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急求What Do You Think Of The First Impression 为主题,三分钟英文演讲

What do you think about the first impression, well, we are always be told not to judge people with their appearances, but when there are two strangers ,one is more pretty or handsome than the other , which one will you choose to talk with? Perhaps the example is not so good, the first impression I refer to surely involves the temperament and the style of conversation etc, appearance is just the most direct modality.First impressions are half the battle, it is true in many fields and occasions in our modern times, when you make new friends and have interviews and so on, you may find clearly how great importance it is. Of course, I have no intention to ignore something essential and immanent, I mean one"s knowledge, mentality, connotation…, they are also important ,and they will be tasted out by further communion. I saw the movie <<Pride and Prejudice>>twice a few days ago. In the beginning, the main dramatis personae, Elizabeth and Darcy, both judged each other by the bad first impression, and they were distant from each other because of their prejudice. However, the series of events which they both experienced gave them the opportunity to understand one another and the time to reconcile their feelings for each other. Thus, their mutual understanding is the foundation of their relationship and will lead them to a peaceful and lasting marriage. This relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy reveals the importance of getting to know one"s partner before marrying. I hereby not to discuss about the understandings before marriage, I suppose if there were no such chance for them two to know each other further, what would happen to them then?So it comes to my conclusion, the first impression and further communion are both important, but just remember sometimes the former is the entrance to the latter.

First impression of you is most lasting的翻译?


My first impression to 作文

I"m very happy to be your teacher. You are a good student. You can finish your homework in time and in high quality.You are fond of playing computer. I think you can make your life happy and wonderful. As a tutor, l think it is good for you and me. l willtry my best to help you with your difficulty in study and living.I believe you will become a better student. Your family is warm and happy .Do you think so ? Your mother ,father and grandmother are all very friendly,I feel happy .It is a pleasure to come to your home.I know your parents are often at work ,you only stay with your grandmother.Do you feel loney?If so ,I am willing to be your friend,and you can say something to me .Parhaps I can help you.You are a teenage ,all you should to do is to study hard and to be a good person. 7th April By——liu

求英语作文《如何留下一个好印象》(《how to make a good impression》)

how to make a good impression:First impression is always the most important thing when you meet a stranger.It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to understand you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance,your manners and even your behaviours that tell them what type of person you are and your characteristics.So, whether they are in your career or social life, it"s important to know how to create a good first impression.To make a good impression,we have to have deep confidence in ourselves.If you are calm and confident, the other person will feel more at ease and this makes a solid foundation of a good first impression. The next thing is your appearance.Although physical appearance seems to be more important nowadays, don"t get upset if you are not born pretty/handsome.Try presenting yourself appropriately, start with the way you dress.Dress for occasions, do not dress for your own mood.Make sure that you look clean and tidy as this help to make a good impression.Well, the most important thing is a smile.“Smile and the world smiles too.” A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease.You have to look sincere and true while you are smiling.When it comes to making the first impression, body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words.Thus, stand tall, smile (of course), make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person feel better at ease.Conversations should be short and sweet.Don"t talk non-stop as this makes the other person bored. Try to find something common between the two of you to talk so as to keep it flowing.Your attitude is also what counts in a good impression.Stay positive, courteous and don"t start criticising people or make sarcastic comments because this will spoil your image. 楼主自行修改吧。

make a first impression为什么用a而不用the


why shoudnot you go by first impression如何回答

可以这样去回答:‘Why should I do it"这样就可以了。why shoudnot you go by first impression的意思是你为什么不按第一印象去做呢,所以可以回答Why should I do it这样是没有问题。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。

