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peered过去式:peered; 过去分词:peered; 现在分词:peering例句释义:全部,同辈,同龄人,身份相同的人,贵族成员,仔细看,端详,凝视,对等,同等的人1.The company says the problem has to do with its "supernodes"--a crucial part of its peer-to-peer networking system.公司说和“超级节点”有关,这是其点对点(P2P)网络系统的关键部分。 old pandit exile, who had been such a close friend of Mr Peer"s father that she greets the young man as a lost son.一位年长的流亡梵学家、皮尔父亲曾经的密友,欢迎皮尔这位年轻人的回来,就像是在欢迎失去的儿子。3.As you peer inside the cloud, you find that it"s actually not just a single service but a collection of services, as shown in Figure 3.当您深入观察云时,您会发现,它实际上并不是一个单独的服务,而是一个服务集合,如图4.So much for those lectures you got in elementary school about peer pressure and "being brave enough to be yourself. "小学时我们所经历过的同龄人的竞争压力和“勇敢地做你自己”之类的鼓励,仿佛都不知所踪。5.He was one of the peer reviewers for the British athlete study.他也是那个英国研究项目学术论文的审稿人之一。6.Do not ever go below your standard for a mate irrespective of your age, peer pressure, societal pressure or even family pressure.尽管你的年龄,同辈的压力,社会压力甚至家庭压力,都不要因为这些而降低你对配偶的标准。7.He said the air had to be cleared first but German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck had not come to Washington for the IMF meetings.墨茨说首先必须缓和这样的气氛,但是德国财长佩尔·施泰因布吕克没有出席华盛顿的国际货币基金组织的会议。


peer读法为:英[pu026au0259(r)] /美[pu026ar] 。peer的英语例句:1. Lord Swan was made a life peer in 1981.斯旺勋爵于1981年受封终身贵族。2. He was made a life peer in 1991.他于1991年被封为终身贵族。3. She gets on well with her peer group.她和同龄人相处融洽。4. He is a peer.他是一个贵族。5. The queen created him a peer.女王封他为贵族。6. She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it.她把自行车斜靠在石墙上,踮起脚往墙内张望。7. It is important for a manager to be able to get the support of his peer group.对于经理而言,得到同级同事的支持很重要。

一段关于审计的翻译。主要想了解descriptive peer norms、behavior of peers在审计中是什么意思。

Classical agency theory argues that economic incentives can have a strong impact on opportunistic reporting behavior . On the other hand, behavioral literature suggests that agents also adhere to descriptive norms established by peers. Most studies examine these effects in isolation , ignoring the role of mechanisms that ufb01rms use to detect misreporting . This research examines if the effects of incentives and descriptive peer norms depend on whether the ufb01rm uses an audit system to detect misreporting. In an experiment, we vary the material payoffs for lying(low vs. high compensation rate ),the behavior of peers (low vs. high honesty), and the use of audits to detect misreporting (audited vs. not audited). Results indicate that the effect of peer behavior depends on the use of audits. When reporting decisions are audited, descriptive peer norms have a strong effect on the level of truthful reporting. We do not ufb01nd evidence indicating that the effect of incentives depends on audits. Our ufb01ndings have important implications for practice. Firms may need to consider the use of audits if they want to promote honesty through positive peer-established social norms.Accounting regulators, investors, and media pundits express growing concerns about the apparent lack of honesty in ufb01nancial reports (see Healy & Palepu, 2003; Ward, 2003). While there are cases of opportunistic behavior in which managers allegedly act unethically or commit fraud , more evidence is needed to assess how ufb01rms can reduce this behavior. This study focuses on an important factor: how descriptive peer group norms inufb02uence truthful reporting. Recent cases suggest that peer behavior can be inufb02uential: it can create a corporate culture that is either benign or malignant (McLean & Elkind, 2003). Behavioral literature also argues that people follow descriptive norms established by peer groups (Barron & Gjerde, 1997; Bernheim, 1994; Fischer & Huddart, 2008). In this spirit, it is argued that ufb01rms should implement codes of conduct and ethics to establish and disclose descriptive norms that promote truthful reporting among managers and their peers.古典代理理论认为,经济激励可以对机会主义报告行为产生强烈的影响。另一方面,行为文献表明,代理也坚持由同行建立的描述规范。大多数研究孤立地检查这些影响,忽略了用于检测误报的机制的作用。这项研究检查激励和描述性同行规范的影响是否取决于公司是否使用审计系统来检测误报。在一个实验中,我们改变了谎言(低与高补偿率),同行的行为(低与高诚实)的物质收益,以及使用审计来检测误报(审计与非审计)。结果表明,同行行为的影响取决于审计的使用。当报告决策被审计时,描述性的同行规范对真实报告的水平有很强的影响。我们没有发现证据表明激励的效果取决于审计。我们的发现对实践有重要的影响。如果公司想通过积极的同行确立的社会规范来促进诚实,公司可能需要考虑使用审计。会计监管机构,投资者和媒体专家越来越关注财务报告中显然缺乏诚实(见Healy和Palepu,2003; Ward,2003)。虽然有些机会主义行为的管理者据称不道德地行为或犯欺诈行为,但需要更多的证据来评估企业如何减少这种行为。这项研究集中在一个重要的因素:如何描述同伴组规范影响真实报告。最近的案例表明,同伴行为可能是有影响力的:它可以创造一个良性或恶性的企业文化(McLean&Elkind,2003)。行为文学还认为人们遵循由同伴群体建立的描述性规范(Barron&Gjerde,1997; Bernheim,1994; Fischer&Huddart,2008)。本着这种精神,有人认为,公司应该实施行为和道德准则,以建立和披露描述性规范,促进管理者及其同行之间的真实报告。

