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yo! 难以giao大桥大KI 老K 陪无几票大桥播大目票 len sei 无几G.DR.A.G.O.N(HE"S ON DRAGON)难熬林漫坑心比死罗几拿也工米呀一呀亲加膜系嫩QI 里呀hiphop一音加qiai 米加你膜气加你qiai 米nia 膜系nia 系几昂气屁气拿几期跟一孙干你 间r 本内撒米娜嫩hiphop SOLDIERdei 录铺度桥跟偶嫩度全米桥吧呀本全HERE I COME 内衣 len目录谬 困蓝黑 (G THE DRAGON)?米斗拿嫩hiphop也 SOLDIERdei 录铺度桥 HERE I COME内衣 len目录谬困蓝黑(G THE DRAGON)AND I TOLDYAH(G THE DRAGON)ROCKS THAT JONT图接卡拉谬搜罗内one two 目罗卡拉谬撒我内kiao图(WHAT IS IT)拿也图剧膜 len考老hiphop 一蓝领位诶内因sing len考老(GLAD.DA DRAGON)拿用给噶sing giao几(NEVER LAGGING)难无啦卡怕几考起(欧普)系考里gin(欧普)系火系有系内噶斗一giao几哈一接WAKE UP 梦去几吗r 谷卡NEVER FAKE UPNEVER FAKE UPhiphop本哈拿大KI 过怕蓝大 IT"S ME G他噶气啦啦啦HERE I COME 内衣 len目录谬 困蓝黑 (G THE DRAGON)米斗拿嫩hiphop也 SOLDIERdei 录铺度桥 HERE I COME内衣 len目录谬困蓝黑(G THE DRAGON)AND I TOLD YAH(G THE DRAGON)ROCKS THAT JONTPERRY 3 SEE SOMEONESHOOULDATOLD YALL BOUT A SHORT WYLEN OUTTO EXPLODE YALL AND WHOI BE?BLIZARDGET IT WHILE IT"S SBURNED UPNON STOP KI dei 录包票噶苏撒考林系干剧掐(偶不)大 WHAT拿接度 WHAT旁没度 WHAT屁怕狼米目啦桥度切外(偶不)大 DREAM ON 内噶KI 料文一sei 桑 BE-GONE 你噶图料我含sei 桑一接拿们过G-DRAGONHERE I COME 内衣 len目录谬 困蓝黑(G THE DRAGON)米斗拿嫩hiphop也 SOLDIERdei 录铺度桥 HERE I COME内衣 len目录谬困蓝黑(G THE DRAGON)米斗拿嫩hiphop也 SOLDIERdei 录铺度桥 HERE I COME 内衣 len目录谬 困蓝黑(G THE DRAGON)?AND I TOLD YAH(G THE DRAGON)ROCKS THAT JONT


