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Harry treats his secretary badly. 翻译



Secretary的读法:英[ˈsekrətri],美[ˈsekrəteri]。一、释义secretary这个词主要用于指职业秘书、政府内阁成员、某些宗教或组织领袖的助手等职位。Secretary可以指秘书,主要指为高级或领导人员提供文秘、协调和组织工作的职业人员。Secretary可以指部长,某些国家或地区中,部长一词也称为secretary,例如“国务卿”可以被译为“Secretary of State”。Secretary可以指内阁成员,在某些国家或地区,内阁成员的职位也被称为secretary。在政治、宗教和组织等方面,书记也常被称为“secretary”。二、组词1、company secretary指公司的秘书,主要负责公司文件和记录的管理,以及公司法律事务的处理。2、 personal secretary指个人秘书,主要为某个人提供文秘和协调工作的服务。3、school secretary指学校的秘书,主要负责学校行政和管理事务的处理。secretary造句:1、As a personal secretary, her job is to manage her boss"s schedule, answer calls, and draft emails.作为个人秘书,她的工作范围非常的广泛,日常就是管理老板的日程安排、接听电话和起草电子邮件。2、The secretary general of the United Nations is responsible for overseeing the work of the UN and promoting global cooperation.联合国秘书长负责监督联合国的工作并促进全球合作。3、The press secretary held a press conference to answer questions from journalists about the company"s new products.新闻秘书举行了一次新闻发布会,回答了记者有关公司新产品的问题。4、The school secretary helped to organize a fundraising event to support the school"s sports teams.学校秘书帮助组织了一次筹款活动,以支持学校的运动队。

一匹马叫 Secretary(秘书) 的美国电影,不是《奔腾年代》(马叫海饼干)


问题来了: 1.A secretary’ clipped tone seems more reje


Foreign Minister 和Foreign Secretary有什么区别么

Foreign Minister 的中文翻译,取决于TA 是哪国的:1) 中国外长就是 Foreign Minister (中国没有foreign secretary); 2) 英国: Foreign Secretary = 外交大臣 = 内阁重要成员; Foreign Minister = 副外交大臣 / 外交副大臣,受 Foreign Secretary 领导,在英国外交部 the Office of Foreign & Commonwealth Office 可以有不止一个 foreign minister ,他/她 与 foreign secretary 一样,属于“政治任命” political appointment,随执政党 / 内阁进退,不是外交部的职业外交官(但作为民选政府的成员,foreign minister(s) 的地位高于任何一个职业外交官)。3)别的国家就要看具体情况了:巴基斯坦的 foreign minister 就是外交部长(必须是民选的国会议员);Foreign Secretary 可译作 “外交(部常务)秘书” = 最高职业外交官(不是议员),受外长领导。


在外交上一般部长用MinisterSecretary 用在公司中比较多KK: []DJ: []n.1. 秘书2. (政府机关等的) 秘书官, 书记官3. (协会等的) 书记, 干事4. (政府各部的) 部长5. 【英】大臣; 副部长



大理大学英语作文a secretary job

First of all,to see the company on its own is not suitable for the second,to consider whether to continue to work,otherwise,the interest in the job will be greatly reduced,also do not have much confidence in myself.So,if you enter a company,feeling can also be,then how to do their job?First of all,depends on the nature of boss work arrangements,and your own sense of work adaptability.Do not use themselves as the center,as far as possible to the spirit of the boss"s willing and not leave myself to do things,so as to satisfy both sides.If we really want tohave a good job,especially in the titles of the composition,the nature of the work is the most difficult to do,the first the first thing to consider is the girl"s self protection,it should be placed within the scope of the jobThe firstpoints of the first work,diligent,hard-working and have the ability to judge things should be accurate,otherwise,would be counterproductive,with adverse factors on the work,Do a good job,not to please to get more,have working experience at work,in work for each other will be invisible to your work with a variety of procedures and work instructions more scheme,In the eyes of others,you may be the future,and Jiao Jiao,but work hard only their own taste it,hope in the future you must learn to work more experience,experience to which new employees in the teaching.

