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这种现象其实也不奇怪的,只不过目前就区块链行业看来还是比较少见一点。其实,域名交易虽然了解的人少,但月交易规模却高达千万美元;在过去两年里,中国已成为全球域名的最大买家。不止是区块链,很多行业大头的域名都是斥巨资买来的,像360,京东,小米,唯品会等等,而且据我观察,在一个新的领域或者行业,越早买这个域名,可能越划算,因为当后期大家渐渐都意识到某个域名的重要性的时候,那么基本上也就不止几十万了,甚至是上千万,当然,对于普通人来说,可能想不通,这域名到底是真的这么价值连城还是故意炒作的?在我看来对于区块链行业这种新兴行业来说,目前看来可能大部分人都会觉得这个域名不值这么多钱,但是从长远来看,个人认为是比较有前景的,再举个例子吧,据外媒报道,Crypto点com已成为一个价值数百万美元的域名,其所有者MattBlaze此前坚决拒绝向加密货币公司出售。不过现在有消息称该域名已被加密货币公司收购。周五报道称,数字货币信用卡公司Monaco购买该域名的金额不详,但是这个数额绝对不会低的。因为一个好的域名,是可以为一个公司节省数亿的的流量推广费的,京东就是一个很好的例子,在jd点com之前,京东一直使用 360buy这样一个似乎和京东没有直接什么关系,并且和360发生了关系的域名,所以大家甚至一度以为京东是360的。2014 年, 为了重启品牌建设,京东斥巨资3000万购买 jd这一简短的两字母短域名。这位京东的进一步发展打下基础,更好的将流量引入京东,树立了京东品牌。按照京东的说法,jd 的域名帮助京东节省了数亿元的流量推广。总之,高价购买域名也是一种投资,我想cryptogame的公司花几十万买一个域名也是为了之后在区块链游戏行业做铺垫的,据我了解,这个游戏平台之后会推出一系列的区块链游戏,类似CryptoDerby。

大陆是否可以使用 visa card



可以删除(先把优酷客户端关闭)修改路径方法:打开优酷客户端->点击客户端左上方的优酷图标->选择下来列表中的“设置”->加速设置->缓存路径->输入你的新缓存存放路径(如:E:Youku Filesyoukudisk)->保存,重启客户端即可。



前端使用crypto-js 3DES 加解密

crypto-js git地址 参考文章:crypto-js 3DES 加解密( ) 参考文章:crypto-js 加密 和 解密( ) 需求描述:登录密码使用3des加密传给后端,引入crypto-js方式为html引入


  首先准备一份明文和秘钥:  var plaintText = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; // 明文var keyStr = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"; // 一般key为一个字符串   参看官网文档,AES方法是支持AES-128、AES-192和AES-256的,加密过程中使用哪种加密方式取决于传入key的类型,否则就会按照AES-256的方式加密。  CryptoJS supports AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256. It will pick the variant by the size of the key you pass in. If you use a passphrase, then it will generate a 256-bit key.  由于Java就是按照128bit给的,但是由于是一个字符串,需要先在前端将其转为128bit的才行。最开始以为使用CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse就可以正确地将其转为128bit的key。但是不然... 经过多次尝试,需要使用CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse方法才可以将key转为128bit的。好吧,既然说了是多次尝试,那么就不知道原因了,后期再对其进行更深入的研究。  // 字符串类型的key用之前需要用uft8先parse一下才能用var key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(keyStr);   由于后端使用的是PKCS5Padding,但是在使用CryptoJS的时候发现根本没有这个偏移,查询后发现PKCS5Padding和PKCS7Padding是一样的东东,使用时默认就是按照PKCS7Padding进行偏移的。  // 加密var encryptedData = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(plaintText, key, { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7});  由于CryptoJS生成的密文是一个对象,如果直接将其转为字符串是一个Base64编码过的,在encryptedData.ciphertext上的属性转为字符串才是后端需要的格式。  var encryptedBase64Str = encryptedData.toString();// 输出:"RJcecVhTqCHHnlibzTypzuDvG8kjWC+ot8JuxWVdLgY="console.log(encryptedBase64Str);// 需要读取encryptedData上的ciphertext.toString()才能拿到跟Java一样的密文var encryptedStr = encryptedData.ciphertext.toString(); // 输出:"44971e715853a821c79e589bcd3ca9cee0ef1bc923582fa8b7c26ec5655d2e06"console.log(encryptedStr);   由于加密后的密文为128位的字符串,那么解密时,需要将其转为Base64编码的格式。那么就需要先使用方法CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse转为十六进制,再使用CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify将其变为Base64编码的字符串,此时才可以传入CryptoJS.AES.decrypt方法中对其进行解密。  // 拿到字符串类型的密文需要先将其用Hex方法parse一下var encryptedHexStr = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(encryptedStr);// 将密文转为Base64的字符串// 只有Base64类型的字符串密文才能对其进行解密var encryptedBase64Str = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(encryptedHexStr);   使用转为Base64编码后的字符串即可传入CryptoJS.AES.decrypt方法中进行解密操作。  // 解密var decryptedData = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encryptedBase64Str, key, { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7});  经过CryptoJS解密后,依然是一个对象,将其变成明文就需要按照Utf8格式转为字符串。  // 解密后,需要按照Utf8的方式将明文转位字符串var decryptedStr = decryptedData.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); console.log(decryptedStr); // "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"


pip install Crypto 报错ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "Crypto" 解决办法:pip uninstall Crypto pip3 install pycrypto





关于nodejs 怎么实现 crypto des加密

就是加密和解密使用同一个密钥,通常称之为“Session Key ”这种加密技术在当今被广泛采用,如美国政府所采用的DES加密标准就是一种典型的“对称式”加密法,它的Session Key长度为56bits。非对称式加密:就是加密和解密所使用的不是同一个密钥,通常有两个密钥,称为“公钥”和“私钥”,它们两个必需配对使用,否则不能打开加密文件。加密为系统中经常使用的功能,node自带强大的加密功能Crypto,下面通过简单的例子进行练习。1、加密模块的引用:var crypto=require("crypto");var $=require("underscore");var DEFAULTS = {encoding: {input: "utf8",output: "hex"},algorithms: ["bf", "blowfish", "aes-128-cbc"]};默认加密算法配置项:输入数据格式为utf8,输出格式为hex,算法使用bf,blowfish,aes-128-abc三种加密算法;2、配置项初始化:function MixCrypto(options) {if (typeof options == "string")options = { key: options };options = $.extend({}, DEFAULTS, options);this.key = options.key;this.inputEncoding = options.encoding.input;this.outputEncoding = options.encoding.output;this.algorithms = options.algorithms;}加密算法可以进行配置,通过配置option进行不同加密算法及编码的使用。3、加密方法代码如下: MixCrypto.prototype.encrypt = function (plaintext) {return $.reduce(this.algorithms, function (memo, a) {var cipher = crypto.createCipher(a, this.key);return cipher.update(memo, this.inputEncoding, this.outputEncoding)+}, plaintext, this);};使用crypto进行数据的加密处理。4、解密方法代码如下:MixCrypto.prototype.decrypt = function (crypted) {try {return $.reduceRight(this.algorithms, function (memo, a) {var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(a, this.key);return decipher.update(memo, this.outputEncoding, this.inputEncoding)+;}, crypted, this);} catch (e) {return;}};


自己太小白了,之前在PC端项目中使用的MD5加密,现在的小程序项目使用了 CryptoJS 里面的 enc-base64 和 hmac-sha1 ,之前没有用到过这两种,所以比较疑惑,为何在小程序不继续使用 MD5 呢?所以在这里记录一下自己解疑惑的一些知识点。 随着互联网的兴起,我们对信息的安全越来越受重视,这样就导致在web开发中,对用户密码等各种加密变得更加重要了。与服务器的交互中,为了确保数据传输的安全性,避免被黑客抓包篡改。 对于Base64编码的,我觉得看一篇文章能够解决你的疑惑,我在这里就不赘述了 U0001f9d0 Base64编码原理 如: 用户密码,请求参数,文件加密 如: 接口参数签名验证服务 支付数据、CA数字证书 前端的朋友可能会关注前端js加密,我们在做 WEB 的登录功能时一般是通过 Form 提交或 Ajax 方式提交到服务器进行验证的。为了防止抓包,登录密码肯定要先进行一次加密(RSA),再提交到服务器进行验证。一些大公司都在使用,比如淘宝、京东、新浪 等。 前端加密也有很多现成的js库,如: JS-RSA: 用于执行OpenSSL RSA加密、解密和密钥生成的Javascript库, MD5: 单向散列加密md5 js库, crypto-js: 对称加密AES js库, -CryptoJS (crypto.js) 为 JavaScript 提供了各种各样的加密算法。 HMAC 系列是消息验证,用于验证一个消息是否被篡改——如网站上传递 email 和 hmac(email),则接收时可以通过 hmac(email) 获知 email 是否是用户伪造的


