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smashbox口红颜色超级温柔,上嘴很滋润美腻,很显气质持久度高。那么smashbox口红怎么样?smashbox口红好用吗?smashbox口红怎么样 smashbox真可谓中档价位里的良心品牌,专业,实用性强,中国人不白不黑的肤色很难找到这么这么合适的米色为基调的裸色唇膏,烟熏的好搭档!自然强光更显粉色,在店里看起来更偏米色。 po主没化妆就不po全脸了,一般夏天macc20,冬天c15,比我白的妹子适合更白更粉的裸色,稍微黑一点的妹子适合更粉一点(bobbibrownbeige),和带棕色基调的唇膏。 米色基调只能配浓的眼妆眉妆,每天擦只会看起来像饿了几十年的。试这种颜色的口红时抹在手背上,如果跟肤色很接近,或者更淡那肯定是不适合的。 欧美人很喜欢这种色调的口红(像卡戴珊大姐各种超模),但颜色太浅的并不适合所有人,适合亚洲人的裸色一般都是肉粉色。而且太浅的颜色只在过分曝光的大片拍摄里会好看。smashbox口红好用吗 现在的美妆博主词汇量真多,形容这支口红的颜色是脏橘色。我觉得比较接地气的形容,firsttime就是豆沙+橘色。哑光,但是比较一般哑光口红,它不算干,不显唇纹。和露华浓225接近,不过露华浓质地更奶油一些,持久度也不及smashbox,一分价钱一分货是亘古真理[嘿嘿][嘿嘿]价格比起YSL、香奶奶要公道的多,比较推荐的一支。smashbox口红评价 smashbox口红,听说在时装周刘诗诗带起了桃粉风,哈哈,这从闺蜜手中抢来的口红在春天可以擦起来啦。美国丝芙兰15支口红礼盒中的一支,色号:magenta matte。浅涂就好了,深涂感觉只有黝黑皮肤的人或者超白皮的人才能驾驭,正常肤色会觉得皮肤有些暗沉。不过最近开发出了两层口红混涂,一层裸色豆沙加一层桃红,就是这个样子啦。

Smash Mouth(破嘴合唱团)单曲《Walkin On The Sun》歌词翻译。

It ain"t no joke I"d like to buy the world a toke 这不是开玩笑,我真想请这个世界吸上一小口(烟)And teach the world to sing in perfect harmony教教这个世界如何去齐声欢唱And teach the world to snuff the fires and the liars教教这个世界如何去消灭灾难和欺骗Hey I know it"s just a song but it"s spice for the recipe嗨 我知道这只是一首歌而已 但是却像是食谱中的一剂调味品This is a love attack I know it went out but it"s back.这是一场爱的侵袭 我知道它曾经离开了 但是现在又回来了It"s just like any fad it retracts before impact就像任何一场对潮流的狂热 在红轰轰烈烈前总有退缩And just like fashion it"s a passion for the with it and hip正如时装 是一种追求时髦和美的热情If you got the goods they"ll come and buy it just to stay in the clique如果你有这批时装的货 人们就会来买 仅限于一个小圈子(一个喜欢这些时装的人的小圈子)So don"t delay act now supplies are running out所以不要犹豫 现在正供应殆尽 Allow if you"re still alive six to eight years to arrive倘若容许你依然还有六到八年的时间可以活And if you follow there may be a tomorrow那么如果你追随也许你会得到一个明天But if the offer is shun you might as well be walkin" on the sun但是如果你回避了这个提议,那你倒不如向着太阳走Twenty-five years ago they spoke out and they broke out二十五年以前 人们大肆谈论着极力挣脱着Of recession and oppression and together they toked这世界的不景气和心中的苦闷 一起吸着烟And they folked out with guitars around a bonfire人们私下里聚在一起围着篝火弹吉他Just singin" and clappin" man what the hell happened只是边唱边打着节奏 伙计 这到底是怎么了Then some were spellbound some were hellbound然后有的出了神 有的鬼哭狼嚎Some they fell down and some got back up and Fought back "gainst the melt down有的闷闷不乐 还有的站起身反抗 不屑于苟同And their kids were hippie chicks all hypocrites而他们的孩子全是伪嬉皮调调Because fashion is smashin" the true meaning of it因为时尚正在打破它本身的意义So don"t delay act now supplies are running out所以不要犹豫 现在正供应殆尽Allow if you"re still alive six to eight years to arrive倘若容许你依然还有六到八年的时间可以活And if you follow there may be a tomorrow那么如果你追随也许你会得到一个明天But if the offer is shun you might as well be walkin" on the sun但是如果你回避了这个提议,那你倒不如向着太阳走It ain"t no joke when a mama"s handkerchief is soaked with her tears because her baby"s life has been revoked这不是开玩笑 当一个母亲因为丧子之痛眼泪湿透了手帕The bond is broke up so choke up and focus on the close up阴阳相隔 如此痛彻心骨 一切都定格在这一刻Mr. Wizard can"t perform no godlike hocus-pocus男巫的法力上帝的庇护都失效了So don"t sit back kick back and watch the world get bushwhacked所以不要懈怠休息 审视这个世界 开出一条正路News at 10:00 your neighborhood is under attack十点十分的新闻报道你的邻居遭遇袭击Put away the crack before the crack puts you away远离暴力别等他找上门来You need to be there when your baby old enough to relate你需要全神贯注 当你的宝贝长大成人So don"t delay act now supplies are running out所以不要犹豫 现在正供应殆尽So don"t delay act now supplies are running out所以不要犹豫 现在正供应殆尽Allow if you"re still alive six to eight years to arrive倘若容许你依然还有六到八年的时间可以活And if you follow there may be a tomorrow那么如果你追随也许你会得到一个明天But if the offer is shun you might as well be walkin" on the sun但是如果你回避了这个提议,那你倒不如向着太阳走you might as well be walkin" on the sun那你倒不如向着太阳走you might as well be walkin" on the sun那你倒不如向着太阳走you might as well be walkin" on the sun那你倒不如向着太阳走you might as well be walkin" on the sun那你倒不如向着太阳走 纯个人理解。。。打完累死我了,希望能帮到你

