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smell to high heaven是什么意思

smell to high heaven闻上天简明释义smell to high heaven英 [smel tu: hai u02c8hevn] 美 [smu025bl tu hau026a u02c8hu025bvu0259n] <口>发恶臭

I smell something strange 一个动词一个宾语怎么还加一个形容词??

something is strange作SMELL的表语

求一首英文歌的英文歌词。网上都找不到。trick or treat smell my feet - The Hit Crew唱的。

歌词应该如下,带*星号的地方不能100%确定,奇怪的口音。。。括号的(for) 意思是歌手没有唱出来,但是按语法应该是要有的词语。Treat or trick, smell my feetI"ve got something sweet to eat,I"ve been waiting (for) 52 weeksfilling another bag of halloween treats.On Halloween I walk all around,though the area is chilly,*but with candy in tow* and many houses to go, my feet they start to get smelly.Treat or trick, smell my feetI"ve got something sweet to eat,I"ve been waiting (for) 52 weeks,filling another bag of halloween treats.Houses they offer their *riches*, from gummies to sweet caramel,when they open the door, they let out a roar,they can"t believe such a smell.Treat or trick, smell my feet,I"ve got something sweet to eat,I"ve been waiting (for) 52 weeks,filling another bag of halloween treats.No matter what costum I wear, it"s my feet that give the folks the scare,Their decomposing can be quite imposing, making even a vampire despair.Treat or trick, smell my feet,I"ve got something sweet to eat,I"ve been waiting (for) 52 weeks,filling another bag of halloween treats.So when you are out halloween night,if you don"t wanna be such a fright,have a witch cast a spell on that cheesy foot smell or you"ll scare all candy-givers from sight.Treat or trick, smell my feet,I"ve got something sweet to eat,I"ve been waiting (for) 52 weeks,Filling another bag of halloween treats.Treat or trick, smell my feet,I"ve got something sweet to eat,I"ve been waiting (for) 52 weeks,Filling another bag of halloween treats.



it smells terrible

第一个空.terrible 第二个空 terriblely 前者中smell是系动词,后面+形容词 后者是用副词来修饰动词polluted{污染}的

The porridge smells ______(terrible).

terrible 主+系+表 结构

The smell is familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. 请高手帮忙分析一下这个英语句子

everyone 是宾语 who后面的是一个定语从句

索菲娅·格林的Smells of roses歌词,谢谢

  Smells of Roses  (把悲伤留给自己)  Here in the garden, among the flowers  Smells of roses that fill my head  And the sun beams through the tree trunks  Dancing around me in purple red  And the river"s always flowing  And like love it finds its way  I sing my song when the wind blows  All misgivings I will allay  But what if night time lingers over  Stay forever around my heart  And the shadows will all surround me  Could I see though it"s so dark  And what if your love goes away now  Leave me lost here and all alone  Oh, Could I find a way through it  Could I live here when you are gone, are gone  Cos I"ve been searching through my whole life  For a place to call my own  Now I finally have found what I love  Among roses I found my home  But what if night time lingers over  Stay forever around my heart  And the shadows will all surround me  Could I see though it"s so dark  And what if your love goes away now  Leave me lost here and all alone  Could I find a way through it  Could I live here when you are gone  Here in the garden among the flowers  Smells of roses that fill my head  Now I finally have found what I love  Among roses I found my home, my home  Now I finally have found my home, my home  Among the roses, among roses, among roses...


aroma [u0259"ru0259umu0259]n.1. (酒、菜肴、植物等的)香味,香气,芳香,(酒的)水果香,芬芳2. (广义的)气味3. (艺术品等的)格调,风格,风味,风韵,韵味scent [sent]n.1. 气味,味道2. 香味;香3. [口语]香水4. 嗅觉5. 察觉能力,洞察力6. (动物等的)臭迹,遗臭7. 踪迹;线索8. (“狗追兔子”游戏中的)纸屑(表示兔子的遗迹)9. 【狩猎、钓鱼】混合饵(料)vt.1. 嗅,闻;闻出,嗅到:to scent a whiff of fragrance闻到一股香味2. 使充满(…的)气味(或香味):to scent tea with jasmine让茶叶饱含茉莉花香3. 往…洒香水,使香:to scent the bedroom往卧室里洒香水4. 察觉,发觉;感觉到:to scent danger感到有点危险vi.1. 发出(…的)气味(of):to scent of a smell发出一股臭气2. 有(…的)迹象(of):These marks scented of being touched.这些痕迹表明有人动过。3. 嗅着气味追赶,嗅猎:the fox to be scented after被追猎的狐狸fragrance ["freiɡru0259ns]n.1. 芬芳,芳香2. 香味;香气;香水;香料vt.使散发香气smell [smel]vt.1. 闻,嗅;闻到,嗅到:The tiger smelled the meat and went away.老虎闻了闻那块肉,然后走开了。I smelled the odor of money.我闻到了一股铜臭气。2. 把…闻闻看,把…嗅嗅看:Smell the meat to see if it was fresh.闻闻那块肉,看新鲜不新鲜。3. 有…的气味,发出…的气味:The book which I bought this morning smelled printing ink.我今天上午买的书还散发着油墨味。4. 发觉,感觉到:to smell foul play感到了犯罪的迹象vi.1. 闻,嗅;有嗅觉 (at):to smell at something闻闻某物The trained dog can well smell.经过训练的狗有更敏锐的嗅觉。2. 发出气味(或香味):Do my flowers to you smell?我送你的花香吗?3. 有臭味,发臭:Go to take a bath; you smell.去洗个澡,你身上都发臭了。4. 发出特定的气味,闻着有种特定的气味 (of):to smell delicious闻着很香to smell of blood有血腥味5. 调查;研究 (about):to smell about a case调查一个案子6. [口语] 变得糟糕;显得丑恶:The play is good, but the director smells.这部剧是不错的,可导演太差了,把个好剧搞砸了。n.1. 嗅觉2. 气味,气息;香味;臭味3. 闻,嗅4. 气息;特色;痕迹5. 少许,一点儿望采纳


aroma香味,指一种强烈的,弥漫的香味,如好的点着的烟叶,咖啡或美味食品的香味.The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the air 新鲜咖啡的香味弥漫在空气中scent清(幽)香,此词指一种淡淡的幽香,天然的或人造的,弥散于或可以弥散于空气中There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the middle of the room 有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂房间中央的香袋散发出来There is a scent of osmanthus in the air 空气中有一股桂花的幽香perfume香味;芳香,指香味,尤指由花精中所散发的香味.Magnolias have a wonderful perfume 木兰花有一种奇异的芳香A breeze blew,laden with the perfume of fresh fields 微风吹拂,满是春天田野的芳香fragrance芳香,指比scent更为甜美,清新,更为弥漫的香味.Do you remember the lingering fragrance of lilacs after a rain?你可记得那雨后丁香花缭绕的芳香?I like the fragrance of her hair 我喜欢她头发的香气This soap is made in several fragrances 这种肥皂是以几种香味制成的

the smelly gas come out of the cracks中come out 是什么意思

come out 出来,出现的意思. 固定搭配The smelly gas come out of the cracks一股难闻的气体从裂缝中冒了出来

《老友记》中,Pheobe有很多歌。除了《Smelly cat》之外,其他的歌后来又没有重新制作成单曲过?