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doctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bedoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bei know that we all got one thingthat we all share togetherwe got that one nice dreamwe live foryou never know what life could bringcoz nothing last for everjust hold on to the teamyou play fori know you could reach the topmake sure that you won"t stopbe the one that you wanna benow sing this with medoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bewe may have different ways to thinkbut it doesn"t really matterwe all caught up in the steam of this lifefocus on every little thingthat"s what does really matterluxury cars and blingthats not real lifei know you could reach the topmake sure that you won"t stopbe the one that you wanna benow sing this with medoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna belast year i used to dream about this daynow i"m here i"m singing for youi hope i could inspire youcoz i"ve got all the love, coz i"ve got all love for youdoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bedoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bedoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna be

python super()用法遇到TypeError: must be type, not classobj

应该给Base1和2加上参数object。另外,super().__init__()这样不输入参数的方式应该只有python3中才可用。现在python的教程一般都是用python3的,建议你安装个python3喔。下面是我给你改好的code:class Base1(object): def __init__(self): print "我是Base1"class Base2(object): def __init__(self): print "我是Base2"class Base(Base1,Base2): def __init__(self): super(Base,self).__init__()test = Base()

js reduce错误TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value

js reduce()  方法对数组中的每个元素执行一个由您提供的 reducer 函数(升序执行),将其结果汇总为单个返回值。 例如: reducer 函数接收4个参数:     Accumulator (acc) (累计器)     Current Value (cur) (当前值)     Current Index (idx) (当前索引)     Source Array (src) (源数组)   您的 reducer 函数的返回值分配给累计器,该返回值在数组的每个迭代中被记住,并最后成为最终的单个结果值。 如果数组为空且没有提供initialValue,会抛出错误TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value 可以通过添加initialValue来解决。 详见:

flas加载swf时TypeError: Error #1009: 无法访问空对象引用的属性或方法。

问题代码 不在这里.. 把所有的都贴上来吧 那就是2.swf 里面的问题咯...把里面有stage的代码都放到这个函数里import Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE,addStage_hr);function addStage_hr(e:event){ //2.swf中所有带stage的代码}


