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Wuyifan是个人名,Robin也是个人名,这句话的关键就是feature的意思。feature有特点,面容等意思,所以要结合上下文,判断具体是哪一个释义。 查看更多答案>>

谁有以前英国组合five成员scott robinson的资料和近况?

Scott James Tim Robinson 1979年11月22日出生在英格兰的巴西顿,巴西顿是Es***郡南部一个人口大约5000人的小镇,坐落在英格兰东南部,第二次世界大战之后,巴西顿被规划成一个模范居民社区,Five的那首《Nutter》讲的就是这个地方的故事。Scott的父母Mick和Sue,将Scott和他的两个姐姐送到Es***郡的公立学校上学,Scott从出生之日起,嗓音中似乎就蕴含着无边无际的能量,“我是有名的大嗓门,也是年级中有名的小丑,总是在学校中制造各种麻烦。我从来都不做功课,就是喜欢往桌子上跳。”当然淘气的Scott也为此付出了自由的代价——总是被老师罚挨留。 喜欢到处惹是生非的毛病一直到成熟以后依然没有改变,嬉皮笑脸和喋喋不休是Scott的自我评价,“我曾经还和一些社会渣滓到处东游西逛甚至还引起过警察的注意,当然他们也没有什么特别过激的行为,就是因为和警察顶嘴被人家拦截在街道上。” 幸运的是,Scott为他自己相当活泼的行为找到了更合适的用途,他开始喜欢上了打篮球,并且还经常参加学校文艺团体的演出。在这些活动中,Scott逐渐建立起表演欲望,在众人焦距的目光中渐渐成长起来,并且还因为表演成绩优秀 考入到很有权威性的Sylvia Young Stage艺术学校,Spice Girls成员Emma就是从这所学校毕业的,而且英国著名的偶像歌手Billie Piper还是Scott的同班同学。在学校学习的过程中,Scott组过三人乐团,并在学校受过舞蹈、歌唱与戏剧的训练,并且还有机会涉足电视商业广告,当他听说一支流行组合招募成员的时候,便果断的放弃手中的一切毅然前往。 双亲的引导是建议 从孩提时代起,Scott所有的家庭成员都在为他的未来而努力,他的两个姐姐经常唱歌给他听,母亲还带Scott观看了他有生以来的第一场音乐会——John Denver,如今Robinson夫妇更是以他们非常有造诣的儿子赶到骄傲,甚至倾家荡产也在所不惜。“他们真的很为我高兴,自从我加入Five之后,妈妈总是喜欢收集各类报刊杂志,一看到有关我们的文章就狠狠的撕下来,这个习惯已经很难再改变,为此他已经花费了几千英镑,还特地为此建立了一个手抄本。” 全家因为支持Scott事业发展而陷入经济比较拮据的境地,父母更是每逢演唱会必看,他们甚至为此去购买每一份杂志和报纸,而且为了支付购买杂志和报纸的费用,Scott的爸爸不得不兼差两份职业。为此Scott特地在Five专辑封套的内页里写上了这样一段话:“首先,非常感激我的父母,因为他们互相有好感我才能到这个世界上来,我也非常感激他们的慷慨。”作为回报,Scott将Five成名后赚来的第一笔钱为父亲买了一辆迷你敞篷车Toyota Previa。同时他也为自己自己买了一架迷你唱盘播放机和一架数字Video刻录器。 Great Scott Scott并没有因为组合的成功而感到狂喜,他甚至为整个从艺经历总结了全部经验:最好的部分是表演,最艰难的部分早上起床和看不到家人。 Scott毫不犹豫的承认自己得了胃病,有趣的是每到犯胃病的时候,他总会不停的唠叨和呻吟,“为什么我们必须在这儿?为什么我们不能回家?”“我知道自己这样做会有失风度,不过我真的有很多朋友,很想回家去看看他们。” 当你在不间断的的旅行的时候,似乎很难再和老朋友保持联系,Scott为此深感困,“当我加入Five的时候,我有许多比现在更好的朋友,现在我只剩下几个非常要好的朋友了,其中还有少数是女孩子。”Scott补充说,“现在当我回家的时候,只要我和姐姐走在街道上,就会有人对着我大声叫喊‘看,那是他的女朋友。"这真的有点让人心烦。” 这个来自巴西顿的小伙子并不太世故,他总是激烈的去反驳那些对他恶意批评的人,他早就听说那些中伤他的言论:“Five太过商业导向”、“Five只是个侥幸成功的幸运儿”,“Scott自以为是个流行明星,就不屑再和我们说话了”,更让Scott生气的是,自从他成名后,人们不再用同样的目光来打量他,有些流言甚至要把他变成熔渣,面对这样的侮辱,Scott当然不能坐视以待,他试图整顿这种不利的局面,于是他冲到一个昔日好友面前说,“老朋友,看看我,除了发行有点激烈,其他的还是和以前一样。” Scott档案 Name:Scott James Tim Robinson 生日:1979年11月22日 出生地:Pistea In Basidon,Es*** 星座:天蝎 家庭成员:父亲Mick、母亲Sue和两个姐姐Haley及Nicola 身高:5尺11英寸(Scott是Five中最高的成员) 昵称:蜘蛛(因为手长脚长,看起来像蜘蛛) 偶像:Knight Rider 不喜欢:许多食物都不喜欢 兴趣:音乐、篮球及溜冰 描述自己:大家老是说我令他们发笑;除此之外,我还是个多话的人 喜欢的异性:过去喜欢金发碧眼的女孩,但现在喜欢棕发,绿色和棕色眼睛的女孩子 最爱的食物:Pizza(吐司和番茄) 最爱的饮料:樱桃可乐和啤酒 最爱的电影:《Titanic》 最爱的书《The Hobbit》 最爱的运动:篮球 最爱的地方:佛罗里达 最爱的饰物:他心爱的宝石 最爱的去处:在Es***的Pub 喜欢的女孩子:答应和他外出约会 讨厌的女孩子:对所有的事情斤斤计较和争论不休 喜欢的唱片:五十年代的歌曲 最喜欢异性的哪部分:眼睛和嘴唇 最引以为傲的事:加入Five

求Porter Robinson的《Years of War》英文歌词和翻译!谢谢!

  Years Of War(Rob Mayth Remix) - Breanne Düren&Porter Robinson&Sean Caskey&Dave Darell  Ake one last look at what you"re leaving behind,  Cause there"s no coming back once we go  We are the children of an innocent crime,  And it"s time to take down the throne  Although their heads may shake,  We"ll set the city ablaze for their treachery  We"ll spill their blood and set our fathers free  Oohooh, two hundred years of war  Fight till we are no more  A curse on the streets of gold, oohooh  Just know  That mine is a hand to hold  Take back what the kingdom stole  A curse on the streets of gold  Oohooh, two hundred years of war  Fight till we are no more  A curse on the streets of gold, oohooh

Porter Robinson终于和他的“心灵伴侣”订婚了

2022年1月2日,电子乐迷们熟悉的Porter Robinson和与他相识长达(近)五年的女友Rika Mikuriya宣布(在2021年的最后一天)正式订婚 ,二人都在社交媒体上向粉丝分享了这一消息,而 Porter Robinson单膝下跪的图片传遍全球、全网 。让我们为这对可爱的恋人送上最真挚的祝福! 在Instagram推文的字里行间,二人均表示迫不及待想要与对方结婚、共度余生,从中我们可以感受到彼此的爱与 情感 之深厚而真切;同时, Porter Robinson还强调Rika Mikuriya是他的”心灵伴侣” 。也许在部分人看来,这只是个普通的代名词, 但当被Porter Robinson用来形容Rika Mikuriya时,它则更是字面意义上的“真 · 心灵伴侣” 。 我们知道,早在 2014年8月,Porter Robinson发行了他的首张录音室专辑《Worlds》 。正如专辑的名称一样,多首具有实验性的曲目在电音世界激发了一波全新浪潮, 年仅20出头的Porter Robinson从此也成为(非字面意义的)EDM、主流Bass Music等领域年少有为的代表人物之一 。 然而,意料之外的巨大成就反过来就给Porter Robinson带来了压力,随后的 2015年至2017年,Porter Robinson一直都在自我怀疑和抑郁中度过,虽然期间也创造出巅峰作品《Shelter》,但他每况日下的心理 健康 及其弟被诊断癌症等事情让他的精神无数次临近崩溃。 当一个人无法自救的时候,其往往期待着有另一个人能成为Ta的救命稻草。Porter Robinson是幸运至极的。我们看到,2017年的Porter Robinson就已走出了阴影,主要原因正是他在那一年遇见了Rika Mikuriya,并一直与她建立着顺利的情侣关系。 在Rika Mikuriya的陪伴下,Porter Robinson对生活和艺术的态度均产生了巨大变化 ,以至于他有生以来第一次害怕Si亡。Porter Robinson曾说道,“我不再觉得挥霍无度、并在30多岁时Si去是一个浪漫的想法了”。 在音乐作品中我们也能体会到这一乐观态度的转变,比如去年《电子音乐资讯》笔者Taylor带大家欣赏的、Porter Robinson发行的第二张录音室专辑《Nurture》( 的歌曲 )中,无论是专辑封面、歌词还是音乐的氛围都充满着“重生”、“幸福”、“美好”、“爱意”…… 正如这张Album专辑《Nurture》是以“遇见一个你深爱的人”为主题而 创作 ,当时Rika Mikuriya也在祝贺Porter Robinson发布新歌《Something Comforting》的帖子中写道:“我看到了你在作品创作中经历过的最美丽和最黑暗的时刻。感谢你从未放弃!我珍惜你所做的一切。我为你骄傲。” 在2020年5月, Rika Mikuriya还找到著名嘻哈艺人Lil B为Porter Robinson创作了一首Freestyle曲目《PORTER ROBINSON BASED FREESTYLE》,并送给Porter Robinson作为圣诞礼物 ,看到礼物之后开心得像个孩子;该歌曲也成为Porter Robinson在的Secret Sky音乐节上播放的曲目。 不过,关于这位Porter Robinson的日本未婚妻的私人信息,笔者Taylor倒没有在网上搜寻到更多,考虑到她的粉丝量、能请Lil B做歌以及跟着Porter Robinson五年了,Rika Mikuriya应该也算是位圈内人士了;此前,很多人猜测Rika Mikuriya是中国人,但其实她是日本人——这与Porter Robinson热爱日本文化也有着很大的联系。 虽然不是音乐创作者,但Rika Mikuriya作为一位“电商网红”的同时也一直是个音乐爱好者,也是实实在在地欣赏Porter Robinson的音乐。除此之外,Rika Mikuriya还经营自己在Amazon (Storefront)、Etsy、Depop等海外电子商务平台的店铺了。 如你所见, Rika Mikuriya始终鼓励着Porter Robinson并一直陪在他左右,2021年和他一起参加了“Nurture Live Tour”巡演 ,期间粉丝们也向Rika Mikuriya表示爱意,Porter Robinson求婚的传闻不断,而如今事已成真。接下来, 我们期待二人在新的一年迎来新的浪漫,也顺便期待Porter Robinson为乐迷们创作出新的歌曲。 ———————————————————————— 文章版权归电子音乐资讯上属运营公司品牌方所有



