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composite 和hybrid有什么区别?和compound

composite 有什么组成和hybrid杂种、杂交植物和compound化合物







这句意大利语是什么意思:ti amo per sempre,posso

ti: 你 amo: 我爱 (per) sempre: 永远 posso: 我可以 posso?: 我可以吗? 我永远爱你,我可以 但是应该是 ti amero" per sempre 就是 我(未来)会永远爱你, 我可以

It is desirable that our salary (raise) as soon as possible.


is it possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship这里的in a spaceship是什么意思,解释在飞船里不通顺

乘坐(驾驶)宇宙飞船 飞往月球是可行的吗?

take on the position是什么意思


take one s position与take ones place的区别




mariposa 能算是西班牙语名字吗


it is possible that是什么从句

这是一个格形式主语从句,真正的主语在后面。举例说明:It is possible that you can make the world more beautiful!真正的主语就是that之后你可以使世界变得更美好。

英语作文.a school club poster 求作文

How to Make a School Club Flyer?The least expensive way to create a school club flyer is using your favorite word processing program. One-page flyers are easy to create and are perfect for announcing a club event. Making the headline visible from a short distance, as well as printing on bright colored paper will help draw attention. Consider adding one image to create a mood. The club flyer must include location, cost, contact information, date, time, and whether the club meeting is for a fundraiser, member drive or party.Things You"ll Need:Open a new word document and set the page margins to a minimum of 1/2-inch. Do not set the page for a bleed, as most printers cannot print to the paper edge.Create a short, catchy headline and place in the top center of the page. Include strong words such as "extra", "discover" or "free" to attract attention. Use a bold, heavy font about 54 point in size.Write details of the school club event from the perspective of the reader using "you" and "your." Use an easy to read font, such as Times. Keep your sentences short and succinct. Place the information under the headline.Use bullet points to highlight the location, date, time and cost of the school club event. Include a telephone number or contact information using a large, bold font.Use one large graphic for the purpose of the event. Place the image at the bottom right or left, allowing the copy to flow around the graphic, if necessary.Tips & Warnings Use legally obtained clip art or photos. Keep the design simple and to the point. Organize your content using borders, boxes, or areas of contrast. Proofread all information before printing. Use shades of gray or a border to add interest. Avoid using big words or providing too much information. Avoid using too many images. Do not use more than two typefaces. Avoid using the words "us", "I", "we" or "our."


