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Marginal changes是什么意思


Unemergenza Damore这首歌谁唱的?

歌手:Laura Pausini萝拉·普西妮un"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情Il mio bisogno di te 我需要你Un desiderio cosi speciale 一个如此特殊的欲望Che assomiglia a un dolore per me 对我来讲却是某种类似痛苦的感觉un"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情E no, non si chiede perche 不要问为什么un canto libero, verso il mare 一首朝向大海自由之歌Questo viverti dentro di me 你就在我的心里Sei il vino e il pane 你是面包,你是酒Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像一个硬币,一个护身符Che tra le mie mani, stringero.紧紧握在我的手心Un"esigenza naturale 你是自然的生理需要Sei un temporale che 你是带给我阳光Porta il sole da me, dolcemente 你是暴风雨后的阳光的温暖Mi spiazzi il cuore ed io, ti portero 敞开你的心Detro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 我将把你放进我的口袋里,不管我走到哪里,都会带着你Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像硬币和护身符Che tra le mie mani, cullero 放在我的手心un"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情Questo volerti per me 我需要你Averti adesso per non fare asciugare 我现在拥有你Dalla bocca il sapore di te 不要拭去唇边你的味道Sei il bene e il male 你是善,你是恶Una battaglia un carnevale 你是一场战役,一场狂欢Sei la passione che 你是我心里永远不会休止的激情No, non ha tregua per me, dolcemente 甜蜜的激情Mi spiazzi il cuore ed io, ti porter 敞开你的心Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 我将把你放进我的口袋里,不管我走到哪里,都会带着你Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像硬币和护身符Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque che andrai 无论我走到哪里,你都像永远装在我口袋里一样Che tra le mie mani, stringero 紧紧握在握的手心Sei la mia prigione, l"evasione dentro me 你是一座监狱,在我心里成功越狱Oltre la ragione 超越了理智Solamente io conosco cosa c" e"Quell"amore che io ho per te 这份爱就是属于你的Io ti portero 我带你进来Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 无论我走到哪里,你都像永远装在我口袋里一样Come un incantesimo segreto 就像一个暗藏的魔法Per i giorni vuoti che vivro 照进我空虚的日子里Per inseguirti in ogni viaggio, che farai 我追赶你每一次旅行的步伐

Un emergenza D amore歌词

歌名 : Un"emergenza D"amore专辑:La Mia Risposta歌手:Laura Pausiniun"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情Il mio bisogno di te 我需要你Un desiderio cosi speciale 一个如此特殊的欲望Che assomiglia a un dolore per me 对我来讲却是某种类似痛苦的感觉un"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情E no, non si chiede perche 不要问为什么un canto libero, verso il mare 一首朝向大海自由之歌Questo viverti dentro di me 你就在我的心里Sei il vino e il pane 你是面包,你是酒Un"esigenza naturale 你是自然的生理需要Sei un temporale che 你是带给我阳光Porta il sole da me, dolcemente 你是暴风雨后的阳光的温暖Mi spiazzi il cuore ed io, ti portero 敞开你的心Detro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 我将把你放进我的口袋里,不管我走到哪里,都会带着你Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像硬币和护身符Che tra le mie mani, cullero 放在我的手心un"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情Questo volerti per me 我需要你Averti adesso per non fare asciugare 我现在拥有你Dalla bocca il sapore di te 不要拭去唇边你的味道Sei il bene e il male 你是善,你是恶Una battaglia un carnevale 你是一场战役,一场狂欢Sei la passione che 你是我心里永远不会休止的激情No, non ha tregua per me, dolcemente 甜蜜的激情Mi spiazzi il cuore ed io, ti portero 敞开你的心Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 我将把你放进我的口袋里,不管我走到哪里,都会带着你Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像硬币和护身符Che tra le mie mani, stringero 紧紧握在握的手心Sei la mia prigione, l"evasione dentro me 你是一座监狱,在我心里成功越狱Oltre la ragione 超越了理智Solamente io conosco cosa c" e" 我唯一知道的是Quell"amore che io ho per te 这份爱就是属于你的Io ti portero 我带你进来Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 无论我走到哪里,你都像永远装在我口袋里一样Come un incantesimo segreto 就像一个暗藏的魔法Per i giorni vuoti che vivro 照进我空虚的日子里Per inseguirti in ogni viaggio, che farai 我追赶你每一次旅行的步伐Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque che andrai 无论我走到哪里,你都像永远装在我口袋里一样Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像一个硬币,一个护身符Che tra le mie mani, stringero.紧紧握在我的手心

求un emergenza damore的中文翻译

爱情急症作词 L.Pausini,Cheope,Pacciani翻译 CY这是一个爱情急症我需要你如此特别的欲望对我来说就像是痛苦这是一个爱情急症不需要问为什么这是一首漂向大海的自由之歌它让你存在于我心间你是葡萄酒和面包是自然的需要你是带给我阳光的暴风雨温柔地你使我心绪不宁不管你去哪里,我都将你放在口袋里就像我手心里的硬币和护身符这是一个爱情急症我需要你为了留住唇边你的气息将你留在我身边你是好是坏是一场战役,一次狂欢对我来说,你是不会停止的激情温柔地你使我心绪不宁不管你去哪里,我都将你放在口袋里就像我手心里的硬币和护身符紧紧地握着你是我的监狱我内心的躲避超越了理智我只知道我所有的爱都是为了你不管你去哪里,我都将你放在口袋里就像能让我度过空虚日子的秘密魔法为了追随你的每一次旅行不管你去哪里,我都将你放在口袋里就像我手心里的硬币和护身符紧紧地握着

1K的高端键盘什么手感,海盗船K70 RGB TKL大键测试

海盗船K70是一款非常代表性的机械键盘,作为CHERRY RGB轴键盘可谓是“ 历史 悠久”,在7年前就能买灯送键盘而名声大噪,但一直也有键帽易油且难配、大键垮的老毛病。不过,海盗船最近两年变化很大,在升级PBT双色键帽解决键帽打油的问题之后,大键据说也不断在改进,从K70到K100我们看到了一些成果,那么这款非常适合FPS 游戏 玩家的K70 RGB TKL的大键手感会不会彻底脱掉大键肉的帽子呢?数据会给我们真相。 轴体是机械键盘的基准,先有稳定的轴体才有键盘可靠的手感,而大键是区分不同键盘按键手感好坏的关键。所以,我们通过按键克重曲线分析仪抓取大键真实的按压曲线,对比它所采用的机械轴体的标准曲线,做偏差率分析,偏差越大则代表按键一致性越差、手感越差,也可用此法找到平衡结构的问题点所在,提供完善建议。 KP11是观纬测评专门针对大键设计的一种测试方法。它一般会选择操作频率最高的5个大键(带平衡结构的键如Space、Enter、Shift*2、和Backspace)作为测试对象,根据敲击热区图来固定11个测试点,模拟人手操作习惯,将各个大键的实测曲线图与所用轴体的规格、标准曲线进行对比分析、计算偏差率,最终得出该键盘在实际体验时大键手感的优劣。 本次测试产品K70 RGB TKL采用CHERRYMX RGB银轴,是一种针对FPS 游戏 特别打造的速度型轴体,它的按压曲线和MX红轴相似,同样具备直上直下的流畅感、回弹快和易于控制(不触底即可触发)的特点,但银轴的触发更快(1.2mm)、行程更短(3.4mm),虽不是人人得以习惯,但确实是最快触发的 游戏 型机械轴体。从抽样实测数据来看,K70 RGB TKCL所采用的MX银轴的力度、导通位置都比较准确。 【普通键】各项数据都合格,虽然“导通行程”、“预紧力”偏大,但整个按压线性保持的很好,力度也很准确,客观的讲银轴应该是目前MX轴里一致性比较好的。 【Backspace键】中心触发时,“总行程”2.99mm刚好低于可接受的下限(3.0mm),导通后蓝线的末段行程存在弧形上翘,意味着卫星轴应该存在一些非线性的抗力而导致轻微的肉感。在键帽左侧测试触发时,曲线的锯齿加重,为卫星轴的摩擦阻力较大所致,因此“总程压力”也提升到了87.45cN,接近上限值,但各项参数均在合格范围内。两个测试点的“预紧力”都充足,键帽无松垮现象,明显比过去K70做得更好。 【Enter键】两个测试点的数据基本正常,键帽也稳定无松垮,全绿通过测试。但从关键参数的数值和曲线后翘的特点来看,依然存在行程较短、触底偏肉的现象,虽然大力敲击能有良好的触底反馈,但严格来讲此处的卫星轴仍有完善空间。 【左Shift键】此大键上的两个测试点,只存在一个共同的问题,那就是“总行程”不足3.0mm而被标红,但触底的肉感比前面的[Backspace]、[Enter]要弱一些。此外,“预紧力”都保持在30cN以上,键帽稳定而无左右晃动的现象。 【右Shift键】两个测试点的数据都控制在允许的公差范围之内,导通行程准确,力度变化维持线性,键帽也没有明显松垮的地方,总体表现令人满意。 【Space键】中心按压时顺利通过测试,所有数据都在合格范围内。3个测试点测试完成后,“总程压力”均保持在70cN以内,说明这个空格键轻盈顺畅,而且“总行程”和曲线描述的结果也是至上直线的线性变化,基本没有肉感。只是,边缘按压时“预紧力”略微不足,但最低也达到了14.81cN,大键的键帽只有很轻微的晃动,而且没有钢丝声。、 从测试结果来看,海盗船K70 RGB TKL在测试的55项数据中,有5项NG,测试完成度91%;11个点的测试评分在82~93分之间,最后平均得分86分,没有得分不合格的测试点,通过率高,而且平均分稳定,说明整体一致性属于良好。 影响手感的关键3项参数分析如下: 91%的测试完成度,体现了K70RGB TKL的大键保持了良好的一致性,作为追求1.2mm触发的快速轴体,它极高的导通准确度非常值得认可。而在总共5次的超标中,3项发生在“总行程”,综合此项参数的所有测试数据的变化规律,可以说明K70 RGB TKL的按压行程显得不足,这也是它可以去完善的主要问题点。 此外,其它4项参数都表现正常,“预紧力”虽然有2项超标,但偏差并不很大,从现在市面上-中高端-量产键盘的卫星轴调校技术水平来看,K70 RGB TKL的顺畅度和稳定性已经完全合格,玩家可以放心选择。

