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pstn number是什么号码

PLMN的简介PLMN(Public Land Mobile Network,公共陆地移动网络),由政府或它所批准的经营者,为公众提供陆地移动通信业务目的而建立和经营的网络。该网路必须与公众交换电话网(PSTN)互连,形成整个地区或国家规模的通信网。PLMN = MCC + MNC,例如中国移动的PLMN为46000,中国联通的PLMN为46001。  公众陆地移动电话网(PLMN)是一个无线通讯系统,趋向于面向陆地上的例如交通工具或步行中的移动用户。这样的系统可以是独立的,但常常和固定电话系统如公用交换电话网络(PSTN)连接起来。然而,移动和便携的因特网用户也越来越普及。一个理想的PLMN系统提供给移动和便携用户和固定网络相当的服务,这在地形比较复杂的区域是一个特殊的挑战,因为基站会难以被找到和维持。在都市的环境中有很多的障碍,像是建筑物,和各种射频都能引起杂音和干扰的辐射。大多数的系统今天使用数字技术而不是过去的模拟技术。这一个过渡已经改善了通信质量和可靠度,但是现在还没有达到完美的地步。PSTN的简介PSTN ( Public Switched Telephone Network )定 义 公共交换电话网络,一种常用旧式电话系统。即我们日常生活中常用的电话网。工作原理 公共交换电话网络是一种全球语音通信电路交换网络,包括商业的和政府拥有的回答不容易,希望能帮到您,满意请帮忙采纳一下,谢谢

lcdnumber中怎么让数字颜色改变 lcdnumber->palette?

QPalette pal; pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, QColor(0,255,0)); lcdNumber->setPalette(pal);关键点是QPalette::WindowText,我也是试了好久才发现的,这里的WindoText换成其他就不行……希望对你有帮助。

customs assigned number是什么?我是货代,有一票到Miami的货,做DDP的,要发AMS和ISF,但是要先签POA



NUMERIC(p,s):完全映射至NUMBER(p,s)。如果p未指定,则默认为38.DECIMAL(p,s)或DEC(p,s):完全映射至NUMBER(p,s)。如果p为指定,则默认为38.INTEGER或INT:完全映射至NUMBER(38)类型。SMALLINT:完全映射至NUMBER(38)类型。FLOAT(b):映射至NUMBER类型。DOUBLE PRECISION:映射至NUMBER类型。REAL:映射至NUMBER类型。以上这些类型只是oracle在语法上支持的,在底层实际上还是number1.表示的数值范围NUMBER:Oracle NUMBER类型能以极大的精度存储数值,具体来讲,精度可达38位。其底层数据格式类似一种 “封包小数“表示。Oracle NUMBER类型是一种变长格式,长度为0~22字节。它可以存储小到10e-130、 大到(但不包括)10e126的任何数值。这是目前最为常用的数值类型。也是Oracle9i Release 2及以 前的版本只支持的唯一一种适合存储数值数据的固有数据类型,其他一起兼容类型只是一种和number 之间的映射,在底层实际上都是numberBINARY_FLOAT:这是一种IEEE固有的单精度浮点数。它在磁盘上会占用5字节的存储空间:其中4个固定字节用 于存储浮点数,另外还有一个长度字节。BINARY_FLOAT能存储有6为精度、范围在~±1038.53 的数值BINARY_DOUBLE:这是一种IEEE固有的双精度浮点数。它在磁盘上会占用9字节的存储空间:其中8个固定字节用 于存储浮点数,还有一个长度字节。BINARY_DOUBLE能存储有12.位精度、范围在~±10308.25的 数值。取值范举例:创建测试表t2SQL> create table t2 2 ( num_type number, 3 float_type binary_float, 4 double_type binary_double 5 );Table created插入测试数据1SQL> SQL> insert into t2 2 (num_type, float_type, double_type) 3 values 4 (1234567890.0987654321, 1234567890.0987654321, 1234567890.0987654321);1 row inserted查看测试数据1SQL> SQL> select to_char(num_type), 2 to_char(float_type, "999999999999.999999999"), 3 to_char(double_type, "99999999999.9999999999") 4 from t2 5 ;TO_CHAR(NUM_TYPE) TO_CHAR(FLOAT_TYPE,"9999999999 TO_CHAR(DOUBLE_TYPE,"999999999--------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1234567890.0987654321 1234567940.000000000 1234567890.0987654000

in that company 是什么成分? he hold a large number of stocks in that company.