很多时候,出于安全考虑我们的接口并不希望对外公开。这个时候就需要使用授权(Authorization)机制 授权过程验证您是否具有访问服务器所需数据的权限。 当您发送请求时,您通常必须包含参数,以确保请求具有访问和返回所需数据的权限。 Postman提供授权类型,可以轻松地在Postman本地应用程序中处理身份验证协议。 Postman支持的授权协议类型如下: Basic auth 基本身份验证是一种比较简单的授权类型,需要经过验证的用户名和密码才能访问数据资源。这就需要我们输入用户名和对应的密码。 案例:请求URL如下,授权账号为: https://postman-echo.com/basic-auth { } Digest Auth Digest auth是一个简单的认证机制,最初是为HTTP协议开发的,因此也常叫做HTTP摘要。其身份验证机制非常简单,它采用哈希加密方法,以避免用明文传输用户的口令。摘要认证就是核实参与通信的两方都知道双方共享的一个口令。 当server想要查证用户的身份,它产生一个摘要盘问(digest challenge),并发送给用户。典型的摘要盘问例如以下: Digest realm="iptel.org", qop="auth,auth-int", nonce="dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093", opaque="", algorithm=MD5 这里包含了一组参数,也要发送给用户。用户使用这些参数,来产生正确的摘要回答,并发送给server。摘要盘问中的各个参数,其意义以下: realm(领域):领域参数是强制的,在全部的盘问中都必须有。它是目的是鉴别SIP消息中的机密。在SIP实际应用中,它通常设置为SIP代理server所负责的域名。 nonce(现时):这是由server规定的数据字符串,在server每次产生一个摘要盘问时,这个参数都是不一样的(与前面所产生的不会雷同)。“现时”一般是由一些数据通过md5杂凑运算构造的。 这种数据通常包含时间标识和server的机密短语。这确保每一个“现时”都有一个有限的生命期(也就是过了一些时间后会失效,并且以后再也不会使用),并且是独一无二的 (即不论什么其他的server都不能产生一个同样的“现时”)。 algorithm(算法):这是用来计算的算法。当前仅仅支持MD5算法。 qop(保护的质量):这个参数规定server支持哪种保护方案。client能够从列表中选择一个。值 auth表示仅仅进行身份查验, auth-int表示进行查验外,另一些完整性保护。须要看更具体的描写叙述,请参阅RFC2617。 案例 : 请求URL: https://postman-echo.com/digest-auth 摘要配置信息如下:用户名密码和上面basic auth一样 Digest username="postman", realm="Users", nonce="ni1LiL0O37PRRhofWdCLmwFsnEtH1lew", uri="/digest-auth", response="254679099562cf07df9b6f5d8d15db44", opaque="" 执行请求结果如下: { } OAuth 1.0 OAuth(开放授权)是一个开放标准,允许用户让第三方应用访问该用户在某一网站上存储的私密的资源(如照片,视频,联系人列表),而无需将用户名和密码提供给第三方应用。 扩展资料: 案例 请求URL如下:请求方式为GET,Add authorization data to设置为:Request Headers https://postman-echo.com/oauth1 参数配置为: 发送请求结果如下: { } 如果Consumer Secret错误则返回如下结果: { } 扩展资料: 各个授权协议文档 Hawk Authentication Hawk Auth是一个HTTP认证方案,使用MAC(Message Authentication Code,消息认证码算法)算法,它提供了对请求进行部分加密验证的认证HTTP请求的方法。hawk方案要求提供一个共享对称密匙在服务器与客户端之间,通常这个共享的凭证在初始TLS(安全传输层协议)保护阶段建立的,或者是从客户端和服务器都可用的其他一些共享机密信息中获得的。 案例 请求URL如下: https://postman-echo.com/auth/hawk 密钥信息如下: 执行结果: { } 如果将key改为其他任意的字符则返回如下结果: { }


assume多用作假设,即本来不成立的presume虽然也想象,但是更多用于说话者主观的臆测,大胆的创想suppose则比较常见,指的是通过现有的证据材料,推测,推理presuppose就不同了,指的是“预示”“预告”的意思,多用事物作主语We cannot presume theexistence of life on other planets.我们不能推定其他行星上没有生物。I assumed that he wouldnot come to attend the funeral.我猜想他不会来参加葬礼。Supposehe is absent, what shall we do?假设缺席了,我们该怎么办?


assume多用作假设,即本来不成立的 presume虽然也想象,但是更多用于说话者主观的臆测,大胆的创想 suppose则比较常见,指的是通过现有的证据材料,推测,推理 presuppose就不同了,指的是“预示”“预告”的意思,多用事物作主语






suppose - 应该去做些什么 assume- 你估计些什么 suppose- she suppose to be the party tonight assume- she assume that she will be the party tonight 第一句就是说她应该,按照常规她应该去聚会 第二句就变成她估计她会去

Go the post office, and turn left at the first crossing.

句意:过了邮局,在第一个十字路口向左拐。 A. go through穿过;经受;仔细检查;通过; B. go across穿过,横过; C. go past路过,经过;D. go about干(某事),着手做;四处走动; 旅行,传播,流传,流行。结合句意和语境可知选C。

我用的是小票打印机SPRT POS76II,设计出来的纸张是76*100可打印出来的长度不是100,这是为什么?






