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I ______there for three days with my parents last month 答案是was 为什么不能用过去完成时had been



《Air Apparent (Xanth)》(Piers Anthony)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:cu14书名:Air Apparent (Xanth)作者:Piers Anthony出版社:Tor Fantasy出版年份:2008-09-30页数:376内容简介:When the Good Magician Humfrey"s son Hugo suddenly vanishes, his disappearance sets in motion a series of madcap misadventures that send a collection of colorful characters on a perilous pair of parallel quests. Among them are Debra, a pretty young girl beset by an obnoxious curse; Hugo"s beloved wife Wira, whose sightlessness is balanced by a talent for sensitivity, Happy and Fray, a pair of sprightly storm-spirits; Nimbus, the Demon Xanth"s own son; and the mysterious outlaw known as the Random Factor.As they travel through some of the magical realm"s most astonishing locales, these unwitting adventurers discover they are key players in a grand drama whose origins reach back to the origins of time itself. Filled with exhilaration and excitement, ribaldry and romance, "Air Apparent "is a fabulous new fantasy saga from the lively imagination of master storyteller Piers Anthony.

请教一个英语问题 parent

需要the。正常用到parents的时候前面都会有限定,比如My parents,Your parents等,当具体指某对夫妇,比如你要说那对夫妇是,就要用the parents.


如果让你用英文叫"爸爸",究竟是用 "father" 还是"dad"呢?这两个单词难道有什么区别吗?一般人能想出来的差别,大概就是"father"的表达更加书面化,而"dad"的表达更加口语化吧?其实除此之外,这两个单词还有一些其他的差别,考试的时候可不要乱用哦!来和新东方在线雅思一起来看看。Father这个单词,在牛津词典里一共有5个英文释义:1、a male parent of a child or an animal; a person who is acting as the father to a child父亲,主要强调的是血缘关系和家庭成员关系2、fathers : a person"s ancestors (= people who are related to you who lived in the past)书面表达,当复数时还可表示你的祖先3、father (of something):the first man to introduce a new way of thinking about something or of doing something创始人,奠基者4、used by Christians to refer to God用来指代基督教里的上帝5、(abbreviation Fr):the title of a priest, especially in the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church指代神父(可缩写为Fr)由于"father"用在比较正式的场合,所以父亲节我们称之为"Father"s Day"。而"father"这六个字母背后的含义也特别暖心图片:f——family 【家】a——action 【行动】t——teacher 【老师】h——hero 【英雄】e——every 【所有的】r——road 【道路】Dad这个单词在牛津词典里的释义只有1个:(informal) (often used as a name) father即口语化表达,用来称呼父亲。例句:Please get up and play with me, Dad!爸爸,起床跟我一起玩吧。其它表达其实"爸爸"的英文表达,除了"father" 和" dad",还有几种可以称呼的方式:Daddya name for father, which is used especially by young children or when you are talking to young children当小朋友叫爸爸的时候的语气,或当你跟小朋友说话时称呼爸爸。PopAmerican English (informal) (also pa old-fashioned) used when talking to your father, or about someone"s father口语化的美式英语,或者也可以直接叫"pa",当你叫你自己爸爸或者其他人的爸爸时可用。Papa(old-fashioned informal) used when talking to your father, or about someone"s father比较老派的一种口语表达,当你叫自己爸爸或者其他爸爸时可用。somebody"s old man(informal)someone"s father – used when talking about him in a way that is not very respectful口语化表达,表示一种不太尊敬的语气,大概就相当于中文里的"糟老头子"。Stepfathera man who is married to your mother, who is not your father but often acts as your parent继父,养父这么看来,如果下次再有兄弟姐妹想要让你叫ta爸爸,你可以用"You are my old man" 来表达,显得又洋气又讽刺。


parent 重音是第一个音节音标是 ["peənt]父亲,母亲


parent 单数parents 复数

parent的复数形式 parent的复数是什么

1、parent的复数形式:parents。 2、parent:父亲(或母亲); (动、植物的) 亲本,亲代,父本,母本; 创始机构; 母公司; 总部; 3、[例句]:Children need their parents.孩子们需要父母。


  1、parent的复数形式:parents。   2、parent:父亲(或母亲); (动、植物的) 亲本,亲代,父本,母本; 创始机构; 母公司; 总部;   3、[例句]:Children need their parents.孩子们需要父母。

parent词性 什么词性?