虚机装Linux系统(RedFlag-6.3-Sys-1.791-201008171055)的时候出现Probing EDD (edd=off to disable)


Robinson Crusoe在英国历史上的地位(英文版)




Robin Gibb的《Juliet》 歌词

歌曲名:Juliet歌手:Robin Gibb专辑:How Old Are You?Take That - JulieKevin dedicated this song to a beautiful girl CrystalJulie, whatchu problem?Won"t you tell me what"s going onCoz there"s a dark cloud hanging over youYou"ve been down down down for too longYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youJulie, come to your windowDon"t let your problemSpoil the viewIt"s not a good day to cry todaySo com"n change change changeCome through the doorYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youWhy why why, do you cry cry cryYou should know by nowThat the sun comes up for youWhy why why, do you cry cry cryYou should know nowThat the sun comes up for youThat the sun comes up for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youShalalalalala I want youShalalalalala I do

robin gibb的《juliet》歌词

Robin Gibb - JulietI steal the night awaydrivin" my life away dancin"I was a RomeoI knew the art of romancin".I was just one of the guys and I thought I had it made.I needed someone to show mehow to love.Julietoh Julietthe night was magic when we first met.Julietoh Julietyou know you taught me to fly.You take me clear to the skyand all the people around the world canStand asidefor me and my baby - Juliet.Fighting with destinyfortune and fame but kept losin".Playin" a joker"s gameonly myself I was foolin".I was an average guy in a world of empty dreams.You"ve broken down all the wallswith your love.Julietoh Julietthis guy"s in love with you don"t forget.Julietoh Julietyou know you taught me to flyyou take me clear to the skyAnd all the People around the world can stand aside.Close your eyesJulietdon"t let go.On and on our love is like the sunit keeps on goin" strong like eternity.I wanna love you in my lifesweet Juliet.Livin" without love in my lifemy girl Juliet.Julietoh Julietthis guy"s in love with you don"t forget. . ..Julietoh Julietthis guy"s in love with you don"t forget. . ..JulietI oh Juliet.

C++在函数定义的时候在后面加上=delete是什么意思例如:RoundRobin(const RoundRobin& rhs) = delete;


mike robinson怎么读

mike robinson 全部释义和例句>> 迈克鲁滨孙mike 英[mau026ak]美[mau026ak]vt. 通过话筒传送;n. (=microphone) <口>话筒,扩音器;Robinson 英["ru0252bu026ansn]美["ru0252bu026ansn]n. 爱独立工作(生活)的人,独自干大事; 鲁滨逊;[网络] 罗宾逊; 罗便臣; 卢秉信;




轮叫调度(Round-Robin Scheduling)轮叫调度(Round Robin Scheduling)算法就是以轮叫的方式依次将请求调度不同的服务器,即每次调度执行i = (i + 1) mod n,并选出第i台服务器。算法的优点是其简洁性,它无需记录当前所有连接的状态,所以它是一种无状态调度。在系统实现时,我们引入了一个额外条件,当服务器的权值为零时,表示该服务器不可用而不被调度。这样做的目的是将服务器切出服务(如屏蔽服务器故障和系统维护),同时与其他加权算法保持一致。所以,算法要作相应的改动,它的算法流程如下:轮叫调度算法流程假设有一组服务器S = {S0, S1, …, Sn-1},一个指示变量i表示上一次选择的服务器,W(Si)表示服务器Si的权值。变量i被初始化为n-1,其中n > 0。j = i;do {j = (j + 1) mod n;if (W(Sj) > 0) {i = j;return Si;}} while (j != i);return NULL;轮叫调度算法假设所有服务器处理性能均相同,不管服务器的当前连接数和响应速度。该算法相对简单,不适用于服务器组中处理性能不一的情况,而且当请求服务时间变化比较大时,轮叫调度算法容易导致服务器间的负载不平衡。虽然Round-Robin DNS方法也是以轮叫调度的方式将一个域名解析到多个IP地址,但轮叫DNS方法的调度粒度是基于每个域名服务器的,域名服务器对域名解析的缓存会妨碍轮叫解析域名生效,这会导致服务器间负载的严重不平衡。这里,IPVS轮叫调度算法的粒度是基于每个连接的,同一用户的不同连接都会被调度到不同的服务器上,所以这种细粒度的轮叫调度要比DNS的轮叫调度优越很多。

权重轮询调度算法(Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling) [C语言实现]

weight[i+1] = a % weight[i+1];这句话导致后面的weight为0




round robin test循环赛试验round robin[英][raund u02c8ru0254bu026an][美][rau028and u02c8rɑbu026an]n.联名声明,循环赛,一系列;


round-robins丰满的知更鸟round[英][rau028and][美][rau028and]adj.圆形的; 弧形的; 丰满的,肥胖的; 整数的; adv.到处; 在周围; 迂回地; 朝反方向; prep.大约; 绕过,环绕; (表示位置)在…四周; 附近; n.圆,圆形; 循环; 圆形物,球状物; (会议的)一回合; vt.& vi.使成圆形; 绕行; 拐过,绕过; 把…四舍五入;robinsn.知更鸟,鸫( robin的名词复数 ); (签名者不分先后,以避免受责的)圆形签名抗议书(或请愿书);

Round Robin 轮询调度算法

轮询调度(Round-Robin Scheduling) 轮询调度(Round Robin Scheduling)算法就是以轮询的方式依次将请求调度不同的服务器,即每次调度执行i = (i + 1) mod n,并选出第i台服务器。算法的优点是其简洁性,它无需记录当前所有连接的状态,所以它是一种无状态调度。 轮询调度算法的原理是每一次把来自用户的请求轮流分配给内部中的服务器,从1开始,直到N(内部服务器个数),然后重新开始循环。 轮询调度算法流程 假设有一组服务器N台,S = {S1, S2, …, Sn},一个指示变量i表示上一次选择的服务器ID。变量i被初始化为N-1。一个很经典的算法程序如下: 轮询调度算法假设所有服务器的处理性能都相同,不关心每台服务器的当前连接数和响应速度。当请求服务间隔时间变化比较大时,轮询调度算法容易导致服务器间的负载不平衡。 所以此种均衡算法适合于服务器组中的所有服务器都有相同的软硬件配置并且平均服务请求相对均衡的情况。


轮叫调度(Round Robin Scheduling)算法就是以轮叫的方式依次将请求调度不同的服务器,即每次调度执行i = (i + 1) mod n,并选出第i台服务器。算法的优点是其简洁性,它无需记录当前所有连接的状态,所以它是一种无状态调度。在系统实现时,我们引入了一个额外条件,当服务器的权值为零时,表示该服务器不可用而不被调度。这样做的目的是将服务器切出服务(如屏蔽服务器故障和系统维护),同时与其他加权算法保持一致

专性什么意思啊 ? obligate anaerobic专性厌氧是什么意思?

其实解释 专性 还要提到另一个词 兼性兼性细菌是指能在有氧和无氧的条件下适应生长和代谢的细菌,这类微生物的适应范围广,在有氧或无氧的环境中均能生长。专性就是兼性反义词专性厌氧就是只能在 无氧的条件下适应生长和代谢,遇到有氧环境就会停止生长和代谢,甚至死亡。





Robin Thicke - Give it 2 u 歌词

[Intro: 2 Chainz] Okay baby (Yeah) All I got to say baby (Huh) That"s Robin baby (Yeah) And I"m 2 Chainz baby (Baby, baby) Talk to me (Yeah) Let me see that body language (Baby, baby) I said talk to me Let me see that body language (Hey, hey) [Verse 1: Robin Thicke] Girl give it to me Girl you know what it do, girl give it to me I got somethin" brand new, girl give it to me I"ll put it all on you, girl give it to me Woooh, I got a gift for yah I got this for yah, a little Thicke for yah A big kiss for yah, I got a hit for yah Big dick for yah, let me give it to yah Baby, baby I gotta call for yah I got a whip for you, black car for yah Ball hard for you, I know you wanna get fancy I know you wanna start dancin" [Pre-Hook: Robin Thicke] Hey girl You know you"re lookin" so damn fine You"re lookin" like you fell from the sky You know you make a grown man cry [Hook: Robin Thicke] I wanna give it to you, through the night And make everything you fantasize Come true, ooh baby I"ll make you so, so, so amazing I"ll give it to you [Bridge: Robin Thicke] Girl give it to me Girl give it to me Girl give it to me Girl give it to me [Verse 2: Robin Thicke] Ooh what"s that girl? What"s that baby? I like that, girl I like that, baby, on your back girl On your back, yeah shake it like that girl Baby, baby, I got an eye for yah I got an eye for yah, I got a smile for yah Cheese, let me put it on your face for you Please, I got a taste for you Tasty, I bought lace for you Freaky, I"ll put it on you (Yeah) So I can come and take it off you (Yeah) And get it off to you [Pre-Hook: Robin Thicke] [Hook: Robin Thicke] [Verse 3: 2 Chainz] Highly respected Black Michael Jackson When the DJ bring it back I pump it back like a chiropractor I"m at the main event Baby you the main attraction What I need a script and a camera for? Let"s put this thing in action (Do it) Let"s put this thing in action (Do it) Let"s put this thing in action (Do it) 2 Chainz All the things collapsin" Let"s put this thing in action Let"s put this thing in action 2 Chainz Gave your girl a chain reaction [Verse 4: Kendrick Lamar] You"re like a needle in a haystack I wanna sit you where my face at Lunch with a few Mai-Tais Purple kisses on my tie Life can leave a dick loved Now you gettin" this dick, love I"m lookin" for you with a flashlight I wanna feel what a real fat ass like No injection, I learned my lesson I walk it like I talk it, baby this pedestrian Runnin" through your mind like Jackie Joyner Pussy like *pop*, go give me a burner Got shot like *pop* This can be detrimental T-shirt and panties, that"s your credential You"re cotton candy, I need a fistful I"m often antsy, hope that convince you [Pre-Hook: Robin Thicke] [Hook: Robin Thicke x2]

