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做计划;做计划的英语,用上resolution.谢谢. 就是do resolution.还是make resolution.还是had resolution.?

答案是【make resolutions】制定计划已为你解答好,请查收,若有疑问及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

My New Year "s resolutions的英语作文怎样写?急要。。。

是new year‘s还是New Year"s?

new year"s resolutions是什么意思

new year"s resolutions新的一年的决议双语例句1If you need ideas for your new year"s resolutions, here are mine.如果你在制定新年计划时需要一些建议,可以参考一下我的新年计划。2Forty-four percent of Americans make New Year"s resolutions, and I certainly always do.有44%的美国人会下新年决心,当然我也一直这么做。

以my resolutions为题写一篇作文50-60词

My new term"s resolutions As a university student in grade two,I wanna spend more time on my study.Only if I earn high scores every time,can I be accepted into my ideal graduate schoolFirst of all,English is very important both in university and in graduate school.I need to read English articles loud and at the same time write down them in the morning.Since my ability of listening is really weak,I plan to go to the new south school to practice my hearing acuritySecond,I want to learn maths,finance and economics wellwell...that"s all...

many resolutions have to do with self improvement

答案:have to do with. 通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"与…有关"的表达.句子叙述一件事实,所以使用一般现在时,主语是复数resolutions,后面动词用原形,短语"与…有关"的英文表达是have to do with,故答案为:have to do with.

resolution 和 solution有什么区别。

resolution 1坚决坚定 ,决心,决心要做的事,果断,不屈不挠2决定 决议决案 3消除消退 ......两个都有解决解除的意思,solution主要是“解决方法”的意思这里可能是有多个决议和计划,所以加s

Board resolutions是什么意思

  Board resolutions的中文翻译  Board resolutions  董事会决议  双语例句  1  ( i) Re-evaluation of Pension Board resolutions and the definitions of fiduciary responsibility;  一重新评价养恤金联委会的决议以及信托责任的定义;  2  Japan sincerely hopes that Iran meets all the requirements set forth by relevant IAEA Board resolutions and Security Council resolutions.  日本衷心希望伊朗满足原子能机构理事会的相关决议和安全理事会的相关决议提出的各项要求。

以“My new term"s resolutions”为题写一篇80字左右的短文

The beginning of a new term is a time for resolution. Mentaly, at lest, most of us could compile formdable lists of "dos" and "don"ts". The same old favourites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. We resolve to get up earlier each morning, do some sport everyday, find some more time to learn, be nice to people we don"t like and so on. Past experience has taught us that certain accompishments are beyond attainment. Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out. We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways. Aware of these pitfalls, this term I attempted to keep my resolutions to myself only.

以 my resolution 为题的初二英语作文 单词内容简单一点的 60词左右

New Year is coming , I make some resolutions . first,I am going to study hard , because I want to be a top student . Second ,I am going to do many sports ,because I want to be healthy . Third , I am going to make more friends ,because they can help me a lot.

make resolutions是什么意思

make resolutions :许下诺言,定计划,下决心 ;To make firm resolutions :立志要牢 ;make their resolutions work :使决心变成现实 ;望采纳!

make resolutions是什么意思

make resolutions 释义:作出决议双语例句:1.On New Year"s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year.新年那一天,许多人都要立下新年目标。2.On New year"s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year.新年往往是家人团聚的日子。3.They are setting goals and make resolutions about what they will accomplish in the coming year.他们为将在来年完成的事情制定了目标写下了计划。4.To Make resolutions on the merger, division, transformation, dissolution and liquidation of the Company;对公司合并、分立、变更形式、解散和清算等作出决议;5.Students get to know something about how foreign students make resolutions.了解国外的学生都有怎样的新年计划和实施方案。

have no resolutions为什么加s?