yo! ub09c uc774uacbcub2e4 uc84cub2e4 uadf8ub807uac8c ubc30uc6b0uc9c0 ud3c8ub2e4 uc811uc5c8ub2e4ubaa9ud45cub97c uc138uc6b4uc9c0 G.DR.A.G.O.N(HE"S ON DRAGON)ub09c uc5b4ub9b0ub9ccud07c uc2e0ube44uc2a4ub7fduc9c0 ub098uc758 uafc8uc774uc57c uc774uc57c uc9c4uc9dc uba4buc788ub294 uae38uc774uc57c ud799ud569uc77cuc778uc790 uc7acubc0cuc796ub2c8 uba4buc9c0uc796ub2c8uc7acubc0cub0d0 uba4buc788ub0d0 uc27duc9c0 uc54auc9c0 ube5buc774 ub0acuc9c0uc9c0uae08 uc774uc21cuac04uc774 uc9e7uc740 ub0b4 uc0b6uc774 ub098ub294 ud799ud569SOLDIERub54cub860 ubd88ub3c4 uc800 ub05duc5c6ub294 ub3c4uc804 ubc11uc838ubd10uc57c ubcf8uc804HERE I COME ub0b4 uc774ub984 ubaa8ub974uba74 uace4ub780ud574(G THE DRAGON)ubbffuc5b4ub098ub294 ud799ud569uc758 SOLDIER ub54cub860 ubd88ub3c4uc838 HERE I COME ub0b4 uc774ub984 ubaa8ub974uba74 uace4ub780ud574(G THE DRAGON)AND I TOLD YAH(G THE DRAGON)ROCKS THAT JONT1ub458uc9f8 uac00ub77cuba74uc11cub7fdub1241.2ubb3cub7ecuac00ub77cuba74 uc2f8uc6e0ub124 uacb0ud22c (WHAT IS IT)ub098uc758 ub450 uc8fcuba39uc744 uac77uc5b4 ud799ud569uc774ub780 ub9c1uc704uc5d0 ub0b4 uc778uc0dduc744 uac78uc5b4 (GLAD.DA DRAGON)ub09cuc6a9uae30uac00 uc0dduacbcuc9c0(NEVER LAGGING)ub09c uc62cub77cuac00ubd24uc9c0uac70uce68uc5c6uc774 uac70ub9acub08cuc5c6uc774 ud639uc2dcuc5educ2dc ub0b4uac00 ub610 uc774uacbcuc9c0 ud558!uc774uc820WAKE UP uba48ucd94uc9c0 ub9d0uace0uac00 NEVER FAKE UPud799ud569uc740 ud558ub098ub2e4 uadf8uac78 ubc14ub780ub2e4 IT"S ME G ub2e4uac19uc774 ub77cub77cub77c HERE I COME ub0b4 uc774ub984 ubaa8ub974uba74 uace4ub780ud574(G THE DRAGON)ubbffuc5b4ub098ub294 ud799ud569uc758 SOLDIER ub54cub860 ubd88ub3c4uc838 HERE I COME ub0b4 uc774ub984 ubaa8ub974uba74 uace4ub780ud574(G THE DRAGON)AND I TOLD YAH(G THE DRAGON)ROCKS THAT JONTSEE SOMEONE SHOOULDA TOLD YALL BOUT A SHORT WYLEN OUT TO EXPLODE YALL AND WHOI BE?BLIZARD CHILD PLAYA WHAT! WHAT!WE GETTIN NUFF LOVE SPREAD IT LIKE A GERM DOES GET IT WHILE IT"S SBURNED UP NON STOPuadf8ub300ub85c ubed7uc5b4uac00 uc18duc0ad uac70ub9b4 uc2dcuac04 uc870ucc28 uc5c6ub2e4WHAT ub0aeuc5d0ub3c4 WHAT ubc24uc5d0ub3c4 WHAT ube44ubc14ub78cuc774 ubab0uc544uccd0ub3c4 uc81cuc67cuc5c6ub2e4 DREAM ON ub0b4uac00uadf8ub824uc628 uc774uc138uc0c1BE-GONE ub2c8uac00 ub450ub824uc6ccud55c uc138uc0c1 uc774uc81c ub0a8uc740 uac74 G-DRAGONHERE I COME ub0b4 uc774ub984 ubaa8ub974uba74 uace4ub780ud574(G THE DRAGON)ubbffuc5b4ub098ub294 ud799ud569uc758 SOLDIER ub54cub860 ubd88ub3c4uc838 HERE I COME ub0b4 uc774ub984 ubaa8ub974uba74 uace4ub780ud574(G THE DRAGON)AND I TOLD YAH(G THE DRAGON)ROCKS THAT JONT

katy perry的The One That Got Away钢琴谱谢谢


Sperry Top-sider和Timberland的男式帆船鞋,哪个舒服耐穿




Sperry Top-Sider,Sebago,Paraboot,Timberland,哪个牌子的帆船鞋更适合23岁的轻熟男呢?


