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"Female"和"women"都是英文中表示女性的词汇,它们的用法和含义有所不同。用法区别以下是“female”和“women”的具体区别:"Female"泛指女性“Female”是一个广义词,可指各种非生物和生物对象。例如,动物、植物、车辆等。例如:The female lion is taking care of her cubs. (雌狮正在照顾她的幼崽。)例如:This plant has both male and female flowers. (这种植物既有雄花又有雌花。)"Women"指成年女性"Women"只指成年女性或一群女性,通常指有社会地位和经济能力的女性。例如:My mother is a strong, independent woman. (我的母亲是一个强大独立的女人。)例如:The conference was attended by women from all over the world. (来自世界各地的女性参加了会议。)具体用法中英文举例以下是"female"和“women”各举三个例子来说明它们之间的具体区别:【"Female" 的例子】There is a female cat in my yard.(我的院子里有一只母猫。)This bird is female because it has a brownish color.(这只鸟是雌性的,因为它的颜色较褐色。)Our biology class will learn about male and female reproductive systems today.(我们的生物课程今天将学习雌雄生殖系统。)【“Women” 的例子】The women at my company are paid less than men for the same work.(我公司的女性比男性做同样的工作赚得更少。)The seven women on the hockey team are all talented athletes.(这个冰球队里的七个女性运动员都很有才华。)The conference aims to inspire women to pursue careers in science and technology.(这个会议旨在激励女性追求科技职业。)

求歌词!叫 moment

Moment演唱: Vivian or kazuma作词: Vivian or kazuma作曲:土桥安骑夫谁も皆さまよいながら答えを探して人ならば时间さえも支配できると思ってたあの顷月日は流れ宇宙の色も変わるようにすれ违ってた心 One noment in this time. Baby I"m woreedAOめll59%14:53巡り来る季节の中であの瞬间が止まればいいのに二人まださまよいながらこの暗暗の彼方に爱を探して今の君に映る宇宙はどんな色なの?闻き返せないまま大切なこと忘れてしまってくようで少し戸惑う心 How crome you don"t answer my hea目昡く银河の中でその心たぐり寄せてる人ただ星を见上げてあの瞬间の宇宙の色を重ねて大切なこと忘れてしまわないでいて汚れを知らぬ心巡り来る季节の中で巡り来る季节の中でこの地球が消え去る时には心ごとゼロに戾してAOt is hurtingAO

moment 和minute的区别。 最好有例句。

minutes 固定用法

my glorious moment什么意思

应该选 D.when 因为前面的 moment 是指的时间 that 是引起从句的; 如果要用 that ,则 应该是这样的:One of the glorious moments in my school life was that when I was awarded the Mayor"s Award. 这是海淀区高三二学期的题,我查了答案,就是 D.when The parking rules in public places should be observed strictly,otherwise you will get a ticket 公共场所的停车规则应该严格遵守,否则你就会收到罚单

at this moment是什么意思



Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera - Feel This Moment ?

帮我找一份“My defining moment”的英语范文,速度啊,谢谢。一百个单词左右

申请美国大学本科的PS范文3:My life defining momentMy mother was diagnosed with cancer. It all started in April of my sophomore year when she complained of exhaustion, nausea, a back ache, and bad breath. I remember the day perfectly. It was Easter morning and my mom was scheduled for a procedure to examine what was predicted to be a blockage in her bile duct; it was also the Easter we found out that it wasn"t a blockage or build up, but rather a tumor. A tumor that would require four surgeries, three months in intensive care, and the rearranging of her whole digestive system. But out of those one hundred and twenty two days spent in ICU alone, the moment that sticks out in my mind was the day I walked in and no longer saw my mother. The woman that was in front of me in no way physically, mentally, or emotionally resembled the strong female figure that raised me. Her once fiery red hair was now dulled. Her porcelain white skin looked grayish. I was scared to hug her or even touch her because her once sturdy body now looked so breakable. They barely fed her. All they gave her to eat were ice chips. The moment I walked in ready to tell her about my day at school, I could hear her begging, pleading for more ice chips. She had already sneaked in more than she should have, and when she thought no one was looking, she would drink the forbidden water that would melt into the bottom of the bowl. In that instance, a bitter sweet feeling overcame me: that was the woman I knew and loved; she saw what she wanted and went after it. That feeling soon disappeared. I heard her scream out in agony “It hurts, don"t do that, it hurts" as the nurses pierced her skin with a pain reliever. I"ve always disliked injections, but that made me loathe them. When it became too much to bear, my father ushered me out of the room. That was the day of her first emergency surgery, and the day she almost didn"t come back alive. I remember feeling so helpless, as if I was a child again. I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn"t a child. My mother had raised me to become an intelligent, mature, and brave young woman. In that moment, I would have to act as the person my mother raised me to be; a person my mother would be proud of. In this difficult time, I learned a lot about myself. I learned I possessed as inner strength. I learned to be patient, and to ignore all the petty dilemmas I once deemed life altering. I learned how to deal with fear, frustration, injections, and surgeries. But most importantly, in seeing my mother"s fierce bravery and independence, I learned that I was very much like her.

请以“My happiest moment”为题写一篇英语散文

My happiest moment is to be with you ,Nomatter how far you are ,nomatter how much love you can give, I love you more than i can say. My happiest moment is live with you , and i don"t care you have money or not, When i see you aroud corner finding you are looking at me the sametime, that"s my happiest moment.


 一、moment用作名词,意为“片刻;瞬间”.如:  To everybody"s delight,she arrived at the last moment.使大家感到高兴的是,她在最后一刻赶到了.  二、moment用作名词,意为“重要;重大”.如:  In my opinion,the conversation is of little moment.依我看,这次会谈不很重要.  三、与moment构成的常用短语. the moment 意为“此刻”(与现在时连用)或“那时;当时”(与过去时连用).如:  I"m afraid I"m too busy at the moment to see anyone.很遗憾,我此刻太忙,不能去见任何人.  2.for the moment意为“暂时”.如:  She is out,so you may use her typewriter for the moment.她出去了,你可以暂时使用她的打字机. a moment 意为“立刻”.如:  I"ll join you in the discussion in a moment.我一会儿和你们一起讨论.  4.for a moment意为“一会儿”.如:  I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name.我想了一会儿才记起他的名字. any moment 意为“随时”.如:  He told me I could call him at any moment.他告诉我随时可以给他打电话.  四、the (very) moment可用作连词.  moment与定冠词连用,译为“一……就”.如:He felt a thrill the very moment he got into the theatre


 一、moment用作名词,意为“片刻;瞬间”.如:  To everybody"s delight,she arrived at the last moment.使大家感到高兴的是,她在最后一刻赶到了.  二、moment用作名词,意为“重要;重大”.如:  In my opinion,the conversation is of little moment.依我看,这次会谈不很重要.  三、与moment构成的常用短语. the moment 意为“此刻”(与现在时连用)或“那时;当时”(与过去时连用).如:  I"m afraid I"m too busy at the moment to see anyone.很遗憾,我此刻太忙,不能去见任何人.  2.for the moment意为“暂时”.如:  She is out,so you may use her typewriter for the moment.她出去了,你可以暂时使用她的打字机. a moment 意为“立刻”.如:  I"ll join you in the discussion in a moment.我一会儿和你们一起讨论.  4.for a moment意为“一会儿”.如:  I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name.我想了一会儿才记起他的名字. any moment 意为“随时”.如:  He told me I could call him at any moment.他告诉我随时可以给他打电话.  四、the (very) moment可用作连词.  moment与定冠词连用,译为“一……就”.如:He felt a thrill the very moment he got into the theatre

moment名词 问题: moment的用法有哪些?

 一、moment用作名词,意为“片刻;瞬间”.如:  To everybody"s delight,she arrived at the last moment.使大家感到高兴的是,她在最后一刻赶到了.  二、moment用作名词,意为“重要;重大”.如:  In my opinion,the conversation is of little moment.依我看,这次会谈不很重要.  三、与moment构成的常用短语. the moment 意为“此刻”(与现在时连用)或“那时;当时”(与过去时连用).如:  I"m afraid I"m too busy at the moment to see anyone.很遗憾,我此刻太忙,不能去见任何人.  2.for the moment意为“暂时”.如:  She is out,so you may use her typewriter for the moment.她出去了,你可以暂时使用她的打字机. a moment 意为“立刻”.如:  I"ll join you in the discussion in a moment.我一会儿和你们一起讨论.  4.for a moment意为“一会儿”.如:  I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name.我想了一会儿才记起他的名字. any moment 意为“随时”.如:  He told me I could call him at any moment.他告诉我随时可以给他打电话.  四、the (very) moment可用作连词.  moment与定冠词连用,译为“一……就”.如:He felt a thrill the very moment he got into the theatre

moment用法 问题: moment用法?

 一、moment用作名词,意为“片刻;瞬间”.如:  To everybody"s delight,she arrived at the last moment.使大家感到高兴的是,她在最后一刻赶到了.  二、moment用作名词,意为“重要;重大”.如:  In my opinion,the conversation is of little moment.依我看,这次会谈不很重要.  三、与moment构成的常用短语. the moment 意为“此刻”(与现在时连用)或“那时;当时”(与过去时连用).如:  I"m afraid I"m too busy at the moment to see anyone.很遗憾,我此刻太忙,不能去见任何人.  2.for the moment意为“暂时”.如:  She is out,so you may use her typewriter for the moment.她出去了,你可以暂时使用她的打字机. a moment 意为“立刻”.如:  I"ll join you in the discussion in a moment.我一会儿和你们一起讨论.  4.for a moment意为“一会儿”.如:  I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name.我想了一会儿才记起他的名字. any moment 意为“随时”.如:  He told me I could call him at any moment.他告诉我随时可以给他打电话.  四、the (very) moment可用作连词.  moment与定冠词连用,译为“一……就”.如:He felt a thrill the very moment he got into the theatre

请以“My happiest moment”为题写一篇英语散文

myhappiestmoment ismyhappiestdayonvacationthatilearntalesson.myfriendsandiplanedtoswimtoday,butonourwaytothebeach,wesawanoldladywerecrying,wewereinterestedinwhathappened,andweaskedher.thenwelearntthatherlittledogwhichwereheronlypatner was missing,sowedecidedtohelphertofindthedog.accordingtothelady"sdescription,westartedourplan.eventhoughweworkedhard,thedogwere"tfond.weweresadalittle.butwedid"tgiveup.suddenly,oneofourfriendsshoutedtous,andsaidshefondthelittledog.atthemoment,theoldladyrantothefriend,andthelittledograntoheratthesightofher.wewerehappy,becausewehalpedalonelyoldladyfindheronlyfriend,thoughwecan"tswim.welearntthatgivingothershappinessisgivinghappinesstoourown,sotodayismyhappiestdayonmy vacation.可能会有些许错误,请见谅!

