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是no pains,no gains还是no pain,no gain

no pain,no gain

no pain no gain什么意思


no pain no gain





1) repair的对象范围很广,从房屋、道路、机器到日常生活必需品,是使受到一定损失或失灵的东西恢复其形状或功能. 如:Who has repaired the broken leg of the table?谁把桌子的断腿修好了? 2) mend的意思是恢复某物原来的样子(包括用针、线来缝补),一般指较小之物. 如:This shirt is too old to mend.这件衣服太旧不能补了. 3) fix用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来.用于美国口语中,与repair无多大区别. Can you fix the broken chair? 你能修理那把坏了的椅子吗?

No pain, no gain 。Ok, I bear it 。


NO pain,no gain怎么读!! 谁可以告诉我,最好有中文表示的!!

nu0259u pein nu0259u ɡein

有条谚语到底是No pain,no gain还是No pains,no gains啊?

No pains,no gains不劳无获嘛!

No pain no gain需要加s吗?


NO money no talk或者 No pain no gain在语法上正确吗?


英语No pains,no gains是什么意思


No pain no gain ...pain和gain后面需要加s吗? 希望可以得到准确答案.谢谢

要加,因为句子的意思是:一份耕耘,一份收获。而我们知道pain 是痛苦的意思,而后面加了s就是努力的意思了,这个你可以查词典,pains 是努力的意思。对应的,gain 也应加s,是收获的意思。

是no pains,no gains?还是no pain,no gain

  no pain,no gain  n.不劳无获; “No pain, no gain ” is a mantra often used to motivate those hard slogs at the gym.  “没有疼痛就没有收获”这句箴言经常被用来激励那些在体育馆中艰难行走的人们。

是no pains,no gains还是no pain,no gain

no pains,no gains 一分耕耘一分收获

英语谚语(常用的)我需要,越多越好!谢谢! 例 no pain no gain 一份耕耘一份收

love me,love my dog。 爱屋及乌

求东方神起《NO PAIN NO GAIN》歌词!!~

bu xiao de

谁知道英语作文no pain no gain怎么写?

No pain no gain 没有付出就没有收获(No pain no gain!) I am sure everybody has specific attribute or quality distinguish me from anyone else. For me, I think perseverance is my specific attribute. Going through my past, I could see my perseverance was not inherited from my parents whom obviously different from me on this point, and I remember when I was young I never put my heart into one thing for a long time, today did this, tomorrow that, can"t have got one thing satisfied, so I was the useless one in the other"s eyes. When I was in high school, I was appointed as the leader of sports in our class. In fact, I did not know why I would be a leader of sports since I did not have sports strength. At the first year our school held an annual sports meeting, I joined it, actually I did not want to, but no choice, because I was a leader, and I chose the 3000m racing. Unfortunately, I won the last one, oh, my god, my face lost up, so sorry I felt. After that I made a resolution to practice it, every morning at 5 o"clock, I got up to run, just like this did it every day, no matter raining or snowing, I never gave it up. No pain no gain! This saying was totally right. I won the three successive championships of 3000m racing at our school sports meeting. I was so proud of myself. And more importantly, seeing it now is that my character had been changed, but that time I did not realize it, just did I knew when I chose something I would struggle to perform it till it was accomplished. Now I chose to improve English, I never worry about the result, I just knew learning a language need a long time, so I do it everyday, and even I would have left GLV. 没有付出就没有收获! 我相信每个人都有其和我不同的特定的人的品质和性格。对我来说,我想坚定不移是我的优良品质。 回想过去,我知道我那坚定不移的性格并不是从我父母那里继承过来的,他们在这一点上和我是那样的不同。我记得,我小时候,我从没有专心,长时间的关注过一件事,今天做这个。明天是那件。从没有做好国一件事情。因此在他们眼里,我是个没出息的人。 我上高中的时候,我被指派为班里的体育委员。事实上,我不知道为什么我会成为体育委员,因为我并没有太多的运动天赋。学校第一年的运动会,我报名参加了。事实上我并不想,然而我没有任何的选择,因为我是班里的体育委员。我参加的是3000米跑。太不幸了,我跑了个倒数第一名。我的脸都丢光了。我很沮丧的离开了。从那以后,我下决心好好锻炼。每天早上5点,我就起床跑步,天天如此,不管下雨还是下雪。我从没有放弃过。 不劳无获。我赢取了以后的学校运动会3000米跑3次金牌。我为我自己感到骄傲。而更为重要的是,我的性格改变了很多。虽然那个时候我并没有感觉到。做我选择了的事情,努力的,一直到做好。 我现在学习英语,我一点也不担心学习的结果,我知道学习语言有一个较长的过程,因此我每天都坚持,就算我离开平和我一样会。

