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微分方程的order是指微分方程的阶。 微分方程中出现的未知函数的导数或微分的最高阶数,称为该微分方程的阶(order)



additional order是什么意思

additional order [词典] 追加定货; [例句]Often, the procedure is to cancel the original order and produce a new order with both the content of the original order and the additional order items.通常,处理程序是取消原有的订单,并产生一个新订单,新订单中同时包含原有订单的内容和追加的订货。


n. 1. 次序; 顺序2. 整齐; 有条理3. 治安, 秩序4. 命令, 嘱咐5. 订购, 订货; 订单6. 汇票7. 所订的货物;交付的订货 8. 点菜;所点的饮食菜肴9. 付款指令(或委托书);书面指令;汇票10. 秩序;结构11. 阶级;等级;阶层12. (生物分类的)目13. (按照一定的规范生活的)宗教团体;(尤指)修会14. (荣获国王、女王、总统等)授勋的人;勋位;勋爵士团15. 勋章;绶带16. (秘密)社团,集团,结社 17. 健康(或工作等)状况18. 常规,通例 19. 法则, (尤指)自然法则20. (会议、议会等的)程序, 规程vt. 1. 命令; 嘱咐2. 订购, 定制3. 整理; 布置4. 指挥;要求 5. 订购;订货;要求提供服务 6. (医生)开(处方),开(药);叮嘱(病人)7. (上帝、命运等)注定8. 【生物学】划归(动植物)的目vt. & vi. 1. 点(饭菜, 饮料等)vi. 1. 下命令,指挥


名词 顺序动词 预订


order 音节划分:or▪der英 [ˈɔ:də(r)] 美 [ˈɔ:rdə(r)]n.命令; 秩序; 规则,制度; 次序vt.命令; 订购; 整理vi.下订单


order的正解:英 [ˈɔ:də(r)] 美 [ˈɔ:rdə(r)] n. 命令;秩序;规则,制度;次序 vt. 命令;订购;整理vi. 下订单 网 络语 :订单; 秩序; 为了; 点菜 的意思。希望能帮到您。


order n. 命令;顺序;定单;规则vt. 命令;定购;整理vi. 命令;定货






order ["ɔrdɚ] [词典释义]n. 1. 顺序,次序 2. 整齐,有条理 3. 状况;良好的状况 4. 秩序,治安;规律 5. 命...vt. 1. 命令;指挥[+(that)] 2. 定购;叫(菜或饮料)[(+for)] 3. 整理;安排;布置 ...vi. 1. 下命令,指挥 2. 定购;点菜 [网络释义]order 1.订单 2.订货 3.教团,修道会 4.目 5.顺序 6.有序 7.命令 8.排序 9.裁


order 该词含义丰富。有很多用法哦。n. 命令;顺序;规则;[贸易] 定单vt. 命令;整理;定购vi. 命令;定货   


order 英[ˈɔ:də(r)]美[ˈɔ:rdə(r)]n. 秩序; 命令; 次序; 规则,制度;vt. 命令; 订购; 整理;vi. 下订单;[例句]Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.大部分学校都很不愿意为减少开支而裁员。[其他] 第三人称单数:orders 复数:orders 现在分词:ordering 过去式:ordered 过去分词:ordered


