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dontstarvesoundtrack是单机版本。原版Don"t Starve,简称DS,目前只更新到了22版。原版DLC已经推出:Reign of Giants(巨兽统治),简称ROG。已经推出:Shipwrecked(海难),简称SW。已经推出:Soundtrack(原声音乐),就是一个原声音乐包。已经推出:Hamlet,推出时间为2018年第一/第二季度。联机Don"t Starve Togather,简称DST。

Consultation contract 是什么意思?谢谢


什么是Regression Discontinuity

RD方法(regression discontinuity design),即断点回归方法。断点回归方法是最近的政策评估中非常重要的一个方法,他可以在没有随机性的情况下识别出政策的效果。望采纳,谢谢!





consist in,consist of,contain,include区别


Include consist contain comprise 的区别和例句

Comprise:包含,由……组成。(可用复数的“部分”成分作主语,表构成) eg.The committee comprises five persons. Twenty lessons comprise Book One. Consist:由……构成(不能用被动语态)consist of eg.Our university consists of 22 departments. The entire world consists of matter. Contain:包含,容纳(它的宾语只是整体的一部分) eg.Sea water contains salt. Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol The hall can contain 2000people.. Include:包括(宾语只是整体的一部分) eg.Your duty will include washing the test tubes. Involve:包括(含必然包含);使专注;使卷入 eg.Building this road involves the construction of the bridges. He was involved in writing a test report. This is an experiment which involves a lot of difficulties.


contain是包含 A包含Bconsist是组成 A由B组成 显然2个意思


contain 整体包含成分 the book contains 120 chapters. sea water contains salt.include 总数包括部分。12 people come to the meeting, two women included.cover 包含,涵盖。this book covers many aspects of life.consist 由... 组成。the UK consists of four countries.


include包括(一般为可数)contain包含(一般为不可数,有些情况可数)consist of由...组成(不可数)


A consist of B and C(注意要加of)A是由B和C组成的(相当于数学当中的集合,B和C集合成A)A contain BA里面包含了B(B只是A里面其中一样元素)想澄清,conclude是完结的意思,并没有包含的意思。应该是includeA include B and C and D and E....(跟consist of 差不多)A be comprise of B(其实A和B相等,但不同表达方式)例句:A cricket team is comprised of eleven players.一个板球队由11名队员组成。

请问 living room,front room,family room 怎么区分

living room小客厅(招待客人,相对其他房间,算小的,有时也表示起居室) front room也是客厅(如果是大别墅,客厅可以有几间,但front room一定是最靠近大门的,living room可以里面些) family room家庭室(比较靠里面,家人玩游戏,休息的地方)

请问 living room,front room,family room 怎么区分

it"s difficult 因为国内的房子没有这么多间 不适合中国国情living简单就是客厅front是前厅 国外的那种房子才有family是家就是家人一起玩的地方 当然是指有小孩子我们没有后面两个 当然你有大房子我就帮你起名denIT worldpanic room


In shotgun DNA sequencing projects, a contig (from contiguous) is a set of overlapping DNA segments derived from a single genetic source. a single gene or marker that identifies the comparable region in a target genome, but does not cluster with other genes or markers to form a segment is called a singleton.

在安卓开发中,Intent intent = new Intent(context.getApplicationContext(),xxx.class);



or<IDbContext>().Use(c => new DbContext(AppSettings.ConnectionString));x.For<IManager>().Singleton().Use<DefaultManagerImplementation);x.For<IManagerService>().Use<DefaultManagerServiceImplementation>();我的问题是关于设置的DbContext实例,在IManagerService哪一个。 IManagerService:using(var ctx = new DbContext(AppSettings.ConnectionString){