英文地址里的DX是什么意思,county/region ,postcode,country.DX.telephone

猜的 - -!DX (distant radio communication) 远距离无线电通信从逗号来区分的话,应该是三个选项。county/region 县/地区postcode 邮政编码country.DX.telephone 国家.远距离无线电通信.电话 = 手机号码



阐释型纪录片(解释型 Expository Documentary)的特点

Exositroy documentaryA shape contrast to peotic expositroy documentaries aim to imform and/or persude-often through ommipresent "Vocie of God" narration over footage devoid of ambiguous or poetic rhetoric.Expostory documentary is developed by an American documentary theorist Bill Nichols. It emphasiszes verbal commentary often use a narrator and addressses the spectator directly with titles or voices that propse a perspective, advance an argument or recount history. It has direct relationship between images and voice-over.Assumes a "right answer" or preferred meaning.-A commentator-Rhetorical questions-Facts opinions-Persuasive Techniques基本上大多数的纪录片都是expository documentary,舌尖上的中国这种都算吧。一般就是对电影内容(archival footage,pictures,music,A roll)进行阐述和解释,通常使用男性声音来增加影片的可信度和可靠度。

请问在申请学校时候Postgraduate research courses和Postgraduate taught courses区别是什么?

英国硕士课程分为两种:一种是授课型硕士——taught postgraduate (PGT) courses,包括MSc,MA,MBA等;另一种是研究型硕士——postgraduate research (PGR) programs,包括MPhil,MRes等

问一个句子: The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.


the other side of the picture is quite the opposite,句中quite可以修饰名词the opposite吗?

quite在这里是加强语气。类似与 You are quite a woman    It is rather a pity

the other side of the picture is quite the opposite.why ther?

the opposite indicates “the other side”,using “the”here can make the sentence be balance ,and also it can make “opposite” emphasisable.,1,据我所知,“opposite”是个形容词,就像“quite”是副词一样,它能修饰形容词“opposite”不用定冠词“the” 但是从新概念英语第11课提取的文章里,原句是“the other side of the picture is quite the opposite(这幅图画的另一面却截然相反)” 谁能解释“the”在这里的用法? 电脑的中文输入法已被损坏所以不好...,1,opposite 名词 n. 1.对立面;对立物[C][the S][(+of)] My view is the very opposite of his. 我的看法正好于他相反。 Jack is considerate; his wife is just the opposite. 杰克能体贴人,而他妻子恰恰相反。 Black i...,1,the other side of the picture is quite the opposite.why there is (the )in front of "opposite"? As far as I know ,opposite is an adjective.And as "quite" is an adverb,it can modify the adjective"opposite" without the determiner "the" But in the article which it extracts from Lesson 11 of New Concept English,the original sentence is "the other side of the picture is quite the opposite." Can anyone explain the usage of this "the" here? the chinese input system on this puter is somehow damaged,so I"m sorry that I have to type english

问一个句子: The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.


science museum和post office是合成词吗




proposer 和 applicant 的区别

proposer 和 applicant 的区别两个单词词义是很接近的,不过还是有一点区别.前者重点的提案人,后者重点是求职者 proposer n. 要保人; 申请人,提案人; applicant n. 申请人,求职人; 请求者;



