause I can"t stop think it about you girl  我要你成为我的女人  合:Now I can"t stop think it about you girl  Cause I can"t stop

Super Junior的u罗马发音歌词或拼音


Cinema Paradiso(Ennio Morricone) 歌词

歌曲名:Cinema Paradiso(Ennio Morricone)歌手:Young-Joo Song专辑:Turning PointFrom My Heart - Cinema ParadisoSe tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giornoVedresti la bellezza che piena d"allegriaIo trovo dentro gli occhi tuoiE nearo se magia o lealtaSe tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giornoPotreste avere un"ideaDi cio che sento ioQuando m"abbracci forte a teE petto a petto, noiRespiriamo insiemeProtagonista del tuo amorNon so se sia magiaO lealtaSe tu fossi nella mia anima un giornoSapresti cosa sono in meChe m"innamoraiDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amoreDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amore阳光心情每一天

求(无耻混蛋)(婚纱照)的Ennio Morricone - Un Amico插曲,数字简谱


Minions have spawned怎么读?麻烦用汉字写下来

秘令昂死,喝腐,死普让的。Minions have spawned:奴才已经孵化出来了。~~^_^~~


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