以My happiest moment为题写一篇英语作文

My happiest moment is my happiest day on vacation that I learnt a lesson. My friends and I planed to swim today, but on our way to the beach, we saw an old lady were crying,we were interested in what happened,and we asked her.Then we learnt that her little dog which were her only patner was missing,so we decided to help her to find the dog. According to the lady"s description, we started our plan. Even though we worked hard,the dog were"t fond.We were sad a little.But we did"t give up. Suddenly,one of our friends shouted to us,and said she fond the little dog.At the moment,the old lady ran to the friend,and the little dog ran to her at the sight of her. We were happy ,because we halped a lonely old lady find her only friend,though we can"t swim.We learnt that giving others happiness is giving happiness to our own,so today is my happiest day on my vacation.可能会有些许错误,请见谅!

Perfect moment的歌词

this is my moment 这是我的时刻 this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻 this is what god meant 这是上天的旨意 this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻 i wish i could freeze this space in time 希望一切静止在此时空中 the way i feel for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中 tell me you love me when you leave 告诉我你爱我当你离开的时候 you"re more than a shadow, that"s what i believe 你不仅只是我生命中的过客我如是相信着 you take me to places i never dreamed i"d see 你引我经历前所未有的感受 minute by minute you are the world to me 分分秒秒你是我的所有 i wish i could frame the look in your eyes 点燃爱的火苗在你的视线之中 the way that for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中 and if tomorrow brings a lonely day 如果明天注定寂寞 here and now i know i haven"t lived in vain 但我知道这一生已无怨尤 i"ll cry my tears in the rainand if love never comes again 在雨中流下我的泪水而我的爱将不再复返 i can always say i"ve been 但我相信我曾经爱过 to paradise skies in your eyes... in your eyes 在你眼中我看见天堂 so tell me you love me the moment you leave 告诉我你爱我当你离开的时候 you"re more than a shadow, i"ve just to believe 你不仅只是我生命中的过客我如是相信着 i wish i could keep you all of my life 我想留住你我生命中全部都是你 the way that i feel for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中 this is my perfect momentwith you, with you.. 这是我最完美的时刻

Perfect Moment 歌词

歌曲名:Perfect Moment歌手:Peter White专辑:Sony Jazz Triosperfect moment(中英文对照版) ——养猪致富者制作—— 特别送给心爱的小猪猪,祝天天开心!词曲:wendy page jim marnthis is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻this is what god meant 这是上天的旨意this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻i wish i could freeze this space in time 希望一切静止在此时空中the way i feel for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中this is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻tell me you love me when you leave 告诉我你爱我当你离开的时候you"re more than a shadow, that"s what i believe 你不仅只是我生命中的过客我如是相信着you take me to places i never dreamed i"d see 你引我经历前所未有的感受minute by minute you are the world to me 分分秒秒你是我的所有i wish i could frame the look in your eyes 点燃爱的火苗在你的视线之中the way that for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中this is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻and if tomorrow brings a lonely day 如果明天注定寂寞here and now i know i haven"t lived in vain 但我知道这一生已无怨尤i"ll cry my tears in the rainand if love never comes again 在雨中流下我的泪水而我的爱将不再复返i can always say i"ve been 但我相信我曾经爱过to paradise skies in your eyes... in your eyes 在你眼中我看见天堂so tell me you love me the moment you leave 告诉我你爱我当你离开的时候you"re more than a shadow, i"ve just to believe 你不仅只是我生命中的过客我如是相信着i wish i could keep you all of my life 我想留住你我生命中全部都是你the way that i feel for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中this is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻this is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻看后不要太感动,请自备纸巾:)

Perfect Moment 歌词

歌曲名:Perfect Moment歌手:Art Garfunkel专辑:Everything Waits To Be Noticed词曲:wendy page jim marnthis is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻this is what god meant 这是上天的旨意this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻i wish i could freeze this space in time 希望一切静止在此时空中the way i feel for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中this is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻tell me you love me when you leave 告诉我你爱我当你离开的时候you"re more than a shadow, that"s what i believe 你不仅只是我生命中的过客我如是相信着you take me to places i never dreamed i"d see 你引我经历前所未有的感受minute by minute you are the world to me 分分秒秒你是我的所有i wish i could frame the look in your eyes 点燃爱的火苗在你的视线之中the way that for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中this is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻and if tomorrow brings a lonely day 如果明天注定寂寞here and now i know i haven"t lived in vain 但我知道这一生已无怨尤i"ll cry my tears in the rainand if love never comes again 在雨中流下我的泪水而我的爱将不再复返i can always say i"ve been 但我相信我曾经爱过to paradise skies in your eyes... in your eyes 在你眼中我看见天堂so tell me you love me the moment you leave 告诉我你爱我当你离开的时候you"re more than a shadow, i"ve just to believe 你不仅只是我生命中的过客我如是相信着i wish i could keep you all of my life 我想留住你我生命中全部都是你the way that i feel for you inside 我如是感受到你在我心中this is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻this is my moment 这是我的时刻this is my perfect moment with you 这是我与你最完美的时刻

My moment,my DOVE.这是德芙的广告标语,谁能帮我翻译下,好的加分!


求my moment 的歌词

  [00:00.07]Rebecca Black - My Moment  我的时刻  [00:08.85]Weren"t you the one who said that I would be nothing  你不是那个说我一无是处的人么  [00:13.99]Well, I"m about to prove you wrong  但是现在我要向你证明我自己  [00:16.64]I"m not the only one who believes in something  我不是那个唯一相信有奇迹的人  [00:21.85]My one wish is about to come true  我的愿望将要实现  [00:25.15]I"m not stopping for you  我不会因为你而停止  [00:27.41]No matter what you do  不论你做什么  [00:29.15]I"ll just keep on dreaming  我将一刻不停地怀有我的梦想  [00:32.89]My head up in the clouds when nobody"s around to see...  即使没有人加油驻足,我也会昂起我的头  [00:39.54]  [00:40.24]This is my moment, my moment  这是属于我的一刻,我的一刻  [00:43.91]It"s my time, flying high, lime light  这是我的时刻,在高空飞翔,成为万众瞩目的焦点  [00:48.04]Feels like my moment, my moment  感觉我的时刻,我的这一刻  [00:51.76]I"ve waited for so long  我等待了太长时间  [00:54.38]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment  但是每个人都知道,这是我的时刻,这是我的一刻  [00:59.36]  [01:00.53]It"s my time, flying high, lime light  这是我的时刻,在高空飞翔,成为万众瞩目的焦点  [01:04.23]Feels like my moment, my moment  感觉我的时刻,我的这一刻  [01:07.84]I"ve waited for so long  我等待了太长时间  [01:10.66]But now everybody knows this is my moment,  但是每个人都知道,这是我的时刻,这是我的一刻  [01:14.55]  [01:22.07]You knew it all along, I was afraid of you  你一直都知道,我有些害怕你  [01:26.89]I thought I couldn"t be myself  我想这不是我自己  [01:29.69]You tried to be my friend  你想做我的朋友  [01:32.54]But I wouldn"t let you  但是我不会同意  [01:34.79]Remember what you said  你记得你说过什么  [01:37.95]Don"t miss out on your chance  不要错失你的机会  [01:40.76]Your life is in your hands  你的生命在你自己手中掌握  [01:42.70]So take it just as far as you can  那么尽你全力达到更远的地方  [01:46.30]But trusting in youself, forget everyone else  要一直相信自己,忘记其他所有人  [01:51.24]  [01:51.74]Believe...  相信```(以下是重复)  [01:53.48]This is my moment, my moment  [01:56.98]It"s my time, flying high, lime light  [02:01.18]Feels like my moment, my moment  [02:04.68]I"ve waited for so long  [02:07.47]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment  [02:12.87]  [02:14.13]It"s my time, flying high, lime light  [02:17.36]Feels like my moment, my moment  [02:21.18]I"ve waited for so long  [02:23.56]But now everybody knows  (重复至此)  [02:26.13]Haters, said I"ll see you later  对我怀恨于心的人们,我要和你们说再见了  [02:29.58]Can"t talk to you right now  我现在不愿和你们讲话  [02:31.58]I"m getting my paper  我有自己的任务  [02:33.42]Said I"m doing big things  我有重要的事情去做  [02:35.64]Things you never dreamed of  那些你们想也想不到的大事  [02:37.75]I hope you are happy cause I"m "bout to blow up  我希望你们会感到高兴,因为我将会一飞冲天  [02:41.96]  (以下又重复)  [02:43.92]This is my moment, my moment  [02:48.15]It"s my time, flying high, lime light  [02:52.12]Feels like my moment, my moment  [02:55.97]I"ve waited for so long  [02:58.43]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment  [03:03.55]  [03:05.40]It"s my time, flying high, lime light  [03:08.16]Feels like my moment, my moment  [03:11.96]I"ve waited for so long  [03:14.64]But now everybody knows this is my moment  [03:20.09]  (至此结束)  我帮忙凑了个数  翻译的不到位的地方见谅啊~~  嘿嘿

in the moment与the moment的区别


my most embarrassing moment是什么意思

my most embarrassing moment我最窘迫的时刻我最尴尬的时刻

初中英语作文(My enjoyable moment)

My most enjoyable moment was when I was at Joey"s house, his first word out of his mouth when he got home, was to his mom is "You better not embarrass me!". But his mom had to set him up for him, which was pretty sad. To tell you the truth his mom is cooler then him. Then, when Joey came over my house, the most funniest part was when he begged to stay longer so he can "finish the project", but really he wanted to stay with Veronica. When we went to go shopping for candy Joey was pigging ... You must be registered and logged in to access the full text of this essay. Click here to register, or if you are already a member you can login below.

