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翻译一下这句话,来自Cameron Russell在TED中的演讲

Look l"ve received all these benefits from a deckstacked in my favor.听着,我已经从对我有利的甲板上得到了所有这些好处。望采纳,谢谢!


《非正式会谈》是一档全球文化相对论节目 ,该节目主要围绕热点话题和青年关注的问题进行讨论,诣在消除各国间的偏见和误解。最近,节目嘉宾调整方面一直深受粉丝关注,特别是几名老成员的离开更是令老粉丝不舍。不过,近日英国代表成明也在微博中公布将不参与第六季录制的消息。成明是第五季嘉宾,外貌英俊。但作为2003年出生,录制节目时才15岁的他还说,正是树立自己观念汲取有用知识的年纪,显然对很多问题都没有深刻的认识。特别是他提到的GCSE考试,其实是相当于国内的初中毕业考试(难度大概相于国内的高一水平),也难怪会长会建议他还是以学习为重。希望成明假以时日,成长后再回归节目——如果节目还在的话。毕竟,虽然成明在微博中说自己不好看,但凭心而论长得还是帅的。他日学有所成时,欢迎成明再到中国做客!

Russell Hobbs(领豪)品牌缔造哪些传奇?

卓越的产品赢得了世界各地消费者的青睐,也缔造出Russell Hobbs(领豪)品牌精彩传奇:英国厨房小家电第一品牌;英国电熨斗、热水壶、多士炉和烧烤盘第一品牌;欧洲早餐系列第一厨电品牌;欧洲热水壶和多士炉第一品牌;英国、澳大利亚、南非小家电第一品牌;欧洲品牌占有率增长最快的小家电品牌。Russell Hobbs(领豪)已风靡全球,不仅在欧洲30多个国家进行销售,也风行亚洲、美洲。

Russell baker的个人简介是什么?

拉塞尔·贝克(Russell Baker)是美国著名记者和专栏作家。1925年8月14日出生于弗吉尼亚的Morrisonville是家中的长子;1947年他受雇于《马尔的摩太阳报》、1954年加入《纽约时报》 ,负责报道白宫、国会和国家政治新闻。1962年—1998年期间,拉塞尔·贝克长期为《纽约时报》写《观察栏》专栏,专门评论国政;1979年,贝克以其犀利机智的政府文章获得普利策评论奖。作品影响拉塞尔-贝克的《成长》出版后曾连续72周高居畅销书排行榜前列,先后被多个国家翻译引进,直至今天仍然在全球各地畅销,总发行量已经超过220万册,创下美国出版史上的一个奇迹。 人物影响拉塞尔-贝克在美国有“当代的马克吐温”之称,他用朴实优美、幽默睿智的文字向我们讲述了一个单亲家庭中的小男孩在好强母亲的教育下成长成才的故事。



Russell 2000指数含义是什么?

Russell 2000指数又称罗素2000指数,是罗素指数的重要组成部分。它由FrankRussell公司创立于1972年,成份指数股股数2000家,则是罗素3000指数中市值最小的2000支股票构成。此指数大约包含了罗素3000指数11%的市场总值。


《 万王之王3D 》手游全平台上线倒计时开启,战火从未熄灭,这个世界在呼唤英雄的到来!8月21日,万王大世界终于要面向更多的玩家揭开它的神秘面纱了! 为了感谢玩家一直以来的支持与喜爱,也为了帮助大家在游戏上线后,能够快速顺利的通关高难度副本,《万王之王 3D 》手游官方特意成立了一支“黄金开荒团”,并开设黄金开荒站点,实时更新前线开荒战况,玩家参与开荒即可瓜分海量黄金大奖。除此之外, Russell担任《万王之王3D》手游的音乐总监,亲自为你讲述《万王之王3D》手游配乐背后不为人知的故事。 配乐故事: 音乐总监Russell倾情打造万王游戏原声 《万王之王3D》手游的音乐总监由Russell Brower担任,如果你是一位资深游戏玩家,多多少少都会对他有一些印象。Russell为众多游戏制作了大量热血澎湃的音乐和无数 经典 原声音轨,曾经三次在国际著名的艾美奖上获得作曲奖,声名赫赫。 此次《万王之王3D》手游的制作团队特意登门拜访了这位才华横溢的作曲家,并向Russell全面展示了万王大世界,Russell表示这款游戏给予了他丰富的灵感,他迫不及待地想将这些灵感呈现给玩家,让玩家通过听觉感受万王大世界里的千姿百态。 通过扣人心弦的音乐 吸引玩家集结 当玩家仔细聆听《万王之王3D》手游的配乐时会发现,在任何一段配乐里都会有胜利的时刻、充满希望的时刻、悲伤的时刻,危险以及不确定的时刻。这也预示着四大种族将不断战斗,最终目的就是为了迎来希望的曙光。但在战斗的过程当中难免会身负重伤,或遇到重重阻拦,胜利的喜悦、悲伤的泪水、难以琢磨的剧情。Russell深知万王大世界是一个有血有肉的庞大世界,于是他把这些元素全都融合进了配乐里。 Russell想通过音乐的表达让玩家明白,万王大世界是一个永恒的世界,当你化身为勇士来到这个世界时,就再也没有回头之路。你一心只想去探索这个世界中的一切,就能享受这种过程并把它当成一种乐趣。 “黄金开荒团”上线 开荒大世界瓜分真黄金 除了前暴雪娱乐音乐教父Russell的倾情加入是一大亮点之外,“黄金开荒团”系列活动也同样值得玩家们期待。玩家在加入黄金开荒团以后,可获得价值不菲的预约礼包,该礼包会在游戏上线后统一发到游戏内,除此之外,在这期间通关游戏副本后还可获得大量的真黄金奖励! 8月28日,由“苹果牛”、“蓝战非&仓鼠王”、“懒猫猫QAQ”组成的三大开荒团阵营将进行一场开荒竞赛,玩家可自行选择自己Pick的阵营,指定副本通关速度最快的阵营为胜者,该阵营的全体玩家可瓜分10万Q币或现金奖励!能不能一夜暴富,就在此一举了! 8月21日,由万王之王正版授权的MMO RPG 手游《万王之王3D》将全平台正式上线,听着Russell带来的震撼音乐与小伙伴们一起集结开荒,勇夺黄金,你还在犹豫什么?快叫上小伙伴们来一起报名吧!想了解更多实时资讯请登录官网或关注官方微信公众号[KOK_3D]。

Russell 2000指数是什么意思?

