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Cancel Shipment 什么意思

我梦到了刚诞生时的事梦(ゆめ)を见(み)たんだよ 生(う)まれた时(とき)のことyu me wo mi ta n da yo u ma re ta to ki no ko to要美丽地活着喔{变量1989}美(うつく)しく生(い)きてねu tsu ku shi ku i ki te ne子宫里的城镇子宫(しきゅう)の町(まち)shi kyu u no ma chi我们边笑边拍着手 我(わ)が手(て)を叩(たた)いて笑(わら)ったんだwa ga te wo ta ta i te wa ra tta n da

shipment information是什么意思


Invoice value和shipment value区别

Invoice value和shipment value的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、Invoice value:发票金额。2、shipment value:进出口货物金额。二、语法不同1、Invoice value:an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered对所装运的货物或提供的服务所欠款项的逐项说明。2、shipment value:goods carried by a large vehicle大型车辆运载的货物。三、侧重点不同1、Invoice value:侧重于体现票据资金。2、shipment value:侧重于体现实际货物资金。

Shipment Picked Up是什么意思

意思是 货物已取

shipment date是什么意思

loading date是装船日期,shipment date是装运日期.这二者一字之差,但意义不同.前者是装船的动作,从开始装船直到装船结束,那么可能当天装完,也可能几天装完,尤其是大宗产品的散货船;一般是指装船结束那一天.而后者的装运,则相对较虚,是指“发货日期”,也就是卖方按照合同义务而发货或发运的日期,实际业务中一般是开船日期.

物流中shipment on delivery route是什么意思

shipment on delivery route对配送路线的货物双语对照例句:1.Caesarean delivery on request by mothers is a major contributor to thistrend. 因婴儿母亲要求实施剖腹产手术是导致这一比例上升的主要因素。 2.Cash on delivery is common in china and india, too. 货到付款在中国和印度也很常见。

外贸中ship一定是用船运输吗?shipment number是什么意思?

Ship可泛指发货。shipment number 你可以问你的货代的。shipping method 就是运输方式喽、。

shipment on hold

1.on hold shipment notice ===关于扣货通知 2.on hold shipment 和shipment on hold是一样的意思吗? ===意思一样.被扣货物与货物被扣 3.以下引号里的解释是我在百度上看到的,但也不明白,所以不要复制下面的内容给我. “shipment on hold 如果实在清关的话可能被海关扣留检查了一般DHL能弄出来的.如果已经清关了,就是因为天气原因或者其他因素延迟递送了如果投递到了客人手里,可能是因为客人没有 营业或者客人拒付到付的钱.” ===这里的意思指有些通过DHL运输的货物,因为DHL要去清关,所以他们自然是清楚是什么原因.不过大宗货物都是其他空运或者海运货代,他们也会在第一时间知道并会通知收货人是什么原因被扣货.


Your goods has been issued

shipment tracking是什么意思

货运跟踪 我是在海商法里学到的这个词 比较专业了

Shipment to be made in two lots 与…in two shipment的区别

是不是总数的区别?例如一共有10,Shipment to be made in two lots 表示运20;in two shipment表示一次运5,两次运完?

请问在物流行业里面Handling fee: USD 20/shipment和Bill fee: USD 20/Bill.分别是什么意思?

handling fee, (操作手续费)BILL FEE, (文件费)

会SAP的进 outbound delivery 和shipment的解释


shipment date是什么日期?是装船日还是货物离港的开船日?


price terms 和shipment terms的区别

price terms [释义] 价格(支付)条件; [网络] 价格条款; [例句]Yes, all of the price terms are acceptable.是啲,哪种价格条件都可苡接受啲。shipment 英[u02c8u0283u026apmu0259nt] 美[u02c8u0283u026apmu0259nt] n. 装运; 载货量; 装货,装载的货物; [例句]But the mills have promised that they will get the goods ready for shipment within one month"s time.鉴于工厂遇到意外困难,很抱歉,货不能于信用证限期内装出,但工厂答应一个月内将货物备妥装运。[其他] 复数:shipments term 英[tu025c:m] 美[tu025c:rm] n. 术语; 期限; 学期; 条款; vt. 把…称为; 把…叫做; [例句]The term electronics refers to electrically-induced action.电子学这个术语涉及电感作用。[其他] 第三人称单数:terms 复数:terms 现在分词:terming 过去式:termed 海运装运条款(Terms of Shipment) 海运装运条款又称“海洋运输条款”, 是贸易合同的一个重要组成部分,主要指装运条件和相互责任。 对外磋商交易和签订 合同 时,要争取把合同中的装运条款订得合理、 明确,以利于进出口业务的顺利开展。