求一首英文歌曲,歌词含有no pain no gain

Scorpio - no pain no gain No Pain No Gain by Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker & Mark Hudson Face in the gutter eyes on the floor Knocked down twice can"t take it no more You got no vision in your head You got no vision better dead Get on your feet open the door Walk on down you know the score It"s a dead-end street back to the wall You get it together you can get it all The weak will fall the strong remain No pain no gain (yeah) No pain no gain (yeah) No time for losers you make the call Believe in yourself stand tall Another day it"s in your hand You can be the winner in the end The weak will fall the strong remain No pain no gain (yeah) No pain no gain No pain no gain (yeah) No pain no gain (yeah, yeah) Keep runnin" don"t look back Keep movin" paint it black Keep goin" don"t ever stop There"s time to rest the day you"ll drop You roll the dice you play the game The weak will fall the strong remain No pain no gain No pain no gain ...

是no pains,no gains还是no pain,no gain

no pain, no gain. 学的是这个版本

no pains no gains有无s?

no pains no gains是需要加s的。句中的pain,原为不可数名词,疼痛,努力。此处是代表一份劳动,是可数名词。句中的gain,原为不可数名词,增加,利润,收获。此处的意思是一份东西,是可数名词。no pains no gains的意思为一分耕耘,一分收获。1、pain的用法:pain的基本意思是疼痛,痛苦,可指肉体上的疼痛,也可指精神,感情上的痛苦或悲痛,泛指疼痛时是不可数名词,特指身体某部位疼痛或pain前有形容词修饰时是可数名词。引申可作劳苦,辛劳,烦劳,麻烦的意思,是可数名词,多用复数形式,pain用作主语时,其谓语动词也用复数形式。pain前可加不定冠词修饰,疼痛部位可用介词in引出。表示阵阵疼痛或各种疼痛时也可用复数形式。在口语里pain还可表示令人厌烦的人或事物,常用于单数形式。2、gain的用法:gain的基本意思是获得,指经过努力或竞争而取得有价值或想要的东西,如成就,经验,荣誉等。引申可表示增加,增进,到达等。gain还可表示抵达。gain可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。gain作获得的意思时也可接双宾语。gain用作不及物动词时后接介词in表示在某方面有所增长。后接介词on或upon表示接近,胜过或赶上。扩展内容相关:重点词汇解释:1、painn. 疼痛;努力vt. 使…痛苦;使…烦恼vi. 感到疼痛;引起疼痛双语例句:He took great pains to see that he got it right.他下了很大的功夫以确保他弄对了。2、gainn. 增加;利润;收获vt. 获得;增加;赚到vi. 增加;获利双语例句:To gain a promotion,you might have to work overtime.为了得到晋升,你可能得加班。

no pain no gain 加s吗

两种写法都是正确的。pain,原为不可数名词,疼痛,努力。此处是代表一份劳动,是可数名词。gain,原味不可数名词,增加,利润,收获。此处的意思是一份东西,是可数名词。这个短语的意思为一分耕耘,一分收获。 No pains no gains例句 1、No pains no gains, Believes oneself, Nothing impossible! 没有付出就没有收获,相信自己,没有什么不可能! 2、I realize no pains no gains. 我懂得不劳无获。 3、We should know that "no pains no gains". 如果你过去没有做好,也不要失去自信。 4、No pains no gains, hard work a path to success. 不劳而获,努力工作是通往成功之路。 5、But "no pains no gains"; you will feel quite excited when you see the big performance improvement you have made. 但是“一分耕耘,一分收获”,当看到性能获得较大的提高时,您会感到十分兴奋。 No pain, no gain例句 1、No pain, no gain, right? 没有痛苦没有收获,对吗? 2、Just as we say in English," No pain, no gain ". 就像我们英国人常说的:没有痛苦就没有收获。 3、That might consign the adage "no pain, no gain" to the history books. 所以“不劳而获”这句谚语可能要进入历史书本了。 4、Great! No pain, no gain. 不付出就不会有收获。 5、G: no, son! No pain, no gain! We are following the fish. 爷爷:要,是要大收获,就必须冒险,我们跟鱼走。 以上是我为大家整理的No pain,no gain相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助。