Thinkphp 本地传递post正常,linux系统服务器不能提交form表单,获取的数据为空


propos是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

法汉-汉法词典n. m 1话, 谈话, 言词[多用pl. ]~ absurdes无稽之谈,谬论2意图, 打算; 决心avoir le ferme~de faire qch坚决要做某事à~adv. [短语]1.适宜, 及时, 恰当;arriver à~来得正好2.想起来啦, 对啦A~,je voulais vous demander ...噢对啦,我正想要问您...à tout~adv. [短语]时时刻刻, 随时, 经常; 动辄Il se met en colère à tout ~他动不动就发怒。de~délibéréadv. [短语]故意, 有意Il a fait cela de~délibéré.他做这件事是存心的。hors de~, mal à~adv. [短语]不适当地, 不合时宜地; 无理由地, 无缘无故地Vous tombez mal à~.您来得真不是时候。à~deprép. [短语]关于, 对, 为了A ~ de quoi?关于什么?常见用法hors de propos不合适地atténuer un propos缓和说话的语气propos blessants伤人的话propos choquants刺耳的话déformer des propos曲解意图propos immoraux淫秽的言词des propos indécents下流话tenir des propos injurieux说侮辱的话propos obscènes下流话propos antisémites仇视犹太人的言论des propos qui dérapent失去控制的话题propos désagréable令人讨厌的话题des propos perfides一些阴险的话des propos scandaleux令人气愤的话语des propos sensés合乎情理的话des propos sexistes性别歧视的言论il a tenu les propos suivants :…他的讲话如下:……tenir des propos véhéments言辞激烈il y a beaucoup d"exagération dans ses propos他的话中有许多夸张之处propos inadmissibles让人无法接受的言词tenir des propos lénifiants sur la pauvreté在贫穷问题上说些安抚话j"ai fait miens ces propos这些话也是我的看法apporter une nuance aux propos de qqn对某人的话做细微修正la vanité de ses propos est affligeante他话语的空洞令人难受www.fr ancoc hino is.co m 版 权 所 有近义、反义、派生词典动词变化:proposer近义词:dessein, dire, intention, objet, observation, pensée, décision, désir, détermination, parti, projet, volonté, à point, à temps, opportunément, au fait, boniment, cancan, commérage, déclaration《当代法汉科技词典》à proposloc adv顺便说一句; 对啦, 想起啦; 转换话题或突然想起某事avant proposm. 前言, 序言, 引言parler mal à propos失言à propos !loc. adv. 对了, 想起来了(口语)à propos deloc. prép. 关于. . .法语例句库1.Il tient des propos véhéments.他言辞激烈。2.Elle a des propos nuancés.她表达细腻。3.Ses propos ont suscité des doutes. 他的讲话引起了怀疑。4.Il y a beaucoup d"exagération dans ses propos.他的话中有许多夸张之处。5.Beaucoup de gens ont été révoltés par les propos de cet homme. 许多人都被这个人的话所激怒。6.La discussion s"envenime et ils échangent des propos acides.讨论恶化了,他们恶语相向。7.Il a tenu les propos suivants: je quitterai mon poste.他的讲话如下:我将离职。8.Cet homme qui a des propos légères est polisson.这个讲话很轻浮的男人很好色。9.Il a un air sceptique à propos de cette affaire.他对这件事表示怀疑。10.Ses propos s"articulent autour du thème: le respect de la diversité des civilisations .他演讲的主题是尊重不同文明。11.Et à propos, combien de journaux avons-nous exactement dans toute la France ?对啦,在整个法国确切有多少种报纸呢?12.Sans comprendre sa langue, je devinais à ses gestes le sens de ses propos.我虽然不懂他的语言,但是通过他的动作我猜出了他的意思。13.Ses propos s"articulent autour du thème: le respect de la diversité des civilisations .他演讲的主题是尊重不同文明。

法语中penser croire certaine touver vouloir propose区别

首先certain(e)是形容词,表示确定的某人或某物,其他都是动词,至于要不要加后面的e就看跟着的名词的阴阳性,阳性不加,阴性加,复数的话还要加s penser,意为“想”,相当于英语的think croire,意为“相信”,相当于英语的believe trouver(拼写错了,不是touver),意为“找到,觉得”,相当于英语的find和feel vouloir,意为“想要”,相当于英语的want proposer(propose是该动词的一种变位形式),意为“提出,建议”,相当于英语的suggest 这样应该说得很明白了吧,希望能帮到你


serialize()后是一个json数据,var a=$("#form1").serialize(),var b=$("#form2").serialize();a.b=b传的数据为a,这样就会传两个了

