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the students expected there being more reviewing classes before the final exam中,为什么是there bein

expect somebody doing something. ???~ IDK man.

The students are kept busy reviewing their lessons

首先 BE kept 是被动语态。其次 keep doing 是词组。保持做某事。

we are reviewing whether you meet the eligibility requirements要多久

we are reviewing whether you meet the eligibility requirements 我们正在评估您是否符合资格、条件需求。没说要多久哦。

do some review 还是do some reviewing

do some review



under peer reviewing

在同等的人中评估 需结合前后句子,看原文说的什么内容,才好准确的翻译,只有三个单词怕翻跑题

do some review 还是do some reviewing

do some reviews review作名词 可以理解成 做些回顾

keep reviewing the knowledge in mind?对不对


film reviewing

you didn"t tell us the name of the film.....

英语after reviewing your application怎么翻译?

application 申请书,申请表,正式申请收到你的申请表之后

reviewing lessons

1.I"m busy reviewing lessons 完全正确 2.When the finally class is over,all students swarm to leave school错误,可改为:After the final class is over,all students swarm to leave school. 3.Though I"m busy and tired,I"m happy too.可改为:Though I"m busy and tired,I"m still happy .




After reviewing 经审查后

reviewing the past 怎么翻译,如果用介词用什么介词

复习过去 review是动词不加介词

reviewing a documentary credit

根据我平时的经验,issue document isuue something 发放,给予的意思,颁发,比较正式的说法,比如说交通局给我issue了一个驾照. 还有一种意思就是说,比如说what"s the issue?issue 在这里是说 "事件 " 的意思.什么事,或者是麻烦. issuer 是指 公司啊,或者机构,他们发放证书,或者给予权利,或者给予通行的意思. 我中文不是很好,

process reviewing是什么意思

process reviewing过程审核双语对照例句:1.Golden bear has now fully committed to implementing all recommendations of thatreview and is in process of reviewing all factories in its supply chain. 金熊现在已经全面遵守并执行该次审查中的所有建议,并正在审查其供应链中的所有工厂。2.A process for reviewing changes can help ensure that the changes you make willprovide business value and that everyone understands their impact. 一个变更复审流程有助于确保做出的变更能够产生业务价值,并让每个人明白变更的效果。



关于“to reviewing”

reviewing n. 回顾;评估;修订v. 回顾;复习;检验此处reviewing可单独做动词,而非review的ing形式

paper reviewing是什么意思

为您解答: paper reviewing审稿 例句:  This paper, reviewing the history of mt and comparing the respective features of mt and cat, gives a detailed account of the working principles, characteristics and the application of cat. 本文回顾了机器翻译的历史,比较了机器翻译和机器辅助翻译各自的特点,著重论述了翻译记忆软件的工作原理、特点及其应用。 **************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************


reviewing: 评估 回顾 修订 复习 检验给你一些例句,帮助你更好地理解。The committee is reviewing its decision.委员会正在审议它的决定。You don"t know. We are reviewing with the big bosses. They don"t like changing times.你有所不知,我们这是和大头目们评审,他们不喜欢改时间。

in reviewing the past的语法分析主要是 reviewing的用法

in reviewing the past在回顾过去。reviewingv.检验( review的现在分词 ); 复查; 写…的评论文章; 复习功课,温习功课By reviewing the world-wide academic researches on integrated qualitymanagement system, this paper analyzes the existing problems. 回顾了国内外对集成质量管理系统的研究成果,分析了目前仍然存在的问题。


reviewing回顾双语对照词典结果:reviewingv.检验( review的现在分词 ); 复查; 写…的评论文章; 复习功课,温习功课; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There are also websites that specialize in reviewing new apps. 还有些网站是专门评论最新的apps。

课环节是revision 还是 reviewing

reviewing回顾双语对照词典结果:reviewingv.检验( review的现在分词 ); 复查; 写…的评论文章; 复习功课,温习功课; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There are also websites that specialize in reviewing new apps. 还有些网站是专门评论最新的apps。

翻译"revision,review,doing a puzzle,reviewing school work"

revisionn.1. 修订;校订;修正[U][C]The law is in need of revision.这法律需要修改。2. 修订本,订正版[C]A revision of that dictionary has been published.那本词典的修订本已经出版。3. 【主英】复习[U]reviewvt.1. 再检查,重新探讨;复审Superior courts may review decisions of lower courts.高级法院可以复审下级法院的判决。2. 批评,评论He promised to review the film in one of the evening papers.他答应在一家晚报上评论这部电影。3. 回顾,回忆Before falling asleep, she reviewed the day"s happenings.入睡以前,她回顾了一天所发生的事情。4. 检阅The President reviewed the fleet.总统检阅了舰队。5. 复习,温习In preparing for the exam, John reviewed his notes.约翰复习笔记准备考试。vi.1. 写评论,写书评2. 复习功课,温习功课The students are busy reviewing for a test.学生忙着复习迎考。n.1. 再检查;复审[C][U]These arrangements are subject to periodic review.这些安排须定期检查。2. 批评,评论[U][C]His new book got mixed reviews.对他的新书的评论毁誉参半。3. 评论杂志(文章)[C]He writes reviews for The New Yorker.他为《纽约人》撰写评论文章。4. 阅兵[C]A review of the troops will be held during the general"s visit.将军访问期间要举行阅兵式。5. 复习,温习[U][C]Before the examinations we have a review of the term"s work.考试之前,我们复习一学期的功课。6. 时事讽刺剧;轻松歌剧[C][U]doing a puzzle 做难题目或谜语之类reviewing school work复习功课