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spin off (名词形式也写为 spin-off) 有不同意思,要看语境: 派生 衍生 独立出来 副产品 公司或组织的一个部门和公司分离开来,独立经营 等等 在原句的语境里, spin off 是指电视剧 Park Avenue 的衍生戏剧。 句子是说(意译), 虽然连续剧...副产品亲本spin vt.1. 纺纱,纺线 2.使转动;旋制。 本句off the throwing hand连在一起的。 意思是:铁饼像丝一样飞出掷饼的手。对于一个右手掷饼的人来说,当从上面的看的时候是顺时针旋转的spin-off company 是指剥离公司 指一个大公司把它的某一个部门分离出来,使之成为一个独立的公司。两者的意思都是以母公司的股票换成子公司的股票,所不同的是前者母公司将不复存在,后者母子公司俱在。1)split-off point split-off以股易股,股本转换 split-off point分离点 其他意思的例句:A minority which disagreed split off. 一个持不同意见的少数派分裂出去了。 We can split off carbon dioxide. 我们可以用分解法去除二氧化碳。 His f...


split off分离;分裂[网络短语]split off 换股,分离,分裂split-off 分裂,存续分立,易股式重组split away off 脱落下来


spinoffspinoff 英["spu026anu0252f] 美["spu026anu02ccu0252f] n. 将子公司股票分配给母公司股东,续集; [例句]He then goes on to chat about a Prison Break spinoff.接着他就聊到了《越狱》衍生剧的事儿。




黑皮诺PinotNoir。黑皮诺风味:树莓、樱桃、草莓、蘑菇、皮革、香料。搭配餐食:简单清爽型:勃民第大区、阿尔萨斯或其他基础款黑皮诺,可以配应季蔬菜,火腿、餐肉等冷盘。甜美果香型:新西兰、加州、智利等。可以配些调味不太重的鸡鸭类和鱼虾等海鲜类。优雅复杂型:勃民第村级以上,或类似勃民第风格的,可以配些调味稍微重口一些的荤菜,鸡鸭、牛羊肉、烟熏三文鱼、龙虾等,以及野生蘑菇、松露等食材。黑皮诺主要产区:1.法国勃艮第(Burgundy),香槟区(Champagne)。黑皮诺是法国红葡萄的经典品种,他们以勃民第和酒庄这两个名字闻名世界。除了品质卓越外,勃艮第黑皮诺还有一个特点就是耐存放。尽管单宁较低,但天然的高酸和复杂的风味特征使得不少优质黑皮诺可以陈上15-20年甚至更久。2.美国索诺玛海岸(Sonoma Coase)。美国是除了法国以外种植黑皮诺面积最.大的国家,主要集中在加州和俄勒冈州。在比较凉爽的地区比如索诺玛海岸(SonomaCoase)俄罗斯河谷(RussianRiver Valley)和卡内罗斯(Carneros),能酿出一些品质不错的黑皮诺。3.新西兰马丁堡Martinborough。新西兰的黑皮诺果味纯净,馥郁优雅。很有勃艮第风采的中奥塔哥,出产的黑皮诺酸度和单宁含量都更高,风味更为集中,正在收到越来越多爱好者的青睐。

黑皮诺和《杯酒人生》(Pinot Noir&Sideways)

