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ソンギュ SungKyu 《本名キムu30fbソンギュ金圣圭》ドンウ DongWoo 《本名チャンu30fbドンウ张东雨》ウヒョン WooHyun 《本名ナムu30fbウヒョン南优铉》ホヤ Hoya 《本名イu30fbホウォン李浩沅》ソンヨル SungYeol 《本名イu30fbソンヨル李成烈》エル L 《本名キムu30fbミョンス金明洙)ソンジョン SungJong 《本名イu30fbソンジョン李成锺》


1、Edge(边缘)2、Review(旧爱)3、rankle(难以释怀)4、radiance(发光)5、Struggle(旧事)6、Devil(恶女)7、Shivering(碎花)8、Vast(苍凉)9、Dummy(假人)10、Later(后来)11、Prodigal(浪子)12、raindrop(雨滴)13、Lifelong(情定终身)14、Hanabi(映画)15、onlooker(旁观者)16、Gentle(温柔)17、Make I promise(许一世诺言)18、Lovefix (情定)19、abuse(滥用)20、Future Love(青稚)21、Solost(迷失方向)22、limerance(纯爱)


采纳呦亲电视综艺Infinite专属电视节目2010年Mnet infinite你是我的哥哥 8集 Mnet Japan Days of Infinite 13集 2011年Mnet Sesame Player 2 9集2011年 KBS 家族的诞生 14集2012年 Mnet WIDE 演艺News《INFINITE的序列王》 15集 2014年 this is infinite 8集 E Channel Wow Man100915 E01(东雨)100922 E02(东雨)100929 E03(东雨)101006 E04(东雨)101013 E05(东雨)101020 E06(东雨)101027 E07(infinite全员)101103 E08(东雨)101110 E09(东雨)101117 E10(东雨)是你就好100926100928101023101109深夜的IDOL100930101007花束100912101003110213Star King110221(东雨)110305(东雨)110312(东雨)MBC Every1 一周的偶像110813111224120613120620120815121010 一周的偶像-Tasty(圣圭&HOYA特别MC)130123百分满分110507(东雨 Hoya )110514(东雨 Hoya )110521(东雨 Hoya )110528(东雨)金炳万的上流社会120728 JTBC上流社会(东雨)with AS 上120804 JTBC上流社会(东雨)with AS 下120811 JTBC上流社会(东雨)121013 (东雨)121020 (东雨)121027 (东雨)KBS不朽的名曲2130119 (INFINITE-H)一胜130126 (INFINITE-H)130202 (INFINITE-H)130203 (INFINITE-H)130209 (INFINITE-H)一胜其他100701 Mnet The Pub100702 Music Party100704 KBS Gagcont100723 MBC every1 无限Girl2100728 MBC 爱情追击者100925 MBC 中秋特辑 偶像田径运动会(上)100926 MBC 中秋特辑 偶像田径运动会(下)110203 MBC Star Dance Battle110205 MBC 春节特辑 偶像明星运动会(上)110206 MBC 春节特辑 偶像明星运动会(下)110213 金正恩的巧克力110306 welcome to the show110313 岀发梦之队Dream Team (HOYA)110324 Beatles Code(上半场:hoya 东雨)110331 体验生活现场110403 Gag concert110408 秘密朋友110422 Director`s Cut (HOYA)110429 Director`s Cut (HOYA)110603 Just Like That Show110610 Just Like That Show110805 MTV Let me Show上110812 MTV Let me Show下110908 E!TV Cultwoshow110911 SBS人气歌谣中秋特辑 E638110913 MBC 偶像运动会111008 TVN 喜剧大联盟 (东雨)111124 Made In BS Japan(全员—日本出道时出演的电视节目)111027 KBS INFINITE 生生情报通111201 Mnet.Moon Night 90 (HOYA)111208 JTBC Music On Top E01111229 SBS歌谣大战111230 KBS歌谣大祝祭111231 MBC歌谣大庆典120122 MBC 2011偶像棋盘大赛120124 MBC新年特辑偶像运动会120522 MusicCampion talk120525 KBS1.Love Request12-05-31 KBS 生生情报通120603 KBS Gag Concert(笑话剧场)120616 TV朝鲜演艺 In TV The TREND120616 KBS 柳熙烈的写生簿120624 SBS挑战千曲 (东雨)120630 GAG TONIGHT (东雨)120701 you&i120709 MENT beatles code120725 MBC偶像田径运动会(上)120726 MBC偶像田径运动会(下)120817 日本宿舍大公开121001 MBC中秋特辑"Miss&Mr Idol Korea 偶像选拔大赛(HOYA)121001 MBC中秋特辑偶像摔跤大赛130123 MBC Every1 Weekly Idol130124 Mnetwide Open Studio130126 爱的请求130127 Arirang TV Showbiz Korea EP497130302 Mnet 尹道贤的Must140302 挑战千曲电台节目朴庆林星光闪耀的夜晚100706100707100708100803100827 东雨101115 东雨101122 东雨KISS THE RADIO100702100721110401110801111007111024 东雨120529Young Street100804110118120629其他100611 Mnet Radio100702玄英的music party电台100704神童&奎利的深深打破100706 Narsha的提高音量100807李秀英的Music Show110112神童&奎利的深深打破110805神童&奎利的深深打破120111Younha星光灿烂的夜晚120528 崔华静的POWER TIME(缺Hoya)120530 正午的希望曲Sweet Sorrow120531 神童的深深打破120611Younha星光灿烂的夜晚(缺Hoya)120619 朱英勋的两点约会130204 刘仁娜的提高音量6组合代言编辑2010 Daum Yozm2011 Elite广告代言 withf(x)组合2011 欧洲休闲服饰品牌EDIQ2011 Elite制服广告代言 with IU2012 SAMSUNG Galaxy Player2013 FILA2013 SK电信广告(HOYA个人)with李侑菲3013 百事可乐

infinite 成员的详细资料。


infinite 歌词

Paradise-Infinite蹦蹦 我出了故障的心脏就是不能这样放开你又能怎样摇摇晃晃看起来很危殆的我除了抓住你没有别的可以做又能怎样爱(你会这样的)不爱(你不会的)我只听到了你说爱我就在这里再次再次拜托你我会更加更加对你好更加更加地因为我现在仍然无法放弃你我必须活下去 我必须对抗因为我不知何时才会停止只有你在这里才是Paradise勉强地圈住你的Paradise Oh Oh不能觉醒悲哀的Paradise永远可以在一起的Paradise Oh Oh Oh只能停止呼吸来保护你除了那么做我没有别的办法好像要破裂一般看我(你会那样)不看我(你不会的)看了 疼痛也随之而来我就在这里再次再次拜托你我会更加更加对你好更加更加地因为我现在仍然无法放弃你我必须活下去 我必须对抗因为我不知何时才会停止只有你在这里才是Paradise勉强地圈住你的Paradise Oh Oh不能觉醒悲哀的Paradise永远可以在一起的Paradise Oh Oh Oh每天晚上都习惯了用你来充实自己的我可是现在身体渐渐适应用酒来填满时间一直闭合着的呼吸一直陡峭着的夜晚最棒的Paradise没有你的Hopeless World只要再抓紧你一点点再注视你一点点直到心脏停止跳动我 我必须活下去就算没有你我也会现在很需要你只有你在这里才是Paradise勉强地圈住你的Paradise Oh Oh不能觉醒悲哀的Paradise永远可以在一起的Paradise Oh Oh Oh

