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电脑出现bootmgr image is corrupt怎么办

bootmgr is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart错误往往发生在以下情况:1、您意外或者故意删除了一些重要系统文件。2、文件被病毒或恶意软件损坏或摧毁。3、不适当的BIOS模拟等导致不能访问桌面环境。4、不正确的重装系统或者是C盘系统奔溃。解决方案有两个:1、用U盘pe复制这个文件掉C盘根目录。2、直接重装系统。

蓝屏代码STOP:c0000102{Corrupt File} 怎么处理,不想重装系统 ??。

1、接触不良,机器内部器件松动,除尘、将所有的连接插紧,插牢。 2、内存条故障,更换内存插槽,换质量好的内存条。 3、关闭即时扫描文件的软件, 比如:杀毒软件、防火墙或备份工具试试。 4、重新启动计算机。在启动屏幕处,按F8进入“高级启动选项”,然后选择“最后一次正确的配置”。5、检查并修复硬盘错误,开始--运行---输入 Chkdsk /r ( c前有空格,/r 是比较全面的,但速度较慢,一般用/f参数就可以 )--确定--确定-在“是否计划在下次系统重新启动时检查这个卷”,打Y-重新启动计算机。6、整理磁盘碎片。我的电脑—右击要整理磁盘碎片的驱动器—属性—工具--选择整理的磁盘打开“磁盘碎片整理程序”窗口—分析—碎片整理—系统即开始整理,完成后系统会通知你。注意:整理期间不要进行任何数据读写,这个时候进行读写很可能导致电脑死机。如果这样做还不能将所选磁盘整理完毕,那就得要在安全模式下进行整理了。7、从网上下载“驱动精灵2009”将主板驱动程序升级至最新。8、硬盘出了问题,修复硬盘。

电脑开机出现 The file is possibly corrupt. 是怎么回事啊


华硕笔记本K43T开机显示THE file is possibly corrupt怎么办 求大神指点

华硕笔记本K43T开机显示THE file is possibly corrupt,这是因为系统盘中的参数设置出错导致的,具体的修复方法如下:1、首先,在计算机的开始菜单中找到运行选项,然后点击打开:2、然后在出现的输入框中输入cmd并回车执行命令:3、之后就会弹出命令提示符的窗口界面:4、然后在命令提示符中输入硬盘的转换命令,硬盘盘符选择系统所在的盘符:5、输入命令之后点击回车执行,执行完成之后就不会出现无法开机的问题了:



file is corrupt是什么意思?



如果您的方象收银系统出现了"corrupt table/index header" 的错误提示,可能是数据文件被破坏或损坏导致的。为了解决这个问题,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作:1.备份数据:在进行修复前,请先备份您的数据文件,以防止您的数据丢失。使用MySQL工具对数据文件进行修复: 您可以使用MySQL的官方工具“myisamchk”或“InnoDB recovery”来修复MySQL的数据表。如果您不熟悉MySQL工具的使用,建议您联系方象收银系统的客服人员进行解决。3.重建数据表: 如果修复失败,则可以尝试重建数据表。首先删除已损坏的数据表,然后创建新的数据表将数据重新导入即可。4.寻求技术支持: 如果以上操作都无法解决问题,建议您向方象收银系统的技术支持部门求助,以获取更专业的帮助和解决方案。需要注意的是,在进行任何操作之前,请务必备份您的数据文件。修复或重建数据表可能会导致数据丢失或不可恢复。同时,建议您定期备份数据,以保障数据的安全。

乐视1pro卡刷是安装失败出现corrupt是什么意思? 乐视1pro到底怎么root的?求各位


File is corrupt是什么意思

File is corrupt的中文翻译File is corrupt文件已损坏双语例句:1,This error can be caused if the object file is corrupt.如果对象文件损坏,则可能导致此错误。2,The file is corrupt or has an incorrect extension.please check the file and upload again.这个文件损坏或者扩展名有错误。请检查文件再重新上传。3,This error can be caused if the file is corrupt.如果文件已损坏,则可能导致此错误。4,Database file is corrupt and may not be usable.数据库文件已损坏,可能无法使用。5,The file is corrupt and cannot be opened.文件已损坏,无法打开。





英语22 corrupt replica怎么翻译?

22 corrupt replica22腐败的复制品


corrupted英 [ku0259"ru028cptu026ad] 美 [ku0259"ru028cptu026ad] v. 破坏;(使)败坏( corrupt的过去式和过去分词 );(使)腐化;引起(计算机文件等的)错误

GHOST重装W7系统安装出现 ABORT:27076,corrupt packet length in compressed image file


3dmax9.0 文件保存出现对话框:说corrupt,为什么?


求助更新失败提示原因 corrupt

我也是这样 更新后就总弹出个错误 不过你不用管它 继续按程序 就是不断双击梦幻西游那个程序快捷 记住不用管弹出的错误框 一直到 弹出服务器列表和更新等信息就可以了



解压文件时,出现 the file is corrupt 的原因,如何解决??


安装数据库解压文件时,出现 the file is corrupt 的原因,如何解决??



原因:第三方软件不兼容、手机ROOT导致系统崩溃、手机硬件损坏等。 方法如下: 方法一: 通过进入恢复模式进行双清即可。 1. 关机状态下同时长按手机电源键、音量+这两个键。 2. 屏幕亮后松开按键,等待进入恢复模式


蓝屏有几种情况,一种硬件不兼容,一般是内存和主板之间一种是系统文件损坏一种是病毒破坏你的情况应该是硬件不兼容 建议你先把内存条清洁下再重新安装还可以再找根来试试如果是内存条坏了,就只有换了



Some installation files are corrupt是什么意思?


pfn_ list_ corrupt什么意思?

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT是蓝屏错误,表示页面帧号(PFN)列表已损坏。PFN是一个索引编号,硬盘驱动器使用该编号来了解物理磁盘上每个文件的位置。 list的意思是名单,目录,在这里指的是发生错误的目录。corrupt的意思是错误。指的是PFN的一个目录文件发生了错误。此错误通常是由驱动程序传递错误的内存描述符列表引起的,它可能是临时的或永久的。扩展资料:蓝屏的原因可能如下:1、错误更新显卡驱动错误安装或更新显卡驱动后导致电脑蓝屏故障也是主要原因之一。重启电脑按F8 进入安全模式,在安全模式的控制面板添加删除中把显卡驱动删除干净:然后重启正常进入系统,重新安装显卡驱动或换另一个版本的显卡驱动。强烈推荐使用驱动人生安装或更新显卡驱动,对于部分对电脑了解不多的用户来讲,该软件最适合不过了,一键检测安装,根据用户的电脑型号与配置,推荐安装和电脑兼容的电脑驱动,有效防止用户错误操作使显卡驱动安装错误导致电脑蓝屏故障。2、电脑超频过度超频过度是导致蓝屏的一个主要硬件问题。过度超频,由于进行了超载运算,造成内部运算过多,使cpu 过热,从而导致系统运算错误。如果既想超频,又不想出现蓝屏,只有做好散热措施了,换个强力风扇,再加上一些硅胶之类的散热材料会好许多。另外,适量超频或干脆不超频也是解决的办法之一。对于多数用户来说一般都不会进行超频操作,所以这点一般不实用。3、内存条接触不良或内存损坏在实际的工作中笔者遇见最多的电脑蓝屏现象就是内存条接触不良(主要是由于电脑内部灰尘太多导致,老电脑常发生)以及硬盘故障导致的电脑蓝屏居多。可尝试打开电脑机箱,将内存条拔出,清理下插槽以及搽干净内存条金手指后再装回去即可。如果问题没解决,确定是内存故障,更换内存条即可。4、硬盘出现故障硬盘出现问题也会导致电脑蓝屏,如硬盘出现坏道,电脑读取数据错误导致蓝屏现象,因为硬盘和内存一样,承载一些数据的存取操作,如存取/ 读取系统文件所在的区域出现坏道,也会造成系统无法正常运行,导致系统或电脑蓝屏。首先检测硬盘坏道情况,如果硬盘出现大量坏道,建议备份数据更换硬盘。如果出现坏到比较少,建议备份数据,重新格式化分区磁盘,懂电脑硬盘的朋友还可以将坏到硬盘区进行隔离操作。之后再重新安装系统即可。5、安装的软件存在不兼容如果电脑之前一直使用正常,在安装了某软件后频繁出现电脑蓝屏,有可能是因为软件不兼容,但这种情况一般很少发生。在确定此前电脑一直正常,安装该软件后常出现电脑蓝屏故障,建议卸载软件试试,如问题未能解决,则可能是其他原因。6、电脑中病毒些病毒木马感染系统文件,造成系统文件错误,或导致系统资源耗尽,也可能造成蓝屏现象的发生。建议重新启动电脑进行杀毒操作,选用目前主流的杀毒软件查杀,如果遇到恶意病毒,建议系统还原或者重装系统。参考资料来源:百度百科-电脑蓝屏