相信大家一定知道,在英国手握学生签证的童鞋们是可以在英国打工的,但是每周打工时间不能超过20个小时,否则打黑工被发现的话,很有可能被遣送回国啊。However不管你想做什么样的工作,都必须先申请一个“国家保险号”,全名为“National Insurance Number (NINO)”。简单介绍一下,NINO是在英国境内被使用的一个用以保障国家保险和社会安全的体系,也对英国税收系统有所作用的号码,英国政府将这个号描述为“个人账户号码”,因为它是唯一一个每个英国人都有的号码(16岁政府会自动给英国小孩寄,我们可没有这个待遇)。作为在英国的“外国人”,我们只要工作,就需要自己去申请NINO。如何申请National Insurance Number首先,第一步你要做的是确定你绝对具有在英国工作的合法权力,你可以在你现有的签证上找到,会有关于工作方面限制的批注,如果没有那你就应该是默认为可以工作。在确认自己满足条件后,你需要给Jobcentre Plus打电话申请NINO,Jobcentre和Jobcentre Plus就有点像是英国政府官方的求职中介,主旨是帮助人民就业。申请NINO是免费的,不需要任何费用,不过0845开头的电话号码如果是从手机拨打是可能会另行收费的。Jobcentre Plus application line电话:0845 600 0643工作时间:周一至周五上午8点至下午6点根据你所在的不同城市及不同的受理Jobcentre Plus,申请流程可能会有些不同。有的Jobcentre Plus是会邀请申请人去面试的,主要是问你的情况他们会询问一些你的个人信息,比如姓名出生年月和住址,还有护照和签证的信息。通常在这之后的一周到两周内给你寄来Application Form。收到Application Form之后就开始填表,其中有一项呢,在这张表寄来前就已经被工作人员划掉了,除了被划掉的之外,剩下的都需要填好。尽量填仔细一点,否则申请不通过会重新寄一张给你填的。填好后寄回去就可以了(信中已自带写好地址并已付邮资的信封),大概5至15个工作日你就会收到你个人的NINO啦(具体时间还是要拼人品,有同学曾反映等了两个月)。关于面试呢你也无需担心,信里会告知你需要携带能够证明你身份的证件,比如护照、签证卡或英国驾照等去哪里参加面试。申请到了NINO,可是不小心把信丢了怎么办!信上面是有自己的号码的!不要急!这时候你可以选择给National Insurance Registrations Helpline打电话,他们会问你一些问题,你在正确回答这些问题之后就可以重新得到你的NINO了!不过他们不会在电话上告诉你你的号码,而是会再一次将号码邮寄给你。如果你不能在电话上回答问题的话也不要紧,你可以上网下载表格CA5403,表格信息网页链接National Insurance Registrations Helpline电话: 0300 200 3500传真: 0300 200 3519工作时间:周一至周五:8am – 5pm整个申请过程是简单的,有了这个号,我们就可以工作了。有这个号主要是为了交NI为英国做贡献,在英国工作除了要交税以外,还需要交NI的一个钱。比如有的学生兼职,由于年薪没到达要交税的标准,所以每个月的工资不会扣税而是扣NI。不过,不管大家是兼职还是全职啦,委媛要提醒大家,别忘了申请你的NI号哦!另外,如果你搬家了,或者改名字啦,结婚啦等等个人信息有变更的话,也要记得跟他们更改信息哟,你可以给他们打电话更新,也可以在网上更新,具体网址网页链接,好啦,以上就是关于NINO大家要注意的内容啦,祝大家一切顺利!


  number of periods  期数  亦作"朞数"。气数;命运。《后汉书·冯异岑彭贾复传论》:"昔 高祖 忌 柏人 之名,违之以全福;征南恶 彭亡 之地,留之以生灾。岂几虑自有明惑,将期数使之然乎?"  亦作"朞数"。 1.一年的天数。《新五代史·司天考一》:"夫立天之道,曰阴与阳。阴阳各有数,合则化成矣。阳之策三十六,阴之策二十四。奇偶相命,两阳三阴,同得七十二。同则阴阳之数合。七十二者,化成之数也。化成则谓之五行之数。五之,得朞数。"  (2).年数。《续资治通鉴·宋哲宗绍圣二年》:"甲申,诏:" 吕大防 等永不得引用期数及赦恩叙复。""