夏天来了Sperry Top-Sider Sebago帆船鞋,甲板鞋 是一个不错的选择

船鞋(boat shoes)(也称为甲板鞋deck shoes)通常是帆布或皮革,带有无痕橡胶鞋底,专为在船上使用而设计。鞋底切割出刀槽花纹,以在潮湿的甲板上提供抓地力;皮革结构以及油的应用旨在防水;并且缝合非常耐用。传统上,船鞋不穿袜子。 现代船鞋于 1935 年由康涅狄格州纽黑文的美国人 Paul A. Sperry 发明,当时他注意到他的狗能够轻松地在冰上奔跑而不会滑倒。他用一把刀在鞋底上切出刀槽花纹,于是发明一款非常适合划船的鞋子并且建立一家名为 Sperry Top-Sider 的公司。 Sperry Top-Siders 今天仍然是一个受欢迎的船鞋品牌,其中包括 Portside、Sebago 和 Timberland( 添柏岚或者踢不烂) 。船鞋男女皆可穿。 顾名思义,船鞋是水手使用的;然而,自 1970 年代以来,它们已成为荷兰、美国、加拿大、阿根廷、澳大利亚、中国、法国、意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙、德国和英国沿海地区的休闲鞋。今天的一些船鞋有传统的白色无痕鞋底,尽管今天还有许多其他的有深色无痕鞋底。它们通常具有 moc-toe(如莫卡辛)结构。它们通常被视为某种身份的象征(船鞋表明拥有一艘船的所有权,该船的甲板足够大,可以在上面四处走动)。 在 1980 年代到 1990 年代初期,它们成为一种 时尚 潮流,并在 2007-2008 和 2010 年代回归。男孩、女孩、男人和女人每天都穿着它们。这种 时尚 在许多国家从小学到大学时代都广受欢迎。 它们有时与袜子一起穿着,尤其是白色或明亮的霓虹色和柔和色的低胸短袜或短袜。在 80 年代到 90 年代初,他们穿着休闲袜,通常搭配紧身卷/法式卷筒牛仔裤来展示休闲袜。 Sebago、Sperry Top-Siders 和 Eastland 是当时最受欢迎的品牌(从 2008 年到 2010 年代一直如此)。

关于欧美流行天后:我比较喜欢Taylor Swift,Katy Perry,Rihanna,Britney Spears,Avril Lav...

cover drive ----twlight

求:KATY PERRY《Firework》中英对照歌词

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,你可曾想过自己像个垃圾袋,drifting through the wind在风中飘来飘去,wanting to start again?想要重新开始?Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄like a house of cards,就像一屋子的卡,one blow from caving in?风一吹就会倒下?Do you ever feel already buried deep?你可曾想过,自己被埋得很深?6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing在六尺下喊呀喊但谁都听不见Do you know that there"s still a chance for you你知不知道其实你还有希望?"Cause there"s a spark in you因为你心里还是有火花You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮Just own the night like the 4th of July把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日"Cause baby you"re a firework因为宝贝你是个烟花Come on, show "em what you"re worth来吧,让他们看你值多少Make "em go

Katy Perry的 Firework 歌词意思是什么

katy perry的firework歌词?

katy perry的firework 歌词中文翻译Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, 你可曾想过自己像个垃圾袋, drifting through the wind 在风中飘来飘去, wanting to start again? 想要重新开始? Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin 你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄 like a house of cards, 就像一屋子的卡, one blow from caving in? 风一吹就会倒下? Do you ever feel already buried deep? 你可曾想过,自己被埋得很深? 6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing 在六尺下喊呀喊但谁都听不见 Do you know that there"s still a chance for you 你知不知道其实你还有希望? "Cause there"s a spark in you 因为你心里还是有火花 You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine 你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮 Just own the night like the 4th of July 把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日 "Cause baby you"re a firework 因为宝贝你是个烟花 Come on, show "em what you"re worth 来吧,让他们看你值多少 Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你闪过天空-空-空 Baby, you"re a firework 宝贝,你是个烟花 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,让你的颜色爆发 Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own 你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒 You don"t have to feel like a waste of space 你不用觉得你再浪费位置 You"re original, cannot be replaced 你是独一无二的,不能被取代 If you only knew what the future holds 要是你知道未来掌握着什么 After a hurricane comes a rainbow 飓风后的彩虹 Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed 可能你是所有门都关上的理由 So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road 所以你就能开一扇让你到达完美路途的门 Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow 就像闪电,你的心会爆发 And when it"s time, you"ll know 到了对的时间,你就会知道 You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine 你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮 Just own the night like the 4th of July 把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日 "Cause baby you"re a firework 因为宝贝你是个烟花 Come on, show "em what you"re worth 来吧,让他们看你值多少 Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你闪过天空-空-空 Baby, you"re a firework 宝贝,你是个烟花 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,让你的颜色爆发 Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own 你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒 Boom, boom, boom 叭,叭,叭 Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon 比月亮还亮 It"s always been inside of you, you, you 从以前都一直在你内心里 And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough 现在是该放开的时间 "Cause baby you"re a firework 因为宝贝你是个烟花 Come on, show "em what you"re worth 来吧,让他们看你值多少 Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你闪过天空-空-空 Baby, you"re a firework 宝贝,你是个烟花 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,让你的颜色爆发 Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh" 让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》 You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own 你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒 Boom, boom, boom 叭,叭,叭 Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon 比月亮还亮 Boom, boom, boom 叭,叭,叭 Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon 比月亮还亮参考资料:


Katy perry - E.TYou"re so hypnotizing你令人神魂颠倒Could you be the devil, could you be an angel.你可能变成魔鬼,你可以变成天使Your touch magnetizing你的触摸很有磁性Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing就像在漂流,我的身体通红They say be afraid他们说害怕你You"re not like the others, futuristic lovers你和别人不一样,我的未来情人Different DNA, they don"t understand U不一样的基因,他们都不懂你You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我可以被你杀死Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural(英文)它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的You are so supersonic你是超声波的Wanna feel your powers想感受你的力量Stun me with your lasers用你的激光吓我Your kiss is cosmic你的吻是宇宙的Every move is magic每个动作都是神奇的You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural(英文)它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的There is transcendental这是超乎经验的On another level在另一个层面上Boy, you"re my lucky star男孩,你是我的幸运星I wanna walk on your wave length我想要与你合拍And be there when you vibrate当你摇摆不定的时候我会在那儿For you I risk it all为你我不惧怕任何危险Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural(英文)它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural(英文)它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Katy perry - FireworkDo you ever feel like a plastic bag,你可曾想过自己像个垃圾袋,drifting through the wind在风中飘来飘去,wanting to start again?想要重新开始?Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄like a house of cards,就像一屋子的卡,one blow from caving in?风一吹就会倒下?Do you ever feel already buried deep?你可曾想过,自己被埋得很深?6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing在六尺下喊呀喊但谁都听不见Do you know that there"s still a chance for you你知不知道其实你还有希望?"Cause there"s a spark in you因为你心里还是有火花You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮Just own the night like the 4th of July把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日"Cause baby you"re a firework因为宝贝你是个烟花Come on, show "em what you"re worth来吧,让他们看你值多少Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》As you shoot across the sky-y-y当你闪过天空-空-空Baby, you"re a firework宝贝,你是个烟花Come on, let your colors burst来吧,让你的颜色爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒You don"t have to feel like a waste of space你不用觉得你再浪费位置You"re original, cannot be replaced你是独一无二的,不能被取代If you only knew what the future holds要是你知道未来掌握着什么After a hurricane comes a rainbow飓风后的彩虹Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed可能你是所有门都关上的理由So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road所以你就能开一扇让你到达完美路途的门Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow就像闪电,你的心会爆发And when it"s time, you"ll know到了对的时间,你就会知道You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮Just own the night like the 4th of July把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日"Cause baby you"re a firework因为宝贝你是个烟花Come on, show "em what you"re worth来吧,让他们看你值多少Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》As you shoot across the sky-y-y当你闪过天空-空-空Baby, you"re a firework宝贝,你是个烟花Come on, let your colors burst来吧,让你的颜色爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒Boom, boom, boom叭,叭,叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon比月亮还亮It"s always been inside of you, you, you从以前都一直在你内心里And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough现在是该放开的时间"Cause baby you"re a firework因为宝贝你是个烟花Come on, show "em what you"re worth来吧,让他们看你值多少Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》As you shoot across the sky-y-y当你闪过天空-空-空Baby, you"re a firework宝贝,你是个烟花Come on, let your colors burst来吧,让你的颜色爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒Boom, boom, boom叭,叭,叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon比月亮还亮Boom, boom, boom叭,叭,叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon比月亮还亮