corrupt 与 corruptive区别?

1.前者主要是动词或名词: 腐败 堕落 的意思,形容词是腐败的堕落的2.后者主要是形容词 指有腐败堕落的倾向性

corrupted 与rotten的区别


erode decay corrupt 区别

erode:腐蚀,侵蚀;偏向化学,常用于石头、家具等受腐蚀侵蚀。decay:衰退,[核] 衰减,腐烂,腐朽;偏生物性,多指动植物尸体的腐烂。corrupt:腐败的,堕落的;这个比较容易区分,只个人思想、组织作风的腐化堕落。




腐败的;营私舞弊的;不诚实的;不道德的;已变换的;有缺陷的;有错误的 v.使腐化;使堕落;破坏;损坏;引起(计算机文件等的)错误 记忆 cor 加强 + rupt 破


corrupt[英][ku0259u02c8ru028cpt][美][ku0259u02c8ru028cpt]adj.堕落的,道德败坏的; 贪污的,腐败的; 腐烂的; (文献等)错误百出的; vt.使腐败; 使堕落; 使腐烂; vi.堕落; 腐化; 腐烂; 第三人称单数:corrupts过去分词:corrupted现在进行时:corrupting过去式:corrupted例句:1.Will the rising middle class throw out the corrupt? 崛起中的中产阶层会拒绝腐败吗?2.Automatically assuming that a document is corrupt can be a big mistake. 自动认为文档是坏的会是一个大错误。


corrupt[英][ku0259u02c8ru028cpt][美][ku0259u02c8ru028cpt]adj.堕落的,道德败坏的; 贪污的,腐败的; 腐烂的; (文献等)错误百出的; vt.使腐败; 使堕落; 使腐烂; vi.堕落; 腐化; 腐烂; 第三人称单数:corrupts过去分词:corrupted现在进行时:corrupting过去式:corrupted例句:1.Will the rising middle class throw out the corrupt? 崛起中的中产阶层会拒绝腐败吗?2.Automatically assuming that a document is corrupt can be a big mistake. 自动认为文档是坏的会是一个大错误。


1 横坐标代表信号的延迟时间,因为自相关的定义是一个信号经过延迟后与(未延迟的)自身相乘积分。纵坐标的单位是信号单位的平方乘以时间,比如信号是电压(V)那么纵坐标的单位就是(V^2 s)表示能量。能量越大表明相关性越强。2 如果你要看两个信号的相关性 应该作互相关。

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .


求brent corrgian 的school boy crush 感谢?

brent corrgian是「布伦特柯尔吉安」的意思,school boy crush 是「男生迷恋」的意思。


常用的配色方式有RGB和CMYK。 RGB :一种 发光的色彩模式 ,你在一间黑暗的房间内仍然可以看见屏幕上的内容; CMYK :一种 依靠反光的色彩模式 ,我们是怎样阅读报纸的内容呢?是由阳光或灯光照射到报纸上,再反射到我们的眼中,才看到内容。它需要有外界光源,如果你在黑暗房间内是无法阅读报纸的。 从理论上来说,只需要CMY三种油墨就足够了,它们三个加在一起就应该得到黑色。但是由于目前制造工艺还不能造出高纯度的油墨,CMY相加的结果实际是一种暗红色。因此还需要加入一种专门的黑墨来调和。所以CMYK是利用色料的三原色混色原理,加上黑色油墨,共计四种颜色混合叠加,形成所谓“全彩印刷”。四种标准颜色是: C:Cyan = 青色 ,又称为‘天蓝色"或是‘湛蓝"M:Magenta = 品红色 ,又称为‘洋红色";Y:Yellow = 黄色;K:Key Plate(blacK) = 定位套版色(黑色) 核心函数: 可以看出其调色板可分为3类,到底具体是哪三类? 如果只看其中一组的颜色,用 display.brewer.pal() 查看。 下面来介绍RColorBrewer的神仙函数 colorRampPalette 。 核心函数: 还可以让颜色更深些: ColorCount <- length(unique(lp$city)) getPalette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Set1")) scales::show_col(getPalette(ColorCount)) ggplot(lp,aes(city,value,fill=city))+ geom_bar(stat="identity",width=0.5)+ geom_text(aes(label=value),size=4,color="black",fontface="bold",hjust=-0.5)+ theme_bw()+ ylim(c(0,100))+ labs(x="",y="")+ theme(legend.position = "", axis.text = element_text(face = "bold",size=16))+ coord_flip()+ scale_fill_manual(values = getPalette(ColorCount))

RGL error,在玩骑马与砍杀的时候出现“attempt to register texture pic_mb_worriers_1.dds”



找了英英的解释~Bribe: he gift or promise which is accepted of some advantage as the inducement for some illegal act or omission; or of some illegal emolument as a consideration for preferring one person to another in the performance of a legal act. 大概的意思就是bribe是一种贿赂行为,给予或者许诺他人好处作为他人非法行为的诱因,或不合法的薪水,加r Briber可变为行贿人的意思Bribery: The term bribery extends now further and includes the offence of giving a bribe to many other officers. The offence of the giver and of the receiver of the bribe has the same name. An attempt to bribe, though unsuccessful, has been holden to be criminal and the offender may be indicted. Bribery 现在常引申为行贿他人的一种犯罪行为,用于法律文件中的词,尝试去行贿,虽然未成功,但是有犯罪的行为,违法者任然有可能被起诉~希望对你有帮助哦~


went came began caught cleaned drunk drove took sang worried used won would

sorry, i drank too much yesterday

drank 句中yesterday表明时过去式,所以用drank

为什么西方结婚要穿something new,old,borrow and blue的?


