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Peking Opera是什么意思


chungking nanking Peking 为什么都有king拜托各位大神


京剧英文Peking Opera,是因为北京原来叫北平吗?

应该是当时根据粤语(香港)音译造成的偏差。其实BEIJING OPERA这个译法也不准确,京剧和西方歌剧(opera)无关。最好直接音译——JING JU。

Beijing Bejng Peking House什么意思?


为什么以前称呼北京为Peking,像北大就叫Peking University?



初中有首歌叫唱脸谱,里面第一句就说外国人把那京剧叫做peking opro???,具体是什么不知道了.


除了HARBIN 哈尔冰 URMUQI乌鲁木齐以外就是拼音了


邮政式拼音,这是一个以拉丁字母拼写中国地名的系统。始于晚清,1906年春季于上海举行的帝国邮电联席会议通过其使用。1912年中华民国成立之后继续使用邮政式拼音,因此它是 20世纪上半叶西方国家拼写中国地名时最常用的系统。中华人民共和国成立之后,在大陆地区邮政式拼音逐渐被汉语拼音取代。 邮政式拼音以威妥玛拼音为根据,不过采用一些已经普及化的地名拼法。此外,一些地方使用当地方言或古音来拼写其地名。

为什么北京大学的英文翻译为Peking University?


TSINGTAO 和PEKING 是青岛和北京的威妥玛式拼音吗?


为什么用PekingUniversity 表示北京大学而不用Beijing


为什么北京大学的英文名字是Peking University ?






北京大学的英文为什么是“Peking University”?



  据考究,“Peking”是明朝时期的发音,现在“北京”一词的拼写采用标准的汉语拼音“Beijing”。明朝官话中“京”的发音类似于“ging”,与英语单词“king”相似,直至清朝后期,“京”字的声母发音才由“g”逐渐转变为“j”。   “京”字发音的转变在语音学上被称为“腭化”,现在粤语、客家话、闽南语对“京”字的发音,多少保留有此字腭化前的读音特点。   19世纪英国学者威妥玛创立的“威妥玛式拼音”将北京的发音标注为“Pei-ching”,与“Peking”非常相似。   自从中国正式通过《汉语拼音方案》后,人们越来越少使用“Peking”的拼写,而是以“Beijing”作为规范的地名拼法。

Peking和Beijing的区别 听说Peking有贬意 哪位帮帮忙查查大词典







法国人侵略北京后在北京发现一种京巴狗,peking来自于pekingese(京巴狗),和china(瓷器 ,中国)差不多

京华烟云为什么翻译成the moment of peking













Peking和Beijing都是北京(市)的意思,只不过是中华人民共和国首都旧译名,现在还是比较常用,例如:Peking duck 北京鸭;Peking Man 中国猿人, 北京人;Peking University 北京大学 等.而Beijing是公认的,国际通用的,所以很多正式的场合和地方都用Beijing.


不会啊 只是语言的一种形式 怎么回是侮辱的?

为什么北京大学教PEKING university 而不是Beijing university

Joy高斋翻译分享:Peking这一拼写形式是1906年西方人在上海举行的“帝国邮政联席议会”时确定的。[1] 1979年联合国通过决议,以汉语拼音取代威妥玛式拼音法;国际标准化组织(ISO)也于1982年开始以汉语拼音作为拼写汉语的国际标准。[2] 目前,北京的正式英文为Beijing,但像北京大学(Peking University,简写PKU,在翻译的时候Peking University,PKU和Peking University(PKU)均可,最后这个只限首次出现,而且是书面语,如果是演讲致辞就直接说Peking University。京剧(Peking Opera)、北京猿人(Peking Man)、北京烤鸭(Peking Duck)等已沿用多年的专业名词继续沿用Peking的拼法,不能随意更改。”高斋外刊双语精读“有经济学人双语精读笔记