你好,高兴为你回答。resolution这个单词有很多意思,当它作为 决心, 新年愿望的意思来讲时,是可数名词,所以可以用 have no resolutions表示 没有决心/新年愿望采纳哈,谢谢!!

what is resolutions. 如何回答

1.resolution is a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote.2.resolution is the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together.3.resolution is the trait of being resolute.resolution的解析。1.[C]正式决定,决议 formal statement of opinion agreed on by a committee or assembly, especially by means of a vote2.[C]决心,决定 decision or mental pledge to or not to do sth3.[U]坚决,坚定,坚毅 quality of being resolute or firm; determination4.[U]解决,解答 solution5.[U]清晰度;分辨率 (a measure of) the power of a scientific instrument to give a clear picture of things that are very small or close together

英语书中有句话 the most common kind is New Year"s resolutions

主语 "the most common kind "是单数,所以系动词是 "is".后面的表语是new year"s resolutions,用了复数,是指决心不止一个。




resolution = 决心solution = 答案


My New Year"s resolutions are diffcult to finish.First,I am going to study hard because I want to get good grades.Math is not very good,so I will practice it three times a week.   Then,I am going to exercise more.I will go swimming,run and so on.Next,I will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit.I also want to learn a new language because I want to be a translator when I grow up.French is my favorite.   I will work very hard in next year and I will do my best to do this things.

new year"s resolutions是什么意思


written resolutions是什么意思

答:书面决议;书面形式written adj. 书面的;写成文字的;明显受到…影响;(感情)全挂在脸上 v. 写( write的过去分词);写信 resolution n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心例句:1.The minutes of meetings and written resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be recorded in either Chinese or English language.会议纪要和董事会书面决议应以中文或英文进行记录。2.There were 18 times where the resolutions were passed by the Finance Committee by way of written resolutions.其中十八次财务委员会决议用书面决议形式通过。3.I think there"s tremendous value in making these written lists of resolutions for ourselves.我想制定这些书面决意表过程大有价值。4.Generally speaking, resolutions are written by a secretary after they have been made in a meeting.一般来讲,决议在会后由秘书拟出,其结构是:(1)先写出决议的理由。5.for chairman of the report, written documents and the implementation of resolutions adopted;负责董事长有关报告、文件的撰写及决议事项的落实;6.Such written notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the agenda, the proposed draft resolutions and other materials specified above.在该书面通知后还应附上一份董事会会议的议事日程、提议表决的董事会决议草案以及上述其他材料。祝你学习进步,☺望采纳!如有疑问,请追问。 ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ★★ ★ ★★ ☆☆ 祝你学习 ☆☆ ★★ 进步 ★★ ☆☆ ! ☆☆ ★★ ★★ ☆☆ ☆☆ ★★ ★★ ☆☆

My New Year s resolutions的英语作文怎样写



resolution 英[ˌrezə"lu:ʃn] 美[ˌrɛzəˈluʃən] n.决心;解决;坚决;分辨率 名词复数:resolutions [例句]The s4 has a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and 441 ppi. 而S4的屏幕分辨率为1920。

Resolutions are promises to yourself .They may he

以“My New Year"s Resolutions"为题写篇作文



  resolution  1.N-COUNT A resolution is a formal decision made at a meeting by means of a vote. 决议  例:  He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.  他回复说联合国已经通过要求完全撤军的两项重大决议。  2.N-COUNT If you make a resolution, you decide to try very hard to do something. 决心  例:  They made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas holidays.  他们下了一个决心要减掉圣诞节期间增加的全部体重。  3.N-UNCOUNT Resolution is determination to do something or not do something. 决心  例:  "I think I"ll try a hypnotist," I said with sudden resolution.  “我想我要找个催眠师试试,”我突然坚决地说。  4.N-SING The resolution of a problem or difficulty is the final solving of it. 最终解决  例:  ...the successful resolution of a dispute involving UN inspectors in Baghdad.  …对涉及联合国驻巴格达调查员的一项争议的成功解决。  solution  1.N-COUNT A solution to a problem or difficult situation is a way of dealing with it so that the difficulty is removed. 解决办法  例:  Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.  虽然他已设法寻找一个和平的解决办法,但他正面临着使用更大军事力量的压力。


promise和resolution区别:意思不同、读音不同。promise英 [ˈprɒmɪs]   美 [ˈprɑːmɪs]  v.许诺;承诺;答应;保证;使很可能;预示。n.诺言;许诺;承诺;获得成功的迹象;吉兆;迹象。resolution英 [ˌrezəˈluːʃn]   美 [ˌrezəˈluːʃn]  n.决议;正式决定;(问题、分歧等的)解决,消除;坚定;坚决;有决心;分辨率。The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster.政府已承诺对这次灾难进行全面调查。The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes.政府未能兑现减税的承诺。Have you made any New Year"s resolutions?你有什么新年计划吗?She made a resolution to visit her relatives more often.她决定要多走走亲戚。