[江南游戏www.jnweb.org] 兵者诡道 (R.U.S.E)完整破解版怎么安


predicate and argument 的英文解释


arg是哪个国家的缩写 阿根廷的气候情况

arg指的是阿根廷共和国的缩写,阿根廷的英文为“Argentina”,简称arg,所以arg指的是阿根廷。阿根廷位于南美洲东南部,是由23个省和联邦首都组成的总统制联邦共和制国家,首都是布宜诺斯艾利斯。想要继续了解arg是哪个国家的缩写的读者可以继续往下阅读。 阿根廷的具体介绍 1、阿根廷位于南美洲东南部,东临大西洋,南与南极洲隔海相望,西邻智利,北与玻利维亚、巴拉圭交界,东北与乌拉圭、巴西接壤。 2、阿根廷是世界粮食和肉类的主要生产和出口国之一,这得益于丰富的自然资源、高文化修养的人民、对外开放政策和多元的经济体。 3、阿根廷矿产资源丰富,是拉美主要矿业国之一,主要矿产资源有石油、天然气、铜、金、铀、铅、锌、硼酸盐、粘土等。 4、阿根廷地势由西向东逐渐低平,其中西部是以山脉绵延起伏、巍峨壮丽的安第斯山为主体的山地,约占全国面积的30%。


stamina 指 持续的能力/能量energy 指 能力/能量

语言学家George. W. Wilkins的简介

George Washington Wilkins, born in Peterborough, Hillsboro, New Hampshire, 28 October 1822, son of Abraham and Mary (Emmons) Wilkins; died in Spanish Fork, Utah, 9 March 1916; buried in Spanish Fork.He married (1) in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, 4 July 1846, Catherine Augusta Lovett, George Washington Wilkinsborn in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, 25 April 1823, daughter of Thomas and Polly (Morgan) Lovett; died in Spanish Fork, 5 December 1874; buried in Spanish Fork; married (2) 17 September 1886, Mary Elizabeth Mayer, daughter of George and Maria Wyatt (Cable) Mayer, born in Spanish Fork, 5 September 1870; died 22 June 1952; buried in Spanish Fork [Utah County, Utah Cemetery


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sink 与submerge的区别是什么?








appena allarg音乐术语是什么意思

appena allarg在音乐术语中代表快板,快速。音乐中的快板、慢板、行板、柔板等表示乐曲根据不同表现需要而行进的速度。1、melancolicomelancolico,是圣乐的2113意思,一般指外国在教堂里5261放的音乐,如祈祷或做4102祷告的时候。2、cantandocantando,如歌1653的。3、Meno tempoMeno tempo,慢节奏或慢拍。4、a tempoa tempo,在钢琴曲中回到原速的意思。扩展资料:庄板(Grave)(缓慢速)广板(Largo) (稍缓慢速)慢板(Lento) (慢速)柔板(Adagio) (慢速)小柔板(Adagietto)小广板(Larghetto) (慢速)行板(Andante) (稍慢速)小行板(Andantino)中板(Moderato) (中速)小快板(Allegretto) (稍快速)快板(Allegro) (快速)快速有生气地(Vivo)快速有生气地(Vivace)急板(Presto)最急板(Prestissimo)(急速)原速(A Tempo)自由节奏(Rubato)渐慢(Ritardando/rit/ritard)突慢(Ritenuto/riten)渐慢(rallentando/rall)稍转慢(poco meno mosso)渐快(accelerando/accel.)稍转快(poco più mosso)速度自由(或散板)(ad libitum/ad lib.)

large 和 x-large的西班牙语和法语怎么说?

large extra-large

KOTOKO的《Largo》 歌词

歌曲名:Largo歌手:KOTOKO专辑:リスタートLargo作词:KOTOKO作曲:KOTOKO编曲:C.G mix歌:KOTOKOあのね...今日の君は なぜか少し大人びて本当はあのね... 苦しかったよ远くに行っちゃいそうであのね...こんな时のへんな态度よくないかな?本当はすぐに手を握って「帰りたくないよ」って言えたら良いのに肩を并べて 夕日に染まるいつもの坂道をだんだん远くなる昨日を背にまた一歩进んで 次のドアが増えてゆくそんな缲り返しふっと笑う君の目にきらめきをかすかに触れたこの距离に未来を感じてるから きっと大丈夫きっと... 结ばれるねぇ... 実はいつも不安と梦まぜこぜで本当は今日も眠れないけど今は内绪でいるね。懐かしいあの公园银杏の下で 待ち合わせ あの日の约束息を弾ませて 手を振り駆けて来る君を待ちきれず走ってたその夕风に そっと押されて肩揺らすブランコ臆病な时间を进めるようにねぇ ちゃんと闻いてて言えなかった言叶 今、きっと言えるからああ この世で限りあるこの时を违う世界に旅立つその时まで喜びも、小さな挫折も、涙さえ、そして幸せを ずっと…分け合っていたい君と


“largo” 音乐术语的正确的发音为:拉 (lā) - “拉”发音类似于英语单词“la”中“a”的音素,音高保持稳定。戈 (gē) - “戈”发音类似于英语单词“get”中”ge”的音素,音高保持稳定。1.定义:Largo 是一个速度标记,意为“宽广的”或“缓慢的”,在乐曲的演奏速度方面,它通常是最慢的一个分类。Largo 的演奏速度较慢,使得乐曲可以以庄重、深沉的方式表现,让音符与音符之间有足够的时间展开。2.BPM 范围:虽然具体的速度因曲目和演奏者而异,但大致来说,Largo 的节奏范围约为每分钟40至60拍。这个范围可以因乐曲的情感表达而有所波动,但整体上是一个较为缓慢的速度。3.表现风格:Largo 的表现风格通常是庄严、沉稳和充满深情的。演奏者应该注重音符的延音和情感的表达,使乐曲具有一种悠长而宽广的感觉。这种速度适用于一些感伤、沉思或庄重的乐曲,如某些悲歌、慢板等。4.和其他速度术语的比较:在音乐中,还有其他速度术语,如 "Andante"(行板,缓慢而有节奏)、"Adagio"(柔板,较缓慢),它们在速度上与 Largo 有所不同。相比之下,Largo 是最缓慢的一种,强调音符之间的充足间隔,以及对情感的深刻体验。音乐中的速度术语并没有严格固定的标准:1、表现音乐整体意图音乐中的速度术语虽然提供了一种大致的指导,但没有严格固定的标准。速度术语通常用以帮助演奏者和指挥家理解作曲家对音乐的整体意图。这些速度术语本身并没有明确的数值,而是用一些词语或短语来传达演奏的速度和表现风格。2、不同音乐家有不同理解不同的音乐家、不同的文化背景可能对这些速度术语有不同的理解和解释。在实际演奏中,演奏者和指挥家会根据他们自己的理解和感受,结合音乐的情感表达和整体氛围,来决定最终的演奏速度。