方法如下:第一个问题解决方法:到自己的Libsite-packages目录找到Crypto文件,把这个文件开头改成大写第二个问题解决方法:pip3 install pycryptodomeMyGica Media Center是一款基于kodi 17内核开发的Android多媒体应用,可以解决Android 4.4以下版本无法安装kodi 17以上版本问题。大家手里还有好多使用的是运营商提供的盒子,一般的系统都是安卓4.4的,这个可以使你用上kodi。基本来说, Mygica Media Center 就是为了低版本 Android 盒子做的一个替代应用,内核是 Kodi 17 修改的。所以 Kodi 能做什么, Mygica Media Center 也都可以做。




crypto API支持常用的rsa、aes加解密,这边介绍rsa的应用。 window.crypto需要chrome 37版本,ie 11,safari 11才支持全部API而基本的加解密在safari 7就可以。 crypto.subtle.generateKey(algorithm, extractable, keyUsages) ,其中: 1. algorithm 参数根据不同算法填入对应的参数对,rsa需要填入 RsaHashedKeyGenParams 对象包含有: 2. extractable 一般是true,表示是否允许以文本的方式导出key 3. keyUsages 是一个数组,里面可选 encrypt , decrypt , sign 等 函数结果返回一个promise对象,如果是对称加密会得到一个密钥 CryptoKey 类型,这边rsa会得到一个密钥对 CryptoKeyPair ,它有2个 CryptoKey 成员, privateKey 和 publicKey ,我们导出密钥为文本或者加解密都将通过这2个成员对象。 window.crypto.subtle.exportKey(format, key) ,其中: 1. format 可选 raw , pkcs8 , spki , jwk ,我们这边在导出公钥时选 spki ,私钥选 pkcs8 2. key 就是上面 CryptoKeyPair 的 privateKey 或者 publicKey 函数返回一个promise对象,结果是一个ArrayBuffer,这边转成pem风格。 window.crypto.subtle.importKey( format, keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages ) ,其中: 1. format 可选 raw , pkcs8 , spki , jwk ,对应之前生成时的选择,我们这边在导入公钥时选 spki ,私钥选 pkcs8 。 2. keyData ,即 window.crypto.subtle.exportKey 获得的ArrayBuffer,由于在这里时我们一般只有pem文本的,所以还需要做转换成ArrayBuffer。 3. algorithm 这边我们是rsa,需要填入一个 RsaHashedImportParams 对象,这边对应 crypto.subtle.generateKey 所需的 RsaHashedKeyGenParams 对象,含有: 4. extractable 同 crypto.subtle.generateKey 的 5. keyUsages 同 crypto.subtle.generateKey 函数返回一个promise对象,结果是一个 CryptoKey 。 加密 crypto.subtle.encrypt(algorithm, key, data) ,其中: 1. algorithm ,加解密只支持RSA-OAEP不支持RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 2. key 即公钥的 CryptoKey 对象 3. data 是一个 BufferSource 对象,不能直接是要加密的字符串。 结果是一个ArrayBuffer,可以使用window.btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(e)))输出为base64字符串 解密 crypto.subtle.decrypt(algorithm, key, data) ,基本同加密,这边data对应为加密返回的ArrayBuffer,如果是base64字符串比如从后端加密过来的,就需要转为Uint8Array。 返回值同加密

如何使用Bouncy Castle Crypto API来加密和解密数据

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.*;import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.*;import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.*;import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.*;// 一个简单的例子说明了如何使用Bouncy Castle// 加密API来执行对任意数据的DES加密public class Encryptor { private BufferedBlockCipher cipher; private KeyParameter key; // 初始化加密引擎. // 数组key的长度至少应该是8个字节. public Encryptor( byte[] key ){ /* cipher = new PaddedBlockCipher( new CBCBlockCipher( new DESEngine() ) ); */ cipher = new PaddedBlockCipher( new CBCBlockCipher( new BlowfishEngine() ) ); this.key = new KeyParameter( key ); } // 初始化加密引擎. // 字符串key的长度至少应该是8个字节. public Encryptor( String key ){ this( key.getBytes() ); } // 做加密解密的具体工作 private byte[] callCipher( byte[] data ) throws CryptoException { int size = cipher.getOutputSize( data.length ); byte[] result = new byte[ size ]; int olen = cipher.processBytes( data, 0, data.length, result, 0 ); olen += cipher.doFinal( result, olen ); if( olen < size ){ byte[] tmp = new byte[ olen ]; System.arraycopy( result, 0, tmp, 0, olen ); result = tmp; } return result; } // 加密任意的字节数组,以字节数组的方式返回被加密的数据 public synchronized byte[] encrypt( byte[] data ) throws CryptoException { if( data == null || data.length == 0 ){ return new byte[0]; } cipher.init( true, key ); return callCipher( data ); } // 加密一个字符串 public byte[] encryptString( String data ) throws CryptoException { if( data == null || data.length() == 0 ){ return new byte[0]; } return encrypt( data.getBytes() ); } // 解密一个字节数组 public synchronized byte[] decrypt( byte[] data ) throws CryptoException { if( data == null || data.length == 0 ){ return new byte[0]; } cipher.init( false, key ); return callCipher( data ); } // 解密一个字符串 public String decryptString( byte[] data ) throws CryptoException { if( data == null || data.length == 0 ){ return ""; } return new String( decrypt( data ) ); }}下边的代码演示如何使用上边的Encryptor类来加密解密数据import javax.microedition.midlet.*;import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;import javax.microedition.rms.*;import org.bouncycastle.crypto.*;import java.math.BigInteger;public class CryptoTest extends MIDlet { private Display display; private Command exitCommand = new Command( "Exit", Command.EXIT, 1 ); private Command okCommand = new Command( "OK", Command.OK, 1 ); private Encryptor encryptor; private RecordStore rs; /** 构造函数*/ public CryptoTest() { } private void initialize() { } public void startApp() { initialize(); if( display == null ){ // first time called... initMIDlet(); } } public void pauseApp() { } public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { exitMIDlet(); } private void initMIDlet(){ display = Display.getDisplay( this ); // 打开名为"test3"的RecordStore try { rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore( "test3", true ); } catch( RecordStoreException e ){ } display.setCurrent( new AskForKey() ); } public void exitMIDlet(){ try { if( rs != null ){ rs.closeRecordStore(); } } catch( RecordStoreException e ){ } notifyDestroyed(); } private void displayException( Exception e ){ Alert a = new Alert( "Exception" ); a.setString( e.toString() ); a.setTimeout( Alert.FOREVER ); display.setCurrent( a, new AskForKey() ); } class AskForKey extends TextBox implements CommandListener { public AskForKey(){ super( "Enter a secret key:", "", 8, 0 ); setCommandListener( this ); addCommand( okCommand ); addCommand( exitCommand ); } public void commandAction( Command c, Displayable d ){ if( c == exitCommand ){ exitMIDlet(); } String key = getString(); if( key.length() < 8 ){ Alert a = new Alert( "Key too short" ); a.setString( "The key must be " + "8 characters long" ); setString( "" ); display.setCurrent( a, this ); return; } encryptor = new Encryptor( key ); try { if( rs.getNextRecordID() == 1 ){ display.setCurrent( new EnterMessage() ); } else { byte[] data = rs.getRecord( 1 ); String str = encryptor.decryptString( data ); Alert a = new Alert( "Decryption" ); a.setTimeout( Alert.FOREVER ); a.setString( "The decrypted string is "" + str + """ ); display.setCurrent( a, this ); } } catch( RecordStoreException e ){ displayException( e ); } catch( CryptoException e ){ displayException( e ); } } } class EnterMessage extends TextBox implements CommandListener { public EnterMessage(){super( "Enter a message to encrypt:", "", 100, 0 ); BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger("199999"); setCommandListener( this ); addCommand( okCommand ); } public void commandAction( Command c, Displayable d ){ String msg = getString(); try { byte[] data = encryptor.encryptString( msg ); rs.addRecord( data, 0, data.length ); } catch( RecordStoreException e ){ displayException( e ); } catch( CryptoException e ){ displayException( e ); } display.setCurrent( new AskForKey() ); } } }




这个我不清楚。给文件加密,我使用的是超级加密3000.超级加密 3000采用先进的加密算法,使你的文件和文件夹加密后,真正的达到超高的加密强度,让你的加密数据无懈可击。




  首先准备一份明文和秘钥:  var plaintText = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; // 明文var keyStr = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"; // 一般key为一个字符串   参看官网文档,AES方法是支持AES-128、AES-192和AES-256的,加密过程中使用哪种加密方式取决于传入key的类型,否则就会按照AES-256的方式加密。  CryptoJS supports AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256. It will pick the variant by the size of the key you pass in. If you use a passphrase, then it will generate a 256-bit key.  由于Java就是按照128bit给的,但是由于是一个字符串,需要先在前端将其转为128bit的才行。最开始以为使用CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse就可以正确地将其转为128bit的key。但是不然... 经过多次尝试,需要使用CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse方法才可以将key转为128bit的。好吧,既然说了是多次尝试,那么就不知道原因了,后期再对其进行更深入的研究。  // 字符串类型的key用之前需要用uft8先parse一下才能用var key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(keyStr);   由于后端使用的是PKCS5Padding,但是在使用CryptoJS的时候发现根本没有这个偏移,查询后发现PKCS5Padding和PKCS7Padding是一样的东东,使用时默认就是按照PKCS7Padding进行偏移的。  // 加密var encryptedData = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(plaintText, key, { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7});  由于CryptoJS生成的密文是一个对象,如果直接将其转为字符串是一个Base64编码过的,在encryptedData.ciphertext上的属性转为字符串才是后端需要的格式。  var encryptedBase64Str = encryptedData.toString();// 输出:"RJcecVhTqCHHnlibzTypzuDvG8kjWC+ot8JuxWVdLgY=console.log(encryptedBase64Str);// 需要读取encryptedData上的ciphertext.toString()才能拿到跟Java一样的密文var encryptedStr = encryptedData.ciphertext.toString(); // 输出:"44971e715853a821c79e589bcd3ca9cee0ef1bc923582fa8b7c26ec5655d2e06console.log(encryptedStr);   由于加密后的密文为128位的字符串,那么解密时,需要将其转为Base64编码的格式。那么就需要先使用方法CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse转为十六进制,再使用CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify将其变为Base64编码的字符串,此时才可以传入CryptoJS.AES.decrypt方法中对其进行解密。  // 拿到字符串类型的密文需要先将其用Hex方法parse一下var encryptedHexStr = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(encryptedStr);// 将密文转为Base64的字符串// 只有Base64类型的字符串密文才能对其进行解密var encryptedBase64Str = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(encryptedHexStr);   使用转为Base64编码后的字符串即可传入CryptoJS.AES.decrypt方法中进行解密操作。  // 解密var decryptedData = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encryptedBase64Str, key, { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7});  经过CryptoJS解密后,依然是一个对象,将其变成明文就需要按照Utf8格式转为字符串。  // 解密后,需要按照Utf8的方式将明文转位字符串var decryptedStr = decryptedData.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); console.log(decryptedStr); // "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"



CZ专访:不要把Crypto视为威胁,保护无法阻挡创新的演进 (下篇)