no pain,no gain为什么要加s的

固定用法 不能改变


歌曲名:NO PAIN NO GAIN歌手:反町隆史专辑:BEST of BESTNo Pain No GainLee Jaewon作词、作曲、编曲:李在元成为十代的代表,在歌谣届出道不知不觉第8年了,不能用4句40句的段落,不能用几个单词表现,诬蔑和孤独的时间全都忽视,我挺过来了胜利了,这样的我的人生谁也帮不了,十分神奇的演艺人,现在我是那个演艺人,真的过着演艺人人生,出现在TV里,谁都认识我。去什么地方,时间流逝很快,又在什么地方,什么事情日子都要反对,我向着靠近的未来,累的时候,再一次试着开始,展现最帅的2幕。比起闯进那是陷入,这世界就那样没有办法,成为计算器的我的brain survivor,现在我在你的头上,如果拉开步伐,我的自信和决心再一次增强。我的人生是drama,我开始做drama的主人公,要成为laststanding man我仍然继续坚守着这个drama,什么都不知道的lastscene正在等待颠覆所有的反转。去什么地方,时间流逝很快,又在什么地方,什么事情日子都要反对,我向着靠近的未来,累的时候,再一次试着开始,展现最帅的2幕。5个人,3个人,1个人的Solo不管怎样,人生独自(no pain no gain)苦痛常常不好,但是也有不是的时候,(no pain no gain)5个人,3个人。1个人的Solo不管怎样,人生独自(no pain no gain)比起丢失的东西,获得的更多。Pain is gain know what I"m saying?孤独是丢掉了疲倦的我的灵魂的价值,丢掉了像小孩一样的尊严性和存在价值,现在更没有那种事情,找出我真实的样子,不要只意识到别人的目光,不要成为别人的奴力。这世界上最难的对手是存在hey jay one more time start again去什么地方,时间流逝很快,又在什么地方,什么事情日子都要反对,我向着靠近的未来,累的时候,再一次试着开始,展现最帅的2幕。去什么地方,时间流逝很快,又在什么地方,什么事情日子都要反对,我向着靠近的未来,累的时候,再一次试着开始,展现最帅的2幕。

到底是no pains no gains还是no pain no gain求解释

no pains no gains.翻译:一份耕耘,一份收获。gain 英 [ɡeu026an] 美 [ɡeu026an] 动词. 获得,增加,赢得,取得名词. 增加,利益,好处,利润网络. 增益,得到,收益变形. 复数:gains,过去分词:gained,现在分词:gaining搭配. gain access,financial gain,gain experience,slight gain[例句]A few privileged investors have always been able to gain such favourable terms.一些有特权的投资者一直都能享受如此优惠的条件。

no pay no gain与no pain no gain

呃 pay no gain不知是什么no pain no gain是歌名

请围绕 no pain,no gain写一篇150字的英语作文


no pain no gain 和 no pains no gains是不是都没错.

no pain no gain才是正确说法没第2种说法因为pain和gain都没有复数形式

请围绕 no pain,no gain写一篇150字的英语作文?