Pinot Noir,中文译为黑皮诺,大概是因为葡萄品种皮黑而薄(black thin skin),再加上英文名的首写字母(P&N)翻译而来。是个能突显葡萄品种特性的很好的译名。 黑皮诺是主要的红葡萄品种中,公认的最挑剔最难伺候的品种,因为他对生长环境要求很高。其品种特性不强,易随环境变化而变化。美国著名的酿酒师安德鲁·切列斯切夫(Andre Tchelistcheff)曾说:“赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)是上帝创造的,而黑皮诺(Pinot Noir)是撒旦创造的”。 世界上最经典最出名的黑皮诺产区是法国的勃艮第,这里的Red Burgundy 为世人称道。也是世界上均价最高的葡萄酒。 当然,我也是暂时没有找到来自法国勃艮第的黑皮诺,才转向购买了来自美国加州的纳帕谷Carneros的黑皮诺。加州因温暖的气候,优质的黑皮诺在整体葡萄品种中排名是前五的。还有北边的Sonoma和Santa Barbara等。 这次品尝的是Frank Family酒庄2012年的Carneros Pinot Noir。据说这个酒庄的酒深受世界华人的喜爱。酒体色泽成深红色有点儿偏褐色。对比之前法国的波尔多的地区餐酒,从色泽上看差别不大。 这是一款备受推崇获奖颇多的酒(荣获2014年旧金山纪事报葡萄酒大赛铜奖以及国际女性葡萄酒大赛银奖等等),而Frank family酒庄也是连续四年被评为三藩市纳帕谷最佳酒庄。酒庄位于得天独厚的纳帕中心地带Carneros ,平缓起伏的丘陵,浅层致密的粘土土壤,年降雨量为20英寸,太平洋的风带来了凉爽的温度,雾和风,孕育出世界级优质的黑皮诺。可见,真是集天时地利人和的一款酒(别忘了酒庄庄主是原迪斯尼高层RICH FRANK)。 可是呢,我对该酒印象最深的不是黑皮诺特有丰富饱满的果酱(红果)和精致的单宁口感,以及混合香草和干花(有人说肉桂也有人说是葡萄干)芳香,而是那一口下去荡气回肠的尾声!这是第一次喝酒感觉到,酒体直达心脏的冲击。那也不是因为辣的口感(绝对不同于止于喉部的雷司令),也不仅仅因为ALC14%。用某男士的说法是:好酒就应当如此!这是一款陈年了五年的酒。而黑皮诺的特点是,不管酒体在任何时间断都是值得品尝的,陈年的应该更有风味。 可是,这种酒感,终究不是我喜欢的。无论他如何受世人追捧(有人说法国的黑皮诺更像优雅的奥黛丽.赫本,而加州的黑皮诺性感饱满浓郁的像玛丽莲.梦露。终究我还是喜欢赫本)。 当年也因为Sideways《杯酒人生》这部电影,黑皮诺一下子成为美国甚至全球风靡的葡萄酒。这部电影出来后,黑皮诺一下子成为美国餐厅必点餐酒,销量上涨了16%。竟然也因此出现了惊动世界的“小红自行车”假酒案,就是用西拉和梅洛冒名顶替黑皮诺出售给那些痴迷黑皮诺的消费者。这当然也成为葡萄酒界的笑话,但是从众心理谁没有呢?又有多少人能完全忠实自己的爱好和口感呢? 2004年的Sideways 无疑是电影节的翘楚,虽然是成本很低的小众影片,无任何大牌明星,甚至男女主角颜值都很一般。但,他就是获得2004年最佳影片之首,囊括了当年奥斯卡许多奖项。世人给予许多“深刻”的评价,例如反映了中年危机现实,例如影片展示的一周反映了人的一生等等。不同的人可以给予影片不同的诠释,正如不同的人给一杯葡萄酒不同的品评一样,无对错,无客观的标准。而我印象最深和最喜欢的部分在于影片拍摄地Solvang美丽的酒庄风光,和葡萄采摘酿造的过程以及Maya那段话。虽然对整个葡萄园风光正面的展示就几分钟的镜头片段,但可以感受葡萄酒的醇香和受世人追捧背后的源头。更爱女主角Maya和Miles 在探讨为什么会喜欢黑皮诺的时,在针对Miles的回答后,Maya眼里闪着光,伴随着静静的背景音乐,款款而来的那段话。我喜欢思考生命,思考葡萄酒的一生。葡萄酒的一生就是一个孕育的过程。想想葡萄生长的那一年是怎么样的情形,那时候的阳光是否充足绚烂,如果那一年雨水充足又会怎么样。还有那些采摘葡萄的人们,如果是一瓶很老的酒,那许多酿造他的人们应该早已逝去……每一瓶酒在不同的时候打开味道会不一样,酒是有生命的,他会持续演变,会变得复杂,直到达到生命最好的境界……然后趋于稳定,最后不可避免的衰老。 葡萄酒的生命,就如同餐桌上任何的食物一样,是大自然,是农业生产和工业生产的产物,并不是那么的高高在上。任何一款用心酿造出来的葡萄酒,无论是否带有名贵酒庄的光环,他们都如同我们喝的一口茶,吃过的一碗饭,蕴含着风土力量,不凡的价值。 许多人也喜欢引用这段话去诠释人生。大概也是为什么这部影片被翻译成“杯酒人生”而大受欢迎吧。人生如酒,也许你就是那个敏感需要细心呵护的Pinot ,也许你是那个坚强的Carbernet,也许你是简单的Sauvignon ,也或许是多变的Chardonnay ……但终究会经历人生的孕育与酿造,以及种种,发酵升华。 自己的人生酒,还是需要自己去酿造去品尝,即使是一堆烂葡萄,说不定还可以酿出一杯美酒。不是吗?!

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spin-off 英 [spu026an u0252f] 美 [spu026an u0254:f] n. 副产品; sequel 英 [u02c8si:kwu0259l] 美 [u02c8sikwu0259l] n. 继续; 续集,续篇; 结局,后果; 余波;

Pino colada翻译是什么




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Pino Jelly的设计师是**YUMI**。

写给你的歌 皮诺pino曹歌词

写给你的歌风拨动枝丫摇摇晃晃树荫下的人躲躲藏藏是谁在扮鬼吵吵嚷嚷回忆在日记里泛黄鸟儿在屋檐晒着太阳风铃在歌唱叮叮当当那天你靠在我的胸膛我的心跳得那么慌想对你说 I love you forever I love you so 不要离开我你的笑刺激我的脉搏让我变成飞蛾扑火想和你手牵着手看着时间越过山那头倾听着蜿蜒的河流对你唱曾经说过最平淡的守候这是写给你的最平淡的一首歌