有关infinite(Kpop team)的所有资料像: -他们上过的电视剧 -娱乐节目 -他们组

以下资料来自百度百科,地址为:是由Epik High的Tablo培养的韩国男子组合 。由金圣圭、张东雨、南优铉、Hoya(李浩沅)、李成烈、L(金明洙)、李成钟七名成员组成 。演艺经历2010年4月12日,Infinite通过偶像人间剧场《你是我的哥哥》正式出道。6月9日,Infinite推出第一张专辑《First Invasion》2011年1月6日,infinite在韩国发行了第二张mini专辑《Evolution》 。1月26日,infinite发行了TSUTAYA限定单曲《TO-RA-WA》。7月17、19日,分别在日本大阪和东京举行出道SHOWCASE。11月19日,infinite正式发行首支日文单曲《BTD》,在日本出道 。2012年2月11、12日,infinite举行首场演唱 《Second Invasion》 。2月25、26日,infinite在日本举行演唱会《Second Invasion》 。4月1日,infinite在奥林匹克公园内体操竞赛场举办演唱会《Second Invasion-Evolution》。4月19日,Infinite在日本推出第二张单曲《Be Mine》,当天创下2万8192张的销量。该专辑收录了三首歌曲,其中同名主打歌《Be Mine》是INFINITE去年9月推出的《做我的人吧》的日文版,另外两首歌曲则分别是《Over The Top》和《Julia》 。5月15日,Infinite发行了第3张迷你专辑《INFINITIZE》,主打歌《追击者》结合了韩国式抒情歌词和旋律 。5月,Infinite乘直升飞机在光州、釜山、大邱举行、首尔等韩国五大城市举行Show case7月24日,Infinite发行了收录show case影像的限量版DVD《The Mission》 。7月29日,Infinite发行第三支单曲《She"s back》宣告在日本的回归 ,同日,Infinite参加在东京巨蛋举行的“K-DREAM LIVE Vol.1”演唱会。10月,Infinite在日本进行“Second Invasion –Evolution in Japan Arena Tour 2012”巡演 。12月,Infinite的歌曲《追击者》获得韩国KPOP单曲榜2012年终冠军。2013年3月21日,Infinite发行专辑《New Challenge》,宣布回归。6月5日,Infinite在日本发行首张正规专辑《恋に落ちるとき》 。7月16日,Infinite发行单曲专辑《Destiny》。2014年3月10日,由组合成员优贤和SHINee成员Key 组成的限定组合“Toheart”推出第一张迷你专辑《Delicious》,两名成员通过表情重新诠释出80年代的复古感。4月10日,Infinite发行名为《The Origin》的韩国首张Instrumental专辑。2011年发布的歌曲《B.T.D》作为本张专辑的主打曲 。5月19日至21日,为了纪念第二张正式专辑《Season 2》的发行,Infinite在韩国、日本、台湾三地举行大型Showcase。5月21日,Infinite发行第二张正规专辑《Season2》,获得唱片销量榜周榜冠军。至此,INFINITE创下了《New Challenge》、《DESTINY》等专辑发行时张张夺得唱片冠军的记录[。7月22日携正规二辑Repackage专辑《Be Back》回归乐坛。 12月3日,在MAMA颁奖礼上获得K-Pop粉丝票选男歌手奖(K-Pop Fan"s Choice Male)和最佳舞蹈表演男组合奖。12月24日,Infinite与日本著名吉他手布袋寅泰合作日文新单曲《Dilemma》发售。主要作品DESTINY 2013恋に落ちるとき 2013New Challenge(4TH MINI ALBUM) 2013Infinitize(The 3rd MINI ALBUM) 2012Paradise 2011OVER THE TOP 2011Can U Smile (Digital Single) 2011Inspirit (Single) 2011TO-RA-WA 2011She"s Back 2011参演电视剧对我而言,可爱的她 2014 金明洙 饰 时宇, 李浩沅 饰 姜来宪High School: Love On 2014 李成烈 饰 黄成烈, 南优铉 饰 申优铉别有用心的单身女 2014 金明洙 饰 吉秘书恋爱潜能,纯情的时代 2013 李成烈 饰 郑记忆请回答1994 2013 李浩沅 饰 江俊熙(客串)主君的太阳 2013 金明洙 饰 朱中元少年时期一丝的纯情 2013 金圣圭 饰 河正宇少年时期Drama Special - 思春期 Medley 2013 李成烈 饰 学生会长妈妈是什么 2012 金明洙 饰 金明洙第一千个男人 2012 金圣圭 饰 优铉朋友(客串), 南优铉 饰 优铉综艺节目2014-02-06 This is INFINITE 共8集 2013-09-21 INFINITE Japan Story 共3集 2012-05-23 INFINITE的序列王 共15集 2011-11-12 家族的诞生 共14集 2011-06-22 Sesame Player 2 共9集 2010-11-25 Days of Infinite 共13集 2010-04-12 Infinite你是我的哥哥 共8集






infinite[英][u02c8u026anfu026anu0259t][美][u02c8u026anfu0259nu026at]adj.无限的,无穷的; 无数的,许许多多的; 极大的; n.无限,无穷; [数] 无穷大; <宗>造物主,神; 无限的事物; 形近词:Infinitetransfinitenonfinitedefinite1Obviously, no company has infinite resources.显然,没有哪个公司的资源是无限的。


infinite[英][u02c8u026anfu026anu0259t][美][u02c8u026anfu0259nu026at]adj.无限的,无穷的; 无数的,许许多多的; 极大的; n.无限,无穷; [数] 无穷大; 造物主,神; 无限的事物; 例句:1.Art is a step from nature toward the infinite. 艺术从自然到无限仅一步之遥。2.Infinite discipline could still make you insolvent. 无限的约束仍可能令你破产


百度百科里的很具体啊 或是去土豆里找专门的infinite的MV豆单 或是优酷里的专辑 都很全的


要想读得准,应该按音标读作 ["u026anfu026anu026at],第一个音节是重音。如果实在不会拼读音标,可谐音为“音非耐特”。

infinity 和 infinite 有什么不一样啊?



底下的人气评选在哪选的 电视节目吗


无限团。最近迷上L的颜了~ 金明洙!


很多啊 有序列王 家族的诞生 还有this is infinte 你是我的哥哥 还有几期running man 还有披头士密码 其他的一些是个人参加的一些综艺 你可以去搜搜


Infinite是Woollim Entertainment于2010年推出的男子流行演唱团体。由金圣圭、张东雨、南优贤、李浩沅、李成烈、金明洙、李成钟七名成员组成 。2010年4月12日,Infinite通过偶像人间剧场《你是我的哥哥》正式出道 。2011年Infinite发行《BTD》。2013年8月9日,Infinite以首尔为起点举办首次世界巡回演唱会,于2013年12月6日在迪拜成功收官。同年Infinite在MAMA颁奖礼上获最佳男子组合奖。2014年5月Infinite发行表第二张正规专辑《Season 2》。同年,在MAMA颁奖礼上获得K-Pop粉丝票选男歌手奖和最佳舞蹈表演男组合奖 。2015年7月13日发布迷你五辑《Bad》并展开回归活动。 代表作品:BTD、成为我的人、Paradise、追击者、Man In Love、Destiny、Last Romeo、Back主要成就:第26届韩国金唱片奖 韩流ICON奖 第26届金唱片大赏唱片本赏 2012 MelOn Music Awards Top10 第27届金唱片大赏最佳团体表演赏 第27届金唱片大赏唱片本赏 韩国出道日:2010年06月09日日本出道日:2011年11月19日分 队:Infinite(H、F)、Toheart应援色:珍珠金属色Fanclub名称:Inspirit