make a first impression为什么用a而不用the

first 是序数词,序数词前必须加定冠词。

高中英文必修五 firtst impression翻译

Lesson 4 First Impressions 第四课 第一印象 The day that I met my best friend for the first time, I was full of anxiety. I was trying to do some revision for an important oral exam in the local library and people kept disturbing me. 第一次遇到我最好的朋友那天,我的心情特别焦虑。我在本地图书馆复习准备一次重要的口语考试,人们不停地干扰我。 I was getting more and more annoyed and of course, the more upset I got, the less I was able to concentrate. The last straw was when I heard someone singing behind me. 我越来越烦躁,当然了,越烦就越难集中精力。当我听到背后有人唱歌时,我的忍耐到了极限。 The singing was so loud that I could even recognise the song! I turned around and glared at the person who was singing. It was a tall girl about the same age as me and she had a big smile on her face. 这声音大得我都能听出唱的是哪首歌。我转身怒视着那个唱歌的人。那是一位高个子和我年龄相仿的女孩,她的脸上带着开心的笑容。 She was standing with a book in her hands near the "English Literature" section. She looked like a literary type and seemed very interested in what she was reading. I glanced at the book"s cover. It was a book of Tennyson"s poems. 她手里拿着一本书,站在英文文学类图书旁。她似乎对正读着的那本书很感兴趣。我瞟了一眼书的封面,那是一本丁尼生诗集。 The fact that she looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didn"t matter. If anything it made me even angrier. "How could she be so selfish?" I thought angrily. In fact, I"m surprised there wasn"t steam coming out of my ears! 她看上去是一个善解人意、友善的女孩,但这无济于事,却平添我积分怒气:“她怎么能这样自私呢?”我生气地想。事实上,我那时已经有点火冒三丈了。 I picked up my books, glared at her and whispered angrily, "Thanks to your noise, I"ve been unable to study. You"re so selfish!" 我抓起我自己的书,怒气冲冲地盯着她说:“谢谢你的噪音,我根本没法学习。你真是太自私了!” I still hate thinking of that moment. Let me tell you the rest of the story though. 我现在仍然不愿意回想起当时的情景。不过,我还是讲一下后来发生的事吧。 Because I left the library in such a hurry, I felt my most important textbook behind. It was only when I got home two hours later that I realised I"d forgotten it and there was nothing I could do as the library was closed. 因为我离开图书馆的时候太匆忙了,以至于把最重要的课本留在了那里。直到两个小时后我回到家时才发现,可是已经无济于事了,因为图书馆已经关门了。 I was so upset that I almost cried. Just then, the phone rang. I answered it and a gentle voice introduced the speaker as Jenny and asked if I was Jane. 我感到万分沮丧,真想哭一场。就在这时候电话铃响了。我拿起电话,传来一个轻柔的声音,自我介绍说名叫珍妮,并问我是不是简。 After confirming that I was, Jenny said that she had noticed I"d left my book in the library and as my name was in it, she"d asked a live far away and could bring it around for me if I needed it. 在确定我是以后,珍妮说她发现我把书留在了图书馆,因为书上有我的名字,她让图书馆管理员从档案中找到了我的电话号码。她还说她住得不远,如果我急用这本书的话,她可以给我送过来。 I sighed with relief and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. I was so grateful! Of course you"ve guessed who Jenny was. 我如释重负,感激万分,同意与她在这条街上的一个便利店里见面。当然你已经猜出谁是珍妮了, She was the girl I had shouted at for singing. When I recognised her in the convenience store, I was filled with shame and apologised several times for my rude behaviour. 就是在图书馆里因为唱歌的事情我对她吼叫的那个女孩。我在便利店里看到是她是羞愧极了,为自己的粗鲁做法连声道歉。 I felt so guilty, but Jenny just laughed and told me she was glad to see that I"d also left my glare in the library! I couldn"t help laughing at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea. 我感到很内疚。但是珍妮笑了起来,并告诉我她很高兴看到我把自己的怒视也留在了图书馆!听了这话,我禁不住笑了起来,并邀请她到我的公寓里来喝杯茶。 We got along really well and ever since then we"ve been best friends. We"re very much alike and we tell each other everything. To be honest, I trust her more than anyone else. 我们相处得很好,从那以后,我们就成了最好的朋友。我们俩非常相像,我们无话不谈。老实说,我对她比对任何人都信任。 I often think how lucky I am. If Jenny hadn"t been a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortcomings, I would never have experienced such true friendship. 我常常想我真是太幸运了。珍妮要不是如此体贴,愿意宽容我的缺点,我就永远不会享受到如此真挚的友谊。 (是这篇课文吗?)

First impression on sb first impression of sb


first impression是什么意思

first impression英[fu0259:st imu02c8preu0283u0259n]美[fu025ast u026amu02c8pru025bu0283u0259n]释义初步印象第一印象; 初感; 第一印模1Two-time world 400 metres hurdles champion Kerron Clement said his first impression of the London wasn"t that favourable.两夺400米栏世界冠军的克莱门特说他对伦敦的第一印象不太好。

电脑开机出现bootmgr is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart怎么解决啊?