老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌2008-07-30 21:431 老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.01 (extended version)Your LoveLove is sweet as summer showers Love is a wondrous work of art But your love, oh your love, Your love is like a giant pigeon Crapping on my heart. La la la la la... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:19 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.07No powerNew York City has no power, and the milk is getting sour. But to me it is not scary, "cause I stay away from dairy. LA la, la LA la, LA la... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:21 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.10SnowmanI made a man with eyes of coal and a smile so bewitchin". How was I supposed to know that my mom was dead in the kitchen? La lalala laaa la lala La lalala la la...Mother"s AshesMy mother"s ashes, even her eyelashes, are resting in a little yellow jar. And sometimes, when it"s breezy, I feel a little sneezy, and now I... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:21 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.11My ManYou don"t have to be awake to be my man. As long as you have brainwaves I"ll be there to hold your hand. Though we just met the other day, there"s something I have got to say... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:21 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.23BabiesThey"re tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch, and soon they"ll grow up and resent you so much. Now they"re yelling at you and you don"t know why, and you cry and you cry and you cry. And you cry and you cry and you cry and you cry...Trapped in the Hospital ClosetAnd they found their bodies the very next day, they found their bodies the very next day, la la la, la la la, la la la... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:22 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.06Shower SongI"m in the shower and I"m writing a song Stop me if you"ve heard it. My skin is soapy, and my hair is wet, and Tegrin spelled backward is Nirget. Lather, rinse, repeat and lather, rinse, repeat and lather, rinse, repeat as needed.I Play For MeWhen I play, I play for me I don"t need your charity La lalala lalalalalalala lalala lalala lalalalalalala.... Double-Jointed Boy...was the double, double, double-jointed boy.StephanieStephanie... knows all the chords. TerryTerry"s a jerk! And he won"t let me work! And I hate Central Perk! You"re all invited to bite me! Smelly Cat (incomplete version)Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they feeding you? Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, It"s not your fault. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:23 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.08Two of Them Kissed Last NightThere was a girl, we"ll call her Betty And a guy, let"s call him Neil Now I can"t stress this point too strongly... This story isn"t real. Now our Neil must decide Who will be the girl that he casts aside? Will Betty be the one who he loves truly? Or will it be the one who we"ll call... Loolie? He must decide, he must decide, even though I made him up, he must decide! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:23 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.12GrandmaNow, Grandma"s a person who everyone likes, She bought you a train and a bright, shiny bike. But lately she hasn"t been coming to dinner, And last time you saw her she looked so much thinner. Now, your mom and your dad said she moved to Peru, But the truth is she died and some day you will too. Lalala LAlalala LAlalala LAlalala La La La La Lalala LAlalala LAlalala LAlalala La La La La Another Thing You Don"t Wanna DoThere"ll be times when you get older When you"ll want to sleep with people Just to make them like you But don"t. "Cause that"s another thing That you don"t wanna do Everybody! That"s another thing That you don"t wanna do. The Cow in the MeadowOh, the cow in the meadow goes moo, Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo. Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up, And that"s how we get hamburgers. Now, chickens! SometimesSometimes men love women Sometimes men love men, And then there are bisexuals Though some just say they"re kidding themselves. La lalala lalalalala la La la lalala lala la la 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:24 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.17Smelly Cat (longest version Phoebe ever did in coffee house)Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat, it"s not your fault. They won"t take you to the vet. You"re obviously not their favorite pet. It may not be a bed of roses. And you"re no friend to those with noses. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:27 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.18 Crusty Old Man And a crusty old man said, "I"ll do what I can," and the rest of the rats played moroccas. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:38 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 3.14Sticky Shoes (sung with Leslie)My favorite shoes, so good to me, I wear them everyday. Down at the heel, holes in the toes, don"t care what people say. My feet"s best friends, pals to the end, with them I"m one hot chicky. Though late one night, not much light, I stepped in something icky. Sticky shoes, sticky shoes, always make me smile. Sticky shoes, sticky shoes, next time I"ll avoid the pile.Jingle BitchJingle Bitch screwed me over! Go to hell Jingle Whore! Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell-hell-hell. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:39 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 3.23Crazy UnderwearCrazy underwear, creepin" up my butt. Crazy underwear, always in a rut. Crazy underwear.... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:39 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.01Colors...and fuchsia and mauve. Those are the 66 colors of my bedroom. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:40 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.02Dumb, Drunken Bitch...dumb, drunken bitch! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:40 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.05Sticky Shoes (from Pheobe"s phlegmy, sick version)My sticky shoes, my sticky, sticky shoes, why you stick on me... baby.Goats are ParadingParading, goats are parading; parading down the street. Parading, goats are parading; leaving little treats.Paper Mache" ManI"m, I"m still waiting for my papier-mache" man. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:41 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.07Tiny TarzanLittle tiny Tarzan, swinging on an nose hair, swinging with the greatest of ease... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:41 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.10Holiday Song (first rendition)Happy Hanukkah, Monica. May your Christmas be snowy, Joey. Happy New Year, Chandler and Ross. Spin the dreidel, Rachel!Holiday Song (from second rendition)Happy happy Hanukkah, Chandler and Monica. Very merry... [note: at this point Chandler interrupts to say he"s not Jewish.] Holiday Song (from final rendition) Went to the store, sat on Santa"s lap. Asked him to bring my friends all kinds of crap. He said, "all you need is to write them a song." Now you haven"t heard it yet, so don"t try to sing along. So don"t sing along. Monica, Monica, have a happy Hanukkah. Saw Santa Claus, he said hello to Ross. And please tell Joey Christmas will be snowy. And Rachel and Chandler, [mumbles some nonsense that rhymes with "Chandler"]. Happy holidays everybody! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:42 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.12FetusAre you in there little fetus? In nine months will you come greet us? I will... buy you some Adidas. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:43 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 6.03Ode To a Pubic HairI found you in my bed! How"d you wind up there? You are a mystery, Little black curly hair! Little black curly hair! Little black, little black, Little black, little black, Little black curly hair! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:43 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 6.16Heart AttacksIt only takes two heart attacks to finally make you see. One of them won"t do it, but the second one will set you free. Tell all your hate and anger it"s time to say good-bye, And that is just what I will do, as soon as those bastards I work for die! La lalala lalalalala la, lalala lalala la la... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:43 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 7.01Monica (From extended DVD version of the episode)Twelve years old and addicted to pork, No one thought Monica would marry. She knew her way around a knife and a fork...ChandlerFirst time I met Chandler I thought he was gay, But here I am singing on his wedding day.Whenever I Get MarriedWhenever I get married, guess who won"t get to sing? Somebody named Geller and somebody else named Bing! She Just Stayed and Stayed We thought Phoebe would leave, but she just stayed and stayed. That"s right, I"m here all night, and Chandler will never get laid.Ceremony Who will perform the ceremony? Who will perform the ceremony? 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:44 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 9.19ArgentinaAnd there"s a country called Argentina, It"s a place I"ve never seen. But I"m told for 50 pesos, You can buy a human spleen, Human spleen.The Woman Smelled Like GarbageIt wasn"t just that she was fat, the woman smelled like garbage. Everyone! It wasn"t just that she was fat, the woman smelled like garbage.The Food at Javu(sung to the tune of "Shave and a Haircut.") The food here at Javu will kill you! The food here at Javu will kill you! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:44 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 10.04Emma"s Birthday SongEmma, Your name poses a dilemna, "Cause not much else rhymes with Emma. Maybe the actor Richard Crenna (he played the commanding officer in Rambo) Happy Birthday Emma! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:45 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 10.17Best Day EverAahh, aahh, aahh... When the sun comes up, bright and beaming! And the moon comes... Don"t Take NoBum bum bum Don"t take no for an an