PHP如何处理jquery post过来的$serialize数据

不就是ajax么 自行百度



sector exposure是什么意思

sector exposure行业暴露 部门曝光 例句 1.Most stock market indices used as a reference by investors are eitherinefficient or unstable in terms of style and sector exposure.供投资者参考的大多数股票市场指数,就其类型和行业暴露程度而言,要么效率低下,要么不够稳定。2.The deal "underlines Chinalco"s determination to increase and diversify itsexposure to the sector" , he said.他表示,此笔交易“凸显了中铝强化行业地位及实现多元化的决心”。

undergraduate ,graduate,postgraduate


lsprepost怎么加set segment

_LS-PrePost 前处理基础教程 说明:可以进入关键字*set_segment定义界面,点击draw查看刚选中单元的情况。_苯油先_AD里就可以加载使用了。或者用APPLOAD命令,找到LSP文件加载。

demanding post是什么意思

  demanding post的中文翻译  demanding post  要求后  双语例句  1  I would also like to convey my gratitude to your predecessors in this demanding post, who have shown remarkable devotion to the work of the Conference.  我还愿意向您在这一要求很高的职位上的前任表示感谢,他们十分出色地献身于裁谈会的工作。  2  Before they get to that, there"s another hitch: Finland and some others are demanding that Greece post collateral in exchange for continued rescue lending.  但在此之前还有一道障碍:芬兰和其它一些国家要求希腊提供抵押品以换取持续的援助贷款。