Pino Daniele的《Per Te》 歌词

歌曲名:Per Te歌手:Pino Daniele专辑:Yes I Know My WayJosh Groban - Per TeSento nell"aria profumo di tePiccoli sogni vissuti con meOra lo so, non voglio perdertiQuella dolcezza cosi senza etaLa tua bellezza rivali non haIl cuore mio vuole soltanto tePer te, per te, vivroL"amore vinceraCon te, con te avroMille giorni di felicitaMille notti di serenitaFaro quello che mi chiederaiAndro sempre dovunque tu andraiDaro tutto l"amore che ho per teDimmi che tu gia il futuro lo saiDimmi che questo non finira maiSenza di te non voglio esisterePer te, per te, vivroL"amore vinceraCon te, con te, avroMille giorni di felicitaMille notti di serenitaFaro quello che mi chiederaiAndro sempre dovunque tu andraiDaro tutto l"amore che ho per teNon devo dirtelo, ormai gia lo saiChe morirei, senza di tePer te, per te, vivroL"amore vinceraCon te, con te, farotutto quello che mi chiederaiAndro sempre dovunque tu andraiDaro tutto l"amore che ho per teFine

Pino Daniele的《Terra Mia》 歌词

曲名:terra(苍穹のfafner皆城总士角色歌)歌手:皆城総士 (CV:喜安浩平)o bi e da ko ko ro nija do ru ka na si mi wara sen ni tsu ra na ruja mi ni ku be te ki tasi zu kaa na ko ko ro ninan o ja do so u kazyo u ne tsu o sa ma suko bi no ka ke u kai ma ha su re ci ga u da ke dowa ka i a e ru kit toka ze ni u ta re zyo u ku na rufu ju ka ra re no ki no jo u nine o cyo u ge te jo uko no ka te si na i da i ciso ra to u mi toso no e ga o ma mo ru na rabo ku na ranan mo o ko wa ku na inan mo i ra na isin zi tsu ka rame o so ra sa zu niju ra gi no na i ko ko ru no ma ma nii no i wa i tsu de moze tsu bo u ni mi ci tesu ku i wa i tsu de momu ne no na ka ni a rumi e ru mo no mi e na i mo noso re zo re no i ta mi ohi to tsu zu tsu ka ku e na ga rafu ju ka ra re no ki no jo u nizyu ke to me te ju ko uko no ka ze wa ta ru da i ciso ra to u mi toki mi o ta da ma mo ru ta meko do ku monan mo o ko wa ku na iki zu na do na iha ru ka to o kusi sen o to u ge tema da mi nu mo nomi tsu me te i jo uka ke ga e na i mo nosin zi ru mo noso no su be te ma mo ru na rabo ku na ranan mo o si ku na inan mo ka mo sai tsu ka kit toko ko ro ha kit toto ki ha na ta rehi to tsu ni na re ru



Pino Daniele的《Anima》 歌词

歌曲名:Anima歌手:Pino Daniele专辑:Napule E"ANIMA杜德伟为觅得丝丝证据你在洒泪并胡乱猜测真情变了罪但若然不需证据也没猜忌便才是真的爱并无虚可惜你旧情掉向火堆那分热情入了雪堆令我似受罪令你负累但我为你苦追一颗心窝失去别了空空的身躯风中飘去怎可找到心做证据北风却将我吹一颗心窝失去在你水汪汪的双眼倒影里星光仿佛黯淡去心失去不可追寻anima{music}







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pino是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉

pino音标:["pino]词义:1、<植> 松;松木;2、<体> 倒立。


Pino手表是瑞士品牌Richard Mille旗下的品牌,总部位于瑞士


spinal英 [u02c8spau026anl] 美 [u02c8spau026anu0259l]TOEFL /adj.脊柱的,与脊柱有关的; 针的,刺的; 棘状突起的;adv.在脊骨方面,压着脊骨;n.[医]脊髓麻醉;

比诺塔吉pinotage酿酒品种起源于 _____________ 。

南非皮诺塔吉是酿酒葡萄品种之一。属红葡萄品种,用以酿造红葡萄品种,好的皮诺塔吉葡萄酒会展现出深浓的色泽、浓郁的水果香还有很大的陈酿潜力。皮诺塔吉是南非独有的红葡萄品种。赤霞珠和梅洛非常流行。西拉和其他罗纳河产区的红葡萄品种,甚至是加利福尼亚州的仙粉也加入进来。皮诺塔吉种植较困难,用它来酿酒也不容易,原因就是这种葡萄品种天生具有烧焦橡胶味,因此酿酒者的技术和酿酒风格显得尤为重要。一瓶成功的皮诺塔吉会有李子、樱桃、黑莓及焗香蕉的味道,成熟的皮诺塔吉葡萄酒还有黑松露的味道。发展皮诺塔吉是南非独特的酿酒葡萄品种。皮诺塔吉是在1925年由开普敦大学葡萄栽培学授贝霍尔德( Abraham Izak Perold)用黑比诺(Pinot Noir)与神索(Cinsaut)通过杂交(异花授粉)培植出的南非自己的葡萄品种。由于神索在南非当地也被称为 Hermitage,所以起名为Pinotage(Pinot+-tage),黑比诺轻柔优雅,单宁细致,较难栽培。而神索单宁相对较粗,香气厚重,但容易栽培及抗病。基于这两种葡萄的特点,人们想通过杂交来获得兼具这两种葡萄优点的新葡萄品种。在贝霍尔德之前,也有许多人尝试杂交育种试验,但都未取得成功。幸运的是,贝霍尔德教授成功了,经过一波三折所育成的皮诺塔吉兼具黑比诺勃艮第式的经典细腻和神索的易栽培、高产量、抗病性好的优良品质,刚一面市即受到葡农的欢迎。



