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seated或sitting表状态,seated并不是被动语态,而为过去分词表状态“坐着”,又如句子Mary was seated at the desk.was seated不是被动语态,而为系表结构,表状态. 没有sitted,sit的过去式是sat

Seating和Seated的用法 详细!

seated 是形容词 例如:我坐在操场上 翻译:I was seated on the gound. seating 是动词seat的正在进行分词 名词意思是座位 这是我们高中老师讲过的,seated用法比较特殊,需要记忆,高考经常考的.




seat用作动词时的人称和时态变化如下: 第三人称单数:seats;现在分词:seating;过去式:seated;过去分词:seated 扩展资料   seat的中文翻译   英语单词seat有以下两种词性:   1、seat用作名词时,基本意思是“座位”, 指供人坐的东西和地方;引申可作“…的座部” “所在地”“活动中心”解,用于人时可作“臀部”解。   2、seat用作动词时,基本意思是“坐,就座”,引申可表示“使就职”“安装/固定…的`底部”“可容纳若干座位”等。   seat的过去式   seat用作动词时的人称和时态变化如下:   第三人称单数:seats;现在分词:seating;过去式:seated;过去分词:seated   seat例句分享   There are still a good few empty seats.   还有好几个空座位。   The delegates have to be seated according to protocol.   代表们须按礼仪要求就座。   Can I change seats with you?   我可以和您换一下座位吗?

Seating和Seated的用法 详细!

seated 是形容词 例如:我坐在操场上 翻译:I was seated on the gound. seating 是动词seat的正在进行分词 名词意思是座位 这是我们高中老师讲过的,seated用法比较特殊,需要记忆,高考经常考的.


  seat做动词有坐下;可容纳等意思,那么你知道seat的过去式是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   seat的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: seated   过去分词: seated   现在分词: seating   seat的用法:   seat的用法1:seat用作名词时意思是“座位”,转化为动词意为“使就座”,引申可表示“使就职”,还可表示“安装〔固定〕u2026的座〔底部〕”“可容纳若干座位”等。   seat的用法2:seat只用作及物动词,作“使就座”“使就职”解时,一般接人或反身代词作宾语,常用于be ~ed结构。   seat的用法3:seat常与介词at连用表示“坐在u2026的旁边”,与on连用表示“使(某人)坐在u2026的上面”“把u2026安在u2026上”。   seat的过去式例句:   1. Those electing to smoke will be seated at the rear.   那些想吸烟的人将坐在后排。   2. Stevens"s murder was the result of a deep-seated and intense hatred.   史蒂文斯遭谋杀源于深仇宿怨。   3. The room was empty apart from one man seated beside the fire.   除了有个男人坐在火炉边,房间里空荡荡的。   4. He was comfortably seated in a soft reclining chair.   他舒舒服服地坐在柔软的躺椅上。   5. Marianne was none too pleased to find Simon seated beside her.   玛丽安娜发现西蒙坐在自己旁边很不高兴。   6. He waved towards a chair, and seated himself at the desk.   他挥手指了指一把椅子,自己在书桌旁坐了下来。   7. The Australian team will be seated in business class.   澳大利亚队将乘坐商务舱。   8. He was disconcerted to find his fellow diners already seated.   他很窘迫地发现和他一起就餐的其他人已经入座了。   9. The country is still suffering from deep-seated economic problems.   该国仍然受到根深蒂固的经济问题的困扰。   10. In a moment he was seated, diagonally opposite her, brow furrowed.   很快他便眉头紧蹙地在她斜对面落座了。   11. I was seated at Sauter"simmediate left.   我紧挨着索特左手边坐着。   12. Clare"sassertiveness stirred up his deep-seated sense of inadequacy.   克莱尔的敢作敢为强烈触动了他内心深处的自卑感。   13. They were too distantly seated for any conversation.   他们坐得相隔太远,不便谈话。   14. The country"s political divisions are deep-seated.   这个国家的政治分歧根深蒂固。   15. The country"s political divisions are deep-seated.   这个国家的政治分歧根深蒂固。

我想问一下这个seat 该用seated还是seating 我搞不明白这是非谓语还是伴随状语?




Seattle WA Dock 是美国哪个港口

你是想问西雅图 华盛顿州 港口还是想问的更具体的?