在"shipment(发货)"后面写的" by T/T"是什么意思???T是什么的缩写?


shipment date是指什么












在买卖合同中的 shipment by shipment 是什么意思

delivery 是交货的意思指卖方负责在合同规定的日期或期间内,在指定的装运港把货物装到买方指定的船上,并负担货物装上船为止的一切费用和风险。shipment是装运、装船的意思在约定的装运期和装运港,按港口惯常办法,把货物装到买方指定的船上,并向买方发出已装船的通知。

国际贸易英语中的transpotation 和shipment 有何区别?

分类: 商业/理财 >> 贸易 解析: shipment有两种意思: 1、作为不可数名词,意为“putting of goods”,是装船这个动作的动名词形态;例如,Your goods are ready for shipment. 2、作为可数名次,意为“quantity of goods shipped”,指所装运之货量;例如,How many regular shipments do you have every year? 而transportaion只能做不可数名词,意为“transporting or being transported",指运送、运输,有被动的意味。但在国际贸易中它一般泛指“运输”,包括陆运、空运、海运;而“shipment”就只指装船这种运输方式。另外,抛开国际贸易,transportaion还有“放逐、流刑”之义,例如“The criminal was sentenced to transportaion for life(那罪犯被判终身放逐)”. 以上部分引自《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》

shipment 意思


Shipment only refers to transportation by ships.

Shipment only refers to transportation by ships. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B

有谁知道shipment receipt 是什么意思吗

shipment receipt货物收据receipt[英][ru026au02c8si:t][美][ru026au02c8sit]n.收据,发票; 收入; vt.开收据; [美国英语]给…开收据,承认收到; 复数:receipts例句:1.Here is the two dollars, will bring me the receipt? 这儿是两美元,能给我的收据吗?

multiple container shipment 外贸英语?翻译?谢谢


Shipping和Shipment有什么区别?拜托各位了 3Q

Shipping 船运,海运 Shipment货物装运在船



请问shipping shipped ship out shipment 之间有什么区别呢?

1、shipping(n.)海运, 运送, 航行, (总称)运输船只, 船舶吨数, 船只总数例如:a shipping clerk 送货员 the shipping business 运输业 shipping agent 运输代理商 shipping articles [pl.] 船员雇用合同2、shipped 过去分词表被动 “把…装上船”或者“……被船运”例如:the goods is shipped to the USA 货物通过船运到了美国3、ship out运出坐船离故国例如:shipped out on a tanker. 在油轮上当船员 troops shipping out to the Far East. 开拔前往远东的部队4、shipment (n.)装船, 出货例如 :actual shipment 实际载货量 advance shipment 提前装船 aggregated shipments 集合运输the correct chooise is the goods will ship out

shipping ,shipment. transport

shipping主要是指装船发运. shipment除了有装船发运的意思外,主要用来指装船发运的货物.比方说 we have just received your last shipment. transport意思比较单纯,就是指运输。这个运输的范围比较广。



shipping 和 shipment的区别是什么?