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pinay scandal video皮奈丑闻视频很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O


Philippines[英] [ˈfɪləˌpi:nz, ˌfɪləˈpi:nz] [美] [ˈfɪləˌpinz, ˌfɪləˈpinz]生词本简明释义n.(用作单)菲律宾[地名] [亚细亚洲] 菲律宾查词历史:Filipinos常见度:音节划分:Fili▪pi▪noFilipinos生词本简明释义[医]菲律宾人n.菲律宾人( Filipino的名词复数 )



英语作文my opinoin on using smart phones

Nowadaysmobile phone has become requisite to our life.Undeniably mobile phone has various types of function and bring many benefits in our le phone is a great discovery to make our life more comfortable! Paradoxicallymost of the drivers are accustomed to using mobile phone while driving although they know it is risky.This is a risky action and might cause a serious traffic accident.Besides that this action will also affect to the third party which including the pedestriansmotorcyclists and the other drivers. People who occasionally use mobile phones while driving including mobile addictsbusinessmen and taxi drivers.Why they use mobile phones while driving?Mobile addicts play games in the carbusinessmen deal business with customerstaxi drivers carry passengers.In the nick of the timethey couldn"t focus on the traffica serious accident might happen out of the blue. Although mobile phones are essential and indispensable to our daily lifeusers must have regular intervals to use mobile phones. Moreoverdrivers should be in vigilance while driving.Other than thatdrivers can also use earphonesearpieceseven bluetooth in the lieu of using hand-held mobile if there is an emergency call.Moreover government should firmly restrict the public to use mobile phones while driving. Using mobile phones while driving not only inpairs the driver"s ability to focus but aiso competently distract the drivers.Thuswe should uphold for hand-held mobile. Telephone conservation might affect the driver"s emotion. The drivers will become furious upset wild happy ... those emotions will give the drivers effect and might go haywire. Chinese has an old quote"road such as the tiger"s mouth"we are sophisticated to the dangers of using mobile phones while driving. Government should declare illegal while the school teachers should educate the younger generations to avoid using mobile phones while driving. Thusparents should also set a good care of their example to avoid conveying the wrong demonstrations to the children. In a nutshell we should prosecute those unlawful drivers using mobile phones while driving.


鹿岛酒庄位于加拿大温哥华以南的列治文,紧邻加美边界,她精选北极圈以南最大的冰原——奥卡那根的优良葡萄品种,融于优秀独特、严谨扎实的技术工艺,造就了LuLu Island冰酒独特、醇香、迷人的风味。鹿岛系列冰酒属于加拿大的知名品牌,这款冰红酒的品种为美乐和黑品诺,国内零售价格在800元左右。

When You Wish Upon A Star (From Pinocchio) 歌词

歌曲名:When You Wish Upon A Star (From Pinocchio)歌手:Mantovani & His Orchestra专辑:Mantovani"S Film FavouritesMeaghan Jette MartinWhen You Wish Upon A StarWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starWhen you wish upon a starMakes no difference who you areAnything your heart desiresWill come to youWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starIf your heart is in your dreamNo request is too extremeWhen you wish upon a starAs dreamers doWhen you wishWhen you wishFate is kindShe brings to those who loveAnd this sweet, fulfillment ofTheir secret"s longingLike a bolt out of a blueFate steps in and sees you throughWhen you wish upon a starYour dreams come trueWhen you wishWhen you wish (yeah yeah yeah)When you wishWish upon a star (your dreams come true)When you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a star (when you wish upon a star)When you wishWhen you wish (when you wish)When you wishWish upon a star (your dreams come true)When you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a starFate is kindShe brings to those who loveAnd this sweet, fulfillment ofTheir secret"s longingWhen you wish upon a starMakes no difference who you areAnything your heart desiresWill come to youWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wish upon a starYour dreams come trueWhen you wishWhen you wishWhen you wishWish upon a star (wish upon a star)When you wishWhen you wishWhen you wish (when you wish)Wish upon a star

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《Pinocchio in Venice》(Robert Coover)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:8sl9书名:Pinocchio in Venice作者:Robert Coover出版社:Simon & Schuster出版年份:1991-1页数:330内容简介:Internationally renowned author Robert Coover returns with a major new novel set in Venice and featuring one of its most famous citizens, Pinocchio. The result is a brilliant philosophical discourse on what it means to be human; a hilarious, bawdy adventure; and a fitting tribute to the history, grandeur, and decay of Venice itself.

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《Pinocchio in Venice》(Robert Coover)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: u83a书名:Pinocchio in Venice作者:Robert Coover出版社:Grove Press出版年份:1997-1-10页数:330内容简介:在长篇小说〈威尼斯的皮诺乔〉里,Coover用他的戏仿和语言天赋改写了意大利作家科洛迪写于1883年、被译成二百多种语言的经典童话,把原先木偶变男孩的故事改写成老翁变木偶的故事。在库的故事里,由木偶变成的男孩皮诺乔已是一位百岁老人,获得过诺贝尔奖。在美国大学里教了一辈子哲学之后,他决定重访故乡威尼斯。在威尼斯,他遇到了蓝发仙女等从前的伙伴,重温了当年的冒险经历,逐渐地又从人变回木偶,原想在还乡旅行期间完成他最大作品的计划也成了泡影。弥留之际,皮诺乔认识到,他和蓝法仙女的关系只是两个“怪物”之间的关系,都没有体验过真正的人的生活。他自己在本质上只是一块由人加工和摆布的木头:“我一直不过是一个木偶!” 教他做人之道的蓝发仙女也没有多少自我可言,而是如同历史上的其他女性典型,无意识地实施和延续了一系列将人偶化的“教化原则”。

why can pinocchio become a real boy?

