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计量经济学实验 STATA

SSE是解释平方和 SSR是残差平方和,他们相加就是SSTSSE/SST是R2 好像中文叫可决系数吧。。我忘了中文怎么说的,反正R2越高说明模型解释的越好DF是自由度,多元回归是N-T-1 N是样本数目,T是自变量的数目ROOT MSE和MS不知道,,一般不用这个数据number of obs就是样本数量的意思


*stkcd 代码 ret 股票收益bys stkcd (ret):gen s1=_nbys stkcd (ret):gen s2=_Ngen ss=s2-s1ss=0表示最大,ss=1表示第2,ss=2表示第3……

英语fanstatic ideas怎么翻译?

fantastic ideas奇思妙想

《Onthe Yankee Station》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《On the Yankee Station》(Boyd, William)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: rv8a书名:On the Yankee Station作者:Boyd, William出版社:Random House Inc出版年份:2001-2页数:224内容简介:Wiliam Boyd, winner of the Whitbread and Somerset Maugham Awards, introduces unlikely heroes desperate to redeem their unsatisfying lives.From California poolsides to the battlegrounds of Vietnam, here is a world populated by weary souls who turn to fantasy as their sole escape from life"s inequities.


嗯 我不太会翻译 就用英文解释了nation can be understood as the integration of the whole people in one state, in political field, nation has fewer meaning than state, in the political theories, as realism, they state that state is the only actor in international relation, the highest authority. Of cause, in liberalism and constructivism, it is not. U will find that nation is not mentioned very often, to compare with state. Thus, China is both a state and a nation. U can simply think that state is more material and nation is more subjective. About nation-state, I think it means single nation country. For example, South Korea. All my own opinions, hope they can help. Good luck~

The car made the United States a nation on




4.4.2 Lecture Population in the United States听力原文

等我听完给你,O(∩_∩)O~是老师留的作业吧,周四交?O(∩_∩)O~ 先传一部分,有的感觉听不出来Today we are going to talk about population in the US. According to the most recent government census, the population is 281 421 906 people. Now, this represents an increase of almost 33million people since 1990 census. A population of over 281million makes the US the third most populous country in the whole world. And you probably know the People"s Republic of China is the most populous country of the world. But do you know which is the second most populous? Well if you thought India, you were right. The forth, the fifth and sixth most populous countries are Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan. Now, let"s get back to the US. Let"s look at the total US population figure of 281million and that is three ways. The first way is about race and origin, the second is about geography distribution or about where people live and the third way is about age and sex of the population.First of all, let"s take a look at the population by race and origin. The latest US census reports 75.1% of the population is white, 12.3% is black, 3% are of Asian origin, 1% is native american, 2.4% of the population is a mixture of two or more races and 5.5% are as of some other race. Let"s make sure your figure is right. OK? White 75.1%, black 12.3%, Asian 3%, native American 1%, a mixture of two or more races 2.4% and some of other races 5.5%. Hispanics whose origin lies Spanish spesking countries, so they are already included in the above figures. It is important to know the hispanics make up 12.5% of present US population, however. Finally, the census tells us that 31million people in the US were born in other country, of the 31million form the largest part, 27.67% are from Mexico. The next largest group from the Philippies, the number four 3%.Another way of looking population is about geography distribution. Do you have any idea which states are the five most populous in the US? Well, I help you out of there. The five most populous and population figures are California with almost 24 milliion, New York with 21 million, Texas with 19 million and Florida with 16 million, and---.Do you get almost figures down? Well, if not I"ll give you a chance later to check your figures. Well, let"s move on. All told overhead ------明天再听,希望能够打完字。手好酸------

stata主界面“variables”这一栏被我不小心关掉了,如何恢复啊?!!!图2是关闭前,图1 是我要恢复的东东


stata 内置系统变量有哪些?