安装 工行网银控件 icbc_netbank_client_controls.exe

  个人网上银行控件安装指南  (一)请您先登录工商银行网站(www.icbc.com.cn),点击页面左侧“个人网银登录”下方“安装”按照“方法二:第一步”下载安装个人网上银行控件。您可以单击鼠标右键选择“目标另存为”的功能,将个人网上银行控件下载到本地计算机后,用鼠标左键双击个人网上银行安全控件程序:icbc_netbank_client_controls.exe,进入到安装页面,根据安装提示完成安装。  友情提示:  1、请您使用IE浏览器访问我行网站和安装我行网银控件,并建议您安装我行网银控件时,关闭所有IE窗口后运行安装或安装完毕后重启IE窗口。  2、建议您在下载我行网银控件程序时不要使用辅助下载工具软件,以免出现网银控件程序下载不成功问题。  (二)如果您已经运行安装我行个人网上银行控件,但仍无法正常使用我行网银,则请您按照如下三个步骤进行设置后,重新登录我行个人网银安装个人网上银行控件程序:  1、设置受信任站点  请您在IE浏览器菜单栏依次选择“工具”→“Internet选项”→“安全”→“受信任的站点”→“站点”,在“站点”窗口打开后,将工行门户网站“http://www.icbc.com.cn”、个人网银https://mybank.icbc.com.cn、贵宾网银https://vip.icbc.com.cn,添加到[受信任的站点]窗口中。  2、设置ActiveX控件启用选项:  (1)IE6.0版本的设置方法  请您在IE浏览器菜单栏依次选择“工具”→“Internet选项”→“安全”→“internet”→“自定义级别”,然后将“ActiveX控件自动提示”、“标记为可安全执行脚本的ActiveX控件执行脚本”、“二进制脚本和行为”、“下载已签名控件”“运行ActiveX控件和插件”这五个选项选择为“启用”;将“对没有标记为安全的ActiveX控件进行初始化和脚本运行”、“下载未签名控件”选择为“提示”。  (2)IE7.0版本的设置方法  请您在IE浏览器菜单栏依次选择“工具”→“Internet选项”→“安全”→“internet”→“自定义级别”,将“ActiveX”控件和插件相关设置进行如下调整:  A、ActiveX控件自动提示:设置为“启用”;  B、对标记为可安全执行脚本的ActiveX控件执行脚本:设置为“启用”;  C、对未标记为可安全执行脚本的ActiveX控件初始化并执行脚本:设置为“提示”;  D、二进制和脚本行为:设置为“启用”;  E、下载未签名的ActiveX控件:设置为“提示”;  F、下载已签名的ActiveX控件:设置为“提示”;  G、允许scriptlet:默认原设置不做更改;  H、允许运行以前未使用的ActiveX控件而不提示:设置为“禁用”;  I、运行ActiveX控件和插件:设置为“启用”;  J、在没有使用外部媒体播放机的网页上显示视频和动画:默认原设置不做更改;  以上设置完成后点击“安全设置”窗口下方的“确定”键,返回到“Internet选项”中“安全”标签的页面,再次点击该页面下方的“确定”键,使更改完成。  (3)IE8.0版本的设置方法  请您在IE浏览器菜单栏依次选择“工具”→“Internet选项”→“安全”→“internet”→“自定义级别”,将“ActiveX”控件和插件相关设置进行如下调整:  A、ActiveX控件自动提示:启用  B、对标记为可安全执行脚本的ActiveX控件执行脚本:启用  C、对未标记为可安全执行脚本的ActiveX控件初始化并执行脚本:提示  D、二进制和脚本行为:启用  E、仅允许经过批准的域在未经提示的情况下使用ActiveX:启用  F、下载未签名的ActiveX控件:提示  G、下载已签名的ActiveX控件:提示  H、允许scriptlet:默认原设置不更改  I、允许运行以前未使用的ActiveX控件而不提示:禁用  J、运行ActiveX控件和插件:启用  K、在没有使用外部媒体播放机的网页上显示视频和动画:默认原设置不更改  3、关闭IE弹出窗口阻止程序  请您在IE浏览器菜单栏选择“工具”选项后,查看下拉菜单中是否有弹出窗口阻止程序,如果有此选项,请点击-》“弹出窗口阻止程序”-“关闭弹出窗口阻程序”后,重新启动IE尝试登录。如页面显示为“启用弹出窗口阻止程序”可选且“弹出窗口阻止程序设置”为灰色不可选时,则说明目前IE弹出窗口阻止程序已经关闭。  友情提示:  1、目前很多安全类软件或IE插件都对向IE加载ActiveX控件程序进行屏蔽,所以建议您先关闭具有类似屏蔽功能的程序或将工行控件设为未免疫状态后,再运行安装或加载我行网银控件程序;加载安装完毕后,您可以依据本机需要再次选择是否开启相关软件功能。  2、由于不同软件的设置和关闭方法不同,若您不了解如何操作,请您咨询您所安装的软件发行商。  常见问题及解决方法:  1、进行登录或支付时,总弹出窗口提示:“您有控件没有成功下载到本地,是否要下载所有控件安装?安装后请您重新进入本功能进行操作”。同时在地址栏下方弹出提示框:“此网站需要安装加载项‘Industrial and Commercial Bank of China limited"中的中国工商银行控件(请您选择安装)。如果您信任该网站和该加载项并打算安装该加载项,请单击这里”,是什么意思?  2、在安装控件程序后在进行登录/支付时页面上方弹出提示“当前设置导致浏览器存在风险,若要继续浏览请点击主页按钮,如要修复此设置点击这里”,是什么意思?

IBM Thinkpad笔记本BIOS里的SATA controller Mode选项在哪?


BIOS里面SATA Controller mode两个选项 AHCI compatibility是什么意思

1、AHCI英文全称:Serial ATA Advanced Host Controller Interface(串行ATA高级主控接口/高级主机控制器接口),是在Intel的指导下,由多家公司联合研发的接口标准,它允许存储驱动程序启用高级串行 ATA 功能,如本机命令队列和热插拔,其研发小组成员主要包括Intel、AMD、戴尔、Marvell、迈拓、微软、Red Hat、希捷和StorageGear等著名企业。2、compatibility是一种兼容模式,就是在ide模式下 ahci能够在多任务读写的时候更好的规划读写顺序,优化存取序列,提升多任务,多离散文件读写性能,减少磁头往返移动次数,延长一点硬盘寿命,但是速度会慢些。


Montblanc  万宝龙(Mont Blanc),1906年在德国汉堡由一位文具商创立创建,在1911年采纳万宝龙的商标前该公司以Simplo Filler Pen Company的名字成立。该公司后来由登喜路所有而现时为历峰集团形式上的一部份。 近一个世纪以来,万宝龙(Mont Blanc)以制造经典书写工具驰名于世,万宝龙的名号代表着书写的艺术,笔顶的六角白星标记,恰恰是欧洲最高的山峰勃朗峰俯瞰的形状,象征着欧洲最高山峰勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)的雪岭冠冕, 该山峰的最高点为海拔4810米,而每支笔尖上的“4810”字样正是勃朗峰的高度,该数字通常偱环用作各种主题。而纯手工制作、经过25道工序打造的笔头,更使得MONT BLANC书写工具如勃朗峰般坚实而又高贵。创始人:Alfred Nehemias, August Eberstein, Claus-Johannes Voss  年代:1906年  国家:德国  所属机构:历峰集团  官方网站: http://www.montblanc.com

意利delonghi咖啡机放了豆却打不出咖啡,然后显示一排英文,看不懂!怎么办?fill deanscontaitner


粘贴cad时出现正在用 [bigfont.shx] 替换 [romand.shx]。指定插入点: ** 未定义的块 #-1是怎么回事





continuous: 语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断persistent: 普通用词,可指不懈的努力,也可指任何连续不断或重复出现的事物

英语题目!!Last month, Mr.and Mrs. Brown 1 to a big city for a day rest(休息). They 2 to go to the



"Control"是一个常用的英语单词,它可以作为名词或动词使用,有多种不同的用法和意义。1.作为名词,"control"通常表示控制、管理或监督的能力或手段。例如,"The government has lost control of the situation"(政府已经失去了对局势的控制)。在这种情况下,"control"表示控制的能力或手段。2.作为动词,"control"通常表示控制、管理或监督某个事物。例如,"He tried to control his anger"(他试图控制自己的愤怒)。在这种情况下,"control"表示控制某个情感或行为。控制情绪此外,"control"还可以表示控制某个过程或系统。例如,"The computer program is used to control the manufacturing process"(计算机程序用于控制制造过程)。在这种情况下,"control"表示控制某个过程或系统。此外,"limitation"也有限制的意思。"limitation"是一个名词,表示某种限制或限制的范围。它可以用来描述各种不同的限制,例如法律、规定、条件、能力等方面的限制。例如,"There are limitations on the amount of money you can withdraw from the ATM"(从ATM机中取款的金额有限制)。