我在找他的浮生六记英文版 找不到 网上有的买 大学图书馆里有啊,可以借来看~~ 是啊参考资料:我的额




peking是鸦片战争后外国人根据谐音及一些小小的猜测而造出来的专有名词。首先,北京、北平市民过钱后反复用的两个名称,外国人不明所以,用近似的king音代替。另外,外国人知道中国的皇帝在北京,所谓peking就是在king前的地方,意即首都,与本身的谐音可以看作一种巧合。另:我看了林语堂的《京华烟云》,其英文名是《moments in peking》,对此也有疑惑,根据某个江湖骗子的演讲,略补阙疑。


peking和beijing的区别是Peking是以前外国人拼写方式,但现在我们国家规定中国的地名一律用汉语拼音,所以现在改为Beijing了,两者都是北京的意思。 扩展资料 北京地势西北高、东南低。西部、北部和东北部三面环山,东南部是一片缓缓向渤海倾斜的平原。境内流经的主要河流有:永定河、潮白河、北运河、拒马河等,多由西北部山地发源,穿过崇山峻岭,向东南蜿蜒流经平原地区,最后分别汇入渤海。北京的气候为暖温带半湿润半干旱季风气候,夏季高温多雨,冬季寒冷干燥,春、秋短促。


同意:peking,tsinghua 等是粤语的音译




据考究,“Peking”是明朝时期的发音,现在“北京”一词的拼写采用标准的汉语拼音“Beijing”。明朝官话中“京”的发音类似于“ging”,与英语单词“king”相似,直至清朝后期,“京”字的声母发音才由“g”逐渐转变为“j”。 北京为啥不叫peking了 “京”字发音的转变在语音学上被称为“腭化”,现在粤语、客家话、闽南语对“京”字的发音,多少保留有此字腭化前的读音特点。 19世纪英国学者威妥玛创立的“威妥玛式拼音”将北京的发音标注为“Pei-ching”,与“Peking”非常相似。 自从中国正式通过《汉语拼音方案》后,人们越来越少使用“Peking”的拼写,而是以“Beijing”作为规范的地名拼法。


Peking是韦氏拼音中对北京的拼写,是西方人认识和了解北京最早的称呼,也是世界上流传最广的称呼。而Beijing是现代汉语拼音对北京的拼写,是建国后开始使用的。对于很多和中国建交比较早的国家而言,Peking比Beijing更深入一些。 扩展资料   He is a big fan of Beijing opera.   他是京剧的铁杆粉丝。   The American visitors arrived in Beijing yesterday afternoon.   美国客人昨天下午抵达北京。   But do you really think I can get in Peking University?   但是你真的认为我能考上北大吗

为什么京剧是peking opera而不是Beijing opera,青岛是tsing不是qing

Joy高斋翻译分享:Peking这一拼写形式是1906年西方人在上海举行的“帝国邮政联席议会”时确定的。[1] 1979年联合国通过决议,以汉语拼音取代威妥玛式拼音法;国际标准化组织(ISO)也于1982年开始以汉语拼音作为拼写汉语的国际标准。[2] 目前,北京的正式英文为Beijing,但像北京大学(Peking University,简写PKU,在翻译的时候Peking University,PKU和Peking University(PKU)均可,最后这个只限首次出现,而且是书面语,如果是演讲致辞就直接说Peking University。京剧(Peking Opera)、北京猿人(Peking Man)、北京烤鸭(Peking Duck)等已沿用多年的专业名词继续沿用Peking的拼法,不能随意更改。”高斋外刊双语精读“有经济学人双语精读笔记

Moment in Peking 中英文人名对应的中文名

爱 恨 烟 云


speckingv. 染斑(speck的现在分词)speeding英 ["spiu02d0du026au014b]美 ["spidu026au014b]n. 超速行驶v. 促进(speed的ing形式)adj. 高速行驶的