moment 4 life 歌词

I fly with the stars in the skies,I am no longer trying to survive,I believe that life is a prize,But to live doesn"t mean you"re alive,Don"t worry bout me and who I fireI get what I desire it"s my empireAnd yes I call the shots I am the umpireI sprinkle holy water upon a vampire, vampireAnd this very moment I"m kingThis very moment I slay Goliath with a sling,This very moment I bringPut it on everything that I will retire with the ring,And I will retire with the crown, Yes!No I"m not lucky I"m blessed, Yes!Clap for the heavyweight champ, Me!But I couldn"t do it all alone, We!Young Money raised me, grew up out in PaisleySouthside Jamaica, Queens and it"s crazyCause I"m still hood, Hollywood couldn"t change meShout out to my haters, sorry that you couldn"t faze meAin"t being cocky we just vindicated, best believe that when were doneThis moment will be syndicated, I don"t know this night just reminds meOf everything that they deprived me of, kuhh!Ppppp put ya drinks up, it"s a celebration every time we link upWe done did everything they can think ofGreatness is what we wanna brink up.I wish that I could have this moment for life, for life, for lifeCause in this moment I just feel so alive, alive, aliveYeahhYeaahhYeahh, ughWhat I tell "em hoes bow bow bow to me, drop down to ya kneesYoung Money the Mafia that"s word to Lil CeaseI"m in The Dominican Big Papi OrtizDoin talkin, practice all these bitches just aiming to pleaseShoutout to the CEO 500 degreesShoutout to the OVO where we set for T"s, oooowNiggas wanna be friends how coincidentalThis supposed to be our year we ain"t get the memoYoung King, pay me in gold40 got a bunch of weed he ain"t even rollThese niggas be droppin songs they ain"t even coldWeezy on top and that nigga ain"t even home, yet!Yeaah, be very afraid these other rappers getting bodied and carried awayFuck it me and Nicki Nick gettin" married todayAnd now you bitches that be hatin can catch a bouquet, owwYeah, you a star in my eyes, you and all them white girls party of fiveAre we drinking a lil more I can hardly decideI can"t believe we really made it I"m partly surprised, I swearDaaam, this one for the books, man!I swear this shit is as fun as it looks, man!I"m really tryna make it more than what it is, cause everybody dies but not everybody lives!This is my moment, I waited all my life I can tell it"s timeDrifting away I"m one with the sunsets, I have become alive.

you can check my moment for my pictures


I had my moment 怎么去理解这个意思


生活不在别处——my moment

我决定,不能让自己陷入忙碌,不能让大部分时间失去意识,不去欣赏生活,是的,欣赏。 晚上,我从公司大楼不常走的另一侧走出,慢慢踱入了这个第一眼就倾心的建筑——康莱德酒店。好奇它把自己的外观打造得像水立方,大大的落地窗全部带着好看的弧度,填成蓝色,远远地看过去,就像一个一个晶莹剔透的泡泡,充满了浪漫的幻想。它一直就在公司旁边,但从来没想到自己会在没有举办活动的时候,走进一个当地的酒店去感受。 “夜来香~我为你思量,我为你歌唱~” ,一个慵懒的女声低吟浅唱,蓝调悠悠地飘在一层的大堂吧里。"Just the right feeling for tonight", 像有什么东西牵引着,我将自己猫进一个大大的沙发座中,细细地瞧着这个唱歌的女人:一身金色的紧身长裙,红唇,像一条美人鱼,不经意地唱着,无意讨好散落各处的客人,偶尔睁开眼睛看一下周遭,便又回到她的歌声里。 这也曾是我梦想中的职业之一啊,喜欢,便给你唱几曲,不喜欢,我便若无其事地走开。一天的疲惫,正无处释放。若有若无的声音,夜色撩人中美丽的女人,我将紧绷的身体舒展到沙发里,感受着“my moment”。人一生中有一些moment,是突然能让你打一个激灵,好像你与上帝打了个照面,你看见了一片光;也好像是突然任督二脉被打通,说不出的轻松与畅快。我端起杯子,若有若无地轻抿一口小酒,似是而非地想或者不想,“便觉是个自由的人。” 旁边有个独自落座的中年男士,金发,戴着眼镜,外套搭在旁边的椅背上,聚精会神地敲着电脑。靠窗处落坐着三个青年人,小声地交谈着,不时聚头欢笑。有个外国爸爸,牵着蹦跳的小女儿从大堂走过来,慢慢走到前面,将小女儿抱上座位,自己坐下,点了两杯果汁,然后都用手撑着脑袋,目不转睛地看着唱歌的女子,轻轻地打着节拍。 我爱极了这个时刻。仿佛别人的人生都跟你有关,又仿佛任何人都跟你没关系。 出了这个酒店,走50米就是工作的地方。每天人群熙攘,匆匆而过,很近的距离,却谁也不认识谁,每天飞速运转,支撑着飞速前进的世界。没想到,50米外,其实可以每周选择一两个晚上,进入另外一个moment。 怎么生活,看你怎么选择,不是吗?

My moment的歌词及翻译

[00:00.07]Rebecca Black - My Moment 我的时刻[00:08.85]Weren"t you the one who said that I would be nothing 你不是那个说我一无是处的人么[00:13.99]Well, I"m about to prove you wrong 但是现在我要向你证明我自己[00:16.64]I"m not the only one who believes in something 我不是那个唯一相信有奇迹的人[00:21.85]My one wish is about to come true 我的愿望将要实现[00:25.15]I"m not stopping for you 我不会因为你而停止[00:27.41]No matter what you do 不论你做什么[00:29.15]I"ll just keep on dreaming 我将一刻不停地怀有我的梦想[00:32.89]My head up in the clouds when nobody"s around to see... 即使没有人加油驻足,我也会昂起我的头[00:39.54][00:40.24]This is my moment, my moment 这是属于我的一刻,我的一刻[00:43.91]It"s my time, flying high, lime light 这是我的时刻,在高空飞翔,成为万众瞩目的焦点[00:48.04]Feels like my moment, my moment 感觉我的时刻,我的这一刻[00:51.76]I"ve waited for so long 我等待了太长时间[00:54.38]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment 但是每个人都知道,这是我的时刻,这是我的一刻[00:59.36][01:00.53]It"s my time, flying high, lime light 这是我的时刻,在高空飞翔,成为万众瞩目的焦点[01:04.23]Feels like my moment, my moment 感觉我的时刻,我的这一刻[01:07.84]I"ve waited for so long 我等待了太长时间[01:10.66]But now everybody knows this is my moment,但是每个人都知道,这是我的时刻,这是我的一刻[01:14.55][01:22.07]You knew it all along, I was afraid of you 你一直都知道,我有些害怕你[01:26.89]I thought I couldn"t be myself 我想这不是我自己[01:29.69]You tried to be my friend 你想做我的朋友[01:32.54]But I wouldn"t let you 但是我不会同意[01:34.79]Remember what you said 你记得你说过什么[01:37.95]Don"t miss out on your chance 不要错失你的机会[01:40.76]Your life is in your hands 你的生命在你自己手中掌握[01:42.70]So take it just as far as you can 那么尽你全力达到更远的地方[01:46.30]But trusting in youself, forget everyone else 要一直相信自己,忘记其他所有人[01:51.24][01:51.74]Believe... 相信```(以下是重复)[01:53.48]This is my moment, my moment [01:56.98]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:01.18]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:04.68]I"ve waited for so long [02:07.47]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment [02:12.87][02:14.13]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:17.36]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:21.18]I"ve waited for so long [02:23.56]But now everybody knows (重复至此)[02:26.13]Haters, said I"ll see you later 对我怀恨于心的人们,我要和你们说再见了[02:29.58]Can"t talk to you right now 我现在不愿和你们讲话[02:31.58]I"m getting my paper 我有自己的任务[02:33.42]Said I"m doing big things 我有重要的事情去做[02:35.64]Things you never dreamed of 那些你们想也想不到的大事[02:37.75]I hope you are happy cause I"m "bout to blow up 我希望你们会感到高兴,因为我将会一飞冲天[02:41.96](以下又重复)[02:43.92]This is my moment, my moment [02:48.15]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:52.12]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:55.97]I"ve waited for so long [02:58.43]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment [03:03.55][03:05.40]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [03:08.16]Feels like my moment, my moment [03:11.96]I"ve waited for so long [03:14.64]But now everybody knows this is my moment[03:20.09](至此结束)我帮忙凑了个数 翻译的不到位的地方见谅啊~~嘿嘿


my moment 读音:英[maɪ ˈməʊmənt] 美[maɪ ˈmoʊmənt] 中文意思:我的时刻; 这是我的时刻



women of childbearing potential什么意思





1.The girls don"t have any nuts.2.Do the girls have any nuts?3.No,they don"t .4.What do the girls have?

. The shop does not have any brown sugar in _ at the moment, but it expects to have some tomorrow.

用C. in stock=库存; 有货.The shop does not have any brown sugar in stock at the moment, but it expects to have some tomoorrow.该店目前没有(库存)任何红糖,但预计明天会有些货。有用请采纳

At this moment, so tired


Thomas Newcomen是谁

Thomas Savery (1650-1715)Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698, patented the first crude steam engine, based on Denis Papin"s Digester or pressure cooker of 1679.Thomas Savery had been working on solving the problem of pumping water out of coal mines, his machine consisted of a closed vessel filled with water into which steam under pressure was introduced. This forced the water upwards and out of the mine shaft. Then a cold water sprinkler was used to condense the steam. This created a vacuum which sucked more water out of the mine shaft through a bottom valve.Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729)Illustration of Thomas Newcomen"s Engine circa 1712Thomas Newcomen was an English blacksmith, who invented the atmospheric steam engine, an improvement over Thomas Slavery"s previous design.The Newcomen steam engine used the force of atmospheric pressure to do the work. Thomas Newcomen"s engine pumped steam into a cylinder. The steam was then condensed by cold water which created a vacuum on the inside of the cylinder. The resulting atmospheric pressure operated a piston, creating downward strokes. In Newcomen"s engine the intensity of pressure was not limited by the pressure of the steam, unlike what Thomas Savery had patented in 1698.In 1712, Thomas Newcomen together with John Calley built their first engine on top of a water filled mine shaft and used it to pump water out of the mine. The Newcomen engine was the predecessor to the Watt engine and it was one of the most interesting pieces of technology developed during the 1700"s.Thomas Savery later worked with Thomas Newcomen on the atmospheric steam engine. Among Savery"s other inventions was an odometer for ships, a device that measured distance traveled.James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, born in Greenock, who was renowned for his improvements of the steam engine. In 1765, James Watt while working for the University of Glasgow was assigned the task of repairing a Newcomen engine, which was deemed inefficient but the best steam engine of its time. That started the inventor to work on several improvements to Newcomen"s design.Most notable was Watt"s 1769 patent for a separate condenser connected to a cylinder by a valve. Unlike Newcomen"s engine, Watt"s design had a condenser that could be cool while the cylinder was hot. Watt"s engine soon became the dominant design for all modern steam engines and helped bring about the Industrial Revolution.A unit of power called the Watt was named after James Watt. the Watt symbol is W, and it is equal to 1/746 of a horsepower, or one Volt times one Amp.全部都在这里了。最后是瓦特的那部分改进。如果需要前面的也有,那就非常长了。蒸汽机从发明到瓦特那里正是开始使用,中间差不多200年。不过我们现在讨论的蒸汽机基本可以认为是瓦特发明的,虽然他只是改进,但是确实划时代的改进。

womens 和 girls的区别



"Women" 和 "girls" 两个词均表示女性,但是在语义上有一些区别。 "Girls" 通常指的是未成年女孩,比如指10岁、11岁或者13岁左右的女孩子。而 "women" 则是指成年女性,特别是指18岁及以上的女性。用 "women" 这个词通常意味着强调女性的成熟、独立和自我意识。 "Girls" 可以用来称呼所有的女孩,或者特指某个群体中的女孩,比如学生、运动员、演员,而 "women" 通常用来指有关职业生涯和社会贡献等方面的话题。