No Pain,No Gain You will get nothing unless you have paid something.We all have different kinds of dreams since we are just little kids.Someone wanted to bee a teacher.Someone wanted to bee a doctor.Those dreams might change when we have experienced different things.However,someone gave up their way on his way pursuing it.Suppose a kid wanted to bee a doctor,because he felt a doctor was a great person since he can save people"s life.However,he has to take more courses than any other students majored in music.While he was memorying organs" names,others were playing around.He might gave up.We all know playing is much more easier and happier.Playing is not dealing with dull academic term.Because the boy didn"t want to suffer in pain,he will not bee a doctor and gain nothing.On the contrary,if he kept on studying,he will probably achieve his goal in the future.It"s not guaranteed that one will gain something when one suffers in pain.However,it"s definitely true that one will gain nothing if one had no pain.答案补充 你什么都不会得到除非你付出.从我们小时候起,都有各种各样的梦想.一些人想成为老师.一些人想成为医生.这些梦想可能会因为我们经历的事情不同而改变.可是,有些人在他们追逐梦想的过程中就放弃了.假如一个孩子想成为一生,因为他觉得医生是伟大的人因为医生能拯救人类的生命.可是,他必须比那些音乐专业的学生多学很多课.当他在记器官名字的时候,其他人在玩.他可能会放弃.我们都知道玩更加简单,更加快乐.玩不是和枯燥的学术用语打交道.因为这个男孩不想再痛苦中受折磨,他不会成为医生,会一无所有.相反的,如果他继续学习,将来他有可能实现他的梦想.不一定一个人只要经历痛苦就会得到收获.可是,一个人如果不经历痛苦,就绝对不会有收获.,1,采纳后半小时内完成....,1,

是no pains,no gains还是no pain,no gain

No pain no gain 是错的 不是英美文化之习惯语言 正确的是 NO pains no gains 或者 No gains without pains 不劳则无获

是no pains,no gains还是no pain,no gain

no pains,no gains

英语No pains,no gains是什么意思

never be late to learn something



nopain no gain 中文是什么?

直译:没有痛苦就没有收获!含义:没有付出就没有收获;一分耕耘一分收获!原句:No pain no gain!Gain的词汇详解:Gain,英文单词,名词,及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“增加;利润;收获,人名;(英、匈、法)盖恩”,作及物动词时意为“获得;增加;赚到”,作不及物动词时意为“增加;获利”。双语例句:1、So what do you gain by this?这样做可以得到什么呢?2、No. But you gain courage to face it.不,但你增加了面对它的勇气。3、Then we will gain one victory after another.然后,我们将获得一个又一个胜利。

No pain no gain! 中文的意思是什么


no pain,no gain是什么意思


使命召唤5 问题 Call of Duty(R): World at War Campaign/Coop


求Beautiful pain --Damian Pars 的歌词!!

[ti:Beautiful Pain][ar:Damian Pars][al:][by:lμCifêΓ&havana@MaxRNB] [00:00.00]Damian Pars - Beautiful Pain[00:03.49]( Lyrics by lμCifêΓ & havana@MaxRNB )[00:05.65]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![00:09.46][00:10.28]Two empty streets and hurricanes[00:13.73]I tried to find the way, [00:16.27]I close my eyes and see u smile[00:19.98][00:20.97]Like perfect sunshine through the rain , [00:24.84]you give happiness to faith, [00:27.94]Beautiful Pain[00:30.64][00:31.47]Even though it is over [00:34.61]I still feel you closer[00:37.35]My heart is beating faster than before[00:41.72]I don"t know what I"m supposed to, do to make you love me [00:48.32]I just can"t let u go [00:51.71][00:52.03]Beautiful Pain,save me again[00:57.23]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [01:02.58]Beautiful Pain, save me again[01:08.15]How much it mercy. what else can yo say [01:13.36]Beautiful Pain[01:15.53][01:25.12]No matter what I tried to do [01:28.31]All I can see u stood[01:30.93]You"re every person in the boom[01:35.12]I hear u"re voice everywhere I dail[01:39.01]Oh it"s so hard to explain[01:42.62]Beautiful Pain[01:45.40][01:45.87]And even if it"s over [01:49.50]I still feel you closer[01:51.92]My heart is beating faster than before[01:56.32]How to know what I"m supposed to,do you make you love me[02:03.03]I just can"t let u go [02:06.53][02:06.72]Beautiful Pain,save me again[02:11.73]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [02:17.17]Beautiful Pain, save me again[02:22.38]How much it mercy. what else can you say [02:27.99]Beautiful Pain[02:30.50][02:39.95]Empty streets ,hurricanes[02:44.99]In the depth of my heart ohh[02:50.82]Like perfect sunshine through the rain ,the very thought of you [02:57.64]Makes me feel (you)[03:00.17][03:00.35]Beautiful Pain,save me again[03:05.18]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [03:10.63]Beautiful Pain, save me again[03:15.69]How much it mercy. what else can you say [03:21.09][03:21.38]Beautiful Pain[03:23.67]No don"t know no [03:31.99]Beautiful Pain[03:34.51]No don"t know no[03:42.69]Beautiful Pain[03:45.09][03:46.61]( Lyrics by lμCifêΓ & havana@MaxRNB )[03:52.76]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![03:46.30]