为什么匹诺曹变成了一个真正的男孩?Pinocchio 英 [pu026au02c8nu0259u028akiu0259u028a]美 [pu026au02c8nou028akiou028a]n. 童话中的主角; [电影] 木偶奇遇记;[网络] 小木偶; 童话主角; 皮诺曹;[例句]Then you"re gonna see Pinocchio tomorrow night. 那你明晚就得去看木偶奇遇记。

fx的pinocchio 日语版的中文音译歌词大家有呢?满意会采纳,谢谢U0001f60a

恋に恋して - 仓木麻衣 キミとの恋に恋をしてるだけで想告诉你我只爱你爱得不可救药 伝えたくてもまだ但始终没有说出口秘密にしてるほうが幸せだから现在还是将秘密留在心里最幸福今は私だけのsecret love是只属于我的秘密的爱キミに全然兴味ない我对你完全没有兴趣ウソ you are my perfect guy才怪 你是我的完美情人トキメキは隠せない无法掩饰心中的悸动ホントは気になって仕方ない其实是太过在乎你而无法抑制恋に不器用 损なstyle不擅长恋爱 被动styleキミの前だと 别人みたい只要在你面前 就像陌生人谁にも言えない 秘密のまま不能对任何人说 保守这秘密それでも I"m alright即使如此 我没关系恋の行方なんて爱情将何去何从谁にも わからないでしょ oh ohh没有人 知道确切答案的吧 哈哈きっとこの恋ちゃんといつか叶うはず信じて但是我仍然相信这份爱有一天一定会开花结果まだ it isn"t the last chance for me仍然 这不是我的最后一个机会いろんな love storyを描绘我们 爱情故事描いてる 胸の中点点滴滴 在心中でも理想にはほど远い但距离梦想还是很遥远私って わがまま我只有 放任自己それくらいのことわかってる至少这些事我心中还是明白的だけどなにかいけないの?但是又有什么不可以的呢?キミとの恋に恋をしてるだけで想告诉你我只爱你爱的不可救药 伝えたくてもまだ但始终没有说出口秘密にしてるほうが幸せだから现在还是将秘密留在心里最幸福今は私だけのsecret love是只属于我的秘密爱情キミのこと想うと每当心里面想着你ドキドキが止まらないheart beat就毫无缘由的心跳加速心跳楽しくもなるけど 不安にもなる心中感到无限喜悦 也会感到不安このまま臆病な私じゃ駄目だね如此胆怯的我一定会一事无成吧ちょっとだけでも勇気をください神様哪怕一点点也好请上帝赐予我些许勇气だからねもうバイバイ 今までの私に所以就要和过去的自己 彻底的说再见I"m here to tell my love我在这里告诉你我的爱じっと 待ってるだけじゃ何も始まらないこの先明知道 如果从此只是一味等待什么事都不会发生yeah it is the best chance for me耶 这不是我的最后一个机会いろんな love storyを描绘我们 那 爱情故事描いてる 胸の中理想まであとどれくらい?点点滴滴 在心中 此时距梦想不知还有多远私って わがまま我仍然 放任自己それくらいのこと许して只有这点还是希望你原谅独り占めにしていたい只是一心想要将你独占キミとの恋に恋をしてるだけで 想告诉你我只爱你爱的不可救药 伝えたくてもまだ但始终没有说出口秘密にしてるほうが幸せだから现在还是将秘密留在心里最幸福今は私だけのsecret love是只属于我的秘密爱情

fx PINOCCHIO中文 音译 歌词



迪士尼卡通人物--木偶奇遇记pinocchio的小蟋蟀叫蟋蟀占美尼. 勿忘记前往幻想世界,寻访官方环保代言蟋蟀︰蟋蟀占美尼。宾客更可在动画艺术教室学习如何绘画蟋蟀占美尼。 参考: park.hongkongdisneyland/dl/zh_HK/general/popup?name=EarthDay2008PopUpPage 小木偶奇遇记pinocchio的小蟋蟀叫 Jiminy Cricket。 「Jiminy Cricket voiced by Cliff Edwards. Jiminy is a cricket who acts as Pinocchio"s "conscience" and the partial narrator of the story.」节录自 *** Cricket是解蟋蟀!! 参考: en. *** /wiki/Pinocchio_(1940_film)#Characters


Pinocchio (pronounced [piu02c8nu0254ku02d0jo] in Italian) is a fictional character that first appeared in 1883, in The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, and has since appeared in many adaptations of that story and others. When the gentle woodcarver Geppetto builds a marionette to be his substitute son, a benevolent fairy brings the toy to life. The puppet, named Pinocchio , is not yet a human boy. He must earn the right to be real by proving that he is brave, truthful, and unselfish. But, even with the help of Jiminy , a cricket who the fairy assigns to be Pinocchio"s conscience, the marionette goes astray. He joins a puppet show instead of going to school, he lies instead of telling the truth, and he travels to Pleasure Island instead of going straight home. Yet, when Pinocchio discovers that a whale has swallowed Geppetto, the puppet single-mindedly journeys into the ocean and selflessly risks his life to save his father, thereby displaying that he deserves to be a real boy.

