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Philadelphia 歌词

歌曲名:Philadelphia歌手:Parachute专辑:The Way It Was〖Philadelphia〗〖Parachute〗〖The Way It Was〗〖Lyric Edited By MichaelG〗Like a gunshot from miles awayShe"s moving inLike a rainstorm without the cloudsShe falls on youLike a phone call to warn the truthIt never ringsIt"s the truth before the liesIt"s the way she doesn"t tryIt"s the wink before the slyIn PhiladelphiaIn PhiladelphiaThey met after work one dayShe laughed with himThey drove off their separate waysThen met for drinksWhen he got home the silent guilt was deafeningIt"s the truth before the liesIt"s the way she doesn"t tryIt"s the wink before the slyIn PhiladelphiaIn PhiladelphiaShe thought that love was gonna fightShe thought that love was gonna take her homeShe thought that love was gonna save herBut love just never showedShe felt that love was always watchingOh, we learned that love was supposed to waitBut sometimes it"s the feelingsThat are standing in the airHe slips off his worn-out suit and tries to restShe"s a million miles away across the bankShe rolls over, puts her head across his chestIt"s the truth before the liesIt"s the way she doesn"t tryIt"s the wink before the slyIn PhiladelphiaIn PhiladelphiaIn PhiladelphiaoooooooohooooooooooooohoooooThe End

NBA球队PHI是不是Philadelphia 76ers的缩写


NBA球队PHI是不是Philadelphia 76ers开头三个字母


Philadelphia 76ers名字里的76ers是怎么来的?



是Q Lazzarus唱的Heaven,歌词 Everyone is trying to get to the bar. The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven. The band in Heaven plays my favorite song. They play it once again, they play it all night long. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. There is a party, everyone is there. Everyone will leave at exactly the same time. Its hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, and so much fun. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. When this kiss is over it will start again. It will not be any different, it will be exactly the same. It"s hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, could be so much fun. Heaven is a place where nothing every happens Heaven is a place where nothing every happens

Philadelphia Passed a Soda Tax

The fifth largest city in the US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors. 美国第五大城市费城通过了一项重要的“苏打水征税”提案,该提案决定对经销商征收每液体盎司1.5美分的税。Philadelphia"s new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council vote. It sets a new bar for similar initiatives across the country. 费城的这项新措施以13票比4票获得了市议会的通过。它为美国全国范围内的类似举措设置了新的标准。It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks can win substantial support outside super-liberal areas. 这证明,即使在超自由主义领域之外,对含糖饮料征税也可以赢得大量支持。Until now, the only city to successfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014. 目前为止,加州的伯克利是唯一一个成功通过并实施了苏打水征税的城市,该税法于2014年通过。The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with added sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. 该税不仅适用于佳得乐和冰茶等其他含糖饮料,也适用于普通汽水和无糖汽水。It"s expected to raise $410 million over the next five years, most of which will go toward funding a universal pre-kindergarten program for the city. 预计在未来五年中,它将征集到4.1亿美元,其中大部分将用于资助该市的一项普及学前教育项目。While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court. 虽然市议会投票结果在议会厅内赢得了欢呼,但是该项提案的反对者,包括苏打水游说者,却对此进行了尖锐的批判,并且发誓会在法庭上反对这一税收。"The tax passed today unfairly singles out beverages — including low- and no-calorie choices," said Lauren Kane, spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association. 美国饮料协会发言人劳伦·凯恩(Lauren Kane)称,”今天通过的这项税收专门针对饮料——包括低卡和零卡饮料,这很不公平。”"But most importantly, it is against the law. So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it." “但最重要的是,这是违法的。因此,我们将与大多数费城人站在一起,反对这项税收,并采取法律行动阻止它。”An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements. The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a "grocery tax." 一场由行业支持的反税运动已花费了至少400万美元用于广告宣传。这些广告批判了这项税收,并将其描绘为“杂货税。”Public health groups applauded the approved tax as a step toward fixing certain lasting health issues that plague Americans. 公共健康组织则支持这项已通过的税收,并称赞这是解决某些长久困扰美国人的健康问题所迈出的一步。"The move to recapture a small part of the profits from an industry that pushes a product that contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart disease in poorer communities in order to reinvest in those communities will sure be inspirational to many other places," said Jim Krieger, executive director of Healthy Food America. "Indeed, we are already hearing from some of them. It"s not "just Berkeley" anymore." 优食美国(Healthy Food America,一个致力于促进健康饮食的组织)的执行主任吉姆·克里格(Jim Krieger)说:“从一个所推广的产品会让较贫困社区的人口患上糖尿病、肥胖症和心脏病的行业拿回一小部分利润,以再投资于这些社区,这种举措肯定会对其他许多地方产生启发。”“事实上,我们已经收到了一些地方的来信。不会只有伯克利一个城市。”Similar measures in California"s Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado"s Boulder are becoming hot-button issues. Health advocacy groups have hinted that even more might be coming. 类似措施在加州的奥尔巴尼、奥克兰、旧金山和科罗拉多州的博尔德正成为热点问题。健康组织暗示未来可能会有更多城市。