The Corries的《I Will Go》 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Go歌手:The Corries专辑:The Very Best Of The CorriesI WillLucia CifarelliLucia CifarelliI"m coming back to my sensesThinking about all the time gone byKnee-deep inside the voidSince a sure thing was compromised babyTimes twoMy lips may be smilingBut I"m lost in the middle ofGod knows whereDon"t know where I belongAnd I don"t like the view from hereGonna pack my bags and favorite bootsSpeed right past youOutta hereWhen my mind is numb playing tricks on meAnd the world is crashingI think about it(I think I will)When it"s said and donePlan the great escapeWant to see the oceanI think about it(I think I will)I think I willThe more I seem to learnThe lesser I am freeI"ve been stuck here in mediocrityIf I say I"m fine I"m lying‘Cause I"m lost in the middle ofGod knows whereSo long to yesterdayAnd this old skin I hate to wearThose days of innocenceSpeed right past me outta hereWhen my mind is numb playing tricks on meAnd the world is crashingI think about it(I think I will)When it"s said and donePlan the great escapeWant to see the oceanI think about it(I think I will)I think I willWhen all the angels surroundingStep back, I"m slipping into the cracksThough it"s not clear where I"m goingI"m sure this time I"m not coming backWhen my mind is numb playing tricks on meAnd the world is crashingI think about it(I think I will)When it"s said and donePlan the great escapeWant to see the oceanI think about it(I think I will)I think I willI think I willI think I will...(etc.)http://music.baidu.com/song/2656443


哇瑞 wʌri


一、详细释义: , n. , 烦恼,忧虑,担心 [U] , 例句: ,Mother"s heart was heavy with worry for the safety of her son.,母亲担心儿子的安全,心情很沉重。, 例句: ,Worry does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strength.,担忧不会清空明日的烦恼,它只会使你丧失今日的勇气。, 撕咬 , v. , (使)烦恼,忧虑,担心,发愁 [I,T] , 例句: ,Do not worry. I"ll let you know when we arrive there.,不用担心。到了那儿我会告诉您的。, 例句: ,Do not worry about that. I am sure they "ll understand.,你不必担心这一点。我相信他们会理解的。, 折磨 [T] , 例句: ,Do not worry me with such foolish questions.,不要用这些愚蠢的问题来折磨我。, 例句: ,The cold doesn"t worry me.,冷我不怕。, 撕咬 [I] , 例句: ,Wolves worry the sheep.,狼羣撕咬绵羊。, 例句: ,In the mouth the sharp point"s big chin is quite developed, may worry the game, facilitates the feed.,口中尖尖的大下巴相当发达,可以撕咬猎物,方便进食。, 二、词义辨析: , anxiety,worry,care,concern ,这些名词均含“焦虑、关心”之意。anxiety指对预料中的不祥之事的焦虑。worry侧重对未知事态演变的忧虑。care强调因出于责任感或顾虑等而产生的不安。concern作“关心”用时,是indifference(冷漠)的反义词,侧重对他人健康、安全等的关心,也可暗示对困难、危险或失败等的忧虑。, 三、词义辨析: , worry,brood,care,fret ,这些动词均有“烦恼、担忧”之意。worry普通用词,着重使人焦虑、烦恼或深深不安。 brood语气比worry强,多指沉思、沮丧或忧郁。care多指极强烈的关心和忧虑。常带纯客观的意味。fret通常指因悲哀、焦虑或忧愁等所困扰的心理状态。, 四、参考例句: ,Wolves worry the sheep.,狼羣撕咬绵羊。,Don"t worry.,不要担心。,Never worry alone.,从不独自担忧。,They worry about danger.,他们担心遇到危险。,Don"t worry!,别发愁,别担心!,My worry is about antidepressants.,我的担忧是关于抗抑郁症药物的。,I worry about her constantly.,我无时无刻不为她担心。,This is your "worry" journal.,这是你的“担忧”日记。,This is your “worry” journal.,这是你的“担忧”日记。,Don"t worry too much.,不要过分担忧。

installed ethereal got the error"decompressing data! Corrupted installer?" please help

sorry i don"t know

please _to bring your homework to school tomorrow.AtakeBrememberC.getD.forget(后面为什么用tobring)

选择:B。记得要带来,没带,将来带的用to do。

At this time tomorrow ____over the Atlantic. A.we’re going t?

B 正确答案B。明天此时我们正飞越大西洋。描述将来某个时刻正在发生的动作。   将来某个时刻正在发生的动作用将来进行时,注意时间暗示。,2,At this time tomorrow ____over the Atlantic. A.we"re going to fly B.we"ll be flying C.we"ll fly D.we"re to fly

At this time tomorrow we will be fiying over the Atlantic这句里的be能不能省略为什么?

不能. 翻译:在明天的这个时候,我们将正在飞行于太平洋上空. 分析:注意句中"At this time tomorrow(正是明天此时)",是明确的时间,所以要用进行时,又发生在明天,故用将来进行时.将来进行时结构:will be doing."be"不能省略,这是固定搭配. 祝新年快乐~

At this time tomorrow we will be fiying over the Atlantic这句里的be能不能省略为什么?