1. 首先Shipping和Shipment绝对是有区别的!这点无可争辩!2. Shipping是一个过程。SAP把从"创建delivery"到"发货过帐(Goods issue posting)"规定为Shipping。3. Shipment有一个意思,但是有二种讲法。 (1)从物料角度,它是"一起运输的一票货"。 (2)从过程角度,它就单指"运输",即"Transportation"。比如Shipment cost就是运输成本。4. Shipping和Shipment的关系。 在Shipping中,要对Shipment(指运输)进行计划。而真正的Shipment过程(即实际的运输) 发生在Shipping结束之后,也就是在发货过帐(Goods issue posting)之后。


ships considered collectively, especially those in a particular area or belonging to a particular country这是shipping,然而shipment则是the action of shipping good

lc里的 transhipments are prohibited是什么意思

transhipments are prohibited转运是禁止的请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

请问信用证中transfer 和 transhipment有什么区别?


shipment delivered什么意思


阿里巴巴 contact supplier 上面怎么显示 on time shipment

交货期和装运期当然不同啦! 首先要知道spment不等于delivery的哦!time of delivery指的是出货的时间;time of spment 指的是装船的时间 一般来说这两个时间都不会相隔太长。比如:货物做好以后,被工厂的搬运工搬上货柜的时间,就是time of delivery;而货柜从工厂出发,到达出发港,再被吊车吊上船,船出发的时间才是time of spment哦!

delivery & shipment 区别?

delivery [dī"liv05ri]基本翻译n. 递送,交付,分娩网络释义delivery:交货|发送|配送delivery order:提货单|D/O) 提货单(小提单|交货单delivery time:交货时间|交付时间|交期shipment ["06īpm05nt]基本翻译n. 装船,出货网络释义shipment:装船|装运|出货partial shipment:分批装运|分批装船|部分装货PREVIOUS SHIPMENT:以前走的货|以前出的货,以前走的货delivery意思是货物到达收到。而shipment是指货物出运的整个流程。一个是出,一个是入。

time of shipment /time of delivery 的具体区别是什么

当然不同啦!首先要知道shipment不等于delivery的哦!time of delivery指的是出货的时间;time of shipment 指的是装船的时间。一般来说这两个时间都不会相隔太长。比如:货物做好以后,被工厂的搬运工搬上货柜的时间,就是time of delivery;而货柜从工厂出发,到达出发港,再被吊车吊上船,船出发的时间才是time of shipment哦!

delivery & shipment 区别?


time of delivery和time of shipment区别

time of delivery强调交发货时间,通常协议上会注明具体时间。而time of shipment是指装运时间,或装运期,有时是笼统的说法。

shipment per m/s 是什么意思,外贸高手都帮着翻译一下啊

意思是:XX轮船(XX是船 的名字)。例句如下:It is a matter for regret that we have to complain of the quality of shipment of wheat, per m/s" nanyo maru."实在遗憾,我们不能不提出“南洋号”轮船所运载的小麦质量确有问题。We inform you that we have today send the goods to the american wharf addressed to you for shipment per m.s."London maru".今日已将下列物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。The bill of lading is all found to be in order, and I shall expect the particulars of the shipment per m. s." Henrietta".本人正期待货轮“henrietta”号带来的有关提单以及其它有关装船的详细消息。we inform you that we have today sent the goods to the American wharf addressed to you for shipment per M. S. " London Maru ":今日已将下列物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。Yes, may I now repeat our offer as 5 000 M/T steel, specifications as shown in our catalogue at Us $ 192.00 per M/T FOB Hamburg, shipment Sep. /Oct. 1992.是的。我现在将我们的报盘重复一下:报钢材5000公吨,规格按照我们的目录,价格每公吨192美元,fob汉堡,1992年9、10月装船。To arrive per s.s( m.s)......于……轮到达时交货I confirm the receipt of your shipment by m.s. " o ", and now send you a cheque, values $550.兹确认已收到“o”号轮船送来的货物,现寄去550美元的支票一张。请查取。I"m terribly worried about late shipment.我非常担心货物迟交。I"m a hundred per cent certain(that) he"s fallen in love with Jane.我百分之百地肯定他爱上了简。

shipment waybill是什么意思


求翻译Could you also scan the back copy of FORM E to us. Please scan the same for future shipment a

你能把FORM E的背面也扫描给我们吗?请以后发货时也扫描给我们。

发票,箱单,提单,shipment date, delivery date 上的时间是如何确定呢?