Largo音乐术语——慢板 在古典音乐中,Largo被定义为一种缓慢的节奏,在意大利语中意为“宽敞的”。它通常被用作乐曲的中间部分,可以让音乐家和听众都放慢节奏,感受音乐的情感与细节。以下是该音乐术语的更多细节。Largo的起源与发展 Largo的起源可以追溯到文艺复兴时期的意大利,当时人们开始意识到音乐的表现力和情感共鸣。从那时起,Largo作为一种缓慢的节奏在音乐中得到了广泛的应用,如奏鸣曲和交响乐中的中间乐章。在巴洛克时期,Largo成为了宗教音乐中的重要形式。在巴赫的音乐中,Largo通常被用作独奏曲或管弦乐队作品的慢板。在海顿的音乐中,Largo则被用作交响乐中的慢板,如海顿的第95交响曲的慢板。Largo的演绎与表现 Largo是一种缓慢的节奏,音乐家需要以适当的速度演奏它。速度过慢会使乐曲显得沉闷和乏味,过快则会失去其原本的情感表达。因此,音乐家需要根据具体的乐曲和情感表达来决定Largo的演奏速度。在演奏时,音乐家需要注意Largo的表现。它通常需要被演奏得充满感情、深情、耐心和内省。音乐家需要通过音乐表达他们的情感,将乐曲的情感传达给听众。Largo的例子 在古典音乐中,有许多著名的Largo乐曲,如巴赫的降B小调协奏曲慢板、海顿的第95交响曲慢板、莫扎特的G大调交响曲第40号慢板等。这些乐曲中,Largo通常被用作中间乐章,特点是速度缓慢,情感深沉,具有强烈的情感共鸣力。它们乐章中经常运用了大量的弦乐、长音和优美的旋律,打造出一种沉浸式、令人陶醉的音乐体验。结论 Largo是古典音乐中的一个重要音乐术语,代表着一种缓慢的节奏,以及一种强烈的情感表达。Largo乐曲通常被用作中间乐章,在整个乐曲中扮演着非常重要的角色。对于音乐家和听众来说,了解Largo的含义和表现是非常重要的,它可以让我们更好地欣赏古典音乐的美、情感和情感表达。因此,在接下来的听音乐和演奏中,让我们更多地关注Largo的演绎和表现,感受它所传达的深情和细节。


钢琴中的Largo是意大利文,表示广板,每分钟拍数为46。音乐的快板、慢板、行板、柔板等表示乐曲根据不同表现需要而行进的速度。速度是指节拍的速率。它大致可以分为三大类:慢、快和适中。速度术语一般记在乐谱开头,它大多是意大利语(也有时采用本国语)。通常,如果乐曲是以四分音符为一拍的,就标出每分钟有多少个四分音符。以八分音符为一拍的,标出每分钟奏出八分音符的数字。以二分音符为一拍的,标出每分钟二分音符的数字。但因乐曲速度的原因,有时也不按上面的标法。例如,快速的2/4、4/4,会标出二分音符(即两拍)每分钟的数字,快速的3/8、6/8,会标出每分钟符点四分音符(即三个八分音符)的数字,而慢速的2/4、4/4、3/4,也可能标出八音音符(即半拍)的数字。除此之外,音乐速度术语还有:Grave 庄板,每分钟40拍。Largo 广板,每分钟46拍。Lento 慢板,每分钟52拍。Adagio 柔板 每分钟56拍。Larghetto 小广板,每分钟60拍。Andante 行板,每分钟66拍。Andantino 小行板,每分钟69拍。Moderato 中板,每分钟88拍。Allegretto 小快板,每分钟108拍。Allegro 快板,每分钟120拍。Presto 急板,每分钟184拍。Prestissimo 最急板,每分钟208拍。


six 英[su026aks]美[su026aks]sorry 英[u02c8su0252ri] 美[u02c8sɑ:ri] 一样,都发S音

rg是quarrel to ........(跟某人争吵)还是quarrel with.......(跟某人争吵)怎么搭

quarrel with sb

quarrel over 和 argue over 一样么

首先让我指出 quarrel 是名词和动词而 argue 是动词 (其名词形式是 argument )quarrel over 和 argue over 的区别在于程度上的不同,quarrel over 有大吵大闹的含义,即大声地争吵而 argue over 只表示 “有争议”,“有意见分歧”你没提出,其实还有一个 : fight over 从程度和激烈性来说,从低到高 argue => quarrel => fight




debate 着重双方各自陈述理由,尤其是公开地辩论。argue 辩论,争论,讨论。指举出理由或事实来与对方争辩,有“企图说服对方”的含义quarrel 争吵,争辩,吵架。侧重用“口角”的方式争执。


您好亲!首先,"quarrel" 是指短暂的争吵或口角,往往因为不同的看法或者观点而发生,但通常没有严重的后果,可能很快就能够和解。其次,"argue" 强调的是更深入的辩论过程,表达双方不同的观点和立场,争论的内容更加复杂,需要通过调查研究和推理等方法进行论证和辩论,旨在寻求共识,达成一种共同的想法。最后,"fight" 则是指不同方之间的激烈冲突和斗争,往往伴随着暴力和肢体对抗,带有比较严重的后果,可能会对当事人产生不可挽回的损失。总之,这三个词语之间的区别在于它们所描述的事物类型、情绪状态、行为方式、以及行为后果等方面的不同,需要根据语境进行合理运用。为了帮助您更好的理解,我们还可以理解为:"quarrel"是指两个或多个人之间因为一些小事或者因为彼此之间存在分歧或者看法不一致而发生的争执,是一种短暂的争吵,属于情感上失控的状态。严重程度低,通常也能够通过双方和解来解决争执。"argue"指双方为了表达个人的观点或者想法,而进行并通过理性交流,引用事实和逻辑等方式探讨并试图达成共识,是一种不断推进的思维上的交流,常常承载着更加深入的信仰、价值观和原则的争论。"fight"是指体力或心理上的激烈冲突,如体育比赛、实际战争等等,属于在肢体上的对抗,可以带来比较严重的后果,是一种在社交层面上不被接受的行为。希望能够帮到您。

什么是"organizational skills"?

Organizational skills can and do help you to cope with the world around you. They provide structure, they create a semblance of order and they reduce daily stress levels. How? Well, there is SO MUCH in the world today, so much to do, so much to read, so much to know, so much to learn, so much to choose from, so many places to go, so many routes to get there-SO MUCH! Without anizational skills to help us cope with the sensory overload, with the "so much" we"re exposed to constantly, we"d be overwhelmed and paralyzed by an endless stream of information to process and decisions to make. Don"t believe me? Probably because you take this area of anizational skills for granted. Think about it. What if you didn"t anize each day? You wouldn"t wake up at a consistent time each morning. You may not get dressed. You might not make it to work. You"d never have groceries in the house. You wouldn"t get the laundry done. You may not pay your bills. You probably wouldn"t acplish anything. You"d spend your days thinking about all the things you COULD do but you"d probably never get around to doing them. This area of anization involves making a decision about what to do and figuring out when to do it. The anizational skills you apply toward planning each day insure that you are at least somewhat productive and that you acplish what you must. They direct the demands on your attention and give you some sense of control. Organizational Skills are also at work when you have large or time-consuming projects you must acplish. Thinking about them in their entirety can be overwhelming and discouraging. But by breaking these projects down into *** aller more manageable pieces (i.e. anizing them) they don"t seem to be as difficult to achieve. For example, I am in the process of building a web site. The thought of building a whole site is very intimidating and, I must admit, it stopped me dead in my tracks for a while. But I finally took the task apart piece by piece and anized it. As a result I have registered a domain name, found a web host, built the shell of the site, and opened a merchant account. As a whole, the project was overwhelming. Individually, the tasks involved were *** all and acplishable. Suddenly, I wasn"t tackling the whole all at once. I was tackling pieces. It felt better. And so it was. Finally, yes, anizational skills are about having "a place for everything and everything is in its place". When this has been mastered you don"t waste countless hours trying to find your most recent bank statement or last year"s tax return. You know exactly where they are because they are in their proper place. Conversely, when a bank statement arrives in the mail or when the tax return has been pleted you know where to put them away immediately. This action prevents them from lying around, only to be moved over and over again, whenever they get in the way. Remember, the less you touch something, the more time you save. It is true that perhaps the time saved may mean only seconds here and seconds there. But throughout the course of a day or a week those seconds add up to minutes and hours. ,参考: divorcekit/skills,组织或安排能力,



什么事的英语,忘记要做某事的英语,forget doing sth的中文。

orget to do 忘记要去做某事。 (未做) forget doing 忘记做过某事。 (已做) The light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off. 办公室的灯还在亮着,它忘记关了。(没有做关灯的动作) He forgot turning the light off. 他忘记他已经关了灯了。 ( 已做过关灯的动作) Don"t forget to come tomorrow. 别忘了明天来。 (to come动作未做) 典型例题 ---- The light in the office is still on. ---- Oh,I forgot___. A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off 答案:C。由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,因此用forget to do sth. 而forget doing sth表示灯已经关上了,而自己忘记了这一事实。此处不符合题意。


一封信 给G 我最后还是决定放弃 因为这是一个完美的结局 所以,我没有感到特别的忧伤,是么? 我必须开始新的生活.一种没有你的生活. 请支持我! 我知道你不会看到这封信.所以我有勇气写这封信. 也许..我就是这么傻.

stripping charge是什么意思及反义词

stripping charge拆柜费stripping 英["stru026apu026au014b] 美["stru026apu026au014b] n. 抽锭,脱模,拆模; v. 剥皮( strip的现在分词 ); 脱光衣服; (齿轮的齿等) 折断; 表演脱衣舞; [例句]Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping当油漆开始剥落时,要给房间适当通风。


video.ColorSpaceConverter( ... "Conversion", "RGB to intensity");

ways of save energy的英文作文怎么写

How to save the energyWhen we talk about the topic how to save the energy,there are may ways to solve th problem.Firstly,we can recycle it.For instance,we can use the water that has been washed the rice to water the plants in our home.We can use the cold boiled water to clean the dusted funitures at our home.Secondly,Let"s get into the habit of turnning off the water tap.As for this way,especially in some public places,such as in the washroom or the school canteen and so on.Thirdly,we can collect the waste thing and sort them out according the their possibility of recycling.Last but not least,we should use less plastic bags.We should get into the habit of preparing the enviromently-friengly container before weo go shopping.Those are some ordinay ways,but it is very utilizing。



slang 包括argot吗

slang 包括argot吗?不包括,它们的意思是一相同的都是:俚语;(尤指旧时窃贼之间的)隐语,黑话。

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg是什么意思


在水利专业英语中large dams是什么意思

翻译为:large dams大型水坝例句:Large dams have harmed Siberia"s delicate ecological balance. 大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。

Morgan Stanley为什么叫大摩?有没有小摩?