The study area was situated in south of the Jiangnan Slope Belt,western Hunan(Peng 1990,1992).It is well known as one of the most richly fossiliferous areas in China for the Middle and Late Cambrian trilobite faunas.As Cambrian trilobite faunas have been documented around the world,it has become evident that the faunas in western Hunan provide a correlative possibility for worldwide correlations(Text-figure 9).As discussed above,18 trilobite zones were proposed for the Middle and Late Cambrian in South China(Peng,1999).The interval with the Ptychagnostusatavus Zone(late Taijiangian Stage in South China)to the Proagnostus bulbus Zone is considered to be correlatable with the early Changhsian Stage(Middle Cambrian)in North China.The interval from the Liguagnostus reconditus Zone(early Waergangian Stage in South China)to the Leiostegium constrictum-Shenjiawania brevica Zone(late Taoyuanian Stage in South China)are considered equivalent with the Kushanian,Changshanian and Fengshanian Stage(Late Cambrian)in North China.In the study area,the topmost zone is the Eolotagnostus decorus-Kaolishaniella Zone,which is considered correlatable with the late Changshanian Stage(Late Cambrian)in North China(Peng,2000).As indicated above,the Aoxi Formation of the Middle Cambrian is largely unfossilifeous dolomite in northwest and western Hunan,but its stratigraphical position suggests that is correlated with the lower Changshanian Stage of North China.Text-figure9 Correlation chart relation of the Middle and Upper Cambrian in studyarea,W.Zhejiang,N.YangtzePlatform,Xinjiang,Australia and S.Kazakhstan3.2.1 Correlation between the study area and west ZhejiangIn the study area,Ptychagnostusatavus allows a direct correlation with the P.atavus Zone of the Yangliugang Formation of the Middle Cambrian in West Zhejiang(Text-figure 9);the Ptagnostus punctuosus Zone in West Hunan includes Pseudophalacroma ovata[=Ps.triangularis]and Triplagnostus longitriangularis,the former(Ps.triangularis)also occurred in West Zhejiang as a zonal fossil.Many important elements of the Goniagnostus nathorsti and L.laevigata Zones of the Wangcunian Stage of West Hunan,such as:Lejopyge laevigata,L.armata,Goniagnostus(A.)spiniger,Hypagnostus parvifrons,Proceratopyge(P.)conifrons,and Fuchouia oratolimba,have also been reported from the L.armata Zone of the Upper Cambrian Yangliugang Formation in West Zhejiang.Both zones are comparable each other.As the Proagnostus bulbus Zone and the Linguagnostus reconditus Zone comprise Cyclagnostus yaogongbuensis,and Bergeronites hunanensis,these elements commonly appear in the L.sinonensis Zone of lower part of the Huayanshi Formation of West Zhejiang.These two zones are correlatable with the G.stolidotus and G.reticlatus zones,which are known as index zonal fossils for global correlation of the boundary between Middle and Upper Cambrian,and occurred in both areas.The first discovery of Erixanium in middle part of the Huaqiao Formation of the study area,suggests the subzone that bears its name in the Agnostus inexpectans-Proceratopyge protractaAssemblage Zone is correlatable with the Erixanium Zone in West Zhejiang.As the Agnostotes clavata-Irvingella angustilimbata and Corynexochus plumula-Sinoproceratopyge cf.kiangshanensis Zone consists of Pseudaagnostus(P.)communis,Proceratopyge(S.)dubius and P.(S.)kiangshensis,Agnostotes clavata[=Pseudoglyptagnostus clavatus],suggesting a correlation with the A.clavatus-Sinoprocertopyge kiangshanensis Zone in upper part of the Huayansi Formation in West Zhejiang.It is difficult to correlate with the L.punctatus-Hedinaspis Zone of the Xiyangshan Formation and the post A.clavata-Irvingellaangustilimbata Zone of the Bitiao Formation.The Rhaptagnostus ciliensis-Onchonotellus cf.kuruktagnostus and E.decorus-Kaolishaniella Zones may be generally compared with the lower part of the Lotagnostus punctagnostus Zone in West Zhejiang.The L.punctatus Zone-Hedinaspis regalis Zone of west Zhejiang bears L.punctatus and Ketyna zhejiangensis.These two species appeared also in the L.punctatus-H.regalis Zone in West Hunan.3.2.2 Correlation between the study area and Northern margin of Yangtze PlatformThe North Yangtze Platform region is situated around the borders between Sichuan,Hubei and Shanxi provinces.It was poorly known because of lacking fossils and lithofacies data.Since the early 1990"s,great improvement in the Cambrian biostratigrahy and lithofacies has been carried out by Yang etal.(1991).According to analysis of lithofacies and biostratigraphy,there exist slope belts.Six trilobite zones were established by Yang et al.(1991)(Text-figure 9).Peng(2000)revised some of the trilobite species names for these zones.Except for the Xystridura?jielingensis Zone that is non-agnostoid,all other zones are based on agnostoids and correlatable widely.Notably,the Ptychagnostus atavus and Lejopyge laevigata-Clavagnostus(P.)variatus Zones occurred respectively in the base and top of the Baguamiao Formation of the late Middle Cambrian in North Yangtze Platform.These two zones indicate direct correlation with the P.atavus and L.laevigata Zones in Western Hunan,but the other zones bracketed between these two zones cannot be correlated with the study area on a one by one basis.The Gonignostus nathorsti Zone contains Hypagnostus parvifrons and H.brevifrons.Upward,the Fenghuangella and Shengia zones are difficult to correlate with those of West Hunan.Above the Shengia zone,there are hardly any fossils found in the North Yangtze slope belt probably because of an unsuitable,weakly reducing carbonate setting.3.2.3 Correlation between the study area and Xinjiang(Kuruktag)The trilobite faunas from the Kuruktag area of Xinjiang(Xiang et al.,1985)are similar to those of the study area(Text-figure 9),both belong to the Southeast-China Type(Lu et al.1974).As a zonal fossil of the Middle Cambrian,Ptychagnostusatavus occurs in both areas,and therefore can make direct correlation each other.The Pt.punctusus Zone of the Wangcunian Stage may be compared with the Pt.punctuosus Zone of the Moheishan Group;while the Goniagnostus nothorsti Zone of the Wangcunian Stage contains Pseudophalacromaovale,suggesting a correlation with the Ps.ovale Zone of the Moheish Group in Kuruktag.The L.laevigata Zone bears two important elements(L.laevigataand L.sinensis),indicating a correlation with the top part of the Moheishan Group that contains L.laeviata and L.sinensis.Both the Proagnostus bulbus and Linguagnostus reconditus Zones contain Buttsia(Waergangia)globosa in West Hunan,a species also appeared in the bottom of the Buttsia-Acmarhachis Zone of the Torsuqtagh Group in Kuruktag.In Kururtag of Xingjing,due to the Liostracina Zone yielding G.stolidotus,Liostracina,Bergeronites,Shengia and Pseudagnostus,it can be approximately aligned with the G.stolidotus Zone of West Hunan.The interval from the G.reticulates Zone to E.decorus-Kaolishaniella Zone in the study area does not seem to have any equivalents in the Torsuqtngh Group of Kuruktag.Farther upward,the Lotagnostus hedini and L.astaticus-Hedinaspis regalis Zones in the Torsuqtagh Group may be correlated with the L.punctatus-H.regalis Zone and the P.nasailis-P.hunanensis Zone of the Taoyuanina Stage in West Hunan,interims of the existence of L.punctatus,Hedinaspis and Charchqia in both zones.3.2.4 Correlation between the study area and Australia(Queensland)The upper part of the Late Templetionian(Floran)Stage of Queensland in eastern Australia marked by Acidusus atavus(=Pt.atavus)and Euagnostus opimus is correlatable with the Ptychagnostus atavus Zone of west Hunan(Text-figure 9).In addition,the Pt.punctuosus Zone occurs in both areas,suggesting direct correlation.The Doryagnostus notalibrae and the Goniagnostus nathorsti Zones of the Undillan Stage are correlative with the G.nathorsti Zone of West Hunan.In Queensland,the L.laevigata Zone consists of Ptychagnostus cassis,Proampyx agra,Holteria arepo,Damesella torosa/Ascionepea janitrix.This zone and the succeeding Erediaspis eretes Zone can be correlated with the L.laevigata-Proagnostus bulbus Zone and the Linguagnostus reconditus Zone in west Hunan.The Cyclagnostus quasivespa Zone of the Mindayalian Stage is correlatable with the interval with the Proagnostus bulbus Zone and the Linguagnostus reconditus Zone of western Hunan.Glyptagnostus stolidotus is common to both Australia and west Hunan,suggesting a direct correlation with each other.The Idamean Stage of Queensland is correlative with lower three zones of the Waergangian in the study area because it is defined by the appearance of Glyptagnostus reticulates(s.s.)and is overlain by Irvingella tropica,a species closely resembling I.angustilimbata.Angnostus inexpectans in the upper part of the G.reticulates Zone in Queensland may indicate that the base of the Agnostus inexpectans-P.(P.)protractaZone correlates with a level within the G.reticculatus Zone of Queensland.The assemblage with Irvingella,Prochuangia,Stigmatoa,Eugonocare,Agnostotes and Protemnites from the I.tropicaZone in Queensland(Shergold,1982)is also known from the Agnostus clavata-I.angastilimbataZone to the E.decorus-Kaolishaniella Zone of the study area.In Queensland,the Wentsuia-Rh.apsis Zone(Shergold,1980)contains Rhptagnostus cf.impressus which is similar to R.ciliensis of the R.ciliensis-O.cf.kuruktagensis Zone in west Hunan,while Onchontellus and Maladiodellaare also known from the W.iota-R.aspsis Zone.Peichiashaniellus secunda-Prochuangia glabellamay be correlated with Eolotagnostus decorus Zone-Kaolishshania Zone in west Hunan.3.2.5 Correlation between the study area and Kazakhstan(Malyi Karatau)The Cambrian System in the Malyi Karatau region of Kazakhstan can be recognized as a part of westward extension from the Tianshan Mountains in northwest China,where the Cambrian strata are relatively well exposed(see above).The Middle and Late Cambrian faunas of southern Kazakhstan are similar to those of western Hunan.Trilobites from the Kyrshabakty and Batyrbai sections in Malyi Karatau(Ergaliev,1980,1983a,1983b;Apollonov and Chugaeva,1983a,1983b)provide a basis for precise correlation of the Kazakh sequences with the study area(Text-figure 9).The lower part of the Amginian Stage is characterized by the Peronopsis?ultimus Zone,which is approximately correlated with the O.ovientalis Zone in the study area.Upward the Pt.atavus Zone indicates direct correlation with the Pt.atavus Zone in the upper part of the Amginian.Both the Pt.punctuosus and Goniagnostus nathorsti Zones of the Wangcuaian Stage are also found in the Mayanian Stage of Kazakhastan.In Kazakhastan,the L.armataZone contains Ptychagnostusaculeatus,Goniagnostus longispinus,Linguagnostus tricuspis,L.calvus,Homagnostus pater,Pseudophalacroma,Clavagnostus,Ammagnostus,Grandagnostus,Oidalagnostus,Dorypyge,Fuchouia,Lisania,Corynexochus,Prodamesella,Meringaspis,Buttsia,Damesella and Blackwelderia,among which many are common genera in the Goniagnostus nathorsti Zone of the study area.Upward,the L.laevigata Zone occurs in both areas.The Proagnostus bulus and Linguagnostus reconditus zones were below the G.stolidotus Zone in the study area,and can therefore be approximately correlated with the Kormagnostus simplex Zone of the Ajusockanian Stage based on their stratigraphic position.As both G.stolidotus and G.reconditus zones appear in both areas,they suggest a direct and accurate correlation.The Homagnostus hoiformis Zone can only be approximately equated with the Erixanium cf.E.sentum subzone of the study area due to this subzone bearing H.hoiformis.An assemblage of A.clavatus with Irvingella has been recorded from the base of the Pseudagnostus curtare Zone in Malyi Karatau(Ergaliev,1980,1983a,1983b).Additionally,the assemblage and the overlying Ivshinagnostus ivshini Zone in Kazkhstan also contains E.(Pseudeugnocare),Corynexochus plumula,Stigmatoa,Ivshinagnostus,Peratagnostus and Acutatagnostus,suggesting an alignment with the A.clavatus-I.angustilimbata Zone of the study area.The Ps.pseudagnostilobus Zone of the lower part of the Malykaratauian Stage may be compared with the Rh.cliensis-O.cf.kuruktagensis Zone to the E.decorus-Kaolishaniella Zone in the study area.




