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英语课文翻译:leonardon:the real story

英语课文翻译:leonardon:the real story真实的故事

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“Kingston DataTraveler”失败的原因可能是设备无法满足USB3.0的需求。这可能是由于我们设备的USB兼容性无法满足USB3.0的需求。要解决这个问题,可以尝试将USB的兼容性改为USB3.0。

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好是 取得

celestone*Tablets是种什么药品.主治什么 ??

你好:celestone*Tablets就是中文的:倍他米松。它和强的松。地塞米松是一样的效果,属糖皮质激素类药。倍他米松药理:本品为地塞米松的差向异构体,参见地塞米松。[药理作用]本品是由一种具有高度溶解性和低度溶解性的倍他米松酸类构成的复合制剂,具有抗炎、抗风湿、抗过敏功效。注射后,可溶性倍他米松磷酸酯钠能很快吸收而迅速起效,而微溶性的二丙酸倍他米松可储存起来被缓慢吸收,维持疗效,从而可更长时间地控制症状。本品的结晶特细,只需少量即具卓效,因而甚少发生体重增加、血压上升及血液的改变。适应症:适应证同泼尼松龙。(泼尼松龙适应证:肾上腺皮质激素类药。主要用于过敏性与炎症性疾病。由于本品潴钠作用较弱,故一般不用作肾上腺皮质功能减退的替代治疗。)适用于对皮质类固醇激素敏感的急、慢性疾病及以下病症:①骨骼肌肉及软组织疾病:类风湿关节炎、骨关节炎、关节滑膜囊炎、强直性脊椎炎、上髁炎、脊神经根炎、尾骨痛、坐骨神经痛、腰痛、斜颈、腱鞘囊肿、外生骨疣、筋膜炎。②皮肤病:异位性、神经性、接触性、重症日光性皮炎、荨麻疹、肥大性扁皮苔藓、糖尿病脂性渐进性坏死、斑秃、盘状红斑狼疮、牛皮癣、瘢痕疙瘩、天疱疮、疱疹样皮炎、囊肿型痤疮。③变态反应性疾病:慢性支气管哮喘、过敏性气管炎、季节性或常年性鼻炎、药物反应等。④结缔组织病:播散性红斑狼疮、硬皮病等。⑤肿瘤性疾病:成人白血病与淋巴瘤的姑息治疗、儿童白血病。用法用量:口服起始剂量每日 1~4mg,分次给予。维持量为每日 0.5~1mg。[制剂与规格]倍他米松片0.5mg口服,成人开始一日0.5-2mg,分2次服,维持量一日0.5-1mg.肌肉注射(醋酸酯)一次6-12mg.[制剂与规格] 片剂0.5mg倍他米松醋酸酯注射液:1.5mg/1ml/支[用法及用量]1.全身性作用:在臀部行深部注射,开始剂量为1.0~2.0ml。2.局部作用:包括关节内注射、滑囊内注射、皮内注射及创伤内注射。关节注射,根据关节大小的不同,剂量可选择0.25~2ml;皮肤注射,0.2ml/平方厘米,1周注射总量不可超过1.0ml。本品不可静脉或皮下注射。治疗中应使用最小剂量皮质类固醇激素控制病情,可能减量时应逐渐减量。[剂型与规格]混悬液:1ml/安瓿,2ml/小瓶,5ml/小瓶。[商品名]得宝松,Diprospan(美国先灵葆雅药厂)。禁用慎用:(1)妊娠期用药;糖皮质激素可通过胎盘。动物实验研究证实孕期给药可增加胚胎鄂裂,胎盘功能不全、自发性流产和子宫内生长发育迟缓的发生率。人类使用药理剂量的糖皮质激素可增加胎盘功能不全、新生儿体重减少或死胎的发生率。尚未证明对人类有致畸作用。妊娠时曾接受一定剂量的糖皮质激素者,所产的婴儿需注意观察是否出现肾上腺皮质功能减退的表现。对早产儿,为避免呼吸窘迫综合征,而在分娩前给母亲使用地塞米松,以诱导早产儿肺表面活化蛋白的形成,由于仅短期应用,对幼儿的生长和发育未见有不良影响。(2)哺乳期用药:生理剂量或低药理剂量(每天可的松 25mg或强的松 5mg,或更少)对婴儿一般无不良影响。但是,如乳母接受药理性大剂量的糖皮质激素,则不应哺乳,由于糖皮质激素可由乳汁中排泄,对婴儿造成不良影响,如生长受抑制、肾上腺皮质功能受抑制等。(3)小儿用药:小儿如长期使用肾上腺皮质激素,需十分慎重,因激素可抑制患儿的生长和发育,如确有必要长期使用,应采用短效(如可的松)或中效制剂(如强的松),避免使用长效制剂(如地塞米松)。口服中效制剂隔日疗法可减轻对生长的抑制作用。儿童或少年患者长程使用糖皮质激素必须密切观察,患儿发生骨质疏松症、股骨头缺血性坏死、青光眼、白内障的危险性都增加。儿童使用激素的剂量除了一般的按年龄或体重而定外,更应当按疾病的严重程度和患儿对治疗的反应而定。对于有肾上腺皮质功能减退患儿的治疗,其激素的用量应根据体表面积而定,如果按体重而定,则易发生过量,尤其是婴幼儿和矮小或肥胖的患儿。(4)老年用药:老年患者用糖皮质激素易发生高血压。老年患者尤其是更年后的女性应用糖皮质激素易发生骨质疏松。(5)糖皮质激素与感染:肾上腺皮质功能减退症患者易发生感染,且多严重,为重要的死亡原因,给予生理剂量的肾上腺皮质激素可提高病人对感染的抵抗力。非肾上腺皮质功能减退患者接受药理剂量糖皮质激素后易发生感染,这是由于患者原有的疾病往往已削弱了细胞免疫及(或)体液免疫功能,长疗程超生理剂量皮质类固醇使患者的炎性反应、细胞免疫、体液免疫功能减弱,由皮肤、粘膜等部位侵入的病原菌不能得到控制。在激素作用下,原来已被控制的感染可活动起来,最常见者为结核感染复发。接受糖皮质激素的病人在发生感染后,因炎性反应轻微,临床症状不明显而易于漏诊。以上说明非生理性糖皮质激素对抗感染不利。但另一方面,在某些感染时应用激素可减轻组织的破坏、减少渗出、减轻感染中毒症状,但必须同时用有效的抗生素治疗、密切观察病情变化,在短期用药后,即应迅速减量、停药。(6)下列情况应慎用;心脏病或急性心力衰竭、糖尿病、憩室炎、情绪不稳定和有精神病倾向、全身性真菌感染、青光眼、肝功能损害、眼单纯性疱疹、高脂蛋白血症、高血压、甲减(此时糖皮质激素作用增强)、重症肌无力、骨质疏松、胃溃疡、胃炎或食管炎、肾功能损害或结石、结核病等。(7)以下情况不宜用糖皮质激素:严重的精神病史,活动性胃、十二指肠溃疡,新近胃肠吻合术后,较重的骨质疏松,明显的糖尿病,严重的高血压,未能用抗菌药物控制的病毒、细菌、霉菌感染。肾上腺皮质功能低下和孕妇禁用.禁用于全身真菌感染患者、对二丙酸倍他米松磷酸酯钠以及其他皮质类固醇激素或这类制剂中任何成分过敏的患者及特异性血小板减少性紫癜患者。孕妇、乳母、儿童等慎用。给药说明:(1)肾上腺皮质功能减退症患者需终生服用生理替代剂量的肾上腺皮质激素,对未发生应激状态的患者每日用氢化可的松 20~30mg,或可的松 25~37.5mg,根据患者的体重、工作强度适当增减。一日量的 2/3在清晨服用,另 1/3在下午服用。必要时可加用小量盐皮质激素,注意不可过量,以免发生浮肿、高血压。对急性肾上腺皮质功能减退症或慢性患者,在发生严重应激状况时需静脉滴注氢化可的松,每日约 200~300mg,同时,应采用相应的抗感染、抗休克等措施。(2)肾上腺酶系缺陷所致的肾上腺增生症,应长期使用生理剂量的糖皮质激素,以抑制ACTH的过度分泌,使过多的雄激素减少(21-羟化酶缺陷)。