Raw flowers smell very sweet. 对不对?


i smell something ____ in the kitchen. Can i call you back in a minute?


i smell something in the kitchen. can i call you back in a minute.


smell sth.____ (烧糊)```````````` 1.sth.和烧是被动 用BURNT 2.强调正在 用BURNING 哪个对?






Snakes smell with thier tongue是什么意思?

Snakes smell with thier tongue蛇的舌头闻起来




passn. 及格;经过;护照;途径;传球vi. 经过;传递;变化;终止vt. 通过;经过;传递n. (Pass)人名;(英、法、德、俄)帕斯peelv. 剥,剥落;削n. 皮n. (Peel)人名;(英)皮尔smellvi. 嗅,闻;有…气味vt. 嗅,闻;察觉到;发出…的气味n. 气味,嗅觉;臭味eatvt. 吃,喝;腐蚀;烦扰vi. 进食;腐蚀,侵蚀[ 过去式 ate 过去分词 eaten 现在分词 eating ]

求smells like teen spirit歌词的中文翻译,涅磐唱的

少年心气(smells like teen spirit)Load up on guns and bring your friends It"s fun to lose and to pretend She"s over bored (乏味)and self assured(充满自信) Oh no, I know a dirty word *Hello, hello, hello, how low ? (有多低级?) With the lights out it"s less dangerous (把等关了吧,没那么危险) Here we are now, entertain us (娱乐.玩弄我们吧) I feel stupid and contagious (我感觉自己的愚蠢都传染给大家了) Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto(白痴), an albino(植物人) A mosquito(蚊子), my Libido(性冲动) I"m worse at what I do best And for this gift I feel blessed (极乐世界) Our little group has always been And always will until the I forget just why I taste Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile I found it hard It was hard to find Oh well, whatever, nevermind With the lights out it"s less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto, an albino A mosquito, my Libido Yeah, a denial, a denial..... (我们也反了,!~)

什么时候用good,什么时候用well The cake in the store smells___and sells___. 向各位高人请教。

smell 是系动词,后接形容词good, sell是实义动词所以用副词well修饰。系动词还有look,hear,taste

find的反义词 smell的过去式


it smelled of

The large,old barn smelled everything one can find in farms,especially hay,and often with a sort of peaceful smell.It was pleasantly warm in winter and cool in summer.It contained all sorts of things that one can find in barns,like stalls and tie-ups.It was home for swallows and playground for children.The whole thing belonged to Fern"s uncle,Mr.Homer L.Zuckerman,who made the lower part of the barn on the south side a pigpen,the warm and comfortable new home for Wilbur.(89 words)

请问老友记中非比拍 smelly cat的mtv是在哪一季的哪一集?

