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teaser 是什么意思

  Teaser和Trailer都是电影预告片的意思,但它们播放的时间不同,长短也不同的。   Trailer相对Teaser来说,更正式些,长度也长些。   Teaser:一个电影(特别是比较大预算/投资的电影)一般在正式Trailer出来前会先有Teaser在电影上映前3-4个月----只是告诉大家有这个电影,谁演的,谁导演的,是改编自什么小说或是续集.这样以吸引大家开始关注它.没有太多新的内容,但是当时刚出来时,很多人就很激动.从那时开始就一心盼着电影的更多东西出来.这就是Teaser的作用,把胃口掉起来.。   Teaser有预热。内容提要的意思~所以一般预告都是这个哟。

我这边有台HP Laserjet pro 400 color M451dn打印的时候出现竖线非常明显,可能是什么问题需要如何解决?


HP LaserJet 400 M401dn忘记密码怎么办,请说明详细步骤


如何安装hp laserjet 2055dn打印机


Closer的《Singles》 歌词

歌曲名:Singles歌手:Closer专辑:Closer1.だれかあなたを待(ま)たせてる人(ひと)がおありですかさっきから见(み)るともなく见(み)ている私(わたし)を悪(わる)く思(おも)わないで下(くだ)さいそこから何(なに)が见(み)えますかタバコの烟(けむり)越(こ)し 窓(まど)の彼方(かなた)マスター(master)はあい変(か)わらず何(なに)も话(はな)さない 自分(じぶん)のことも何(なに)も话(はな)さない夜(よる)の入口(いりぐち)はさみしくて 眠(ねむ)りにつくまでさみしくて人(ひと)の気配(けはい)のする暗(くら)がりに身(み)を寄(よ)せたくなります2.だれか拾(ひろ)いに来(き)たわけじゃないいまさらもういいんです日々(ひび)をひたすら生(い)きてゆくだけだから嘘(うそ)のような时间(じかん)がほしかったんです出会(であ)うことも别(わか)れることもいまさらもういいんですただ だれか同(おな)じような人(ひと)が他(ほか)にもいると思(おも)いたいんです夜(よる)の入口(いりぐち)はさみしくて 眠(ねむ)りにつくまでさみしくて人(ひと)の気配(けはい)のする暗(くら)がりに身(み)を寄(よ)せたくなります3.古(ふる)いレコード(record)をかけるなら思(おも)い出(で)よりももっと古(ふる)いやつがいい无邪気(むじゃき)に「こんな曲(きょく)知(し)らない」と笑(わら)う私(わたし)になれるからSINGLES BARのさみしさは 帰(かえ)りどきを自分(じぶん)で决(き)めること「もう帰(かえ)ろうか」って言(い)われて席(せき)を立(た)つ残念(ざんねん)さもくすぐったさもないこと夜(よる)の入口(いりぐち)はさみしくて 眠(ねむ)りにつくまでさみしくて人(ひと)の気配(けはい)のする暗(くら)がりに身(み)を寄(よ)せたくなります夜(よる)の入口(いりぐち)はさみしくて 眠(ねむ)りにつくまでさみしくて人(ひと)の気配(けはい)のする暗(くら)がりに身(み)を寄(よ)せたくなります

What is tropical desert?

The tropical desert is an environment of extremes: it is the driest and hottest place on earth. Rainfall is sporadic and in some years no measurable precipitation falls at all. The terribly dry conditions of the deserts is due to the year-round influence of subtropical high pressure and continentality. Deserts are typically found in continental interiors of the subtropics and on the leeside of mountains in the midlatitudes. Cool coastal deserts are found where cold water upwells along a coast stabilizing the air and preventing moisture formation like that near coastal Chile. Vast deserts cover much of north Africa (The Sahara) Saudi Arabia to Iran Pakistan and western India. Tropical deserts are found in Baja California and interior Mexico in North America. The most important controlling factor of the climate characteristics of the tropical desert climate is the year-round presence of subtropical high pressure. The descending air of the subtropical high adiabatically warms causing the air to dry out and inhibit condensation. Aridity also arises as distance from moisture sources increases. Leeward situations places one in the rain shadow which also promotes dry conditions. Cool coastal deserts are found along coasts where cold water is upwelling. The tropical desert has the highest mean annual temperature of any climate on Earth. The high temperatures are a result of the high sun angles throughout the year and having the highest percentage of sunshine of any climate. No month has an average temperature below 18oC (64.4oF) and many places have consecutive average monthly temperatures in the mid 30os Celsius (90oF). Daytime temperatures can reach 50oC (120oF) at low elevation inland deserts. The sky in the tropical desert remains cloud-free due to the subsiding air of dominant high pressure resulting in large amounts of insolation. The cloudless skies during the day lets insolation in but also lets much heat out at night. Without the absorptive blanket of clouds longwave radiation emitted from the Earth readily escapes to space chilling the nighttime desert air. The high energy input during the day and large loss at night results in an extremely large daily temperature range. 参考:


trousers n. 复数形式, 正确表达是:They are Tom"s trousers .



关于NETScape LDAP server的BASEdn和user name



谁发明了Netscapebrowser?() A.约翰·科特 B.克莱顿·克里斯坦 C.马克·安德森 D.亨利·明茨伯格 正确答案:C


总线串联/解串器 (SerDes)

在Windows 2003 Server中,查看域名服务器是否正常工作的命令是


错误类型: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E21) 多步 OLE DB 操作产生错误。

错误类型: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E21) 多步 OLE DB 操作产生错误。VSP。 1032----------------逍遥社区 。EUT看MM就上非常刺激的

series ; educator ; pumpkin ; lettuce 这英语用谐音怎么读??


网站里的robots文件是什么意思?User-agent: *Disallow:这两个标签到底是什么意思?