There must have been a large number of tourists in Sanya

1.当陈述部分是“there be + 主语 + 其它”结构时,反意疑问部分要用“be (not) + there”结构。 例 There are some bananas in the basket, aren"t there? 篮子里有些香蕉,是吗? quickly状语提前放在句首,用部分倒装(即主语与谓语颠倒一下),句子整体时态是过去时,所以A正确

Ordinal Numbers是什么意思

ordinal number n.序数(如first,third等) 新牛津英汉双解大词典ordinal number noun a number defining a thing"s position in a series, such as ‘first", ‘second", or ‘third". Ordinal numbers are used as adjectives, nouns, and pronouns 序数。 比较 cardinal number. 英汉计算机词汇ordinal number 序数,序号

oracle数据库中 如何查询类型为number(7,2)允许为空 没有为该列赋值的数据

select owner , table_name , column_name from dba_tab_columns where DATA_TYPE="NUMBER" and nullable="Y" and DATA_DEFAULT is null and DATA_PRECISION=7 and dATA_SCALE=2 ;

求助Voucher specimen number是什么意思

Voucher specimen number凭证标本数voucher 英[u02c8vau028atu0283u0259(r)] 美[u02c8vau028atu0283u025a] n. 凭证; 收据; 证件; 证人; [网络] 优惠券; 券; 预订单; [例句]The winners will each receive a voucher for a pair of cinema tickets.获胜者每人将会获得两张电影票的代金券。[其他] 复数:vouchers 形近词: touches toucher coucher

托福考试报名付款中voucher number是什么意思


托福报名中Voucher Number是什么?


Murder By Numbers 歌词翻译谢谢

为什么重复了??? 一旦你已经决定杀死, 首先你心灵的石头。 如果你发现你的手仍愿意, 然后你可以把一个谋杀与艺术。 真的没有任何需要流血, 你只是做一点技巧。 如果你能滑片到某人的咖啡, 然后它避免了一大笔搞得一团糟。 它的谋杀编号,第一、二、三, 这是很容易学作为ABC。 由编号,谋杀的1、2、3, 这是很容易学作为ABC。 现在如果你尝过这方面的经验 你和你第一次成功的脸红了, 然后你必须试一试的双人组或三 你会发现你的良心使你困扰少得多 因为杀人是像你拿去 这是一个容易成瘾需要越来越多。 你会撞掉每您的家人 和别人时,你会发现一个无趣 因为它的谋杀编号,第一、二、三, 这是很容易学作为ABC 由编号,谋杀的1、2、3, 这是很容易学作为ABC。 现在你可以加入这个行列的辉煌 在历史上最伟大的黑暗的名人堂。 我们所有的最大杀手是勤奋 至少,我们都知道。 但是你能达到你的职业 如果你成为领导者的土地, 为谋杀是这项运动的选举, 你不需要你的手举起一根手指 因为它的谋杀编号,第1、二、三, 这是很容易学作为ABC。 由编号,谋杀的1、2、3, 这是很容易学作为A、B、C、D、E、..........

one-half a pizza 是分数多少? 和 one-fourth of a number is 10. 这里的of是什么意思?

1、一半披萨,也就是二分之一2、of是“。。。的”意思是 这个数“的”四分之一是10.

One half of a number is 17 more than one third of that number

一个数字的一半比它的三分之一多17 按照答案一个一个算也可以 或者设这个数为x 则由题意可得 二分之一x=三分之一x+17 解得 x=102



Your loyalty account number is xxxxx.是什么意思

Your loyalty account number is xxxxx.你的忠诚帐号是xxxxx。

外贸中ship一定是用船运输吗?shipment number是什么意思?