《Friends》剧本(第二季)217 The One Where Eddie Moves In [Scene: Joey"s new apartment. Everyone but Chandler is there. Joey has decorated the place with tons of tacky stuff.]JOEY: Huh? So whaddya think? Casa de Joey. Huh? I decorated it myself.ROSS: Get out.ALL: No.MONICA: [looking at some kind of glass sculpture thing] Wow Joey, this is, uhh...JOEY: Art.MONICA: Art it is.ROSS: [looking at a glass table with a panther shaped base] Look, check this out. Is it a coffee table, is it a panther? There"s no need to decide.RACHEL: [holding a pillow made out of 4 inch red fur] Hey, nice pillow. So now tell me, is this genuine Muppet skin?PHOEBE: [looking at a water sculpture that looks like a window with rain running down it] Hey, excellent, excellent water-table thing. JOEY: Thanks, yeah. I love this but ya know what, it makes me wanna pee.PHOEBE: Yeah, well me too, yeah. I think that"s the challenge.JOEY: Hey, how come, uhh, Chandler didn"t come?ROSS: Well uh, it"s cause he had a thing with, wi-, with the thing.JOEY: Right, I go-, I got it.PHOEBE: So why don"t ya show us the rest of your casa?JOEY: Yeah. Uh, oh, OH, the best part, c"mon. [leads them to the bathroom, gestures towards toilet, everyone stares, uncomprehending] Heh?RACHEL: Hey, nice toilet.JOEY: No no no, behind it.ROSS: Wha-, you have a phone in here?JOEY: That"s right, I have a phone in here.MONICA: Joey, promise me something.JOEY: Yeah.MONICA: Never call me from that phone.OPENING TITLES [Scene: Central Perk. Monica, Chandler, and Ross are seated. Rachel is walking over with coffee and a piece of pie.][Someone bumps into Rachel and she drops the pie in a guy"s hood that"s seated at the table. She improvises by using the plate as a saucer for the coffee.]RACHEL: OK, here we go. Honey, I"m sorry, they were all out of apple pie, someone just got the last piece.[Phoebe enters]PHOEBE: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. You are not gonna believe this. I have just been discovered.CHANDLER: Now wait a minute, I claimed you in the name of France four years ago.PHOEBE: Anyway, OK, now promise you won"t like, freak out and say how great this is until I"m done, OK.ALL: OK.PHOEBE: OK. I just met this producer of this like, teeny record company, who said that I have a very fresh, offbeat sound and she wants to do a demo of Smelly Cat.ALL: [congradulating her and celebrating]PHOEBE: I told you not to do that yet. And, she wants to do a video.ALL: [celebrating more]PHOEBE: I"m not done yet, OK. God. OK, if that goes well, they may even want to make an album.[everyone is quiet, unsure if she"s done or not]PHOEBE: I"m done now.ALL: [celebrating][the guy with the pie in his hood get up to leave]RACHEL: Oh God. Ross, OK, if you care about me at all, you will get the pie out of the man"s hood.ROSS: Get the what?RACHEL: Pie in the hood, pie in the hood. Go.[Ross goes over behind the guy and grabs the pie out of his hood as he leaves]GUY: What"re you doing?ROSS: I"m sorry, my pie was, was in your hood. Now I just have to get the coffee out of that guy"s pants and I"ll be back in the hospital by 7. [swats at an imaginary insect by his head, guy leaves promptly][Scene: Monica and Rachel"s apartment. Monica is outside the bathroom yelling at Ross who"s in the bathroom.]MONICA: Damnit Ross, get your butt out of the bathroom.ROSS: Calm down, I"m blow drying.[Rachel enters with laundry and starts folding]MONICA: Blow drying what, you have no hair.RACHEL: What"s goin" on?MONICA: Your boyfriend has been in there for over an hour. I can"t believe it, it"s like I"m living with him again. He"s here when I go to sleep, he"s here when I wake up, he"s here when I want to use the shower, ughh. It"s like I"m sixteen all over again .RACHEL: Well, you"re not sixteen, you"re both adults now.MONICA: GET OUT YOU DUFUS!!RACHEL: Or ya know, he"s rubber and you"re glue.ROSS: [comes out] All yours.MONICA: I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drain.ROSS: [in a childish voice] I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drain.MONICA: Shut up.ROSS: [childish voice] Shut up.MONICA: Cut it out.ROSS: [childish voice] Mi-mi-mii.[Monica goes in the bathroom]RACHEL: [sarcastically] I"ve never wanted you more.[Scene: Chandler"s apartment. Chandler is sitting on the bar wearing huge dog-slippers]CHANDLER: So, whaddya say boys, should I call him? [squeezes the ear of one of the slippers and it barks] Well, ya know what they say. Ask your slippers a question... you"re going crazy.[Joey"s apartment, phone rings]JOEY: Hello.CHANDLER: Hey.JOEY: Hey!CHANDLER: Listen, I"m, I"m sorry I didn"t make it over there today.JOEY: Oh, that"s OK. You uh, you had a thing.CHANDLER: Yeah well, I hear the place looks great.JOEY: Ahh, forget about it, I"m havin" a ball. How"s the apartment doin"CHANDLER: Oh hey, it"s, it"s terriffic. I mean it"s a regular space... fest.JOEY: Oh, well great.CHANDLER: Yeah I just... wanted to call and say hey.JOEY: Well OK then. [oven timer goes off behind Chandler] Was that the oven timer?CHANDLER: That"s right my friend. It"s time for...BOTH: Baywatch!! [both turn on TV"s]JOEY: Oh, can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer?CHANDLER: I still can"t believe they promoted her to lieutenant.JOEY: Naa, you"re just sayin" that "cause you"re in love with Yasmine Blepe.CHANDLER: Well, how could anyone not be in love with Yasmine Blepe?JOEY: Hey, hey, they"re runnin"CHANDLER: See, this is the brilliance of the show. I say always keep them running. All the time, running. Run. Run Yasmine, run like the wind.[Scene: Central Perk. Joey is sitting between Monica and Phoebe.]MONICA: But I thought you wanted to live by yourself.JOEY: I did. I thought it"d be great. I figured I"d have like, time alone with my thoughts but, ya know, it turns out I don"t have as many thoughts as you"d think.PHOEBE: Joey, why don"t you talk to Chandler about moving back?JOEY: You really think he"d take me? I mean, we had a pretty good talk last night but, when I moved out, I hurt him bad.MONICA: I promise you, he would definitely want you back.[Scene: Chandler"s apartment. Chandler is sitting between Rachel and Ross.]ROSS: I"m telling you, there"s no way he"s moving back.CHANDLER: But we had one of the greatest talks we ever had last night. I mean it was, it was like when we first started living together.ROSS: Look, I know you don"t want to hear this right now but, we"ve seen him in his new place, alright. And he"s happy, he"s, he"s decorated.RACHEL: Look, Chandler, he has moved on, OK, you have to too.CHANDLER: But...ROSS: No. You"re just gonna have to accept the fact that you"re just friends now, OK, you"re not... rommmates anymore.