有首歌一句好像是You only get one shot so watch this moment go by

是不是JLS-One Shot

at the same time/moment,meanwhile三者有什么区别


Before The Moment

resting by my fire. looking deep into it"s mind must have been somewhere elsefar beyond these plains.i am suddenly aware of a pair of eyes staring at me.i turn around and behold the most ugly thing i have seen.the woman standing in the glade like a shadow in the nightpoints her wretched finger at me with a wretched smileand she asks me in a voice that sounds as if it"s been so longsince she spoke if i seek magic then i should come alongi"m but a man. mortal a man.but she leaves no footprints in the snowstill i follow on to where she is goingfor she has promised me magic if i follow on.she takes me to a part of these woods few have ever seen.where the sun surely won"t reachstill the ground ominously gleams.she says she"s seen me coming and that she knows where i"ll go.but before i leave she says there is this one thing i should know.she offers me the ability to take a fatal wound.every cut by sword or spear will be absorbed by her tree-womb.the magic will remain until it"s time for me to part with this mortal world.and all she"ll claim is my young heart.i"m but a man. mortal a man.and i"ll need all the help that i can i give my heart to the woman of the darkwith or without life is not over yet.wing of bat and lizard"s eye.dust of a star fallen from the sky.tears of a virgin*** of a god.thirteen drops of an infant"s blooda twist of a cat"s spit and oil of the moonstir for a while and very soona salve to be applied upon the chestclose to where the heart beats pains will occur when her hand is pushed into my fleshshe"ll slowly draw my living heart out of my open chest.she"ll place my heart in the pit of the snake and behold the years go by.hers to keep from the moment when the time has come for me to a lake in an open part of the eternal woods...noon..."the one eyed old man had told him of a lake. its bottom uniting with theend of the universe fall into it and there is no return. to reach itsbottom will take a thousand generations. when this world was anew the oneeyed old man then a young wanderer hidden behind a tree had overheardtwo gods speak as they walked by. all the knowledge of all worlds old andnew was kept safe in a lake in a part of the eternal woods. the one eyedold man had found the lake after having taken away by a magical blizzard.throwing his left eye into its black water he had gained not only all thegathered knowledge of all the worlds. he had also been granted the sightinto the future. set to find this lake the young man mounts his satllion.riding with the speed of the winds high in the sky he all of a sudden seesthe sun reflected in a lake. standing by it he throws both of his eyesinto the depths. now he will not need to stare down the beast on the day ofthe he had gained supreme vision offering his eyes to the lake..."





momentary prompt instant immediate的区别

momentary 一刻间的prompt 迅速的 instant 立即的 instant coffee速溶咖啡immediate 马上 i will go immediately 我马上走

the moment,minute,second,instant可以互换吗



instant名词义(常单)(也是形容词)是:瞬间刹那,词组on the istant:立即马上 Moment:片刻瞬间(可数)in a moment :马上立刻,无特殊区别

德语Drehmoment是什么意思?soll是 实际的意思么?Ist是什么意思?是筒写么?

Drehmoment : 转矩 torquesoll :设计Ist: is 是


应该是super women吧?超级女人

有一首英文歌女声唱的,有一句歌词是I NOT A SUPERWOMEN,I JUST A ONLY HUMAN。 请问是什么歌呢??谢谢

i not

magnetic moment造句 magnetic momentの例文 "magnetic moment"是什么意思

The magic moment due to electron spin is parallel to the field . 由电子旋转而产生的磁矩平行于磁场。 In a paramagic material the directions of the magic moments vary randomly from atom to atom . 在顺磁材料中,磁矩的方向在原子之间随意变化。 Spin-orbit couppng is the interaction beeen the spin magic moment of an electron and magic field generated by its orbital motion . 自旋-轨道耦合是电子的自旋磁矩和由轨道运动产生的磁场之间的相互作用。 Magic moment capping system , adjust , adgree of tightness freely 磁力矩旋盖头,松,紧,任意调节。 Apppcation of magic moment formula in the non - uniform magic field 磁力矩公式在非均匀磁场中的应用 " for his precision determination of the magic moment of the electron 用射频束技术精确地测定出电子磁矩,创新了核理论 Molecular magic moment 分子磁矩 Anomalous magic moment 异常磁矩 Orbital magic moment 轨道磁矩 Atomic magic moment 原子磁矩 It"s difficult to see magic moment in a sentence. 用 magic moment 造句挺难的 Density functional theory study on the electronic structure and the orbital magic moment of co2ysn y 电子结构和轨道磁性的第一性原理研究 Research on high - frequency soft - mag properties of low magic moment high power microwave ferrite 低磁矩大功率微波铁氧体材料高频软磁特性研究 They are caused by the coexistence in the crystal of spontaneous ferroelectric and magic moments 通常将这类具有线性磁电效应的物质称为磁电体。 If all the shells containing electrons are pletely filled , the effects cancel out and each atom has a resultant zero magic moment 如果有的电子层上均排满电子,则作用力互相抵消,而导致每个电子的磁矩为零。 The expression of magic moment of an electrified body is similar to that of moment of inertia of a body with various density 摘要带电体定轴转动的磁矩计算与刚体定轴转动的转动惯量相仿,平行轴定理有助于磁矩计算。 The magic moments per cr atom vary significantly with cr concentration , and the trend of variation is in agreement with that of the experiment 计算结果表明cr原子的磁矩随掺杂浓度有明显的变化,变化趋势和实验吻合。 The couppng beeen cr atoms in the system with o cr atoms considered is found to be ferromagic , and the magic moment per cr atom is similar to the case in which only one cr atom is considered in the same doping concentration 在包含两个cr原子的体系中cr原子之间是铁磁性偶合,每个cr原子的磁矩与相同浓度下掺杂一个cr原子的磁矩相近。 It must then make fewer turns per second , in obedience to a law of physics called the conservation of magic moment ( this is similar to the law of conservation of angular momentum that slows a spinning ice dancer down as he spreads his arms ) 服从称为磁矩守恒的物理定律,其会减少每秒旋转的次数(这一定律与角动量守恒定律很相似,花样滑冰舞者通过伸展自己的上肢来减慢自己旋转的速度就是利用这一原理) 。 We consider a neutral particle with magic moment antiparallel to the field . with the interaction potential energy beeen the magic moment of the particle and the magic field , we obtain the classical motion equation of the neutral particles in the loffe trap . in some pmit conditions , by using the perturbative method , the equations may take on concise forms . of which the o equations about x and y are mathieu equations . if we properly set the parameters and have the condition a > > q > 0 , we can solve the mathieu equation with the traditional wkbj method . as a new attemptation , with fourier series expansion we solve the mathieu equation and obtain the classical motion law of the neutral particles 若阱的参数设置使得条件> > q 0成立时,我们可以利用传统的wkbj方法近似求解马丢方程。作为一种新的尝试,本文还采用傅立叶级数展开的办法来对马丢方程进行求解,从而得到中性粒子在阱中的经典运动规律。在研究ioffe阱对中性粒子的囚禁问题时,实际上我们更感兴趣的是马丢方程的周期解,而要想获得这种周期解,和q必须满足一定的关系,亦即必须选择阱的特定的参数和粒子的特定初始条件,对这一问题我们进行了尝试性的研究。 The results showed that the microstructure of as - deposited tbdyfe ii 1ms were amorphous and the crystal of tbfe2 were found in films after anneapng at 500 . anneapng films in vaccum could improve the saturation magization ms and the susceptibipty , decrease the coercivity and the saturaion field , and make the direction of the magic moments parallel to the film plane 结果表明,制备态薄膜为非晶态结构,经过500真空退火热处理后,薄膜出现了tbfe _ 2的结晶物,薄膜的矫顽力和外场的饱和磁场大大降低,饱和磁化强度增强,初始磁化率提高,易磁化轴转向膜面。 The difference beeen the magic moments for the samples with respective doping level can be ascribed to the variation of the petition beeen thermal effect and the magic couppng . based on the spin orientation rotation of dy sublattice as well as the antiferomagic couppng beeen dy sublattice and mn sublattice , we successfully elucidate the changes of magic structure in perovskite pounds s . electron spin resonance ( esr ) study on perovskite pounds on the basis of chapter 4 , we give further study on micromagici *** of dy - doping perovskite pounds la0 . 67 - xdyxsr0 . 33mno3 其中第一节简单回顾了早期对a位双稀土元素元素掺杂钙钛矿化合物的研究,早期研究较多的是替代元素的离子半径变化上,由于替代离子半径的改变,使a位平均半径变ylll化,致使公差因子改变,使mn o长、键角变化,晶格效应的作用使化合物的磁性、电性、 cmr效应发生改变。 Abstract : the magic moment of a hydrogen atom is calculated by using the solution of the relativistic wave equations . it is shown that the so called total magic moment are produced from the electron orbit motion . these results show that the total angular momentum j is actually the relativistic orbital angular momentum 文摘:利用氢原子的相对论性波动方程解计算了氢原子的磁矩.结果表明,现行量子理论中所谓的总磁矩实际上都是由电子的轨道运动产生的,由此提出了所谓的总角动量实际上是相对论性轨道角动量的看法 It"s difficult to find magic moment in a sentence. 用 magic moment 造句挺难的

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《Lean In》(Sheryl Sandberg)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: tg97书名:Lean In作者:Sheryl Sandberg豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:Knopf出版年份:2013-3-12页数:240内容简介:Thirty years after women became 50 percent of the college graduates in the United States, men still hold the vast majority of leadership positions in government and industry. This means that women"s voices are still not heard equally in the decisions that most affect our lives. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg examines why women"s progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, commonsense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential.Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and is ranked on Fortune "s list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business and as one of Time "s 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2010, she gave an electrifying TEDTalk in which she described how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers. Her talk, which became a phenomenon and has been viewed more than two million times, encouraged women to “sit at the table,” seek challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with gusto.In Lean In, Sandberg digs deeper into these issues, combining personal anecdotes, hard data, and compelling research to cut through the layers of ambiguity and bias surrounding the lives and choices of working women. She recounts her own decisions, mistakes, and daily struggles to make the right choices for herself, her career, and her family. She provides practical advice on negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career, urging women to set boundaries and to abandon the myth of “having it all.” She describes specific steps women can take to combine professional achievement with personal fulfillment and demonstrates how men can benefit by supporting women in the workplace and at home.Written with both humor and wisdom , Sandberg"s book is an inspiring call to action and a blueprint for individual growth. Lean In is destined to change the conversation from what women can"t do to what they can.作者简介:Sheryl Sandberg is chief operating officer at Facebook. Prior to Facebook, she was vice president of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google and chief of staff at the U.S. Treasury Department. Sheryl lives in Northern California with her husband and their two children.