Teddy R. Duncan(泰迪·邓肯) (Bridgit Mendler)本剧女主角,聪明,关心他人,但有时也会为他人带来麻烦。15岁,是家中的老二。每天都用DV为小妹妹查莉做成长日记,作为她在成长道路上的建议。口头禅是在每集结尾处说的“祝你好运,查莉”(Good luck Charlie)。PJ Duncan(PJ·邓肯)(Jason Dolley)家中长子,17岁,很关心弟弟妹妹。笨拙单纯,实际上也很机智勇敢。和朋友艾密特组成一支乐队,并梦想着自己会成为著名歌星。Gabriel "Gabe" Duncan(盖比·邓肯)(Bradley Steven Perry)大家都叫他"Gabe",10岁,家中的老三,泰迪和阿杰的弟弟,查莉的小哥哥。一开始不太喜欢妹妹查莉,但渐渐的改变了看法。非常顽皮,总是会为周围人带来麻烦,不爱学习,但有时也会认真。在校是篮球队队员。Charlotte "Charlie" Duncan(查莉·邓肯)(Mia Talerico)大家都叫她"Charlie",家中的老四,虽然还是个婴儿,但她几乎时时都在笑,没有哭过,只是偶尔因一些小事发脾气。三个哥哥姐姐在照顾查莉的过程中引发了一系列的搞笑事件。Amy Blankenhooper Duncan(艾米·邓肯)(Leigh-Allyn Baker)五个孩子的母亲,医院护士,是一个尽责、幽默的女人。热爱自己的家庭,可以为家人做一切事情。喜欢出风头。Bob William Duncan(鲍伯·邓肯)(Eric Allan Kramer)五个孩子的父亲,艾米的丈夫,有一家灭虫公司。对虫子有着无比的热爱。总是尽责地照料孩子们。是盖比所在的篮球队的教练。Toby Duncan(托比·邓肯)(第三季扮演者未知,第四季中由Logan Moreau扮演)在第三季第七集时出现,家中第五个孩子。是查莉的弟弟 ,与查理的生日同一天。托比这个名字是盖伯想出来的。Emmett(艾密特)(Micah Williams)PJ的好朋友,从小就喜欢泰迪Ivy Wentz(艾薇·温茨)(Raven Goodwin)泰迪的好朋友,总能为泰迪提供一些点子。Mrs. Dabney(达布尼太太)(Patricia Belcher)邓肯家的邻居,身材肥胖。爱看肥皂剧,喜欢猫。经常被盖伯恶作剧,但有时候也会回整盖比Spencer Walsh(斯宾塞·威尔士)(Shane Harper)泰迪的男朋友,长相英俊。