电脑开机界面出现OEMSF is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart怎么办?



impressive的读法是:英 [u026am"presu026av],美 [u026am"presu026av].adj.(形容词)感人的,令人感动的。令人钦佩的,使人敬畏的,令人肃然起敬的。威严的。给人深刻印象的,令人难忘的。神气的,有气派的。短语搭配:1、very impressive.印象很深刻;非常的感人;非常可观。2、impressive performance.令人印象深刻的表现。3、impressive record.令人印象深刻的记录;令人赞叹的记录。4、impressive list.令人印象深刻的清单;清单令人印象深刻。5、impressive collection.印象深刻的……收藏;大量,惊人的收藏。6、impressive example.印象深刻的例子;难以忘怀的例子。7、impressive library.令人印象深刻的图书馆。双语例句:1、The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in magazines.这建筑物看上去和在杂志上一样让人印象深刻。2、It is a Potemkin party; there is little behind the impressive parliamentary group seen on television.这是一个装点门面的政党,除了电视上看到的议会党团翩翩外表并无实质内容。3、The cathedral is impressive in its austere simplicity.大教堂朴实简单,给人印象深刻。4、To Katherine, the house was trebly impressive.对凯瑟琳来说,这房子极其壮观。5、His team played some impressive football.他的球队踢法令人印象深刻。6、Communal pride in impressive local buildings.全社区对于予人深刻印象的当地建筑的自豪。7、A good English dictionary is a golden key to an impressive command of English.一本好的英语词典是学好英语的金钥匙。8、He has real style. / He has an impressive bearing.他真有气派。9、The interest on this principal will be quite impressive.这笔本金的利息会相当可观。10、He looks quite impressive in this suit.他穿上这身衣裳,多气派。


意思不同。presure:压力表、调压计、突变压力、最高静压;pressure,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时译为“迫使;密封;使……增压”;(更多的是指物理上的压力,如水压、大气压) pressure的用法 用作名词(n.) The pressure of the water turns this wheel, and this is used to make electric power. 水压驱动这个轮子从而产生电力。 I hope that the tire pressure is right. 我希望轮胎的压力正好。 The pressure of the crowd made it impossible for me to stand still. 人群的压力使我不可能站直。 He changed his mind under the pressure from others. 他在别人的逼迫之下改变了主意。 pressure英文短句/例句 1.Compressive Strength, Compression Strength抗压强度,耐压强度 2.Oil Pressure Test Forstrength油压强度试验 3.An Instrument For Measuring Pressure, Especially High Pressure.压力计,压强计用来测量压力、尤其是高压的工具 4.Water Pressure Test For Strength And Tightness水压强度和密封性试验 5.Air Pressure Test For Strength And Tightness气压强度及气密试验 6.Testing Method For Compressive (Crushing) Strength Of Fired Whiteware Materials陶瓷抗压强度试验方法

联想电脑开机显示press F1 to enter setup,F2 to resume

直接F2 应该可以进入系统,有可能是主板电池需要更换了

protected override void OnPaint ( PaintEventArgs e)在 visual C# 2010 Express都会出错)






stamp punch press有什么区别


冲压行业,press 和 stamping 的区别是什么?




求一篇“How to make a good impression”的英语作文,大概两百字左右!谢谢啦!

have many interview experiences,and i think the self-confidence is one of the most important things at the interview.when i was not confidence on myself,the interview is almost fail.To a girl,maybe a good manners,decent clothes and well-cosmetic may add your confidence,and i think what is also important is your simile!If you know how to smile,i"m sure you will win a good impression to interviewers....because my english is not very fluent,so all of those is what i can say,hope someone can give other suggestion to us.

punch和 press的区别

为了获取信息的输入,为punch in,是固定搭配。press只表示操作,反应的是动作。

急求一片英语作文:An experience that impressed me most in my life?

