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您好, be 动词后面不可能接动词原形,因此这里首先不可能是 prepare,因此 be prepare 是错误的;be 动词后面可以接不定式,动词-ing 形式或过去分词,这里的 prepared 是分词形容词,意为”准备好;有所准备“等。

prepare yourself well mentally是什么语法?

"Prepare yourself well mentally"是一个英语句子,由主语"yourself"、谓语"prepare"和三个描述词"well"、"mentally"和"prepare"组成。其中,"well"和"mentally"是副词,用来修饰动词"prepare",表示"准备得很好"和"在心理上准备好"。这个句子的意思是"在心理上准备好,做好准备"。



3 Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live? Due to the fierce competition in modern so

People today can prepare their meal much easier than has ever been before. To prepare a single dinner, provident housewives usually had to work for hours in the past: they had to buy home dirty vegetables which had to wash, meat which had to slice, and so on and so forth. Each and every step of preparation was a time-consuming task. But now, things are entirely different. Supermarkets provide vegetable and meat clean and neat, some of them even have relevant ingredients and need only a few minutes to be made into delicious meals. And this change has indeed greatly improved the way people live. In a sense, food preparation is no longer a tedious task, at least much easier to tolerate. Such a change has liberated many women and given them chance to do more meaningful things, for example, a higher pay job or a more respectful one. On the other hand, more men are becoming willing to do the thing that they once hated so much, and in some cases such transformation of men brought dramatic positive impact on the family. Today, it"s not hard to imagine a wife comes home after a day"s hard work and how delightful she is to find out his husband has already prepared her several her favorite dishes! Children can more easily become independent---at least they can make themselves breakfasts or dinners when parents are occasionally not present. But such a change has also brought some unexpected consequences. Girls nowadays are becoming more and more reluctant to deem household work as their responsibility. The reason is quite straightforward: it was once really ridiculous to insist men do trivial household work rather than go work and earn money to support family, but conditions have altered now, girls might think:” I can work as well, or maybe I can earn a higher salary than you do, dear boy friend, if you want to marry me, answer me one question first, will you prepare me a breakfast and dinner every day?” And some boys, on the other hand, are becoming hesitant to get married, or simply remain solitary, among miscellaneous reasons they do so is one thing: “I can take care of myself, at least I don"t really need someone prepare me dinner!” Anyway, such a change is positive and it did improve the quality of people"s life. At least it has brought girls, boys, husbands, wives, children and everyone else who has to prepare food an opportunity, no matter what kind of opportunity it is.


  preponderance  英 [pru026au02c8pu0252ndu0259ru0259ns] 美 [pru026au02c8pɑ:ndu0259ru0259ns]  n.数量上的优势;  [网络]多数; 优势; 优越;  [例句]A preponderance of bright, middle-class children in one group  一个小组中聪明伶俐的中产阶级家庭的孩子占大多数  [其他]形近词: equiponderance preponderated preponderates

在澳洲post买了阿里旺旺的prepaid voucher如何使用


曼德拉励志英文演讲稿:I Am Prepared to Die for

曼德拉励志英文演讲稿:I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal   以下这篇英文演讲稿是南非前总统曼德拉1990年2月11日所作的一篇英文演讲I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal,由应届毕业生演讲稿网站整理提供,供大家学习。    I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal   为理想我愿献出生命   February 11,1990   1990年2月11日   I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to see realized. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.   我反对白人统治,也反对黑人统治。我珍视民主和自由社会的理想,在这个社会中,人人和睦相处,机会均等。我希望为这个理想而生,并希望能实现这个理想。但是如果需要,为理想我愿献出生命。   My friends, comrades, and fellow South Africans: I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy, and freedom for all. I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore have placed the remaining years of my life in your , I extend my sincere and warmest gratitude to the millions of my compatriots and those in every corner of the globe who have campaigned tirelessly for my release. I extend special greetings to the people of Cape Town, the city through which — which has been my home for three decades. Your mass marches and other forms of struggle have served as a constant source of strength to all political . It has fulfilled our every expectation in its role as leader of the great march to , Comrade Oliver Tambo, for leading the ANC even under the most difficult circumstances.   我的朋友们、同志们和南非同胞们: 我以和平、民主和全人类自由的名义,向你们大家致意。今天我站在你们面前,不是作为一名预言家,而是作为人民的谦卑公仆。你们不懈的奋斗和英勇的牺牲才使我今天有可能站在这里,因此,我要把余生献给你们。在我获释的今天,我要向千百万同胞,向世界各地为我的获释作出过不懈努力的人们,致以真诚的、最热烈的感谢。 我要特别感谢开普敦的人民,我以开普敦为家住了30年。你们大规模的游行请愿和其他形式的斗争一直是所有政治犯们的力量源泉。我向非国大会议致敬。作为一个领导我们奔向自由的政党,它实现了我们对它的所有期望。我向我们的主席——奥利弗·坦博同志致敬,他在最艰难的环境下领导着非国大。   I salute the rank?and?file members of the ANC: You have sacrificed life and limb in the pursuit of the noble cause of our , like Solomon Mahlangu and Ashley Kriel, who have paid the ultimate price for the freedom of all South Africans. I salute the South African Communist Party for its sterling contribution to the struggle for democracy. You have survived 40 years of unrelenting persecution. The memory of great communists like Moses Kotane, Yusuf Dadoo, Bram Fischer, and Moses Mabhida will be cherished for generations to come. I salute General Secretary Joe Slovo, one of our finest patriots. We are heartened by the fact that the alliance between ourselves and the Party remains as strong as it — it always , the National Education Crisis Committee, the South African Youth Congress, the Transvaal and Natal Indian Congresses, and COSATU, and the many other formations of the Mass Democratic Movement. I also salute the Black Sash and the National Union of South African Students. We note with pride that you have looked — that you have acted as the conscience of white South Africa. Even during the darkest days in the history of our struggle you held the flag of liberty high. The large?scale mass mobilization of the past few years is one of the key factors which led to the opening of the final chapter of our — Your organized strength is the pride of our movement. You remain the most dependable force in the struggle to end exploitation and oppression.   我向非国大的普通党员们致敬:你们在争取自由的伟大事业中赴汤蹈火英勇献身。我向“民族之矛”的战士们——如所罗门·马赫兰古和艾希莉·柯瑞尔——致敬,他们为了全体南非人的自由而流尽了最后一滴血。我向南非共产党致敬,它为南非的民主斗争作出了非凡的贡献。你们经受了40年的无情迫害而坚持了下来。南非世世代代的人民都将怀念摩西·科达恩、余素夫·达都、布莱姆·费舍尔以及摩西·马西达等伟大的共产主义者。我向秘书长乔·斯洛沃致敬,他是我们最杰出的爱国者之一。一个鼓舞人心的事实是,我们和共产党的联盟依然一如既往地坚不可摧。我向统一民主阵线、国民教育危机处理委员会、南非青年会、德兰士瓦省及纳塔尔印度人大会、南非贸易联合会以及其他各种形式的群众民主运动组织致敬。我还要向“黑肩带”妇女协会以及南非学生国民联合会致敬。我们骄傲地看到你们的言行代表了南非白人的良知。即便在我们斗争史上最黑暗的岁月里,你们也高举着民主自由的大旗。过去几年里,大规模的群众动员是揭开我们斗争最后篇章的主要因素之一。我要向我们国家的劳动阶级致敬。你们团结起来的力量是我们争取自由运动的骄傲。你们依然是我们反剥削反压迫斗争中最可依赖的力量。   I pay tribute — I pay tribute to the many religious communities who carried the campaign for justice forward when the organizations of our people were silenced. I greet the traditional leaders of our country — many among you continue to walk in the footsteps of great heroes like Hintsa and , you, the young lions. You, the young lions, have energized our entire struggle. I pay tribute to the mothers and wives and sisters of our nation. You are the rock?hard foundation of our struggle. Apartheid has inflicted more pain on you than on anyone , we thank the world — we thank the world community for their great contribution to the anti?apartheid struggle. Without your support our struggle would not have reached this advanced stage. The sacrifice of the frontline states will be remembered by South Africans , black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future. It has to be ended by our own decisive mass action in order to build peace and security.

