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Rome wasn’t built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hardworking will be rewarded by Go


问一句英语翻译及时采纳不要机器翻译 Do people feel rewarded when t


The local government _________ him the prize for his bravery. A.rewarded B.awarded C.won

B 试题分析:考察动词词义辨析。reward是报酬,回报,酬劳,就是某人做了一件事就可以拿到相应的报酬。而award是奖励,通常用作奖项等,比如Oscar Award;win赢得比赛,竞赛等;present呈现;句意:当地政府因为他的勇敢而奖励了他这个奖。故B正确。点评:对于动词词义辨析题目,首先可以从句意着手,看懂句意是解答此类题目的关键,其次四个选项的意思也要了如指掌。这对于平时学生的学习仔细度提出了要求,学生在平时的学习中要勤积累,多记忆,多查字典,以便在考试时能够迅速准确的答出。

be rewarded with .如何造句?谢谢。

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:. Some believe that, since childhood, we are rewarded with food for being good. 一些人认为,从小我们就以食物作为奖励。

Good deeds are rewarded with kindness_2000字

Because the ant fell into the river and was in danger, the big bird gave the ant a *** all kindness of wood, in exchange for the big bird to be safe in the difficult place. This is called good deeds and good rewards. There is a boy, in his hunger and cold, no one to help the situation, he desperate to the street to the last home for help. At this time, he fot that he was standing in front of the door to beg. Did not expect the girl said: you wait a moment, she handed the boy towel, let him dry the rain wet hair, and handed him a cup of hot milk. A few years later, the boy became a famous doctor. Once, he was surprised to find that a patient to be operated on was actually the angel, but the medical operation cost was beyond her affordability. The doctor immediately operated in person. After the operation was successful, the girl opened the medical bill and could not help crying. Medical expenses - a cup of hot milk. It never occurred to the girl that a *** all act of kindness many years ago turned out to be the bill to save her life. This can‘t help but remind me of the story about the shipbuilder and the shipowner. A *** all act of kindness of the boatman received gratitude and reward from the shipowner. Of course, good deeds and good rewards are beeen o people. There are also many people who do good deeds but can not get good rewards. Can"t help the old lady, let a person feel cold, why do their good behavior can‘t get return and affirmation, but let people sue in court? The “mind my own business” victims are not grateful to those who are desperate to save themselves, but are indifferent. If everyone does not have a sense of gratitude, who dares to do good things if it goes on like this for a long time? Good deeds and good retribution, first of all, es from the kindness of one side, but also from the gratitude of the other side. Without this gratitude, it is very difficult to have a good reward. The good deeds emphasized here are not material thanks. Those who do good deeds often need a kind of affirmation from the heart. With these affirmations, good deeds will be recycled again, and goodness will begin to pass on. The world will not bee indifferent and cold-blooded. Life is like wine, or strong, or fragrant, because good deeds and good rewards, it bees mellow; life is like a song, or high, or low, because it is good at good retribution, it bees melodious; life is picturesque, or bright, or elegant, because it is good at repaying, it bees beautiful. Being good at repaying is related to the harmonious society and the *** ooth realization of the Chinese dream. Let"s start philanthropy, let‘s leverage the Chinese dream! Let"s start good report, let‘s realize the Chinese dream!

good is rewarded with good

好人有好报. Give cake and ale to perfect soul. 好心未必有好报. The road to hell is paved with good intention. 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(b乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world,that good is rewarded and evil is punished(bGeorge F.Will) 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world,that good is rewarded and evil is punished(George F.Will) 不用谢.善有善报,上次你也帮助过我. That"s all right.One good turn deserves another.Last time you helped me. 善有善报. One good turn deserves another. 善有善报. Do well and have well. 恶有恶报,善有善报. Bad deeds,as well as good,may redound on the doer. 善有善报,恶有恶报. Bad deeds,as well as good,may rebound upon the doer. [谚]发什么声音,有什么回声(善有善报,恶有恶报). As the call,so the echo.

be rewarded with be rewarded for区别

be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded for 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语

be rewarded with be rewarded for区别

be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded for 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语

be rewarded with是什么意思

be rewarded with得到…的奖赏; 例句:1.Use these steps for both days and you will be rewarded with over twenty days of easy family meals. 按照以下步骤进行两天的工作,你就能有二十几天不必为家人的三餐费心了。2.To encourage them to grow these reflective crops, farmers could be rewarded with carbon credits. 我们可以通过“碳奖赏”之类的方式让农民更乐于种植高反射率作物。


be desirable for 意思是是可取的,可行的。例句:1、Though not recommended, this can be desirable for specific situations. 虽然不推荐,但是在一些特定的情况下这是可行的。2、For this reason, it"s desirable for the storage system as a whole to understand where duplication occurs. 由于这一原因,存储系统从整体上理解复制发生在哪里是很可取的。3、That would, in my view, also be very desirable for both China and the world. 在我看来,这对中国乃至世界都是十分可取的。4、To have more leverage in Greece it would be highly desirable for China. 中国要想在希腊取得更大的影响力,比雷埃夫斯港就将是非常重要的。5、It is desirable for more amateur astronomers to build this relatively simple instrument. 它吸引了越来越多的业余天文学家去制作这种相对简单的仪器。desirable 英[du026au02c8zau026au0259ru0259bl] 美[du026au02c8zau026aru0259bu0259l] adj. 可取的; 令人满意的; 值得拥有的; 性感的; n. 称心如意的人[东西]; [例句]Prolonged negotiation was not desirable.拖长了的谈判并不是大家所想要的。




rewarded是奖励;奖赏;给以报酬rewarded在英语中代表‘的过去式和过去分词、奖赏"的意思,其中文解释还有"酬谢"的意思,在线读音是[riu02c8wu0254:did],在英语中以名词出现较多。例句:1.He did, and was well rewarded。他做到了,也获得了赏赐。2.You should be rewarded for that。你该因此获得奖赏。3.Will be rewarded with prizes。会得到奖品。4.Yet, they are rewarded and considered to be respectable。然而他们得到的回报 被认为是可敬的。5.They rewarded his bravery with a gift。他们赏赐他的英勇。6.Baylor rewarded to you these are levy。这些是征贝勒赏赐给你们的。7. Sensibility and obedience are not always rewarded。敏感和服从不总有回报。8. Naturally, your loyalty will be rewarded。当然,各位的忠诚会得到报酬。9. You shall be rewarded in heaven!神会奖励你们的。

get rewarded 与get rewads区别

1 get(系动词) rewarded (表语)2 get(谓语) rewards(宾语)

be rewarded with 与 be rewarded by 有区别吗

两者之间有区别,be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded by 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语