面是官方提供的传送方法1. 确保PS4的系统版本为4.0或以上2. 连接网络,登录PSN你需要确保两台PS4都保持联网状态,Wi-Fi和网线都行。在PS4 Pro上登录你的PSN账号(就是你在老机器上使用的),在整个导数据的过程中,只需把PS4 Pro接到电视上。3. 准备数据完成上述步骤后,PS4 Pro将会弹出一个窗口,询问你是否要进行数据传输。点击确认后即将开始传输,这时候你需要长按老版PS4的电源键,在听到“哔”的一声后,机器就开始准备数据了。4. 用网线连接两台PS4无论是新旧PS4,网线插口都在机器背面。如果你有两根网线,你也可以把两台机器都连到路由器上,效果是一样的。5. 选择你想要传输的数据可以选择的数据包括游戏和应用、存档、截取的图片和视频、主题和设定。其中游戏和应用是可以进行具体选择的,不想传输到新主机的话可以勾掉。勾选完毕之后,屏幕上会显示新主机在传输完毕后的剩余空间,以及预估的传输所需时间。6. 认证主PS4最后,系统会提示你是否要将PS4 Pro认证为你的主PS4。哪些内容可以传输?所有的游戏资料,包括下载版游戏、通过光碟安装的实体版游戏以及存档所有文件夹所有截取的图片和视频所有已同步的奖杯数据所有你和PSN好友之间的信息所有在老PS4上登录过的PSN账号信息哪些内容无法传输?所有密码,比如PSN、Netflix、Amazon等等没有在老PS4上登录过的PSN账号信息所有没有同步的奖杯数据有哪些需要注意的事项?■ 此传输功能并非PS4 Pro所独享,如果你新买了一台普通版PS4,一样可以使用此方法传输数据。■ 传输完毕后,老PS4上的数据也不会被抹除,所以大可不必担心。■ 传输的数据中不包括未同步的奖杯信息,所以请务必用老PS4同步一次奖杯!■ 请尽量不要打断数据传输,如果网线被拔出,或是其中一台PS4断电,都会导致传输中断,只能重头再来。为了防止意外,在传输过程中主机的电源键将暂时无效。■ 如果你在传输之前已经使用过新的PS4,那新机器上的数据将会被消除。■ 把老机器上的硬盘拆下来,直接放进新买的PS4 Pro?很遗憾,这种方法是不可取的,PS4将会识别出新置入的硬盘,并将其格式化。如果你实在不打算用网线传输的话,也可以使用PS4的备份/还原功能,通过外接硬盘来备份数据,当然这样的话你得分两次操作。等你完成以上所有操作后,就请尽情享受PS4 Pro带来的全新体验吧!

Perry Como的《Seattle》 歌词

歌曲名:Seattle歌手:Perry Como专辑:Legends - Perry ComoMary Mary - SeattleI lay me down tonightSearching for words 2 saySo many doubtsCalling out your nameBut lord its me againReady for something newPlease rest upon ma heartLike the morning dewHoly Spirit rain like SeattleOvertake my lifeLike the bloodLike California shakeWhat"s not like youI just want a heart like yoursJust like a painter hasSome colour and a brushUpon the canvas soonA masterpiece becomesPlease take all that I amAnd all that I can beTransformRenew restoreCreate a better meHoly Spirit rain like SeattleOvertake my lifeLike the bloodLike California shakeWhat"s not like youI just want a heart like yoursHoly Spirit rain like SeattleOvertake my lifeLike the bloodLike California shakeWhat"s not like youI just want a heart like yoursOpen up my heartFill me with your loveEvery single partMake me what you"re made ofTake me from the startHold my hand in yoursLet the rain pourHoly Spirit rain like SeattleOvertake my lifeLike the bloodLike California shakeWhat"s not like youI just want a heart like yours

Seattle, Washington是哪里

Washington英 ["wu0252u0283u026au014btu0259n] 美["wɑ:u0283u026au014btu0259nu02cc "wu0254:u0283u026au014b-]n. [地名]华盛顿;[英格兰人姓氏]华盛顿,来源于古英语人名Wassa+古英语,含义是“居留地”(settlement);美国华盛顿;华盛顿市;华盛顿大学;[例句]The Russian foreign ministeryesterday cancelled his visit to Washington.俄罗斯外交部长昨天取消了对华盛顿的访问。