1 atm =760 torr3040 torr = 4 atmP1V1=P2V24atm * V1 = 8atm * 100LV1=200L (B)


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exactly rightly correctly 区别

exactly,字面意思是准确,是对前面描述的信息的肯定;rightly,正确的,得体的。着重于陈述前面是一个正确的信息。Correctly 正确的 (注意: 正确不一定恰当,反之依然。)希望我的回答可以帮助到你,望采纳,谢谢

examine check test correct

作为名词: examination的缩写形式是exam,意为“考试,测试,检查”,常指比较正式的学期或升学考试,也可指临时性的考试。 She passed the mid-term exam. 她期中考试及格。 He failed in the exam. 他考试不及格。 He took the entrance examination for high school last week. 他上学期参加了高中入学考试。 We had a physical examination yesterday. 我们昨天进行了体检。 test 意为“测验,测试,小考”,常指具有某种目的的临时性测验,小考。 We took a test in spelling yesterday. 我们昨天进行了拼写测试。 The teacher gave us a test in maths. 老师对我们进行数学考查。 动词: examine to consider or study an idea, a subject, etc. very carefully审查;调查;考查;考察; These ideas will be examined in more detail in Chapter10. 这些观点将在第10章作更为详细的探讨。 examine sth/sb(for sth) to look at sth/sb closely, to see if there is anything wrong or to find the cause of a problem.(仔细的)检查,检验; The goods were examined fro damage on arrival. 货物到达时检查是否有破损。 The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong. 医生给她作了检查,但没发现什么问题。 examine sb(in/on sth)考,测验(某人)The students will be examined in all subjects at the end of term. 期末时学生须要参加所有学科的考试 You are only being examined on this semester"s work. 现在只考你在本学期学的课程。 check check sth (for sth) to examine sth to see if it is correct, safe or satisfactory 检查;审查;检验 Check the container for cracks or leaks. 检验容器是否有裂缝或渗漏。 She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check. 她把会议记录交给我审阅。 Check the oil and water before setting off. 出发前应查一下油和水。 Check your work before handing it in. 交作业之前先检查一遍。 test to examine sb"s knowledge or ability by asking them questions or giving them activities to carry out 测验;考查 We test your English before deciding which class to put you in. 我们测验过你的英语后再决定把你分在哪一班。 Children are tested on core subjects at ages 7,11and 14. 儿童在7、11和14岁时要接受核心课程的测验。 test sb/sth(for sth) to examine the blood, a part of the body, etc. to find out what is wrong with a person, or to check the condition of their health. 试验;检查;化验 to test sb"s eyesight/hearing 检查某人的视力/听力 test sth(on sth/for sth) to use a machine, product or substance to find out how well it works or to find out more information about it 试验;检验;测试 You should test your brakes regularly. 你应该定期检验刹车。 Our beauty products are not tested on animals. 我们的美容产品不进行动物试验。 The water is regularly tested for purity. 水的纯度定期受的检测。 correct to make sth right or accurate, for example by changing it or removing mistakes改正;纠正;修正 Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find. 从头到尾看一遍你们的作业,发现错误的地方都要改正过来。 Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser. 他们的视力用激光只要几分钟就可校正。 They issued a statement correcting the one they had made earlier. 他们发表了一份声明,更正早先声明中的错误。 (of a teacher)to mark the mistakes in a piece of work (and sometimes give a mark /grade to the work)批改;改 I spent all evening correcting essays. 我整个晚上都在批改论文。

请教FORTRAN中的错误forrtl:severe:Program Exception-array bounds exceeded

!选出了最大的,并保存其位置 do i=k,n do j=k,n if( abs(A(i,j))>D ) then D=A(i,j) end if end do end do is=i js=j在此段代码中,当两个DO循环结束后,其i和j的值都为n+1,即is和js也为n+1,若用此值作为数组的下标,则会出“下标超界”的错误。而你给出的错误提示也正是如此。


C:/Windows/PCHEALTH/ERRORREP/UserDumps中的是这些文件就是系统出错时自动产生的一种记录出错时系统状态的日志文件,是可以删掉的。建议先用SFC修复一下系统文件试试(开始→所有程序→附件→命令提示符,键入“Sfc /scannow”,按下回车键后,“系统文件检查器”就会开始检查当前的系统文件是否有损坏、版本是否正确,如果发现错误,程序会要求你插入WinXP安装光盘来修复或者替换不正确的文件。),你可以直接删除。

求sj歌曲应援口号!就是比较有代表性的,比如 Mr.simple , sexy,free&single,sorry sorry,from u之类的!