A girl and guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle Girl:Slow down,I"m scared! Guy:No,this is fun. Girl:No,it"s not.Please,I"m scared. Guy:Then tell me you love me. Girl:I love you,now slow down! Guy:Now give me a big hug. She gives him a big hug Guy:Can you take off my helmet and put it on yourself,it"s bothering me. In the newspaper the next day,a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure.Two people were on it and only one survived.The truth was that halfway down the road,the guy realized his break wasn"t working but he didn"t want the girl to know.Instead he had her hug him and tell him one last time that she loved him.Then he had her put on his helmet so that she would live even if he died. I think that this is a great act of love and romance.The actions were minuscule pared to the likes of "Titanic" but it shows the love they had for each other rivals that of the drowning of that famous ship. True love is never shown in words,it is shown in the actions and things one would do for his/her significant other,the extent that they are willing to sacrifice for each other. It is that love story that touched me the most.Sure,it is short,but reading between the lines,the reader could tell,in the tone that the boy adopted,there are no hesitation,in fact,salvation because he knew the chances that the girl would live was almost certain. I think this is a true act of love,I think that this action,is indeed,the epitome and the foundation of true love.,1,急求一片英语作文:An experience that impressed me most in my life 高三水平,200字左右…亲,急求啊…

少女时代正规四辑中的《Express 999》中文歌词~很急很急~谢谢啦!!!!声明我是sone啊!


facial expression和facial expressions?

其实两个单词的意思都是一样的,都是面目表情,facial expression 是说一个表情,facial expressions 是多数个表情因为结尾有了“S” 例:She made a cute facial expression 她做了一个可爱的表情。例:She can make many cute facial expressions 她可以作出很多可爱的表 情。希望能有帮助...

Mobile Intel(R) 45 Express Chipset Family (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1) 这个显卡或是显卡驱动怎




开机的时候显示start pxe over IPv4 press esc to exit~


求COAT] Smart 10th impression taiki的初受,


Expresskey 和shortcut

Expresskey 和shortcut都是快捷键的意思。快捷键,即热键,是指使用键盘上某一个或某几个键的组合完成一条功能命令,从而提高电脑操作速度的按键。快捷键分三种级别,系统级快捷键可以全局响应,应用程序级热键只能在当前活动程序中起作用,控件级热键则仅在当前控件中起作用。

Expresso Double Shot是来两份的意思吗?Shot算怎样的量词呢?看到Starbuck有这样的标准,不是很理解。


macbook 支持 pcmcia Express 网卡吗?

macbook没有pc卡插槽的,只能接usb,而且很少有移动网卡可以支持mac系统的。装vista倒还是可以的,最好是装vista sp1,原生支持苹果的efi系统

请问IBM X61上的PCMCIA槽是不是能插Express Card 54接口的卡啊?

X61上带的PC卡槽叫做:1个Type II PCI/PCI Express 。这是INTEL 965 主板芯片组带来的。这意味着你的卡可以放心使用,而Express Card 34不行。同时,此槽向下兼容老的PCMCIA卡,当然是薄的,厚的不行。

And press Generate什么意思 ?



cell英 [sel] 美 [su025bl]n.<生>细胞; 小牢房; 电池; <诗>墓穴vi.住在牢房或小室中vt.囚禁cell press网络释义相关词条French cell press1. 弗氏细胞压碎器filter-press cell1. 压滤式电池

戴尔84JOR(英特尔Ivy Bridge-B75 Express芯片组)最好配什么处理器

I5 3470处理器或者E3 V1230 内存最大支持16G 嫌贵可以选I3

索尼 VAIO ( 英特尔 Ivy Bridge - HM76 Express 芯片组 )参数?


主板惠普17DF ( 英特尔 Ivy Bridge - QM77 Express 芯片组 )详情是

Q77主板,和普通的 B75、H77、Z77 一样


MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with errorcode 0.NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.从这里来看是编译程序上的问题,mpi出现了问题,你可以先测试一下,用自带的例子。


MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with errorcode 0.NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes. 从这里来看是编译程序上的问题,mpi出现了问题,你可以先测试一下,用自带的例子。

主板 技嘉 B75-D3V ( 英特尔 Ivy Bridge - B75 Express 芯片组 )请问这板子可以用8G

3000左右。 这机器低配。

戴尔台式机戴尔主板oxfwhv芯片组Ivy Bridge-B75 Express现用海力士DDRS1600MHZ2GB服务编码52NNGY1

看你预算,再看你电脑应用的内存够不够,,,,,,2GB 4GB都行,.如果是总内存4GB,一个系统开机后在占用20%--30的内存,,你至少开机后还有70%内存用..2.8GB左右.....如果不够你用,,,你就加条4GB,,,

主板:联想 31900005WIN8 STD PRC (英特尔 Ivy Bridge - HM76 Express 芯片组)光驱接口是SATA几?



MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with errorcode 0.NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.从这里来看是编译程序上的问题,mpi出现了问题,你可以先测试一下,用自带的例子。

hm77 express芯片组和Ivy bridge-hm77 express芯片组主


华擎 B75M-GL R2.0 ( 英特尔 Ivy Bridge - B75 Express 芯片


英特尔 Ivy Bridge-HM76 Express芯片组最高能配什么型号的CPU


戴尔 0N5YWG ( 英特尔 Ivy Bridge - HM76 Express 芯片组 )

5521有2个内存口 要加内存 最好一样的 兼容性好 原机配的Hynix海力士 4GB 1600 PC3L-12800S一号店有卖 5521的主板硬盘接口不支持3.0 SSD发挥不出来 不过有玩家实测能有个2.6的效果 比普通硬盘2.0要强的多 显卡和CPU你就别寻思换了 要专业的人拆 就是拆了换了 功耗会不一样 电源也不一定够用 寿命也会缩短

英特尔ivy bridge-Hm75express芯片组是sata1的接口还是sata3


处理器 英特尔 第三代酷睿 i3-3220 @ 3.30GHz 主板 技嘉 B75M-D3V (英特尔 Ivy Bridge - B75 Express 芯片

完全可以 几年前的都可以 你这个不用说必须的

my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.

spend+表示时间的名词用于花费多长时间做某事,是一种比较固定的用法,所以直接用weeks。后一句必须有for a few,这是时间状语。

my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in

应该把"spend sometime doing sth"看做一个短语,SPEND后面就用DOING形式。

My husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.

这个地方to press……是宾语him的补足语,press这个动作是him(狗)发出的。I put his paw on the latch.

pressure excess是什么意思


电脑启动前显示press del to enter setup.esc to sk各位高手赐教


电脑启动前显示press del to enter setup.esc to sk各位高手赐教!


be stressed out 和pressure都有“压力”的意思,有何区别?

be stressed out,此压力是相对于”人“而言的,例如某人饱受压力;感到有压力的. pressure此压力是物理性的,例如,锅炉有压力(压强).



原宽带用苹果的Apple AirPort Express ,很好用。现改成光纤了,无法连接上Apple AirPort Express 。

airport express好像和光纤有冲突

苹果无线路由器airport express 54m(a1088) 的设置方法?

apple路由不可以在IE浏览器中输入地址进入,只能是用airport这个软件设置 首先,确认你的所有硬件已经连接,包括:无线路由是否已经接通电源,网线是否已经连好,笔记本是否已经打开无线网卡开关等。 第一步:安装Airport软件(买路由器自带的光盘) 将包装盒内附送的光盘放入光驱,执行安装程序。注意,该配置程序只能在XP下使用!(也可以用苹果系统自带的这个软件) 第二步:具体配置 单击开始菜单,Airpot-Airpot设置助理,打开设置助理程序。此步选择配置方式,第一次请选择第一项。单击下一步继续这里的配置较为重要。“无线网络名称”可以填入一个有意义的名称,用来区别其他网络。也可以不改,“无线安全性”根据自己的需要选择,主要是用来防止未经允许的计算机访问网络。如果这个网络是局域网专用不想让外人访问的话可以选择加密,这样只有知道访问密码的人才可以使用网络。“Airport Express密码”是指更改路由器设置时需要输入的密码,只有知道密码的人才能更改路由器设置,千万不要忘记啊!确认输入无误后请单击下一步。这里是摘要信息,确认你的信息无误后点击“更新”,然后路由器自动重新启动,请耐心等待..这是路由器已经可以初步使用,但是使用的用户此时还不能使用。重复第一步打开“Airport 管理实用程序”单击左边的无线网络,点击“配置”,输入你刚才设定的无线路由器密码,确定。这里要提的是“升级”按钮。使用上网的用户请升级固件6.1.1,Airport选项卡。这里有一项需要注意,如果你的无线路由器和周围的其他无线路由器使用相同的频道的话可能会出现干扰。这里你可以指定使用的频道,也可以让路由器自动选择。这里我选择频道6。此时你的无线网路仍然可以被其他无线设备搜索到,如果不想被搜索到那就选上“创建封闭网络”。不过既然有密码这项也可以不选。Internet。这个选项卡比较重要。采用ADSL进行PPPOE虚拟拨号的上网方式也在这里进行设置。首先在“连接使用”中选择“以太网上的点对点协议”。“账户名称”中填写ISP提供给你的帐号,然后单击“更改密码”,填写你拨号上网的密码。如果是包年上网可以勾选“始终连接”。其他可保持默认。网络选项卡。这个是对内网IP的设定,苹果的习惯是10.0.1.1,也就是无线路由的IP地址。这里可以保持默认,也可以自行选择。使用ADSL的用户请选择:共享单个IP地址。