《hello seattle》中文名称:hello seattle所属专辑:<>和《Of June》歌曲原唱:Owl City填 词:Adam·Young具体歌词:Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer你好西雅图,我是一个登山者In the hills and highlands跋涉在丘陵与高原I fall asleep in hospital parking lots在医院停车场入睡And awake in your house在你的家里醒来Hello Seattle, I am a manta ray你好西雅图,我是一只蝠鲼(动物名,软骨鱼类中鳐目的蝠鲼科动物,跟巨翅飞鱼长的一样)Deep beneath the blue waves深深潜行在蔚蓝海浪下I"ll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget Sound在普捷湾的海底沙滩蠕动And construct a summer home筑造夏日的家园Hello Seattle, I am the crescent moon你好西雅图,我是一轮新月Shining down on your face在你的脸庞上洒下清光I will disguise myself as a sleeping pill我会变成一枚安眠药And descend inside of you落入你心里面Hello Seattle, I am a cold sea horse你好西雅图,我是一只冰冷的海马Feeling warm in your sand被你的沙粒温暖I sing about the tide and the ocean surf歌唱着潮汐和浪花Rolling in the evening breeze在傍晚的微风中摇晃Hello Seattle, I am an albatross你好西雅图,我是一只信天翁On the docks and moored boats翱翔在码头和船舶之上I sail above your inlets and interstates我在你的港湾和公路上滑翔Through the rain and open wind不管风吹雨打Hello Seattle, I am an old lighthouse你好西雅图,我是古老的灯塔Throwing beams of bright light放射出明亮的光Red in the morning, blue in the evening sun清晨绛红,傍晚苍蓝Taking heed for everyone注视着每一个人Take me above your light带我飞向你的光芒Carry me through the night带我穿越黑夜Hold me secure in flight带我稳稳地飞翔Sing me to sleep tonight今夜用歌声伴我入眠


S/ea/tle 三个音节


seattle在美国华盛顿州。seattle(西雅图),始建于1869年12月2日,得名于西雅图酋长。西雅图位于华盛顿州的西北角,普吉特海湾和华盛顿湖之间,西边在海湾边上是奥林匹克山脉,东边是华盛顿湖,再往东是杉曼密斯湖、依萨跨高地和老虎山,东南面有著名的雷尼尔雪山和卡斯卡达山脉。 seattle在美国华盛顿州。seattle(西雅图),始建于1869年12月2日,得名于西雅图酋长。西雅图位于华盛顿州的西北角,普吉特海湾和华盛顿湖之间,西边在海湾边上是奥林匹克山脉,东边是华盛顿湖,再往东是杉曼密斯湖、依萨跨高地和老虎山,东南面有著名的雷尼尔雪山和卡斯卡达山脉。


西雅图 城市名

1. — Do you mind changing seats with me? — _______ (A) Yes, you can. (B) No, I don’t mind. (C)


be seated 与seat的用法

seat作动词时是一个及物动词(vt.),后面一定要跟宾语(即使是跟反身代词) 主要意思如下: 1.使就座;向…提供座位;落座 The usher seated us in the front row.引座员让我们在前排就座. She seated herself on the table.她坐在桌子上.=She was seated on the table. = She sat on the table. 2.可容纳若干座位;可坐…人;能容纳…人 The theatre seats 2000 persons. 剧院能容纳两千人. 3.使就职 The Queen of that country was seated last year.那个国家的女王是去年登基的.

爱心专座译为priority seats,运用了什么翻译方法呢?

我反而觉得在英语这个专有名词就是priority seats,直译的话是优先座椅,针对有优先权的群体,比如老人,带小孩的人,孕妇等等。爱心专座是国内的说法,并没有去强调优先。这两个词是指的同样的东西,所以我觉得更像是把两组词对应起来,而不是直接去翻译了呢



the journey was tiring all the seats

答案:A 句意表达的是过去的事实,要用一般过去时态;occupy占用,与seats之间构成动宾关系,要用被动.故选A.

Is it always easy to get seats for the theater?for what kind of performence is it safer to book ...


缺少位置翻译是,there is a lack of seats 还是 there is lack of seats ?两者有什么区别吗?

lack 不可数,但前者也常使用


1.seating n. 提供座位 Do we have enough seating for the guests? 我们有足够的座位让客人们就座吗? 2.sitting n. 入席,就座,开会,孵卵 adj. 坐着的,就座的,在任期中的,孵卵中的,易击中的 n. 坐席,座位 We were using crates as seats. 我们用大木箱作为座位. 所在地,场所; 中心 席位,职位 She won a seat in Parliament at the election. 她在选举中赢得了议会中的席位. 4.seated adj.就座的,固定的 老兄这些单词多用网上在线词典查查就知道了,自己动手查再对比,更加深记忆