您所说的这个词语,是属于FRM词汇的一个,掌握好FRM词汇可以让您在FRM的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:Russell 3000指数中最小2000家企业股价表现的指数,是低市值股票的指标

Russell 2000指数是什么意思啊?

Russell 2000指数这个词语属于CMA核心词汇当中的一个,学习好CMA核心词汇让您在学习中如鱼得水,这个词语的意思是:Russell 3000指数中最小2000家企业股价表现的指数,是低市值股票的指标

Russell 2000指数是什么意思啊?

Russell 2000指数又称罗素2000指数,是罗素指数的重要组成部分。它由FrankRussell公司创立于1972年,成份指数股股数2000家,则是罗素3000指数中市值最小的2000支股票构成。此指数大约包含了罗素3000指数11%的市场总值。罗素指数是由Frank Russell公司创立,由华盛顿州的Frank Russell所发行的市场资本总额加权平均数,为小企业股价表现最佳的衡量工具之一。是美国市场被广泛关注的跟踪大型股和小型股的指数,罗素以美国市场为原始基准,它的成分股必须是美国公司。罗素宣布,他们将把股票指数家族扩张到超过300支指数,成分股票数量1万100支左右,覆盖全球63个国家和22个地区。













Russell baker个人简介

拉塞尔·贝克(Russell Baker)是美国著名记者和专栏作家。1925年8月14日出生于弗吉尼亚的Morrisonville是家中的长子;1947年他受雇于《马尔的摩太阳报》、1954年加入《纽约时报》 ,负责报道白宫、国会和国家政治新闻。1962年—1998年期间,拉塞尔·贝克长期为《纽约时报》写《观察栏》专栏,专门评论国政。1979年,贝克以其犀利机智的政府文章获得普利策评论奖。贝克也是一位出色的散文家和传记作者,其童年自传《成长》为他赢得了1983年的普利策传记奖。贝克本人后来还担任过普利策奖的评委。迄今为止,拉塞尔·贝克共出版了17部作品(包括著作和编著),《黄金时代》是他的另一部传记作品。 拉塞尔-贝克的《成长》出版后曾连续72周高居畅销书排行榜前列,先后被多个国家翻译引进,直至今天仍然在全球各地畅销,总发行量已经超过220万册,创下美国出版史上的一个奇迹。 拉塞尔-贝克在美国有“当代的马克吐温”之称,他用朴实优美、幽默睿智的文字向我们讲述了一个单亲家庭中的小男孩在好强母亲的教育下成长成才的故事。


不贵。 russell是美国的一款百年运动品牌,该品牌男士衣服每件在14美元-16美元之间,远低于美国人均消费水平,因此不贵。






Russell中文拼写:罗塞尔名字含义:红头发的,名字来源:法语名人:1.Bertrand Russell 伯特兰u2022罗素:(1872~1970),英国哲学家、数学家,1950年获诺贝尔文学奖。2.John Russell 约翰u2022罗素:(1792~1878 ),英国政治家,曾任英国首相(1846~1852)。3.比尔·拉塞尔(Bill Russell,1934年2月12日-),美国NBA传奇篮球巨星。等多为姓氏,但是我觉得英文名只是个代号。只要你喜欢,完全可以叫Russell很有女子气的英文单词,既然喜欢就不要 考虑那么多咯!




RUSSELL ATHLETIC (罗素运动)是美国百年经典运动品牌,创立于1902年。1902年3月3日,26岁的本杰明·拉塞尔在AL亚历山大市成立了拉塞尔制造公司。这家小工厂有10台缝纫机和8台针织机。罗素制造公司的第一件衣服是一件妇女和儿童的针织衬衫。本杰明·罗素(Benjamin Russell)对体育的热情和他的创业精神激发了公民自豪感,为所在的社区创造了就业机会,后来,为全美各地的运动员制作队服和服装。扩展资料:1926年,创办人本·罗素的儿子本尼来找他的父亲,他提出了一个新的想法,那就是用全棉制的球衣来代替当时穿的发痒、发痒的羊毛制服。由于了解棉花的舒适性和耐用性,这件标志性运动衫于1930年在拉塞尔运动场开始生产。到了20世纪60年代,罗素制造公司的运动部门已经成为美国最大的运动服装和制服制造商。1962年,罗素制造公司更名为罗素磨坊公司。并开始使用美国鹰来代表其标志性的品牌形象。1992年,罗素品牌有限责任公司的国际销售额比1991年增长了40%。其收入为14.38亿美元,共有10000名员工。参考资料来源:russell athletic官网—品牌介绍





Russell Crowe的《Stars》 歌词

歌词Russell Crowe - StarsThere out in the darknessA fugitive runningFallen from godFallen from graceGod be my witnessI never shall yieldTill we come face to faceTill we come face to faceHe knows his way in the darkBut mine is the way of the lordAnd those who follow the path of the righteousShall have their rewardAnd if they fallAs lucifer fellThe flameThe swordStarsIn your multitudesScarce to be countedFilling the darknessWith order and lightYou are the sentinelsSilent and sureKeeping watch in the nightKeeping watch in the nightYou know your place in the skyYou hold your course and your aimAnd each in your seasonReturns and returnsAnd is always the sameAnd if you fall as lucifer fellYou fall in vainAnd so it must beAnd so it is writtenOn the doorway to paradiseThat those who falter and those who fallMust pay the priceLord let me find himThat i may see himSafe behind barsI will never restTill then this i swearThis i swear by the stars