MC是menstrual cycle 还是 month catamenia


求一篇英语作文 the history of Container Terminal 集装箱的历史 500字

  The history of the development of container transportation industry The development of container transport through sprout period, developing period, growth period, maturity period of four stages of modern. From 1830 to 1856 for the container transport bud In 1801, the British Anderson (James Anderson), first proposed the idea of container transport. 1830 in the British Railway first appeared a container loading, also appeared in the use of large container ship the cargo in railway. In 1845 the British Rail started to appear in the cargo partment resembles the modern container -- container. In 1853 the United States railway also use container loading. This is the world"s first container transport. In 1880, the United States a formal trial of the first inland with the container ship. The formal use of container is in the early twentieth Century. In 1900 the British railway container transportation first appeared relatively simple. In 1917 the United States railway container transport on trial. After more than ten years, morality, law, day, appeared in the container transportation. In 1933 the establishment of the International Container Association in Paris, responsible for the unified standard container. World War II (1952) after the United States established the "military quick service system" container, the realization of the use of container transport ammunition and other military supplies. But this period because of the social productivity is still relatively backward, not sufficient and stable supply of suitable containers, the container transportation superiority cannot very good play, affected the development of container transport. From 1956 to 1966 for a period of container transport In 1955, American Mclean (Mal Mclean) first proposed the container transport must implement the land and sea transport point of view, in order to facilitate the sea transport, he advocated the sea and land by a control and management. In April 26, 1956 the United States pan the Atlantic shipping pany (Pan-Atlantic Steamship Co.) using a modified T - 2 type of tanker "Makesidun", on the deck loading 58 large container, trial operation in New York to the Houston line. 3 months of trial operation has achieved great economic effect, show the superiority of container transport. In 1957 October, the pany will be 6 aircraft type C-2 cargo ship into a full container ship with a box of lattice. The first ship by the name "Gateway City", the ship is provided with a container crane, load weight of 90000 tons, loading 35 feet container box 226, weight 25 tons, sailing from New York to Houston. This marks the official start way maritime container transportation. From 1966 to the end of the 80"s, the container transportation entered the growth period of expansion 1966 April transportation pany (formerly the United States pan the Atlantic shipping pany) through the full container ship refitted opened New York to Europe Container Shipping route. 1967 September Ma Tuosong ship pany will "Hawaii colonists" container ship into Japan to the Pacific route. Japan after a year of 6 shipping panies to develop container transport between Japan and California. Followed by Japan and the European countries shipping pany has launched the container transport in Japan, Europe, the United States and Australia etc.. With the development of maritime container transportation, all countries in the world the construction of container terminal. This century 70"s to 80"s, is a puter software development era. This time the "system of door to door" transportation goal oriented international multimodal transport and multimodal transport system, construction of system. This also for transportation mature container ready. Since 80 time end, international container transportation into modern mature period At present, the container transportation has spread all over the world, the developed countries cargo transportation container degree has reached more than 80%. During this period, ship capacity, port throughput capacity and inland connecting and supporting more perfect between three aspects of transport capacity, and container transportation related hardware and software is improving, the relevant links closely, supporting the construction of multimodal transport; container transportation has developed quickly, the container transportation between the developed countries have basically achieved the multimodal transport in developing countries, multimodal transport growth momentum is also very good. Nineteen ninties, petition of container transport market is being increasingly fierce, the shipping pany in order to survive, to seek development, have group construction camp and "global alliance". In 1993 the world"s 20 largest "global carrier" to 1996 only 13 home. China container transport is started from the 50"s of the last century. In 1955 April, the railway departments to handle *** all domestic container transport. Waterborne department in 1956, 1960, 1972 3 to borrow short-term trial operation of railway container. In 1973 the development of maritime international container transport, opened in September 1973 with a *** all container cargo transport from Shanghai to Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe route. China International Container Transport started late, but the development speed is the fastest. Since 1973, Tianjin unloading the first international container, after the 70"s start, stable development in 80 to 90 years, China international container transport caused the eager attention all over the world shipping industry. So far, China has a modern container fleet, built a number of container berth of deep water. At present, China"s Hongkong, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Taiwan in China"s Kaohsiung port were ranked in the world container port second, three or four, six; the COSCO Group, China Shipping Group, Hongkong Oriental Overseas Group, China Taiwan Evergreen Group and Wan Hai group was ranked the world"s top 20 liner pany list.   中文原文如下: 集装箱运输业的发展历史 转载请注明fareastcontainers,谢谢 集装箱运输的发展经历了萌芽期、开创期、成长扩展期、现代成熟期四个阶段. 1830年至1856年为集装箱运输的萌芽期 1801年,英国人安德森(James Anderson)博士首先提出了集装箱运输的设想.1830年在英国铁路上首先出现了一种装煤的容器,也出现了在铁路上使用大容器来装运件杂货.1845年在英国铁路上开始出现了酷似现代集装箱的载货车厢——集装箱雏形.1853年美国铁路也采用了容器装运法.这是世界上最早出现的集装箱运输的雏形.1880年,美国正式试制了第一艘内河用的集装箱船.正式使用集装箱是在20世纪初期.1900年英国铁路上首先出现了较为简单的集装箱运输.1917年美国铁路上试行集装箱运输.随后的十余年间,德、法、日、意相继出现了集装箱运输.1933年在巴黎成立国际集装箱协会,负责制定统一的集装箱标准.二战(1952)后美国建立了“军用集装箱快速勤务系统”,实现了使用集装箱运输弹药和其他军用物品.但这个时期由于社会生产力还较落后,没有充足而稳定的适箱货源,致使集装箱运输的优越性不能很好发挥,影响了集装箱运输的开展. 1956年至1966年为集装箱运输的开创期 1955年,美国人麦克林(Mal Mclean)首先提出了集装箱运输必须实现海陆联运的观点,为了便于海陆联运,他主张陆运和海运由一个公司控制和管理.1956年4月26日美国泛大西洋船公司(Pan-Atlantic Steamship Co.)使用一艘经改装的T-2型油船 “马科斯顿”号,在甲板上装载了58个大型集装箱,试运行纽约至休斯顿航线.3个月的试运行取得了巨大的经济效果,显示了集装箱运输的巨大优越性.1957年10月,该公司又将6艘C-2型件杂货船改装成了带有箱格的全集装箱船.第一艘船的船名为“Gateway City”,该船设有集装箱装卸桥,载重量90000吨,装载35尺集装箱226只,箱总重25吨,航行于纽约到休斯顿.这标志着海上集装箱运输方式正式开始. 自1966年起至80年代末,集装箱运输进入了成长扩展期 1966年4月海陆运输公司(原美国泛大西洋船公司)以经过改装的全集装箱船开辟了纽约至欧洲集装箱运输航线.1967年9月马托松船公司将“夏威夷殖民者”全集装箱船投入到日本至北美太平洋沿岸航线.一年后日本有6家船公司在日本至加利福尼亚之间开展集装箱运输.紧接着日本和欧洲各国的船公司先后在日本、欧洲、美国和澳大利亚等地区开展了集装箱运输.随着海上集装箱运输的发展,世界各国普遍建设集装箱专用码头.本世纪70年代到80年代,是计算机软件发展时代.这个时代把“门到门”的运输目标导向国际多式联运的系统化方向,开始构筑系统运输和联运系统.这也为集装箱运输成熟期的到来做好了准备. 80年代末至今,国际集装箱运输进入现代成熟期 目前,集装箱运输已遍及全球,发达国家件杂货运输的集装箱化程度已达80%以上.这个时期,船舶运力、港口吞吐能力和内陆集疏运能力三个环节之间衔接和配套日趋完善,与集装箱运输有关的硬件和软件日臻完善,各有关环节紧密衔接、配套建设;集装箱运输多式联运获得迅速发展,发达国家之间的集装箱运输已基本实现了多式联运,发展中国家多式联运的增长势头也是十分可观的.20世纪90年代,集装箱运输市场竞争日趋激烈,各船公司为了求生存、求发展,纷纷组建联营体和“环球联盟”.1993年世界20家最大“全球承运人”到1996年仅剩下13家. 中国集装箱运输是从上世纪50年代开始起步的.1955年4月,铁路部门开始办理国内小型集装箱运输.水运部门在1956年、1960年、1972年3次借用铁路集装箱进行短期试运.1973年开辟海上国际集装箱运输,1973年9月开辟用杂货船捎运小型集装箱的上海至横滨、大阪、神户航线.中国国际集装箱运输起步较晚,但发展的速度是最快的.自1973年天津接卸了第一个国际集装箱,历经了70年代的起步,80年代的稳定发展,到90年代中国国际集装箱运输引起全世界航运界的热切关注.至此,中国拥有了一支现代化的集装箱船队,建成了一批集装箱专用深水泊位.目前,中国的香港、上海、深圳和中国台湾地区的高雄港分别排在世界集装箱港口的第二、三、四、六位;中远集团、中海集团、香港的东方海外集团、中国台湾的长荣海运集团和万海集团也身居世界前二十大班轮公司之列. 再问: 亲,是集装箱码头的历史啊~~~