sysprep win7修复怎么失败

1、sysprep 本身限制:在同一台机器上运行次数超过3次 官方说明:、已在VM创建了还原点 通过SCVMM 或 hyper-v 管理器建立了VM的还原点后,再使用 sysprep 建立模板时可能出现错误。 解决方法:删除还原点后,重启2次 VM后,再使用命令 %windir%system32sysprepsysperp.exe 建立模板3、windows update 被意外终止,导致升级失败或中断 对于windows 系统,若已经打开了windows update,更新时发生系统错误或意外终止,导致update 失败,使用 sysprep 时可能出现错误 解决方法:使用 windows system update readiness tool 修复更新错误 【提示】若出现此种现象时,在windows 2008 R2 上,打开服务器管理,功能和角色列表将无法显示,解决方法:建议:如已建立了scvmm管理虚机,建议关闭虚机 -> 右键 -> 新建模板其他参考:

谁有狮子王be prepared英文版的歌词?

Be Prepared ****************************英文歌词第一站FROM:****************************You know: of all the songs i"ve ever sung, that is the one i"ve had the most requests not to.I have time for one more here. this one is a little song dedicated to the boy scouts of america. [applause] we seem to have a convention here tonight. the boy scouts of america, those noble littBastions of democracy, and the american legion of tomorrow. their motto is... i would like to state at this time that i am not now and have never been... a member of the boy scouts of america.Motto is, as you know, be prepared! and that is the name of this song.Be prepared! that"s the boy scout"s marching song,Be prepared! as through life you march along.Be prepared to hold your liquor pretty well,Don"t write naughty words on walls if you can"t spell.Be prepared! to hide that pack of cigarettes,Don"t make book if you cannot cover bets.Keep those reefers hidden where you"re sureThat they will not be foundAnd be careful not to smoke themWhen the scoutmaster"s aroundFor he only will insist that it be shared.Be prepared!Be prepared! that"s the boy scouts" solemn creed,Be prepared! and be clean in word and deed.Don"t solicit for your sister, that"s not nice,Unless you get a good percentage of her price.Be prepared! and be careful not to doYour good deeds when there"s no one watching you.If you"re looking for adventure of aNew and different kind,And you come across a girl scout who isSimilarly inclined,Don"t be nervous, don"t be flustered, don"t be scared.Be prepared!




实际上:消息发送和计划任务提交之后,它们都会进入某线程的消息队列中,我们可以把这个线程称之为目标线程。不论是主线程还是子线程都可以成为目标线程。上例中之所以在主线程中处理消息,是因为我们要更新UI,按照android中的规定我们必须由主线程更新UI。所以我们让主线程成为了目标线程。那么如何控制让某个线程成为目标线程呢?这就引出了Looper的概念。Android系统中实现了消息循环机制,Android的消息循环是针对线程的,每个线程都可以有自己的消息队列和消息循环。Android系统中的通过Looper帮助线程维护着一个消息队列和消息循环。通过Looper.myLooper()得到当前线程的Looper对象,通过Looper.getMainLooper()得到当前进程的主线程的Looper对象。前面提到每个线程都可以有自己的消息队列和消息循环,然而我们自己创建的线程默认是没有消息队列和消息循环的(及Looper),要想让一个线程具有消息处理机制我们应该在线程中先调用Looper.prepare()来创建一个Looper对象,然后调用Looper.loop()进入消息循环。如上面的源码所示。当我们用Handler的构造方法创建Handler对象时,指定handler对象与哪个具有消息处理机制的线程(具有Looper的线程)相关联,这个线程就成了目标线程,可以接受消息和计划任务了。Handler中的构造方法如下:[java] view plaincopyprint?public Handler() { if (FIND_POTENTIAL_LEAKS) { final Class<? extends Handler> klass = getClass(); if ((klass.isAnonymousClass() || klass.isMemberClass() || klass.isLocalClass()) && (klass.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) { Log.w(TAG, "The following Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: " + klass.getCanonicalName()); } } mLooper = Looper.myLooper(); if (mLooper == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Can"t create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()"); } mQueue = mLooper.mQueue; mCallback = null; } public Handler(Looper looper) { mLooper = looper; mQueue = looper.mQueue; mCallback = null; } public Handler() { if (FIND_POTENTIAL_LEAKS) { final Class<? extends Handler> klass = getClass(); if ((klass.isAnonymousClass() || klass.isMemberClass() || klass.isLocalClass()) && (klass.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) { Log.w(TAG, "The following Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: " + klass.getCanonicalName()); } } mLooper = Looper.myLooper(); if (mLooper == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Can"t create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()"); } mQueue = mLooper.mQueue; mCallback = null; } public Handler(Looper looper) { mLooper = looper; mQueue = looper.mQueue; mCallback = null; }在上述的计时器的例子中,之所以可以在主线程中处理消息而我们自己并没有调用Looper.prepare()等方法,是因为Android系统在Activity启动时为其创建一个消息队列和消息循环,当我们用无参的Handler构造方法创建对象时又用了当前线程的Looper对象,及将handler与主线程中的Looper对象进行了关联。android中是使用Looper机制来完成消息循环的,但每次创建线程时都先初始化Looper比较麻烦,因此Android为我们提供了一个HandlerThread类,他封装了Looper对象,是我们不用关心Looper的开启和释放问题。不管是主线程还是其他线程只要有Looper的线程,别的线程就可以向这个线程的消息队列中发送消息和任务。我们使用HandlerThread类代替上一篇文章中的子线程,并用HandlerThread类中的Looper对象构造Handler,则接受消息的目标线程就不是主线程了,而是HandlerThread线程。代码如下:[java] view plaincopyprint?public class clockActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ private String TAG="clockActivity"; private Button endButton; private TextView textView; private int timer=0; private boolean isRunning=true; private Handler handler; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); endButton=(Button)findViewById(; textView=(TextView)findViewById(; endButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub isRunning=false; } }); HandlerThread thread=new HandlerThread("myThread"); handler=new Handler(thread.getLooper());//与HandlerThread中的Looper对象关联 thread.start(); Runnable r=new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(isRunning){ textView.setText("走了"+timer+"秒"); timer++; handler.postDelayed(this, 1000);//提交任务r,延时1秒执行 } } }; handler.postDelayed(r, 1000); } }   public class clockActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ private String TAG="clockActivity"; private Button endButton; private TextView textView; private int timer=0; private boolean isRunning=true; private Handler handler; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); endButton=(Button)findViewById(; textView=(TextView)findViewById(; endButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub isRunning=false; } }); HandlerThread thread=new HandlerThread("myThread"); handler=new Handler(thread.getLooper());//与HandlerThread中的Looper对象关联 thread.start(); Runnable r=new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(isRunning){ textView.setText("走了"+timer+"秒"); timer++; handler.postDelayed(this, 1000);//提交任务r,延时1秒执行 } } }; handler.postDelayed(r, 1000); }}  此时处理任务会在handlerThread线程中完成。当然这个例子会出线异常:依然是因为在非主线程中更新了UI。这样做只是为了大家能够理解这种机制。  深入理解Android消息处理机制对于应用程序开发非常重要,也可以让我们对线程同步有更加深刻的认识,希望这篇文章可以对朋友们有所帮助。