许久未出境的CZ赵长鹏接受了访谈,并就Crypto的发展,监管等话题展开了讨论。 访谈全程英文进行,行走结合字幕和自己的理解进行了简单翻译。英语水平有限,不保证完全还原讲者100%的表达。 笔记会分两次输出。此为下篇。 以下,Enjoy: CZ: 难也不难。几天前我们有过1700亿美元的交易量。两年前我们很幸运获得了100亿美元,4年前我们同样很幸运获得了3亿美元。所以这个行业真的发展得很快。 主持人 :按照行业的标准,你们的手续费收得很低?为什么? CZ: 是的。我们真的很赚钱,所以我们可以把手续费做得很低。现在我们也在思考这个问题,我们是一个组织,我不相信什么利益最大化。我也不相信在短期内实现股东价值的最大化。我只相信这个行业的发展,最终会使我们的用户获得最大价值。再此之后我们也能获得更大的增长,从这个层面上我们会实现股东利益的最大化。 主持人 :我听上去很像贝佐斯(亚马逊的创始人)。 CZ: 我现在还不认识他,不过希望未来有机会能认识他或他团队中的成员。 主持人 :币安的市值有些时候从1000亿美元到700亿美元,有时候又是800亿美元。你们的现金流是如何计算的? CZ :这是个棘手的问题,只能粗略的估算。我们可以讨论一下在账单中的不同数字,但它是随时波动的。因为我们的收入是由100多种不同的加密货币组成的,而且我们并不兑换,只是拥有它们。所以在用任何一种货币计量单位统计我们的现金流或者市值的时候——大多数情况下,人们觉得用美元统计会更放心——我们现在做计算统计出来是一个数字,过五分钟后统计就会是不同的。因为加密市场中每时每刻的价格都是在波动变化的。 可以说些有趣的例子。因为市场的上涨,一年前统计的数字和现在的会大有不同。而当我们度过一个加密寒冬之后,我们现在看起来赚了很多的钱就会变少。所以我们的现金流是动态的。 主持人 :但总之还是有几十亿美元。 CZ :是的,现在是几十亿美元了。 主持人 :能给我一个更准确的数字吗? CZ :我没有更准确的数字(笑)。 主持人 :你们的利润也很高,是不是? CZ :相当不错(笑) 主持人 :你的公司每年能产生数十亿美元的利润 CZ :差不多是的。 主持人 :我可以采用保守的估值和保守的倍数,也可以采取比较激进的倍数,就像在Coinbase上一样,8倍的收入。你们拥有几乎所有的业务,这点你们发现了没有? CZ :是,不过我们的费用却比Coinbase要低得多。 主持人 :你应该知道我想说什么。如果我们把更高的估值建立在币安上,你就是世界上最富有的人之一。 主持人:你们公司的战略重点是什么?还有什么是现在还没有实现的? CZ:我们现在必须高度重视监管,将技术公司转变为金融服务公司。我认为这可能需要几个月甚至几年的时间。 长期而言,我希望币安成为适用于其他平台的平台。所以我们建设了NFT的市场,我们有token市场,我们希望成为其他企业家的基础设施。对于其他团队,无论是在币安内部还是外部,都可以基于我们提供的基础设施构建他们的平台。我们可以在很多方面帮助到他们。 我们拥有世界上最大的交易量,我们可以帮助他们铸造代币使其获得这些流量,我们可以帮助他们完成代币的初始发行IEO。甚至在此之前,我们可以帮助他们设计代币的经济模型,我们可以就代币经济的问题给他们提出建议,并鼓励人们采取更长远的眼光。 所以我和我的团队一直采用的是十年解锁期的代币持有计划。在业内,我们经常看到的解锁期是3到4年。我们觉得这太短了。如果你想发行一个token,你必须有一个十年的承诺。 我们做了我们想做的事情,我们希望能促进其他项目的发展。 主持人 :下面一个问题是很多人对Crypto市场困惑之所在。这些Coin、token获得价格增长的速度,获得市值的速度,只有很少的可量化的指标。最近的一个例子是Avalanche,一位china百亿美金流亡富豪的宣传片,雪茄、游艇、红色跑车。它得到了特朗普前顾问之一Steve Bannon的支持。甚至在某一时刻,这个Coin的市值达到过270亿美元。 你是如何理解加密世界的?这些Coin是如何从零开始获得市场认可的价值的。当然我想讨论的不只Avalanche。比如狗狗币,最开始只是一个玩笑。而柴犬币最开始只是对狗狗币的讽刺。它们都是如何运作的? CZ : 估值是非常主观的 。我认为除了对价格进行评估之外,也要对 流动性 进行评估。 你如果发了一个代币,发行量是一千万枚,然后以一美元的价格卖给我一枚,理论上代币的市值就是千万美金了。但 如果你想要将这些代币全部兑换成美元,你需要更多的流动性,因为我不会付千万美金给你 。 主持人 :因此我们应该用流动性作为衡量Coin价值的一个指标。 CZ :你需要看有多少流通供应量,有多少流通量就会有多少交易量。有很多已经发行了的币,它们的总供应量很大,但流通量很低,人们不小心推高了其价格。宣传视频或者其他什么东西可能都会对拉升价格有帮助。但从长远来看,Coin的价值依然受其在市场中做了哪些实在的工作的影响。市场最终会告诉你答案。 也正因为如此,币安在支持项目发行代币时,我们只列出哪些具有足够高流通量的代币。如果一个代币的流通量足够大,就目前而言,我们能够看到一个真正由市场驱动的价值。 主持人 :你们与监管部门的接触事项之一是寻找币安的新的总部。你计划名单里的地点有哪些? CZ :现在只有少数几个国家非常支持Crypto。我们已经有一个总部已经建成,但当下还不能公开。实际上我们一直与最初与之沟通的监管部门进行持续的沟通。我认为在很短的时间内,我们就可以公布这个消息。 有很多可以支持Crypto发展的地方。但我并不是说我们的总部就会建设在这些地方。举个例子,法国、阿联酋、新加坡这些地方都非常支持Crypto。现在有很多发达的经济体想要引入这种创新。 主持人:说到监管,你是在美国和英国监管机构的显微镜下的。币安和binance.com这两个机构是否有区别,你是会同时管理它们还是其一? CZ :这是两个非常独立的组织。唯有奖金才会让这两个组织产生关联。因为这两个组织都使用了Slack软件,监管部门会因此着手调查。我是币安公司的董事会主席,我的电脑、手机里都不会装有Slack软件。所以我并不在监管部门的日常计划里,只是可能每周和监管机构的CEO聊一次。 主持人:这两个组织使用相同的技术吗? CZ个人认为这个指的是币安智能链)为币安提供金融产品和技术服务。有很多关于币安的错误报道,认为币安在binance.com或者China有数据。币安或者binance.com在China并没有数据。 主持人:你认为这些调查将如何解决? CZ :首先,我并不清楚调查的目的指向哪里。在美国有很多类似调查的新闻报道,但美国的监管机构从未公开谈及过。我们与世界上几乎每一个监管机构都有联系。我们自认为自己有很好的合作精神和态度。这也帮了我们不少,所以我们想保持这种方式。 主持人:你在几个月前的访谈中提到过,企业曾计划过在美国展开一轮新的募资,并最终实现在美国上市,是这样吗? CZ:是的,我认为会在一、两个月内出结果。 主持人:你去募资的目的是什么呢?我们知道其实你已经很有钱了。 CZ:我们其实有一个多样化的发展规划。其中的一个选择是在美国实现IPO。因为我们能看到一个成功的剧本就是Coinbase。我们希望在提供和Coinbase同样合规性的前提下,把交易费用降下来。基于这样的IPO规划,我们需要再此之前最好有几轮的融资计划。 主持人:IPO融资中,你的计划是募资多少? CZ:我认为,一轮融资是几亿美元。但实际上我并不知道具体的数字。 主持人:币安公司的融资计划是什么,有上市的具体时间表吗? CZ:不排除任何的可能性。但binance.com是一个更大的实体。我们需要看看世界各地的政策,看看在哪里可以进行IPO。 但说实话,在五年之后甚至可以看到加密交易所和传统证券交易所之间的合并。在这种情况下作为加密交易所,也会支持使用证券或证券代币,只要它们的流通量足够大。可能现在的证券到时候会到加密交易所进行上市。我们拥有非常不错的交易量。 主持人:所以其实你们完全可以绕过证券交易市场(不需要在传统证券市场中寻求上市) CZ:我们不能确定加密交易所和传统证券交易所的合并什么时候会发生。很难预测五年后会发生什么。而五年也是我认为寻求IPO最短的时间了。因为未来有太多的不确定,我们需要为那个最大的可能未雨绸缪。 主持人:你认为China会取消交易Crypto的禁令吗? CZ:简短的回答是否定的。 但我也想澄清一下。China没有禁止加密货币,只是禁止交易所和1CO。它们之间有很强的区别。并且China自己是在发行自己的加密货币DCEP的,并且持有BTC也是完全合法的。只是经营Crypto交易所不再被允许了。 四年前的情况也基本是如此,我认为这样的情况不会很快改变。China会努力的推动自己的数字货币,可能是5年或者多少,至少他们是在努力推动的。 主持人:最后一个问题。就在刚才,克林顿·希拉里在同样这个房间里讲,她将加密货币和军事干预、生物恐怖主义列为同等威胁等级。她认为这些都是对美国主权的威胁,是对美元作为全球储备货币地位的威胁。 CZ:我会认为,将Crypto视为一种威胁是一个私人的观点。 任何人都可以拥有自己的观点和立场。但更好的选择是接受它 。 就像对币安而言,我们经营着一家中心化的交易所,但去中心化的交易所可能威胁到我们中心化的业务,我们怎么办呢?我们完全拥抱和接受它。我们让多个不同的团队致力于对去中心化的技术进行研究,我们投入很多的资源,想拥有它的一部分。其实我们并不需要。但我们想要更多的拥有技术,我们需要更专业的知识,我们想通过更好的方式保护自己。保护自己不受任何可能影响到你的因素的影响。那么我们就投入大量的资金去做这样的事。 我们也可以看看柯达的例子。柯达是数码相机的发明机构,但他们对传统胶卷特别保护,他们需要让他们的销售经理像几十年前那样销售胶卷。所以你猜怎么样,因为他们过于保护胶卷,他们失去了数码相机整个产业发展的机会。 更好的办法是投入大量的资金在那些可能会扰乱你的事情上 。 回到美元上。我认为美元我们来说是一个非常强大的工具,可能比军事强大得多。Crypto在某些情况下有破坏它的威胁。但互联网对传统文化向来具有这种颠覆式的力量。互联网借助美元带来了谷歌、亚马逊这些伟大的企业。如果美国当时没有拥抱和鼓励这些企业的创新,这些公司可能现在并不存在于美国,而是在其他地方发展。 所以你不太可能在保护传统和吸引技术创新上找到完美的平衡。如果选错了路线,当创新的技术变成现实时,你不太可能在4亿人的头脑里把之前的选择抹去。 所以我认为更好的方式是说OK,虽然新技术的创新会带来一些潜在的风险,但我认为不要把它视为威胁。让我们把它视为一种创新,让我们拥抱它,这会是更好的选择。 以上是笔记的全部内容。