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求小野猫 《dont cha》的歌词

歌手:the pussycat dolls 专辑:pcd [Busta Rhymes]Ok (ahh)Yeahh (ahh)Oh, we about to get it just a lil hot and sweaty in this mu"fucka (oh, baby)Ladies let"s go (uhh)Soldiers let"s go (dolls)Let me talk to y"all and just you knowGive you a little situation... listen (fellas)[Buster Rhymes]Pussycat DollsYa see this shit get hotEverytime I come through when I step up in the spot (are you ready)Make the place sizzle like a summertime cookoutProwl for the best chickYes I"m on the lookout (lets dance)Slow bangin shorty like a belly dancer with itSmell good, pretty skin, so gangsta with it (oh, baby)No tricks only diamonds under my sleeveGimme tha numberBut make sure you call before you leave[Pussycat Dolls]I know you like me (I know you like me)I know you do (I know you do)Thats why whenever I come aroundShe"s all over you (she"s all over you)I know you want it (I know you want it)It"s easy to see (it"s easy to see)And in the back of your mindI know you should be fucking me (babe)Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?Don"t chaDon"t chaDon"t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?Don"t chaDon"t chaFight the feeling (fight the feeling)Leave it alone (leave it alone)Cause if it ain"t loveIt just aint enough to leave my happy home (my happy home)Let"s keep it friendly (let"s keep it friendly)You have to play fair (you have to play fair)See I dont careBut I know She ain"t gonna wanna shareDon"t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?Don"t chaDon"t chaDon"t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?Don"t chaDon"t cha[Busta Rhymes]Ok, I see how it"s goin" down (ahh, don"t cha)Seems like shorty wanna little menage pop off or somethin, let"s goWell let me get straight to itEvery broad wan watch a nigga when I come through itIt"s the god almighty, lookin all brand newIf shorty wanna jump in my ass then vanjewishLookin at me all like she really wanna do itTryna put it on me till my balls black an blueishYa wanna play wit ah playa girl then play onStrip out the channelAnd leave the lingerie onWatch me and I"mma watch you at the same timeLookin at ya wan break my backYou the very reason why I keep a pack ah the MagnumAn wit the wagon hit chu in the back of tha magnumFor the record, don"t think it was somethin you didShorty all on me cuz it"s hard to resist the kidI got a idea that"s dope for y"allAs y"all could get so I could hit the both of y"all[Pussycat Dolls]I know she loves you (I know she loves you)So I understand (I understand)I"d probably be just as crazy about youIf you were my own manMaybe next lifetime (maybe next lifetime)Possibly (possibly)Until then old friendYour secret is safe with meDon"t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?Don"t chaDon"t chaDon"t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?Don"t chaDon"t cha

编译nvidia的physx例子的时候,好多都出现这个错误The storage control block address is invalid.

好吧,咱插一句,乃是从哪里下的编译器= =。为毛我到现在连个可以用的编译器都没装上去过= =,官网下的也不行,说没有匹配的硬件。

your address contains invalid characters. please complete the form using english characters.