中国城市英文写法 例如 peking,lanchow


Route Gushankou-Huangshandian-Zhoukoudian Peking man ruins

Stop 1 Huangshandian1.Content(1)Observation of overturned strata in the Huangshandian area.(2)Infer a large overthrust fault system from the stratigraphic relationships in the Huangshandian area.(3)Observe a large overturned fault and associated cleavage.2.Purpose(1)Based on the relationships in Huangshandian,fully understand the concept that“strata are the basis of structure analysis”.(2)Understand the stacking relations of the multi-phase structure.(3)Understand such structural phenomena as fold-thrust structure,folding layer,overturned fault and sheath fold.3.Main observationsStop ALocation:Western side of Huangshandian villageContent:(1)A ductile shear zone with layering occurs in the Tieling Fm.(Jxt)of the Jixian system and extends from Huangshandian village to the hillside behind Huangshandian elementary school,(2)overturned strata of Xiamaling,Tieling,Hongshuizhuang and Wumishan Formations.Description:Observe the thick-bedded dolomite of the Wumishan Fm.,the phyllite of the Hongshuizhuang Fm.,the dolomite of the Tieling Fm.,and metamorphic arenaoeous-pelitic rock at the base of the Xiamaling Fm.where they crop out along the path through Huangshandian village.In the Huangshandian area a large recumbent fold is made up of layers with a combination of strong strain and weak strain(Fig.3-11,Fig.3-12).A planar section of the stronger strain belt can be seen in laminated dolomite and oalcareous dolomite of the Tieling the ohicken farm.Here,what appears to be bedding is actually intense flow cleavage,or penetrative cleavage.The deformation also formed some pencil structures and folds,and the rock has been mylonitized by strong shear.In outcrop,the fine-grained,dark and the coarse-grained light domains form a zone with the characteristics of rheomorphio struoture.On a larger scale,S and C foliations interweave to form a diamond network-node(Fig.3-11).Based on strain measurement in the XZ plane of this ductile shear zone,the deformational strength of the dolomite increased from edge to center.The ratio of minor axis and apical axis increases from 1 to 2 to 1 to 3.5.In the center of the belt,the rock is extremely sheared and the grain size is only about 10 micron(μm).The porphyroclasts have an asymmetrical structure,produced by rotation.These features of ductile deformation define extensional tectonic event Dl.Fig.3-11 Sketch of ductile shear zone with bedding in the chicken farm at Huangshandian,BaojinshankouThe Huangshandian fold-overthrust fault overprints the features formed by tectonic event Dl.The fold-fault system is exposed over an area of about 30 km2 and is made up of a recumbent anticline and a recumbent syncline,which together form a shovel-type thrust fault(Fig.3-12).On the overturned fold limb,the fault plane has been re-folded into a broad syncline.Looking into the distance from the north slope ditch behind the village,one can see the hinge zone of the large recumbent fold developed in strata of the Wumishan,Hongshuizhuang and Tieling Formation.The hinge trends in an ENE direction at 75°-80°,and the axial plane dips to the SSE.The thrust plane disappears under hill 628 m on the east side of the Huang Yuan Temple.Near the core of the anticline,stromatolites of the Wumishan Fm.have been strongly sheared,and are upside down,indicating that the strata are overturned.Along the road to the northwest,pods of folded dolomite with lamina of calcareous dolomite of the Tieling Fm.are well developed and show mineral lineations nearly parallel to the fold hinge.Muddy strata crop out in the core of the recumbent syncline where the foliation is entirely replaced by axial-plane cleavage D2.Fig.3-12 Huangshandian fold-thrust nappe structure(after Yan et al.,2006).Field photosA—and geological section; B—indicate the geometry and kinematics of this fold—thrust nappeRecent study(Yan et al.,2006)shows that the fault displacement gradually increases to the west of the observation point.The strata of Wumishan Fm.were pushed onto the strata of the Tieling Fm.,which forms the normal limb of the recumbent syncline.The greatest displacement was 2.75 km(Shan et al:1991).Stop BLocation:The hillside behind the Huangshandian elementary school.Content:Overturned stromatolites of the Wumishan Fm.Description:Pyramid stromatolites are developed in dolomite of the Wumishan Fm..Stromatolite cusps point to the underside and most cross the bedding plane at a high angle,which indicates that the strata are overturned.We can measure the strike-dip of the stromatolites and other structural elements.Stop CLocation:Penstock wall beside the southeast road of Huangshandian.Content:Connate deposit structure in the Wumishan Fm.Description:Thick-bedded dolomite of the Wumishan Fm.crops out at this location.It is only weakly deformed and its primary structures are well preserved.On the penstock wall,one can observe well-preserved water-escape structures and scour structures.Growth faults and disturbed bedding are obvious,showing that the connate deposit was unstable.The stromatolites in these rocks are erect and upward-facing.Stop DLocation:East flat-topped ridge of Huangyuan.Content:Sedimentary sequence and lithology of the Neoproterozoic Changlongshan and Jingeryu Fms.and some Paleozoic rocks.4.Questions for discussion(1)What are the characteristics of a fold-thrust structure?(2)How can one recognize syn-sedimentary growth faults?(3)How can one determine whether a sedimentary sequence is right side up or overturned?