包含_variables(发音为“下划线变量”)。 这些是由 Stata 创建和更新的内置系统变量。 它们被称为 variables,因为它们的名字都以下划线( )字符开头。这些 _variables 有以下几种: [eqno]_b[varname] : (同义词:[eqno] _coef [varname])包含来自最近拟合模型的 varname 变量上系数的值(对机器精度)(例如ANOVA,regression,Cox,logit,probit 和 多项logit)。 更多参见[U] 13.5 Accessing coefficients and standard errors for a description.。 _cons : 当直接使用时,它总是等于数字1,并且当间接使用时,它指的是截距项,如_b [_cons]。 _n:包含当前观察值的数量。 _N:包含数据集中的观察值总数。 _pi:包含 pi 到机器精度的值。 _rc: 包含最近捕获命令的返回码的值; 见[P] capture。 [eqno]_se[varname]:包含来自最近拟合模型的 varname 上系数的标准误差的值(对机器精度)(例如 ANOVA,regression,Cox,logit,probit和多项 logit)。 有关完整说明,请参见[U] 13.5 Accessing coefficients and standard errors for a complete description. The _n and _N:变量可用于索引观察或生成数字序列。 _n可以作为分组内的运行计数器,_N作为每个分组内的总数。 _rc:变量可用于索引观察或生成数字序列。 _n可以作为分组内的运行计数器,_N作为每个分组内的总数。


一般情况下600MM、700MM、800MM的都是比较多见的,使用的也都很多。但是最为常用的还是600MM这种类型的。但是也有一些是在550MM左右的,使用率也比较高。 但是不管是什么尺寸标准的,选用的要求是根据承重以及使用的环境来做选择的,所以并不是任何一个在使用井盖的时候都是任意的进行选择。 在我国,井盖国家的标准有很多种,有双层的,单层的,铸铁的,球墨铸铁,复合,水泥,菱镁等等,井盖的直径有:600mm,700mm,800mm,750*450mm,600*600mm,400*600mm,承受能力的有,重型240KN,普通型100KN,轻型20KN,特重型8000KN等等


test lnpl+lnpf+lnpc=0_涸_ogit分析的结果中 跟wald在一起的那个表格 就是对wald的检验 后面的sig就是wald检验是否显著的判断标准,它是对整体回归系数是否显著的检验 正如上面说的 它只是个参考值


:在logit分析的结果中 跟wald在一起的那个表格 就是对wald的检验 后面的sig就是wald检验是否显著的判断标准,它是对整体回归系数是否显著的检验 正如上面说的 它只是个参考值


在logit分析的结果中 跟wald在一起的那个表格 就是对wald的检验 后面的sig就是wald检验是否显著的判断标准,它是对整体回归系数是否显著的检验 正如上面说的 它只是个参考值


java.lang.IllegalXXXException 一般表示自定义异常(XXX可以是自己取的名字)所以上面是一个自定义的State(状态)异常。自定义异常继承Exception类,然后在里面书写自定义异常的逻辑


public class IllegalStateException extends RuntimeException 父类:IllegalComponentStateException 在不合理或不正确时间内唤醒一方法时出现的异常信息。换句话说,即 Java 环境或 Java 应用不满足请求操作。

Nina Nesbitt的《Statues》 歌词

歌曲名:Statues歌手:Nina Nesbitt专辑:Stay Out - EPNina Nesbitt - StatuesBy SwimmingYou"re just the statue of the boy I used to knowYou"re just a tattoo of the words that we once spokeYou"re the dry river, where the love used to flowBut it still runs through me, with you it had to goBut if you take this backI"ll be waiting to come alive, come aliveIf you turn your backI"ll be waiting to flyBut you"re like the falling leavesWhilst I"m still the oak treeCause you"re the one to leaveNow I"m falling asleepYou"re like the broken keysWhilst I"m just a broken homeCause as I breathe in deepYou"re looking at me like a statueOf the boy I used to knowYou"re just a lighter, with no fuel to light the flamesYou know I"ll fight for this, but you wouldn"t do the sameCause you"re just a diary, with a blank and empty pageBut the story we wrote, I can"t quite eraseBut if you take this backI"ll be waiting to come alive, come aliveIf you turn your backI"ll be waiting to flyBut you"re like the falling leavesWhilst I"m still the oak treeCause you"re the one that leavesNow I"m falling asleepYou"re like the broken keysWhilst I"m just a broken homeCause as I breathe in deepYou"re looking at me like a statueOf the boy I used to knowI"ll watch you fall to the ground"Cause there"s just stone in your eyes nowWe had it all, till we were foundWe"re just living these lies nowCause you"re like the falling leavesWhilst I"m still the oak treeCause you"re the one to leaveNow I"m falling asleepCause you"re like the broken keysWhilst I"m just a broken homeAnd I breathe in deepAs I watch you leaveYou"re the statueOf the boy I used to know