你的地址里包含不可用的字符,请用英文字符填写这个表格可能是你在注册什么东西的时候使用了中文 或其他不可识别的符号

the address contains invalid characters. please


填上合适的动词,并将词组译成中文 ( ) a puppet show( ) ( )the singing contest ( )

please 你能给我一把尺子吗?remember看着这些图片,你有5分钟时间来记住它们



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一首歌的歌词Hey Hey You YouI dont like your girlfriend,忘记是啥名了,麻烦说声

艾薇儿的《girl friend》Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend You"re so fine I want you mine You"re so delicious I think about you all the timeYou"re so addictive Don"t you know What I can do To make you feel alright Don"t pretend I think you know I"m damn precious And hell yeah I"m the mother fucking princess I can tell you like me too And you know I"m right She"s like so whatever You can do so much better I think we should get together nowAnd that"s what everyone"s talking about

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100分求,cont stop wont stop组合up and away歌词

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如果真玩游戏的不妨考虑下机械革命(MECHREVO) MR X3 升级版 14英寸游戏本、

in the mountain和onthe mountain那个正确?有区别吗

in the mountain正确,表示:在山里。

in the mountain和onthe mountain那个正确?有区别吗


promise dont come easy歌词

诺言来之不易 I should have known all along there was something wrong 我本应一直明白,我们之间出现了问题 I just never read between the lines 我从来没有体读懂你的言外之意 then I woke up one day and found you on your way 于是有一天我醒来发现你已离去 leaving nothing but my heart behind 只留下了我的心 what can I do to make it up to you 我该如何补偿你呢 promises don"t come easy 承诺不是轻易作出的 but tell me if there"s a way to bring you back home to stay 告诉我是否有一种方法,可以让你回到我身边 well I"d promises anything to you 那样的话我愿向你承诺一切 I"ve been walkin" around with my head hanging down 我脑袋低垂,四处游荡 Wondering what I"m gonna do 不知道该去做什么 cause when you walked out that door 因为当你走出门时 I knew I needed you more than to take a chance on losing you 我知道我需要你,不愿失去你 what can I do to make it up to you 我该如何补偿你呢 promises don"t come easy 承诺不是轻易作出的 you know I"ve made up my mInd to make it work this time 我已下定决心这次一定可以 that"s the promise that I give to you 这就是我可以给你的承诺 you never thought I loved you 你过去从不觉得我爱你 I guess you never thought I cared 我猜 你从不觉得我在乎你 I was just too proud to say it out loud 但我只不过是太骄傲而无法大声表白 now I know to let my feelings go (so tell me) 现在我知道应该让情感释放 告诉我 what can I do to make it up to you 我该如何补偿你呢 promises don"t come easy 承诺不是轻易做出的 you know I"ve made up my mind to make It work this time 我已下定决心,这次一定可以 that"s the promise I can give to you 这就是我可以给你的承诺 what can I do to make it up to you 我该如何补偿你呢


Montreal .

Bloemfontein,South Africa 是指哪里啊?


Game Piont 和Match Piont 的区别?


control 和master的区别

master是有三个意思:n.主人 adj.主人的 vt.征服conrol有两个意思:n.控制 vt.支配

一首英文歌歌词有i dont wanna money money money,还有什么honey honey honey之类的。

the Black Eyed Peas - My Humps

I sit in front of the classroom.哪里错了?


sit at the front of the bus为什么用at,而不用in,理由

sit at the front of the bus 坐在公共汽车的前排 sit in the front of the bus 坐在公共汽车的前面

singingcontest怎么读 英语singingcontest怎么读

1、Singing Contest英[u02c8su026au014bu026au014b u02c8ku0252ntest]美[u02c8su026au014bu026au014b u02c8kɑu02d0ntest],歌唱比赛; 歌咏比赛。 2、[例句]She is even preparing for an English singing contest, Her teacher said. Sally even refused help from others.她的老师说:她甚至还在准备英语歌唱比赛。莎莉甚至拒绝从别人那里得到帮助。


singing contest ["su026au014bu026au014b] ["ku0252ntest] 歌唱比赛; 英语歌唱比赛; 唱歌比赛; 歌咏比赛; 歌唱大赛I just thought I was participating in a singing contest. 我仅仅是想参加一个歌唱比赛而已。

英语beauty contest怎么翻译?



contest的读音是[u02c8ku0252ntest]。一、释义比赛;竞赛;竞争。二、词性作名词:竞赛;比赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺,竞争。作动词:争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩;就...提出异议。三、短语beauty contest选美活动;选美比赛;选美会。Speech Contest演讲比赛;英语演讲比赛;演讲竞赛;讲演比赛。English Contest综合知识竞赛;英语竞赛。四、词根词缀test(i)=to test,witness测试;证据,attest v.证明;contest v./n.竞赛;争论;contestant n.竞争者;detest v.憎恶;protest v.抗议;坚决声明;testify v.证实;testimonial n.证明书;testimony n.证据;证词。五、中文解释竞赛,在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低,由多人参加,有一定的规则。种类很多。例如:档案法制知识网络竞赛、有奖猜灯谜竞赛、有奖知识竞赛、旅游知识竞赛、关注民生有奖知识竞赛、家具设计竞赛、体育竞赛、外院知识竞赛等。contest的例句:1、Friday brought a rooftop barbecue,and Saturday there was an air-guitar contest.星期五是天台烧烤,周六则是一场“空气吉他”比赛。2、But others consider it dated,and this year it was edged out of a contest in India by two European planes,one of them the Typhoon.F-18在今年印度举行的一次竟标中落选,而由两家欧洲飞机竞逐,其中之一便是“台风”。3、UK scientists claim speed dating is nothing more than a beauty contest,and is all about looks and not personality.英国科学家称,“速配”只不过是一场选美比赛,相貌起主导地位,与性格无关。4、Our school is going to hold a sing contest.And I"ll sign up for it.It"s a good chance to show my sing talent.我们学校即将举行一场歌唱比赛。我要报名参加。这是展示我的歌唱才能的好机会。5、He did not win the contest,but says it was a honor just to qualify and to eat next to her.他没有赢得比赛,但他说,获得决赛资格并站在索尼娅旁边吃东西就是一种荣耀。

competition与 contest的区别

competition 竞争(长期的)contest 竞赛,比赛(短期的,有胜负结果的)