Crypto++ Library 是开源的、跨平台的C++, 提供丰富的加密解密算法,包括:MD5,IDEA, Triple-DES,AES (Rijndael), RC6, MARS, Twofish, Serpent, RSA, DSA, SHA-1, SHA-2 等等。支持的编译器如下: * MSVC 6.0 - 2010 * GCC 3.3 - 4.5 * C++Builder 2010 * Intel C++ Compiler 9 - 11.1 * Sun Studio 12u1, Express 11/08, Express 06/10


crypto currency加密货币crypto 英["kru026aptu0259u028a] 美["kru026aptou028a] n. (尤指信仰共产主义的) 秘密成员; [网络] 加密; 加密技术; 国际密码讨论年会; [例句]The crypto system or checksum function is invalid because a required function is unavailable.由于要求的程序不可用,加密系统或校验和函数无效。[其他] 形近词: crypts crypta krypto

1. Crypto 加密算法

Hash,音译为哈希,也叫散列函数、摘要算法。它是把任意长度的输入,通过散列算法变换成固定长度的输出,该输出就是散列值。 常用的哈希算法有: MD5 信息摘要算法 (MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm),一种被广泛使用的密码散列函数,可以产生出一个128位(16字节)的散列值,用于确保信息传输完整一致。 SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm),即安全散列算法。散列算法又称杂凑算法或哈希算法,能将一定长度的消息计算出固定长度的字符串(又称消息摘要)。SHA包含5个算法,分别是SHA-1、SHA-224、SHA-256、SHA-384和SHA-512,后四者并称为SHA-2。 循环冗余校验 (Cyclic redundancy check,通称“ CRC ”)是一种根据网络数据包或电脑文件等数据产生简短固定位数校验码的一种散列函数,主要用来检测或校验数据传输或者保存后可能出现的错误。生成的数字在传输或者存储之前计算出来并且附加到数据后面,然后接收方进行检验确定数据是否发生变化。一般来说,循环冗余校验的值都是32位的整数。 AES ,高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard),又称 Rijndael 加密法,是美国联邦政府采用的一种区块加密标准。 MAC ,消息认证码(带密钥的 Hash 函数):密码学中,通信实体双方使用的一种验证机制,保证消息数据完整性的一种工具。构造方法由 M.Bellare 提出,安全性依赖于 Hash 函数,故也称带密钥的 Hash 函数。消息认证码是基于密钥和消息摘要所获得的一个值,可用于数据源发认证和完整性校验。 PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function)是一个用来导出密钥的函数,常用于生成加密的密码。它的基本原理是通过一个伪随机函数(例如 HMAC 函数),把明文和一个盐值作为输入参数,然后重复进行运算,并最终产生密钥。如果重复的次数足够大,破解的成本就会变得很高。而盐值的添加也会增加“彩虹表”攻击的难度。 在需要使用 CryptoSwift 的地方将其 import 进来: 欢迎留言讨论,有错误请指出,谢谢! Swift 开发学习交流,联系我 QQ:3500229193 入群,请备注“Swift 学习”!






crypto_百度翻译crypto [英]"kru026aptu0259u028a [美]"kru026aptou028a n. (尤指信仰共产主义的)秘密成员 [例句]She "s in the same crypto unit as hill.她和hill在同一个秘密小组。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

无线服务类型 crypto 是什么意思

1、学习的知识 FAT AP将WLAN的物理层、用户数据加密、用户认证、QOS、网络管理、漫游技术以及其他应用层的功能集于一身,俗称胖AP。每个FAT AP都是一个独立的自治系统,相互间之间独立工作。 在实际使用中,FAT AP会有一些限制:每台FAT AP都只支持单独进行配置,组建大型网络对于AP的配置工作量巨大;FAT AP的软件都保存在AP上,软件升级时需要逐台升级,工作量大;FAT AP的配置都保存在AP上,AP设备的丢失可造成系统配置的泄密;FAT AP一般都不支持三层漫游;AP功能多,造成成本高,大规模部署时投资成本大。 在无线控制器+FIT AP方案中,由无线控制器和FIT AP配合在一起提供传统AP的功能,无线控制器集中处理所有的安全、控制和管理功能,FIT AP只提供可靠的、高性能的射频功能。无线控制器+FIT AP方案除具有管理特点外,还能支持快速漫游、QOS、无线网络安全防护、网络故障自愈等高级功能。 无线控制器+FIT AP支持三种连接方式:直接方式、通过二层网络连接和跨越三层网络连接。逻辑上可认为无线控制器+FIT AP之间是直连,FIT AP无条件地将任何用户数据报文直接通过隧道交给无线控制器。所以在集中转发的模式下,即使连接在同一FIT AP下的两个STA通信,它们之间的数据交换也将通过无线控制器。 802.11协议提供的无线安全性能可以很好地抵御一般性网络攻击,但是仍有少数黑客能够入侵无线网络,从而无法充分保护包含敏感数据的网络。为了更好的防止未授权用户接入网络,需要实施一种性能高于802.11的高级安全机制。


CRO 代币是 链原生的多用途代币。 成立于 2016 年,旨在促进用户控制金钱、身份和数据的“基本人权”。 生态系统已经显着发展,多年来不断变化和适应,为用户提供一些最具竞争力的储蓄率和加密服务。反过来,CRO 代币本身也在发展。该令牌的原始部署是作为以太坊区块链上的 ERC-20 令牌。此外,CRO 代币是双代币系统中的两个代币之一,其中 MCO 代币现已不存在。我们将在本文稍后解释这一点。成立后,摩纳哥科技公司释放了其最初的加密货币形式的代币,即 MCO 硬币。该公司在 2017 年 5 月至 2017 年 6 月期间维持了一个月的销售。最初的尝试使公司进一步筹集了近 2700 万美元,用于随后投资于营销策略和研究增长。币安平台上的代币上市发生在几个月后,第一次看到 MCO 代币很容易被引入用于交换和交易。随后,到年底,MCO 已经达到了十亿以上的收入和强大的市场地位。拓展资料一、Crypto.com链:2021 年 3 月 25 日, 推出了他们的 Chain 主网,这是一个完全去中心化的公共区块链。此外,开源链提供低费用和快速交易终结,非常适合将加密货币服务带给大众。 Chain 毫不费力地促进了去中心化金融 (DeFi)、支付服务和非同质代币(NFT) 交易等用例。该链使用具有即时和低成本确定性交易的容错设计。作为一条无需许可的链, Chain 欢迎任何开发者贡献、验证者合作伙伴关系以及创新的去中心化金融(DeFi) 和支付计划。此外, Chain 非常注重可持续性,并且对作为其服务副产品的二氧化碳生产具有环保意识。2021 年 5 月, 承诺在 18 个月内实现碳负排放,并以 2023 年为目标。他们希望通过多阶段的方法实现这一目标,并确保走上正轨,以消除比整个过程中产生的更多的碳。 生态系统。二、Cronos EVM链:目前处于测试网阶段,Cronos 是 的以太坊虚拟机(EVM) 友好的公共区块链,为开发人员提供即时可移植性。这意味着在其他与 EVM 兼容的区块链上创建了去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 的开发人员几乎可以毫不费力地实施 Cronos 链!但是,为什么开发人员会选择将 Cronos 用于他们的 dApp?三、Cronos:Cronos是通过 设计和发布的。随之而来的是访问不断增长的超过 1000 万用户的国际用户群,这是将您的去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 展示给新人的好方法!此外, 为每个希望在 Cronos 链上移植和扩展的项目提供高达 100 万美元的资金。与其他区块链(包括以太坊)相比,Cronos 具有互操作性、可扩展性和使用成本效益。


Crypto.com成立于2016年,其愿景是希望能加速全球经济对加密货币的转型。主要产品包括: 以加密货币购买、出售和支付的最佳平台- Crypto.com电子钱包及预付卡应用程式; 没有年费的金属卡- MCO Visa预付卡; 以及能让用户在任何地方免费支付各种加密货币的区块链技术。Crypto.com平台上有200多万用户,可以提供传统金融服务的有力替代。这个交易所最大的特点就是非常注重交易所内加密资产的安全性。它建立在安全、隐私和合规的基础上,也是世界上第一家具有CCSS级一流合规性的加密货币公司。


  crypto英 ["kru026aptu0259u028a] 美 ["kru026aptou028a]  n.(尤指信仰共产主义的) 秘密成员;  [网络]秘密的; 加密; 秘密;  [例句]A good crypto scheme should be secure and efficient.  一个好的密码方案除了要求是安全的,还应该是高效的。  [其他]形近词: crypts crypta krypto

在altium designer10里面的光耦,光耦是在 库 miscellaneous 然后点optoisolator1这个就是4脚的光耦。


dell OptiPlex 3010 bios里面 Miscellaneous Devices列表空的

您好您的戴尔OptiPlex 3010的情况可以根据下面的步骤:1.进入CWINDOWS 下找到ADVPCB99SE.INI 和ADVSCH99SE.INI 两个文件;2.用写字板打开ADVSCH99SE.INI 文件,在[Change Library File List]下找到File0,大家可以发现,等号后面的的内容就是默认已经添加的库,如果要添加多个怎么办呢?简单,在File0 后面添File1,File2..依次类推,但注意最后修改File0 上面的Count 属性,如果你添了两个,就把它的值改为2。我用的是windows7 系统,我如下改可行:系统原来的:TypeCount=2Count=1File0=d:Program FilesDesign Explorer 99 SELibrarySchMiscellaneous Devices.ddb[Schematic Printer]修改后的:TypeCount=2Count=2File0=d:Program FilesDesign Explorer 99 SELibrarySchMiscellaneous Devices.ddbFile1=d:Program FilesDesign Explorer 99 SELibrarySchYuan Jian Ku.ddb(注释:此处是你自己做的元件库的硬盘路径,如果此路径中有中文不能够成功就自己修改为英文或中文拼音再试试)其中File0 是系统原来的,File1 是我自己做的元件库。3.同样对ADVPCB99SE.INI 更改以配置PCB 库。

win10系统如何启用UEFI+ GPT模式?