shipment date装船日期。delivery date交货日期。

loading date, shipment date,delivery date, 发货日期,装船日期, 他们有什么区别,哪个先,哪个后。谢谢

loading date是装船日期,shipment date是装运日期。这二者一字之差,但意义不同。前者是装船的动作,从开始装船直到装船结束,那么可能当天装完,也可能几天装完,尤其是大宗产品的散货船;一般是指装船结束那一天。而后者的装运,则相对较虚,是指“发货日期”,也就是卖方按照合同义务而发货或发运的日期,实际业务中一般是开船日期。目前在一般货物所用的集装箱班轮,上述二者基本是同一日期。也就是装舱(on board)日期就是装运日期shipment date,而且也通常都是和提单签署日期是同一天。(请参考我以前另外一个回答至于delivery date,这个可就跟上述二者很大不同啦,它是交货日期。这个交货日期稍微复杂,从大的角度看,可分两种情况,一是买卖双方合同约定的交货(这个情况较多,有交给货代的,有越过船舷的,有货到买家的,等等);二是在提单业务中的交货,这个可不是发货人向货代或承运人交货(也不是所谓在FOB等等条件下的“越过船舷即交货和风险转移”的),而是承运人的交货,即他完成运输后向买家即收货人的交货。

partial shipments是什么意思



whole shipment 整体装运

partial shipment 什么意思?


怎样解释partial shipment?

partial shipment 分批装运 分批装运是国际贸易的术语,不能称为分批装船或其他,因为装运方式可以是航空(空运)。所谓分批装运,是指一笔成交的货物,分若干批装运。国际贸易的合同或信用证往往有一项清晰的条款明确规定分批装运是否被允许,如果违反该条款,可以导致买方不付货款或者不完全付清货款。


shipment consolidation_翻译shipment consolidation [词典] 运输整合;

please arrange the shipment for highlighted items.什么意思

你好。please arrange the shipment for highlighted items.翻译成中文是:请为突出的项目安排装运。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

the shipment is __ of 1540lbs ,用short如何填写

the shipment is short of 1540lbsbe short of是固定词组吧算是shipment英 ["u0283u026apm(u0259)nt] 美 ["u0283u026apmu0259nt] n. 装货;装载的货物网络释义专业释义英英释义 装运2、交货与装运的关系 装运(Shipment)是指将货物交由船方运往约定目的地的行为, 也就是一般所说的装船。基于948个网页-相关网页 装船 装载的货物 交运short of 缺乏;不足;除…以外网络释义专业释义 缺乏2010考博英语词组复习(七) ... settle down 坐下来;安居下来;安家;安定下来;冷静下来;降临 short of 不足;缺乏 show off 卖弄;夸示;显眼;炫耀;展示;(在…衬托下)显得好看 ...基于241个网页-相关网页 缺少 不足 若无短语Short moments of time 这会是光阴的一刹那 ; 那些短暂的瞬间 ; 那些短暂的瞬间啊Short period of time 短时期 ; 短的时间 ; 短一段时间 ; 短时间内make short shrift of 敷衍了事 ; 很快解决 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典short of短缺,不足少于;次于除…之外离开;距离(…有多远)以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》柯林斯英汉双解大词典 shipment /u02c8u0283u026apmu0259nt/ CET6 TEM4 ( shipments )1. N-COUNT A shipment is an amount of a particular kind of cargo that is sent to another country on a ship, train, aeroplane, or other vehicle. 运送的货物 (量)例:After that, food shipments to the port could begin in a matter of weeks.之后,到该港口的食物运送可能在几周之内开始。2. N-UNCOUNT The shipment of a cargo or goods somewhere is the sending of it there by ship, train, aeroplane, or some other vehicle. 运送例:Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉先要装箱,然后送到码头运往海外。

pastry \ shipment \ refund;这英语的发音怎么读?