Secretary of the Sisypus Reading Club是什么意思中文





Secretary, secretary, secretary of the law of

(test) (went) (secretary)哪个发音不同



这是因为这句话里secretary是特指,指的是我是市学联的干事。但 student,professor在这句子里是泛指,指的是我是一名学生,我是一名教授。


一般都要加冠词。secretary是秘书 是人 for example : A people。 so,it should be a secretary。:)

党委书记英文怎么是Secretary of Committee ?secretary不是秘书吗?老外看了能懂不?





可以是秘书, 也可以是书记

secretary 怎么读?

secretary[英] [ˈsekrətri][美] [ˈsekrəteri]n.秘书; 干事,书记员; 部长,大臣;[例句]My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners "Union.我的祖父是苏格兰矿工工会干事。[复数]secretaries

Secretary 同 Admin Officer 的分别 (HR请进)

更新1: IN OFFICE 嘅野全部都要做。 ADMIN, HR, A/C, 连订货... ... 当然唔小得仲要SERVE两个老板。 ,其实呢种工作最好听既名系Office Manager。 首先你要谂谂究竟你自己将来想做咩,如果你打算做秘书既,咁就继续叫Secretary啦,将来继续做就会系Senior Secretary, Executive Secretary, Personal Assistant等等。 但如果你唔系想长远做秘书既,Admin Officer呢个名都可以考虑,第一,起码title系officer,第二,secretary通常俾人感觉都系manage老板diary、book下机票、take下minutes,都系比较clerical既工作,但admin就会广泛少少,将来可能有机会转做pure admin或者HR等等,唔好处就系太广泛,无一样专长,除非你将来想揾呢d Office Manager既工就好o岩。 所以我会提议你谂清楚究竟自己将来想点,咁系咪决定左个title就决定左你要行咩路? 咁又唔系既,睇你将来再揾工既时候点present你既experience啦,只不过有时候有d人睇完个title觉得唔o岩就唔再睇o者,但唔系一个咁严重既影响罗。 祝工作顺利! =],参考: self - over 10 years" HR exp,本人建议secretary,因对将来前途较好及弹性大.由于公司规模小,相信一人多职,你会涉及办公室行政的事务,可写于履历内,参考: 曾任职office admin & PA > 6年,

type use secretary哪个不同?

secretary 不同。type, use 都是单音节,secretary 是多音节。type, use 里的 e 不发音,secretary 里的两个e 发音。type, use 可作动词,type - 打字,use - 使用。secretary 是 秘书。



英语 secretary 单词每次写每次错,我该怎么办?





secretary ["sekru0259tu0259ri] n. 秘书;书记;部长;大臣 [ 复数secretaries ]


sec加re加 tary,最好的方式是按音节来记,还要多读,多听,多写。

secretary 翻译

secretary意思如下:1、部长。举例:He was the then secretary of Defense.他是当时的国防部长。2、秘书。举例:My secretary is an absolute gem.我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。3、书记。举例:At this moment she noticed the secretary coming in.这时她注意到书记走了进来。4、大臣。举例:The secretary is proposing to stand down in favor of a younger man.这位大臣打算辞职,让位给一个比较年轻的人。5、写字台。举例:Emily doesn"t have a secretary, so she has to write her essay on the tea table.艾米莉没有写字台,所以她只能在茶几上写论文。

tree see secretary哪一个读音不同?



1、如果你本来认识secret(秘密)这个词的话,可以把秘书记为“管理(老板)秘密的人”,或者借助联想,例如:偷偷使用词典的秘书(secret + dictionary). 2、如果你本来认识的词不多,不容易建立联想,那么可以考虑汉语谐音记忆法,如“塞给了锤”或“塞可乐太累”,具体可以参考你自己的方言.