可用氢化可的松,于上午服用全日量的 1/3,傍晚服用 2/3。如用地塞米松,可每日服用一次。(3)肾上腺以外的疾病,利用糖皮质激素的药理作用,大致可分为以下三类情况。①急症,如过敏性休克、感染性休克、严重哮喘持续状态、器官移植抗排斥反应,往往需静脉给予大剂量糖皮质激素,每日数百以至 1000mg,疗程限于 3~5天,必须同时应用有关的其他有效治疗,如感染性休克应用有效抗生素,过敏性休克时用肾上腺素、抗组胺药。②中程治疗:对一些较严重的疾病,如肾病综合征、狼疮性肾炎、恶性浸润性突眼,应采用药理剂量的人工合成制剂,如每日口服强的松 40~60mg,分次服用,奏效后减至维持量,疗程为 4~8周。用药剂量和疗程需根据病情的程度和治疗效果而予以调整。③长程治疗:慢性疾病,如类风湿性关节炎、血小板减少性紫癜、系统性红斑狼疮,应尽量采用其他治疗方法,必要时用糖皮质激素,采用尽可能小的剂量,病情有好转时即减量,宜每天上午服一次或隔日上午服一次中效制剂(如强的松),以尽可能减轻对下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的抑制作用。对于病情较重者,在隔天疗法的不服激素日,可加用其他治疗措施。(1)本品的抗炎作用较地塞米松略强,且作用迅速、副作用较少。本品 0.5mg疗效与地塞米松 0.75mg、泼尼松 5mg或可的松 25mg相当。(2)本品不宜长期应用,尤其对小儿,因可抑制生长。(3)本品潴钠作用微弱,故不宜用于肾上腺皮质功能不全的替代治疗。随访检查:长期应用糖皮质激素者,应定期检查以下项目:①血糖、尿糖或糖耐量试验,尤其是有糖尿病或糖尿病倾向者;②小儿应定期监测生长和发育情况;③眼科检查,注意白内障、青光眼或眼部感染的发生;④血清电解质和大便隐血;⑤高血压和骨质疏松的检查,尤以老年人为然。本品不可静脉或皮下注射。治疗中应使用最小剂量皮质类固醇激素控制病情,可能减量时应逐渐减量。不良反应:糖皮质激素在应用生理剂量替代治疗时无明显不良反应,不良反应多发生在应用药理剂量时,而且与疗程、剂量、用药种类、用法及给药途径等有密切关系。常见不良反应有以下几类。(1)静脉迅速给予大剂量可能发生全身性的过敏反应,包括面部、鼻粘膜、眼睑肿胀,荨麻疹,气短,胸闷,喘鸣。(2)长程用药可引起以下副作用:医源性柯兴综合征面容和体态、体重增加、下肢浮肿、紫纹、易出血倾向、创口愈合不良、痤疮、月经紊乱、肱或股骨头缺血性坏死、骨质疏松或骨折(包括脊椎压缩性骨折、长骨病理性骨折)、肌无力、肌萎缩、低血钾综合征、胃肠道刺激(恶心、呕吐)、胰腺炎、消化性溃疡或肠穿孔,儿童生长受到抑制、青光眼、白内障、良性颅内压升高综合征、糖耐量减退和糖尿病加重。(3)患者可出现精神症状:欣快感、激动、不安、谵妄、定向力障碍,也可表现为抑制。精神症状尤易发生于患慢性消耗性疾病的人及以往有过精神不正常者。在用量达每日强的松 40mg或更多,用药数日至二周即可出现。(4)并发感染为糖皮质激素的主要不良反应。以真菌、结核菌、葡萄球菌、变形杆菌、绿脓杆菌和各种疱疹病毒感染为主。多发生在中程或长程疗法时,但亦可在短期用大剂量后出现。(5)下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴受到抑制,为激素治疗的重要并发症,其发生与制剂、剂量、疗程等因素有关。每日用强的松 20mg以上,历时 3周以上,以及出现医源性柯兴综合征时,应考虑肾上腺功能已受到抑制。(6)糖皮质激素停药后综合征可有以下各种不同的情况。①下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺功能减退,可表现为乏力、软弱、食欲减退、恶心、呕吐、血压偏低、长程治疗后此轴心功能的恢复一般需要 9~12个月,功能恢复的先后依次为:i.下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素释放素(CRF)分泌恢复并增多;ii.ACTH分泌恢复并高于正常,此时肾上腺皮质激素的分泌仍偏低;iii.氢皮质素的基础分泌恢复正常、垂体 ACTH的分泌由原来偏多而恢复正常;iV.下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴对应激的反应恢复正常。②停药后原来疾病已被控制的症状重新出现。为了避免肾上腺皮质功能减退的发生及原来疾病症状的复燃,在长程激素治疗后应缓慢地逐渐减量,并由原来的一日服用数次,改为每日上午服药一次,或隔日上午服药一次。③糖皮质激素停药综合征。有时患者在停药后出现头晕、昏厥倾向、腹痛或背痛、低热、食欲减退、恶心、呕吐、肌肉或关节疼痛、头疼、乏力、软弱,经仔细检查如能排除肾上腺皮质功能减退和原来疾病的复燃,则可考虑为对糖皮质激素的依赖综合征。发生率低,有水电解质、肌肉骨骼、胃肠道、皮肤、神经、内分泌、眼、代谢及精神异常。本品可引起一系列神经综合征、神经乳头水肿和增加颅内压,特别是对儿童危险性更大,一 7个月大小的婴儿局部用1%的倍他米松软膏,停药后出现了前颅内压增高,这种综合征甚至可能刺激脑内肿瘤的发生。本品可能导致儿童患者出现白血病样的改变,因此在对儿童长期使用本品或其他皮质激素类药物治疗。前后都应注意白血病的迹象。相互作用:(1)非甾体消炎镇痛药可加强糖皮质激素的致溃疡作用。(2)可增强对乙酰氨基酚的肝毒性。(3)氨鲁米特(aminog lutethimide)能抑制肾上腺皮质功能,加速地塞米松的代谢,使其半衰期缩短 2倍。(4)与两性霉素 B或碳酸酐酶抑制剂合用时,可加重低钾血症,应注意血钾和心脏功能变化,长期与碳酸酐酶抑制剂合用,易发生低血钙和骨质疏松。(5)与蛋白质同化激素合用,可增加水肿的发生率,使痤疮加重。(6)与制酸药合用,可减少强的松或地塞米松的吸收。(7)与抗胆碱能药(如阿托品)长期合用,可致眼压增高。(8)三环类抗抑郁药可使糖皮质激素引起的精神症状加重。(9)与降糖药如胰岛素合用时,因可使糖尿病患者血糖升高,应适当调整降糖药剂量。(10)甲状腺激素可使糖皮质激素的代谢清除率增加,故甲状腺激素或抗甲状腺药与糖皮质激素合用时,应适当调整后者的剂量。(11)与避孕药或雌激素制剂合用;可加强糖皮质激素的治疗作用和不良反应。(12)与强心苷合用,可增加洋地黄毒性及心律紊乱的发生。(13)与排钾利尿药合用,可致严重低血钾,并由于水钠潴留而减弱利尿药的排钠利尿效应。(14)与麻黄碱合用,可增强糖皮质激素的代谢清除。(15)与免疫抑制剂合用,可增加感染的危险性,并可能诱发淋巴瘤或其他淋巴细胞增生性疾病。(16)糖皮质激素,尤其是强的松龙可增加异烟肼在肝脏代谢和排泄,降低异烟肼的血药浓度和疗效。(17)糖皮质激素可促进美西律在体内代谢,降低血药浓度。(18)与水杨酸盐合用,可减少血浆水杨酸盐的浓度。(19)与生长激素合用,可抑制后者的促生长作用。①苯巴比妥、利福平、苯妥因或麻黄碱可促进皮质类固醇激素的代谢。②与排钾利尿药合用可加重低血钾症。③与强心甙合用有诱发与低血钾有关的心律不齐或地高辛中毒的可能。④与香豆素型抗凝血药合用可增加或降低抗凝作用。⑤糖尿病患者使用本品时可能需要调整糖尿病治疗药物用量。

veer by istock中文什么意思?