351. The First Snow-Fall By James Russell Lowell 的中文翻译


Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell专辑:Wonderful TownShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Low

Pee Wee Russell的《Turnaround》 歌词

歌曲名:Turnaround歌手:Pee Wee Russell专辑:Ask Me Now!FOR NANCY ‘此去经年/ Forever friends./What am i supposed to doI can"t believe it"s really youCause it"s been so longEver since you went awayI thought that all my feeling"s changedBut i guess that i was wrongAnd all the memoriesThat i left behindIn a moment they"re all back in my mindSo turn aroundDon"t wanna let you see me cryDon"t know howWe ever could have said goodbyeNever thought i"d feel this wayWish i knew the words to saySo turn aroundI didn"t know you"re still insideNow i foundAll the reasons whyNever should have let you goWish i didn"t have to knowIs it just the way you"re looking at meThat"s making me think i needYou to still be in my heartCause i remember that it had to endBut now i forget why we saidThat we have to be apartBut we can"t go back to what we hadBut how can i go onWhen this hurts so badSo turn aroundDon"t wanna let you see me cryDon"t know howWe ever could have said goodbyeNever thought i"d feel this wayWish i knew the words to saySo turn aroundI didn"t know you"re still insideNow i foundAll the reasons whyNever should have let you goWish i didn"t have to knowCause looking into your eyesI find to my surpriseThe feelings always been there insideSo how did we let it endAnd how can i just pretendThat i don"t know youCould have been there all alongSo turn aroundDon"t wanna let you see me cryDon"t know howWe ever could have said goodbyeNever thought i"d feel this wayWish i knew the words to saySo turn aroundI didn"t know you"re still insideNow i foundAll the reasons whyNever should have let you goWish i didn"t have to knowSo turn aroundDon"t wanna let you see me cryDon"t know howWe ever could have said goodbyeNever thought i"d feel this wayWish i knew the words to saySo turn aroundI didn"t know you"re still insideNow i foundAll the reasons whyNever should have let you goWish i didn"t have to knowSo turn aroundturn around FOR NANCY ‘此去经年/ Forever friends./


无论是在篮球场上,还是生活中,雷霆战将Russell Westbrook都有着独树一格的个人风格。这两者背后,是他对细节的一丝不苟以及对挑战的无所畏惧这两种态度之间的平衡。因为自高中时起,无论在场上还是场下,他都遵循着一个简单的原则:「面对挑战时,我会选择迎难而上,而不是逃避。」 Russell Westbrook说道。 RUSSELL WESTBROOK迎来第一双场上签名鞋 如果要用字面意思来诠释,这种原则就是Russell Westbrook的“Why Not?”态度。这种态度不仅定义了Russell Westbrook的比赛和着装风格;如今,随着他的第一双个人签名鞋Jordan Why Not Zer0.1推出,“Why Not?”更定义了Russell Westbrook是如何透过这双鞋来分享自己的故事。 Russell Westbrook说,「作为一个在洛杉矶长大,从小就会去排队购买别人签名鞋的小孩,你会逐渐意识到,能买到一双喜欢的签名款球鞋是多么幸运的事。而今天我能够拥有自己的签名球鞋,更是一种莫大的荣耀。」 无论是在篮球场上,还是生活中,雷霆战将Russell Westbrook都有着独树一格的个人风格。这两者背后,是他对细节的一丝不苟以及对挑战的无所畏惧这两种态度之间的平衡。因为自高中时起,无论在场上还是场下,他都遵循着一个简单的原则:「面对挑战时,我会选择迎难而上,而不是逃避。」 Russell Westbrook说道。 如果要用字面意思来诠释,这种原则就是Russell Westbrook的“Why Not?”态度。这种态度不仅定义了Russell Westbrook的比赛和着装风格;如今,随着他的第一双个人签名鞋Jordan Why Not Zer0.1推出,“Why Not?”更定义了Russell Westbrook是如何透过这双鞋来分享自己的故事。 Russell Westbrook说,「作为一个在洛杉矶长大,从小就会去排队购买别人签名鞋的小孩,你会逐渐意识到,能买到一双喜欢的签名款球鞋是多么幸运的事。而今天我能够拥有自己的签名球鞋,更是一种莫大的荣耀。」 Jordan Why Not Zer0.1,专为新科MVP和时尚之王Russell Westbrook及其充满活力的比赛风格和鲜明的个性而设计打造。光滑的鞋面设计是鞋款的一大亮点,它满足了Russell Westbrook的需求,并发挥着两方面的作用。第一个,也是最重要的,它解决了Russell Westbrook对于球鞋最核心的要求:前掌包覆性。Russell Westbrook习惯于使用脚趾发力,他随时准备向篮框发起冲击,或于须臾间将一个篮板、一次抄截转化为一轮快攻。因此,他需要鞋身部位足够稳定,确保他在高速变向或蓄力冲击篮框时,避免因额外的调整,而导致反应速度的降低。此外,这款充满未来主义风格的球鞋,也是将Russell Westbrook个人风格、特定性能需求以及Jordan品牌理念三者融合的产物。而在配置上,球鞋还特别搭载了采用热熔技术的织物鞋面、全掌Zoom Air气垫以及专为“飞行”设计的CMP(pression-molded phylon)一体成形后跟。 Russell Westbrook 在球鞋设计的过程中,Russell Westbrook与Jordan品牌设计团队及雷霆队装备经理Wilson Taylor紧密合作,以确保给出清晰而明确的回馈。Wilson Taylor表示:「Russell Westbrook是一个认真仔细的人。测试鞋款时他会注意到每一个细节。」 每次试穿之后,Wilson Taylor都要负责将Russell Westbrook的想法转达给Jordan团队。Wilson Taylor说道:「每次测试后,他都会分享一些回馈。他会和我说:『看看他们能不能做这个调整,看看他们能不能加大这里的内衬……』这是个很好的互动过程。」 Russell Westbrook想要打造一双舒适的球鞋。因此,记录贴合度和穿着感受对他而言,是设计过程不可或缺的一部分。他希望对自己的球鞋抱有极大的信任,即使这意味着他需要关注各种细节。Russell Westbrook表示:「最重要的一点是,球鞋能提供什么样的舒适性和安全性。它要能让我在高速状态下移动和跳跃,这一点是非常、非常重要的。」 当然,出众的外观也同样重要。因此Russell Westbrook在参与外观设计时增添了很多个人元素。 Russell Westbrook说道:「在设计的过程中,我最喜欢的就是讲故事。透过不同的鞋款配色,并在赛季中不同的时间来讲述我的故事,是一件很有趣的事情。」 Russell Westbrook率先在赛场上展示的 “Mirror Image” 配色,就展现了他在分享故事过程中所得到的快乐。鞋款的鞋面犹如一间贴满了海报的房间,被涂以各种图案,以此来表达不同时代的人们对于体育偶像的敬意。Russell Westbrook认为,「拥有属于自己的签名鞋,是一个讲述我个人故事、传递‘Why Not?"座右铭、以及揭开背后种种故事的好机会。」 官方全球发售的“2-Way”配色,则完美表达了Russell Westbrook在攻守两端改变赛事走向的能力;在另一方面,配色设计也充分突出了光滑鞋面和锯齿状后跟所形成的鲜明反差。正如Russell Westbrook的比赛风格和场外造型,这一配色承袭“Why Not?”态度,巧妙地实现了外观与性能的平衡。JORDAN WHY NOT ZER0.1 Russell Westbrook期待他的签名鞋能够得到广泛关注,他说道:「这双球鞋充满未来主义风格,而且还拥有让人一看再看的魅力。」