搜索引擎spider(蜘蛛)在访问一个网站时,会首先会检查该网站目录是否有一个文件叫做robots.txt的纯文本文件,这个文件用于指定spider(蜘蛛)在你网站是的抓取的范围. 简单点来说就是你想让他抓取的哪部分和你不想让他抓取的某部分。当一个搜索机器人robots(有的叫搜索蜘蛛或者爬虫)访问一个站点时,它会首先检查该站点根目录下是否存在robots.txt,如果存在,搜索引擎爬虫就会按照该文件中的内容来确定访问的范围;如果该文件不存在,那么搜索引擎爬虫就沿着链接抓取。User-agent:(不允许)该项的值用于描述搜索引擎robot的名字。在"robots.txt"文件中,如果有多条User-agent记录说明有多个robot会受 到"robots.txt"的限制,对该文件来说,至少要有一条User-agent记录。如果该项的值设为,则对任何robot均有效, 在"robots.txt"文件中,"User-agent:"这样的记录只能有一条。如果在"robots.txt"文件中,加入"User- agent:SomeBot"和若干Disallow、Allow行,那么名为"SomeBot"只受到"User-agent:SomeBot"后面的 Disallow和Allow行的限制。如果单独写出来,则这个蜘蛛只受其下面的几个Disallow和Allow行限制。没写出来的,受User-agent: * 限制。



求教 赛睿SteelSeries Rival的初始DPI是多少




我的侠盗飞车4为什么上不去,老是显示“Please insert your GTA Vice City CD,or press ESC to cancel”


Please insert your GTA Vice City CD or press ESC to cancel 是什么意思?


这句please insert your GTAvice city CD,or press ESC to cancel是什么意思?

请插入你的GTAvice city CD(作弊码光碟),或者按ESC键退出

我刚刚安装的侠盗猎车罪恶都市没有GTA Vice City User Files这个文件夹


服务器上有大量的sshd: username [priv]的进程

楼主是不是在win下登录的服务器,如果是的话,可以改下连接会话的编码。 UTF8

C# excel addin如何实现Ribbon上一个按钮显示一个UserControl?

得把uc 添加到CustomTaskPaneCollection 中才行给你一个参考:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Xml.Linq;using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;using Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word;using Microsoft.Office.Tools;namespace FinWordHelper{ public partial class ThisAddIn { private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.Application.DocumentOpen += Application_DocumentOpen; this.Application.DocumentChange += Application_DocumentChange; } void Application_DocumentChange() { FinPaneManager.Instance.CollectWordPanes(); } void Application_DocumentOpen(Word.Document Doc) { FinPaneManager.Instance.CollectWordPanes(); } private void ThisAddIn_Shutdown(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { } #region VSTO 生成的代码 /// <summary> /// 设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要 /// 使用代码编辑器修改此方法的内容。 /// </summary> private void InternalStartup() { this.Startup += new System.EventHandler(ThisAddIn_Startup); this.Shutdown += new System.EventHandler(ThisAddIn_Shutdown); } #endregion } #region FinPaneManager public class FinPaneManager { private FinPaneManager() { custPanes = Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes; } private static FinPaneManager m_Instance = new FinPaneManager(); public static FinPaneManager Instance { get { return m_Instance; } } private CustomTaskPaneCollection custPanes; public CustomTaskPane GetFinWordFormatPane() { Word.Window window = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow; foreach (CustomTaskPane ctp in custPanes) { if (ctp.Title == "Fin格式化工具" && ctp.Window == window) { return ctp; } } var cp = custPanes.Add( new WordFormatter(), "Fin格式化工具", window ); cp.Width = 250; return cp; } public CustomTaskPane GetFinWordCheckPane() { Word.Window window = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow; foreach (CustomTaskPane ctp in custPanes) { if (ctp.Title == "拼写检查" && ctp.Window == window) { return ctp; } } var cp = custPanes.Add( new WordSpellCheck(), "拼写检查", window ); cp.Width = 250; return cp; } public void CollectWordPanes() { for (int i = custPanes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (custPanes[i].Window == null) { custPanes.RemoveAt(i); } } } } #endregion}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon;namespace FinWordHelper{ public partial class CustomRibbon //按钮调用在这里 { private void CustomRibbon_Load(object sender, RibbonUIEventArgs e) { } private void button1_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { FinPaneManager.Instance.GetFinWordFormatPane().Visible = true; } private void button2_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { FinPaneManager.Instance.GetFinWordCheckPane().Visible = true; } }}

oracle和sql server取第一条记录的区别以及rownum详解

(1) rownum 对于等于某值的查询条件如果希望找到学生表中第一条学生的信息,可以使用rownum=1作为条件。但是想找到学生表中第二条学生的信息,使用rownum=2结果查不到数据。因为rownum都是从1开始,但是1以上的自然数在rownum做等于判断是时认为都是false条件,所以无法查到rownum = n(n>1的自然数)。(2) rownum对于大于某值的查询条件如果想找到从第二行记录以后的记录,当使用rownum>2是查不出记录的,原因是由于rownum是一个总是从1开始的伪列,Oracle 认为rownum> n(n>1的自然数)这种条件依旧不成立,所以查不到记录。(3) rownum对于小于某值的查询条件rownum对于rownum<n(n>1的自然数)的条件认为是成立的,所以可以找到记录。比如 rownum < 3(4) rownum和排序Oracle中的rownum的是在取数据的时候产生的序号,所以想对指定排序的数据去指定的rowmun行数据就必须注意了。select rownum ,id,name from student order by name;

sqlserver rownum是干什么的

ROWNUM是oracle的函数 SQLSERVER没有这个东西!~你说的应该是个自定义函数吧?