All you can eat seats是什么意思?谢谢

eat seats是吃席的意思,所以译为:你们都可以上席(就餐)了。

no seat还是no seats


no empty seat

答案:B 根据上句There are no empty seats on this flight和下句关键词but可知,下个航班有少量座位.seats是可数名词,little,a little是不可数的.故排除.few,a few是可数的,a few表肯定,few含否定意味,不合题意,故选B

flash seats 是什么意思

flash seats闪光的座位Bullet trains will flash on; flat panels will continue to shine; toilet seats will still warm up; factories will hum as they hummed before. 子弹头列车呼啸而过;平版显示器仍会熠熠生辉;马桶坐垫仍会有人坐;工厂里仍将轰轰作响,恰如往昔。


seats left座位双语对照例句:1.The question of sponsor and vip access to events is also sensitiveand london can ill-afford to allow the huge banks of empty seats leftby sponsors in beijing to be repeated. 赞助人和贵宾观看赛事的问题同样敏感,伦敦可不能让北京给赞助人保留的大排大排的席位大部都空着的局面重演。

book the seats

答案:ABC 提示: M: I"d like to book seats for “Hamlet" please. W: Yes sir. M: Have you got any seats downstairs? W: Yes we have. M: How much are they? W: $3 .75 each. M: Are there any seats for $2.50? W: Yes there are —upstairs. How many? M: Four please. W: For which night? M: What about Saturday October 21st? W: I can give you four seats in ROW 8. M: How long will the performance last? W: Two and a half hours. M: Thank you. How much will that be? W: $10.

seat 复数

这个句子里的It肯定指代的是某个场所,说明这个场所里有最舒服的位子,那位子不止一个, 所以seat要用复数. 到底名词要用单数还是复数最主要还是要看句子来理解 如:She is the most beautiful girl in her class. 在她班里,她是最漂亮的, 那这里的girl主要是指代的she,是单数,所以不用加s 所以用的时候注意句子意思就行了,并没有什么特殊规律的


seat用法:1、作名词用,意为“座位”。例如:There are no seats left for the concert.音乐会没有剩余的坐位了。2、seat 通常用作及物动词,与反身代词连用或用 be seated 这一形式。例如:I seated myself on the grass.我在草地上坐下。3、seat还可作“能坐人”解,主语往往是地方。如:That cinema can seat 2000 people.那家电影院能坐二千人。有关的造句如下:1、We can onlyseat two in the truck.(我们的敞篷货车里只能坐两个人。)2、I climbed over into the backseat.(我爬过去坐在了后座上。)3、The empty whisky bottle clinked against theseat.(空威士忌瓶叮当一声撞上了座位。)4、Excuse me, is this yourseat?(对不起,这是您的座位吗?)


v.(动词)seat.ed,,及物动词)To place in or on a seat.使就座:把…放在座位上To cause or assist to sit down:使坐下:使或帮助…坐下:The ushers will seat the members of the bride"s family.引座员会引导新娘的家人就座To provide with a particular seat:给安排座位:提供一个特别的座位:The usher seated me in the back row.引座员给我提供后排的一个座位To have or provide seats for:供给…座位:拥有或为…提供座位:We can seat 300 in the auditorium.我们这个礼堂可容纳三百人To install in a position of authority or eminence.使就位:使…登上权力或显赫的位置To fix firmly in place:使…固定在位置上:seat an ammunition clip in an automatic rifle.把子弹夹装在自动来福枪上v.intr.(不及物动词)To rest on or fit into another part:装在…上:放在或装在另一部分上:The O-rings had not seated correctly in their grooves.这O形圈无法装入他们的车辙内


英语中sit和seat区别用法:1、seat和sit作为动词,都可以表示“坐”的意思。(1)seat是及物动词,比较正式,常以被动形式表示主动意义。如:HeisseatedbetweenJackandTom. 她坐在杰克和汤姆之间。Pleasebeseated.(=Pleaseseatyourself.)请坐。(2)sit通常作不及物动词用,比较口语化。如:Thestudentsaresittingattheirdesks. 学生们正坐在课桌旁。Sitdown,please.请坐。2、seat还可作名词用(而sit只能作动词用),常见短语takeaseat(相当于haveaseat或takeone"sseat),意为“坐下,就座”。如:Takeyourseat,please.请就坐。seat名词、座位。haveagoodseat,这里的seat指place,而不是chair。takeaseat/takeyourseat坐下来,就坐下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见:Istheseattaken?