[Scene: Recording studio. Phoebe is getting ready to record Smelly Cat.]PRODUCER: OK Phoebe, you ready to try one?PHOEBE: OK. [singing] Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat [back up singers start singing smelly, smelly, smelly, smelly behind her] Oh woah, oh my God. I mean like, who was that?PRODUCER:They"re your backup singers... beind you.PHOEBE: OH!! Oh I thought they were just watching me. You know, like at, like at an aquarium, ya know.PRODUCER: Alrighty. From the top.PHOEBE: OK. [singing] Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat [back up singers - smelly, smelly, smelly, really bad smelly cat, it"s not your fault] OK, sorry. I"m just, I"m just not getting that everyone um, gets how smelly this cat acually is. I just think that maybe if we could talk about this, "cause I need to feel that you really care about the cat.PRODUCER: Honey, uh we, we can talk about this. It"s just that it"s costing about a hundred dollars a minute to be in here.PHOEBE: Oh OK. So, um, the cat stinks but you love it, let"s go.[Scene: Monica and Chandler"s apartment. Ross is on the phone.]ROSS: No, there is no way he was a velociraptor. No Tony, look at the cranial ridge, OK. If Dino was a velociraptor, he would have eaten the Flintstones. Yeah, yeah. [Monica comes out of her room] Oh, were you takin" a nap?MONICA: I was.ROSS: Oh I-, Oh wait, Tony can you hang on? That"s the other line. [gets the other line] Hello. Oh yeah she"s here but uh, can she call you back? OK thanks. [hangs up the other line] Call Joanna. [back on with Tony] Hi.MONICA: Did she leave a number?ROSS: Did you see me write one down?MONICA: I don"t have her number, butt-munch.ROSS: Well, she"ll call back, don"t be such a baby.MONICA: I"m not a baby, you"re the baby.ROSS: Look, you wanna get off my back?MONICA: You wanna get out of my face?ROSS: Wait hold on Tony, hold on. [answers second line] Hello. Hi, yeah no, she"s right here. Um hold on. [gets first line] Hi Tony, can I call you back? That"s uh, that"s my sister"s boyfriend.MONICA: Give me that.ROSS: OK.MONICA: Hi sweetie, look before I forget, did I leave my diaphram at your place? Hi mom. [she starts throwing oranges at Ross who"s looking pleased with himself][Scene: Chandler"s apartment. Chandler is sitting on the bar, bouncing a ball against the door. Joey walks in right as he throws the ball and catches it.]JOEY: Hey.CHANDLER: So uhh, how"s the palace?JOEY: You know it"s funny you should mention that "cause I was thinkin"... what"s with the boxes?CHANDLER: Oh, uhh, actually I uh, have some news.EDDIE: Hey Chan, is that Joey guy gonna come by and pick up his moose hat or should I just toss it out?CHANDLER: Well, uh, why don"t you ask him yourself. Joey, this is my new roommate Eddie.EDDIE: Nice to meet ya.JOEY: Likewise. Uh, I"ll take that. [grabs moose hat] It"s what I came for. So, this is new. Where"d you two meet?EDDIE: At the uh, supermarket, in the uh, ethnic food section. I helped him pick out a chorizo.JOEY: Wow.CHANDLER: Well you know, we got to talking and uh, he said he needed a place and I had a spare room.JOEY: Oh, now it"s a spare room?CHANDLER: Well yeah, in that it"s not being used and I... have it to spare.JOEY: Well I uh, got what I came for. [puts on moose hat] I"ll uh, I"ll see you guys.CHANDLER: Hey Jo. When"d you start usin" mousse in your hair?EDDIE: [annoying laugh] Is this guy great or what?JOEY: Yeah, yeah he is. [leaves][Scene: Monica and Rachel"s apartment. Monica, Rachel, and Ross are there.]MONICA: I can"t believe he has a new roommate. Who is this guy?ROSS: Uh, Eddie something. He just met him.RACHEL: It"ll never last, he"s just a rebound roommate.[Pheobe enters]PHOEBE: Hey.ALL: Hey.PHOEBE: Oh, check it out, oh check it out. It"s Smelly Cat the video.ALL: [cheer]PHOEBE: Now OK, I haven"t seen it yet so, if you don"t like it, well, so what, none of you ever made a video. [puts the tape in] OK.[The video is a very dramatic episode with an obviously dubbed voice for Phoebe. Everyone watches in disbeliefe]PHOEBE: Oh my God.ROSS: I know.PHOEBE: I sound amazing. I, I, I"ve never heard myself sing before. I mean, except in my own head. Oh, this is so cool, now I can hear what you hear.RACHEL: Pretty uhm, different huh?PHOEBE: Oh, I am sorry but I am incredibly talented.[Scene: Chandler and Eddie"s apartment. Joey stops by. Chandler is reading the paper and Eddie is fixing eggs.]EDDIE: Hi Joey, what"s goin" on man?JOEY: Eddie.CHANDLER: Morning.JOEY: Morning. I just uh, came by to pick up my mail. [looks for the mail on the table by the door, it"s not there] Where"s the mail?CHANDLER: Oh it"s uh, over there on the table.JOEY: You don"t keep it over here on this table any more?CHANDLER: No, Eddie likes to keep it over there.EDDIE: Alright, here you go my friend. Eggs a-la Eddie, huh?CHANDLER: Oh, ooh.JOEY: Huh.CHANDLER: What?JOEY: No I just uh, thought you liked your eggs with the bread with the hole in the middle, a-la me.CHANDLER: Well I do, but uh, Eddie makes them this way and, well they"re pretty darn good.EDDIE: Well you guys, I"m outta here. See ya pals.CHANDLER: See ya. [Eddie leaves]JOEY: So how you two gettin" along?CHANDLER: Oh, I couldn"t be happier.JOEY: Great, well, I"m happy for ya. [picks up the orange juice carton and it"s empty] Alright that"s it. He just comes in here, Mr. Jonny Neweggs, with his, his, his movin" the mail and his, his "see ya pals". And now there"s no juice. There"s no juice f or the people who need the juice and want the juice. I need the juice.CHANDLER: There"s another carton right over there.JOEY: Hey, this isn"t about juice anymore, alright man.CHANDLER: Alright, so what"s it about?JOEY: Eggs. Who"s eggs do you like better, his or mine, huh?CHANDLER: Well I like both eggs equally.JOEY: Oh come on. Nobody likes two different kinds of eggs equally. You like one better than the other and I wanna know which.CHANDLER: Well what"s the difference? Your eggs aren"t here anymore, are they? You took your eggs and you left. You really expect me to never find new eggs?[Scene: Monica and Rachel"s apartment. Ross and Monica are fighting over the remote.]MONICA: I wanna watch Entertainment Tonight.ROSS: Tough noogies, we"re watching Predators of the Serengetti.RACHEL: Would you guys stop.MONICA: It"s my TV.ROSS: Wha-, oh, quit it