1、如果你本来认识secret(秘密)这个词的话,可以把秘书记为“管理(老板)秘密的人”,或者借助联想,例如:偷偷使用词典的秘书(secret + dictionary). 2、如果你本来认识的词不多,不容易建立联想,那么可以考虑汉语谐音记忆法,如“塞给了锤”或“塞可乐太累”,具体可以参考你自己的方言.

eminence 、secrecy; secretary ; 这几个英语怎么读??

eminence [u02c8emu026anu0259ns] 一民乐司secrecy [u02c8siu02d0kru0259si] 丝一 克入衣额 斯一secretary [u02c8sekru0259tri] 塞 克入衣额 脆一


塞鬼死去1 3 3 3音调



为什么secretary前不加the 而city前一定要加

这里secretary表示职业,不需要加冠词。例如:I turned teacher when I was 20.我二十岁的时候成为教师这里turn teacher相当于become a teacher.再一个例子:Obama, president of US, visited Asia last week.这里president也是职业,所以也不需要用冠词。而city是一个可数名词,用单数形式的话,前面需要加上冠词。


life(复数)_life__usually(形容词)usual____quick(反义词)_slow___ work(名词)_worker___hard(反义词)easy____secretary(复数)__secretaries__ 楼上回答有错误,quick的反义应是slow


您好! 以下资料供您参考,祝您开心每一天!-----------------------------------------------------------------通过发音,分成3段来记se cre tary美["sekru0259.teri]


secretary 英[u02c8sekru0259tri] 美[u02c8sekru0259teri] n. 秘书; 干事,书记员; 部长,大臣; [例句]My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners "Union.我的祖父是苏格兰矿工工会干事。



秘书 secretary英语怎么读


The boss told his secretary to the documents for later use.

【答案】:B【解析】本题考查动词词组的辨析。句意为:老板告诉秘书把文件收好,以备以后使用。turn on打开;make up弥补,化妆;break out爆发。只有put away“收好,整理”符合原题要求。

Shen Hao was born in 1964. He was the former first secretary of Party branch(原党支部第一书记)of

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:B小题4:B 小题1:根据文章内容. From 2004 to 2009, he had done many good things for villagers. For the development of Xiaogang Village he had made great contributions.可知答案为D小题2:根据文章内容He rented a house in the village and thought about how to get the villagers to get rich all day.可知答案为C小题3:根据单词的意思可知答案为B小题4:根据文章内容大意可知答案为B

请问:how to be a successful secretary?

WALKER WINTER SALONJanuary 23, 1997SONG OF A SUCCESSFUL SECRETARYYes, I have a system that"s all my own.And it can"t be explained and it can"t be shown.I file by number, I file by letter,I file by ways that are ten times better.I file by subject, I file by date,I file by city, I file by state.I shun the trite, and scorn conventions,My filing system has four dimensions.I regard "In re" at the top of a letterAs something to make it balance better,I pay no attention to underliningAnd seldom get down to the person signing.I"ve got the names of the firm"s officialsNeatly arranged by their middle initials;Customers" letters I"ve filed insteadBy the color and size of their letterhead.I"ve got our catalogue mailing listFiled under "Farley"-- you get the gist?Our financial reports, for my own good reasons,Instead of by months, I"ve arranged by seasons.I"ve put Mrs. Duffy"s damage suitIn a folder entitled "Big Dispute."I"m the indispensable employee,They can"t take a step without me,And it costs them a raise and half-day freeEvery time they attempt to flout me.So they can"t fire me, no matter how cross,No matter how mean and riling!I"m Garbo herself-- I"m the boss"s boss,For I take care of the filing.Elizabeth Ann Christman, Song of A Successful Secretary Saturday Evening Post, 1939 reprinted in Gladys Torson, The Art of Being a Successful Business Girl (New York: New Home Library, 1940)

加拿大艾伯特省的Provincial Secretary怎么翻译?


Foreign Minister 和Foreign Secretary有什么区别么??翻译的时候怎么翻?