1.MS introductionMorgan stanley as a business

unusually large是哪个词的释义?

massiveadj. extremely large or serious


energy是物理上的“能”如 Heat is a form of energy. 用在人身上指生理上的“精力”如: What impressed us most was his seemingly inexhaustible supply of energy Vigour“活力”由生命来的力量如 Although he is over sixty now,he has not lost his youthful vigour.参考资料:http://chat.pep.com.cn/lb5000/printpage.cgi?forum=10&topic=2028

英语同义词辨析,vitality/vigor/energy/vim 的区别?

首先我会建议你去看朗文当代英语词典的解释,如果看不懂全英的就去看牛津现代双解词典这个是中英的很详细,我的回答也是基于这两本词典的解释的总结。vitality: great energy and eagerness to do things或the strength and ability of an organization, country etc to continue也就是说1.做某事的活力,比如有活力(力气+意愿)去运动;2.组织或者国家的生存能力,比如说市场竞争力,科研能力等等。vigor: physical or mental energy and determination主要是身体上或精神上的能量,比如有精力去工作,去做极限运动energy:这个词含义很多,我在此只列举the physical and mental strength that makes you able to do things也是指身体上和精神上的能量,让你有力气去做事情vim: old-fashioned energy也就是说这个是古语,一般出现在古代的表达中较多,现代较少用。和energy一个意思。最后再次强烈建议你去看英文解释,因为很多英语含义汉语没有特别贴切的词语,还有一个就是去看词典给的例句去领会

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter


hamburger patty是什么意思

hamburger patty 牛肉馅饼; 汉堡碎肉饼双语例句 权威例句1.A hamburger patty; a peppermint patty. 请给我一个汉堡和一杯可乐。2.The choices were hamburger patty (pork and beef mixed), sausage, french friesand ham sandwiches. 会展上只有汉堡包(猪肉和牛肉馅的),香肠,炸薯条和火腿三明治可选。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

organisational behaviour是什么意思

organisational behaviour组织行为双语对照例句:1.Marketing, finance, leadership, strategy, organisational behaviour: all the old lecture notes were coming in handy. 市场营销、金融、领导力、战略以及组织行为:所有这些旧的课堂笔记都会派得上用场。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


对于android系统的学习掌握,除了对一些语言基础的要求,如C,C++,java,shell,makefile等,更要整体去把握系统的架构。对于架构的熟悉入门,首先应该分析android的编译系统结构。而对于系统的启动流程的掌握,最好是深入分析init.rc、init.xx.rc等文件。这些文件相对来说代码量少,比较简单,而且对系统的整体认识有很大的帮助。以前在工作中经常要用到init.rc相关的知识,但是没有系统的去分析整体,最近写成了笔记,分享出来!关于init.rc的几点说明:1).在android源码目录下面jbsystemcoreinit eadme.txt文件中有init.rc语法的详细定义注意:readme.txt没有和android的版本一起更新,所以在新版本的android中,增加了一些commands、options等,在readme.txt中 没有介绍。 还是看init目录下面的源码最为准确2).解析init.rc,init.xx.rc的相关文件目录system/core/init/3).init.c 、init.rc init.xx.rc 等最终会编译到ramdisk.img(根文件系统)中,和kernel一起打包成boot.img。android启动后每次都会从boot.img中解压出init.c等文件到内存,所以要修改必须修改替换boot.img。4).在init.rc中启动的服务,都是以一个进程的形式运行,属于android的本地服务。通过在终端输入PS命令可以查看在运行的相应进程,他们的ppid都为1,代表init进程。 init进程也是android系统启动的第一个应用进程5).init.rc中所有的语句都是以行为单位的(每个语句都是单独写在一行里面)6).注释行以“#”开头7).Actions 和 Services表示一个新的段落section的开始。所有的commands和options 都是归属于上方最近的一个段落。在第一个段落之前的commands和options是无效的。8).Actions and Services 不能重名,如果重名,后面的定义会被忽略(readme.txt说明)。但是实际项目中同一个init.xx.rc中有重名的action,也可以正常使用。多个init.xx.rc中action也允许有重名, 比如 boot,init 等在多个rc文件中出现。services应该不能重名init.rc (Android Init Language)语法详解:1.init语法的四个组成原件:Actions :动作 ,使用格式: on ,下面行跟各种commandCommands :命令 Services :服务 使用格式 : service [ ]* ,下面行可以添加OptionsOptions : 选项2.init.rc中三大模块:1). import 导入其他的init.xx.rc文件。2). 以action动作为触发点的一系列命令 3). 带有各种Options的一系列services的定义import /init.${ro.hardware}.rc通过cat proc/cpuinfo可以查看ro.hardware的值=Hardware的值on //action 模型....service [ ]* (services可以带有多个参数和选项)3.对Actions官方描述的一些理解 :当action的trigger被匹配后,action会被加入到动作执行队列中,在队列中的action按队列顺序被执行,每个action下面的command也是按顺序执行。按这个理论,在init.rc中action、command、service的执行顺序主要是和它们的触发时间有关,如果都是开机启动时执行,应该也和代码顺序有关。(有兴趣可以验证一下、想深入了解解析过程,可以查看源码目录init下面的init_parser.c等文件)4.Triggers : 跟在on后面的动作名,用来触发action下面command的执行1).android常用的triggers的名字:early-init,init,early-fs,fs,post-fs,early-boot,boot (这些都是在init.c中触发)2).可以自定义一些triggers,并选择合适的触发方式 (例如:关机充电功能,可以只启动charger服务进程)3).= 形式,如:on property:ro.debuggable=14). device-added-device-removed- Triggers of these forms occur when a device node is added or removed一个设备节点/dev/XXX添加或者删除时可以触发一个action,这个可以很好的去利用5).service-exited- Triggers of this form occur when the specified service exits.当某个服务退出时,可以触发一个action5.option 选项:(用于services下面)android新版本上增加的一些options可以通过源码查看对应作用init_parser.c--》lookup_keyword(const char *s)--》parse_line_service() 或者 --》parse_line_action()1).class 说明服务属于class_name这个类。缺省值service属于 “default” 类。同一个class下面的服务可以一起启动或停止。2).disabled 表示当这个服务所在的class启动的时候,服务不会自动启动,要用start server_name 或 property_set("ctl.start", server_name);才能启动。3).oneshot 当服务退出后,不会再重新启动,如果没有加这个option,则服务默认退出后又会重新重启4).user 执行服务之前,先声明服务的用户名,缺省值应该为root用户.如果你的进程要求具有linux内核能力,必须保证它的用户为root(没有完全明白,实例?)5).group [ ]* 执行服务之前,先声明服务所属组名,可以一次声明属于多个组。声明多个组时,除第一个组名外,其他的为服务的补充组名(调用接口 setgroups()).6).onrestart + command服务重启的时,会执行onrestart后面的command.eg:onrestart restart media 重启名为media的服务7).setenv 在当前服务进程中设置环境变量name的值为value。注意:setenv定义的环境变量仅在本进程内生效,退出该进程,或者关闭相应的程序运行窗口,该环境变量即无效)程序中可通过getenv("name")接口获取这个环境变量的值setenv和export 的区别:setenv csh ,本进程生效,退出后,变量无效export bash ,全局生效,一直存在格式:export key=valuesetenv key value8).critical 声明为设备的循环服务。如果服务在四分钟内退出了四次,则设备会进入recovery模式使用实例servicemanager、ueventd等服务9).socket [ [ ] ] 创建名为/dev/socket/的unix domain socket ,并把它的句柄fd传给本服务进程必须为 "dgram", "stream" or "seqpacket".User and group default to 0 ,也就是root.6.command :(action下面的一系列命令)常用命令:1).import 导入init.XX.rc、xxx.conf等文件Parse an init config file, extending the current configuration.2).chmod Change file access permissions.3).chown Change file owner and group.4).chdir Change working directory.5).chroot 改变进程根目录 6).insmod 加载XX.ko驱动模块7).start Start a service running if it is not already running.8).stop Stop a service from running if it is currently running.9).class_start Start all services of the specified class if they are not already running.10).class_stop Stop all services of the specified class if they are currently running.class_reset //重启class下面所有的服务11).setprop Set system property to . 通过getprop命令可以查看当前系统的属性值12).export 设置全局环境变量,这个变量值可以被所有进程访问(全局的,一直存在)在代码中通过value = getenv("name")接口可以获取这个环境变量的值 13).mkdir [mode] [owner] [group]创建目录,后面项缺省值为 mode,owner,group: 0755 root root14).trigger Trigger an action. Used to queue an action from another action.例:trigger post-fs-data15).exec [ ]* 执行指定的Program,并可以带有执行参数。exec在调用进程内部执行一个可执行文件,并会阻塞当前进程,直到运行完成。最好避免和那些builtin commands一样使用exec命令,否则容易造成阻塞 or stuck ( maybe there should be a timeout?)16).ifup 启动某个网络接口,使其为up状态,通过netcfg可以查看,ifup eth0 等价于 netcfg eth0 up 功能一样17).hostname 设置设备的主机名,一般默认设置为localhost,可以在终端通过hostname new_name进行修改18).domainname 设置网络域名localdomain19).mount[ ]*把device挂接到dir目录下面,文件系统类型为type。s include "ro", "rw", "remount", "noatime", “nosuid”......,具体可查看linux的mount命令说明20).setkeyTBD == to be determined 暂时没有使用21).setrlimit 设置本服务进程的资源上限值。(使用例子??)22).symlink path 链接到 ---》target ;创建符号链接23).sysclktz 设置系统时区(0 if system clock ticks in GMT)24).wait [ ]轮询查找给定的文件path是否存在,如果找到或者超时则返回默认超时为5秒。(使用实例???)25).write [ ]*打开一个文件,利用write命令写入一个或多个字符串7. Properties ----------Init updates some system properties to provide some insight intowhat it"s doing:init.action Equal to the name of the action currently being executed or "" if noneinit.commandEqual to the command being executed or "" if none.init.svc.State of a named service ("stopped", "running", "restarting")属性状态,getprop命令可以查看。property_set接口函数、ctl.start、ctl.stop来设置