双语故事:Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记(5)

Pinocchio hugged Geppetto. The old man was happy to see Pinocchio. "I have been inside the whale for o years " he said. "I didn"t think I would see you again." Pinocchio was sorry for being so naughty . He said "I promise to be good Father. You will be proud of me." 皮诺奇抱着格培多,老先生看到了皮诺奇很开心。他说:“我待在鲸鱼的肚子里已经两年了,我以为再也见不到你了。”皮诺奇为他的顽皮感到很抱歉,他说:“爸爸,我保证我以后都会乖乖的,您会以我为荣的。” Now Pinocchio and Geppetto wanted to leave the whale"s belly . The whale was sleeping and its mouth was open. They climbed out of its mouth and swam away. The seashore was far away. Geppetto was very old and soon he was tired. Pinocchio tried to help him but he was too *** all. Then a tuna swam up to them. 接着,皮诺奇和格培多想要离开鲸鱼的肚子。鲸鱼这时正在睡觉,它的嘴巴张得开开的。他们从它嘴巴爬出来游走了。海岸还很远。格培多年纪大了,所以很快就累了。皮诺奇想要帮他,但是他个子太小。此时,有一只鲔鱼向他们游了过来。 "How can I help you?" asked the tuna. “我可以帮你们什么忙吗?”鲔鱼问道。 "My father is very tired " replied Pinocchio. "Can you carry us to the shore?" “我父亲很累,”皮诺奇回答。“您可以载我们到岸边吗?” The old man and the puppet climbed onto the tuna"s back. He could swim very fast. Soon they came to the shore. Pinocchio and Geppetto thanked the tuna and walked to the road. There they saw the fox and the cat. Now they really were poor. The cat couldn"t see and the fox couldn"t walk. 老先生和小木偶爬到鲔鱼背上。鲔鱼游得很快,一下子他们就到了岸边。皮诺奇和格培多向鲔鱼道谢后,便往马路走去。在路上,他们看到之前的那只狐狸和猫,它们现在可真的是穷困潦倒了。猫的眼睛瞎了,而狐狸也不能走路了。 "Please help us " they said. "We have no money or food." “请帮帮我们,”它们说。“我们没钱买东西吃。” "You always trick and hurt people " said Pinocchio. "Why should anyone help you?" “你们总是整人又伤人,”皮诺奇回答。“凭什么要人家帮你们?” Pinocchio and Geppetto walked up the road. There they could see a house. Pinocchio knocked on the door. "Who is it?" said a little voice. It was the cricket. This was his house. 皮诺奇和格培多沿路而行,走着走着,他们看到了一栋房子,皮诺奇就去敲门。“谁呀?”一阵细微的声音传来。是那只蟋蟀的声音,这是它的家。 "How could you buy a house? You are only a cricket " said Pinocchio. “你怎么买得起一栋房子?你只不过是只蟋蟀,”皮诺奇说。 "I didn"t " said the cricket. "The blue-haired fairy gave it to me." “我没有买,”蟋蟀说。“这栋房子是蓝发仙女给我的。 The cricket let Pinocchio and Geppetto live in his house. Geppetto was very old. He could not work. Pinocchio found a job on a farm. He worked hard every day. He needed to make money. 蟋蟀让皮诺奇和格培多跟他一起住。格培多年纪大了,没办法工作。皮诺奇在一座农场找了份工作,他每天都很努力地工作,因为他需要赚钱。


都一样、、、就跟匹诺曹和皮诺曹都是一个人一样。。话说fx pinocchio挺好听的、、


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T Es Pas Cap Pinocchio (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:T Es Pas Cap Pinocchio (Radio Edit)歌手:Pinocchio专辑:Mon Alboumt"es pas cap pinocchiopinocchiomon alboumT"es Pas Cap PinocchioT"es cap, pas cap de te rouler dans la boueT"es cap, pas cap, marcher 3 kilomètre sur les genouxT"es cap, pas cap d"hurler comme un fouT"es cap, pas cap, que tu l"aimes Mary-LouT"es cap, pas cap de monter sur la tableT"es cap, pas cap, pour aller défier Zorro sous sa capeT"es cap, l"embrasser sur la boucheT"es cap, pas cap de chopper une moucheToi dis moi si vraiment t"es cap ou t"es pas capCa fait tellement longtemps que je me cache sans qu" tu m"attrapespour de vrai, pour de fauxmoi je n"suis pas une marionnette pour de vrai, pour de fauxj"ai pas de fils ni de clochettesmême si tout l"monde ment comme des grands,on est tous des Pinocchio,des enfants de GepettomusiqueT"es cap, pas cap de t"moquer d"la boulangèreT"es cap, pas capah non, tu n"peux pas puisque c"est ta mèreT"es capY a pas que les grands qui osentT"es cap, pas capqui font de grandes chosesToi dis moi si vraiment t"es cap ou t"es pas capCa fait tellement longtemps que je me cache sans qu" tu m"attrapespour de vrai, pour de fauxmoi je n"suis pas une marionnettepour de vrai, pour de fauxj"ai pas de fils ni de clochettesmême si tout l"monde ment comme des grands,on est tous des Pinocchio,des enfants de GepettoOn a le nez qui s"allonge lorsque l"on dit des mensongesmusiqueNananananananananana....Ca fait tellement longtemps que je me cache sans qu" tu m"attrapespour de vrai, pour de fauxmoi je n"suis pas une marionnettepour de vrai, pour de fauxj"ai pas de fils ni de clochettesmême si tout l"monde ment comme des grands,on est tous des Pinocchio,des enfants de GepettoOn a le nez qui s"allonge lorsque l"on dit des mensongesmusiqueNananananananananana....