Veer by is tock.一转弯就过去了。

veer by istock中文什么意思?


泰勒。斯威夫特的《love story的英文歌词和翻译!

love story歌手:Taylor Swift作词:Taylor Swift作曲:Taylor Swift歌词:We were both young when I first saw you第一次见到你的时候我们都很年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts我闭上眼晴那一幕又闪现了I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air我站在那里在一个阳台上乘凉See the lights" see the party" the ball gowns看这灯光看着舞会和那些礼服See you make your way through the crowd我看见你穿过拥挤的人群I"ll be waiting" all there"s left to do is run我等待着这一天现在唯一能做的就是逃离You"ll be the prince and I"ll be this princess你就会成为王子而我也将会是公主It"s a love story这是一个爱情故事Baby" just say yes亲爱的你只需答应我So I sneak out to the garden to see you于是我偷偷地到公园去见你We keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knew我们保持低调因为被他们知道的话我们就死定了So close your eyes" escape this town for a little while所以请闭上你的眼睛 从这个城逃出去哪怕只是短暂的一会"Cause you were Romeo" I was a scarlet letter因为你是罗密欧我就像红字里的女主角和你有世仇不能在一起Romeo save me I"ve been feeling so alone罗密欧救救我我感到很孤单I"ll keep waiting for you but you never come我将一直等你可是你从没来过Is this in my head" I don"t know what to think这是在我的脑海我不知道该怎么想he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring他跪在地上并掏出一枚戒指Marry me Juliet you"ll never have to be alone朱丽叶嫁给我 我不会再让你孤单I love you and that"s all I really know我爱你那是我非常确信的I talked to your dad you"ll pick out a white dress我已经和你爸爸谈过了你将穿上白色的婚纱It"s a love story这是一个爱情故事Baby" just say yes亲爱的你只需答应我Oh" oh" oh哦哦哦We were both young when I first saw you第一次见到你的时候我们都很年轻扩展资料:《Love Story》是由美国乡村流行乐女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首乡村歌曲,词曲由泰勒·斯威夫特创作,该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2008年9月12日通过大机器唱片公司发行,后被收录在泰勒·斯威夫特于2008年11月11日发行的第二张录音室专辑《Fearless》。2007年底,环球唱片公司率先为泰勒·斯威夫特在非乡村类的主流电台和电视台进行了大力推广,并且为她制定了乡村、流行和摇滚的跨界音乐定位和发展路线。在创作这首歌时,泰勒的父母强烈反对她和一个男生交往,泰勒得到了来自莎士比亚的经典悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的灵感,她回到房间、关上门,坐在卧室的地板上花了20分钟写下这首歌。然而,泰勒并没有借用莎士比亚的悲剧结尾,而是自己书写了一个不同的结局。



常客、老顾客用英文怎么翻译?可以说usual customer 吗?谢谢


Whitney Houston的《Salute》 歌词

歌曲名:Salute歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:I Look To YouSaluteWhitney HoustonSay you wanna run awayYou ain"t got nothing to sayBut I salute youGo on out the door,Now, you take careNo more tears to shedWhat, you expecting me to beg,Girl i"m not undoneSo when you leave just close the door behind you,Cause, i"m feeling kind of hotter than you, mainlyI"m feeling kind of stronger than you, latelyI"m feeling kind of better than you,And I know just what to do,I feel like doing my headI feel like all there"s some of my friendsI feel like going to a club and partyingCause i"m a soldier girl, in this worldStand alone, candle strongI walked a mile, and made homeIt"s good to know without you I made itSoldier girl, in my worldTook the fall now I stand tallAll the pain and all, I made it throughAnd now ima vowel to say to youSalute, ay, aySalute, ay, ayYou think you know everything,See you think that your sh don"t stink,Well it do, yeahAnd when it comes to me,You don"t have a clueIt took me all of these years,To realise that you gonna be long hereI can do better,You say ill never do betterYeah, like whateverI"m feeling kind of hotter than you, mainlyI"m feeling kind of stronger than you, latelyI"m feeling kind of better than you,And I know just what to doI feel like doing my headI feel like all there"s some of my friendsI feel like going to a club and partyingI"m a soldier girl, in this worldStand alone, candle strongI walked a mile, and made homeIt"s good to know without you I made itSoldier, girl, in my worldTook the fall now I stand tallAll the pain and all, I made it throughAnd now ima vowel to say to youSalute, ay, aySo don"t call me to come backI did it for years,Through all of the drama and the painAnd all of the tearsIt"s time to stop this rollercoaster,So that I can get onLet me start moving mountains, swimming seas,And climbing over wallsI"m a soldier girl, in this worldStand alone, candle strongI walked a mile, and made homeIt"s good to know without you I made itSoldier, girl, in my worldTook the fall now I stand tallAll the pain and all, I made it throughAnd now ima vowel to say to youSalute, ay, aySalute, ay, ay

翻译justin bieber%sean kingston的《eenie weenie》歌词:

eenie meenie 的英文歌词If she holla" (if, if, if she holla) let her go Shes indecisive She can"t decideShe keeps on lookin"From left to rightGirl, c"mon get closer Look in my eyesSearchin" is so wrong I"m Mr. Right You seem like the type,To love em" and leave em"And disappear right after this song. So give me the night To show you, hold youDon"t leave me out here dancin" aloneYou can"t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind Please don"t waste my time, time, time, time, time I"m not tryin" to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind I wish our hearts could come together as one Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"   Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"   Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"   Let me show you what your missin" Paradise With me you"re winning girlYou don"t have to roll the diceTell me what you"re really here forThem other guys? I can see right through ya" You seem like the typeTo love em" and leave em" And disappear right after the song. So give me the nightTo show you, hold you Don"t leave me out here dancin" alone Can"t make up your mind Please don"t waste my timeNot tryin" to rewindI wish our hearts could come together as oneCause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"   Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"

ios9.2apple store怎么看不到账户的余额了?

首先打开 iPhone App Store,然后选择底部的精品推荐,用手指向上滑动到底部,就会看到你当前使用的ID账户和余额。如果还没有登录,请点击“登录。”然后在弹出的菜单中选择“使用现有的 Apple ID”接着输入我们想要查看余额的苹果账户。登录完成以后,就会看到苹果账户的余额了,只要登录成功以后,以后就可以直接在这里查看账户余额。iOS9.2是一个以优化和修复BUG为主的稳定版本,解决了之前版本的诸多问题。修复了News、Apple Music、iBooks、Podcasts等应用的Bug,为邮件增加了Mail Drop功能可以发送大附件;iBooks开始支持3D Touch。另外,系统下第三方应用在调用Safari时支持安装插件,系统内置的一些旧功能比如通讯录、日历、闹钟等问题也得以修复。最大吐槽的iCloud手动备份无法完成的Bug也被修复。目前iOS9.2在性能上和稳定性上都非常的优秀,另外电量续航方面也有所提升。总结起来,如果你是一个普通的非越狱用户的话,iOS9.2非常好,值得升级体验使用;如果你是一个越狱用户的话,还是等待一下,暂时不要升级iOS9.2为妙。



求Alvaro Soler的《Agosto》音译歌词!