一个可以投影部分窗口的屏幕软件,可以实现 LOL 小地图放大,或者其他程序的投影连接显示器使用扩展方式,打开 OnTopReplica,在软件窗口鼠标右键,选择要复制的程序 [Select Window] (英雄联盟需要无边框模式才能投影),在软件窗口鼠标右键,选择 "选择区域" 按钮 [Select Region] (选择小地图部分),把设置好的窗口拖动到第二个显示器上面,调整大小就可以完成了这里只是简单的分享下,该软件是开源软件,免费提供使用授权其他用途各位慢慢使用研究,该软件可以实现多开,需要新窗口直接再打开一次该软件就可以了

GMAT数学 Tanya prepared 4 different letters to be sent to 4 different addresses.


awful preparations and shortage


What preparations do you usually make before a journey?

What preparations do you usually make before a journey? A.hotel and flight booking B.budget guide D.luggage 正确答案:ABCD

be prepared to do sth 和 make preparations to do sth 是什么意思?

准备做某事 be prepared to do sth 做好准备去做某事 make preparations to do sth

make preparate for 造句

短语给错了?make preparations for

make preparations for和prepar for的区别

意思上没有区别,都是“为什么做准备”的意思。用在作文中时候,make preparations for比较高级,看起来。两者都是后加名词。

liqmd pharmaceutical preparations

【答案】:liquid pharmaceutical preparations:液体制剂是指药物分散在适宜的分散介质中制成的可供内服或外用的液体形态的制剂。liquidpharmaceuticalpreparations:液体制剂是指药物分散在适宜的分散介质中制成的可供内服或外用的液体形态的制剂。

make preparations for能不能加many


gear up for和make preparations for有什么区别?

gear up for 等于 make full preparations for doing sth. 全力准备做某事。或adjust oneself in time to be ready for 及时调整以提前做充分准备的意思。而make preparations for则仅具有“准备做某事”的普通意思。前者比后者内涵更丰富。

请问in preparation for和make preparations for的区别是什么?请详细解释举例说明。谢谢!

make preparation for 为。。。做准备 ,一般性的准备,工作量不大。 和 make preparations for 为。做各项准备工作,比较繁琐,工作量大。

months of preparations were made for the successful returning of it这句话怎么翻译?


what preparations do you think you should make before you go abroad?

Most people have such a doubt: have a few months went abroad, should spend some time cramming: following oral or vocabulary?, in fact, not exactly, English is the need for a gradual process, it can be improved, also when you are in, you will find your language ability is fast, this progress is the ability to read every day, so it"s very likely that in the country to spend a summer vacation and studied English in foreign countries a week to raise up. Recommends that you can concentrate on other aspects, such as learning to Cook, learn how to use the washing machine, vacuum cleaners and other home appliances, have time and you can learn to ride a bicycle or even driving, and other life skills. In addition is the item on the preparations, because foreign Barber than domestic will be expensive, it is recommended that before leaving the country to cut point. Clothes as long as the seasons have on it, because foreign discount when you absolutely can buy many inexpensive clothing. The other is the drug, the drug purchasing many prescription, although many local doctor not money, but some small flu if any band often eat drugs in the side still very convenient. And then there is the rice cookers, electronic dictionaries, convert plugs and drag-and-Board, glasses, contact lens care solution. The other is positive, for those eager students overseas employment experience, can bring a positive response. Although foreign dress up very cheap discount, but in general due to foreigners in shape, so in order to meet both discount, but also your own size dress was full of difficult. If you choose to go to Britain to study, the umbrella or raincoat are essential. The United Kingdom has very often are hazy weathe. And then there is the luggage compartment, different airlines for baggage weight are not the same, General overseas student votes can be taken to 40 kilograms of baggage, branch borer suggested that they prepared two suitcases, and the two suitcases best a, avoid two identical boxes, so that in the short-distance travel abroad for vacation, you can use small boxes, and in the room to store the boot or smaller is placed in the larger, more convenient.

date of preparation是什么意思

date of preparation制作日期例句Accrued expenses and taxes payable represent obligations of the firm as of the date of balance sheet preparation. 自生支出及应付税款表示公司在制定平衡表当天的应付款项。

pharmaceutical preparations

【答案】:pharmaceutical preparations:药物制剂以某种剂型制成的具体药品称为药物制剂简称制剂。pharmaceuticalpreparations:药物制剂,以某种剂型制成的具体药品称为药物制剂,简称制剂。

preparations for future career 作文一篇~~

As i am now just a college student, but making preparations for my future career is a must for me. Because nowadays the competition in the society and company is very serious. First of all, i should study my major with heart and soul. Although you may think that it"s hard to look for a good job which can totally match your present major, i believe that as long as i can handle my studies well and score high marks at the end of the term, i obtained many useful skills for my future career. Secondly, intensify my personality and sound view of life. Before entering into society, college students should always talk and change ideas with experienced teachers and their beloved parents or family members, and they can alwasy give extensive ideas and suggestions which could assist us in the future career. To sum up, it"s crucial for college students to make preparations for future career

在线求大学英语作文一篇,题目preparations for future career 120词——150词,谢谢大家了啊


make preparations for是什么意思

make preparations forv.为…准备; 例句:1."We have to make preparations for this," he added.2.Mr Cook will make preparations for the establishment of an ambassador in Pyongyang next year.