[ Mr. Simple uc751uc6d0ubc95 ] 【Mr,.Simple 应援】* uad75uc740 uae00uc528ub97c uc678uccd0uc8fcuc138uc694!! (ud30cub780uc0c9,uc8fcud669uc0c9)【蓝色、橘黄色】Because You Naughty, Naughty Hey! Mr. Simple Because You Naughty, Naughty(uc288.ud37c.uc8fc.ub2c8.uc5b4. ubbf8.uc2a4.ud130.uc2ec.ud50c. uc288.ud37c.uc8fc.ub2c8.uc5b4. ubbf8.uc2a4.ud130.uc2ec.ud50c) ub5bcub808ub5bcub5bcub5bc~ uc288uc8fc uac04ub2e4!【Syu Po Ju Ni o Mi Su To Sim Pur Syu Po Ju Ni o Mi Su To Sim Pur】【SuJu Kan Da】(SuJu来了!)uc138uc0c1uc774 ub0b4 ub9d8ub300ub85c uc548 ub41cub2e4uace0 ud654ub9cc ub0b4uba74 uc548 ub3fc uadf8ub7f4 ud544uc694 uc5c6uc9c0 (uc870uaddcud604)【Jo Kyu Hyun】uac71uc815ub3c4 ud314uc790ub2e4 uc791uc740 uc77cuc5d0 ub108ubb34 uc5f0uc5f0ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uc790 ubab8uc5d0 uc88buc9c0 uc54auc544 (ucd5cuc2dcuc6d0)【Choi Si won】uc131uc801uc774 uc88buc558ub2e4uac00 ub098ube74ub2e4uac00 uadf8ub7f0 uac70uc9c0 ubb50 ud765! uc2e4uc801uc774 uc62cub790ub2e4uac00 ub5a8uc5b4uc84cub2e4 uadf8ub7f0 ub54cub3c4 uc788uc9c0 (uae40ud76cucca0)【Kim Hee Chul】uc5b4uca4cuba74 uad1cucc2euc544 uc26cuc5b4 uac00ub294 uac83ub3c4 uc88buc544 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc774 ub54c, ub54c, ub54c, ub54c, ub54cuac00 uc788ub294 uac70ub2c8uae4c (uc774ub3d9ud574)【Ee Dong Hae】uadf8ub300uac00 ub0a8uc790ub77cuba74 uce5cuad74 ub9ccub098 uc220 ud55c uc794uc5d0 ud138uc5b4ubc84ub9acuace0 (Alright!) Alright (Alright!)(uae40uc885uc6b4)【Kim Jung Un】uadf8ub300uac00 uc5ecuc790ub77cuba74 uce5cuad74 ub9ccub098 uc218ub2e4 ub5a8uc5b4 ub0a0ub824ubc84ub9acuace0 (Alright!) Alright, Alright!(uae40ub824uc6b1)【Kim Ryeo Wook】ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838【Mot Jyo】(帅气)ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!)ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838【Mot Jyo】ufeff(帅气)ufeffubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!)uac00uc790 uac00uc790 uc5b4uc11c uac00uc790 ub9c9ud614uc744 ub550 ub3ccuc544uac00uc790 uace8uce58 uc544ud30c uc8fduaca0ub2e4uba74 uc624ub298 ud558ub8e8ub9cc ub180uace0 ubcf4uc790uc548 uadf8ub798ub3c4 uac70uce5c uc138uc0c1 uc8fduc5b4ub77c ub6f0uba74 ub098ub9cc uc9c0uccd0 uae30ub2e4ub824ubd10 uc544uaef4ub46c ubd10 ub108uc758 ub0a0uc774 uace7 uc62c ud14cub2c8uae4cBlow Your Mind uac00ub77c Mr. SimpleBlow Your Mind ub54cuac00 uc654uc796uc544 ub450ub824uc6cc ub9d0uace0Blow Your Mind uac00uc790 Mr. SimpleBlow Your Mind ub54cuac00 uc654uc796uc544 uc900ube44 ub410uc796uc544 uc18d uc369ub294 uc77cuc774 ud55c ub450 uac00uc9c0 uc544ub2cc uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uc6b0ub9b0 uc0b4uc544 uadf8uac74 uc560ub3c4 uc54cuc544 (uc774uc131ubbfc)【Ee Sung Min】ubb50 uc774ub807uac8c uc5b4ub835ub098 uc6b0ub9ac uc798 uba39uace0 uc798 uc790uace0 ub610 uc798ud558uba74 uadf8ub807uac8c ud558uba74 ub418uc9c0 (ubc15uc815uc218)【Park Jung Soo】uadf8ub300uac00 ud654uac00 ub098uba74 uce5cuad74 ub9ccub098 ub4b7ub2f4ud654ub85c ud480uc5b4ubc84ub9acuace0 (Alright!) Alright (Alright!)(uae40ub824uc6b1)【Kim Ryeo Wook】uadf8ub300uac00 uad34ub86dub2e4uba74 ub178ub798 ubd88ub7ec uc18cub9ac uc9c8ub7ec ub0a0ub824ubc84ub9acuace0 (Alright!) Alright, (Alright!)(uc774ud601uc7ac)【Ee Hyuk Jae】ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838【Mot Jyo】(帅气)ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!)ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838【Mot Jyo】ufeff(帅气)ufeffubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!)Dance! uc790uc720ub780 uac8c ubb50 uadf8ub9ac ubcc4uac70 uc788ub098 Just Get It Get It uc18cuc18cud55c uc77cud0c8uc758 uc7acubbf8 ub465ub465ub465 ucff5ucff5ucff5【Dung Dung Dung Kung Kung Kung】(ubc15uc815uc218)【Park Jung Soo】uc0b4uc544uc788ub294 uadf8ub308 ub290ub07cuace0 uc2f6ub098 Just Grab It Grab It uac00uc2b4 ub6f0ub294 ub0b4 uafc8ub4e4uc758 uc598uae30 ub465ub465ub465 ucff5ucff5ucff5 【Dung Dung Dung Kung Kung Kung】 (uc2e0ub3d9ud76c)【Shin Dong Hee】Because You Naughty, Naughtyuc774uc81c uac71uc815 ud558uc9c0ub9c8 uc55euc5d4 uc88buc740 ub0a0uc774 uc62c uac70uc57c uc2ecuac01ud55c uc598uae34 ub2e4 ub4a4ub85c ubbf8ub904ub450uace0uc624ub298uc740 ubc1duac8c uc6c3uc5b4ubd10 uadf8ub300uc758 ud658ud55c uc6c3uc74cuc5d0 ubaa8ub450 uae30ubd84 uc88buc544uc838ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838【Mot Jyo】(帅气)ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!)ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838【Mot Jyo】ufeff(帅气)ufeffubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!)uac00uc790 uac00uc790 uc5b4uc11c uac00uc790 ub9c9ud614uc744 ub550 ub3ccuc544uac00uc790 uace8uce58 uc544ud30c uc8fduaca0ub2e4uba74 uc624ub298 ud558ub8e8ub9cc ub180uace0 ubcf4uc790uc548 uadf8ub798ub3c4 uac70uce5c uc138uc0c1 uc8fduc5b4ub77c ub6f0uba74 ub098ub9cc uc9c0uccd0 uae30ub2e4ub824ubd10 uc544uaef4ub46c ubd10 ub108uc758 ub0a0uc774 uace7 uc62c ud14cub2c8uae4cBlow Your Mind uac00ub77c Mr. SimpleBlow Your Mind ub54cuac00 uc654uc796uc544 ub450ub824uc6cc ub9d0uace0Blow Your Mind uac00uc790 Mr. Simple Blow Your Minduac00ub77c Mr. Simple【KaRa Mr.Simple】(去吧 Mr.Simple)So!rry! So!rry!uc288!ud37c!uc8fcub2c8!uc5b4! Shaw!ty! Shaw!ty! uc288!ud37c!uc8fcub2c8!uc5b4!] ------------------------------------------------------- 完整口号 **口号 = [] *SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 [ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800] ub124uac8c ub124uac8c [ub124uac8c ube60uc838] ube60uc838 ube60uc838 [ubc84ub824 baby] SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 [ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154] uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 [ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600] ub0b4uac00 ubbf8uccd0 [ubbf8uccd0 baby] ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294 ub208ube5buc18duc5d0 ub208ube5buc18duc5d0 ub098ub294ub9c8uce58 ub098ub294ub9c8uce58 ubb50uc5d0ud640ub9b0ub188 (uc774uc820 ubc97uc5b4ub098uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574) uac78uc5b4uc624ub294 ub108uc758ubaa8uc2b5 ub108uc758ubaa8uc2b5 ub108ub294ub9c8uce58 ub0b4uc2ecuc7a5uc744 ubc1fuace0uc654ub098ubd10 (uc774uc820 ubc97uc5b4ub098uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574) uc5b4ub51cuac00ub098 ub2f9ub2f9ud558uac8c uc6c3ub294 ub108ub294 [ub9e4ub825uc801] ucc29ud55cuc5ecuc790 一色uc774ub780 uc0dduac01ub4e4uc740 [ubcf4ud3b8uc801] ub3c4ub3c4ud558uac8c uac70uce68uc5c6uac8c uc815ub9d0 ub108ub294 [ud658uc0c1uc801] ub3ccuc774ud0acuc218 uc5c6uc744ub9ccud07c ub124uac8c ube60uc838 [ubc84ub838uc5b4] *SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 [ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800] ub124uac8c ub124uac8c [ub124uac8c ube60uc838] ube60uc838 ube60uc838 [ubc84ub824 baby] SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 [ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154] uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 [ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600] ub0b4uac00 ubbf8uccd0 [ubbf8uccd0 baby] ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 (ub124uac8c ubc18ud574ubc84ub838uc5b4 baby) ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub77cube60ube60ub77c (Hey, girl) gir, gir, gir, gir, gir, girl, i ub208ub9cc ub728uba74 ub2c8 uc0dduac01 (Hey, girl) uc790ub098uae68ub098 uc0acuc2e4 ub108 ud558ub098ubc16uc5d0 uc548ubcf4uc5ec [ub9d0ud574ubd10] ub9d8uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 [ub9d0ud574ubd10] uc790ub9ac uc7a1uc558ub294uc9c0 [ub9d0ud574uc918] ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 (ub098ub294 ubc14ubcf4 [ubc14ubcf4 ubc14ubcf4]) uc8fcubcc0uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ub9d0ud574 ub0b4uac00 ub108ubb34 [uc801uadf9uc801] uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uadf8ub7f0 uc0acub78c uc5b4ub514 ud55cub458[uc774ub0d0uace0] uadf8uac78 ubab0ub77c, uadf8ub148 ubab0ub77c uc2dcuae30ud558uba70 [ud558ub294 ub9d0] ub0b4uac00 ubd80ub7fdub2e4uba74 uadf8uac74 uadf8ub300ub4e4uc774 [uc9c0ub294 uac70] *SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 [ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800] ub124uac8c ub124uac8c [ub124uac8c ube60uc838] ube60uc838 ube60uc838 [ubc84ub824 baby] SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 [ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154] uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 [ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600] ub0b4uac00 ubbf8uccd0 [ubbf8uccd0 baby] ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 (ub124uac8c ubc18ud574ubc84ub838uc5b4 baby) ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub77cub77cub77c, ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub77cube60ube60ub77c Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance dance Hey uc774uc81c uadf8ub9cc ub0b4uac8c uc640uc904ub798. uc815ub9d0 ubbf8uce60 uac83ub9cc uac19uc544 yeah ub09c ub108ub9cc uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4. uc808ub300 ub2e4uc2dc ud55cub208 ud314 uc0dduac01 uc5c6uc5b4 [hey] uc560uc778uc774ub77cuae30ubcf4ub2e4 uce5cuad6c uac19uc740 ub0b4uac00 [ub418uace0 uc2f6uc5b4] ub108uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uace0ubbfc, uc2acud514, ud568uaed8 uac04uc9c1[ud558uace0ud30c] ub2e4uc2dcuc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub9ccud07c ub108ub97c ub108ubb34 [uc0acub791ud574] ub0b4uac00 ubc14ub780 uc0acub78c. ub2c8uac00 ubc14ub85c uadf8 that [that that girl]. *SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 [ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800] ub124uac8c ub124uac8c [ub124uac8c ube60uc838] ube60uc838 ube60uc838 [ubc84ub824 baby] SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 [ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154] uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 [ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600] ub0b4uac00 ubbf8uccd0 [ubbf8uccd0 baby] Dance Dance Dance Dance Digidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry] SORRY~~ [So!rry! So!rry!uc288!ud37c!uc8fcub2c8!uc5b4! Shaw!ty! Shaw!ty! uc288!ud37c!uc8fcub2c8!uc5b4!]