在球场上,Russell Westbrook一直都处于疾速奔驰、转身和起跳的快速攻防之中。被他甩在身后的除了对方防守球员,还有一个又一个的NBA历史纪录。当全世界都感到难以跟上他的脚步时,Russell Westbrook似乎又精心地计画好了一切,并把这称作「张狂有分寸」。 张狂有分寸 RUSSELL WESTBROOK 的 WHY NOT ZER0.2 Russell Westbrook的第二代场上签名鞋Why Not Zer0.2也因此诞生。看似狂野且鲜明的设计中,背后每一个元素的涵义却都由Russell Westbrook掌控著。关于Why Not Zer0.2,以下五件事是最重要的: Russell Westbrook 1 每个 配色都独具意义 Why Not Zer0.2的第一个配色「Future History」在整双球鞋上采用了明艳色块碰撞的设计。第一眼看似随机的色彩,实际上分别来自于Russell Westbrook职业生涯中每一件具有代表性的球衣。 「每个配色背后的意义对我来说都是特殊的,」Russell Westbrook说,「我希望透过Why Not Zer0.2上的颜色来进一步展现它背后所蕴藏的丰富故事。」 Why Not Zer0.2 2 献给至亲之人 如果Russell Westbrook对于篮球的爱排在第二,那么排在第一的一定是他的家庭。这也是为什么他会选择把家族的纹章放在鞋舌内侧。他还用前掌中底部分所嵌入的一道黑色横条来纪念自己逝去的挚友Khelcey Barrs III。 Russell Westbrook说:「在球鞋上写下『KBIII』来纪念Khelcey已经成为了我的一个传统。而每款不同配色的Why Not Zer0.2上都会有特定的一处让我可以把这个传统继续下去。我希望穿我签名篮球鞋的人们能够明白,带着高于自我的目标上场竞争很重要。」 Why Not Zer0.2 3 性能大于潮流 对于此次的设计,Russell Westbrook表示他想要一双为提升他的赛场表现而专门创作的性能鞋款,而不仅仅为了跟随任何流行趋势。Russell Westbrook说:「从我们第一次设计的讨论会议开始,我的目标就是要尽可能打造出拥有最佳性能的实战球鞋。我知道只需要遵从真实的自我,就一定会有伟大的成果。这也正是对『Why Not?』态度的完美诠释:做自己,不要在乎人们说些什么,对自己始终保持信心。」 但毋庸置疑,这双Why Not Zer0.2仍然完美地展现了Russell Westbrook的「Why Not?」时尚哲学。 Why Not Zer0.2 4 让更多的孩子能穿上这双鞋 从进入NBA开始,Russell Westbrook一直透过参与各种慈善活动影响着年轻一代,而他所要传达的资讯也从未改变——为什么不能是你?为什么不去追寻你的梦想?因此,他也不断推动Jordan 品牌的设计团队打造出价格更加亲民的优质实战球鞋。 「作为一名父亲,自己的签名鞋能够以全尺码的形式贩售意义重大。这在实战球鞋中并不常见,但我就想要用这样的方式来激励下一代。Russell Westbrook的这个理念也意味着,这双鞋的价格能够让世界上更多的人特别是小朋友愿意接受。」 Why Not Zer0.2 5 本月即将发售 Why Not Zer0.2「Future History」配色将于1月10日在指定店点正式发售。

russell mechanism是什么机制

不一定(又称不对称身材-矮小-性发育异常综合征asymmetry short statue variations in sexual development syndrome)、Silver综合征、先天性一侧肥大症、先天性不对称-侏儒-性腺激素增高综合征。本病征系先天性疾病,除半身肥大和多种先天的异常外,有2/5病例同时发现有低血糖,2/3有肾功能异常。张名通等1987年报告一例女孩合并有糖尿病。中文名Russell-Silver综合征外文名asymmetry short statue variations in sexual development syndrome发病机制未明,如为先天性疾患,有染色体异常,白细胞核有嵌合体型染色体组合(45,X/46,XY),故考虑可能为受精卵在宫内发育过程中分成两个不同大小、不同细胞所致。Roget怀疑是胎儿在宫内时,间脑-垂体区的某些病理过程继发而成。此外子宫内因素可能为胎盘异常、胎盘过小、X线照射、物影响或感染等。