smell,pencil发音不相同。smell 发音是:[smel] pencil 发音是: [ˈpensl]



smell 的过去式和过去分词是什么?

过去式:smelt smelled 过去分词:smelt 现在分词:smelling 第三人称单数:smells


And some of their homes smell. 有些家里面的味道很大. The smell made his mouth water. 食物的味道使他直流口水. I could almost smell the money. 我几乎可以闻到钞票的味道.




Can a bee smell?蜜蜂有嗅觉吗?


smell动词过去式:smelled/smelt动词过去分词: smelled/smelt英语不规则动词过去式、过去分词表 (1)AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形) cost(花费) cost cost cut(割) cut cut hit(打) hit hit hurt 伤害) hurt hurt let(让) let let put(放) put put read (读) read read (2) AAB型(动词原形与过去式同形) beat(跳动) beat beaten (3) ABA型(动词原形与过去分词同形) become(变成) became become come(来) came come run(跑) ran run (4) ABB型(过去式与过去分词同形) dig(挖) dug dug get(得到) got got hang(吊死) hanged hanged hang(悬挂) hung hung hold(抓住) held held shine(照耀) shone shone sit(坐) sat sat win (赢) won won meet(遇见) met met keep (保持) kept kept sleep(睡) slept slept sweep(扫) swept swept feel(感觉) felt felt smell(闻) smelt smelt leave(离开) left left build(建设) built built lend(借出) lent lent send (传送) sent sent spend(花费) spent spent lose (丢失) lost lost burn (燃烧) burnt burnt learn(学习) learnt learnt mean(意思是) meant meant catch(抓住) caught caught teach(教) taught taught bring(带来) brought brought fight (战斗) fought fought buy(买) bought bought think(想) thought thought hear (听见) heard heard sell(卖) sold sold tell(告诉) told told say(说) said said find(找到) found found have/has(有) had had make(制造) made made stand(站) stood stood understand明白 understood understood (5) ABC型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三者不同形) begin(开始) began begun drink(喝) drank drunk ring(铃响) rang rung sing (唱) sang sung swim(游泳) swam swum blow(吹) blew blown draw(画) drew drawn fly(飞) flew flown grow(生长) grew grown know(知道) knew known throw(投掷) threw thrown show(出示) showed shown break(打破) broke broken choose(选择) chose chosen forget(忘记) forgot forgotten (forgot) speak(说,讲) spoke spoken wake(醒) woke woke drive(驾驶) drove driven eat(吃) ate eaten fall(落下) fell fallen give(给) gave given rise(升高) rose risen take(取) took taken mistake(弄错) mistook mistaken ride(骑) rode ridden write(写) wrote written do(做) did done go(去) went gone lie(平躺) lay lain see(看见) saw seen wear(穿) wore worn be ( am, is, are )(是) was, were been祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!


[ 过去式 smelled 或 smelt 过去分词 smelled 或 smelt 现在分词 smelling ]

smell是实意动词的时候 意思

smell [smel]基本翻译vt. 嗅,闻;察觉到;发出的气味vi. 嗅,闻;有气味


n.臭味;气味(smell的复数) v.闻(smell的第三人称单数形式)




不对。元音字母e在重读闭音节里发短元音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,舌位适中,不接触上颚,没有摩擦,牙床介于半合半开之间,唇形扁平,但如果元音字母e在重读音节的末尾,或自成一个重读音节时,发长元音/i/的音,如:vet 兽医vex 使烦恼we 我们sen 钱(日本辅币)next 下一个的crest 鸟冠fend 防卫keg 小桶jet 喷气式飞机desk 课桌swell 肿胀he 他test 测试。


smell [smel] vi. 嗅,闻;有…气味vt. 嗅,闻;察觉到;发出…的气味n. 气味,嗅觉;臭味[ 过去式smelled 或 smelt 过去分词smelled 或 smelt 现在分词smelling ]有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)


smell是一个动词,属于连系动词表示动作或变化,是由行为动词转化而来的。一般在这些连系动词后跟形容词作表语如:his hair grows grey. 这类系动词还有: turn, become, taste, smell, sound, look, feel, get...等。 翻译的时候套用格式基本是: 某物```(看、闻、听等)起来非常···(怎么样)1. smell good/nice/wonderful/great 闻起来好(香)2. smell bad/terrible 闻起来糟糕(臭)满意给答复哦~




你好!smell 只有一个音节!


后面加good。good是形容词,用在be动词之后;well做副词,修饰动词,因此都是英语好,但英文表达完全不同。例如:Your English is good.你的英语很好。You speak English well.你英语说得好呢。good通常也能接在感官动词后,做形容词,常见的有look,smell,taste,feel等。例如:You smell good today.你今天闻起来很香呀。The cake tastes good.蛋糕好好吃的。扩展资料感官系动词主要有feel,smell,sound,taste,例如:This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布摸起来很软。This flower smells very sweet.这朵花闻起来很香。系动词有无进行时态应随系动词的意义或其语境变化而变化,在概述某一动词的进行时态时,不能笼统地说feel,smell无进行时,应指出其意义及其语用环境。例如smell的用法可见一斑。(1)smell作“嗅觉”的能力时,虽是实义动词,但指的是一种性质的存在状态不能用于进行时态,常与can,could,be able to连用。例如:The camels can smell the water a mile off.骆驼能嗅出一英里外有水。(2)指“嗅、闻”的动作时,实义动词,可用于进行时态。例如:The girl is smelling the flower.这姑娘正在闻那朵花。(3)smell指“含有……气味”,“发出……气味”等事物性质时,半系动词,无进行时态。例如:The dinner smells good.这饭菜闻起来真香。参考资料来源:百度百科--系动词




smell 英 [smel] 美 [smɛl] n. 气味; 嗅觉; 臭味; 发出臭气的人[东西]; vt. 嗅,闻; 闻出,发觉,查出; 发出…的气味; [例句]The room smelled of lemons房间里有股柠檬的味道。[其他] 第三人称单数:smells 复数:smells 现在分词:smelling 过去式:smelt 过去分词:smelt

关于 smell





smile 的音标是[smail],字母i发 [ai]的音,是用口腔的前半部分发音;而smell 的音标是[ smel ] 。字母e发[e]的音,是口腔中后部发音的。一、smilev.    微笑; 笑; 微笑着说; 微笑地表示; 现出(笑容);    n.    微笑; 笑容;    第三人称单数:smiles,复数:smiles,现在分词:smiling,过去式:smiled,过去分词:smiled例句:When he saw me, he smiled and waved他看见我的时候,微笑着朝我挥挥手。二、smellv.有(或发出)…气味;闻到,嗅到(气味);闻,嗅(气味)n.气味;难闻的气味;臭味;嗅觉第三人称单数:smells,复数:smells,现在分词:smelling,过去式:smelt smelled过去分词: smelt例句:The room smelled of lemons 房间里有股柠檬的味道。扩展资料smile词语搭配:1、flash a smile 露出笑容2、broad smile 满面笑容3、friendly smile 友好的笑容4、smile and nod 微笑着点头5、smile fades 笑容消失6、half smile 似笑非笑smile的同义词: chuckle giggle grin laugh【词义:笑】1、smile v. 微笑,普通用词,通常指因开心、愉快等而嘴角上扬、面带笑容。2、chuckle v. 轻声地笑,窃笑,指低声轻笑或暗自发笑。3、giggle v. 咯咯地笑,傻笑。指因觉得好笑、尴尬或紧张而傻傻地笑。4、grin v. 咧着嘴笑,指在高兴等时咧嘴、露齿而笑。5、laugh v. 大笑,哈哈笑,通常指因认为某事有趣而出声大笑。