在线求大学英语作文一篇,题目preparations for future career 120词——150词,

preparations for future career With the rapid development of our society,we are now facing challenges more frequently.Then what can we do to deal with these challenges?   Some people believe that the best preparation for our career is learning to be petitive.Competition exists at every corner of society.Consciously or not,we pete with others when we play a game,sell modities,study and so on.We want to do better than others whatever field we are in.So petition is of vital importance in our life.   Those who hold the opposite view believe that the best preparation for career is learning to be cooperative.Nowadays,the term "teamwork" is really very popular.We may hear "teamwork" everywhere.In a pany,cooperation is in the first place.Every member should work together rather than work by himself.When we play football,our teammates should cooperate with each other to win the game.So cooperation is also very important. From my point of view,neither of these two opinions is very exact.I believe that the best preparation for our future career is learning to be both petitive and cooperative.Offsetting your weaknesses by learning from other"s strengths,you will eventually succeed in your career or life. ------------------------ As i am now just a college student,but making preparations for my future career is a must for me.Because nowadays the petition in the society and pany is very serious.First of all,i should study my major with heart and soul.Although you may think that it"s hard to look for a good job which can totally match your present major,i believe that as long as i can handle my studies well and score high marks at the end of the term,i obtained many useful skills for my future career.Secondly,intensify my personality and sound view of life.Before entering into society,college students should always talk and change ideas with experienced teachers and their beloved parents or family members,and they can alwasy give extensive ideas and suggestions which could assist us in the future career. To sum up,it"s crucial for college students to make preparations for future career. 以上两篇仅供参考

have preparations for对不对?

你是想表达:为…做准备。吗?有点小问题。应该用:make preparations forpreparations的谓语不能用have。望采纳~

Who is not prepared to pay a little extra for a special occasion?

be prepared 是习惯用法,说明"准备了","准备好了...."


制剂; 准备,预备; 准备工作; 配制品复数: preparations形近词: disparation separation reparation preparateur preparative例句:Rub the surface of the wood in preparation for the varnish.打磨木头的表面,为刷清漆做准备。The United States is making preparations for a large-scale airlift of 1,200 American citizens.美国正在为运送1,200名美国公民的大规模空运做准备。


名词 准备的意思


下面是"prepare"这个词的三种常见用法:1、作为及物动词:用来表示准备或安排某事物,通常后接宾语。I need to prepare dinner for tonight.(我需要为今晚准备晚餐。)They are preparing a surprise party for their friend.(他们正在为他们的朋友准备一个惊喜派对。)2、作为不及物动词:表示为做某事而做准备。She is preparing for the exam next week.(她正在为下周的考试做准备。)The team is preparing to launch their new product.(团队正在准备推出他们的新产品。)3、作为名词:表示准备工作或准备活动。Let"s make some preparations before the trip.(在旅行之前,我们需要做一些准备工作。)The concert requires a lot of preparation.(这场音乐会需要做很多准备工作。)




preparation[英][u02ccprepu0259u02c8reu026au0283n][美][u02ccpru025bpu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n]n.制剂; 准备,预备; 准备工作; 配制品; 复数:preparations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Haiti and tanzania have new laws in preparation. 海地和坦桑尼亚正在准备新的法律。

make some preparation

这里的some不是指数量,而是修饰名词的单数形式 某一,某个 例: She is playing chess with some boy. 她在和某个男孩下棋. 你说的make preparations,是做一些准备的意思.

make preparations for和in preparation for 区别是什么?请详细解释举例说明。谢谢!

make prepartions for 中的preparation 是准备工作的意思做复数,意思是做各种准备工作。in preparation for 表示的是为、、、做准备的一个状态或处境,故不用复数

make preparation要加s吗

make preparations意思为做准备工作。相关短语还有make preparation for为……作准备、make enough preparation for做充分准备。 preparation短语搭配 preparation for 为…做准备 preparation method 制备方法 in preparation 在准备中 in preparation for adv. 为……作准备 coal preparation 选煤 preparation plant 选矿厂 sample preparation 样品制备;样品处理;样品加工 preparation work 准备工作 material preparation 材料制备;下料 enzyme preparation [生]酶制剂 make preparations for 为…做准备 data preparation 数据准备;资料准备 preparation双语例句 1、The key to success is preparation. 成功的关键是准备。 2、The importance of preparation cannot be overemphasized. 准备的重要性要一讲再讲。 3、The third book in the series is currently in preparation. 丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。

cell preparations是什么意思?


party preparations 什么意思



preparation意思是:制备[英][u02ccprepu0259u02c8reu026au0283n][美][u02ccpru025bpu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n]以下双语例句:1.The phrase "play a substantial role in the preparation or furnishing of an audit report" means –“在一份审计报告的准备或提交过程中承担关键角色”意味着——2.Ka-52 take-off preparation time is very short.ka-52的起飞准备时间很短


preparation[英][u02ccprepu0259u02c8reu026au0283n][美][u02ccpru025bpu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n]n.准备,预备; 准备工作; 配制品; 制剂; 复数:preparations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The phrase "play a substantial role in the preparation or furnishing of an audit report"means – “在一份审计报告的准备或提交过程中承担关键角色”意味着


preparation[7prepE5reiFEn]n.准备, 预备

prepation复数是prepation 还是prepations



preparation是可数名词,复数形式为preparations。 例句: Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy. 婚礼的准备工作是在秘密的掩饰中进行的。 扩展资料   There are a lot of preparations to make.   有很多准备工作要做。   We won"t start the work until all the preparations have been made.   直到所有的准备都做好了,我们才开始工作。   He asked her to hurry, for preparations for a journey had to be made.   他要她快一点,因为要为旅行做些准备。   We just can"t possibly fail completely, after all the preparations we"ve made.   我们有准备, 决不会一败涂地。   Only when we make full preparations for every coming opportunities, can we succeed one day.   只有当我们为每一个即将到来的机会做好充分的准备时,我们才能在某一天获得成功。


preparation 英[u02ccprepu0259u02c8reu026au0283n] 美[u02ccpru025bpu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n] n. 准备,预备;准备工作[措施];预修,预习预习时间,(对…的)准备;... 名词复数:preparations