Robin Thicke的《I Got U》 歌词

歌曲名:I Got U歌手:Robin Thicke专辑:Sex TherapyLeona Lewis - I Got U (Prod. by Ryan Tedder)A place to crashI got youNo need to askI got youJust get on the phoneI got youCome and pick you upIf I have toWhat"s weird about itIs we"re right at the endAnd mad about itJust figured it out in my headI"m proud to sayI got youGo ahead and say goodbyeI"ll be all rightGo ahead and make me cryI"ll be all rightAnd when you need a placeTo run toFor better or worseI got youI got youYeahAin"t falling a part, or bitterLet"s be bigger than that and rememberThe cooling outdoor when you"re all aloneWe"ll go on survivingNo drama, no need for a showJust wanna sayI got youGo ahead and say goodbyeI"ll be alrightGo ahead and make me cryI"ll be alrightAnd when you need a place to run toFor better for worseI got youGo ahead and say goodbye (go ahead)I"ll be alright (say goodbye)Go ahead and make me cryI"ll be alrightAnd when you need a place to run toFor better for worseI got you"Cause this is love and lifeAnd nothing we can both controlAnd if it don"t feel rightYou"re not losing me by letting me knowGo ahead and say goodbye (say goodbye)I"ll be alrightGo ahead and make me cryI"ll be alrightAnd when you need a place to run toFor better for worseI got youGo ahead and say goodbye (go ahead)I"ll be alright (say goodbye)Go ahead and make me cryI"ll be alrightAnd when you need a place to run toFor better for worseI got youA place to crashI got youNo need to askI got you



Robin thicke i got u歌词

Robin Thicke - I Got U Lyrics[Girl:]Doctor, I have a painAll over my bodyAnd oh doctor, I heard you were the bestCan you help me? Oh doctor, can you heal me?Do you think I can be cured?Doctor can you heal me? I hear you"re the best[Thicke:]Oh, hello...I"m glad you can make itCan I offer you a, cocktail? Some roses or champagne perhaps?We have some chocolate covered strawberries, if you likeWhatever you want, whatever you needI got you, I got you, I got you...I got you babyI got you, and you got... me tooWell I will play, we"ll always text each otherXXX, we"ll always be togetherCome with me, f*** with me... please?And when I tell you, I got youYou know that I"m in it babe (I got you babe)So just put on your dress, put on your heelsLet"s get away (let"s get away, get away, get away)[Thicke:]Okay, why don"t you tell me what"s troubling you?[Girl] My man don"t take me nowhere[Thicke]Oh, I have just the thing for that[Girl:]Please hold for the doctor...My doctor will be right with you...(ooohh) the doctor will see you now...I got you, I got you, I got you...I got you babyI got you, and you got... me tooThe diamonds, the parties, the trips around the worldYour XXX, you"ll always be my girlJust come with me, f*** with me... please?And when I tell you, I got youYou know that I"m in it babe (oh, I got you)So just put on your dress, put on your heelsLet"s get awayBaby I got youAnd when I tell you, I got youYou know that I"m in it babe (I got you)So just put on your dress, put on your heelsLet"s get away (let"s get away, get away, get away)[Thicke:]Isn"t this nice?Perfect...

Alphabet Aerobics 歌词

歌曲名:Alphabet Aerobics 歌手:Blackalicious专辑:A2GBlackalicious - Alphabet Aerobics(Now it"s time for our wrap upLet"s give it everything we"ve gotReady? Begin)Artificial amateurs, aren"t at all amazingAnalytically, I assault, animate thingsBroken barriers bounded by the bomb beatBuildings are broken, basically I"m bombardingCasually create catastrophes, casualtiesCancelling cats got their canopies collapsingDetonate a dime of dank daily doin doughDemonstrations, Don Dada on the down lowEatin other editors with each and every energeticEpileptic episode, elevated etiquetteFurious fat fabulous fantasticFlurries of funk felt feeding the fanaticsGift got great global goods gone gloriousGettin godly in his game with the goriestHit em high, hella height, historicalHey holocaust hints hear "em holler at your homeboyImitators idolize, I intimidateIn a instant, I"ll rise in a irate stateJuiced on my jams like jheri curls jockin jointsJustly, it"s just me, writin my journalsKindly I"m kindling all kinds of ink onKarate kick type brits in my kingdomLet me live a long life, lyrically lessons isLearned lame louses just lose to my liveryMy mind makes marvelous moves, massesMarvel and move, many mock what I"ve masteredNiggas nap knowin I"m nice naturallyKnack, never lack, make noise nationallyOperation, opposition, off, not optionalOut of sight, out of mind, wide beaming opticalsPerfected poem, powerful punchlinesPummelling petty powder puffs in my primeQuite quaint quotes keep quiet it"s QuannumQuarrelers ain"t got a quarter of what we got uhReally raw raps, risin up rapidlyRiding the rushing radioactivitySuper scientifical sound search soughtSilencing super fire saps that are softTales ten times talented, too toughTake that, challengers, get a tune upUniversal, unique untouchedUnadulterated, the raw uncutVerb vice lord victorious validViolate vibes that are vain make em vanished? well would a wise wordsmith justWeaving up words weeded up, I"m a workshiftXerox, my X-ray-diation holes extra largeX-height letters, and xylophone tonesYellow back, yak mouth, young ones yawsYesterday"s lawn yards sell our yawnZig zag zombies, zoomin to the zenithZero in zen thoughts, overzealous rhyme ZEA-LOTS!....(good....can you say it faster?)

Bobby Robinson的《Stoned》 歌词

歌曲名:Stoned歌手:Bobby Robinson专辑:Greed KillssTone山本结「MUSICA」Compose,Arrangement,Piano,Programming:泽野弘之12 Strings Guitar:饭室博 Strings:大先生室屋セクシヨソTapestry,tells me the story of dark land andWhere people no longer hopeSmiley clown mess all over reach to the answer wasSearch the purple stoneSleepless nights many days gentle face everywhereNobody walks on the roadCharlie brown less talk over reach to the moon closerThere is a shadow of the rainbowNow I"m drowning my sorrowEvery moment you see the power of the stoneThere"s a light that will shine on me, heal my heartMaybe is the last song from the heart of sacrificeNow it"s all overSleepless nights many days gentle face everywhereNobody walks on the roadCharlie brown less talk over reach to the moon closerThere is a shadow of the rainbowNow I"m drowning my sorrowStars will bring the black sheep and walking on the moonThere"s a light that will shine on me, heal my heartMaybe is the last song from the heart of sacrificeNow it"s all overFly to the sky into the future never knownNever ever really wanted it,doesn"t anybody need itWe finally talk about a throw it to the universeWe are human being and never really learn

Robin Williams was lucky because he was offered so many parts he could be what

怎么说呢,选B就是定语从句,修饰前面的parts,然后后面破折号再强调一下他的地位。so ...that句式应该是 选D而不是C吧。首先读起来是通的,语法上就是结果状语从句,意思也不见得有什么不可。唯一可能影响成立性的是后面的附加成分,如果是B选项,后面的roles就是对应parts的同位语,如果是D选项,这好象会有一个成分的问题,因为so..that..作为结果状语从句,重心是在后半句即结果上, 不过roles也可以看成是对he could be whatever he needed to be的总结,逻辑上只是感觉没那么严谨,但未为不可。


[中文名称]刺槐甙 [英文名称]Robinin [别  名] [化学名称]4H-Benzopyran-4-one,3- {(6-0-(6-deoxy-a-L-mannopyra- nosyl)-B-D-galaactopyranosyl)oxy}-7- {(6-deoxy-a-L- meannopyranosyl)oxy}-5-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- [分 子 式] [分 子 量]740.65 [物理性质]浅黄色结晶性粉末(水),熔点187~189℃ (195~197℃),无味无嗅,溶于热水和热醇,基本不溶于冷水、醇和苯。 [成分分类] [药理作用]1.利尿作用刺槐甙对大鼠、家兔和犬无论是注射或口服都能增加尿量。 2.强壮作用动物实验显示刺激槐甙有较强的强壮作用,未成熟阉割大鼠腹腔注射100mg/kg可使体重和提肛肌重量增加,对2例肾切除小鼠能延长其存活期。 3.抗炎作用刺槐素对大鼠和兔均有抗炎作用。 [毒性]刺槐素毒性很小,在鼠和小鼠腹腔注射1000mg/kg未见毒性。 [毒  性] [不良反应] [用  途] [成分来源]豆科植物刺槐(洋槐)Robinia pseudoacacia L.花,葛Pueraria lobata Ohwi 叶,镰刀状黄耆 Astragalus falcatus Lam.,夹竹桃科植物萝芙木 Rauwolfia verti一dillata Baill.叶。