Leon Russell的《Tight Rope》 歌词

歌曲名:Tight Rope歌手:Leon Russell专辑:The Best OfTight RopeLeon Russell(吴海梅,我们会像绷紧的绳索一样,永远在一起)I"m up on the tightwireone sides ice and one is fireits a circus game with you and meI"m up on the tightropeone sides hate and one is hopebut the tophat on my head is all you seeAnd the wire seems to be the only place for mea comedy of errorsand I"m fallingLike a rubber neck giraffeyou look into my pathwell maybe you"re just to blind to seeI"m up in the spotlightohh does it feel rightohh the altitude seems to get to meI"m up on the tightwireflanked by life in the funeral pireputting on a showfor you to seeLike a rubber neck giraffeyou look into my pathwell maybe you"re just too blind to seeI"m up in the spotlightohh does it feel rightohh the altitude really gets to get to meI"m up on the tightwireflanked by life in the funeral pireputting on a show for you to see

Leon Russell的《Tight Rope》 歌词

歌曲名:Tight Rope歌手:Leon Russell专辑:The Best of Leon RussellTight RopeLeon Russell(吴海梅,我们会像绷紧的绳索一样,永远在一起)I"m up on the tightwireone sides ice and one is fireits a circus game with you and meI"m up on the tightropeone sides hate and one is hopebut the tophat on my head is all you seeAnd the wire seems to be the only place for mea comedy of errorsand I"m fallingLike a rubber neck giraffeyou look into my pathwell maybe you"re just to blind to seeI"m up in the spotlightohh does it feel rightohh the altitude seems to get to meI"m up on the tightwireflanked by life in the funeral pireputting on a showfor you to seeLike a rubber neck giraffeyou look into my pathwell maybe you"re just too blind to seeI"m up in the spotlightohh does it feel rightohh the altitude really gets to get to meI"m up on the tightwireflanked by life in the funeral pireputting on a show for you to see

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russell peters be a man 罗素彼得斯是个男人

Russell Peters 的Beating Your Kids台词,英文台词 ,谢谢啦

There"s one thing that separates immigrantfamilies and Canadian families, you know?doesn"t matter where your parents are from.they weren"t born in this country, they will whop your ass when you"re doesn"t matter where your parents fromUkraineyou know what im saying, blah blahthey will beat you, right?immigrant parents will beat their kidsCanadian parents are a little too soft ontheir kidsbut that"s fine you know, whatever makesyou happybut you need to start beating your kidsI"ll tell you why, coz kids are growing upin a multi-cultural society you know. you"re gonna have white kids growing upwiz black kids, brown kids, and asian kids. they"re all gonna e hanging out inthe playgroundyou know i mean? and they are gonna talkabout the ass-whopping they got last night. U want that little white kid tofeel left out?I would be sitting around like, "mydad beat my ass", "my dad beat my ass too"the white kid would be like, "I gotsent to my room"you know i would be like, "you got aroom?"you need to beat the kids, manindian parents would beat their kid,chinese parents would...i would hate them if... WOO~ my parentsknew kungfu, that"s not badi would hate them ... chinese you know Iwas there"hey, come this on. come here, itsaid, you got an F in school."they wouldnt even need to beat you, theyjust go "Woooaaaawoooooaaa""no. sorry, dad"indian parents would be...indian parents arentafraid to kill their kids if they have to hahamy dad there he was "if i get through wizone i just make another one"and I would tell the new one what an idiotthe last one wasjamaican parents would beat their kids forno reason sometimes ok?"hey boy, come here.""yes, daddy""whats that for""just in case"white people please beat your kidsi"ll tell you why else, coz when i wasgrowing up right, i grew up around a lot of black people, which is fine,because black people would never...white kid? not so friendly back thenbut every now and then(经常), a whitekid would come and hang out wiz uswe were like, "WOW, a white kid. Iveheard so much about u"and here"s what the problem is, when awhite kid would hang out with us, we wanna be like the white kidwe would wanna start do everything like thewhite, we wanna copy that white kid so muchand the problem is, if when we would takethat white kid"s advice on how to deal wiz our parentsthat would get you freaking murdered, mani remember i was hanging around wiz thisone little white boy Ryan when i was ten years oldi went to his house after school one day,right?his parents never beat him, and they nevereven yelled at himhe could do anything he wanted and nothing"sgonna happen to him, but he was an angry kidi walked in his house after school and his momwas like, "ryan, go clean you room""fvck u, bich"his mom goes "what am i gonna do wizhim?"i go "ryan, u cant talk to ur mom likethat""yes i can, shes a jack as""dont say that man, she"ll hit you""no she wont, shes not allowed to""what the hel r u talking about, man?my parents hit me""yeah? well next time they try, u tellthem to fvck off""r u sure?""trust me, it works for me"so i went home, for the last time.i walked in the house, my dad goes "russell,come and do the dishes""fvck u dad""what the hel did u say to me? do ilook like ryan"s mom? somebody gonna get a hurt real bad"that was my dad"s threat right before hebeat me, every single time"hey, russell, somebody gonna get ahurt real bad"i hated that threat, you know why? coz he"dalways say somebody, he"d never tell you it was youi mean you would know it was you, but itgave you this hope"hey, russell, somebody gonna get ahurt real bad, somebody. im not gonna say who. oh i think you might know himvery well"im in the bed praying and hope it was mybrother, mani saw that little ryan in school a few dayslater, i was like, "yo! ur little plan almost got me killed"he goes, "oh sorry dude, i forgot totell you the other part. if he"s still gonna hit u, threaten to phone ChildrenSafe""why?""coz if you phone children safe,they"ll come and take ur dad away, and he"ll get in trouble. u wont even haveto call, just pretend, it"ll scare the crap out of him."ur ten years old, u figure out how to scarethe crap out of ur dad? that"s like finding crib tonight.i thought i"d try it. i was about to get mynext beating i stopped my dad, i go, "dont do it! i"ll phone children safe"ever had your parents caught your bluff?"ur gonna do what?""i"ll phone children safe""is that right? Woooo~Wooooo~well, letme get u the phone, tough guy?""wait, what are you doing? if i phonechildren safe, u"ll get in trouble.""i might get into a little bit oftrouble. but i know it is going to take them 23 minutes to get here. in that time, somebody gonna get a hurt real bad"我花一小时狂打的,有些错误的地方请谅解