外贸英语口语句型:装运 Shipment

英语口语 频道为网友整理的《外贸英语口语句型:装运 Shipment》,供大家参考学习。 (一)   The shipment has arrived in good condition.   运到之货情况良好   I hope you"ll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment.   我希望您能对第一批货感到满意。   Please exercise better care with future shipments.   对今后装运的货,请多加注意。   Can last shipment be duplicated?   上次装运的货能再卖一批吗?   We regret we can"t ship as you desired.   很抱歉,我们不能按你们的要求装船。   We"ll send vessels to pick up the cargo at Huangpu.   我们将派船只在黄埔装运。   There is an over-shipment of 200 lbs.   货物多装了200磅。   Can we short-ship 5 tons?   我们可以少装5吨吗?   Please hold shipment pending our instructions.   请在我们通知之前暂停装货。   The goods are all ready for shipment.   货物已经准备好待装运。   I"ve got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to London.   关于上次装运到伦敦的那批货,我不得不抱怨你。   The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. "Dong Feng".   货已装上“东风”号轮船。   We ship most of our oil in bulk.   我们装运的油多数是散装的。   We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U.S.A.   我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。   The facilities for shipping goods to southeast Asian countries have changed a lot.   出口到东南亚的货物的装运条件已大大改善了。   Words and Phrases   shipment 装运   shipping advice 装船通知   loading 装货   shipping order 装货单   to effect shipment 装运   shipping 装运的   shipping mark 装运标志   to make shipment 交货,装运   to ship 装船,装运   shipping instruction 装船单据   to make delivery of the goods 交货   to take delivery of the goods 提货   ]unloading/discharging 卸货   loading list 装船单   loading charge 装船费   loading certificate 装货证明书   loading days 装货天数,装载时间   load off 卸货   Male"s Receipt 大副收据   loaded on Deck (货物)装于甲板上   Shipping Instructions Form 装船指示单   shipping documents 装船单据   cargo mark 货物装运标志   (二)   Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?   我们订的100辆小汽车能尽快装运吗?   An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment.   如果你们尽快答复,我们便可以加速装船。   The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.   第105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。   Could you manage to hasten the delivery?   你们能否加快装运?   Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly?   你们能不能提前一点交货呢?   A timely delivery means a lot to us.   及时交货对我们来说关系可大了。   I"m sorry to say that we can"t advance the time of delivery.   非常抱歉我们不能把交货期提前。   There"s still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods.   还有另一种可能可以确保即期交货。   If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we could receive the goods much earlier.   如果在香港交货,我们可以更早些收到货物。   Could you do something to advance your shipment?   你们能不能设法提前交货?   They hold a discussion on the time of shipment for fireworks.   他们就礼花的装运期问题进行了谈判。   Since the time of shipment can not be fixed, I can not but worry about it.   交货期还没定下来,我怎么会不着急呢?   I"m sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipment for the time being.   很抱歉,现在我们还无法告诉您确切的装船日期。   Can you effect shipment of the order in March?   您看这批货能在3月份装运吗?   Is it possible to effect shipment during October?   能不能在10月份交货?   I want the goods to be delivered in June.   我希望你们能在6月份交货。   After shipment, it will be altogether four to five weeks before the goods can reach our retailers.   从交货到零售商收到货物总共需要4至5个星期。   We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.   我们最晚在今年12月份或明年初交货。   We assure you that shipment will be made no later than the first half of April.   请您放心,我们交货期不会迟于4月份上半月。   You expect us to make delivery in less than a month, right?   您是希望我们在不到1个月的时间内交货吗?   I"m terribly worried about late shipment.   我非常担心货物迟交。   Words and Phrases   forward shipment 远期装运   near shipment 近期装运   prompt shipment 即期装运   shipment as soon as possible 尽速装运   late shipment 迟交   prompt delivery 即期交货   time of shipment 装运期,装运时间   time of delivery 交货期   load time 装货时间   to speed up 加速   to effect shipment 交货,装运   initial shipment 第一批货   shipment during October 1990   1990年10月装运   shipment during October/November   1990年10月或11月装运   shipment on or before 15th, November, 1990   1990年11月15日以前装运   shipment during May with partial shipment and transshipment allowed, sellers option.   