Status date 什么意思啊


单片机中@(unsigned ) &statues *8+0; 中*8怎么理解的?求解


java web开发中 varStatues="status" 中参数status是啥作用和意思呢?这个参数的设置有啥要求呢?

c:forEach varStatus属性current当前这次迭代的(集合中的)项index当前这次迭代从 0 开始的迭代索引count当前这次迭代从 1 开始的迭代计数first用来表明当前这轮迭代是否为第一次迭代的标志last用来表明当前这轮迭代是否为最后一次迭代的标志begin属性值end属性值step属性值

like greek statues p__?_and中间应填啥单词


Statue 这个英语单词 用谐音怎么读




politician 和 statesman 有何区别

其实都一样,没什么区别的。一定要细分就是,前者还有一定的贬义,玩弄权势的政客...其实你说哪个都一样,一般情况下是不区分的,你要特别说明的时候,比如你这么说: He is not a statesman, he is more like a politician 别人就明白了... 单纯的说, He is a politician 或者 He is a statesman 没什么不一样

Microstation CE界面定制

自定义Ribbon界面是为了给用户提供一个友好操作窗口,用户可以点击图标调用对应的命令。实现这 个效果需要实现:1.制作一个界面的*.dgnlib文件。其中DGN文件要和程序命令匹配。2.拷贝dgnlib文件到 对应的位置让程序可以自动加载。 参看Bentley的操作手册 series-customizing-the-ribbon—-blog-1-of-4 series-customizing-the-ribbon—-blog-2-of-4 series-customizing-the-ribbon—-blog-3-of-4 series-customizing-the-ribbon—-blog-4-of-4 将C:UsersLenovoAppDataLocalBentleyMicroStationxxxprefsPersonal.dgnlib拷贝出来并重新 命名程序需要的名字如xxx.dgnlib。

银行的bank statement是什么

bank statement就是银行账单。一般银行每个月会给开卡人的地址上发账单。如果没有到发账单的日期就要的话需要到银行申请。是否可以解决您的问题?

mission, vision and values statements是什么意思 能举个例子吗

mission是外交使节、派遣的意思。例:He was head of a French trade mission to the United States. (他是法国派往美国的贸易代表团团长)vision是视觉、所见之物的意思。 例:People wear glasses to improve their vision. (人们戴眼镜以改善视力。)value是价值、价格、重要的东西的意思 例:This dictionary is of little value to you. (这本词典对你没有什么帮助。)statement是陈述、声明(正式)的意思 例:Soon afterwards he made his first public statement about the affair.(过后不久他发表了关于此事的第一个公开声明。)

Continuation Statements是什么意思

没有日历或集合您理解并同意,订立的协议,你可能需要发出通知,行使权利( egoptions ) ,或作出其他决定的特定时段的(例如行使任何审计的权利,给予批准或同意,归档上岛咖啡店继续报表,归档或答复的法律索赔) ,您理解并同意,我们将不负责监测这些的时间,或任何日期或日历项目就代表你。


脚本错误,出现对话框提示的超时值对于 Internet Explorer 4 或更高版本,如果尚未添加此项,则超时对话框的默认阈值限制为 5,000,000 句。就是这个提示框

One of the statements ______ to be untrue.


proxy statements是什么意思?

proxy statements直接翻译就是委托声明书,作用基本就是我们国内股份制企业的:股东大会召开通知。

请问"theme","thesis statements"和"topic sentence"之间的区别.....

theme是议题或题目,topic是话题,两者意义接近。thesis statement是全文主旨,你这篇文章或演讲的目的是什么打算解决哪些问题;topic sentence是围绕全文主旨句展开的几个具体的点,二者属于总分关系,支持扩展每个topic sentence(段落中心句)的部分才是论证,用事实解释因果对比假设举例等方式证明每个分论点为什么成立