Airport Express A1392 哪年发布


请教Airport Express桥接设置,Mac 综合与周边

1、将A无线路由器的WAN口接入到外网(如ADSL Modem)口。进入A无线路由器WEB管理界面,开启无线功能(这个就不说了,要不然怎么无线上网呢,呵呵,对吧)、开启WDS(桥接功能)服务、开启SSID广播,信道、设置SSID号及桥接SSID名称;如下图所示:、A无线路由器 2、B无线路由器是通过A无线路由器来上网,登陆WEB管理界面,进入LAN口设置界面,将LAN口地址设置为192.168.1.2,并关闭DHCP服务器功能,为了确保不会出问题,建议将B无线路由器信道设置与A无线路由器一致,如本例中,信道为6,则B无线路由器信道也需设置为6,SSID为无线路由器A的SSID号;BSSID为 无线路由器A的MAC地址,可以扫描的方式自动检测输入。B无线路由器总结:通过以上的几个简单步骤就可以完成A、B无线路由器桥接了,设置很简单吧。其它无线路由器设置方法大同小异,基本上都差不多,如果你还不会怎么设置桥接,那赶紧回去试试吧!记住,只有自己亲自动手解决的问题,才是最容易被记住的。



如何设置airport express

 设置AirPort Express 连接互联网的方法:参考:实用最下面的“如何执行出厂默认值重置”,将Airport重置到出厂设置。 .打开 应用程序/实用工具/airport实用工具,按照里面的说明一路继续。需要注意的地方。 选择分享单个IP,而不是网桥模式(如果需要选) 选择 PPPoE方式,之后服务名称不用填,用户名和密码填上你拨号所用的名称和密码。

airport express2 A1392是什么,什么配置


请问 苹果AIRPORT EXPRESS BASE STATION无线基站 可以跟 ADSL连接吗? 前提是无电脑拨号的情况下。

可以的,可以用iphone手机或ipad或pc上zhuang"sha装上airport都可以z直接设置airport exepress,不过他不能接ying"pan硬盘,我说的是二代也就是2012年出的,ke"yi"ji可以接打印机,在mac和windows下dou都可以用不过iphoneb不能用。



如何为 AirPlay 和 iTunes 设置和配置 AirPort Express


苹果AirPort Express 基站与苹果AirPort Extreme 基站哪个好


苹果的airport express可以作中继使用吗


Airport Express苹果无线路由热晕了!


Airport Express的6753错误谁能帮忙解决?

MS路由器错误,试两种方法,简单的:windows下双击右下角小电脑标志->选择属性->安装->协议->microsoft TCP/IP version 6->重启电脑不行的话试下面这种:1、windows下双击右下角小电脑标志->选择属性->Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 属性2、手动分配IP地址 (前三个跟airport一样, 第四位不同0-255之间的数字,不可以与airport相同). 子网掩码255.255.255.0 网关192.、点击两次确定, 这是网络会暂时断开再次启动时airportj将可以连接 4、确定你的airpot有有效的IP地址, 无论通过DHCP 或者手动设置你的子网掩码. 5、保存airport设置希望你能看懂,而且能帮到你,只是一些网络的基本设定而已

苹果的AirPort Express 基站 能否连接ADSL拨号上网?此外一般电脑WINXP系统能否享受网络?