bump bash smash 的区别


Touch Me (SMASH Cast Version featuring Katharine McPhee) 歌词

歌曲名:Touch Me (SMASH Cast Version featuring Katharine McPhee)歌手:SMASH Cast专辑:The Music of SMASHThis is first touch! あぁ 私の声も 闻こえなくなったそれでも ここにいる alivetouch Me!作词:仓木麻衣作曲:Yue Mochizuki编曲:Takahiro Hiraga止められない感情が わかってるけど 时々出て やけっぱちな「ほっといてよ」友达には「変わったよね」って言われるけど すいません....あと一歩がんばれないほらね 探りたくなる言叶「今日の味方は明日の敌」ほんの少し目を伏せただけなのに このままで终わっていくのかな?押したり引いたり もう头痛くなるほど じれったい 胜ち负けじゃないよ君といたい いつもいたい ねぇ 本当のところ わからないtouch me はしゃぐ声の裏には隠す涙が こんな私でも好きでいてくれるの?何も知らないのに...手に负えない 自分でももう身体中流れ出してく touch me!だから catch me hear me feel me touch me touch Me!「駆け込み乗车は危ないのでおやめ下さい」とアナウンスが流れて友达には「バカだよね」って言われたけど 最终电车にもミスしたみたいほらね モロイ内面隠せない 今日のネタ 明日の笑い軽く演じてみる 梦物语 まだまだ そう 始まったばかり笑ったり泣いたり もう头痛くなる程テンパって 核心ふれずにホントのところは?う~ん本気でぶつかること避けたいだけ リアルな感情出しても「わかるよ わかる!」とかうわべだけの言叶はもう舍てて もう充分伤ついた....それでも期待させてよ 全部壊してよ ねぇ touch meだから catch me hear me feel me touch me touch Me!笑ったり泣いたり もう头痛くなる程テンパってそれだけ 本気で 私たち ねぇ ホントのところはどうなの?全部壊しちゃうくらい 怖くないんだ守ってあげるなんて うわべだけの言叶は舍てて一日千秋 それでも期待してしまう あなたの优しさに touch meだから catch me hear me feel me touch me touch Me!ぐるぐる巡る もう头痛くなるほどシミュレーションじれったい じれったい君といたい いつもいたい ねぇ 本当のところ わからないtouch me はしゃぐ声の裏には隠す涙が でも そう思ったりもしてくれるんだね核心ふれずに...手に负えない それでいてもう身体中に流れ出してく touch me!だから catch me hear me feel me touch me touch Me!

跪求美剧名声大噪(Smash)里凯伦唱的call me这首歌的歌词。。。

不知道 但是是祝你早日找到答案

PS2网球王子SMASH HIT 2如何在保龄球模式中打出200分以上?哪位高手有什么秘诀

楼主 你可以算是问对人了 我这个游戏已经完美了 所有的人物都打出来了!当然是大石 平常站在中间位置向右一点这个位置 投球 瞄准1号球(也就是中间的那个球)!然后打出去要每次都全中 中间会有选歌曲 NExt stage 这首歌 把力量调满 往正中间冷 就可以了!一定全中 要打出200分最少需要3次全中 剩下的全要补中 这个有运气成分 多练习几次吧 !

pumasmashv2vulc和Puma Smash Vulc Classic有什么区别?




求tony an和smash组合一起唱的《 get your swag on》中文歌词,请不要给我发翻译器合成的,谢谢~~~


DOTA2Ti10西欧区预选战报:Nigma 2-1 战胜SMASH

西欧赛区第一轮的比赛是由Nigma对阵SMASH,第一局比赛中,Nigma前期没有取得太多的优势,在圣堂刺客强势期中却让SMASH控到肉山,后期幻影长矛手接管比赛,Nigma敲出gg。第二局比赛,Nigma没有犯上把同样的失误,在圣堂刺客强势期内快速的拔塔,加快游戏的节奏,最终凭借卓尔游侠、圣堂刺客双核的强势发挥战胜了对手。第三局比赛,凭借伐木机中期的强势,Nigma占据优势,随后Nigma抓住幻影长矛手的失误,一举奠定胜局 第一局 第一局比赛,SMASH拿出了莉娜、斧王、寒冬飞龙、森海飞霞和幻影长矛手,Nigma拿出了凤凰、圣堂刺客、艾欧、矮人直升机和潮汐猎人。 对线期结束,Nigma领先了SMASH不到1k的经济,虽然圣堂刺客在15分钟就拥有了黯灭、魔龙枪和动力鞋,但是Nigma很难处理后期的幻影长矛手。 27分钟,Nigma在SMASH拥有不朽之守护的情况下执意选择推进,潮汐猎人跳大后排找到了落单的莉娜,随后Nigma发起追击又带走了寒冬飞龙。Nigma转战中路却被斧王跳吼双核,幻影长矛手跟上输出将圣堂刺客与潮汐猎人双双击杀,艾欧也难逃一死。SMASH在此战过后拥有2k左右的经济优势。 41分钟,Nigma开雾绕后强杀了天辉的莉娜,不过莉娜买活返回战场趁着潮汐猎人没有大招打了Nigma一个团灭。SMASH强势上高迫使买活的矮人直升机前来防守,最终Nigma在矮人直升机阵亡以后打出gg。 第二局 第二局比赛,SMASH拿出了龙骑士、森海飞霞、凤凰、恐怖利刃和风暴之灵,Nigma拿出了司夜刺客、圣堂刺客、魅惑魔女、卓尔游侠和伐木机。 对线期结束,Nigma再度取得了1k左右的经济优势,圣堂刺客依旧是在15分钟就拥有了黯灭、魔龙枪和动力鞋。 21分钟,SMASH在河道处将与团队脱节的司夜刺客击杀,伐木机、卓尔游侠和圣堂刺客迅速赶到战场打了SMASH一个五人团灭。此战过后,Nigma的经济优势已有5k之多。 28分钟,SMASH趁着恐怖利刃的魔化时间还未结束选择强行打盾,Nigma虽有阻挠但好在风暴之灵还是有惊无险地拿下了不朽之守护。后续Nigma找准了SMASH多人状态不佳的时机对天辉发起了进攻,拥有影刃的卓尔游侠在侧面沉默了风暴之灵与龙骑士,配合圣堂刺客将二人轻松击杀。SMASH再遭团灭。 31分钟,Nigma强拆双子塔迫使风暴之灵交出买活,SMASH集全队之力也没能击杀埋入地下的司夜刺客,最终Nigma再灭SMASH将比分追平。 第三局 第三局比赛,SMASH拿出了龙骑士、森海飞霞、远古冰魄、米拉娜和幻影长矛手,Nigma拿出了司夜刺客、伐木机、凤凰、灰烬之灵和恐怖利刃。 对线期结束,Nigma领先了SMASH约1k的经济,恐怖利刃在13分钟就拥有了幻影斧与动力鞋。 21分钟,米拉娜开启大招掩护队友入侵夜魇的上路野区,司夜刺客提前做好视野控住了走位靠前的森海飞霞,随后恐怖利刃开启魔化配合伐木机冲阵。SMASH惨遭团灭使得己方的经济劣势被扩大到了5k。 27分钟,带盾的恐怖利刃率队进攻SMASH的下路高地,幻影长矛手走位过于靠前被灰烬之灵控住,恐怖利刃与伐木机跟上输出将其轻松击杀。SMASH被迫撤退到泉水使得己方的下路兵营失守,此战过后Nigma已经胜券在握。 35分钟,Nigma强势控盾拿到了不朽之守护。SMASH企图阻止但无奈战斗力不敌Nigma,灰烬之灵与伐木机的冲阵让森海飞霞和远古冰魄两名英雄毫无生存空间,最终Nigma在击杀了龙骑士以后强拆天辉遗迹拿下了比赛的胜利。