为了控制数据流量,保证语音质量,使其符合服务质量(QoS)的要求,在Cisco路由器配置中采用了RSVP(Resource Reservation Protocol)协议。路由器的参数配置如下:1.市分行路由器参数设置(以温州分行为例)hostname WZ! 配置POTS 拨号对应端dial-peer voice 1 potsdestination-pattern 05778001port 1/0/0! 配置VoIP 拨号对应端dial-peer voice 2 voipdestination-pattern 95533.session target ipv4:!请求RSVPreq-qos guaranteed-delay!配置串口interface serial 0/0ip address! 激活RSVPip rsvp bandwidth 48 48fair-queue 64 256 36clockrate 640002.省分行Cisco路由器配置参数设置hostname HZ! 配置POTS 拨号对应端dial-peer voice 1 potsdestination-pattern 95533port 1/0/0! 配置VoIP 拨号对应端dial-peer voice 2 voipdestination-pattern 05778001session target ipv4:!配置串口interface serial 0/0ip address! 激活RSVPip rsvp bandwidth 96 96


为了控制数据流量,保证语音质量,使其符合服务质量(QoS)的要求,在Cisco路由器配置中采用了RSVP(Resource Reservation Protocol)协议。路由器的参数配置如下:1.市分行路由器参数设置(以温州分行为例)hostname WZ! 配置POTS 拨号对应端dial-peer voice 1 potsdestination-pattern 05778001port 1/0/0! 配置VoIP 拨号对应端dial-peer voice 2 voipdestination-pattern 95533.session target ipv4:!请求RSVPreq-qos guaranteed-delay!配置串口interface serial 0/0ip address! 激活RSVPip rsvp bandwidth 48 48fair-queue 64 256 36clockrate 640002.省分行Cisco路由器配置参数设置hostname HZ! 配置POTS 拨号对应端dial-peer voice 1 potsdestination-pattern 95533port 1/0/0! 配置VoIP 拨号对应端dial-peer voice 2 voipdestination-pattern 05778001session target ipv4:!配置串口interface serial 0/0ip address! 激活RSVPip rsvp bandwidth 96 96

【每日词根】2.par(pair, per, pir, peer)