Smell = Smel









smile 的音标是[smail],字母i发 [ai]的音,是用口腔的前半部分发音;而smell 的音标是[ smel ] 。字母e发[e]的音,是口腔中后部发音的。一、smilev.    微笑; 笑; 微笑着说; 微笑地表示; 现出(笑容);    n.    微笑; 笑容;    第三人称单数:smiles,复数:smiles,现在分词:smiling,过去式:smiled,过去分词:smiled例句:When he saw me, he smiled and waved他看见我的时候,微笑着朝我挥挥手。二、smellv.有(或发出)…气味;闻到,嗅到(气味);闻,嗅(气味)n.气味;难闻的气味;臭味;嗅觉第三人称单数:smells,复数:smells,现在分词:smelling,过去式:smelt smelled过去分词: smelt例句:The room smelled of lemons 房间里有股柠檬的味道。扩展资料smile词语搭配:1、flash a smile 露出笑容2、broad smile 满面笑容3、friendly smile 友好的笑容4、smile and nod 微笑着点头5、smile fades 笑容消失6、half smile 似笑非笑smile的同义词: chuckle giggle grin laugh【词义:笑】1、smile v. 微笑,普通用词,通常指因开心、愉快等而嘴角上扬、面带笑容。2、chuckle v. 轻声地笑,窃笑,指低声轻笑或暗自发笑。3、giggle v. 咯咯地笑,傻笑。指因觉得好笑、尴尬或紧张而傻傻地笑。4、grin v. 咧着嘴笑,指在高兴等时咧嘴、露齿而笑。5、laugh v. 大笑,哈哈笑,通常指因认为某事有趣而出声大笑。




语法标注解释 smell英音:[smel]美音:[smɛl] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 及物动词 vt. [W] 1.嗅,闻 2.闻出,嗅到,察觉出[O4][+v-ing][+(that)][+wh-] He smelled trouble. 他察觉到会有麻烦. I smelled something burning. 我闻到东西烧焦的味道. 3.发出...的气味 You both smell brandy. 你俩身上都有股白兰地酒的气味. 不及物动词 vi. [W] 1.嗅,闻[(+at)] She smelled at the flower. 她闻闻那朵花. 2.有气味;有臭气 This fish smells. 这鱼发臭了. This liquid doesn"t smell. 这种液体没有气味. 3.闻起来有某种气味(或气息)[L][(+of)] The milk smells sour. 牛奶有酸味了. The house smells of fresh paint. 这房子有股未干的油漆气味. 4.有嗅觉,能辨别气味 名词 n. 1.气味;香味;臭味[U][C] The smell of garlic filled the kitchen. 厨房里弥漫着大蒜味道. 2.嗅觉[U] 3.一嗅,一闻[S] She took a smell at the flower. 她闻了闻那朵花. 4.少许[S] I need a smell of pepper. 我要一点点胡椒粉. 5.迹象,影踪[U]


smell[英][smel] [美][smɛl] 生词本简明释义n.嗅觉;气味;臭味;发出臭气的人[东西]vt.& vi.& link-v.嗅,闻;闻出,发觉,查出;发出…的气味复数:smells第三人称单数:smells过去式:smelt smelled过去分词:smelt现在分词:smelling




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aroma,scent,fragrance和smell的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、aroma:芳香。2、scent:香味。3、fragrance:香气。4、smell:气味。二、用法不同1、aroma:复数,aromas,记忆技巧,arom,香料 + a → 芳香。2、scent:第三人称单数,scents,复数,scents,现在分词,scenting,过去式,scented,过去分词,scented。3、fragrance:复数,fragrances。4、smell:第三人称单数,smells,复数,smells,现在分词,smelling,过去式,smelt smelled,过去分词,smelt。三、侧重点不同1、aroma:侧重于指果香。2、scent:侧重于指口语的香水香。3、fragrance:侧重于指香料的香。4、smell:侧重于指闻到的各种香。


smell:作动词使用,表示用鼻子去闻味道,这个动作,用作及物动词时,表示“闻到,嗅到”,指闻某人或物以分辨其气味,也指“闻出”某人或某物的气味。smells:作名词使用,表示闻到的味道,表示“气味”时,既指好的气味,指难闻的气味,用作不可数名词,smell还可表示“闻,嗅”的动作,一般用单数形式。一、smell1、读音:英 [smel] 美 [smel] 2、释义:有(或发出)?气味。二、smells1、读音:英 [smelz] 美 [smelz] 2、释义:气味,难闻的气味。扩展资料同根词组:smell gas1、读音:英 [smel ɡæs] 美 [smel ɡæs] 2、释义:闻到煤气味。3、语法:gas指气态物,尤指供燃烧取暖或照明的气体,其中一部分称作瓦斯。4、用法例句:Don"t strike a match if you smell gas如果闻到煤气味,千万不要划火柴。




名词:smell气味形容词:smelly 有臭味的; 有难闻气味的;

smell的形容词 副词

smell的形容词 smelly 有难闻气味的;有臭味的; smell属于感官动词,没有副词形式; smell v.有(或发出)…气味;闻到,嗅到(气味);闻,嗅(气味); n.气味;难闻的气味;臭味;嗅觉 扩展资料   The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood.   大海的气息勾起了她童年的回忆。   The smell made me want to throw up.   这味道使得我想呕吐。   Dogs have a very good sense of smell.   狗的嗅觉非常灵敏。   There was a smell of burning in the air.   空气中有一股烧东西的焦煳味。


作“气味” 讲时---可数 作“嗅觉” 讲时---不可数【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】