请高手帮帮忙啊.下面这些单词如何造句啊?charm .immune.vanish.diminish.smash

She has an irresistible charm.她有不可抗拒的魅力。The herb extract echinacea has immune-enhancing properties.松果菊属草药提取物也可以提高免疫力。With the aggravation of pollution, more fish vanish from the lake.随着污染的加重,更多的鱼在湖中消亡。The risk does diminish as time goes by.这种风险,会随着时间的推移而淡化。He felt his health going to smash.他觉得自己的身体正在垮下去。


谐音:死马吸 把死马粉碎成颗粒吸进去。S=美女 mash=math美女粉碎数学书读音中有sm这两个比较明显的字母,这时候在回头看一下细节部分,在读一遍,就完成了记忆,可以结合第一个谐音。







排球里,smash 和 spike都是扣球的意思,有谁知道他们的区别?

smash有粉碎,杀球 Spike有长钉,远线



crash 和smash的区别?

acrash 被动的动作smash 主动的动作

请翻译一下这段日文 SMASH(≧ε≦)

SMASH(≧ε≦)あさって5日『全曲ライブu30fb改』にゲスト出演してくれる华名さんの试合を観に、後楽园ホールに行きました。去到後楽园会馆(或大厅),观看了 后天5号将参加“全曲live改”的嘉宾华名小姐的比赛。(PS 我把句子倒过来了)はじめてのSMASH観戦でした。第一次看SMASH(PS:SMASH为日本摔角节目,类似可参考WWE)アクロバティックな试合をする女子レスラーさんや、女子と男子のペア戦もあり…惊きの连続でした!进行特技般的比赛的女摔角手们,也有女子和男子(搭档)的双打比赛。。。一连串的惊奇。选手入场のときに投げられる纸テープがキレイでした(*^^*)选手入场时飘落(扬洒)的纸片(或纸带)很漂亮美しすぎるリングアナ“SUNAHOさん”がチャッキーとライブで共演したことがあるらしく…美到不行(或美极了)的摔角司仪(或主持人)“SUNAHO小姐”曾经跟我和(老公)チャッキー一起在LIVE节目中演出过。。。ステキなご縁を感じながら3人で写真を撮りました(^_^)v感觉真是绝妙的缘分,3人一起拍了照片…华名さんは试合でお疲れだろうと思い、面会は远虑ました。想到华名小姐在比赛后会比较疲劳,就没有去见面あさって、リングではないステージに一绪に立てること、すごく楽しみですu266a后天,不是在擂台上而是在舞台上一起演出,十分期待プロレスで戦う华名さんしか见ていないファンの方…只见过摔角场上战斗的华名小姐的粉丝们キュートな歌う华名さんにご期待ください请期待 可爱的唱歌的华名小姐Chis(a_<)-☆"以上,仅供参考

smash,crash,break 具体区别?

smash 是砸 crash 是撞 break 是碎

crush , crash , smash区别

crush 压碎;弄皱;捣碎,弄碎;挤榨crash (碰得)粉碎,毁坏;撞击;(飞机的)坠毁smash 碎裂,粉碎;压碎;打碎,打破,打烂;压碎,捣烂










smash 中文名:斯沃琪,瑞士表,高中低端都有。大众品牌,价格低廉,质量很好,手表比较合适年轻人佩带,是世界销量最好的瑞士表.


【粉碎】 一个瑞士的小众品牌

smushed是什么意思? 词典上只有smash,好像查不到。





Smash 1.韩国组合 2.俄罗斯组合 ============韩国 SMASH ================ SMASH是在H.O.T出身的Tony An做代表的TN entertainment 经过五年练习准备的偶像组合。由世界(World)、天宇(Cheonwoo)、HanBang、Jerry、Naru、Hero、六人组成,他们大部分是从小学时就开始坚守着歌手的梦,现在以高中生的身份正式的向歌谣界宣布出道。 08.08.14下午8点通过有线音乐频道 ‘M!countdown"的舞台首次登台的SMASH凭借绚烂的舞技甚至出色的作词作曲能力已经开始以歌者的身份盖下印章。 SMASH怀着野心而发行的mini专辑的主打歌是pop dance风格的“飞上”,寄托着将这期间隐藏的本领和才能尽情地展示出来的意义。 SMASH的经纪公司的有关人员表示“虽然脸看起来都很稚气是童颜但是歌却是与之成反比。比起闪闪发光的感觉更想将那种年轻孩子所没有的力量和男性chrisma的一面展示给大家。” SMASH于19日通过on61on-line 首次进行mini专辑的发表同时还将公开MV。 转自 smash中文首站 成员资料 : WORLD(1771) 世界 本名:876139(南贤俊) 生日:1980年11月19日 宗教:基督教 血型:O型 身高:178cm 体重:60kg 鞋码:260mm CHEONWOO(4337) 天宇 本名:333522(李真容) 生日:1985年03月16日 宗教:天主教 血型:A型 身高:174cm 体重:60kg 鞋码:260mm JERRY(3105) 本名:230781(沈珉奎) 生日:1988年05月13号 宗教:基督教 血型:A型 身高:178cm 体重:61kg 鞋码:260mm NARU(8109) 本名:352210(朱永锡) 生日:1988年10月07日 宗教:基督教 血型:O型 身高:180cm 体重:58kg 鞋码:260mm HANBANG(6302) 韩方 本名:633421 (韩政修) 生日:1989年01月26日 宗教:无 血型:B型 身高:181cm 体重:65kg 鞋码:260mm HERO(6909) 本名:810721 (金珉秀) 生日:1991年10月12日 宗教:佛教 血型:A型 身高:180cm 体重:56kg 鞋码:255mm ---------------俄罗斯 SMASH 组合-------------------