准备,预备; 准备工作; 配制品; 制剂;


英语中pron,num,adv,prep,interj这些是什么词性,还有什么词性,请将词性缩写?pron.=pronoun,代词;num.=numeral,数词;adj.=adjective,形容词;adv.=adverb,副词;prep.=preposition,介词;interj.=interjection,叹词;conj.=conjunction,连词;n.=noun,名词;vt.=transitive verb,及物动词;vi.=intransitive verb,不及物动词;v.aux.=auxiliary ,助动词;modal v.=modal verb,情态动词;art.=article,冠词。adj- adjective形容词;adv-adverb副词;n.- noun名词;art.- article冠词;prep- preposition介词;conj- conjunction连词 ;vt.- 及物动词;vi.-- 不及物动词;modal有:adj- adjective形容词;adv-adverb副词;n.- noun名词;art.-- article冠词;prep- preposition介词;conj--conjunction连词 ;vt.- 及物动词;vi.- 不及物动词;modal v.- modal verbs 情态动词;pron - pronoun代词;interj- interjection感叹词;num- numeral数词;aux.v.- 助动词;abbr.-abbreviated,abbreviation 缩略词编辑于 2016-03-19查看全部4个回答电子英语词典,从京东看数码,让生活更精彩!根据文中提到的词性为您推荐电子英语词典-京东数码新品,锐利成像,以质取胜,畅享科技尽在-「京东」!m.jd.com广告ITeSHOP「ance」甄选全球设计师潮牌好货 秋冬新品登陆根据文中提到的词性为您推荐时装集团I.T购物网站-ITeSHOP秋冬新品揭晓,限时礼惠邀您乐享。千余款潮流好物参与其中!节日装备,心意好礼尽在ITeSHOP!尊享免邮,快速到货!I.T APPARELS LIMITED广告— 你看完啦,以下内容更有趣 —英语单词词性里pron. interj. conj. prep. 的原写与意思是什么它们分别是:代词、感叹词、连词、介词的缩写形式。

prepositional verb 和 phrasal verb 有甚么分别? (10分)

其实在组合方面,phrasal verbs可以后随preposition或adverb,但prepositional verbs就只可以后随preposition。 而以下是根据【A University Grammar of English】说到它们的不同 Prepostional verb中的Preposition一定要在它的plement之前,如call on(visit:这是一个prepositional verb)和phrasal verb call up(summon) 为例: They called on the man(对) They called up the man(对) They called on him(对)   They called up him(错) The called the man on(错) The called the man up(对) They called him on(错)   The called him up(对) 还有,prepositional verb容许副词插在verb之后,而relative pronoun在preposition之后: The called early on the man(对) The called early up the man(错) The man on whom they called(对) The man up whom they called(错) 最后,若你查字典如call on look at等prepositional verbs,本本字典都是说它们是phrasal verbs,可见prepositional verbs也只不过是phrasal verbs的一种,但却有别于一般的phrasal verbs.


1. My father is work at work __at____ nine and five o"clock. 2. Ken"s exams are ____on______ the 14 th to the 20th of April . He is studying hard ____at___ present. 3. Let"s play football ______X______ next Saturday. 4. Shall we go to the cinema ____X___ this evening? The film will start __at____ eight. 5. We will phone you ___at___ about 10 o"clock___on____ Tuesday morning. 6. My father does not normally work ____at______ weekends but he had to work ____X_______ last Saturday. 7. I met my old friend at the bus stop _____X____ yesterday morning. He was going to MongKok __at_____ that time. We met again ___X__today. 8. The first day of school ____X____ this year is ___on____ 1 st of September. 9. I usually finish school __at_____ a quarter to four __in____ the afternoon. 10. Most secondary schools do not have classes ____on____ the weekend. 11. __On___ Christmas Day we had lunch with Lilian ____at____ noon. We visited her father _____in_____ the evening. 12. I always drink a cup of coffee ______for___ breakfast. __In___ the afternoon I drink tea. I usually drink hot milk __at_____ night before I go to bed. 13. Peter usually goes to the south of France ____in_____ winter. He usually goes ____in____ December but he could not go ____X____ last December because his son was ill. 14. It"s very cold here ____at______ night. 15. A fire broke out in the building _______X_______ last night. Luckily everyone was able to escape and the firemen put fire out ___in____ half an hour. 16. I can decorate the Christams tree ___in_____ o hours. 2008-08-24 21:24:20 补充: SORRY ! 更正 2. Ken"s exams are ____FROM_____ the 14 th to the 20th of April . He is studying hard ____at___ present. antongreen711解得好 2楼就..= =" Answers : 1. My father is at work __from__ nine and five o" clock. 2. Ken"s exams are __from__ the 14 th to the 20th of April . He is studying hard __at__ present. 3. Let"s play football __there/ X__ next Saturday. 4. Shall we go to the cinema __X__ this evening? The film will start __at__ night. 5. We will phone you __at__ about 10 o"clock __on__ Thursday morning. 6. My father does not normally work __on__ weekends but he had to work __X__ last Saturday. 7. I met my old friend at the bus stop __X__ yesterday morning. He was going to MongKok __at__ that time. We met again __X__ today. 8. The first day of school __in__ this year is __on__ 1st of September. 9. I usually finish school __at__ a quarter to four __in__ the afternoon. 10. Most secondary schools do not have classes __in__ the weekends. 11. __On__ Christmas Day we had lunch with Lilian __at__ noon. We visited her father __in__ the evening. 12. I always drink a cup of coffee __at__ breakfast. __In__ the afternoon I drink tea. I usually drink hot milk __at__ night before I go to bed. 13. Peter usually goes to the south of France __in__ winter. He usually goes __in__ December but he could not go __X__ last December because his son was ill. 14. It"s very cold here __at__ night. 15. A fire broke out in the building __X__ last night. Luckily everyone was able to escape and the firemen put fire out __in__ half an hour. 16. I can decorate the Christmas tree __in__ o hours. 参考: ^.^ Enjoy

preposition (on,in,at,for,)

Tony is not good (1) at English. He is afraid(2) of speaking (3) in/x English and he has difficultices municating(4) with foregners. To improve his English he attended a course(5) at/in a university (6) in Britain last summer. He stayed there (7) for o months (8) from June (9) to August and spent $20000(10) on the course However he made little progress(11) in his studies. Althought he is disappointed he will take part (12) in another couese (13) in the near future. 注意: 1 红字部份更正了原文错字或不合理表达。 2 花钱于 X 之上,英文是 spending money on X. 为了他而花钱,英文是 spending money for him. Cheers! (5) at others are quite correct. 1. at 2. of 3. in/X 4. with 5. in 6. in 7. for 8. from 9. to 10. on 11. in 12. in 13. in