infinite的《成为我的人》 歌词分配

infinite -《成为我的人》【明洙】uc9c0ucf1cubd10 uc654uc796uc544 ub2c8 uc0acub791uc744 uae34 uc774ubcc4uc744一直留心看着的 你的爱 漫长的离别【优贤】ub298 uc0c1ucc98ubc1buc744 ubc14uc5d4 ub09c uac8c ub098uc544既然会时常受到伤害就来我身边吧【成种】ub611ubc14ub85c ubd10 uc6b8ub294uac8c uc2ebuc5b4uc11c uadf8ub798好好看着 是因为不愿意哭泣【圣圭】uc544ud508uac8c ud798ub4e4uc5b4 uadf8ub798是痛苦让人吃力uadf8ub7f0 ub110 ubcfc ub54cub9c8ub2e4每次看到那样的你three two one【ALL】ub0b4uaebc ud558uc790成为我的人吧ub0b4uac00 ub110 uc0acub791ud574 uc5b4我爱着你啊ub0b4uac00 ub110 uac71uc815ud574 uc5b4我担心你啊ub0b4uac00 ub110 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ucc45uc784uc9c8uac8c我会对你负责到底ub0b4uaebc ud558uc790成为我的人吧ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 uc54cuc796uc544 uc5b4你是了解我的啊ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 ubd24uc796uc544 uc5b4你会看着我的啊ub0b4uac00 ub110 ub05duae4cuc9c0 uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8c我会守护你到底的【成烈】do you hear medo you hear meRAP【浩沅】uc816uc740 uae30uc5b5 ubc15ud78c ub208uae38 ub05d结束那浸湿的记忆和铭刻的目光ub0b4 ud488uc5d0uc11c uc8fduae38 ubc14ub798期望你在我怀里死去【东雨】uc798ub9b0 ub9c8uc74cuc774 ud758ub9b0 ub208ubb3c uc0bcud0a4ub294 uac74残缺的心强忍着流下来的泪水ub098uc9c0ub9c9uc774 ub4e4ub9b0 ub108ub77cub3c4 uac10ucd94ub294 ub098就算是低吟的你 我也会袒护【明洙】ub118uce5cub2e4 uc0dduac01ud574 ub10c ub098uc5d0uac8c ub298 uadf8ub7acuc5b4思念满盈你总是让我那样【圣圭】ub2c8 uc0c1ucc98uac00 ub298uc218ub85d ucee4uc9c0ub294 ub9d8你创伤越多我的心变得越大【成种】ub0b4uac8cub85c uc640 uc6c3ub294uac8c uc88buc544uc11c uadf8ub798到我身边来 就是因为喜欢笑【优贤】ud3b8ud558uac8c ud574uc8fcub824 uadf8ub798就是会让你舒心的uc801uc5b4ub3c4 ub098ub9ccuc740 ub110你至少也是只属于我的three two one【ALL】ub0b4uaebc ud558uc790成为我的人吧ub0b4uac00 ub110 uc0acub791ud574 uc5b4我爱着你啊ub0b4uac00 ub110 uac71uc815ud574 uc5b4我担心你啊ub0b4uac00 ub110 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ucc45uc784uc9c8uac8c我会对你负责到底THREE TWO ONEuac19uc774 uac00uc790一起走吧ud798ub4e0uae38 uac77uc9c0ub9c8 uc5b4不会太吃力的啊uc27duc9c0 uc54auc558uc796uc544 uc5b4也不会太容易啊ub2e4uc2dcub294 uadf8ub7f0 ub110 ubcf4uae30 uc2ebuc5b4但再也不想看到那样的你ub0b4uaebc ud558uc790成为我的人吧ub0b4uac00 ub110 uc0acub791ud574 uc5b4我爱着你啊ub0b4uac00 ub110 uac71uc815ud574 uc5b4我担心你啊ub0b4uac00 ub110 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ucc45uc784uc9c8uac8c我会对你负责到底RAP【东雨】ub2e4ud22cuc9c4 uc54auc744uae4c uc0c1ucc98 ub610 uc548uc744uae4c不会有争吵 也不会有伤害ub04auc784 uc5c6ub294 uc544ud508 uace0ub9acuc5d0在无止境的痛苦环绕中ud56duc0c1 uc18cub9ac uc5c6ub294 uc804uc7c1 ub10c ubb34ub9acud574总是在无声地战斗着的你 太勉强了uac71uc815uc758 ubc29ud328ub85c ub09c ub2c8 uc55euc5d0要做你担忧的挡箭牌 我在你前面【浩沅】ub098ub294 ub2ec ucc98ub7fc ub2c8 uc8fcuc70c ub3ccuace0 ub3ccuc544我会像月亮一样在你周围转动ubd88uc774 ucee4uc838 ubc84ub9b0 ub2c8 uc0acub791uc740 ub193uace0 ub0a0 ubd10放下你燃起熊熊火焰的爱 看看我uae4auc774 ud328uc5ec ubc84ub9b0 uc0c1ucc98 ub36euc5b4uc904uac8c uc6c3uac8cud560uac8c ub0b4uac78ub85c ub9ccub4e4uac8c我会愈合你伤得很深的伤口 让你露出笑容 让你成为我的






L)蹦蹦 我出了故障的心脏就是不能这样放开你又能怎样圣奎)摇摇晃晃看起来很危殆的我除了抓住你没有别的可以做又能怎样成忠)爱(你会这样的)不爱(你不会的)优铉)我只听到了你说爱圣奎)我就在这里再次再次拜托你我会更加更加对你好更加更加地因为我现在仍然无法放弃你优铉)我必须活下去 我必须对抗因为我不知何时才会停止ALL)只有你在这里才是Paradise勉强地圈住你的Paradise Oh Oh不能觉醒悲哀的Paradise永远可以在一起的Paradise Oh Oh OhHOYA)只能停止呼吸来保护你除了那么做我没有别的办法好像要破裂一般成烈)看我(你会那样)不看我(你不会的)优铉)看了 疼痛也随之而来圣奎)我就在这里再次再次拜托你我会更加更加对你好更加更加地优铉)因为我现在仍然无法放弃你我必须活下去 我必须对抗因为我不知何时才会停止ALL)只有你在这里才是Paradise勉强地圈住你的Paradise Oh Oh不能觉醒悲哀的Paradise永远可以在一起的Paradise Oh Oh Oh东雨)每天晚上都习惯了用你来充实自己的我可是现在身体渐渐适应用酒来填满时间一直闭合着的呼吸一直陡峭着的夜晚最棒的Paradise没有你的Hopeless World圣奎)只要再抓紧你一点点再注视你一点点直到心脏停止跳动优铉)我 我必须活下去就算没有你我也会现在很需要你ALL)只有你在这里才是Paradise勉强地圈住你的Paradise Oh Oh不能觉醒悲哀的Paradise永远可以在一起的Paradise Oh Oh Oh

infinite l资料

7人偶像组合Infinite是Hip Hop歌手Tablo作为音乐老师亲自培养的。组合由具备多样魅力的七名成员组成:实力队长金圣圭,肯尼亚派张东雨,有着温柔声音的南优铉,歌舞貌都俱佳的Hoya(李浩沅),初丁李成烈,不爱说话的美男L(金明洙),女生性格的老小李成钟。他们于2010年4月12日通过首次播出的Mnet偶像人间剧场的“INFINITE你是我的哥哥”正式与大家见面。Infinite名字的意思是没有界限无限的。社长希望他们成为没有界限可以继续无限发展的组合。此外,Infinite以无差错的整齐群舞而著名。 韩文写法:uc778ud53cub2c8ud2b8   英文写法:Infinite   组合寓意:无限的,没有限制的。拥有无限可能的IDOL   组合成员:  金圣圭、张东雨、南优铉、李浩沅(Hoya)、李成烈、金明洙(L)、李成钟  正式出道日期:2010年6月9日   经纪公司:Woollim Entertainment   Fanclub名称:Inspirit  Fanclub寓意:“In”指的是Infinite和活力,“spirit”则是心灵,而“Inspirit”整个意思为激励、鼓舞的意思。 官方应援色:珍珠金属金色


infinite是一个名词,意思是无限、【数】无穷大、无限的东西(如空间、时间),还可以作形容词的意思是无限的、无穷的、无数的、极大的,infinite这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为三个音节【in】【fi】和【nite】,第一个音节in的发音为【?n】,而第二个音节fi的发音为【f?】,而第三个音节nite的发音为【n?t】,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【??nf?n?t】,我们再看一下用法,infinite作为形容词,作为无限的、无穷的的意思来使用;例如在下面这个句子里,If you go on living,you should use your ability to free yourself in writing,from the infinite strain.如果你还要继续活下去,你只能通过写作从无限的压力中解放你自己,在这个句子中,infinite就是作形容词,指的是无限的,infinite还有一个短语,infinite loop,指的是无限循环,Use with care,because it can cause an infinite loop resulting in a poison message.使用时要小心,因为它可能导致无限循环而产生有害消息,infinite这个单词你学会了吗?