Russell Watson的《Caruso》 歌词

歌曲名:Caruso歌手:Russell Watson专辑:Be My LoveLara.Fabian - CarusoQui dove il mare luccicaE tira forte il ventoSulla vecchia terrazzaDavanti al golfo di surrientoUn uomo abbraccia una ragazzaDopo che aveva piantoP oi si schiarisce la voceE ricomincia il cantoTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto, tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiVide le luci in mezzo al marePenso alle notti la in AmericaMa erano solo le lampareE la bianca scia di una elicaSenti il dolore nella musicaE si alzo dal pianoforteMa quando vide uscire la luna da una nuvolaGli sembro piu dolce anche la morteGuardo negli occhi la ragazzaQuegli occhi verdi come il marePoi all"improvviso usci una lacrimaE lui credette di affogareTe voglio bene assaima tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiPotenza della liricaDove ogni dramma e un falsoChe con un po" di trucco e con la mimicaPuoi diventare un altroCosi diventa tutto piccoloAnche le notti la in AmericaTi volti e vedi la tua vitaCome la scia di un"elicaTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene saiTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene sai



in my day russell baker文章的中文翻译

At the age of eighty my mother had her last bad fall, and after that her mind wandered free through time. Some days she went to weddings and funerals that had taken place half a century earlier. On others she presided over family dinners cooked on Sunday afternoons for children who were now gray with age. Through all this she lay in bed but moved across time, traveling among the dead decades with a speed and ease beyond the gift of physical science."Where"s Russell" she asked one day when I came to visit at the nursing home."I"m Russell," I said.She gazed at this improbably overgrown figure out of an inconceivable future and promptly dismissed it."Russell"s only this big," she said, holding her hand, palm down, two feet from the floor. That day she was a young country wife in the backyard with a view of hazy blue Virginia mountains behind the apple orchard, and I was a stranger old enough to be her father.Early one morning she phoned me in New York. "Are you coming to my funeral today?" she asked.It was an awkward question with which to be awakened. "What are you talking about, for God"s sake?" was the best reply I could manage."I"m being buried today," she declared briskly, as though announcing an important social event."I"ll phone you back," I said and hung up, and when I did phone back she was all right, although she wasn"t all right, of course, and we all knew she wasn"t.She had always been a small woman — short, light-boned, delicately structured — but now, under the white hospital sheet, she was becoming tiny. I thought of a doll with huge, fierce eyes. There had always been a fierceness in her. It showed in that angry challenging thrust of the chin when she issued an opinion, and a great one she had always been for issuing opinions."I tell people exactly what"s on my mind," she had been fond of boasting, "whether they like it or not.""It"s not always good policy to tell people exactly what"s on you mind," I used to caution her."If they don"t like it, that"s too bad," was her customary reply, "because that"s the way I am."And so she was, a formidable woman, determined to speak her mind, determined to have her way, determined to bend those who opposed her. She had hurled herself at life with an energy that made her seem always on the run.She ran after chickens, an axe in her hand, determined on a beheading that would put dinner in the pot. She ran when she made the beds, ran when she set the table. One Thanksgiving she burned herself badly when, running up from the cellar even with the ceremonial turkey, she tripped on the stairs and tumbled down, ending at the bottom in the debris of giblets, hot gravy, and battered turkey. Life was combat, and victory was not to the lazy, the timid, the drugstore cowboy, the mush-mouth afraid to tell people exactly what was on his mind. She ran.But now the running was over. For a time I could not accept the inevitable. As I sat by her bed, my impulse was to argue her back to reality. On my first visit to the hospital in Baltimore, she asked who I was."Russell," I said."Russell"s way out west," she advised me."No, I"m right here.""Guess where I came from today?" was her response."Where?""All the way from New Jersey.""No. You"ve been in the hospital for three days," I insisted.So it went until a doctor came by to give one of those oral quizzes that medical men apply in such cases. She failed completely, giving wrong answers or none at all. Then a surprise."When is your birthday?" he asked."November 5, 1897," she said. Correct. Absolutely correct."How do you remember that?" the doctor asked."Because I was born on Guy Fawkes Day.""Guy Fawkes?" asked the doctor, "Who is Guy Fawkes?"She replied with a rhyme I had heard her recite time and again over the years:"Please to remember the Fifth of November,Gunpowder treason and plot.I see no reason why gunpowder treasonShould ever be forgot."Then she glared at this young doctor so ill informed about Guy Fawkes" failed scheme to blow King James off his throne with barrels of gunpowder in 1605. "You may know a lot about medicine, but you obviously don"t know any history," she