编程猫使用时连接 Micro:Bit V2 出错的情况,可能是以下几个原因引起的:1. 驱动问题:确保你已经安装了 Micro:Bit V2 的驱动程序。可以在 Micro:Bit 官方网站上下载最新的驱动程序,并按照说明进行安装。2. 连接问题:检查 Micro:Bit V2 是否正确连接到计算机。确保 USB 电缆的两端都插入到正确的接口,并且插头没有松动。3. 编程猫设置问题:请确保你已经在编程猫的设置中选择了正确的设备类型。在编程猫的设置中,找到 Micro:Bit V2 的选项,并确保选择了正确的设备版本。4. 固件问题:如果你的 Micro:Bit V2 固件版本过低,可能导致无法正常连接。可以尝试升级 Micro:Bit 的固件版本,可以在 Micro:Bit 官方网站上找到固件升级的步骤和工具。

求robin thicke的make a baby歌词

《Make a baby》 by Robin ThickeThere"s so many placesPeople to seeDinners and parties to fill up the weekBut I"m scared like a babyOf being aloneOf turning the lights off with no one to hold oh noI know I"m sure of what it"s gonna beI wanna go and make a baby with youI wanna jump into the treehouseBut what we should doIs we got to get togetherGot to get together to right itDiamonds and peecoks lining the streetI"m talking to strangers ant they"re talking to moI"m scrising to the crystals out of the sacLife is a yo-yo and family is a drag, I knowBut what I"m sure of is what it"s gotta beI wanna go and make a baby whti youI wanna crash into the open armsWhat we do is we got to get togetherGot to get together rightFind me, find me. 参考资料:

probiotics 益生菌胶囊保质期多久




Probiotics 是 prebiotic 的复数形式吗?

根据构词法判断 前者是名词,后者是形容词。所以前者并不是后者的复数形式。另外前者是不可数名词。二者属于同源词。


对人和动物有益的细菌。在海水养殖中可用它来改良水质(如光合细菌)或预防疾病(如某些乳酸菌)。 益生菌(Probiotics)是指投入后通过改善宿主肠道菌群生态平衡而发挥有益作用,达到提高宿主(人和动物)健康水平和健康佳态的活菌制剂及其代谢产物






probiotics [pru0259bai"u0254tiks] n. 益生菌,原生菌;促生素或益菌 谐音:扑柔摆奥得客丝 如果满意,望采纳



Robin Cottrell的《Portrait》 歌词

歌曲名:Portrait歌手:Robin Cottrell专辑:PortraitP.O.D. - PortraitYou"re not who they say you areThey made you the enemy(CHRIST-Jah flesh; CHRIST-Light within; CHRIST- Beginning and the end)Taken something so beautifulPainted a new picture that makes me sick(CHRIST-Witness; CHRIST-Living one; CHRIST-First and the last)Feed our minds confusionSweeten the taste of pollution.(CHRIST-Word life; CHRIST-Resurrect; CHRIST-Everlasting Jah)chorus:Some people call you fatherMaybe you could set me freeThese people hate each otherBut you"ve always been there for meI refuse to be like youWithout life, empty, caving in(CHRIST-Jah flesh; CHRIST-Light within; CHRIST- Beginning and the end)I surrender, giving up all that is meYielding to you(CHRIST-Witness; CHRIST-Living one; CHRIST-First and the last)Shape me in my brokenessEmpower me forever(CHRIST-Word life; CHRIST-Resurrect; CHRIST-Everlasting Jah)chorus:Some people call you fatherMaybe you could set me freeThese people hate each otherBut you"ve always been there for mechorus:Some people call you fatherMaybe you could set me freeThese people hate each otherBut you"ve always been there for meSome people call you fatherMaybe you could set me freeThese people hate each otherBut you"ve always been there for meI know you will complete this work started in meI need you more than ever now that I know who you areI know you will complete this work started in meI need you more than ever now that I"ve come so farchorus



Robin Thicke的《Dangerous》 歌词

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:Robin Thicke专辑:Love After WarI""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, you better stay awayStay away from me, I""m dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou""re a lone hitch hikerAnd I""m a traveling truckYou better not get on this rideYou might lose your luckI""m dangerous.You better heed the signsThe skull and cross bone nightsStop lights in useI""m slippery when wildCautions and red flagsI""m gonna cross that lineI""m dangerous.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You better not kiss me onceYou better not fall in loveI""m a pterodactylAnd you""re a wondering doveI don""t mean to be greedyBut it""s never enoughI""m dangerous.I""ll tell you I love youAnd I""ll believe it""s trueOh and then I""ll do somethingSo bad to youAnd you""ll say I hate youAnd you""ll be screaming in a dreamWhere no one can hear you.So don""t youDon""t you say maybeBaby I""m crazyCrazy for wantingWanting you badlyMadly I""m seriousAnd you""re so curiousBut I""m too dangerous.You""re idealisticSo filled with gleeYou see me as your shining princeBut I""m a treacherous kingYou""ll accept my olive branchBut I""m poison ivy.I""m dangerous, so dangerousI""m dangerous, so dangerousYou better stay awayStay away from meI""m dangerous.So da da da da da...I""m dangerous


11.0的Stata版本是可以运行Roodman的cmp,只要您已经findit cmp即可,要对该指令有更进一步理解,请看Stata Journal 2011 第二期,Roodman的paper在那有介绍cmp。如果您使用cmp来处理oprobit的内生问题,且内生变量是连续,那么cmp是用工具变数法来解决的,help cmp可以看到帮助文件内容,即"IV-oprobit"如果您要演练请cmp setupwebuse laborsup, clearcmp (kids = fem_educ) (fem_educ = fem_work), ind(cmpoprobitcmp_cont) tech(dfp) nolr而kids即生小孩数目可能,fem_educ即内生变量也就是受教育年数为连续,而fem_work就是工具变量罗除了上述的工具变数法,另一个方法是Control function approach


热微菌属(Thermomicrobium) 硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospira) 硝化螺旋菌纲(Nitrospira磁螺菌属(Magnetospirillum) (Phaeospirillum) (Rhodocista) 红螺旋菌属(。

planomicrobium sp.是什么菌

热微菌属(Thermomicrobium) 硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospira) 硝化螺旋菌纲(Nitrospira磁螺菌属(Magnetospirillum) (Phaeospirillum) (Rhodocista) 红螺旋菌属(。



Robin Thicke的mona lisa歌词

I"m "A drive you crazy Till you be my baby"Cause your giving me the signs. Its just a matter of time, till your mine. So you stay on my mind, 24/7 on my mind. And I keep reading into every one of your moves, Every little thing you do, Thinking, should i pursue you? Should i pursue you?So i start making plans. Take you out to slow dance. Light up a romance. Wrap your hands in my hands. Then I hold you. We get closer. And I want you.And I want to drive you crazy, love. How can I just let go, If your eyes say yes, but you won"t fall in love? If I were a painter, you"d be my mona lisa. If I were a scientist baby, Id find the right chemistry. So you say yes to me, and I keep hanging on, hanging on. Till you say yes to me, say yes to me, say yes.I"m "A drive you crazy Till you be my baby I will drive you crazy Till you be my babySo I"m back in my room. Yesterday"s ended too soon, way too soon. Staring at the canvas, watching the time pass by. I got all the wrong colors spread out around me. My glass of champagne is almost empty. Every stroke I make is a stroke on your body. Run my mind through your hair, its only you I see.So i start making plans. Take you out to slow dance. Light up a romance. Wrap your hands in my hands. Then I hold you. We get closer. And I want you.And I"m gonna drive you crazy love. How can I just let go, If your eyes say yes, but you won"t fall in love? If I were a painter, you"d be my mona lisa. If I were a scientist baby, Id find the right chemistry. So you say yes to me, and I keep hanging on, hanging on. Till you say yes to me, say yes to me, say yes.I"m "A drive you crazy Till you be my baby I will drive you crazy Till you be my babyI"m "A drive you crazy Till you be my baby I will drive you crazy Till you be my baby

Show Me Love (feat. Robin S) 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me Love (feat. Robin S)歌手:Steve Angello & Laidback Luke feat. Robin S专辑:Until OneAce of Base - Show Me LoveShow me loveDouble upWon"t you show me loveShow me loveCause it"s been grey for so many yearsI just wanna how what is mineYour love for me wait and seeI"m not trying to seduce youThough it"s a long and cold dark nightYou are the one you areI would never try to change youI want to see who you are insideShow me loveAnd how to share itI"ll give you double up in returnLife is now and meant for livingCause it"s been grey for so many yearsLife will never ever be bad under my spellKiss and tellI feel lonely when I see youWhy don"t you give me just a smileYou"d make my day in many waysJust a fragment of your lifetimeCause the shine in my eyes will tellWon"t you show me loveShow me loveLet me knowDouble upShow me loveShow me love (oh oh oh)Double up (I wanna know)I, I"m not beautifulBut I can give you somethingNo one"s gonna give youMe, I will fight for youSo I"ll be yoursJust give me timeShow me loveI live, I"m learningLife will never ever be bad under my spellShow me love