order n. 次序,顺序,正常(工作)状态,秩序,会议规则,命令,定购,定单 vt. 命令,定购,定制


order[5C:dE]n.次序, 顺序, 正常(工作)状态, 秩序, 会议规则, 命令, 定购, 定单vt.命令, 定购, 定制orderor.derAHD:[ôr“d…r] D.J.[6%8rd*]K.K.[6%rd+]n.Abbr. ord., O, O., o.(名词)缩写 ord., O, O., o.A condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate elements of a group.顺序:一组事物各个独立元素的逻辑的、可理解的安排状态A condition of methodical or prescribed arrangement among component parts such that proper functioning or appearance is achieved:秩序:有条理地、有组织地安排各构成部分以求达到正常的运转或良好的外观的状态:“Order, cleanliness, seemliness make a structure that is half support, half ritual”(Florida Scott-Maxwell)“秩序、整洁和庄重带来一半是支持、一半是敷衍了事的体系”(佛罗里达·斯科特—麦斯威尔)Condition or state in general:情况:总的情形或状态:in good order.情况良好The established system of social organization:体制:已确定的社会组织系统:“Every revolution exaggerates the evils of the old order”(C. Wright Mills)“每次革命都夸大旧秩序的弊端”(C.赖特·米尔斯)A condition in which freedom from disorder or disruption is maintained through respect for established authority:秩序,治安:靠对已建立的权威表现尊敬而避免混乱或分裂的状态:finally restored order in the rebellious provinces.最终在反叛的省份又重新建立起秩序A sequence or an arrangement of successive things.顺序:一系列接边发生事物的顺序或安排The prescribed form or customary procedure:规则,制度:既定形式和常规程序:the order of worship.礼拜仪式An authoritative indication to be obeyed; a command or direction.命令:权威发出的必须服从的指令;命令或指示A command given by a superior military officer requiring obedience, as in the execution of a task.军事命令:上级军官发出的、必须服从的命令,如在执行任务中orders Formal written instructions to report for military duty at a specified time and place.orders 书面指示:要求在规定的时间和地点汇报军事任务的正式书面指示A commission or an instruction to buy, sell, or supply something.订单:购买、销售或供应事物的任务或指示That which is supplied, bought, or sold.订单的货物:(他人要求)供应、带来或出卖(事物)的任务或指示A request made by a customer at a restaurant for a portion of food.点菜:顾客在餐厅用餐时提出上某一部分菜的请求The food requested.所点的菜Law A direction or command delivered by a court or other adjudicative body and entered into the record but not necessarily included in the final judgment or verdict.【法律】 法院的指示:由法庭或其他审议结构发出的命令或指示,记录在案但不必记入最终判定或判决中Ecclesiastical 【基督教会】 Any of several grades of the Christian ministry:神职等级:天主教牧师的地位或等级:the order of priesthood.牧师们的等级Often orders The rank of an ordained Christian minister or priest.常作 orders 神职:天主教牧师或僧侣的职位Often orders The sacrament or rite of ordination.常作 orders 神职仪式:神职的任命或神职任命仪式Any of the nine grades or choirs of angels.级:天使九个等级或席位中的一种A group of persons living under a religious rule:修道会:按宗教规则行事的一群人:Order of Saint Benedict.圣本笃会An organization of people united by a common fraternal bond or social aim.兄弟会:由共同的兄弟情谊或社会目的而结合起来的民间组织A group of people upon whom a government or sovereign has formally conferred honor for unusual service or merit, entitling them to wear a special insignia:勋爵士团:由国家政府或国王向有杰出功勋或业绩的人们授予荣誉奖励他们佩戴特殊的勋章的一群人:the Order of the Garter.嘉德勋爵士团The insignia worn by such people.勋章:这些人们戴的勋章Often orders A social class:常作 orders 社会阶层:the lower orders.下等阶层们A class defined by the common attributes of its members; a kind.种类:由其成员特征而定义的等级种类;类别Degree of quality or importance; rank:等级:按质量或重要性来区分的程度;等级:poetry of a high order.高水准的诗篇Architecture 【建筑学】 Any of several styles of classical architecture characterized by the type of column employed:柱型,柱式:几种古典建筑风格之一,以其所用柱子的类型为特征:the Corinthian order.