电脑一开机就有英文母Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selec



输 入表名, 生成 插入 语句 drop proc proc_insert go create proc proc_insert (@tablename varchar(256)) as begin set nocount on declare @sqlstr varchar(4000) declare @sqlstr1 varchar(4000) declare @sqlstr2 varchar(4000) select @sqlstr="selec 输入表名,生成插入语句drop proc proc_insertgocreate proc proc_insert (@tablename varchar(256))asbeginset nocount ondeclare @sqlstr varchar(4000)declare @sqlstr1 varchar(4000)declare @sqlstr2 varchar(4000)select @sqlstr="select ""insert "+@tablenameselect @sqlstr1=""select @sqlstr2=" ("select @sqlstr1= " values ( ""+"select @sqlstr1=@sqlstr1+col+"+"",""+" ,@sqlstr2=@sqlstr2+name +"," from (select case -- when a.xtype =173 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar("+convert(varchar(4),a.length*2+2)+")," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =127 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(20)," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =104 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(1)," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =175 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"""""""""+"+"replace("","""""""","""""""""""")" + "+"""""""""+" end"when a.xtype =61 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"""""""""+"+"convert(varchar(23)," +",121)"+ "+"""""""""+" end"when a.xtype =106 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar("+convert(varchar(4),a.xprec+2)+")," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =62 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(23)," +",2)"+" end"when a.xtype =56 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(11)," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =60 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(22)," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =239 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"""""""""+"+"replace("","""""""","""""""""""")" + "+"""""""""+" end"when a.xtype =108 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar("+convert(varchar(4),a.xprec+2)+")," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =231 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"""""""""+"+"replace("","""""""","""""""""""")" + "+"""""""""+" end"when a.xtype =59 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(23)," +",2)"+" end"when a.xtype =58 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"""""""""+"+"convert(varchar(23)," +",121)"+ "+"""""""""+" end"when a.xtype =52 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(12)," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =122 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(22)," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =48 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar(6)," +")"+" end"-- when a.xtype =165 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"convert(varchar("+convert(varchar(4),a.length*2+2)+")," +")"+" end"when a.xtype =167 then "case when "" is null then ""NULL"" else "+"""""""""+"+"replace("","""""""","""""""""""")" + "+"""""""""+" end"else """NULL"""end as col,a.colid,a.namefrom syscolumns a where = object_id(@tablename) and a.xtype 189 and a.xtype 34 and a.xtype 35 and a.xtype 36)t order by colidselect @sqlstr=@sqlstr+left(@sqlstr2,len(@sqlstr2)-1)+") "+left(@sqlstr1,len(@sqlstr1)-3)+")"" from "+@tablename-- print @sqlstrexec( @sqlstr)set nocount offendgoselect * from systypes使用方法: exec proc_insert 你的表名 选择【执行模式】为“以文本显示结果”,然后将运行后的结果存成.sql,加上用SQL Server生成的数据库脚本就可以了。另外可以利用第三方工具,导出饮食备注型字段的数据数据可以用powerbuilder。在database painter里面,用SQL选出,或者直接打开表,点击生成的list datawindow,然后在菜单file->save rows as->选择SQL,那么生成的SQL语句就包括建表和insert数据的SQL了。还有最完善的方式就是自己编程实现导入导出,这样可以应对所有情况的数据转换。

kaiser permanente是什么意思

kaiser permanente凯泽永久 医疗网 【例句】1. Arthur klatsky is a heart doctor at the kaiser permanente medical center in oakland , california亚瑟?克拉斯盖是加利福尼亚州奥克兰永皇研究中心的心脏病医生。 2. " obesity in middle age increases the risk of future dementia , " said dr rachel whitmer , of kaiser permanente , a health care organisation in oakland , california中年肥胖,会增加未来罹患痴呆症的风险,加州奥克兰卫生护理机构kaiserpermanente的芮秋?惠特莫博士说。 3. “ obesity in middle age increases the risk of future dementia , ” said dr rachel whitmer , of kaiser permanente , a health care organization in oakland , california中年肥胖,会增加未来罹患痴呆症的风险,加州奥克兰卫生护理机构kaiserpermanente的瑞秋.惠特莫博士说。 4. Klatsky is a senior consultant in cardiology and an adjunct investigator at the division of research at the kaiser permanentemedical center in oakland , calif克拉斯基毕业于哈佛医学院,他曾担任哈佛医学院心脏科的主任( 1978 ~ 1994 ) ,并领导冠状动脉医疗小组( 1968 ~ 1990 ) 。 5. Kaiser permanente , a health care organization in the us , has publicly reported greenhouse gas emissions for 2006 and is being certified as a climate action leader in the state of california美国健保机构凯撒医疗中心公开其2006年的温室气体排放量,在加州获验证为气候环保精英。 6. " the message is really obesity in the abdomen matters even more than obesity overall , " dr . carlos iribarren of kaiser permanente of northern california in oakland , the study " s lead author , said该研究主笔、奥克兰的北加州凯瑟医疗中心的伊瑞贝伦医生说:这项讯息是,腹部肥胖真的不能小看,甚至比整身肥胖还严重。 7. " it " s too early to say whether this will relate to anything to do with human health , " says dr . arthur klatsky , senior consultant in cardiology at kaiser permanente medical center in oakland , calif . , and a pioneer in studying the effects of alcoholic beverages on cardiac health in humans英语新闻学习http : news . jewelove . net “现在就说喝红酒是否与身体健康有任何关系还太早, ”阿瑟克拉斯基博士说,他是加利福尼亚州奥克兰凯撒永恒医学中心的心脏病学资深顾问,也是研究酒精饮料对人类健康影响的先驱。 相关词汇permanente schleuse是什么意思 circuito permanente de jerez是什么意思 fondation de formation permanente是什么意思 comision permanente del pacific sur是什么意思 kaiser是什么意思 georg kaiser是什么意思 kaiser bazan是什么意思 kaiser ver是什么意思 kaiser kuo是什么意思 相邻词汇热门词汇kaiser kabel是什么意思 kaiser kabel gmbh是什么意思 kaiser knuckle是什么意思 kaiser kuo是什么意思 kaiser melange是什么意思 kaiser pk是什么意思 kaiser resources ltd是什么意思 kaiser roll是什么意思 kaiser steel是什么意思