Ship可泛指发货。shipment number 你可以问你的货代的。shipping method 就是运输方式喽、。

Customs tariff number 什么意思

Customs tariff number关税 的号码望采纳,谢谢


D 句意:此外,它还提供大量其他的选择给它的读者。由题意可知要填许多,大量的,B,C选项后面都只能加不可数名词,D项加复数名词, 故选D。 考点: 考查词组的用法。

Wiley 公司VAT number 怎么填

正常填写就可以了。具体计算方法如下:英国VAT税率计算方法1)卖家实际需缴纳VAT=销售VAT—进口VAT2)销售VAT=总销售价格/(100+VAT税率)* VAT 税率3)进口VAT=(申报货值+ 头程运费+关税) X 20%4)通常销售VAT是指货物卖出后,不同类别的产品收取的增值税VAT费率也不同。VAT =Value-Added Tax 增值税 VAT number是增值税发票号码。不等同于纳税人登记号,即税号。税号每个企业都只有唯一的税号,就像营业执照登记号一样;但是发票号是每张开出的发票上面的唯一编号。

nrc number是什么意思

  NRC  缩写词 abbr.  1. =National Racquetball Club 全国网球俱乐部  2. =National Republican Club (美国)全国共和党人俱乐部  3. =National Research Council (美国、加拿大)国家科学研究委员会  4. =Nuclear Regulatory Commission (美国)核管制委员会  5. =Nuclear Research Council (美国)核子研究委员会  6. =Nano Revolutionary Carbon 纳米碳触媒  7.=National Research Council 美国研究委员会  8.=Nokia Research Center 诺基亚研究中心  -------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。



recepit number是什么意思


外贸运单中的pallet numbers:1/5-4/5的意思


Number of Number of Carton+Pallet:的翻译是:什么意思

Number of Number of Carton+Pallet:的翻译是:纸箱数量+托盘数量:

Reynolds and Peclet numbers是什么意思

雷诺数(Reynolds number)一种可用来表征流体流动情况的无量纲数, 用Re表示.皮克列数(Peclet number),用P或Pe表示,是一个无量纲数值,用来表示对流与扩散的相对比例。

sheer numbers什么意思?sheer表示什么


sheer number

sheer 有“绝对”,“完全”的意思。sheer number指的是“非常大的数字”,具体是什么数字则应根据上下文内容确定。试译:因为数字巨大,所有服务人员必将站在黄队一方。

海运提单上的Vessel and Voyage Number是什么意思


海运提单上的Vessel and Voyage Number是什么意思

vessel=船名VOYAGE NUMBER=航次如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

number of pupils

选B choosing to study languages 是作pupils的定语,且对于此,pupils 与choose是主动关系,所以选choosing compare A with B 固定短语,将A与B比较,这里指的是将现在的人数与过去的人数对比,即compare 现在的人数 with 过去的人数.现在的人数 与compare是被动关系,所以选择compared with.

我的号码英文是MY NUMBER吗?

你好!我的号码英语翻译可以是:my number,my phone number,my telephone number!都可以哦!

ielts trf number在哪看,只能从雅思成绩单上么?

只能从雅思成绩单上查看。ielts trf number是显示在雅思成绩单上的,所以只能通过成绩单来查看。其他机构要想知道这个成绩,可以通过雅思成绩单(纸质版)或者右下角的编号查看,但是也是通过雅思成绩单显示得到的。扩展资料雅思的评分标准:9分:成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解。8分:非常良好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔有不连接的错误和不恰当,在不熟悉的状况下可能出现误解,可将复杂细节的争论掌握的相当好。7分:良好,有能力运用英语,虽然在某些情况有时会发生不准确、不适当和误解,大致可将复杂的英语掌握的不错,也理解其全部内容。6分(澳大利亚移民&英国留学分数线):及格,大致能有效的运用英语,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解发生,能使用并理解相当复杂的英语,特别是在熟悉的情况时。参考资料来源:百度百科-雅思

RMA number是什么意思

RMA number词典结果RMA numberRMA号码

英语number the picture怎么翻译?

number the picture 图片数量 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用人工翻译。 双语例句 原声例句 权威例句 Look , listen and number the picture . 看图 , 听录音

什么是PACS numbers

谁提的这个问题。 是检查号 还是什么号 PACS 是一个系统 做医疗影像的

Redress number 和 traveler number是什么意思

Redress number申诉号码traveler number常旅客号码错误

Redress number 和 traveler number是什么意思


receipt traveler,PO line number各是什么意思啊?