seat怎么读音 英语seat怎么读音

1、seat英[siu02d0t]美[siu02d0t],n.座位; 坐处(如椅子等); 有…座位的; (椅子等的)座部;vt.坐; 向…提供座位; 落座; 可坐…人; 能容纳…人。 2、[例句]We went early so as to get good seats.为了占到好座位,我们早早就去了。

seat的用法和搭配 关于seat的用法及解释

1、作名词用,意为“座位”。例如:  There are no seats left for the concert.  音乐会没有剩余的坐位了。2、seat 通常用作及物动词,与反身代词连用或用 be seated 这一形式。例如:  I seated myself on the grass.我在草地上坐下。  Be seated, everybody! 大家请坐吧!3、seat还可作“能坐人”解,主语往往是地方。如:  That cinema can seat 2000 people.那家电影院能坐二千人。  seat的相关解释  n. 席位,座位;所在地;场所;臀部  vt. 使就座;使就职;使获得座位(或席位);可容纳若干座位4、seat的例句  1. You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.  你可以付费升级到商务舱。  2. This is a country where women usually take a back seat.  在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。


大家认识seat这个单词吗?seat在英语中是比较常见的一个单词,它的用法是容易混淆的知识点之一,那么seat的用法有哪些呢?下面是我给大家带来的关于seat的用法及解释_seat的用法与例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ seat的解释 n. 席位,座位;所在地;场所;臀部 vt. 使就座;使就职;使获得座位(或席位);可容纳若干座位 ▼ seat的用法 1、作名词用,意为“座位”。例如: There are no seats left for the concert. 音乐会没有剩余的坐位了。 2、seat 通常用作及物动词,与反身代词连用或用 be seated 这一形式。例如: I seated myself on the grass.我在草地上坐下。 Be seated, everybody! 大家请坐吧! 3、seat还可作“能坐人”解,主语往往是地方。如: That cinema can seat 2000 people.那家电影院能坐二千人。 ▼ seat的 短语 be in the driving seat 担任负责人;处于统领地位 seat belt 安全带 back seat 后座 window seat 窗座;靠窗座位 ringside seat 台边前排席位;观看(或监视)的有利位置 bucket seat 凹背单人坐椅 hot seat 尴尬处境;困境;电椅 take a back seat 居于次要位置 ejection seat 弹射座椅 in the driving seat 处于控制地位 ejector seat 弹射座椅 love seat 双人沙发;S形爱侣沙发 booster seat 加座;加垫 bench seat 统座;一体式长座椅 sliding seat 滑座 box seat 包厢座位;驭者座 country seat 乡间邸宅;庄园 jump seat 折叠式加 座 safe seat 稳得席位; 保险 席位 in the catbird seat 处于优越(或有利)位置 ▼ seat的例句 1. You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat. 你可以付费升级到商务舱。 2. This is a country where women usually take a back seat. 在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。 3. She slipped into the driving seat and closed the door. 她溜进了驾驶座,关上了门。 4. He rose from his seat and made for the door. 他从椅子上起身向门口走去。 5. Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep. 弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。 6. Ramesh had reclined his seat and was lying back smoking. 拉梅什把椅背调低,倚在上面吸烟。 关于seat的用法及解释相关 文章 : ★ seat的用法总结大全 ★ 初中英语单词seat的用法及解释 ★ seat的用法和短语例句 ★ seat的用法和短语例句 ★ 关于usually的用法及解释 ★ seat的过去式和用法例句 ★ 关于argue的用法及解释 ★ consult的用法和短语例句 ★ 初中英语词汇share的用法总结 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();




过去式: seatedseat的其他时态:过去分词: seated,现在分词: seatingseat的意思是:座位;骑姿;就座;容纳;固定。一、常用释义seat释义:n.座位;(椅子等的)座部;(机器的)基座;(议会、委员会、法庭等的)席位,职位;英议会议员选区;(组织或重大活动的)所在地;(大户人家在乡间的)别墅,宅邸;(骑马的)骑姿; v.使坐下,使就座;容纳,坐得下;使就职;固定,安装。例句:Excuse me, is this your seat?对不起,这是您的座位吗?变形复数:seats;第三人称单数:seats;现在分词:seating;过去式:seated;过去分词:seated。短语:back seat后座;seat belt安全带。二、双解释义名词,席位、职位a place as a member of an official or controlling body.动词,使就座、使就职cause or help to sit cause to assume or take office.