Robinson (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲:ロビンソン (robinson)歌手:スピッツ (spitz)作词:草野正宗作曲:草野正宗新しい季节は なぜかせつない日々で /在新的季节里 无缘无故闷热的每天河原の道を自転车で 走る君を追いかけた /骑著脚踏车在河原路上 追赶著奔跑的你思い出のレコードと 大げさなエピソードを /回忆的唱片和夸大的小插曲疲れた肩にぶらさげて しかめつら まぶしそうに /悬挂在疲累的肩上 愁眉苦脸是那样的刺眼同じセリフ 同じ时 思わず口にするような /不知不觉 在同样的时候说出同样的台词ありふれたこの魔法で つくり上げたよ /用平常的魔法完成了谁も触われない 二人だけの国 君の手を离さぬように /谁也不能碰触你我的二人国度 就这样不放开你的手大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /在强大的力量下 浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风片隅に舍てられて 呼吸をやめない猫も /被丢在角落却不放弃呼吸的猫どこか似ている 抱き上げて 无理やりに頬よせるよ / 不知和我有某个地方相似 无理取闹地抱起它贴近脸颊いつもの交差点で 见上げた丸い窓は /一如往常的十字路口 由下往上看圆型的窗子うす汚れてる ぎりぎりの 三日月も仆を见てた /稍微弄脏了的细细月牙也看到了我待ちぶせた梦のほとり 惊いた君の瞳 /埋伏在梦的岸边 被惊吓了的你的双眼そして仆ら今ここで 生まれ変わるよ /而且我们今天在这里都重生了谁も触われない 二人だけの国 终わらない歌ばらまいて /谁也不能碰触只有两人的国度 没有终止的放声歌唱大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /在好大的力量下 若浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルラ ラ 宇宙の风に乗る /在好大的力量下 若浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风

spitz robinson 音译

罗马音Spitz ~ RobinsonAtarashii kisetsu wa nazeka setsunai hibi deKawara no michi wo jitensha de hashiru kimi wo oikaetaOmoide no REKOODO to oogesa na EPISOODO woTsukareta kata ni burasagete shika metsura mabushi sou niOnaji SERIFU onaji toki omowazu kuchi ni suru you naArifureta kono mahou de tsukuri ageta yoDare mo sawarenai futari dake no kuni kimi no te wo hanasanu youniOokina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruKatasumi ni suterarete kokyuu wo yamenai neko moDokoka nite iru dakiagete muriyari ni hoho yoseru yoItsumo no kousaten de miageta marui mado waUsuyogoreteru girigiri no mikazuki mo boku wo mitetaMachi buseta yume no hotori odoroita kimi no hitomiSoshi te bokura ima koko de umare kawaru yo Dare mo sawarenai futari dake no kuni owaranai uta baramaite Ookina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruOokina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruRURARA uchuu no kaze ni noru 中文歌词:全新的季节 为什麼却还是难过的日子 骑著脚踏车奔驰在河滩 追逐著奔跑的你 把回忆的唱片和夸大的佳话 背负在疲惫的肩上 像是皱起眉头地刺眼 相同的对白相同的时空 不禁脱口而出般 利用这司空见惯的魔法编造了啊 谁也无法碰触 只属於我俩的国度 不放开你的手 使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风 被遗弃在角落 努力生存著的猫 似乎哪里相似 抱起来强迫贴近脸颊啊 在往常的十字路口 抬头可见的圆窗 显得有点脏 最终的新月也望著我 躲藏起来的梦畔 你吃惊的眼神 而我俩如今在这里 脱胎换骨啊 谁也无法碰触 只属於我俩的国度 传颂著永恒的歌 使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风 使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风

谁有 spitz的Robinson 日语的假名歌词

新(あたら)しい季节(きせつ)はなぜかせつない日々(ひび)で河原(かわはら)の道(みち)を自転车(じてんしゃ)で走(はし)る君(きみ)を追(お)いかけた思(おも)い出(で)のレコードと大(おお)げさなエピソードを疲(つか)れた肩(かた)にぶらさげてしかめつら まぶしそうに同(おな)じセリフ 同(おな)じ时(とき)思(おも)わず口(くち)にするようなありふれたこの魔法(まほう)でつくり上(あ)げたよ谁(だれ)も触(さ)われない二人(ふたり)だけの国(くに)君(きみ)の手(て)を离(はな)さぬように大(おお)きな力(ちから)で空(そら)に浮(う)かべたらルララ 宇宙(うちゅう)の风(かぜ)に乗(の)る片隅(かたすみ)に舍(す)てられて呼吸(こきゅう)をやめない猫(ねこ)もどこか似(に)ている 抱(だ)き上(あ)げて无理(むり)やりに頬(ほお)よせるよいつもの交差点(こうさてん)で见上(みあ)げた丸(まる)い窓(まど)はうす汚(よご)れてるぎりぎりの三日月(みっかつき)も仆(ぼく)を见(み)てた待(ま)ちぶせた梦(ゆめ)のほとり惊(おどろ)いた君(きみ)の瞳(ひとみ)そして仆(ぼく)ら今(いま)ここで生(う)まれ変(か)わるよ谁(だれ)も触(さ)われない二人(ふたり)だけの国 (くに)终(お)わらない歌(うた)ばらまいて大(おお)きな力(ちから)で空(そら)に浮(う)かべたらルララ 宇宙(うちゅう)の风(かぜ)に乗(の)る大(おお)きな力(ちから)で空(そら)に浮(う)かべたらルララ 宇宙(うちゅう)の风(かぜ)に乗(の)るルララ 宇宙(うちゅう)の风(かぜ)に乗(の)る

spitz的Robinson 歌词翻译

人生其实不必过分的匆忙 有时候可以停下来看一看 很多景色需要用真心悟感 身边的一点一滴 看庭院中百花盛放 听鸟儿在枝头歌唱 噢,原来生命的美好如此简单 路虽然是曲曲弯弯 心中却是无比灿烂 能体会到这一切就足以无憾 小时候拥有无数的理想 长大后却会逐渐地遗忘 现实与梦境之间,总有一道堑 让我们离目标越走越遥远 公园里男孩正在荡秋千 花丛中女孩追赶着蝴蝶 小小的心灵之中,有多少愿望 能不能在以后也闪闪发亮 这个世界从来都人海茫茫 把我们的双眼蒙蔽得迷惘 为什么不静下心来想一想 灯塔究竟在何方 犹如陷入无边海洋 面前卷起重重巨浪 噢,其实我们都有自己的风帆 即便还看不到彼岸 也不要迷失了航向 能体会到这一切就足以无憾 路虽然是曲曲弯弯 心中却是无比灿烂 能体会到这一切就足以无憾 能体会到这一切就足以无憾

spitz的robinson 中文名叫《罗宾逊 翻译成拼音

日文歌词ロビンソン词、曲/草野正宗新しい季节は なぜかせつない日〃で河原の道を自转车で 走る君を追いかけた思い出てのレコードと 大げさなエピソードを疲れた肩にぶらさげてしかめつら まぶしそうに同じセリフ 同じ时 思わず口にするようなありふれたこの魔法で つくり上げたよ谁も触われない 二人だけの国君の手を离さぬように大きな力で 空に浮かべたらルララ 宇宙の风に乘る片隅に舍たられて 呼吸をやめない猫もどこか似ている 抱き上げて无理やりに颊よせるよいつもの交差点で 见上がた丸い窗はうす污れてる ぎりぎりの三日月も仆を见てた待ちぶせた梦のほとり 惊いた君の瞳そして仆ら今ここで 生まれ变わるよ谁も触われない 二人だけの国终わらない歌ばらまいて大きな力で 空に浮かべたらルララ 宇宙の风に乘る大きな力で 空に浮かべたらルララ 宇宙の风に乘るルララ 宇宙の风に乘る--中译歌词Robinson 作词、作曲:草野正宗/编曲:スピッツ、笹路正德全新的季节 为什麼却还是难过的日子骑著脚踏车奔驰在河滩 追逐著奔跑的你把回忆的唱片和夸大的佳话背负在疲惫的肩上 像是皱起眉头地刺眼相同的对白相同的时空 不禁脱口而出般利用这司空见惯的魔法编造了啊谁也无法碰触 只属於我俩的国度 不放开你的手使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风被遗弃在角落 努力生存著的猫似乎哪里相似 抱起来强迫贴近脸颊啊在往常的十字路口 抬头可见的圆窗显得有点脏 最终的新月也望著我躲藏起来的梦畔 你吃惊的眼神而我俩如今在这里 脱胎换骨啊谁也无法碰触 只属於我俩的国度 传颂著永恒的歌使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风 --罗马拼音Spitz ~ RobinsonAtarashii kisetsu wa nazeka setsunai hibi deKawara no michi wo jitensha de hashiru kimi wo oikaetaOmoide no REKOODO to oogesa na EPISOODO woTsukareta kata ni burasagete shika metsura mabushi sou niOnaji SERIFU onaji toki omowazu kuchi ni suru you naArifureta kono mahou de tsukuri ageta yoDare mo sawarenai futari dake no kuni kimi no te wo hanasanu youniOokina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruKatasumi ni suterarete kokyuu wo yamenai neko moDokoka nite iru dakiagete muriyari ni hoho yoseru yoItsumo no kousaten de miageta marui mado waUsuyogoreteru girigiri no mikazuki mo boku wo mitetaMachi buseta yume no hotori odoroita kimi no hitomiSoshi te bokura ima koko de umare kawaru yo Dare mo sawarenai futari dake no kuni owaranai uta baramaite Ookina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruOokina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruRURARA uchuu no kaze ni noru

microbiology spectrum杂志怎么样?