Kaiserdom黑啤酒500ml*6听Kaiserdom黑啤酒; 原料与辅料:水,大麦麦芽,啤酒花,酒花浸膏; 酒精度:4.7%vol; 原麦汁浓度:11.4°P; 产品类型:黑色啤酒; 原产国:德国; 灌装日期:见罐底(年/月/日); 保质期(至):见罐底(年/月/日); 贮存条件:常温保存,请置于阴凉干燥处,8-10℃饮用更佳 购买前一定要仔细查看罐底的保质期

请问sql server2008里面select……where id not in(selec……)这种可以多次嵌套吗,也就是说后面再跟

最多三层嵌套。再多的话关系会乱 。最好都分开写。比如:sid=select id where * from where id="&sid

charmkaiser1936 是什么香水

气味博物馆(CHARM KAISER)香水起源于法国格拉斯(Grasse),出自法国著名气味艺术家卡汶凯瑟(CHARM KAISER)之手,他从1925年开始研究与搜集自然界中各种气味,全心研制与生活有关的一切气味,例如:泥土、冰雪、手工巧克力苦咖啡、包括人体气味和城市的气味等等。这位执着的气味艺术家毕生致力于气味的研究,1936年正式成立气味博物馆(CHARM KAISER),CHARM KAISER香水于1938年正式在法国发售。 卡汶.凯瑟为很多著名香水品牌研制香水,不仅在当时成为整个欧洲销量最大的香水,至今仍在全球最受欢迎香水中名列前茅。 在卡汶u2022凯瑟看来,创造香水并不仅只是技术性的工作,更为重要的是精神上的,卡汶凯瑟说:“我用心去感知香水,而非我的鼻子,那些年迈的调香师即便失去嗅觉,也能创造出一流的香水。就好比贝多芬先生,在全聋的情况下创作了最伟大的作品《第九交响曲》。用精神去闻,去感受,就好比盲人用精神去感观世界,你对他说‘蓝色",他就能在心里看见蓝色,所以气味也完全一样,如果你说‘茉莉",我会立刻感觉到茉莉花香的味道。” 气味博物馆(CHARM KAISER)第一个提出气味体验的新概念,气味博物馆真实记录了事物本身的气味,并能把人的思想传递到不同的时间与空间,唤醒埋藏深处的回忆; 气味植根于社会背景当中,它对一个社会的文化政治和人类神经学研究都有深远影响。嗅觉是人类最基本的功能之一,它反映我们的现实、泄漏我们的欲望、激发我们的回忆、构成我们周围的环境,气味博物馆(CHARM KAISER)提倡的是气味本身和个人主义。气味需要我们自己探索和选择。


这个公司在国内知名度很低,没有网站至于步履式挖掘机,国内徐工仿造的有一款,凯撒要起诉呢总部位于列支敦士登(瑞士)的KAISER公司在1965年发明生产了世界上第一台灵活型步行式挖掘机。这种步行式挖掘机虽说与传统意义上的挖掘机同名,但是却有完全不同的功能,被使用者爱称为“蜘蛛人”。KAISER生产的“蜘蛛车”具有灵活、多变和多功能的特点,可以适应各种环境和地形。kaiser S2步履式全地型挖掘机是其公司一款明星产品,不管在陡峭的山地还是河床都可以畅行无阻,S2也是国外最常用的步履式全地型挖掘机,其标准也一直在被其他厂家模仿。徐工ET110就是在kaiser S2的基础上研发的,采用步履、轮式驱动结合的复合式结构,能全轮驱动、全轮转向、轮腿复合。因此,ET110型步履式挖掘机不仅可在普通环境下作业,在高寒、高海拔地区,陡峭的山坡、水网、沼泽地带一样可以自如的作业。ET110步履式挖掘机通过自主编制的专用控制软件、CAN总线技术和可编程控制器对液电系统进行集成,可将全车各路信息全部进行收集和智能化管理,提高了整机的稳定性、安全性和可靠性。ET110设计的多功能电液集成操纵手柄,可控制整机24个动作,使操作方便、准确、灵活、易学,达到了操纵相对简单的目的。

kaiser permanente是什么意思

kaiser permanente凯萨恒健,凯萨医疗机构例如:The study involved more than six thousand northern California members ofKaiser Permanente, a health care organization.这项研究涉及一家保健机构凯萨恒健在加利福尼亚州北部的6000多个会员。Riverside is a neighbor to Hollywood, and home to a large facility from healthgiant Kaiser Permanente.河边市是好莱坞的邻居,本身又有大型医疗集团凯萨恒健的许多设施。RachelWhitmer from the Kaiser Permanente research division led the study.来自凯萨恒健研究部的雷切尔惠特默领导了这项研究。

凯撒 KAISER的内衣会不会很贵啊?











关系:1、在岩石的声发射中,kaiser效应是岩石材料的一种“记忆”现象,2、 kaiser效应所记忆的应力就是岩石历史上所经受过的最大应力。

insert into selec生成日志吗

一 当select操作产生锁定时,会产生日志,比如select ....for update 二 当数据库开启审计时,会产生日志 三 当select在子查询中,如:create table as select...., insert into a select等会产生日志







kaiser permanente是什么意思

kaiser permanente词典结果:网络释义1. 一个北加州例句:1.Henry kaiser"s survives in the form of kaiser permanente, one of america"s best health-care systems. 亨利凯瑟的作风仍然是凯瑟永久医疗集团的存在形式,该集团是美国最好的医疗保健体系之一。2.Brown and his colleagues reviewed data from individuals who had visited a kaiser permanente clinic in san diego between 1995 and 1997 and had completed a questionnaire about their childhood. 布朗和他的同事们查阅了1995年至1997年期间在凯萨医疗机构圣迭戈分院就诊的患者资料,并对他们的童年情况进行了调查。