CAD:<魔法科高校的劣等生>中魔法师使用的魔法辅助器的简称,即术式辅助演算机:让魔法发动简略化的辅助器,内部记录有魔法启动的程序。种类泛多,形态各异。分为泛用型、转化型、固定型、武装一体型四种。花冠(bloom) 一等生 魔法能力较高杂草(weed) 二等生灵子放射光过敏症:可以认知灵子甚至能看见精灵色调



in massive numbers是什么意思


the huge number of 和 a huge number of都可以表示大量吗?

the huge number of表示"...的巨大数额"。 a huge number of才表示"大量的..."。

朝五晚九主题曲~back number クリスマスソング 罗马音歌词


Heat number estamped 是什么意思?

heat stamped wire number code 热压导线标识号码

with the mileage and number of days taken listed beneath。 这个独立主格做状语的话

是的listed作补语beneath是副词,表示地点方位亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Mr Gao

Days Are Numbers (The Traveller) 歌词

歌曲名:Days Are Numbers (The Traveller)歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:Best Of The Alan Parsons Project, Vol. 2The traveller is always leaving townHe never has the time to turn aroundAnd if the road he"s taken isn"t leading anywhereHe seems to be completely unawareThe traveller is always leaving homeThe only kind of life he"s ever knownWhen every moment seems to beA race against the timeThere"s always one more mountain left to climbDays are numbersWatch the starsWe can only see so farSomeday, you"ll know where you areRememberDays are numbersCount the starsWe can only go so farOne day, you"ll know where you areThe traveller awaits the morning tideHe doesn"t know what"s on the other sideBut something deep inside of himKeeps telling him to goHe hasn"t found a reason to say noThe traveller is only passing throughHe cannot understand your point of viewAbandoning reality, unsure of what he"ll findThe traveller in me is close behindDays are numbersWatch the starsWe can only see so farSomeday, you"ll know where you areRememberDays are numbersCount the starsWe can only go so farOne day, you"ll know where you are

comfortably numb 谁有中文歌词和Roger+Dave版的MP3 最好还有演唱会的

只有Pink Floyd的原版的中文歌词参看翻译的如何就别管了,中文翻译英文歌词永远是蹩脚的

Comfortably Numb这首歌 是什么调转什么调的?麻烦会的告诉下 谢谢


comfortably numb电吉他尾奏难吗?


04 - Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:04 - Comfortably Numb歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:Us And ThemHello.Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on, now.I hear you"re feeling down.Well I can ease your pain,Get you on your feet again.Relax.I need some information first.Just the basic facts:Can you show me where it hurts?There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I had a fever.My hands felt just like two balloons.Now I got that feeling once again.I can"t explain, you would not understand.This is not how I am.I have become comfortably numb.Ok.Just a little pinprick.There"ll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it"s working. Good.That"ll keep you going for the show.Come on it"s time to go.There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,Out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown, the dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.

Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:Comfortably Numb歌手:David Gilmour专辑:Live In GdanskComfortably Numb LyricsScissor SistersHello (hello)Hello (hello)Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear meIs there anybody home?Come on nowI hear you"re feeling downWell I can ease your painAnd get you on your feet againRelax...I need some information.. first (first)Relax..Just to face the factsCan you show me where it hurtsThere is no pain you were recedingA distant ship blows on the horizonYou"re only coming through in wavesYour lips move but I can"t hear watcha sayingWhen I was a child I caught a feverMy hands felt like two balloonsNow I"ve got that feeling once againI can"t explain, you won"t understandThis is how I amI, I, I"ve been Com-comfortably NumbOk (ok)It"s just a little pin-prickThere"ll be no more HiiiiiiiiiiiBut you may feel a little sickCan you stand up nowI do believe It"s working(uh huh) (uh huh)Gotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goThere is no pain you were recedingA distant ship blows on the horizonYou"re only coming through in wavesYour lips move but I can"t hear watcha sayingWhen I was a child I caught a faint glimpseOut of the corner of my eyeI turned to look but it was goneTo get up on my feet but ohh the child has grownThe dream is goneI, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably NumbI, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably Numb(uh huh) (uh huh)I, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably Numb

Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:Comfortably Numb歌手:Scissor Sisters专辑:Comfortably NumbHello.Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on, now.I hear you"re feeling down.Well I can ease your pain,Get you on your feet again.Relax.I need some information first.Just the basic facts:Can you show me where it hurts?There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I had a fever.My hands felt just like two balloons.Now I got that feeling once again.I can"t explain, you would not understand.This is not how I am.I have become comfortably numb.Ok.Just a little pinprick. <ping>There"ll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it"s working. Good.That"ll keep you going for the show.Come on it"s time to go.There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,Out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown, the dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.

Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:Comfortably Numb歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Wall - Live (Nassau Coliseum NY 28.2.80)Hello.Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on, now.I hear you"re feeling down.Well I can ease your pain,Get you on your feet again.Relax.I need some information first.Just the basic facts:Can you show me where it hurts?There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I had a fever.My hands felt just like two balloons.Now I got that feeling once again.I can"t explain, you would not understand.This is not how I am.I have become comfortably numb.Ok.Just a little pinprick. <ping>There"ll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it"s working. Good.That"ll keep you going for the show.Come on it"s time to go.There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,Out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown, the dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.

Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:Comfortably Numb歌手:Roger Waters&The Band&Van Morrison专辑:The Wall - Live In BerlinComfortably Numb LyricsScissor SistersHello (hello)Hello (hello)Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear meIs there anybody home?Come on nowI hear you"re feeling downWell I can ease your painAnd get you on your feet againRelax...I need some information.. first (first)Relax..Just to face the factsCan you show me where it hurtsThere is no pain you were recedingA distant ship blows on the horizonYou"re only coming through in wavesYour lips move but I can"t hear watcha sayingWhen I was a child I caught a feverMy hands felt like two balloonsNow I"ve got that feeling once againI can"t explain, you won"t understandThis is how I amI, I, I"ve been Com-comfortably NumbOk (ok)It"s just a little pin-prickThere"ll be no more HiiiiiiiiiiiBut you may feel a little sickCan you stand up nowI do believe It"s working(uh huh) (uh huh)Gotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goThere is no pain you were recedingA distant ship blows on the horizonYou"re only coming through in wavesYour lips move but I can"t hear watcha sayingWhen I was a child I caught a faint glimpseOut of the corner of my eyeI turned to look but it was goneTo get up on my feet but ohh the child has grownThe dream is goneI, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably NumbI, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably Numb(uh huh) (uh huh)I, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably Numb

Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:Comfortably Numb歌手:Roger Waters专辑:In The Flesh - LiveHello.Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on, now.I hear you"re feeling down.Well I can ease your pain,Get you on your feet again.Relax.I need some information first.Just the basic facts:Can you show me where it hurts?There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I had a fever.My hands felt just like two balloons.Now I got that feeling once again.I can"t explain, you would not understand.This is not how I am.I have become comfortably numb.Ok.Just a little pinprick. <ping>There"ll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it"s working. Good.That"ll keep you going for the show.Come on it"s time to go.There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,Out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown, the dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.

Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:Comfortably Numb歌手:The Bad Plus专辑:For All I CareHello.Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on, now.I hear you"re feeling down.Well I can ease your pain,Get you on your feet again.Relax.I need some information first.Just the basic facts:Can you show me where it hurts?There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I had a fever.My hands felt just like two balloons.Now I got that feeling once again.I can"t explain, you would not understand.This is not how I am.I have become comfortably numb.Ok.Just a little pinprick. <ping>There"ll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it"s working. Good.That"ll keep you going for the show.Come on it"s time to go.There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,Out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown, the dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.

Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:Comfortably Numb歌手:Roger Waters&The Band&Van Morrison专辑:The Wall: Live In BerlinComfortably Numb LyricsScissor SistersHello (hello)Hello (hello)Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear meIs there anybody home?Come on nowI hear you"re feeling downWell I can ease your painAnd get you on your feet againRelax...I need some information.. first (first)Relax..Just to face the factsCan you show me where it hurtsThere is no pain you were recedingA distant ship blows on the horizonYou"re only coming through in wavesYour lips move but I can"t hear watcha sayingWhen I was a child I caught a feverMy hands felt like two balloonsNow I"ve got that feeling once againI can"t explain, you won"t understandThis is how I amI, I, I"ve been Com-comfortably NumbOk (ok)It"s just a little pin-prickThere"ll be no more HiiiiiiiiiiiBut you may feel a little sickCan you stand up nowI do believe It"s working(uh huh) (uh huh)Gotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goGotta keep it going through the showC"mon it"s time to goThere is no pain you were recedingA distant ship blows on the horizonYou"re only coming through in wavesYour lips move but I can"t hear watcha sayingWhen I was a child I caught a faint glimpseOut of the corner of my eyeI turned to look but it was goneTo get up on my feet but ohh the child has grownThe dream is goneI, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably NumbI, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably Numb(uh huh) (uh huh)I, I, I"ve been Com-com-fortably Numb