smash,作为英语单词是粉碎的意思,同时是任天堂明星大乱斗(Super Smash Bros)的简称。 不知道大家还记不记得这个与之相关的梗:she"s too big for smash 让我们回到“TOOBIG”与不知火舞的关联,大乱斗的一些善于玩梗的老粉丝一结合,就创造出了上面的梗。“she"s too big for smash(她太大了(指胸部),所以不能加入大乱斗)。” 另外,smash作为流行语则是因为人气日本动漫《我的英雄学院》中的人物“欧尔麦特”,每次遇到困难时就会大喊“smash”给自己力量,smash也是他的战斗招式:xx粉碎,比如Texas Smash(得克萨斯粉碎),招招威力巨大。Smash也是男主绿谷出久的战斗招式之一,就很厉害。 如:Smash警告



smash 和 surrender的名词形式;还有就是silent , sure , dim , strong , light , cold 的动词形式分别是

smash 的名词形式是 smash 和 smashing两者意思不同What a smash this is!He took a real smashing yesterday at the contest.surrender 的名词形式是 surrender 和 surrenderingThe surrender was carried out in an orderly wayThe transfer of power includes the legal surrendering of the flagsilent , sure , dim , strong , light , cold 的动词形式分别是silenceIf he starts shouting the judge will silence himsure 没有动词,但短句 be sure 有动词作用Be sure to bring your picture with youdimPlease dim the light, Johnstrong 没有动词, 可用 strengthen 或 be strongDaily exercise can strengthen the bodylightenYou can lighten your mom"s load by helping with the dishescold 没有动词形式, cool 是近义形容词,也可以 make cold, be cold Cool it guys. There is no need to fight over this trivial matter.The north wind will cool the earth.



Zowie的《Smash It》 歌词

歌曲名:Smash It歌手:Zowie专辑:Smash ItTHE RASMUS - SMASHsubmitted by AARON WONGUnderstand that you"re holding a bomb in your handTake control, hand in hand with yourself from now onTake this advice, aim to the skiesAim to the skies aboveShow me what you"re made ofI"m waiting for the answerTell me what you"re afraid ofShow me what you"re made ofI call out in my sleepI can"t reach you and it"s killing meI call out in my sleepSun is gone, days go on like the storm in the seaAnd the shore is the loneliest place you can beStay dry instead a moment aheadAim to the skies aboveShow me what you"re made ofI"m waiting for the answerTell me what you"re afraid ofShow me what you"re made ofI call out in my sleepI can"t reach you and it"s killing meI call out in my sleepYou say that you"re not the same kidHe one who used to be the weeperYou say it"s something deeperSomething that you couldn"t tameSomething that would wake the sleeperYou say, you sayI call out in my sleepI can"t reach you and it"s killing meI call out in my sleepI can"t reach you and it"s killing meCall out, I can"t reach youCalling out, reaching out【Watching you go was the hardest thing I"d ever done in my life.】

谁有talk to me 歌词?不是baby face的.是Smash!!的.


The Smashing Pumpkins的《Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Eye歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities and B-Sidesthe smashing pumpkins-EyeI lieI waitI startI hesitate I amI breathI meltI think of meIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughI tasteI loveI callI bleed enough I hateI mightI wasI want too muchIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchby 优质果冻

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Beautiful》 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (Deluxe Edition)BeautifulThe Smashing PumpkinsMellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Disc 2Beautiful, you"re beautiful, as beautiful as the sunWonderful, you"re wonderful, as wonderful as they comeAnd i can"t help but feel attachedTo the feelings i can"t even matchWith my face pressed up to the glass, wanting youBeautiful, you"re beautiful, as beautiful as the skyWonderful, it"s wonderful, to know that you"re just like iAnd i"m sure you know me well, as i"m sure you don"tBut you just can"t tellWho"ll you love and who you won"tAnd i love you, as you love meSo let the clouds roll by your faceWe"ll let the world spin on to another placeWe"ll climb the tallest tree above it allTo look down on you and me and themAnd i"m sure you know me well, as i"m sure you don"tBut you just can"t tell, who you"ll love and who you won"tDon"t let your life wrap up around youDon"t forget to call, wheneverI"ll be here just waiting for youI"ll be under your stars foreverNeither here nor there just right beside youI"ll be under the stairs foreverNeither here nor there just right beside you

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Eye歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-Sidesthe smashing pumpkins-EyeI lieI waitI startI hesitate I amI breathI meltI think of meIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughI tasteI loveI callI bleed enough I hateI mightI wasI want too muchIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchby 优质果冻

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Eye歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rotten Apples: The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hitsthe smashing pumpkins-EyeI lieI waitI startI hesitate I amI breathI meltI think of meIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughI tasteI loveI callI bleed enough I hateI mightI wasI want too muchIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchby 优质果冻

The Smashing Pumpkins的《To Sheila》 歌词

歌曲名:To Sheila歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Adoretwilight fadesthrough blistered avalonthe sky"s cruel torchon arching autobahninto the uncertain divinewe scream into the last divineyou make me realyou make me realstrong as i feelyou make me realsheila rides on crashing nightingaleintake eyes leave passing vapor trailswith blushing brilliance alivebecause it"s time to arriveyou make me realyou make me realstrong as i feelyou make me reallately I just can"t seem to believediscard my friends to change the sceneryit meant the wrold to hold a bruising faithbut now it"s just a matter of gracea summer storm graces all of mehighway warm sing silent poetryI could bring you the lightand take you home into the nightyou make me reallately I just can"t seem to believediscard my friends to change the sceneryit meant the wrold to hold a bruising faithbut now it"s just a matter of grace