《Agosto》歌词:"Agosto"Nunca al pasear por la orilla en agosto Hizo pensar que te fueras con otro Ya no puedo más desde que te has ido Aunque no estés no te vas al olvidoEra una historia de amorPero ahora ya solo siento el dolorDonde estarásCual tu caminoSin ti me siento un clandestinoDonde yo vayaVeo tu rostroEs un eterno, eterno agostoEterno, eterno agostoEs un eterno, eterno agostoDonde yo vayaVeo tu rostroEs un eterno, eterno agostoSé que ahora ya no sabes ni quien eraTengo el calor de los pies en la arenaEres tú mi luz cuando yo me perdíaSiempre sentí que tú me protegíasSiempre estaré aquí por tiDa igual donde estésYo quiero hacerte felizDonde estarásCual tu caminoSin ti me siento un clandestinoDonde yo vayaVeo tu rostroEs un eterno, eterno agostoEterno, eterno agostoEs un eterno, eterno agostoDonde yo vayaVeo tu rostroEs un eterno, eterno agostoY ya no vas a volver, noY no hay más que hacer, noY ahora solo, ahora solo quedo yoDonde estarásCual tu caminoSin ti me siento un clandestinoDonde yo vayaVeo tu rostroEs un eterno, eterno agostoEterno, eterno agostoEs un eterno, eterno agostoDonde yo vayaVeo tu rostroEs un eterno, eterno agosto

求单机游戏《吸血鬼的故事》(A Vampyre Story)的全部剧情和结局

吸血鬼”(Vampire),与狼人和木乃伊并称为西方文化中最神秘的主题,它们都是好莱坞的电影或是惊悚游戏中的常客,其中又数“吸血鬼”最让人们感兴趣,从冒险解谜游戏《德考拉》(Dracula)、《吸血莱恩》(Blood Rayne)到恐怖动作冒险游戏《吸血鬼之雨》(Vampire"s Rain)……,无一不是以神秘莫测德“吸血鬼”为题材。不过,无论是影片还是游戏,其中不乏有根据魔幻经典读本改编而来的,《德考拉》就是根据19世界末英国小说家Bram Stoker所著的畅销吸血鬼小说改编,今天为大家介绍的冒险游戏《吸血鬼的故事》(A Vampyre Story)也有同名书籍,书籍以印度历史上赫赫有名的维克拉姆国王的历险展开,游戏版的《吸血鬼的故事》与书籍毫无关联,游戏将带你回到维多利亚女王时代的欧洲。Autumn Moon工作室的所有开发成员除了音乐作曲家外都曾是美国著名的游戏公司LucasArts的设计师,《吸血鬼的故事》是他们开发的第一款Point-And-Click冒险类PC游戏。不知玩家有没有发现一个奇怪的现象,“吸血鬼”的英文单词应该时“Vampires”,但游戏名称中“吸血鬼”却是“Vampyre”,这是因为游戏标题中的“吸血鬼”一词最早出现在有关塞尔维亚人成为吸血鬼的第一个案件手稿中,手稿中用德语写成的一个字就是“Vanpir”,这也是“吸血鬼”(Vampyre)一词的最早来源,《吸血鬼的故事》之所以这样做,是借以说明西方吸血鬼神话的起源时由此而来。

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  1、下载 SlikSVN。  2、安装。路径 D:Program Filesslikin。  3、在WebStorm中配置 file->settings->Version Contorl->subversion->with conmand line client  设置成你的 D:Program Filesslikinsvn.exe。


The form which is used for filling what you need to declare to customs


stove 英[stu0259uv] 美[stov] n. 炉,火炉;窑;干燥室,烘房 v. 用火炉烤 名词复数:stoves [例句]Dinner simmered on the stove.我们在炉子上面煮着晚餐。

-Jack left the stove ____ when he was out. -He is too careless

选D(翻译为:——Jack离开炉子时,让炉子还在燃烧。——他太粗心了)leave sth done让某事停留在…的状态望采纳

stove on什么意思?


判断划线部分(o)读音是否相同 clock doctor ,today come , open no, safa shop,box stove, moter love.

clock, doctor(第一个o), shop box --o的发音为u0252today doctor(第二个o) motor(第二个o)--o的发音为u0259come, love--o的发音为u028copen, no, sofa, stove, motor(第一个o)--o的发音为u0259u028a

stove over glove sofa中的o各发什么音

stove/u0259u/ 读音与汉语的“鸥”一样。 over/u0259u/ glove/u028c/ 读音有点接近汉语的“阿”。 sofa/u028c/ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!


《The Storm Witch》(Malan, Violette)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:guyz书名:The Storm Witch作者:Malan, Violette出版年份:2010-9页数:392内容简介:The third novel in Violette Malan"s bold fantasy series.Mercenary Partners Dhulyn and Parno have returned to their Mercenary House to clear themselves of accusations of kidnapping and murder. But before they can resolve these charges, old friends are taken hostage by the Long Ocean Nomads, and they are forced to come to the rescue, agreeing to trade their services for the release of their friends.

Luke Christopher - Lot To Learn

Luke Christopher – Lot To Learn Lyrics(Chorus) If I was a question, would you be my answer? If I was the music, would you be the dancer If I was the student, would you be the teacher? If I was the sinner, would you be the preacher? Would you be my… what"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it What"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it (Verse) Feelin" like a digit in the system, just anotha stupid number I don"t know know know Everything is twisted, I can feel it, it"s another stupid summer When it"s cold cold cold We can do it on our own, head up to a place where maybe no-one goes In a rocket full of liquor and a Polaroid fo" pictures Baby, you should stop me before I lose control (Pre-Chorus) How a-perfect a person that might go through your person Put on your disguise? You see the stars, but they just see the skies And you see my scars, what do they see (Chorus) If I was a question, would you be my answer? If I was the music, would you be the dancer If I was the student, would you be the teacher? If I was the sinner, would you be the preacher? Would you be my… what"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it What"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it (Verse 2) Got yo finger on the trigger, and you aimin at the mirror Don"t you shoot, that ain"t you, nah Cuz on the outside you pretendin", but you hurtin" in the endin" What"s the truth, what"s the truth? (Pre-Chorus) How a-perfect a person that might go through your person Put on your disguise? You see the stars, but they just see the skies And you see my scars, what do they see (Chorus) If I was a question, would you be my answer? If I was the music, would you be the dancer If I was the student, would you be the teacher? If I was the sinner, would you be the preacher? Would you be my… what"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it What"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it

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英语证券方面翻译:fully vested shares of Stock。 我主要想知道fully vested 是什么意思》?


the story of rain写一篇作文

其一Rain is liquid precipitation, as opposed to other kinds of precipitation such as snow, hail and sleet. Rain requires the presence of a thick layer of the atmosphere to have temperatures above the melting point of water near and above the Earth"s surface. On Earth, it is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops of water heavy enough to fall, often making it to the surface. Two processes, possibly acting together, can lead to air becoming saturated leading to rainfall: cooling the air or adding water vapour to the air. Virga is precipitation that begins falling to the earth but evaporates before reaching the surface; it is one of the ways air can become saturated. Precipitation forms via collision with other rain drops or ice crystals within a cloud. Rain drops range in size from oblate, pancake-like shapes for larger drops, to small spheres for smaller drops.其二Rain plays a role in the hydrologic cycle in which moisture from the oceans evaporates, condenses into drops, precipitates (falls) from the sky, and eventually returns to the ocean via rivers and streams to repeat the cycle again. The water vapor from plant respiration also contributes to the moisture in the atmosphere. A scientific model known as the Bergeron process explains how rain forms and falls. >> The Bergeron–Findeisen process (after Tor Bergeron and W. Findeisen), also known as the cold rain or ice crystal process, is the formation of precipitation in the cold clouds of the mid and upper latitudes by ice crystal growth. The equilibrium vapor pressure over water is greater than the saturation vapor pressure over ice, at the same temperature. Therefore in a mixed phase cloud, the liquid water will be out of vapor pressure equilibrium and will evaporate to reach equilibrium. The water droplets will move toward the lower pressure over the ice and diffuse onto the ice crystals. The vapor will be condensed and freeze onto the ice crystal, causing it to grow larger.