巴基斯坦:(1) Foreign Minister = 外交部长(2) Foreign Secretary = 外交部秘书长/总书记英国:(1) Foreign Secretary (Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs)= 外交部长(2) Foreign Minister = 副外交部长(六个!)(3) Permanent Under-Secretary =外交部秘书长美国:(1) Secretary of State = 国务卿(外交部长)(2) Undersecretary of State = 副国务卿(副外交部长)(3) Assistant Secretary of State = 助理国务卿

un under-secretary-general是什么意思

un under-secretary-general联合国秘书长双语例句1UN Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs Nobuyasu Abe attended and addressed the opening ceremony. 联合国副秘书长阿部信泰出席开幕式并致辞。2A senior Chinese diplomat has been officially sworn in as the UN Under-Secretary-General for economic and social affairs. 一位中国高级外交官已经正式宣誓就任联合国经济和社会事务副秘书长。

请问under secretary of defence for acquisition, technology and logistics的翻译,及相关介绍

Undersecretary of defence for acquisition, technology and logistics 注意第一个词美国国防部的次长(是部长和副部长的助理),负责采购,科技和后勤

学生会"秘书处"的英文翻译是secretariat还是secretary department还是都不对?

secretary department或者department of secretary这种常见的直译都是一定不会错的。至于秘书长,试着用个洋气高大上的词汇怎么样啊:)以美剧house of cards为例,弗兰克总统的下面秘书总管(也称幕僚长)这个职位叫chief of staff,管理着所有其他的秘书和文职人员。

mysterious; mystery ;secretary ;在美音中怎么读? 求谐音的...


allegedly ;injure; injury ; secretary 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~




单词拼写(10分)小题1:The minister was ____________________(陪伴)by his secretary to the US小题2

小题1:accompanied 小题2:alarmed 小题3:married 小题4:access 小题5:conduct 小题6:disabled 小题7:annoyed小题8:divorced 小题9:alarm小题10:congratulated 试题分析:小题1:accompanied 动词陪伴accompany,本句是一个被动语态的形式,句意:这个大臣由他的秘书陪着去了美国。故使用过去分词的形式。小题2:alarmed  形容词alarmed,在句中做系动词后面的表语。小题3:married 本题考查了get+过去分词组成的固定搭配,get married结婚。小题4:access 名词通道,方法access构成固定词组have access to…有权进入…;可以使用…小题5:conduct 名词行为conduct,其近义词为behaviour.小题6:disabled 形容词残疾的,“the+形容词”表示“一类人”小题7:annoyed 形容词恼怒的annoyed,是由动词annoy转换而来,常常用来修饰人或者与人有关的事物。小题8:divorced 形容词离婚的divorced,常常与系动词get连用,形成get divorced的结构。小题9:alarm   本题是一个名词作定语的用法。名词警报alarm用来修饰名词clock。小题10:congratulated 考查固定词组congratulate sb on sth祝贺某人某事。试题分析:单词拼写考察实词居多,特别应注意名词单复数的变化,动词时态语态的变化,形容词和副词的变化,以及虚拟语气等具体语法的使用。

secretary minister都是部长大臣有什么区别?

secretary :秘书 书记 文秘 minister : 部长 公使 大臣 君臣佐使 使臣

joint secretary是什么意思

joint secretary联合秘书双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 联合秘书.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

chartered secretary 什么意思?

特许秘书在英国和许多英联邦国家和地区中,特许秘书(Chartered Secretary)和特许会计师、律师一样,都是一个相当成熟的专业行业。例如香港特许秘书公会的会员有将近5000名

Minutes Secretary商务英语中什么意思


secretary 与 headmaster 的中文意思是什么

秘密 校长

School Secretary是什么意思

School secretary详细»学校秘书 And I just had another call from Mrs Evans, the school secretary. 跟读我刚接到学校秘书伊万斯小姐打来的电话。

permanant secretary什么意思呢


secret 和secretary意思不一样?


