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Shut up是小李子在《边缘日记》电影中的一句台词。敲敲门




没有shutup命令,但是有shutdown命令,用于自动定时关机:用法: shutdown <-i | -l | -s | -r | -a> <-f> <-m computername> <-t xx> <-c "comment"> <-d up:xx:yy>没有参数 显示此消息(与 ? 相同)-i 显示 GUI 界面,必须是第一个选项-l 注销(不能与选项 -m 一起使用)-s 关闭此计算机-r 关闭并重启动此计算机-a 放弃系统关机-m computername 远程计算机关机/重启动/放弃-t xx 设置关闭的超时为 xx 秒-c "comment" 关闭注释(最大 127 个字符)-f 强制运行的应用程序关闭而没有警告-d :xx:yy 关闭原因代码 u 是用户代码 p 是一个计划的关闭代码 xx 是一个主要原因代码(小于 256 的正整数) yy 是一个次要原因代码(小于 65536 的正整数)-f:强行关闭应用程序-m 计算机名:控制远程计算机-i:显示图形用户界面,但必须是Shutdown的第一个选项-l:注销当前用户-r:关机并重启-t时间:设置关机倒计时-c "消息内容":输入关机对话框中的消息内容(不能超127个字符2、举例:关闭计算机 shutdown –s (方法:”开始”->”运行”->”shutdown -s”->”确定”)延迟3秒关闭计算机 shutdown –s –t 3(方法:”开始”->”运行”->”shutdown –s –t 3”->”确定”)取消关闭计算机 shutdown –a (方法:”开始”->”运行”->”shutdown –a”->”确定”)


donw和up是一对反义词但shut down和shut up都是关闭的意思。且shut down:(使)(工厂,机器等)停工,关闭,停止运转 shut up:关闭,把(房屋等的)门窗全部关闭锁上;把---关(藏)起来; 住口,闭嘴。


大家都知道 Shut up 可以表示闭嘴,当然也可以连读成“shutup”,不过英语里面“闭嘴”很多时候不用shut up。比如"shhh"(类似于中文里的"嘘"),一起来看看可以用哪些短语表示闭嘴吧!1. Put a sock in it (英式英语)例句:I"ve had enough of your moaning for one day. Why don"t you put a sock in it?这一天我都在听你抱怨,安静一点行不行啊!(注:有时候你也会听到“put a cork in it”,意思是一样的。)2. Cork it例句:Shhh, cork it and listen to him.嘘,别说了,好好听他说。(注:“put a cork in it”更常用。)3. Button it例句:Button it, ok. I"m trying to think!闭嘴好吗,我在思考呢!4. Shut your pie hole/Shut your cake hole例句:Just shut your pie hole, man.闭上你的嘴!注:这句是《阿凡达》的台词哦!有人说pie hole 多用于美式口语,其实现在pie hole。 cake hole在英式美式中都很广泛应用,比如典型的英式电影《帕丁顿熊》里的老奶奶就是用“Shut your pie hole ” 。老师也更喜欢用pie hole哦,这个说起来比cake hole 更口语化。



The Replacements的《Shutup》 歌词

歌曲名:Shutup歌手:The Replacements专辑:Sorry Ma, I Forgot To Take Out The Trash [Expanded Edition]Lafee - Shut UpThis song is for you, baby, for makin" a fool of meWhy don"t you kiss my behindI really had faith in you but you betrayed meToo bad that love is blindBut now that I got you tied upI"m a-quite sure that you know this ain"t gonna flyThere is no need to try and kiss up to meYour stupid lies won"t save you this timeI hate you !Shut up, shut up !Cryin" won"t help you get your sorry ass outta thisI don"t want no part of your shitty “pity me” bitI"m sick and tired of your wimpy-ass bullshitGet the fuck out of my life !You are dismissed, boy, go find a new toyI don"t give a shit what you doWe are over and done, Mr. Hit-and-RunI ain"t gonna cry over youI don"t care no more, I"m pretty much over youso don"t try to butter me upI"m sick of your crap and you can stop all that yappin"Shut up I"ve had enoughMy soul is on fireMy heart is a-ragin"You"re history nowMy fortunes are changin"I"m not even botheredif you have anotherI"m so over you…or am I ?Oh, cryin" won"t help youI don"t give a shit about what you doI"m sick of your bullshitFuck you !!!