英语Execute statement怎么翻译?


thesis statement是什么意思

thes is statement这是声明statement[英][u02c8steu026atmu0259nt][美][ u02c8stetmu0259nt]n.声明; (思想、观点、文章主题等的)表现; (文字)陈述; 结算单; vi.(英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定; vt.申请(小孩)有特殊教育需要; 第三人称单数:statements过去分词:statemented复数:statements现在进行时:statementing过去式:statemented.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

java连接池中c3po.maxsize和c3p0.max_statements 改怎么理解?

maxsize 说的是最大的连接数. .. 也就是可以同时得到的Connection个数..statements 就是最多可以创建Statements对象的个数. . 就是可以执行SQL语句的对象的个数..

什么是research statement


经济学中positive 和normative statements有什么区别?

Positive statements are descriptive. They make a claim about how the word is. 例子:Minimum-wage laws cause unemployment.Normative Statements are prescriptive. They make a claim about how the would ought to be. 例子:It is immoral for the government to kill people.

经济学中positive 和normative statements有什么区别



statement[英][u02c8steu026atmu0259nt][美][ u02c8stetmu0259nt]n.声明;(思想、观点、文章主题等的)表现;(文字)陈述;结算单;vi.(英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定;vt.申请(小孩)有特殊教育需要;第三人称单数:statements过去分词:statemented复数:statements现在进行时:statementing过去式:statemented


non statement非陈述句statement[英][u02c8steu026atmu0259nt][美][ u02c8stetmu0259nt]n.声明; (思想、观点、文章主题等的)表现; (文字)陈述; 结算单; vi.(英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定; vt.申请(小孩)有特殊教育需要; 第三人称单数:statements复数:statements现在进行时:statementing过去式:statemented过去分词:statemented


statement 英[u02c8steu026atmu0259nt] 美[u02c8stetmu0259nt] n. 声明; (思想、观点、文章主题等的) 表现; (文字) 陈述; 结算单; vi. (英国) 对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定; vt. 申请(小孩)有特殊教育需要; [例句]Andrew now disowns that statement, saying he was depressed when he made it安德鲁现在推翻了那个说法,说那是自己在情绪低落时说的话。[其他] 第三人称单数:statements 复数:statements 现在分词:statementing过去式:statemented 过去分词:statemented


statement 英[u02c8steu026atmu0259nt] 美[u02c8stetmu0259nt] n. 声明; (思想、观点、文章主题等的) 表现; (文字) 陈述; 结算单; vi. (英国) 对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定; vt. 申请(小孩)有特殊教育需要; [例句]Andrew now disowns that statement, saying he was depressed when he made it安德鲁现在推翻了那个说法,说那是自己在情绪低落时说的话。[其他] 第三人称单数:statements 复数:statements 现在分词:statementing过去式:statemented 过去分词:statemented

Extract some statements 是摘录一些语句的意思吗?

用 quote 比较好,是动词~~

求助:英语语法中的“reported statements”是怎么翻译?

reported statements间接引语

make the statements into yes no questions什么意思

make the statements into yes no questions把陈述句译成“是”没有问题。重点词汇make做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生; 开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大; 制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式statements声明( statement的名词复数 ); 表现; 陈述; 结算单questions疑问; 询问,疑问,问题; 问题( question的名词复数 ); 怀疑


Are these statements true?


1. 陈述,说明2. (正式的)声明3. 【律】供述4. 表达方式,陈述方式


N. 声明,报告;说明,说法,表态;结算单,报表 陈述,证词 呈现,声明;说法Vt. 对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定例句We"ve got her statement on tapey我们已经把她的陈述录在磁带上了。The statement is really confusing.该声明确实令人困惑。同近义词presentation/profession/relation/ representation / bill同根词词根:statement1 stated 规定的;阐明的;定期的2 n. state 国家;州;情形3 stated 规定(state的过去分词):陈述:阐明4 vt. state 规定;声明;陈述