主板UEFI模式启动只支持采用GPT分区模式的硬盘(包括固态硬盘)。若硬盘采用传统的MBR分区模式,将无法正确识别并启动系统。请在开机自检时进入主板BIOS的系统信息或启动(Boot)界面察看主板是否正确识别固态硬盘。没有,硬件方面的问题:关机打开机箱,检查固态硬盘与主板、电源线路连接是否良好,必要时采用替换法确定故障硬件。否则,可能是固态硬盘采用传统的MBR分区模式进行格式化分区。可以尝试用WinPE系统工具盘(光盘或U盘)启动电脑,运行里面的DiskGeniu磁盘分区管理软件,点击固态硬盘,在右边窗口,察看分区表类型。为MBR,可以在窗口上方的硬盘菜单里选择“转换分区表类型为GUID”将分区表转换GPT,重建分区并格式化。注意:转换分区表类型会重建所有硬盘分区和格式化,请预先做好固态硬盘的数据备份。扩展资料:UEFI的优点:与BIOS显著不同的是,UEFI是用模块化、C语言风格的参数堆栈传递方式、动态链接的形式构建系统,它比BIOS更易于实现,容错和纠错特性也更强,从而缩短了系统研发的时间。更加重要的是,它运行于32位或64位模式,突破了传统16位代码的寻址能力,达到处理器的最大寻址,此举克服了BIOS代码运行缓慢的弊端。兼容性:与BIOS不同的是,UEFI体系的驱动并不是由直接运行在CPU上的代码组成的,而是用EFI Byte Code(EFI字节代码)编写而成的。Java是以“Byte Code”形式存在的,正是这种没有一步到位的中间性机制,使Java可以在多种平台上运行。UEFI也借鉴了类似的做法。EFI Byte Code是一组用于UEFI驱动的虚拟机器指令,必须在UEFI驱动运行环境下被解释运行,由此保证了充分的向下兼容性。可扩展性:UEFI将使用模块化设计,它在逻辑上分为硬件控制与OS(操作系统)软件管理两部分,硬件控制为所有UEFI版本所共有,而OS软件管理其实是一个可编程的开放接口。借助这个接口,主板厂商可以实现各种丰富的功能。比如我们熟悉的各种备份及诊断功能可通过UEFI加以实现,主板或固件厂商可以将它们作为自身产品的一大卖点。UEFI也提供了强大的联网功能,其他用户可以对你的主机进行可靠的远程故障诊断,而这一切并不需要进入操作系统。参考资料来源:百度百科-UEFI


重新安装 InstallScript 引擎 要从 InstallShield Developer 重新安装 InstallScript 引擎,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 单击“开始”,单击“程序”,指向“附件”,然后单击“Windows 资源管理器”。 2. 打开下面的文件夹:C:Program FilesInstallShieldDeveloperRedistLanguage Independenti386。 3. 双击“Isscrpt.msi”。 4. 按照屏幕上的指示操作。 从虚拟驱动器运行安装程序 如果您从使用 SUBST 命令创建的虚拟驱动器运行安装程序,则可以删除该虚拟驱动器并从物理硬盘运行安装程序。要删除虚拟驱动器,请单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 subst drive_letter:/d,然后单击“确定”。 注册 Idriver 和 Msiexec 要注册 Idriver 和 Msiexec,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 C:Program FilesCommon FilesInstallShieldDeveloper7Intel 32IDriver.exe /REGSERVER,然后单击“确定”。 2. 单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 C:WindowsSystem32msiexec.exe /REGSERVER,然后单击“确定”。 更改权限 使用管理员帐户登录到 Windows XP 计算机,验证您是否对 C:WindowsInstaller 文件夹拥有正确的权限。按照下列步骤操作: 1. 单击“开始”,单击“程序”,指向“附件”,然后单击“Windows 资源管理器”。 2. 单击“工具”菜单上的“文件夹选项”。 3. 单击“查看”选项卡。 4. 单击“显示所有文件和文件夹”,然后单击“确定”。 5. 定位到文件夹 C:WindowsInstaller。 6. 右键单击 Installer 文件夹,然后单击“属性”。 7. 单击“安全”选项卡。 8. 单击“System”,然后验证是否选中了“完全控制”复选框。 9. 单击“Administrators”,然后验证是否选中了“完全控制”复选框。 10. 单击您的用户名,然后验证是否选中了“完全控制”复选框。 停止 Windows Installer 的其他实例 要停止 Windows Installer 的其他实例,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 右键单击任务栏,然后单击“任务管理器”。 2. 单击“进程”选项卡。 3. 在“进程”列表中单击“Msiexec.exe”,然后单击“结束进程”。 4. 单击“是”。 5. 对 Msiexec.exe 的每个实例重复步骤 3 和 4。 6. 关闭“任务管理器”。 以上都没用那只好重新安装 Windows XP了。 还有一种办法 ISScript.msi是安装补丁,安装文件必须要有的系统文件。 你可以用下述方法试一下 1、打开C:Program FilesCommon FilesInstallShieldDriver目录 2、删除目录中的其他目录 3、清空C:Program FilesCommon FilesInstallShieldProfessionalRunTime目录中的其他目录。 4、下载并按次序安装: 5、完成后,在开始菜单运行中输入 services.msc 回车,选择自动执行Install Drive Table Manager服务,并开启。 或的下栽里找到! ISScript.msi是安装补丁,你可以单独下载!或者下载windows installer


方法一: 删除 ISScript 以及与该程序相关联的注册表项: 具体步骤:1. 单击开始,然后单击控制面板。 2. 单击“添加/删除程序”。 3. 在“目前安装的程序”列表中,单击 ISScript 程序项(如果有的话),然后单击“删除”。注意 如果您在执行完这一步骤后收到本文“症状”部分中的错误消息,请退出“添加/删除程序”,然后转至第 4 步。 4. 单击“开始”,然后单击“运行”。 5. 在“打开”框中,键入 regedit,然后单击“确定”。 6. 单击下面的注册表项: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInstallerProducts799411B8369C3D11BBDA000CF495697A 7. 在“文件”菜单上,单击“导出”。(为了防止误操作做个备份) 8. 在“导出注册表文件”对话框中,键入文件名,选择文件的保存位置,然后单击“保存”。 9. 右键单击在第 6 步中找到的注册表项,然后单击“删除”。 10. 在“编辑”菜单上,单击“删除”。 11. 在提示您确定删除时,单击“是”。 12. 退出注册表编辑器。 13. 重新启动计算机。


就是夏洛克福尔摩斯的谐音啊^_^漫画动画里应该都有说过的~shi(4) hachi(8) ro(6)ku(9)(<---此人不会日语请勿相信)

I know __ you here A nobody else besides,B else nobody besides C nobody else except D else


nobody else except

C 句意为:我知道没有人在这,除了你 解析:except 着重于“排除在外” besides指“除...外,另外还有”,着重“另外还有 此句与nobody(没有人)连用,所以应为“排除在外”,而不是“除...外,另外还有”. 且except nobody else是固定用法


//取位置属性方法不对function position(){ var obj=document.getElementById("gg").offsetTop;//使用offsetTop alert(top); //var position=document.documentElement.scrollTop; //alert(position+top); //document.getElementById("bg")“px”;//兼容性后面必须加上px(单位) }


首先是声明游标course c1 is select name from table_name where sex="男";接着就是调用的时候open c1;fetch next from xxx into xxx while(XXX)close c1;例如下面的列子CREATE PROCEDURE update_roleNumbrInActCompleterASdeclare @person_id numeric(18,0)declare my_cursor cursor forselect name from table_name where sex="男"open my_cursorfetch next from my_cursor into @person_idwhile (@@fetch_status<>-1)begin/*操作的过程语句*/fetch next from my_cursor into @person_idendclose my_cursordeallocate my_cursor

javascript 请问selection selected select有什么区别


html select 标签 option selected


如何清除select对象中option 的selected属性

通过for循环判断每个选项,一旦满足条件则设置其selected属性为true即可,关键代码: 1 2 3 4 5 obj = document.getElementById(select_id); for(i=0思路

如何清除select对象中option 的selected属性



思路:通过for循环判断每个选项,一旦满足条件则设置其selected属性为true即可,关键代码:12345obj = document.getElementById(select_id);for(i=0;i<obj.length;i++){ if(obj[i].value == something) obj[i].selected = true;}下面给出实例演示:1、HTML结构123456789<select id="test"> <option selected value="0">- 请选择 -</option> <option value="1">关羽</option> <option value="2">赵云</option> <option value="3">马超</option> <option value="4">黄忠</option> <option value="5">张飞</option>

为什么我点击option 就是没有没有 selected这个属性 那我怎么判断被选中

ab  你需要设置什么样的属性的?一般在页面写完标签之后,selected都是根据你选择的选项自动赋值的。比如打开页面,默认显示的是b,在你选择a之后,a的option标签属性即为selected。  可能是因为没有太明白你的意思,有y不对的地方还请指正。


<select> <option>A</option> <option selected="selected">B</option></select>  你需要设置什么样的属性的?一般在页面写完<option>标签之后,selected都是根据你选择的选项自动赋值的。比如打开页面,默认显示的是B,在你选择A之后,A的option标签属性即为selected。  可能是因为没有太明白你的意思,有y不对的地方还请指正。

consumption那个选什么?第一:sale最后:utilize 大家认为选哪个?