The best resolutions is to have no resolutions中为什么用is?

resolution :[ˌrezə"lu:ʃn] ,n. 决心名词复数:resolutions很明显,这个句子是有问题的,正如你所说的那样,主语为The best resolutions(最好的决心),是一个复数形式,而这里的系动词却用is,明显不符合考英语的语法要求。我分析,要么是抄错了,要么是书上的拼写错误,我个人认为,句子前面应该用单数形式才正确,即:The best resolution is to have no resolutions.最好的决心是没有决心。不知道阁下是否赞同我的说法?!请采纳,谢谢支持!


可数名词,需要主谓一致。你所画的第一个resolutions指的是每一个人的决心决定,用复数,后面的the best resolution指最好的决定,用单数即可。这个没有什么好纠结的,可数名词的基本用法,注意常考短语make a resolution, make resolutions。

There are 6 kinds of resolutions talk about.这句话有错


make resolutions是什么意思


my resolutions英语作文70字







resolution :UK  /ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/ US  /ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/promiseUK  /ˈprɒm.ɪs/ US  /ˈprɑː.mɪs/

new year"s resolutions是什么意思



Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year,I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.In the new year,I will do sports every day to make my body strong.I will work hard at my subjects,such as English,Chinese and so on.I want to improve these subjects to make my teachers happy.Then my teachers will be proud of me.My hobby is gardening,I will organize a gardening club in my school.That"s so great.I am going to help my classmates with their lessons.I will be nice to everyone.I will help my parents do some housework.They are so tired.I have confidence in myself.I want to be a very good student next year.I will celebrate an important festival- Spring Festival.I will get some money.And I will buy some stamps for my hobby.At last,Happy New Year!You friend,Wang Fei

NewYear"s resolutions是什么意思




resolution 和 solution有什么区别。



resolutions在液相上是:分辨率,清晰度。resolutions美 [,rɛzə"lʊʃən] n. 决议(resolution的复数);解决;决心;[物] 分辨率例句:The large image is the highest-resolution version of the image, but the image is available in additional resolutions. 此处提供的大图是该图像的最高分辨率版本,同时还有其他的分辨率可供使用。

new year"s resolutions是什么意思


written resolutions是什么意思

resolution英 [rezə"luːʃ(ə)n]美 [,rɛzə"luʃən]n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心所以上面的意思就是手写的/书面的决议,决心


resolution[英][ˌrezəˈlu:ʃn][美][ˌrɛzəˈluʃən]n.决心; 解决; 坚决; 分辨率; 复数:resolutions例句:1.The senate approved the resolution. 参议院批准了这项决议。 2.China and russia would veto any resolution in the security council. 中国和俄罗斯会在安理会上对任何的决议投否决票。




resolution英 [ˌrezəˈlu:ʃn] 美 [ˌrɛzəˈluʃən] n. 分辨率;解决;决心;坚决复数: resolutions


resolution 英[ˌrezəˈlu:ʃn] 美[ˌrɛzəˈluʃən] n. 分辨率; 解决; 决心; 坚决; [例句]He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.他答复说联合国已经通过了两项号召全面撤军的重要决议。[其他] 复数:resolutions


resolutionsn.决心( resolution的名词复数 ); 解决; 坚决; 分解; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The launch violated u.n. security council resolutions banning north korean missile activity. 朝鲜此次发射火箭违反了联合国安理会有关禁止朝鲜开展导弹研制活动的决议.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