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设备未安装AppSync越狱补丁的问题可以通过安装AppSync越狱补丁来解决。AppSync是一种可以绕过iOS系统签名限制的工具,可以让用户在非官方App Store上下载安装未经授权的应用程序。如果设备未安装AppSync越狱补丁,那么在使用非官方App Store下载并安装未经授权的应用程序时,会提示无法安装或安装失败的错误信息。因此,安装AppSync越狱补丁可以让我们在越狱设备上自由地安装和使用各种应用程序。需要注意的是,安装AppSync越狱补丁可能会带来一定的风险,因为它可以绕过系统的签名限制,使得设备上的应用程序无法得到完全的保护。因此,在使用AppSync越狱补丁时,需要谨慎操作,只从可信来源下载并安装应用程序,以避免安全风险和数据泄露。

joss stone L-O-V-E

L is for the way you look at me L是你看着我的方式O is for the only one I see O是唯一我能看得到的V is very, very extraordinary V是非常非常特别的E is even more than anyone that you adore can E是你所爱慕的超越任何人的Love is all that I can give to you 爱是我能够给你的一切Love is more than just a game for two 爱不只是两个人游戏Two in love can make it 两个爱中的人可以制造爱情Take my heart and please dont break it 保护我的心 请不要伤害它Love was made for me and you 爱是因为你我而生L is for the way you look at me L是你看着我的方式O is for the only one I see O是唯一我能看得到的V is very, very extraordinary V是非常非常特别的E is even more than anyone that you adore can E是你所爱慕的超越任何人的Love is all that I can give to you 爱是我能够给你的一切Love is more than just a game for two 爱不只是两个人游戏Two in love can make it 两个爱中的人可以制造爱情Take my heart and please dont break it 保护我的心 请不要伤害它Love was made for me and you 爱是因为你我而生Love was made for me and you 爱是因为你我而生Love was made for me and you爱是因为你我而生

Joss Stone的《Free Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Free Me歌手:Joss Stone专辑:The Best Of Joss Stone 2003 - 2009Joss Stone - Free MeHey!All right nowAin"t I got you on my back footAnd you know I got you really goodCause there"s something deep inside of meI got to beAnd if you find it hard to follow meIf I loose you in my creative streamThen you only got to raise your eyesAnd see me flyDon"t tell me that I won"tI canDon"t tell me that I"m notI amDon"t tell me that my master planAin"t coming throughDon"t tell me that I won"tI willDon"t tell me how to thinkI fellDon"t tell me cause I know what"s realWhat I can doSomething that you don"t see every dayA little girl who found her wayTo a world that tries to take awayAll of your dreamsI think there"s one thing I will say to youThat there is nothing that you can"t doCause it"s all about your attitudeDon"t let them get to youDon"t tell me that I won"tI canDon"t tell me that I"m notI amDon"t tell me that my master planAin"t coming throughDon"t tell me that I won"tI willDon"t tell me how to thinkI fellDon"t tell me cause I know what"s realWhat I can doAnd we"re singing it out our voiceWe can make that choice to be freeAnd we"re singing it out our voiceWe can make that choice to be free nowMusic, hey, l-u-v, I love itYeah, yeahMusic, now, now, now, whatI love it, yes, I doDon"t tell me that I won"tI canDon"t tell me that I"m notI amDon"t tell me that my master planAin"t coming throughDon"t tell me that I won"tI willDon"t tell me how to thinkI fellDon"t tell me cause I know what"s realWhat I can doFree meFree meFree meFree me...

Joss Stone 的 Right To Be Wrong 歌词翻译

I"ve got a right to be wrongMy mistakes will make me strongI"m stepping out into the great unknownI"m feeling wings though I"ve never flownI"ve got a mind of my ownI"m flesh and blood to the boneI"m not made of stoneGot a right to be wrongSo just leave me aloneI"ve got a right to be wrongI"ve been held down too longI"ve got to break freeSo I can finally breatheI"ve got a right to be wrongGot to sing my own songI might be singing out of key But it sure feels good to meGot a right to be wrongSo just leave me aloneYou"re entitled to your opinionBut it"s really my decisionI can"t turn back I"m on a missionIf you care don"t you dare blur my visionLet me be all that I can beDon"t smother me with negativityWhatever"s out there waiting for meI"m going to faced it willinglyI"ve got a right to be wrongMy mistakes will make me strongI"m stepping out into the great unknownI"m feeling wings though I"ve never flownI"ve got a mind of my ownFlesh and blood to the boneSee, I"m not made of stoneI"ve got a right to be wrongSo just leave me aloneI"ve got a right to be wrongI"ve been held down to longI"ve got to break freeSo I can finally breatheI"ve got a right to be wrongGot to sing my own songI might be singing out of key But it sure feels good to meI"ve got a right to be wrongSo just leave me alone我有权利是错误的 我的错误,让我坚强 我走出去到大未知 我感觉,虽然我从来没有飞行的翅膀 我有我自己的心 我血肉的骨头 我不是石头做的 得到的权利是错误的 所以只要给我一个人 我有权利是错误的 我一直压得太久 我得挣脱 所以,我终于可以呼吸 我有权利是错误的 我得唱自己的歌 我可能是唱出来的关键 但可以肯定的对我感觉很好 得到的权利是错误的 所以只要给我一个人 你有权你的意见 但它真的是我的决定 我不能回头,我的使命 如果你关心你敢不模糊我的视线 让我做的一切,我可以 不要扼杀我与否定性 凡是在那里等着我 我要面对的是自愿 我有权利是错误的 我的错误,让我坚强 我走出去到大未知 我感觉,虽然我从来没有飞行的翅膀 我有我自己的心 血肉的骨头 你看,我不是石头做的 我有权利是错误的 所以只要给我一个人 我有权利是错误的 我一直压得长 我得挣脱 所以,我终于可以呼吸 我有权利是错误的 我得唱自己的歌 我可能是唱出来的关键 但可以肯定的对我感觉很好 我有权利是错误的 所以只要给我一个人

Joss Stone的《You Had Me》 歌词

歌曲名:You Had Me歌手:Joss Stone专辑:You Had MeJoss Stone - You Had MeYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindSpitting in my eyes and I still seeTried to keep me downI"m breaking freeI don"t want no part in your next fixSomeone needs to tell youThis is itHeyListen you"ll be missin"Out on all my love and my kissingMake your mistakes on your own timeWhen you come down you"re just no good to have aroundInstead of making money you took mineYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeYou tried to trade on my naiveteBut the things you do and say embarrass meSee once upon a time I was your foolBut the one I leave behind he is youHeyListen you"ll be missin"Out on all my love and my kissingMake your mistakes on your own timeWhen you come down you"re just no good to have aroundInstead of making money you took mineYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeVodka and a packet of cigarettesThat"s all it used to be but nowYou"re sniffing on snow when you"re feeling lowSuffocating dreams that could haveMaybe for a minute I"d be down with thatBut it didn"t take long for me to see the lightYou swore you had control of itBut when I stepped back you slipped on your supplyYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeAin"t nobody got no business stressing all the timeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeAin"t nobody got no business stressing all the timeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my life