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Hummer》 歌词

歌曲名:Hummer歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Siamese DreamHummerFaith lies inThe ways of sinI chased the charmedBut I don"t want them anymoreAnd in their eyes I was aliveA fool"s disguiseTake me away from youShame my tongueFat with promise all alongBut when I woke up from that sleepI was happier than I"d ever beenWhen you decideThat your life is a prizeRenew and reviveIt"s alright honeyIt"s alright, yeahHappiness will make you wonderWill I feel OK?It scares the disenchantedFar awayYeah I want something newBut what am I supposed to do about youYeah I love you, it"s trueLife"s a bummerWhen you"re a hummerLife"s a dragAsk yourself a questionAnyone but meI ain"t freeAsk yourself a questionAnyone but meI ain"t freeDo you feelLove is real?by 小癫

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Spaceboy》 歌词

歌曲名:Spaceboy歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Siamese DreamEr the radio is contracted thenAnd turn it some noise downMore abiliable we can left us the primary detailOK I just take thisgonna get youlike a space boy!~Space Boy~Dave RodgersMade by HandsomeCKgonna get youlike a space boy!wo wo wo woI"m ready Babegonna get youi"m your space boydive into your heart babygonna get youlike a space boy!wo wo wo woI need you babegonna get youI"m a space boytake a chance with me babyevery night you light me with your gasolineeverytime i feel delight when you recall my nameso you can be my shining star tonightI"m not alone with all your lovefly across the skyyou will be minei can feel your dream with you BABEgonna get youlike a space boy!wo wo wo woI"m ready Babegonna get youi"m your space boydive into your heart babygonna get youlike a space boy!wo wo wo woI need you babegonna get youI"m a space boytake a chance with me babyevery night you drive me crazy like you knoweveryday i scream so loud you"ll always be my queenso you can be my shining star tonightI"m not alone with all your lovefly across the skyyou will be minei can feel your dream with you BABEgonna get youlike a space boy!gonna get youi"m your space boygonna get youlike a space boy!wo wo wo woI need you babegonna get youi"m your space boytake a chance with me babyEr the radio is contracted thenAnd turn it some noise downMore abiliable we can left us the primary detailOK I just take thisgonna get youlike a space boy!wo wo wo woI"m ready Babegonna get youi"m your space boydive into your heart babygonna get youlike a space boy!wo wo wo woI need you babegonna get youI"m a space boytake a chance with me baby

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌名:《1979》歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins发行时间:2013-08-12所属专辑:《Aeroplane Flies High (Deluxe Edition)》歌词:shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeon a live wire right up off the streetyou and i should meetjunebug skipping like a stoneheadlights pointed at the dawnwe where sure we"d never see an end to it alland i don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesand we don"t knowjust where our bones will rest to dust i guessforgotten and absorbed into the earth belowdouble cross the vacant and the boredthey"re not sure just what we have in storemorphine city slippin dues down to seethat we don"t even care as restless as we arewe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsand poured cement, lamenated and assuredto the lights and towns belowfaster than the speed of soundfaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopejustine never knew the ruleshung down with the freaks and ghoulsno apolgies ever need be madei know you better than you fake itto see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesand we don"t knowjust where our bones will rest to dust i guessforgotten and absorbed into the earth belowthe street heats the urgency of soundas you can see there"s no one around

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Muzzle》 歌词

歌曲名:Muzzle歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (Deluxe Edition)SMASHING PUMPKINS LYRICS - MuzzleI fear that I"m ordinary,just like everyoneTo lie here and die among the sorrowsAdrift among the daysFor everything I ever saidAnd everything I"ve ever done is goneand deadAs all things must surely have to endAnd great lovers will one day have to partI know that I am meant for this worldMy life has been extraordinaryBlessed and cursed and wonTime heals but I"m forever brokenBy and by the way...Have you ever heard the wordsI"m singing in these songs?It"s for the girl I"ve loved all alongCan a taste of love be so wrongAs all things must surely have to endAnd great lovers will one day have to partI know that I am meant for this worldAnd in my mind as I was floatingFar above the cloudsSome children laughed I"d fall for certainFor thinking that I"d last foreverBut I knew exactly where I wasAnd I knew the meaning of it allAnd I knew the distance to the sunAnd I knew the echo that is loveAnd I knew the secrets in your spiresAnd I knew the emptiness of youthAnd I knew the solitude of heartAnd I knew the murmurs of the soulAnd the world is drawn into your handsAnd the world is etched upon your heartAnd the world so hard to understandIs the world you can"t live withoutAnd I knew the silence of the world谨以此献给我热爱的碎瓜乐队!

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Snail》 歌词

歌曲名:Snail歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:GishSnail作词:D·A·I 作曲:D·A·I 编曲:D·A·I/Seiji Kamedaあたしが昔见つけたモノは底无しの迷路であなたが常に探していたもの 雨の中のマリアあたしがすでに痹れ切らして壳をのぞき込んだキラリと光る足迹だけを悪戯に残して雨に曝す体に 歓び感じてジクジクしてる Ah-湿気た空気确かめせわしく动いて强い刺激に目を伏せる like a Snailあたしが今でも望むものは 不安のない明日あなたはいつも微笑むだけのただそれだけの人今更何をしても 手遅れ状态 ジタバタしても Ah-湿気た颜见せないで 泣かないで夜は明けてゆくもの 気づかない like a Snailやり场のない思いと あなたの存在 イライラするわ Ah-息が诘まりそうな程 待ちくたびれてたこのため息で 世界の果てまで 突き放したら気付いてくれるの?まるであなたは 臆病な like aSnail でしょAh

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Today》 歌词

歌曲名:Today歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Siamese DreamTitle:TodayArtist:smashing pumpkinsToday is the greatestDay I"ve ever knownCan"t live for tomorrow,Tomorrow"s much too longI"ll burn my eyes outBefore I get outI wanted moreThan life could ever grant meBored by the choreOf saving faceToday is the greatestDay I"ve ever knownCan"t wait for tomorrowI might not have that longI"ll tear my heart outBefore I get outPink ribbon scarsThat never forgetI tried so hardTo cleanse these regretsMy angel wingsWere bruised and restrainedMy belly stingsToday isToday isToday isThe greatest dayI want to turn you onI want to turn you onI want to turn you onI want to turn youToday is the greatestToday is the greatest dayToday is the greatest dayThat I have ever really known