如何清除select对象中option 的selected属性

<select> <option>A</option> <option selected="selected">B</option></select>  你需要设置什么样的属性的?一般在页面写完<option>标签之后,selected都是根据你选择的选项自动赋值的。比如打开页面,默认显示的是B,在你选择A之后,A的option标签属性即为selected。  

captive audience是什么意思

captive audience被俘的听众。望采纳,谢谢!


//动态展示元素 var showDynamic=function(){ var inputValue=document.getElementsByName("a")[0]; //注意,此处必须写一个合适的触发事件,onclick or onfocus,也可以被调用触发。 //但是,必须有触发事件。 inputValue.onclick=function(){ if(this.value!=""){ showResult(this.value); } }; }; //展示函数 var showResult=function(v){ var showLabel=document.getElementById("functioncode"); for(var i=0;i<showLabel.length;i++){ if(showLabel[i].value==v){ showLabel[i].selected="selected"; } } }; //注册到window加载中 window.onload=showDynamic; //如果使用jQuery,则更加简单。以下是jQuery的写法,使用哪一种,你自己根据情况而定。 $(document).ready(function(){ var inputValue=$("input[name="a"]");{//或者focus事件 var that=$(this).val(); $("#functioncode").each(function(){ if($(this).val()==that){ $(this).attr("selected",true); } }); }); });

js 怎么动态设置 option 的selected 选项

直接设置最简单给input加上onchange事件<input type="hidden" name="a" value="${a}" onchange="select()"/>修改input的值时触发该事件function select() { var v=document.getElementsByName("a")[0].value document.getElementById("functioncode").value=v; }

英语学霸求翻译这段句子,To help you to review chapter 1,I att

两个人在跑步,路程时间如图。a 10分钟的时候他们有多远?? b距离一千米的时候他们跑了多久?? c50分钟的时候他们有多远??d他们什么时候相遇??e30到50分钟之间b跑了多远??f30到50分钟a

Stuart Little Chapter1

When Mrs. Frederick C. Little"s second son arrived, everybody noticed that he was not much bigger than a mouse. The truth of the matter was, the baby looked very much like a mouse in every way.{1} He was only about two inches high; and he had a mouse"s sharp (尖的) nose, a mouse"s tail (尾巴), a mouse"s whiskers (须), and the pleasant, shy manner of a mouse. Before he was many days old he was not only looking like a mouse but acting like one, too-wearing a gray hat and carrying a small cane (手杖). Mr. and Mrs. Little named him Stuart, and Mr. Little made him a tiny bed out of four clothespins (衣夹) and a cigarette (香烟) box. Unlike most babies, Stuart could walk as soon as he was born. When he was a week old he could climb lamps (灯) by shinnying (攀爬) up the cord. Mrs. Little saw right away that the infant (婴儿) clothes she had provided were unsuitable, and she set to work and made him a fine little blue worsted (精纺毛料) suit with patch pockets (口袋) in which he could keep his handkerchief (手绢), his money, and his keys. Every morning, before Stuart dressed, Mrs. Little went into his room and weighed (称…的重量) him on a small scale (秤) which was really meant for weighing letters. At birth Stuart could have been sent by first class mail for three cents, but his parents preferred to keep him rather than send him away; and when, at the age of a month, he had gained only a third of an ounce (盎司), his mother was so worried she sent for the doctor. The doctor was delighted with Stuart and said that it was very unusual for an American family to have a mouse. He took Stuart"s temperature (体温) and found that it was 98.6, which is normal for a mouse. He also examined Stuart"s chest and heart and looked into his ears solemnly (严肃地) with a flashlight. (Not every doctor can look into a mouse"s ear without laughing.) Everything seemed to be all right, and Mrs. Little was pleased to get such a good report. "Feed him up!" said the doctor cheerfully, as he left. The home of the Little family was a pleasant place near a park in New York City. In the mornings, the sun streamed in through the east windows, and all the Littles were up early as a general rule. Stuart was a great help to his parents, and to his older brother George, because of his small size and because he could do things that a mouse can do and was agreeable about doing them. One day when Mrs. Little was washing out the bathtub (浴缸) after Mr. Little had taken a bath, she lost a ring off her finger and was horrified to discover that it had fallen down the drain (下水道). "What had I better do?" she cried, trying to keep the tears back. "If I were you," said George, "I should bend a hairpin (发夹) in the shape of a fishhook (鱼钩) and tie it onto a piece of string (线) and try to fish the ring out with it."{2} So Mrs. Little found a piece of string and a hairpin, and for about a half-hour she fished for the ring; but it was dark down the drain and the hook always seemed to catch on something before she could get it down to where the ring was. "What luck?" inquired Mr. Little, coming into the bathroom. "No luck at all," said Mrs. Little. "The ring is so far down I can"t fish it up." "Why don"t we send Stuart down after it?" suggested Mr. Little. "How about it, Stuart, would you like to try?" "Yes, I would," Stuart replied, "but I think I"d better get into my old pants. I imagine it"s wet down there." "It"s all of that," said George, who was a trifle annoyed (烦扰) that his hook idea hadn"t worked. So Stuart slipped into his old pants and prepared to go down the drain after the ring.{3} He decided to carry the string along with him, leaving one end in charge of his father. "When I jerk (急拉) three times on the string, pull me up," he said. And while Mr. Little knelt in the tub, Stuart slid (滑动) easily down the drain and was lost to view. In a minute or so, there came three quick jerks on the string, and Mr. Little carefully hauled it up.{4} There, at the end, was Stuart, with the ring safely around his neck. "Oh, my brave little son," said Mrs. Little proudly, as she kissed Stuart and thanked him. "How was it down there?" asked Mr. Little, who was always curious to know about places he had never been to. "It was all right," said Stuart. But the truth was the drain had made him very slimy (黏糊糊的), and it was necessary for him to take a bath and sprinkle himself with a bit of his mother"s violet water before he felt himself again.{5} Everybody in the family thought he had been awfully (非常) good about the whole thing.

20170605-chapter 1-《pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见》精读

Chapter 1 ::It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must** be in want of a wife.:: ::This truth is so widely believed that, regardless of the feelings of such a man may be when he first enters a neighborhood,:: ::he is at once considered the rightful (合法的) property of one of their daughters.:: “My dear Mr. Bennet,” his wife said to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is taken at last? Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.” Mr. Bennet did not reply. “Do you not want to know who has taken it?” cried his wife impatiently. “You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it .” This was enough of an invitation. “Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England. He came down on Monday to see the place. He was so delighted with it, that he is to move in before the end of September, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.” “What is his name?” “Bingley.” “Is he married or single?” “Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand pounds a year. What a fine thing for our girls!” “How so? How can it affect them?” “My dear Mr. Bennet,” his wife replied, “how can you be so irritating (恼人的) ! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them. “Is that his plan in settling here?” “His plan! Nonsense (胡说) , how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes. Consider your daughters. Only think what a benefit it would be for one of them. Sir William and Lady Lucas are determined to go, and you know that they usually visit no newcomers. You must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him if you do not.” Mr. Bingley had inherited (继承) property worth nearly a hundred thousand pounds from his father, who had intended to purchase a house and land, but did not live to do it . At the age of twenty-three, two years after inheriting (继承) his father"s property, he heard about Netherfield House and came to see it. He looked for half an hour, was pleased with the rooms, satisfied with what the owner said in its praise, and took it immediately. Mr. Bennet"s property consisted almost entirely of an inherited (继承的) income of two thousand pounds a year. Unfortunately for his daughters, after his death it was to be inherited (继承) by a distant relation, since their family lacked a male heir (继承人) . After their father died, their mother"s money would not be enough to live on. Her father had been an attorney (代理人) in Meryton, and had left her four thousand pounds. Mr. Bennet was among the first to welcome Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit Mr. Bingley, although he was always telling his wife that he would not go. She had no knowledge of it till the evening after the visit was paid, when it was disclosed (公开) in the following manner. Seeing his second daughter Elizabeth decorating a hat, Mr. Bennet suddenly said to her: “When is your next ball to be, Lizzy?” “Two weeks from tomorrow.” “It is,” her mother said, “and Mrs. Long does not come back till the day before. It will be impossible for her to introduce Mr. Bingley, for she will not know him herself.” “Then, my dear,” Mr. Bennet said, “you can introduce Mr. Bingley to her.” “Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him myself. Oh, I am sick of Mr. Bingley!” “I am sorry to hear that, but why did not you tell me that before? If I had known this morning I certainly would not have called on him. It is very unfortunate, but as I have actually paid the visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance (泛泛之交)now.” The astonishment of Mrs. Bennet was just what he wished, although she soon declared that it was what she had expected all along. Neither Mrs. Bennet nor her five daughters could get her husband to give any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. At last they had to accept the second-hand information of their neighbor, Lady Lucas. Her report was highly favorable. He was quite young, very handsome, and extremely agreeable. Best of all, he meant to come to the next dance with a large group of friends and relatives. Nothing could be more delightful! Being fond of dancing was a certain step toward falling in love, and the girls all had high hopes for winning Mr. Bingley"s heart. “If I can only see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield,” Mrs. Bennet said to her husband, “and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing else to wish for.” They soon heard that Mr. Bingley was to bring twelve ladies and seven gentlemen with him to the ball. The girls were sorry that there would be so many ladies, but on the day of the dance they were happy to see that his group consisted of only five altogether— Mr. Bingley, his two sisters Louisa Hurst and Caroline Bingley, the husband of the elder sister, Mr. Hurst, and another young man, Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley soon made himself acquainted with all the important people in the room. He was lively and friendly. He danced every dance, was angry that the ball closed so early, and talked of giving one himself at Netherfield. Such amiable (友善的) qualities must speak for themselves . What a contrast between him and his friend Mr. Darcy! Mr. Darcy danced only once with Mrs. Hurst and once with Miss Bingley, and declined to be introduced to any other lady. He spent the rest of the evening walking around the room, speaking only occasionally, and to those with whom he had come. His character was agreed upon. He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and everybody hoped that he would never come there again. Among the most strongly against him was Mrs. Bennet, whose dislike was made even stronger when he insulted (侮辱) one of her daughters. Elizabeth Bennet had been forced to sit down for two dances because there were not enough gentlemen to dance with. During part of that time, she had been standing near enough Mr. Darcy to overhear (无意中听到) a conversation between him and Mr. Bingley. “Darcy,” Mr. Bingley said, “You must dance. I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner. You really must dance.” “I certainly shall not. You know how I hate it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner. At such a gathering as this it would be unthinkable. Your sisters are taken, and there is not another woman in the room whom I could stand to dance with.” “I would not be as demanding as you are,” Mr. Bingley cried, “for a kingdom**(不管怎样,天啊)! I never met so many pleasant girls in my life as I have this evening. There are several of them here that are uncommonly pretty.” “You are dancing with the only pretty girl in the room,” Mr. Darcy said, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet. “Oh! She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and probably very agreeable as well. Do let me ask my partner to introduce you.”