可以做名词 也可以是动词 parent KK:[] DJ:[] n.[C] 1.父亲;母亲 2.双亲[P] She still lives with her parents. 她仍然与父母亲住在一起. 3.母公司 4.(动,植物的)亲本,母体 5.起源,根源;原因 Greed is the parent of many evils. 贪婪是万恶之根源. vt. 1.养育(子女);做...的父(母)亲





parent是指父母双方吗 那么“每一个父母”说是“each of my parent吗?

parent 指的是“父母中的任意一方”,“父母双方”用parents “每一个父母”:each parent 或 each of the parents 请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮.


parent是单数。parent的意思是父亲(或母亲),(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本,创始机构,母公司,总部。parent的例句:It"s not easy being a parent(为人父母真不容易啊)。 扩展资料 parent的例句:The child"s same-sex parent acts as a role model(孩子的同性家长是孩子效仿的.榜样);The written consent of a parent is required(要求有家长的书面同意)。


parent造句1、So what"s a worried parent to do?2、They have one abnormal gene from that parent and one normal gene from the other parent.3、No parent wants a child who is a spoiled brat.4、And that is what any parent wants from college.5、For example, a leaf node knows itself and its parent.6、If the parent process dies before its children, the orphaned children need to know who is their parent process.7、The parent container then uses these properties to measure itself.8、A child in that role usually feels torn apart and on some level resentful about having to parent the parent.9、But have you ever met a parent whose ambition and goal was to be a bad parent and hurt his or her child?10、It can be hard to speak openly to a bereaved parent, particularly if that parent is in denial about the loss of their child.11、But I have yet to see a ruse that can shut up a parent or grandparent.12、Enjoy the feeling of power that is rightfully yours as the parent in the family.13、Another is that, whether formally or informally, many positions are handed from parent to child.14、In a Japanese divorce, child custody is awarded to only one parent - typically the mother.15、Eleven states explicitly allow recognition of a parent-child relationship that begins with posthumous conception.16、I should remind you that the parent population contains multiple references to parents based on their fitness.17、Right of a child to see a parent regularly or of a parent or grandparent to see a child regularly , where the child be In the care of someone else


parent没有形容词。 parent:n.父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本; parent的复数: parents 扩展资料   Speaking as a parent, I"m very concerned about standards in education.   作为家长,我十分关注教育的水准。   I"m wearing two hats tonight ─ parent and teacher.   我今晚身兼两职——既是家长又是老师。   It"s not easy being a parent.   为人父母真不容易啊。


parents的意思、解释如下:parents 基本解释双亲( parent的名词复数 )parents在线翻译1. 父母亲:她也在此校获得硕士学位及咨商专业执照. 她为美国本土及国外数千位父母亲及专业人士举行工作坊与演讲. 由于身为(Parents)杂志的咨询编辑与专栏作家,她经常出现在美国的电视与广播节目里. 此外,2. 家长:是(Parents) 杂志的前任特约编辑,定期就家庭与心理方面的议题发表文章,并出版过多本书籍,其中包括(Kindling the Flame). 她与丈夫及两个儿子定居於长岛市,其中一个儿子目前正是青少年.parents 双语例句1. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclin父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。2. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclin ed to possess high levels of self-confidence.父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。3. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclin ed to possess high levels of self-confidenc e.父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。4. When I was a little kid, my parents would always play Amy Grant"s songs at Christmas, so her songs still bring back all my childhood Christmas memories.当我还是孩子的时候,我的父母就经常在圣诞节演奏Amy Grant的歌,所以她的歌还能把我带回童年关于圣诞的回忆。


parent是什么意思:父母亲;母公司;父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本1、Having one child makes you a parent; having two makes you a referee. 生一个孩子你就成了父母亲,生两个你则成了裁判。2、To become the legal parent of a child who is bear to other parents. 成为其他父母所生孩子的合法父母亲。3、Parents are the most important people in a child"s world. 父母在儿童的天地里是最重要的人。4、I was living with my parents at that time. 那时候我和父母住在一起。5、Her parents no longer have any real influence over her. 她的父母对她不再有任何真正的影响力了。6、My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become. 父母对我应该成为什么样的人有定见。