Katy Perry的新歌《E.T》的MV中的内容是什么意思啊?看不懂= =

《E.T.》MV于3月初在南加利福尼亚完成拍摄,展现这位加州本土明星全新的未来主义形象。该MV由Floria Sigismondi(一位在加拿大的意大利导演)执导,使用Symphony 19制作,MV以史诗般的未来为背景,讲述了饰演外星人的Katy Perry带着对生命的向往踏上地球,在文明的废墟和瓦砾中寻找生命。在踏上地球的那一刻她发现一切都完了,由于垃圾与污染,地球上生命已不复存在。但如同科幻小说电影的情节,外星人Katy Perry发现了过去人类生命的遗迹,她复活了一个生命并且与其展开了跨宇宙的爱恋,告诉了人们拯救地球还是有希望,一副Vogue Eyewear太阳镜被发现装在闪闪发光的盒子里,而盒子上标有“地球2011”,而这只是个开始...... 此次单曲《E.T.》的造型着实让人眼前一亮,凯蒂·佩里化身魔幻外星人出现猫一样的蓝色瞳孔,粉色鱼鳞皮肤,紫色的双唇,羚羊般的发型让我们对《E.T.》充满了无限的好奇和遐想。

求Katy Perry新歌Not Like The Movies的歌词!


The Band Perry的《Chainsaw》 歌词

歌曲名:Chainsaw歌手:The Band Perry专辑:PioneerThe Band Perry - Chainsaw.We scratched our namesIn that oak tree"Cause I loved youAnd you loved meA jagged little heart so the whole town knew itCarved in the bark with an arrow through itI came out here to see it one more time.And I got my chainsawOh you know it"s got to go, it"s such a shame y"allBut I ain"t gonna be happy "til those names fallAnd I"m sittin" on a stump.Love is shadyLove is tragicIt"s hard to bury the hatchetHoldin" a chainsaw.I guess all those yearsThey don"t mean a thingNow I can"t waitTo count those ringsNothing left of us but dust and splintersA big pile of wood to keep me warm through the winter"Cause I, I don"t have you.But I got my chainsawOh you know it"s got to go, it"s such a shame y"allBut I ain"t gonna be happy "til those names fallAnd I"m sittin" on a stump.Love is shadyLove is tragicIt"s hard to bury the hatchetHoldin" a chainsaw.Just a lil" ol" chainsaw.I remember what you said that nightThat you would love me for the rest of your lifeWe wrote forever with a pocketknifeBut forever"s goin" down tonight.Cause I got my chainsawIt"s got to go, it"s such a shame dollBut I ain"t gonna be happy "til those names fallAnd I"m sittin" on a stump.Love is shadyLove is tragicIt"s hard to bury the hatchetLove is shadyLove is tragicIt"s hard to bury the hatchetHoldin" a chainsawChain-chain-chainsaw.

求Katy Perry的《UR SO GAY》的歌词翻译


求katy perry08年专辑里所有英文歌词和中文歌词!·

01 one of the boys i saw a spider 我看见了一只蜘蛛 i didn"t scream. 我没有尖叫 cuz i can belch the alphabet 我还可以打个饱嗝 just double dog dare me. and i chose guitar over ballet. 吉他还是芭蕾 我选吉他 and i take these suckers down 我把那些笨蛋都干掉 cuz they just get in my way. 因为他们到了我的道 the way you look at me is kinda like a little sister. 你看我的方式就像在看一个姐姐 rubbed by your goodbyes. 被你的“再见”擦伤了 and it leaves me nothing but blisters. 只留下了满身水泡 so i don"t want to be one of the boys. 所以我不想成为那些男孩子中的一员 one of your guys. 你的一个男朋友 just give me a chance 给了我一个机会 to prove to you tonight. 来向你证明明晚 i just wanna be one of the girls. 我只想成为你的女孩 pretty in pearls. 戴上首饰 漂亮的女孩 not one of the boys. 而不是你的男孩 so over summer something changed. 过了夏天 一些事情改变了 i started reading 17 我开始我的17岁 and shaving my legs. 剃我的腿毛 and i study the avedareligously. 我潜心研究 aveda(一个品牌) and i walked right in school 我刚好在学校走着的时候 and caught you 碰到了你 staring over me. 你看着我 cuz i know what you know. 我知道你在想什么 but now your gonna have to take a number. its ok. 但是,还轮不到你呢!去排队吧! maybe one day. 也许有一天 but not until i get my diamond ring. 在我戴上钻石戒指前 cuz i don"t want to be one of the boys. 我不想成为那些男孩中的 一员 i just wanna be a homecoming queen 返校节舞会上的女王 i wanna be a flower 我想成为一朵花 not a dirty weed. 不是肮脏的杂草 and i wanna smell like roses 我希望我闻起来有玫瑰的味道 not a baseball team. 而不是橄榄球队的汗臭 and i swear maybe one day. 我发誓有一天 your gonnna wanna make out make out make out with me (don"t wanna be) 你会想和我约会

the band perry 在54届格莱美上唱的那首歌叫什么名字啊?