Joss Stone的《4 and 20》 歌词

歌曲名:4 and 20歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Valentine"s Day (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Joss Stone - 4 And 20They say time wasted for no man and neither, does this one meanI"ve been trying hard to understand what it meanMany more have come and gone, and it"s a little hard to holding onTo what could be, baby, should be baby, crazy all it"s making meI"ve been holding on, for way too longIt can"t go onYou"ve got four and twenty hours, just one day to prove to meThat your love has got the power, make me believeYou take me where I want to be, four and twenty hoursAnd that"s meThey say Rome wasn"t built in a day, but heyThey got nothing on the patience bed, it"s taking me awaySee the shade of the hour glass, I"ll slip it through your handEvery grain has got to hurt you, takes you further from your chaiseI"ve been holding on, for way too longEither you"re in or you"re outYou"ve got four and twenty hours, just one day to prove to meThat your love has got the power, make me believeYou take me where I want to be, four and twenty hours, whooahAnd that"s meSo everydayI walk out of my front doorAnd I"ll be wishing it"ll beThat today is gonna be the dayThat you smile at my face and tell me somethingSomething that words cannot vow,And tell me that you love meTell me that you"re gonna be a manAnd show up on me babyYou got one day, I"m gonna give you twenty four hours babyThat"s all you should need right nowOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (Four and twenty hours)To make me remember your love (Four and twenty hours)To make me believe (Four and twenty hours)Make me believe that you"re the man for me babyOooh, yeahI cannot believe you baby,I"m gonna be more than flowers on a try(Four and twenty hours)(Four and twenty hours)(Four and twenty hours)Four and twenty hours, should beIt should be more than enough for you

Joss Stone的《4 And 20》 歌词

歌曲名:4 And 20歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Valentine"S Day OstJoss Stone - 4 And 20They say time wasted for no man and neither, does this one meanI"ve been trying hard to understand what it meanMany more have come and gone, and it"s a little hard to holding onTo what could be, baby, should be baby, crazy all it"s making meI"ve been holding on, for way too longIt can"t go onYou"ve got four and twenty hours, just one day to prove to meThat your love has got the power, make me believeYou take me where I want to be, four and twenty hoursAnd that"s meThey say Rome wasn"t built in a day, but heyThey got nothing on the patience bed, it"s taking me awaySee the shade of the hour glass, I"ll slip it through your handEvery grain has got to hurt you, takes you further from your chaiseI"ve been holding on, for way too longEither you"re in or you"re outYou"ve got four and twenty hours, just one day to prove to meThat your love has got the power, make me believeYou take me where I want to be, four and twenty hours, whooahAnd that"s meSo everydayI walk out of my front doorAnd I"ll be wishing it"ll beThat today is gonna be the dayThat you smile at my face and tell me somethingSomething that words cannot vow,And tell me that you love meTell me that you"re gonna be a manAnd show up on me babyYou got one day, I"m gonna give you twenty four hours babyThat"s all you should need right nowOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (Four and twenty hours)To make me remember your love (Four and twenty hours)To make me believe (Four and twenty hours)Make me believe that you"re the man for me babyOooh, yeahI cannot believe you baby,I"m gonna be more than flowers on a try(Four and twenty hours)(Four and twenty hours)(Four and twenty hours)Four and twenty hours, should beIt should be more than enough for you

求歌词joss stone的drive all night

joss stone - drive all nightJust when I thought I put you upSilly old me, I called too many timesThought you were about to love me upHere I am getting all messed up by fucking firesideCHORUS:Then you drive all night saying what use is the night, when you can"t sleepAnywayYou might be tired, but the fact to the matter is you"re standing right inFront of my faceYou saved me, saved me from hate, it"s so close to loveNo one"s ever done anything like this for me beforeNo one"s ever drove for miles to make me smile beforeI started to worry, do I smell nice?Like a fool I left my gum on the sideThan I go and kiss you and the follow up from that was whole bunch ofNothingWondering where you"re atCHORUSNo one"s ever done anything like this for me beforeNo one"s ever drove for miles to make me smile beforeI"m happy, always grown, at least I can sing a love songThere"s no reason to believe the life outside the thisI"m glad that I was wrong, I can see that we"re highI can see that we"re feeling

求 joss stone 的 it s a man s man s man s world, 就是chanel coco coco mademoiselle香水广告的歌词

This is a man"s world, this is a man"s world这是一个属于男人们的世界,这是一个属于男人们的世界But it wouldn"t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl但若这个世界失去任何一个女孩或女士,都会变得一无是处 黯然失色You see, mn made the cars to take us over the road如你我所见,男人发明了外燃机 使汽车带我们遍地周游Man made the trains to carry heavy loads男人发明了火车 让火车来背运沉重的负荷Man made electric light to take us out of the dark男人发明了电灯 让人们走出了夜晚的漆黑一片Man made the boat for the water, like,like Noah made the ark男人为了使于水面 发明了船只 就像 就宛如诺亚创造了方舟This is a man"s, a man"s, a man"s world这是一个世界 充满了男人 男人的创造But it wouldn"t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl但若这个世界失去任何一个女孩或女士,都会变得无任何意义 暗淡无光Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys男人对于柔弱娇小的女孩子的所思所想和小男孩所见Man makes then happy,Cause man makes them toys男人必将喜笑颜开 因为男人们给他们发明了玩具来玩乐And after man has made everything, everything he can并在之后 男人创造了更多的东西 任何他力所能及的You know that man makes money to buy from other man而且如你我所知 男人用钱来购买他人所拥有的东西This is a world,a man"s world这是一个世界 充满了男人But it wouldn"t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl但若这个世界失去任何一位女士或女孩 就会变得一无是处

Joss Stone的《Understand》 歌词

Understand歌手:Joss Stone(乔丝史东)I hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youI keep our song on repeatOn my ipod, even when I sleepAnd in my dream I"m holding youAlone on an island just us twoI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youThe last guy had me so wrongHe kept complaining I was away too longDon"t treat me that way cause in your headYou"ve got to trust me I won"t be ledI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youI hope your mind ain"t working overtimeI hope your memories are full of good times with meDon"t trip if right now I can"t answer the phoneCause you know that soon I"ll be coming homeI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youDo you understandCause I understandDo you understand that I"m in love with you boyI"m so in love with you, so in love with youCause I understandDo you?Do you understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand I"m in love with you

Joss Stone的《Headturner》 歌词

歌曲名:Headturner歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Introducing Joss StoneHeadturnerJoss StoneWork itGirls we gotta work it like we doTurn a head or twoCause we"re worth itSo I ain"t gonna waste my time waiting on youGotta make your moveYou"ve had my number fot two or three days or moreIf you"re a real man then you can"t ignore mmmm, mmmm thisSometimes it"s physicalBut I want supernaturalI don"t have wings but I"m ready to fallI deserve it allHeadturner yeahSoul burnerYa gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkHeadturner yeahAre you a slow learnerCome and take my handCause I"ll find another manIf you"re gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkYa gotta earn itNothing in life is free you gotta bring your love to me baby, baby, babyEmotional, mmm I got itSexual, mmm I got itSpiritual, God knows I"ve got itWhat you want, baby I got itHeadturner yeahSoul burnerYa gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkHeadturner yeahAre you a slow learnerCome and take my handCause I"ll find another manIf ya gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkUh huhNo one can love you like I love youNo one can do the things that I would do to youI"d do something about it if I were youOr feel my heels as I"m walking over you ...~~~~~~Headturner yeahSoul burnerI ya gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkHeadturner yeahAre you a slow learnerCome and take my handI"ll find another manHeadturner yeahSoul burnerI ya gonna watch me walk, then watch me walkHeadturner yeahAre you a slow learnerCome and take my handI"ll find another man

Joss Stone的《L-O-V-E》 歌词

歌曲名:L-O-V-E歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Super Duper Hits: The Best of Joss Stone (2003-2009)Joss Stone - L-O-V-EL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore canLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please dont break itLove was made for me and youL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore canLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please dont break itLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youJoss Stone - L-O-V-E