covid-19 &drug repurposing

Drug repurposing involves the identification of new applications for existing drugs at a lower cost and in a shorter time. There are different computational drug-repurposing strategies and some of these approaches have been applied to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Computational drug-repositioning approaches applied to COVID-19 can be broadly categorized into (i) network-based models, (ii) structure-based approaches and (iii) artificial intelligence (AI) approaches. Network-based approaches are divided into two categories: network-based clustering approaches and network-based propagation approaches. Both of them allowed to annotate some important patterns, to identify proteins that are functionally associated with COVID-19 and to discover novel drug–disease or drug–target relationships useful for new therapies. Structure-based approaches allowed to identify small chemical compounds able to bind macromolecular targets to evaluate how a chemical compound can interact with the biological counterpart, trying to find new applications for existing drugs. AI-based networks appear, at the moment, less relevant since they need more data for their application. key: 1)基于网络(聚类和传播) 2)基于结构 3)基于AI 提示关键过程是病毒刺突蛋白与人血管紧张素转化酶2(ACE2)和跨膜丝氨酸蛋白酶2(TMPRSS2)的相互作用:刺突蛋白的受体结合结构域与人ACE2的肽酶结构域结合。Mpro介导病毒的复制和转录 计算了药物靶标与HCoV相关蛋白之间的网络邻近度,以筛选人蛋白相互作用组模型下HCoV的候选可重复使用药物 A newly described coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has infected over 2.3 million people, led to the death of more than 160,000 individuals and caused worldwide social and economic disruption 1 ,[2]( https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2286-9#ref-CR2 "WHO. Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports (2020)."). There are no antiviral drugs with proven clinical efficacy for the treatment of COVID-19, nor are there any vaccines that prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2, and efforts to develop drugs and vaccines are hampered by the limited knowledge of the molecular details of how SARS-CoV-2 infects cells. Here we cloned, tagged and expressed 26 of the 29 SARS-CoV-2 proteins in human cells and identified the human proteins that physically associated with each of the SARS-CoV-2 proteins using affinity-purification mass spectrometry, identifying 332 high-confidence protein–protein interactions between SARS-CoV-2 and human proteins. Among these, we identify 66 druggable human proteins or host factors targeted by 69 compounds (of which, 29 drugs are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, 12 are in clinical trials and 28 are preclinical compounds). We screened a subset of these in multiple viral assays and found two sets of pharmacological agents that displayed antiviral activity: inhibitors of mRNA translation and predicted regulators of the sigma-1 and sigma-2 receptors. Further studies of these host-factor-targeting agents, including their combination with drugs that directly target viral enzymes, could lead to a therapeutic regimen to treat COVID-19. key: 亲和纯化质谱 26 332 66 69The recent epidemic outbreak of a novel human coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 causing the respiratory tract disease COVID-19 has reached worldwide resonance and a global effort is being undertaken to characterize the molecular features and evolutionary origins of this virus. In this paper, we set out to shed light on the SARS-CoV-2/host receptor recognition, a crucial factor for successful virus infection. Based on the current knowledge of the interactome between SARS-CoV-2 and host cell proteins, we performed Master Regulator Analysis to detect which parts of the human interactome are most affected by the infection. We detected, amongst others, affected apoptotic and mitochondrial mechanisms, and a downregulation of the ACE2 protein receptor, notions that can be used to develop specific therapies against this new virus. key: 125 proteins (31 viral proteins and 94 human host proteins) and 200 unique interactions. Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Various studies exist about the molecular mechanisms of viral infection. However, such information is spread across many publications and it is very time-consuming to integrate, and exploit. We develop CoVex, an interactive online platform for SARS-CoV-2 host interactome exploration and drug (target) identification. CoVex integrates virus-human protein interactions, human protein-protein interactions, and drug-target interactions. It allows visual exploration of the virus-host interactome and implements systems medicine algorithms for network-based prediction of drug candidates. Thus, CoVex is a resource to understand molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and to prioritize candidate therapeutics. We investigate recent hypotheses on a systems biology level to explore mechanistic virus life cycle drivers, and to extract drug repurposing candidates. CoVex renders COVID-19 drug research systems-medicine-ready by giving the scientific community direct access to network medicine algorithms. It is available at https://exbio.wzw.tum.de/covex/ . AI方法: Background The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 193,825 deaths during the past few months. A quick-to-be-identified cure for the disease will be a therapeutic medicine that has prior use experiences in patients in order to resolve the current pandemic situation before it could become worsening. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is hereby applied to identify the marketed drugs with potential for treating COVID-19. Methods An AI platform was established to identify potential old drugs with anti-coronavirus activities by using two different learning databases; one consisted of the compounds reported or proven active against SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, human immunodeficiency virus, influenza virus, and the other one containing the known 3C-like protease inhibitors. All AI predicted drugs were then tested for activities against a feline coronavirus in in vitro cell-based assay. These assay results were feedbacks to the AI system for relearning and thus to generate a modified AI model to search for old drugs again. Results After a few runs of AI learning and prediction processes, the AI system identified 80 marketed drugs with potential. Among them, 8 drugs (bedaquiline, brequinar, celecoxib, clofazimine, conivaptan, gemcitabine, tolcapone, and vismodegib) showed in vitro activities against the proliferation of a feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus in Fcwf-4 cells. In addition, 5 other drugs (boceprevir, chloroquine, homoharringtonine, tilorone, and salinomycin) were also found active during the exercises of AI approaches. Conclusion Having taken advantages of AI, we identified old drugs with activities against FIP coronavirus. Further studies are underway to demonstrate their activities against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in vivo at clinically achievable concentrations and doses. With prior use experiences in patients, these old drugs if proven active against SARS-CoV-2 can readily be applied for fighting COVID-19 pandemic. The infection of a novel coronavirus found in Wuhan of China (SARS-CoV-2) is rapidly spreading, and the incidence rate is increasing worldwide. Due to the lack of effective treatment options for SARS-CoV-2, various strategies are being tested in China, including drug repurposing. In this study, we used our pre-trained deep learning-based drug-target interaction model called Molecule Transformer-Drug Target Interaction (MT-DTI) to identify commercially available drugs that could act on viral proteins of SARS-CoV-2. The result showed that atazanavir, an antiretroviral medication used to treat and prevent the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is the best chemical compound, showing an inhibitory potency with Kd of 94.94 nM against the SARS-CoV-2 3C-like proteinase, followed by remdesivir (113.13 nM), efavirenz (199.17 nM), ritonavir (204.05 nM), and dolutegravir (336.91 nM). Interestingly, lopinavir, ritonavir, and darunavir are all designed to target viral proteinases. However, in our prediction, they may also bind to the replication complex components of SARS-CoV-2 with an inhibitory potency with Kd < 1000 nM. In addition, we also found that several antiviral agents, such as Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir), could be used for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. Overall, we suggest that the list of antiviral drugs identified by the MT-DTI model should be considered, when establishing effective treatment strategies for SARS-CoV-2. key: 同时基于药物-靶点相互作用和分子结构 注意力机制学习药物序列和靶点氨基酸序列的亲和力,Docking We performed RNA-seq and high-resolution mass spectrometry on 128 blood samples from COVID-19-positive and COVID-19-negative patients with diverse disease severities and outcomes. Quantified transcripts, proteins, metabolites, and lipids were associated with clinical outcomes in a curated relational database, uniquely enabling systems analysis and cross-ome correlations to molecules and patient prognoses. We mapped 219 molecular features with high significance to COVID-19 status and severity, many of which were involved in complement activation, dysregulated lipid transport, and neutrophil activation. We identified sets of covarying molecules, e.g., protein gelsolin and metabolite citrate or plasmalogens and apolipoproteins, offering pathophysiological insights and therapeutic suggestions. The observed dysregulation of platelet function, blood coagulation, acute phase response, and endotheliopathy further illuminated the unique COVID-19 phenotype. We present a web-based tool (covid-omics.app) enabling interactive exploration of our compendium and illustrate its utility through a machine learning approach for prediction of COVID-19 severity. key: RNA-seq and high-resolution mass spectrometry 跨组学 鉴定与疾病严重程度相关的分子特征 219 molecular features 表明在COVID-19下确实可以调节关键的生物学过程,包括补体系统激活,脂质转运,血管损伤,血小板激活和脱粒,凝血,和急性期反应 我们还提供了一个应用示例,该示例利用此资源基于所有组学数据开发疾病严重性预测模型