seat的用法和搭配 关于seat的用法及解释

1、作名词用,意为“座位”。例如: There are no seats left for the concert. 音乐会没有剩余的坐位了。 2、seat 通常用作及物动词,与反身代词连用或用 be seated 这一形式。例如: I seated myself on the grass.我在草地上坐下。 Be seated, everybody! 大家请坐吧! 3、seat还可作“能坐人”解,主语往往是地方。如: That cinema can seat 2000 people.那家电影院能坐二千人。 seat的相关解释 n. 席位,座位;所在地;场所;臀部 vt. 使就座;使就职;使获得座位(或席位);可容纳若干座位 4、seat的例句 1. You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat. 你可以付费升级到商务舱。 2. This is a country where women usually take a back seat. 在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。


seated是形容词。seated用法比较特殊,需要记忆, 例如:我坐在操场上 翻译:I was seated on the gound. seating是动词seat的正在进行分词 扩展资料   seat:   n.座位,坐处(如椅子等);有…座位的;有…座的";(椅子等的)座部   v.向…提供座位;(使)就座;坐;落座;可坐…人;能容纳…人   第三人称单数: seats复数: seats现在分词: seating过去式: seated过去分词: seated   例句:   We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers.   为方便顾客我们备有座位。   Do not leave your seat until the plane is airborne.   飞机升空时不要离开座位。   She sat in her usual seat at the back.   她坐在后排平时惯坐的位子上。   There were no seats left so I had to stand up.   没有座位了,所以我只好站着。


seat [si:t] n. 座位;所在地;职位vt. 使…坐下;可容纳…的;使就职


1、英 [si:t] 美 [sit] 。2、n.座位;坐处(如椅子等);有?座位的;(椅子等的)座部。3、vt.坐;向?提供座位;落座;可坐?人;能容纳?人。4、第三人称单数: seats复数: seats现在分词: seating过去式: seated过去分词:seated。






seat的意思是:座位;骑姿;就座;容纳;固定。一、常用释义seat释义:n.座位;(椅子等的)座部;(机器的)基座;(议会、委员会、法庭等的)席位,职位;英议会议员选区;(组织或重大活动的)所在地;(大户人家在乡间的)别墅,宅邸;(骑马的)骑姿; v.使坐下,使就座;容纳,坐得下;使就职;固定,安装。例句:Excuse me, is this your seat?对不起,这是您的座位吗?变形复数:seats;第三人称单数:seats;现在分词:seating;过去式:seated;过去分词:seated。短语:back seat后座;seat belt安全带。二、双解释义名词,席位、职位a place as a member of an official or controlling body.动词,使就座、使就职cause or help to sit cause to assume or take office.

seats怎么读 seats解释

1、seats,读音:美/siu02d0ts/;英/si:ts/。 2、释义:n.[家具][车辆]座椅,座位(seat的复数形式)。 3、例句:Excuse me, are these seats taken?打扰一下,这些座位有人吗?

sit 和 seat 的区别。 unfold 的用法,意思

你好,sit,动词“坐”seat,名词“座位”。(也可以用作动词,一般用被动表坐的状态。He was seated near the door.)sit down = take/have a seatunfold,及物动词,后接物。“打开”

The seat next to him was vacant. 和 The seat was vacant next to him.哪句是对的?感谢!

第一句是对的,next to him是seat的后置定语


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seat [si:ts]seats 席位例句:Suppose I reserve seats in advance.我先去定好座位吧。 The audience must be in their seats before the overture.观众必须于序曲演奏前入座。 Oxford and Cambridge are England"s most famous seats in learning.牛津和剑桥是英国最著名的学府。

how is the movie?interesting? A.I was seated far




I saw some villages___on the bench in the room. A.seated B.seated themselves 为什么选A,不选B

B 是坐在自己身上 这位真有才.....

My seat was next to ___of James Bond



英语好的,,谁能帮我区分一下seat,sit,seated,啊??共3个回答116贝贝爱聊聊关注成为第2272位粉丝seat,sit,seated的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、词性不同。一、意思不同1.seat意思:座位,坐处(如椅子等);有…座位的;有…座的;(椅子等的)座部2.sit意思:坐;使坐;使就座;处在;坐落在;被放在3.seated意思:向…提供座位;(使)就座;坐;落座;可坐…人;能容纳…人二、用法不同1.seat用法:作名词时的基本意思是“座位”,指供人坐的东西,如椅子,也可指供人坐的地方,如火车的坐席。是可数名词,有复数形式。引申指某事物时可作“…的座部”解,用于人时可作人的“臀部”解。2.sit用法:基本意思是“(使)坐”,引申可表示“(动物)蹲”“(鸟类)停落”“(照相或画像时)摆好姿势”“(在议会中)担任职务”等。3.seated用法:作及物动词,作“使就座”“使就职”解时,一般接人或反身代词作宾语,常用于be ~ed结构。三、词性不同1.seat词性:既是名词,又是及物动词。2.sit词性:没有名词含义,有及物动词和不及物动词的含义。3.seated词性:没有名词含义,有形容词和动词的含义