Comfortably Numb 歌词

歌曲名:Comfortably Numb歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:PulseComfortably NumbPink FloydHello.Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on, now.I hear you"re feeling down.Well I can ease your pain,Get you on your feet again.Relax.I need some information first.Just the basic facts:Can you show me where it hurts?There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I had a fever.My hands felt just like two balloons.Now I got that feeling once again.I can"t explain, you would not understand.This is not how I am.I have become comfortably numb.I have become comfortably numb.Ok.Just a little pinprick. <ping>There"ll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it"s working. Good.That"ll keep you going for the show.Come on it"s time to go.There is no pain, you are receding.A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon.You are only coming through in waves.Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin".When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,Out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown, the dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.

comfortably numb

《Comfortably Numb》是一首由英国摇滚乐队Pink Floyd演唱的歌曲,它的歌词描述了一个人因为沉迷于药物、电视、社交媒体等物质和虚幻的世界中而变得麻木和无感。这首歌曲通过音乐和歌词的结合,表现了一种深刻的孤独和迷茫感。在这首歌曲中,歌手Roger Waters用他深沉而富有感染力的嗓音唱出了这个人通过不断地追求物质享受和虚幻快乐,从而使自己变得麻木和无感的过程。歌词中提到了各种各样的物质和娱乐方式,包括药物、电视、社交媒体等等。这些物质和娱乐方式可以让人暂时忘却自己的烦恼和压力,但它们同时也使人变得越来越麻木和无感。在歌曲的中段,歌手David Gilmour用他富有感染力的吉他演奏了一段悠扬的旋律,这段旋律表达了一种深刻的孤独和迷茫感。这个人在追求物质享受和虚幻快乐的过程中,逐渐失去了自己的灵魂和真实的感受。他感觉自己就像是一具机器,没有了自我意识和情感。最后,歌曲以一种哀伤和沉重的情感结束。这个人意识到了自己的孤独和迷茫,但他已经无法回到真实的世界。他继续沉迷于物质和虚幻的世界中,变得更加麻木和无感。这首歌曲表达了一种深刻的哲学思考,引发了人们对于现代社会和人类自身的思考。总之,Pink Floyd的《Comfortably Numb》是一首非常有深度和感染力的歌曲,它通过音乐和歌词的结合,表现了人类在现代社会中的孤独和迷茫感。这首歌曲提醒我们应该珍惜我们真实的感受和情感,不要被物质和虚幻的世界所迷惑和控制。

谁帮忙把Comfortably Numb翻译成中文

There is no pain, you are receding. A distant ship"s smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves. Your lips move but I can"t hear what you"re sayin". When I was a child I had a fever. My hands felt just like two balloons. Now I got that feeling once again. I can"t explain, you would not understand. This is not how I am. I have become comfortably numb. 我并不疼痛,是你在逆行中,远航的船在地平线上冒着烟, 你只是驶进了风浪,你嘴唇在蠕动可是我听不见你在说什么 我小时候发过烧,觉得双手就好象两只气球 现在这种感觉又来了,我说不清,你不会明白的 这并不表示我病了,我已经安逸的麻木

请问一下2.21号有个德国件发往香港,走的是DHL(后来说是德国邮政)有Shipment number UPU code / matchco


模具英语中的shot和number of shots是什么意思?


license plate number是什么意思

license plate number车牌号码双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 车牌号例句:1.The fbi says bank workers got the license plate number of the suspect"s car, and thenumber was traced to garrett. 银行的工作人员记下了嫌疑人的车牌号码,然后联邦调查局通过车牌号追踪到了格兰特。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

artificial number是什么意思

artificial number[英][u02ccɑ:tiu02c8fiu0283u0259l u02c8nu028cmbu0259][美][u02ccɑrtu0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259l u02c8nu028cmbu025a]对数;例句筛选1.While widely reported, it is a somewhat artificial number, or at least one that isnot strictly adhered to.虽然这一数字被广泛报道,但在某种程度上只是一个人为制定的数据,或者至少说并不是能严格坚持的。2.Artificial lakes are important resources in China and the country enjoys thelargest number of artificial lakes in the world.人工湖泊是我国的重要资源,拥有量为世界之最。

EORI number 是什么意思?


a number of 与several和only a few的区别


number of cylinders怎么翻译啊???????