parent是什么意思 parent意思是什么

1、parent的意思是父亲,父母亲,句中作为名词使用。parent读音:英[pernt]美[prnt]n.父亲(或母亲);父母亲;根源。 2、短语:singleparentn.单亲;单身母亲;单身父亲。 3、例句:IlovetheChurchasonelovesaparent.我爱教会就像一个人爱他的父亲一样。


parent和parents用法的区别:parent:可用作名词、动词。作名词时除了指父亲或母亲,还可用于文学语言夸张用语中,可表示根源,开始,通常用单数形式。parents:只能用作名词(复数名词),当名词所有格前面有s时,直接在s后加一撇就好了不用再加。 扩展资料 parent的例句:Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young(亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物);parents的.例句:I left my parents "house,relinquished my estate and my patrimony(我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产)。


1、parent可以用作名词,指父亲或母亲,复数parents指双亲。2、parent用于文学语言夸张用语中,可表示根源,开始,通常用单数形式。3、parent在句中可修饰其他名词作定语,表示能够繁衍的母体。 扩展资料 例句:1、Many children are now born into or raised in one-parent families.现在很多孩子在单亲家庭中出生或成长。2、Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物。3、Ninety per cent of lone parent families are headed by mothers.90%的单亲家庭由母亲持家。




parent的意思是:父母亲;母公司;父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本;创始机构;总部。双语造句:1、Having one child makes you a parent;having two makes you a referee.生一个孩子你就成了父母亲,生两个你则成了裁判。2、To become the legal parent of a child who is bear to other parents.成为其他父母所生孩子的合法父母亲。3、Parents are the most important people in a child"s world.父母在儿童的天地里是最重要的人。I was living with my parents at that time.那时候我和父母住在一起。4、Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.她的父母对她不再有任何真正的影响力了。My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become.父母对我应该成为什么样的人有定见。5、People often share their political views with their parents.人常常跟自己的父母政治观点一致。We would like to see closer cooperation between parents and schools我们希望学生家长和学校有更加紧密的合作。6、Do your parents take an interest in your friends?你的父母有兴趣了解你的朋友吗?Her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.为了让她受良好的教育,她的父母作了很多牺牲。


1、parent的意思是父亲,父母亲,句中作为名词使用。parent读音:英[pernt]美[prnt]n.父亲(或母亲);父母亲;根源。 2、短语:singleparentn.单亲;单身母亲;单身父亲。 3、例句:IlovetheChurchasonelovesaparent.我爱教会就像一个人爱他的父亲一样。


中文释义为 父亲(或母亲);父母亲;根源。短语:parent company,总公司,母公司;single parent 单亲。 短语: parent company 总公司,母公司 female parent [生]母本 single parent n. 单亲;单身母亲;单身父亲 male parent 父本;父亲 扩展资料   例句:   1.I felt totally inadequate as a parent.   我觉得我作为父亲(或母亲)完全不称职。   2.A happy parent makes for a happy child.   幸福的家长造就幸福的孩子。   3.The written consent of a parent is required.   要求有家长的书面同意。   4.I"m wearing two hats tonight—parent and teacher.   我今晚身兼两职—既是家长又是老师。   5.The child"s same-sex parent acts as a role model.   孩子的`同性家长是孩子效仿的榜样。   6.Her tone was that of a parent to a disobedient child.   她的声音听上去好像家长在教训不听话的小孩。   7.A very clingy child can drive a parent to distraction.   依赖性很强的孩子会让父母发疯。   8.I was bringing up my three children as a single parent.   我当时作为一个单亲家长抚养着我的3个孩子。   9.He was enjoying all the satisfactions of being a parent.   他享受着做父亲所能得到的一切乐趣。   10.I taxed him with avoiding his responsibility as a parent.   我指责他逃避做父亲的责任。



出现parent 时,通常是复数出现的还是单数?