This Moment 歌词

歌曲名:This Moment歌手:Disturbed专辑:Transformers (Music from the Motion Picture)This MomentDisturbedTransformers (2007) OSTTitle: "This Moment"Artist: DisturbedAlbum: Transformers (2007) OST(uploaded by Sah)You will remember this moment as you dig into meAnd from your smile now it seems as if you liked itYou better cherish this moment as you dig into meYou"ll never get another chance at thisI won"t stand another minute of your questioning meYou hear me these are the interrogations of herI can"t handle the feeling of your pestering meHow would you like to meet my favorite fist?No you can"t rethinkI"d love to see you think I"mDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedIt seems your pride has been stolen since you stood up to meI take it now you know I think I really like itSome other lesson from someone that will never repeatHow many tragic mistakes of his pastI hope you see from this moment as your still on your feetSo keep me cryin" now I think your gonna like itWords have no consequences when they"re spoken to meBetter be careful when you"re writing chequesDon"t you question how IStand above you now IDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedNow you know the answersSave yourself from dangerI cannot forget howAll of this beganI know you know the answerSave yourself from dangerBeaten by a strangerBlood still on his handsI"ll be this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleed

This Moment 歌词

歌曲名:This Moment歌手:Melissa Etheridge专辑:LuckyThis MomentDisturbedTransformers (2007) OSTTitle: "This Moment"Artist: DisturbedAlbum: Transformers (2007) OST(uploaded by Sah)You will remember this moment as you dig into meAnd from your smile now it seems as if you liked itYou better cherish this moment as you dig into meYou"ll never get another chance at thisI won"t stand another minute of your questioning meYou hear me these are the interrogations of herI can"t handle the feeling of your pestering meHow would you like to meet my favorite fist?No you can"t rethinkI"d love to see you think I"mDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedIt seems your pride has been stolen since you stood up to meI take it now you know I think I really like itSome other lesson from someone that will never repeatHow many tragic mistakes of his pastI hope you see from this moment as your still on your feetSo keep me cryin" now I think your gonna like itWords have no consequences when they"re spoken to meBetter be careful when you"re writing chequesDon"t you question how IStand above you now IDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedNow you know the answersSave yourself from dangerI cannot forget howAll of this beganI know you know the answerSave yourself from dangerBeaten by a strangerBlood still on his handsI"ll be this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleed

This Moment 歌词

歌曲名:This Moment歌手:Matthew Sweet专辑:Sweet Relief - A Benefit For Victoria WilliamsThis MomentDisturbedTransformers (2007) OSTTitle: "This Moment"Artist: DisturbedAlbum: Transformers (2007) OST(uploaded by Sah)You will remember this moment as you dig into meAnd from your smile now it seems as if you liked itYou better cherish this moment as you dig into meYou"ll never get another chance at thisI won"t stand another minute of your questioning meYou hear me these are the interrogations of herI can"t handle the feeling of your pestering meHow would you like to meet my favorite fist?No you can"t rethinkI"d love to see you think I"mDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedIt seems your pride has been stolen since you stood up to meI take it now you know I think I really like itSome other lesson from someone that will never repeatHow many tragic mistakes of his pastI hope you see from this moment as your still on your feetSo keep me cryin" now I think your gonna like itWords have no consequences when they"re spoken to meBetter be careful when you"re writing chequesDon"t you question how IStand above you now IDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedNow you know the answersSave yourself from dangerI cannot forget howAll of this beganI know you know the answerSave yourself from dangerBeaten by a strangerBlood still on his handsI"ll be this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleed

Reaching the top of the mountain was an exciting moment,____all of us would never forget.

B,这是一道代词的题,首先我们要搞清代词one, the one,that,ones,those 的区别代词one, ones, that, those在比较结构中的用法辨析在比较结构中,为了避免重复,常用替代词替代名词词组或它的中心词。可以这样用的替代词常用的且较难掌握的有one, ones,that和those。I.替代词one和ones的用法:1.one只能替代单数名词,one的复数形式ones只能替代复数名词。例如:My child doesn"t like this book.Show her a more interesting one.2.替代词one或ones必须带有一个限定或修饰词,它们和所替代的名词中心词所指不一定是同一对象,这是替代词one或 ones在用法上的一个重要特征。例如:I don"t like this book.I"d like a more interesting one.3.当替代词one或ones带有后置修饰语时,它们前面总有定冠词。例如:Our new cassette is more expensive than the one we had before.4.当替代词one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this,that, which和序数词等之后,可以省略。例如:This book is much better than that(one).5.替代词one或ones通常不用在物主代词和名词所有格之后。如不可说my one(s),your one(s),Peter"s one(s)等等。one或ones也不能用在own之后。但是,如果有了形容词,one(s)可以和物主代词及名词所有格连用。如:My cheap camera seems to be just as good as John"s expensive one.6.one作替代词时,在of前面不能用 the one来表示所属关系和类似概念。如不可说:*He put down his gun and picked up the one of Henry.该用一个所有格来表示 He picked up Henry"s.7.当两个形容词表示对照的意思时,不能使用替代词 one。仅在其中一个形容词后加上名词即可。例如:Don"t praise the younger child in the presence of the elder.8.替代词one如果不带任何前置修饰语,即它的前面既没有限定词,又没有形容词时,便不是替代名词词组的中心词,而是替代整个名词词组。这时,one=a+单数名词。例如:A cake made of wheat costs less than one made of rice.(one =a cake)one的这种用法是泛指同类事物中的任何一个,相当一个不定冠词,因此它没有复数形式。要泛指复数事物,只能用some。例如:Here are a few apples.Would you like some(=some of them)?II.替代词that和those的用法:1.that和those通常用作指使代词,也可用作替代词。它们总是伴随着限定性的后置修饰语,分别等于the one和 the ones。例如:The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor.2.that也可替代不可数名词,但是 the one则不能。例如:The resistance of a thicker wire is less than that of a thin one.以上两例中的that都不能换成the one。3.that作替代词,只能指物,不能指人。those作替代词,既可指物,也可指人。例如:The blonde girl I saw was older than the one you were dancing with.该句中的the one不能换成that。4.that用作替代词和它所替代的名词词组的中心词的“数”可以不一致。替代单数名词时,只替代“the +单数名词”,不可替代“a+单数名词”。例如:The song by Schubert is more tuneful than that by Britain.(that=thesong。song为可数名词。)请注意,这里说的that只替代“the+单数名词”,不可替代“a+单数名词,系指that在句子中实际的作用,并非要求它在句子中所代表的前面出现的词组必须是“the +单数名词。例如:In those days they lived a life worse than that of a beast of burden.在该句中,前面出现的词组为a life,但that替代的却是the life。that作为替代词,它不能用于零关系分句(即没有关系代词的定语从句)之前。例如:The problem confronting us today is not dissimilar from that which the nationconfronted in the 1930s.代词one, ones, that, those在比较结构中的用法辨析在比较结构中,为了避免重复,常用替代词替代名词词组或它的中心词。可以这样用的替代词常用的且较难掌握的有one, ones,that和those。I.替代词one和ones的用法:1.one只能替代单数名词,one的复数形式ones只能替代复数名词。例如:My child doesn"t like this book.Show her a more interesting one.2.替代词one或ones必须带有一个限定或修饰词,它们和所替代的名词中心词所指不一定是同一对象,这是替代词one或 ones在用法上的一个重要特征。例如:I don"t like this book.I"d like a more interesting one.3.当替代词one或ones带有后置修饰语时,它们前面总有定冠词。例如:Our new cassette is more expensive than the one we had before.4.当替代词one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this,that, which和序数词等之后,可以省略。例如:This book is much better than that(one).5.替代词one或ones通常不用在物主代词和名词所有格之后。如不可说my one(s),your one(s),Peter"s one(s)等等。one或ones也不能用在own之后。但是,如果有了形容词,one(s)可以和物主代词及名词所有格连用。如:My cheap camera seems to be just as good as John"s expensive one.6.one作替代词时,在of前面不能用 the one来表示所属关系和类似概念。如不可说:*He put down his gun and picked up the one of Henry.该用一个所有格来表示 He picked up Henry"s.7.当两个形容词表示对照的意思时,不能使用替代词 one。仅在其中一个形容词后加上名词即可。例如:Don"t praise the younger child in the presence of the elder.8.替代词one如果不带任何前置修饰语,即它的前面既没有限定词,又没有形容词时,便不是替代名词词组的中心词,而是替代整个名词词组。这时,one=a+单数名词。例如:A cake made of wheat costs less than one made of rice.(one =a cake)one的这种用法是泛指同类事物中的任何一个,相当一个不定冠词,因此它没有复数形式。要泛指复数事物,只能用some。例如:Here are a few apples.Would you like some(=some of them)?II.替代词that和those的用法:1.that和those通常用作指使代词,也可用作替代词。它们总是伴随着限定性的后置修饰语,分别等于the one和 the ones。例如:The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor.2.that也可替代不可数名词,但是 the one则不能。例如:The resistance of a thicker wire is less than that of a thin one.以上两例中的that都不能换成the one。3.that作替代词,只能指物,不能指人。those作替代词,既可指物,也可指人。例如:The blonde girl I saw was older than the one you were dancing with.该句中的the one不能换成that。4.that用作替代词和它所替代的名词词组的中心词的“数”可以不一致。替代单数名词时,只替代“the +单数名词”,不可替代“a+单数名词”。例如:The song by Schubert is more tuneful than that by Britain.(that=thesong。song为可数名词。)请注意,这里说的that只替代“the+单数名词”,不可替代“a+单数名词,系指that在句子中实际的作用,并非要求它在句子中所代表的前面出现的词组必须是“the +单数名词。例如:In those days they lived a life worse than that of a beast of burden.在该句中,前面出现的词组为a life,但that替代的却是the life。that作为替代词,它不能用于零关系分句(即没有关系代词的定语从句)之前。例如:The problem confronting us today is not dissimilar from that which the nationconfronted in the 1930s. 由前面的an exciting moment。我们知道选择B谢谢

N-Dubz-Living For The Moment 的歌词 (如果有中文对照那就更好了)