Android中调用OpenCV库来提取图片的SIFT特征,出现Cannot create OpenGL context,急!!求大神帮忙

第一种:在安装了SDK和Elipse支持ADT的前提下 1.安装 NDK, 下载android-ndk-r8e-windows-x86.zip, 解压至本地(android-ndk-r8e-windows-x86_64.zip解压后不包含prebuilt文件夹,sample中的hello-jni运行报错) 2.配置环境变量$NDKROOT=android-ndk的文件夹路径 3.eclipse安装CDT插件,Eclipse->help->Install software,在"available software sites"中选择相应的CDT路径,安装 4.下载最新的OpenCV for Anroid库OpenCV-2.4.4-android-sdk.zip ,解压至本地 5.编译生成openCV的jar库文件 1)eclipse中导入OpenCV-2.4.4-android-sdksdkjava文件夹 2)添加openCV Library工程的C++工程属性,右键project名称->New->other->C/C++->Convert to a C/C++Project(Adds C/C++ Nature) 3)为project 配置ndk built路径。右键project->Properties->C/C++ build, 设置Build command: ${NDKROOT}/ndk-build.cmd; behavior选项中的不勾clean 4)编译工程, /bin文件夹下生成opencv library - 2.4.4.jar 6. 在目标Adnroid应用程序中添加对opencv library - 2.4.4.jar 的引用,便可以调用相应的open CV库函数了第二种:在源码下编译,包含openCV jar包和.so库文件 将.jar文件和.so文件放在指定的文件夹中,如project/libs文件夹下, 修改android.mk文件如下,指定相应的静态库和.so库文件LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)include $(CLEAR_VARS)LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := opencv #指定静态库名LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := 目标apk名称WITH_DEXPREOPT := falseLOCAL_CERTIFICATE := platforminclude $(BUILD_PACKAGE)include $(CLEAR_VARS)LOCAL_PREBUILT_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := opencv:libs/opencvlibrary.jar #指定静态库名对应的库文件路径LOCAL_PREBUILT_LIBS := libopencv_java:libs/armeabi-v7a/libopencv_java.so #指定.so文件对应的路径LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optionalinclude $(BUILD_MULTI_PREBUILT)include $(callall-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))

Adam Lambert"trespassing"中的一句歌词 i dont need no sympathy 不懂诶

美国Native speaker说话的时候(informal),在"ain"t"(sometimes "don"t")出现的时候双重否定仍表否定。比如,I don"t need no money;Ain"t no other man,不能翻译成“我需要钱”和“别人也能。。。”,而是“我不需要钱”和“没有别人能。。” 孩儿,别被英语课本禁锢了。。课堂上老师当然不认同这个。其实,这种说法在美国也是被老师banned的,正式文件里不能出现这样的用法。起源于美国黑人俚语,多用于hiphop、rap、rock歌词里面,口语中也会有,和gonna wanna gotta gotcha什么的一样普遍。

ios开发怎么使用 cgcontextmovetopoint

0 CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); 设置上下文1 CGContextMoveToPoint 开始画线2 CGContextAddLineToPoint 画直线4 CGContextAddEllipseInRect 画一椭圆4 CGContextSetLineCap 设置线条终点形状4 CGContextSetLineDash 画虚线4 CGContextAddRect 画一方框4 CGContextStrokeRect 指定矩形4 CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth 指定矩形线宽度4 CGContextStrokeLineSegments 一些直线5 CGContextAddArc 画已曲线 前俩店为中心 中间俩店为起始弧度 最后一数据为0则顺时针画 1则逆时针5 CGContextAddArcToPoint(context,0,0, 2, 9, 40);//先画俩条线从point 到 弟1点, 从弟1点到弟2点的线 切割里面的圆6 CGContextSetShadowWithColor 设置阴影7 CGContextSetRGBFillColor 这只填充颜色7 CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor 画笔颜色设置7 CGContextSetFillColorSpace 颜色空间填充7 CGConextSetStrokeColorSpace 颜色空间画笔设置8 CGContextFillRect 补充当前填充颜色的rect8 CGContextSetAlaha 透明度9 CGContextTranslateCTM 改变画布位置10 CGContextSetLineWidth 设置线的宽度11 CGContextAddRects 画多个线12 CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint 画曲线13 CGContextStrokePath 开始绘制图片13 CGContextDrawPath 设置绘制模式14 CGContextClosePath 封闭当前线路15 CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, rect.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0);反转画布16 CGContextSetInterpolationQuality 背景内置颜色质量等级16 CGImageCreateWithImageInRect 从原图片中取小图17 字符串的写入可用 nsstring本身的画图方法 – (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withFont:(UIFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment;来写进去即可18对图片放大缩小的功能就是慢了点UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(newSize);UIImage* newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();UIGraphicsEndImageContext();19 CGColorGetComponents() 返回颜色的各个直 以及透明度 可用只读c*****t float 来接收是个数组20 画图片 CGImageRef image=CGImageRetain(img.CGImage);CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(10.0, height –100.0, 90.0, 90.0), image);21 实现逐变颜色填充方法 CGContextClip(context);CGColorSpaceRef rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();CGFloat colors[] ={204.0 / 255.0, 224.0 / 255.0, 244.0 / 255.0, 1.00,29.0 / 255.0, 156.0 / 255.0, 215.0 / 255.0, 1.00,0.0 / 255.0, 50.0 / 255.0, 126.0 / 255.0, 1.00,};CGGradientRef gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents(rgb, colors, NULL, sizeof(colors)/(sizeof(colors[0])*4));CGColorSpaceRelease(rgb);CGContextDrawLinearGradient(context, gradient,CGPointMake(0.0,0.0) ,CGPointMake(0.0,self.frame.size.height),kCGGradientDrawsBeforeStartLocation);22 注: 画完图后,必须先用CGContextStrokePath来描线,即形状后用CGContextFillPath来填充形状内的颜色.填充一个路径的时候,路径里面的子路径都是独立填充的。假如是重叠的路径,决定一个点是否被填充,有两种规则1,nonzero winding number rule:非零绕数规则,假如一个点被从左到右跨过,计数器+1,从右到左跨过,计数器-1,最后,如果结果是0,那么不填充,如果是非零,那么填充。2,even-odd rule: 奇偶规则,假如一个点被跨过,那么+1,最后是奇数,那么要被填充,偶数则不填充,和方向没有关系。

西班牙语中buscar 和 encontrar 的区别的什么?