一、指代不同1、scent:香味。2、smell:气味。二、用法不同1、scent:第三人称单数,scents,复数,scents,现在分词,scenting,过去式,scented,过去分词,scented。2、smell:第三人称单数,smells,复数,smells,现在分词,smelling,过去式,smelt smelled,过去分词,smelt。smell的近义词:nose英 [nəʊz]  美 [noʊz] n. 鼻子;嗅觉;突出的部分;探问;(飞机、太空船等的)头部,头锥;特有的气味。vt. 嗅;用鼻子触。vi. 小心探索着前进;探问。


smelt smelt / smelled smelled


smell英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为气味,嗅觉;臭味。作动词时意为嗅,闻;有……气味;察觉到;发出……的气味。短语搭配:Reduction Smell还原,smell receptor嗅觉感受器,smell brain嗅脑,fishy smell腥味 ; 鱼腥味,low smell低气味,cream smell奶香型,grass smell青草味,smell generator气味发生。例句:What is your favourite smell? 你喜欢哪种气味呢?The room smelled of lemons。房间里有股柠檬的味道。Ma threw that out. She said it smelled。妈把那玩意扔出去了,她说它有股怪味。As soon as we opened the front door we could smell the gas。我们一打开前门,就闻到了煤气的味道。


smell既可作实义动词也可作系动词 比如:The food smells delicious.(食物闻起来很美味) He smelt that piece of bread.(他闻了一下那片面包) 当作实义动词时意义是“闻” 当作感官动词时意思是“闻起来……” 不管是作实义动词还是系动词,都有时态变化.

smell 的过去式和过去分词是什么?

过去式是smelled/smelt。过去分词是smelled/smelt。现在分词是smelling。第三人称单数是smells。作名词的意思是气味;嗅觉;嗅。作动词的意思是嗅;闻;散发气味;有臭味;察觉。短语:1、bear the smell 受得了这种气味2、give off a smell 散发一种气味3、give out a smell 散发一种气味4、have a smell 有一种气味5、stand the smell 受得了这种气味6、take a smell 闻一闻扩展资料用法1、smell作“嗅觉”解时,表示鼻子闻出或分辨气味的能力,用作不可数名词。2、smell表示“气味”时,既指好的气味,又指难闻的气味,用作不可数名词。3、smell还可表示“闻,嗅”的动作,一般用单数形式。4、smell用作及物动词时,表示“闻到,嗅到”,指闻某人或物以分辨其气味,也指“闻出”某人或某物的气味。引申可指“觉察”到某事。接名词、代词、动名词或that/wh-从句作宾语或同源宾语,有时可接以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。5、smell用作不及物动词时可表示“有嗅觉”; 也可表示“散发出…的气味”,作此解时可接as if引导的方式状语从句。6、smell用作系动词时,具有被动意义,接形容词作表语。7、smell用作感官动词,表示感受到的结果时,通常不用于进行时。用作动作动词,强调动作的目的性和动作过程时须用于进行时。smell不可用于现在完成进行时,可用于现在完成时。




smell的过去式:smelled或smelt ;过去分词:smelled或smelt 。n. 气味;臭味;嗅觉;嗅,闻v. 有……气味,发出......的气味;闻出,闻到;(用鼻子凑过去)闻,嗅;有嗅觉,能闻出(smell sth. out);散发异味,有难闻的气味;觉察出,感觉到;看起来像,有……意味【名】 (Smell)(美、俄、英、印、新)史默乐(人名)短语foul smell [医] 恶臭apple smell 苹果味fishy smell 鱼腥味smell a rat 感到不妙 ; 察觉可疑 ; 觉得可疑acid smell 酸臭味 ; 酸臭气bad smell 臭味 ; 坏味道词语辨析smell, fragrance, incense, perfume, flaour, odour, scent这组词都有“气味”的意思,其区别是:smell 普通用词,与odour很相近,中性词。可指好闻或不好闻或中性气味。fragrance较正式的典雅用词,常指花妆品、花朵和香料等发出的令人感到新鲜、愉快的香味。incense 指香燃烧时发出的芳香的烟味。perfume 书面用词,指强烈、浓厚天然或人工制造的香气。flaour 指影响嗅觉、味觉的香气或香味,多用于指食物等独特的味。odour 书面中性词,侧重气味本身的本质,既可指令人愉快的气味,也可指令人作呕难闻气味。scent 与smell很接近,但着重某物质或物体所特有的气味,多指好闻的气味。

small..,, smell读音相同么



smell-television是什么意思气味电视例句与用法1. Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips . computers with in - built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools , relaxation will be in front of smell - television , and digital age will have arrived孩子们将同带有智能芯片的玩具娃一起玩耍,带有内置特殊芯片的电脑将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视前休闲,数学时代将要来临2. Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips , computers with in - built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools , relaxation will be in front of smell - television , and digital age will have arrived儿童将与装有个性化芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视机前休闲,届时数字体时代就来到了。

smell good还是smell well

smell good感官系动词用形容词修饰。




smell 作名词时,可不可数要根据它的意思来。


smelled/smelt。smelt英[smelt]美[smelt]vt.熔炼,提炼(金属)。n.【鱼】胡瓜鱼(属)。[词典]smell的过去分词和过去式。[例句]Darby was looking for a way to improve iron when he hit upon the idea of smelting it with coke instead of charcoal.达比一直在寻找改善铁质的方法,他猛然想到可以不用木炭熔炼,而改用焦炭。[其他]原型: smell。第三人称单数:smelts。现在分词:smelting。过去式:smelted。过去分词:smelted。smell的用法1、smell用作及物动词时,表示“闻到,嗅到”,指闻某人或物以分辨其气味,也指“闻出”某人或某物的气味。引申可指“觉察”到某事。接名词、代词、动名词或that/wh-从句作宾语或同源宾语,有时可接以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。2、smell用作不及物动词时可表示“有嗅觉”;也可表示“散发出…的气味”,作此解时可接as if引导的方式状语从句。3、smell用作系动词时,具有被动意义,接形容词作表语。4、smell用作感官动词,表示感受到的结果时,通常不用于进行时。用作动作动词,强调动作的目的性和动作过程时须用于进行时。smell不可用于现在完成进行时,可用于现在完成时。



感官动词 smell的意思是 闻起来 还是闻 感官动词是实义动词还是系动词 有没有时态变化

smell1)vi. 嗅,闻;有…气味vt. 嗅,闻;察觉到;发出…的气味n. 气味,嗅觉;臭味2)感官动词是系动词,除了后面是跟形容词以外,用法和实意动词是一样的It smells good.3)过去式:smelled 或 smelt;过去分词:smelled 或 smelt;现在分词:smelling
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