你在代码中加入以下一行,就理解了:MsgBox List1.Parent.NameParent是父亲的意思,即List1的父窗体是谁,你的List1通常是放在 Form1上的.所以:List1.Parent.Label1.Caption相当于:Form1.Label1.Caption默认情况即:Label1.Caption但是在多窗体情况下,这个属性有特殊的用处.

parent 的第三人称代词的主格



1、parent的复数形式:parents。 2、parent:父亲(或母亲),(动、植物的) 亲本,亲代,父本,母本,创始机构,母公司,总部。 3、[例句]:Children need their parents.孩子们需要父母。


grandparent"s和grandparents"只有一个区别,就是单复数的区别。grandparent"s是一个人的,祖母或祖父的,外祖母或外祖父的。而grandparents"是两个人的,祖父母的,外祖父母的,有s的复数加"s就省掉"后面的s。扩展资料:单词用法:一、grandadj. (形容词)grand的基本意思是“宏伟的,崇高的,庄严的”。用于山川、建筑物时,指其规模宏大,气势雄伟;用于人时,指其具有非凡的成就或品质,从而使人感到其崇高与伟大,常译成“重要的,显赫的,首要的”,一般用于修饰地位或官衔等。二、parentn. (名词)1、parent指父亲或母亲,复数parents指“双亲”。但在儿童语言中,表示“双亲”用father and mother比用parents更常见。2、parent用于文学语言夸张用语中,可表示“根源,开始”,通常用单数形式。3、parent在句中可修饰其他名词作定语,表示能够繁衍的“母体”。




闭音节。parent意思是父(母)亲,它由两个音节组成;其中pa为一个音节,因为p发辅音,a发元音,属于辅音十元音结构(以元音结尾),所以为开音节; rent为一个音节,r发辅音,e发元音,n发辅音,t发辅音,属于辅音十元音+辅音结构(以辅音结尾),所以为闭音节。










Mum and dad


一般情况下是用复数,表达“父亲和母亲”两个人。若你要表达“母亲”或者是“父亲”一个人,指一个家长的时候就不要加s了。parent的意思为父亲(或母亲);父母亲;根源。 Parent例句 1、Children need their parents. 孩子们需要父母。 2、Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management. 包括母公司在内,每个单位都有自己的地方管理层。 3、Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young. 亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物。 4、This is where a lot of parents go wrong. 这正是很多父母犯错的地方。 5、When you become a parent the things you once cared about seem to have less value. 一旦你为人父母,你曾经在意的那些事情就显得不那么重要了。 Parent短语搭配 Parent body[天]母体;[管理]上级机构;翻译 parent object父对象;上层物件;上层对象;父东西 New Parent新组件 parent node父节点;母节点;上代节点;父结点 parent nuclide母核素;母核种;[核]母体核素;亲体核种









parent parents 什么时候加S什么不是不加S?




parent 的中文意思是什么



parent的复数形式parents n.父亲(或母亲);先辈;根源,起源;保护者 扩展资料   parent的用法:   parent的用法1:parent指父亲或母亲,复数parents指“双亲”。但在儿童语言中,表示“双亲”用father and mother比用parents更常见。   parent的用法2:parent用于文学语言夸张用语中,可表示“根源,开始”,通常用单数形式。   parent的"用法3:parent在句中可修饰其他名词作定语,表示能够繁衍的“母体”。   parent的用法4:parent作“祖先”解时,常用其复数形式,主要用于文学作品中。   parent例句   1. Many are orphans, their parents killed as they scavenged for food.   很多人是孤儿,他们的父母在垃圾中找吃的时丢了性命。   2. Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.   很多父母觉得要孩子循规蹈矩是件很难的事情。   3. Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives.   就像子女一样,父母也常常很注重保护他们的私生活。   4. I managed to keep my parents in the dark about this.   我设法对父母瞒下了此事。   5. She had spent years trying to track down her parents.   她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父母的下落。





parent英音 [ u02c8peu0259ru0259nt ]美音 [ u02c8peru0259nt ]释义n. 父亲(或母亲);(动植物的)亲代,亲本;母公司,总公司;母体,本体v. 做……的父亲(或母亲);为人父母【名】 (Parent)(英、西)帕伦特,(法)帕朗(人名)助记par平等,相等+-ent某种人变形parents复数parents第三人称单数parenting现在分词parented过去式parented过去分词考试频率中考高考四级六级考研考频:近六年出现12次n. 父(母),(复数)双亲常考词