是武林的,但2013 0807 被sm投资了。


"Infinite"是一个英文单词,其含义为"无限的"、"无穷尽的"、"永恒的"或"无限制的"。这个词汇常常用于描述数量、时间、空间、可能性或想象力等方面。下面将更详细地介绍"infinite"的含义及其在生活中的应用。首先,"infinite"指的是数量或空间上的无限制。在数学和科学中,"infinite"通常用于描述无限大的数量或空间,如无限大的数列、无限大的宇宙、无限长的时间等。例如,"The universe is infinite"(宇宙是无限的)。在这个语境中,"infinite"表示宇宙是无限大的,没有明确的边界和限制。其次,"infinite"还可以指时间或永恒的存在。在哲学和宗教中,"infinite"通常用于描述永恒的存在或无始无终的时间。例如,"God is infinite"(上帝是永恒存在的)。在这个语境中,"infinite"表示上帝是永恒存在的,没有开始和结束的时刻。此外,"infinite"还可以指想象力或可能性的无限制。在文学、艺术和创意产业中,"infinite"常常用于描述想象力或可能性的无限扩展。例如,"The possibilities are infinite"(可能性是无限的)。在这个语境中,"infinite"表示可能性是无限的,可以想象出无数的可能性和创意。





求大嘴巴Baby G-nite歌词

晚安 每天都期待 你say good night哄我 像个小孩晚安 你微微呼吸 却有魔法是万灵丹 烦恼烟消云散如果说习惯就会自然 自然就会嫌烦你就是超自然 再多我也不烦跟你say night night night oh night oh night oh night我这dj爱昏了头 整晚重复播送你是最佳点播 I wanna replayall night night night night night all night all night all night]就是不想say good night如果没有你陪伴晚安 多晚心都感觉不安g-o-o-d good night night my baby say good nightg-o-o-d good night night my sweet baby baby say good night是依赖 是耍赖都爱晚安 每天都喜欢 你say good night逗我 像个无赖晚安 你轻轻的笑 却像飞毯一闭上眼 就带我飞起来就算有再多的543 全部都会滚蛋只要搭上你的 magic carpetride ride ride ride ride oh ride oh ride oh ride就算困难像鬼打墻卡关 你的独家晚安让我勇敢相信 everything"s gon" be alrightright right right right alright alright alright就是不想say good night 如果没有你陪伴晚安 多晚心都感觉不安g-o-o-d good night night my baby say good nightg-o-o-d good night night my sweet baby baby say good night是依赖 是耍赖都爱g-o-o-d good night night baby say good nightg-o-o-d good night night my sweet baby baby say good night就是不想say good night 如果没有你陪伴晚安 多晚心都感觉不安g-o-o-d good night night my baby say good nightg-o-o-d good night night my sweet baby baby say good night就是不想say good night 如果没有你陪伴晚安 多晚心都感觉不安g-o-o-d good night night my baby say good nightg-o-o-d good night night my sweet baby baby say good night

infinite welcome to our dream 中文歌词

那么歌词如下:She hangs out every day near by the beach 她每天躺在海滩边的吊床上. Havin" a HEINEKEN fallin" asleep 喝杯海涅肯啤酒便入睡 She looks so sexy when she"s walking the sand 漫步在沙滩上的她看上去如此性感 Nobody ever put a ring on her hand 她也不接受任何人的戒指 海边游泳海边捕鱼 She is the story the story is she 她就是传说传说就是她 She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky 她向天上的月亮和星星唱歌 Shining from high above you shouldn"t ask why 那样高高闪耀着你又怎么知道为什么 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum 她哼着小曲打着圆鼓 She comes in the morning and the evening she"s gone 早上出现晚上就不见 Every little hour every second you live 你活着的每分每秒 Trust in eternity that"s what she gives 都相信永恒因为都是她带来的 She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne 她看上去像Marilyn,走路又像Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne 她说话则像Monica 和Marianne She wins in everything that she might do 只要她愿意她可以得到一切 And she will respect you forever just you 但她永远都尊重你只是因为是你 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She is so pretty 她如此的美丽 She is like you and me 她就像你和我 Like them like we 像他们像我们 She is in you and me 她就在你我中间 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 (She is the one) She is the one 她就是 (That you never forget) That you never forget 你永远都不会忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 She"s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world (oh...) 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 Na na na na na ….

Before The Dawn (Infinite) 罗马音译和中文歌词

只有罗马音译Before The Dawn Because I listen to my heart beat one by oneBecause I listen to my heart heart heart to to my heart heartamuri noryeokhaedo neoreul gajil su eobtdamyeon neon aniradeora geojigatana nan ireokeneun motnwa geuge dabdab hae.. geuge makmakhae..Why Why ... Why Why ... Why WhyBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..nae mameummaneun jibchaki aniyaBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..neol bandeushi ggok jabanaego shipeoRAPsarangeul soksakeedeon du ipsul majdaeun chance dathideon du nunjarakeul pihae fly to the my heart I ll be there by your side (huh)nan gujeo baraman bodaga neoreul memdoldaga iksukhejyeotneunde geojigataijen modeungeol nwajule geuge dabdabhae.. geuge makmakhae..Why Why ... Why Why ... Why WhyBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..nae mameummaneun jibchaki aniyaBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..neol bandeushi ggok jabanaego shipeoRAPnado moreuge ni geurimjareul balpa ama na jeomjeom michyeo ganabwa(Because I listen to my heart beat one by one)api kamkamhaejin nae nuneun ojik neo hanaman balge bichunda(Because I listen to my heart heart heart)Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)deo neujgi jeone meomchwo sewojulgeBefore the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)neol ggeutggaji ggok gajyeogago shipeo(Before the dawn)RAPclose your eye and close your mind beile ssain ni gilemachi bimile gadhin mireeh jikilae nohchigi silheun neogiehee gil eui you must love me(Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..)niga gaji mothage ggwak jaba nega ulji anhge neol butjabaniga amuri nal beorigo makado nan jeoldae neol nohchiji ahna

Generated from the United States中文 是什么意思?




on this day,people will come back home and reunite with family,Wherever they are work英语有错吗

wherever they work.中间的are不能用。

on this day,people will come back home and reunite with family,Wherever they are work英语有错吗


ios开发 请问navigationBar和navigationItem是同一个东西吗?