英文preposition运用 的运用 used to show the person or thing that does something: The motorcycle was driven by a tiny bald man. We were amazed by what she told us. I"m reading some short stories (written) by Chekhov. 2.for 和of的分别与运用 for: 1. intended to be given to: e.g There"s a phone message for you. I"d better buy something for the new baby. There"s a prize for the fastest three runners in each category. 2.because of or as a result of something: e.g I"m feeling all the better for my holiday. "How are you?" "Fine and all the better for seeing you!" She did fifteen years in prison for murder. 3.used to show an amount of time or distance: e.g We walked for miles. She"s out of the office for a few days next week. I"m just going to bed for an hour or so. Of: 1. used to show possession belonging or origin: e.g a friend of mine the president of the United States employees of the pany the colour of his hair 2. used in expressions showing position: e.g the top of his head the back of your dress on the corner of the street 3. beside 的运用 1. at the side of next to: e.g Come and sit here beside me. Our school was built right beside a river. 4. Beyond 的运用 1. further away in the distance (than something): In the distance beyond the river was a *** all town. From the top of the hill we could see our house and the woods beyond. 2. outside or after (a stated limit): Few people live beyond the age of a hundred. We cannot allow the work to continue beyond the end of the year. 3. INFORMAL If something is beyond you you are unable to understand it: I"m afraid physics is pletely beyond me. 5. round 和 around的分别 round : In a circular direction or position; around: The Moon goes round the Earth. We ran round (the outside of the house) to the back looking for the dog. around: We sat around the table. He put his arm around her. ** MAINLY UK round US USUALLY

preposition 为什么翻译成介词 而不是 前置词?

你好。1 非常简单。在这里“介”的意思就“媒介”,把其前後的 词 / 词组 连接起来。2 一般来说,在某个语种裏面如果有“前置词”,那就一定会有“後置词”。而英语中只有“介词 / 前置词”,没有“介词 / 後置词 ”(请参考-----牛津高级英汉字典----第七版-----page 1560)。因此,为了阻止人们的联想,汉语翻译大师们就采用“介词”来替换“前置词”---------因为“前置词”会让人联想到“後置词”。You see, the above is what I think of “介词 / 前置词”, thanks.

preposition of position是什么意思



prep是介词词性,是preposition的缩写,也就是介词,而介词后面一般会更有名词代词或者其他相当于名词的其他词类短语,或者是从句作为它的宾语表示与其他成分的关系。介词在英语中占有相当重要的地位,它与其他的词构成可以表示从属关系,并列关系等很多关系的结构。补充资料:1、简单前置词包括in,on,with,by,for,at,about,under,of,to等。后接名词,代词或动名词形式。2、合成前置词包括into,within,throughout,inside,outside,without等由两个单词组成的介词。3、重叠前置词包括from among从...当中,from behind从...后面u,ntil after直至...之后,at about在大约...,after about在大约...之后等。4、短语前置词一个或两个简单介词和一个或几个其他词类构成一个短语,作用相当于一个介词,这就叫做短语介词。这类介词的末尾总是一个简单介词。如 according to,because of,by means of,in addition to,in front of, in spite of等。


n.=noun 名词v=verb 动词prep=preposition介词pron.=pronoun代词adv.=adverb.副词adj.=adjective形容词aux.=auxilary助动词

问 preposition

1. The sun shines___on___the earth. 2.You should read more ___in____ your spare time. 3.The plane will arrive ____in___ five minutes. 2006-12-29 00:12:31 补充: 楼上的人兄所作答的全错,我对我的答案好有信心,因为我现在在大学主修英文 为初中生补英文 2006-12-29 00:17:53 补充: 1. 太阳不可照射于地核,故不能用 in2. spare time 不是指明的任何一样事物, spare time 比较 “free”,故不能用 during3. 你绝对不会话飞机将于五分钟后到达, 而是飞机将于五分钟内到达,故不能用 during 2007-01-02 03:28:53 补充: sorry 最尾果只字写错左,应补充如下:3. 你绝对不会话飞机将于五分钟后到达, 而是飞机将于五分钟内到达,故不能用 after原来我之前讲果位楼上人兄早已 delete 左自己的答案,所以没有楼上的人兄存在 (对) 1. The sun shines on the earth. 2.You should read more in your spare time. 3.The plane will arrive in five minutes. 1.太阳照射地球。 2.你应该在你的余暇时间读很多。 3.飞机将在5 分钟内到达。 相反(错) 1. The sun shines in the earth. 2.You should read more during your spare time. 3.The plane will arrive after five minutes. 1.太阳在地球里发亮。 2.你应该在你的余暇时间期间读很多。 3.飞机在5 分钟之后将到达。 参考: 自己...帮到你吗?? 1. ON 2 DURING 3. IN oninin

object of a preposition是什么意思

object of a preposition介词宾语双语例句1The money is for whoever needs it. ( object of a preposition)钱是给需要的人的。(前置宾语)

英文 preposition 为什么要这么用呢 ?

1)Dinner will be ready "by" eight o"clock. 的by是”之前”的意思,即八时之前,晚餐就会预备好  若用at即,八时正晚餐才会预备好 2)The room is empty except "for" a few chairs. 若在all every no everything anybody nowhere whole 等字后,我们用except或except for都可用  其他的时候,多用except,而不用except for 在介词或连接词之前,我们会用except 而不用except forHe is good-looking except when he *** iles. (不用except for) 3)Please post this letter "for" me. 是请为我寄了这封信 Please post this letter "to" me. 是请将此信寄给我 4) The ship is sailing "for" Singapore.  用for是表示以”Singapore”为目的地  而to就没有目的地的意思,只表示船会去新加坡,但新加坡未必是这船的目的地 (5) His grandparents arrived "at" Hong Kong last Sunday arrive这字多用at或in,而不会用to 其实to这前置词带有”一毎过程”的味道:”由某点到某点”,arrive明显不可能是个过程,而是结果 老实说:介词是英文里非常深的一课,有学者说:就连老外有时也搅不清,所以只有多看,死记了 希望帮到你! 为什么用不是The ship is sailing "to" Singapore. 2010-07-28 18:53:19 补充: 对不起,一时手快快,第二题应是: 2)The room is empty except "for" a few chairs. 若在all every no everything anybody nowhere whole 等字后,我们用except或except for都可用  其他的时候,多用except for,而不用except(之前答案倒转了) 在介词或连接词之前,我们会用except 而不用except forHe is good-looking except when he *** iles. (不用except for)

preposition 为什么翻译成介词 而不是 前置词?