resolution[英][ˌrezəˈlu:ʃn][美][ˌrɛzəˈluʃən]n.分辨率; 解决; 决心; 坚决; 1High-resolution time and timers provide increased resolution and accuracy.高分辨率时钟和计时器提供了更高的分辨率和准确性。


resolution英[ˌrezəˈlu:ʃn]美[ˌrɛzəˈluʃən]n.分辨率; 解决; 决心; 坚决复数:resolutions双语例句1High-resolution time and timers provide increased resolution and accuracy.高分辨率时钟和计时器提供了更高的分辨率和准确性。

resolution什么意思   resolution意思是什么

1、resolution是一个英语名词,它的意思是决议,正式决定;解决,消除;坚定,坚决,有决心。其复数形式为:resolutions。 2、resolution的读音:英[rezlun]美[rezlun] 3、resolution同义词辨析。resolution、decision、resolve等词都有“决定,决心”,具体用法如下:resolutionn.决定,决心。指投票后作出的正式决定,也指为做某事下的决心。 4、decisionn.决定。指经过讨论或思考之后作出的选择或判断。 5、resolven.决心,决意。指克服感情上的软弱、一定要做成某事的决心。


resolution是可数名词,复数形式是resolutions. 扩展资料 resolution是可数名词,复数形式是resolutions.resolution的`意思是决心;解决;坚决;分辨率。例如She made a New Year"s resolution to get fit她的新年决心是要保持身材健美。


esolutionsn.解决; 决心( resolution的名词复数 ); 坚决; 分解; 决议; 分辨率; 形近词:dissolutionsrevolutions1Not one of its resolutions will move the world a small step closer to resolving the global economic crisis.会议的任何一项决议都不会把世界朝着解决全球经济危机推进一小步。2What resolutions are you making for the New Year?今年你会下什么新年决心吗?


resolutionsn.决心( resolution的名词复数 ); 解决; 坚决; 分解; 例句:1.Managers have started 2011 with a few new-year resolutions. 基金经理2011年开局并没有多少新年新决心。2.It is a moment of challenge to cherished beliefs putting resolutions to a severe test. 这是一个挑战我们坚守的信念的时刻,是对决心的严峻考验。


n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心


resolutions的英语读音为:[ˌrezəˈlu:ʃənz]。一、双语释义1、正式决定,决议:formal statement of opinion agreed on by a committee or assembly,especially by means of a vote。2、决心,决定:decision or mental pledge to or not to do sth。3、坚决,坚定,坚毅:quality of being resolute or firm;determination。4、解决,解答:solution。5、清晰度;分辨率:a measure of the power of a scientific instrument to give a clear picture of things that are very small or close together。二、双语例句1、Nothing can unsettle his resolution.什么也动摇不了他的决心。2、Making resolution on new year"s day is a custom that still prevail.在新年这一天下决心是一个依然流行的习俗。3、The committee have adopted a resolution to build a park.委员会做出一个项决议,决定兴建一座公园。4、His generosity led to the resolution of all our difficulties.他的慷慨相助使我们的困难全都得以解决。5、We have passed a resolution to build a new laboratory.我们已通过决议建一个新实验室。


resolutionsn.解决; 决心( resolution的名词复数 ); 坚决; 分解;

倩碧的anti blemish和acne solution是同一种产品吗?



acne solutionacne是痤疮粉刺的意思。solution既有解决方法,也有溶液的意思。所以很可能是痤疮/粉刺修复液这种东西。你可以结合语境看一下。


已解决是不是这道 ______to this problem is expected to be found before long A.result B.response C.settlement D.solution solution 是solve 解决(问题) 的名词, 一般和to 连用, 注意题干中的to settlement(协议)与of搭配 response(回答,反应) result 表示成果效果,与题意无关


settlement 指(争议双方的)正式和解;(通过赔偿等达成的)庭外和解例句:They are not optimistic about a settlement of the eleven year conflict. 他们不是很有信心能和平解决这场长达 11 年的纷争。She accepted an out-of-court settlement of £4,000. 她同意支付 4,000 英镑的庭外和解赔偿金。solution指(问题、困难等的)解决办法例句:Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force. 尽管他试图寻求和平解决,但现在却面临使用更多武力的压力。

calibration solutions是什么意思

calibration model校准模型标准化模型calibration[英][ˌkælɪˈbreɪʃn][美][ˌkæləˈbreʃən]n.校准,标准化; 刻度,标度; 测量口径; 复数:calibrations易混淆单词:Calibration例句:1.When did you check the calibration? 你上次什么时候检查的刻度?

