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如何实现Ariba PunchOut 我想知道是什么,如何的实现? 现在非常的郁闷和痛苦。



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punch out读音:英["pu028cntu0283"au028at]美["pu028cntu0283"au028at] 。punch双语例句:1. The form, size and position of punch can be manufactured by customers.冲孔的形状、大小、孔位可依客户要求制作。2. This tupe of die is often constructed in an inverted position with the punch fastened to the lower portion of the die.这tupe模具往往是兴建中的一个倒立场与冲床系下的部分模具。3. But there is a puzzle during forming process, which is that the punch fractures after producing a quantity of the automotive tyre nuts. After choosing other materials for the punch, fretter still happened in the same position of the punch.但是在成形过程中往往出现一个现象,生产一定数量的工件后,冲头发生断裂,选用不同的材料后,断裂部位仍发生在同一位置。