limited与finite 用作“有限的”时有什么区别



这个是新秀丽 (行李箱)


samsnite一般指新秀丽。杰西·施威德先生于1910年在美国科罗拉多州创立Samsonite(新秀丽)公司。2011年6月,Samsonite向全世界宣告在港交所上市(股票代码01910)。2012年,收购美国箱包品牌Hartmann以及城市户外品牌High Sierra。2013年4月,收购法国箱包品牌Lipault。同年6月收购美国硅谷手机保护壳品牌Speck,美国背包、登山及越野跑步产品及配件品牌Gregory以及品牌Kamiliant,2016年收购美国生活品牌Tumi。扩展资料新秀丽相关新闻:2016年09月09日北京市消协公布了双肩背包比较试验结果。在40个样品中,15个样品在振荡冲击试验中出现质量问题。“新秀丽”、“布来亚克”、“乐卡克”等知名品牌在单提把测试中出现开线脱落的问题。而且,这些知名品牌背包多购自百盛、汉光、西单、君太等大商场。根据标准要求,单背带、单提把测试各250次不变形,无断裂、损坏,不开线。但在试验中,标称生产单位为“中国总授权:泉州顶星鞋服有限公司,中国总经销:福建省呈威体育用品有限公司”的一款DUNLOP牌双肩背包,仅单提把测试一次后,便出现一侧开线脱落。标称生产单位为富利雅泰有限公司新秀丽国际贸易(宁波)有限公司的一款新秀丽品牌双肩背包,和标称生产单位为中国总代理北京布来亚克户外运动用品有限公司的一款布来亚克背包在单提把测试2次后,即出现开线脱落。新秀丽品牌发展历程:2011年起新秀丽红标携手韩国明星宋仲基、金秀贤、李敏镐、金宇彬以及亚洲人气偶像Angelababy,进军亚洲年轻市场。2012年,影帝陈道明为新秀丽皮具代言,亮相2014全球首秀。2017年,新秀丽启动全方位的品牌年轻化战略,邀请实力偶像井柏然与金马影后周冬雨成为品牌首位全系列代言人。参考资料来源:人民网-北京市消协曝光:新秀丽双肩背包 开线脱落不结实参考资料来源:百度百科-新秀丽

unlimited 和infinite的区别

unlimited 主要指权利上的不受限制infinite主要是指空间上的无限大


“Unlimited” would only be used when referring to quantities/numbersExample: “there is an unlimited supply of potatoes”But “infinite” could refer to anything, such as: distances, time, numbers, quantities etc. It can also be used as an adverb (“infinitely”)Examples: u2022”life would be infinitely better if you were kind”u2022”there is an infinite supply of potatoes”unlimited means something that would be enough to accommodate full supply of something ...where"sinfinite means something that will continue foreveryou can get through this examplethat someone could say that they have unlimited texting but not as infinite texting there can be limit in texting but there isn"t so its unlimited but we can"t say about infinite as it doesn"t have limit..





1.How is a President voted into office in the United States of America?

美国总统选举要四步骤,自己按照下边英文总结一下吧,浓缩成80字有点难。The Presidentialelection consists of four stages:In the first stage: the majorparties hold conventions to choose candidates for President and Vice-Presidentand to determine the party"s platform.The second stage is thecampaigning stage. By early fall the presidential race is on. From that timeuntil the Election Day, voters are bombarded from all sides — by radio,television, newspapers, and personal communications with political material.There are whistle stop tours by train, by plane, and by car. The candidatedelivers countless speeches and shakes countless hands. This is a veryimportant stage in the general election.The third stage is the time for voters tochoose the list of presidential electors[1]for the state. The number of electors of each state is equal to that of itssenators and representatives in Congress. There are altogether 538 presidentialelectors, 535 from the states and 3 from the District of Columbia (without seats inCongress). All the candidates of Presidential electors are party nominees.People will vote their party candidate for the presidency. As a result, a voteris actually choosing a President when he casts his vote for an elector.If the candidate of a party for“electors” in a given state receives a majority of the total vote, then theparty is entitled to have all the electoral votes for that state. When thepresidential electors are chosen out in the presidential election year, peoplehave already known who is going to be the US president in the next fouryears. Although the result is already known, the electors still meet in theirstate capitals and cast their votes for President and vice-President on thefirst Monday after the second Wednesday in December. That is the fourth stage.


大学英语综合教程4Unite5课后答案   很多人都说这是个看脸的世界,但是,以貌取人的态度是不可取的"。全新版大学英语综合教程4第五单元的主题就是决不以貌取人。下面是我分享的课后答案,欢迎阅读!   Unit 5   Text A   Language Sense Enhancement   1. struck   2. mild   3. gentle   4. raise it   5. benign   6. with point   7. something of   8. made every penny   9. small and frail   10. not bear to hurt a fly   Language Focus   Vocabulary   I.   7. 1) In a way   2) in accordance with   3) vacancy   4) in good condition   5) transparent   6) rub   7) spicy   8) hitherto   9) with (a) bad grace   10) instinct   11) pawned   12) current   8. 1) turned up   2) will stick to   3) brought back   7) turning, over   8) took, aback   9. 1) has a very weak constitution u2013 she may not be able to survive the operation.   2) was taken aback by the insurance companyu2019s rejection of my compensation claim.   3) was something of a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.   4) needs trimming /to be trimmed u2013 itu2019s getting too long.   5) are often deceptive.   4. 1) Oddly enough, went broke, wrinkled, he had gone all to pieces   2) definite, is capable of, her vanity,   3) too mild, sipping, stroke   II. Usage   5) Except for   6) Except that   7) except   8) except when   9) except to   10) except what   11) except where   12) except that   III. British and American English   Vocabulary:   AME: can, candy, faculty, mail, railroad, store   BRE: flat, lift, ground floor, trousers, tube/underground, maize   Spelling:   AME: favorable, meter, defense, plow, tire   BRE: paralyse, catalogue, leveling, programme, practice, characterise   Comprehensive Exercises   I.   5. 1) insane   2) current   3) candid   4) capable   5) was taken aback   6) in good condition   7) constitution   8) go all to pieces   9) gone broke   10) vacancy   11) mild   12) deceptive   6. 1) suspected   2) pleading   3) confirmed   4) stunned   8) urge   9) spell   10) arrested   II.   5. 1) I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.   2) He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.   3) The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.   4) Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only a few turned up.   5) The teacheru2019s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mike perceived the society and   himself.   6. For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by   appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel he insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Lennyu2019s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone. ;

Rock and Roll All Nite英文歌词的中文翻译 求教英语高手

你向我们展示了一切youve 您继续dancin和空间变得火暴你开车我们野生,以及驱动器你疯了你说你想要去的自旋党的刚刚开始,也让您在你开车我们野生,以及驱动器你疯了您继续shoutin ,你继续shoutin 我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天你继续说youll地雷一段您是来查找幻想,我喜欢你的风格你开车我们野生,以及驱动器你疯了你向我们展示了一切youve 婴儿,婴儿多数民众赞成在不少我们和你开的野生,以及驱动器你疯了您继续shoutin ,你继续shoutin 我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我想所有的摇滚黑夜和党的每一天我要摇滚