装运期由卖方选择,允许分批装运。   shipment on or before the end of November 1990.   1990年底或以前装运。   shipment on Board the Vessel called the……   已由某某轮船装运   to exercise better care with sth   多加关心   over-shipment 多装   short-shipment 少装   to be ready for 准备好   in bulk 散装   preferential duty rates 优惠利率   facilities 条件,设施   (三)   It"s better to designate Tanggu as the loading port.   在塘沽装货比较合适。   A manager of a Japanese Company and a staff member of a Chinese corporation hold a discussion on the loading port at Beijing Hotel.   中国公司一名业务员与日本公司的经理在北京饭店就装运港问题进行了洽谈。   We"d better have a brief talk about the loading port.   我们能就装运港问题简短地谈一谈。   You may choose Tianjin as port of shipment.   你可以选择天津作为交货港。   How about shipping them from Huangpu instead of Shantou?   把汕头改为黄埔交货怎么样?   You insist that Dalian is the loading port, right?   您坚持把大连定为装运港,对吗?   Now Huangpu is fine as the loading port.   现在可以把黄埔定为装运港。   We are always willing to choose the big ports as the loading ports.   我们总希望用较大的港口作为装运港   We"d like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area.   我们希望把上海定为装运港是由于它离货物产地比较近。   It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai.   将装运港由汕头改为珠海对我们来说问题不大。   Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon?   咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题?   He exchanged views on the choice of the unloading port with Mr. Smith.   他和史密斯先生就选择卸货港问题交换了意见。   What"s your unloading port please?   你们的卸货港定在哪里?   It"s not reasonable to have the goods unloaded at Hamburg.   把货卸在汉堡不太合适。   We don"t think it"s proper to unload the Chinese tea at London.   我们认为把伦敦作为中国茶叶的卸货港,很难让人接受。   As most of our clients are near Tianjin, we"d like to appoint Tanggu as the unloading port.   我们的大多数客户离天津较近,所以选择了塘沽作为卸货港。   There are more sailings at Shanghai, so we have chosen it as the unloading port.   因为上海的船次多,我们把这里定为卸货港。   We"d like to change the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka.   我们愿意把卸货港由东京改为大阪。   Words and Phrases   port of call 寄航港   saillings 船次   optional port 选择港   loading port 装货港   unloading port 卸货港   port of shipment 装运港   port of destination 目的港   European Main Ports (E.M.P.) 欧洲主要港口   Customary Quick Dispatch 按港口习惯快速装运   (四)   Don"t you think it"s troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney?   您不认为在悉尼转船太麻烦了吗?   Do you wish to transship the goods to Macao at Hong Kong?   您是不是想把货物由香港转至澳门。   We have been able to transship S.E. Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hongkong without mishap.   我们在香港转船去东南亚的货物途中未曾遇到过麻烦事。   Sometimes, we have to make a transshipment because there is no suitable loading or pr in the producing country.   有时因为在生产国找不到合适的装港,我们不得不转船。   So far as I know, there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong.   据我所知,在香港转船期间有货物被盗或损坏的风险。   In case of transhipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges.   货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。   All transport transshipment charges will be included in the C.I.F. price.   所有的转运费用都包括在到岸价格里面了。   Partial shipment is allowed.   允许分批装运。   I heard that partial shipment wasn"t permitted.   我听说不允许分批装运。   Transhipment is (not) allowed.   (不)准许转船。   We must have the goods here in September for reshipment.   货物必须9月份到达此地以便再转运。   Words and Phrases   troublesome 麻烦   suitable 合适的   pilferage 盗窃   in case of 如果   transshipment charges 转运费   as far as sb knows 就……所知,据……所知   loaded to full capacity 满载   transshipment (T.S.) 转运   to tranship (transship) 转运   transhipment permitted 允许转运   transhipment prohibited 不许转运   transit shipment 转运,中转   transhipment on route 中途转运   transhipment entry 转运报单   transhipment manifest 转运仓单   transhipment trade 转口贸易   transhipment to be allowed 准许转运   transhipment not allowed 不准许转运   partial shipment 分批装运