现代声发射技术的开始以Ka iser二十世纪五十年代初在德国所作的研究工作为标志。他观察到铜、锌、铝、铅、锡、黄铜、铸铁和钢等金属和合金在形变过程中都有声发射现象。他提出了材料形变声发射的不可逆效应, 即: 对材料进行反复卸加载试验时, 材料在超过先前所施加的应力级之前不出现可探测到的声发射。现在人们称材料的这种不可逆现象为 Kaiser效应!。简单地说, Ka iser效应能够作为描述金属和岩石应力的指标。




  Kaiser是实况足球大师联赛里人气较高的架空球员之一 。  特点:速度,全能,传球。  默认特殊技能:战术盘球 ,传球,司令塔,外脚背,一脚传球。  1、默认位置是中前卫的Kaiser可以打遍中场全部位置,这也是Kaiser的过人之处。  2、在大师联赛出现后建议即可将其购入,一则成长较快,二则近乎逆天的前期数值使Kaiser可以直接担任主力。  3、在度过第一个成长阶段后数值曲线会出现暂时的下降,经过几个赛季会出现第二个成长波形,状态可以长久稳定。  4、成长后的Kaiser位置不限,场上除门将所有位置均可。




Kaiser源于凯撒,德语里指神圣罗马帝国(962-1806)、德意志帝国、奥地利帝国皇帝。 基本介绍 中文名 :盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒 外文名 :kaiser 国籍 :罗马共和国 民族 :罗马人 出生地 :罗马 出生日期 :公元前102年7月12日 逝世日期 :公元前44年3月15日 信仰 :无神论 词义,历史背景, 词义 Kaiser["kaizu0259](德语)源于凯撒 名词 n. 人名 神圣罗马帝国皇帝、德意志皇帝、奥地利皇帝 3. (k-)独裁者,人名 历史背景 962年,罗马教皇若望十二世为德意志王国(由过去的东法兰克王国演变而来)国王奥托一世加冕为“罗马人的统治者”,德意志王国演变为神圣罗马帝国。神圣罗马帝国的统治者德语为“Kaiser”,原指是“盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒"。 1806年拿破仑·波拿巴废除了神圣罗马帝国,1804年,奥地利大公兼匈牙利和波希米亚王国国王弗朗茨二世宣布采用“奥地利国王”的称号,并于1806年放弃神圣罗马帝国统治者"凯撒"称号。1867年,奥地利帝国实行二元君主制,改为奥匈帝国,奥地利国王兼任匈牙利国王。1871年,普法战争结束,德意志统一,普鲁士国王威廉一世成为德意志帝国(历史上的德意志第二帝国)统治者。



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uygurqa serik kino


Bare Grace Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Bare Grace Misery歌手:NightwishBare Grace MiseryArtist(Band):NightwishSweet boy, come inI am the dark side of youDie for my sinsLike the One once didCinnamon bedFor your unashamed appetiteA figuranteThis dance will hurt like hellOh, bare grace miseryJust a child without a fairytale am IDark but so lovelyA Little Match Girl freezing in the snowLove lying, enticing(Bare grace misery)Crowning the moment(Bare grace misery)This is what I amBare grace for the end of daysRomantic scentSpoiled Lucrece lies warm for youThere`s no such priestThat can pray me to heavenWhen done with meForget if you think I feel ashamedA wild thingNever felt sorry for anything

Misery Signals的《Nothing》 歌词

歌曲名:Nothing歌手:Misery Signals专辑:ControllerVan Morrison - No ThingPeople come and people goOne monkey don"t stop no showI"m getting too tired to start all over againCos it ain"t gonna change no thingThere"s just all of this here landBeen trampled on by manAnd all around me, all these birds of preyAnd all I"m trying to do is just get by one more dayOnly a fool would ever think things could ever be the sameOnly a fool would surmise everyone is saneI watch them come and goI"m fed up with the status quoAnd I"m feeling too tired to start all over againCos I know that it ain"t gonna change no thingOnly a fool could think that things would ever be simple againOnly a fool would surmise everyone is the sameSo I watch them come and goI don"t have time for the status quoI say blessed be and I"m on my way, on my wayCos it ain"t gonna change no thing, no, no, no, no, no, noWell it ain"t gonna change no thing, yeah, yeah, yeahWell it ain"t gonna change no thing

I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery什么意思


请问, Miserlou 这个词是什么意思?




Sweet Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Misery歌手:Martha Reeves专辑:Martha ReeevesI was lostAnd you were foundYou seemed toStand on solid groundI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along, ohSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meI was blindBut oh, how you could seeYou saw the beauty in everythingEverything and meI would cryAnd you would smileYou"d stay with meA little whileSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryOh, whoaSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along

The Mall & Misery 歌词

歌曲名:The Mall & Misery歌手:Broken Bells专辑:Broken BellsBroken Bells - The Mall & MiseryUse your intuitionIt"s all you"ve gotKeys are revvingThere"s a dozen locksStanding your waySo goes the gold ageTo your entire lifeDigging for a wayYou cast a spellGrab a path from all the things they sellBut they don"t let goJust thought you should knowKeep them awayI know what I knowBut nothing will fill the holeSo let your mind go (Let my mind go)Straight down the run wayDoes one want toGet more used to?The mall and misery (The mall and the misery)The dead mouths it costs to be aliveOh she lies half burningFrom the batting crowsYou"re falling a lambWhat you"ve never been toldThere"s a new worldSomewhere a good girlLives and breathesPart of her opened the callow mindAudio has stolen the morning tideThere"s a dark timeThis is a dark lifeFeel your heart

Miss The Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Miss The Misery歌手:Foo Fighters专辑:Real Steel - Music From The Motion Picturealbum: Wasting Lightreleased on April 12, 2011Oh!Oh!If I had my wayIf I had to loseWouldn"t take back one thingNever had much to chooseThen it dawned on meComing down on youLike a cold sky raining under a burning moonYou"ve waited all your lifeYour wish is coming trueBless your heart for beating me right outta youMiss the miseryNeed a reason for a changeNeed a reason to explainSo turn it on againDon"t change your mindYou"re wasting lightGet in and let"sGo!Go!What a nice long leashWhat a nice tight nooseNever worked for me but sure does look good on youYou"ve waited all your lifeYour wish is coming trueBless your heart for beating me right outta youMiss the miseryNeed a reason for a changeNeed a reason to refrainSo turn it on againDon"t change your mindYou"re wasting lightGet in and let"sGo!Go!Miss the miseryGimme a reason for a changeMiss the miseryGimme a reason to refrainMiss your misery any dayMiss your misery any dayCome on and turn it on for MEDon"t change your mindYou"re wasting lightDon"t make this rightDon"t make this rightGet in and let"sGo!Go!