请问谁有AKB48 Heavy Rotation 100820 MUSIC STATION那一天的高清版?能发给我吗?谢谢~



qstat 不是linux命令,此命令用于PBS公开源代码的作业管理系统。qstat 命令—用于查询作业状态信息命令格式:qatat [-f][-a][-i] [-n][-s] [-R] [-Q][-q][-B][-u]参数说明:-f jobid 列出指定作业的信息-a 列出系统所有作业-i 列出不在运行的作业-n 列出分配给此作业的结点-s 列出队列管理员与scheduler 所提供的建议-R 列出磁盘预留信息-Q 操作符是destination id,指明请求的是队列状态-q 列出队列状态,并以alternative 形式显示-au userid 列出指定用户的所有作业-B 列出PBS Server 信息-r 列出所有正在运行的作业-Qf queue 列出指定队列的信息-u 若操作符为作业号,则列出其状态。若操作符为destination id,则列出运行在其上的属于user_list 中用户的作业状态。例:# qstat -f 211 查询作业号为211 的作业的具体信息。

关于美国加州San Diego state university


lifetime-broadened state 是什么意思啊?(物理学的)



statue和sculpture的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、固定搭配不同一、指代不同1、statue:雕塑,雕像。2、sculpture:雕刻品,雕刻术。二、用法不同1、statue:复数,statues、记忆技巧,stat 站,立 + ue → 站着的〔雕像〕→ 雕像。2、sculpture:第三人称单数,sculptures、复数,sculptures、现在分词,sculpturin、过去式,sculptured、过去分词,sculptured、派生词,sculptural。三、固定搭配不同1、statue:Statue of Liberty自由女神位于美国纽... 、bronze statue青铜像,铜像...2、sculpture:coloured sculpture彩雕、architectural sculpture用于建筑物上的雕塑

statue 和sculpture区别

sculpture (一件)雕刻或雕塑品,泛指. 例:There are some interesting abstract sculptures in this gallery. statue 与实物形状大小相仿的雕像或雕塑品. 例:Statue of Liberty



statue 和sculpture区别

sculpture (一件)雕刻或雕塑品,泛指。例:There are some interesting abstract sculptures in this gallery.statue 与实物形状大小相仿的雕像或雕塑品.例:Statue of Liberty


sculpture (一件)雕刻或雕塑品,泛指。例:There are some interesting abstract sculptures in this gallery.statue 与实物形状大小相仿的雕像或雕塑品.例:Statue of Liberty其实两个词本身没有太大的区别。就像中文里面的塑像和雕塑两个词一样。但是如果实在要找差别的话,那么statue多是具象的雕塑品。比如人像和动物像。一看就知道雕的是什么。但是sculpture可以抽象一点。比如那种现代艺术的雕塑品。个人认为后者sculpture 强调什么材质、小型的。前者statue在于强调表现或体现作品、大型的,比如像胜利女神雕像。sculpture (一件)雕刻或雕塑品,泛指。例:There are some interesting abstract sculptures in this gallery.statue 与实物形状大小相仿或大很多的雕像或雕塑品.例:Statue of Liberty


sculpture (一件)雕刻或雕塑品,泛指。例:There are some interesting abstract sculptures in this gallery.statue 与实物形状大小相仿的雕像或雕塑品.例:Statue of Liberty

中 varStatus="i"是什么意思,求解

varStatus 代表循环状态的变量名称 你可以通过该对变量的判断进行一系列操作${varStatus.index} 此项的索引,从0开始 ${varStatus.count} 此项的计数序号,从1开始 ${varStatus.first} 此项是否是第一项,布尔值 ${varStatus.last} 此项是否是最后一项,布尔值 ${varStatus.begin} 此次迭代的起始索引,对应<c:foreach>中begin属性值${varStatus.end} 此次迭代的终止索引,对应<c:foreach>中end属性值${varStatus.step} 此次迭代的跳跃步伐,对应<c:foreach>中step属性值