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Zero》 歌词

歌曲名:Zero歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-SidesSMASHING PUMPKINS LYRICS - ZeroMy reflection倒影, dirty mirrorThere"s no connection to myselfI"m your lover, I"m your zeroI"m the face in your dreams of glassSo save your prayers祈祷For when we"re really gonna need"emThrow out your cares and flyWanna go for a ride?She"s the one for meShe"s all I really needCause she"s the one for meEmptiness空虚无知 is loneliness孤独寂寞,and loneliness is cleanliness4洁癖And cleanliness is godliness虔诚,and god is empty just like meIntoxicated喝醉的极兴奋 with the madness,I"m in love with my sadnessBullshit fakers, enchanted施魔法 kingdomsThe fashion victims受害者 chew their charcoal木炭 teethI never let on, that I was on a sinking沉没 shipI never let on that I was downYou blame谴责 yourself,for what you can"t ignoreYou blame yourself for wanting moreShe"s the one for meShe"s all I really needShe"s the one for meShe"s my one and only

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Zero》 歌词

歌曲名:Zero歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rotten Apples, The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest HitsSMASHING PUMPKINS LYRICS - ZeroMy reflection倒影, dirty mirrorThere"s no connection to myselfI"m your lover, I"m your zeroI"m the face in your dreams of glassSo save your prayers祈祷For when we"re really gonna need"emThrow out your cares and flyWanna go for a ride?She"s the one for meShe"s all I really needCause she"s the one for meEmptiness空虚无知 is loneliness孤独寂寞,and loneliness is cleanliness4洁癖And cleanliness is godliness虔诚,and god is empty just like meIntoxicated喝醉的极兴奋 with the madness,I"m in love with my sadnessBullshit fakers, enchanted施魔法 kingdomsThe fashion victims受害者 chew their charcoal木炭 teethI never let on, that I was on a sinking沉没 shipI never let on that I was downYou blame谴责 yourself,for what you can"t ignoreYou blame yourself for wanting moreShe"s the one for meShe"s all I really needShe"s the one for meShe"s my one and only

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Soma》 歌词

Soma歌手: The Smashing Pumpkins所属专辑:《Siamese Dream》歌词You"re sleeping i"m not sleeping and there"s miles of nightI see something shining where there is no lightI just want to bury it and throw away the weeds when they growWhat makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?That scream to wake the birds is only my heart beatingThat scream to wake the birds is only my heart beatingTranslucent skin i"m looking in i feel a ghostScared away and left the one i need the mostI just want to bury it and leave my tears to sink in the graveThe shouting in my room is only my heart beatingThe heart beat calls my name the pattern on my thumbThe waiting and the dream have all turned into oneYou"re sleeping i"m not sleeping and i wonder whyI love to think about the time before the lightI didn"t want to bury it and lift my head up into the skyThe bass drum through the floor is only my heart beating

急求Smashing Pumpkins(碎南瓜)的 Crestfallen歌词的中文翻译我员工的日志,啥都有。

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Shame》 歌词

歌曲名:Shame歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:AdoreSmashing Pumpkins - ShameYou"re gonna walk on homeYou"re gonna walk aloneYou"re gonna see this throughDon"t let "em get to youSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameLove is good and love is kindLove is drunk and love is blindLove is good and love is mineLove is drunk all the timeSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameYou"re gonna walk on homeYou"re gonna walk aloneYou"re gonna walk so farYou"re gonna wonder who you areSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameShameShameLove is good and love is kindLove is good and love is blindLove is good and love is mineLove is good all the timeHello, goodbye, you know you made us cryHello, goodbye, you know you made us cry

Smashing Pumpkins的《drown》 歌词

歌曲名:drown歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:rotten apples: the best of the smashing pumpkinsSmashing Pumpkins"Drown"歌词No matter where you areI can still hear you when you drownYou"ve traveled very farJust to see you I"ll come aroundWhen I"m downAll of those yesterdaysComing downNo matter where you areI can still hear you when you dreamYou traveled very farYou traveled far, like a starAnd you areAll of those yesterdaysComing aroundIs it something someone said?Was it something someone said?Yesterday the sky was youAnd I still feel the sameNothing left for me to doAnd I still feel the sameI wish, I wish I could flyI wish, I wish I could lieI will, I will tryI will, Goodbye

Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one around

Smashing Pumpkins的《Spaced》 歌词

歌曲名:Spaced歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Pisces IscariotDad, dad, dadDead, dead, dead, dead, deadWas I ever aliveFucking makes you alive in one minuteSolsticeI am solstice filled with mercuryFilled with mercuryLiquid fuckedSee right through your heartSee right through your heartFuck your heartI am mercury liquid pureHot, alive, deadMucked fish eyes, doorsSmashing PumpkinsI was born aliveI"ll fucking kill youI"ll beat your soft baby head with my own handCareful with that babyDon"t ever say the H word around himAshamedI am ashamed of my name, say itI hate the sound of your shit because it means no goodIt means cheap, liar, smart ass piece of shitChange it to raygun you fuckBilly the LoonBilly the LoonI am MarsI am MarsBilly Addly, Addly, AddlyYour name causes shitWhile I may be no expert on this reality there is no god but shameGod is hurt, god is coldThere is not another oneBattleCold heart radioFeedbackThe painReoccuring messages of badnessReoccuring living bad dreams at the vortex of lost soulsWailing lost soouls of shameWe are in one holeLike a cup of mercury phosphate, burrr (when you get cold)Shuddering aroundTaste my shit you wenchLifting wailing lost souls who stand a chanceHot, my eyes darkly gaze and wonderDo not enterWhy, why, whyI was born wholeFractured, divided, shattered into a billion fragmentsA million piece puzzleA million piece jigsaw puzzle with no this and no that

