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Is hydrogen chloride a covalent compound?

Is hydrogen chloride a covalent pound? Hydrogen can form hydride or hydrogen ion. Then why hydrogen chloride is a covalent pound? Since hydrogen is a cation and chloride is an anion. Hydrogen chloride is posed of diatomic molecules each consisting of a hydrogen atom H and a chlorine atom Cl connected by a **covalent single bond**. Since the chlorine atom is much more electronegative than the hydrogen atom the covalent bond beeen the o atoms is **quite polar**. Consequently the molecule has a **large dipole moment** with a negative partial charge δ- at the chlorine atom and a positive partial charge δ+ at the hydrogen atom. For such large dipole moment beeen the o atoms the electron cloud of the large chloride ion will be attracted near to the very *** all hydrogen iron. As a result the bonding beeen hydrogen and chlorine is called dipolar covalent bond. OK. The details of above explanations are taught at A-Level chemistry. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Hydrogen_chloride Hydrogen chloride is regarded as a molecule the atoms of which are binded together by covalent bond and its molecules are attracted together by hydrogen bond (much stronger van der waals forces). A covalent pound is a substance where its atoms are binded together by covalent bond only such as diamond. Since hydrogen chloride is highly soluble in water as represented by the following equation:- HCl(l) + H20(l) --------> H30+(aq) + Cl-(aq) Pure hydrogen chloride is a covalent pound which exists as molecules. When hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water hydrogen chloride is ionized to give hydrogen ion and chloride ion. However the solution is known as hydrochloric acid but not hydrogen chloride. HCl(g) + aq → H^+(aq) + Cl^-(aq)



谁能帮忙讲一下metallic bonds,ionic bonds,covalent bonds之间的关系和区别啊。。实在是搞不懂

三种都是化学键metallic bonds金属键,金属单质或者合金才会有。ionic bonds离子键,阴阳离子间形成的,有阳离子和阴离子,一般是盐和碱中才有。covalent bonds共价键,非金属元素之间的化学键,在离子化合物中、共价化合物中都有可能有。比如氢氧化钠中,钠离子与氢氧根离子是离子键,氢氧根里氢原子与氧原子是共价键。

covalent bonds同ionic bonds有咩分别

covalent bond = attraction beeen nuclei and electron ionic bond = attraction beeen cation(positively charged) and anion(negatively charged) To determine when to use covalent and when to use ionc you need to cosider the electronegativity beeen the atom Generally speak If the difference is *** aller than 2 the atoms are covalently bonded (further divided to polar and non-polar) while if the difference is larger than 2 the atoms are ionically bonded But for your level you may understand ionic bond as metal ion/ammonium ion(NH4+)/hydronium ion(H3O+) bonded with non-metal ion; and covalent bond as the bond formed beeen o or more non-metal atoms. 2011-06-23 18:38:53 补充: for the drawings ionic bond for example MgCl2 the diagram will be like [Mg]^2+ 2[Cl]- (note that you need to draw the valence electrons of the anion) 2011-06-23 18:40:55 补充: covalent bond for example O2 You need to draw the O atoms together that is their outermost electron shell overlap each other then draw the bonded electrons and unbonded electrons in the outermost shell of each atom 2011-06-24 13:11:58 补充: To Knowledge enhance Life: As I remember when drawing the diagram of ionic pound it is not necessary to draw the valence electron of the cation. 2011-06-28 14:39:32 补充: Oh I see thanks a lot!!! 参考: me me me Ionic bond -is formed by electron trfer电子转移 from a metallic atom  to a non-metallic atom. -the electrostatic attractive force beeen the positively  charged cation and the negatively charged anion -Non-directional because the attraction is in all directions -Example: NaCl Covalent bond -formed by electron sharing电子分享 beeen o non-metallic atoms. -The shared electrons are located in beeen the nuclei  of the bonding atoms. -Directional because the attraction only occurs on the direction joining the 2 atoms -Example: Cl2 How to draw? I have made o examples for you. Na(2 8 1) trfer one electron from its outermost shell to the outermost shell of Cl (2 8 7) Thus they obtain the octet structure Na bee positively charged and Cl bee negatively charged. 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA00524824/o/701106220074413873462470 By the sharing of electron both Cl(2 7) can obtain the Octet structure. Remarks: in drawing covalent bond You are required to show the electron of outermost shell . Dot and crisscross must be used together in order to distinguish electrons beeen o atoms. 2011-06-28 00:03:34 补充: I make an amendment here!!! If no any special requirement of the question it is not necessary to draw the valence electron of the cation. Thank you!! Please notice that: Covalent bond can be applied to both metals and non-metals (e.g. polyatomic ions) 一个化合物中 由金属及非金属组成 如 NaCl (氯化钠) 就系ionic covalent就系由非金属组成 如 CO2(二氧化碳) 咁你明啦- - 画图的话呢 书上就有ga啦。

Giant covalent structure

Most substances with giant covalent structure do not have van der Waals" forces. However if the giant covalent structure consists of LAYER structure there are van der Waals" forces beeen the layers of atoms. Graphite is typical example of giant covalent structure with layer structure. In graphite the carbon atoms joined together in a triangular shape with three carbon atoms and huge layers of carbon atoms are formed in this way. The layers of carbon atoms are thought to be as parallel planes and the adjacent layers of carbon atoms are held together by van der Waals" forces. 2008-03-21 23:16:12 补充: The following webpage shows the van der Waals" forces in graphite: substech/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch?w=&h=&cache=cache&media=graphite_structure 2008-03-21 23:29:23 补充: Three points must be noted : (1) In diamond each carbon atom is bonded tetrahedrally but there is NO GIANT TETRAHEDRON. 2008-03-21 23:29:40 补充: (2) NOT all substances with giant structure have structure like diamond. Some substances with gaint structure e.g. graphite have different structure (giant covalent structure consisting of layers of atoms). 2008-03-21 23:29:46 补充: (3) If the giant covalent structure consists of layers of atoms the atoms are joined together by covalent bonds to form layers of atoms and the layer of atoms are held together by van der Waals" forces. There is no van der Waals" forces in giant covalent strucutures because the atoms are joined by strong covalent bonds to form a continuous giant structure. We cannot find van der Waals" forces in graphite because graphite is a giant covalent structure formed by numerous carbon atoms into a giant tetrahedron. no you can not find the find van der Waals" forces in giant covalent structure. you just can find it in single covalent structure and simple molecular structure. 参考: my self