Sweet Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Misery歌手:Ferlin Husky专辑:Capitol Collectors SeriesI was lostAnd you were foundYou seemed toStand on solid groundI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along, ohSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meI was blindBut oh, how you could seeYou saw the beauty in everythingEverything and meI would cryAnd you would smileYou"d stay with meA little whileSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryOh, whoaSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along

Miss Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Miss Misery歌手:Elliott Smith专辑:Good Will Hunting (Music from the Miramax Motion Picture)I"ll fake it through the dayWith some help from johnny walker redSend the poison rain down the drainTo put bad thoughts in my headTwo tickets torn in halfAnd a lot of nothing to doDo you miss me, miss miseryLike you say you do?A man in the parkRead the lines in my handTold me i"m strongHardly ever wrong i said man you meanYou had plans for both of usThat involved a trip out of townTo a place i"ve seen in a magazineThat you left lying aroundI don"t have you with me butI keep a good attitudeDo you miss me, miss miseryLike you say you do?I know you"d rather see me goneThan to see me the way that i amBut i am in the life anywayNext door the tv"s flashingBlue frames on the wallIt"s a comedy of errors, you seeIt"s about taking a fallTo vanish into oblivionIs easy to doAnd i try to be but you know meI come back when you want me toDo you miss me miss miseryLike you say you do?

Misery Machine 歌词

歌曲名:Misery Machine歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:LiveMisery Machine英文歌词第一站Man in the front got a sinister grin, careen down highway 666We wanna go, crush the slow, as the pitchfork bends the needles growMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementWe"re gonna ride to the abbey of thelema, to the abbey of thelema, blood is pavementThe grill in the front is my sinister grin, bugs in my teeth make me sick sick sickThe objects may be larger than they appear in the mirrorMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementWe"re gonna ride to the abbey of thelema, to the abbey of thelema, blood is pavementWhen you ride you"re ridden, when you ride you"re riddenI am fueled with the filth and fury, Do what I will, I will hurry thereMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavement

想知道‘My Friend Of Misery’的详细翻译……



listen to the thythm of the falling rain,telling me just what a fool i"ve been.i wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,and let me be alone again.rain please tell me now, does that seem fair for her to steal my heart away when she don"t care?i can"t love another when my heart"s somewhere far away.rain and tears are the same but in the sun you"ve got to play the game when you cry in winter time you can"t pretend it"s nothing but the rain how many times i"ve seen tears coming from your blue eyes rain and tears are the same but in the sun you"ve got to play the game 哗啦啦啦啦下雨了看到大家都在跑叭叭叭叭叭计程车他们的生意是特别好哗啦啦啦啦淋湿了好多人脸上嘛失去了笑无奈何望著天叹叹气把头摇感觉天色不对最好把雨伞带好不要等雨来了见你又躲又跑轰隆隆隆隆打雷了胆小的人都不敢跑无奈何望著天叹叹气把头摇咱二人做阵拿著一支小雨伞雨越大我来照顾你你来照顾我虽然双人行相偎遇著风雨这呢大崁坎小路又歹行咱著小心行你甲我做阵拿著一支小雨伞雨越大渥甲淡糊糊心情也快活三月里的小雨淅沥沥沥沥沥淅沥沥沥下个不停山谷里的小溪哗啦啦啦啦啦哗啦啦啦流不停小雨为谁飘小溪为谁流带著满怀的凄清请问小溪谁带我追寻追寻那一颗爱我的心i"ll never let you see the way my broken heart is hurting me i"ve got my pride and i know how to hide all the sorrow and pain i"ll do my crying in the rain if i wait for cloudy skies you won"t know the rain from the tears in my eyes you"ll never know that i still love you so though the heartaches remain i"ll do my crying in the rain raindrops falling from heaven will never wash away my misery but since we"re not together i"ll wait for stormy weather to hide these tears i hope you"ll never see 在黄昏的天空我看到那彩带一样的迷蒙是你可爱的笑容跟著我走在雨中我们去看那迷蒙的天空在这雨的季节中季节雨别笑我什么都不懂我知道爱就像一场梦季节雨别笑我什么都不懂我知道爱就像季节雨消失无踪啊....说真的我不是故意看见你和她在街头伫立我在犹豫该不该逃避还是让你看见我在这里天空间飘来的雨从眼里滑落到心里我在怀疑该不该躲你该不该躲这场雨大雨就要开始不停的下我的心我的心已经完全的没有主张带我到没有爱情的地方喔......大雨就要开始不停的下我的心我的心已经完全的失去方向带我到没有爱情的地方苦苦的这一杯酒淡淡的没有滋味你悄悄的就这样走一句话都没有说我到底是那里做错让你如此对待我你悄悄的离开我可知我心已被你带走小雨来的正是时候代表我流不出的眼泪小雨来的正是时候冲淡我对你的思念小雨来的正是时候小雨来的正是时候小雨来的正是时候小雨来的正是时候偶而飘来一阵雨点点洒落了满地也许雨一停我就能再见到你也许雨该一直下不停朦胧的眼朦胧的雨脸上交横的是泪是雨我在街头伫立心中已经有了决定却不知小雨是否能把你打醒雨一直下气氛不算融洽在同个屋檐下你渐渐感到心在变化你爱著他也许也带著恨吧青春耗了一大半原来只是陪他玩耍就是爱到深处才怨他舍不舍得都断了吧那是从来都没有后路的悬崖就是爱到深处才由他碎了心也要放得下难道忘了那