在篮球中jumper / drive / post up等是什么意思?

jumper 弹跳力drive 进攻post up 背身单打NBA篮球英语术语 投 篮 方 式 篇 dunk 灌篮 bank shot 擦板球 double pump 拉杆式投篮 fade-away shot 后仰式跳投 hook shot 钩射投篮 jump shot 跳投 layup 带球上篮 perimeter shot 中距离投篮 set shot 立定投篮 three-point shot 三分球 统 计 术 语 篇 assist 助攻 block shot 阻攻 defensive rebound 防守篮板球 field goal percentage 投球命中率 field goal 投球命中 free throw percentage 罚球命中率 free throw 罚球 offensive rebound 进攻篮板球 rebound 篮板球 scoring 得分 steal 抄截 three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率 turnover 失误 场 地 装 备 篇 backboard 篮板 back court 后场 freethrow lane 罚球圈 freethrow line 罚球线 front court 前场 game clock 比赛用时钟 halftime 中场休息时间 hoop 篮框,篮圈 mid-court 中场 net 篮网 painted area 罚球圈 restricted area near the basket 禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域 rim 篮框,篮圈 scoring table 记录台,记分台 shot clock 时限钟 three-point line 三分线 top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端的三分球线附近 wing (左、右两边)底线区域 规 则 篇 blocking foul 阻挡犯规 buzzer 蜂鸣器 charging foul (带球)撞人(犯规) dead ball 死球 defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分 delay of game 阻碍比赛之正常进行 disqualification 犯满离场 double dribble 两次运球 ejection 驱逐出场 elbowing 打拐子 expiration 时间终了 first half 上半场 first period 比赛的第一节 flagrant foul 恶性犯规 foul 犯规 foul out 犯满离场 foul trouble 快要犯满离场 full timeout 全时(100秒的)暂停 goaltending 干扰投篮得分 hand-checking 以手掌推挡对方进攻球员之犯规动作 held ball 持球 illegal defense 防守违例 illegal offense 进攻违例 jump ball 争球,跳球 loose ball foul 双方均无持球权时的犯规 offensive basket interference 进攻方干扰投篮得分 out of bound 球出界线 overtime 加时赛 referee 裁判 second half 下半场 shot clock violation 违反24秒内必须投篮时限之规定 substitute 换人 suspension 停止出赛 technical foul 技术犯规 ten-second violation 进攻方10秒钟之违例 three-second violation (篮下)3秒钟之违例 throw a punch 出拳打架 throw in 发球入场 traveling / walking 走步 twenty-second timeout 只有20秒钟之暂停
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