来源于拉丁语 par(=to arrange,to appear,to produce,equal) 意为“相等的,平等的”,pair,per,pir,peer这四个词根是词根par的变形。词根par的同义词根有来源于拉丁语的词根equ,同形异义词根有来源于拉丁语 parere 的词根par,意思是“生 ,生育,显示,出现”。 追本溯源:par表示“相等”来自原始印欧语根*per-,最原始的含义是表示“切”,由此根产生的一个简单的单词pare,就是“切,削”的意思。把东西从中间切开一分为二就得到一对(pair);把东西切很多分,就得到各个不同的部分(part);客人来了,提前把苹果切好,就是准备(prepare)。由“切”引申出“带来”的含义,所以父母(parent)就把你带到这个世界上的人。 1.  apparel [靠近排列ap<ad(=to, near)+par(=arrange)] n. 衣着;服饰 vt. 给…穿衣 ex) My teacher told me that shorts aren"t appropriate apparel  for class. 老师告诉我穿短裤来上课不合适。 2.  imperative [在里面排列、整理的im<in(=in, intensive)+per<par(=arrange)] adj. 必需的;紧急的;必须服从的,强制的;命令式的 n. 命令 ex) It"s imperative to remove your shoes once you enter the temple. 进入寺院时你必须脱掉鞋子。 3.  imperious [在里面排列或整理的im<in(=in,intensive)+per<par(=arrange)] adj. 飞扬跋扈的,傲慢的,专横的;紧急的;迫切的 ex) She"s an imperious  little tot, always bossing around her young cousins. 她是一个专横的小女孩,经常对她的堂弟妹颐指气使。 4.  irreparable [无法重新整顿或安排的ir<in(=not)+re(=again)+par(=arrange)] adj. 无法修补的;无法挽回的 ex) A broken teacup is irreparable,no matter what the glue package says. 无论胶水的外包装上怎么写,摔碎的茶杯都是无法修补的。 5.  apparition   [出现在附近ap<ad(=to, near)+par(=appear)] n. 幽灵,鬼怪;幻影;特异景象 She claims to see apparitions in the graveyard at night. 她坚持说晚上在墓地看到幽灵。 6.  transparent [通过某种东西出现、显示到另一边的trans( =through,across)+par( =appear)] adj. 透明的;清澈的;明了的,明白的 transparency/transparence  n. 透明(性);幻灯片 ex) The transparent turquoise waters of the Caribbean are spectacular. 加勒比海透明的蓝绿色海水非常壮观。 7.  disparage [认为某人和自己不平等dis(=not)+par(=equal)] vt. 轻视,藐视;中伤,诽谤;贬低 disparagement  n. 轾视;诽谤 disparagingly  adv. 轻视地 ex) Insecure people often disparage the achievements of others. 不安的人总是会贬低别人的成绩。 8.  disparity [不同等dis(=not)+par(=equal)] n. 不同,不等 ex) The disparity between rich and poor in Venezuela is startling.委内瑞拉的贫富差距令人吃惊。 9.  impair [使与以前不一样im vt. 损伤:削弱 impairment  n. 损害,损伤 ex) Alcohol had so impaired his faculties that he was unable to drive. 酒精极大地损伤了他的机能,以至于他开不了车了。 10.  apparatus n. (一套)装置,设备;器械,器具;(身体的)器官;(政党或地下活动的)机构  *ap heating apparatus  暖气 chemical apparatus  化学器械 electric apparatus  电器设备 digestive apparatus  消化器官 bureaucratic apparatus  官僚机构 espionage apparatus  间谍机构 11.  empire n. 帝国 *em emperor  n. 皇帝 empress  n. 皇后;女皇 the Roman Empire  罗马帝国 the British Empire  大英帝国 Empire City  帝国城,纽约市的别名 Empire State  帝国州,纽约州的别名 Empire State Building  纽约帝国大厦(102层,381米.1931年竣工,1950年在大楼项部修建高67.7米的电视塔) 12.  imperial adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;宏大的;专横的  *im Imperial City  帝都,罗马的别名 ex) His Imperial Majesty  陛下 imperiai president 专横的总统 13.  imperialism n.帝国主义:(领土)扩张主义 *im imperiatist  n. 帝国主义者 imperialistic  adj. 帝国主义的 14.  parade n. 阅兵,阅兵式;行列;游行;炫耀 v.(列队)行进;炫耀,夸耀  *par(=arrange) hold a parade  举行阅兵式 march in parade  列队行进 political parade  政治性游行 be on paracte  在游行 parade ground  阅兵场 make a parade of one"s virtues  夸耀自己的优点 parade one"s abilities  炫耀自己的能力 15.  pare v. 削(水果等的)皮;修剪(指甲等);修掉(边、角等);消减 *par(=arrange) parings  n. 