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求与世界地球日 相关的英语单词或短语



2023年6月5日,星期一,环境日,非法定节假日。农历是癸卯年 丁巳月 甲午日 (四月十八)。生肖是兔。宜:结婚.出行.打扫.搬家.合婚订婚.搬新房.订盟.祈福.栽种.纳畜.祭祀.牧养.入殓.出火.开光.破土.求子。忌:动土.安床.开仓.盖屋.安葬.作灶。


To earth to do something? Earth hour has been away from us, but our actions more than an hour to go to bed. Here I"ll give you some good ideas, let us more low-carbon life!


世界地球日英文英文介绍如下:范文一:Now the earth is in bad condition.For example,in some places,the air and water pollutionis so serious that it causes many deaths.At the same time,many animals and plants are indanger because of the destruction of their habitats.Luckily,we human beings have realized the problem.On April 22nd,millions of peopleacross the world do something good for the earth.Some clean up beaches and water,somepick up rubbish,others give speeches to call on more people to take action.But can we savethe earth only by one day"s work?The future of our planet depends on our efforts.What weshould do is to make every day Earth Day.Only by taking good care of it every day can wehope to live in harmony with nature.范文二:The earth is the fifth largest planet in the Solar is the only planet in the SolarSysterm that is known to support life.The earth is about 12756 km in diameter.Two thirds of the earth"s surface is covered withwater.The gas around it is called atmosphere,which provides us with the air webreathe,protection from the sun.Seen from space,it is a blue ball hanging in the sky.The earthis our only home.We should try our best to protect our earth.范文三:On April 22,is a festival,the world earth day may not be known.2013 is the world earthday theme of 44:cherish the earth"s resources transformation of the mode ofdevelopment,promoting ecological civilization and beautiful China.The world earth day originated in the United States.ln 1969,the democratic senatorgaylord?Nielsen,held in the national universities campus environmental questionpapers.Dennis was 25 years old so at harvard law school student?Hayes will soon nelson"sproposal into a across the country develop the specific large-scale community activities,andget a lot of young students widespread support.On April 22,1970,the United States for thefirst time held a huge "earth day" activity.This is the first time in human history of large-scalemass environmental movement.As the beginning of modern environmental movement,earthday "activities to promote the establishment of a number of national environmental laws andregulations.






  地球,一个承载了60多亿人口的星球,一个人类赖以生存的家园。 世界地球日 ,让我们一起保护地球。以下是我整理的世界地球日英语 文章 5篇,希望大家喜欢。    世界地球日 英语 作文 1   When to go to school every morning, see cars coming and going on the road, is a scene of the traffic. See the rear of the discharge of so many black mass of gas. I thought: all the traffic, what kind of harm to our life? I took my doubt asked dad. Dad told me: "is car emissions of carbon dioxide, it is harmful to the nature and human beings, but the side of the road there are many trees can absorb carbon dioxide, so we"re going to take care of the trees." Hear the word of the father, I breath a sigh of relief. Decide later to take good care of trees, because it is our friend.   At our side, we also often see some uncivilized phenomenon: spitting, throw confetti, waste water, and some pet owners, and let their baby or in public places. Our survival environment pollution.   So, in order to make our homes more beautiful, we all want to take care of the environment around, see the uncivilized phenomenon, be proactive to dissuade him. Also do it bit by bit from life. In daily life, we should save water electricity, less with air conditioning, use energy-saving lamps. When we travel, if the distance is near, we can walk, if the distance, we can take the bus or the subway. Don"t litter, sundry.   If anyone can start from oneself, starts from the minor matter. Low carbon life, so, our home will become more beautiful and harmonious.    世界地球日英语作文2   The history of mankind"s first "Earth Day", April 22, 1970, sponsored by the Law School of Harvard University American a just turned 25 years old students in the campus and the organization -- Dennis Hays. He was known as the "father of earth day".   But in fact, "Earth Day" the earliest promoters is not his, but USA a political celebrity Gaylord Nelson. In 1969, America Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed an environmental problem in the university campus lectures. Hayes heard this proposal, on the idea of holding a friendly talks in Cambridge city. So, he went to Washington to meet with Nelson, talked about his idea. Nelson immediately offered appointment Hayes, and even encouraged him to drop out of school to concentrate in the environmental movement. Thus, Hays decided to drop out processing procedures. Soon, he had the idea of expanding the Nelson, set up a America around in large-scale community activities. In April 22, 1970, American held in human history the first large-scale mass demonstrations and presentations Protect environment. The nation of about 20000000 people, 10000 primary and secondary schools, 2000 universities and 2000 community and various groups took part in the "Earth Day" activities.   "Earth Day" activities as the beginning of modern environmental movement, which greatly promoted the establishment of environmental regulations in the western countries. Held the 20 anniversary of the "Earth Day" in 1990, Earth Day activities extend from the domestic to the world American, became the first "world earth day". In April 22nd of that year, the world has more than 140 countries and more than 200000000 people participated in the "Earth Day" activities. Since then, the "World Earth Day" has become a worldwide environmental movement.    世界地球日英语作文3   Today is April 22nd, is the "World Earth Day", the first "Earth Day" in the history of mankind, is today in 1970 by a USA Harvard University law school, just over 25 years old students in Campus -- Dennis Hays initiated and organized, but now he is known as the father of earth day.   Maybe some students think, to care for the earth environment is the thing, or that it is a matter of environmental protection departments, has nothing to do with us. In fact, we all know, we all live in the same earth, all the villagers, the earth"s environment and our lives are closely related. Below I to the necessary stationery in our lives -- as an example to illustrate the relationship between paper, save paper, paper and reasonable to protect Earth"s environment.   Each of us every day in the paper, using a variety of different types of paper. Your statistics? You every day how much paper? How much paper for a week? A month or even a year how much paper? After the statistics, we will find that this result is astonishing.   A piece of paper from why and come? Raw material for paper is mainly composed of bark and other plant fibers "change". A tree often require long years, decades to be human use. But sometimes people are unkind, chain saws, decades old growth trees crashing to the ground. The wood, was shipped to the paper mill, turned into a sheet of paper. The paper gives human life has brought a lot of convenience, but at the same time, the paper also human excessive use of forest resources caused great negative impact. As we all know, a large area of the forest can conserve water sources, prevent soil and water loss, purify the air, forest oxygen is produced "factory", forest can absorb harmful substances, soil and water conservation forest can. Visible, saving every piece of paper, is essential to protect the earth"s environment.    世界地球日英语作文4   If I say the world earth day, you will think of what? Is a river full of garbage, is with the black smoke of the chimney, and the corridor will sweep up the rubbish, or even a spitting behavior?   Do not care for the environment of the things happen every day, whether you have such a behavior? If there is, if you can one day to reflect on World Environment Day? If not, would you stop that?   The classmates, I hope everyone together and I: caring for the environment, to defend the homeland, bit by bit from the start!    世界地球日英语作文5   The earth, one carrying about 6000000000 population of the planet, one kind of survival homes. Human beings depend on the resources of the earth to survive, development, relying on the unique environment of the earth to create a civilization, so that the earth is the mother of mankind. We are the children of the earth, should not be the protection of the earth mother? And now, because we are too selfish, so some things have become extinct.   Animal survival, is the nature of right, but we despise the rights of animals, a large hunting. The Tibetan antelope is living in Tibet, a similar shape with the goats to sheep, angular, head hair face sallow, with brown stripes, slender limbs, run fast, resistance to dry, is the national animal protection. Because of the human to the skin and flesh, and so far the world, only a few antelope. There are many animals have already died out, these are caused by a tragedy.   The plant world, in different poses and with different expressions. They live their own needs, but also the need of human, it is the need of earth. When you see the forest trees were a cut, you will be sad?   Disaster is increasing day by day, in order to the country, to the world, let us act, we use the sweat on his forehead, to change the future of the human being!