若干圆筒,几个头,number of 是若干,几个的意思,加可数名词的复数

客户让寄样品,并告知我DHL号,他让我发了后告他shipping number ,shipping number 是什么意思

shipping number 就是追踪号在DHL底单右上方,黑色条码上面,十位数告诉这个给客户,客户就可以在DHL官网上查询货物发送情况了。

shipping number是什么意思


你好,请问在美国通过Western Union向我在中国银行的帐号汇款,需要提供的Routing Number该怎么填写?

WU是和农业银行联合的,所以如果国内有亲人的话可以去农行取出之后再汇入你的账号。routing number是接收银行的银行代码,可以打电话去银行查询。

an overwhelming number of 后接可数名词还是不可数名词?

接可数名词复数记住: a number of 这个结构都必须接可数名词复数。你的这个例子只是 a number of 结构多了个起强化作用的修饰语而已还比如:a small number of 少量的a good/ large/ great number of.... 大量的这些都得接可数名词复数您好,很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意记得采纳如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。祝学习进步


。。。 Mysql 里面就是这么设定的 number的范围 你能怎么改 换类型又不会怎么样 程序取到数之后你再方法里面强转一下就是了

假设你是李华,于2010年6月3日搭乘某航空公司航班(flight number BA7930)回国后遗失行李箱,用英文给航

To whom it may concern(or dear staff of xxx airport): thank you for your time to read this letter.i am really sorry to inform you that i have left my luggage bag behind in your airport,and now i wish that you can help me find it.the flight number is BA7930 and the boarding time is June 3,2010. it is a 75x40x25cm, black bag,with a brandname called Uris it there are just some pieces of summer wears and swimming suits. but besides these mentioned above,i had put my wallet and some business papers in it when i got these papers are in urgent need to be it is very critical to be able to find it. because of my carelessness,i have left it in the lounge when i went to buy something as souvenir.but when i returned there, i found my bag gone already.later,i called the police,but they said it took time. due to its importance,i have no other idea but to place my hope on your finding it in the airport.please do me a favor and i would be heartily grateful to your kindness,no matter it would be found or not. please allow me to give my sincerest thanks to you,for your kindness of helping me find the bag. best wishes, hua li June 4,2010

=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("ABC",B3)),12345,67890) 这个函数里面的ISNUMBER是什么意思呀?谢谢

首先FIND函数会返回查找到的位置或者错误,当查找一个单元格内包含查找的内容时,返回查找到内容的具体开始位置,如果没查找到就返回错误。ISNUMBER测试一个字符串是否为数字,返回true或false。if测试一个表达式,选择使用true_value或false_value。那么这个表达式就是如果B3单元格内存在ABC字符时,在使用这个公式的单元格内(比如在A1里面用这个公式)则显示12345,否则显示67890。因为如果存在,isnumber(位置数字)是返回true的,否则返回false (isnumber(#VALUE!))。扩展资料:ISNUMBER函数只有一个参数value,表示进行检验的内容,如果检验的内容为数字,将返回TRUE,否则将返回FALSE。IS类的函数的value参数是不可以转换的。如在其他大多数需要数字的函数中,文本值“13”并不会由文本值转换成数字13,而是公式“=ISNUMBER("13")”中,“13”并不会由文本值转换成其他类型的值,因此函数ISNUMBER会返回FALSE值,认为该函数不是数字。参考资料来源:百度百科-ISNUMBER函数

网络连不上,提示 Error: the maximum number of subscribers has been reached 改怎么解决啊?


求问图论中的术语domination number意思?


the number of +adj?

应该是the number of the unemployed. the + adj 表示一类人。be动词加because of不算固定搭配,就是表示“是因为什么”。
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