additional secretary是什么意思

additional secretary附加秘书secretary[英][ˈsekrətri][美][ˈsekrəteri]n.秘书; 干事,书记员; 部长,大臣;

the academic Secretary是什么意思

英文:the academic Secretary中文:学术秘书很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

cabinet secretary是什么意思

][ˈkæbinit ˈsekrətəri][美][ˈkæbənɪt ˈsɛkrɪˌtɛri]

social secretary是什么意思

social secretary(专职社交活动事宜的)社交秘书Capricia Marshall, the White House social secretary, arranged for the White Housebutlers, chefs, and valets to come help the Camp David staff in making sure themeals were enjoyable. 白宫的社交秘书卡普里西娅·马歇尔特地安排白宫的膳食总管、厨师、服务生到戴维营来帮助这里的工作人员,以确保做出可口的饭菜。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

secretary office是什么意思



称呼语(Secretary Frick)秘书frickFrick美 英 [frik]n.弗里克弗力克;力克实业有限公司是弗力克

secretary director是什么意思

secretary director秘书长exective secretary to director 行政秘书secretary general director 董事长秘书Secretary to Director of Housekeeping 客房部总监秘书

cabinet secretary是什么意思

web. 内阁秘书长;白宫内阁秘书长;内阁书记例句 The firm will have to take responsibility , said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano at a press conference .公司必须负责,内阁官房长官枝野幸男在记者会上如是说。


work for boss


secretary-general美 ["sɛkrətərɪ"dʒɛnərəl]  n. 秘书长;总书记[ 复数 secretaries-general ]n. a person who is a chief administrator (as of the United Nations)

legal secretary是什么意思


medical secretary是什么意思


private secretary是什么意思

private secretary[英][ˈpraivit ˈsekrətəri][美][ˈpraɪvɪt ˈsɛkrɪˌtɛri]n.私人秘书;例句:双语英语1.I told her I was a private secretary.我告诉她我是一个私人秘书.

the Secretary of State of Washington是什么意思



Assistant-secretary助理秘书长secretary[英][ˈsekrətri][美][ˈsekrəteri]n.秘书; 干事,书记员; 部长,大臣; 复数:secretaries例句:1.George washington"s first cabinet appointment was his treasury secretary. 乔治华盛顿任命的首位阁员即是他的财政部长

League Secretary是什么意思


secretary director是什么意思?谢谢!

执行秘书,一些常用短语如下:Secretary to Director of Rooms房务总监秘书Secretary to Director of Engineering工程总监秘书Secretary to Director of Sales&Marketing市场销售部秘书Secretary to Director of Human Resources人力资源总监秘书Secretary to Director Of Sales &Maketing市场销售总监秘书Personal assistant of Director/ Secretary of Director部长助理secretary to project director经理助理General Secretary / Executive Director秘书长Secretary to Human Resources Director人力资源部秘书Under-Secretary-General,Director-GeneraloftheUnitedNationsOfficeatGeneva副秘书长兼联合国日内瓦办事处主任例句:1.From his first job as assistant to the director at Sadler"s Wells Theatre, he jumped to the role of company secretary and planning director at the Welsh National Opera and to an executive-producer post at Philips Classics records before landing his dream job: In 1994, he was named general director of the Welsh National Opera. 2.The others went to the village Party secretary and the director of the county sports bureau, both of whom had moved down to better seats. 3.Jonathan, Secretary Geithner, Director Summers, Christy Romer, the entire economic team have been working on this issue since -- well, since we came into office, and spent a lot of time walking people through the legislation. WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs,


Summer 夏日秘书 secretary


someone who works in an office typing letters ,keeping records ,answering telephone calls,arrangement meetings ect.

Chief Secretary是什么意思

Chief Secretary首席秘书双语对照词典结果:Chief Secretary布政司; 主任秘书; 书记官长; 例句:1.A speech by danny alexander, the scottish chief secretary to the uk treasury, brings out theimplications. 苏格兰籍的英国财政部首席秘书丹尼亚历山大(danny alexander)在一次讲话中,谈到了相关影响。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

英语翻译 secretary是秘书的意思,

这个秘书的原话是怎么说的啊? exact words原话的意思!


Under-Secretary副秘书长双语对照例句:1.Clay lowery, acting under-secretary for international affairs, said little was known abouttheir investment policies, which meant minor comments or rumours would tend toincrease volatility in capital markets. 美国财政部负责国际事务的助理部长克莱楼瑞(clay lowery)表示,它们的投资政策鲜为人知,这意味着些许评论或谣言就可能加剧资本市场的波动。
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