美国 宾夕法尼亚州 费城



Philadelphia 歌词

歌曲名:Philadelphia歌手:john mark mcmillan专辑:the medicineJohn Mark McMillan - PhiladelphiaYou step through meAnd the screen door hits the woodAnd your packing all your thingsYou say your moving out to there to HollywoodAnd I can"t do a thingYou say there"s nothing for youIn this cardboard townAnd every bridge you crossYour gonna burn it to the groundYou wont listen to a word that I"m telling yaSo who"s running through the hallsIn the houses of painThat are staring back at meLike the ocean from a planeI swear I"ve seen your eyesin the ghost of PhiladelphiaI think about you late at night sometimesWhen I can"t sleepCause I can hear the trainIt"s always thereYou just don"t know itTill a quarter to threeYou just can"t hear it in the dayWhen every body"s got your numberIn a plexy glass townWhere the birds ain"t got wingsBut no one makes a soundCause they all know how to flyJust I wouldn"t buy what they"re selling yaI run into your old man every once and againMostly in the springReminds me of our younger and more genuine days whenYou weren"t so out of reachStill for all your runningYou just can"t change a mileOf the things you carry aroundIn the closet of your mindAnd the days keep coming manThey never fail yaYour never gonna run awayFrom what your hanging round your headFrom what you said




安德鲁(汤姆u2022汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)和米勒(丹泽尔u2022华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)认识于法庭上,两人都是年轻有为的律师,各为其主。然而,年轻的安德鲁不久后因为同性恋和身染艾滋病被老板发现,以莫须有理由解雇了。 遭解雇后的安德鲁四处寻找律师为他讨回公道。当安德鲁找到米勒时,米勒一开始拒绝了他。因为米勒像普通人一样憎恨同性恋和惧怕艾滋病,但当他看到安德鲁在图书馆搜索“艾滋病歧视”时遭到管理员的白眼,听着妻子缓慢而平静地说出他们的姨妈、朋友有很多也是同性恋时,他决定受理安德鲁的案件。 在最后的法庭上,病危的安德鲁毅然出庭…… 如果你要是打《费城故事》的话,会有更多信息的。


Philadelphia的发音是:[,filu0259"delfju0259; -fiu0259] 中文发:非了 呆非恶



Philadelphia 歌词

歌曲名:Philadelphia歌手:NEIL YOUNG专辑:Philadelphia - Music From The Motion PicturePHILADELPHIA / Neil YoungSometimes I think that I knowWhat love"s all aboutAnd when I see the lightI know I"ll be all right.I"ve got my friends in the world,I had my friendsWhen we were boys and girlsAnd the secrets came unfurled.City of brotherly lovePlace I call homeDon"t turn your back on meI don"t want to be aloneLove lasts forever.Someone is talking to me,Calling my nameTell me I"m not to blameI won"t be ashamed of love.PhiladelphiaCity of brotherly love.Brotherly love.Philadelphia.


费城philadelphia在词典上的解释:(名词,n)费城费城:philadelphia 费城 是美国最老、最具历史意义的城市,在美国城市排名第四,居民共约六百二十万人,费城是德拉瓦河谷都会区的中心城市,位于宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)东南部,市区东起德拉瓦河,向西延伸到斯库基尔河以西,面积334平方公里。它在美国史上有非常重要的地位。同名电影《费城》则是一部反应艾滋病,同性恋,人权,自尊的经典影片。“费城”也是美国NBA中的一支老牌蓝球队。费城还是中国山东省费县费城镇的名称。


philadelphia的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[u02ccfilu0259u02c8delfju0259]美语音标:[u02ccfilu0259u02c8delfju0259]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译n.费城单词例句用作名词 (n.)She got caught kite flying in Philadelphia. 她在费城到处开空头支票时被抓住。


Philadelphia 英[u02ccfu026alu0259"delfju0259] 美[u02ccfu026alu0259"delfju0259] n. 费城(美国宾西法尼亚州东南部港市); [例句]The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government.在费城起草的这份文件使具有独立主权的各州组成的邦联变成了国家政府。

为什么费城philadelphia别称是brotherly love