Thank you my dear parents 英语作文100字

I was born in a small family.So it is so lucky for me to be the center of the whole family.My parents are both quite busy with their work every day.I know they want to give me a happy life.Meanwhile,my parents are very strict with me in my lessons.They wish that I can go abroad some day in the future.With their help,I am always a top student in my class.Our classmates like to be friends with me.And my teachers are very proud of me.So,I would like to say all my progress depends on my parents.Without them,I am nothing.Here,I"d like to show my deep thanks to my parents

sql 错误显示 ,(缺少右括号)missing right parenthesis

select case when (to_number(t.unitprice) = to_number(t.batchprice)) then 0.1 else 0 end from bms_sa_dtlqry_v t,zx_flgl m where t.goodsid = m.goodsid(+)这样就行了。

but parents do a lot more than just pass on their h_ 速度

But parents do a lot more than just pass along their hobbies. Moms and dads need to care for their kids from the minute they"re born. Mom and dad — they"re two of the most important people in your life. You probably see at least one of them every day and, over your lifetime, they"re likely to influence you more than anyone else you will meet. So if your dad worships, say, the Pittsburgh Steelers, you"re likely to grow up being a big fan of that football team. And if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she does.But parents do a lot more than just pass along their hobbies. Moms and dads need to care for their kids from the minute they"re born. It"s a parent"s job to love and guide kids — and most parents will do this as long as they live, even when the "kids" are grown up and have children of their own. That means you have many years ahead to share with your mom and dad.Here are five ways you can stay close, get along, and build a strong relationship:Spend time together. It might be easy to be physically in the same place as your mom or dad (like at home — it"s where you all live, after all.) But how much time do you spend just enjoying each other"s company? Instead of playing a computer game or watching TV, maybe ask your mom and dad to play with you. Go outside together, try a board game, or read a book out loud. If your parents are divorced, make the most of the time you do spend together. In between, talk on the phone and email each other to stay in touch. Share your feelings and ask for help. Many kids say they"d like their parents to help them when they"re upset. But your mom or dad might not know that you"re having a problem. Tell a parent if you"re sad or struggling with something. If you don"t usually do this, it can feel funny at first. Try it and you"ll be glad you did. Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten a parent"s day with a hug, a card, or a joke. It"s also lovely when a kid offers to help fold the laundry or cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be so thrilled they"ll do a silly dance around the kitchen! Show you care. Some families are always kissing, hugging, and saying "I love you." Other families aren"t as lovey-dovey. But it"s important to show that you care for each other. In addition to kisses and hugs, kids and parents show their love by respecting each other, being caring, polite, and thoughtful. Do your best at whatever you do. You don"t have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud. It makes them happy to see how you"re turning into such a great kid. Why? Because it lets them know they"re doing a good job.



电脑开机显示当前页面脚本发生错误。 错误:无法获取未定义或null引用的属性“ParentNode”



移除他的父节点父节点 ,也就是他的爷爷节点



无法获取未定义或 null 引用的属性 “parentNode”

我也是这样的 这么联?哪位高手指点下


父节点的父节点,比如有这样一段HTML:<form id="form"><div id="divA"> <div id="divB"> <input type="button" value="删除" onClick="deleteMe(this.parentNode.parentNode);"> </div></div></form>这样的话,那里面的this.parentNode就是divB,而this.parentNode.parentNode就是divA所谓parentNode就是其上一层节点。



jQuery parent.append和$after的区别


jQuery parent.append和$after的区别


she told the story to her parents对划线部分进行提问怎么写?

如果对the story提问:what did she tell to her parents ?对her parents 提问:Who did she tell the story?对she 提问:Who told the story to her parents ?

美国电影 天生一对(the parent trap) 中的插曲

天生一对《The Parent Trap 》的全部原声音乐: Nat King Cole 《 L-O-V-E 》 The Lovin" Spoonful 《 Do You Believe in Magic 》 The La"s 《 There She Goes 》 Shonen Knife 《 Top of the World 》 Bob Khaleel 《 Here Comes the Sun 》 Linda Ronstadt 《 I Love You for Sentimental 》Reasons Young Holt Unlimited 《 Soulful Strut 》 Jakaranda 《 Never Let You Go 》 George Thorogood & the Destroyers 《 Bad to the Bone 〉 Bob Geldof 《 The Happy Club 》 Allan Silvestri Lyrics Suite from the Parent Trap Natalie Cole 《 This Will be (an Everlasting Love) 》 Ta-Gana 《 Dream Come True 》 Pato Banton & the Reggae Revolutation 《 Groovin" 》 Nobody"s Angel 《 Let"s Get Together

英语作文 my parents’ lifestyle

My lifestyleIf the weather is good, I often run with my dog after getting up in the morning. And then I usually take a short shower before eating my breakfast with my family.I always make sure I have diner with my parents at least three times a week, sometimes at a nice restaurant but mostly at home. I hardly ever work overtime because I don"t want be a slave of it and will never put the work before my family。So this is my lifestyle and this is my life.