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我家的电脑玩不了跑跑了,出现specified resolution is not supported怎么办呀?


跑跑登录显示“specified resolution is not supported(16bit,32bit)”怎样解决


运行跑跑 specified resolution is not supported(16bit,32bit)


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跑跑卡丁车无法登陆,出现specified resolution is not supported.(16bit,32bit)该怎么解决?在win7系统下


本人在安装跑跑卡丁车是总出现specified resolution is not supported.(16bit,32bit)是什么原因?


电脑出现 Specified resolution is not supported(16bit, 32bit)怎么回事



减肥很难吗?不,一月能减10斤以上的减肥方法数不胜数。最有效的减肥方法,不是这个月你减去10斤,20斤,30斤体重,而是这次减肥你瘦下来了,你没有反弹,你越减越健康了,否则减掉多少都是自欺欺人。减肥只是一个相对有时限的过程,而控制体重却贯穿于人的一生,再加上引起肥胖的原因是多方面的,如:肥胖者的年龄、性别、伴有的慢性疾病、身体状况、生活和饮食习惯、遗传因素等多方面存在的诸多差异,所以减肥不是一件简单的事,不仅要有科学的方法、一定的毅力,更需要专业人士的指导帮助,如果不问减肥机理,不问自身情况,一味的盲目跟风,无异于以身试药,碰巧试对了那是运气,可惜运气不会带给每个人,更多的时候,错误的减肥方法带来的只能是错误的结果。那么我们应该怎么来减呢? 听减肥密码为你介绍最有效的减肥方法:找出自身肥胖根源,对症下药。有脂肪代谢障碍?好的,我们提供给它充分的营养,激活它,否则一味的减少饮食热量或吃减肥药,只会使这种障碍雪上加霜,机器你不给油,光想用外力转动它,结果可想而知,人的细胞也一样。饮食无度,摄入热量过高?好的,我们得控制自已的饮食,有节制的吃,有选择的吃,有时间的吃,而不是一味的挨饿。简单挨饿能行的话,减肥就不会成为世界性的难题,大家都来饿上几顿,万事皆休。消耗过低引起吃得少也胖?好的,设法增加基础代谢率,设法增加活动量。疾病引起肥胖?好的,马上去医院,什么都不用管,先治病后减肥。肥胖原因侧重点各不相同,想减肥请先找准自己的问题,然后再来解决这个问题,什么时候问题解决了,什么时候你减肥成功了,成功的标准就是你瘦了,人更健康了,不会轻易长胖了。因为你的肥胖根源问题解决了,因为你找到了适合你的——最有效的减肥方法。

Wait to die, wait to live. Wait for an absolution



absolution[英][ˌæbsəˈlu:ʃn][美][ˌæbsəˈluʃən]n.宽恕; 赦罪; (誓言、诺言或责任的)免除; 解除; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I knew I"d lost my chance for absolution. 我知道我失去了我的赦免的机会。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

杀手5赦免 Hitman:Absolution 以停止工作 怎么办 跪求解决办法


想把一首英文歌曲!改成中文的 求翻译。。。。。。。。sing for absolution--MUSE的歌

歌手:Muse歌曲:Sing for absolution 完整歌词及翻译:Lips are turning blue嘴唇变成了蓝色A kiss that can"t renew一个不会再来的吻I only dream of you我梦见的只有你My beautiful我的美人Tiptoe to your room踮着脚走进你的房间A starlight in the gloom朦胧中的一缕星光I only dream of you我梦见的只有你And you never knew而且你永远不会知道Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下There"s no where left to hide没有别处可以藏身In no one to confide没人可以听我吐露心声The truth burns deep inside事实的深处在燃烧And will never die而且永远不会消失Lips are turning blue嘴唇变成了蓝色A kiss that can"t renew一个不会再来的吻I only dream of you我梦见的只有你My beautiful我的美人Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下 Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下Our wrongs我们的错Remain unrectified是是改正不了的And our souls我们的灵魂Won"t be exhumed不会被发掘