原唱Glen Campbel Gentle On My Mind

求Katy Perry的wide awake歌词~最好有中文翻译~

我如梦初醒我置身与黑暗之中 带着破碎的心重重摔落在地原来我深深的误解了头顶的星图如今水落石出刹那间的光芒并不是永恒我沉溺于梦中太久期许过去的自己懂得今日的教训不深陷其中不委曲求全重力般的心碎有你的糖衣毒药直到我在这水泥地上彻底醒来从梦幻的九霄云外堕落向残酷的现实地面撞击今晚我要放手一搏不再为爱废寝忘食拾起每块梦的碎片靠自己稳稳的站起来不再需要别人来填补空缺我逃脱你的虎口重生一次我不再需要惺惺作态想挽留我已经太迟我们之间至此画下句号期许过去的自己懂得今日的教训不深陷其中雷鸣交加石碎墙倒试过去牢牢抓紧上帝也为我见证能目睹前途的曙光我不再为爱蒙蔽自我今夜我就会放下这一切 个人感觉这个好些 如果只要翻译的话

Katy Perry的《Wide Awake》 歌词

歌曲名:Wide Awake歌手:Katy Perry专辑:Now 44: That"s What I Call MusicWide AwakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeYeah, I was in the darkI was falling hardWith an open heartI"m wide awakeHow did I read the stars so wrongI"m wide awakeAnd now it"s clear to meThat everything you seeAin"t always what it seemsI"m wide awakeYeah, I was dreaming for so longI wish I knew thenWhat I know nowWouldn"t dive inWouldn"t bow downGravity hurtsYou made it so sweetTill I woke up onOn the concreteFalling from cloud 9Crashing from the highI"m letting go tonight(Yeah I"m) Falling from cloud 9I"m wide awakeNot losing any sleepPicked up every pieceAnd landed on my feetI"m wide awakeNeed nothing to complete myself - nooohoooI"m wide awakeYeah, I am born againOutta the lion"s denI don"t have to pretendAnd it"s too lateThe story"s over now, the endI wish I knew thenWhat I know nowWouldn"t dive inWouldn"t bow downGravity hurtsYou made it so sweetTill I woke up onOn the concreteFalling from cloud 9Crashing from the highI"m letting go tonight (yeah, I"m letting go)I"m Falling from cloud 9Thunder rumblingCastles crumblingI am trying to hold onGod knows that I triedSeeing the bright sideBut I"m not blind anymore...I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeYeah, I"m Falling from cloud 9Crashing from the highYou know I"m letting go tonightI"m Falling from cloud 9I"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awakeI"m wide awake

Katy Perry的《Firework 》的歌词是什么?

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,    drifting through the wind   wanting to start again?   Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin    like a house of cards,     one blow from caving in?     Do you ever feel already buried deep?      6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing      Do you know that there"s still a chance for you      "Cause there"s a spark in you     You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine      Just own the night like the 4th of July   "Cause baby you"re a firework     Come on, show "em what you"re worth     Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"     As you shoot across the sky-y-y   Baby, you"re a firework    Come on, let your colors burst     Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own     You don"t have to feel like a waste of space     You"re original, cannot be replaced    If you only knew what the future holds     After a hurricane comes a rainbow    Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed    So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road      Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow    And when it"s time, you"ll know     You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine     Just own the night like the 4th of July     "Cause baby you"re a firework     Come on, show "em what you"re worth      Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"      As you shoot across the sky-y-y      Baby, you"re a firework    Come on, let your colors burst    Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"      You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own     Boom, boom, boom     Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon    It"s always been inside of you, you, you     And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough   "Cause baby you"re a firework     Come on, show "em what you"re worth      Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"      As you shoot across the sky-y-y     Baby, you"re a firework     Come on, let your colors burst      Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"      You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own      Boom, boom, boom    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon    Boom, boom, boom   Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon   

求katy perry 的bullet 中英文歌词!!