Donna Summer的《stop me》 歌词

歌曲名:stop me歌手:Donna Summer专辑:the wandererI was weak and i was blindYou know i never ever wanted to putOur love on the lightYou were right, and i was wrongI should have listened to the wordsYou saidBut i was too headstrongSo if you"ve heard this all beforeDon"t let me carry on no moreStop me, stop me if you think you"veHeard this one, this oneDonna SummerStop me, stop me if you think you"veHeard this oneStop me, stop me if you think you"veHeard this one, this oneStop me, stop me, stop meYou said i lied, you said i criedBut i had to say something fast in caseYou threw me asideI didn"t know, i couldn"t guessIf i only would have known i neverWould have been in this messBut if you"ve heard this all beforeDon"t let me carry on no moreHeard this one, this oneStop me, stop me if you think you"veHeard this oneStop me, stop me if you think you"veHeard this one, this oneStop me, stop me, stop meBut if you"ve heard this all beforeDon"t let me carry on no moreStop me, stop me if you think you"veHeard this one, this oneStop me, stop me if you think you"veHeard this oneStop me, stop me if you think you"veHeard this one, this oneStop me if you think you"veHeard this one, this oneStop me if you think you"veHeard this one, this one


上传附件来听听。c;windowsmedia 是系统的 警告,开关机,和其它的音效文件。








的确是原创音乐(所谓原创与否只是一个说法,它其实就是一段MIDI音乐小样,有版权,同时根据微软的风格这个音乐的版权应该是被一次性买断的),作者David Yackley,这段音乐的作用仅仅是为了做系统能否播放MIDI的系统测试,并且这不是一个彩蛋~微软自带的所有图片和音乐都是经过购买授权的~另外:Flourish and Town 的作者为: Nathan Grigg,这首曲子和Onestop.mid都是2000年微软购入的。原文如下:If you look in your C:WindowsMedia folder, you"ll find a MIDI file called onestop. What"s the story behind this odd little MIDI file? Aaron Margosis considers this file a security risk because "if an attacker can cause that file to be played, it will cause lasting mental pain and anguish to everybody within earshot."Despite Wikipedia"s claims[citation needed], the file is not an Easter Egg. The file was added in in Windows XP with the comment "Add cool MIDI files to replace bad old ones." So as bad as onestop is, the old ones must have been even worse!Okay, but why were they added?For product support.The product support team wants at least one MIDI file present on the system by default for troubleshooting purposes. That way, problems with MIDI playback can be diagnosed without making the customer go to a Web page and download a MIDI file. When asked why the song is so awful, the developer who added the file explained, "Believe it or not, OneStop is "less bad" than the ones that it replaced. (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, etc.)" Another reason for replacing the old MIDI file is that the new one exercises more instruments.The song was composed by David Yackley.On the other hand, we lost clock.avi.引用文献:What"s the story of the onestop.mid file in the Media directory? Mystery of the 3 Music Files in Windows 7

windows onestop是什么




Lobo的《Stoney》 歌词

歌曲名:Stoney歌手:Lobo专辑:CalumetStoneysinger:Lobo redactor:TonyI"ve known her since we both were kids,I recall the silly things we didShe would want to ride up on my backTo keep from stepping on a crackI didn"t think of it back thenBut even when she did not winShe was happy just to playStoney likes to live out everydayStoney, happy all the timeStoney, live is summertimeThe joy you find in living everydayStoney, how I love your simple waysThe times when no one understoodSeems that stoney always wouldWe walk for hours in the sandShe would always try and hold my handNow I don"t recollect the timeI fell in love with this old friend of mineOr when I first saw in her eyesWhat she tried so not to hide

Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul Custom GX这把琴音色手感怎么样?(注意是GX不是EX,红色的那把吉他)

哥们,我没用过epiphone的琴,下面是我从别人那转来的,你借鉴下吧,呵呵~EX是EMG81 85,主动拾音器,输出高,声音密,最适合弹重型弹节奏。弹主音也不错。GX是Dirty Finger双线圈,被动拾音器,输出稍低,声音更飘更尖更适合主音。

我的笔记本进水了,也用吹风机吹了,电脑开机后正常启动了,启动过程中出现了蓝屏显示错误stop 0x0000007B




如何将App程序发布到苹果App Store

即便是免费应用也需要一个开发者账号,注册Developer账户这里就不详细介绍了。然后自然是将App准备好。确保iOS应用程序已经在模拟器(Simulator)中做了全面的测试确认没有已知Bug了。App发布的工作一切准备好了之后,就可以发布应用到App Store了,  应用发布概括起来需要以下几个流程:  1、 注册App ID,在Xcode中指定Bundle Identifier  2. 创建发布证书(Distribution Certificate)  3. 创建Distribution Provisioning Profile  4. 用Distribution Profile为应用签名  5. 打包App6. 在iTunes Connect上传App以上大部分的操作是在Provisioning Portal、XCode、Keychain Access工具和iTunes Connect中完成的。  上传App必须在Xcode软件里执行(也就是要有MacAir, MacMini等运行Moc OS X Mountain等10.x的系统,最好是10.7等最新版的。XCode这个Object C的集成开发环境目前版本是4.3.2。其他操作都可以在普通浏览器里完成。发布iOS应用程序到App Store - 创建App ID首先给iOS应用程序申请一个App ID,它是你的应用程序的唯一标识。  登录iOS Developer网站,点击右侧的iOS Provisioning Portal链接,选择App ID。选择创建新app ID。在Description中输入应用的描述信息。  Bundle Identifier是指应用的代码标识,你可以用公司名.应用名来标识,例如。然后打开X-Code,选择Target > Summary。在Identifier输入框中输入上面注册的Bundle Identifier。  发布iOS应用程序到App Store - 创建Distribution CertificateiOS应用都有一个安全证书用于验证开发者身份和签名。在Provisioning Portal的Distribution栏目下有详细介绍,  但总体可以归纳为以下步骤。  1、打开Keychain Access,在Preferences中关闭OCSP和CRL。  2. 点击Keychain Access菜单,选择Certificate Assistant > Request Certificate from Authority。  3. 输入Email地址,选择Saved to Disk和Let me specify key pair information。点击Continue继续。  4. 选择key size of 2048 bits和RSA algorithm,点击Continue继续。  5. 然后会在桌面上生成一个.CSR的文件。  6. 然后进入Provisioning Portal,选择Certificates -> Distribution -> Add Certificate,添加刚才创建的.CSR签名文件。  7. 在等待审核的时候下载并安装WWDR intermediate certificate。  8. 刷新页面,然后就可以下载证书了。下载后安装。  9. 最后一步,打开Keychain Access。选中刚才安装的private key,选择菜单中的Export Item将私钥导出。  将导出的私钥备份到一个安全的地方,以便以后重装了系统可以还原。发布iOS应用程序到App Store - 创建Distribution Provisioning Profile打开Provisioning Portal,选择Provisioning -> Distribution,选择添加一个新的profile。Distribution Method要选择App Store,App ID需要输入在前面申请的App ID。  提交后需要等一会儿再刷新这个页面。  然后就可以下载和安装profile了。安装后profile会被添加到XCode。  发布iOS应用程序到App Store - 检查签名和生成设置打开XCode,在Build Settings中选择Code Signing。在Release设置上选择刚才申请的Distribution Profile。

ios app怎么发布app store


There is a story of a country where the rate of inflation(通货膨胀率)is so high that clever people

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:B小题4:A 小题1:在末段作者提示德国的通货膨胀始于1920年7月,在此期间,物价迅速上涨,直至1923年12月,每月物价上涨近2500%。所以,四个选项中,D项所陈述的事实符合原材料。小题2:物价飞涨的形势下,一个妇女提着装满500,000马克的篮子到市场,她希望用那么多的钱仅仅买一块肉,却遭遇一个抢劫犯。然而,强盗只抢了她的篮子而不要钱,因为他认为篮子比里面装的钱更有价值。小题3:在通货膨胀期间,农场的工人宁愿农场主给他们土豆而不愿拿工资. 因为,所得到的工资买不到土豆。这一例子足以说明当时的钱大量贬值。小题4:原文中作者描述到:Prices went up so fast that by the end of 1923 they were 50 billion percent higher—a rise of almost 2500%a month. 由此可看出,当时德国通货膨胀的趋势如A项图画所示。