挺好的。审稿速度很快,接收率比较高,基本都在两个月内搞定。定位的话小木虫上有不少AEM,ACC这种四分多的老牌杂志拒稿邀请转投spectrum的,所以可能是ASM各期刊拒稿之后回收稿件。毕竟不要求创新性,应该是比AEM之类次一等,以后发文量猛增又不靠综述的话影响因子会怎么样不好说,着急毕业可以投,好一些的工作投这个还是亏,承认度不行。相关拓展杂志(Magazine):有固定刊名,以期、卷、号或年、月为序,定期或不定期连续出版的印刷读物。它根据一定的编辑方针,将众多作者的作品汇集成册出版,定期出版的,又称期刊。“杂志”的形成来源于罢工、罢课或战争中的宣传小册子。这种类似于注重时效的报纸的手册,兼顾了更加详尽的评论,一种新的媒体也就因这样特殊的原因而产生了。最早出版的一本杂志是于1665年1月在阿姆斯特丹由法国人萨罗出版的《学者杂志》。我国最早的中医杂志——《吴医汇讲》,创刊于清乾隆五十七年(公元1792年),停刊于清嘉庆六年(公元1801年),前后历时10年,共刊出11卷,每卷均合订为一本,是类似年刊性质的中医杂志。它的稿件是当时江南一带的名医所供给的,故名《吴医汇讲》。任何一种杂志以自己的“ISSN"(国际标准连续出版物号)进行出版。以上内容参考 百度百科-杂志



五年级英语作文《dear robin》

John Harrison has what must be the most wanted job in the United States. He"s the official taster for Edy"s Grand Ice Cream, one of the nation"s best-selling brands. Harrison"s taste buds are insured for $1 million. 1 And when he isn"t doing that, he travels, buying Edy"s in supermarkets all over the country so that he can check for perfect appearance,texture, and flavor.  After I interviewed Harrison, I realized that the life of an ice cream taster isn"t all Cookies "n Cream 一 a flavor that* he invented, by the way. No, it"s extremely hard work, which requires discipline and selflessness.  During the workweek, Harrison told me that he has to make other sacrifices, too: no onions, garlic, or spicy food, and no caffeine. Caffeine will block the taste buds, he says, so his breakfast is a cup of herbal tea. 3  Harrison"s family has been in the ice cream business in one way or another1 for four generations, so Harrison has spent his entire life with it2. However, he has never lost his love for its cold, creamy sweetness. 4 On these occasions3,he does swallow, and he eats about a quart (0.95 liters) each week. By comparison4, the average person in the United States eats 23.2 quarts (21. 96 liters) of ice cream and other frozen dairy products each year.  Edy,s ice cream is available in dozens of flavors. So what flavor does the best-trained ice-cream taster in the country prefer? Vanilla! In fact, vanilla is the best-selling variety in the United States.

Who was Robin Hood?应该怎样回答?

The man in white..-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

《The Merry Adventuresof Robin Hood》txt下载阅读,求百度云资源

《The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood the Merry Adventures of Robin Hood》(Pyle, Howard)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:xhn7书名:The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood the Merry Adventures of Robin Hood作者:Pyle, Howard出版年份:2010-5页数:268内容简介:At this there was bustling at the Sheriff"s castle, and men ran hither and thither upon this business and upon that, while the forge fires of Nottingham glowed red far into the night like twinkling stars, for all the smiths of the town were busy making or mending armor for the Sheriff"s troop of escort. For two days this labor lasted, then, on the third, all was ready for the journey.

Robin Hood and Prince John 译文

你好!Robin Hood and Prince John 罗宾汉和约翰王子

《Robin Hood》内容梗概

Robin Hood is the archetypal English folk hero; a courteous, pious and swashbuckling outlaw of the medieval era who, in modern versions of the legend, is famous for robbing the rich to feed the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny. He operates with his "seven score" (140 strong) group of fellow outlawed yeomen – called his "Merry Men". Robin Hood and his band are usually associated with Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire. He has been the subject of numerous movies, books, comics and plays. In many stories Robin"s nemesis is the Sheriff of Nottingham. In the oldest legends, this is merely because a sheriff is an outlaw"s natural enemy, but in later versions, the despotic sheriff gravely abuses his position, appropriating land, levying intolerable taxation, and unfairly persecuting the poor. In some tales the antagonist is Prince John, based on John of England, seen as the unjust usurper of his pious brother Richard. In the oldest versions surviving, Robin Hood is a yeoman, but in some versions he is said to have been a nobleman, the earl of Loxley (Locksley), who was unjustly deprived of his lands. Sometimes he has served in the crusades, returning to England to find his lands pillaged by the dastardly sheriff. In some tales he is the champion of the people, fighting against corrupt officials and the oppressive order that protects them, while in others he is an arrogant and headstrong rebel, who delights in bloodshed, cruelly slaughtering and beheading his victims. In point of fact, Robin Hood stories are different in every period of their history. Robin himself is continually reshaped and redrawn, made to exemplify whatever values are deemed important by the storyteller at the time. The figure is less a personage and more of an amalgam of the various ideas his "life" has been structured to support.

the geste of robin hood谁写的

不是某个人写的,是部分关于Robin Hood的ballads的合集叫这个,里面收录了三十七个长度不等的关于罗宾汉的民谣

Robin Hood and Prince John 译文


求罗宾汉新传 (New Adventures Of Robin Hood, The)下载


罗宾指数(Robin Hood Index)是怎样计算的?怎样衡量贫富不均的?

“罗宾汉指数:是建立在洛伦兹曲线基础上的一个分配状况测度指数,它等于洛伦兹曲线与45度线之间的最大垂直距离(坐标轴最大标度为1)。罗宾汉指数近似等于为了实现完全均等分配,富有者(收入或财产拥有量高于平均水平的人群)应该转移给穷困者(收入或财产拥有量低于平均水平的人群)的收入或财产占全社会收入或财产的份额”这个指数实际上是洛伦兹曲线连续微分式的某种简化形式,如果你要看原型,可以refer:的“Properties”部分,俺数学不好,不会推导。罗宾汉指数公式如下:指数H代表Hoover Index。 Ei和Etotal指某个群体的收入(财富)和社会总收入(财富), Ai和Atotal指某个群体的人数(家庭数)和社会总人数(家庭数)。N是分组个数,通常在洛伦兹曲线中我们分五组。在这种情形下,理论上所有的Ai/Atotal应该是一致的(20%),反映洛伦兹曲线中呈45度角的完全均等分配。注意洛伦兹曲线中的数值都是累积数值,而据本人理解罗宾汉指数中的数值都是各组数值——即方能在洛伦兹曲线斜对称时,取1/2平均。但仅就公式而言求出来的貌似应该是不平等面积的一半,而非“最大垂直距离”。参考资料:

Amaral的《Robin Hood》 歌词

歌曲名:Robin Hood歌手:Amaral专辑:Hacia Lo Salvaje (Deluxe Edition)Amaral - Robin HoodCuando tocaba en los bares un borracho me decía"En las cenizas del fracaso está la sabiduría".La piedra filosofal que yo busqué cada díaY aún no he podido encontrar,Tal vez porque ya no exista.Cuando dormía en los parquesUn arcángel venía a protegerme de noche,A espantar a la policía.No sé lo que pasó,Si estaba escrito o no,Si fue su culpa o la mía.Pero mi ángel cayó,Igual que yo caí en cada vicio que me descubría.La diferencia entre él y yo,Es que yo aún sigo con vida.Siempre tenía un plan,Hablaba de escapar robando un barco del puerto.Si le hubiera dejado hubiera reventadoLa caja fuerte de un bancoCreyendo en delirios de Robin Hood.Delirios de Robin Hood…

edguy的《Robin Hood》 歌词

歌曲名:Robin Hood歌手:edguy专辑:Age Of The Joker武汉大学:Lye、耶律蠢材、の、炀帝珞盟推荐金属群:66032164Ride across the endless woodsShadows guide our wayWhispers from the fallen leafsWe"ve sworn to spare no painsMoonlight falling through the boughsWhen horses crump afraidThe tassel sounds revealingAs we shiver and we shakeMake no sound and rowelRun for your lives, run from the criesOut of the dark of the damned landsYour day to dieRobin Hood is after youand he"s not in a joking mood, noYou ride or dieHe"s out for bling againCourting maids in hundredsThey say there"s merry men and wineYou dream of what he does all dayWhat a folly lifeHe never shaves to show his faceLegend has that allHe does all day is shooting, duckingAnd running from the lawLiberty, equality and a little loveWomen, wine and song for every outlawThrow in some jealousyAnd a pinch of need for fameThe king for everyonewho wants to be the sameMake no sound and rowelRun from the criesRun for your livesFly from the son of an arrowYour day to dieRobin Hood is after youAnd he"s not in a joking moodSo you ride or dieHe"s out for bling again"Robin Hood:King of thievesHero of outlawsSon of a fatherBewareth! He may be after you!Bewareth!Ha ha ha ha ha!"The legend is a mile down the roadTo blind the honest manWhile the truth hasn"t even the the bootsIts boots on yetTake what you desireMake no mistakeFire and duck! Fire and duck!Let nemesis prevailStab in the backStab in the backYou will never see his faceFire and duck!One more stab in the backWhat a day to kill disgraceThe legend is a mile down the roadTo blind the honest manWhile the truth hasn"t even the the bootsIts boots on yetMake no sound and rowel, hahahaRun from the criesRun for your livesFly from the son of an arrowYour day to dieRobin Hood is after youAnd he"s not in a joking moodSo you ride or dieHe"s out for bling againYour day to dieWhen Robin Hood can"t find no oneWho would caress his Little JohnYou ride or dieHe"s out for bling again

请问谁有robin hood的故事??要英文的

robin hood is a knight

robin hood 是什么品牌


求 Robin Jackson 的歌曲 roses and gold 英文歌词翻译对照


Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by ...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D 试题分析:文章大意:通过Mr.Robinson一次乘坐飞机所经历的一件事,讲述一位士兵成功的与美女坐在一起的故事。小题1:C 细节理解题:根据He liked to sit beside a window when he was flying. So, when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already been taken except one. 当他乘坐飞机时他喜欢坐在窗户边。因此,当他上了飞机,他就找靠窗的座位。他发现只有一个靠窗的座位了,其他的都已经有人坐了。所以,选C。有个他想要的座位。小题2:B 推理判断题:根据When he reached it, however, he saw there was a notice on it. 但是当他到哪儿的时候,看见座位上有个通知。(没料到)和Mr. Robinson had never seen such a notice in a plane before,他以前在飞机上从来没见过这样的通知。小题3:A 推理判断题:根据when the plane was quite full, a very beautiful girl stepped into the plane. The soldier quickly took the notice off the seat beside him and in this way succeeded in having the girl beside him during the whole trip. 飞机快满员了,一位非常漂亮的姑娘走了进来。那位士兵迅速把旁边座位上的通知取了下来,这样他就成功的一路有这位美女坐在身旁。没有提到他跟美女是情侣关系,所以排除B. 小题4:D 推理判断题:这是一个小故事,所以既不是长篇小说 novel, 也不是新闻报道news report,更不是科幻小说 science fiction.