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1、不断的奋斗,就是走上成功之路。 The continuous struggle is to go on the road to success. 2、鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。 Birds have the pain of failure, remember the cause of failure. 68、健儿须快马,快马须健儿。 Athletes must have a horse, horse athletes. 69、雄心志四海,万里望风尘。 Ambition is all over the sea, and , and the heart of the heart. 77、凡是自强不息者,最终都会成功。 Those who keep themselves strong will eventually succeed. 78、人在世上练,刀在石上磨。 A man is practising in the world, and a knife is worn on the stone. 79、疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣。 Wind Supergrass, is general Cheng chen. 80、有山就有路,有河就能渡。 If there is a mountain, there is a way, and a river will be able to ferry it. 唯美励志英文短句 一、I figure life is a gift and I dont intend on es at you.我觉得生命是一种礼物,我不想浪费它,你不知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。Titanic 二、If you love a girl, its better to fight for her happiness than to abandon her for the sake of her happiness.爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的幸福而努力。 三、everyday and in every one failure to another orroorroebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。 三十、You cant have a better tomorro the ones of success.(Charles Chaplin , American actor )人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 (美国演员 卓别林. C.) 四十九、there is no royal road to learning. 学无坦途。 五十、I know Im not beautiful, but everyday I hope you think that I am. 我知道我不够美,但每天我都期望着你会觉得我是美丽的 五十一、In the past, I only wanted people to see the best of me. Now, I find that I do not mind your seeing my faults because I want you to accept me the way I am. 以往,我只在人前呈现出最好的一面。如今我不介意你看到我的缺点,因为我希望你接受的,是一个完整的我。 比较励志的英文短句 1、志不立,天下无可成之事。 Ambition does not stand, there is nothing to do. 2、人生志气立,所贵功业昌。 Life ambition, that your exploits chang. 3、先知三日,富贵十年。 prophet three, riches and honour for ten years. 4、燕雀安知鸿鹄之志。 Brambling yasutomo lofty ambition. 5、你不坚强,没人替你勇敢。 You are not strong, no one brave for you. 6、鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪春。 Eagle orroe . 79、锲而不舍,金石可镂。 perseverance, can engrave stone. 80、卒子过河,意在吃帅。 pawns across the river, to eat. 英文励志名言短句摘抄 英文励志名言短句一: Behind every successful man theres a lot u unsuccessful years. - Bob Bro failure. - Jean Kerr 我认为成功没有定律,但你可从失败中学到很多东西. 静.科尔 There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard as paine 失败乃成功之母。 For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 There is no such thing as a great talent as Addison 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。 -- 爱迪生 英文励志名言短句二: 1、Do one thing at a time, and do orroplish your future. 知识改变命运,英语成就未来。 13、Dont aim for success if you appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。 16、Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 17、Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 18、Kill tter and ill man bygones be bygones. 过去的就让它过去吧。

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Goldberg  身高:193cm  体重:127kg  来自:乔治亚州  出生:1966.12.27  加入WWE:2003  绰号:野兽  口头禅:"You`re next!"  "You re next!" (你(们)就是下一个!)  "Believe the hype" (相信真理)  "Want me to Spear You Down?!?!" (你想让我用Spear将你打倒吗?!)  "Fear The Spear!" (小心Spear!)  PWI 500摔跤排名   1998年 - 2名  1998年 - 2名  2003年 - 39名  2004年 - 48名  教练:WCW摔跤学校(Dewayne Bruce主办)  首次登台:1997年3月  常用技:   Spear  Gorilla Press into a Spinbuster  Side Kick  Superkick  Pumphandle drop  必杀技:Jackhammer,长矛冲刺  冠军经历:世界重量级冠军x1,WCW冠军,WCW双打冠军,WCW美国冠军   长期对手:  Steve McMichael  Raven  Scott Hall  Hulk Hogan  The Outsiders  Lex Luger   Tank Abbot  Kevin Nash  Sid  Bret Hart  Vince Russo  Scott Steiner   The Rock  Chris Jericho  Triple H  Evolution  Brock Lesnar   新闻:[2008-7-20] Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Gregory Helms,Bill Goldberg等人都前去欣赏了昨晚的MMA赛事Affliction BANNED.   [2008-7-13] RVD, Bill Goldberg, Eric Bischoff, Jimmy Hart,等都参加了Hulk Hogan的真人show,Hulk Hogan"s Celebrity Championship Wrestling的录影.   [2008-7-3] SD的播报员Jim Ross与ECW的播报员Mike Adamle的年薪都是每年30万美元。JR的30万美元当中仅仅只是现金,不包括占有的WWE的股票,在2005年,WWE曾经为Mike Goldberg开出过比这个更高的价格,要求他从UFC跳槽至RAW   [2008-6-27] FCW现任重量Hager正级冠军Jake 在扮演着类似 Bill Goldberg 般连胜的角色,目前记录为51-0,看来到WWE报道只是时间的问题了.  [2008-2-25] 我终于看到在电视上 Kimbo Slice 痛殴 Tank Abbott 的那一场比赛了。顺便提一下,Bill Goldberg 善于观察形式的技术有进步了。Tank Abott 那一场比赛的表现要比Jeff Conaway 在Celebtiry Rehab 电视节目上大哭来的可悲,作为一个传奇街头斗士来说,他的漫长和争议性格斗生涯也差不多已经到了终点。   [2008-1-27] 由 Goldberg, Stone Cold,Khali 和Kevin Nash等主演的The Longest Yard,将会于1月25日晚上9点在TBS Friday播放。  [2007-12-17] Spike TV 昨晚凌晨2点播放了一部由 Goldberg 所主演的电影 “Santa"s Slay”。   [2007-12-5] WWE日前正为下周15周年活动出席的明星们而在积极的联系着。基本上排除掉那些与TNA签约和与公司关系恶劣的选手[比如Brock Lesnar 或者 Bill Goldberg],很多明星都会到场祝贺。   [2007-11-26] Goldberg表示不想回摔角界,他厌倦了看见一些50岁老坑回归擂台.   [2007-11-20] 纽约邮报报道Bill Goldberg谈到关于重返职业摔角的可能性时,他表示毫无可能