sitting sit sat seat的用法辨析

sitting是sit 的进行时态,表示正在坐. 而sat是sit 的过去时,表示坐过. seat是一个使动词,表示使……坐下,因此如果要以人做动作的发出者的话 ,就要用seated表示坐下 seating 就是seat的进行时态.

在英语中 sit和seat有什么区别

seat [si:t] n.座位;所在地;职位 vt.使…坐下;可容纳…的;使就职 sit [sit] vi.坐;位于 vt.使就座


1. seat和sit作为动词,都可以表示“坐”的意思。(1) seat是及物动词,比较正式,常以被动形式表示主动意义。如:He is seated between Jack and Tom. 她坐在杰克和汤姆之间。Please be seated. (=Please seat yourself.) 请坐。(2) sit通常作不及物动词用,比较口语化。如:The students are sitting at their desks. 学生们正坐在课桌旁。Sit down, please. 请坐。2. seat还可作名词用(而sit只能作动词用),常见短语take a seat (相当于have a seat或take one"s seat) ,意为“坐下,就座”。如:Take your seat, please. 请就坐。

seat与sit区别 seat at是什么意思

seat与sit区别是1. seat和sit作为动词,都可以表示“坐”的意思。(1) seat是及物动词,比较正式,常以被动形式表示主动意义。如:He is seated between Jack and Tom. 她坐在杰克和汤姆之间。Please be seated. (=Please seat yourself.) 请坐。(2) sit通常作不及物动词用,比较口语化。如:The students are sitting at their desks. 学生们正坐在课桌旁。Sit down, please. 请坐。2. seat还可作名词用(而sit只能作动词用),常见短语take a seat (相当于have a seat或take one"s seat) ,意为“坐下,就座”。如:Take your seat, please. 请就坐。 seat at意思是:坐在…的旁边。例句:1、Adam jumped from his seat at the girl"s cry. 女孩儿一哭,亚当立即从座位上跳了起来。2、It"s easy to get a seat at the best shows in town.很容易搞到城里顶级演出的票。3、I took a seat at the bar. 我在吧台坐下了。4、Japan and the European Commission gained a seat at this important table. 日本和欧洲委员会在这个重要组织中获得了一席之地。


1.seating n. 提供座位 Do we have enough seating for the guests? 我们有足够的座位让客人们就座吗? 2.sitting n. 入席,就座,开会,孵卵 adj. 坐着的,就座的,在任期中的,孵卵中的,易击中的 n. 坐席,座位 We were using crates as seats. 我们用大木箱作为座位. 所在地,场所; 中心 席位,职位 She won a seat in Parliament at the election. 她在选举中赢得了议会中的席位. 4.seated adj.就座的,固定的 老兄这些单词多用网上在线词典查查就知道了,自己动手查再对比,更加深记忆


he is eating dinner 他正在吃晚饭dinner 英[u02c8du026anu0259(r)]美[u02c8du026anu025a]n. 晚餐; 宴会; 正餐,主餐;[网络] 正餐,晚餐; 正餐; 晚宴;[例句]She asked me if I"d enjoyed my dinner.她问我晚餐是否吃得满意。[其他] 复数:dinners 形近词: conner twinner anner

船舶阀件要求METAL SEAT 什么意思

metal seal是金属密封件

perch sit seat区别



An Open Seat refers to Congressional districts/states where no incumbent is running for re-election.



rear seat是什么意思

rear seat英 [riu0259 si:t] 美 [ru026ar sit] 后座; 后排座椅双语例句 1The larger footprint yields a roomier rear seat and trunk. 较大的足迹产生一个宽敞的后座和躯干。2A car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat. 有长的躯体和在后面的座位有尾门的车。

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He grew up in Seattle, Washington. He was a very cleve...