infinite-h pretty中文歌词 不要音译,谢谢

infinite-h pretty中文歌词你真漂亮,你看到我的嘴角的轻浮ub0b4 uc0b6uc5d0 helper ub124 ub355uc5d0 uc774uc81cuc11cuc57c uae30uc9c0uac1c ud3b4我的生活是helper福才伸懒腰。uac00uc7acuac00 uac8cud3b8uc778 uac83ucc98ub7fc ub0b4 ud3b8你不给我的一样。Docuuc5d0uc11c Melodramaub85c uac1cud3b8 uc774 uc138uc0c1 ubaa8ub4e0 love storyub97c uc7acuc5f0ud574在Docu Melodrama改编这世上所有的love story将重演。ub108ub77cub294 ud0dcuc591uc5d0 ub09c uc774ubbf8 ub370uc600ub124 uc548 uc88buc740 uae30uc6b4ub4e4uc740 ub108ub85c uc778ud574 ub5bcuc5b4 ub0b4你的太阳,我已经说了不好的苗头都是因你甩掉我ub0b4 uaebcuc778 ub4ef ub0b4 uaebc uc544ub2cc someuac19uc740 uac8c uc544ub0d0 ud2c8uc744 uc904uac8c ud654uc7a5uc744 uc9c0uc6e0uc5b4ub3c4 ub0b4uaebc我好像不是我不是some的机会给删了我的化妆。ub110 ub9ccub09c uac74 uc870uc0c1ub2d8ub3c4 ub300uacacud574ud558uc2e4 uac8c ubed4ud574 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c ubcc0ud574你的看法是祖先也会得一切都变了uc5c6uc5b4ub3c4 ub0b4 uc606uc5d0 ub110 ud5a5ud574 ud5e4uc5c4uccd0没有你在我身边游uc6b0ub9acuc758 destiny uc55euc73cub85c uacc4uc18dub418ub2c8我们的destiny继续向前。uac71uc815 ub9c8 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 uad6cuc18duc774ub2c8 ub0b4 uac89uacfc uc18d uc774ubbf8 ub108 ubc16uc5d0 ubabb ub179uc5ec别担心,我美丽的约束表里已经你只能融化ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc608ubed0 ub108ubb34ub3c4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc你真是太美了uac00ub054uc740 ubbf8uc6cc ub098ub97c ub610 uc678uba74ud560 ub550有时候我又掉头的时候。uadf8ub798ub3c4 uc608ubed0 ub108ubb34ub3c4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc但是漂亮太美丽Feel so goodFeel so goodubb50ub784uae4c uac10ub2f9 uc548 ub3fc uc774uac74 ub9c8uce58 uc544ucc14ud55c uc2a4ud2f8ub808ud1a0 twinkleud55c ub2e4uc774uc544uc640怎么说呢,这是不能像令人目眩的钢地陈奕迅的冲过来uc139uc2dcud55c shapeuc758 uc138ub2e8ucc98ub7fc ub208uc774 uac00 uadf8ub140uac00 ub9ccub4e4uc5b4ub0b8 uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 ubc30uce58uc57c性感的shape的轿车般的眼睛是她的新配置。uc8fcuc785ud558ub294 pathosuc5d0 uc911ub3c5ub3fc uc774uae30uc801uc774uac8c uc0b4uc544uc654ub358 ub0b4 uc0b6uc740 uad74ubcf5ud574注入的pathos中毒是自私的生活我的生活是屈服。ub0a0 uac00ub9cc uc548 ub450uac8c ub9ccub4dcub124 uc5bcub9c8 ubabb uac00ub294 ubaa8uc790ub780 uac10uc815uc740 uc548 uc4f8 uac8c我不会放过。不久的感情是不缺ubc14ub77cub358 uc774uc0c1ud615ubcf4ub2e4 uc608ubed0 ub9deuc544 ub10c uc774uc0c1uc801uc778 uc5ecuc790 ubc31 ubc88 ub9d0ud574希望的理想更漂亮是你理想的女人百次ub610 uc785ub9cc uc544ud508 pattern ube8fuace0 uc2f6uc740 that girl uc2ecub3c4 uc788ub294 uc9c4ub3c4 ube84 Girl又是抢的pattern是that girl深度脱Girl进度ubc14ub77cub358 uc774uc0c1ud615ubcf4ub2e4 uc608ubed0 ub9deuc544 ub10c uc774uc0c1uc801uc778 uc5ecuc790 ubc31 ubc88 ubc1buc544uc918希望的理想更漂亮是你理想的女人百次接受ub0b4 uc9c4ucde8uc801uc778 uace0ubc31 uc0acub791ud574 ub9e4ubc88 Better late than never baby我的进取的告白Better late than never爱每次babyub10c uc815ub9d0 uc608ubed0 ub108ubb34ub3c4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc你真是太美了uac00ub054uc740 ubbf8uc6cc ub098ub97c ub610 uc678uba74ud560 ub550有时候我又掉头的时候。uadf8ub798ub3c4 uc608ubed0 ub108ubb34ub3c4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc但是漂亮太美丽Feel so goodFeel so goodGirl uac00ub054 ub0b4uac8c ub4f1uc744 ub3ccub9b0 ub124 ubaa8uc2b5ub3c4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6ccGirl有时候我等你的样子。uc608ubed0 ub124 ub9d8uc744 ub2e4 ub0b4uac8cub9cc uc918我喜欢你的心给我。ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc608ubed0 ub108ubb34ub3c4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc你真是太美了uac00ub054uc740 ubbf8uc6cc ub098ub97c ub610 uc678uba74ud560 ub550有时候我又掉头的时候。uadf8ub798ub3c4 uc608ubed0 ub108ubb34ub3c4 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc但是漂亮太美丽Feel so goodFeel so good


Orthorhombic system.Long prismatic and acicular crystals,with obvious longitudinal striations on crystal face.Crystals are often bent or twisted around c-axis.Prismatic,drusy or radiated aggregates.Lead-gray or steel-gray in color,with usually bluish tarnish on surface,and with grayish-black streak.Metallic luster,opaque.HM2~2.5,ρ 4.51~4.66g/cm3.Mainly occurs in epithermal deposits(表6.6;图6.43,图6.44).目前中国、日本和罗马尼亚的辉锑矿最为著名。我国湖南冷水滩市锡矿山产出大量的完好辉锑矿单晶或晶簇,最大单晶超过50cm;日本四国岛的辉锑矿常与较大的其他矿物晶体组成精美的晶簇;罗马尼亚费尔索本亚(Felsobanya)和卡普尼科(Kapnik)的晶簇状辉锑矿常与石英和重晶石共生。此外美国加利福尼亚因约(lnyo)、圣贝尼托等县(San Benito)、意大利托斯卡纳的佩里塔(Pereta)、法国的梅伊因(Mayenne)、坎特尔(Cantal)等地也有辉锑矿晶体产出。

壁花少年中i swear we are infinite的意义


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阅读理解:Hawail,the 50th state of the United States,is out in the Pacific Ocean,3,700 kilometres


求infinite h 的fly high 的音译歌词!!

哦地等恰家噶起哭带为业哦拉以内 ki(er)为业航桑一搜皮留奥门GPSyoo 恰没搜该家嘛家Feels GoodYeah 含你累带一可但归蹦桥某门乃一蹦 弄起能归蹦hiang西立即满没gi几昂能ging公嘛古西碰够素拉宁公哭冷出蹦我那动赛为撒另够er因gi呢抢m噶里拉了慢类噶能送吧比giu为吧素等大 不及楼嫩嘛另个古气哦搜无力提米龙乔龙不要住给不中嫩内一龙高劳哦搜gi了要楼 gi搜包等乃噶给怒类还给窘miang饿比求花那gie内噶木加了得m 满波独立Got my back土料eng giao无素你当噶那gie度大len出本er搜你波有 度噶啦被I"m gonna make it八类给求巴拉灭无带无业 TV也哦地等恰家噶起哭带为业哦拉以内 ki(er)为业航桑一搜皮留奥门GPSHands up to the skyWe gon have some fun某几大拉喷楼吧啦啦啦啦啦旁加没土里就内ki到录康萨阿吉 内噶楼里嫩一某等考特 Much love苦嫩望内 无力有嘛更几请趟形读了eng望黑怕本哈楼为 皮楼瓦米萨要噶啊nia一刚皮楼瓦你公无够哇等桑So fly那拉个古躺某样sei住木的考的 皮留望eng内搜啦内奥地了卡等怒里冷满噶我黑苦得搜南家口Fan的了满噶秒黑噶ten no类了素度我西布了起满没忙sei劳不给黑西个住冒了能鸟gi噶I do my best桑黑住啦跟内给gi噶gi拉搜公噶满对I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E拍百den闹m搜 满那里gi起无带为业 TV也哦地等恰家噶几古带无业哦拉以内 ki(er)为业航桑一搜皮留望能GPSHands up to the skyWe gon have some fun某几大拉喷楼吧啦啦啦啦啦I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E拍百den闹m搜 满那里gi起I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E无林穷大类蹦该搜高起乃giI-N-F-I-N-I-T-E拍百den闹m搜 满那里gi起I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E无林穷大类蹦该搜高起乃gi无带为业 TV也哦地等恰家噶几古带无业哦拉以内 ki(er)为业航桑一搜皮留望能GPSHands up to the skyWe gon have some fun某几大拉喷楼吧啦啦啦啦啦无带无业 TV也哦地等恰家噶起哭带为黑哦拉以内 ki(er)为业航桑一搜皮留望门GPS