Eternal Tears Of Sorrow乐队中文名字叫什么???


curious about my correction,he asked curious为什么要去be动词

curious的意思是好奇的,是形容词,前面是要接be动词的具体要根据前面人称把be换成am, is, are



horrible; dreadful; fearful; frightful;terrible;awful,这几个词都有可怕的意思,那么它们有什么区别?


i am awfully sorry.


i am awfully sorry一般怎么回答

i am awfully sorry意思是我非常抱歉。 I accept your apology. 我接受你的道歉。 I forgive you. 我原谅你。 扩展资料   I am awfully sorry this. I"ll change it at once.   非常抱歉,我马上去修改。   I am awfully sorry. I do not realize.   非常抱歉。我没注意。   Oh, dear, I am awfully sorry about your bad luck.   哦,天哪,我真为你的.不幸感到难过。   I am awfully sorry that this has happened.   发生了这事我非常遗憾。   I am awfully sorry, there must be some mistake. I will change it for you immediately.   真的很对不起,一定是搞错了,我立刻替您更换。

aww never sorry 字幕高清在线观看,爱薇薇aww520520aww,aww什么意思

估计是all sucks(一切都糟透了)的和谐说法,就像他们一般把shit说成shoot一样



求。tablo 唱的【tomorrow】“中文音译”歌词!

no no no no more tomorrowX2撒拉内 按内NIA够 看嫩给希噶嫩 KO那打狗 看大给 撒拉嫩 给琼那狗 撒嫩给哈您DAYbaby there"s no ,no tomorrow可DAY可DAY咯。 NO梦秋一狗 吗起码 可森噶嫩 莫木希噶 NO也给 可就几嫩 那你几码baby there"s no no no,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no ,no tomorrow卡死梅 杰狗哥 批咯GI 打闹了几狗 哈雷翘咯 就木咯 PIA咯了 内谷撒嫩秋 PIAO第读雷 哈几度内 sei撒内 表那莫锁(表那莫锁)撒拉DAY嫩大 破啦表妹nu给 肯呢狗啦 NO里寒诶 都谷给 退 给狗YIN嫩 退给希咯斗为 都得噶嫩NO GI搜莫门得哈几码那 内了 黑噶DAY打嫩吗 黑哇办不得看看吗那求么TEI你KI哟对耶 大你公得 大呢吗 NO外肯心莫难嘎嘎怕 那秋么TEI你。他好吗 你恰那 NO也给内他洗 破一几吗 内给就呢 票那几啊那诶吗米都 撒特那黑豆 搞噶度 baby there"s no ,no tomorrow可DAY可DAY咯。 NO梦秋一狗 吗起码 可森噶嫩 莫木希噶 NO也给 可就几嫩 那你几码baby there"s no no no,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no no no,no tomorrow素古偷并 去古并搜WIN DAYNO了蛮那噶 波大秋哇 破WIN DAY一姐汗SO敏 NO WIN DAY 那艘米秋WIN 内 米艘噶那马莫艘GIN 内 YE~KIANG吧没起GI内艘 吗米气米对艘 吗你皮我DAY艘 穷吗米气给艘 内噶特里几按嫩为咯得~(切白克吗类)撒拉嫩 大嫩撒拉嫩 为嫩大了吗那也给 你表波大 SEI思了 蛮那么TEI你西噶你大 诶噶类囧 大了吗那也给 没送吗里 兔跟DAY 谈撒么TEI你克DAY撒拉你按多 盘嫩大狗 表嫩给 西噶你难够 狗嫩da古表嫩给撒拉门 送门西 那狗撒嫩给 按你够 一姐那宁DAYno ,no more tomorrowno ,no more tomorrow你个 土大为 DAY噶几no, no , no more tomorrow内给 土大为 DAY 噶及no ,no ,no more tomorrowbaby there"s no ,no tomorrow可DAY可DAY咯。 NO梦秋一狗 吗起码 可森噶嫩 莫木希噶 NO也给 可就几嫩 那你几码baby there"s no ,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no ,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no ,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no ,no tomorrow