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:D小题4:B小题5:A 小题1:根据文章内容Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He grew up in Seattle, Washington.可知答案为C。小题2:根据文章内容His favorite subjects at school were science and math可知答案为A小题3:根据文章内容they worked out a software program with the old machine. Bill sold it for $4,200 when he was only 17.可知答案为D小题4:根据文章内容In the end, they worked out a software program with the old machine. Bill sold it for $4,200 when he was only 17.可知答案为B小题5:根据单词的意思为私人的,故选答案为A

seattle was a riot 歌词

歌曲名:seattle was a riot歌手:Anti-FlagChorusWhy must we riotWhy must we protestJust to be heard - by the world?Verse 1Seattle was a riot, they tried to pin on usBut we didn"t show up, with gas and billy clubsAn un-armed mass of thousands, just trying to be heardBut there are no world leaders- that want to hear our words.Ohhh.ChorusVerse 2The World Bank"s greed and lies, digs graves in 3rd world landsAnd fills them with the remains of exploited workersOr displaced native peoples, and destroyed ecosystemsUnder the guise of progress, relief, and tech assistance.Ohhh.Chorus(repeat)BridgeSince the dawn of history -the few who own controlHave bent and rewrote history-how they want it to goThey try to control what we learn-and take away ourrights"Cause when the masses round the world unite-That"s a force they can not fightWe"ll fight for ourWe"ll fight for ourWe"ll fight for ourWe"ll fight for our Rights!Chorus (repeat)EndingSitting in what was designated the "Cooperation Zone"by Seattle Police Sergeant Richard GoldsteinThey sat heads bowed- listening as the policemethodically shot pepper spray- one eye at a time-into the eyes of their passive brothers and sistersWhore like police- playing judge, jury, andexecutioner for their pimp like bosses in the WorldBank and W.T.O.This is not justice. This is not the role of, TheServants of the PeopleSuch tyranny brings ruling classes crashing to theground and contemporary societies to an end

选择题 Can I ______to my seat. Sure A.go back B.come in C.going back


Back In The Driving Seat 歌词

歌曲名:Back In The Driving Seat歌手:Chrome Dreams - CD Audio Series专辑:Maximum Sheryl CrowFlew in from Miami Beach BOAC, didnt get to bed last night.On the way the paper bag was on my knee, man I had a dreadful flight.Im back in the U.S.S.R. You dont know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S.S.R.Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee its good to be back home.Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case, honey disconnect the phone.Im back in the U.S.S.R. You dont know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S., back in the U.S., back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgias always on my mind.Im back in the U.S.S.R., you dont know how lucky you are boys,back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgias always on my mind.Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south.Take me to your daddys farm. Let me hear your balalaikas ringing out,come and keep your comrade warm. Im back in the U.S.S.R.

can i going back to my seat

选A, 理由如下:1. Can是情态动词提问,后面动词要用原形,所以C不对 2. go back意思是回到.,come in是进去.,按照句意,不可能是说进到座位里,所以B不对

Bill go back to your seat please中为什么是go不是goes?

这是个课室对话,原文Bill attention to me , You go to your seat please. 比尔,听我话,请你回你的座位口语省略 Bill, go back to your seat please. 明白了吗?


  seat过去式: seated过去分词: seated   n.座位,坐处(如椅子等);有…座位的;有…座的;(椅子等的)座部   v.向…提供座位;(使)就座;坐;落座;可坐…人;能容纳…人   第三人称单数: seats复数: seats现在分词: seating 扩展资料   The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats.   最早来到音乐会的`人坐上了最好的座位。   We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers.   为方便顾客我们备有座位。   Do not leave your seat until the plane is airborne.   飞机升空时不要离开座位。   She sat in her usual seat at the back.   她坐在后排平时惯坐的位子上。   There were no seats left so I had to stand up.   没有座位了,所以我只好站着。


Peter goes back to his seat.改为祈使句是Peter, go back to your seat.


翻译: 请拿着这本书,回座位去。

go back to you seats 中文是什么意思

英语单词有错误 意思应该是哪来的回哪去或者在粗蛮一点

go back your seat是正确的么

不是,your是你们的复数形式,seat也需要写成复数形式,正确形式为: go back to your seats 。_柿侠┱梗?_弧? 复数形式变化规则:?1、一般情况下,在名词词尾加s;以s,x,ch,sh结尾的可数名词,在词尾加es;?2、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的可数名词,变y为i再加es;?3、以f或fe结尾的可数名词,变f或fe为v,再加es;?4、以f或fe结尾的可数名词直接加s,或变f或fe为v,再加es。

intheback seat

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