求MUSE-Sing for absolution 的中文歌词

歌手:Muse歌曲:Sing for absolution 完整歌词及翻译:Lips are turning blue嘴唇变成了蓝色A kiss that can"t renew一个不会再来的吻I only dream of you我梦见的只有你My beautiful我的美人Tiptoe to your room踮着脚走进你的房间A starlight in the gloom朦胧中的一缕星光I only dream of you我梦见的只有你And you never knew而且你永远不会知道Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下There"s no where left to hide没有别处可以藏身In no one to confide没人可以听我吐露心声The truth burns deep inside事实的深处在燃烧And will never die而且永远不会消失Lips are turning blue嘴唇变成了蓝色A kiss that can"t renew一个不会再来的吻I only dream of you我梦见的只有你My beautiful我的美人Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下 Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下Our wrongs我们的错Remain unrectified是是改正不了的And our souls我们的灵魂Won"t be exhumed不会被发掘

Dreams of an Absolution这首歌的中文歌词 谢谢了

(每一晚 我彻夜难眠 )(行驶在没有结局的旅程)(正因为每一晚 一切毫无改变)(而我渴望一个赎罪的机会)In the nightlight, do you seewhat you dream?在幽幽夜光中,你是否看见了自己的梦境?All your troubles, are they all what theyseem?所有你遭遇的纷争,真是它们原有的面貌吗?Look around you, then you may realize看一下你的四周,然后你便会发现All the preachers, all with their lies.身边的道士全都坚持着他们的谎言And I might know of our future而我也许知道我们的未来But then you still control the past但你仍试著想支配过去Only you know if you"ll be together只有你明白你们是否能再次会面Only you know if we shall last只有你知道我们的过去————————————————————In the night light, do you still feel your pain?幽幽夜光中,你依旧感触的到你深深的苦痛吗?For the valor you waited, it never came.你为了真实的勇气而等待,但它从未来到你身旁If you were able, would you go change thepast,要是你有足够的能力,会想改变过去的种种吗?To mend a faux pas with one last chance!用这最後一次机会,去纠正一个错误!And I might know of our future而我也许明瞭我们的未来But then you still control the past但你仍试著支配过去的种种Only you know if you"ll be together tonight只有你明白你们今晚是否能再次会面Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still lay awake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜里And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will make it right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In Dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已————————————————————In the nightlight, do you see what you dream?幽幽夜光中,你是否看见了自己的梦境?All your triumph, and all you"ll ever be所有你赢得的胜利,真是你永远的荣耀吗?Look around you, then you may realize环顾一下你的四周,或许便会发现Happiness lies trapped in misery幸福落入了深深的痛苦之中And who knows what of our future而谁又知道我们未来的遭遇We can all try to change the past我们可以尝试转变我们的过去Only you know if you"ll be together tonight只有你明白你们今晚是否能再次会面Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still layawake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜里And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will makeit right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In my dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已====== (Instrumental) ======Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still layawake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will makeit right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In my dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(而你将目睹)What you"ll be (what you"ll be)真正的自己(真正的你)And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(你将目睹)All you can be (all you canbe)无穷的自己(无穷的你)Cause every night (every night)正因为每一夜(每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)I will dream (I will dream)我会持续梦下去(梦下去)And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(你将目睹)(yeah) That this is my dream (all you can be)Yeah,这就是我的梦(无穷的你)And you"ll see你将目睹Every night (all you can) (oh)每一夜(无穷的你)I will always dream (yeah)我会一直梦下去Cause every night (every night)正因为每一夜(每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)I will dream (I will dream)我会继续梦下去(梦下去)