No no no no no tomorrow No no no no no tomorrow爱情是获得了就能拥有 时间是行走了就能前进人类却不是只要呼吸就能生存Baby there"s no No tomorrow就像从前 我停滞不前虽然最后这一瞬间中停驻的时间 于你而言只是过去时Baby there"s no no no no no no No more tomorrowTill you come back Everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no no no no no no No more tomorrow撕扯着心脏的那些记忆如撕下日历一年过去 假装已经忘记你继续生活我的世界仍是一切照旧 只是没有了你若是他人回首而视 不过只是一笑而过而扭过望着你的脸都异常艰难的我什么都不想听 为什么还是这么喧哗 我停驻在此别说明天的太阳会照常升起这样的话比起和你在一起的夜晚 更像是天色阴霾的早晨下雨过后大地仍旧干涸 这样的话比起和你在一起的担忧 更像是憋闷的安慰l"ve got no tomorrow 一切都乱七八糟不是么之于你是春天 之于我却是再也不会变换的季节即使我的心还会发芽l"ve got no tomorrowBaby there"s no no tomorrow 就像从前 我停滞不前虽然最后这一瞬间中停驻的时间 于你而言只是过去时Baby there"s no no no no no no No more tomorrowTill you come back Everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no no no no no no No more tomorrow心底是空空如也的失色微笑听说比起与我交往时 现在的你更安然无恙听说现在的你已释怀 我的呼吸却被勒紧 微笑唯独骗不了我自己 Yeah尝试过得一如往常心情却负重累累 空空荡荡真的要疯了 请停止赐我那些我听不见的慰藉吧爱情需要用下一段爱情去遗忘这样的话对我来说 比起离别 更像是凄冷的重逢时间可以治愈一切这样的话对我来说 像是每个瞬间都在垂死挣扎的生命是啊 所谓爱情是获得了就能拥有 时间是行走了就能前进而我现在才懂得 人类并不是只要呼吸就能生存No no more tomorrow No no more tomorrow 直到你回到我身边为止 No noNo more tomorrow直到你回到我身边为止No noNo more tomorrow Baby there"s no No tomorrow 就像从前 我停滞不前虽然最后这一瞬间中停驻的时间 于你而言只是过去时Baby there"s no no no no no no No more tomorrowTill you come back Everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no no no no no no No more tomorrowTill you come back to me Everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no no no no no no No more tomorrowTill you come back Everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no no no no no no No more tomorrow


Tablo – Tomorrow (�5�3�1�3�0�9) feat. Taeyang (�5�1�2�0) LyricsRomanizationNo, no, no, no more tomorrowNo, no, no, no more tomorrowsarangeun, bad neun dago gat neungeshiganeun, geod neun dago ga neungesarameun, sum shwin dago sa neungeanindeBaby there"s no, no tomorrowgeuttae geudaero, nan meomchwo itgomajimak geu sungane meomun shiganneo egen, geujeo jinan nal ijimanBaby there"s no, no, no, no more (No more) tomorrowTil you come back, everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no, no, no, no more (No more) tomorrowgaseumeul jjit deon geu gieoki dallyeogeul jjitgohanhae cheoreom jeomureo ga neoreul itgosaneun cheok hagi do hae, ajikdo nae sesangeun byeon ham eobseoneoman eobseosaram deureun da, dora bomyeon utgedweneun georae neoreul hyanghaet deongogaereul teulgi do himdeun naegedeud gido shilheunde wae tteo deulkka? nan yeogiseo meomun dahajimara nae ireun, hae ga tteun da neun malneowa ye bam boda kamkam han achim il tenibi on dwi e ttangi gud neun da neun malneowa ye geunshim boda dabdab han anshim il tenida eongmang i janhaneo ege neun dashi bomi jiman nae gye jeoreun byeon haji anhanae maeumi tto, ssak teun da hae doI"ve got no tomorrowBaby there"s no, no tomorrowgeuttae geudaero, nan meomchwo itgomajimak geu sungane meomun shiganneo egen, geujeo jinan nal ijimanBaby there"s no, no, no, no more (No more) tomorrowTil you come back, everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no, no, no, no more (No more) tomorrowsogeun teong bin, jugeun miso indeneoreul mannal ttae boda joha bo indaeijen han sumi noh inde, nan sumi jo inemiso ga naman mot sogi ne, yeahpyeong beom hae jigin haesseomaeumi jimi dwaeseo, manhi biwo naesseojeongmal michigesseonaegen deulliji anhneun wiro deul, jebal geumanhaesarangeun dareun sarangeuro itneun da neun malna egen ibyeol boda sseulsseul han mannam il tenishigani da hae gyeol hae junda neun malna egen mae sungani jugeun deut han salmil tenigeurae sarang iran geon, bad neun dago gat neungeshigan iran geon, geot nun dago ga neungesarameun, sum shwin dago sa neungeaningeol ijen anindeNo, no more tomorrow.No, no more tomorrow.niga dora olttae kkajinNo, no, no more tomorrow.naege dora olttae kkajinNo, no, no more tomorrow.Baby there"s no, no tomorrowgeuttae geudaero, nan meomchwo itgomajimak geu sungane meomun shiganneo egen, geujeo jinan nal ijimanBaby there"s no, no, no, no more (No more) tomorrowTil you come back, everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no, no, no, no more (No more) tomorrowTil you come back, everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no, no, no, no more tomorrowTil you come back, everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no, no, no, no more tomorrowEnglish TranslationNo, no, no, no more tomorrowNo, no, no, no more tomorrowReceiving love doesn"t mean you have itCovering time doesn"t mean it passesBreathing doesn"t mean you liveDoesn"t mean* Baby there"s no, no tomorrowI"m stopped still from that time, that placeIt"s the last, lingering momentAlthough for you, it was just a passing day** Baby there"s no, no, no, no more tomorrowTill you come back, everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no, no, no, no more tomorrowThe memories that ripped apart my heart rip the days of the calendar and fades away like the end of the yearI live as I pretend to forget you – my world still hasn"t changed – you"re still not therePeople all say that if you look back, you will laughEven though I have a hard time turning my head that used to face youI don"t want to hear it but why do they keep blabbering? I"m lingering hereDon"t say that the sun will rise tomorrowBecause it will be a darker morning than a night with youDon"t say that the ground hardens after the rainBecause it will be a relief that is more frustrating than our worriesEverything is a mess – it"s springtime again for you but seasons don"t change for meEven though you say my heart will bloom again, I"ve got no tomorrow* repeat** repeatMy insides are empty and my smile is deadBut you say that I look better than when I was with youYou say that you can let out a sigh of relief nowBut I"m running out of breath – the smile doesn"t deceive only meI did become normal – my heart became burdensome so I emptied it out a lotI"m really going crazy – please stop saying words of comfort that I can"t hearDon"t say that you can forget love by having a different loveBecause it will be a lonelier meet than separationDon"t say that time heals allBecause each moment will be like death for meYes, receiving love doesn"t mean you have itCovering time doesn"t mean it passesBreathing doesn"t mean you liveNow I knowNo, no more tomorrowNo, no more tomorrowTill you come backNo, no, no more tomorrowTill you come back to meNo, no, no more tomorrow* repeatBaby there"s no, no, no, no more tomorrowTill you come back, everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no, no, no, no more tomorrowTill you come back to meBaby there"s no, no, no, no more tomorrowTill you come back, everyday is yesterdayBaby there"s no, no, no, no more tomorrow

oops,sorry 啥意思?

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