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Blew Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Blew Away歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-SidesBlew AwayCompose / Lyrics / Vocal / Smashing Pumpkins.blew, blew awaybut i don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you love heryou know it will come trueand if you need heryou know that she"ll be therestay awake, i lie herewith her and i falland when i wake inside youi know you know i"m yoursblew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you"re sad, toountil the angel sings and touches youdon"t confuse my only lifei said blew, and please don"t ever leaveAnd i will greive, and member theeHope to meet you therei wanna let her knowAnd i wanna let her goi wanna let her knowThat i love her soi"m blew, blew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna-blew, I love youblewBEYOND再见理想

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Hummer》 歌词

歌曲名:Hummer歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Siamese DreamHummerFaith lies inThe ways of sinI chased the charmedBut I don"t want them anymoreAnd in their eyes I was aliveA fool"s disguiseTake me away from youShame my tongueFat with promise all alongBut when I woke up from that sleepI was happier than I"d ever beenWhen you decideThat your life is a prizeRenew and reviveIt"s alright honeyIt"s alright, yeahHappiness will make you wonderWill I feel OK?It scares the disenchantedFar awayYeah I want something newBut what am I supposed to do about youYeah I love you, it"s trueLife"s a bummerWhen you"re a hummerLife"s a dragAsk yourself a questionAnyone but meI ain"t freeAsk yourself a questionAnyone but meI ain"t freeDo you feelLove is real?by 小癫

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (Deluxe Edition)《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one around

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (2012 - Remaster)《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one around

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities and B-Sides《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one around

求smashing pumpkin的 today 的歌词

the smashingpumpkins-todaytoday is the greatestday i"ve ever knowncan"t live for tomorrow,tomorrow"s much too longi"ll burn my eyes outbefore i get outi wanted morethan life could ever grant mebored by the choreof saving facetoday is the greatestday i"ve ever knowncan"t wait for tomorrowi might not have that longi"ll tear my heart outbefore i get outpink ribbon scarsthat never forgeti tried so hardto cleanse these regretsmy angel wingswere bruised and restrainedmy belly stingstoday istoday istoday isthe greatest dayi want to turn you oni want to turn you oni want to turn you oni want to turn youtoday is the greatesttoday is the greatest daytoday is the greatest daythat i have ever really known

smash or pass什么意思

smash or pass粉碎或通

Smashing Pumpkins的《Wildflower》 歌词

歌曲名:Wildflower歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:OceaniaWritten:D.Richarclson/D.EdwardsArranger:陈志远MusicShe"s faced the hardest times you could imagineAnd many times her eyes fought back me tearsAnd when her youthful world was about to fall inEach time her slender shoulderBore the weight of all her fearsAnd a sorrow no one hearsStill rings in midnight silence in her earsLet her cry for she"s a ladyLet her dream for she"s a childLet the rain fall down upon herShe"s a free and gentle flower growing wildShe"s a flower growing wildAnd if by chance I should hold herLet me hold her for a timeBut if allowed but one possessionI would pick her from the garden to be mineBe careful how you touch her for she"ll awakenAnd sleep the only freedom that she knowsAnd when you walk into her eyes you won"t believeThe way she"s always paying for a debt she never owesAnd a silent wind still blows that only she can hearAnd so she goes

Smashing Pumpkins的《Blew Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Blew Away歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Pisces IscariotBlew AwayCompose / Lyrics / Vocal / Smashing Pumpkins.blew, blew awaybut i don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you love heryou know it will come trueand if you need heryou know that she"ll be therestay awake, i lie herewith her and i falland when i wake inside youi know you know i"m yoursblew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you"re sad, toountil the angel sings and touches youdon"t confuse my only lifei said blew, and please don"t ever leaveAnd i will greive, and member theeHope to meet you therei wanna let her knowAnd i wanna let her goi wanna let her knowThat i love her soi"m blew, blew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna-blew, I love youblewBEYOND再见理想

The smashing pumpkins(碎瓜乐队)专辑《MELLON COLLIE&INFINITE SADNESS》的歌词哪里能找到?

好不容易才给你找到阿!两张cd的所有歌曲的歌词附赠:该专辑的三个版本的下载:The Smashing Pumpkins -《Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness》[MP3!]:[MP3!]:[APE]:

万有引力 Smashing Blue歌词中文翻译

BAD LUCK/Smashing Blue 专辑:GRAVITATION Best Collectio作词:MAD SOLDIERS作曲/编曲:MAD SOLDIERS歌:BAD LUCKOH! OH! Smashing Bue OH! OH!乾いた通り雨が切なく语りかける涙は静寂に...さまよう夜が明ける?カラ□をつたう雨にふるえる淡い想い红莲の诱惑に...さまよう夜が明ける?眩しい奇迹を彩る Smashing Blue始まるMake me true 消えてゆく月はsilent君の声もいらない Smashing Blue素肌に残る きらめきまるでトワイライト□ラスのしゃれた嘘に 何かを欲しがるMy heart紫烟のその指でわずかに诱い挂ける永远に広がる世界を Smashing Blue记忆のMake me true うすれる君はsilent壊れそうなス□ー□ Smashing Blue全てをかけてかけ上がる时はトワイライトOH! OH! Smashing Blue OH! OH!□ラマ仕立てのFake it Moon孤独を背负う ストーリーテイラーさめた瞳でMake it Blue眩しい奇迹を彩る Smashing Blue始まるMake me true 消えてゆく月はsilent君の声もいらない Smashing Blue素肌に残る きらめきまるでトワイライト译文:完全风乾的雨痕哀凄的诉说著「静静的流泪…那个旁徨无助的夜晚结束了」 因流过身体的B而发抖 淡淡的思念「鲜红的诱惑…旁徨的夜晚结束了」装饰著光彩夺目的奇迹 Smashing Blue开始Make me true吧 逐渐消失的月亮是静寂的连你的声音都不需要的 Smashing Blue只留下那纯白的样子 闪烁的光芒就是像黎明一般说著玻璃般漂亮谎言的我的心究竟想要什麼?夹著烟的手指不过是个诱导罢了向永远开拓的世界在记忆中变淡薄的你是沉默的像是要崩坏一般的速度 Smashing Blue赌上所有 往前狂奔的黄昏时刻背负著孤独 演出戏剧的说书人变冷淡的眼神Make it Blue装饰著光彩夺目的奇迹 Smashing Blue开始Make me true吧 逐渐消失的月亮是静寂的连你的声音都不需要的 Smashing Blue只留下那纯白的样子 闪烁的光芒就是像黎明一般