Life"s a bitch and then you dieIf you don"t care then why should IThrowing both my hands up to the sky,I"m letting goRight now I"m just living for the momentLiving for the moment (woah) [x4]From when I was youngerMy pain was driven by hungerNo-one could tel my nuffinTo save me from going underMy mama cried I"d me told meYou should gel your ? by the winter,You won"t be here by the summerWhen my papa was aliveI"d never listen so naIf I could I"d switch places with himTo ? all the plans we discussedIn the kitchen mightAs well ? baby we on a missionLies a bitch,Til you marry one.You carry onWhether you work 9-5 or youCarry gunsYou only get to live onceSo make sure you get too have some funNow when we in the clubs we party like we ownThem whoever thought we couldn"t make I time has come to show themBeen a ? all my lie now the doors finally openSo right now I"m living for the motherfuckingMotherfucking moment...Life"s a bitch and then you dieIf you don"t care then why should IThrowing both my hands up to the sky,I"m letting goRight now I"m just living for the momentLiving for the moment (woah) [x4]Always hated life at homeMoney came in slowGetting high running with that is all I"ll ever knowMe and mama been in the counci flat I had to save usOne bedroom for the both of us it want exactly spaciousNever had a lot thoughI didn"t know thoughOnly little bit of cash I"d make is if I did a show?I was really lucky thoughNever met a man who didn"t think with his dickDidn"t give me my ? 90% of all men are pricksAnd from the first day I was born I was stuck in the shitThat"s why,Your never gunna see me cryCause I"m no ? in the shitBitch I am the shitThat"s why I live for the motherfucking momentLife"s a bitch and then you dieIf you don"t care then why should IThrowing both my hands up to the sky,I"m letting goRight now I"m just living for the momentLiving for the moment (woah) [x4]My mumzy always told me life is what you make itI guess I never really knew would I coulda had till I made itNow I"m spending every penny even though they tel me save itThe same time I couldn"t care less about being famousBut I put an album yearlyBecause I love my fans dearlyTell me can you people hear me?And all you haters you can fear meYou ain"t got no reason for it you should know the fearingFazer always made the beatsD-a-ps would rip the chorusT would kill every verseThen people would go and mix it for usWe was making so much nosie the neighbours they could not ignore usNow we in the ? guess who"s giving out the ordersI reminisce on days when I was barely ?I"m 23 now, look at how I"m rollingIn a struggle all my life but now the door is open

conservation of momentum什么意思

conservation of momentum [英]u02ccku0254nsu0259u02c8veiu0283u0259n u0254v mu0259uu02c8mentu0259m [美]u02cckɑnsu025au02c8veu0283u0259n u028cv mou02c8mu025bntu0259m 动量守恒 [例句]Law of conservation of momentum ; law of conservation of mechanical energy.动量守恒定律;机械能守恒定律。

at the moment用什么时态,还有just now 等等等等


ing,at the moment,currently,now分别什么时候用?

for the moment,是“暂时”的意思,at the moment, 是“此时,此刻”的意思

Wonder Women是什么意思


急求women hold up half the sky的英语作文 150词左右

Roles women are playing in the society has changed rapidly during the past decades. Female have managed to take more and more responsibilities in various of fields. There is no doubt, I believe, that women are and have the capabilities to hold up half the sky.If we observe carefully the obvious evidence is just around us. On the one hand, for instance, many of the top students in most faculties in my university are girls, sharing similar admirable personalities: intelligent, ambitious, diligent and persistent, etc. Even in scientific-oriented colleges, which has been considered vulnerable for girls all along, situation is different.What the real situation is girls with distinct personalities are gaining as many academic achievements and honors as boys.On the other hand, female university students are extremely competitive not only when it comes to academic abilities but other skills. Take student associations as an example, girls in my university are playing more active parts in diverse of student associations both as members and leaders.Female students make up a large portion of the interviewees participating in the interviews held by all kinds of students organizations and the president of the Students" Union of our university is a girl from IFIS college. The conspicuous truth is that girls" distinguishing themselves on campus and growing to become a significant support to the society.Furthermore, changes which power shifting between men and women are happening all over the world. In China, a lot of "opening up " private entrepreneur is happening because women are starting businesses faster than men; In India poor women are learning English faster than their male counterpart in order to step in the markets that are growing in the country; In America, women for the first time this year became the majority of the workforce. The fact is that the transition is inevitable and happening everywhere to everyone. Also it will definitely be beneficial to the development of the society and economy.In short, since the women are prominently holding half the sky it is essential for us to acknowledge its benefits and advantages and to take positive attitudes. measures towards it. In addition, we have to make sure that women have the access to obtain the rights so as to develop their potentials. Only by accepting and promoting the change can women hold the half sky smoothly and efficiently as well as boost social development better and faster.

问A moment so brief it often evades our perception

为您解答因为这个是一个带有后置定语的名词词组。相当于a moment that is so brief that if often evades our perception如果我没猜错的话,这个词组前面有一个逗号,这个词组可能做同位语修身逗号前面的东西。

群星的《One Moment》 歌词

歌曲名:One Moment歌手:群星专辑:Wonderlust Bug CD2one more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)

名词变复数 man women sheep people goose tooth foot mouse child fish Chinese radio photo zoo tomato



可以,用于双孔电脑需要买一个1分2转接插头,就是能把4节麦克风插头换成 3节音频插头+3节麦克风插头的转接线,如图。但是,十分重要的是,这个有可能不兼容耳机,我买了一个,AKG q460和魔声小胡子是兼容的,但是麦克风音量有点小,漫步者便携h750p不兼容。如果是单孔或者三孔的笔记本,可以直接用,三孔的要找对二合一孔位



change of momentum公式


木馒头入耳(momentum in ear)和IE80,音质对比




梯度下降:SGD vs Momentum vs NAG vs Adagrad vs Adadelta vs RMSprop vs Adam

梯度下降优化基本公式: 这三种梯度下降优化框架的区别在于每次更新模型参数时使用不同的样本数。 批/全量梯度下降每次更新模型参数时使用全部的训练样本。 , 为训练样本数 随机梯度下降每次更新参数时从训练样本中随机选择一个样本。 关于优化波动,带来的好处是在有很多local minima的区域,优化波动可能会使得优化的方向从当前的local minima跳到另一个更好的local minima,甚至是global minima,最终收敛于一个较好的minima。由于波动,迭代次数增多,收敛速度下降,不过最终会和批梯度下降一样具有收敛性。 小批量梯度下降每次更新模型参数时从训练样本中随机选择 个样本, , 常取32~256。 一般,SGD指小批量梯度下降。SGD存在的问题: 以下,将 记作 。 , 为动量项 其中,动量项超参数 越大,之前梯度方向对当前方向的影响也越大。 NAG计算“超前梯度”更新动量项。 既然参数要沿着 方向更新(蓝线),不妨计算下未来位置 处的梯度(红线),再将动量项与其合并作为最终的更新项(绿线)。 可以在梯度下降的过程中自动调节 。大原则是 随更新次数的增大而减小,同时也要针对不同的参数设置不同的 。有很多这样的自动调节 的梯度下降方法,名称常以"Ada"开头。 , 为过去到当前时刻的参数梯度平方和 , 为平滑参数,常为1e-8 作为regularizer项,其分母部分使用1阶导数的函数计算近似了2阶导数的计算,没有增加额外的花费来估计2阶导数。训练前期,梯度较小,regularizer项较大,放大梯度;训练后期,梯度较大,regularizer项较小,约束梯度。 , 为过去到当前时刻的参数梯度值平方的加权平均 , 为过去到前一时刻的参数更新值平方的加权平均 Adadelta作者用2个反复近似的式子来说明一阶方法比起二阶方法到底差在哪里。 一阶方法如SGD中: 。 二阶方法如牛顿法中: 。 注:用矩阵对角线近似逆矩阵: ;对 的一阶导数取log正比于 。 一阶方法与参数成逆相关,二阶方法与参数成正相关。 基于一阶梯度近似代替二阶梯度的思想,有 ,RMS指Root Mean Square。 是Adadelta的特例,无 有 。 , 为梯度的加权平均,一阶矩变量,有偏 , 为梯度平方的加权平均,二阶矩变量,有偏,梯度的加权有偏方差 和 均初始化为 ,Adam作者发现它们会倾向于为 ,特别是在 和 趋于1时。 为了改进这个问题,对 和 进行偏差修正,近似于期望的无偏估计。 经过偏置校正后,每一次迭代的学习率都有个确定的范围,使得参数比较平稳。 Adagrad、Adadelta、RMSprop在loss surface上能够立刻转移到正确的移动方向上达到快速的收敛,而Momentum、NAG会导致偏离,相较于Momentum,NAG能够在偏移之后更加迅速地修正其路线。 在saddle point处,SGD、Momentum、NAG一直在鞍点梯度为0的方向上振荡,Adagrad、Adadelta、RMSprop能够很快地向梯度不为0的方向上转移。 如果数据特征是稀疏的,最好使用自适应的梯度优化策略。 实验中,SGD常能够收敛到更好的minima,但是相对于其他的GD,可能花费的时间更长,并且依赖于初始值以及学习速率退火策略,并且容易陷入local minima以及鞍点。 恰好,可以走到局部最小值点; 太小,走得太慢,也可以走到局部最小值点; 太大,很可能走不到局部最小值点,卡在某处上; 太太大,很可能走出去。 变化, 变化小, 对loss影响小; 变化, 变化大, 对loss影响大。 一般来说,椭圆形中不同方向的 需求不一样,需要使用如"Ada"的自适应梯度下降方法;圆形中更新次数较少。因为无论椭圆形还是圆形,更新时都是沿着等高线的法线方向,而圆形直接向着圆心走。 通过将特征归一化,使得特征各个维度上的均值为0、方差为1来实现特征缩放.




其实 褒机没必要刻意 什么 白噪 红噪 什么的。耳机就是自然听 自然煲 听得时候听就好 不听的时候就 什么加州旅馆 渡口什么的都可以。。。一次不要超过八小时。。。


网分上量到的最准 !! 仿真只能依使用者键入的参数值 + 一长串的方程式=答案 ! Schematic level 结果流於太理想. Momentum level 使用的是无限边界的算法, (subst map 不须划出实际区域) 待测物面积较大时, Momentum 的结果较可信! EMDS level 使用的是有限边界的算法.(subst map 需要,也可以不需划出实际区域) 待测物面积较小时, EMDS 的结果较可信!

森海塞尔MOMENTUM 3 WIRELESS大馒头三代无线蓝牙耳机怎样在蓝牙与有线间转换?

我用万用表量过自己的Momentum 2.0的线缆。接耳机2.5mm那端的四段接头最里侧的那两段是相通的,与3.5mm那端的第三段也就是地线连在一起的。从你这个电路图来看的话内部左右声道的地线是分开的。应该可以接平衡线缆。准备买这个平衡线缆搭配ZX-300A试下。

momentum tw2恢复出厂设置

按照以下方法操作方法一(非强制方法):同时按住“电源开关”和“音量+”按键15秒不要放开,等到有反应就可 以了。方法二(强制方法):先把耳机打开(不需要进入配对状态),这时给我们的蓝牙耳机充大约5-10秒的电,这样大部分的蓝牙耳机在开机状态下充电的时候会强制关机,进入出厂设置的状态。种方法虽说是强制性的,但是有的时候对部分的蓝牙耳机没有效果。

请问,inertial momentum是“惯性动量”吗?它指的是什么?求准确严谨的回答!谢谢!