削下、刺下的东西 pare one"s naics  剪指甲 16.  prepare v. 准备 *pre(=before),par(=arrange) preparedness  准备 be prepared to  准备好做… 17.  preparation n. 准备,预备;(药品的)调制,配制;配制好的东西  pre(=before), par(=arrange)  *par ( = arrange) preparations for war  战备 make preparations for a voyage  准备航海 pharmaceutical preparation  药物制剂 18.  preparatory adj. 准备的,预备的 *pre(=before), par(=arrange) preparatory school  预备学校,预科 19.  repair v. 修理;修补风修补  *re(=again), pair repairable  adj. 可修理的 repairer  n. 修理工 20.  reparable adj. (损失等)可补偿的;可修缮的 *re(=again), par(=arrange) 21.  reparation n. 补偿;赔偿;(pl.)(战败国的)赔款  *re(=again), par(=arrange) 22.  separate v. 分离,分开;分散  adj. 分离的,分开的;单独的; n. 不是成套的女装  *se(=away), par(=arrange) separately  adv. 个别地 separator  n. (牛奶的)脱脂器 separatist  n. (政治上或宗教上的)分离主义者 23.  separation n. 分离:脱离;[律](夫妇)分居  *se(=apart,away),par(=arrange) separation of powers  分权 judicial separation  (法庭判决的)夫妇分居 atter a separation of five years  分离五年后 24.  separable adj.可分离的 *se(= apart.away) 25.  apparent adj. 明显的;明白的;外观的,表面的  *ap apparently  adv. 明白地:外观上地,表面上地 ex) in spite of her apparent indifference 尽管她表面上冷淡 26.  appearance n. 出现;外观,外表,外貌  *ap appear  v. 出现.(演员、歌手、讲演者等)露面 make an appearance  演出,露面 to/ by all appearance(s)  从外表看 27.  compare v. 比较,对照;比喻作;(可)与…相比;匹敌  *com(=together), par(=equal) 28.  comparison n. 比较,时照;匹敌;比喻 *com(=together),par(=equal) 29.  comparable adj. 可匹敌的;可比较的  *com(=together),par(=equal) ex) His achievements are comparable with the best. 他可以同成就最高的人相匹敌。 30.  comparative adj. 比较的;[语]比较级的 comparatively  adv. 比较地;有点 *com(=together), par(=equal) comparative literature  比较文学 comparative religion  比较宗教 comparative politics  比较政治学 31.  compeer n. 地位相等的人;同伴  *com(=together),peer 35. disparate adj. (质、量等)无法比较的,根本不同的,(pl.)无法比较的事物  *dis(=not) 36.  pair n. 一对,一双,一副;一对(夫妻、情侣、舞伴等)  v. 成双,成对  *pair the happy pair  幸福的一对 in pairs  成双地,成对地 37.  par n. 同等;平价;票面价值;平均,标准 nominal par  票面价值 issue par  发行价格 above/below par  高于/低于票面价值 on a par with  争…不相上下 par of exchange  外汇平价 38.  parity n. 同等,平等,同位;平价 *par(=equal) parity of exchange  外汇平价 39.  peer n. 同辈;(社会地位或能力)同等的(或可以匹敌的)人;(英国的)贵族  v. 凝视,盯着看 *peer peeress  n. 女贵族 peerage  n. [总称]贵族;贵族头衔;贵族名册 be raised to the peerage  晋升为贵族 40.  peerless adj. 无可匹敌的 *peer 41.  umpire n. 仲裁;(比赛的)裁判员 v. 仲裁;裁判 *um act as umpire 担任裁判 umpire a cricket match 担任板球比赛的裁判 42.  vampire n.吸血鬼;吸血蝙蝠;高利贷者 *vamp(=temptress),pir 43.  oviparous adj. (鸟、鱼、爬虫类)卵生的  *ovi(=egg),par(=produce) 44.  parental adj. 父母亲的  *par(=produce) parents  n. 双亲,父母 parentage  n. 父母的身份 parental authority  亲权 parental anxieties  父母的担忧 parental care  父母的熙顾 45.  parricide n. 杀父母;杀父(或母)的人  *par(=produce), cid(=kill) 46.  parturition n. 分娩,生产  *par(=produce) 47.  viviparous adj. 胎生的 *viv(=Iife),par(=produce)   来自拉丁语的per意为to try out,to risk,它的变形为pir 和par。 1.  empirical (在内部严密地实验的em adj.依赖观察和经验的;经验的,经验上的 empiricism n.经验论;经验主义 empiricist n.经验主义者 empicric adj. 