Neither Tom nor his parents ______ at home. B.are C.has D.was

B neither…nor…连接两个并列主语时,应根据“就近一致”的原则,使谓语动词的数与nor后面的词语相一致。







parents book怎么读音

parents book 的读音parents 音标:英["peu0259ru0259nts] 美["peu0259ru0259nts]book 音标:英[bu028ak] 美[bu028ak]





  1、parents的读音:英[pernts],美[pernts]。   2、含义:n.父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本;创始机构;母公司;总部;   3、例句   Ileftmyparents"house,relinquishedmyestateandmypatrimony.   我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产。


1、parents的读音:英[pernts],美[pernts]。 2、含义:n.父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本;创始机构;母公司;总部; 3、例句 Ileftmyparents"house,relinquishedmyestateandmypatrimony. 我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产。


n.父亲; 母亲; 养父; 养母; 家长; 母公司; 亲本; 总公司; 起源; 亲代v.做…的父亲


parent的读音是:英["pe?r?nt]。parent的读音是:英["pe?r?nt]。parent的意思是n.父母;根源;v.抚养;产生。parent名词:parenthood;过去式:parented;过去分词:parented;现在分词:parenting;第三人称单数:parents。一、详尽释义点此查看parent的详细内容n.(名词)亲本,亲代母体,母亲,母本父亲,父本母公司根源,本源,起源双亲,家长原因祖先保护者总部创始机构,创始公司v.(动词)养育(子女),抚养做...的父母亲产生,引发adj.(形容词)起始的母体的作为渊源的二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]父亲,母亲; 家长 father or mother三、词典解释1.父母Yourparents are your mother and father.parent的反义词e.g. Children need their parents...孩子们需要父母。e.g. This is where a lot of parents go wrong...这正是很多父母犯错的地方。2.创始的;母公司的;总公司的An organization"sparent organization is the organization that created it and usually still controls it.e.g. Each unit including theparent company has its own, local management.包括母公司在内,每个单位都有自己的地方管理层。e.g. ...the zoo"sparent body, the Zoological Society of London.该动物园的创始组织,伦敦动物学会3.(动物、植物或有机体)亲本的,亲代的Theparent animal, plant, or organism of a particular animal, plant or organism is the one that it comes from or is produced by.e.g. Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物。四、例句My parents have gone to Hangzhou for holiday.我父母已经去杭州度假了。Being a parent can be hard work.当父母可是件辛苦的事。Ignorance is the parent of many evils.无知是许多罪恶的根源。Greed is the parent of many evils.贪婪是万恶之根源。We should parent children with both love and discipline.我们应该用爱和管教来抚养孩子。True albinos occur in about one in 10,000 births, after inheriting a rare and recessive albino gene from each parent.在遗传了各别父母既稀少的又隐性的白子基因后,真实的白子以在一万胎之中大约一只来产生。Prime Creator lets its creations be and learns about its own potential by watching what it has birthed, just as a wise parent learns from its children.最初的创造者通过观察造物的产生来让他的造物具有和学习他自己的潜力,正如一位聪明的父亲学习它的孩子。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)My parents forbid me from having wine and cigarettes.我父母不许我抽烟喝酒。My parents have consented.我父母已经同意了。My parents often stopped me doing things I liked.父母时常制止我做我所喜欢做的事情。Both of her parents teach at a middle school.她的父母都在一个中学任教。Her parents brought her up to be polite.她的父母把她培养成有礼貌的人。That girl"s health concerned her parents.那个女孩的身体状况令她的父母担忧。She spent three years at college, scraping along on an allowance from her parents.她靠父母的津贴勉勉强强地在大学里度过了三年。She still lives on her parents.她仍依靠父母生活。His parents don"t allow him out on Sunday.他父母不许他星期天外出。He was always a burden to his parents.他一直是父母的沉重负担。His unkind behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.他不厚道的行为令他的父母极度痛苦。The student"s failing grades troubled his parents deeply.这个学生考试常不及格,使他的家长深为忧虑。He welcomed us and explained where his parents had gone.他对我们表示欢迎,并告诉我们他父母到哪里去了。As an only child he was the idol of his parents.作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。The parents were happy at the happy marriage of their daughter.父母为女儿美满的婚姻而感到愉快。Pride is the parent of all evils.骄傲乃万恶之源。Our club is the parent association and there are now four others like it.我们的俱乐部是始创协会,现在又有四个类似的俱乐部。六、经典引文Most of her childhood meals were eaten with Granny and not with her parents.出自:C. Tomalin七、常见错误n.(名词)他父母住在香港。误 His parent live in Hong Kong.正 His parents live in Hong Kong.析 parent作为单数名词,只指父母中的一个,当表示“双亲”时,要用parents。我们的老师对我们像父母一样慈爱。误 Our teachers treat us parently.正 Our teachers treat us as kindly as our parents.析 有少数名词可以加-ly构成形容词,如 friendly, fatherly, motherly, comradely等,但parently不能这样用。parent的相关临近词parentage、pare、Parenta、Parente、Parenti、parents、Parenty、parentis、Parentes、Parentela、Parenthou、parenting点此查看更多关于parent的详细信息