捷安特公司新出的品牌MOMENTUM(莫曼顿)    台湾巨大集团成立于1972年,主要从事自行车、运动车及配件制造与营销,在台湾是非常专业的自行车制造厂,也是少数自创品牌成功、营销国际的企业。大家熟悉的“捷安特”自行车品牌就是“巨大”集团旗下的。MOMENTUM(莫曼顿)是"巨大"集团的新创品牌,将以全球系列时尚的都会运动车,带给忙碌的热爱健康快乐生活的你,回归自然的快乐生活方式。MOMENTUM(莫曼顿)旗下的产品,以使用者的时尚、居住、生活所有需求设计来做自行车搭配与设计。经典、简约、优雅、运动、时尚的特征突出MOMENTUM(莫曼顿)品牌一见倾心的品牌个性;以品味感、精致感、设计感、细微之处呈现奢华,直接昭示着都市车的优雅与时尚的运动本色和鲜明个性。


1、先在ADS的Momentum中建立模型,可以将自己在其他软件中(如AUTOCAD、DESIGNER等)建立的模型导入其中,也可直接在Momentum中画2、建立需要的端口,至于端口的建立比较讲究,有几种,分别用于不同的情况,具体请参考Momentum中关于端口的讲解3、仿真。4、 Momentum------componet----creat/update,将仿真后的模型建立一个元件5、打开电路原理仿真界面,在display componet library中导入该元件6、建立协同仿真原理图,仿真