So scared of breaking itBut you won"t let it bend亵渎你我之情愫仍使我惊恐万分而你却也不愿重复这尴尬的处境And I wrote two hundred lettersI won"t ever send我写了两百封信解释但始终没有寄Somehow it is cut so muchDeeper then they seem我开始感到噩耗的来临犹如预期 You"d rather cover upI"d rather let them be你试图掩饰 但怎奈木已成舟So let me beAnd I"ll set you free就这样吧 你随便I am in miseryThere ain"t no otherWho can comfort me我经历了没人经历过的痛苦与绝望又怎能有人给我安慰Why won"t you answer me?Your solace is slowly killing me你为什么不直接一点说是与不是含糊其辞的言语实在要了我的命Girl you really got me badYou really got me bad告诉你 你伤了我的自尊心I"m gonna get you backGonna get you back我要让你重回我的怀抱Your salty skin and howIt mixes in with mine你的痛苦怎么能和我比The way it feels to beCompletely intertwined紧紧深陷 纠葛难以摆脱It"s not that I didn"t careIt"s that I didn"t know不是我不在乎 是我从没有这样想过It"s not what I didn"t feel,It"s what I didn"t show不是我没有感觉是我不知道怎样表达才能让你明白So let me beand I"ll set you free就这样吧 你随便Say your faith is shakenYou may be mistaken你说你可能是一时糊涂犯了个错You keep me wide awake and

Bodeans的《Misery》 歌词

歌曲名:Misery歌手:Bodeans专辑:Love & Hope & Sex & Dreams [Deluxe Edition]Miserysinger-pinkShadows are fallin" all over townAnother night and these blues got me downOh, misery! i sure could use some companySince he"s been gone i ain"t been the sameI carry the weight like an old ball and chainGuess its all meant to beFor love to cause me miseryOh misery! oh misery!Tell me why does my heart make a fool of meSeems its my destinyFor love to cause me miseryAnd, oh! i"ve been down this road beforeWith a passion that turns into painAnd each i saw love walk out the doorI swore never get caught againBut ain"t it true? it takes what it takesAnd sometime we get too smart to leaveOne more heartache for meAnother night of miseryOh! and oh misery! oh misery!Tell me why does my heart make a fool of meOh misery! oh misery!Tell me why, why, why, why, why, why does thisHeart make a fool of meSeems its my destinyFor love to cause misery, ohMiseryGuess its all meant to beFor love to cause me misery, oh, no, yeahMisery

green day 《misery》歌词及翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

MISERY 苦难之旅 Virginia was a lot lizard from FLA 佛吉尼亚离佛罗里达可不近 She had a compound fracture in the trunk 但她在卡车里与司机达成了协议 It started when she ran away 这一切要从她离家出走的时候说起 Thumbs out on the interstate She hitched a ride to misery 她在州际公路上搭上了通向苦难的车 Mr. Whirly had a catastrophic incident 威利先生遭到了一次灾难般的事故 He fell into the city by the bay 他从港口进入了城市生活 He liquidated his estate 他需要清算一下自己的财产 Now he sleeps upon the Haight panhandling misery 现在他要在Haight与他的烦恼一起入睡了 And he"s gonna get high-igh-igh 他即将要发达了 When he"s low low low 当他在最低谷的时候 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律 Well Vinnie was a hustler out of Amsterdam Vinnie是个阿姆斯特丹来的妓女 He ran the drug cartel in Tinseltown 他在好莱坞嗑药 They found him in a Cadillac 他们发现他在一辆卡迪拉克里 bludgeoned with a baseball bat 拿着一根棒球棍 In the name of misery 以苦难的名义 And Gina hit the road to New York City Gina向纽约出发 Mysteriously the night Vinnie croaked 一个神秘的夜晚Vinnie被杀了 She stopped in Vegas to elope 她跑到拉斯维加斯去私奔 With Virginia and the dope 带着佛吉尼亚的毒品 And kissed the bride eternally 永远亲吻着新娘 And they"re gonna get high-igh-igh 他们会转运的 When they"re low low low 尽管现在情况很糟 The fire burns from better days 昨日的烟花还未散去 And she screamed why oh why 她大叫为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律 Hell hounds on your trail now once again boy 小子,地狱又一次向你招手了 It"s groping on your leg until it sleeps 它抓住了你的腿 The emptiness will fill your soul with sorrow 悲伤会充斥着你的灵魂 Cause it"s not what you make it"s what you leave 因为这不是你所创造的 而是你所要逃避的 And he"s gonna get high-igh-igh 我们即将要发达了 When he"s low low low 即使我们现在在最低谷 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律


很简单,follow me!!!miss错过+every每天(mis+ery)每一天,每一次都在错过,这超级痛苦,悲惨的好吧啊啊啊misery:痛苦,穷困,悲惨遭遇

Soul Asylum的《Misery》 歌词

歌曲名:Misery歌手:Soul Asylum专辑:After The Flood: Live From The Grand Forks PromI cry myself asleep tonightcause I can not hold you tightI wish I could see you tomorrowTo take all this sorrowWhen I touch youCan you feel itWhen I need youCan you give itWhen I look in your eyesCan you see meWhen I fallWill you catch meCatch meCatch meMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelThese tears on my faceAre for youI wish that I couldHold you, touch you, feel youMy heart is bleeding can"t you seeI wish you could hold me, touch me, feel meWhen I touch youCan you feel itWhen I need youCan you give itWhen I look in your eyesCan you see meWhen I fallWill you catch meCatch meCatch meMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feel

Maroon 5 的《Misery》 的中英对照歌词?