infinite 24小时歌词分配

[hoya]そんなふうに仆を见ないで[hoya]そう言うのは得意じゃない[hoya]そんなふうに思ってたよ[成烈]ガッカリさ、これじゃ片想い[L]そんなふうに优しくしないで[L]そう言うのが泣きたくなる[L]そんなふうに笑うんだね[成烈]仆たちが出会った日のように[成种] You"re my shining star and I loveyou so[东雨]心はいつも爱を求めてる[圣圭]仆の24时间はすべて君だけのものだから[优贤]好きに使えばいいのさ[圣圭]allfor you[优贤]だって君の24时间の一秒でもいい yeah[圣圭]独り占めできるなら[成种]きっと makes my day[东雨]そんなふうに目そらさないで[东雨]そう言うのは悲しすぎる[东雨]そんなふうに终わりたいの?[成烈]やっぱりね、少し気付いてたよ[成种] I"m saying I‘m in love with youand I can"t let go[hoya]心は今も君を见つめてる[圣圭]仆の24时间を全て君だけに捧げよう[优贤]独り善がりじゃないよね[圣圭]justfor you[优贤]もしも君の24时间の一秒でもいい yeah[圣圭]二人分かち合えたら[成种]それで life isso good[成种] Oh I"m still in love with you[L] You"re my shiningstar and I love you so[圣圭]心はいつも爱を求めてる[圣圭]仆の24时间はすべて君だけのものだから[优贤]好きに使えばいいの[圣圭]allfor you[优贤]だって君の24时间の一秒でもいい yeah[圣圭]独り占めできるなら[优贤]きっと makes my day[圣圭]仆の24时间を全て君だけに捧げよう[优贤]独り善がりじゃないよね[圣圭]justfor you ([优贤]just for you)[圣圭]もしも君の24时间の一秒でもいい yeah[圣圭]二人分かち合えたら[优贤]それでlife isso good[圣圭] life is so good, life is so good[圣圭] so good...

Wedding ceremonies in the United States vary as much as the people do. But many weddings, no matter





erery friday night意思是:每周五晚上

who know about manchester united motto,logo,furture plan??????



unitedstrangers" 的音标可表示为 /juːˈnaɪtɪdˈstreɪndʒərz/。其中:"united" 的音标为 /juːˈnaɪtɪd/,读作 "you-nai-tid",表示为 "联合的"。"strangers" 的音标为 /ˈstreɪndʒərz/,读作 "strein-jerz",表示为 "陌生人"。

i am the one you are my kryptonite

有些你可能打错了所以我把它修改了 还有倒数第11句是不是有问题? the heartwarming smile that looked at me 笑怎麼能用看的呢>

3 Doors Down的《Kryptonite》 歌词

歌曲名:Kryptonite歌手:3 Doors Down专辑:When I"M Gone Hit PackArtist: Three Doors DownTitle: KryptoniteI took a walk around the world toEase my troubled mindI left my body laying somewhereIn the sands of timeI watched the world float to the darkSide of the moonI feel there is nothing I can do, yeahI watched the world float to theDark side of the moonAfter all I knew it had to be somethingTo do with youI really don"t mind what happens now and thenAs long as you"ll be my friend at the endIf I go crazy then will you stillCall me SupermanIf I"m alive and well, will you beThere holding my handI"ll keep you by my side withMy superhuman mightKryptoniteYou called me strong, you called me weak,But still your secrets I will keepYou took for granted all the times INever let you downYou stumbled in and bumped your head, ifNot for me then you would be deadI picked you up and put you backOn solid groundIf I go crazy then will you stillCall me SupermanIf I"m alive and well, will you beThere holding my handI"ll keep you by my side with mySuperhuman mightKryptoniteIf I go crazy then will you stillCall me SupermanIf I"m alive and well, will you be thereHolding my handI"ll keep you by my side withMy superhuman mightKryptoniteYeah!!If I go crazy then will you stillCall me SupermanIf I"m alive and well, will you be thereHolding my handI"ll keep you by my side withMy superhuman mightKryptonite

Wayne Shorter的《Kryptonite》 歌词

歌曲名:Kryptonite歌手:Wayne Shorter专辑:SchizophreniaAtozzio - KryptoniteIt seems the more I try to do right,The more I lie about being at sessions and leaving at certain times,She"s like, "Where you at?"I"m at the studio at home,And I"m thinking to myself we cut that record days ago.Cause shorty on the east side, hit me and want to know if I could stop by,Now I"m contemplating what I am gonna say,Bout this being the umpteenth time that Im late.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,It"s like the more I brush them off, the more they call,The more I want to tell them that I"m not in love,With anyone, when I know it"s you,Wanna tell the truth but it"s just so hard to do,Caught up in me again it"s driving me crazyIt"s the reason I won"t tell em i got a lady,Now I"m trying to contemplate on what I am gonna say,On this being the umpteenth time that Im late.No matter what I do, I know that your my true love,But I just can"t help it to get caught up with all these broads,Sitting here with this mic in my hand,Trying to record the words to make my baby understand.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,I want you to be my lois lane,Girl I promise I"m gonna change,And it aint gonna be this way forever,Girl I"m gonna get myself together,Cause your the one I love,Because your like a drug that I can"t get enough of,I"m just so confused, don"t know what to do,Cause the way that it"s feeling, I like how it"s feeling,It"s getting so hard, to fight that feeling.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,



歌词翻译3 Doors Down 唱的 Kryptonite

我用环球旅行,让自己困扰的头脑休息 把自己,抛向时空沙漠里 看着世界漂向月亮阴暗端,我什么也不做,耶! 看着世界漂向月亮阴暗端,我什么也不做 其实我知道这和你有关 什么七七八八的我都不管, 只要最后有你为伴 如果我疯疯癫癫,你还喊我超人吗 如果我安然无恙,你还会握着我的手吗? 我愿用克力敦魔石消了超能力, 让你和我在一起 你说我强大,你说我弱小, 但是你的秘密我从不说 我从未让你失望, 你觉得理所当然。 你磕磕碰碰,撞破了脑袋 要不是我,你早死定 我把你抓起, 稳稳放回坚实的大地 如果我疯疯癫癫,你还喊我超人吗 如果我安然无恙,你还会握着我的手吗? 我愿用克力敦魔石消了超能力, 让你和我在一起