更正下面句子的错误,每题仅有一处错误 In this chapter i will attempt explaining what led up to the

应该是这么说吧。In this champter I will attempt to explain what lead up to the revolution.

商务英语口语之chapter 1-4陪同客户

  A: I"ll sit here, enjoying music, if you don"t mind. I hope you can find a partner.   如果你不介意的话,我就坐在这位欣赏音乐。希望你能找个舞伴。   B: We shall see! Oh hello, Miss. Shirley, how nice to see you. Can I have the pleasure of this dance?   去试试吧!啊,你好,雪莉小姐,见到你真高兴。我可以请你跳舞吗?   Do you dance?   您跳舞吗?   I prefer soft music.   我喜欢听轻音乐。   I can meet at the Dinner"s Club for drinks.   我可以到Dinner俱乐部跟您会面喝一杯。   I don"t like raps or rocks and roll myself.   我自己不太喜欢饶舌或摇滚的音乐。   Will you honor me with a dance?   能否赏光跳个舞?   6、我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。   6、我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。   A: Thank you, Mr. Wang, I"m really somewhat nervous now. I know nothing of your table manners. It would be in bad taste for a guest to make blunder.   谢谢,王先生,我现在真的有些不安了。我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。如果客人失礼了,那就难堪了。   B: Don"t worry. Mr. Blair. As for table manners, there is only one rule you must observe. That is to make yourself at home.   不用担心,布莱尔先生。至于席间的礼节,您只要遵守一条原则就行了,就像在家里一样,不用客气   Mr. Blair, which do you prefer, Brandy, Mao-Tai or Wine?   布莱尔先生,您喝哪一种酒?白兰地、茅台,还是葡萄酒?   Brandy and Mao-Tai are too strong for me. Just a glass of dry red wine, please.   白兰地和茅台度数太高了,我不行。来杯干红就行了。   Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork, Mr. Blair?   您用筷子还是刀叉,布莱尔先生?   I think I"ll try chopsticks and see if I can manage.   我想试试筷子,看看行不行。   Ah, here comes the first course. Please tell me what it is.   啊,第一道菜端来了。告诉我,这是什么菜?   It is chicken soup. At a restaurant that serves Guangdong dishes, we usually start off with soup.   这是一道鸡汤。在供应广东菜的餐馆里,我们一顿饭通常从喝汤开始。   7、您很有名气。   7、您很有名气。   A: You don"t need to introduce yourself, Yang. You"re famous.   杨先生,您不需要自我介 绍,您很有名气。   B: Well, thank you very much but I thought I"d try and chair the meeting by the rule—at least for a while.   那真是谢谢你了。但是我想我该尽力依照规矩来主持这个会议,即使时间很短。   We"re not prepared to accept your proposal at this time.   我们这一次不准备接受你们的提议。   We"d like to discuss the details of the contract at our next meeting.   我们希望在下次开会时,能讨论有关合同的细节问题。   Could you explain that in more detail?   能否更详细地说明一下?   We may probably arranging another meeting.   我们或许可以安排另一次会议。   8、这也是我们的愿望。   8、这也是我们的愿望。   A: We hope to enlarge our cooperation In the future.   希望今后能进一步扩大与贵方的合作。   B: This is also what we hope.   这也是我们的愿望。   We hope to expand our business with you.   我们希望扩大与你们的业务往来。   We believe in long-term cooperation with your company because we view the future as bright.   我们相信与贵公司长期合作的前途是光明的   Well try our best to widen our business relationship with you.   我们将尽力扩大同你们的贸易关系。   We"re willing to restore our business relationship.   我们将尽力扩大同你们的贸易关系。   We often express our interest in investing in Canada.   我们一直对在加拿大投资很感兴趣。   9、我们马上准备报三种价.   9、我们马上准备报三种价.   A: In that case, we will follow your instructions. We are planning to quote the three kinds right away.   这样的话,就照你的意思办吧。我们马上准备报三种价。   B: I am sorry for bothering you. In order to have leading time, please offer us the lowest price of CIF Dalian because we hope to get the deal done as soon as possible.   麻烦你了。为了争取时间,请报CIF大连的最价格,因为我们希望尽快达成交易。   We hope you would quote us your most favorable firm offer.   希望报给我们最优惠的实盘。   Is this your final offer or is the offer negotiable?   这是你们的最后报盘还是可商议报盘?   All the prices on the list are subject to our call confirmation.   表上所列价格以我方电话确认为准。   10、太高了,我们无法接受。   10、太高了,我们无法接受。   A: Your price is rather out of line. Much higher for us to accept.   你方价格与行情不符。太高了,我们无法接受。

谁有 Estatic Fear 的 chapter I 的吉他谱


chapter i inquiry and purchase announcement中文是什么意思

第一章 询价和购买通告

求estatic fear , chapter i的吉他谱

很难找,有人问过我了。你最好下个ape的,然后装个软件,让它自己把谱子 谱出来。这是比较好的方法了。分给我拉~~

Estatic Fear 的Chapter I 吉他谱 可不可以发给我啊,谢谢啦

Mark Ballas全名为Mark Alexander Corky Ballas Jr。在他年轻的时候去了英国伦敦,在那里开始了表演生涯,直到2007年,他才回到美国。他在ABC是专业的舞者,并且还是一位独立歌手。初听Light On的时候,就被轻松的曲调吸引了。吉他小调伴随轻松的鼓点,再加上他的温柔嗓音,让人感觉在享受夏夜。

求estatic fear , chapter i的吉他谱

不错 我也要

求大人翻译歌词estatic fears - chapter i

微弱的叶衰退,在 ??落深处方面入庙奉祀那哀悼堕落的平原,在黯淡的睡眠方面放置了下来有雾的色度卷入天空相似的过去又磨损的记忆鸟的歌填充耳语微风藉由秋天曲子阴历的栅栏冷酷的形状在晚上的视力更新它被沈默的悲叹减轻重新抑制了想法我听到寂寞的唱诗班财富越过我的方法在炽热的哭方面蔑视了整个~期间我的每天我招呼而且珍爱你的这些天空,大多数的愉快悲惨我庇护的不是 pittes 刺你的神秘的协调利用大多数的愉快夜晚渐变我的被弃暴露的视力对于我伤心事当图像告诉的时候将在雾被减轻包裹为什么应该愚蠢的希望你的未诞生的强烈感情哭声用尽听不到的在这 pleasent 天空之下? 为如果被衰退的薄暮日子高兴可能是遥远地在后吗?

EstaticFear ChapterI谁唱的

百度百科EstaticFear乐队介绍百度贴吧 ChapterI歌曲翻译



today is the day! 这句话是出自名人之口,表现了他optimistic的乐观心态.