said. Having told him exactly what was on her mind, she left us again.Then doctors diagnosed a hopeless senility or hardening of the arteries. I thought it was more complicated than that. For ten years or more the ferocity with which she had once attacked life had been turning to a rage against the weakness, the boredom, and the absence of love that too much age had brought her. Now, after the last bad fall, she seemed to have broken chains that imprisoned her in a life she had come to hate and to return to a time inhabited by people who loved her, a time in which she was needed. Gradually I understood.Three years earlier I had gone down from New York to Baltimore, where she lived, for one of my infrequent visits and, afterwards, had written her with some banal advice to look for the silver lining, to count her blessings instead of burdening others with her miseries. I suppose what it really amounted to was a threat that if she was not more cheerful during my visits I would not come to see her very often. Sons are capable of such letters. This one was written out of a childish faith in the eternal strength of parents, a naive belief that age and wear could be overcome by an effort of will, that all she needed was a good pep talk to recharge a flagging spirit.She wrote back in an unusually cheery vein intended to demonstrate, I suppose, that she was mending her ways. Referring to my visit, she wrote: "If I seemed unhappy to you at times, I am, but there"s really nothing anyone can do about it, because I"m just so very tired and lonely that I"ll just go to sleep and forget it." She was then seventy-eight.Now three years later, after the last bad fall, she had managed to forget the fatigue and loneliness and to recapture happiness. I soon stopped trying to argue her back to what I considered the real world and tried to travel along with her on those fantastic journeys into the past. One day when I arrived at her bedside she was radiant."Feeling good today," I said."Why shouldn"t I feel good?" she asked. "Papa"s going to take me up to Baltimore on the boat today."At that moment she was a young girl standing on a wharf, waiting for the Chesapeake Bay steamer with her father, who had been dead sixty-one years. William Howard Taft was in the White House, America was a young country, and the future stretched before it in beams of crystal sunlight. "The greatest country on God"s green earth," her father might have said, if I had been able to step into my mother"s time machine.About her father, my grandfather, my mother"s childhood and her people, I knew very little. A world had lived and died, and though it was part of my blood and bone I knew little more about it than I knew of the world of the pharaohs. It was useless now to ask for help from my mother. The orbits of her mind rarely touched present interrogators for more than a moment.Sitting at her bedside, forever out of touch with her, I wondered about my own children, and children in general, and about the disconnection between children and parents that prevents them from knowing each other. Children rarely want to know who their parents were before they were parents, and when age finally stirs their curiosity there is no parent left to tell them. If a parent does lift the curtain a bit, it is often only to stun the young with some exemplary tale of how much harder life was in the old days.I had been guilty of this when my children were small in the early 1960s and living the affluent life. It irritated me that their childhoods should be, as I thought, so easy when my own had been, as I thought, so hard. I had developed the habit of lecturing them on the harshness of life in my day."In my day all we got for dinner was macaroni and cheese, and we were glad to get it.""In my day we didn"t have any television.""In my day...""In my day..."At dinner one evening a son had offended me with an inadequate report card, and as I cleared my throat to lecture, he gazed at me with an expression of unutterable resignation and said, "Tell me how it was in your day, Dad."I was angry with him for that, but angrier with myself for having become one of those ancient bores whose highly selective memories of the past become transparently dishonest even to small children. I tried to break the habit, but must have failed. Between us there was a dispute about time. He looked upon the time that had been my future in a disturbing way. My future was his past, and being young, he was indifferent to the past.As I hovered over my mother"s bed listening for some signals from her childhood, I realized that this same dispute had existed between her and me. When she was young, with life ahead of her, I had been her future and resented it. Instinctively, I wanted to break free, and cease being a creature defined by her time. Well, I had finally done that, and then with my own children I had seen my exciting future becoming their boring past.These hopeless end-of-the-line visits with my mother made me wish I had not thrown off my own past so carelessly. We all come from the past, and children ought to know what it was that went into their making, to know that life is a braided cord of humanity stretching up from time long gone, and that it cannot be defined by the span of a single journey from diaper to shroud.讲述了一个老年痴呆症母亲的故事