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the new pinocchio什么意思

  the new pinocchio  新木偶奇遇记  Pinocchio 英[pu026au02c8nu0259u028akiu0259u028a] 美[pu026au02c8nou028akiou028a]  n. 童话中的主角; [电影] 木偶奇遇记;  [例句]Yes, it is. I am very happy to see you,@ cried pinocchio.  “是的,是我。见到你我太高兴了,”皮诺奇叫道。

双语故事:Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记(2)

Pinocchio was very happy. He ran back to the old man"s house. He was happy to be free. He ran inside and closed the door. Then he heard a little voice. It said "You shouldn"t be so naughty. Naughty boys have unhappy lives." Pinocchio saw a *** all cricket talking to him. 皮诺奇非常开心,跑回了格培多的家里。他很高兴能够得到自由。一进屋里,他就把门关了起来。接着,他听到一阵细微的声音说:“你不应该这么顽皮才对,顽皮的人日子都过得都不快乐。”皮诺奇看到一只小蟋蟀在对他说话。 "You are only a cricket " he said. "What do you know about life?" “你只不过是只小蟋蟀罢了,”他说。“你又知道什么是生活了?” The cricket answered "I have lived here for one hundred years. You must listen to me. If you are always naughty you will be sorry ." 这只小蟋蟀回答:“我住在这里已经有一百年了,你一定要听我的话。你要是一直这样捣蛋下去,到时候会后悔的。” Pinocchio laughed. He didn"t believe the cricket. He just wanted to eat sleep and have fun. Now he was hungry. He looked around for something to eat. He found an egg and broke it open. Inside there was a baby chicken. It jumped out of the shell and flew out the window. There was nothing else to eat. Sadly Pinocchio climbed into Geppetto"s chair. He put his feet on the stove and fell asleep. 皮诺奇笑了笑,并不相信这只蟋蟀。他只想要吃饭、睡觉和玩乐。他现在肚子饿了,便看看四周,想找些吃的东西。他找到一颗鸡蛋,就把它敲开。鸡蛋里头有只鸡宝宝,从蛋壳里跳出来,接着飞出窗外。由于没剩什么东西可吃了,皮诺奇悲伤地爬上格培多的椅子,把脚放在炉子上,然后就睡着了。 The next morning Geppetto came home. He wasn"t very happy. He knocked on the door. Pinocchio woke up and tried to go to the door. He couldn"t move because his wooden legs were burning! They were almost gone! 隔天早上,格培多回来了,他心情很差。他敲了敲门。皮诺奇醒了,想要走到门边,但是他却走不动,因为他那双木头做的腿着火了!几乎要被烧光了! "Let me in!" cried Geppetto. "I am tired and I want to sleep." “让我进去!”格培多叫道。“我累了,很想睡觉。” "I can"t move " replied Pinocchio. "My legs have burned off!" “可是我走不动啊!”皮诺奇回答。“我的腿被烧掉了!” Geppetto climbed through a window. He saw the little puppet on the floor. It was true. His legs were black and *** oky . 格培多从一扇窗户爬进来,看到地板上的小木偶。没错,他的腿已经被熏黑了。 Geppetto felt bad for Pinocchio. He gave the hungry puppet three pears. The puppet ate them up quickly. He was still hungry but there was no more food. Pinocchio asked Geppetto to make him some new feet. 格培多为皮诺奇感到难过,于是就给饥饿的皮诺奇三颗梨子。小木偶一下就把它们吃个精光。他还是很饿,可是已经没东西吃了。皮诺奇要求格培多帮他做新的脚。 "I will do this for you " said Geppetto "but you must promise not to run away." “我会帮你做新脚,”格培多说。“但是你要保证你不会乱跑。” "I will be good " promised Pinocchio. “我会乖乖的,”皮诺奇保证。 "You must also go to school and study hard " said the old man. “你也要上学好好念书,”格培多说。 "If this is your wish I will do it " said the puppet. “如果这是您的期望,我会做到的,”小木偶说。 Geppetto sat down at his table. He made o new feet for Pinocchio. He also made the puppet some paper clothes. Pinocchio looked very handsome in his new clothes. Then Geppetto went out of the house. Pinocchio needed a notebook. Geppetto didn"t have any money so he traded his coat for the notebook. When Pinocchio saw the old man he ran to him and hugged him. He promised he would work very hard in school. 格培多坐在桌前,为皮诺奇重新做了两只新脚,也帮他做了一些纸衣服。换上新衣服后的皮诺奇模样真帅。接着,格培多便出门了。皮诺奇需要一本笔记本,但是格培多没有什么钱,所以他就把他的外套卖掉,换笔记本回来。皮诺奇看到这个年迈的老头子时,便跑过去抱住他。皮诺奇答应他要认真在学校念书。 词汇点津: be gone 不见了;消失了feel bad 为…感到难过be good 听话