1 非常简单.在这里“介”的意思就“媒介”,把其前後的 词 / 词组 连接起来. 2 一般来说,在某个语种裏面如果有“前置词”,那就一定会有“後置词”.而英语中只有“介词 / 前置词”,没有“介词 / 後置词 ”(请参考-----牛津高级英汉字典----第七版-----page 1560).因此,为了阻止人们的联想,汉语翻译大师们就采用“介词”来替换“前置词”---------因为“前置词”会让人联想到“後置词”. You see,the above is what I think of “介词 / 前置词”,thanks.


from, to, with, before, for ... 这些都是介词 prepositions generally come before nouns, pronouns and gerunds. 介词通常用在 名词、代词、动名词(ing) 之前,一般构成介词短语, 介词+动词原型构成动词不定式,不是介词短语。 介词不能单独存在 介词 + 名词 = 形容词 / 副词 当我要描述 这是一本好书 的时候,只需要一个形容词good就可以完成; 但是当我描述 这是一本关于汽车的书 ,此时,找不到一个形容词可以直接表达 关于汽车的 这个概念,所以这里就需要人为创造了, 用 介词 + 名词 构成一个整体,相当于一个形容词,这样就完成了句意的表达。 副词也是同样的道理: 当我想表达 站在树下 的时候,没办法找到一个副词可以直接表达,所以这里通过用 介词 + 名词 构成一个整体,相当于一个副词。 A preposition can come before a noun ,a noun phrase or a noun clause . 介词可以放在名词、名词短语或名词从句的前面。 A preposition can also come before more than one kind of pronoun. 介词也可以出现在多种代词的前面。 And finally a preposition can be followed by a gerund or a gerund phrase . 最后,介词后面可以跟着动名词或动名词短语。 Prepositions and their objects form prepositional phrases. We need prepositions to give information about time,location, direction, reasons. There are different ideas and different relationships that prepositions help us express. Generally speaking, we`ll find prepositions toward the end of a sentence. We can start a sentence with a prepositional phrase. 介词及其宾语构成介词短语。 我们需要介词来提供关于时间、地点、方向和原因的信息。 介词有助于表达的不同想法和不同关系。 一般说来,去一个句子的末尾找介词。 我们也可以以介词短语开始句子。 But often we find the prepositional phrases toward the end , after the verb . 但我们常常在动词后面找到介词短语。 for example Some sentences may have two objects. In that case, you likely have a direct object and an indirect object. A direct object is the object of a verb. The indirect object is the object of a preposition. 有些句子可能有两个宾语。在这种情况下,你可能有直接宾语和间接宾语 直接宾语是动词的宾语 间接宾语是介词的宾语 here"s an example: what if I say: With this structure : 具有这样的结构: I"m allowed to separate the preposition and its object and move that pronoun you to an earlier position. 我把介词和宾语分开,把代词 "you" 移到更早的位置。 For now ,just know that in most cases a preposition is directly followed by its object. But as you saw,there are times when we can separate or need to separate. 就目前而言,只要知道在 大多数情况下介词后面直接跟着宾语 就可以了。 但是正如你所见,有时候我们可以将介词和宾语分开,或者需要将介词和宾语分开. The object from its preposition. This happens with the preposition TO. 将宾语与其介词分开 这与介词TO一起发生 For clarity or for emphasis, We leave the preposition and object together 为了清楚或强调,我们把介词和宾语放在一起 But if I don"t need to stress who or what is doing the receiving, I can move the object to an earlier position. After the verb and before the direct object. 但是,如果我 不需要强调 接收者是谁或接收者正做什么,我可以把宾语移到更早的位置。在动词之后和直接宾语之前。 We also see separation of a preposition and its object in questions. 我们还看到介词与其宾语在疑问句中的分离 while we"re talking about word order and sentence structure,let me ask you a question. In this sentence,how many objects do you see? hopefully, you see two. 你看到几个宾语?希望你看到两个 Is one of them a direct object ? 其中之一是直接的对象吗? No. "lobby" and "noon" are objects of prepositions. we have two prepositional phrases. 不是."lobby" 和 "noon" 是介词的宾语. 我们有两个介词短语 in, at . When we have a prepositional phrase of place and a prepositional phrase of time, place usually goes before time. 当我们有"地点"的介词短语和"时间"的介词短语时, 地点通常是在时间之前。 Here, out is not a preposition Your first clue is that there is no object. Out here is a particle. The verb look and the particle out form a phrasal verb. This phrasal verb means be careful. It serves as a warning. out不是介词,你的第一个线索是没有宾语, out在这里是一个小品词,动词look和小品词out构成一个短语动词,这个短语动词的意思是小心,作为警告 To study is an infinitive. TO plus the base form of a verb is the infinitive. A verb form not a prepositional phrase. to study 是 不定式 , TO + 动词原型 是动词不定式,不是介词短语


prepositions[英][prepu0259"zu026au0283nz][美][prepu0259"zu026au0283nz]n.介词( preposition的名词复数 ); 例句:1.Empty words including articles, prepositions and conjunctions. 英语虚词包括冠词、介词和连词。2.Older people write longer updates, use more prepositions and articles, and talk moreabout other people, including their family. 年长一些的人会写更长的状态更新,用更多的介词和冠词,更多的谈论其他人,包括其他人的家庭






preposition[英copy][u02ccprepu0259u02c8zu026au0283n][美][u02ccpru025bpu0259u02c8zu026au0283u0259n]n.介词; 前置词;复数:prepositions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Decide which preposition you need to finish this sentence.决定你需要那一个介词来完成句子。2.That is, see verb or noun and the respective preposition as asingle unit.也就是说,把动知词或者名词以及各自所带的介词看做一个独立的语言道单位

有prepare with的用法吗

查到有的, 就是“和...一起准备, 用...准备": to prepare lessons with multimedia 多媒体备课 Prepare message with user data 准备用户数据消息 Prepare food together with mom 和妈妈一起下厨 Prepare with someone else with the same role if you can. 可以的话请与扮演相同角色的同学一同准备。