跟Margareth的move on一样的英文歌?? 在这个视频里的背景音乐是英文版的,我要找的是

歌曲名:《La Rosa》(西班牙语就是“玫瑰”的意思)  乐队名称: La Oreja de Ven Gogh (西班牙语意思是“梵高的耳朵”)  《Rosas 玫瑰花》----来自西班牙的流行摇滚乐队“梵高的耳朵”  En un día de estos en que suelo pensar 这是那些日子当中的某一天,我习惯了说服自己说------  "hoy va a ser el día menos pensado", “今天把心放下,什么也不想”  nos hemos cruzado, has decidido mirar, 我们擦肩而过,你下了决心看看身旁  a los ojitos azules que ahora van a tu lado 身旁飘过的那双蓝眼睛,正向你看过来  Desde el momento en que te conocí 从我认识你的那一刻开始  resumiendo con prisas Tiempo de Silencio 那匆匆一瞥,沉默的一刻  te juro que a nadie le he vuelto a decir 我向你发誓没有再向任何人提起  que tenemos el récord del mundo en querernos我们拥有的这个世界上最短的一见钟情  Por eso esperaba con la carita empapada 于是我在此等候泪流满面  a que llegaras con rosas, con mil rosas para mí, 等你带着玫瑰,一千朵给我的玫瑰,向我走过来  porque ya sabes que me encantan esas cosas 因为你知道的,这些能让我开心起来  que no importa si es muy tonto, soy así. 傻也没有关系,我就是这样  Y aún me parece mentira que se escape mi vida生活在悄悄溜走  imaginando que vuelvas a pasarte por aquí, 我还在欺骗自己想象着你会回来经过这里  donde los viernes cada tarde, como siempre, 在每个星期五的下午, 一如往常那样  la esperanza dice "quieta, hoy quizá sí..." 有丝希望在对我说:“嘘,说不定就是今天。。。”  Escapando una noche de un bostezo de sol 太阳打了个哈欠,黑夜逃离  me pediste que te diera un beso. 你那时祈求我给你一个吻  Con lo baratos que salen mi amor, 那么廉价地我的爱离去了  qué te cuesta callarme con uno de esos. 一个吻的代价缄了我的口  Pasaron seis meses y me dijiste adiós, 六个月过后,你向我说再见  un placer coincidir en esta vida. 成了那种生活中的又一次无聊邂逅  Allí me quedé, en una mano el corazón 我在那边踟蹰希望能敞开心扉  y en la otra excusas que ni tú entendías. 为你的无法理解再找一个完美的托辞  Y es que empiezo a pensar 于是我开始想  que el amor verdadero es tan sólo el primero. 只有一开始啊,才是真爱  Y es que empiezo a sospechar 于是我开始怀疑  que los demás son solo para olvidar... 其他的一切不过是为了遗忘啊。。。  艺人名称:La Oreja de Van Gogh  专辑名称:《LO QUE TE CONTE MIENTRAS TE HACIA LA DORM》  唱片风格op Rock  专辑语言:西班牙语  发行日期:2005  发型公司:环球唱片  来自西班牙的流行摇滚乐队La Oreja de Van Gogh“梵高的耳朵”,由一群在大学读书的年轻人一起在1996组建。吉他手Pablo Benegas,贝司手Alvaro Fuentes,键盘手Xabi San Martin, 和鼓手 Haritz Garde,还有主音歌手Amaia Montero, 那时他们决定下录了DEMO带,后来乐队参加了 San Sebastian的歌唱比赛, 而后获得sony的一纸签约。  1996 年成立,而乐队的风格却和梵高这位印象派大师的艺术形象“背道而驰”,走的是拉丁民谣以及舞曲路线。该首取自乐队于 2003 年的“Lo Que Te Conté Mientras Te Hacias La Dormida”中的 “Rosas 玫瑰花”,歌如其名,风格清新淡雅,明朗活泼并且简单的编曲制作,朗朗上口的节奏,都是打动听者的因素。而该首“非主打”曲目,也因此在整张唱片中相当的突出。  来源:百度  关键词:西班牙的流行摇滚乐队,Rosa,玫瑰,梵高的耳朵  编辑:西语西国网  来源:http://www.myspsp.com/alltext/x-2006-01/20060114211950.html

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LR(冷水供水立管) LH(冷水回水立管)LRG(冷热水供水立管)LRH(冷热水回水立管)

Show Me Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me Forgiveness歌手:Bjork专辑:MedullaBjork - Show Me ForgivenessShow me forgivenessFor having lost faith in myselfAnd let my own interior upTo inferior forcesThe shame is endlessBut if soon stars forgivenessThe girl might live(Icelandic...Humming....)ENDhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14787935

急求英语二人对话范文Making apology and giving forgivenessAsking for an

Making apology and giving forgiveness:A:Hello Mr.B,I"m so sorry that I didn"t tell you that I would miss the meeting.Because I had an emergency yesterday and my cell phone was dead later that day.B:Oh...


有的 6边形 里面一个F的标志

我要Miley Cyrus的Forgiveness And Love中文歌词

Miley Cyrus - Forgiveness And LoveImagining you"re far away Just searching for the words to say I feel it when you fall apart Our lives are a greatest art I don"t wanna change your mind Coz i accept you for everything you are and will be Stay here with me now The only thing that are hearts are made of Are the acts of forgiveness and love The only thing real when push comes to shove Are the acts of forgiveness and love Coz in the end no one loses or wins The story begins again and again With forgiveness and love You don"t ever have to read my mind You can see it when you close your eyes Don"t believe it when you loose your fate Another moment is a moment away I can"t tell you what the future holds Or how to live All i know is what feels right lights up my life again and again The only thing that are hearts are made of Are the acts of forgiveness and love The only thing real when push comes to shove Are the acts of forgiveness and love Coz in the end no one loses or wins The story begins again and again With forgiveness and love Let"s jump the start Let"s find forever Where does the time go? Just live your life You"ll get another today, today, today Forgiveness and love Coz in the end no one loses or wins The story begins again and again With forgiveness and love Let"s jump the start....

A Little Forgiveness 中文歌词


求一篇英语作文 On forgiveness (宽恕). 180 words.

I"m want to give you another last chance..same as to myself..from now on..no hatred, no cheat(both others and self), no complain,no jealousy,no conspiracy, no icecream, no self-indulgence, no indignant to injustice, never let hallucination dominate my judgment, never try to find compensation for loss though someone or sth else, and never lose rationality during self-protection..don"t ask for or take anything for granted to be mine, life is goin on just right the way it should be..condone others and ME..it"s an ultimate redemption, once failed, I"m doomed


仆达は时にどうしようもない过ちを犯しそのうちに少し附瞰になる傍观者ごとくまるで何もなかった样な颜をして步き出すだけど今日も觉えている战いは终わらないきっと谁もが爱を守るためだった仆达はほんの点でしかなく全てでもあっていつの日かそれが结び合って线になるのならここが宇宙を漂うだけの小さなかたまりでも明日もきっと谛めない战いを恐れずにきっと谁もが爱を守るそのためにまるで何もなかった样な颜をして步き出すだけど今日も觉えている战いは终わらないきっと谁もが爱を守るそのためにきっと谁もが何かを信じていたい==[中译歌词]我们时时无可奈何地总是会犯错逐渐地变成有点俯瞰的角度有如旁观者一般彷佛什么都不曾发生带著这样的表情走出去但是今天我还是记得战斗依然没有结束相信每一个人都是为了守护爱我们其实都只是一个一个的点但也同时代表了一切因为总有一天这些点会连结起来成为一条一条的线哪怕这里只是漂浮在宇宙的一个小小的块状想信明天我还是不会放弃不会害怕去战斗相信每一个人都是为了守护爱彷佛什么都不曾发生带著这样的表情走出去但是今天我还是记得战斗依然没有结束相信每一个人都是为了守护爱想必每一个人都渴望去相信==[罗马拼音]Bokutachi wa toki niDoushiyou mo naiAyamachi o okashiSono uchi ni sukoshiFukan ni naruBoukansha gotokuMarude nani mo nakatta younaKao o shite aruki dasuDakedo kyou moOboeteiruTatakai wa owaranaiKitto dare mo ga ai o mamoru tame dattaBokutachi wa honnoTen de shikanakuSubete demo atteItsuno hi ka sore gaMusubi atteSen ni naru no naraKoko ga uchuu o tadayou dake noChiisa na katamari demoAshita mo kittoAkiramenaiTatakai o osorezu niKitto dare mo ga ai o mamoru sono tame niMarude nani mo nakatta younaKao o shite aruki dasuDakedo kyou moOboeteiruTatakai wa owaranaiKitto dare mo ga ai o mamoru sono tame niKitto dare mo ga nanika o shinjiteitai

Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Forgiveness歌手:DI-RECT专辑:This Is Who We Are〖Forgiven (Original Version)〗〖Sanctus Real〗〖Pieces Of A Real Heart (Deluxe Edition)〗〖Lyric By MichaelG〗Well the past is playing with my headAnd failure knocks me down againI"m reminded of the wrongThat I have said and doneAnd that devil just won"t let me forgetIn this lifeI know what I"ve beenBut here in your armsI know what I amI"m forgivenI"m forgivenAnd I don"t have to carryThe weight of who I"ve beenCause I"m forgivenMy mistakes are running through my mindAnd I"ll relive my daysIn the middle of the nightWhen I struggle with my painWrestle with my prideSometimes I feel alone, and I cryIn this lifeI know what I"ve beenBut here in your armsI know what I amI"m forgivenI"m forgivenAnd I don"t have to carryThe weight of who I"ve beenCause I"m forgivenWhen I don"t fit inAnd I don"t feel like I belong anywhereWhen I don"t measure up to much in this lifeOh, I"m a treasure in the arms of ChristCause I"m forgivenI"m forgivenAnd I don"t have to carryThe weight of who I"ve beenCause I"m forgivenThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3488245


  fiveness,happniess,mistake,  Fiveness is an important character of people. In our whole long life, we are impossible to make no mistakes or do nothing wrong. Therefore, it"s essential for us to be tolerant. Everyone deserves a second chance when he or she makes a mistake. Fing others sometimes is fiving ourselves. Keeping something unpleasant in mind does no good to us. Letting the unhappy matters go brings happiness and pleasure back to our life.

Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Forgiveness歌手:SARAH MCLACHLAN专辑:Laws Of IllusionSarah McLachlan - ForgivenessLoving lying enemyI have seen your face beforeNever thought again I‘d seeDidn"t want to anymoreI remember your loving eyesAnd the moonlit kissThe evening lullabies I will truly missThrough the years we had it allMidnight whispers, the midday callsThis house of call it had to fallAnd you ask for forgivenessYou‘re asking too muchI have sheltered my heart in a place you can"t touchDon‘t believe when you tell me your love is realBecause you don"t know much about heaven boyIf you have to hurt to feelEvery time I see youI can‘t help but look awayAll along I had believed everything you"d sayWhen I look now I know I‘ve seen your face beforeDon"t want your deceiving smileStanding at my doorAnd I don‘t care what people sayI"m ready now to face this dayCause I have lost you on the wayAnd you ask for forgivenessYou‘re asking too muchI have sheltered my heart in a place you can‘t touchDon"t believe when you tell me your love is realBecause you don"t know much about heaven boyIf you have to hurt to feelBecause you don‘t know much about heaven boyif you have to hurtAnd you ask for forgivenessYou"re asking too muchI have sheltered my heart in a place you can‘t touchDon"t believe when you tell me your love is realBecause you don‘t know much about heaven boyIf you have to hurt to feelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/852056

Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Forgiveness歌手:The Hoppers专辑:PowerForgiven----Relient KOh yes, I know this tension that you speak ofWe"re in the palm of a hand making a fistIt"d be best for one of us to speak upBut we prefer to pretend it does not existAnd you can"t see past the blood on my handsTo see that you"ve been aptly damnedTo fail and fail againCause we"re all guilty of the same thingsWe think the thoughts whether or not we see them throughAnd I know that I have been forgivenAnd I just hope you can forgive me tooSo don"t you dare blame me forPrying open the doorThat"s unleashed the bitternessThat"s here in the midst of thisSometimes we live for no one but ourselvesAnd what we"ve been striving forHas turned into nothing moreThan bodies limp on the floorVictims of falling shortWe kiss goodbye the cheek of our true loveAnd you can"t see past the blood on my handsTo see that you"ve been aptly damnedTo fail and fail againCause we"re all guilty of the same thingsWe think the thoughts whether or not we see them throughAnd I know that I have been forgivenAnd I just hope you can forgive me tooyou can forgive me tooAnd you can"t see past the blood on my handsTo see that you"ve been aptly damnedTo fail and fail againCause we"re all guilty of the same thingsWe think the thoughts whether or not we see them throughAnd I know that I have been forgivenAnd I just hope you can forgive me tooyou can forgive me too (8x)http://music.baidu.com/song/2637990

Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Forgiveness歌手:Jonathan Mendelsohn And Wamdue Project专辑:Music With A Twist RevolutionsSkillet - ForgivenForgive me now cause IHave been unfaithfulDon"t ask me why cause I don"t knowSo many times I"ve triedBut was unableThis heart belongs to you aloneNow I"m in our secret placeAlone in your embraceWhere all my wrongs have been erasedYou have forgivenAll the promises and liesAll the times I compromiseAll the times you were deniedYou have forgivenForgive me I"m ashamedI"ve loved anotherI can"t explain cause I don"t knowNo one can take your placeAnd there is no otherForever yours and yours aloneNow I"m in our secret placeAlone in your embraceWhere all my wrongs have been erasedYou have forgivenAll the promises and liesAll the times I compromiseAll the times you were deniedYou have forgivenWhoa whoa whoa whoa yeahI get donw on my kneesFeel your love wash over meThere will never be anotherYou"re the only one foreverAnd you knowI"m yours aloneI"m in our secret placeAlone in your embraceWhere all my wrongs have been erasedYou have forgivenAll the promises and liesAll the times I compromiseAll the times you were deniedYou have forgivenWhoa whoa whoa whoaYou have forgiven (forgiven ... )http://music.baidu.com/song/7902746

Forgiveness (feat. Lecrae) 歌词

"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we all step across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we find, we findIt"s hanging over him like the clouds of SeattleAnd ranin" on his swag fallin" deeper in his saddleIts written on his faceHe don"t have to speak a soundSomebody call the five-o for we gotta man downYou can go and play it like you"re all rock and rollBut guilt does a job on each and every man"s soulAnd when your head hits the pillow at the nightfallYou can bet your life that its gonna be a fight ya"ll"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we call out for forgivenessForgiveness, we all need, we all need, we all need forgivenessForgiveness, we all need, we all needMr. LecraeMy momma told me what I would be in forIf I kept all this anger inside of me pent upMy heart been broken, my wounds been openAnd I don"t know if I can hear I"m sorry being spokenBut those forgiven much , should be quicker to give itAnd God forgave me for it all, Jesus bled forgivenessSo when the stones fly and they aimed at youJust say forgive them, father, they know not that they doNow you can go and play it like you"re all rock and rollBut guilt does a job on each and every man"s soulAnd when your head hits the pillow at the nightfallYou can bet your life that its gonna be a fight ya"ll"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we callout for forgivenessNo matter how lost you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter how hurt you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter how wrong you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter who you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farFrom forgivenessAsk for forgiveness"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we call out for forgivenessForgivenessWe all need, we all need, all need forgivenessForgivenessWe all need, we all needNo matter how lost you are, we all need forgivenessNo matter how hurt you are, we all need forgivenessNo matter how wrong you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter who you are, you"re not too far, you"re not too farWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgiveness 上面是完整英文歌词,下面为翻译"Cause we all make mistakes sometimes因为我们都曾犯错And we all step across that line都曾经历过那些事But nothing"s sweeter than the day we find, we find没有比那天更甜蜜It"s hanging over him like the clouds of Seattle就像西雅图的云笼罩着他And ranin" on his swag fallin" deeper in his saddleIts written on his face写在他的脸上He don"t have to speak a sound他沉默着Somebody call the five-o for we gotta man down某人叫了执法者打倒了他You can go and play it like you"re all rock and roll你可以去欢呼But guilt does a job on each and every man"s soul但过失就像工作和灵魂一样伴随着And when your head hits the pillow at the nightfall黄昏时分,头撞击着枕头You can bet your life that its gonna be a fight ya"ll就像战斗一样赌一次你的生命吧"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fall我们倒下了Bridges burn in the heat of it all桥燃烧着But nothing"s sweeter than the day,没有比那一天甜蜜的sweeter than the day we callout for forgiveness就是我们说出原谅的那天Forgiveness, we all need, we all need, we all need forgiveness我们都需要原谅Forgiveness, we all need, we all needMr. LecraeMy momma told me what I would be in for妈妈告诉我会怎样If I kept all this anger inside of me pent up带着这些愤怒会变得压抑My heart been broken, my wounds been open心碎了,伤痛释放了And I don"t know if I can hear I"m sorry being spoken不知道能否听见对不起But those forgiven much , should be quicker to give it应该尽快的去做And God forgave me for it all, Jesus bled forgiveness耶稣为获原谅而逝去So when the stones fly and they aimed at you当石头飞向你Just say forgive them, father, they know not that they do原谅吧,他们知道的Now you can go and play it like you"re all rock and roll你可以去欢呼But guilt does a job on each and every man"s soulAnd when your head hits the pillow at the nightfallYou can bet your life that its gonna be a fight ya"ll"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we callout for forgivenessNo matter how lost you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too far不论多么的迷失都不曾遥远No matter how hurt you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter how wrong you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter who you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farFrom forgivenessAsk for forgiveness"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we call out for forgivenessForgivenessWe all need, we all need, all need forgivenessForgivenessWe all need, we all needNo matter how lost you are, we all need forgivenessNo matter how hurt you are, we all need forgivenessNo matter how wrong you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter who you are, you"re not too far, you"re not too farWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgiveness *有一些俚语,希望再能完善一些。*

Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Forgiveness歌手:Brian Kennedy专辑:The Rca YearsWithin Temptation-ForgivenAlbum:The Heart Of Everything弦音久未闻 整理Couldn"t save you from the start 自一开始便无法拯救你Love you so it hurts my soul 如此爱你,已伤到我的灵魂Can you forgive me for trying again? 你能原谅我让我再次尝试吗?Your silence makes me hold my breath 你的沉默令我屏住呼吸All the time has passed you by 时间不停地从你身边飞逝Ooo, for so long 哦,长久以来I"ve tried to shield you from the world 我都试图保护你免受这世界的伤害Ooo, you couldn"t 哦,你始终无法face the freedom on your own 面对自己的自由Here I am 我在这里Left in silence 被遗弃在缄默中You gave up the fight 你放弃了抵抗You left me behind 你留下了我All that"s done is forgiven 但那一切都已被原谅You"ll always be mine 你永远都是属于我的I know deep inside 我深深地知道All that"s done is forgiven 而那一切都已被原谅I watched the clouds drifting away 我看到乌云已经慢慢散去Still the sun can"t warm my face 但阳光仍无法温暖我的脸庞I know it was destined to go wrong 我知道那注定要走入歧途You were looking for the greatest escape 你只是在竭尽全力的逃脱To chase your demons away 来赶走你的心魔Ooo, for so long 哦,长久以来I"ve tried to shield you from the world 我都试图保护你免受这世界的伤害Ooo, you couldn"t 哦,你始终无法face the freedom on your own 面对自己的自由Here I am 我在这里Left in silence 被遗弃在缄默中You gave up the fight 你放弃了抵抗You left me behind 你留下了我All that"s done is forgiven 但那一切都已被原谅You"ll always be mine 你永远都是属于我的I know deep inside 我深深地知道All that"s done is forgiven 而那一切都已被原谅I"ve been so lost since you"ve gone 自你离去后我变得如此迷惘Why not me before you? 为何不是我在你之前?Why did fate deceive me? 为何命运如此欺骗我?Everything turned out so wrong 一切都发生得如此反常Why did you leave me in silence? 为何你默默地将我留下?You gave up the fight 你放弃了抵抗You left me behind 你留下了我All that"s done is forgiven 但那一切都已被原谅You"ll always be mine 你永远都是属于我的I know deep inside 我深深地知道All that"s done is forgiven而那一切都已被原谅Within Temptation-Forgivenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8762866