So scared of breaking itBut you won"t let it bend亵渎你我之情愫仍使我惊恐万分而你却也不愿重复这尴尬的处境And I wrote two hundred lettersI won"t ever send我写了两百封信解释但始终没有寄Somehow it is cut so muchDeeper then they seem我开始感到噩耗的来临犹如预期 You"d rather cover upI"d rather let them be你试图掩饰 但怎奈木已成舟So let me beAnd I"ll set you free就这样吧 你随便I am in miseryThere ain"t no otherWho can comfort me我经历了没人经历过的痛苦与绝望又怎能有人给我安慰Why won"t you answer me?Your solace is slowly killing me你为什么不直接一点说是与不是含糊其辞的言语实在要了我的命Girl you really got me badYou really got me bad告诉你 你伤了我的自尊心I"m gonna get you backGonna get you back我要让你重回我的怀抱Your salty skin and howIt mixes in with mine你的痛苦怎么能和我比The way it feels to beCompletely intertwined紧紧深陷 纠葛难以摆脱It"s not that I didn"t careIt"s that I didn"t know不是我不在乎 是我从没有这样想过It"s not what I didn"t feel,It"s what I didn"t show不是我没有感觉是我不知道怎样表达才能让你明白So let me beand I"ll set you free就这样吧 你随便Say your faith is shakenYou may be mistaken你说你可能是一时糊涂犯了个错You keep me wide awake andWaiting for the sun还给自己留后路 让我有一线希望I"m desperate and confusedSo far away from you你让我心乱如麻 越来越不敢相信你I"m getting hereDon"t care where I have to go我自己决定吧 你别管我会干什么Why do you do what you do to me, yeahWhy won"t you answer me, answer me yeah你怎么对我这样为什么不直接一点说是与不是Why do you do what you do to me yeahWhy won"t you answer me, answer me yeah你怎么对我这样为什么不直接一点说是与不是

求歌曲 Misery Business 的歌词加中文翻译

I"m in the business of misery, let"s take it from the topShe"s got a body like an hourglass that"s ticking like a clockIt"s a matter of time before we all run out...When I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouthI waited eight long months我在业务的苦难,让我们是否可以从顶部她有一个机构,像一个沙漏认为的一样,滴答的时钟这是一个时间的问题之前,我们都一发不可收拾... 当我以为他是排雷,她被他的口i等待8个月的长期She finally set him freeI told him I couldn"t lie, he was the only one for meTwo weeks and we had caught on fireShe"s got it out for me, but I wear the biggest smileWhoa... I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him nowWhoa... it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you nowBut God does it feel so goodParamore她最后一套他的自由我告诉他,我不能说谎,他是唯一一个对我来说两个星期,我们赶上的防火她的得到它为我,但我穿的最大的微笑哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘但我得到他的地方,我想他现在哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘窃取这一切远离你现在但上帝是否感觉很好帕拉莫尔"Cause I got him where I want him nowAnd if you could then you know you would"Cause God it just feels so...It just feels so goodSecond chances: they don"t never matter, people never changeOnce a whore, you"re nothing more, I"m sorry that"ll never changeAnd about forgiveness, we"re both supposed to have exchangedI"m sorry honey, but I"m passing up, now look this way"原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在如果然后,您可以,你知道你会"上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好第二次机会:他们不从来没有的事,人们决不会改变一旦妓女,您没有什么更多的,我很抱歉,永远不会改变约宽恕我们,都假定有交换我很抱歉,蜂蜜,但我通过了,现在看这种方式Well there"s a million other girls who do it just like youLooking as innocent as possible to get to whoThey want and what they like, it"s easy if you do it rightWell I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!Whoa... I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him nowWhoa... it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you now"Cause I got him where I want him right now以及有一个亿的其他女孩谁这样做,就像你展望无辜的,尽量去谁他们想要什么,他们想,人们很容易如果你这样做的权利以及我拒绝,我拒绝,我拒绝! 哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘但我得到他的地方,我想他现在哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘窃取这一切远离你现在"原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在的权利And if you could then you know you would"Cause God it just feels so...It just feels so good ...I watched his wildest dreams come trueNot one of them involving youJust watch my wildest dreams come trueNot one of them involving ...Whoa, I never meant to brag如果然后,您可以,你知道你会"上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好... 我看了他的梦想成真不,其中一人涉及您只是看我的梦想成真不,其中一人涉及... 哎呀,我从来没有意思吹嘘But I got him where I want him now ...Whoa... I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him nowWhoa... it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you nowBut God does it feel so good"Cause I got him where I want him nowAnd if you could then you know you would"Cause God it just feels so...It just feels so good但我得到他的地方,我想他现在... 哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘但我得到他的地方,我想他现在哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘窃取这一切远离你现在但上帝是否感觉很好"原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在如果然后,您可以,你知道你会"上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好

miss the misery 歌词的中文翻译


miss misery歌词及翻译

I"ll fake it through the dayWith some help from johnny walker redSend the poison rain down the drainTo put bad thoughts in my headTwo tickets torn in halfAnd a lot of nothing to doDo you miss me, miss miseryLike you say you do?A man in the parkRead the lines in my handTold me i"m strongHardly ever wrong i said man you meanYou had plans for both of usThat involved a trip out of townTo a place i"ve seen in a magazineThat you left lying aroundI don"t have you with me butI keep a good attitudeDo you miss me, miss miseryLike you say you do?I know you"d rather see me goneThan to see me the way that i amBut i am in the life anywayNext door the tv"s flashingBlue frames on the wallIt"s a comedy of errors, you seeIt"s about taking a fallTo vanish into oblivionIs easy to doAnd i try to be but you know meI come back when you want me toDo you miss me miss miseryLike you say you do?

My sister is suffering the()of unemployment right now A.misery Bmiseries 选哪个帮忙解释?

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