My mama warned me about boys like youits the reason i wear theese steel toed boots yeahand let me give you a little plece of advicemy papa pack heat and he won"t think twice yeahwell, why do you think they call me Jessie James?too musch trouble better stay awaycrab your hat better get gonebut if you stay you"ve been warnedi"m a bullet and i.m headedstraight for you heart (yeah)be careful what you start!i"m a bullet and i.m headedstraight for you heart (yeah)its gonna leave a mark!Call, every now and theni make a man break a sweatwatch him work overtime on my wristbands (yeah)cause i"m the kinda girl that you wanna show offi"ll tell"emall your friends with a southern drawl(yeah)well, why do you think they call me Jessie James?sweet as a peach,impossible to tamefingers on the trigger and you"ll be to blamecause if you stayi"m a bullet and i.m headedstraight for you heart (yeah)be careful what you start!i"m a bullet and i.m headedstraight for you heart (yeah)its gonna leave a mark!(yeah)i"ll ride where the wind wants to take meleaving lovers in the dust every citycause my heart was like a ghost town babyand now i met a man that brings mei"m a bullet and i.m headedstraight for you heart (yeah)be careful what you start!i"m a bullet and i.m headedstraight for you heart (yeah)its gonna leave a mark!(yeah) Thank you.

you lie-The Band Perry中文歌词翻译

The Band Perry - You Lie It ain"t complicated 这不复杂Well, I"ve grown to hate it是的 我开始讨厌它了 I never liked the taste of crow but baby I ate it 我真是讨厌死乌鸦了 但是 宝贝 我弄死了它They tried to warn me 他们企图警告我They said that you were ornery 他们说你卑劣又低等So don"t bring me those big brown eyes and tell me that you"re sorry 所以别用你无辜的眼神告诉我你错了Well you might as well throw gasoline on a fire 你这只是火上浇油The way you lie 你说谎的样子You lie like a priceless Persian rug on a rich man"s floor 你的谎言就像富商地板上昂贵的地毯那样虚伪You lie like a coon dog basking in the sunshine on my porch 你的谎言就像躺在我门廊上晒太阳的黑狗那样讨厌You like like a penny in the parking lot at the grocery store 你的谎言就像停车场杂货店里的硬币那样廉价It just comes way too natural to you 这就是最真实的你The way you lie 说谎的你That ain"t my perfume 那不是我的香水味I bet she had a curfew 我打赌她有越轨You told me you were out with the boys and baby I believed you 你告诉我你只是和兄弟闺蜜出去 好相信你So why you lookin" so nervous 那为什么你看上去那么紧张You know you"re gonna deserve this 你知道你配得上这些I oughta kill you right now and do the whole wide world a service 我真该杀了你为世界除害Well my daddy"s gonna straighten you out like a piece of wire, 是的 我爸会把你撸得像钢丝一样like a piece of wire 想跟钢丝The way you lie 你说谎的样子You like like the man with the slick black hair who sold me that Ford 你就像卖给我ford的那个黑发男人一样恶心You like like a palm tree in the back yard after last month"s storm 你像上个月折断在暴风之夜的棕榈树一样可怜You like like a penny in the parking lot at the grocery store 你像停车场杂货店里的硬币那样廉价It just comes way too natural to you这才是真实的你 The way you lie 说谎的你Well, I"ll tell you what I"m gonna do 好 我告诉你 我要做什么I"m gonna drive into the big ol" muddy river我会把车开向ol`大河I"m gonna park my car in the middle of the mile-long bridge我会把车停在大桥的当中And then I"m gonna cry well maybe just a little然后我会哭泣 没什么 只是小声的短暂的Then I"m gonna slip off the ring that you put on my finger然后我会丢掉你给我的戒指Give it a big ol" fling and watch it sink把它送给ol`河 看着它下沉Down, down, down下沉 沉下去There it"s gonna lie你还在撒谎Until the Lord comes back around一切周而复始Because you lie like a priceless Persian rug on a rich man"s floor因为你的谎言就像富商的地毯那么虚伪You lie like a coon dog basking in the sunshine on my porch你的谎言就像门廊前的黑狗那么讨厌You like like a penny in the parking lot at the grocery store你的谎言就像停车场便利店的硬币那样廉价It just comes so dang natural to you这就是真实的你The way you lie说谎的你The way you lie说谎的你Well it"s what you do, it"s who you are对 你就是这么做的 这就是你
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