科林斯柱式A style of building:建筑的风格:a cathedral of the Gothic order.哥特式建筑风格的教堂Biology A taxonomic category of organisms ranking above a family and below a class.See table at taxonomy 【生物学】 目:分类学上位于科之上、纲以下的类别参见 taxonomyMathematics 【数学】 The sum of the exponents to which the variables in a term are raised; degree.序:冥的总称,一项中的变量可依冥增加;级An indicated number of successive differentiations to be performed.位数:被连续进行微分的指明的次数The number of elements in a finite group.次数:一个有限群中的元素个数The number of rows or columns in a determinant or matrix.行列数:行列式或矩阵中行或列的数目v.(动词)or.dered, or.der.ing, or.dersv.tr.(及物动词)To issue a command or an instruction to.See Synonyms at command 发布命令:发布命令或指示给…参见 commandTo give a command or an instruction for:下令:下令做…,发出指示做…:The judge ordered a recount of the ballots.法官要求重计算选票数To direct to proceed as specified:指令:指令按特定的程序进行:ordered them off the property.指示他们别碰这些财产To give an order for; request to be supplied with.订货:下订单;要求供货To put into a methodical, systematic arrangement.See Synonyms at arrange 整理:使…有方法、有系统地被安排参见 arrangeTo predestine; ordain.注定:命中注定;预定v.intr.(不及物动词)To give an order or orders; request that something be done or supplied.下订单:下订单(一张或数张);要求供应或制作某物in order thatSo that.为了in order toFor the purpose of.为……的目的in short orderWith no delay; quickly.快的:迅速的;不延搁的on orderRequested but not yet delivered.已定购但货尚未到on the order ofOf a kind or fashion similar to; like:相象:在种类或样式上与…相似;象:a house on the order of a mountain lodge.一所像山上小屋的房子Approximately; about:大约:约略;近:equipment costing on the order of a million dollars.花费近百万美元的设备to orderAccording to the buyer"s specifications.按照买方提出的标准Middle English ordre 中古英语 ordre from Old French 源自 古法语 variant of ordene ordene的变体 from Latin ½½} ½rdin- * see ar- 源自 拉丁语 ½½} ½rdin- *参见 ar- or“derern.(名词)order[5C:dE(r)]n.整齐;有条理I tried to bring some order to the bookshelf.我设法把书架整得有条理些。适合操作;正常状况The telephone"s out of order.电话机坏了。次序,顺序alphabetical order字母顺序秩序;治安命令;指示定购;定货单定货to collect an order提取定货I"ll have an order of fish.我要一客鱼。汇款单;授权凭证;许可证法则;通则;规律种 类sth. of that order东西的种类(生物学的)目阶级;等级被授勋的人;勋位;勋章wearing his orders佩带他的勋章僧侣;修女;修士柱式(pl) 〈基督教〉神职holy orders神职in order that为了;目的在于…in order to为了…起见;以便In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work.为了赶火车,她匆匆做完了她的工作。of the order of大约,左右;约与…相同,约与…相似 (= in the order of)ordervt.命令;指挥They ordered him to stop.他们命令他停下。The general ordered his men to deploy in order to meet the offensive of the enemy."将军命令他的士兵展开阵形,以抗击敌人的进攻。"The general director of the project ordered that the work (should) be started at once.工程总指挥命令立即开始工作。下令to order an attack下令进攻The general has ordered an advance / that the army should advance.将军已经命令部队向前推进。The man was ordered to pay $345 for the cost of the trip.这个人被责令为这次旅行交会345英镑。命令离开;赶出(走)If you make any more noise I shall order you out of the hall!如果你再吵,我就叫你离开礼堂!吩咐,嘱咐The doctor ordered me to rest for a week or two.医生嘱咐我休息一两个星期。要求;定购, 预定Would you like to order some more casserole?你要不要再来点沙锅菜?You"d better order a taxi.你最好还是去预定一辆出租汽车。Hamburgers are ordered through a window in the restaurant and then are handed out through the window to the waiting customer."通过餐馆的窗口可以订购汉堡包,然后通过这个窗口把汉堡包递给在外面等候的顾客。"安排;处理I had hoped to leave early but things were ordered otherwise.我曾希望早走,但安排的不是这样。We must order our affairs better before we leave for Rome.我们去罗马前必须把事情安排得妥当些。order来自拉丁语ordo直线,顺序