1、一、prepare用作及物动词时:①prepare sth.表示准备.,后接名词或代词作宾语.②prepare sb.sth.表示给.准备.,也可转换为prepare sth.for sb..③prepare sb.for sth.表示使某人对某事有所准备.④prepare to do sth.表示准备做..2、二、prepare用作不及物动词时:prepare for sth.表示为.做准备.3、三、prepare的名词形式为preparation,它可以和介词in一起构成in preparation for短语;也可和动词make一起构成make preparations for短语,表示为.做准备。4、四、prepare是一动词,意为准备.其用法相当灵活,现归纳如下:①prepare sth.是准备……,宾语是所准备的内容.②prepare to do sth.准备做某事,③prepare for sth.是为……做准备,for是准备的目的.④prepare sth.for...为……准备某物⑤prepare sb.for sth.使某人对……进行准备⑥prepare do sth.使某人准备做某事,⑦be prepared for sth.=get ready for sth.为……做好了准备,强调状态.⑧be (well) prepared to do sth.准备、打算做某事,⑨be prepared against sth.对……做好准备,against有与……作斗争、抵御之意。

prepare to do sth和prepare for doing sth 有什么区别


prepare和prepare for的区别

prepare和prepare for 两者在用法上一般都可以互相转换,但是从本质上看它们还是有差别的,只要注意一下它们后面所接的对象就可以了.1)prepare: 准备,后接直接准备的对象,谓语动作直接体现在宾语上.eg. Mother is preparing lunch.(母亲正在准备午饭.)2)prepare for: 为……作准备,for 后的宾语为准备的目的.eg. The students are preparing for the exam.(学生们正在为考试作准备.)3)prepare……for…… 为……作准备……eg. The students are preparing their lessons for the final exam.-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助请追问,谢谢。

prepare for和prepare的用法有何区别?

prepare和prepare for 两者在用法上一般都可以互相转换,但是从本质上看它们还是有差别的,只要注意一下它们后面所接的对象就可以了.1)prepare: 准备,后接直接准备的对象,谓语动作直接体现在宾语上.eg. Mother is preparing lunch.(母亲正在准备午饭.)2)prepare for: 为……作准备,for 后的宾语为准备的目的.eg. The students are preparing for the exam.(学生们正在为考试作准备.)3)prepare……for…… 为……作准备……eg. The students are preparing their lessons for the final exam.




prepare的用法搭配:prepare用作及物动词时,prepare sth.表示准备,后接名词或代词作宾语;双语例句I"ll prepare a revised estimate for you.我将为你准备一份经过修正的评估报告。While the pasta is cooking, prepare the sauce.煮面的工夫,准备浇头。On average each report requires 1,000 hours to prepare.平均每份报告需要1000个小时来准备。The sauce takes 25 minutes to prepare and cook.从准备到烹制成这种调味汁需要 25分钟。The ground staff do all they can to prepare the field.场地保养人员全力准备赛场。On average each report requires 1,000 hours to prepare.平均每份报告需要1000个小时来 准备。He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.他为准备那场比赛加强了训练。You"ll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare.你会发现准备这样的饭既快又省 事。


(1) 用作谓语动词的主动语态:Sarah prepared diner for her parents.(2) 用作谓语动词的被动语态:Diner had been prepared by Sarah before her parents came back.(3) 动词不定式做补语:The diner took two hours to prepare.固定短语:(1) prepare something (直接)准备某事,如:to prepare a presentation, prepare a public speech(2) prepare for something 为某事(目的)而做准备,如:to prepare for the interview(3) to prepare someone for something, to prepare someone to do something 使某人为某事做准备,或使某人准备好去做某事,如:to prepare the new player for the winter games, to prepare my child to go to school(4) be prepared to do something, be prepared for something 在心理上准备好做某事,或者应对某事的发生,如:be pewpared to die, be prepared for a long-time waiting

prepare for和prepare for的区别

prepare和prepare for 两者在用法上一般都可以互相转换,但是从本质上看它们还是有差别的,只要注意一下它们后面所接的对象就可以了.1)prepare: 准备,后接直接准备的对象,谓语动作直接体现在宾语上.eg. Mother is preparing lunch.(母亲正在准备午饭.)2)prepare for: 为……作准备,for 后的宾语为准备的目的.eg. The students are preparing for the exam.(学生们正在为考试作准备.)3)prepare……for…… 为……作准备……eg. The students are preparing their lessons for the final exam.



prepare to do和prepare for doing有什么区别?

"Prepare to do"和 "Prepare for doing"的区别在于它们强调的焦点略有不同。"Prepare to do" 表示做好准备去做某事,强调的是要开始做一些使自己做好准备的工作,以便做某件事情。例如:我正在准备去旅行,我需要先准备护照和机票。"Prepare for doing" 表示为了做某事,而做好准备,强调的是为了准备做某事而进行的活动和准备工作。例如:我正在为我的英语考试做准备,所以我要学习单词和语法。因此,“prepare to do”与准备开始某项任务或行动的准备有关,“prepare for doing”与为完成某项任务或行动而做好准备有关。

英语中的 prepar 这个单词有那些用法

1. prepare for sth = get ready for sth2.prepare to do sth = be ready to do sth3. be prepared for sth/ to do sth = be ready for/ to do sth4. prepare sb for the future development 5. prepare food = cook food

be prepare for 后面跟动词的什么形式

be prepare for 后面跟动词的动名词形式如果一个动词加上了ing变成了名词,那么这个词称动名词。动名词常泛指,句法作用宾/表/定与主,时态/语态之形式,一般/完成/被动式。 动名词是一种兼有动词和名词特征的非限定动词。它可以支配宾语,也能被副词修饰。动名词有时态和语态的变化。英语中的动名词是由动词变化而来,它仍一方面保留着动词的某些特征,具有动词的某些变化形式,用以表达名词所不能表达的较为复杂的意念,另一方面动名词在句子的用法及功能类同与名词:在句子可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语。它也可以被副词修饰或者用来支配宾语。[2]  例如:They run into constant discrimination in trying to find a job or friend.  在寻找工作和结交朋友方面,他们不断地受到歧视。  Living in gigs means having one room in someone"s house.  寄居的意思是在别人的家里借住一间房间。  附:动名词用法口诀:  Being done 系被动,不含任何进行意。用作主语请留意,常用it作形式主语,不指未来发生事,表达的信息系已知。用作表语请记清,作用相当一名词,检验方法很简单,主与表换位能成立。用作定语也易辩,表示名词之用途。用作宾语稍复杂,关键留意谓语动词(跟动名词作宾语的常用动词附后),时态同谓动作比较,先于谓动用完成式,其逻辑主语不固定,在句中/句外均有之。否定式其前加not,复合式其前加物主词,非句首宾格词也可用,尤其口语中更如此。  说明:1、主-----主语 2、宾-----宾语 3、表------表语 4、定------定语 5、谓动---谓语动词常见题型  1) 动名词做主语时,谓语动词为单数  2) 在动名词和不定式中,作为介词的宾语是动名词  3) 动名词的否定直接在其前加否定词,通过代词的宾格或所有格形式给出逻辑主语
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