in my day russell baker文章的中文翻译

At the age of eighty my mother had her last bad fall, and after that her mind wandered free through time. Some days she went to weddings and funerals that had taken place half a century earlier. On others she presided over family dinners cooked on Sunday afternoons for children who were now gray with age. Through all this she lay in bed but moved across time, traveling among the dead decades with a speed and ease beyond the gift of physical science."Where"s Russell" she asked one day when I came to visit at the nursing home."I"m Russell," I said.She gazed at this improbably overgrown figure out of an inconceivable future and promptly dismissed it."Russell"s only this big," she said, holding her hand, palm down, two feet from the floor. That day she was a young country wife in the backyard with a view of hazy blue Virginia mountains behind the apple orchard, and I was a stranger old enough to be her father.Early one morning she phoned me in New York. "Are you coming to my funeral today?" she asked.It was an awkward question with which to be awakened. "What are you talking about, for God"s sake?" was the best reply I could manage."I"m being buried today," she declared briskly, as though announcing an important social event."I"ll phone you back," I said and hung up, and when I did phone back she was all right, although she wasn"t all right, of course, and we all knew she wasn"t.She had always been a small woman — short, light-boned, delicately structured — but now, under the white hospital sheet, she was becoming tiny. I thought of a doll with huge, fierce eyes. There had always been a fierceness in her. It showed in that angry challenging thrust of the chin when she issued an opinion, and a great one she had always been for issuing opinions."I tell people exactly what"s on my mind," she had been fond of boasting, "whether they like it or not.""It"s not always good policy to tell people exactly what"s on you mind," I used to caution her."If they don"t like it, that"s too bad," was her customary reply, "because that"s the way I am."And so she was, a formidable woman, determined to speak her mind, determined to have her way, determined to bend those who opposed her. She had hurled herself at life with an energy that made her seem always on the run.She ran after chickens, an axe in her hand, determined on a beheading that would put dinner in the pot. She ran when she made the beds, ran when she set the table. One Thanksgiving she burned herself badly when, running up from the cellar even with the ceremonial turkey, she tripped on the stairs and tumbled down, ending at the bottom in the debris of giblets, hot gravy, and battered turkey. Life was combat, and victory was not to the lazy, the timid, the drugstore cowboy, the mush-mouth afraid to tell people exactly what was on his mind. She ran.But now the running was over. For a time I could not accept the inevitable. As I sat by her bed, my impulse was to argue her back to reality. On my first visit to the hospital in Baltimore, she asked who I was."Russell," I said."Russell"s way out west," she advised me."No, I"m right here.""Guess where I came from today?" was her response."Where?""All the way from New Jersey.""No. You"ve been in the hospital for three days," I insisted.So it went until a doctor came by to give one of those oral quizzes that medical men apply in such cases. She failed completely, giving wrong answers or none at all. Then a surprise."When is your birthday?" he asked."November 5, 1897," she said. Correct. Absolutely correct."How do you remember that?" the doctor asked."Because I was born on Guy Fawkes Day.""Guy Fawkes?" asked the doctor, "Who is Guy Fawkes?"She replied with a rhyme I had heard her recite time and again over the years:"Please to remember the Fifth of November,Gunpowder treason and plot.I see no reason why gunpowder treasonShould ever be forgot."Then she glared at this young doctor so ill informed about Guy Fawkes" failed scheme to blow King James off his throne with barrels of gunpowder in 1605. "You may know a lot about medicine, but you obviously don"t know any history," she said. Having told him exactly what was on her mind, she left us again.Then doctors diagnosed a hopeless senility or hardening of the arteries. I thought it was more complicated than that. For ten years or more the ferocity with which she had once attacked life had been turning to a rage against the weakness, the boredom, and the absence of love that too much age had brought her. Now, after the last bad fall, she seemed to have broken chains that imprisoned her in a life she had come to hate and to return to a time inhabited by people who loved her, a time in which she was needed. Gradually I understood.Three years earlier I had gone down from New York to Baltimore, where she lived, for one of my infrequent visits and, afterwards, had written her with some banal advice to look for the silver lining, to count her blessings instead of burdening others with her miseries. I suppose what it really amounted to was a threat that if she was not more cheerful during my visits I would not come to see her very often. Sons are capable of such letters. This one was written out of a childish faith in the eternal strength of parents, a naive belief that age and wear could be overcome by an effort of will, that all she needed was a good pep talk to recharge a flagging spirit.She wrote back in an unusually cheery vein intended to demonstrate, I suppose, that she was mending her ways. Referring to my visit, she wrote: "If I seemed unhappy to you at times, I am, but there"s really nothing anyone can do about it, because I"m just so very tired and lonely that I"ll just go to sleep and forget it." She was then seventy-eight.Now three years later, after the last bad fall, she had managed to forget the fatigue and loneliness and to recapture happiness. I soon stopped trying to argue her back to what I considered the real world and tried to travel along with her on those fantastic journeys into the past. One day when I arrived at her bedside she was radiant."Feeling good today," I said."Why shouldn"t I feel good?" she asked. "Papa"s going to take me up to Baltimore on the boat today."At that moment she was a young girl standing on a wharf, waiting for the Chesapeake Bay steamer with her father, who had been dead sixty-one years. William Howard Taft was in the White House, America was a young country, and the future stretched before it in beams of crystal sunlight. "The greatest country on God"s green earth," her father might have said, if I had been able to step into my mother"s time machine.About her father, my grandfather, my mother"s childhood and her people, I knew very little. A world had lived and died, and though it was part of my blood and bone I knew little more about it than I knew of the world of the pharaohs. It was useless now to ask for help from my mother. The orbits of her mind rarely touched present interrogators for more than a moment.Sitting at her bedside, forever out of touch with her, I wondered about my own children, and children in general, and about the disconnection between children and parents that prevents them from knowing each other. Children rarely want to know who their parents were before they were parents, and when age finally stirs their curiosity there is no parent left to tell them. If a parent does lift the curtain a bit, it is often only to stun the young with some exemplary tale of how much harder life was in the old days.I had been guilty of this when my children were small in the early 1960s and living the affluent life. It irritated me that their childhoods should be, as I thought, so easy when my own had been, as I thought, so hard. I had developed the habit of lecturing them on the harshness of life in my day."In my day all we got for dinner was macaroni and cheese, and we were glad to get it.""In my day we didn"t have any television.""In my day...""In my day..."At dinner one evening a son had offended me with an inadequate report card, and as I cleared my throat to lecture, he gazed at me with an expression of unutterable resignation and said, "Tell me how it was in your day, Dad."I was angry with him for that, but angrier with myself for having become one of those ancient bores whose highly selective memories of the past become transparently dishonest even to small children. I tried to break the habit, but must have failed. Between us there was a dispute about time. He looked upon the time that had been my future in a disturbing way. My future was his past, and being young, he was indifferent to the past.As I hovered over my mother"s bed listening for some signals from her childhood, I realized that this same dispute had existed between her and me. When she was young, with life ahead of her, I had been her future and resented it. Instinctively, I wanted to break free, and cease being a creature defined by her time. Well, I had finally done that, and then with my own children I had seen my exciting future becoming their boring past.These hopeless end-of-the-line visits with my mother made me wish I had not thrown off my own past so carelessly. We all come from the past, and children ought to know what it was that went into their making, to know that life is a braided cord of humanity stretching up from time long gone, and that it cannot be defined by the span of a single journey from diaper to shroud.讲述了一个老年痴呆症母亲的故事

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