Chapter 49 long tongue_3000字

She was against war soldiers around cheering crowds, ChengSi yan"s voice is not big, in addition to Zhou Huaixuan, no one could hear. Zhou Huaixuan steps paused, he turned back and waved to her, a mouth, and then pointed to the direction of following her. ChengSi yan I turned around, just see big ya too late back in the car on the head. Zhou Huaixuan mouth is: is she push you! ChengSi yan was speechless.This also want to remind you?When she is a fool?She will never know who is doing? A total of three children in the car, not the *** allest, is o of the biggest.Who is not important, the important thing is she knew these people hostile to her, and to be able to start work. ChengSi yan don"t afraid about talk of man, but she was afraid of man of great strength. Reason without him, because of childhood blindness, protected by the wang, she has no strength to ter eyes are good, or, practice and practice is not a female man, her destiny. Actually just pushed her that person is probably didn"t know she this feature, so too hard and almost ran a catastrophe. ChengSi yan quietly turned his head, for Zhou Huaixuan also waved. Zhou Huaixuan to see her again, frowned, no longer ignore, straight on, following weeks out of the city, and the general. ChengSi yan lean on looked at him in front of the far of figure, my mind only in retrospect that crackle of that a moment, just how Zhou Huaixuan blink of an eye, came to the front of her, boom caught her? This also too fast! Completely beyond the limits of human movement. Although there are some people have such thing as "kung fu", one hand can kill points minutes of ordinary people. But like Zhou Huaixuan were ghosts, or hardly ever seen. One of the entourage ChengSi yan it.this is asked to car."Did you see the week how big childe e?" The following blinked, touch the back of the head.Doubt tunnel: "he is not always stand beside you? See you fall off, we"ll catch you?""Said the.ChengSi yan, please get on the car, said the army out of the city, they will be allowed to return home. Cloud ChengSi yan heart more.She clearly remember, before a second Zhou Huaixuan is war horse in the distance, how can stand beside her?The following is a problem with the eyes? ChengSi yan and ask the driver. The driver said with a *** ile: "like is nearby, see you fall down, he head?" Said didn"t say. But all these people, is Zhou Huaixuan is near her, not in the distant wars at once. When he is standing near to her? ChengSi yan were filled with doubts."Murderer" silently climb into, even have fotten. Bitten by a big ya see her up, biting his lower lip, curiously asked her: "just now, who"s that? Looks really nice. Is too much eye, he looked at the eyes, you could give you to eat. - did you offend him?" Big ya to talk, and then remind the ChengSi yan. ChengSi yan to big ya avoided the question, asks: "is you push me down just now? Why do you want to do that?" Big ya paused, want to deny it.But her brother silurian has scrambled way: "my elder sister is not careful! Didn"t mean it!" Big ya had to give her a gift: "elder sister, just now is my bad. I also want to look at the outside, is pushed on you, want you to make a way out. The results accidentally put you out."Said again in a hurry way: "I didn"t mean it! I will gently pushed a minute! I"m home with big lang, he is such a play! Not letter you ask them!" Big lang silurian and also follow to nod a way: "is it, is. My elder sister like to play with us. Also often pushed to play, accidentally just now. Elder sister you"re fine. Don"t tell dad, ok?" Know if ChengSi yan to whistle.There would be no good fruit to eat their sister... ChengSi yan some envy them three siblings, sister and deep, but she was almost broken, if be this big ya so easily deceive in the past, but the devil in the future. ChengSi yan said with a *** ile: "hand the matter can be really big. You know, you said you wrong hand. Don"t know you, thought you have a life and death electrocuting with me. It"s not bad to push me to outside, under the car, or life is lost, light injury disfigured. - this fault, really make too wide of the mark." Big ya hear heart concern.She is really big hand strength, so since I was a child, is larger than her fellow brother, don"t like a woman.Ky, her mother often told her, don"t, also said that the girls strength is too big, men don"t like.Big ya carefully control their own efforts. Today, she is an ugly just want to see ChengSi yan, have not wanted to let her die, also did not want to let her injury disfigured. "... I said I make amends to you, why are you still rakes!"Ya some guilty tunnel, she is a child mind, more afraid to let dad know, punish her. Sheng qi ye to the rules of the children very seriously, but TuShi very dote on them, apart from the sheng qi ye always hurt his machine. Sheng qi ye therefore more strict with them.Once made a mistake, the punishment is not show mercy. For them, sheng qi ye is a stern father, TuShi is a loving mother. Big lang, he followed to intercede. ChengSi yan *** iled and said: "I didn"t say anything yet, why is it rakes? Said again..."She went to the coachman and glanced over there, "ye do this thing in broad daylight, the other people all know, it"s my turn to say? -- big ya, in fact also nothing. If dad asked you, do you know a fault line. Dad is the best speaker, than my niang acmodating!" Big lang and silurian together a way: "always deceive! Dad worst talk, but also make our palms!!" ChengSi yan zhang the mouth, wanted to say o sentences, but saw that the three sister and clear sense of sheng qi ye is not the same with her, turn a circle the words in her mouth, changed much alike.She *** iled, "is it? Is that dad you pain.", she said the sheng qi ye sit donkey cart over there look, see another entourage has talked in the past.Said, pointing to their side. Sheng qi ye"s face became very serious.He listened to, to look ChengSi yan"s side. TuShi face very anxious.What seems to be persuaded, and pull the sleeve, sheng qi ye would not let him down. , understood ChengSi yan, just happened too quickly, and Zhou Huaixuan faster to catch her, sheng qi ye estimates that need not see. And her followers to see such a thing, but it is not hid from thee, but to XiangGuZhu return immediately. This is the wang to make the rules for the new ChengGuoGong house servant here now. From the inner to the outer court.Is wang"s care, set all kinds of rules. It is because of the wang, ChengGuoGong mansion was soon on the track, with the tide of the pattern and vigour. ChengSi yan had quite admire wang"s skill, but until they entered the ChengGuoGong mansion, ChengSi YanCai found that the wang of the man, really not easy.Resilient, can soft can hard.Can in the *** all mountain village life in perfect order, summer can also hold up again dynasty one of the four big families of home gateway. Wang"s origins, of course, certainly was a tide of woman.Otherwise.She won"t be for a real family of all kinds of food and clothing live line, and an inferior rule arrangement, and clean the layout of the house.Know so carefully, management so in perfect order. Because of these things.Need an insight and vision, not IQ.Does not only depend on wise will be able to know.Must live in the environment, immersion, can really understand. So-called noble, is the need to three or four generations has been in a rich field, can say "family".Was the generation of riches and honour, is only nouveau riche, not family. And the wang gave ChengGuoGong stern told a house with out menial: all out in the outside, no matter master know not to know, want to report to master knowledge.People don"t quote, all sell out! ChengSi yan know, therefore, need not she go to brag, since her menial to return. It is the custom of the family, not a favor. No one miss you need to tell, because have good savings.Master, is self-restraint.Humans do not say, is the malpractice, it is to be punished. Big ya these rules is not very good, thought that only require the ChengSi yan don"t tell her, which know everything just see in the eye of the entourage had to "tell". Sheng qi ye after hearing the whole process, will be angry at losing TuShi hand away, harsh voice way: "big ya is only a few years old, would do such a thing! This day in the week if no big childe, I think yan face? Or not little girl ruined capacity, the day of her life but also that moment?!" TuShi injustice tunnel: "big ya has a kind heart, even the little chickens could not crushed to death, how can to do such a thing? There must be something wrong."Said, and she saw that ing to return after one eye, way: "the servant here are incredibly dare to master. Such a servant, but how to use it? For seven ye, how did you this pick servant here?" Sheng qi ye upon a way: "this is what they should do! Let them follow out of the door, is to the safety of his master. I don"t see things, they saw, will return to me! Otherwise, master were kept in the dark, they used for?!" TuShi bitterly shuts off, follow the sheng qi ye out of the car and went to ChengSi yan they sit in front of the cart. ChengSi yan busy to hold the post of the cart and asked: "dad, you"ve got something?" Sheng qi ye took her hand look busy, especially stared at her face, look very carefully, to be determined without a scar, the only way: "thanks to weeks childe, otherwise, dad really can"t imagine... dad owe weeks childe one, he came back, must be returned to him." TuShi follow a way: "seven ye, your skill, even if hurt, you also can be cured. No big deal, the inferior mouth too long."Say, don"t blame her daughter heart hurt, rather strange servant here. ChengSi yan blinked, way: "the aunt really makes sense. Let big ya also a fall, must knock fall out, and then let the dad cure her, is that ok?"


亲爱的妈妈:是在 Cortona.The 广场的集日是一个正在进行的聚会,和每一个是 invited.Cliches 在世界的这脐会合。你几乎想笑,但是你无法不感觉到这些意大利人关于了解更多玩得高兴较之我们做。我吃来自市场,和紫罗兰色的甜蜜的一个热的葡萄破产以我的 mouth.It 甚至打开闻起来紫色的。我希望 Icould 停留更长期在这里,但是 bell****and 它把我提醒时间。“钟声-dang-dong”铃铛说,代替“叮当声”。我希望你在这儿。爱好像是ring

求redemption song   的中文歌词

Old pirates, yes, they rob I; 老海盗们,对,他们抢劫了我 Sold I to the merchant ships, 把我卖到了商船 Minutes after they took I From the bottomless pit.过没多久他们把我从无尽的深渊中救了出来 But my hand was made strong By the "and of the Almighty.然而我有双上帝赋予我坚强的双手 We forward in this generation我们朝向这个世代 Triumphantly.胜利地 Won"t you help to sing你不帮忙唱吗 This songs of freedom这首自由之歌 "Cause all I ever have:因为,我所未曾拥有的 Redemption songs;救赎之歌 Redemption songs.救赎之歌 Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;把你自己从被奴役的心灵中解放出来 None but ourselves can free our minds.只有自己能释放自己的心 Have no fear for atomic energy,不要惧怕强权 "Cause none of them can stop the time.因为他们没任何人能将时间暂停 How long shall they kill our prophets, 他们还要抹杀我们的先知多久 While we stand aside and look? Ooh!而我们只能晾在一旁,看著?喔! Some say it"s just a part of it:有人说那只不过是一小部分 We"ve got to fullfil the book.我们得说出全部实情 Won"t you help to sing你不帮忙唱吗 This songs of freedom-这首自由之歌 "Cause all I ever have:因为,我所未曾拥有的 Redemption songs;救赎之歌 Redemption songs;救赎之歌 Redemption songs.救赎之歌

Redemption Song 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption Song歌手:Bob Marley & The Wailers专辑:Bob Marley & The Wailers - Legend (Deluxe Sound & Vision) NtscPirates, I"m sayin" they rob IBoard the merchant shipsI"m not sayin" we"re not a part of itFrom the bottomless pitBut my hands were made strongBy the force of the AlmightyThey don"t say that your generation, triumphantlyWon"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption songEmancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookThey don"t say I"m your generationOh, and I say...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)Emancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookSay some say it"s just a part of itYou got to fulfill the book...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)This song of freedomOh...

Redemption Song 歌词

歌曲名:Redemption Song歌手:Rihanna专辑:Redemption SongPirates, I"m sayin" they rob IBoard the merchant shipsI"m not sayin" we"re not a part of itFrom the bottomless pitBut my hands were made strongBy the force of the AlmightyThey don"t say that your generation, triumphantlyWon"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption songEmancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookThey don"t say I"m your generationOh, and I say...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)Emancipate yourself from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindHave no fear for atomic energy"Cause none of them can stop the timeHow long can they steal our prophetsWhile we stand beside and lookSay some say it"s just a part of itYou got to fulfill the book...Won"t you help to singThese songs of freedom"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song"Cause all I ever hadRedemption song (2x)This song of freedomOh...

求apocalyptica 的Bittersweet的 歌词翻译

我正在放弃爱的鬼在热爱方面的图像阵容她是那一 i 崇拜我的沈默窒息的教条在我身上打破这又苦又甜的符咒在命运的双臂中遗失(又苦又甜的)i 将不放弃我被她持有我正在生她的十字架她被变成我的诅咒在我身上打破这又苦又甜的符咒在命运的双臂中遗失又苦又甜的i 想要你我正在只有想要你而且 i 需要你我正在只有需要你。。。oooh在我身上打破这又苦又甜的符咒在命运的双臂中遗失在我身上打破这又苦又甜的符咒在命运的双臂中遗失又苦又甜的。。。
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