分析句子成分 He found his pole, stood and stepped on the runway that led to the mos











STO CREW成立于1999年,是广州最元老级的BBOY组合,在这5年当中,STO曾参加全国各地大小街舞比赛均获得优异成绩。STO中每一位都是全国当中顶尖的街舞高手。 在这四年间已获过无数奖项,与众多明星合作参与演出 年未新奖项 2007南宁领舞新偶像冠军 2007佛山MAX吧街舞挑战赛冠军 2006B.O.T.Y国际街舞大赛中国区冠军 2006十月将代表中国到德国参加街舞世界杯 2006 演舞会冠军 2006 KEEP ON BREAKING 冠军 2006正佳动漫街舞大赛冠军 2005动感地带全国大学生街舞比赛广州区冠军 2005动感地带全国大学生街舞比赛武汉决赛冠军 2005动感地带全国大学生街舞比赛北京总决赛亚军 2005大学城街舞比赛冠军 代表群众艺术馆出演I LOVE GUANG ZHOU 节目得金奖. 流行前线第一届全国街舞比赛冠军 亚军 流行前线第二姐全国街舞比赛冠军 新大新第一届街舞比赛冠军 季军 新大新第二届街舞比赛亚军 颐高数码城第一届街舞比赛BATEL冠军 齐舞冠军 单挑冠亚军 漫画节街舞挑战赛街舞比赛冠亚季全包 佛山街舞比赛冠亚季全包 百事全国街舞挑战赛单挑冠军 武汉科技王街舞比赛冠军 佛山兰季芳街舞比赛冠军 广州青少年极限大赛HIPHOP热舞冠军 NIKE街舞风雷街舞比赛首级裁判 动感地带特约街舞队 曾与谢霆锋 TWINS 吴建豪 SHINE 陈启泰 张信哲 H2O 菜依林 梁咏琪 ....等众多明星合作同台演出 2005漫画节街舞比赛斗舞团体冠军、单人冠军。 2005娃哈哈全国街舞大赛斗舞团体冠军、亚军。 2005BOTY上海boty国际街舞大赛中国区第三名 2005双星杯街舞锦标赛团体斗舞季军、齐舞季军、个人斗舞冠亚季全包 2006决战中国协办单位 KEEP ON BREAK 主办单位 团队名称 S.t.o.舞团 英文名称 S.t.o.Crew 负责人 李国荣 城市 广州 建立日期 2000年 成员数 12 擅长风格 Breaking 官方网站: 团队宗旨:Bboy life 简介:中国最著名的BBOY CREW,曾代表中国参加德国B.o.t.y(Battle Of The Year)和韩国R-16 Korea,Sparkling世界街舞大赛。是中国推广Breaking的先驱之一 获奖经历:2005年 BOTY(Battle Of The Year)世界街舞大赛中国站南部赛区双冠军,全国总决赛季军 2005年 华南地区街舞锦标赛暨中国第3届电视街舞大赛单人斗舞冠,亚,季军,团队BATTLE3,4名,齐舞第3名,最佳编排奖。全国总决赛单人季军 2005年 广东动画漫画艺术节街舞大赛单人BATTLE冠军,团队BATTLE冠军 2005年 广州娃哈哈BREAKING街舞大赛冠、亚军 2006年 BOTY(Battle Of The Year)世界街舞大赛中国站全国总决赛齐舞斗舞双冠军并将代表中国前往德国参加世界总决赛 2006年 深圳第三届演舞会街舞大赛冠军 2007年 世界街舞大赛Korea,Sparkling R-16中国代表队 …… 演出经历:2005年 中央电视台CCTV-3《舞蹈世界》特邀表演嘉宾 2006,2007广西电视台综艺频道《领舞新偶像》特邀嘉宾 2007重庆啤酒节特邀嘉宾 2007湛江安踏街舞大赛特邀嘉宾 2007韩国旅游文化节特邀嘉宾 2007越南街舞交流赛特邀嘉宾 2007长隆玩酷节表演嘉宾 …… 在线视频地址:很快的。






这是一个简单的成本-收益分析公式,其中:STC:总成本(包括固定成本和可变成本)STVC:可变成本总和STFC:固定成本总和STO:总收益(也称为总销售额)SAC:平均成本(就是总成本除以销售量)SAVC:平均可变成本(就是可变成本总和除以销售量)SAFC:平均固定成本(就是固定成本总和除以销售量)那么,根据公式,计算结果如下:STC = 0-120+608+40 = 528STVC = 0+608 = 608STFC = 0-120+40 = -80 (注意,固定成本总和是负数,因为这些支出不取决于销售量)STO = SAC x Q = SAVC x Q + SAFC x Q,其中Q是销售量,可以通过以上数据计算得出。假设Q=200,则:SAC = STC/Q = 528/200 ≈ 2.64SAVC = STVC/Q = 608/200 ≈ 3.04SAFC = STFC/Q = -80/200 ≈ -0.4STO = SAC x Q = SAVC x Q + SAFC x Q ≈ 528因此,该产品的平均成本为2.64,平均可变成本为3.04,平均固定成本为-0.4,销售量为200的总收益为528。请注意,SAFC为负数,因为这是一个例子,当固定成本比总销售额小时,会发生这种情况,否则平均固定成本通常是正数。


STO是指证券型通证发行,全称是Security Token Offer,与之前我们熟悉的1CO(首次代币发行)IFO(首次分叉发行)不同,这是一种在合法合规监管的前提下,进行的通证发行。先做名词解释再讲故事,代币和通证,其实是一个东西的两种译法,就是Token,一种基于某种公链或是其他什么机构发行出来的积分(token的另一种便于理解的个人译法)。之前,圈里的大家都随便发,买点以太坊,复制一套代码,白皮书糊弄一下,找几个或者造几个看不懂的新名词,就可以去圈钱了,成本大概几十块钱不到,对外管这个叫代币。代币代币,总有一天,我可以代替比特币,就这个意思。但是由于发代币的门槛太低,导致大量代币的评价十分负面,后来又引发了强监管,国内的发币和参与活动都被叫停。所以为了撇清关系,一种更为通行的译法出来了,这就是通证。通证通证,就是可以流通的权证。而STO则是实现了监管的通证,通过现实中某种金融资产或者权益的背书,如股债,金银,房产,权益等,投资即代表拥有其背后代表的资产,在发行之初就具备内在价值,同时也力求符合监管框架,受美国证券交易委员会(SEC)认可。


str : stock transfer requeststo: stock transfer order

申通快递跟申通快递sto有什么区别 sto是物流吗?


casio计算器上的 RCL 和 STO 按键是什么意思?











伺服驱动器sto功能需要伺服启动使能信号SON就可以先置0。需要重新启动电机时,必须使STO1 和STO2 端子输入高电平常闭触点闭合,伺服启动信号SON 需要先置0,然后再置1。伺服电机V90在运行过程中如果切断STO加与STO1或STO2的连接,若电机有抱闸,抱闸立即闭合,电机立即停止,若电机无抱闸,电机会依靠惯性继续旋转直到静止,断开后再恢复运行使STO1和STO2端子输入高电平触点闭合,伺服启动信号SON先置0,然后再置1。工作原理伺服驱动器又称为伺服控制器,伺服放大器,是用来控制伺服电机的一种控制器,其作用类似于变频器作用于普通交流马达,属于伺服系统的一部分,主要应用于高精度的定位系统。一般是通过位置,速度和力矩三种方式对伺服电机进行控制,实现高精度的传动系统定位,是传动技术的高端产品。伺服驱动器是现代运动控制的重要组成部分,被广泛应用于工业机器人及数控加工中心等自动化设备中。尤其是应用于控制交流永磁同步电机的伺服驱动器已经成为国内外研究热点。当前交流伺服驱动器设计中普遍采用基于矢量控制的电流,速度,位置3闭环控制算法。该算法中速度闭环设计合理与否,对于整个伺服控制系统,特别是速度控制性能的发挥起到关键作用。








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