泰坦尼克号中Never An Absolution开头是用什么乐器吹的


absolution by siegfried sasson这首诗歌的译文

完整歌词及翻译:Lips are turning blue嘴唇变成了蓝色A kiss that can"t renew一个不会再来的吻I only dream of you我梦见的只有你My beautiful我的美人Tiptoe to your room踮着脚走进你的房间A starlight in the gloom朦胧中的一缕星光I only dream of you我梦见的只有你And you never knew而且你永远不会知道Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下There"s no where left to hide没有别处可以藏身In no one to confide没人可以听我吐露心声The truth burns deep inside事实的深处在燃烧And will never die而且永远不会消失Lips are turning blue嘴唇变成了蓝色A kiss that can"t renew一个不会再来的吻I only dream of you我梦见的只有你My beautiful我的美人Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下 Sing for absolution为赦免罪行而唱歌I will be singing我会在唱歌And falling from your grace从你的仁慈中倒下Our wrongs我们的错Remain unrectified是是改正不了的And our souls我们的灵魂Won"t be exhumed不会被发掘

hitman absolution怎么锁头

hitman absolution锁头要装填&吃药钻出狗洞,装上音爆玉,依次吃鬼人药、粉尘、种子。音爆玉拉怪转身,对背后的墙壁发射音爆玉,然后直接跳到下一层平台,这里有2个要点。打击点切忌像原视频中那么靠左,建议向背后岩壁的最右侧发射,否则会导致钢龙像原视频中一样停留在上层平台,需要跳下去再拉一次,很麻烦。发射时机一般来说,只要你动作不要太磨叽,吃完药直接发射,时间是没问题的;如果想要一个明确的发射信号的话,可以观察小地图,在小地图上看到钢龙从如图位置出发的移动箭头时,发射即。hitman absolution锁头操作方法捡石头备用下到平台后,捡起地上的石块。布置爆桶走到平台地面白色的位置,放2个大爆桶,穿上不动衣,后退两步。此时观察小地图,会发现王刚正在赶来的路上。再次勾引王刚到达目标平台,它会先瞅你1秒,然后90度转身。此时你就可以低头向地面扔一个石块,然后原地插达人烟。扔石块时机一定要在它侧身以后再扔,不然它会立刻扑过来撞你的爆桶...触发第一次倒地:王刚听到石子动静之后,会楞个3秒左右,然后低空扑腾一下把脸转向你,并缓缓落地,前爪落地后即可砍爆桶,然后满强蓄+1蓄真蓄,触发第一次倒地。锁头细节站位和打点:站在王刚头附近的背部方向。补充说明很多大佬都说瞄准翅膀根,但我练习时发现,直接面向脑袋,距离一个身位,砍就完事了。因为这个锁法触发了怪物换区吼叫,王刚会伸脑袋吼一下,对肯定能砍到的。

Sing For Absolution 歌词

歌曲名:Sing For Absolution歌手:MUSE专辑:AbsolutionMuse-Sing For AbsolutionLips are turning blue 双唇变成蓝色A kiss that can"t renew 一个无法继续的吻I only dream of you 我梦见的只有你My beautiful 我的美人Tip toe to your room 踮着脚走进你的房间A starlight in the gloom 阴暗中有一缕星光I only dream of you 我梦见的只有你And you never knew 而你永远不会知道Sing for absolution 为了赦免罪行的歌I will be singing 我将唱响And falling from your grace 并在你的仁慈中倒下oohThere"s no where left to hide 再没有别处可以藏身In no one to confide 再没有别人可以信任The truth burns deep inside 真相在深处燃烧And will never die 永远不会消逝Lips are turning blue 双唇变成蓝色A kiss that can"t renew 一个无法继续的吻I only dream of you 我梦见的只有你My beautiful 我的美人Sing for absolution 为了赦免罪行的歌I will be singing 我将唱响Falling from your grace 并在你的仁慈中倒下Sing for absolution 为了赦免罪行的歌I will be singing 我将唱响Falling from your grace 并在你的仁慈中倒下yeahNow wrongs remain unrectified 错误依旧不能改变And our souls won"t be exhumed 我们的灵魂仍无法发掘
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