经验上;(n.)经验主义者 empirically adv. 凭经验地 Science requires empirical proof to support hypotheses. 科学需要实验的证据去支持假设。 2.  peril n.危险;危险物品 v.[多用于书面语、诗中]冒险;使临险境 perilous adj.危险的 in peril of one"s life 冒着生命危险 perils of the ocean 海上的风险 3.  imperil v.危及(生命、财产等);使陷于危险 *im 4.  pirate n.海盗(船);剽窃者;盗版者,侵犯版权者,非法播放者 v.剽窃(书等),非法翻印 *pir piracy n.海盗行为;(书等的)剽窃 piratical adj.海盗的;剽窃的 pirate edition / publisher 盗版/盗版出版者 pirate radio / tape 非法广播(特指在公海领域的广播)/盗版磁带 pirate listener 广播听者 5.  parious adj.危险的;不易对付的,狡猾的;惊人的 *par 6.  experience n.经验,体验;(pl.)经历,阅历 v.经验;体验,经历 *ex(=out) teaching experience 教学经验 religious experiences 宗教体验 Experience keeps a dear school. 吃亏学乘代价高 experience nausea/religion 感到恶心/宗教体验 7.  experienced adj.富有经验的;熟练的;老练的 *ex(=out) experienced nurse /lover 有经验的护士/老练的情人 8.  experiment n.实验;试验;尝试 v.进行实验 *ex(=out) experimentation n.实验;试验 carry out an experiment in chemistry 做化学实验 experiment upon dogs 拿狗做实验 9.  experimental adj.实验的,实验用的;根据实验的;经验的,试验性的 *ex(=out) experimentalist n.实验家;经验论者 experimentalism n.实验定义;经验主义 experimental methods 实验方式(方法) experimental farm 试验农场 experimental methods 经验知识 10.  expert n.能手,专家;熟练手,行家;特等射手 adj.熟练的,有经验的;老练的;行家的,专家的,内行的 *ex(=out) economics/agricultural expert 经济/农业专家 linguistic /mining expert 语言学/矿业专家 expert carpenter 熟练的木匠 expert advice /opinions 专家建议/意见 11.  expertise n.专门知识(技术);专家鉴定 *ex(=out) peril v. 冒险n. 危险(per+il→尝试→冒险) perilous a. 危险的(peril+ous) empiric n. 经验主义者(em出+pri[=per]+ic→从尝试出来→经验) empirical a. 靠经验办事的(empiric+al) empiricism n. 经验主义( empiric经验主义者+ism) experience n. 经验,经历(ex出+per+ience→尝试出来的东西→经验) experiment n. 实验(ex出+per+I+ment) ① 表示“贯穿,自始至终” perspective 透视的(per+spect看+ive→看透了→透视的) perennial 全年的(per+ennial年→全年的) perspire 出汗(per+spire呼吸→全身呼吸→出汗) permanent 永久的(per+man拿住+ent→永久拿住→永恒的) persist 坚持(per+sist站→站到最后→坚持) persuade 劝说(per+suade劝→一直劝→劝说) percussion 敲打(per+cuss震+ion→震动→敲打) perspicacious 独具慧眼的(per+spic看+acious→全部看到→独具慧眼) pernicious 有害的,有毒的(per+nic毒+ious→有毒的) perplexed 困惑的(per+plex重叠+ed→全部重叠在一起→困惑了) perforate 打洞(per+forate打孔→打孔穿过→打洞) permeate 渗透(per+me走+ate→走过去→渗透过去) ② 表示“假,坏” perfidy 不忠,背叛(per+fid相信+y→假相信→不忠诚) perjury 伪证,假誓(per+jur发誓+y→假发誓;参考:jury陪审团) perfunctory 草率的(per+funct作用+ory→没起好作用→草率的) perpetrate 做坏事;犯罪(per+petr=patr父亲+ate→以父亲式态度对待别人→专横,做坏事) pervert 堕落,滥用(per+vert转→转向坏→堕落) 1、贯穿、通、透、遍、自始自终 perspective 透视的(spect看) perfect 完全的,全然的 pernoctation 通宵不归,彻夜不眠(noct夜) perennial 全年的(enn年) perfuse 洒满,灌满(fus流) perspire 出汗(spir呼吸) permanent 永久的(man停留) perform 完成,执行 persist 坚持(sist立) perorate (演说时)作结束语 pervade 遍及(vad走) perambulate 步行穿过(ambul走) pervious 能被通过的(vi路) 2、加强意义 perplex 使复杂 permute 变换 perturb 扰乱 perfervid 十分热情的 percussion 敲打 persuade 劝说 3、过、高(用于化学名词) peroxide 过氧化物 peracid 过酸 perchloride 高氯化物 periodide 高碘化物 persulphate 过硫酸盐 permanganate 高锰酸盐 赞赏支持  每日词根 © 著作权归作者所有LXSpring   写了 6331 字,被 1 人关注,获得了 0 个喜欢 喜欢 更多分享 评论  关闭评论 智慧如你,不想 发表一点想法 咩~被以下专题收入,发现更多相似内容
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