我觉得 把楼上的综合到一起就差不多了 呵呵

hannah montana 第一季第三集台词


你能带我一起走吗用英语说 你们能带我一起走吗也要翻译。 we dont do this 这句话对吗

can you bring me with you.we don"t do this 也没错。

music make you lose control 是其中的歌词 女的唱

歌曲名字叫Lose control歌手missy elliott Music make u lose control Music make u lose control Lets go Yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah Here we go now Here we go now Here we go now Here we go now Watch out now (music make u lose control) Misdemeanors in da house Ciaras in da house Misdemeanors in tha house Fat man scoop man scoop man scoop I"ve got a cute face Chubby waist Thick legs in shape Rump shakin both wayz Make u do a double take Plan rocka show stopa Flo froppa head knocka Beat stalla tail droppa Do ma thang muthafukas Ma rose royce lamborghini Blu madina alwayz beamin Ragtop chrome pipes Blu lights outta sight Long weave sewed in Say it again sewed in Make dat money tho it n Booty bouncin gon hit Everybody here Get it outta control Get yo backs off tha wall Cuz misdemeanor said so Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody Well ma name is ciara 4 all u fly fellaz No 1 can do it betta She"ll sing on acapella Boy tha music Makes me lose control We gon make u lose control And let it go 4 u kno U gon hit tha flo I rok 2 da beat till im tired (tired) Walk n da club it"s fiya (fiya) Get it krunk and wired Wave ya hands scream louda If u smoke den fiya it up Bring da roof down Den holla If u tipsy stand up Dj turn it louda Take sumbody by da waist den uh Now tho it in dey face like uh Hypnotic robotic This here will rock yo bodies Take sumbody by da waist den uh Now tho it in dey face like uh Systematica static This hit be automatic Work wait Work work work wait Work work work wait Work work work wait Do it right Hit tha floor hit tha floor Hit tha floor hit tha floor Hit tha floor hit tha floor Hit tha floor Everybody here Get it outta control Get yo backs off tha wall Cuz misdemeanor said so Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody here Get it outta control Get yo backs off da wall Cuz misdemeanor said So Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody Get loose Put yo back on tha wall Put yo back on tha wall Put yo back on tha wall Put yo back on tha wall Misdemeanors in da house Ciaras in da house Misdemeanors in tha house We on fiya We on fiya We on fiya We on fiya Now tho it gurl Tho it gurl Tho it gurl Tho it gurl Yeah Now move yo arm 2 tha left gurl Now move yo arm 2 tha left gurl Now move yo arm 2 tha right gurl Now move yo arm 2 tha right gurl Lets go now lets go now lets go now Wooo lets go Should I bring it back right now Now bring it back now Woooo oohhh I see u c Now ima iam do it like c did Now shake it gurl Cum on and jus shake it gurl Cum on and let it pop right gurl Cum on and let it pop right gurl Cum on and let it pop right gurl Now bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Bak it up gurl Go go



continuaily 与哪个英语单词相同


Monty Python的《Psychopath》 歌词

歌曲名:Psychopath歌手:Monty Python专辑:Matching Tie And HandkerchiefPsychopath作词:ゆよゆっぺ作曲:ゆよゆっぺ编曲:ゆよゆっぺ呗:巡音ルカ翻译:衍by:CHHKKE解いた他人とは违う理想/解除与其他人相异的理想结んだ崩れ去った未来図を/织起崩毁散失的未来蓝图それでいいのならば/如果这样就好了仆は消えようかな/我是否会消失呢夕闇に响く/回响在薄暮里音の中に见つけた狂気が/音律之中发现的疯狂仆のそばで优しく嗫くんだ/在我的身旁温柔地絮语君だけは违うんだと/只有你与众不同根拠のない不确かな/毫无根据的无法确信的肯定を/肯定I want to be Heterodoxy.I want to be Normal person.It must be terrible and be painful.Therefore,I might be a psychopath.はき违えたみたい/当成误会一场似的谛めがついたよ/彻底放弃了哦音の中に见つけた狂気が/音律之中发现的疯狂仆のそばで优しく嗫くんだ/在我的身旁温柔地絮语君だけは违うんだと/只有你与众不同根拠のない不确かな/毫无根据的无法确信的肯定を/肯定仆はいつから/我是从何时开始ここに居るんだろう/於此存在的呢ここに居たんだろう/於此存在过的呢仆の心は他人と违うんだろう/我的心与其他人类不一样吗-END-http://music.baidu.com/song/2683544

continually 和continuously 的区别


我要提问constantly continous ly continuable continually 的区别

首先从词性上看,constantly,continuously和continually是副词,常用来修饰动词从意义上看,constantly表示不断地,时常地始终如一地,continuously表示不间断地,连续地,继续地,强调不间断;continually表示继续地,一再地,屡屡地,但三个词可替换使用continuable是形容词,可修饰名词,如continuable development可持续发展

continuallycontinualcontinuouslycontinuousconstantly 这个几个单词都有什么区别呀?



unceasingly,强调不停止constantly,强调永恒或连续的时间很长,没有尽头continuously,用于不间断的连续,(强调无缝连接的连续,比如一条线————————)continually 用于断断续续的连续,(可以略有间断的连续----------------------------------------

Last month, our English Department invited a local radio star to _____ a public lecture on...



蒙蒂茹 (葡萄牙) Montijo, Portugal蒙蒂茹是葡萄牙的城镇,位于该国中南部,由塞图巴尔区负责管辖,始建于1514年9月15日,面积348.62平方公里,2011年人口51,222,人口密度每平方公里146.93人。

i dont know what you meant 这里为什么用meant呢?


以what factors contribute to a successful marriage为话题写一篇三分钟的两人对话。

A.-helloB.-hiA.-May I ask you a question?B-.It"s ok,go ahead.A.-Today,There are many people who divorced everyday,How about your opinion?B-I agree with you.The single mom or dad who have childens are very pain in their inner heart.I really want to help them. A.-ok,what facors contribute to a successful marriage?B-well,I mean .people should believe each other,Before they get married,they must think it over and over,they should ask themselves :Do we have the ability to love each other?A.-yes,you are right.B-life is not easy for everyone,we must work hard for our family.A-thanks a;lotB.you are welcome.