(4)How can one determine whether a folded layer is an anticline or syncline?Stop 2 Gushankou large recumbent fold1.LocationGushankou railway cut(Fig.3-13).2.Purpose(1)To observe the shape of a complicated fold at the Gushankou railway cut.(2)To recognize the associated structures in the fold and understand the structuralr elationships among the associated structures and the main fold.Fig.3-13 ⅡA-type recumbent fold in siliceous dolomitic marble and carbonaceous phyllite of the Wumishan Fm.,Gushankou railway cut(After Yan et al.,2006)A—a large-scale recumbent fold at Gushankou involving dolomite,limestone and phylite of the Wumishan formation(Jxw);B—a sub-harmonic parallel fold(type IB)in competent dolomite,compared with type Ⅲ fold in incompetent phyllite(cf.Ramsay&Huber 1987);C—a ductile shear zone(inferred from several outcrops in Gushankou area),which has a top-to-the-southeast sense of shear;D—hinge zone of the large-scale recumbent fold at Gushankou involving dolomite,limestone and phyllite of the Wumishan formation(Jxw);E—cleavages within the phyllite of the recumbent fold indicate a top-to-the-southeast sense of shear;F—Stereonet plot(lower hemisphere projection)of mineral lineations and S1 foliation fromuhe locality shown in E,indicating the southeast-northwest orientation of the principal strain(3)Sketch various parts of the outcrop.3.Main contentStop ALocation:The south hill tip at Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the overall character of the complicated fold on the north wall of the Gushankou railway cut.Description:Observe the complicated fold from SE to NW.Using the khaki-colored calcareous phyllite as an index bed,trace the outline of the fold.The fold has a long and gently dipping normal limb,and a short,steeply dipping overturned limb,and thus is a recumbent fold.Observe the character of the fold and then sketch the section carefully(Fig.3-13).Stop BLocation:Att he western part of the southern abrupt wall of the Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the small-scale structures.Description:(1)Observe the foliation and the minerall ineation,and measure their dip direction and dip angle.(2)Observe the recumbent fold and the refraction cleavage in the hinge zone of the fold.stop CLocation:Western part of the north abrupt wall at the Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the sub-fold and bedding fault.Description:(1)Observe the distribution ofthe“Z”“M”“S” type sub-folds,and measure their attitudes.(2)Observe the bedding fault,and confirm the character of the fault(according to the drag folds and the relationship to the fault surface and the cleavage in the fault zone).(3)Sketch the structural features with appropriate scale.Stop DLocation:Center of the north abrupt wall at the Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the cleavage and joint.Description:(1)Observe the refraction cleavage and the bending cleavage,and examine the relationship between cleavage dip angle(referring to the bed)and rock type.(2)Observe the fan-type and reverse fan-type cleavage in the hinge zone of the fold,and their relationship to the rock types.(3)Observe the relationship between cleavage and bedding.(4)Observe the torch-type joint combination.These joints represent brittle deformation,and overprint on the cleavage,which indicates brittle-ductile or ductile deformation.These joints have an echelon arrangement.Stop ELocation:South abrupt wall att he Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the mullion structure.Description:(1)Observe the strike and dip and the morphology of the mullion structure.Note that interlayered quartzite and phyllonite crop out here.The thick-bedded quartzite forms cylindrical folds with divisional cleavage,whereas the phyllonite forms cuspidal-circular folds with penetrative foliation.The combination of fold-type and foliation produces the mullion structure.(2)Sketch this outcrop.Stop FLocation:Eastern part of the north abrupt wall of the Gushankou railway cut.Content:Observe the sheath fold(Fig.3-14)and the stromatolites.Description:(1)Shape of the sheath fold.In the YZ section,“Ω”type and closed folds can be observed here,and a symmetric“Z”type fold can be seen in he XZ section.Fig.3-14 Sheath fold noses in the YZ and XZ sections,including a ductile shear zone occurring within the Wumishan Gushankou(2)Character of the sheath fold hinge.Note that the minerall ineation is parallel to the hinge of the sheath fold.(3)Observe the stromatolites.Note that some workers consider these to be stromatolites,but others consider them to be sheath folds(Fig.3-14).4.Questions for discussions(1)How can we utilize the minor-scale structures to recognize the character of a large scale of fold?(2)Why is such a complicated fold present in the Gushankou area?(3)Why do variable lithologies in this structure show different deformation?Stop 3 The museum at the Peking man ruins(Fig.3-15)Purpose:Visit the museum of the Peking man to understand the process of human evolution and its significance.Fig.3-15 The museum att he Peking man ruins

55 days at peking的中文歌词谁知到?

1900那年值得回味这些人,他们在北京度过了55个日夜这曾被称为 义和团运动一场血腥的东方战争(慈禧)向所有国家的外交使团发起对抗英、法国旗在微风中飘扬 何其自在意大利、俄罗斯以及日本国旗同样然而军号临至滚鼓中盛载愤怒北京街道空如墓地Bom-Bom-Bom-Bom-Bom-Tom Bom-Bom-Bom-Bom-Bom-Tom Bom-bom, bom-bom-bom Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom 中国的女皇(慈禧)一声令下让外邦恶魔滚出北京他们突袭法国公使馆他们以枪弹攻击披以被鲜血染红的衣物而至直到倒下 仍高喊“杀手!”(可能是愤怒外国人占领了自己国家,所以怒吼”杀手“)那鼓已被镇压多时军号亦已停鸣但随着时间的推移你仍能听到他们的回声在萦绕Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom Bom-bom, bom-bom-bom Fifty-five days at Peking Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom Bom-bom, bom-bom-bom Fifty-five days at Peking Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom Bom-bom-bom.........