Dan的心头肉 - Dan D’Agostino Momentum HD前级

Dan D"Agostino是一位杰出的扩大机设计者,他在Krell时代所推出的扩大机目前在二手市场上都还很活跃。不过他是个理想主义者,往往为了追求更好的声音表现而不顾成本,这也导致他最终必须离开自己创立的Krell。但他并没有丧志,反而推出更精致的Dan D"Agostino品牌,而且同样一鸣惊人。目前他并非公司的ceo,而是专心在产品的设计上,这也是适得其所。 老音响迷都知道,Dan D"Agostino可能是第一位设计制造出每声道100瓦纯A类后级、并大卖的人,那部后级就是鼎鼎大名的KSA-100,在1981年CES展出。为何当时一部100瓦的纯A类后级会那么出名呢?因为当时的纯A类后级大约只有25瓦而已,只能驱动少数灵敏度高的喇叭,Dan看到了这个缺口,认为自己可以设计出很棒的100瓦纯A类后级,就这样踏出了成功的第一步,并且创立Krell。 引领风骚 Krell这个字并非日常使用的英文,而是Dan取自1956年一部著名的科幻电影「Forbidden Planet」中,一个居住在Altair IV星球地下,已经灭绝的先进种族之名。这部电影影响了后来的美国科幻电影,而Krell扩大机也影响了后来的音响界。 Dan最终还是不得不离开自己创立的Krell,而在2010年以自己之名另创DanD"Agostino扩大机品牌,延续他从12岁开始就不曾放弃的音响梦。他的第一部产品不仅内部全新设计,外观也是前所未有的吸睛,就这样站稳脚步迄今。目前Dan D"Agostino的产品分为Relentless系列、Momentum系列、以及Progression系列。 Relentless系列目前只有一套单声道后级(1,500瓦),前级尚在研发中。Momentum系列产品最多,有M400单声道后级(400瓦)、S250立体后级(250瓦)、HD Preamplifier、综合扩大机(200瓦)、Lifestyle(200瓦),还有一部唱头放大器。Progression系列则有单声道后级(500瓦)、立体后级(300瓦)、综合扩大机(200瓦)与前级各一。 PS:其中,Dan DAgostino(大丹)在2019年香港高级试听展上首次发布最新Progression系列后级功放的中国特别升级版——Progression SE M600单声道后级(600瓦)、Progression SE S400立体后级(400瓦) 大胆采用铜材 虽然Dan DAgostino的产品众多,不过要识别哪种等级并不难,您只要看到机箱有铜的那种,不是Momentum系列就是Relentless。如果没有铜的,就是Progression系列。为何没有铜的比较便宜呢?一来铜的材料比较贵,再者铜要处理得不氧化成本更贵,所以只有Relentless后级与Momentum系列机箱上有用到铜。到底铜是用在机箱得哪里?后级用在散热,前级用在顶部屏蔽与面板装饰。 何谓HD 在Momentum HD之前,Momentum系列的前级就是名为Momentum(面板上印有Master Audio System小小字样),为何Momentum前级要升级为HD版呢?所谓HD就是High Difinition与High Dynamics的意思。根据Dan DAgostino的说法,当他在研发旗舰系列Relentless Preamp时,将其中某些线路放入Momentum Pre中,他发现如此一来前级的表现能力提升很多,于是干脆一不做二不休,把许多用在Relentless前级上的研发成果通通移植到Momentum Pre身上,并且推出HD版,也把原本的前级停产了。 什么?Momentum HD Pre里面装的是Relentless的骨肉?是的没错。Dan DAgostino很负责人,推出HD版的同时,也宣布原本的Momentum Pre可以付费升级为HD版前级,只要花美金7,500元。或许您看到7,500美元会嫌贵,不过当您看到升级了哪些东西之后,就会觉得一点都不贵,还会称赞Dan真是佛心来的。 内部全部升级 升级套件中总共有八片线路板、一片圆形遥控器线路板、一片面板八个指示灯线路板、一个环形变压器、一支蓝牙接收天线,还有四颗电容、连接端子等。老天!这看起来哪像是升级,根本就是整部前级里面的线路通通换掉了。的确如此,不过,想要享受升级服务,只限在授权代理商进口的前级,如果您买的是平行输入者,授权代理商无法提供此项HD版升级服务。变身为HD版之后,输出端尽然可以冲到40附,而且动态范围大幅增加,无论是低输出还是高输出,声音都更细致。 Momentum HD前级几乎全部都是Dan DAgostino亲自设计的,而且内中的设计跟他以前设计Krell前级时完全都不一样。Dan坦承,以前他设计Krell的前级时,许多人批评说不如他的后级,所以当他设计Momentum前级时,决心用不同的思维去设计它。 在许多HD版的改良中,有一项就是蓝牙遥控,而且还特别在背板上装了以一根接收天线。或许您会奇怪,为什么接收蓝牙要装上那么大的天线呢?我试着以遥控器来控制之后就明白了,北美房子大,这个遥控器即使距离Momentum HD十几公尺,都还能够稳定遥控。 只经过一颗电阻 Momentum HD的音量控制采用阶梯架构,也就是电阻继电器架构,不过并非R2R,因为R2R至少要经过二个电阻,而Dan却说他的音量控制器让聆听者与声音之间只有一个电阻。换句话说,Dan已经尽最大的力量来降低电阻式音量控制器中电阻器的影响。Momentum HD的音量控制范围比前一代还多了60dB阶数,遥控器上的音量控制每压一下就改变1dB音量。这1dB的音量级进大部分集中在用家最常用的10点钟到2点钟方向。 Dan说,虽然继电器是以数位方式控制,不过继电器并不在音乐路径上,它只是负责做电阻值的组合而已,所以Momentum HD的音量控制器是货真价实的类比式。 升级那些地方? Momentum HD底下那个电源供应器(架子)跟上一代一样大,不过电源变压器变大了,传输电源的铜箔也变大了,还加了三级稳压线路在里面。您放心,电源升级套件还是可以装入原本Momentum前级的电源箱中。电源供应器中有二个300VA环形变压器与二套独立电源,分别供应类比线路与数位控制线路之用。 Momentum HD的输入级线路板采用军规FET,并且把输入阻抗提升到1M欧姆,也就是一百万欧姆。我们都知道输入级的阻抗越高越好,输出级的阻抗越低越好是设计扩大机的铁律。输入级阻抗越高,阻挡杂讯进入的能力就越好;输出级阻抗越低,输出的电流就越大,驱动下一级的能力就越强。而输出级因为加了一级,使得电压输出摆幅更大。 总计,HD版升级之处有:电源供应加大33%,环形变压器以特殊方式绕制,提供的电压比上一代高出36%,另外滤波电容四个也加大,电压摆幅的提升使得极大与极小的动态范围加大、细节增多。输出级线路改以军规FET作放大元件,输入阻抗提升到100万欧姆。输出级也更改,以容纳更高的电压摆幅。Tone Control与Volume Control线路也改了。遥控从红外线改为蓝牙,如此一来遥控距离与方向更不受限制(红外线遥控范围的5倍)。 独特设计 为何Momentum HD要有Tone Control呢?这种装置不是早就被批评为多只香炉多只鬼吗?Dan解释说当他越听黑胶唱片时,就越发现许多他认为很棒的唱片需要加一点音调控制才会更好听。所以他特别设计了一个独立的Tone Control放大线路,让经过这个线路的音乐听起来跟不经过时一样,也就是没有失真没有音染。Dan进一步解释,当用家开启Tone Control时,激活的只是Treble与Bass的频带,Treble大约是7-8kHz以上,而Bass则是60Hz或50Hz以下。 请注意,7-8kHz以上的范围已经都是乐器或人声的泛音,影院的是音色。而60Hz或50Hz以下大概也只有低音提琴、钢琴低音键、管风琴、低音管等少数乐器能达到。所以,Momentum HD的Tone Control完全不是要加大量味精或效果,只是要补一点点极高极低频而已。 精品外观 Momentum HD的外观设计可说是精品级与古董的结合,所谓精品级就是外观的造型与做工绝对是精品级,而古董级就是面板正中央那个突起的音量控制旋钮与绿色圆窗。Momentum HD的面板是以整块铝合金以CNC削切出来,左右二侧再镶上铜板,从正面与顶上看不到一颗螺丝,想拆机器都不知道要怎么拆。而顶盖为了散热与屏蔽,先铺一层镂空铜板,再于其上覆盖一片开了12孔德厚铝板,这片后顶板与超厚德面板连成一体,看起来就是精美无比。 面板上正中央就是那个1780年代就已经存在的Breguet表指针,这支指针搭配Dan的签名,还有0-100的音量指示,显露出古董表的迷人气质。更让人喜欢的是,当您旋转那个大大的音量旋钮(圆窗外框)时,细微的喀喀声与超顺的手感,简直就像再把玩古董表的感觉。这里的喀喀声并非转动级进式波段开关所产生的阶段,而是特别做出来的手感,要让用家有复古的感觉,事实上这个音量旋钮连接的时光耦合器,借着感知旋钮改变的位置而改变继电器与电阻器的组合。此外当您旋转音量旋钮时,那根指针也会跟着改变位置,这是其他前级无法提供的玩趣,Dan DAgostino的工业设计真的是第一流的。 输入端名称特殊 面板左边有八个圆按钮,分别标示六组输入,以及Standby、Tone Control。那六组输入分别示Server、DAC、Theater、Radio、Phono与Doc,这种输入端命名也是别家所无。 Server就是连接电脑、NAS等播放音乐档使用,DAC就是从CD或DAC讯源把音乐送过来。Theater其实就是Bypass,当按下这个钮时,指针会打到右边的底,代表前级的增益是全开的,音量的控制则交给Home Theater系统。再来是Radio,这个输入端接驳收音机,当然也是包括网路电台、卫星等的类比Radio节目。Phono就是外接唱放,Doc则是携带型讯源,Doc这种分类现在几乎已经没有了,Dan还保留,也真可爱。 总之,这部前级就是高电平放大器,任何类比讯号都可以进入,没有唱放、没有数位类比转换线路在内。对了,当您按下不同的输入端时,按钮中心会有不同颜色的LED灯亮起。 在面板的右边则是二个很漂亮的三角旋钮与显示窗,一个是Bass,另一个是Treble,各有4dB调整,每级1dB,但没有0这个数值,如果想要0,就把Tone Control Off掉。 蓝牙遥控器 Momentum HD面板的这些操控都可以在那个圆形的遥控器上显示,全部的功能都有,就只差无法改变Tone Control的数值,但可以切换Tone Control的On/Off。此外遥控器上还有Balance(+/-10dB,每级0.5dB)、Phase、Mute是面板上所无德操控。 来到背板,可以看到全部都是XLR端子,没有RCA端子,共有六组输入端、二组输出端,一个RS232中控连接,还有电源连接插口。Momentum HD德分离电源箱设计得很巧妙,就当作是本体的底座,里面有二个环形变压器,还有基本的整流滤波线路,送出的是直流。本极与底座的结合很简单,就是小心翼翼地对准放上去而已,再把电源线连接好,这样就大功告成了。 全部穿孔元件 打开顶盖,可以看到Momentum HD内部排列整齐,中央直立着六片线路板插在底部的母板上,左右两边还各有二片平躺电源供应线路板,那是再进一步的滤波、稳压线路。前面有一块平躺电阻线路板,那就是Momentum HD的Tone Control线路板。再来背板内侧有一片与平衡端子连接的直立线路板。这样看来,HD升级套件根本就是所有的线路板都换过了,甚至连底部电源供应底座的环形变压器都换了。可以这么说,HD升级版除了机壳没换之外,其他都更新了,这样的升级套件真是前所未闻啊! 对了,Dan强调他家的扩大机完全使用传统穿孔元件,没有使用OP Amp,也没有SMD表面黏着元件,而且内中使用的电阻器都是1%精密电阻。 一套西装最佳 聆听Momentum HD的场地在我家开放式大空间,代理商还特别送来M400单声道后级做一套西装搭配。因为Wilson Audio Sasha DAW还在我家里,所以我当然也就拿来搭配。此外,由于我家另外还有几部前级,包括自己长期使用的Spectral DMC 30SS、VTL TL-7.5 Ⅲ、Pass Labs XP-22、Accuphase C-3900,所以我也都拿来比较一番。此外,我也为Momentum HD搭配其他后级,包括VTL S400Ⅱ、CH Precision A1.5、Pass Labs XA160.8等。 最终我的结论是:一套西装的搭配不是没道理的,声音的味道一样,特性最接近,搭配起来有相乘效果。而当我为Momentum HD搭配不同的后级时,虽然各有千秋,但Dan D"Agostino这个品牌的声音特色很明显的就会被冲淡。所以,搞了老半天,最后还是回到原点,以搭配自家M400与Sasha DAW喇叭为定稿。至于数位讯源则使用EmmLabs TSDX SE CD转盘与DAC2 SE数位类比转换器,还有Weiss DAC502交换使用。 一出声就惊艳 您知道吗?Momentum HD一出声,马上就会让您感受到与众不同。到底怎么个与众不同法?堂堂皇皇、大器 健康 、活泼热情开放。音乐规模感庞大、音像饱满。乐器、人声形体浮凸庞大,而且相互之间分得很开,也就是因为这样,使得音乐规模感听起来特别庞大,而且音场的左右宽度与前后深度都扩大了。此外,实体感好的吓人,重量感也很棒。乐器与人声很真实,音质当然很美。 为什么我会这样说?我是听了二张CD之后马上有这样的感受,一张是达人艺典唱片所出版的「喝彩」,另一张则是Malia&Boris Blank那张「Convergence」。 先说「喝彩」,这张CD第一首就是中国大鼓,那鼓声一敲,我马上感受到音乐规模感非常清楚,感觉上Momentum HD已经把现场的空间大小都再生出来了。来到第五首「展览会之画」,这是非常激烈的演奏,Momentum HD所展现出来的热情开放、激烈冲击瞬间把整个空间拉开。 音场拉开 而在听Malia&Boris Blank那张「Convergence」时,人声与电子低频的音响效果更是惊心动魄,Momentum HD的厉害之处就是能把音场整个拉宽拉深,难道这是因为它的输出电压摆幅增大所致吗?还是说Momentum HD能够把空间中的声纹细节表现得很清楚,让我感受到很大得空间感所致?再来,Momentum HD再生强烈得低频电子鼓声让人不得不叫好,该低沉就很低沉、该扎实就很扎实、该软Q就很软Q,电子乐器也会有实体感您相信吗? 听过这二张CD之后,我还要告诉您为何我会说Momentum HD的音乐规模感很大?这可以从Hyperion那张李斯特、Thalberg钢琴演奏歌剧改编曲说起。这张CD虽然只有一部钢琴演奏,但钢琴所发出的弦振感与丰富细节却好像您就坐在演奏家的位置上,浑身都会被钢琴声所包围。在此,钢琴音粒的形体感、实体感、低音键的宽广震颤都表现得淋漓尽致。在这张CD中,我可以感受到Momentum HD虽然时宽松的、大器的,但每一个音符都很饱满,而且蕴满能量,钢琴声音的细节超多,这些无处不在的细节就建构出很大的音乐规模感。 温柔速度又快 Momentum HD虽然宽松大器,但是它一点都不软弱,反而是速度反应很快的,当我听Jacques Loussier Trio那张「Plays Bach」时,Momentum HD那扎实有劲又电光石火的特性马上展现在爵士乐三重奏中,脚踩大鼓低频特别饱满,量感很足,不是软虚的,而是 健康 又有劲的。充满青春活力的,爵士乐非常火热,套鼓、Bass、钢琴形体都很浮凸,小鼓打起来喀喀声特别清脆而且有劲,那些钹的声音犹如涟波般不断扩大,而脚踩大鼓的噗噗声短促有劲收束快,其音乐的快速转折就好像捷豹一般。 看到这里,您一定以为Momentum HD是充满阳刚之美的前级,肌肉扎实、劲道大、出手带风、拳拳到肉。这么说也没错,有些音乐的表现的确如此,不过Momentum HD是会随着音乐而百变的,就如川剧变脸一般。例如当我听夏汉演奏的那张「The Fiddler of the Opera」时,入耳的小提琴竟然时那么的柔婉、细致、甜美。而且无论是小提琴或钢琴的音质都非常美,而且水淋淋,甜蜜蜜。我这样的形容一点都没有过分,如果您能亲自听见Momentum HD唱这张CD,就一定会赞同我的形容词。 宽松大提琴 Momentum HD唱起大型管弦乐时,又回到「堂堂皇皇、大器 健康 、活泼热情开放。音乐规模感庞大、音像饱满。乐器、人声形体浮凸庞大,而且相互之间分得很开」这样的形容中。当我唱Andris Nelsons指挥波士顿交响乐团所演出的萧士塔高维契「第四号、第十一号交响曲」时,第四号交响曲第一乐章一开始就是音响效果很棒的片段,音乐非常有劲,大鼓敲起来会又一直往下沉感觉,定音鼓很扎实,弦乐又非常的细致柔美,木管的甜美温润根式迷人。假若您唱这张CD时感到嘈杂单薄,那您根本就没机会品味萧士塔高维契弦乐配器的音响之美。萧士塔高维契的交响曲中,往往刻意做了很多的留白,来跟突如其来的强烈演奏做对比,这样的音乐需要有很大的动态范围来涵盖,Momentum HD的动态范围真的宽广,轻松吞下萧士塔高维契的交响曲一点问题都没有。 嗓音变美了 Momentum HD唱起流行音乐如何?简单地说,会让您觉得原来流行音乐的录音效果跟音质也是那么好。例如听江蕙的「半醉半清醒」时,猛然就觉得江蕙的嗓音变得更美了,接着会觉得伴奏中的乐器原来那么丰富。会觉得江蕙的嗓音表的更美,是因为江蕙录音是嗓音本来就那么美,是我们的音响器材将美嗓劣化了。会觉得伴奏中的乐器原来那么丰富,是因为Momentum HD将整个音场都拉开了,层次拉开之后,定位又更好,此时原本藏在音场中不明显的乐器就通通浮出来了,所以才会听起来觉得有更多乐器在伴奏。 Dan的心头肉 Dan D"Agostino Momentum HD就好像一位身高超过170公分的细致美女,而且气质出众,一站出来就让人感受到她强烈的气场。为何我要强调她是170公分的美女呢?如果另一个美女是160公分,二者不同时出现,您会觉得160公分美女也很吸引人。但如果二人站在一起,虽然同样都是美女,但160公分美女的光芒很容易就被170公分者压过。Dan D"Agostino Momentum HD就是如此,她的外观一出现就盖过别人的光彩;她的音乐一唱出来,其细致柔美宽广开阔的优势也会让别人失色。她的身体内有尚未推出的旗舰前级Relentless的骨肉,她是设计者Dan D"Agostino的心头肉。 器材规格 Momentum HD前级 产品类型: 晶体前级 输入端子 :XLR 6 输出端子: XLR 2 频宽: 0.1Hz-1MHz(-0.5dB),20Hz-75kHz( 0dB) 失真: 小于0.02%(满输出,20Hz-20kHz) 讯噪比: -75dB(未加权) 输入阻抗: 1MΩ 输出阻抗: 10Ω



Momentum free耳机常见的故障排除

在使用森海塞尔Momentum free耳机的时候会偶尔出现一些问题,这里我就带大家看一些常见的故障,和一些故障排除方法。 1.按耳机电源无法打开耳机 出现这种情况有可能是耳机电池电量已用尽,只要给耳机进行充电就可以了。 2.耳机没有声音信号 情况一,耳机未与设备配对。需要检查耳机是否已配对,必要时重新将耳机与设备配对。 3.耳机无法连接 情况一,智能手机已关机。需要打开智能手机。 4.耳机对任何按键操作均无反应 出现这种情况可能是耳机的功能故障,需要清除耳机的配对设置,并重新配对。[ Momentum free耳机怎么重置蓝牙 ] 如果遇上这些问题以外的,无法自行解决的,需要联系维修服务上寻求帮助。
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