1.可以。是的。电脑有无线网卡就行2.一般一套300平米以内的别墅或复式楼完全覆盖是没问题的3.AirPort Express没限速功能,想限速就添加有限速功能的路由器4.AirPort Express不是工业级的产品,想7x24小时不关机,就要做好随时更换的准备

airport express的接入可以直接用光纤吗?还是否需要DSL 或线缆调制解调器,家里用的不是ADSL,是光纤接入

都可以的,如果你用的电信或者网通的网。不管是光纤还是DSL其实都是通过pppoe认证的,并没有什么区别,也有固定ip的,但是并不多。也可以支持的。有的运营商限制用户用路由器,就是用的一个拨号客户端软件,比如部分地区的铁通,这种就不行。也就是说,如果你是不需要装任何软件的,在自己电脑上创建拨号连接那种上网方式,就没问题! 这个设备上有以太网端口的。直接插网线或者adsl+modem都可以用


你好,airport是用来实现无线打印的功能,不支持视频传输,但是apple tv可以将视频搁电视上看,所以两个都要买~Apple TV: 由苹果公司推出的一款高清电视机顶盒产品,用户可以通过Apple TV在线收看电视节目,也可以通过Airplay功能,将iPad、iPhone、iPod和PC中的照片、视频和音乐通过传输到电视上进行播放。Airport:1999年,苹果公司推出 AirPort,掀起了无线革命——第一次实现了不用有诸多限制的线缆就可以经济实惠且轻松地访问互联网。2003年,AirPort Extreme 利用超级快速的 802.11g 无线标准把您的无线连接升级到更高水平——数据传输速率接近原来 AirPort 使用的和目前很多网络设备都使用的 802.11b 标准的5倍。现在有了 AirPort Express,苹果公司继续升级它的无线网络设备,它可以把无线网络连接、音频、打印和桥接功能集成到一个经济又便携的装置上。

AirPort Express 能共享硬盘吗

不能。AirPort Express有USB口但只能连接和共享打印机,更贵的AirPort Extreme才能共享USB硬盘

苹果的无线路由器airport express 频繁断线,出100分求解决方案


苹果无线路由器airport express 54m(a1088) 的设置方法?

第一步:安装Airport软件(买路由器自带的光盘) 将包装盒内附送的光盘放入光驱,执行安装程序。注意,该配置程序只能在XP下使用!(也可以用苹果系统自带的这个软件) 第二步:具体配置 单击开始菜单,Airpot-Airpot设置助理,打开设置助理程序。此步选择配置方式,第一次请选择第一项。单击下一步继续这里的配置较为重要。“无线网络名称”可以填入一个有意义的名称,用来区别其他网络。也可以不改,“无线安全性”根据自己的需要选择,主要是用来防止未经允许的计算机访问网络。如果这个网络是局域网专用不想让外人访问的话可以选择加密,这样只有知道访问密码的人才可以使用网络。“Airport Express密码”是指更改路由器设置时需要输入的密码,只有知道密码的人才能更改路由器设置,千万不要忘记啊!确认输入无误后请单击下一步。这里是摘要信息,确认你的信息无误后点击“更新”,然后路由器自动重新启动,请耐心等待..这是路由器已经可以初步使用,但是使用的用户此时还不能使用。重复第一步打开“Airport 管理实用程序”单击左边的无线网络,点击“配置”,输入你刚才设定的无线路由器密码,确定。这里要提的是“升级”按钮。使用上网的用户请升级固件6.1.1,Airport选项卡。这里有一项需要注意,如果你的无线路由器和周围的其他无线路由器使用相同的频道的话可能会出现干扰。这里你可以指定使用的频道,也可以让路由器自动选择。这里我选择频道6。此时你的无线网路仍然可以被其他无线设备搜索到,如果不想被搜索到那就选上“创建封闭网络”。不过既然有密码这项也可以不选。Internet。这个选项卡比较重要。采用ADSL进行PPPOE虚拟拨号的上网方式也在这里进行设置。首先在“连接使用”中选择“以太网上的点对点协议”。“账户名称”中填写ISP提供给你的帐号,然后单击“更改密码”,填写你拨号上网的密码。如果是包年上网可以勾选“始终连接”。其他可保持默认。网络选项卡。这个是对内网IP的设定,苹果的习惯是10.0.1.1,也就是无线路由的IP地址。这里可以保持默认,也可以自行选择。使用ADSL的用户请选择:共享单个IP地址。

苹果的无线路由器airport express 频繁断线,出100分求解决方案

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