Robinson Crusoe的主题是什么???急!!!!

这个假期我读了《鲁滨逊漂流记》这本书,获益匪浅。 一六五九年九月三十日,一个人在一次航行中上遇到了可怕的风浪,翻了船,除他之外无一人生还。他流落到了孤岛上。凭着他惊人的毅力与勇气,二十八年后,他依靠自己的智慧逃出了孤岛,这个人就是倒霉而又幸运的鲁滨逊·克罗索。 在荒芜人烟的孤岛生活28年啊!多么惊人的一个数字!可见鲁滨逊是何等的勇敢。初到孤岛的他是绝望的,他说:“我整天悲痛着我这凄凉的环境,没有食物,没有房屋,没有衣服,没有武器,没有出路,没有被救的希望,眼前只有死,不是被野兽所吞,就是被野人所嚼……”但是,慢慢地,他独特的个性体现了出来,对生活充满希望,不再整天沉浸在自己设计的悲观中,开始一心一意的安排自己的生活,他建了小房子;做了桌子、小匣子;捕了小羊、小狗;种了小麦、稻子……就这样,他用自己的双手,创造了自己的小王国。 鲁滨逊还是坚毅的人。他曾经这样说道:“我的脾气是要决心做一件事情,不成功决不放手的”,“我要尽全力而为,只要我还能划水,我就不肯被淹死,只要我还能站立,我就不肯倒下……”他没有助手,工具不全,缺乏经验,所以做任何事情都要花很大的劳力,费好长的时间。连做一块木板都要四十二天。他作的许多事情都是白费力气,没有成功,但他从来不灰心失望,总是总结了失败的经验又重新开始。辛勤的劳动换来了令人欣慰的回报,他最后变得有船用,有面包吃,有陶器用,有种植园,有牧场,有两处较“豪华”的住所……这些没有一件不是费了很多力气、克服了许多困难才得来得的。 读完之后,我不禁反省自己:如果我流落到孤岛,能活几天?一天?两天?我又能干些什么?会劈柴?会打猎做饭?我连洗自己衣服还笨手笨脚的呢!再说了,没有一个人讲话,多孤单呀!我准会憋死的!可见鲁滨逊是多么乐观向上!我觉得人应该学习他这种不怕困难、乐观向上的精神,无论何时何地都坚强地活下去,哪怕只有一线希望也要争取,决不能放弃!我们要像鲁滨逊那样有志气、有毅力、爱劳动,凭自己的双手创造财富。 2 读《鲁滨逊漂流记》有感 前不久,我看了一本书,名叫《鲁滨逊漂流记》。 鲁滨逊在小时候就有一个愿望:到海上去!在十八岁那年,他和自己的伙伴乘一艘船。突然,船沉了。只有鲁滨逊一个人顺利到了小岛,并开始了在一个荒岛上的“旅游”。 鲁滨逊在岛上自己做面包吃,做箩筐和陶器等。并自己用木头做了一个木排,到那个翻了地船上去。并冒着危险回到小岛。在返回森林后,发现在这荒岛上有人来过,于是就给自己“造”了一个森林。并在野人们的手下救了一个人,取名为“星期五”。他是那么的刻苦,把自己训练成一位面包师。他是那么坚强,能在大浪冲击下安全回岛。他是那么的勇敢,在野人们的追捕下,救回一个人。就因为鲁滨逊是一个刻苦、坚强、勇敢的人,才会用自己的力量去克服种种困难。 假如我是鲁滨逊,我不会像他那样,去把自己训练成一位面包师,我会想:几次面包都做那么差,干脆我不练了!我不会像他在大浪的冲击下坚强回岛,我会想:要是我被大浪吹下海,那该怎么办?我不会像他那样,在野人的追捕下救一个人。如果我看见野人追着一个人,向我这里跑来,我会想:唉呀,野人来了,快点逃命吧!我自己认为我是一个渺小的女孩子,面对鲁滨逊那顽强地精神,我是远远比不上的。 读了《鲁滨逊漂流记》后,我被他那顽强地毅力所深深感动。我们大家应该学鲁滨逊那种刻苦、坚强、勇敢地精神。 3 勇敢的和困难作斗争 ——读《鲁滨逊漂流记》有感 我读了《鲁滨逊漂流记》这篇小说后,深深被故事中的主人翁鲁滨逊感动,他遭遇海难漂流到荒岛上以后,不是悲叹命运对自己的不公,而是充分利用自己的头脑和双手,修建房子、种植庄稼、养殖动物、制造工具、在绝望和无助中用自己的顽强和毅力与饥饿、疾病等作斗争,最后终于胜利的获救。 一开始,鲁滨逊背着自己的父母跟着一只船出海了,但是在一次雨中船遇难了,他在茫茫的大海里漂流了好长时间,最后被海水带到了一个荒无人烟的孤岛上,这个岛上没有人烟,只有他遇难船上的一只狗和两只猫,他企图向来往的船只求救,却发现哪只船上的人是海贼。他用身边仅有的一些物品建了一坐“房子”,后来又在遇难的船上找到了一些面包、酒、衣服、枪弹等等…… 就这样开始了他长达二十八年两个月零十九天的孤岛漂流。在这么长久的时间里,他不仅要战胜寂寞和孤独,还要战胜饥饿和疾病,更不能让海上的强盗发现他,他总是乐观的面对眼前的一切,珍惜身边每一个可以让他求生的机会,在困难面前他也害怕过,逃避过但最后总是战胜了自己而获得了生的希望。 读完这篇小说后,我真的被鲁滨逊的顽强和勇敢深深的感动着,他在哪么艰苦的环境下,把自己从绝望中解救了出来,对我感动最深的是他的毅力,鲁滨逊长达二十几年对生的希望就是毅力,我不禁想到我们自己,我们对生活,对学习是不是也应该向他学习呢?遇到困难是不是也应该勇敢的面对而不在逃避呢? 记得我在学习的过程中,经常遇到一些困难,我不是想办法克服它,而是和困难玩起了迷藏,有一次,我对一个数学问题特别的感兴趣,但是始终没有把这件事弄明白,如果我要搞清楚这件事,需要花很多的时间和精力,于是我心安理得的放弃了,可是后来在考试中我又遇到了同一个问题,我还是没有解决掉,我好后悔,我虽然暂时的“绕”开了这个困难,但困难最终又和我遇上了。 我们今天在生活中,学习上的困难和鲁滨逊比起来,还是困难吗?我一定要改掉我的坏毛病,遇到困难不再着“绕”着走,而是要像鲁滨逊一样,勇敢的和困难作斗争。 朋友,你看过这本书吗?如果没有我建议你看看!你一定也会和我一样感动。


《Robinson Crusoe》([英国] 丹尼尔·笛福)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:y51w书名:Robinson Crusoe作者:[英国] 丹尼尔·笛福豆瓣评分:8.1出版社:Lb May & Assoc Inc出版年份:1997-8-5页数:272内容简介:《鲁滨逊漂流记》讲述了17世纪,一名英国水手鲁滨逊·克鲁索不安于中产阶级的那种平庸舒适的生活,多次出海经营。在一次去非洲贩运黑奴的途中海上遇难,飘落荒岛。他以不屈不挠的顽强意志,依靠个人的智慧和辛勤的劳动,谋食建屋,制器养畜,开荒耕种,克服种种困难,最后终于回到文明社会的故事。With an Introduction and Notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury From its first publication in 1719, Robinson Crusoe has been printed in over 700 editions. It has inspired almost every conceivable kind of imitation and variation, and been the subject of plays, opera, cartoons, and computer games. The character of Crusoe has entered the consciousness of each succeeding generation as readers add their own interpretation to the adventures so thrillingly "recorded" by Defoe. Praised by eminent figures such as Coleridge, Rousseau and Wordsworth, this perennially popular book was cited by Karl Marx in Das Kapital to illustrate economic theory. However it is readers of all ages over the last 280 years who have given Robinson Crusoe its abiding position as a classic tale of adventure.作者简介:达尼尔·笛福1660年出生在人伦郭一个商人家庭,父亲经营屠宰业。笛福受过中等教育,信奉不属于英国国教的长老会教派。由于家庭的影响,新教学校的教育,他二十岁时已经成为一个体面的小商人了。他把他的一切希望都建筑在他的商业活动中。他做过烟洒生意,做过内衣制作中间商,也开办过工厂。正处在原始积累阶段的英国资本主义,给他带来了很多的好处,马车、住房和“兴高采烈的生活”。但由于他信奉的是新教,反对英国国教的统冶和压迫,出版调刺政府的小册子,从事政冶活动,1702年被捕入狱。后来,他又被捕过几次,也都是因为他的言论,他办的报纸和刊物,他出版的政冶经济的小册子。因此,他的一生是在不断地入狱和破产中度过的,他始终没能实现他的理想,成为一个大商人,成为一富翁。

Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊漂流记摘抄

All the rest of that Day I spent in afflicting my self at the dismal Circumstances I was brought to, viz. I had neither Food, House, Clothes, Weapon, or Place to fly to, and in Despair of any Relief, saw nothing but Death before me, either that I should be devour"d by wild Beasts, murther"d by Savages, or starv"d to Death for Want of Food. At the Approach of Night, I slept in a Tree for fear of wild Creatures, but slept soundly tho" it rain"d all Night.October 1. In the Morning I saw to my great Surprise the Ship had floated with the high Tide, and was driven on Shore again much nearer the Island, which as it was some Comfort on one hand, for seeing her sit upright, and not broken to Pieces, I hop"d, if the Wind abated, I might get on board, and get some Food and Necessaries out of her for my Relief; so on the other hand, it renew"d my Grief at the Loss of my Comrades, who I imagin"d if we had all staid on board might have sav"d the Ship, or at least that they would not have been all drown"d as they were; and that had the Men been sav"d, we might perhaps have built us a Boat out of the Ruins of the Ship, to have carried us to some other Part of the World. I spent great Part of this Day in perplexing my self on these things; but at length seeing the Ship almost dry, I went upon the Sand as near as I could, and then swam on board; this Day also it continu"d raining, tho" with n"o Wind at all.From the 1st of October, to the 24th. All these Days entirely spent in many several Voyages to get all I could out of the Ship, which I brought on Shore, every Tide of Flood, upon Rafts. Much Rain also in these Days, tho" with some Intervals of fair Weather: But, it seems, this was the rainy Season.Oct.20. I overset my Raft, and all the Goods I had got upon it, but being in shoal Water, and the things being chiefly heavy, I recover"d many of them when the Tide was out.Oct. 25. It rain"d all Night and all Day, with some Gusts of Wind, during which time the Ship broke in Pieces, the Wind blowing a little harder than before, and was no more to be seen, except the Wreck of her, and that only at low Water. I spent this Day in covering and securing the Goods which I had sav"d, that the Rain might not spoil them.Oct. 26. I walk"d about the Shore almost all Day to find out a place to fix my Habitation, greatly concern"d to secure my self from an Attack in the Night, either from wild Beasts or Men. Towards Night I fix"d upon a proper Place under a Rock, and mark"d out a Semi-Circle for my Encampment, which I resolv"d to strengthen with a Work, Wall, or Fortification made of double Piles, lin"d within with Cables, and without with Turf.From the 26th. to the 30th. I work"d very hard in carrying all my Goods to my new Habitation, tho" some Part of the time it rain"d exceeding hard.The 31st. in the Morning I went out into the Island with my Gun to see for some Food, and discover the Country, when I kill"d a She-Goat, and her Kid follow"d me home, which I afterwards kill"d also because it would not feed.November. 1. I set up my Tent under a Rock, and lay there for the first Night, making it as large as I could with Stakes driven in to swing my Hammock upon.Nov. 2. I set up all my Chests and Boards, and the Pieces of Timber which made my Rafts, and with them form"d a Fence round me, a little within the Place I had mark"d out for my Fortification.Nov. 3. I went out with my Gun and kill"d two Fowls like Ducks, which were very good Food. In the Afternoon went to work to make me a Table.Captain, well us"d, and dealt justly and honourably with, as well as charitably, I had not the least Thankfulness on my Thoughts: When again I was shipwreck"d, ruin"d, and in Danger of drowning on this Island, I was as far from Remorse, or looking on it as a Judgment; I only said to my self often, that I was an unfortunate Dog, and born to be always miserable.It is true, when I got on Shore first here, and found all my Ship"s Crew drown"d, and my self spar"d, I was surpriz"d with a Kind of Extasie, and some Transports of Soul, which, had the Grace of God assisted, might have come up to true Thankfulness; but it ended where it begun, in a meer common Flight of Joy, or as I may say, being glad I was alive, without the least Reflection upon the distinguishing Goodness of the Hand which had preserv"d me, and had singled me out to be preserv"d, when all the rest were destroy"d; or an Enquiry why Providence had been thus merciful to me; even just the same common Sort of Joy which Seamen generally have after they are got safe ashore from a Shipwreck, which they drown all in the next Bowl of Punch, and forget almost as soon as it is over, and all the rest of my Life was like it.Even when I was afterwards, on due Consideration, made sensible of my Condition, how I was cast on this dreadful Place, out of the Reach of humane Kind, out of all Hope of Relief, or Prospect of Redemption, as soon as I saw but a Prospect of living, and that I should not starve and perish for Hunger, all the Sense of my Affliction wore off, and I begun to be very easy, apply"d my self to the Works proper for my Preservation and Supply, and was far enough from being afflicted at my Condition, as a Judgment from Heaven, or as the Hand of God against me; these were Thoughts which very seldom enter"d into my Head.The growing up of the Corn, as is hinted in my Journal, had at first some little Influence upon me, and began to affect me with Seriousness, as long as I thought it had something miraculous in it; but as soon as ever that Part of the Thought was remov"d, all the Impression which was rais"d from it, wore off also, as I have noted already.Even the Earthquake, tho" nothing could be more terrible in its Nature, or more immediately directing to the invisible Power which alone directs such Things, yet no sooner was the first Fright over, but the Impression it had made went off also. I had no more Sense of God or his Judgments, much less of the present Affliction of my Circumstances being from his Hand, than if I had been in the most prosperous Condition of Life.But now when I began to be sick, and a leisurely View of the Miseries of Death came to place itself before me; when my Spirits began to sink under the Burthen of a strong Distemper, and Nature was exhausted with the Violence of the Feaver; Conscience that had slept so long, begun to awake, and I began to reproach my self with my past Life, in which I had so evidently, by uncommon Wickedness, provok"d the Justice of God to lay me under uncommon Strokes, and to deal with me in so vindictive a Manner.These Reflections oppress"d me for the second or third Day of my Distemper, and in the Violence, as well of the Feaver, as of the dreadful Reproaches of my Conscience, extorted some Words from me, like praying to God, tho" I cannot say they were either a Prayer attended with Desires or with Hopes; it was rather the Voice of meer Fright and Distress; my Thoughts were confus"d, the Convictions great upon my Mind, and the Horror of dying in such a miserable Condition rais"d Vapours into my Head with the meer Apprehensions; and in these Hurries of my Soul, I know not what my Tongue might express: but it was rather Exclamation, such as, Lord! what a miserable Creature am I? If I should be sick, I shall certainly die for Want of Help, and what will become of me! Then the Tears burst out of my Eyes, and I could say no more for a good while.In this Interval, the good Advice of my Father came to my Mind, and presently his Prediction which I mention"d at the Beginning of this Story, viz. That if I did take this foolish Step, God would not bless me, and I would have Leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his Counsel, when there mightIn a Word, The Nature and Experience of Things dictated to me upon just Reflection, That all the good Things of this World, are no farther good to us, than they are for our Use; and that whatever we may heap up indeed to give others, we enjoy just as much as we can use, and no more. The most covetous griping Miser in the World would have been cur"d of the Vice of Covetousness, if he had been in my Case; for I possess"d infinitely more than I knew what to do with. I had no room for Desire, except it was of Things which I had not, and they were but Trifles, though indeed of great Use to me. I had, as I hinted before, a Parcel of Money, as well Gold as Silver, about thirty six Pounds Sterling: Alas! There the nasty sorry useless Stuff lay; I had no manner of Business for it; and I often thought with my self, That I would have given a Handful of it for a Gross of Tobacco-Pipes, or for a Hand-Mill to grind my Corn; nay, I would have given it all for Sixpenny-worth of Turnip and Carrot Seed out of England, or for a Handful of Pease and Beans, and a Bottle of Ink: As it was, I had not the least advantage by it, or Benefit from it; but there it lay in a Drawer, and grew mouldy with the Damp of the Cave, in the wet Season; and if I had had the Drawer full of Diamonds, it had been the same Case; and they had been of no manner of Value to me, because of no Use.I had now brought my State of Life to be much easier in it self than it was at first, and much easier to my Mind, as well as to my Body. I frequently sat down to my Meat with Thankfulness, and admir"d the Hand of God"s Providence, which had thus spread my Table in the Wilderness. I learn"d to look more upon the bright Side of my Condition, and less upon the dark Side; and to consider what I enjoy"d, rather than what I wanted; and this gave me sometimes such secret Comforts, that I cannot express them; and which I take Notice of here, to put those discontented People in Mind of it, who cannot enjoy comfortably what God has given them; because they see, and covet something that he has not given them: All our Discontents about what we want, appear"d to me, to spring from the Want of Thankfulness for what we have.Another Reflection was of great Use to me, and doubtless would be so to any one that should fall into such Distress as mine was; and this was, To compare my present Condition with what I at first expected it should be; nay, with what it would certainly have been, if the good Providence of God had not wonderfully order"d the Ship to be cast up nearer to the Shore, where I not only Could come at her, but could bring what I got out of her to the Shore, for my Relief and Comfort; without which, I had wanted for Tools to work, Weapons for Defence, or Gun-Powder and Shot for getting my Food.I spent whole Hours, I may say whole Days, in representing to my self in the most lively Colours, how I must have acted, if I had got nothing out of the Ship. How I could not have so much as got any Food, except Fish and Turtles; and that as it was long before I found any of them, I must have perish"d first. That I should have liv"d, if I had not perish"d, like a meer Savage. That if I had kill"d a Goat, or a Fowl, by any Contrivance, I had no way to flea" or open them, or part the Flesh from the Skin, and the Bowels, or to cut it up; but must gnaw it with my Teeth, and pull it with my Claws like a Beast.These Reflections made me very sensible of the Goodness of Providence to me, and very thankful for my present Condition, with all its Hardships and Misfortunes: And this Part also I cannot but recommend to the Reflection of those, who are apt in their Misery to say, Is any Affliction like mine! Let them consider, How much worse the Cases of some People are, and their Case might have been, if Providence had thought fit.

he is robinson crusoe什么意思


关于鲁宾逊漂流记的问题(英文的)Robinson Crusoe


robinson crusoe 的英文写作特点,要举例子哦,谢谢!!要英文的!!

Robinson Crusoe is a real hero. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. However, Robinson Crusoe is not a perfect man. He also has shortcomings. He was such a coward when he encountered a storm the first time. He sweared and repented yet ate his words and sailed on after the storm. By showing Robinson"s shortcomings, Daniel Defoe made Robinson a real person. After all, no one is perfect. Robinson Crusoe can not only lead the ambitious ones to success, but also guide average people to face up to life. This is the significance of the study of Robinson Crusoe.

robinson crusoe的英文简介

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