order意思是:顺序;条理。英 ["ɔːdə(r)]     美 ["ɔːrdər]    n. 顺序;条理;订单;命令;秩序;阶层;[生]目;点的东西。v. 命令;定购;调整;整理;点餐;预定,订货。Today we"ll reverse the usual order of the lesson.今天我们将把通常的上课顺序倒过来。The house had been kept in good order.房子保持得井井有条。语法: order作“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”解时,是不可数名词。作“订购,订货”“命令,嘱咐”“汇票,汇单”解时,是可数名词。order的复数形式orders可指一条命令,可接动词不定式或that从句作定语,也可接that从句,中心谓语动词要用虚拟式。order在表示“勋章”时,要带定冠词the,order的第一个字母要大写,其后接of。order作“…级”“种类”“方式”等解时是可数名词。peace and order的意思是“和平和秩序”,指的是“治安情况”。在与no连用时表示“治安情况极差”。


用法为 order by,对select出的纪录进行排序

last order是什么意思

Last Order [词典] 最后命令(歌曲名);最终命令(电影名); [例句]We are taking the last order for food.这是最后一道菜了。


order by 语句排序 ORDER BY 语句 用于根据指定的列对结果进行排序(默认按照升序进行排序)如果想要按照降序(升序)对记录进行排序,可以用DESC(ASC)关键字SELECT字段from【表名$】order by 字段【ASC;DESC】现在不了解Excel的基础操作真的会浪费很多时间,引发很多错误,降低工作效率。如果你事先掌握简便的方法,一分钟就能完成原本要花几个小时的工作。通过熟练使用Excel并不只是单纯地制作表格,而是为了保证[工作]时间,我们应该把精力集中在只有人类才能做到的工作上。


order 顺序,次序[U]The names are in alphabetical order.名字按字母顺序排列。整齐,有条理[U]状况;良好的状况[U]Things were in terrible order.情况一团糟。秩序,治安;规律[U]The young teacher can"t keep order in her classroom.那位年轻教师无法维持课堂秩序。命令,指示[P1][+to-v][+(that)]He gave orders that the job be done in three days.他指示三天内完成这项工作。订购;订货[C][(+for)]The company received a large order for computers.这家公司接到一份要求大量供应电脑的订单。汇票,汇单[C]等级,阶层,界[P1]教团[C];神职[P](常大写)勋爵士团;勋章[C]【军】队形,序列[U]【生】目[C]vt.命令;指挥[O2][+(that)]The mayor ordered that free food be distributed.市长命令发放免费食品。定购;叫(菜或饮料)[O1][(+for)]Please order me a copy.请给我定购一本。整理;安排;布置




这个单词根据词性不同 意思也不同n.命令; 秩序; 规则,制度; 次序; vt.命令; 订购; 整理; vi.下订单; 第三人称单数:orders过去分词:ordered复数:orders现在进行时:ordering过去式:ordered


order英 [ˈɔ:də(r)] 美 [ˈɔ:rdə(r)] n. 秩序;命令;次序;规则,制度vt. 命令;订购;整理vi. 下订单



delivery order是什么意思

  delivery order  英 [diˈlivəri ˈɔ:də] 美 [dɪˈlɪvəri ˈɔrdɚ]  [释义]交货单;  [网络]交货单,出货单; 出货单; 出货单;  [例句]Comparison and Analysis on a few disputes involving the legal issue of “ goods delivery without licensed delivery order ”  由几起纠纷案比较分析“无单放货”的法律问题

delivery order是什么意思

delivery order英 [diˈlivəri ˈɔ:də] 美 [dɪˈlɪvəri ˈɔrdɚ] 词典:交货单例句:The Priority parameter is a hint to the JMS provider about message delivery order.Priority参数向JMS提供者表明消息的发送顺序。The buyer must accept the appropriate delivery order or transport document inaccordance with A买方必须接受按照A8规定提供的适当的提货单或运输单据。Please fax me a copy of the delivery order ten days before the scheduled arrivaldate. 请在货品预定到达前十天,将到港通知的复印件传真给我。On the Issuing of Delivery Order by Ship Agent 对船舶代理人代签进口提货单问题的探讨

delivery order是什么意思

delivery order英 [diˈlivəri ˈɔ:də] 美 [dɪˈlɪvəri ˈɔrdɚ] 词典:交货单例句:The Priority parameter is a hint to the JMS provider about message delivery order.Priority参数向JMS提供者表明消息的发送顺序。The buyer must accept the appropriate delivery order or transport document inaccordance with A买方必须接受按照A8规定提供的适当的提货单或运输单据。Please fax me a copy of the delivery order ten days before the scheduled arrivaldate. 请在货品预定到达前十天,将到港通知的复印件传真给我。On the Issuing of Delivery Order by Ship Agent 对船舶代理人代签进口提货单问题的探讨

Write the words in alphabetical order是什么意思啊