外贸英语900句之 装运 Shipment

(一)   The shipment has arrived in good condition.   运到之货情况良好   I hope you"ll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment.   我希望您能对第一批货感到满意。   Please exercise better care with future shipments.   对今后装运的货,请多加注意。   Can last shipment be duplicated?   上次装运的货能再卖一批吗?   We regret we can"t ship as you desired.   很抱歉,我们不能按你们的要求装船。   We"ll send vessels to pick up the cargo at Huangpu.   我们将派船只在黄埔装运。   There is an over-shipment of 200 lbs.   货物多装了200磅。   Can we short-ship 5 tons?   我们可以少装5吨吗?   Please hold shipment pending our instructions.   请在我们通知之前暂停装货。   The goods are all ready for shipment.   货物已经准备好待装运。   I"ve got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to London.   关于上次装运到伦敦的那批货,我不得不抱怨你。   The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. "Dong Feng".   货已装上“东风”号轮船。   We ship most of our oil in bulk.   我们装运的油多数是散装的。   We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U.S.A.   我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。   The facilities for shipping goods to southeast Asian countries have changed a lot.   出口到东南亚的货物的装运条件已大大改善了。   Words and Phrases   shipment 装运   shipping advice 装船通知   loading 装货   shipping order 装货单   to effect shipment 装运   shipping 装运的   shipping mark 装运标志   to make shipment 交货,装运   to ship 装船,装运   shipping instruction 装船单据   to make delivery of the goods 交货   to take delivery of the goods 提货   ]unloading/discharging 卸货   loading list 装船单   loading charge 装船费   loading certificate 装货证明书   loading days 装货天数,装载时间   load off 卸货   Male"s Receipt 大副收据   loaded on Deck (货物)装于甲板上   Shipping Instructions Form 装船指示单   shipping documents 装船单据   cargo mark 货物装运标志   (二)   Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?   我们订的100辆小汽车能尽快装运吗?   An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment.   如果你们尽快答复,我们便可以加速装船。   The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.   第105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。   Could you manage to hasten the delivery?   你们能否加快装运?   Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly?   你们能不能提前一点交货呢?   A timely delivery means a lot to us.   及时交货对我们来说关系可大了。   I"m sorry to say that we can"t advance the time of delivery.   非常抱歉我们不能把交货期提前。   There"s still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods.   还有另一种可能可以确保即期交货。   If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we could receive the goods much earlier.   如果在香港交货,我们可以更早些收到货物。   Could you do something to advance your shipment?   你们能不能设法提前交货?   They hold a discussion on the time of shipment for fireworks.   他们就礼花的装运期问题进行了谈判。   Since the time of shipment can not be fixed, I can not but worry about it.   交货期还没定下来,我怎么会不着急呢?   I"m sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipment for the time being.   很抱歉,现在我们还无法告诉您确切的装船日期。   Can you effect shipment of the order in March?   您看这批货能在3月份装运吗?   Is it possible to effect shipment during October?   能不能在10月份交货?   I want the goods to be delivered in June.   我希望你们能在6月份交货。   After shipment, it will be altogether four to five weeks before the goods can reach our retailers.   从交货到零售商收到货物总共需要4至5个星期。   We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.   我们最晚在今年12月份或明年初交货。   We assure you that shipment will be made no later than the first half of April.   请您放心,我们交货期不会迟于4月份上半月。   You expect us to make delivery in less than a month, right?   您是希望我们在不到1个月的时间内交货吗?   I"m terribly worried about late shipment.   我非常担心货物迟交。   Words and Phrases   forward shipment 远期装运   near shipment 近期装运   prompt shipment 即期装运   shipment as soon as possible 尽速装运   late shipment 迟交   prompt delivery 即期交货   time of shipment 装运期,装运时间   time of delivery 交货期   load time 装货时间   to speed up 加速   to effect shipment 交货,装运   initial shipment 第一批货   shipment during October 1990   1990年10月装运   shipment during October/November   1990年10月或11月装运   shipment on or before 15th, November, 1990   1990年11月15日以前装运   shipment during May with partial shipment and transshipment allowed, sellers option.   