pinocchio 英语怎样读

Pinocchio读法是:英[pu026au02c8nu0259u028akiu0259u028a]美[pu026au02c8nou028akiou028a]。Pinocchio造句如下:1.Pinocchio"s nose grew longer every time he told a lie.(皮诺曹每次说谎鼻子都会变长。)2.She felt like Pinocchio, her lies were catching up with her.(她感觉自己像皮诺曹,她的谎言终于被揭穿了。)3.He was as stiff as Pinocchio when he tried to lie.(他说谎的时候像皮诺曹一样僵硬。)4.Pinocchio learned his lesson and became a real boy.(皮诺曹吸取教训,最终成为了一个真正的男孩。)5.She wished she could be like Pinocchio and have a magic fairy to help her.(她希望自己能像皮诺曹一样有一个魔法仙女来帮助她。)6.Pinocchio"s adventures were full of danger and excitement.(皮诺曹的冒险充满了危险和刺激。)7.Pinocchio"s dream was to become a real boy and have a family.(皮诺曹的梦想是成为一个真正的男孩,并拥有一个家庭。)8.Pinocchio"s story is a classic tale of redemption and transformation.(皮诺曹的故事是一个关于救赎和转变的经典故事。)




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Remember meI m in dan an an an ger pinocchio Remember mekrystal]看一看吧 读一读吧 揭露我的内心吧那如绿宝石般的瞳孔在暗中窥视sulli]从头到脚的扫描 叮叮呜呜褪去那比刀刃更冷酷的外壳吧我现在很危险victoria]一层两层像面包甜点一样被吸引danger danger像渗透进了缝隙的蜜糖一般我是匹诺曹变得只知道你的我 胆战心惊 危在旦夕 开始了的show#chorus#DaLa DaLaDaDaDa 刺痛刺痛的感觉 对全身上下都好奇 你不许动一片一片DaDaDa 掏出来DaDaDa 要再次让你符合我的心意I m in Danger Danger Danger匹诺曹Remember ber ber me匹诺曹Remember mevictoria]我不是医生 只是想了解你你就是未知大陆的发现者哥伦布Luna]心脏胡乱跳动 跳动我的心该怎么办 像小时候哥哥买来的人偶一样我现在很危险Sulli]一口两口比小圆饼更加香甜danger danger渗透进去全身都在颤抖我是匹诺曹Krystal]变得只知道你的我 胆战心惊 危在旦夕开始了的show show showDaLa DaLaDaDaDa 刺痛刺痛的感觉 对全身上下都好奇 你不许动一片一片DaDaDa 掏出来DaDaDa 要再次让你符合我的心意Amber]陷入迷团 那是为了开起你的钥匙把每天被欺骗包围的外壳脱掉吧 Oh I just wanna tell you I m danger nowI m danger nowRemember me Dan an gerKrystal]在任何人眼中你都获得了完美的新生Luna]好现在 呼吸拂过唇进入梦想 现实了吧 匹诺曹#chorus#DaLa DaLaDaDaDa 刺痛刺痛的感觉 对全身上下都好奇 你不许动一片一片DaDaDa 掏出来DaDaDa 要再次让你符合我的心意DaLa DaLaDaDaDa 刺痛刺痛的感觉 对全身上下都好奇 你不许动一片一片DaDaDa 掏出来DaDaDa 要再次让你符合我的心意Remember me


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One theory postulates that the ancient Filipinos came from India and Persia.



drop by和 drop in都表示顺便拜访区别在于drop in后面可以跟on、at加宾语,而drop by一般不这么使用.另外,drop in含有临时生出主意造访的意思,造访未经事先安排,而drop by不强调这层含义 drop in at和drop in on都表示顺便拜访,是drop in的延伸,区别在于后面接的宾语,前者接表示处的名词或代词,后者接表示人的.例如i"d drop in on u /at your hous when im free.


《The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza》(Lawrence Block)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:wsx8书名:The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza作者:Lawrence Block出版社:HarperTorch出版年份:2006-8-1页数:320内容简介:在线阅读本书Bookselling burglar Bernie Rhodenbarr doesn"t generally get philosophical about his criminal career. He"s good at it, it"s addictively exciting—and it pays a whole lot better than pushing old tomes. He steals therefore he is, period. He might well ponder, however, the deeper meaning of events at the luxurious Chelsea brownstone of Herb and Wanda Colcannon, which is apparently burgled three times on the night Bernie breaks in: once before his visit and once after. Fortunately he still manages to lift some fair jewelry and an extremely valuable coin. Unfortunately burglar or burglars number three leave Herb unconscious and Wanda dead . . . and the cops think Rhodenbarr dunnit. There"s no time to get all existential about it—especially after the coin vanishes and the fence fencing it meets with a most severe end. But Bernie is going to have to do some deep thinking to find a way out of this homicidal conundrum.