3 Doors Down的《Kryptonite》 歌词

歌曲名:Kryptonite歌手:3 Doors Down专辑:The Better Life - Deluxe EditionAtozzio - KryptoniteIt seems the more I try to do right,The more I lie about being at sessions and leaving at certain times,She"s like, "Where you at?"I"m at the studio at home,And I"m thinking to myself we cut that record days ago.Cause shorty on the east side, hit me and want to know if I could stop by,Now I"m contemplating what I am gonna say,Bout this being the umpteenth time that Im late.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,It"s like the more I brush them off, the more they call,The more I want to tell them that I"m not in love,With anyone, when I know it"s you,Wanna tell the truth but it"s just so hard to do,Caught up in me again it"s driving me crazyIt"s the reason I won"t tell em i got a lady,Now I"m trying to contemplate on what I am gonna say,On this being the umpteenth time that Im late.No matter what I do, I know that your my true love,But I just can"t help it to get caught up with all these broads,Sitting here with this mic in my hand,Trying to record the words to make my baby understand.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,I want you to be my lois lane,Girl I promise I"m gonna change,And it aint gonna be this way forever,Girl I"m gonna get myself together,Cause your the one I love,Because your like a drug that I can"t get enough of,I"m just so confused, don"t know what to do,Cause the way that it"s feeling, I like how it"s feeling,It"s getting so hard, to fight that feeling.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,

Atozzio的《Kryptonite》 歌词

歌曲名:Kryptonite歌手:Atozzio专辑:The Imprint (Bonus Track Version)Atozzio - KryptoniteIt seems the more I try to do right,The more I lie about being at sessions and leaving at certain times,She"s like, "Where you at?"I"m at the studio at home,And I"m thinking to myself we cut that record days ago.Cause shorty on the east side, hit me and want to know if I could stop by,Now I"m contemplating what I am gonna say,Bout this being the umpteenth time that Im late.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,It"s like the more I brush them off, the more they call,The more I want to tell them that I"m not in love,With anyone, when I know it"s you,Wanna tell the truth but it"s just so hard to do,Caught up in me again it"s driving me crazyIt"s the reason I won"t tell em i got a lady,Now I"m trying to contemplate on what I am gonna say,On this being the umpteenth time that Im late.No matter what I do, I know that your my true love,But I just can"t help it to get caught up with all these broads,Sitting here with this mic in my hand,Trying to record the words to make my baby understand.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,I want you to be my lois lane,Girl I promise I"m gonna change,And it aint gonna be this way forever,Girl I"m gonna get myself together,Cause your the one I love,Because your like a drug that I can"t get enough of,I"m just so confused, don"t know what to do,Cause the way that it"s feeling, I like how it"s feeling,It"s getting so hard, to fight that feeling.I wanna be your superman,I"m trying to save our love the best way that I can,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,And I really wanna make it work,But I can"t stop messing round,I"m here doing dirt,Cause these girls they"re like kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,These girls got kryptonite,These girls my kryptonite,




kryptonite氪(仅存在于超人等故事中的化学元素,超人若接近此元素即丧失超常能力); 例句:1.You sure you want the kryptonite? 你确定你想要的氪石?


表示爱情中弱点的含义。解析如下:Kryptonite - Metallic meteorites from the planet Krypton; Superman"s only vulnerability. By extension, one"s fatal flaw or weakness.这是wiki百科里的解释,大概是说超人出生在Krypton星球上。Kyptonite就是Krypton星球爆炸后产生的一种放射性物质,会让超人失去他所具有的超能力。换句话说,Kryptonite是超人唯一的弱点。Superman碰到Kryptonite就super不起来了。弱点的英文:Weakness,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“弱点;软弱;嗜好”。双语例句:1、I have one weakness.我有一个缺点。2、We all have our little weakness.我们都有小的弱点。3、Through weakness and strength.通过弱点和力量。

【英语】【翻译】如图,no doubt不就相当于definitely吗,感觉前半句应该看作肯定啊?


Michelle Obama is the First Lady of the United States这句话是什么意思

米歇尔 奥巴马是美国的第一夫人

live for love united 的歌词翻译

Love united we will up For all the people of the world 为了世界上所有的人们,我们将凝聚起所有的爱 Have you ever dreamed of playing for The biggest team there is on earth Have you ever played at dreaming large The time is now and you are the star 你是否曾经梦想过在这个地球上最伟大的球队效力? 你是否最大程度的实现梦想? 机会就在眼前,你就是那个明星 The ball is travelling in your direction Give it all of your attention Pick it up and pass it on That"s what"s gonna make us strong 球朝你的方向奔来 请全神贯注 接下球,传下去 这就是让我们坚强的源泉 We will live for love united We will give for love united For moments like this For all those we missed 为着象这样的时刻 为着我们错失去的一切 我们将为了团结一致的爱存在 我们将要奉献这团结一致的爱 We will live for love united Come together undivided We will stand up For all the people of the world 我们将为了团结一致的爱而生存 永不分开 我们将为了世界上所有的人们而努力 Have you ever dreamed of flying high Looking down from heaven with god"s eyes You know we could use some intervention Children needing your protection It"s not enough to sing this song Life the cup and it on (没有看懂这个) 你是否曾经梦想过在高空中飞翔,透过上帝的眼睛来俯视这个世界? 你知道的我们需要通过一些干预的 孩子们需要你的保护 仅仅唱着这支歌远不足以 We will live for love united We will give for love united For moments like this For all those we"ve missed We will live for love united Come together undivided We will stand up For all the people of the world (以上重复) I play for love united 我为了团结一致的爱娱乐 Juego para love united Jag spelar f?r love united Ne ngioka love united Je joue pour love united (法语) (以上是各种语言) We will live for love united We will give for love united For moments like this For all those we missed We will live for love united Come together undivided We will stand up For all the people of the world (以上重复) Eu jogo para love united Je joue pour love united Ich spiele fur love united Anka joue pou love united Anch"io, io gioco per love united Eu jogo para love united Se hanna a love united (以上是各国语言)





infinite的follow me中文谐音



7人偶像组合Infinite(韩文名:인피니트)是Hip Hop歌手Tablo作为音乐老师亲自培养的. 由队长金成奎,肯尼亚派张东宇,女生性格的李成忠,不爱说话的美男L,比搞笑艺人还好笑的跳舞很帅的Hoya,有着温柔声音的南宇贤,初丁李承烈,具备多样魅力的七名成员组成。INFINITE是7人男子偶像组合,因为是由Epik High的Tablo培养所以出道前就造成了话题。他们通过4月12日首次播出的Mnet偶像人间剧场的“INFINITE你是我的哥哥”正式与大家见面。 Infinite名字的意思是没有界限无限的。社长希望他们成为没有界限可以继续无限发展的组合



One United One Red One Vani 是什么意思呢?




From the Inside out(谁能帮我翻译下这首歌啊、Hillsong United的、很急、很急、帮帮忙哎、、要翻译好点

Hillsong United - From The Inside Out爱由心生翻译: 济妮杨(Ginny Yang)A thousand times I"ve failed我失败了千万次Still Your mercy remains祢的恩典却一直都在And should I stumble again即使我再次跌倒I"m caught in Your grace祢的恩典依然眷顾我Everlasting直到永远Your light will shine when all else fades当万物暗淡唯有祢的真光闪耀Never ending永不止息Your glory goes beyond all fame祢的荣耀超越万物Your will above all else祢的旨意在万有之上My purpose remains我的心坚定不移The art of losing myself我愿降卑自己In bringing You praise来赞美祢Everlasting直到永远Your light will shine when all else fades当万物暗淡唯有祢的真光闪耀Never ending永不止息Your glory goes beyond all fame In my heart and my soul在我的心里,祢的荣耀超越一切Lord I give You contro主,我全部交托给祢Consume me from the inside out把我的全部奉献给祢Lord let justice and praise Become my embrace主,愿公义和赞美围绕着我To love you from the inside out让我全心全意来爱祢Everlasting直到永远Your light will shine when all else fades当万物暗淡唯有祢的真光闪耀Never ending永不止息Your glory goes beyond all fame祢的荣耀超越万有And the cry of my heart Is to bring You praise我的心声就是对祢的赞美From the inside out爱由心生Lord my soul cries out主,我的灵魂渴慕你
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