谁知道碎南瓜乐队(Smashing Pumpkins)的所有专辑的经典歌曲

Bullet With Butterfly Wings1979DisarmDrownCherub RockTodayZeroTonight TonightTristessaRhinocerosI Am OneThirty-ThreeStand Inside Your LoveHere Is No WhyHomerpaloozaUntitledTarantulaSuperchristG.L.O.W.Ava AdorePerfect

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rotten Apples, The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one around

stack-smashing 攻击是怎么回事啊?~~求解释~谢拉~

stack-smashing是一种引起设备停止并且导致允许攻击者侵入系统的攻击方法.一般它被使用在叫缓冲溢出的应用程序漏洞.多数应用程序使用C写的时候使用缓冲区(buffer),这个缓冲区是一个保存了一些 同样数据类型的数据,通常是字符数组,在堆栈里临时保存这些字符串操作的临时 值。stack-smashing攻击通常是提供一个超过实际BUFFER大小的字节数到缓冲区, 这就导致了破坏了BUFFER中的内容,这些内容可能就是调用函数的返回地址和函数 指针。

新职业英语第二版基础篇第六单元readingA a smashing Way to start a global business 怎么翻译

readingA a smashing Way to start a global business一个了不起的方式启动全球业务readingA a smashing Way to start a global business一个了不起的方式启动全球业务readingA a smashing Way to start a global business一个了不起的方式启动全球业务

Smash Mouth的《All Star》 歌词

歌曲名:All Star歌手:Smash Mouth专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 3Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll yaI ain"t the sharpest tool in the shedShe was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumbIn the shape of an "L" on her foreheadWell, the hits start coming and they don"t stop comingHead to the rules and ya hit the ground runningDidn"t make sense just to live for fun,You"re brain gets smart but your head gets dumbSo much to do so much to seeSo what"s wrong with takin the backstreetsYou"ll never know if you don"t goYou"ll never shine if you don"t glowHey now, you"re an All Star, get your game on, go playHey now, you"re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,And all that glitters is goldOnly shootin stars break the moldIt"s a cool place, and they say it gets colderYou"re bundled up now, wait till ya get older.But the media men beg to differJudgin by the hole in the satellite pictureThe ice we skate is gettin pretty thinThe water"s gettin warm so you might as well swimMy world"s on fire, how about yours?Cuz that"s the way i like it and i never get boredHey now, you"re an All Star, get your game on, go playHey now, you"re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,And all that glitters is goldOnly shootin stars break the moldHey now, you"re an All Star, get your game on, go playHey now, you"re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,And all that glitters is goldOnly shootin starsSomebody once asked could I spare some change for gasI need to get myself away from this placeI said yep, what a concept, I could use a little fuel myselfAnd we could all use a little changeWell, the hits start coming and they don"t stop comingHead to the rules and I hit the ground runningDidn"t make sense just to live for fun,Didn"t make sense just to live for fun,You"re brain gets smart but the head gets dumbSo much to do so much to seeSo what"s wrong with takin the backstreetsYou"ll never know if you don"t goYou"ll never shine if you don"t glowHey now, you"re an All Star, get your game on, go playHey now, you"re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,And all that glitters is goldOnly shootin stars break the moldAnd all that glitters is goldOnly shootin stars break the mold

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Blank Page》 歌词

歌曲名:Blank Page歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:AdoreSmashing PumpkinsBlank Pageblank page was all the ragenever meant to say anythingin bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restgot dressed drove the state linelooking for you at the five and dimestop sign told me stay at hometold me you were not aloneblank page was all the ragenever meant to hurt anyonein bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restyou haven"t changedyou"re still the samemay you rise as you fallyou were easy you are forgottenyou are the ways of my mistakesI catch the rainfallthrough the leaking roofthat you had left behindyou remind meof that leak in my soulthe rain fallsmy friends callleaking rain on the phonetake a day plant some treesmay they shade you from memay your children play beneathblank page was all the ragenever meant to say anythingin bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restgot dressed drove the state linelooking for you at the five and dimebut there I was picking pieces upyou are a ghostof my indecisionno more little girl

谁知道smash mouth-all star的歌词?

Artist: Smash Mouth LyricsSong: All Star LyricsSomebody once told me the world is gonna roll meI ain"t the sharpest tool in the shedShe was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumbIn the shape of an "L" on her foreheadWell the years start coming and they don"t stop comingFed to the rules and I hit the ground runningDidn"t make sense not to live for funYour brain gets smart but your head gets dumbSo much to do so much to seeSo what"s wrong with taking the back streetsYou"ll never know if you don"t goYou"ll never shine if you don"t glow[Chorus:]Hey now you"re an All Star get your game on, go playHey now you"re a Rock Star get the show on get paidAnd all that glitters is goldOnly shooting stars break the moldIt"s a cool place and they say it gets colderYou"re bundled up now but wait "til you get olderBut the meteor men beg to differJudging by the hole in the satellite pictureThe ice we skate is getting pretty thinThe waters getting warm so you might as well swimMy world"s on fire how about yoursThat"s the way I like it and I never get bored[Repeat Chorus 2x]Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gasI need to get myself away from this placeI said yep what a conceptI could use a little fuel myselfAnd we could all use a little changeWell the years start coming and they don"t stop comingFed to the rules and I hit the ground runningDidn"t make sense not to live for funYour brain gets smart but your head gets dumbSo much to do so much to seeSo what"s wrong with taking the back streetsYou"ll never know if you don"t goYou"ll never shine if you don"t glow[Repeat Chorus]

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可能是“无法连接或APP不可用”。有解决方法:方法一:使用“香港”地区app id登录App Store后,再次点击上方“下载按钮”即可正常下载游戏。方法二:登录相应地区App Store后,搜索游戏名“Smash Hit”。《Smash Hit》是一款由瑞典独立游戏工作室Mediocre开发的弹珠类主题休闲游戏,属于物理模拟游戏。玩家要在一场快节奏的场景里将弹珠发射出去击碎那些可破坏的玻璃墙,游戏节奏紧凑极具挑战性。在超凡的维度开始一段奇幻之旅,随着音效和音乐的节奏移动,粉碎沿路的所有物体。

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