parent 是什么意思?怎么读?不明白的单词 可以去查查




父母的英语应该这样读:英/" pearants /" 美/" perants /其意思是:n. 父母;双亲(parent 的复数)v. 教养;引起(parent 的三单形式)n. (Parents)人名;(法)帕朗 家长;双亲专业 亲本 [农业科学];父母 [心理学];父母 [医药科学]原形 parent英语学习主要在于积累,日复一日的积累和平常英语语法的学习,如果英语学习没有得到明显的进步的话不用慌,因为,英语学习是一门语言科目的学习,主要在于平常的积累,英语讲究循序渐进,积硅步方能致千里,积小流方能成江海,祝大家英语学习越来越有兴趣,越来越好,听说读写都有大的进步。

parents英语怎么读 parents英语解释

1、parents,读音:美/peru0259nt/;英/peu0259ru0259nts/。 2、释义:n.父母;双亲(parent的复数)。v.教养;引起(parent的三单形式)。n.(Parents)人名;(法)帕朗。 3、例句:My parents are home.我父母在家。


parents的英语读音为:英[u02c8peu0259ru0259nts]、美[u02c8peru0259nts]。父母即爸爸和妈妈。动物界,一个雌雄相异的物种里,将一个生命带到这个世界的两个个体,就被称作父母。他们是这个新生命的父母,并且永远拥有这父母的身份。对人类而言,父母包含了更多的含义。将一个人带到这个世界上的两个人,是他或她的亲生父母,养育这个人的可能是其他人,被称作养父母。当然养父母不局限于两个人,也没有性别的限制。绝大多数情况下,父母是唯一可以不顾一切帮助儿女的人。因为父母的爱是世界上最无私的爱。父母和儿女之间的关系可能会很僵,甚至会出现十分极端的状况。但是亲情在生命诞生的那一刻,已经把父母和儿女牢牢的缠在一起。双语例句:1、To say that the child has got the father"s nose fetches the parents.说孩子的鼻子长得像他父亲准会使做父母的感到高兴。2、It is not acceptable for parents to leave children unattended at that age.父母把那种年龄的孩子丢下不管令人无法接受。3、The lack of one or both parents" affirmation leaves some children emotionally crippled.没有父母双方或其中一方鼓励性的肯定会使得一些孩子在情感上发育不健全。4、Parents get a bit worried if you don"t front up now and then.如果你们不偶尔露露面的话,家长们就有点担心了。5、A microchip that will allow parents to block reception of violent programmes.使父母能够阻止暴力节目接收的微芯片。6、The amount they spend on clothes would appal their parents and stupefy their grandparents.他们买衣服花的钱会吓住父母,吓傻祖父母。7、Her parents had never sought to interfere with her freedom.她的父母从来没想干涉她的自由。8、I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.我把对家长们的访谈结果作为专业判断的对比。9、Sons wont to nurse their Parents in old age.儿子们习惯于在父母年老的时候照顾他们。10、The damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children.父母与子女分离可能产生的伤害。
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