C# spire.doc.document读取控件axofficecontrol中的word

string connstr=""; DataSet ds=new DataSet(); SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(connstr); string sql="select * from test where name="jack"" SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sql,conn); sda.Fill(ds); string name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString();

qty qte cont什么意思

qty就是quantity的缩写,意为数量 cont就是content的缩写,意为容量,含量 两个连在一起就是让你填货物中包含的数量

Fontella Bass的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Fontella Bass专辑:60"S GoldRESCUE作词:ECO


工作中,需要学习一下MyBatis sqlSession的产生过程,翻看了mybatis-spring的源码,阅读了一些mybatis的相关doc,对mybatis sqlSession有了一些认知和理解,这里简单的总结和整理一下。 首先, 通过翻阅源码,我们来整理一下mybatis进行持久化操作时重要的几个类:SqlSessionFactoryBuilder:build方法创建SqlSessionFactory实例。SqlSessionFactory:创建SqlSession实例的工厂。SqlSession:用于执行持久化操作的对象,类似于jdbc中的Connection。SqlSessionTemplate:MyBatis提供的持久层访问模板化的工具,线程安全,可通过构造参数或依赖注入SqlSessionFactory实例。Hibernate是与MyBatis类似的orm框架,这里与Hibernate进行一下对比,Hibernate中对于connection的管理,是通过以下几个重要的类:SessionFactory:创建Session实例的工厂,类似于MyBatis中的SqlSessionFactory。Session:用来执行持久化操作的对象,类似于jdbc中的Connection。HibernateTemplate:Hibernate提供的持久层访问模板化的工具,线程安全,可通过构造参数或依赖注入SessionFactory实例。在日常的开发中,我们经常需要这样对MyBatis和Spring进行集成,把sqlSessionFactory交给Spring管理,通常情况下,我们这样配置:?123<bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" /></bean>通过上面的配置,Spring将自动创建一个SqlSessionFactory对象,其中使用到了org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean,其 是MyBatis为Spring提供的用于创建SqlSessionFactory的类,将在Spring应用程序的上下文建议一下可共享的 MyBatis SqlSessionFactory实例,我们可以通过依赖注入将SqlSessionFactory传递给MyBatis的一些接口。 如果通过Spring进行事务的管理,我们需要增加Spring注解的事务管理机制,如下配置:?12345<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" /></bean><tx:annotation-driven/>这样,我们就可以使用Spring @Transactional注解,进行事务的控制,表明所注释的方法应该在一个事务中运行。 Spring将在事务成功完成后提交事务,在事务发生错误时进行异常回滚,而且,Spring会将产生的MyBatis异常转换成适当的 DataAccessExceptions,从而提供具体的异常信息。 下面,我们通过分析SqlSessionUtils中getSession的源码,来详细的了解一下sqlSession的产生过程,源码如下:public static SqlSession getSqlSession(SqlSessionFactory sessionFactory, ExecutorType executorType, PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator) { notNull(sessionFactory, "No SqlSessionFactory specified"); notNull(executorType, "No ExecutorType specified"); SqlSessionHolder holder = (SqlSessionHolder) getResource(sessionFactory); if (holder != null && holder.isSynchronizedWithTransaction()) { if (holder.getExecutorType() != executorType) { throw new TransientDataAccessResourceException("Cannot change the ExecutorType when there is an existing transaction"); } holder.requested(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Fetched SqlSession [" + holder.getSqlSession() + "] from current transaction"); } return holder.getSqlSession(); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Creating a new SqlSession"); } SqlSession session = sessionFactory.openSession(executorType); // Register session holder if synchronization is active (i.e. a Spring TX is active) // // Note: The DataSource used by the Environment should be synchronized with the // transaction either through DataSourceTxMgr or another tx synchronization. // Further assume that if an exception is thrown, whatever started the transaction will // handle closing / rolling back the Connection associated with the SqlSession. if (isSynchronizationActive()) { Environment environment = sessionFactory.getConfiguration().getEnvironment(); if (environment.getTransactionFactory() instanceof SpringManagedTransactionFactory) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Registering transaction synchronization for SqlSession [" + session + "]"); } holder = new SqlSessionHolder(session, executorType, exceptionTranslator); bindResource(sessionFactory, holder); registerSynchronization(new SqlSessionSynchronization(holder, sessionFactory)); holder.setSynchronizedWithTransaction(true); holder.requested(); } else { if (getResource(environment.getDataSource()) == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("SqlSession [" + session + "] was not registered for synchronization because DataSource is not transactional"); } } else { throw new TransientDataAccessResourceException( "SqlSessionFactory must be using a SpringManagedTransactionFactory in order to use Spring transaction synchronization"); } } } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("SqlSession [" + session + "] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active"); } } return session;}上面的getSession方法,会从Spring的事务管理器中获取一个SqlSession或创建一个新的SqlSession,将试图从当前事务中得到一个SqlSession,然后,如果配置有事务管理器的工厂并且Spring 的事务管理器是活跃的,它将会锁定当前事务的SqlSession,保证同步。主要是通过以下几个步骤进行SqlSession的创建:它会首先获取SqlSessionHolder,SqlSessionHolder用于在TransactionSynchronizationManager中保持当前的SqlSession。如果holder不为空,并且holder被事务锁定,则可以通过holder.getSqlSession()方法,从当前事务中获取sqlSession,即 Fetched SqlSession from current transaction。如果不存在holder或没有被事务锁定,则会创建新的sqlSession,即 Creating a new SqlSession,通过sessionFactory.openSession()方法。如果当前线程的事务是活跃的,将会为SqlSession注册事务同步,即 Registering transaction synchronization for SqlSession。


2 PORK CHOP PATCH POCKET IN THE FRONT 2个(猪排样的)贴袋在前面It"s Macy Gray with pork-chop sideburns! 是个象猪排一样的连鬓胡子梅西·格雷!

请翻译We were moving to a new state after my husband had been out of work for many months and we had

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