装运期由卖方选择,允许分批装运。   shipment on or before the end of November 1990.   1990年底或以前装运。   shipment on Board the Vessel called the……   已由某某轮船装运   to exercise better care with sth   多加关心   over-shipment 多装   short-shipment 少装   to be ready for 准备好   in bulk 散装   preferential duty rates 优惠利率   facilities 条件,设施   (三)   It"s better to designate Tanggu as the loading port.   在塘沽装货比较合适。   A manager of a Japanese Company and a staff member of a Chinese corporation hold a discussion on the loading port at Beijing Hotel.   中国公司一名业务员与日本公司的经理在北京饭店就装运港问题进行了洽谈。   We"d better have a brief talk about the loading port.   我们能就装运港问题简短地谈一谈。   You may choose Tianjin as port of shipment.   你可以选择天津作为交货港。   How about shipping them from Huangpu instead of Shantou?   把汕头改为黄埔交货怎么样?   You insist that Dalian is the loading port, right?   您坚持把大连定为装运港,对吗?   Now Huangpu is fine as the loading port.   现在可以把黄埔定为装运港。   We are always willing to choose the big ports as the loading ports.   我们总希望用较大的港口作为装运港   We"d like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area.   我们希望把上海定为装运港是由于它离货物产地比较近。   It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai.   将装运港由汕头改为珠海对我们来说问题不大。   Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon?   咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题?   He exchanged views on the choice of the unloading port with Mr. Smith.   他和史密斯先生就选择卸货港问题交换了意见。   What"s your unloading port please?   你们的卸货港定在哪里?   It"s not reasonable to have the goods unloaded at Hamburg.   把货卸在汉堡不太合适。   We don"t think it"s proper to unload the Chinese tea at London.   我们认为把伦敦作为中国茶叶的卸货港,很难让人接受。   As most of our clients are near Tianjin, we"d like to appoint Tanggu as the unloading port.   我们的大多数客户离天津较近,所以选择了塘沽作为卸货港。   There are more sailings at Shanghai, so we have chosen it as the unloading port.   因为上海的船次多,我们把这里定为卸货港。   We"d like to change the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka.   我们愿意把卸货港由东京改为大阪。   Words and Phrases   port of call 寄航港   saillings 船次   optional port 选择港   loading port 装货港   unloading port 卸货港   port of shipment 装运港   port of destination 目的港   European Main Ports (E.M.P.) 欧洲主要港口   Customary Quick Dispatch 按港口习惯快速装运   (四)   Don"t you think it"s troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney?   您不认为在悉尼转船太麻烦了吗?   Do you wish to transship the goods to Macao at Hong Kong?   您是不是想把货物由香港转至澳门。   We have been able to transship S.E. Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hongkong without mishap.   我们在香港转船去东南亚的货物途中未曾遇到过麻烦事。   Sometimes, we have to make a transshipment because there is no suitable loading or pr in the producing country.   有时因为在生产国找不到合适的装港,我们不得不转船。   So far as I know, there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong.   据我所知,在香港转船期间有货物被盗或损坏的风险。   In case of transhipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges.   货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。   All transport transshipment charges will be included in the C.I.F. price.   所有的转运费用都包括在到岸价格里面了。   Partial shipment is allowed.   允许分批装运。   I heard that partial shipment wasn"t permitted.   我听说不允许分批装运。   Transhipment is (not) allowed.   (不)准许转船。   We must have the goods here in September for reshipment.   货物必须9月份到达此地以便再转运。   Words and Phrases   troublesome 麻烦   suitable 合适的   pilferage 盗窃   in case of 如果   transshipment charges 转运费   as far as sb knows 就……所知,据……所知   loaded to full capacity 满载   transshipment (T.S.) 转运   to tranship (transship) 转运   transhipment permitted 允许转运   transhipment prohibited 不许转运   transit shipment 转运,中转   transhipment on route 中途转运   transhipment entry 转运报单   transhipment manifest 转运仓单   transhipment trade 转口贸易   transhipment to be allowed 准许转运   transhipment not allowed 不准许转运   partial shipment 分批装运

enclosed copy documents for subject shipment fyi.

subject shipment: 前面所说的那批出货copy documents: 有两种可能性, 一种是复印本, 一种是真正副本(true copy). 譬如提单, 船公司会出具一式几分的文件, original + 其它的 true copy.

信用证中latest shipment date、expiry date怎么理解?