status items是什么意思

status items翻译为: 状态项目


statuen.(名词)A three-dimensional form or likeness sculpted, modeled, carved, or cast in material such as stone, clay, wood, or bronze.雕像:用石头、泥土、木头或青铜等材料经过雕、模、刻或铸造制成的三维立体形式sculpturen.Abbr. sculp.(名词)缩写 sculp.The art or practice of shaping figures or designs in the round or in relief, as by chiseling marble, modeling clay, or casting in metal.雕刻(术):塑造出圆形或浮雕的图形或图样的艺术或行为,如通过雕刻大理石、模制泥土或者铸造金属A work of art created by sculpture.雕刻品:雕刻创造出的艺术品Such works of art considered as a group.各类雕刻作品:被作为一个整体的这种艺术的作品Ridges, indentations, or other markings, as on a shell, formed by natural processes.刻纹:通过自然过程形成的条纹、刻纹或者其它标记,如在贝壳上v.(动词)sculp.tured,,sculp.tures及物动词)To fashion (stone, bronze, or wood, for example) into a three-dimensional figure.雕塑:把(例如石头、青铜或者木头)按照三维空间的形式塑造成型To represent in sculpture.雕塑,塑造:通过雕刻作品来体现To ornament with sculpture.以雕刻装饰:用雕刻作品来装饰To change the shape or contour of, as by erosion.侵蚀:由于侵蚀而改变形状或结构v.intr.(不及物动词)To make sculptures or a sculpture.雕刻===================================================非常详尽,楼主自己看看,这是最权威的美国传统词典!




A statue(雕像) is a large sculpture of a person or an animal. It is usually made of stone or any other metal like bronze. 比如自由女神像和各种名人的雕像A sculpture(雕塑) is a work of art, and it is produced by carving stone or wood or any other material for that matter. 比如艺术里的各种抽象雕塑、公共场所里具有符号性的雕塑装置This is the main difference between statue and sculpture.

nursing station是什么意思

nursing station护士站双语对照词典结果:nursing station[英][u02c8nu025c:su026au014b u02c8steiu0283u0259n][美][u02c8nu0259:su026au014b u02c8steu0283u0259n][医]护理办公室;

memorial; monument; statue ;shortage 这几个英语用谐音怎么读?

么莫Rio(饮料Rio);妈牛门特;思/特诶/特U(两个字一起发音) ;show忒局


没有在某一帧暂停这一属性不过可以通过将动画拆分来实现<style>@keyframes rainbow_1{0% { background: #c00; }100% { background: #orange; }}@keyframes rainbow_2{0% { background: #orange; }100% { background: #yellowgreen; }}.demo{animation:rainbow_1 1s forwards}.rainbow_2{animation:rainbow_2 1s forwards}</style><script>$(".demo").on(“animationend”,function(){//然后通过监测动画结束事件 来实现你接下来想做的事情//比如:$(this).addClass("rainbow_2"); //播放动画2});</script>



错误 1 类型“WMPLib.WMPPlayState”在未被引用的程序集中定义。怎么解决!在线等!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

有人说,你缺少引用程序您的项目使用了一些控制,但你不引用IT项目本身可以添加使用或页面的顶部添加系统,版本= 1.0 .5000.0,文化=中性公钥= 969db8053d3322ac 或在您的项目中的BIN目录中添加以下引用列子 “Default.aspx.cs中”的继承=“默认值”%> <%@注册组装=“的System.Web.Extensions程序,版本= 1.0.61025.0,文化=中性公钥= 31bf3856ad364e35“命名空间=”System.Web.UI程序“的TagPrefix =”ASP“%>



playState 这是什么意思?

网页媒体播放器 playState==2 代表暂停。 playState 为"播放状态对象":=3为正在播放, 1为暂停,2为停止,0为未定义(当播放对象即url属性为空时,等于0)


if (this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState.ToString()=="1")

电影政局密云(state of play)结尾是怎么回事?




united states怎么读

哈哈,很有趣的问题呀. 美国的全称是 United States of America,简写就是U.S.A 我开始想那是因为就象中国一样,全称是People"s Republic of China,而人们通常只说China. 后来问了我的美国老公,他说你人在美国的话就叫America,人在外国的话就叫US.呵呵~ 至于第二个问题,t是t的发音,不用刻意去追什么连读的音,就是两个词好好读,白话写发音的话就是Unaitid steits,ts在一起都是发中文拼音"c"即“此”的音 :)



the United State 和 the United States有区别吗.前面一个存在么?

这位朋友朋友, the United States是专有名词,专指美利坚合众国,也就是美国, 没有the United State这种表达法.

英语的美国是不是the United States?

是的 是美国
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