you can see____(clear)with this pair of glasse


Pain For Pleasure 歌词


英语句子 paid and owned media are controled by market


求一首歌。说唱女声。歌词里有This is my day,this is my life,this is my pain...

Steven Cooper – Born to do不是女声,只是把原来的男声用软件处理了一下罢了求采纳





mspaint是病毒吗 ?


Why not take that pair of gloves?为何用take不用takes



要是选择了配对T检验一般都是从样本中选的,一般的数据都比较多,所以配对样本T检验就应该是配对T检验。 SPSS中好像也只有paired-samplesttest.

Spss中的配对样本t检验(paired-samples t test)就是配对...


a little pain中文歌词大意




No pain, No game 歌词

歌名:ナノ - No pain, No game作词:ナノ作曲:冢本けむ发行时间:2013-02-27所属专辑:《N》歌词:过去の失望涂りつぶすために犠牲にしてきた未来仆の命が尽きるまでその定めぶち壊していくのさ呜呼break out and start a revolution一つの答えを探して限界のRACEに挑んで一度切りのチャンスと知って背负った运命越えていくんだよ最果てのSTORY抱いてあてもなく彷徨い続けた渗んだ new worldThe game has only just begun今终焉のEYESWhen you feel you"ve reached the last dead endwhat will you do to save yourself from fate?Would you take a knife into your heartor would you rather break the fall and take defeat?呜呼step out and find your evolution一人の世界を映して永远のCHASEに挑んで一度きりのスタートを切って狂った天命越えていくんだよ枯れ果てたイメージ抱いて訳も无く闘い続けた霞んだ true worldThe game has only just begun今终焉のDAYS现実とFAKEの狭间で一度だけリセット许して救いはきっと心の中に最果てのSTORY抱いてあてもなく彷徨い続けた渗んだ new worldThe game has only just begun今终焉のEYES


"Spaik"和"Scratch"是两个不同的单词,它们的含义和用法有很大的不同。"Spaik"是一个非常罕见的单词,通常不被人们使用。它的正确拼写应该是"spake",是"Speak"的过去式或过去分词形式,表示说话的动作已经完成。例如:He spake with great authority on the subject."Scratch"是一个常用的动词,表示用指甲、钥匙或其他尖锐物品擦、刮或划伤表面。例如:Don"t scratch the paint on the car!I scratched my arm on the tree branch."Scratch"还可以表示从头开始做某事或重新开始。例如:We need to scratch our original plans and come up with something new.He had to scratch his original draft and start over from scratch.综上所述,"Spaik"和"Scratch"是两个含义和用法完全不同的单词,需要根据具体的语境和含义来选择使用。

英语填空题1、She paid 100 yuan for the coat .(同义句) She ____100 yua

1、She paid 100 yuan for the coat .(同义句) She (spent) 100 yuan (on) the coat. 2、Tom gets a letter from his father every month.(同义句) Tom (hears from) his father every month. 3、The students will (decide on)(决定)the way to travel. 4、In the end ,they couldn"t (e up with)(想出)a good way to solve the problem. 5、The math problem is very hard .I am working on it ,but I can"t (work it out).(算出) 6、That"s a (500 pages")(500页的)book. 7、He"s too young to go to school(同义句) He is (so) young (that) he (can"t) go to school. He isn"t (old enough to) go to school. 8、We should work hard (to catch up with) them. 9、We"ve got tickets (at) 180 yuan (for) The Sound of Music.(介词)

who knows my heart, who knows how much pain i ha


a pair of shorts是什么意思?

一条运动短裤(指宽松的) 或 一条短衬裤(指美式男用的)^_^
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