世界水日《世界湿地日》2月2号。 世界地球日4月22号 世界环境日6月5号


世界地球日 主要探讨的是地球和人类的关系。所谓人性,就是把人作为主导来看待这个世界,若要保护地球,就必须跳出这个圈。


问题一:“世界地球日”英文怎么说 The world earth day 问题二:世界地球日的英文怎么说 The world earth day 问题三:“世界地球日”英文怎么说 世界地球日: World Earth Day 问题四:地球日在4月22日用英语怎么说 地球日在4月22日。 可翻译为:Earth Day is on April the 22nd. 或者: Earth Day is on the 22nd of April. 问题五:世界地球日英文资料 Background Information: Earth Day April 22 is Earth Day, our country this year to determine the theme of treat the earth, protect the environment. Earth Day originated in the U.S.. In 1969, Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed the park in the U.S. schools held workshops on environmental issues, and the following year on April 22 as Earth Day. Then 25-year-old Harvard Law School student Dennis will soon be the proposal throughout the United States into a large-scale munity-based activities, specific ideas, and get enthusiastic support of many young students. April 22, 1970, the United States for the first time held a massive Earth Day, around 2,000 people participated, the United States since World War II, was hailed as the largest social activities. April 22, 1990, more than 140 countries around the world, 200 million people around the same time held a variety of promotional activities, the theme is how to improve the overall global environment. The event made people more clearly recognize, as the global industry continues to develop, ozone layer destruction, and the resulting global climate change, is being a direct threat to the global problem of human existence. The activities of the United Nations approval, then, every year on April 22 was identified as the World Earth Day. Currently, the more prominent environmental issues, soil erosion, desertification, pollution of freshwater resources. According to UN figures......>> 问题六:关于地球日的英文名言 人人为环保、环保为人人 人人关心环境质量 人人参与环境保护 珍惜资源 永续利用 保护环境光荣 污染环境可耻 Everyone for environmental protection, environmental protection for everyone Everyone is concerned about the quality of the environment Cherish the sustainable use of resources Protecting the environment and polluting the environment 问题七:westlife中MARK的家的地址 这个明星的私人问题公司应该不会外泄的。。。 问题八:越来越多的国家正在参加地球日英语怎么说 越来越多的国家正在参加地球日 More and more countries are to participate in earth day 望采纳!谢谢!


  1、世界地球日( The World Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一项世界性的环境保护活动。2009年第63届联合国大会决议将每年的4月22日定为“世界地球日”。   2、该活动最初在1970年的美国由盖洛德·尼尔森和丹尼斯·海斯发起,随后影响越来越大。活动宗旨在唤起人类爱护地球、保护家园的意识,促进资源开发与环境保护的协调发展,进而改善地球的整体环境。