Forgiveness 歌词

Forgiveness演唱:郑秀文、吴建豪Forgive them for they don"t know what they do LordAnd give them the strength to stay trueCrying everyday,I know I"ll never see the day,When the world is caving in I wonder who"ll be savedI know that you love me and You know I love you tooEverybody"s letting go but lord I found youLove is patient, love is kind Your love just blows my mindI can"t begin to comprehend that you"re my lover my best friendEven though I"ve turned my back on you through time and againHow do you do it, God how You keep forgivin and giveUnfailing love you have, You Live to love and love to live,Carrying us, as You cry when we start to sin.How to articulate or calculate the pain of his fateI"ll do my best to do the same to reach the pearly white gates.I"ll just be thankful for the blessings that you gave to meLord I know I don"t deserve it, but you want me to see.That your heart keeps givin, when I"m faithless you believeIntimacy is what I want, into me you seeSo break me, kill me, fill me, humble me, Oh God oh please.On my knees until they bleed, if it meant that you"ve agreedTo let me go deeper with the keeper of my heartTo the depths of forever times it by infinity .I"ve seen it before I never knew the scoreI"m wide awake and watching as the world explodesForgive them for they don"t know what they do LordAnd give me the strength to stay true .Now I close my eyes to hear the voice of that the Holy SpiritCause the devil tries to laugh so loud for the world to hear himFirst John 4:18 God"s love is supreme,Stop the beat for a second, so you hear my heart sing~Love came down and rescued me~Love came down and set me free~Free at last, free at last, I"m finally free from the pastNever again will the devil take away all I haveDo not let the world steal your feelings from youLove faith live are my words of wisdom for you.Evangelize, prophesize with Holy tongues of mightAnd begin to stand and fight as a soldier of light.No more fears, no more tears unless it"s for His HolinessGod I wait for the day when every tongue will confessSave me lord I never meant to be this wayI"d given up on everything and all I had was painOh why why do we play these gamesI"d given up most everything to be with meI"ve seen it before I never knew this scoreI"m wide awake and watching as the world explodesForgive them for they don"t know what they do LordAnd give me the strength to stay trueI"ve seen it before I never knew this scoreI"m wide awake and watching as the world explodesForgive them for they don"t know what they do LordAnd give me the strength to stay truehttp://music.baidu.com/song/682258



英语完形填空forgiveness is really a gift we

Forgiveness is really a gift we give to ourselves.A l (power)way of forgiving is to see past the adult behavior to the little innocent child within the person we would like to forgive.Betty was having a particularly hard time because her father had acted wrongly.Yet 2 (continue)to hate him was causing much unhappiness in Betty"s life.I asked her to find a picture of her father as a young child and put it in a place 3 she could see it often.She found a photo of him 4 (take)at the age of six.As she more and more studied the photo,she began to see the sadness and loneliness in his eyes.A month 5 (1ate),Betty found a photo of her father at ten years old. His eyes were still full 6 sadness and loneliness. Through studying these 7 (photo),Betty was able to fee1 compassion forher father"s childhood.This compassion did not make her father"s actions right, 8 Betty could now understand the pain in her father.Betty"s heart was free of the bitterness and hatred she 9 (carry)for most of her life.Forgiveness for her father was a gift she gave to herself.Perhaps there are similar gifts you could give yourself.You should 10 (full)feel your love and not have it covered by past hatred.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。宽恕是最好的礼物,它帮助我们敝开心怀,给予我们再度去爱的机会,所以我们只有宽恕别人,才能够使自己快乐。1.poweful考查形容词。根据句子结构,此处要用形容词来修饰名词.故填poweful。2.continuing考查非渭语动词。根据句子的结构判断, 2 (continue)to hate him是句子主语,故用动名词形式。3.where考查定语从句。根据句子的结构来分析,先行词place在从句中作状语,所以要用where。误解分析:有些同学可能错误地填写that或whkh。解答定语从句一定要搞清楚先行词在从句中所作的成分。4.taken考非谓语动词。此处要用分词作定语,由于表示“被动”的关系,故要用过去分词。5.1ater考查固定短语。短语a month 1ater意思是“一个月后”。6.of考查介词。短语be full of意思是“充满??”。7.photos 考查名词复数。由于其前有these来修饰, 所以要用名词复数形式。8.but考查连词。根据此空前后的意思,表示意思上的转折,所以要用but。9.had carried考查动词时态。根据句意,此处表示在Betty生活中已经发生过的事情,故要用过去完成时。lO.fully考查副词。根据句子的结构,要用副词修饰动词feel。

翻译《forgiveness》——judith mammay

Forgiveness ---Judith Mammay Forgiveness is not easyWhen we believeOur world has ended,And blame lies with another.Forgiving is letting go of the pain;Accepting that what was, was.It will not change,Cannot change.Forgiving is dismissing the blame.Choices were made that caused the hurt.We each could have chosen differently,But we didn"t.Forgiving is looking at the pain,Learning the lesson it has produced,And understandingWhat we have learned.Forgiving allows us to move onToward a better understandingOf universal love,And our true purpose.Forgiving is knowing that loveIs the answer to all questions,And that we allAre in some way connected.

ben lee forgiveness歌词翻译

Forgiveness-Ben Lee Where did battle begin 这场战役会在何处打响 Does it really matter cause we know how it ends then 输赢真的那么重要吗 因为我们都清楚一切都会怎样结束 I heard it"s nothing sweet but 我并未听说这会很甜蜜 What it take for me to turn another cheek 但当我转向另一张脸又会付出怎样的代价 Cause I"m so tired of fighting 因为我早已厌倦无休止的争斗 It"s like a done a thousands times here 像是我们早已争辩过上千次 Gotta be a finally got it 直到最后才明白 The gift from the tree to the exit that"s cut it 树端结下的果实最终会变成上天的恩赐 It"s all about forgiveness 都是关于宽容原谅 Cause we"re too hurt to fight it anymore 我们都太过受伤 不愿继续争吵 It"s all about forgiveness 都是关于宽容原谅 It doesn"t matter who"s right anymore 谁对谁错再也不重要了 Nobody is going to win this 无人会获得最终的胜利 Cause it"s left to win anymore 因为没有人注定会赢 Nobody is going to win this 无人会获得最终的胜利 It gotta be forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我 Forgiving you and forgiving me 原谅你也会原谅我 Well love tell me where we go 爱会告诉我何去何从 Before we know it like a slave to the ego 在我们明白之前 我们像是屈服自我的奴隶 Can we make back to the santa 我们是否能回到圣诞老人降临时 Starting a thing that we both could be better 让一切重新开始 对我们都好 Cause I"m so tired of keeping 因为我早已厌倦 Track all the scar every time were speaking now 牢记每次争辩时留下的伤痛 Gotta be I got my mind set on the perfume 必须得让自己的心沾染 Release by the flower 花儿的芳香 Again the step on 再一次踏步前行 It"s all about forgiveness 都是关于宽容原谅 Cause we"re too hurt to fight it anymore 我们都太过受伤 不愿继续争吵 It"s all about forgiveness 都是关于宽容原谅 It doesn"t matter who"s right anymore 谁对谁错再也不重要了 Nobody is going to win this 无人会获得最终的胜利 Cause it"s left to win anymore 因为没有人注定会赢 Nobody is going to win this 无人会获得最终的胜利 It gotta be forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我 Forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我 Forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我 Forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我 Forgiveness is why we believe in 宽容就是我们坚信的理由 Hey you get it and hey you receive it 你能懂 你才能做到 Forgiveness is why we believe in 宽容就是我们坚信的理由 Hey you get it and hey you receive it 你能懂 你才能做到 Hey you get it and hey you receive it 你能懂 你才能做到 Hey you get it and hey you receive it 你能懂 你才能做到 It"s all about forgiveness 都是关于宽容原谅 Cause we"re too hurt to fight it anymore 我们都太过受伤 不愿继续争吵 It"s all about forgiveness 都是关于宽容原谅 It doesn"t matter who"s right anymore 谁对谁错再也不重要了 Nobody is going to win this 无人会获得最终的胜利 Cause it"s left to win anymore 因为没有人注定会赢 Nobody is going to win this 无人会获得最终的胜利 It gotta be forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我 Forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我 Forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我 Forgiving you and forgiving me 上天一定会原谅你我


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